Legend of Dragoon

Legend of Dragoon

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||L||E||G||E||N||D|| ||O||F|| ||D||R||A||G||O||O||N||
||V||E||R||S||I||O||N|| ||1||.||8||
Legend of Dragoon Walkthrough/FAQ for English version(NA)
Author : Desmond Xie
E-mail : Gamesempire@hotmail.com
Website : www.geocities.com/Gamesempirextreme
Pages : 28
Completion : 23%
Version : 1.8
Last Updated: 7/2/2000
Next Update : 7/4/2000 (roughly)

This is the walkthrough for the English version of Legend of Dragoon.
This is my hardwork. Please respect the author. Please do not reproduce
it in any form. Feel free to distribute it between individual. This FAQ
is for personal and private use only. Please do not use this FAQ for
profitable purposes. If anyone wants to place this FAQ onto any website,
please e-mail me first. Don't worry, i would be most happy that people
actually wanted to place my FAQ onto their site. If i have given you the
permission to place the FAQ, please keep this FAQ as it is, do not
change the author name and the information here.
C O N T E N T :
Revision history
Section 1: Walkthrough
Disc 1: Chapter One
1.1 Village's Fire
1.2 Rescue Shana!
a Forest
b Hellena Prison
1.3 Run!
1.4 Shana's Power
1.5 Lavitz's Hometown
1.6 Dart's Power and Rose
1.7 Defend the 7th Knighthood
1.8 Heat Up!(NEW!!!)
1.9 Dragon Hunting(NEW!!!)
1.10 Visit to Lohan(NEW!!!)
1.11 Search for a cure(NEW!!!)
1.12 The Fittest Survives(Coming soon)

Section 2: Monster List (Updated)

Section 3: Item List (NEW!!!)

Section 4: Armed List (NEW!!!)

Section 5: Goods (NEW!!!)

Section 6: Questions and Answer

A secion on Additions coming soon...
More Coming soon...
Revision History:

Version 1.8 (7/2/2000)
-Second Major Update of the week
-Added section 1.9, 1.10, 1.11
-Added A Great number of new information.

Version 1.7 (6/30/2000)
-Added section 1.8
-Added items, armed and goods list

Version 1.6 (6/29/2000)
-Added section 1.7
-Updated Monster list
-edited section 1.6
-Added section 4

Version 1.5 (6/28/2000)
-Added section 1.6

Version 1.4 (6/27/2000)
-Added section 1.5
-Added Monsters List
-Make some corrections.

Version 1.3 (6/26/2000)
-Added section 1.4

Version 1.2 (6/24/2000)
-Added section 1.3
-Done some Corrections.

Version 1.1 (6/23/2000)
-Added new walkthrough and edited some mistakes.

Version 1.0 (6/21/2000)
-On the way to GameFAQS.
-finished 1.1 and 1.2.

I will mention some of the symbols that i used in this guide.
You would have noticed that i used ~ for the HP of the monster. Well, it
means 'roughly'. To be simpler, it means the uncertain HP of the
monster. If I put ~25 HP, it means around 25 HP. I will mention more if
i used other symbols. Note that even if i put the '~' sign, the HP is
actually more or less correct. The sign '*' means world map for example
Yellow Bird* would means that it appears on the world map.

Section 1: Walkthrough
NOTE: This is the walkthrough of this game. I will try to get as
detailed as possible for this section.

Chapter 1: Serdian War

Opening scene:
An army is wiping off a village. Everywhere is on fire and they are
searching for something... A girl was lying unconsciously in the
wreakage. One of the soldier hands a circular blue object to the
commander. Using the object, the commander will shine some light under
the moonlight onto the girl's forehead. Then, they will take the girl
1.1 Village's Fire
Treasures: Burn Out, Heal Potion x2

Boss Prize: Healing Potion x2, burn Out

Boss: Commander (20 HP)

Monster: Knight of Sandora (4~5 HP)

Characters: Dart, Plos, Villagers, Ishe, Lowe, Master Tasman

Item Shop: None

Stardust: 1
After the opening scene, you will get a nice sequence. A unknown women
is standing on the cliff and looking down at the forest below. Suddenly,
she will spot a dragon and say it was a green tusked dragon, Feyrbrand.
The screen fades off, then you will meet the hero of this game, Dart. He
is moving in the forest, when suddenly the ground will shake, and many
soldiers riding on wierd looking "horses" will run pass him. He managed
to stop two of them by intercepting their path. Dart will wield our his
sword and threaten them to give a explanation, but they will hurry away
when the ground began shake. Next, you will see that green tusked
dragon, Our hero is being attacked by it. Hero will run from it and it
will chase him and knock off everything in its path. Hero escaped being
hit by a fallen tree. Next, the women will jump down to help Dart.
Together, they hid from the Dragon and after the dragon walk away, the
women told him that Village of Seles is being attacked and tell him that
there won't be anything left. Seles is dart's village, and so he runs
off... This sequence ended with the women feeling something wrong...some
stranger blue light appear from the women.

You quest starts now...

After you get control over dart, walk south until you are blocked by the
fence. Stand near the fence and a exclaimation mark will appear above
dart, press "X" to jump over the fence. You might have notice a white
box, it is actually a treasure box. However, before you can open it, you
will be "forced" to walk forward to stop the two soldiers of Imperial
sandora who are picking on a villager. They are kicking and hurting him.
You will confront them and you will have your first fight. This battle
is a joke... Both of them have only 4~5 HP, only two attacks from you
can kill one of them. Killing both of them will give you two Healing
Potion. You will automatically talk to the viallger who is lying on te
ground. The villager tell him to rescue Shana. Before finishing where is
she, he collapsed. Grab the treasure (Burn out) from the treasure box
and save at the save point if you want to because you are about to face
a boss. To save, stand on the save point and press "triangle" to enter
the menu screen, then select the save.Then runs off to your left.

You will notice a old man lying on the ground. You will automatically
talk to him and pick him up. He is Plos, the villager's mayor. He has
only a light wound. Again he mention about Shana. Next, a Commander will
notice you and two soldiers will join him. Commander will tell you that
Shana has been taken to the Hellena Prison.

Boss Fight:
Commander: 20 HP
Two Knight of Sandora: 4~5 Hp

Defect those two knights first, then attempt to kill that commander.
Note that after you kill one knight, the other will run away. The
commander will say "you are aweful cheeky" and perform a move that deal
6 HP dammage. The commander will heal himself for 4 HP after he has
taken some damage. He can cast Burn out too which deals about 4 HP
damage. Guard when neccessary to gain some HP. Use some Heal potion when
neccessary. If you killed one of the knight and the Commander, you will
get two Healing Potion and a Burn out. Note that if you defeat only the
commander, both of the knight will run away, and you will not get the
extra burn out. You will also level up after this battle. You will gain
a new Addition, Volcano.

You will talk to the mayor again. After you gain control, try going in
the door beside the mayor, Ishe and lowe will dash out, knocking Dart.
They claimed that everyone is dead but Dart told them that there is
survivor. Mayor tells them to do what they can and they dash off to get
some medical herbs. Talk to everyone here. Check the graveyard at the
top left corner, its the third grave from the left. You will find a
Stardust. Then talk to the man in shiny armor,Tasman, he will teach you
how to use the sword. You will have a match with him, but you won't kill
him and he won't kill you because the HP will not decrease. When given
the option, select the second one (Yes Master, please.) and you will
enter the fight with him. Ask him whatever you want and LEARN!!!
Finally go over to the save point to save. Then head to the north and
exit the village.

1.2 Rescue Shana!
a) Forest
Treasure: Healing potion, Charm potion, Burn out, 20G

Boss Prize: None

Boss: None

Monster: Assassin Cock (3 HP), Trent (5 Hp), Goblin (5 HP),
Berserk Mouse (3 HP),

Character: Merchant, Fruegel, Man in Hood

Item shop(Merchant): Healing Potion, Body Purifier, Burn out,
Charm potion
Before you can control Dart, you will see a sequence of Hellena Prison.
Hellena warden will tell Shana to behave good in there. Commander
Fruegel will ask Man in Hood who is the girl and Man in Hood will say
that thw world's future rests on her. You find out that the Majesty is
called Doel. Man in Hood warns Fruegel not to hurt Shana. Fruegel walks
away and kicks off a soldier is its path. Off he goes....

