Megaman Legends 2

Megaman Legends 2

17.10.2013 02:21:34
MegaMan Legends 2
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An In-Depth Guide by -Bahamut Zero-

This Document is Copyrighted 2000 by Bahamut Zero. Any
reproduction of this document in part or in whole without
the author's consent is strictly forbidden.

Version 1.4
Original Release 00/11/??

Version 1.4- 01/2/24
Changed the ASCII art again. Definately am going to try to release this
Version. It's been much too long since the last update. Remembered that
GameFAQs doesn't support WordPad, so I ditched the pictures. They weren't that
good anyway. Tried to do a little something in each of the five sections and
get a decent release in this version.

Version 1.3- 00/12/25 *Never Released*
I was going to release this, but never got around to it. Guess I just forgot
with all the other work I was doing. Besides, all I did was add a few Journels.
I might do some work on the ASCII art in the next version. I added some
pictures of the equipment.

Version 1.2- 00/12/8
Second release, started adding Journels and added more weapons. Still not
sure where to put everything. May add a few more things if I get the time.
Added an FAQ Section and am now basically organized.

Version 1.1- 00/11/29 *Never Released*
I didn't feel I should releases this version. Why? Because all I did was work
on the ASCII art. Not much of an update, is it? Maybe I'll release another
update in a few weeks.

Version 1.0- 00/11/??
Initial release, started mapping the Guide. Put up ASCII art, might change it
or get rid of it later. Added a few minor stuff like Section I and
credits/closing statments. Many sections and areas listed are have been
added... but don't know where to put them. Will probably move stuff around
between now and the next update.
Table of Contents

Section I: Before We Begin
I- Author's Notes
II- What is MegaMan Legends 2?

Section II: Introduction
III- Story
IV- Cast of Characters

Section III: Charts and Lists
V- Items
A- Recovery Items
B- Development Parts
C- Unknown Items
D- Presents & House Furnishings
VI- Equipment
A- Special Weapons Analysis
B- Equipment
a- Helmets
b- Armor
c- Shoes
C- Buster Parts

Section IV: Files, Notes, Journals
VII- Professor Barrell Gaskett's Journals
A- Forbidden Island
B- MegaMan's Discovery
C- Kattelox Island
D- The Digger's Manual
VIII- Roll's Diary
IX- Letters
A- Matilda's Letter
B- The Servbots' Letters
C- The Twins' Letters

Section V: Quiz Q's & A's
X- The Youngest Pupil
XI- The First Pupil
XII- The Mayor

???- Frequently Asked Questions
???- Credits, Closing Statements, Etc.

<><><><><><><><><>SECTION I: BEFORE WE BEGIN<><><><><><><><><><>

I-Author's Notes

This my third Walkthrough for a Megaman game, I did one for The Misadventures
of Tron Bonne (MITB), and one for MegaMan Legends (MML) that I never submitted
and probably never will. I know that my MITB one isn't finished, and as soon as
I can find the update I'll send it in.
Unlike my walkthrough for MITB, this is an In-Depth Guide. Meaning I'm going
to be covereing things that otherwise wouldn't be covered, or at least being
more detailed. I might get around to doing maps, but I'm really busy right now
and will probably do that late into the development, if at all.

Unless otherwise noted, this will only be updated/available at GameFAQs- if
you found this anywhere else it was posted without my permission. This is far
from finished, I have tons of stuff written down in a large note book, so don't
e-mail me telling me I forgot this or didn't add that. Thank you.

II-What is MegaMan Legends?

When CAPCOM decided to go 3-D with the MegaMan games, they decided it was
time for a new MegaMan storyline. Unlike the X games which take place in the
original MM storyline, the Legends (or Dash) series is completely different
with no connection to the old ones at all.
In Legends, MegaMan was found as a baby in ancient ruins and raised as a
normal boy. He grew up to be a Digger, someone who searches ruins for
refractors and atifacts from the past. His world, almost completely covered in
water, uses large refractors as power sources and the smaller refractors are
used as money. Ironically, the currency they use- Zenny- is the same currency
used in CAPCOM's Breath of Fire series.
The first game, which came out about three years ago, introduced the new
MegaMan and his friends Data, Roll and her grandfather Prof. Barrell. It also
established his, for lack of a better term, rivals- The Bonnes. At the end of
MML, we were given a hint at what MegaMan's true identity might be, and
although it was resolved, its shortness left open for a sequel.

