-D(E|M|H) Setze den Schwierigkeitsgrad
-DE Easy/Leicht
-DM Medium/Normal
-DH Hard/Schwer
-W<*> Starte mit den Waffen bis zu *, d.h. Du hast alle
Waffen bis Nummer *, * kann zwischen 1 und 3 annehmen.
-L<*> Beginne in Level *. Achtung, die Level 9, 17, 18, 20,
und 24 sind noch unvollständig und kommen im Spiel auch
nicht vor. Starte mit Karte/Map (die .MAP-Files stehen alle im
-A<*> Starte mit Handschuh/Hand (1=Sabre glove, 2=Saw glove
und 3=Nano Hand)
-J Starte mit dem Jump Jet.
-D(E|M|H) Set difficulty.
-DE Easy
-DM Medium
-DH Hard
-W<#> Start with weapons up to the number specified. Stocked
with full ammunition. (e.g. CYCLONES 8335791 -W3
will provide weapons 1 through 3... the Gauss Pistol,
the Chaingun, and the Alien Pistol)
-L<#> Start at level number (e.g. CYCLONES 8335791 -L5).
This automatically starts player at starting location
for that level.
Levels 9, 17, 18, 20, and 24 are incomplete and are
not visited during the course of the game.
Specify a map by name (the .MAP files in the directory)
Location defaults to (1,1).
-A<#> Start with armored suit/hand weapon 1-3 for the game.
1=Sabre glove. 2=Saw glove. 3=Nano hand.
-J Start with the jump jet, with a huge charge on it.
Also, running CYCLONE 8335791 (no 'S') starts a SINGLE LEVEL
immediately without the intro. However, the game will quit at the
end of the level.
Cheat codes may be used as normal.