WWF Smackdown!

WWF Smackdown!

11.10.2013 08:12:02
WWF SMACKDOWN! by Andrew Tso
Playstation Create a wrestler Guide
Last updated: 08/01/00
A quick shoutout to David C! :D

04/15/00- It's about time Andrew comes back! Completed the move list and
added a good Tazz creation!

04/18/00- Added a special tip at the FAQs section! And a special treat
for you (custom moves that really work)!

05/07/00- A BUTTLOAD OF CAWS FOR YOU TODAY! Check them out at the

05/10/00- I am such a bum. I got everything mixed up. Sorry about the
CAWs, because you will have to edit the CAW's appearance. I got mixed
up, because I mixed up the CAW numbers! And the CAWs are MUCH easier to
make because I added a description for the clothes and faces!
COOL MOVES SECTION! It really looks like the real double team!

05/11/00- Those damn Dudleys with their dirty flying headbutt to groin!
Go to the COOL MOVES section to do this! Thanks to Grandmaster APA and
now my FAQ does not lack INTENSITY, INTEGRITY and INTELEGENCE! Thank you

05/17/00- *GASP!* What is this? A BUTTLOAD OF COOL MOVES FOR YOUR

05/22/00- CAWS CAWS CAWS! Alot of CAWs for you!

05/30/00- Alright, it's been a while since I updated. Boy, I'm tired!
Well, I'm still slacking off and haven't read any mail for a few days
(sorry for the people who sent me something, I will read them ASAP), so
this is what I'm going to do. I have alot of untested CAWs from Andrew
McBride (thanks man!). There are too many CAWs, so I decided to send
them to you if you ask me to. And if you want, you can test them for me
and I would give you credit for helping out! :)
I'm off for 1 week, but I will try to make an update on Sunday! Come and
check my FAQ on Monday. Bye!

06/03/00- There, like I promised but just a few days late. And fredie1
also got a buttload (and I mean BUTTLOAD) of CAWs for you! Email me and
I will send them! Got some neat cool moves in the cool moves section so
check it out! I also have a nice "pimpin" Chris Jericho for you!

08/01/00- I'm back! Sorry for not replying to some mail but I was just
on a little break. I got alot of new stuff for you so check out the CAWs
section for a CAW of "Goodfather" and more! Also a cool move is added in
the cool moves section!
/ \
|======================== |
|X- Select |
|Triangle- Go back |
|Left/Right- Toggle through selections |
|L2/R2- Turn your created wrestler |
|L1/R1- Get to another section |

Hello everyone, I'm andy591. This is my second FAQ! This is a create
a superstar guide which shows you all the costumes in the game, and all
the ability level you need to be able to do a certain move!

Press Ctrl+F on your Internet Explorer browser to search for the feaure.
(Example: Type "Fishsticks" and find sentences or headings with the
word, "Fishsticks".)

From here, you choose. Choose NO SECRETS UNLOCKED if you didn't get all
the outfits yet. And choose ALL SECRETS UNLOCKED if you have gotten
EVERY outfit there is in the game. Press Ctrl+f and type in the feature

Table of contents
Feature Letter
| Head | A |-Complete!
| Upper | B |-Complete!
| Lower | C |-Complete!
This only works if you have all the outfits unlocked.

Feature Letter
| Head | D |*Complete!
| Upper | E |*Complete!
| Lower | F |*Coming soon!

Feature Letter
| Moves/Ability | G |*Complete!
| Entrances | H |*Coming soon!
| Special notes | I |*New notes
| Creations | J |*Coming soon!
| FAQ | K |*Ask me questions!

COOL MOVES (they work, too!)
These are the moves currently available:
|1. FAKE 3D: Looks cool! |
|2. FAKE 3D: A nicer one! |
|3. FAKE 3D: I prefer this one |
|4. Hardy Leg Drop |
|5. Double People's Elbow |
|6. Whip and spear |
|7. THE WORM |
|8. Kaientai's doubleteam |
|9. Dudley Boyz Headbutt To Groin|
|10. Electric Chair Fameasser |
|11. Hip Hop Drop |
|12. Head Cheese Leg Drop |
|13. One on Two ass-beating |
|14. Hardy Boyz DoubleGround move|
|15. The Stinky Face (weird name)|
|16. Good Worm! |
|17. Reverse doomsday device |

Here is a list of things in the APPEARANCE option if you have every
outfit unlocked:

00. Stone Cold Steve Austin
01. Undertaker
02. The Rock
03. The Big Show
04. Mankind
05. Ken Shamrock
06. Triple H
07. Kane
08. Val Venis
09. The Big Boss Man
10. X-Pac
11. Vince McMahon
12. "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn
13. "Road Dogg" Jesse James
14. Hardcore Holly
15. Test
16. Al Snow
17. Gangrel
18. Christian
19. Edge
20. Chyna
21. Tori
22. The Godfather
23. Debra
24. D-Lo Brown
25. Mark Henry
26. Matt Hardy
27. Jeff Hardy
28. Chris Jericho
29. Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30. Shane McMahon
31. Paul Bearer
32. Steve Blackman
33. Farooq
34. Bradshaw
35. D-Von Dudley
36. Mideon
37. Unknown(I did this with Gameshark and I got the Rock's face)
38. Unknown(I did this with Gameshark and I got the Rock's face)
39. Prince Albert
40. Gerald Brisco
41. Pat Patterson
42. Ivory
43. Jacqueline
44. Stephanie McMahon
45. Stone Cold Steve Austin w/ headband
46. The Rock w/ sunglasses
47. Viscera
48. Stevie Richards
49. Earl Hebner (I think)
50. Stephanie McMahon w/ different hair
51. Old man with big grey hair and sunglasses
52. Star mask
53. Girl with wacky hair and lips (Godfather's ho)
54. A Japanese girl/boy? (Godfather's ho)
55. A metal helmet
56. Japanese samurai helmet
57. THQ robot
58. Japanese samurai (Japanese-style hair)
59. T-Rex
60. Knight's helmet
61. The Blue Meanie!
62. Man w/ red mask and hair
63. Yellow mask with blue design
64. A Power Ranger mask?
65. Blue mask w/ eye, nose, and mouth revealed
66. Rey Mysterio mask w/ star on forehead
67. Goalie mask
68. Unknown(I did this with Gameshark and I got the Rock's face)
69. Glacier w/ grey hair (Sub-Zero look alike)
70. Man w/ blond buzzcut
71. Clown w/ blond buzzcut
72. Man w/ blond buzzcut and goatee
73. Man w/ blond buzzcut and sunglasses
74. Old man w/ goatee
75. Old clown w/ goatee
76. Old man w/ shower cap and fake eye?
77. Small man w/ yellow goatee
78. Scary robot
79. Unknown(I did this with Gameshark and I got the Rock's face)

(note: upper costumes with "C" beside them mean "chest", which means
that it isn't a costume)

00. Stone Cold Steve Austin
01. The Undertaker
02. The Rock (C w/ tattoo)
03. Big Show (C)
04. Mankind
05. Ken Shamrock (C w/ gloves)
06. Triple H (C w/ elbowpads)
07. Kane
08. Val Venis (C)
09. The Big Bossman
10. X-Pac
11. Vince McMahon (black suit)
12. "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn (C w/ necklace)
13. "Road Dogg" Jesse James
14. Hardcore Holly (C w/elbow pad and wristbands)
15. Test (C w/ black wristbands)
16. Al Snow
17. Gangrel
18. Christian
19. Edge (C w/ elbow pads)
20. Chyna
21. Tori
22. The Godfather
23. Debra
24. Dlo Brown (plain black tank top)
25. Mark Jenry
26. Matt Hardy
27. Jeff Hardy
28. Chris Jericho(C w/ wrist bands)
29. Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30. Shane McMahon (what you usually see him wear)
31. Paul Bearer
32. Steve Blackman (C w/ white wristbands)
33. Farooq (C w/ symbols)
34. Bradshaw (C w/ different symbols)
35. D-Von Dudley
36. Mideon
37. Prince Albert? (black tank top)
38. Unknown(I did this with Gameshark and I got the Rock's body)
39. Hairy body (C)
40. Red "buckle-up" shirt
41. WWF shirt
42. One side tanktop (Andre the Giant)
43. Black T-Shirt
44. Woman's light green suit
45. Stone Cold's Gym T-Shirt
46. The Rock's workout shirt (black shirt with stripes)
47. Viscera
48. Army colored shirt
49. Referee male
50. Referee female
51. Big red business suit with yellow tie
52. Kurt Angle? (blue tanktop with red and white stripes)
53. THQ tanktop (I want one!)
54. Women's blue tanktop
55. Black tanktop (unsure)
56. One side tanktop (unsure)
57. White shirt
58. Ripped tanktop (Chris Jericho wears before matches sometimes)
59. Old black and white Degeneration X t-shirt
60. Black tanktop (unsure)
61. White shirt 1 (seems wet)
62. White shirt 2 (it has a big stomach)
63. Blue shirt
64. Red shirt
65. Stone Cold Steve Austin jacket
66. Blue tanktop (attached to neck)
67. Red bikini
68. White armor chest plate
69. Samurai gear 1
70. THQ robot
71. Samurai gear 2
72. Colorful shirt
73. Sumo shirt
74. Tattoos all over body (C)
75. Hairy (C)
76. Skinny (C)
77. Colorful shirt 2
78. Stevie Richards (dark blue top)
79. Christian's old shirt (Gangrel's but without necklace. Bet you
didn't notice, huh?)
80. Referee male 2
81. Paul Bearer 2 (green tie)