MegaMan Legends 2 is the sequel to MegaMan Legends (MML), unlike The
Misadventures of Tron Bonne which was a prequel. In this game, MegaMan's past
is explained more thoroughly and also serves to introduce a few new characters.
This game also seems to change the way a few people, most notably Tron and
Roll, react to MegaMan and may also set the stage for other things in the next

<><><><><><><><><><>SECTION II: INTRODUCTION<><><><><><><><><><>

(As taken from the Manual)

IV-Cast Of Characters

There is such a large cast of characters that I almost put them into
different sections, but I decided against it. However, I may still do so later
if it seems to big. Also, I put MegaMan Volnutt and MegaMan Trigger as two
seperate characters. He has no recollection of the past and almost seems a
different person, we'll have to see what the MegaMan Legends 3 brings.

MegaMan Volnutt-

MegaMan Trigger-
Purifier Model, 1st Class, code name: Trigger. Thousands of years ago,
MegaMan Trigger served the Master in Elysium alongside Yuna and Sera. When the
Master died, he took up the Master's dying wish- that the System Library be
destroyed for the sake of the Carbons that the Master loved so much.
As his original form has never been shown, it is hard to tell just what
Trigger may have looked like. He might have looked like an older version of
MegaMan, but he probably had a larger reaverbot type body similar to that of
Juno. It has never been specified whether or not he was a Carbon type or an
Android like Yuna and Sera. He might even have been like Geetz and Gaatz,
having a normal looking body and a Reaverbot body.


Roll Gaskett-

Prof. Barrell Gasket-

Von Bluecher-

Tron Bonne-

Teisel Bonne-

Bon Bonne-







<><><><><><><><><>SECTION III: CHARTS AND LISTS<><><><><><><><><>


Some of the items that are found, like parts and unknowns, I did not write
down where I found them. I'm going back through the game several times, so I'll
have them eventually. Please bear with me. Most of the parts with a price are
bought at stores.
I tried to type the items and descriptions up, but if it's confusing, let me
know and I'll change the format a little.

---Recovery Items---

These items have a symbol that looks like a first-aid kit next to them. They
include recovery and remedy.

Binoic Parts- 1,000z/5,000z/10,000z/30,000z/50,000z
Increases MegaMan's Health Gauge.

Energy Canteen- 600z
Restores Life Gauge; can be refilled at stores.
Extra Pack- 3,000z/4,000z/5,000z/6,000z/7,500z/10,000z/
12,500z/15,000z/17,500z/20,000z.. upto 99 packs at 20,000z
Increases the max size of MegaMan's Energy Canteen.

Med. Bottle- 6,400z
Heals special damage; can be refilled at stores.
Med. Pack- 6,000z/7,500z/9,000z/10,500z/12,000z/13,500z/
15,000z/16,500z/18,000z/20,000z.. upto 99 packs at 20,000z
Increases the max size of MegaMan's Med. Bottle.

Picnic Lunch- Found inside the Flutter's refridgerator
Handmade by Roll; restores Life Gauge.
Fried Chicken- Found in Glyde's base
With 12 secret herbs and spices; restores Life Gauge.
Hyper Cartridge- 1,600z
Restores Special Weapon Energy.


---Development Items---

These items have a symbol that looks like a gear next to them. They are used
in Roll's Development Room. The prices in front are how much they cost, not
what they sell for. A name after a price is what it becomes in the Development
The Mechanic's Notes 1-6 are detailed info about various machines (i.e.-
shields, blades) and change their description once Roll examines them.

Old Hoverjets- 500z- Jet Skates
Old hoverjet engine found in ruins; too old to use as is.
Rollerboard- 3,000z- Jet Skates
Board with wheels attached to it.

Joint Plug- 80,000z- Adaptor Plug
Looks like it could be used to develop an item of some kind...

Aqua Chip- 8,000z- Hydro Jets
Computer chip that contains data on underwater movement.
Light Chip- 30,000z- Hover Shoes
Computer chip that contains data on avoiding electric current.
Resistor Chip- 160,000z- Asbestos Shoes
Computer chip that contains data on avoiding fire and ice damage.
Spike Chip- Cleated Shoes
Computer ship that contains data on how to avoid slipping on ice.

Broken Vacuum- 500z- Vacuum Arm
Broken vacuum clean; worn down and covered in dust.
Broken Motor- Vacuum Arm
Powerful motor found inside the Flutter.

