

17.10.2013 19:13:06
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 03:37:43 EDT
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% Version 2.0 %
% by Fritz Fraundorf %
% erggibbon@aol.com %

The most recent version of this FAQ
is available at Cosmo Canyon:



I. Revision History
II. Frequently Asked Questions
III. Battle Strategies
IV. Characters and Phantoms
Common Phantoms
Doll Phantoms
Shadow Phantoms
V. Weapons and Gear
VI. Spells
VII. Other Stuff
Text Combos
Secret Combos
The Grammar Trick
Phantom Deletion
VIII. Credits / Disclaimer


Version 2.0 (9/18/98):
- Lacryma's walkthrough completed
- Other Stuff section finished
- Added a column that shows whether an item is tradable
or not to the items section
- Look for a Tales of Destiny FAQ in October!

Version 1.0 (8/30/98):
- First version
- Toxa's walkthrough complete, Lacryma's forthcoming
- The Other Stuff section is incomplete thanks to the
fact that I can't play the game with the clear game
file I stupidly created. Expect it in 2.0.


Q. Are there any secret Kartia combinations?
A. Yup. See the "Secret Combos" list under Other Stuff.

Q. How many chapters are there?
A. 18 for each character.

Q. Is possible to create Fynus phantoms?
A. It would seem so, since there's a spot for them in the
Phantom screen and you can get Fynus Armor. However,
the Text to create them hasn't been found (to my

Q. If one of my phantoms dies, do I keep its equipment?
A. Yes.

Q. How do I get stuff out of barrels?
A. Cast a Fire, Flame, or Thunder spell on the barrel to
destroy it. You will automatically get the item.

Q. How come I can't get all of the Text in Toxa's quest?
A. I don't know if it's intentional or not, but for some
reason not all of the Text is available in Toxa's
quest. Sorry.

Q. In Chapter 2 of Lacryma's quest, how can I stop the
Kyau from destroying the two chests?
A. You can't. It's just a sick joke.

Q. How do I beat the final boss of Toxa's quest?
A. See the battle strategies for Toxa's chapter 18.

Q. Where are the Stones of Sunlight?
A. Wrong game.



---Chapter 1: Druid Girl---
On the first round, move your six phantoms directly
forward and attack the enemy phantoms in front of them
-- you're already matched up with the correct phantom
type. Move the four human characters forward as far
as you can. On the second round, take care of any
phantoms remaining from the first row, then move Toxa
forward as far as you can and have him cast a spell on
Misty and the four phantoms surrounding her. Then just
rush her with your phantoms and humans. Be sure to match
up the right phantom types -- use Commons on Dolls, and
Shadows on Commons. Kill all the phantoms first before
you knock out Misty for extra experience. Once Misty is
defeated, you'll win the battle and receive Kartia based
on how well you fought, plus two new Texts.

---Chapter 2: Deal of Justice---
Before beginning this battle, use the Create Phantom
command to create as many phantoms as you can. Be sure
to make some Dolls, because you don't start with any.
It's also a good idea to make a bunch of swords, as the
terrain here is level (swords work best on level terrain).
Send your Common phantoms to kill the Kyau to the left,
while you use the Dolls and Shadows to kill the Shadows
and Commons, respectively. After taking out the first two
phantoms, send your characters out to the sides to open the
chests for Text and Kartia. Also, use a fire or wind spell
to destroy the barrel for another goodie. Kill the two
Beheads with the appropriate phantoms, and send your human
characters to the sides to blow up the crates and barrels
with magic. When you attack the thieves, use swords
when possible. The thieves can and will use Kartia, and
Garum can create more phantoms. While you're fighting the
thieves, send a few Dolls over to kill the two Shadows
guarding Mona. Phantoms are mostly ineffective against
Garum himself, so use your humans. Again, kill all the
other enemies before taking out Garum for more experience.

---Chapter 3: Seeking the Path---
This is where it starts to get interesting. You start
with just Toxa and his phantoms, taking on a horde of
enemies. Before you start, make sure you've got 6
phantoms. You can now make Beheads, so you may want to
create some of those. Then do some item creation to
equip Toxa and the phantoms with the best gear you can
make. Have Toxa bust open the barrels with magic while
the phantoms attack the corresponding enemy phantoms.
If one of your characters is hurt, move them onto the
flowers. At the start of the next round, they'll regain
a chunk of HP. When Turn 4 begins, Alana, Misty, and
Duran will enter, accompanied by Alana's phantoms. Use
them to attack the Morderes (they have indirect attack,
so they can't counterattack, but they *can* shoot at
you), then the Thieves. Since your HP determines how
much damage you can do, spread out your attacks to reduce
the overall power of the enemies. Each of the thieves
will give you a free Silk Kartia when defeated. Once
you've killed everybody but Garum, surround him and
attack him, but don't kill him. As long as you knock
his HP down to 30 or less, he'll heal himself, allowing
you to hit him some more. Again, don't kill him, and
he'll heal again. Build up experience here as long as
you'd like, then finish him off. Cross will then enter
and kill Garum, and Misty will join you.

---Chapter 4: Vigilance---
In this battle, Toxa, Duran, and Misty are joined by
Rimzan and Posha. First, make sure to fill up your ranks
of phantoms -- both Toxa and Rimzan can create phantoms --
and equip everybody (remember, your phantoms can equip
stuff too). Arrange your troops so that your Dolls are on
the right and your Shadows are on the bottom (from the
initial perspective). Once the battle begins, your first
order of business is to get Posha away from the enemies.
First, move Posha towards the rest of the group, and have
her use an earth spell against one of the Shadow Beheads,
then Send your Dolls and Rimzan (who is *very* powerful)
over to take out the Beheads. Use your other human
characters to bust open crates (one of them contains the
very useful Big text) or attack with magic. Use the
Common phantoms to attack the gang of Shadow Morderes,
and send the Dolls towards the Common Morderes. On the
subquest turns, sweep your characters down the street,
attacking the phantoms with the appropriate types. Be
sure to open all the chests for Text and a Unique Axe.
You'll also get another Text when you defeat one of the

---Chapter 5: Adoration---
Before the battle, Troy will give Alana a new Text that
allows you to use more Kartia combinations. Toxa,
Alana, Misty, Duran, and Posha will then go to Three
Leaves Pond to fight the thieves. Fill up your ranks
of phantoms (you can now make Golems), but don't make
any more Shadows, as the enemies has no Commons, so
they're kinda useless. Arrange your troops so that the
Commons are close to the group of enemy Dolls, the Dolls
towards the Shadows, and your Shadows in the far corner
(just leave them there and keep them out of the fight).
When the battle begins, send your two groups towards
the appropriate enemy ones and smash them up. The
Morderes can't cross water, so you'll need to cast an
Ice spell on the water to make a bridge for them. The
phantoms are easy, but then the thieves will come in
and start using magic on you. If you picked up the
Chrysanthemum Text in Chapter 3, you'll have a new
healing spell (thanks to the Grammar Text that Troy
gave you), which will be handy -- remember, if any
of your human characters die, you lose. As always, be
sure to open all the chests for new Text, including the
Dragon Text, which lets you make the aquatic Lizauro
phantoms. They're pretty strong, so you might want to
start making them right now. Don't underestimate this
level -- it looks easy, but the thieves can be pretty

---Chapter 6: Promise---
Toxa is gone, so you have just Alana, Misty, Duran, and
Posha here. The odds may be against you, but this is
actually not that hard of a battle. On your first turn,
use fire spells to destroy the fence and attack the
three Golems with the appropriate kind of phantoms. You
should be able to take them all out on the first turn.
After that, the battle just develops into a melee. Watch
out for the guy with the cannon, at the start of each
round, he'll fire at one of your guys and take off about
50 HP (even on humans). At the beginning of round 3,
Toxa and his phantoms will show up. Unfortunately, they
start so far away from the action that they're kinda
useless, except for healing. Be sure to bust open the
barrels, one of them has a Text inside. You'll also
get another Text from one of the thieves. At the start
of the enemies' third turn, three Lizuaro phantoms (one
of each class) will appear at the far end of the trail.
The Lizuaros are really strong, so be careful when
fighting them. After you get past the thieves and
Lizuaros, the only enemy left is your friend with the
cannon. Send your troops up the mountain; you might be
able to hide your weaker ones behind trees to avoid the
cannon, but don't quote me on this. Getting to the top
of the hill takes a while, so try using magic and Morderes
to take out the thief. The two crates by him contain
1 World Tree Kartia each, nice but not essential. You'll
get a Text for defeating the thief, and two more when
you're awarded your war trophies.

---Chapter 7: The Past Stays---
In this scenario, you take on Cross, who's accompanied
by a large band of funky jellyfish-looking phantoms called
Polypens. (If you picked up the Sea and Lunar Texts
in the last level, you can make these guys too)
Fortunately, the Polypens have the movement range of a
brick, so just keep your guys out of their range as
you advance (you can see an enemy's range by clicking on
it like you were going to move it) until you have enough
forces to take out one of the groups. The spell Sea
Wind works great on them as well. When you get to the pond,
things get a little trickier. The Polypens on the far side
won't come over, so you have to go to them by freezing
the pond with Ice spells. Lizauos are a big help as they
can walk across water, and a couple of Sea Winds can't
hurt. You don't *have* to cross the pond, but the chests
and barrels continue one or two new Texts, some Kartia,
and a Royal Sword, so be sure to pick them up. When
you get to the Lizauos in the final hall, send your human
characters forward to draw them out, then take them out
with the appropriate kind of phantom (Sea Wind works pretty
well on these guys too). On the 8th and 11th turns, enemy
reinforcements will appear on the other side of the map.
Just ignore these; they're too far away to cause any
trouble. Cross himself is a pushover; he's really weak
against earth, and you should be able to take him out with
two or three Lava Rocks.