00. Stone Cold Steve Austin
01. Undertaker (black pants)
02. The Rock
03. The Big Show
04. Mankind
05. Ken Shamrock
06. Triple H
07. Kane
08. Val Venis
09. The Big Bossman
10. X-Pac
11. Vince McMahon (grey pants)
12. "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn
13. "Road Dogg" Jesse James
14. Hardcore Holly
15. Test
16. Al Snow
17. Gangrel (dark blue pants)
18. Christian
19. Edge
20. Chyna
21. Tori (silver pants)
22. The Godfather (green jeans)
23. Debra (short skirt w/ high heels)
24. D-lo Brown
25. Mark Henry
26. Matt Hardy
27. Jeff Hardy
28. Chris Jericho
29. Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30. Shane McMahon (black pants)
31. Paul Bearer's baggy black pants (well baggy if you're skinny)
32. "Headcheese" Steve Blackman (black pants w/ red shoes)
33. Farooq
34. Bradshaw
35. D-Von Dudley
36. Mideon? (black pants)
37. Unknown(I did this with Gameshark and I got the Rock's tights)
38. Flame pants
39. Samurai pants
40. Black pants
41. Grey pants w/ red shoes
42. Pink flames?
43. Red short skirt
44. Light green short skirt
45. Jeans w/ running shoes
46. Black pants 2
47. USA short skirt
48. Army pants
49. Black pants 3 (w/ black shoes)
50. Black tights w/ green boots
51. Baggy greyish pants (is supposed to go with a red shirt)
52. Red shorts w/ red kneepads and black boots
53. Blue skirt
54. Blue shorts w/ blue kneepads and black boots
55. Green samurai pants
56. Japanese style
57. Japanese style 2
58. Jeans
59. Black short skirt
60. Dark blue pants
61. White pants
62. Red pants
63. Red pants 2
64. Big white pants
65. Black and grey pants
66. Cowboy pants (REALLY NICE!)
67. Cowboy pants 2
68. Clown pants w/ pink slippers
69. Polkadot long skirt
70. White long skirt
71. Black long skirt
72. Pink long skirt
73. Japanese style 3 (w/ Japanese wooden slippers)
74. Green shorts
75. Light blue shorts
76. Red shorts
77. Pink tights
78. Samurai pants 2
79. Samurai pants 3
80. Red and white pants (looks cool!)
81. Japanese style 4
82. Dragon design
83. Karate pants
84. Blue tights w/ tattoos (Perry Saturn shorts)
85. White tights w/ tattoos
86. Orange short jeans
87. Blue tights w/ white boots
88. Blue short jeans
89. Army shorts
90. Black and white striped shorts
91. Big Yokozuna style pants
92. Christian's old pants (fire pants)
93. Triple H's old pants
94. Funaki shorts (blue and white striped)
95. Baggy black pants
96. Armor pants