Broken Model Gun- Machine Gun Arm
Model Gun found in ruins; broken and unusable.
Long Barrel- 1,000z- Machine Gun Arm
Long, heavy gun barrel.

Bomb Schematic- Reflector Arm
Book found inside ruins that explains how to build bombs.
Super Ball- 400z- Reflector Arm
Popular childrens' toy; has high resilliance.

Broken Drill- Drill Arm
Electric drill; broken and unusable.
Heavy Duty Gear- Drill Arm
Can probably be used to power something.

Rusted Mine- Ground Crawler
Land mine found in ruins; trigger has been destroyed by rust.
Bowling Ball- Ground Crawler
Very heavy bowling ball found in a trash can.

Rusty Bazooka- Hyper Shell
Bazooka found in ruins; too rusty and old to be used as is.
Firecraker- Hypershell
Firecrakker recieved from a townsperson.

Mechanic's Notes 1- Radar Notes- Homing Missle
Detailed notes describing tracking systems.
Bottle Rocket- 1,000z- Homing Missle
Be sure to play with fireworks only when an adult is present!

Mechanic's Notes 2- Artillary Notes- Buster Cannon
Book describing how to calculate correct firing arcs for missles.
Thick Pipe- Buster Cannon
Strong, think pipe found in ruins.

Mechanic's Notes 3- Spreadfire Notes- Spread Buster
Military manual describing simultanious firing techniques.
Sower- Spread Buster
Mechanical sower found in ruins- but what was it doing there...?

Mechanic's Notes 4- Beam Blade Notes- Blade Arm
Manual describing how to build a laser sword.
Zetsabre- 2,000,000z- Blade Arm
Legendary shining sword; won/bought in quiz game.

Mechanic's Notes 5- Shielding Notes- Shield Arm
Book describing properties of force fields and defensive barriers.
Shield Generator- Shield Arm
Portable shield found in ruins- but beware the slow blades!

Mechanic's Notes 6- Autofire Notes- Hunter Seeker
Book describing how to make an autofire trigger.
Sensor- Hunter Seeker
High-tech sensor found in ruins.

Laser Manual- Shining Laser
*Forgot the description
Green Eye- Shining Laser
Lens found in ruins.

Softball- Crusher
Soft, spongy ball found in ruins.
Taser- Crusher
*Forgot the description


---Unknown Items---

These items have a question mark "?" next to them, they usually are items
given to other people or sold for money. A bunch of them though, are unknown,
mainly the items won in the Pokte Village quiz game.
I also put the refractors here, they look like crystals in the Item menu. As
far as I can tell, they are only used for selling. I was hoping they would be
used for some powerful weapon, bummer.
There are two adaptor-like items that you can buy, they're a little pricy,
but they provide defense against certain things.

Reaverbot Claw-
From a Junk shop- might be worth something to the right person.
Notes- Give to Shu
Notes won in quiz game.
Pencil- Give to Shu
Pencil won in quiz game.
Textbook- Give to Shu
Textbook won in quiz game.
Pokte Tea-
Won in quiz game; special blend made in Pokte Village.
Won in quiz game; famous design made in Pokte Village.
Pokte Pastry-
Won in quiz game; recipe popular with locals and tourists.
Candy Apple-
Sweet won in quiz game.
Candy Bar-
Chocolate bar won in quiz game.
Strange Juice-
Strange tasting juice won in quiz game.
Cute Piggy- Give to girl in Ruminoa/Nino Island
Pig given as present by girl living on Calbania Island.

Refractor B- ?z- need at least a B Class License
Large refractor; will probably fetch a good price at a shop.
Refractor A- ?z- need at least an A Class License
Large refractor; will probably fetch a good price at a shop.
Refractor S- ?z- need at least an S Class License
Large refractor; will probably fetch a good price at a shop.

Light Barrier- 40,000z
Prevents all electric damage from enemy attacks.
Flame Barrier- 80,000z
Prevents all damage from fire attacks.


---Presents & House Furnishings---

These are items you give to Roll as presents and have a heart next to them,
they show up in her room when you give them to her. Choose "talk" and then
"presents" when you speak to her in the Flutter. Each gift, there are three
that I know of, appears as an entry in her Diary as well.
The other items, the house furnishings, are items with a "?" next to them.
But if you buy them they go straight to the Flutter, you really can't give them
to anyone. if I say something after one of these, it's what is affected by it's
Finally, because they are "house" things, I put the cost of the items Roll
asks for when you "talk to Roll". They only appear after repairing the rooms
damaged in the fire, which is also listed.