You will gain control of Dart. Walk into the forest and go forward to
talk to the dark guy. He is a Merchant and will teach you how to use
item. Before he will teach you, first choose "Buy something" to enter
the item list. Buy anything you need and choose "Leave". Then he will
teach you if you choose "Yes, please". LEARN well!!! again no one will
die in this battle.

Go to the right and you will see two path, go down the south path to get
a Healing Potion. Next move into the next area through the north path.
You see a fallen trunk, walk on it to the ledge above and get those
treasures(Charm Potion) at the north. Then, enter another area from the

You will enter into a mace. You CAN encounter monsters here! First walk
all the way to the right and enter. You will be at the path below, walk
to the left and you will see two path. Enter the lower left path and you
can get a treasure (Burn Out). Walk to the left to exit, you will be
back at the path below. Walk to the right and you will see two path, go
through to lower path and get the treasure(20G). Go back through the
path which you came in from. Now, go to the left and go through the
upper left path. You will end up at the exit, just walk south to exit
that area.

In the next area just walk south and walk on the fallen trunk and one
wild animal will appear. Then, you will see Dart's past. Exit the area
by going south. Next area, follow the path down to exit that area. You
will be back at the world map. save if you want to, open the menu and
select save as usual to save. Try to get into some random battle in the
world map so that it will be easier if you enter the prison. Level 3 is

b) Hellena Prison
Treasure: Burn out, Angel's Prayer, 50G, 20 G, Spark Net, Key to
Shana's Cell, 20 G, 20G

Boss Prize: Healing Potion x4, Knight Shield

Boss: Fruegel (~88 HP), Hellena warden x2 (~13 HP),
Senior Warden x2 (~20 HP)

Monster: Hellena Warden (9 HP)

Characters:Merchant, Sir Lavitz Slambert, Shana

Item Shops(Merchant): Healing Potion(10G), Angel's Prayer(30G),
Spark Net(10G)
Follow the path into the blue color structure. Choose to enter. A short
scene will follow. Dart will ask himself that how can he sneak in? A
cargo cart will past you and you will gain the control. Runs north to
enter the next area. You will find out that the guard is inspecting the
cart. When the exclaimation mark appears, press X immediately and you'll
be alright. The bridge will be lowered and Dart will jump into the cart.

After you gain control again, runs to the left to save at the save
point. You will see a man at the bottom left. Walk towards him and he
will notice you. He will bring a Hellena Warden to fight you. Attack and
Guard when necessary to defeat him. 9 HP. Keep talking to the merchant
to force him to sell you something. This is a place that you can level
up easily. There is a save points and a Merchant, so you will not get
killed. Go to the top left path to get a Burn out. Then return to the
previous section with the merchant. You might have seen many chests
around and you CANNOT get all of them for now. You should feel rather
safe if i let you know that you will not encounter any random battle
here, you will only engage in forced battle if those prison warden
noticed you. Anyway, proceed through the left path. you will see a guard
patrolling. If he saw you, he will call you a bastard and attack you!
The path on the left has a 'horse' blocking it so proceed towards the
right. Again you will see a guard. He will says "Who is it?" and attack
you. Proceed onto the bridge and enter the next area.

There will be a guard again. He will only sound the whistle and engage
you. Walk forward and a exclaimation mark will appear, press X to climb
up the ladder. Follows the path to the next area. You will now be on a
ledge. Cross the bridge and save at the save point if you want to. Then
enter the hole next to the save point. Again press X to climb down the
ladder. The first guard will call you bastard before attacking you.
Proceed left and get the two treasure beside the bed. one of them is
Angel's Prayer and another is a Leather jacket. Keep the jacket for
Shana use. Below the second chest is a stair, walk down to the level
below and get the treasure with 50 G. The guard will sound "who is it?
Fool!" when he notice you. Go back to the previous area with the save

Back at the area, move to the triangular structure just right beside the
hole and press X to go up. Enter the left entrance. then you will hear
some conversation. Hellena wardens are scolding those knights of Basil.
They will mention about some kind of monster that Fruegel is up to. A
guy named Sir Lavitz,head of the First knighthood of the kingdom of
Basil will rush in to fight the wardens. It seems that he had broke out
of the jail. Lavitz will fight the Warden and ordered the two knights of
Basil to go back to Indels Castle alive and tell king Albert. BUT before
the two can leave, they are being knock off and down they went. Dart
will dash in to help too. They ask whether Dart is the dog of Basil(how
humilating...). More guards will come in. Then you will engage in the
battle with Lavitz. After the battle, Lavitz will join you after some
discussion. Note that you will encounter two more wardens. This area is
circular, proceed to the right into the next area and killing whatever
is in your way. Kill them and proceed to the right into the next area
again. There are many rooms here. Go into the first entrance you see.
You will be inside a prison cell. A terrified person is in there. Walk
on the crates to get to the treasure box(20G). Go back to the area and
go into the right cell. Take the Spark Net from the chest and exit the
cell. Go to the right and exit the area. Please do not enter the cells
here, you will see skeletons!!! Proceed right into the next area again.

Then, exit the north path(with light)and take the elevator up. Go left
passing the bridge. There will be lots of wardens here. But they will
not see you. Go up the stairs and walk along the wooden bridge to get
the key for the right prison tower. After getting the key, return back
to the previous area. Now, take the right entrance. Press X when the
exclaimation mark appear and dart will use the key to open it.

Now you will be in the prison tower. proceed up into next area. Go into
the red door to another prison cell and get the 20G. proceed up into the
next area with three wardens which you cannot avoid. After the fight,
you will hear shana voice. Hooray! you will now meet the girl and you
will bring her with you. Back out, you will fight three more wardens.
Next, you will get a sequence with that Fruegel again. Off the Hellena
warden goes... Shana will now join you, go to the cell on the right to
get 20G and then go all the way back to the entrance. Equip the leather
jacket first, then save at the save point if you need, because you are
about to face a boss soon. At the entrance, you meet the boss!

Boss fight:
Fruegel: ~88 HP
Hellena Warden x2: ~13 HP
Senior Warden x2 : ~20 HP

After you defeat the two Hellena Wardens, then you can hurt Fruegel but
he will call some Senior wardens in to attack you after he has taken
some damage. Note that before the Senior wardens die, they will give
your party some magic damage which damages every party member. These
senior wardens can cast Power up to increase their defense. Attack with
additions and Guard when necessary. Keep track to Shana which has low Hp
and sometimes making her guard is not enough, so you have to heal her
when her life gets too low. Stick to staying alive and you will beat
them really soon. You will get four Healing potions and a Knight Shield
after the battle. Most slightly, all of your character will level up and
Lavitz will learn new addition (Spinning Cane)if he level up to level 5.

The party will escape in horses... and be back on world map.

1.3 Run!
Treasure: Axe (To cut down the trunk), Angel's Prayer

Boss Prize: None

Boss: None

Monsters: Mole (15 HP), Crescent Bee (~10 HP), Vampire Kiwi (~19 HP),

Characters: A family

Item shop: None

You cannot pass through forest, because the exit to home will be block,
so take the new route. You will enter Prairie. Your party will run and
Lavitz seems to be having trouble... Follow the path and Lavitz will get
shot by a arrow and claimed that it is only a scratch. The party will
then hide behind a tree. A fuuny scene continues... the wardens thought
they had found the party, but a small creature runs out which save the

After you gain control, take the lower left path. The upper left path
will take you to a dead end with a river blocking your path. If you take
the lower left, you will reach a screen with a hut. Walk south a little
and a sequence will follow. Mr so-and-so? doesn't she means Dart,
oh...she obviously likes Dart. Note that you can also encounter enemies
here! Now enter the hut and a sequence regarding Dart's past will
commence... You will hear something on Black Monster. Neet is actually
Dart's Village which was assaulted by the black monster five years ago.
Both of his parents died during the attack, but Dart survived because he
is hiding. When he returns to Neet, nothing is left, he only manage to
find a father's belonging. Dart will then ask Lavitz that what is going
on around here. Lavitz will tell him that the Kingdom of Basil is at war
with the Imperial Sandora. It seems that the war is not a fair one...
Dragons are used.

