Megaman X4

Megaman X4

16.10.2013 04:41:33

========Mega Man X4 Guide========

by Reeve

1. Introduction
2. Boss Weaknesses / Recommended Order
3. Zero's Techniques
4. Power-Up Uses and Locations
5. Sky Lagoon stage
6. Jungle stage (Web Spider)
7. Bio Lab stage (Split Mushroom)
8. Cyberspace stage (Cyber Peacock)
9. Air Force stage (Storm Owl)
10. Volcano stage (Magma Dragoon)
11. Snow Base stage (Frost Walrus)
12. Marine Base stage (Jet Stingray)
13. Military Train stage (Slash Beast)
14. Colonel Strategy
15. Spaceport stage
16. Final Weapon stage 1
17. Final Weapon stage 2
18. Secrets and Tips
19. Legal

1. Introduction:
Welcome to the official Mega Man X Online guide for Mega Man X4, the fourth installment in
the MMX saga. Refer to the index above for an easy reference guide, and go to to find HTML versions of this guide, along with guides for
all of the other games in the Mega Man X series. Happy gaming.

2. Boss Weaknesses / Recommended Order:
Boss Weakness with X Weakness with Zero
==== =============== ==================
-Web Spider ----- Twin Slasher (Beast) ----- Z-Sabre/Kuuenzan (Mushroom)
-Split Mushroom - Lightning Web (Spider) --- Raijingeki (Spider)
-Cyber Peacock -- Soul Body (Mushroom) ----- Ryuenjin (Dragoon)
-Storm Owl ------ Aiming Laser (Peacock) --- Rakuhouha (Peacock)
-Magma Dragoon -- Double Cyclone (Owl) ----- Raijingeki (Spider)
-Frost Walrus --- Rising Fire (Dragoon) ---- Ryuenjin (Dragoon)
-Jet Stingray --- Frost Tower (Walrus) ----- Hyouretsuzan (Walrus)
-Slash Beast ---- Ground Hunter (Stingray) - Z-Sabre/Kuuenzan (Mushroom)

3. Zero's Techniques:
Raijingeki (Spider) --------- Lightning attack
Rakuhouha (Peacock) --------- Giga attack
Tenkuuha (Owl) --------- Powered Z-Saber
Ryuenjin (Dragoon) --------- Fire sword
Kuuenbu (Mushroom) --------- Double jump
Kuuenzan (Mushroom) --------- Air slash
Hienkyaku (Stingray) --------- Air dash
Shippuuga (Beast) --------- Dashing slash
Hyoretsuzan (Walrus) --------- Ice sword

4. Power-Up Uses and Locations:
Power-Up Use Location
Leg Upgrade - allows X to dash/hover in mid-air - Found in Web Spider's stage.
Helmet Upgrade - special weapon enhancer - Found in Cyber Peacock's stage.
Arm Upgrade - more powerful X-Buster - Found in Storm Owl's stage.
Body Upgrade - powerful Nova Strike attack - Found in Magma Dragoon's stage.
Heart Tanks - more life added to meter - One per stage
Sub-Tanks - life energy reserve - Found in the stages of: Jet Stingray, Cyber Peacock
Weapon Tank - weapon energy reserve - Found in Frost Walrus' stage.
EX Tank - more lives per continue - Found in Frost Walrus' stage.

5. Sky Lagoon stage:
This stage is pretty easy, and it's mostly to get used to the controls. If you're familiar with
the series, X shouldn't be a problem. But if you're playing as Zero for the first time, get
used to his shorter range. Playing as Zero ups the challenge a bit, but his skills can also be

As X
Keep your X-Buster charged to take out the first few enemies. In the next area, there won't be
any enemies except for one large dragon creature. Destroy the doorways as fast as possible, and
dodge by dashing if you see the dragon about to swipe. You can blast his hands when they're in
the foreground if you want, but it's easier to just dash long as fast as you can. Destroy the
drill enemy with some rapid shots from your Buster, and then destroy it the rest of the way.
Charge your X-Buster to take out the enemies that will be there as you go downhill. Before
long, you'll go through a doorway to find Dragoon. After talking to him, you'll warp the second
section of this stage. In the second section, destroy the claw enemies with a few small charged
shots before you attempt to climb up the wall. Continuing on, watch where you step. Large rocks
from the ceiling will sometimes fall, posing a serious threat. Just be very careful about it.
Keep destroying the claw enemies and climbing up walls. You'll have to shoot some rocks until
they're destroyed a few times to continue. When you meet some bee robots, destroy them with a
single hit from your Buster. They're not hard. This also means that you're close to where the
floor will fall in. In this area is an extra life and a full energy capsule. Collect these
quickly by dashing, and climb up the wall before you're crushed. As you move on in the stage,
you'll find the boss.

As Zero
Using Zero is very similar to using X, except you have to be closer. It doesn't take as many
hits from his Sabre to destroy enemies as X's Buster does, too. You need quick reflexes to
dodge since you're going to be battling at such close-range. Slash the first few enemies and
move on. In the next area, there won't be any enemies except for one large dragon creature.
Destroy the doorways as fast as possible, and dodge by dashing if you see the dragon about to
swipe. You can slash his hands when they're in the foreground if you want, but it's easier to
just dash long as fast as you can. Slash at the drill enemy, and slash the enemies as you climb
down the hill. After battling your way through another drill and a few armed robots, you'll
find Dragoon. After talking to him, you'll warp to the second section of the stage. In the
second section, destroy the claw enemies with a few slashes before you attempt to climb up the
wall. Continuing on, watch where you step. Large rocks from the ceiling will sometimes fall,
posing a serious threat. Just be very careful about it. Keep destroying the claw enemies and
climbing up walls. You'll have to slash some rocks until they're destroyed a few times to
continue. Destroy the bee robots with a few quick swipes of your Sabre. When you see them, it
means you're close to where a floor will fall in. There will be an extra life and a full
energy capsule here. Collect these quickly by dashing, and climb up the wall before you're
crushed. As you move on in the stage, you'll find Iris, lying hurt. This means you're about to
battle the boss.

Giant Dragon Strategy
As X
The first bosses of the MMX games have never been all that challenging. This is the dragon
enemy that was trying to destroy you before. Charge your X-Buster and jump up to fire at its
chest/stomach. This will invoke some damage, but you'll have to keep this up for a little while
to take it down. Stay at a careful distance or he will slash at you with his sharp wing. When
you stay at a distance, it will try to hit you by hovering over you. Dash under it to avoid
this. It will also sometimes fire at you with energy blasts. Avoid these by Dash-Jumping. Even
if it does hit you, it doesn't do enough damage to concern yourself with. Just keep up the
patterns and it will fall.

As Zero
For how easy this boss is with X, he's that much easier with Zero. Just stay close and jump up
to slash his chest. Keep repeating this. If you get hit, don't worry about it. Just keep
hitting him, and he'll go down very quickly.

6. Web Spider's stage:
As X
As you move along the level, there will be a few small bird-like enemies. You can take them out
with one simple shot of your Buster. Charge it to take out the lancer robots. There will be a
level below them to stand on so you can avoid their fire easily while shooting at them. Take
them out quickly enough that they won't use their secondary fire, which might hit you. When you
go down the cliff, stay to the left to avoid all the enemies.