Stuffed Doll- 4,000z
Cute stuffed animal- Roll would probably like it.
Model Ship- 80,000z
1/200-scale model of the Sulphur-Bottom.
Cushion- 16,000z
Soft, fluffy cushion.

Toilet Cleaner- 1,500z- check the toilet on the Flutter
Liquid toilet cleaner sold in a store.
House Plant- 4,000z- check MegaMan's room
Ficus; good for brightening up a room.
Comic Book- 960- on MegaMan's bed
Popular comic; they're making a movie out of it this summer.
Vase- 24,000z-
Expensive antique vase.
Wallpaper- 36,000z- check Roll's room
Stylish wallpaper.
Painting- 48,000z- check Barrell's room
Expensive original oil painting.
Game Cartridge- 32,000z- check MegaMan's room
Latest game in a popular series: "Resident Evil 43"

Living Room & Storage- 4,000z*
*If you didn't do it in time (for whatever reason) and Roll uses the
Sprinklers, it's up to 6,000z

"There's Something I want"-
Refridgerator- 5,000z
Newspaper Subscription- 3,000z
New TV- 25,000z

---Special Weapons Analysis---

Because the remodeling for the Flutter cost so much, Roll had to sell all of
MegaMan's Special Weapons from the last game. So now it's up to you to find
parts and give them to Roll so she can build you new ones. There's just one
little problem- this is going to cost lots of money. Not to mention the fact
that in MML2 the parts are much harder to find and are scattered throughout the
islands and ruins.
For the most part, everythings is correct and accurate. The only thing that
bothered me was when Roll got a new toolkit. I believe it makes production
costs lower, but I don't know when she get's it. I heard it has to do with the
bath incident, so do that as soon as possible. And if my charts look a little
off, it's cause you may have gotten the Toolkit before or after I did.
I'm putting these in the order that I made them. So as soon as I find out
when I got the toolkit I'll mark it on the list.

Lifter- Can be used to pick up various objects.
Like the "kick" attack in MML, it's for when yuo don't have a Special Weapon
or are out of Energy for one. Can pick up enemies and hurl them at other
enemies for good damage too.

Aqua Blaster- Used for stopping fires; not suitable for combat.
This is your initial Special Weapon, no upgrades or part hunts.

Machine Gun Arm- Has a high rate of fire.
Attack- 3,000z/30,000z/100,000z Energy- 5,000z/15,000z/25,000z
Range- 1,000z/5,000z/10,000z Rapid- 10,000z/30,000z/100,000z
I just don't know.... I think I liked it better in MML. It just doesn't seem
to do as much damage as I remember, and it seems to eat up more energy too. Not
bad though for a early weapon.

Homing Missle- Fires missles that track their target.
Attack- 10,000z/120,000z/1,000,000z Energy- 10,000z/50,000z/500,000z
Range- 5,000z/30,000z/60,000z Rapid- 10,000z/30,000z/100,000z
Special- 10,000z/30,000z/1,000,000z
Obviously didn't have the Toolit yet. I reallly liked this weapon, and used
it until I got the Buster Cannon. Kinda pricy, but worth it if you can get the
Zenny for it early on.

Vacuum Arm- Useful for picking up refractors and energy cubes.
Energy- 1,000z/10,000z/100,000z Range- 1,000z/2,000z/4,000z
Special- 1,000z/2,000z/5,000z
It's exactly like it was in MML. I just didn't use it as much in this game
because I needed to pack more firepower as the game progressed. Although if you
need to earn some serious money, this your best friend. Especially in the
underwater areas where the zenny tends to disappear before you can reach it.

Ground Crawler- Rolls along the ground until it touches an enemy; then
it explodes.
Attack- 1,800z/3,600z/5,400z Energy- 2,700z/4,500z/6,300z
Range- 900z/1,350z/1,800z Rapid- 1,350z/2,200z/3,150z
Special- 27,000z/45,000z/54,000z
*Rating Pending~

Drill Arm- Can be used to destroy certain types of walls.
Attack- 900z/1,800z/2,700z Energy- 900z/1,350z/1,800z
This is an intersting weapon. It has no range what-so-ever, yet it has
incredible attack. I used this in the fights with (S Class) Klaymoor and won in
seconds. Although I wouldn't advise it against an enemy that moves around a

Buster Cannon- Good range & firepower, but can't fire while moving.
Attack- 27,000z/45,000z/450,000z Energy- 27,000z/54,000z/108,000z
Range- 27,000z/45,000z/54,000z
I know I had the Toolkit by the time I got this weapon. And this is one hell
of a weapon! It's got great power and range. Unfortunately, it can't hit
targets that are too fast, but usually only takes one hit anyway. Don't use
this in the fights with Glyde on Nino Island though- you'll mostly end up
hitting your own people and losing. I mainly used this, though, until I got the
Shining Laser.