Next, you will gain control after few more conversation. That is a place
on the left that you can recover. You will know because a exclaimation
mark will appear. Then, go out of the hut and go upper left to reach a
screen with a almost fallen tree, but you can't do anything yet so
return to the previous area. then head back into the hut and grab a Axe.
Take the upper left path again, but it seems that it is a failure. So
head back and take the upper right path to reach the screen that your
party hid. Then take the upper left path, you will reach a area with a
river. Step foward and you'll get a surprise. The fallen trunk reaches
here and is struck. Cross the trunk and enter the next area. You will
see a chest here. Grab it(Angel's Prayer) and go left to find a family.
Talk to them, you will find out that they escape from Kazas, Lavitz
gives the child some food.

After you get to control Dart again, head north from the family to exit
this area and you'll be back on the world map in the north of Serdio.

1.4 Shana's Power
Treasure: Detonate Rock, Healing Potion, 20G, Bastard Sword,
Total Vanishing, Body Purifier, 100G, Angel's Prayer,
Burn Out, Charm Potion, Poison Guard, Spark Net,
Body Purifier, Bandana, Healing Potion, 50G

Boss Prize: Wargod's Amulet

Boss: Urobolus (280 HP)

Monsters: Evil Spider (~30 HP), Screaming bat (~12 HP),
Ugly Balloon (35 HP), Slime(~18 HP), Orc(~25 HP),

Characters: None

Item shop: None

Follow the route and enter the Limestone Cave. Inside, you'll see a
chest on the left with a Detonate Rock. Take it and proceed south. Walk
along the edge of the cliff. When you see a exclaimation mark, press X
to jump onto a rock, continue jumping from one rock to another to reach
a chest with a Healing potion in it. Next, jump on the rocks back onto
the cliff and enter the next area through the right left path.

In the next area, slide along the first stream of water to get to a
treasure with 20G in it. You can go back up by walking left and up.
Silde down the same stream again, but this time hold right to get to the
right path and hold down after that, you will reach a place with a chest
(Bastard Sword). Equip the new weapon to Dart and if you haven't, please
also equip the Knight Shield that you got earlier. Take the left path
from here to enter another area. There will be several rocks here, jump
across them and get the treasure(Total Vanishing) on the right and the
treasure(Body Purifier) on the left. Now contiune across the rock south,
but Lavitz will slip off the rock. Don't worry, Dart will save him. You
will automatically proceed into the next area.

In the next area, take the upper path to get 100G first. Ignore the rat-
like creature and go back to the previous screen. you will see some
yellowish particles which are actually rock fireflies which can recover
your lost HP. After that, proceed to the right to get Angel's Prayer
from a chest. Next, go up to take the treasure(Burn Out) from the chest.
I suggest that you train yourself up in this area and heal at the
recovery point. All my characters are at level 7 at this point.
When you have finished with training, proceed south and enter the lower
left area into another area. Get the treasure (Charm Potion) from the
chest on the left. Next, go north and enter the next area.

In this area, you'll see that creature again, try your best to catch it.
However, it isn't easy, you will chase him in circle. Try to continue
chasing, you will eventually catch him. Note that nothing is needed to
be pressed, you will catch it once you touches it. After you caught him,
it will jump onto another platform, and if you got there, it will jump
off into the sea leaving a Poison Guard behind. Then, take the
treasure(Spark Net) on the left. Return to the previous area and walk
down, taking the right path.

In the next area, follow the path into the caves. SAVE at the save
point. At the left side is a treasure chest with a Body Purifier in it
and on the right is a chest with a Bandana in it. Try to get one more
Poison Guard from the enemies. if you return to the creature catching
area, you'll see that creature again, but it will not give you any more
treasure. Note that even with only one Poison Guard it is possible to
defeat the boss later on. In any case, when you are ready, save and
equip the Poison guard to the most powerful person in your party which
is most slightly to be Dart. Equip the Knight Shield to Shana because
she has weak defense. No matter what, proceed along to path to meet the
boss of this area which is also known as guardian of the cave.

Boss fight:
Urobolus: ~280 HP

Spark Net and Burn Out is effective here. If you are daring enough, you
can go for all out attack, which will kill this snake faster. However,
in this way, the chance of getting your party killed is higher too.
Alternatively, let those without Poison Guard guard every round, and let
those with the Poison Guard to do the job. While guarding, you will be
immune to negative status. After some time, the snake will hide half of
his body beside a rock and leaving half of the body out, up high. If
this occurs, only Shana can attack it with her arrows. However, you may
use multi item like Spark Net and Burn Out to damage him. After some
time, i will come out again. Beware of the poison that this snake can
split at all the three people in your party. Some of his attacks can
also poison you. Keep your HP high to defeat this boss who has high HP.
You will get the Wargod's Amulet after defeating him.

Next, your party will walk away, but shana will be attacked by the snake
which is still alived! However, Shana will gives out some mysterious
light which totally destroyed the snake. After some conversation, you
will gain control of Dart again.

Continues the path into the next area. Grab the first chest(Healing
Potion) and follow the path to reach another chest with 50G in it. After
taking the treasure, proceed left out of the cave and you will be back
on the world map...Save if you want to.

1.5 Lavitz's Hometown
Treasure: 50G, Sparkle Arrow, 50G, 100G, Active Ring, 20G, 20G, 20G,
Healing Breeze,

Boss Prize: None

Boss: None

Monsters: Yellow Bird*(4 HP), Slime*(~18 HP), Ugly Balloon*(35 HP),
Screaming bat*(~12 HP),

Characters: Dran, King Albert, Minister Noish, Man in Hood,
Lavitz's Mother, Martel

Item Shop: Healing Potion (10G), Angel's Prayer(30G),
Mind Purifier(20G),Body Purifier(10G), Spear Frost(10G),
Meteor Fall(20G), Charm Potion(4G)

Weapon Shop: Bastard Sword(60G), Sparkle Arrow(50G), Scale Armor(50G),
Leather Jacket(50G), Sallet(40G), Poison Guard(200G),
Panic Guard(300G), Stun Guard(200G), Bravery Amulet(300G),
Knight Shield(200G)

Follow the route into "Indels Castle, Capital Bale". However, before you
do so, you can train yourself up while in the world map. Note that the
monster here like to escape from battle. One monster you must be careful
of is the yellow Bird. It can deal damage around 25 HP and escape after
a few turns. You can only deal 1 HP damage on it, no matter what you
use. Even those multihit items also deal 1 HP damage to it. although it
has only 4 HP, it is still hard to defeat since you'll miss a lot and it
runs away a lot. At this point, i have just mastered Dart's Volcano to
max, so i guess you should also try to master it soon.

Anyway, enter the town when you are ready. Go into the first house on
the left you see and talk to the Portraitist Girl to get Lavitz's
portrait. That girl is taking way too long... After getting it, Lavitz
will tell the girl that he will treasure that portrait. Get the
treasure(50G) from chest which is in this room too. There is nothing to
do on the second floor, so go out back to the main area. If you go right
from the house and into the next area, you'll meet a drunk person named
Dran blocking you. There is nothing you can do, so head back outside.
The item shop is at the top right hand corner, you can go there to buy
something. After you are done with your shopping, head back outside.
Left of the Item shop and in front of the fountain is the Inn where can
rest for 10G. Left, in this Inn is a drinking corner, the 'Master of the
bar' will sell you a bottle for 100G. BUY it! next, exit this inn and go
into the exit between the Item Shop and the Inn. You will be in the next
area. However, before going it, it is fun to talk to everyone here.

