Cheat mode (PAL V version):
Pause game play, then hold L2 and press Down, Up, Square, Triangle(2), Circle,
Down, Up, Square, Triangle.
Extended cheat mode (PAL V version):
Pause game play, then hold L2 and press Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle(2),
Triangle, Left, Circle, Up, Down, Right, Circle, Left(2), Triangle, Right,
Circle, Left(2), Triangle, Circle, Down, Circle(2), Right.
Level select (PAL Vversion) :
Pause the game and enable the "Cheat mode" and "Extended cheat mode" codes. Then, go to the camera
option and select plug-in "8". Press Start to resume the game. A sword and text will appear on the
screen. Use R1, R2, L1, or L2 to move and zoom the camera. Use the D-pad to point the sword at a
destination, then pause the game. Go to the camera option again and press X to change the plug-ins
to "Clear. Press Start to resume the game at the selected level.
The Time Device:
Q. How do I get the Rune under the electrified dome? I can't run to it in 3 seconds.
A. You need to break the circuit so hit one of the 'funnels' in the three seconds.
Q. How do I get the Chalice?
A. We're working on that.
There are four of those funnel things, if you form them into a square(hit them toflip them around)
electricity will poof out of them
and shatter the fortress around the chalice.
Licia & William Croft (hntrrose@slip.net)
Time Device:
To get the chalice in the time device you just hit the funnel and turn back on
the electricty and it will overload the forcefield around the chalice.
TODD BRONANDER (random@laol.net)
Obtaining the chalice
at the Time Device:
Just saw that you had no answer for this question. To obtain it, simply hit all the lasers
or whatever they are to form a square in one circuit, this will cause the red crystal to
shatter and reveal the chalice.
>Submisison: Blader smcdougall@vci.netsmcdougall@vci.net
To get the Chalice in the Time Machine Level= use your ax; hit the
tombstone...during the Three seconds it's off.....THROW(SQUARE button) at the
FUNNEL shaped things that are on either side of the tomdstone until they make a
square...left one would be pointing up and to the right.....the one on the right
should be pointing up and to the left.....this will break the crystal that the
chalice is in....it will also shut off the rest of the red electric barriers.
John Verstrate >[jverstrate@pfp.org]
Dans Crypt Hidden Rooms:
in dans crypt there is a wall on the other end of the crypt(not the one that you
go down the hall the other way) that wall is a diffrent color then the rest of
the wall hit that peice of wall like 3 times with the hammer to get hidden
Submission: ken
batten >[kbatten@phonetech.com]
Alternate Chalice:
I know how to get the Chalice in the Time Machine level. Seeing how you have to
hit those little nozzle things to break the circuit, I experimented and
discovered how to bust open the crystal the Chalice is embedded in. You have to
set up the nozzles so they make a square of energy. The poles do not seem to
have anything to do with it. After making this square of energy the crystal
will shatter and explode (all effect, no danger). After this, you can just walk
up and grab the Chalice.
Submission: >ALRijil@aol.com
Obtaining the chalice
at the Time Device
Just saw that you had no answer for this question. To obtain it, simply hit all the lasers
or whatever they are to form a square in one circuit, this will cause the red crystal to
shatter and reveal the chalice.
Blader ( >smcdougall@vci.net )
Special menu:
In the pause screen, hold L2 and press Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Left, Circle, Up,
Down, Right, Circle, Left, Left, Triangle, Right, Circle, Left, Left, Triangle, Circle, Down, Circle, Circle, Right.