<><><><><><><>SECTION IV: FILES, NOTES, JOURNALS<><><><><><><><>

This is originally all I had written down. At the time I hadn't even thought
about doing another Guide. These are the files found in Barrell's room, Roll's
Diary and the various letter you get from people including Matilda's letter to
her father.
You might wonder why I'd bother to put this in. But I think it's good reading
and it gives you some insight into the game and the thoughts of some of the

VII-Professor Barrell Gaskett's Journals

If you look at the Bookshelf in Barrell's room, next to the white board. You
find an asortment of books. These are Barrell's Journals from his orgininal
trip to Forbidden Island to the events on Kattelox Island in the first MegaMan

---Forbidden Island---

This is a report of my and Bluecher's expedition to Forbidden Island. The
first problem we faced was the difficulty in approaching the Island. Any
conventional ship gets turned away by the winds. Attempting to force a ship
into the surrounding winds of the Island almost certainly results in that
ship's destruction. In a worst case situation, a ship could be lost in the
storm and never be seen again. We discovered that there is an "Eye" directly
above the center of the Island, where the wind velocity is relatively light.
Any ship attemping to land on the Island would have to use this as its entry
point. We decided to biuld a ship with a rounded aerodymanic hull that was
reinforced to withstand the atmospheric pressure above the Island. But, in
spite of all our efforts and precautions, we failed. Although we were able to
land on the Island, are ship was destroyed, leaving us without a means of
returning home.
Since we could not leave, we decided to make the best of the situation, and
explore Forbidden Island as best we could. We were shocked to find that here,
Reaverbots were active even above ground. Having lost most of our equipment, we
were hard pressed to fend off their attacks. Struggling against both Reaverbots
and the weather, we made our way to the center of the Island, where we found an
ancient relic. I remember it well: a strange, diamond-shaped object, floating
in midair. But by the time we found it, we were at the limits of our endurance.
As I lost consciousness, I was aware of someone approaching us... A small girl
perhaps... Between the snow and the encroaching darkenss on my vision, it was
hard to tell exactly what I saw... When we recovered, we were on the outskirts
of Yosyonke. How we got the was a mystery- our ship had been destroyed, and to
this day, neither Bluecher nor I have any recollection of how we got there.
After that, several Diggers tried to reach Forbidden Island... But none
returned. How we were is a mystery that Puzzles be even now.
nd File~


---MegaMan's Discovery---

Once, a long time ago, I went to the ruins on Nino Island to do some
research on the civilzation that preceded ours. The ruins there are very
dangerous and normally sealed off. I snuck inside without the Guildmaster's
permission. Just inside the entrance, I found a strange, diamond-shaped object.
When I touched it, it fell apart- no, melted- and from inside there appeared a
small child, a baby, and a monkey. Seeing as I had broken into the ruins
without permission I couldn't reveal where I'd found them. So, I decided to
raise the baby along with my granddaughter.
I decided to call the baby I found MegaMan. Actually, it wasn't really my
idea... It was my granddaughter, Roll, who chose that name, after one of her
favorite video game characters. I tried to get her to change her mind, but she
insisted that should be his name. At any rate, I raised him like he was my one.
He was no different form any other boy. He quickly became part of our family.

nd File~


---Kattelox Island---

Last year, we explored Kattelox Island- an island rich in resources. The
island is riddled with ruins and tunnels, and a legendary treasure was said to
be buried there. While we were there, we ended up fighting the Bonnes, a family
of pirates, who had come to Kattelox looking for the legendary treasure.
Although we defeated them a number of times, they continued to come after us,
but MegaMan managed to hold them off every time. Although they talked big,
their bark was worse than their bite. Looking back on it now, they were pretty
amusing to watch. I'm sure that we'll run into them again somewhere.
While MegaMan was exploring the ruins on Kattelox at the request of the
mayor, Amelia, I saw something amazing. Alarge monolith descended for the sky
over the island. I still don't know what it was, and I probably never will. All
I know is that it had something to do with what was going on in the ruins. But
the only person who knows the whole truth is MegaMan... Something tells me it
may have had something to do with MegaMan's origins, and what he was doing on
Nino Island so many years ago...
nd File~


---Digger's Manual---

I kept expecting this to get larger, but it never did. If anyone has any
information on this that I don't have, please e-mail me and if it's true I'll
put you in the Credits Section.