In the next area, examine the well at the centre and you will find a
Stardust. The man in the left house will tell you about Stardust.
"Stardust is also known as the Wishing Stone. As the name implies, it is
believed to fulfill the wish of the person who gets it." The house in
the north is Lavitz's house, but you cannot get in yet, because he wants
to report the matter to King Albert first. The house on the right is a
stable, but there is nothing to do in there. Talk to the people here if
you want. There is a man who will tells you that this area is Slambert
Plaza which is dedicated to the father of Lavitz who was called the
"Lance of Slambert". Anyway, just head back to the area with the

Back in the fountain area, head left from the fountain to the next
screen. If you go into the first house you see on the left, and you go
down to its basement, you will see a secret entrance that you cannot
enter yet. Head out of this house and head into the Weapon shop located
in the north of this area. If you want, buy some armor for Dart and some
Guard and bracelet. Do not buy the Sparkle Arrow because you will get
one later. Actually there is not much to buy here, some of the items
here have already been found during the journey. Check the spears at the
bottom to find a Stardust. After you have grabbed it, head back outside.

Back outside, if you go through either of the two right exits, you can
get to another area. The first house on the right is a clinic and you
can treat three kinds of abnormal conditions(poison, fear, and
dispiriting). If you go upstair and go to the door on the left. Inside,
you can treat your abnormal conditions for 10G. There is nothing to do
here, unless you want to talk to those patients, so head back outside.
The house at the left with the door facing south is a Library where you
can read those books to know about the 'world' you are currently in.
Head back outside when you have finished reading and head to the area
with the Weapon Shop, then go through north to the Castle.

When you reach the screen, go into the door at the bottom first and get
the first treasure(Sparkle Arrow) you see. Feel free to talk to the
people here. There is another Stardust at the fire place at the north in
this area. Take stair at the top of the screen to reach the second
floor. Climb down the ladder on the left from the area that you just
came in and climb down another ladder to reach the basement. Just beside
the ladder is a wheel. Turn it and climb back up to the second floor.
There is a treasure(50G) is a chest located near the beds on the left.
Then head up the stair into the third floor. Head to the top left to get
another Stardust. There is a treasure(100G) on the right. Head to the
bottom left and exit from there, you will be out on a platform. Wow! the
river here is realistic. Just go north back into the castle. climb down
the ladder to get a treasure(Active Ring). After getting the ring, climb
up the ladder back to the third floor. return to the 'main' area on this
floor. Then, go up the stair which is located in the center to meet King
Albert. There will be a Minister Noish too. It seems that Lavitz is
Albert's friend from the childhood. Lavitz will then report the matter
to King Albert and introduce you and Shana to the King. Dart suggests
that Shana will stay here. You will notice a man in black hood on the
left og King Albert if you look carefully(isn't he the bad guy who has a
higher rank to that Fruegel?) Anyway, King Albert will still not agree
to Dart's request. You will find out that the enemy have obtained the
Dragon. Dart will then ask Minister Noish about the "Black Monster" that
destroyed Neet 18 years ago. Read on and enjoy the short sequence that
follows. Continue to talk and talk and talk...then Shana will walk away.
Follow her to find her. Listen to the three of them and you will find
out that Sandora is going to use the Dragon against them. Then, head
back to the throne room. If you go into the door at the top and continue
into King Albert's room, you will see the black-hooded man. Climb down
the ladder here and you will 'slide' back to second floor.

Anyway, head back to the very first screen with the fountain. Now, go
back down the stait near the fountain to meet that drunk man, Dran
again. Give him the bottle and he will let you pass. Climb up the stair
at the right and proceed along the corridor into the next area. There
will be a chest with 20G near the top. The exit at the upper right will
take you back to the town. Anyway, just take the upper left path to
reach a area with a boat. Take the boat to 'tour' around the town. After
travelling for a few screen, you will see a door and you will be
prompted whether to get off or continue. Choose to get off and enter the
door. Check the wall at the north for another Stardust. Take the boat
back to the "mini" habour. Climb the ladder on the left to get a
treasure with 20G.

Then, head to Lavitz's house. Watch out for what Shana says. After some
conversation, lavitz's mother will head off to cook a meal and Shana
will offer to help. Go up the stair and enter the first room to see a
sequence. Left of his room is his parents' room. The room south of his
parents' room is a library which contains a wide variety of books on war
strategies. Lavitz will take you to the roof and you will be stopped by
some conversation too. After that, you will be forced to take the meal.
After the meal, climb to the roof again and walk to right to get a
exclaimation mark above Dart's head. As always, press X to jump over to
the other side, enter. You will walk a long a beam and you must press X
when the exclaimation mark appears. You will be awarded a Healing Breeze
if you successfully walk on the beam to each the other side. Note that
after you take two steps, Dart will start to slip, continuously press X
when you see this action until Dart becomes balance again. If you fall,
you must all over again... Head back into the kitchen in Lavitz's house
and get 20G from the chest on the left. Anyway, go to the area that the
"two cookers" were before and search for the last Stardust. Talk to
Lavitz's mother to stay up a day, then you are free to move on... Save
at the Inn if you want, but some Healing items, then head to the very
first screen with the fountain and exit the way you came into this town.
A person named martel will bump into you and say some rubbish. Ignore
him and go out of this town and you'll be back on world map...Fight some
monster and try to get everyone to level 8 at the least. Anyway, by now
you should have 7 Stardust.

1.6 Dart's Power and Rose
Treasure: 20G, Angel's Prayer, Healing potion

Boss Prize: Healing Breeze, Power Wrist

Boss: Sandora Elite (280), Kongol (320)

Monsters: Yellow Bird*(4 HP), Slime*(~18 HP), Ugly Balloon*(35 HP),
Screaming bat*(~12 HP), Sandora Soldier (~40HP)

Characters: Kaiser, Midwife Gilma, Rose

Dragoon Spirit: Red Eye Dragon Spirit, Dark dragon Spirit

Stardust: 2

The way to Town of Hoax is long, so you might encounter three or four
battle before you reach there. Anyway, enter when you are ready. You
will have to listen to some conversation as usual. Lavitz will talk
about Kiaser of the Eighth Knighthood. This lively town was built into a
fortress all because of the war... After the conversation, feel free to
explore. Climb up the stair and enter the house on the left, then enter
the basement. Search the fireplace for a Stardust. Hear back upstair and
enter the entrance beside the stairs, and you will be back at the main
area. Follow the path right along the side of the fortress to reach a
house with 20G in it. Then take the stair down and talk to the lady
called Midwife Gilda to know about the relationship of King Albert and
Majesty Doel. Notice Shana's reaction!

Then climb back up and exit the house. Now walk back left and enter the
house at the bottom of the screen. You can get a treasure(Healing
Potion) from the chest on the right here. Now back to the center of the
town. The house at the highest level is the Church, you have nothing to
do there but you can talk to the people there.

Anyway, just enter the entrance below the stairs to reach the Inn. Grab
the treasure(Angel's Prayer) from the chest on the right. You can stay
up in the Inn for a cost of 10G. If you enter the house at the center
with a knight guarding, you will meet Kaiser, the head of the Eighth
Knighthood. Kaiser is afraid of the Dragon... Dart and Lavitz will be on
duty at night and Shana will be preparing meal for the knights. You will
have a choice to answer Shana. Choose whatever you like. After that,
kaiser will call your party to look around Hoax. Leave this house
without Lavitz because he will be discussing strategies with Kaiser.