00. Stone Cold Steve Austin
01. Undertaker
02. The Rock
03. The Big Show
04. Mankind
05. Ken Shamrock
06. Triple H
07. Kane
08. Val Venis
09. The Big Boss Man
10. X-Pac
11. Vince McMahon
12. "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn
13. "Road Dogg" Jesse James
14. Hardcore Holly
15. Test
16. Al Snow
17. Gangrel
18. Christian
19. Edge
20. Chyna
21. Tori
22. The Godfather
23. Debra
24. D-Lo Brown
25. Mark Henry
26. Matt Hardy
27. Jeff Hardy
28. Chris Jericho
29. Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30. Shane McMahon
31. Paul Bearer
32. Steve Blackman
33. Farooq
34. Bradshaw
35. D-Von Dudley
36. Earl Hebner
37. Stephanie McMahon with different hair
38. Old man with big grey hair and sunglasses
39. Star mask
40. Girl with wacky hair and lips (Godfather's ho)
41. A Japanese girl/boy? (Godfather's ho)
42. A metal helmet
43. Japanese samurai helmet
44. THQ robot
45. Japanese samurai (Japanese-style hair)
46. T-Rex
47. Knight's helmet
48. Man w/ red mask and hair
49. Yellow mask with blue design
50. A Power Ranger mask?
51. Blue mask w/ eye, nose, and mouth revealed
52. Rey Mysterio mask w/ star on forehead
53. Goalie mask
54. Glacier w/ grey hair (Sub-Zero look alike)
55. Man w/ blond buzzcut
56. Clown w/ blond buzzcut
57. Man w/ blond buzzcut and goatee
58. Man w/ blond buzzcut and sunglasses
59. Old man w/ goatee
60. Old clown w/ goatee
61. Old man w/ shower cap and fake eye?
62. Small man w/ yellow goatee
63. Scary robot

(note: upper costumes with "C" beside them mean "chest", which means
that it isn't a costume)

00. Stone Cold Steve Austin
01. The Undertaker
02. The Rock (C w/ tattoo)
03. Big Show (C)
04. Mankind
05. Ken Shamrock (C w/ gloves)
06. Triple H (C w/ elbowpads)
07. Kane
08. Val Venis (C)
09. The Big Bossman
10. X-Pac
11. Vince McMahon (black suit)
12. "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn (C w/ necklace)
13. "Road Dogg" Jesse James
14. Hardcore Holly (C w/elbow pad and wristbands)
15. Test (C w/ black wristbands)
16. Al Snow
17. Gangrel
18. Christian
19. Edge (C w/ elbow pads)
20. Chyna
21. Tori
22. The Godfather
23. Debra
24. Dlo Brown (plain black tank top)
25. Mark Jenry
26. Matt Hardy
27. Jeff Hardy
28. Chris Jericho(C w/ wrist bands)
29. Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30. Shane McMahon (what you usually see him wear)
31. Paul Bearer
32. Steve Blackman (C w/ white wristbands)
33. Farooq (C w/ symbols)
34. Bradshaw (C w/ different symbols)
35. D-Von Dudley
36. Prince Albert? (black tank top)
37. Red "buckle-up" shirt
38. WWF shirt
39. One side tanktop (Andre the Giant)
40. Black T-Shirt
41. Army colored shirt
42. Referee male
43. Referee female
44. Big red business suit with yellow tie
45. Kurt Angle? (blue tanktop with red and white stripes)
46. THQ tanktop (I want one!)
47. Women's blue tanktop
48. Black tanktop 2
49. One side tanktop 2
50. White shirt
51. Ripped tanktop (Chris Jericho wears before matches sometimes)
52. Old black and white Degeneration X t-shirt
53. Black tanktop 3
54. White shirt 1 (seems wet)
55. White shirt 2 (it has a big stomach)
56. Blue shirt
57. Red shirt
58. Stone Cold Steve Austin jacket
59. Blue tanktop (attached to neck)
60. Red bikini
61. White armor chest plate
62. Samurai gear 1
63. THQ robot
64. Samurai gear 2
65. Colorful shirt
66. Sumo shirt
67. Tattoos all over body (C)
68. Hairy (C)
69. Skinny (C)
70. Colorful shirt 2
71. Stevie Richards (dark blue top)
72. Christian's old shirt (Gangrel's but without necklace. Bet you
didn't notice, huh?)
73. Referee male 2
74. Paul Bearer 2 (green tie)
75. Armor plate

*Coming soon!

This section tells you what moves you can have if you boost one of your
abilities in a certain skill level. Press ctrl+f and type in the name of
the move you want.
Example: I want know what skill level I have to be at to do a powerbomb.
I press ctrl+f and type in POWERBOMB. It's that easy!
Skill Level: 1
Moves you get:
01. Elbow drop
02. Scoop slam
03. Hard scoop slam
04. Side buster
05. Atomic drop

Skill Level: 2
06. Reverse brainbuster
07. DDT

Skill Level: 3
8. Stomach crusher
9. Pendulum backbreaker
10. Bearhug
11. Test driving elbow
12. Rib breaker (similiar to backbreaker)
13. Fall away slam
14. Pulling piledriver (a piledriver where the enemie's head lands
15. Pump handle drop (Test's fav. move)
16. Piledriver
17. Diving elbow