--Prof. Barrell's Notes-- Defintions

* What's a Dig?
Dig: To explore ancient ruins in order to recover artifacts and
resources. An essential elememnt in a successful Dig is that the Digger, who
explores the ruins,and the Spotter, who gives support from above ground, trust
each other implicitly.

* About Ruins
Ruins: Ancient underground structures constructed by the Ancients. The
structures are filled with tools and machines of great value, but they are also
dangerous places, inhabited by fearsome guardians called Reaverbots.

* What are Refractors?
Refractors: A powerful source of energy found in ruins. Smaller
refractors are used as currency, while larger ones are used to power machines
that provide heat and light.

* About Reaverbots
Reaverbots: The guardians of the ruins, presumed to have been built by
the Ancients. Although ther exact purpose is unknown, they can be found in
every ruin, and pose a great danger, as the attack anyone entering those ruins.

VIII-Roll's Diary

This is a log of all Roll's diary entires. The only entires that are missing
are the ones that have multiple versions. An entry with an asterisk "*" by it,
means that it has more than one version. An entry with a double asterisk "**"
by it, means that it [i]might[/i] have more than one version. There were quite
a large amount of these and they really help you understand how Roll feels
about MegaMan. I've listed them in the order that I have them written down-
which is to say, the order that I got them.

Thanks to Data, the kitchen in the Flutter caught fire. Luckily, MegaMan was
able to put it out before it did too damage.
Thanks, MegaMan!

-MegaMan and Digouts*
MegaMan and I went looking for Joseph together.
This was my first time to go on a Dig with MegaMan- Those Reaverbots are
really scary! I'm glad MegaMan was there to protect me! I'm so lucky to have
him around.

-My Father?
We got a dropship from Joseph in Yosyonke City. The funny this is, it looks
just like the dropship my father designed all those years ago..... We weren't
able to talk to Joseph for very long, so I couldn't ask him about my father.
I wonder what he knows.....

-Off to Manda Island
It's looks like the First Key is in Pokte Village, on Manda Island. This is
our first Dig in a while, so I'm a little nervous. But I'll try my best.
After all, MegaMan is depending on me!

-Living Room Restored
Thanks to MegaMan, I was able to repair the living room. We'll finally be
able to sit down and eat again!
Now all we need to do is get a new TV set.

-Class A License
MegaMan passed the Level A test to get the Class A License! Now that I think
about it, it's funny he hadn't gotten it before. I guess it's because we've
always done Digs at non-Guild ruins. Congradulations, MegaMan!

-Class S License
MegaMan got his Class S License! The test sounded like it was really hard,
but now that he's passed it, MegaMan is certified as one of the best Diggers in
the world! I always knew he was, but it's nice to see other people recognize
him too!

MegaMan walked in on me while I was in the bath.... We haven't talked to
each other much since then.... I'm sure it was just an accident, but he did
something like that last year too, now that I think about it. What if he's
doing it on purpose? I don't know what I would do if he is....

-Tron Bonne**
It looks like that Tron or whatever her name is was saying bad things about
me to MegaMan. I'll have to ask him what she said later.

-First Key**
We got the First Key!
It's hard to being a Supporter- not being able to see anything, relying only
on sensors.... I'll have to try harder next time- I owe MegaMan that much!

-Got a Penguin!
MegaMan gave me a stuffed animal today- a penguin!
I've always loved penguins and the way the swim through the water like they
were flying. Now that I think about it, there were no penguins on Forbidden
I wonder why?

-Got a Model!
Today, MegaMan gave me a scale model of the Sulpher Bottom. It's about 1/200
scale, but it looks just like the real thing. There are some places that could
use some more detail; I'll have to touch it up later- maybe I'll weather it a
Thanks, MegaMan!

-Von Bluecher's Ship
We were able to get the First Key to Von Bluecher safely. I'm always amazed
everytime that ship of his. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to build my
own ship like that.....

-Got a Cushion!
MegaMan gave me a cushion today. I feel a little guilty- he always gives me
things, and I haven't given him anything back. The cushion's soft and very
comfortable. I can use it while working on designs or watching TV.
Thanks, MegaMan!