Leg Upgrade
After you fall down the cliff, there will be a small pit on the left that you would go down to
continue with the level. In this area is an open space to the right. Go right, and you'll find
a small room with the capsule. The Leg Upgrade gives you the ability to air dash and to hover
for a short time.

Go down the small pit on the left, and keep your X-Buster charged to take out the lancers,
wall-clingers, and birds. Eventually, you'll find a small bladed robot going back and forth on
the platform. Shoot it to freeze it and then Dash-Jump onto the platform, and then off quickly.
Dash-Jump from log to log, and then move up the ladders. Keep yourself charged to destroy the
lancers on your way, and then blast your way through the door to move onto the second part of
the stage. This part is easy. Just Dash-Jump over as many enemies as you can. Destroy only the
ones you need to, and this won't be very many. Also, the ones that you do have to destroy will
be killed in only a few shots. Charge your shots to take care of the beehives, and continue to
move on, skipping everything you can. You'll get to a bunch of trees. Again, Dash-Jump
repeatedly. Destroy some of the snake robots that come along, because they can hurt you.

Heart Tank
Among the trees, one will obviously be made of wood instead of the usual metal tree. Stand
below it and use your Rising Fire weapon from Magma Dragoon to burn the tree, and a Heart Tank
will be waiting there.

You'll have to destroy the small spiders coming off the webs to move on sometimes, but other
than that this section shouldn't be a problem. Before long, you'll find the doorway to the

As Zero
As you move along the level, there will be a few small bird-like enemies. You can take them out
with one simple swipe of your Saber. It will take a few slashes to take out the lancer robots,
but they'll fall easy enough. There will be a level below them to stand on so you can avoid
their fire easily while slashing them. Take them out quickly enough that they won't use their
secondary fire, which might hit you. When you go down the cliff, stay to the left to avoid all
the enemies. Go down the small pit on the left, be ready to slash to take out the lancers,
wall-clingers, and birds. Eventually, you'll find a small bladed robot going back and forth on
the platform. Slash it to freeze it and then Dash-Jump onto the platform, and then off quickly.
Dash-Jump from log to log, and then move up the ladders. Keep yourself charged to destroy the
lancers on your way, and then slash your way through the door to move onto the second part of
the stage. This part is easy. Just Dash-Jump over as many enemies as you can. Destroy only the
ones you need to, and this won't be very many. Also, the ones that you do have to destroy will
be killed in only a few shots. Get up close and slash quickly to take care of the beehives, and
continue to move on, skipping everything you can. You'll get to a bunch of trees. Again,
Dash-Jump repeatedly. Destroy some of the snake robots that come along, because they can hurt

Heart Tank
Among the trees, one will obviously be made of wood instead of the usual metal tree. Stand
below it and use your Ryuenjin technique from Magma Dragoon to burn the tree, and a Heart Tank
will be waiting there.

You'll have to destroy the small spiders coming off the webs to move on sometimes, but other
than that this section shouldn't be a problem. Before long, you'll find the doorway to the

Web Spider Strategy
As X
As X, the optimum weapon to use is the Twin Slasher from Slash Beast, but the X-Buster works
just fine. Make sure you charge it up. His attacks really don't vary much. He'll come down from
his web, and launch a web to trap you. A well-timed Dash-Jump off the wall will protect you
from this. He'll also sometimes plant small spiders on the floor. These are simple too. Take
them out with a charged X-Buster shot. When he gets down to about half of his life, he'll
create a large web and stay on that. But his attacks don't change at all. The only difference
is that he's vulnerable for longer. Keep firing, and he'll go down.

As Zero
The strategy remains basically the same with Zero. He doesn't seem vulnerable to any particular
weapon. Use the Z-Saber on him by jumping up while close, and then dash back to the wall to
dodge his web.

7. Split Mushroom's stage:
As X
While going up the stairs, keep your X-Buster charged to take out enemies you will face. You
might get hit a few times by some enemies, but this shouldn't take off too much damage. The
biggest pain of this part are the hovering shielded robots. You'll have to wait for them to
raise their shield in order to hurt them. In this next area, keep your X-Buster charged to
take out the fairly easy enemies as you make your way over the pits. Jumping or Dash-Jumping
is the way. Keep your X-Buster charged to take out some of the beetle enemies in this next
area, but try to dodge for the most part. When you have a choice in paths, take the right one,
and cling to the wall as high as you can to avoid getting hit. Soon after, you'll face an area
where two robots will come together to try to crush you. Climb onto a ladder and stay between
the floors until the danger has passed, then go up to the next ladder and repeat the process.
After you get through this area, you'll be facing the mini-boss, a spiked beetle that will
hover below you. Go all the way to the left, and wait for it to stop moving. Dash out of the
way, and let it have a charged shot when it comes up. After you've used your charged shot, hit
it with as many rapid shots as you can. Then go to the next block on the left. Keep moving
back and try to make sure you destroy it before it destroys all the blocks you can stand on.
Once you're through this, you'll get to the second part of the stage. A lot of this area is a
repeat of the first, only a bit harder. Climb up the steps with your X-Buster charged, as
before. There will be another hovering shield enemy, only the shield will be much bigger this

Heart Tank
This Heart Tank will be in plain view right after you get away from the stairway area. It's
above you, and blocked off by land. It's very easy to get this with the Lightning Web weapon
from Web Spider, but you can get it without. Not using the Lightning Web, wait for the enemies
above you try crash down the land. Quickly jump on top of the platform that they're making
crash, and do a Dash-Jump from there to the platform with the Heart Tank. Using the Lightning
Web, wait for the platform and enemies to fall, and then get over to the left side. Fire off
the Lightning Web, and then climb on it as if it were a wall to reach the platform with the
Heart Tank.

Dash and Dash-Jump quickly to get through this area where all the platforms will be falling.
Charge your Buster to destroy the spiked flowers as soon as they come out, and dash from side
to side to avoid being crushed by the platforms that the elevator runs into. After through this
area, collect the energy and weapon energy if you need them, and climb up the wall to face the

As Zero
While going up the stairs, be prepared to slash some enemies, because there are several in this
area. You might get hit a few times by some enemies, but this shouldn't take off too much
damage. The biggest pain of this part are the hovering shielded robots. You'll have to wait
for them to raise their shield in order to hurt them. In this next area, slash the fairly easy
enemies as you make your way over the pits. Jumping or Dash-Jumping is the way. While you might
want to take out some of the enemies in the next area, it's a lot wiser to dodge them as much
as you can. When you have a choice in paths, take the right one, and cling to the wall as high
as you can to avoid getting hit. Soon after, you'll face an area where two robots will come
together to try to crush you. Climb onto a ladder and stay between the floors until the danger
has passed, then go up to the next ladder and repeat the process. After you get through this
area, you'll be facing the mini-boss, a spiked beetle that will hover below you. Go all the
way to the left, and wait for it to stop moving. Dash out of the way, and try to use your
Raijingeki technique if you have it. This will destroy him very quickly. If you don't have
this, slash at it furiously. Then go to the next block on the left. Keep moving back and try
to make sure you destroy it before it destroys all the blocks you can stand on. Once you're
through this, you'll get to the second part of the stage. A lot of this area is a repeat of
the first, only a bit harder. Climb up the steps ready to use your Saber, as before. There
will be another hovering shield enemy, only the shield will be much bigger this time.