Skill Level: 4
18. Dominator (Farooq's finisher)
19. Choke toss
20. Test neckbreaker
21. Diving powerbomb
22. Bearhug front slam (Kurrgans finisher)
23. Inverted DDT
24. Falling powerslam
25. Body press slam
26. Torture rack
27. Double powerbomb (2 powerbombs and a pin)
28. Body press drop FW (throw your enemy)
29. Body press drop
30. Pimpdrop
31. Stunner
32. Running powerbomb
33. Pumphandle slam
34. Jackknife powerbomb

Skill Level: 5
35. Strong lariat
36. Tombstone piledriver
37. Full nelson slam
38. Chokeslam
39. Show stopper
40. Stone Cold stunner


Skill Level: 1
01. Snapmare
02. Back drop

Skill Level: 2
03. Double arm suplex
04. Falcon arrow
05. Dicing reverse DDT

Skill Level: 3
06. Belly to back flip
07. Fisherman suplex
08. Gangrel suplex
09. Tori suplex
10. Brainbuster
11. Reverse suplex
12. German suplex pin

Skill Level: 4
13. Northern-light suplex
14. X-Factor
15. Sky high
16. Michinoku driver (Yes, Taka!)
17. Downward spiral
18. Hurracanrana
19. Electric chair drop (behind enemy, facedrop)
20. Jump swinging DDT (Layin' The Smackdown!)
21. Twisting knee drop
22. Dragon suplex pin
23. Impaler

Skill Level: 5
24. Spinning back drop
25. Tiger suplex pin
26. Senton bomb
27. The people's elbow


Skill Level: 1
01. Suplex

Skill Level: 2
02. Arm wrench
03. Jumping arm breaker
04. Shin breaker
05. Shoulder breaker
06. Hip toss
07. Falling neckbreaker (the old Austin 3:16)
08. Russian leg sweep
09. Back side slam
10. Abdominal stretch

Skill Level: 3
11. Dragon screw
12. Dragon sleeper

Skill Level: 4
13. Dragon attack
14. Doublearm backbreaker
15. Snowplow
16. Rolling leg lock
17. Sambo suplex (nice move!)
18. The 450
19. Diving moonsault
20. Octopus stretch

Skill Level: 5
21. Shamrock Anklelock
22. The Pedigree
23. The Rock Bottom
24. Fame Asser
25. Flipping arm bar
26. The Money Shot
27. The 'Lo Down


Skill Level: 1
01. Knee drop
02. Eye rake
03. Club to neck
04. Sleeper hold

Skill Level: 2
05. Headlock and punch
06. Strong head butt

Skill Level: 3
07. Diving headbutt (Off the top rope)
08. Lifting chokehold
09. Manhattan drop

Skill Level: 4
10. Double arm DDT
11. Knee strike

Skill Level: 5
12. Mandible claw
13. Low blow
14. Reverse death valley (Prince Albert's neat move!)

THAT'S ALL THE MOVES! Of course, there are more (running moves and such,
I will add them soon)


*Funaki's shorts are in the game. Check for the last few shorts if you
didn't get all outfits. Look for # 94 if you have ALL the outfits.
*Taka's moves are in the game. His Michinoku Driver and his face
dropkick is in there too!

Creations! Yes! Creations! Numbers marked with an "X" is the proper
number (head: 32/72) for NO SECRETS UNLOCKED. The ones without the X
marked is for the people who have ALL SECRETS UNLOCKED. Some here are
kinda crappy, so don't email me about how much they suck.
The "*" indicates the rating. If they have 3 ***, that means I gave them
3/5 points. If there is a name beside the creation, it is the person who
made the CAW.
Head: 8 (X: 8)(Val Venis)
Upper: 14 (X: 14)(Hardcore Holly)
Lower: 24 (X: 24)(D-Lo Brown)
Height: 60%
Weight: 25%
Skin: 2
Finisher: Diving Headbutt
Favourite: German Suplex

Head: 15 (X: 15)(Test)
Upper: 28 (X: 28)(Chris Jericho)
Lower: 71 (X: ??)(long black skirt)
Height: 40%
Weight: 65%
Skin: 3

"NEW" TEST****
Head: 15 (X: 15)(Test, of course!)
Upper: 18 (X: 18)(Christian)
Lower: 32 (X: 32)(Steve Blackman)
Height: 80%
Weight: 45%
Skin: 2
Finisher: Test Driving Elbow
Favourite move: Pump Handle Slam (He does that move alot)