That Glyde was one of the tougher opponents we've had to face. He has a base
somewhere on Calbania Island- we have to go there next.
I know I shouldn't worry- MegaMan can take care of himself- but still, I hope
he doesn't get hurt.

-Rescue Mission
MegaMan was able to help Appo and Dah rescue their sister.
I never would have imagined that people were living on that island!

-To Nino Island
Now that Glyde is out of the way, we can get inside the Nino ruins.
I wonder what we will find there?

-Second Key
We got the Second Key!
MegaMan's gotten even stronger than I'd imagined! I'm so proud of him! Maybe
I can't go with him on Digs, but I can do my part by designing new weapons for

-Nino Island Caverns
Von Bluecher now has the Second Key. I hope he appreciates it- it sounds like
MegaMan has a rough time in thr ruins on Nino Island.
Everytime I go near him I can smell seawater.

-Teisal Bonne
Now that we've defeated the Bonnes, we can get into the ruins on Saul Kada
Island. I can't believe what a scoundrel Teisal is- using a priceless statue
like that as a shield!

-Third Key**
We found the Third Key! Some of the Bonnes were exploring the ruins before
Megaman got inside- including Tron. I really don't like her- she always says
mean things and tries to get in MegaMan's way. I wish she would just leave us

-What next?
We gave the Third Key to Von Bluecher.
Everything's going just as planned- but with MegaMan on our side, that's only
natural! Now there's only one key left. I wonder what will happen when we get
them all? Will they really take us to the Mother Lode?
I don't know- for some reason, I have a bad feeling.....

-We got a letter!
MegaMan received a letter from Appo and Dah.
I wonder if MegaMan will ever write me a letter?

-Here we go....
After defeating the Bonnes and Glyde one more time, we're finally able to get
into the ruins! One more key to go! MegaMan and I both have our work cut out
for us!

-The Last Key
We found the Fourth Key! I knew MegaMan could do it!
I'm so excited- we're closer to the Mother Lode than anyone ever has gotten

-Good luck, MegaMan!
Looks like MegaMan and I won't be able to see each other for a while.... But
I'm not scared! I know we'll be able to see each other again soon! Good luck,

I realize now that everything I've up until now is because I had MegaMan by
my side....
I've only realized now how much I love him. I'm so happey I have him in my

That's it on the diary entries. I've heard rumors that there might be one or
two more. But I'll wait until another day to check on that.


There were several letters that MegaMan recieves from the Post Office during
the game. Unfortunately, I didn't find this out until near the ned of the game.
So I'm not completely sure when they show up. But the contents in the letters
from the Servbots do refere to certain events.

---Matilda's Letter---

If your wondering where Matilda's letter is, it is located in a drawer in
Barrel's room. I'm not sure if reading has any impact on the game. But I'm
pretty certain it doesn't.

Dear Dad,

I've got exciting news- we're going on an expedition to Forbidden Island,
where you and Bluecher went all those years ago! I remember you telling me when
I was a little girl about your adventures there. About the snow and ice storms,
and about the mysterious diamond in the sky protected by reaverbots... And the
mysterious girl you saw as you blanked out... You know how I love a good
mystery- just thinking about seeing all those things for myself gives me goose
Banner has designed a ship that he thinks can land on the island safely.
We're going to test it tomorrow. We'll leave Roll at the neighbors while we're
If something should happen to us... Please take care of Roll. Well,
we're off. I'll tell you all about Forbidden Island when we get back!


---The Servbots' Letters---

There are two letters from the Servbots. I heard a rumot there might be more.
But I doubt it. There is still something I want to try, so there might still be
one more. Who knows...


---The Twins' Letters---

The twins, Appo and Dah, are learning to read and write from their sister. So
they write MegaMan several letters during the game. Each one shows a
significant improvement in grammer. I guess her lessons are paying off. Now if
only they talked as well as they write.


<><><><><><><><><><>SECTION V: QUIZ Q'S & A'S<><><><><><><><><><>

The Quiz game in Pokte Village was both fun and annoying. It was fun, because
it helped test my knowlegde and find my limits; there were quite a few that I
could answer without having to write down and try several times. I even wrote
down some of those because I'm sure not everyone could answer those. But it was
very annoying too! I mean, almost all of the questions don't even deal with the
game, which is what I thought they would ask. I must written down at least 25%
to 1/3rd of all the questions....
Because the Mayor asks the same questions as the first two girls, I didn't
put a section for her. Instead, I put two sections- one for thr Younger pupil
and one for the older pupil. Since they seem to never ask questions that the
other one asks, I thought it would be better. Heck, by the time I got to the
Mayor I had most of them memorized! That's how much I had to work on. To be
honest, some of the questions I still don't have the answers to, but that's
because I never saw them more than once or twice. Too much randomization!