--Chapter 8: Days of Rest--
These are days of rest, all right, because this is the
easiest level in Toxa's quest. Sure, you're fighting
dragons, but there's only 3, and you got a huge force.
Arrange your characters before the battle so that your
Common phantoms are closest to the Doll Dragon, your Dolls
close to the Shadow, etc. Then just run over and whack
the corresponding dragon out of existance -- they don't
even counterattack! By this time, you should have some
spells that are particularly effective against certain
phantom types (i.e., Mercury does extra damage to Commons);
have your humans use these while the phantoms loot the
place -- the chests have some new Texts and a set of
Warrior armor. Try to keep Toxa's phantoms out of danger
and use Bachstail's instead, as Bachstail's are completely
expendable (he only shows up in this one level). You
should get a load of Kartia when you beat the level,
plus four more Texts.

--Chapter 9: Sign of Fun--
In this unusual scenario, your goal is to try to wipe out
all the enemy phantoms in 10 rounds. It's not as easy
as it looks -- every 2 rounds, about 12 more enemies will
appear. In fact, I wouldn't even try to win, because you
don't have to. Just make a bunch of Slashing Swords for
your humans (they do more damage to Dolls, and all the
starting enemies are Dolls), earn some experience, and
grab the chests for a Text and a set of Diamond gear. You
also get to use Kun for the first time in this scenario;
he's not a good magic-user (he can only use ONE Kartia!),
but he's a great fighter, with a high attack *and*
defense. Anyway, just case the place, and when things
start looking hairy, send one of your humans to their
demise. As soon as they "die", the mission will end,
and you'll be rewarded according to how many rounds you
lasted and how many phantoms you killed. Note that any
phantoms you lost in this scenario will stay dead, which
is why I don't suggest trying to win. If anybody out there
actually manages to clear out all the enemies, I'd love
to hear from you.

--Chapter 10: Kindness--
Another easy level; the only interesting thing here is the
fish-like Garorks you fight. You also should able to
create Pardoses (Pardi?) now; they're powerful centaur-like
phantoms. However, they can't move in the water, so
they're kind of useless here. You'll mostly be using
your human characters; send a few phantoms to kill the
two Polypens, then advance into the water and hunt down
all the fish and Lizauros. At the start of most enemy
turns, a new enemy will appear at the end of the river,
so post a few land-based phantoms there to take out the
newcomers. Be sure to bust all the barrels, including
the two on the other side of the lake; most of them
contain Texts. After wiping out all the phantoms, you'll
win the level. In the scenes that follow, you're given
the Intermediate Grammar Text, allowing you to use more
Kartia combos.

--Chapter 11: Knight's Choice, Her Choice--
This level looks daunting at first, until you realize
that almost all the enemies are Commons. So fill up your
ranks with a lot of Shadow Pardoses and Minotaurs. Also,
you've probably stockpiling Kartia over the last couple
of levels, so use it to create a lot of equipment for
your troops. You should have the Ultra text, mix into
everything you create for a +3 bonus (and it's only a
Silk Kartia!). Once the battle begins, use a flame spell
to burn through the fence ahead of you, then go for a
three-pronged attack. You'll notice some cannons behind
you on the fort; you can use these if you move somebody
all the way up there, but by the time you get there, none
of the enemies will be in range, so just forget about it.
(The barrels just contain a +2 Diamond Sword and Tech
Shoes, nice but not important -- grab 'em if you feel like
it). After taking out the phantoms, you have to face the
Akueldo soldiers. Just use a couple of Big Rock or other
earth spells from a distance to take them out. As long as
you don't stand right next to them, they'll just there and not
even attack you! (great AI...) Be sure to open the chests
from some additional Texts before you finish off all the

--Chapter 12: Conspiracy--
All of a sudden, things get really tough. You're surrounded
on three sides and outnumbered, and facing a large number
of human enemies, all of whom can (and will) hit you with
wide-area Giant Quakes and other spells. Before beginning
the battle, delete any phantoms you have that are lesser
than a Kabanda and replace them with Pardoses and Minotaurs.
Then do a lot of equipment making. A lot. You want lots
of +4 Platinum Swords and Replica Masamunes, and good armor
is important too. Also, if you haven't been making spears
and axes, make a few good ones too. Don't forget to equip
it all! (just use the Auto Equip option) Once the battle
begins, immediately use Duran to cast Flame on the three
nearby barrels for the important Star and Seven Texts, which
you give a number of new spell and equipment choices. Move
your troops off the side of the road and fight through the
phantoms and Knights there. Use the Giant Quake spell as
much as you can to damage wide ranges of enemies (be sure
to use the Circle button to check the enemies' magic defense,
though -- if they have an Earth defense more than 45, use
something else). Most of the enemies (except the two fish)
will come to you, the trick is just in killing them. With
all the quake spells being cast, the ground is going to get
pretty messed up, and that's where the spears and axes come
in. Remember, spears are good when attacking from below,
and axes when attacking from above. Be sure to equip the
right type of weapon before you attack; it will greatly
increase the damage you can do. Finally, be sure to keep
Posha protected, as she's weak and easily killed. Oh, and
the enemy will get 2 more knights on turn 2, and 3 more on
turn 6, so adjust your strategy accordingly. Be prepared
to take a lot of casualties here; you may lose your entire
group of phantoms.

--Chapter 13: The Original--
This level is a nice break from the anarchy of #12. Since
you've probably lost a lot of your phantoms, fill up your
ranks with an equal number of Minotaurs, Pardoses, and the
new Satelles. You might also want to toss in a Garork or
two; even though they're fish, they can still function on
land, and they can shoot. Have four phantoms and Posha (for
healing) take out the two guys behind you, while you divide
your other characters into three groups. Send Toxa's group
to the left (facing the door you came in), and another group
to the right. Kill the phantoms (they have that classic moron
AI again and won't attack unless you're right next to them) and
retrieve the chests. To get to some of the chests, you'll
have to burn the bookcases with a fire spell. As for the
third group, advance them forward and take out the three
Satelles. After you get the chests, send the side groups
back down the stairs and regroup with the lead team -- except
for Toxa himself. Send him to grab the chest on the high
shelf, then jump down onto the floor below and circle around
the back of the altar that holds the Kartia case. Keep Posha's
team at the doors to take out the stream of soldiers coming
into the library. Send the big main group around the
*opposite* side of the altar from Toxa, and just send a few
characters in Toxa's direction. The enemies will all move to
stop your main group, allowing Toxa and company to slip in
around the back. Use the Twister spell to take out the
three soldiers guarding the case (they're weak against
air), and don't forget to grab the chest in the far back.
The scenario will end as soon as Toxa walks onto the gray
square in front of the case, so you'll probably want to kill
off the remaining enemies for experience first.

--Chapter 14: The Final Winner--
Fill up any blank spaces in your roster, then arrange
your characters so that the Shadows are in the lead.
Have them move up and kill the three Common Satelles.
Advance your other characters up afterwards. Don't
forget about Karis, either -- have her attack the nearby
Garork. Then comes the fun part. The eight enemy
soldiers will come down and start blasting you with
magic. You'll just have to sit through it (there's really
nothing you can do) until it's your turn. Have Karis
finish off the Garork, then attack the soldiers with your
main group. Use an air magic spell or two to soften
them up, then finish them off with your Satelles and
Minotaurs. Remember, you're fighting on an incline, so
either equip spears or get on the same level as the
enemy. Magic really isn't all that effective; you'll
need your phantoms here. On round 3, Cross himself will
probably come down. DON'T KILL HIM! If you do, the
level will end, and you can't get all the chests.
Concentrate on taking out the soldiers instead. As
the soldier ranks thin, split off two small groups of
characters and send them off to the sides to kill the
soldiers guarding the chests. Have Karis open the chest
closest to the red carpet for a Text (the other one just
has Kartia), then move her over to aid one of the side
groups (attack from above with an axe). Also send a Doll
phantom, preferably a Minotaur, up to get the chests in
the far corner. The one close to the carpet has a Text,
the other one just has Kartia. Once you've gotten all
the chests, finish off Cross. In the scenes that follow,
you'll get the Advanced Grammar Text, and Posha will become
a Shrine Warrior.