Head: 74 (X: 59)(Old man w/ goatee)Trust me it looks like him when you
change the skin color!
Upper: 37(X: 48)(Black tanktop)
Lower: 3 (X: 3)(Big Show)
Height: 0%
Weight: 65%
Skin: 3
Weapon: Anything you want, but the iron pipe fits him
Finisher: Octopus stretch (the closest Tazzmission)
Favourite move: Not too sure, I chose belly-to-belly suplex

COOL ROCK*** By KDawg665
Head: 2 (X: 2)(THe Rock)
Upper: 72 (X: 65)(Colorful shirt)
Lower: 64 (X: Just any white khakis)
Height: 75%
Weight: 30%
Skin: 2
Finisher: The Rock Bottom (This is a cooler finisher!)
Favourite move: Jump Swinging DDT (Layin' The Smackdown)

SLASH***** (my own wrestler ;)
Head: 70 (X: 55)(Man w/ buzzcut)
Upper: 5 (X: 5)(Ken Shamrock)
Lower: 49 (Black Adidas-style tearaways)
Height: 70%
Weight: 25%
Skin: 2
Finisher: Reverse Death Valley (Hell's Drop)
Favourite move: Double Power Bomb (It's over, folks!)

RAVEN*** (Ron Carico)
Head: 6 (X: 6)(Triple H)
Upper: 36 (Unlock Mideon's clothes)
Lower: 88 (Short jeans)
Height: 10%
Weight: 50%
Skin: 1
Finisher: Evenflow DDT (Inverted DDT)
Favourite move: Drop toehold

KIDMAN****(Ron Carico's roommate)
Head: 26 (X: 26)(Matt Hardy)
Upper: 24 (X: 24)(Black tanktop)
Lower: 35 (X: 35)(Black pants)
Height: 0%
Weight: 25%
Skin: 2
Finisher: Shooting Star Press (450)
Favourite move: Sky High

THE CAT*** (no not Miss Kitty:) (Ron Carico)
Head: 0 (X: 0)(Stone Cold Steve Austin!)
Upper: 15 (X: 15)(Test)
Lower: 15 (X: 15 It really looks like him!)(Tiger shorts)
Height: 0%
Weight: 40%
Skin: 3
Favourite move: Karate Kick

AHMED JOHNSON**** (Ron Ririco)
Head: 0 (X: 0)(Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Upper: 0 (X: 0)(Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Lower: 5 (X: 5)(Ken Shamrock)
Height: 35%
Weight: 50 %
Skin: 4
Finisher: Pearl River Plunge(Diving Powerbomb)
Favourite move: Spinebuster

EARL HEBNER**** (Liam Paton)
Head: 49 (Earl Hebner's face)
Upper: 80 (Referee shirt)
Lower: 01 (The Undertaker)
Weight: 40%
Height: 25%
Skin: 2
Finisher: The 3 Count (Rock Bottom)
Favourite: The stunner
And the abilities! Thank you for sending the ABILITIES, too!

ABILITY Power Speed Tech Rough
SKILL LV 4 1 5 1
ATTACK LV 1 1 3 1
DEFENSE LV 1 1 2 1

RIKISHI PHATU ***(Andrew McBride)
Head: 46 (The Rock's sunglasses)
Upper: 32 (Steve Blackman)
Lower: 0 (Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Weight: 80%
Height: 30%
Skin: 3
Finisher: Pump Handle Slam (Rikishi Driver)
Favourite: Stinky Face (Thump, while running)

SCOTTY TOO HOTTY****(Patrick Marques)
Head: 72 or 73 (Man with blond hair)
Upper: 6 (Triple H)
Lower: 26 (Matt Hardy)

GRANDMASTA SEXAY**(Patrick Marques)
Head: 13 (Road Dogg Jesse James)
Upper: 64 (Stone Cold Steve Austin jacket)
Lower: 46 (Black pants)

Head: 08 (Val Venis)
Upper: 08 (Val Venis)
Lower: 0 (Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Weight: You decide
Height: You decide
Skin: 2
Finisher: Awesome Splash (The Money Shot)
Favourite: Awesome Bomb (Jackknife Powerbomb)

Head: 28 (Chris Jericho)
Upper: 22 (The Godfather)
Lower: 12 (Badd Ass Billy Gunn)
Weight: 40%
Height: 50%?
Skin: 2
Finisher: Double Powerbomb

THE GOODFATHER***(Merlyn and Mike)
Head: 22 (Godfather)
Upper: 4 (Mankind)
Lower: 46 (black pants)
Weight: 30%-40%
Height: 30%-40%
Skin: 3
Finisher: Pimp drop

The following CAWs are made by Ginko. I didn't organize it though.