X-The Youngest Pupil

I am convinced that the youngest pupil is deliberately trying to make you
lose. She asks you off the wall questions, changes subject at least 4 times per
round, plus she scowls if you get a right answer and laughs if you don't. In
fact, hers is the one I had the most trouble with.
Anyway, here are the questions that she asks. The First Pupil never asked
these questions, so I put them into different parts.

Q:Which of these is the hardest stone?
Q:What is the Capital of China?
Q:What is the main ingrediant of the Thai soup "Tom Yan Goong?"
Q:What year was Hall & Oates' hit album "Private Eyes" released?
Q:In Which Brazilian city can the famous Copacabena Beach be found?
A:Rio de Janeiro
Q:What is the Capital of Brazil?
Q:The 3 most well known teas are Darjeeling, Assam and...?
Q:300 years ago, the first rollar coaster was built in what country?
Q:How many atmoshperes can a 30-meter water resistent watch stand?
Q:Which of these cities has the highest latitude?
Q:The highest mountain in the world is?
Q:Who starred in the 1996 movie Evita?
Q:Which of these has the lowest chance of being born?
A:Male Tortoise-shell cat
Q:When did the American Civil War start?
Q:What Apollo prject was the first to land on the moon?
A:Apollo 11
Q:The Java bat is the largest in the world. What is its wingspan?
Q:Who was the the composer of Canon in D Minor?
Q:What is the temperature of a cigarette flame?
A:420 degrees
Q:What does mistletoe use to attach itself to a host tree?
Q:The humid planes around the La Pleta river in Latin America are?

*****More to come, I have a bunch more written down.

XI-The First Pupil

Q:The monk said to be the Middle Ages' most famous Natural Scientist?
Q:Which part of an owl's body is different on the left and right?
Q:The French Revolution began in what year?

*****More to come, I have a bunch more written down.


<><><><><><><><><>FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS<><><><><><><><><><>

I've received several emails asking me questions and such. Surprisingly, none
yet were about the quiz! Anyway, here are some of the questions I've been
asked. I'm sure other people probably want to know the answers too.

Q: How do I get the 'Sower' in the Nino Ruins?
A: I didn't know where to find this either until I played the Race
mini-game, guess I'd forgotten it. You can speed up while on
the Jet Skates/Water Jets. Near the bottom of the ruins, you'll
come across this huge gap. Equip the Water Jets and hop onto
the very top ledge, not the hallway, and turn them on. When you
start to move, push up to speed up and you'll make the jump and
ctach the ledge at the last second. Climb up and grab the chest.

Q: Where are the 'Mechanic's Notes 5'?
A: These are needed to make the shield arm. I believe they are in the
S Ruins. Unfortunately I'm not sure where.*

*Maybe someone can find the exact location, or tell me if I'm wrong. I'm too
busy with Night School to start over. If you can figure it out, E-mail me and
I'll put you in my Credits Section.

Q: Where is the 'Taser'?
A: After you fight Teisel for the Gold Statue, you'll find a guy next
to one of the stone blocks. If you've been really bad and have
gone several shades darker, he'll deal with and you can sell
him the Reaverbot Claw and purchase some stuff. Unfortunately I
hadn't known this at the time and made some heafty donations to
the church. I spent two hours kicking pigs and he didn't even
change color once. My Advice- Don't give any money to the
church, and get darker by kicking the pigs later. Then once you
have the stuff, donate to get lighter again.


<><><><><><><><>CREDITS, CLOSING STATEMENTS, ETC.<><><><><><><><>

Me, Bahamut Zero- For having the guts to do a walkthrough.
***If you need to contact me, E-mail me at ""
but don't include the " " things***
CAPCOM- For making another great game.

If you're a Megaman fan who'd like to use it at your personal page,
cool. If you're a "comprehensive" game guide site that simply trolls
GameFAQs looking for new material to duplicate, don't bother asking.

MegaMan Legends 2 and related names are trademarks of Capcom. Please
don't complain to me about the game if you don't like it.

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17.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Октябрь 2013
In Depth Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Special Weapons FAQ

13.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +6 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018