Unendlich Schüsse erster Soldat:
D00074C8 3170
800146CC 0014
Unbegrenzte cash:
D000E110 2000
800CEE36 0FFF
Unbegrenzte Elerium 115:
80010DE4 00DC
Unbegrenzte Energie:
80051704 0000
Unbegrenzte Zeit units:
800516FC 0000
8004C5B0 0000
800493A8 0000
Unbegrenzte Munition first soldier:
D00074C8 3170
800146CC 0014
Unbegrenzte stamina first soldier:
D00074C8 3170
80019A14 4000
Note: The codes für the later soldiers, as supplied by Scott Haut , been removed
as it has been found that they will not work with some game configurations. The Unbegrenzte Munition
und stamina codes für the 1st soldier remain in case they work für your setup. The new Unbegrenzte
Zeit units code removes the code für updating Zeit unit usage, und therefore should work with Alle
soldiers. It was found using the new breakpoint feature in version 1.84 of the software.