--Chapter 15: Eden--
This battle would be tough, were it not for the new Grammar
Text you got, which allows gives you access to many new
items and spells, plus the Akoniet phantom. Fill up your
ranks, and arrange the phantoms so that the Commons are
on the outside. Then advance your Commons forward in two
groups to take out the Doll Kaliyas, with the majority of
your forces heading towards the dragons and not the chests.
When the small team reaches the chests, be sure to open them.
One of them contains the Hydra Text, which lets you make
your own dragons. The enemy dragons can be a bit of a
problem thanks to their long range, but with all the new
spells you have (Lotus Flame, Thunder Copy, etc.), you should
be able to rip them a new one. And since they can't
counterattack, you can have even weak characters attack them
without fear of retaliation. While the main group is taking
on the dragons, send the small group by the pond to kill
the Akoniets and catch any fleeing dragons.

--Chapter 16: Into the Light--
Again, you're up against dragons, but they're really not
that tough. You should be able to rush them and kill them
with Akoniets and Satelles pretty quickly. By now, you
should have the Roll Typhoon spell, which will pick a random
enemy and cast a strong (stronger than normal) Typhoon
spell on it. What's so good about this? Well, you can
use it to hit enemies that are normally out of range, and
it also does a lot of damage. It's one of the best spells
in the game, so don't overlook it. There's some Garorks
out in the water; just ignore them or take them out with a
Roll Typhoon. As for Cross and Asty, go after Cross first;
he has some really powerful spells like Garuda Flame and
Lotus Flame. Spread your phantoms out to avoid taking too
many casualties, and keep an eye out for Posha. Once Cross
goes down, finish off Asty. If you want, use the same trick
you used on Garum in Chapter 3 -- knock her down to less
than 30 HP and she'll heal herself, allowing you to pound
on her some more for additional experience. Repeat as much
as you want (you can also use this time to pick up the four
chests if you haven't yet), then finish her off.

--Chapter 17: Bond... James Bond--
You'll probably want some dragons for this level, so
create some if you haven't yet. Put them on the sides
of your group before the battle, then send them out to
get the first hits on the enemy dragons. You probably
can't reach them with conventional magic, so cast a few
Roll Typhoons and you should be able to hit them. Split
your groups in two and head up the two sides of the room,
picking up the chests along the way for the final Texts.
The soldiers will all (probably) gravitate to the right
side of the room, but the reinforcements will keep appearing
on the left side of the room. Wind magic is effective
against the soldiers and Kaliyas; use it. There's a pretty
much equal number of enemies on each sides, so divide your
party evenly. Watch out for the Kyaus that appear several
rounds into the battle -- they don't do any physical harm,
but if they get to the chests, they'll blow them up! This
is not a good thing. Do whatever it takes to stop them --
they have a high evade rate, but just keep attacking until
you get rid of both of them. The final group of soldiers
is very resistant to magic; Thunder Copy is about the only
thing that works on them, so use that. Be sure to open the
chest in the back, as it contains the Unlimited License,
which allows you to use every combo in the game. Try to
finish off all the enemies before the end of turn 7, because
after then they'll start getting massive reinforcements.
If this happens, kill off all the original enemies, then
march across to take on the newcomers while casting Roll

--Chapter 18: Eternity--
Before beginning this battle, go to your weapon creation
screen and outfit your five human completely with Dream
armor (even if it's weaker than they stuff they have).
This will boost their magic defense dramatically, and is
the key to winning here. If any of your phantoms are
lacking in equipment, gear them up too, although it's
not quite as important. Also, arrange all your characters
so they're all lined up on the left side of the start area.
When the battle begins, send them all around the *same* side
of the fountain -- don't split up! You're up against the very
tough Fynus phantoms, the ultimate kind of phantom. They make
look kinda weird, but they have an extremely high defense. Use
a combination of Dragons, Akoniets, and properly-matched magic
to take them out. As for the the enemy dragons, they
shouldn't be any problem, just use your own dragons or
some magic to take them out. Be liberal with your Kartia,
you won't need it after this (versus mode uses its own Kartia).
Once Saradiart gets close, go after him! His elemental
defense is insane, the only spell that works on him is
Thunder Copy. His physical defense is less, but his sword
restores his HP when he uses it, so attacking him will
usually *give* him HP (not to mention hurting you). Just
bring in all five of your characters and Thunder Copy him.
You should be able to kill him in one or two rounds -- as
long as you have a high magic defense, you'll win. After
the game concludes, you'll be given the chance to make a
Clear Game save. This lets you use the experience you
gained in Versus Mode, as well as letting you start Lacryma's
quest with all your equipment (as if the game wasn't even
enough). On the other hand, you'll lose any phantoms that
died in this battle. Phantoms aren't too important in
Versus mode (you can only use 5 characters), so I'd create
a Clear Game save.


--Chapter 1: Meeting--
On the first round, send your Common phantom to the
right and open the chest for a new Text. Send the
Shadow phantom up onto the raised area to the left.
The Doll phantom and your humans should just advance
forward. As you do, use a Flame spell on the barrels
to destroy them, and you'll find some items. Also
have Troy use his Create Phantom command to create a
new Shadow Miles phantom. On the second round, send
your original Shadow phantom to attack the Common one
on the platform. Everybody else should just move
forward, but have Troy create another Common or Doll
phantom. The fighting will begin on the third round.
Be sure to match up the phantom types when attacking
-- Common beats Doll, Doll beats Shadow, Shadow beats
Common. Before finishing off the enemies, use Flame
spells to burn the barrels in the back for some
equipment and Kartia. After you kill all the phantoms,
you'll win the battle and earn Kartia and Text based
on how well you fought.

--Chapter 2: Truth and Lies--
Start by having Posha (who's mostly useless) open the
chests, while the rest of your characters advance forward
and right, towards the main ramp. Zakuro will flee
into the corner; don't worry about him for now. Take
out the phantoms on the lower level, then head up the
stairs (remember to match phantom types correctly!).
Open all the chests along the way for additional Text.
The Kyau in the far corner will destroy the two chests
near it; there's nothing you can do prevent this, so don't
worry about getting them. Just kill the other Kyau
before it touches any of the other chests. Note that the
two Beheads guarding the corner won't move, so you don't
need to worry about them until you've cleaned out the
others. As you defeat the enemy Phantoms, you'll pick up
a set of Stone weapons as well as a Chain Jacket. After
taking out all the Phantoms, go after Zakuro. He has a
high physical defense, so use magic on him (the Icicle
spell works wonders on him). Oh, and, despite what
Troy says, you *can* use fire spells in here.

--Chapter 3: Protector of the Law--
Rimzan will join you at the beginning of this battle.
Create some new Behead Phantoms to fill up your ranks,
and don't forget to equip them. Then use the "Change
the Position" command to move your two Shadow Phantoms
and Rimzan to the front line, with the other Phantoms
behind them. Put Lacryma and Kun next to the barrels,
so they can break them with magic at the start of the
battle. On the first round, move your three lead
characters forward and attack the first three enemies.
It may seem like the battle is impossible due to the
overwhelming odds, and guess what... it is! All you
have to do is take out the first 11 or so enemies (the
two sets of Beheads, and the Morderes). Then, on the
beginning of the next round, Troy and Posha will show
up and the battle will end. Because of this, don't go
rushing into the enemies or you'll get attacked by ones
you don't need to kill. Use healing spells to keep your
characters healthy -- remember, if any of the humans die,
you lose. You can also move characters onto the flowers
around the map to get healed. Take note of the new
Mordere phantoms, as they can shoot. Have your phantoms
go after them while Rimzan kills the Beheads; he's a
great fighter. Just ignore the enemies that don't move;
they're not important. When you've killed all the moving
ones, Posha and Troy will arrive, and the battle ends.

--Chapter 4: Defense War--
You can make Morderes now; they have a range attack but
can't attack close-up. Since you have space for 6
phantoms, I recommend having one Behead of each class
and one Mordere. Use them to take out the first three
Morderes. Then move your characters forward so that
they're just out of the other Morderes' range. (To see
the range, click on an enemy Mordere, then add 3 spaces
to the move range as it can shoot three spaces). Send
Kun or some other human character just into the range to
draw out the Morderes, then attack them. Repeat. The
two Thieves can cast magic, but as they and the Morderes
have a tendency to get bunched up in a large group, they're
a good target for a Strong Quake or Force Quake spell.
At the beginning of Turn 5, Alana and Ele will appear
at the bottom of the map, and Zakuro will run away. Have
Alana and Ele take out the two Golems on the road with
magic (or weapons, Ele's a good fighter) while the main
group cleans up the remaining phantoms. All in all, this
isn't that difficult a level, so you should get a lot of
Kartia at the end.