Heart Tank
This Heart Tank will be in plain view right after you get away from the stairway area. It's
above you, and blocked off by land. It's very easy to get this with the Kuuenbu technique from
Split Mushroom (you'd have to return to this stage for it), but you can get it without. Not
using the Kuuenbu, wait for the enemies above you try crash down the land. Quickly jump on top
of the platform that they're making crash, and do a Dash-Jump from there to the platform with
the Heart Tank. If you use Kuuenbu, just wait for the platform to fall and the enemies to get
out of your way. Then just do a simple double jump (Kuuenbu) onto the platform that the Heart
Tank is on.

Dash and Dash-Jump quickly to get through this area where all the platforms will be falling.
Jump up and slash to destroy the spiked flowers as soon as they come out, and dash from side to
side to avoid being crushed by the platforms that the elevator runs into. After through this
area, collect the energy if you need it, and climb up the wall to face the boss.

Split Mushroom Strategy
As X
Split Mushroom isn't that hard, but he's made incredibly easy with the Lightning Web weapon
from Web Spider. Using the Lightning Web, wait for him to jump on the wall, and then jump up
and use it. He'll jump to the other wall. Repeat. Keep this up until he's gone. Using your
X-Buster, fire at him as he's on the wall, and then cling to the other wall to dodge his soul
bodies. Fire at him when he leaps high into the air, and then figure out which of him is the
real Split Mushroom, and fire at it. You can figure out which one he is by looking at the
transparency, or by simply firing at one, and then the other. This nearly as easy as with the
Lightning Web, though.

As Zero
To beat Split Mushroom with Zero, with or without the Raijingeki from Web Spider, takes
careful timing. Wait for him to jump on the wall, and slash him as he's up there. It takes a
bit of doing, but you can eventually learn how many soul bodies he releases before he falls to
the ground. When he's about to, use your Raijingeki, and he'll run right into it. If you
simply use your Z-Saber to beat him, follow the same strategy as you would with X, keeping in
mind that you have to be at a much closer range.

8. Cyber Peacock's stage:
As X
The object of the first part of this level is to make it through without getting caught by the
yellow balls that will be floating around the stage. As X, having the Soul Body is almost vital.
If you don't have it, Dash-Jump all over the place to avoid running into the balls. If you do
have it, keep it out there at all times. The Soul Body will dissipate the balls, allowing you
free access. In the first area, you should have no problem getting an S rating. The
possibilities are S, A, B, and C.

Heart Tank
Getting an S in the first area rewards you with a Heart Tank. This shouldn't be hard, even if
you do get caught by a few of the yellow balls.

Getting an S in the second area rewards you with a Sub-Tank. This is a little harder than the
Heart Tank, but Dash-Jumping to dodge or using your Soul Body to dissipate the yellow spheres
should get you through fairly easy.

Helmet Upgrade
Getting an S in the final area rewards you with the capsule. This is the hardest of them, and
probably the most important one to have the Soul Body from Split Mushroom. This is longer than
most of them, but they also give you a little more leverage. It's best if you don't get caught
in any of the yellow balls, but you might be able to get away with one or two. The Helmet
upgrade gives you the ability to use your Special weapons infinately, except if you charge them.

The second area here presents very little threat. You might have to shoot a few hovering enemies
that can shoot at you, but a few rapid shots should take care of them. This part is mainly about
stepping on switches at the right time to open the way for yourself. Step on a switch to make a
ball roll down a hill, wait for it to roll all the way down, then step on the next switch; small
puzzles like that. These aren't hard, and once you find your way through, you'll be at the boss.

As Zero
The object of the first part of this level is to make it through without getting caught by the
yellow balls that will be floating around the stage. As Zero, having the Kuuenzan technique is
almost vital. If you don't have it, Dash-Jump all over the place to avoid running into the
balls. If you do have it, use it constantly. The Kuuenzan will dissipate the balls, allowing you
free access. In the first area, you should have no problem getting an S rating. The
possibilities are S, A, B, and C. The first S rank gets you an extra life.

Heart Tank
Getting an S in the second area rewards you with a Sub-Tank. This is a little harder than the
first area, but Dash-Jumping to dodge or using your Kuuenzan to dissipate the yellow spheres
should get you through fairly easy.

Getting an S in the final area rewards you with the Sub-Tank. This is the hardest of them, and
probably the most important one to have the Kuuenzan from Split Mushroom. This is longer than
most of them, but they also give you a little more leverage. It's best if you don't get caught
in any of the yellow balls, but you might be able to get away with one or two.

The second area here presents very little threat. You might have to slash a few hovering enemies
that can shoot at you, but one simple slash of your Saber should take care of them. This part is
mainly about stepping on switches at the right time to open the way for yourself. Step on a
switch to make a ball roll down a hill, wait for it to roll all the way down, then step on the
next switch; small puzzles like that. These aren't hard, and once you find your way through,
you'll be at the boss.

Cyber Peacock Strategy
As X
Cyber Peacock really isn't extremely hard, but he's very easy if you use the optimum weapon,
the Soul Body. Using your X-Buster, cling to the wall and Dash-Jump off when he appears. This
will avoid his straight upwards attack. Shoot him if he's staying on the ground, but keep your
distance so his attack doesn't hit you. When he gets down to half of his life, he'll stay
hovering over the ground, trying to target you for missiles. All you have to do is dash and
Dash-Jump to the opposite wall, where you'll be safe from the missiles. Using the Soul Body,
attack him with it every time he appears. Just keep doing this, and he'll be gone.

As Zero
With Zero, Peacock's weakness is the Ryuenjin from Magma Dragoon. Just keep using it to destroy
him. If you use your Saber, follow the same strategy as with X, but take it at a much closer
range. He still isn't extremely hard.

9. Storm Owl's stage:
As X
The biggest threat in this stage is falling down. In an area that you're so high in the air,
almost any fall could kill you. The first firing ship will be too high to hit you, but you'll
be able to hit it. Take this one as practice, because the second one has a perfect shot at you.
Charge your Buster before you approach it, and Dash-Jump to avoid its shots. Soon, you'll find
some riding armor. This is helpful in that it keeps hits from affecting your energy, but I
always find this particular riding armor unwieldy and annoying to use. If you're trying to make
it through this area for the first time, though, get in the riding armor. Make it hover at the
gun turrets and let them have it with as many shots as possible in as little time as possible.
Use it to fight your way through the enemies, but be conscious if it starts to lag and flash
white. This means it's sustaining too much damage. Before long, you'll find a large ship
overhead that will fire out a huge pink blast. There will be some more gun turrets and ship
enemies, but they should be no problem for your riding armor. You'll then arrive at some more
of the ships that fire the large pink blast. After making it through this string of ships,
you'll find your way to the second part of the stage.

Heart Tank
All you have to do to get this Heart Tank is dash on top of the platform before it's destroyed
by the first large overhead ship. If you let the ship fire its pink blast, the platform will be
destroyed, and the Heart Tank will fall, nulling your chances of getting to it.

As you enter this indoors area, there will be small hovering enemies that pack quite a punch.
They fire off a pink blast roughly the size of themselves, and when they line themselves up
it's sometimes hard to dodge. Charge your X-Buster to take them out, and if they're about to
fire and you're not prepared to take them out, run away or cling to a wall. Soon, a platform
will come over a bed of spikes. Jump on the platform, and Dash-Jump or Air Dash off the
platform to safety.

