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Most characters: (buttons are A B C D) [unofficial section]
light punch A
light kick B
heavy punch C (medium kick for Kaphwan)
heavy kick D
throw close, towards + C
character-specific close, towards + D (some characters)
taunt far, centered + C
fierce attack C + D
change foreground/background A + B
(if characters already on different levels, many things will change
fgnd/bgnd, such as stick up or down to roll between levels, or
C or D or C+D to attack between levels)
supermoves See below; require your health bar to be flashing red.
Martial Arts Master TERRY BOGARD
Burning Knuckle | / O- + punch
[flaming fist lunge] O O
Rising Tackle | then O + punch
[straight up feet first] O |
Crack Shot | / O- O + kick
[forward somersault kick] O O \
Power Wave | \ -O + punch
[flame on the ground] O O
Exploding Power Wave | / O- / | \ -O + (B)+(C)
[SuperMove] O O O O O
Koppo Specialist ANDY BOGARD
Zaneiken (shadow slice) / then -O + punch
[quick running shoulder] O
Shoryudan (rising dragon punch) | \ -O + punch
[dragon punch] O O
Hishoken (flying crunch) | / O- + punch
[fireball] O O
Kuhadan (sonic split) / then O + kick
[foot dive, powdered toast man] O /
Flaming Foot Dive | then \ -O O O + (B)+(D)
[SuperMove] O O / |
The Youthful Muetai Pro JOE HIGASHI
Slash Kick / then O + kick
[flaming foot lunge] O /
Kirai Hoh (tempest blast) | \ -O + punch
[booger glob] O O
Electric Glob / then | \ -O + (B)+(C)
[SuperMove] O O O
TaiKwonDo Taitin KIM KAP HWAN
Hienzan (flying slice) | then O + kick
[upwards somersault kick] O |
Hangetsuzan (crescent moon slash) | / O- + kick
[forwards somersault kick] O O
Hishokyaku (flying kick) jump, | + kick
[repeated head stomp] O
Flurry Kick & Razor Kick | / O- / | \ -O + (B)+(D)
[SuperMove] O O O O O
The Gorgeous Ninja MAI SHIRANUI
Ryuenbu (flame fandango) | / O- + punch
[flame swish] O O
Kachosen (butterfly fan) | \ -O + punch
[fan toss] O O
Swan Dive [unofficial] | then O + punch
[only in her own stage] O |
Hisatsu Shinobibachi (deadly ninja bees) O- / | \ -O + kick
[tumbleweed across screen] O O O
Flaming Tumbleweed -O O- / | \ -O + (B)+(C)
[SuperMove] O O O
Ken Alexander Computer-Aided Engineering Network University of Michigan