Head:8-(Val Venis)
Upper:64-(Stone cold Steve Austin Jacket)
Lower:0-(Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Weight:You decide
Height:You decide
Finisher: Running Powerbomb
Favourite:Jacknife Powerbomb
Upper:60-(Black Tanktop)
Weight:You decide but not too fat!!!
Height:The Tallest
Finisher: Jacknife Powerbomb
Favourite: Big Boot

Lower:94-(White and Blue Stripped)
Weight:You decide but a skinnier fits Taka
Finisher:Michinoku driver

Lower:94-(White and Blue Stripped)
Weight:You decide but a skinnier fits Funaki
Favourite:You decide
====================Those CAWs were by Ginko.

Q: May I use your FAQ?
A: Of course! But you have to ask me and give me credit, mmkay?

Q: Mmkay. Can I trade CAWS with you?
A: Yes you may, but I must check if you got this from another FAQ or
not, or I might get into trouble if I posted them here. Give me your
CAWs, and I will post my creations too!

Q: When do you update?
A: At least twice a week!

Q: I'm getting impatient, when are the creations gonna be here?!?!?
A: Soon, maybe this week!

Q: Where were you?
A: Sorry everybody, I was really lazy and I had some projects assigned
from school! Everything should be fine now!

Q: Is there a cool move I can do that is not really considered a move?
A: Yes, kick someone in the groin IN THE CORNER. When he doesn't get up
from his knees in 1 second, run to him (triangle) and when you're on top
of him, press X. And what do you get? A flying Hardy leg drop!
NOTE: Anyone with a groin kick can do this move!

The following people are people who helped me with my CAW guide. Thank
Brandon Buie
Mischief Matt

(Those names mentioned above were all the people who told me about
Brisco's name. Thank you all!)

Ron Ririco for the buttload of CAWs
KDawg665 for his cool creation of the Rock
Grandmasta APA for the buttload of Cool Moves
Liam Paton for the CAW
D. Webb for his CAW
Patrick Marques for his CAW
Ginko for sending the cool CAWs
Merlyn and Mike for sending their CAW
Everyone else for the cool moves!

1. FAKE 3D
Ok, make DVon do a regular suplex, and make Bubba run to D Von from
behind when D Von has the enemy lifted up in the air. When you run to
him, press O. Now don't flame me about how crappy this move is!
2. FAKE 3D #2
This is one that you probably wouldn't do. You need 3 human players.
Make one person on his knees. Choose someone else to run on top of him
and press O instead of X (IT WORKS!). Then use the Bubba Ray to run to
the one who is in the air and press O. It takes some time to time the
3. FAKE 3D (good one!)
Make a new wrestler. Give him the Somoan Drop. Then in a 2 on 1 match,
do the somoan drop while Bubba Ray runs and press O.

4. Hardy Leg Drop:
Choose someone with a KICK TO GROIN move. Do that move to someone when
they're in the corner. Then when he's on his knees for at least 1
second, run to him and press X. Since you can't fly any further, you
will drop on him! It sounds cheesy, but it is a cool move!

5. The Double People's Elbow:
This is easy! Choose someone with a normal elbow drop (Mankind has one).
Fight in a 2 on 1 match. Choose The Rock and someone with the elbow
drop. Now, when The Rock takes off his elbow pads, just do your taunt so
it'll look cool! Run to the ropes, and then jump over the enemy on the
ground (press L2 while running), when the Rock is about to drop, stop
and do a normal elbow drop. Cheesy move, but funny!

6. Whip and Spear
This is easy. Choose a person with a spear off the top rope (ie: Edge).
Whip the person to the corner while your partner does the spear!

7. This is funny! Make a wrestler with the following things:
"Stepping around" for the taunt
Falling Headbutt (not on the ropes)
Austin Elbow Drop or Dlo Leg Drop
-Step two:
First, set your opponent on the ground. Do you your stepping around
taunt. Do 3 falling headbutts and do either the Austin Elbow Drop or Dlo
Leg Drop! I choose Dlo's leg drop because before the leg drop, he does
this thing with his hands, and it looks like Scotty Too Hotty's!