--Chapter 5: Her Way--
If you've played Toxa's quest, this level is really similar
to his level 5. You have the Basic Grammar now, which
gives you some more Kartia combos. Fill up your phantom
ranks with the new Golem phantoms, then divide them into two
balanced groups. Send one towards the four Golems, and the
other towards the four Lizauros. Note that Morderes can't
cross water, so you'll have to use an ice spell to freeze
the river and allow them to cross (this only applies to
the team heading across the river). Watch out for the
thieves; they can (and will) use magic, plus some of them
will create additional Phantoms. For healing, use the
Chrysan Water spell, which you should have now. As always,
be sure to open all the chests for new Text, including the
Dragon Text, which lets you make the aquatic Lizauro
phantoms. They're pretty strong, so you might want to
start making them right now. Smash the barrels as well
for a Silver Spear and another Text. You can put out the
campfires with a water spell, this doesn't really serve any
purpose (except to get them out of the way) but is kinda
cool. You'll probably burn through a lot of Kartia in this
level, so pay a trip or two to the Arena afterwards if you're

--Chapter 6: A Hint of Corruption--
This level looks easy, but it's not. The enemy keeps
getting reinforcements, and the thieves will summon
additional Phantoms. Begin by advancing your characters
just out of the enemy's range, so you can move in and
attack on the second round. On the enemy's third turn,
they will get 4 Doll Lizauros (2 on each side of the
map near the chasm) and 4 Shadow Lizauros (in two pairs behind
your forces) as reinforcements. There's nothing you can do
to prevent this, just know it's coming and plan your
strategy accordingly (i.e., move the appropriate kind of
Phantoms over to where they will appear). After they
get that round of reinforcements, they won't get any more.
Wide-area this battle is mostly just a melee; the strategy
here is in doing as much damage as possible on each round.
Plan out how you're going to each character before you
start moving them so that as many people attack as
possible. Try not to "waste" strong characters' attacks
on weak enemies -- i.e., if an enemy has 10 HP, don't use
a character with 95 HP to kill them, use one with 45 HP.
Quake spells, especially Power Quake, are very useful
here. (Power Quake isn't listed in the Grammar; you'll
have to Mix it -- see Secret Combos for more info). Once
you've taken out all the enemies on the cliffs, send your
characters across the bridge with the humans in the lead
(to take damage) and finish off the remaining enemies.

--Chapter 7: Part of Eden--
The map here is the same as the one in Toxa's chapter 2,
but the battle is different. For one things, the ruins
will fall apart. Yes, that's right. Not content with
merely deforming terrain and burning trees, the designers
actually made ruins that collapse -- is that cool or what?
The four tall pillars will all fall down if you stand
under them (the first set towards the middle of the map,
the second set towards the outside of the ruins), doing
a hefty amount of damage (40-ish) to whoever triggered
it, so watch out! Start the battle by killing the two
Polypens, then send as many characters as it takes to get
rid of the two Kyaus -- you *don't* want them eating the
chests. Zakuro will probably summon another Kyau, which
will eat the chest near him if you don't stop it. To do
so, use Morderes and Lizauros to kill off one of the
Kabandas blocking the archway, then rush two humans through
and cast long-range spells (Harsh Thunder or something)
on the Kyau. Other than that, this is a pretty simple level.
Just be sure to blow up all the barrels and crates and
open all the chests.

--Chapter 8: Regret--
Arrange your troops at the start of battle so all your
Shadow phantoms are on the left, near the gang of Common
Lizauros. (Strangely, Alana has somehow inherited Bach's
phantoms). Send a human character with them so you can
bust the barrels. You'll need to use lots of ice spells
to freeze the water (you can wade through shallow water,
but not the river tiles). Use Ice Flow to freeze several
squares at a time. Lizauros are useful as they can take
shortcuts through the shallow water when possible. Watch
out for the Garorks, they can do a lot of damage when
attacking the right phantom type. Since they can't
counterattack, though, you can run in and attack them
before they get a turn. The Polypens shouldn't be anything
to worry about.

--Chapter 9: The Day She Cried--
The winding layout of this level makes it a bit different
than usual. Keep your Shadows and Commons in the lead
as you go down the road, since the first enemy group you'll
be encountering are all Common Morderes. Keep your
human characters near the front of the pack; you'll want
them for their healing abilities and attack magic -- water
magic is very effective against the Kabandas (use Gun
Water). Watch out for the Pardos (the centaur guy), it
can really do a number on you and has high defense. The
Morderes should be your last priority; they're annoying,
but they shouldn't do too much damage at this point in the
game. However, if they start to run away, kill them to
stop them -- otherwise, you'll have to chase them to the
far edge. On turn 8, the enemy will get some reinforcements
at the windmill on the final bridge, making things a bit
more interesting there. Just send two human characters
in the lead (as they generally have a higher defense) to
block the enemies and take hits until the next round, when
you can move in and attack. Oh, and this probably goes
without saying, but don't forget the chests and barrels.

--Chapter 10: Quiet Stream--
This level is extremely similar to Toxa's chapter 9 (Sign
of Fun), but it's easier. Fill up any blank spots in
your roster with Common Pardoses, and equip Duran with a
Slashing Sword. Spread your characters out towards the
corners and attack all the Doll Kabandas (the only kind of
starting enemy). Use the Sea Water spell against them; not
only are they weak against water, Sea Water does extra
damage to Dolls. Try and keep your human characters in
the lead, because at the beginning of the enemy's second
turn, a bunch of Pardoses will appear and start attacking.
You'll want them to attack your human characters, as they
have the highest defense. The Common and Shadow Pardoses
are weak against fire, while the Dolls are weak against
water. Be sure to open all the chest; two of them contain
Diamond Gear, and the other two contain a load of Text,
including the mighty Ultra text, a Silk text that can
combine with anything to give it a +3 bonus. The battle
will end when either a human character dies (you still go
on to the next level as it's just an arena), or you kill
all the enemies... try to make it the latter. You *do*
lose any phantoms that die here for good, so be warned.
When the battle ends, you'll receive Kartia and items based
on the number of rounds you fought and whether or not you
won the battle. In the scenes that follow, you'll receive
an Intermediate Grammar text, and all your characters'
Kartia and equipment levels will increase (except for

--Chapter 11: Silence--
First of all, since all your main characters have advanced
in equipment ranks, be sure to re-equip them. Then use
the Remove Phantom command and delete any Morderes and
Polypens you might still have, and replace them all with Pardoses
and Centaurs. They're probably going to get killed anyway, and
you need tougher troops. Equipment does make a difference,
so if you're still using garbage, make some Platinum
Blades and armor -- it can mean the difference between
taking off 92 HP out of 100 or all 100. After equipping
everybody, arrange your characters so that they're all
as close to the road as you can get, and spread out your
human characters among the line. Move your characters
to the far edge of the road, spreading them out into three
equal groups, but don't move past the road. Wait through the
first two rounds (torch the barrels while you're waiting
for Text and items), and the enemy Minotaurs will move up
near the road into you range. On the beginning of turn 3,
rush forward and attack. Try to keep your characters fairly
close together and don't rush one character (especially not
human ones) into a bunch of enemies; they'll be dead for
sure. Remember to use axes when attacking an enemy from
above, and spears when attacking from below. As long as you
don't go down the slope, the Garorks will leave you alone, so
wait until you've killed off all the Minotaurs before you go
after the Garorks. As you're fighting the Garorks, the soldiers
will probably start moving forward. Aside from Energy Monster,
spells don't work very well on the soldiers, so use weapons.
The soldiers will often try to run by you; if they do, quickly
chase after them and kill them or you'll have to waste valuable
time (as the old saying goes, "Time is Kartia", or something
like that) chasing them down. Oh, and for the pyro in all
of us, you can burn the sign by the road ^_^.

--Chapter 12: Inquirer--
In this clever level, you have to use Quake spells to
modify the terrain so that you can reach the top of the
cliffs where the enemy's cannons are located. Divide
your characters into two groups; one small group heading
left (burn through the barrels and fence) and the main
group going forward. The thieves and soldiers will rain
cannon fire and Takeru Thunder spells down on you, but
they can rarely do enough damage to kill any one target,
so you should be able to just heal back up with Chrysan
Water. The small group should have no problem taking
out the two enemies and taking over the cannon, but the
large group will need to use Harsh Quake (or any other
spell that raises the land) to raise the land around
the cannon. Try to aim the spells so that you'll damage
the Soldier and Idorus Knight on top while still changing
the terrain. As soon as the land is high enough to
attack the enemies, move in and attack them with spears
(assuming they're standing on the edge) -- just be
careful not to get within range of the Satelles. Keep
raising the land until you can move up on top of the
plateau to finish off the enemies above and take over
the cannon (and don't forget to burn the box for a Text).
Once you have the cannons, position one character on the
metal square next to them and you can fire them. Leave
some wimpy characters here (note that anybody can fire
the cannons and not just humans) to shoot at the Satelles
and Garorks, while the rest of your characters in to attack
the Satelles on foot. Earth spells, like Wide Quake,
are particularly effective on them, and if you lower the
ground enough, you might get items (I got a Weave Robe).
By this time, the small party should have rejoined the
main party, and you can charge the fortress. To hit the
further two Garorks, you'll have to use magic or (preferably)
your own Garorks. Other than that, you should be able to
wipe out the enemies pretty easily, especially if you use
wide-range spells like Wide Quake or Flame King. Just
don't forget to loot all the barrels and chests.

--Chapter 13: Wandering Mind--
First, the good news: Garorks move faster in water than
they do in land. Now, the bad news: Pardoses can't cross
water at all. In other words, you'll have to make an
ice bridge. First, create a Garork of each phantom type
if you don't have one of each flavor already. Then send
Kun and Ele out to burn the nearby barrels, while Troy uses
the Ice Age spell (or a weaker spell, if you don't have Ice
Age) to freeze a path across the river. Make the path as far
downstream as you can. Meanwhile, send your Pardoses
(and Lizauros, if you still have any) into the river, and
have them shoot at the three Pardoses. As long as you don't
move right up the shore, they can't hit you, either. By the
time you finish the ice bridge, the Pardoses should be
dead. If this all sounds a bit too easy to be true, that's
because it is. On the enemy's fourth turn, six Garorks will
appear at the head of the river and immediately move in
to attack. Use your own Garorks and Lizauros to take them
out, aided by some spells. Your land-based troops (Pardoses,
Minotaurs, and Satelli) should concentrate on the soldiers.
Wind spells are generally the most effective on them
magic-wise, but you're probably better off with weapons.

