Axe Lord Armor:
After beating the game once, enter the password AXEARMOR and start the game.
You'll find a cool new suit of armor in your inventory.
Enhanced Intelligence:
After beating the game once, enter the password X-X!V'' and start the game. Your
intelligence will be boosted, but your strength will be weak.
Fiddle with the Logo
When the words NOW LOADING are on screen, you can manipulate them with the
All of the Codes must be entered after the game is beaten. Give the new game the
following name for:
U,D,DT,T, X or O (also allows alucard to transport(hold U during transformation
to shoot 2 big fireballs))
Summon Spirit:
T, B, U, D, X or O
Tetra Spirit:
(U hold for 2 sec) UT, T, DT, D X or O
Soul Steal:
B, T, TU, U, UB, B, T X or O
Dark Metamorphosis:
B, BU, U, TU, T X or O (must attack creatures that spray blood for DK to heal
Play as Richter:
I entered the name RICHTER and it skipped the intro and everything. I
started at the beginning of the main castle and i was RICHTER! The game
was different. special items like life and heart max ups do nothing. you
can't go to an inventory screen, but you can save.