Back at the main area, talk to those people if you want and when you are
finish, go back to meet Kaiser but don't talk to him again yet. instead
search the bottom left for another Stardust. Now, talk to Kaiser or
Lavitz and choose the second option(We are fine now) if you are ready to
proceed. Do as Kaiser tells you, move to the city wall that the screen
now focus on and you will dismiss the soldier. After that, it will be
night time! Next, you will have to find Shana, so head down. However
when you half way, the enemies will be HERE!!! A Night attack. You will
fight two Sandora Soldiers(~40HP) with Lavitz and Dart only. After you
defeat them, you might gain two Healing Potion. Next you will control
Dart. Head up and stop that Sandora Elite.
ub-Boss fight:
Sandora elite(Dark): ~280 HP

Note that he is Dark elemental, so use light based multi-hit items
against him if you have any. He has a attack that damages both Lavitz
and Dart. Remember to Guard after you lose too much HP. After he has
about half of his HP left, he will divide himself into three! Figure out
the true one and hit him up so that the two fake ones will disappear.
Actually it is easy to figure out who is the real one. Just see which
one uses magic attacks, and hit him hard. From this point onwards, he
will keep on Dividing himself. Please note that the two fake ones will
not recieve any damage. So you can use this information to determine the
real one. Don't worry, guard and attack and you shall kill him.
You will get a Healing Breeze after defeating him. Next, a "monster"
with a HUGE axe will come in. He is a Giganto called Kongol, the next
boss you must face. Unable to do anything, you will automatically get
into a battle with him.
Boss fight:
Kongol(Earth): ~320 HP

Wow!!! This is a tough match. Guarding is very important if you want to
survive this battle. Be careful, This giant has high offense and
defense. Don't miss him, he will counterattack automatically. After some
time, he will throw his Axe away, but do not be happy, you will see more
damage from his attack if he is fighting without the Axe. From this
point, he will have a attack that grabs both of your characters and hit
them with each other, dealing damage to both of the characters. He has a
attack that dash towards you and punch you. Use guard when necessary.
Use multihit items if you want. Burn Out is VERY effective, it can deal
around 75 HP damage. Just don't use Earth multihit items because he is
Earth elemental. After you defeat him, Dart will unleash the finishing
move as usual but Kongol counter it. On the ground, Dart is vulnerable
to Kongol's incoming attack! Fortunately, the mysterious women will come
in and "unlock" the dragoon within you. You will get a Power Wrist after
the fight.

After the fight, Kongol will run away and Dart will collapse...When you
wake up, the mysterious women will let you know that she is called Rose.
Next, Shana will get jealous. Be sure to answer the first option when
prompted so that Shana will not get angry. Now, you will know that
Dart's father's Pendant has GREAT powers... You will hear another attack
from Sandora. Rose will tell everyone that dragoons have the abilities
to fight Dragons. Be confident if you choose the answer! Save at the
save point if you want. Listen what rose teaches you WELL. Watch out for
those cool transformation sequence. As usual, head off to the world map
again... By the way, you should have 9 Stardust with you now.

1.7 Defend the Seventh Knighthood
Treasure: Attack Ball, Sun Rhapsody, Sun Rhapsody, Healing Potion,
Wargod's Amulet, Spirit Potion, Lance, Spirit Potion,
Burn Out, Body Purifier, Magic Stone of Signet, Stun Guard,

Boss Prize: None

Boss: None

Monsters: Slime*(~18 HP), Ugly Balloon*(35 HP),Screaming bat*(~12 HP),
Sea Dragon(~35 HP), Myconido(~30 HP), Merman (~56 HP),
Sandora Soldier (~56 HP), Commander (135 HP),
Crocodile (~35 HP)

Characters: None

Stardust: 1


Train yourself up as usual. Level 10 is recommended here for every party
member. You can now be able to replace party member. Maybe you should
consider using Rose instead of Shana...

By the way, enter the Marshland if you are ready. The monsters here like
to use water attacks(Spear frost) on Dart, so be careful. There will be
two path here. One path lead to the north and one path branches off to
the left. Take the north path to each another area. Walk north also to
reach another screen. You will now reach the Fortress. Fight six battles
here to get into the Stronghold. First battle, you'll face two Sandora
Soldiers, then the next battle, you will also face another pair of
Sandora Soldiers. You will fight one pair of Sandora Soldiers for each
of the next three fight. They should be easy to defeat. You will face a
Commander and two Sandora soldiers in the sixth fight.

Commander: 135 HP
Sandora Soldier x2: 56 HP

This is a easy battle. Kill off the two low ranked soldiers first then
go for the Commander. The commander can hurt you a little but if you
guard when necessary, this battle is a piece of cake. You will get a
Attack Ball after the fight. Note that this is not a boss fight because
you'll only get 45 Exp for killing the three of them off.

After the fight, head to the left to grab a Sun Rhapsody from the chest.
Next go north into the fortress. Inside the fortress, everyone is
dead... Right of the entrance is a Sun Rhapsody and left of the entrance
is a Healing Potion. Then, search the fireplace beside the bed for a
Stardust. Head down to listen to a short conversation with a dying
knight. He will give you a Wargod's Amulet before he dies. Walk all the
way right and up to reach a chest with a treasure(Spirit Potion). Next,
head all the way to the upper left to exit this area. You can find
Lance, a weapon for Lavitz in the chest here. Next, head back into the
fortress and return all the way to the very first screen with the left
path. Be sure to equip the new weapon to Lavitz.

When back at the first screen, take the left path and fighting monsters
along the way. Continue to walk on the branches to reach the next
screen. Note that the Merman here can give you a spear which is
obviously useless... In the next screen, you will see a boat. Get on it
and choose to get off the boat when given the choice to make. Go to the
north to get a Spirit Potion from the chest. Get back to the boat and
choose the second option (Move down), then choose to get off and get the
treasure(Burn Out). Get back to the boat and select the second option
then the third option. Get the treasure(Body Purifier) and get back onto
the boat again. This time choose move to the left to get you to another
screen. Get the left treasure(Magic Stone of Signet) and the right
treasure(Stun Guard). Fight some enemies here if you want, Crocodiles
can be found here, it is fun to fight them but watch out for its bite
attacks... Head back to the previous screen when you are ready and
choose to "row" your boat up two times then choose move to the right and
get off the boat. Head north and Shana will yell...Oh...She sprained her
ankle and Dart will have the carry here on his back. A sequence
follows... and you will then gain control of Dart soon. Head north out
of this area and guess what? You'll be back on world map! Hooray, you
made it through. You should have 10 Stardust now. If you have mastered
Dart's first two additions and Lavitz's first two additions, then you
are just doing fine. If not, try to train your additions better on the
world map.

1.8 Heat up!
Treasure: Spear Frost, Mind Purifier, Panic Guard, Sapphire Pin, 50G

Boss: Virage, Fire Bird

Boss Prize: Healing Potion x2, Mind Purifier, Red-Eye Stone

Monsters: Sea Dragon*(~35 HP), Myconido*(~30 HP), Salamander (~43 HP),
Red hot (~38 HP), Fire Spirit (~26 HP)

Characters: Dabas

Item Shop(Dabas): Healing Potion(10G), Sun Rhapsody(50G),
Angel's prayer(30G), Mind Purifier(20G),
Body Purifier(10G), Dancing Ray(20G), Pellet(10G)

Anyway, enter Volcano Villude when you are ready. The enemies found
inside Volcano Villude are mostly fire based, so spear frost will be a
good item to use. Salamanders are some strong enemies here, its attacks
can stun your party member, so beware. You will discover that Dart has
privilage in defense in this volcano but deal little damage to the
monsters, because he is fire-elemental. If you have any Stun Guard,
equip one or two to your party.

When you first enter, follow the path and you will automatically stop. A
Fire Bird will appears and discover you soon... Your party run and you
will end up in the volcano. From here, proceed right to get the
treasure(Spear frost). Then continue along the path into he next area.
In the next area, continue along the path and when you see a ledge, jump
over to the other side to get a Mind Purifier. Then, head north to reach
a fork. Take the right path to get a treasure(Panic Guard) from the
brown color chest. Return to the previous area and take the left path.
When you enter the area, you will notice a purple figure at the far
north walking towards the right, but you cannot do anything as for now,
so ignore that person but it seems funny for someone to actually appear
in such places. Jump across to the left and SAVE at the save point
because a boss awaits you in the next area. You can train here if you
want to. After you are prepared, leave through the exit beside the save

In the next area, jump across the rocks and you will hear a conversation
before you reach the other side. Shana will be running off to the left.
Make sure you have full life before following after her!
You will see a stone statue in the next area. You will find out that it
is called Virage and is still alive. Next, it will come alive and you
must fight it!