Arm Upgrade
Stand to the edge of the platform near the spikes and face left. Jump and fire your Lightning
Web weapon from Web Spider. Dash-Jump to the web, and Dash-Jump from it upwards to grab onto
the platform leading to the Arm Upgrades. Yes, Upgrades. You have a choice between two of them.
One gives you four small powered up shots to use in a row. The other gives you one large and
powerful plasma shot. Personally, I've always preferred the plasma shot, but choose whichever
you'd like. Once you choose, you can come back at any point to change it. It's almost
impossible to exit without the Leg Upgrade.

Go through the doorway to face the mini-boss. This mini-boss has a red eye that's vulnerable,
and the small robots from before will come in twos trying to hurt you. Take them out quickly
and then focuss on the red eye. When they come back, repeat the process. This mini-boss is made
a lot easier if you got the Arm Upgrade a moment ago, especially if it was the plasma shot,
which will stick to the eye and fire for a few seconds, upping the chances of a hit. Directly
after the mini-boss, you'll find yourself at the actual boss.

As Zero
The biggest threat in this stage is falling down. In an area that you're so high in the air,
almost any fall could kill you. The first firing ship will be too high to hit you, but you'll
be able to hit it. Take this one as practice, because the second one has a perfect shot at you.
Get close to slash it as fast as you can, but be prepared to Dash-Jump to avoid its shots.
Soon, you'll find some riding armor. This is helpful in that it keeps hits from affecting your
energy, but I always find this particular riding armor unwieldy and annoying to use. If you're
trying to make it through this area for the first time, though, get in the riding armor. Make
it hover at the gun turrets and let them have it with as many shots as possible in as little
time as possible. Use it to fight your way through the enemies, but be conscious if it starts
to lag and flash white. This means it's sustaining too much damage. Before long, you'll find a
large ship overhead that will fire out a huge pink blast. There will be some more gun turrets
and ship enemies, but they should be no problem for your riding armor. You'll then arrive at
some more of the ships that fire the large pink blast. After making it through this string of
ships, you'll find your way to the second part of the stage.

Heart Tank
All you have to do to get this Heart Tank is dash on top of the platform before it's destroyed
by the first large overhead ship. If you let the ship fire its pink blast, the platform will be
destroyed, and the Heart Tank will fall, nulling your chances of getting to it.

As you enter this indoors area, there will be small hovering enemies that pack quite a punch.
They fire off a pink blast roughly the size of themselves, and when they line themselves up
it's sometimes hard to dodge. Slash a few times at the first blockade that's blocking you and
then jump on the wall. With the blockade destroyed, slash to destroy the small robot. Dash
through this area, slashing all the robots you can. Soon, a platform will come over a bed of
spikes. Jump on the platform, and Dash-Jump off the platform to safety. Go through the doorway
to face the mini-boss. This mini-boss has a red eye that's vulnerable, and the small robots
from before will come in twos trying to hurt you. Take them out quickly and then focuss on the
red eye. When they come back, repeat the process. Directly after the mini-boss, you'll find
yourself at the actual boss.

Storm Owl Strategy
As X
Storm Owl can be pretty challenging, but he's not that hard if you use Cyber Peacock's Aiming
Laser. Using it, just aim it and towards him and fire. This will beat him in no time. Using
your X-Buster, dash to dodge his charging towards you, and fire a charged shot directly
afterwards. Climb onto the overhead platform when he fires at you, and dodge his double cyclone
shots with a Dash-Jump. Either way, he's not all that tough.

As Zero
Storm Owl is also vulnerable to Zero's special weapon from Cyber Peacock, the Rakuhouha (Giga
Attack). Using it, just wait for him to get close and then press the Giga Attack button. If you
need to recharge it a little (which you probably will), just get hit on purpose a little bit.
Using your Z-Saber, follow the same strategy as with X, but make sure you're a lot more careful
to stay away when you need to, as Zero is a close-range fighter.

10. Magma Dragoon's stage:
As X
At the start of the stage, some lava rocks will be following you. It's a pain to try and
destroy these, so just dash to get away from them or cling to the walls if they're getting too
close. In this next area, Dash-Jump past the pits just after you see the lava rocks to make it
through safely. Charge your Buster to take out the small enemies while only crossing the field
when you know the fire streams are safe. They always follow the same patterns of timing, so it
shouldn't be hard to find a time to get through. After dashing your way through a few more lava
rocks and clinging to the walls if you need to, you'll find your way to the doorway to the
second part of the stage. Blast it open and cross through. Do a long string of Dash-Jumps to
get through this next area before the platforms are destroyed by the rocks. When you see an
enemy in a riding armor, stay on the edge of the platform and shoot him. As long as you stay
here, he won't attack you, and you can shoot him down without any resistance.

Heart Tank
There are two ways to get to this Heart Tank. The first way is to stand on the ledge that the
riding armor enemy was on, and fire off a Lightning Web to the left. Dash-Jump over to the web,
and cling onto it to find your way to the platform that the Heart Tank is on. The other way is
to get to the ledge just above the riding armor enemy, and do a Dash-Jump over to the edge of
the platform. Climb up it quickly, and find the Heart Tank.

Use a charged shot to take out the two missile launcher enemies, and then find your riding
armor. This is extremely helpful, both in getting through the level, and to defeat Magma

Body Upgrade
Near the riding armor, there's a ledge. Dash-Jump while inside the armor, and then jump from
the armor onto the ledge. You need your Arm Upgrade and the Twin Slasher weapon from Slash
Beast. Power up the Twin Slasher and it will cut through the wall of rocks blocking your path.
Behind this, you'll find the capsule. The Body upgrade allows you to do a powerful Nova Strike
attack. You can only use this once in a while, though, so it's not all that useful.

Get inside the riding armor, and Dash-Jump your way through the lava. Lava doesn't hurt this
riding armor, but the spouting fire does. Avoid it with carefully timed Dash-Jumps. Once you
get to the end of the jumps, get into the lava and take out the rocks with your riding armor's
weapon. This will lead directly to the boss.

As Zero
At the start of the stage, some lava rocks will be following you. It's a pain to try and
destroy these, so just dash to get away from them or cling to the walls if they're getting too
close. In this next area, Dash-Jump past the pits just after you see the lava rocks to make it
through safely. Take out the small enemies while only crossing the field when you know the fire
streams are safe. They always follow the same patterns of timing, so it shouldn't be hard to
find a time to get through. After dashing your way through a few more lava rocks and clinging
to the walls if you need to, you'll find your way to the doorway to the second part of the
stage. Slash it open and cross through. Do a long string of Dash-Jumps to get through this next
area before the platforms are destroyed by the rocks. When you see an enemy in a riding armor,
slash him quickly before he can hurt you.

Heart Tank
Getting this Heart Tank is pretty easy with Zero. Just do a double jump (Kuuenbu) that you got
from Split Mushroom off the ledge that the riding armor was on, and it will lead directly to
the Heart Tank.

You could concentrate on slashing the two missile launchers, but a well-timed Kuuenbu technique
will allow you simply skip on over them and find your riding armor. This is extremely helpful,
both in getting through the level, and to defeat Magma Dragoon. Get inside, and Dash-Jump your
way through the lava. Lava doesn't hurt this riding armor, but the spouting fire does. Avoid it
with carefully timed Dash-Jumps. Once you get to the end of the jumps, get into the lava and
take out the rocks with your riding armor's weapon. This will lead directly to the boss.