--Chapter 14: Bride of Heathen--
This level would be difficult were it not for the fact
that it features what is quite possibly the worst AI in
the history of video games. Instead of attacking you,
the enemies will actually RUN AWAY from you or just
stay put while you mow them down. You almost feel
guilty slaughtering them... almost ^_^. First of all, almost
all the enemies are Commons, which a few Shadows mixed
in -- so make a lot of Shadow Kaliyas, a few Dolls, and
one or two Commons. The only enemies you really have
to worry about are the soldiers, but you should be able
to kill all them in the first round. Meanwhile, send
Lacryma backwards to the door and grab the chests and
barrels there. Then just send your phantoms up onto the
upper level and start hacking away the Akoniets. Unless you
are standing right next to them, the Akoniets will run away
from you, towards Lacryma, so you don't have to worry about
them sneaking up on your characters -- just move the right
kind of phantoms in and kill them. The Kaliyas don't
even move at all, so you can pick them off completely
at your leisure. You might as well do it quickly, though,
so you can get as much Kartia as possible for your
reward -- just don't forget to burn all the crates and
barrels sitting around. Honestly, if you can't beat
this level, you don't deserve to be playing this game.
Try Yoshi's Story, it might be more your speed. After
this sad little level comes to a close, there will be
a whole bunch of scenes, so sit back and relax -- you
didn't earn it.

--Chapter 15: Tender Lie--
There will be a bunch more scenes, in which Lacryma gets
a stat boost, then you have to save Rimzan from a pack
of dragons. Move all your characters up to the upper-right
corner of the allowable area (closest to the chests),
then begin the battle. Start by moving Rimzan into
the water and having him cast a Glacier spell on the water
in front of him to make a platform. Have him sit here
(to avoid most of the dragons) while the rest of your
characters run around the side of the lake towards
the dragons (be sure to grab the chests; one of them
contains the Hydra text that will allow you to make
dragons in the next level). It's basically just a melee
-- just rush at the dragons and start hacking away.
They can't counterattack, and with their long range
they can hit you no matter where they are, so there's
no reason not to rush them. You might lose a few
phantoms, but there's not a whole lot you can do about
it. After the battle, you'll get the Advanced Grammar,
and Rimzan joins.

--Chapter 16: Invisible Chain--
Kun gets his stat boost, then your new team of five
fights a bunch of phantoms (original, huh?). This is
a pretty generic battle; just split up into two
groups and fight your way down the sides of the town.
Watch out for the two Doll Kaliyas that start right
next to you; they're easy to mistake for your own
troops. Your new Grammar Text allows you to make
Dragons, and cast a bunch of new spells, including
Roll Typhoon, which is one of the best spells in the
game. It causes a very strong Typhoon spell to
strike a random enemy (and any other ones nearby),
which means you can hit guys all the way across the
map. With it and your other stuff, you should have
no problem breezing through here. Just be sure to
burn *every* crate, because all of them contain at
least one Text, and some contain two.

--Chapter 17: End of the Dream--
Rimzan has sort of vanished (d'oh!), so you're back
to your core four characters. Be sure to mix up
your character and phantoms a little from the initial
lineup, as it's a little unbalanced. Put a bunch of
Shadows on the left side and some Dolls on the right.
On the first round, be sure to kill the Kyau right
away before it devours any chests. Send two speedy
characters up the back to grab the chests while you
clean up all the Akoniets. Regroup, and send two
Shadows up the far left staircase and two Dolls up
the far right side. They shouldn't have any trouble
beating the dragons and collecting the chests. Also
send two well-armored characters into the little rooms
near the side staircases to get the chests tucked in
there (the dragons will shoot at you, so you need a
good defense). Be sure to get all the chests, because
the last one you open will contain the Unlimited
License, which fills the remaining slots in your Grammar.
The rest of your gang should move up onto the front platform
to fight Vandor and the soldiers (Vandor and the Soldiers...
that would be a good band name). Use Decadent Quake (End +
World + Law + Quake; it won't be in your Grammar unless
you have the Unlimited License, but you can always use
the Grammar Trick) to take out the soldiers. Vandor
is pretty tough; have Troy and Lacryma use Thunder Copy
or Speed Fire (you need the Unlimited License to cast
Speed Fire) to take him out in 2 hits. Note that you have
to defeat *every* enemy to win the battle, not just Vandor,
so getting rid of him quickly might be a good idea.

--Chapter 18: Farewell--
It's off to Pentagram for the last battle, but before
you start, make a bunch of equipment for your characters,
especially weapons (Kusanagi Blades and Dark Muramasas).
Arrange your characters so that they're at the upper-left
corner of the start area, then begin. The toughest
opponents here are the Fyni, the ultimate phantoms.
Use a combination of Akoniets, Dragons, and magic to
beat them -- the spell you want to use here is Core Quake,
the strongest spell yet discovered (there may be a better
one...). It's not in the Grammar, so you have to mix it
manually with End + World + Star + Law + Quake. It will
slaughter the dragons, and do a fair amount of damage to
the Fyni. Advance your guys across the altar (don't worry
about being hit by the dragons, they can't do much damage).
Zakuro is a wimp -- in my game, I took him out with ONE
Core Quake -- but Beltshumeltz (love that name!) is a bit
stronger. First, Core Quake and attack away his Fynus
bodyguards (in this game's usual display of AI incompetence,
they won't attack unless you move right up next to them)
until you have a clear path to Beltshumeltz. The big B is
basically immune to magic (Core Quake won't even do 10
damage), so you have to use physical attacks -- but his
weapon recovers HP when he counterattacks. First, use
all your dragons fire at him to lower his HP as much as
possible, then have Lacryma, Kun, and your phantoms attack
him up close. He gets back about 15 HP when he attacks,
so make sure you deal more than that to him. Once
Beltshumeltz and Zakuro are both dead, you'll win the
game! Sit back and enjoy the ending... I liked this one
a lot more than Toxa's...


Coming in version 3.0.



Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Kartia: 3 Magic Defense: 25/12/25/37
Can create Phantoms

ALANA IL VANYA - Kartia Swordsman
Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: D
Kartia: 4 Magic Defense: 37/25/25/37
Can create Phantoms

DURAN BOUQUET - Shrine Warrior
Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Kartia: 3 Magic Defense: 25/37/37/25

ELE LA MONELLA SHINON - Daughter of the Count
Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: E
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: E
Kartia: 2 Magic Defense: 35/25/25/37

MISTY ROUGE - Kartia Swordsman
Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: D
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Kartia: 3 Magic Defense: 12/25/25/25

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: A
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: A
Kartia: 2 Magic Defense: 76/55/55/55
Can create Phantoms

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: E
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: E
Kartia: 2 Magic Defense: 14/14/14/14

BACHSTAIL - Adventurer
Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Kartia: 4 Magic Defense: 58/58/58/58
Can create Phantoms

LACRYMA CHRISTI - Shrine Warrior
Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: D
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: D
Kartia: 3 Magic Defense: 48/68/68/48

KUN VINE - Trainee Knight
Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Kartia: 1 Magic Defense: 31/31/31/31

KARIS - Inquirer
Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Kartia: 5 Magic Defense: 85/85/85/85

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: E
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: D
Kartia: 4 Magic Defense: ?
Can create Phantoms

POSHA SAINT-AMOUR - Shrine Warrior*
Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: D
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Kartia: 4 Magic Defense: 57/77/77/57

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Kartia: 5 Magic Defense: 127/107/107/107

KUN VINE - Knight***
Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: A
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: A
Kartia: 3 Magic Defense: 81/81/81/81

* Posha becomes a Shrine Warrior near the end of Toxa's
quest, boosting her stats.