Boss Fight:
Virage Head: ~370 HP
Virage Body: ~245 HP
Virage Arm : ~48 HP

Aim for his head if you really want to kill it quick and fast, otherwise
kill the other parts before killing the head to gain the best out of
this battle. Use multihit items on it if you want. Its arm attack can
deal around 30 HP damage. Destroy the body first to defeat it easier.
Lavitz will really deal damage on this boss plus if you equip him with
Lance, he will deal around 50 HP damage. Dart and Rose are not offensive
in dealing with this boss, so use them to use items if you want to. its
head has a beam attack that deals around 60 HP damage, so if your
characters are low in level, do be really careful. Next, go for its arm
when you have destroyed the body. Its arm has really low Hp, so you
should kill the arm in a few attack. Go for his head when Its arm is
destroyed. Its head has the lowest defense, so use physical attack to
deal with It. Note that it can generate a new arm, so beware. To tell
you the truth, i really like this boss, it keep regenerating a arm for
me to use additions on. After you defeat the head, it will die and Dart
will again perform his "finishing" move. The boss will sink into the
lava after the battle. You will get 600 Exp, two Healing Potions and a
Mind Purifier.

You will automatically end up in the area with those rocks after the
fight. Proceed into the right to reach the next screen. Someone is
calling for help!!! Its the purple shirt man! You will save him and
recieve Sapphire Pin as the reward. He will tell you that he is Dabas of
Lohan. After the conversation, you can proceed to the right. However, i
suggest that you return to the save point and save, then take the right

In the next area, proceed around the pool of magma and you will meet the
Fire Bird!

Boss Fight:
Fire Bird (Fire): ~640 HP
Volcano Ball: ~30 HP

Use Spear Frost for best result. It can also dive into the magma and
call up four Volcano ball to help it. It has a attack that damages all
too but it is a weak attack. It will also swoop down and damage
everyone. It can also peck at your party member to deal around 20 HP
damage. Don't worry, it isn't that tough, you will be able to deal
around 100 HP damage on it if you use Spear Frost and raise it to 200+%
. You will get 800 Exp, 100G and a Red-Eye Stone after the fight.

Continue to proceed out of this area after the fight. Get the 50G from
the white chest. You will meet dabas here also, buy anything you need.
Then proceed north to exit this Volcano. You will be on the world map

1.9 Dragon Hunting
Treasure: Chain Mail, Mind Purifier, Spirit Potion, Body Purifier,
Bravery Amulet,

Boss: Greham (~352 HP), Feyrbrand (~488 HP)

Boss Prize: Down Burst

Monsters: Red hot*(~38 HP), Magma Fish*(~32 HP), Salamander*(~43 HP),
Tricky Bat (~30 HP) Mandrake (~95 HP), Lizard Man (~40 HP),
Run Fast (~62 HP)

Characters: Greham

Shops: None

Dragoon Spirit: Dragoon Spirit of Jade Dragon
Fight some enemies here and enter the Nest of Dragon when you are ready.
Note that the Mandrakes found here are very powerful and you can get a
Beast Fang from the Lizard Man here. Inside, just walk north to go into
the next area. In the next area, walk a bit right and you will get a
sequence. Rose discovered that the forest is contaminated by the
Dragon's poison. Next, Shana will feel dizzy. She will runs off
again...(How many times has she done this?). After you gain control, you
will be in a area with three path. Take the north path to find a plant
blocking your way, so head back and exit through the lower right exit.
Then follow the path until you are prompt to press X. After jumping
over, continue south to enter the next area. In the next area, go
through left to get to a chest with a Chain Mail in it. Equip it to Dart
and go back to the area that you need to press X to jump. Jump over and
proceed north and you will fall to the floor below.

In the next area, You will hear some converation first before you can
control Dart. When you finally control Dart, check to pool of water to
recover your life. From here, head north and press X when you are prompt
to do so. In the next area, follow the path and press X when you are
prompt again. You will reach a fork. Take the path going to the left
first to get a Mind Purifier from the brown chest. Then return and
follow the south path, ignoring the first room (remember here)you see on
the south path and press X again when you are prompted. Head down and
you'll see a mushroom, stand near it and press X to kill it, then you
can take the treasure with a Spirit Potion. After taking it, continue
along the path and kill the next mushroom to kill some plants. Press X
again to reach another area. Grab the Body Purifier in this area and
return to the previous area. Return to the area with the room that i
called you to remember earlier. Then enter the room, follow the path
until you reach a area with a Mushroom. kill it and enter through the
exit near the dead mushroom. Get the Bravery Amulet in this area and
return to the previous area. Hooray, you have gotten all the chest here.
In the previous area, go right to get back to the area that i called you
to remember, and take the north path.

You will see a save point in this area. I suggest that you save here.
Now, take the north path to meet your boss. You will meet Greham. He
will transform into a dragoon, together with the green dragon, they will
fight you!

Boss Fight:
Greham (Wind): ~352 HP
Feyrbrand (Wind): ~488 HP

Kill the Dragon first. Note that the dragon has a attack that causes
many status abnormalities, so beware. Use the appropiate Purifier when
this happens. Note that Greham like to use wind magics. The dragon will
use power uo on itself, so be careful. Greham always attack Lavitz, so
heal him when necessary. Rose's Astral Drain is very useful, so use it
to defeat them easily. After defeating them, you will get 100G, 1200
EXP, Down Burst and a Platemail.

Then, Lavitz will gain the Jade Dragoon Spirit. Shana will have some
problem again... Equip the Platemail to Dart and the Chain Mail to
Lavitz. Climb up the structure in the boss room to reach the upper floor
again. Then head north to return to the world map. Save if you want to.

1.10 Visit to Lohan
Treasure: 200G, Water Bottle(Goods), 100G

Boss: None

Boss Prize: None

Monsters: Mandrake*(~95 HP), Lizard Man*(~40 HP), Run Fast*(~62 HP),
Cursed Jar*(4 HP)

Characters: Physician Sanator, Dabas, Street Vendor,

Item Shop: Healing Potion (10G), Sun Rhapsody (50G),
Angel's Prayer (30G), Mind Purifier (20G),
Body Purifier (10G), Spinning Gale (10G),
Gushing Magma (20G), Charm Potion (4G)

Weapon Shop: Lance (100G), Cape (60G), Legend Casque (10000G),
Active Ring (200G), Protector (200G), Panic Guard (300G),
Power Wrist (200G), Wargod Calling (1000G),
Phantom Shield (10000G), Dragon Shield (5000G),
Angel Scarf (5000G), Ultimate Wargod (10000G)

Stardust: 4
Please do not rush to enter Lohan because on the world map, there are
some really good monsters. One of them is the Cursed Jar (4 HP) which
gives 300 EXP after defeating one. However, it is appear rarely. It has
only 4 HP, so four attacks from your party will eliminate it. Now, after
getting the Jade Dragon Spirit, Your battle menu will have a new command
called special. I will appear when everyone in your fighting party has a
full SP bar.

Just enter the Commercial Town of Lohan when you are ready. When you
enter, you will automatically be brought to the town's hospital.
Physician Sanator will tell you to get some Dragoni Plant to save Shana.
However, the existance of Dragoni Plant is very mild. Its time to

When outside, you will find out that the town look something like a 'n'.
Anyway, just go into the room opposite of the hospital. Inside the
building, head left to find a treasure(200G). Next, go back out and go
into the house above the house that you just came out from. You will
reach a bar. Climbing up the ladder will take you to the roof. If you
run on the right side of the room, a man will call you to stop running
on the roof! There is nothing to do on the roof, unless you are thinking
of commiting suicide... Head out of this bar and enter the Inn at north,
Inside, you can rest for 20G and there is a save point for you to save.
Go back outside if you have nothing to do in the inn and head into the
house above the hospital and left of the Inn. You can see a Huge Bird
outside window. There is a ladder which you can climb in this room.
Climb up if you want to talk to the kid. Otherwise exit and enter the
bottom left house. When inside, climb up the ladder to reach the floor
above. if you look carefully, you will see a retangular grey box on the
wall. You will be prompt to press X when you get near it. Press X to
open a secret area. To the right is a ladder, so climb down all the way
to the bottom and move into the left and search the area around the boy
is green. You will find a Stardust. Then return back to the main town
screen. Next, go into the next area through the bottom left path.