Magma Dragoon Strategy
As long as you're using the riding armor, the strategy remains the same for X and Zero. Slash
him like crazy and don't make any effort to dodge his attacks. If you're playing on Easy mode,
this will last all throughout his onslaught. If you're playing on medium, the riding armor will
eventually be destroyed, and you'll have to face Dragoon without it. Below is how to face him
fair and square.

As X
The key to beating Magma Dragoon is clinging to the wall, and only coming off when you have a
clear shot. This works for both the X-Buster and the Double Cyclone. You won't have a clear
shot very much, but take advantage when you do have it.

As Zero
Magma Dragoon has no real weakness when it comes to Zero's techniques, and this can be a pain.
He seems to react to Raijingeki from Web Spider, but finding an opportunity to use it is hard,
and may not be worth it. Cling to the wall, as you would with X, and wait for an opportunity to
hit him. When you can, hit him with Raijingeki, but don't spend too much time risking it.

11. Frost Walrus' stage:
As X
The easiest way through the beginning of this level is to take the higher path by climbing up
the left wall and Dash-Jumping to the right one. From there, you can use the Lightning Web to
move on. You'll hardly have to deal with any enemies at all. If you take the bottom path, keep
your X-Buster charged to take out the large monkey-like snow robots.

Heart Tank
In the lower path, there will be a ledge with a block of ice above it. Use the Rising Fire
weapon from Magma Dragoon, and the Heart Tank will fall to you.

Moving on, dash and Dash-Jump to make it from ladder to ladder before they disappear. Dash-Jump
over the pits of spikes, and then dash down the ice slopes before they dissipate on you. Ignore
the enemies; just Dash-Jump over them.

When you're done charging down the slopes facing in the right direction, Dash-Jump onto the
right wall. Get as high as you can, and then fire off a Lightning Web to the left. Dash-Jump to
the web, and then jump from there to the platform where the EX-Tank is. The EX-Tank gives you 5
lives instead of just 3 when you start the game.

Continue to dash down the slopes as quickly as possible. Keep your X-Buster charged to take out
the snow monkey robots, and then find the area where ice platforms will be rising. Wait for the
one closest to the ledge to get crushed against the wall, and then fall in. Dash from one to
another quickly to find your way to the bottom. Here, you'll find the mini-boss. This boss is
easy. Use your Rising Fire weapon (if you don't have the Helmet upgrade, make sure you charge
it later). Use the Rising Fire to destroy the icicles on the ceiling so they won't pose a
threat, and then focuss your fire on the mini-boss. It won't take many hits to destroy him, and
you won't even have to worry about avoiding any attacks. In the next area, keep your X-Buster
charged to take out the ice blocks. Most of the time, this will take out the enemies inside the
ice blocks anyway, so you shouldn't have to worry about them. Just keep pounding at the ice
blocks and you'll find your way through. When you have the choice between a higher and a lower
path, take the higher one. It's quicker.

Weapon Tank
At the end of the ice blocks on the higher path, blast one of the top blocks to destroy the one
holding the Weapon Tank and collect it. The Weapon Tank refills a special weapon, although I've
never really found it useful.

Keep your Buster charged to take out the enemies in this next area. The most important enemy to
take out is a flying bird that will try to ice over a large area. Take it out quickly before it
gets a chance. After going through this area, you'll find your way to the boss.

As Zero
The easiest way through the beginning of this level is to take the higher path by climbing up
the left wall and Dash-Jumping to the right one. From there, you can use the Kuuenbu to move
on. You'll hardly have to deal with any enemies at all. If you take the bottom path, be
prepared to destroy the large monkey-like snow robots.

Heart Tank
In the lower path, there will be a ledge with a block of ice above it. Use the Ryuenjin weapon
from Magma Dragoon, and the Heart Tank will fall to you.

Moving on, dash and Dash-Jump to make it from ladder to ladder before they disappear. Dash-Jump
over the pits of spikes, and then dash down the ice slopes before they dissipate on you. Ignore
the enemies; just Dash-Jump over them.

When you're done charging down the slopes facing in the right direction, Dash-Jump onto the
right wall. Get as high as you can, and then use the Kuuenbu to get to the platform where the
EX-Tank is. The EX-Tank gives you 5 lives instead of just 3 when you start the game.

Continue to dash down the slopes as quickly as possible. Take out the snow monkey robots, and
then find the area where ice platforms will be rising. Wait for the one closest to the ledge to
get crushed against the wall, and then fall in. Dash from one to another quickly to find your
way to the bottom. Here, you'll find the mini-boss. This boss is easy. Use your Ryuenjin. Use
it to destroy the icicles on the ceiling so they won't pose a threat, and then focuss your fire
on the mini-boss. It won't take many hits to destroy him, and you won't even have to worry
about avoiding any attacks. In the next area, slash quickly to take out the ice blocks. Most of
the time, this will take out the enemies inside the ice blocks anyway, so you shouldn't have to
worry about them. Just keep pounding at the ice blocks and you'll find your way through. When
you have the choice between a higher and a lower path, take the higher one. It's quicker.

Weapon Tank
At the end of the ice blocks on the higher path, slash one of the top blocks to destroy the one
holding the Weapon Tank and collect it. The Weapon Tank refills a special weapon, but it's
nearly useless with Zero. He doesn't use special weapons. It can be used, however, to refill
some of your Giga Attack.

Be prepared to take out the enemies in this next area quickly. The most important enemy to take
out is a flying bird that will try to ice over a large area. Slash it quickly, or more
usefully, use your Ryuenjin technique to take it out quickly. After going through this area,
you'll find your way to the boss.

Frost Walrus Strategy
As X
This boss isn't hard at all. Frost Walrus is more of an irritation than a challenge. An
irritation because he takes so long. With the Rising Fire, get under him and fire it. Then
cling to the wall, and Dash-Jump away when he comes closer to you. Using the X-Buster, do the
exact same thing. It won't destroy him as fast, but it will still destroy him.

As Zero
Using Zero is basically the same as using X. Instead of the Rising Fire, use the Ryuenjin
technique. If you use the Z-Saber, jump up and hit him a few times, and then dash towards the
wall. Like X, he's easy, but he takes a while.

12. Jet Stingray's stage:
This is one of the most inventive and fun stages in the entire MMX series. You will be riding a
jet bike that doubles as a jet ski when you get into the water. The fire button fires from the
jet bike, you can jump, and the dash button serves as a dash and as an attack. The level is the
same as X or Zero, and there is no difference at all between the levels with them.

Fire constantly during this stage to make sure you take out all the enemies. If you need to
dash, use the Crooked Finger technique discussed at the opening page of the Game Guides.
Overall, you won't need to worry about your life being lowered too much. If anything will kill
you, it will be falling into a pit or being scrolled off the fast-moving screen.

Heart Tank
At the fourth pit in the level, don't jump over it. You'll fall straight onto the platform that
holds the Heart Tank, and jump from that back onto the main platform.

You'll need to be ready to jump in the first part of the stage, but none of the jumps should
really catch you by surprise. Before long, you'll find the second part of the stage. In this
part, you're outside. When Jet Stingray appears, use the dash button to attack him and he'll
leave you alone. Remember to fire constantly, and look out for the boxes. Shoot them or dash
through them.