8. Kaientai's doubleteam
OH! You gotta love this one! Make Funaki and give him a camel clutch for
one of his ground moves. Make Taka and give him a Senton Splash for one
of HIS ground moves and his "Hold Hands in Prayer" taunt. This is the
fun part:
Use Funaki and Taka in a 2 on 1. Make Funaki do his camel clutch and
then make Taka go to the enemy's camel-clutched face! After you do your
"Hold Hands in Prayer" taunt, do your senton splash and he will kick the

9. The Dudley Boyz Double Headbutt (From Grandmaster APA)
Get your opponent on the ground near a turnbuckle with their feet facing
it. Then have D-Von climb the turnbuckle and have another wrestler with
the pin with the bridge go to the opponents feet and pin them with the
bridge, then while he does this make D-Von do his diving headbutt. He
should connect to the groin.

10. Electric Chair Fameasser (From Grandmasta APA again!)
Fameasser in mid-air:Have a wrestler with the diving fameasser from the
rope, stand on theturnbuckle on the bottom left of the screen, then with
the opponent lookingat the rope on the left hand side have a 3rd person
who does the electric chair shock(i.e Edge) stand behind the opponent
and do the electric chairshock and as they have them on their shoulders
wait until he lifts him up toslam their face to the ground have the
person on the turnbuckle do the divingfameasser, if done correctly then
he will do a fameasser in mid air.

11. Grandmasta Sexay's Hip Hop Drop/Head Banger's double stage dive!
(from Grandmasta APA!)

Choose a person with a diving fameasser and the double powerbomb.
Again have someone with the diving fameasser stand on the bottom-left
turnbuckle, then have the victim near the person on the turnbuckle, butt
facing the rope on the right (easier when he's groggy) and have the
person with the double powerbomb do the double powerbomb. When he is
about to do the second powerbomb have the person on the turnbuckle do
thediving fameasser and it will look like the Hip Hop Drop/Stage dive!

12. Head Cheese Leg Drop (again, by Grandmasta APA!)
Choose a person with a diving fameasser and another with a pendulum
Have someone with the diving fameasser get on the turnbuckle then have
another person do the pendulum back breaker near to that turnbuckle and
as the opponents back is about to connect with the knee have the other
person do the diving fameasser. If done well it will look like the al
snow leg drop to neck.

13. One on Two ass-beating (by me!)
This is crappy, but oh well. Whip someone into the ropes, facing you,
NOT on the ground (the Bronco Buster position). Then quickly fling
someone onto the person in the turnbuckle. Run after him so he will not
have to time to run away and QUICKLY do a flying lariat! One of them
will fall outside the ring!

14. Hardy Boyz DoubleGround move (MERLYNDS3)
Hey, I thought of a pretty good one. In a two on one match, have one
persondo Kick to Groin. Before he lands the kick, have the other person
dosomething like D-Lo Leg Drop, of Shaky Knee Drop. They should both hit
at the same time.
15. Rikishi's Stinky Face (MERLYNDS3)
I also find a wierd way to do stinky face. It doesn't do damage, but it
is pretty funny. In a two on one match,(lets say my created Rikishi, and
the rock are fighting stone cold.) When stone cold is in thebronco
buster position, have the rock stand at the opposite turnbuckle.Then, my
created Rikishi would stand in front of Stone Cold. It looks funny!

16. Good Worm! (Bayou Joe)
a good way to do a fake worm is to create a player and give him the
following: Austin Elbow Drop, Taunt Edge, and Hold Up and Down
Hands(Taunt). After beating a guy up for a while, go across the mat to
where Scotty Too Hotty would start the worm after the steps and perform
Taunt Edge. When you get to your opponent, perform Hold Up and Down
Hands and then once done with that perform the Austin Elbow Drop. It
looks pretty good.

17. Reverse Doomsday Device (HarryPotter0989)
This move is pretty cool. Make someone (preferibly Kane) with a flying
clothesline from a top rope stand on a top rope. Make someone with an
electric chair drop stand in front of Kane/your partner. Pick your
opponent up from the ground, but don't make him face your partner. Do an
electric chair drop from behind and right before he falls, make your
partner do a flying clothesline.

Copyright stuff
Copyright 2000 andy591@hotmail.com All rights reserved. No part of this
FAQ may be copied by other FAQ writers without my permission. You can
copy this FAQ provided it is for personal use and I get the credit and
not for commercial uses.
* If you ask me nicely, I will certainly let you, BUT you can't do it
without asking!

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17.Октябрь 2013

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Charakter FAQ

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Character Move FAQ

11.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
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24.Февраль 2018
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24.Июль 2014