In the next area, go into the far right room and you will meet Dabas.
After some conversation, you will dash out of the room. Go back in to
buy anything you need. Be sure to check the Armor suit at the very top
of Dabas shop, climb up ladders to reach it. Search the armor suit and
you'll get another Stardust. Get out of the shop when you have gotten
the Stardust. Cross the bridge to the left part and enter the room with
the red door on the lowest floor. You will be inside the Merchant Guild.
There is nothing to do here so head to the room left of this room. You
will reach the Item Shop. Buy anything you need. I advise you to save up
money and you will know why later. The room above this item shop is a
Weapon Shop which sells expensive but good equipments. If you are damn
rich and you manage to buy all the 10000G stuff, then you will not need
this guide. Well, i only manage to gather 20000+G from the journey, so i
am only able to buy 2 of the stuff. Please note that you can always come
back to buy those equipments.

Anyway, you will see a stairs leading down near the Item shop. Go down
into the next area. Just walk down the stairs and a Street Vendor will
sell you a Water Bottle for 100000000G!!! Bargin with him until 100G and
buy it! After you brought it, you will automaticall move to the left.
Head back to the right, then head right once more into another area.
Here, you will see a chest with 100G beside the Cage. Then search the
basket opposite of the chest to find a Stardust. Okay, there is nothing
more to do, so head your way to the entrance on this town. In case you
do not know where is the entance, i will tell you. The entrance is
located left of the area with that Street Vendor. Search the jars near
the Guard in blue for the last Stardust in this area. Head north and
you'll be back on the world map. By the way, you should have a total of
14 Stardust by now.

Head into the Nest of Dragon. Inside, continue on path until you are
prompt to press X. Press X to jump down, and you will reach the boss
area. Leave here and proceed to get some Life Water from the recovery
pool. After that, head back to the boss area and climb back up. Back at
the area with that big hole? no way to go? There is a place that you can
jump beside the big hole. After you jump over, there will be another
place you can jump over. Then you can take the south path.

You will reach a familiar area with three path. Take the north path to
find the plant. Dart will pour the Life water onto the big plant causing
it to wilt. Now the path is passable, so follow it out! You'll be back
on world map again.

1.11 Search for a Cure
Treasure: 140G, Demon Stiletto, Healing Breeze

Boss: Drake (~1220 HP), Shirley

Boss Prize: Silver Stone

Monsters: Mandrake*(~95 HP), Lizard Man*(~40 HP), Run Fast*(~62 HP),
Cursed Jar*(4 HP), Plague Rat (~65 HP) Strong Man (~75 HP),
Crystal Golem (~170 HP), Gargolye (~100 HP),
Living Statue (~62 HP)

Characters: Drake, Shirley

Dragoon Spirit: White Silver Dragoon Spirit
I suggest that you save before entering the Shrine of Shirley. Whenever
you are ready, enter the shrine. WOW! the shrine is really beautiful. If
you open the chest on the left, "You lost, okay!" will appear. Ignore
the chests here as they are mostly empty. Those chests that are not
empty will be mention here. Take the north path to enter the next area.

In the next area, Rose will tell everyone to take out their Dragoon
Spirits and its seems that they are resonating together. They suspect
that there is a dragoon in the shrine. You will automatically move into
the next area. This area have a few path. Take the right path and follow
it to find a recovery point if you need to recover lost HP. So go back
to the fork and enter the upper left path. You will find a wheel that
you can turn, turn it to open a gate. Nothing to do here too, so head
back and take the north path. After you climb up the stair, you will see
something sort of like a panel, go there and press X. It is actually a
password lock. Insert 3, 5, 2 and new exit will open up. Needless to
say, jump enter the new exit.

In the next area, you'll see two statues at the side of the stairway.
Continue up the stairs and you will *slide* down. Okay, now you'll be
able to turn the Golden Statue to face front and Silver Statue to face
left. Then try to walk up the stairs again, if you didn't make any
mistake, you should make it to the top. You will find a save point in
the next area. SAVE!!! you are about to face a boss. Continue into the
next area and you will Drake, the boss.
Boss Fight:
Drake the Bandit (Wind): ~1220 HP
Bursting Ball: ~64 HP
Wire: ~127 HP

This fight is a piece of cake if you have bought some Legend Casque or
Phantom shield otherwise it is a rather hard battle. If you haven't you
still can defeat it easily. This boss can really deal some damage by
throwing darts at you. After sometime, he will throw three
bombs(Bursting Ball) out. Destroy them before they explored! He may even
cast a barrier(Wire) in front of him. You must destroy the wire before
you can reach him. If you try to attack him, ignoring the wire, you will
take some damage. Lavitz's Gust of Wind Dance proves effective here. If
you have the Magic sig stone, use it on him, and you will have a few
"Free" attacks. He can recover for around 350 HP!!! Rose's Astral Drain
is also very useful. After defeating him, you'll get 100G and 1500 EXP.

Shirley will suddenly come out. Shirley will say that she do not have
any Dragoni Plant and offer to give Dart the White Silver Dragoon Spirit
to help Shana. However, before you can get it, you must fight her! Guard
during battle, do not hit her and you'll get a questions and answers
section from her soon.

*=Correct Answer

Question 1:
Dart, Lavitz. Why do you fight?

To protect those we love.*
For pride and honor.

Then she will transform into Shana...

Question 2:
Dart, I have been waiting. Why did you leave without saying a word?

It's none of your business.
To pursue the Black Monster.*

Question 3:
Dart, what are you going to do after you find the Black Monster?

Of course, get revenge!*
I don't know yet.

Question 4:
Please, forget about revenge and be with me. The Black Monster or me,

Black monster.

"Really? Dart, i'm so happy!"

Then she will transform into Albert...

Question 5:
Lavitz! What are you doing here! Forget Shana and go back.

Yes, Your Majesty. Coming.
That's not like you.*

Question 6:
Lavitz! Are you disobeying my order? Choosing one over many?

Shana needs me!*
Don't command me!

She will transform back to herself...

Question 7:
Dart, advancing will bring truth as well as ordeals. And you still want
to go?

No matter what, i will go.*
I'll save Shana and go home.

Question 8:
Lavitz, I ask you. Who is the most important person for you to protect?


Question 9:
Lastly Rose, I ask you. Waht does life mean to you?

I've never thought about it.*
Nothing but sacrifice.

You will pass the test and defeat her! You will get Silver Stone and
1500 EXP. You will then acquire White Silver Dragoon Spirit. Shirley
will call you to draw the power of the Spirit to save Drake.

Don't leave empty handed. Go into the building to grab a total of 140G
and Demon Stiletto & Healing Breeze. Equip Demon Stiletto to Rose and
return to the world map.

From the world map, head through the Nest of Dragon and into Lohan. Head
to the hospital to see Shana. after a short sequence, Shana is back to
normal. After the conversation, head to the Inn and save.

More coming soon...

Section 2: Monsters List
NOTE: Monsters are organised alphabetically.