If you've been hurting Jet Stingray to get him to leave you alone, be prepared just after he
comes the second time. Jump from the platform that's a little above water level to another
platform, and then do a jump from that platform, dashing in mid-air. This will destroy the
boxes blocking your path, and you'll go right through the Sub-Tank. After you fall off that
platform, you'll need to jump almost instantly to not get crushed.

After making your way through the boxes, you'll find your way at the end of the stage, and the
doorway to the boss.

Jet Stingray Strategy
As X
Jet Stingray is easiest with the Frost Tower, but he's pretty easy with the X-Buster. Using the
Frost Tower, simply get under him, jump up, and use it. Keep this up until he's gone. Using the
X-Buster, get to the far corner of whatever side he's on. This will protect you from him if he
comes down. Charge your Buster and jump up to hit him. Charge it again to take out the small
stingrays he'll send after you. Either way you play it, he won't take long.

As Zero
Jet Stingray's weakness with Zero is supposed to be the Hyouretsuzan technique. However, this
can be hard to get the timing down for, and may prove to be your weakness if you're not
experienced with it. If you feel you have it down, use it. Otherwise, stay to the corner like
you would to beat him with the X-Buster, and jump up to slash him. Slash the stingrays, and
just keep up this pattern.

13. Slash Beast's stage:
As X
The enemies in this stage are pretty easy, and the brown boxes can be destroyed. The blue ones,
though, can't be destroyed by normal means. Destroy the hard hat and bat robots with a few
small shots. You don't even need to charge your Buster. When you find a gun turret, stay below
its line of fire and use charged shots when you get a chance. Sometimes a robot will come along
and try to disconnect the rail cars. Do a Dash-Jump quickly to make it across. After going
through these kinds of obstacles for long, enough, you'll find yourself at the mini-boss. Stay
near the back and fire charged shots. This boss is especially easy if you have the plasma shot
from the Arm Upgrade. Keep staying near the back and firing charged shots. Jump to dodge when
you need to, but you probably won't need to all that much. Once it's destroyed, you'll move
onto the second part of the level. The second part is almost exactly like the first part,
except that it has some riding armor enemies. As long as you keep your distance, you can shoot
them without being attacked, but keep your X-Buster charged just in case. Before long, you'll
find a red riding armor. This helps tremendously in the stage. Get in, and lay waste to
everything you see.

Heart Tank
If you slash with your riding armor against the train cars, they'll be destroyed. Do this to
the second train car you see after you get in the riding armor, and a Heart Tank will be laying
there for you.

Keep battling your way through the level with your riding armor, and you'll eventually find the
engine of the train. You'll have to get out of the riding armor here, but there isn't much
left. Just battle your way through some easy enemies and jump over the pits, and you'll find
the boss.

As Zero
The enemies in this stage are pretty easy, and the brown boxes can be destroyed. The blue ones,
though, can't be destroyed by normal means. Destroy the hard hat and bat robots with a simple
slash. When you find a gun turret, stay below its line of fire and jump up to slash when you
get a chance. Sometimes a robot will come along and try to disconnect the rail cars. Do a
Dash-Jump quickly to make it across. After going through these kinds of obstacles for long,
enough, you'll find yourself at the mini-boss. The easiest way to beat this boss is to jump on
top of the platform that it's on and use the Raijingeki technique to destroy the spikes
quickly. If you dono't have it, jump onto the platform and slash it's spikes as fast as you
can. Once it's destroyed, you'll move onto the second part of the level. The second part is
almost exactly like the first part, except that it has some riding armor enemies. If you get
close and slash them quickly, they won't pose a threat. You just have to destroy them before
they get a chance to hit you. Before long, you'll find a red riding armor. This helps
tremendously in the stage. Get in, and lay waste to everything you see.

Heart Tank
If you slash with your riding armor against the train cars, they'll be destroyed. Do this to
the second train car you see after you get in the riding armor, and a Heart Tank will be laying
there for you.

Keep battling your way through the level with your riding armor, and you'll eventually find the
engine of the train. You'll have to get out of the riding armor here, but there isn't much
left. Just battle your way through some easy enemies and jump over the pits, and you'll find
the boss.

Slash Beast Strategy
As X
For such an intimidating "beast," Slash Beast isn't that hard. Using the Ground Hunter weapon
from Jet Stingray, cling to the wall and fire it down on him like rain. You can press down when
it's over him to go straight down and hit. Using your X-Buster, cling to the wall and come down
when you have a chance to fire at him. Stay at about the middle of the wall to avoid his twin
slasher attack, and keep firing whenever there's a spare moment. He'll be destroyed in no time.

As Zero
There is no specific weapon that's effective using Zero, but he's a real test of your skills.
You can use all of your techniques, or none of them. There's nothing that's particularly
effective, but the Kuuenzan seems to be the most convenient move to use. Just slash him when
you get a chance, and be nimble with your movements. He's a lot harder using Zero, since he's a
close-range fighter.

14. Colonel Strategy:
After you've beaten four of the Maverick Bosses with X or Zero, Colonel will challenge you to a
battle at Memorial Hall. With Zero, it's taken care of through an FMV, and you don't have to
battle. This is a strategy to follow if you're playing with X, with whom you will have to
battle Colonel. There are no enemies at Memorial Hall, only Colonel. It helps to have your Leg
Upgrade and your Arm Upgrade going into this battle. Also, if you have the Body Upgrade, you
might want to use your Nova Strike against him. Colonel isn't extremely hard, but he isn't a
piece of cake either. To beat him, you need to learn his patterns. The good news is that his
patterns are repetitive and easy to remember. The bad news is that there are no walls to cling
on to. His primary attack is to fire off a few shots, high and low. Since there are no walls to
cling to, you need to jump at just the right moment to dodge the higher shot. Jump to avoid
both. He'll then vanish. Wait a moment after he does this, and then Dash-Jump away from
wherever you're standing. He'll charge over to one side of the room. This is your opportunity
to fire. Then he'll start firing off his high and low blasts again. Keep repeating this process
until he's gone.

15. Spaceport stage:
As X
The beginning of this stage is filled with armed robot guards. Charging your X-Buster and
Dash-Jumping over them when possible can get you through without a scratch, and by now you're
probably practiced enough to do just that. Before long, you'll find some hovering shield
robots. Take them out when they face the wrong direction, and charge your Buster to take out
the wheel and armed robots ahead. Keep your X-Buster charged as you climb up the stairs and the
ramps afterwards in order to get up the level. Before long, you'll find the doorway to the

As Zero
In this level you have to simply remember that the Kuuenzan attack is your best friend in the
world. Now that you have the Tenkuuha technique added to your Saber, spinning with the Kuuenzan
renders you invulnerable, while using an attack that destroys enemies. Go through the level
using it as much as possible. Slash the shielded hovering robots when they're facing the wrong
way, and make your way up the ladder using the Kuuenzan again. Before you know it, you'll find
your way to the boss.

Colonel Strategy
As X
This battle is much like the first one. He uses most of the same moves, and you should follow
the same strategies. This time, though, there are walls to cling onto, which help tremendously.
One of his new attacks is to stand in the center and have four lightning bolts fall from the
skies. This is fairly easy to avoid. Cling to the wall, and jump in between two of the small
bolts when they're laying on the ground. This way, you be in between them when the real attack
starts coming. When his life gets down to the yellow area, he'll use a large sword slash
attack. To avoid it, just cling high to the wall. If Colonel has a weakness in the special
weapons, it's the Frost Shield. Get on the wall over him and use it when he gets near you. It
will fall on top of him for quite a bit of damage.

