Player 1 teleport with L2 button (Note 5):
D018F128 0001
801870CA 016B
Player 2 teleport with L2 button (Note 5):
D018F132 0001
80187392 016B
Note 1: Mid-air moves allows you to execute the super-moves in mid-air.
Note 2: To get the invisible codes to work, the other character must score a hit on you to activate
it. I.e., for the player 1 invisible code to work, player 2 must score a hit to switch it on.
Note 3: The multi fireball codes allow for up to 8 projectiles on screen at once.
Note 4: This code works for both players, but if two projectiles are onscreen at once the second
will act normally.
Note 5: Simply press the L2 button at any time during a game and you will suddenly teleport to the
center of the arena, even if you've been knocked down or the game is paused.
Spieler 1 Unbegrenzte Energie:
8018710C 0090