** Lacryma becomes an Inquirer near the end of her quest,
boosting her stats.

*** Kun becomes a Knight near the end of Lacryma's quest,
boosting his stats.

%%%COMMON PHANTOMS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Move Type: Ground Weapon Rank: N/A
Attack Type: Indirect/1 Armor Rank: N/A
Can Equip: Nothing Magic Defense: 25/25/25/25
Speed: 50 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: D
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: E
Can Equip: All but armor Magic Defense: 13/25/31/31
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: E
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: D
Can Equip: All but helm Magic Defense: 14/34/47/14
Speed: 10 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ground Weapon Rank: N/A
Attack Type: Indirect/2-3 Armor Rank: D
Can Equip: Helm only Magic Defense: 2/51/37/30
Speed: 0 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Can Equip: Weapons, helm Magic Defense: 25/25/33/47
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Wtr and Grnd Weapon Rank: D
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: D
Can Equip: All Magic Defense: 27/51/35/26
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/^/^

Move Type: Floating Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: N/A
Can Equip: Weapon only Magic Defense: 29/62/29/29
Speed: 10 Movement: ^/^/^/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can Equip: Weapons, boots Magic Defense: 23/32/66/40
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ground Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can Equip: All but boots Magic Defense: 7/43/60/60
Speed: 10 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can Equip: All but helm Magic Defense: 27/54/54/45
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Water surface Weapon Rank: N/A
Attack Type: Indirect/3-4 Armor Rank: N/A
Can Equip: Nothing Magic Defense: 28/76/38/48
Speed: 0 Movement: ^/^/O/X

Move Type: Ordinay Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Can Equip: Weapon, boots Magic Defense: 30/60/80/30
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can Equip: All but boots Magic Defense: 53/42/73/42
Speed: 10 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Can Equip: Weapon, armor Magic Defense: 12/87/53/66
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/^/^

Move Type: Ground Weapon Rank: N/A
Attack Type: Indirect/1-5 Armor Rank: N/A
Can Equip: Nothing Magic Defense: 46/69/58/58
Speed: 0 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: A
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: A
Can Equip: All Magic Defense: 92/141/141/125
Speed: 0

%%%DOLL PHANTOMS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Move Type: Ground Weapon Rank: N/A
Attack Type: Indirect/1 Armor Rank: N/A
Can Equip: Nothing Magic Defense: 25/25/25/25
Speed: 50 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: D
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: E
Can Equip: All but armor Magic Defense: 38/6/31/25
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: E
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: D
Can Equip: All but helm Magic Defense: 41/14/47/8
Speed: 10 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ground Weapon Rank: N/A
Attack Type: Indirect/2-3 Armor Rank: D
Can Equip: Helm only Magic Defense: 30/30/37/23
Speed: 0 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Can Equip: Weapons, helm Magic Defense: 55/3/33/40
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Wtr and Grnd Weapon Rank: D
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: D
Can Equip: All Magic Defense: 58/27/35/20
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/^/^

Move Type: Floating Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: N/A
Can Equip: Weapon only Magic Defense: 62/38/29/21
Speed: 10 Movement: ^/^/^/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can Equip: Weapons, boots Magic Defense: 57/6/66/32
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ground Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can Equip: All but boots Magic Defense: 43/16/60/51
Speed: 10 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can Equip: All but helm Magic Defense: 64/27/54/36
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Water surface Weapon Rank: N/A
Attack Type: Indirect/3-4 Armor Rank: N/A
Can Equip: Nothing Magic Defense: 67/48/38/38
Speed: 0 Movement: ^/^/O/X

Move Type: Ordinay Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Can Equip: Weapon, boots Magic Defense: 70/30/80/20
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can Equip: All but boots Magic Defense: 94/11/73/32
Speed: 10 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Can Equip: Weapon, armor Magic Defense: 55/55/55/55
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/^/^

Move Type: Ground Weapon Rank: N/A
Attack Type: Indirect/1-5 Armor Rank: N/A
Can Equip: Nothing Magic Defense: 91/35/58/46
Speed: 0 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: A
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: A
Can Equip: All Magic Defense: 156/92/141/108
Speed: 0

%%%SHADOW PHANTOMS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Move Type: Ground Weapon Rank: N/A
Attack Type: Indirect/1 Armor Rank: N/A
Can Equip: Nothing Magic Defense: 25/25/25/25
Speed: 50 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: D
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: E
Can Equip: All but armor Magic Defense: 25/25/13/35
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: E
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: D
Can Equip: All but helm Magic Defense: 28/34/28/21
Speed: 10 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ground Weapon Rank: N/A
Attack Type: Indirect/2-3 Armor Rank: D
Can Equip: Helm only Magic Defense: 16/51/16/37
Speed: 0 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Can Equip: Weapons, helm Magic Defense: 40/25/10/55
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Wtr and Grnd Weapon Rank: D
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: D
Can Equip: All Magic Defense: 43/51/12/35
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/^/^

Move Type: Floating Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: N/A
Can Equip: Weapon only Magic Defense: 46/62/5/38
Speed: 10 Movemenet: ^/^/^/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can Equip: Weapons, boots Magic Defense: 40/32/40/49
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ground Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can Equip: All but boots Magic Defense: 25/43/34/69
Speed: 10 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can Equip: All but helm Magic Defense: 45/54/27/54
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Water surface Weapon Rank: N/A
Attack Type: Indirect/3-4 Armor Rank: N/A
Can Equip: Nothing Magic Defense: 48/76/9/57
Speed: 0

Move Type: Ordinay Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Can Equip: Weapon, boots Magic Defense: 50/60/50/40
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can Equip: All but boots Magic Defense: 73/42/42/53
Speed: 10 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Can Equip: Weapon, armor Magic Defense: 34/87/23/77
Speed: 5 Movement: O/O/^/^

Move Type: Ground Weapon Rank: N/A
Attack Type: Indirect/1-5 Armor Rank: N/A
Can Equip: Nothing Magic Defense: 69/69/24/69
Speed: 0 Movement: O/O/X/^

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: A
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: A
Can Equip: All Magic Defense: 125/141/92/141
Speed: 0


Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: D
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Magic Defense: 12/25/25/25

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: D
Magic Defense: 14/28/41/14

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Can create Phantoms Magic Defense: 21/21/21/21

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: D
Can create Phantoms Magic Defense: 69/60/69/51

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can create Phantoms Magic Defense: 76/55/76/33

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Magic Defense: 78/59/71/59

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: B
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Magic Defense: 78/39/58/39

Move Tpye: Ordinary Weapon Rank: E
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Can create Phantoms Magic Defense: 126/101/126/77

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: D
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can create Phantoms Magic Defense: 50/73/97/97

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: D
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can create Phantoms Magic Defense: 136/136/136/136

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: E
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: D
Can create Phantoms Magic Defense: 57/64/57/57

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Magic Defense: 50/50/50/50

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Can create Phantoms Magic Defense: 48/39/30/63

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: A
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: A
Can create Phantoms Magic Defense: 96/96/96/96

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: C
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: B
Can create Phantoms Magic Defense: 52/52/52/111

Move Type: Ordinary Weapon Rank: D
Attack Type: Direct/1 Armor Rank: C
Can create Phantoms Magic Defense: 196/164/196/164


The "T" column is whether or not the item can be traded
over memory cards. Items that *can* be traded are the
ones that can't be created with Kartia, while those you
can create with Kartia can't be traded.


Wood Axe 4 75 N D
Stone Axe 6 80 N C
Unique Axe 6 80 N C Regain 2 HP per attack
Iron Axe 8 83 N C
Battle Axe 10 80 N C
Tarfu 11 70 N C
Silver Axe 13 92 N C +10 damage against Shadows,
humans only
Strong Axe 15 70 N B Lose 2 HP per attack
Golden Axe 16 84 N C
Platinum Axe 17 86 N C
Diamond Axe 18 98 N B +10 damage against Dolls
Black Axe 22 88 N B +5 damage against Shadows
Dream Axe 23 99 N B Regain 10 HP per attack
Kintaro's Axe 30 100 N A +12 damage against Dolls, humans
Wood Hammer 2 88 N E
Stone Hammer 3 92 N E
Metal Hammer 5 95 N E
Big Hammer 8 88 N D
War Hammer 7 111 N E
Silver Hammer 10 100 N E +6 damage against Shadows,
humans only
Platinum Hammer 13 95 N E
Diamond Hammer 14 100 N D +5 damage against Dolls
Dream Hammer 18 100 N D Regain 20 HP per attack
Lucky Hammer 18 109 N C Gained EXP up


Wood Sword 4 75 N D
Stone Sword 6 80 N C
Iron Sword 8 83 N C
Slashing Sword 8 96 N C +20 damage against Dolls,
humans only
Fire Arm 10 99 Y C Additional 50 fire damage
Damascus Sword 10 127 Y D
Bastard Sword 11 70 N C
Silver Sword 13 92 N C +10 damage against Shadows,
humans only
Magic Sword 14 88 N B +10 damage against Commons,
humans only
Zweihander 16 70 N B
Royal Sword 16 84 N C
Platinum Blade 17 86 N C
7 Stars Sword 20 90 N B Regain 5 HP per attack
Zweihander* 22 74 N A
Replica Kusanagi22 88 N B +5 damage against Commons
Dream Sword 23 99 N B Regain 10 HP per attack
Kusanagi Blade 30 100 N A +12 damage against Commons,
humans only
Wood Katana 2 88 N E
Stone Knife 3 92 N E
Dark Katana 5 93 N E
Spirit Knife 6 93 N E +5 damage against Shadows
Warrior Katana 7 100 N E
Silver Katana 9 110 N E +6 damage againt Shadows,
humans only
Replica Muramasa12 100 N D
Dragon Katana 12 90 N D
Shogun Katana 14 100 N E
Replica Masamune16 102 N D
7 Handle Katana 16 102 N C Regain 10 HP per attack
Dream Katana 18 109 N D Regain 20 HP per attack
Dark Muramasa 30 111 N C Lose 3 HP per attack

* This is Rimzan's Zweihander. It has different stats
from an ordinary Zweihander.