As Zero
As with most bosses, Colonel is much more challenging with Zero. It's not in that he uses
different or more powerful moves, but in the fact that Colonel is a lot easier when you can
fight him from a distance. No techniques in particular seem to work well against him, but as
they can be used infinately, it's fun to mix them up and show you're skill. The Kuuenzan can
be effective. It doesn't hurt him any more than any other technique, but using it in
conjunction with your Kuuenbu double jump can help you dodge his sword slash attack while still
rendering damage. Don't be afraid to use a Sub-Tank here. You very well might need to.

16. Final Weapon stage 1:
As X
This part of the level is pretty short, and very easy. Charge your X-Buster and stay low until
it's charged, and then jump to let the enemies have it. There's only one enemy that a safespot
won't be provided for you, and as long as you go in with your X-Buster charged, it won't be a
problem. Use the Rising Fire weapon on the hovering enemy above you, and go through the door to
face Double.

As Zero
Use your Kuuenzan and Ryuenjin to get through this area quickly. Slash the missile launchers
with your Ryuenjin, and use the Kuuenzan to quickly eliminated the hovering robots. Before
long, you'll be at the door that will lead to Iris.

Double Strategy
This is the only boss in the game that only X faces, so there is no "Zero Strategy." Double
really isn't extremely hard, for such an intimidating figure. Charge your X-Buster and stay
clung to the top of the wall. He'll charge at the floor, and then over at the wall. When he
starts to charge at the wall, do an Air Dash or Dash-Jump away from the wall, and cling to the
other one. This is also your opportunity to shoot him. He'll probably just keep up this pattern
for a long time, and you can take him out using this method. He'll also occasionally fire off a
round energy ball. But this is easy to dodge with a simple Dash-Jump. Also, whenever it becomes
brutally obvious to him that he doesn't stand a chance, he'll start to use two huge slashes
that will cover almost the entire screen. Dash under the first one, and then climb high on the
wall to avoid the second.

Iris Strategy
This is the only boss in the game that only Zero faces, so there is no "X Strategy." They say
there's no wrath such as a woman scorned. Iris is pretty angry at you for killing her brother,
despite the fact that she has great affection for you. She's pretty simple if you use your
techniques right and have some quick reflexes. Use your Kuuenzan to fight her off as she
approaches you, and keep using it. This will destroy her floating mines, keeping you safe.
Eventually, her crystal will exit the suit. Use your Kuuenzan or Ryuenjin to hit it quickly to
damage her, or simply slash it if you get the chance. Stay in one spot when the crystal starts
to get under you, and then Dash-Jump to the wall and stay there. This should keep you safe from
the double shot that will fill most of the screen like a cage. Keep up these patterns, and
she'll go down.

As X
The level continues after you've beaten Double, and after battling or dodging your way through
some shielded enemies, you have to choose between a higher or lower path. To take the lower
path, fall through the pit that comes right before the doorway. To take the higher path, walk
through the doorway. I recommend the lower path, as the higher one is filled with spikes and
enemies. The lower one, however, is filled with pits. Either way, you'll be depending on
Dash-Jumps and Air Dashes a lot. Once you find your way through this (it's not hard), you'll
face the boss.

As Zero
The level continues after the touching scene with Iris, and after battling or dodging your way
through some shielded enemies, you have to choose between a higher or lower path. To take the
lower path, fall through the pit that comes right before the doorway. To take the higher path,
walk through the doorway. I recommend the lower path, as the higher one is filled with spikes
and enemies. The lower one, however, is filled with pits. Either way, you'll be depending on
Dash-Jumps and Air Dashes a lot. Once you find your way through this (it's not hard), you'll
face the boss.

General Strategy
As X
General can be pretty tough, but he's also pretty predictable. Use your Twin Slasher weappon.
Even if you're below him, a good jump will get you high enough for the Twin Slasher to hit him.
If you want him to fire off his fists for you to stand on, cling to the wall, and he usually
will. When he does this, though, he'll fire off small rings at you. Your Leg upgrade's hover
option helps you dodge these annoyances. He has another attack in which the ground around him
will rise for substantial damage. Simply don't stand near him too much, and you should avoid
this just fine.

As Zero
General is very challenging with Zero, seeing as he has no real weakness in Zero's techniques.
Beating this boss depends solely on your skill, rather than exploiting a weakness. For another
thing, unlike X, you have to jump on his fists. There's no other way to get in the close range
you need to hurt him. Get on his fists, and use the Kuuenzan attack (since it gives you the
most opportunity to hit him). Other than that, avoid his attacks as if you were X, and approach
him carefully.

17. Final Weapon stage 2:
Here it is: The final level.

Make sure you have your Sub-Tanks and Weapon Tank full, and that you gathered your Heart Tanks
and (if you're X) capsule upgrades. The stage itself is at first merely a replay of all
previous Maverick Bosses. They're all exactly the same, and should be faced in the same ways,
except that this time you have the weakness of all of them. There is an energy storage for you
to take between boss fights. It regenerates each time, so don't be afraid to use it. Below is a
map of where all the bosses are:

-Energy Charge- -Energy Charge-

-Web Spider- -Magma Dragoon-

-Cyber Peacock- -Sigma- -Storm Owl-

-Jet Stingray- -Frost Walrus-

-Split Mushroom- -Slash Beast-

After the boss replay, you'll go to face off with Sigma's three forms. Below is in-depth
strategies on how to defeat each, both with X and Zero.

Reaper Sigma Strategy
As X
Luckily, this is the easiest of the final bosses. Use your Rising Fire weapon. When he first
appears, get below him and fire it off. With this fire, keep holding the button down to charge
your weapon. When he reappears, use the charged Rising Fire on him. Again, hold the button down
when he disappears, and use it on him when he reappears. He'll fall in no time. Also, he might
slash across the screen if he appears to the left of it. To dodge this, simply Dash-Jump to the
left side and try to go through the pole of his scythe, instead of the blade.

As Zero
Reaper Sigma is slightly harder with Zero, but still pretty easy. Use your Ryuenjin technique
when he's above you. Just keep doing this, and dodge his attacks as you would if you were X, if
he gets a chance to use any.

Sigma Strategy
As X
With X, this form of Sigma can be fairly easy as well. Use the Lightning Web weapon. Fire it at
him when he jumps up, and jump to dodge his spinning scythe attack. Charge your Lightning Web
weapon when you get the chance, but watch the energy of it. You don't want this important
weapon to run out. When the scythe sticks into the wall and Sigma backs up, fire off a
Lightning Web. He'll release two lasers. Jump and hover in mid-air just at the last minute, and
charge your Lightning Web. Don't move around at all while hovering, as this cuts down on the
time that you're allowed to do it. Just stay still, and your hover will run out just as the
lasers disappear. Now that he'll be coming forward again, let him have it with the charged
Lightning Web. Keep up these patterns, and he won't take long to defeat.

As Zero
This boss is much harder using Zero. While saving your Sub-Tanks for later is a good idea, use
one here if you absolutely need to. Since Zero has no hover ability like X, depend on a
combination of your Kuuenbu double-jump and clinging to the walls to avoid his floor-based
attacks. Kuuenbu over his scythe attack, and use your Kuuenzan attack as much as possible while
doing this. The Rakuhouha attack is very effective, seeing as you're invincible while doing it,
and it hurts him considerably. If you need, use your Weapon Tank or get hit a few times to
refill the Rakuhouha meter.