Name HP Found Where
---- -- -----------
Assassin Cock 3 Forest, Area around Forest
Berserk Mouse 3 Forest, Area around Forest
Commander 135 Marshland
Crescent Bee ~10 Prairie, Area around Prairie
Crocodile ~35 Marshland
Crystal Golem ~170 Shirley's Shrine
Cursed jar 4 Area around Nest of Dragon
Evil Spider ~30 Limestone Cave
Fire Spirit ~26 Volcano Villude
Gargolye ~100 Shirley's Shrine
Goblin 5 Forest, Area around Forest
Hellena Warden 9 Hellena Prison
Knight of Sandora 4~5 Village of Seles
Living Statue ~62 Shirley's Shrine
Lizard Man ~40 Nest of Dragon, Area around Nest of Dragon
Magma Fish ~32 Area around Volcano Village
Mandrake ~95 Nest of Dragon, Area around Nest of Dragon
Mantis ~20 Prairie, Area around Prairie
Merman ~56 Marshland
Mole 15 Prairie, Area around Prairie
Myconido ~30 Marshland, Volcano Villude
Orc ~25 Limestone Cave
Plague Rat ~65 Shirley's Shrine
Red hot ~38 Volcano Villude
Run Fast ~62 Nest of Dragon, Area around Nest of Dragon
Salamander ~43 Volcano Villude, Area around Volcano Village
Sandora Soldier ~40 Hoax (During the attack)
Sandora Soldier ~56 Marshland
Screaming bat ~12 Limestone Cave, Area around Limestone Cave,
Area around Bale, Area around Hoax,
Area around Marshland
Sea Dragon ~35 Marshland, Area around Volcano Villude
Senior Warden ~20 Hellena Warden
Slime ~18 Limestone Cave, Area around Limestone Cave,
Area around Bale, Area around Hoax,
Area around Marshland
Strong Man ~75 Shirley's Shrine
Tricky Bat ~30 Nest of Dragon
Trent 5 Forest, Area around Forest
Ugly Balloon 35 Limestone Cave, Area around Limestone Cave,
Area around Bale, Area around Hoax
Area around Marshland
Vampire Kiwi ~19 Prairie, Area around Prairie
Yellow Bird 4 Area around Bale, Area around Hoax

NOTE: Bosses are organised according to the game progress.

Boss HP Section
---- -- -------
Commander 20 1.1
Fruegel ~88 1.2b
Urobolus ~280 1.4
Sandora elite ~280 1.6
Kongol ~320 1.6
Virage Head ~370 1.8
Virage Body ~245 1.8
Virage Arm ~48 1.8
Fire Bird ~640 1.8
Volcano Ball ~30 1.8
Greham ~352 1.9
Feyrbrand ~488 1.9
Drake ~1220 1.11
Shirley ???? 1.11

Section 3: Item List
Battle Use Items:
---- ----- ------
Angel's Prayer 30 Revitalizes and recovers half of HP
Attack Ball -- Generates one of the attack items
Body Purifier 10 Nullifies poison/stunning/arm blocking
Charm Potion 4 Reduces risk of encounter
Healing Potion 10
Healing Breeze -- Recover half of HP for all
Magic Signet Stone -- Blocks enemy's move for 3 consecutive turns
Mind Purifier 20 Dissolves fear, bewitchment, confusion
-- dispirit
Spirit Potion -- Recovers 100 pts of SP during combat
Sun Rhapsody 50 Completely recovers MP
Total Vanishing -- Destroy minor enemies

Multihit Items:
---- ----- ------
Detonate Rock -- Detonates and attacks all

Burn Out 10 Fire-based individual attack
Gushing Magma 20 Fire-based attack all
Burning Wave Powerful fire-based attack all

Spark Net 10 Thunder-based individual attack
Thunder Bolt 20 Thunder-based attack all
Flash Hall Powerful Thunder-based attack all

Pellet 10 Earth-based individual attack
Meteor Fall 20 Earth-based attack all
Gravity Grabber Powerful Earth-based attack all

Spear Frost 10 Water-based individual attack
Fatal Blizzard 20 Water-based attack all
Frozen Shot Powerful Water-based attack all

Dark Mist 10 Darkness-based individual attack
Black Rain 20 Darkness-based attack all
Night Raid Powerful Darkness-based attack all

Trans Light 10 Light-based individual attack
Dancing Ray 20 Light-based attack all
Spectral Flash Powerful Light-based attack all

Spinning Gale 10 Wind-based individual attack
Rave Twister 20 Wind-based attack all
Down Burst Powerful Wind-based attack all

Section 4: Armed List
KEYS: Def: Defense, MagDef: Magic Defense, MagAtk: Magic Attack


Name Price/G Attack Effect
---- ------- ------ ------
Broad Sword --- 2
Bastard Sword 60 7


Name Price/G Attack Effect
---- ------- ------ ------
Short Bow --- 3
Sparkle Arrow 50 9 Light Elemental


Name Price/G Attack Effect
---- ------- ------ ------
Spear 20 4
Lance 100 19


Name Price/G Attack Effect
---- ------- ------ ------
Raiper --- 13
Demon Stiletto --- 18


Name Price/G Def MagDef Effect
---- ------- --- ------ ------
Leather Armor --- 2 2
Scale Armor 50 8 8
Chain Mail 150 20 24
Plate Mail 200 27 20


Name Price/G Def MagDef Effect
---- ------- --- ------ ------
Clothes --- 4 5
Leather Jacket 50 7 12


Name Price/G Def MagDef Effect
---- ------- --- ------ ------
Leather Armor --- 2 2
Scale Armor 50 8 8
Chain Mail 150 20 24
Plate Mail 200 27 20


Name Price/G Def MagDef Effect
---- ------- --- ------ ------
Leather Armor --- 2 2


Name Price/G Def MagDef MagAtk Effect
---- ------- --- ------ ------ ------
Legend Casque 10000 0 127 50 Most powerful Head Wear


Name Price/G Def MagDef MagAtk Effect
---- ------- --- ------ ------ ------
Bandana --- 0 0 3
Sallet 40 0 0 8 Increase hit rate of
physical attacks by 10%


Name Price/G Def MagDef MagAtk Effect
---- ------- --- ------ ------ ------
Felt Hat --- 0 0 5
Cape 60 0 0 17


Name Price/G Def MagDef MagAtk Effect
---- ------- --- ------ ------ ------
Bandana --- 0 0 3
Sallet 40 0 0 8 Increase hit rate of
physical attacks by 10%


Name Price/G Def MagDef MagAtk Effect
---- ------- --- ------ ------ ------
Felt Hat --- 0 0 5
Cape 60 0 0 17

Name Price/G Def Wearer Effect
---- ------- --- ------ ------
Leather Boots --- 0 Male
Leather Shoes --- 0 Female

Name Price/G Effect
---- ------- ------
Bracelet ---
Poison Guard 200 Prevent Poisoning
Panic Guard 200 Prevent Confusion
Stun Guard 200 Prevent Stunness
Active Ring 200 Prevent dispiriting
Bravery Amulet 300 Prevent fear
Power Wrist 200 Raises Physical Attack by 10
Knight Shield 200 Raises Physical Defense by 10
Spirit Cloak 300 Increase Magical Defense by 20
Angel Scarf 5000 Reduces damage from magic by 50%
Wargod's Amulet --- Increase Physical and Magical Hit rate by 20%
Wargod Calling 1000 Automatic Addition: Half Damage and SP
Ultimate Wargod 10000 Makes Addition completely successful
Red-Eye Stone --- Half Fire Magic attack damage
Sapphire Pin 1000 Get MP from Magical Damage
Dragon Shield 5000 Reduces Physical damage by 50%
Phantom Shield 10000 Reduces all damages by 50%
Silver Stone --- Reduces light-based attack by 50%

Section 5: Goods

Object Discription
------ -----------
War Bulletin Special Edition shows tension among Sandora & Serdio.
Prison Key Key to the second prison tower where Shana is held.
Axe (Shack) An axe left in a shack in a field. It's well-worn.
Lavitz's Pic Lavitz's portrait drawn in Bale. It looks so real.
Red Dragon DS Dragoon Spirit Dart's father left him. Fire-based.
Dark Dragon DS Dragoon Spirit of mysterious Rose. Darkness-based.
Jade Dragon Ds Dragoon Spirit from Greham. Wind-based.
Water Bottle A bottle acquired in Lohan to hold "life Water".
Life Water Life Water from a monster plant. Refreshes power.
Silver Dragon DS Dragoon Spirit from Shirley. Light-based.

Section 6: Questions and Answer
NOTE: Below are some questions that i recieved from many people. The
answer is given below. Hope this will clear some of your thoughts.

Question 1:
Why are you posting sections by sections? Why are you progressing so

The walkthrough doesn't reflect on how far I am into the game. I am on
the end of the third disc. I have like 40 sheets of walkthrough written
on paper with me now. I just could not type it all out in one shot, so i
am adding section by section, so that i can make up correct monsters
list. Sorry for the inconvience, but in this way, i can organise the
information better. Except MAJOR update from me during Saturday and

MORE coming soon...
Copyright 2000 Desmond Xie

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