Bamboo Spear 4 75 N D
Stone Spear 6 80 N C
Iron Spear 8 85 N C
Long Spear 11 76 N C
Silver Spear 13 92 N C +10 damage against Shadows,
humans only
Royal Spear 16 84 N C
Long Pike 17 80 N C
Platinum Spear 17 86 N C
Diamond Spear 18 98 N B +10 damage against Dolls
Big Spear 22 70 N B
Dream Spear 23 99 N B Regain 10 HP per attack
Vajura 30 100 N A +12 damage against Shadows,
humans only
Wood Rod 2 88 N E
Stone Rod 3 92 N E
Iron Rod 5 100 N E
Long Rod 7 96 N D
Silver Rod 9 110 N E +5 damage against Shadows,
humans only
Demon Rod 12 90 N D
Platinum Rod 12 104 N E
Diamond Rod 13 108 N D +5 damage against Dolls
Nike's Rod 16 108 N C +11 damage against Commons
Dream Rod 18 109 N D Regain 20 HP per attack
Magic Rod 21 110 N C


Wood Helmet 3 4 N D
Stone Helmet 4 5 N C
Iron Helmet 5 5 N C
Big Helmet 7 10 Y C
Athena Helmet 8 5 N D All elemental defs + 5
Silver Helmet 9 5 N C Doll's attack -5, humans only
Warrior Helmet 11 5 N C
Platinum Helmet 12 5 N C
Star Helmet 13 3 N B
Genji Helmet 15 5 N B
Pardos Helmet 17 2 Y C Pardoses only, gained EXP up
Dream Helmet 17 4 N B All elemental defs + 10
Ares Helmet 19 5 N A Doll's attack -5
Straw Hat 1 2 N E
Ogre Cap 2 2 Y E Common's attack -5
Leather Hat 2 3 N E
Red Hat 3 2 N E Fire defense + 10
Military Hat 3 3 N D
Beast Hat 5 3 N E Water defense + 5
Brand Hat 6 2 N E All elemental defs + 3
Leather Cap 6 2 N E Wind defense + 10
God's Hat 9 0 N D All elemental defs + 10
Mordere's Hat 10 0 Y D Morderes only, gained EXP up
Golem Hat ? ? Y B Golems only, gained EXP up
Dream Hat 10 2 N D All elemental defs + 20
Charune's Hat 11 2 N D Common's attack - 10, humans only
Monk's Hat 12 -5 N C Earth defense + 20
Odin Hat ? ? Y D Wind defense + 80


Wood Armor 3 4 N D
Stone Armor 4 5 N C
Iron Armor 5 5 N C
Big Armor 7 10 N C
Silver Armor 9 5 N C Doll's attack -5, humans only
Hero's Armor 11 5 N C
Platinum Armor 12 5 N C
Bull Armor ? ? N C Gained EXP up, Minotaurs only
Genji Armor 15 5 N B
Dream Armor 17 4 N B All elemental defs + 10
War God Armor 19 5 N A Common's attack - 5
Fynus Armor ? ? Y A Gained EXP up, Fyni only
Jacket 1 2 N E
Ogre Jacket 2 2 Y E Doll's attack - 5
Leather Robe 2 3 N E
Chain Jacket 3 3 N D
Sookari 2 2 N E All elemental defs + 5
Red Robe 3 2 N E Fire defense + 10
Angel Robe 5 0 N E All elemental defs + 10
Beast Robe 5 3 N E Water defense + 5
Brand Jacket 6 2 N E All elemental defs + 3
Leather Jacket 6 2 N E Wind defense + 10
Buddha Robe 6 2 N D All elemental defs + 20,
humans only
Kinryu 8 2 N D
Dream Robe 10 2 N D All elemental defs + 20
Femille Robe 11 2 N D Shadow's attack - 10, humans only
Weave Robe 12 -5 N C Fire defense + 20
Akoniet Robe 26 2 Y C Gained EXP up, Akoniets only


Wood Boots 3 4 N D
Stone Boots 4 5 N C
Iron Boots 5 5 N C
Miles Boots 6 2 Y E Miles only, gained EXP up
Big Boots 7 10 N C
Behead Boots 8 2 Y C Beheads only, gained EXP up
Silver Boots 9 5 N C Doll's attack -5, humans only
Warrior Boots 11 5 N C
Lizauro Boots 12 3 Y D Lizauros only, gained EXP up
Platinum Boots 12 5 N C
Genji Boots 15 5 N B
Dream Boots 17 4 N B All elemental defs + 10
War God Boots 19 5 N A Shadow's attack -5
Cloth Shoes 1 2 N E
Ogre Shoes 2 2 Y E Shadow's attack -5
Leather Shoes 2 3 N E
Military Shoes 3 3 N D
Boots 3 3 N D Water defense + 5
Beast Shoes 5 3 N E Water defense + 5
Brand Shoes 6 2 N E All elemental defs + 3
Enamel Shoes 6 2 N E Wind defense + 10
Tech Shoes 7 0 N D Wind defense + 10
Dream Shoes 10 2 N D All elemental defs + 20
Fergaro Shoes 11 2 N D Doll's attack - 10, humans only
High-tech Shoes 12 -5 N C Wind defense + 20


In the Range column, the first pair of number (i.e.,
1-2) is the number of squares the spell can reach. The
second number (in parentheses) is how many squares out
from the target square the spell effects. (b) means
that the target area is a box shape; (l) means a cross
shape; (c) a square checkerboard; and (d) is a diamond
checkerboard. No letter means it hits in a diamond
pattern. (sp) is a 7 x 3 bar-shaped area used only by
one spell. Finally, "Rec" under the Hit column means
the spell does not have an accuracy rating because it is
a heal spell (heal spells never miss).


Fire 60 90 1-2 (1)
Strong Fire 64 90 1-2 (1)
Stone Fire 64 88 1-3 (1)
Fierce Fire 72 90 1-2 (1)
Fire Needle 65 103 1-2 (1)
Stream Fire 82 85 1-3 (1) Earth supplemental magic
Illusion Fire 90 90 1-2 (1) Water supplemental magic
Big Fire 90 80 0 (2)
Cannon Fire 100 82 2-4 (1)
Comet Fire 104 88 1-3 (1) Earth supplemental magic
Intense Fire 130 120 1-2 (1)
Speed Fire 150 110 1-4 (1) Wind supplemental magic
Flame 45 75 0-2 (2)
Burning Flame 50 80 2-3 (2)
Flame Vapor 54 75 0 (1b)
Red Flame 65 85 0-2 (2l)
Magic Flame 72 88 0-2 (5c)
Flame King 77 80 0-2 (2b) +10 damage against Shadows
Evil Flame 90 78 0 (3)
Lotus Flame 110 100 0-1 (6c) +10 damage against Commons
Garuda Flame 130 90 0-4 (5b) Wind supplemental magic


Ice 60 0 1-2 (1)
Vertical Ice 45 75 0-1 (2)
Icicle 65 103 1-2 (1)
Ice Flow 74 85 0-2 (2) +10 damage to Dolls
Big Ice 90 90 1-2 (1)
Glacier 88 75 0-2 (1b)
Ice Age 90 78 0 (3) Wind supplemental magic
Lotus Ice 130 120 1-2 (1)
Water 45 75 0-2 (2)
Medical Water 30 Rec 0-1 (2)
Spirit Water 40 Rec 0 (2)
Slime Water 50 80 0-2 (2)
Big Water 58 80 0 (1b)
Sea Water 68 72 0-3 (1b) +20 damage to Dolls
Harsh Water 74 94 0-2 (2)
Mercury 72 80 0-2 (2) +20 damage to Commons
Chrysan Water 50 Rec 0-1 (2)
Gun Water 79 84 2-4 (2)
Flood 89 85 0 (4)
Dragon Water 99 85 2-4 (4l)
Silver Water 60 Rec 0-1 (1b)
Golden Water 65 Rec 0-1 (3)
Rear Water 119 88 0-4 (5b) Regain 30 HP when casting


Thunder 60 90 1-2 (1)
Twist Thunder 65 94 1-2 (1)
Energy Thunder72 92 1-2 (1) +10 damage to Shadows
Harsh Thunder 84 100 1-2 (1)
Energy Monster93 92 1-2 (1) +10 damage to Dolls
100 Thunder 95 85 0-2 (2)
Takeru Thunder103 84 0-1 (3dc)+10 damage to Commons
Thunder Copy 150 120 0-2 (2) Lose 5 HP when casting
Thunder Noise 130 110 0-2 (2c) Regain 30 HP when casting
Wind 45 75 0-2 (2)
Strong Wind 48 80 0-2 (2b)
Gale 50 80 0-3 (2)
Force Wind 54 75 0-2 (2b) Fire supplemental magic
Sea Wind 58 86 0-3 (2) +20 damage to Dolls
Typhoon 70 87 0-3 (3) Water supplemental magic
Magic Wind 74 70 0-4 (2b) +10 damage to Commons
Twister 80 78 0-4 (3)
Roll Typhoon 120 70 - (3) Random target
Over Typhoon 125 75 0 (sp) +22 damage to Shadows