You now face the final boss. However, this boss is unique from all the other games in that he
is actually three bosses in one. All of these bosses have their own unique attacks, abilities,
and weaknesses, so they've been divided up for strategy purposes below. The Alien Sigma form is
the one you'll see to the far right, but won't battle instantly. The 3-heads Sigma is the first
one that will actually pose a threat. The Cyborg-head Sigma appears to the far left and will
pose the second threat. After this, you will face the 3-heads Sigma again, and then the Alien
Sigma. They do not stay around until you defeat them. Each form only stays around as long as it
takes to do their attack. The order of their attacks will be: 3-heads Sigma, Cyborg-head Sigma,
3-heads Sigma, Alien Sigma, 3-heads Sigma, Cyborg-head Sigma, and so on. Once you defeat the
Alien Sigma or the Cybord-head Sigma, you'll only have to face the other two, but you can't get
rid of the 3-heads Sigma. Even if you destroy them, they'll keep coming back.

Alien Sigma Strategy
As X
With X, this boss is easy, but takes a long time. Use the Soul Body weapon, and don't bother
charging it up. When you know the Alien is about to come out, cling to the left wall and ride
the two heads until where you're near. If they stay straight, stay there clung to the heads. If
the one on the top and the one on the bottom are uneven, stand on the bottom one. Dash-Jump
towards Alien Sigma's face and use your Soul Body. Climb back on top of the bottom head, and do
this again. The Dash-Jumping should help you dodge the laser attacks.

As Zero
This boss isn't hard, but takes a lot of patience. Cling to the left wall and ride the two
heads until where you're near. If they stay straight, stay there. If the one on the top and the
one on the bottom are uneven, stand on the bottom one. Dash-Jump towards Alien Sigma's face and
use your Kuuenzan attack. Keep doing this over and over, and he'll eventually go down.

3-Heads Sigma Strategy
These three can't be destroyed, and it's a waste of effort to even try. You should, however,
dodge their attacks. The strategy for doing this is the same with X and Zero. Each head has
it's own attack, and which one they use is random.
Blue Head: The Blue Head is easiest to avoid. It will appear to the right and blow ice while it
moves left. Simply dash to the left and climb on top of the yellow and red heads, and stay
Red Head: The Red Head isn't as easy as the blue, but still pretty easy. It will appear on the
left side and blow fire towards the right. Just jump onto the blue and yellow heads on the
right and cling far to the top. When the fire is getting close to the top, drop down to the
Yellow Head: The Yellow Head is the hardest to avoid. It will appear overhead, and the other
two will appear to either side. It will let out electric blasts that will trace the floor.
Dash-Jump and Air Dash from on side to the other, and stay in the air as much as you can.

Cyborg-Head Sigma
As X
This boss can be easy, if you manipulate his patterns. When you know he's about to show up,
stand to the far right side of the screen, near the wires on the floor. Then, when he appears,
dash towards him. This will usually make him use his blowing back attack (which is exactly what
you wanted). Dash to avoid blowing into the spikes, and use your Ground Hunter weapon on his
mouth when you get a chance. You'll have a few crucial moments after he gets done blowing to
score a few more hits on him. He might also use the sucking in attack. If he does this, stay
where you are, and use the powered-up X-Buster to destroy the scrap he'll throw at you. Trying
to attack him like this is just going to get you hurt, so wait until he comes back and try

As Zero
Like X, encourage him to use the blowing attack by staying to the right. As you dash towards
the left, use your Kuuenzan attack on the his mouth. Also, like X, if he uses the sucking
attack, don't do anything. Trying to do anything can get yourself seriously hurt.

18. Secrets and Tips:
1. Easy Sub-Tank Fill - To collect energy for your Sub-Tank quickly and easily, go to Frost
Walrus' stage after you have the Leg Upgrade or the double jump. Climb the left wall that
faces you as soon as you enter the level. After using your Leg Upgrade or double jump to
get past the platform (you could also use the Lightning Web weapon to climb up on), there
will be an area with several energy capsules in a row. Collect them all, exit the level,
and come back if necessary.
2. X's Ultimate Armor - As there are several different versions of MMX4, there are several
different codes to do this. The initial code simply gives X a darker tint. This does
nothing for you other than set you up for the Ultimate Armor later on. Here is how to do it
on the different platforms:
Playstation Version: Start a new game and keep the selection on Mega Man X. While there,
press Circle, Circle, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left. Then hold R1 and L1 and press the
X button.
Saturn Version: Start a new game and keep the selection on Mega Man X. While there, press B,
B, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left. Then hold the R and L buttons and press either the C
or the A button.
PC Version: The PC version is the easiest. Start a new game and keep the selection on Mega
Man X. While there, hold Down on the control pad and press Start.
Ultimate Armor (all versions): After this is accomplished, battle your way through the
opening stage, and go to Web Spider's stage. In the area that would normally give you the
Leg Upgrade, there will be a capsule that will instead give you the Ultimate Armor. It looks
a lot different than your normal armor, and gives you all the upgrades at the same time.
Also, it lets you use the Nova Strike attack infinately.
3. Zero's Black Armor - Unlike the Ultimate Armor trick for X, this does no real good to Zero.
There are no new powers, no amazing abilities, no infinite powerful attacks. This is more of
a wink to long-time fans of the series, who will recognize Zero's black armor from MMX2,
when X had to battle Zero. Again, there are several versions.
Playstation Version: Start a new game and keep the selection on Zero. While there, hold down
R1, and then press Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right. Stop holding R1, and press the
X button.
Saturn Version: Start a new game and keep the selection on Zero. While there, hold down R,
and then press Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right. Stop holding R, then hold down B
and press the C or A button.
PC Version: The PC version is the easiest. Start a new game and keep the selection on Zero.
While there, hold Up on the control pad and press Start.
4. Anime Theatre - There are ways to watch the Anime sequences of Mega Man X4 whenever you
want, without even finishing the game. If you want to ruin it for yourself, follow these
Playstation Version: Leave the game on the Start screen for 10 minutes, and the game will
show all of the anime sequences in order. First X's, and then Zero's.
PC Version: The PC version is much more convenient. Simply slip the disk into your CD-ROM
drive, and open Windows Media Player (or some such other player that opens movie files).
Open the folder named "Str" in the file select menu, and choose your movie. "Capcom" is
simply the logo movie. "Wop" is the opening movie, and from there on the movies are
signified by their letter. If it says "Wx-", it's one of X's movies, and if it says "Wz-",
it's one of Zero's movies. They're ordered by number as they appear in the game.

19. Legal:
This guide must always be shown in full form with credit given to the author, and a link and
credit must be given to Mega Man X Online ( All associated
characters and games are copyright to Capcom.

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Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
3 Verschiedene Speicherstände kurz vor dem Raumhafen: 1. X mit Giga Rüstung und Energy, Waffen und EX Tanks. 2. X mit Ultimate Rüstung und Energy, Waffen und EX Tanks. 3. Zero in Schwarz mit allem.

16.Октябрь 2013
Alle Gegenstände und alle 8 Bosse sind besiegt.

14.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Alle Level.

16.Октябрь 2013
Alle Waffen.

14.Октябрь 2013
Japanische Version: Alle Waffen und Level.

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018