Rock 60 90 1-2 (1)
Rock Ice 62 90 1-2 (1)
Helmet Rock 65 95 1-2 (1)
Rare Rock 67 89 1-3 (1) Rolls in one direction
Big Rock 72 90 1-3 (1)
Lava Rock 82 85 1-3 (1) Fire supplemental magic
Giant Rock 89 88 0-2 (2)
Cube Rock 93 95 1-4 (1)
Meteor 104 88 1-4 (1) Fire supplemental magic
SedimentaryRck110 80 0-2 (2)
500 Pull Rock 130 100 0-4 (3)
Earthquake 42 75 0-3 (2) Raises ground
Quick Quake* 44 88 0-1 (3) +5 damage against Dolls,
levels ground
Strong Quake 46 80 0-3 (2) Lowers ground
Force Quake 50 82 0-3 (2b) Levels ground
Wide Quake 55 70 0-2 (5b) Raises ground
Power Quake* 60 83 0-1 (2b) Fire supplemental magic,
levels ground
Big Quake* 65 80 0-2 (5b) Fire supplemental magic,
lowers ground
Harsh Quake 74 87 0-3 (3) Raises ground
Quake Disaster77 87 0-1 (6c) Fire supplemental magic,
raises ground
Giant Quake 80 86 0-2 (5b) Lowers ground
Hell Quake* 90 90 0-1 (3) Lose 2 HP when casting,
raises ground
Big Disaster* 90 72 0-1 (6c) Fire supplemental magic,
random ground changes
Vertical Quake110 115 0 (4l) Lowers ground
Decadent Quake125 100 0-2 (5b) Wind supplemental magic,
random ground changes
Core Quake* 170 110 0-3 (5b) Water supplemental magic,
random ground changes

* = not in Grammar, must manually create


Medicine 45 Rec 0-1 (1)
Rare Medicine 60 Rec 0-1 (1)
100 Medicine 80 Rec 0-1 (1)
King Medicine 100 Rec 0-2 (1)


%%%TEXT CHART%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Helmet -- Rank + 1 --
Flame -- -- Fire defense + 10
Water -- Rank + 1 Water defense + 10
Wind -- -- Wind defense + 10
Quake -- -- Earth defense + 10
Shadow -- Rank + 2 --
Strong Rank + 2 Rank + 1 Weapon rank + 1
Sharp Rank + 1 Rank + 1 Speed + 5
Fast Rank + 1 Rank + 1 Movement + 1
Hard Rank + 1 -- Armor rank + 1
Goblin Rank + 2 Rank + 1 Weapon rank + 1
Just Rank + 1 Rank + 1 --
Hang Rank + 1 Rank + 1 --
Stone Rank + 1 Rank + 2 Armor rank + 1
Skin Rank + 1 -- --
Needle Rank + 1 Rank + 1 --
Wonder Rank + 1 Rank + 1 Speed + 3
Up Rank + 1 -- --
Sick Rank + 1 Rank + 1 Speed + 5
New ??? Rank + 1 ???
Long Rank + 1 Rank + 1 --
Breath Rank + 1 Rank + 1 --
Military Rank + 1 -- --
Mold -- Rank + 1 --
Sea Rank + 1 -- Water defense + 10
Flow Rank + 1 Rank + 1 --
Clod -- Rank + 1 --
Negation Rank + 1 Rank + 1 --
Intellect Rank + 1 Rank + 1 --
Half -- -- No effect
Barrel -- Rank + 1 --
Blue Rank + 1 -- --
Roll -- Rank + 1 --
Seven Rank + 1 -- --
Build -- Rank + 1 --
Lost -- Rank + 1 --
Accompany -- Rank + 1 --
Tree -- -- Earth defense + 10
Pile -- Rank + 1 --
One Rank + 1 -- --
End -- Rank + 1 --
Pull -- Rank + 1 --
Man Rank + 1 -- --
Small Rank + 1 -- --
Measure -- Rank + 1 --
Ultra Rank + 3 Rank + 3 Weapon rank + 2

Iron Rank + 1 Rank + 1 Armor rank + 1
Cylinder -- -- No effect
Chrysanth. -- Rank + 2 --
Intense -- Rank + 1 --
Big Rank + 2 Rank + 2 --
Tough Rank + 3 -- Armor rank + 1
Lightning -- Rank + 2 --
Dragon Rank + 2 Rank + 2 Speed + 5
War Rank + 2 -- --
Tower -- Rank + 2 --
Melt -- Rank + 2 --
Red Rank + 2 Rank + 2 --
Lunar -- -- Earth defense + 10
Platform -- Rank + 2 --
Slash Rank + 2 -- --
Hit Rank + 2 -- --
Evil Rank + 2 Rank + 2 --
Haft Rank + 2 -- --
Gigantic Rank + 3 Rank + 3 --
Beast Rank + 2 Rank + 2 Movement + 2
Engrave Rank + 2 -- --
Cow Rank + 2 -- Movement + 2
River -- Rank + 2 --
White Rank + 2 -- --
Gather -- Rank + 2 --
Shark -- -- Water move rate up
Heap Rank + 2 Rank + 2 --
Flood -- Rank + 2 --
Brocade Rank + 2 -- --
Lineage Rank + 2 -- --
Unusual -- -- Speed + 5
Strange -- Rank + 2 Speed + 5
Term -- Rank + 2 --
Down -- Rank + 2 --
Benefit Rank + 2 -- --
Black Rank + 2 -- --
Vomit -- Rank + 2 --
Middle -- Rank + 2 --
Illusion -- -- Speed + 7
Thy -- Rank + 2 --
Harmony -- Rank + 2 --
Grass Rank + 2 -- --
Same -- Rank + 2 --
Law -- Rank + 2 --
Zero -- Rank + 2 --
Ten -- Rank + 2 --
Camp -- Rank + 2 --
Sand Rank + 2 -- --
Gate Rank + 2 -- --
Thick Rank + 2 -- --
Buddha -- Rank + 2 --
Cry -- Rank + 2 --

Silver Rank + 2 -- --
Violent -- -- Weapon rank + 2
Village Rank + 3 -- --
Gold Rank + 3 Rank + 3 --
Emperor -- Rank + 3 --
Disaster -- Rank + 2 --
Ancestor Rank + 3 Rank + 2 --
Run -- Rank + 3 Earth move rate up
Hundred Rank + 3 Rank + 3 --
Five Rank + 3 Rank + 3 --
Bright -- Rank + 3 --
Star Rank + 3 Rank + 3 --
Net Rank + 3 Rank + 3 --
Support Rank + 3 -- --
Origin Rank + 3 -- --
Physic Rank + 3 -- Armor rank + 2
Air Rank + 3 -- --
Serpent -- -- Ice move rate up
Victory Rank + 3 -- --
Straight -- Rank + 3 --
Lotus -- Rank + 3 --
Accumulate -- Rank + 3 --
Rope Rank + 3 -- --
Cut Rank + 3 -- Grass move rate up
Think Rank + 3 -- --
Dream Rank + 3 -- --
Hydra -- -- Speed + 15
Authority Rank + 3 Rank + 3 --
World -- Rank + 4 --
Aid Rank + 3 -- --
Light -- Rank + 3 --
Machine Rank + 3 -- --
Ride -- Rank + 3 --
Mallet Rank + 3 -- --
Docile Rank + 3 -- --
Back -- Rank + 3 --
Will Rank + 3 -- --
Launch Rank + 3 -- --
Mysterious Rank + 4 Rank + 4 --
Name Rank + 4 Rank + 4 --
Absolute ??? Rank + 3 --
Pair ??? Rank + 3 --
Soul ??? Rank + 4 --

%%%SECRET COMBOS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Ogre Cap = Hat + Skin + Goblin
Ogre Jacket = Jacket + Skin + Goblin
Ogre Shoes = Shoes + Skin + Goblin
Quick Quake = Quake + Goblin + Fast
Power Quake = Quake + Strong + Intense
Big Quake = Quake + Mold + Big
Hell Quake = Quake + Intense + Violent
Big Disaster = Quake + Big + Disaster
Core Quake = Quake + End + World + Star + Law

%%%THE GRAMMAR TRICK%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

You can use any Kartia combination, even if you don't
have the Grammar for it yet. For example, the spell
Chrysn Water normally requires Basic Grammar (the second
level of grammar), which will make the spell (Water +
Chrysanthemum) appear on your spell list. But you don't
need the Grammar to cast the spell if you know the
combo. In this case, you'd start with a basic Water
spell, then mix in the Chrysanthemum Kartia. You then
end up with the Chrysan Water spell, even though it's
not in your grammar yet.

%%%PHANTOM DELETION%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

If you manage to get a phantom all the way up to level
20 (the maximum level possible), you can delete it for
a special item. However, I've never gotten any phantoms
to level 20, so I don't know what items you get. If
you've gotten a level 20 phantom, let me know what you
get and I'll add it in the next version.


This FAQ is copyright 1998 by Fritz Fraundorf. Kartia
is copyright 1998 by Atlus. This FAQ is not associated with
or endorsed by Atlus. You may freely distribute this FAQ
for noncommercial purposes if it is not altered in any way
and I am credited. Some assembly required.


- Atlus, for making this great game! Now if only we had
some decent AI...
- Skychrono (masamune@ix.netcom.com) for helping me out
with level 12 of Toxa's quest.

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Boss Save

16.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Phantom Items

16.Октябрь 2013
Mini FAQ

11.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
24.Февраль 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014