007 Racing

007 Racing

11.10.2013 15:44:56
"This document Copyright 2001-2002 Nathan Norris"

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007 Racing: Playstation version - FAQ/Walkthrough Version 2.5
By: Minesweeper (Nathan Norris) Email: minesweeper1@hotmail.com


Last updated: 8/14/02

Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Revision History
3: Game Strategies
4: Agent Mode Walkthrough
5: 00 Agent Mode Walkthrough
6: Thanks
7: E-mail Policy
8: Copyright


1: Introduction

Hi! Welcome to my guide for the game of 007 Racing, which is also my fifth
FAQ! In this game, you will be up against a mad scientist who (as usual)
has plans for world domination. Of course, you must stop him before he can
accomplish this goal. Fortunately, I, Minesweeper, am here to help guide
you through your missions that span several countries. You will have many
unique challenges, including stopping a car transport, destroying a military
base, preventing Q Branch secrets from leaking out, and escaping a madman's
underwater lair. Well, let's get to it, 007!


2: Revision History

Version 1.0 1/5/01 - First Edition


Version 2.0 4/24/01 - OO Agent Walkthrough complete except for "Gimme a
Brake." I'll have to wait until a week from now to finish since I am
grounded from playing videogames. Oh yeah, YOU ALL CAN SHUT UP NOW ABOUT


Version 2.1 6/19/01 - I'm real lazy, I should have finished this guide weeks
ago, but now it's finished for good, so don't expect any new updates from
now on.


Version 2.2 7/22/01 - Guess I was wrong, I do have one small update, however
not in the way of information. I am adding a new standard copyright and an
e-mail policy to all guides I make.


Version 2.3 9/10/01 - Hahaha, wrong again. I have another little update as
people on the gamefaqs.com messageboards are having problems understanding
my directions for the end of the level. That is fixed now.


Version 2.4 11/26/01 - This is just a copyright change to all my PSX and PS2
guides, stating that psxcodes.com may host my guides for those systems.
Nothing game-wise.


Verson 2.5 8/14/02 - Yet another copyright change. This time I'm letting
http://faqs.ign.com host my work. Also, I now have a second email address,


3: Game Strategies


All vehicles operate exactly the same.

Steer Left/Right - D-button/left analong stick
Accelerate - X
Brake/Reverse - Square
Change Camera Views - Triangle
Handbrake - Circle
Use Weapon/Gadget - R1
Use Two Weapons Simultaneously - Hold R2, then press R1
Change weapon - L1
Turn Off On-Screen Gauges - Hold Triange 2 seconds


Item's Name/Short Name I will call it by - Item's description

Machine Guns/M.GUNS - Basic guns that you begin every mission with except
for two. They seem to only be effective on guards on foot, and they stun
some enemy vehicles.

Hellfire Rockets/H. FIRE - These rockets appear in a lot of missions. You
will need them to destroy barricades, enemy vehicles, etc.

Bullet-proof Shield/SHIELD - Not really a weapon, but protects you from rear
attacks when you pick it up.

Health/HEALTH - Pick this up to get about a fifth of your health back.

Parachute/PARACHUTE - You will need this at the end of the Escape mission to
finish the level.

Oil Slick/OIL - This weapon appears in missions when you are pursued by
enemy cars. When used, it will drop an oil slick that causes enemy cars to
spin out.

Smoke Screen/SMOKE - This weapon also appears in missions when you are
pursued by enemy cars. When used, it will leave a cloud of smoke behind
that forces enemy cars to slow down.

Cutting Laser/LASER - There is only one mission this weapon appears in,
Highway Hazard. You need it to cut the tires of Whisper's car transport.

Mine Pack/MINES - This weapon is used to plant explosives near things that
must be destroyed, like anti-aircraft guns.

Mine Detonator/M. DETONATER- This only appears in one mission where you must
detonate some mines.

Bomb/BOMB - You will need this to destroy a large...thing.

Homing Beacon/H. BEACON

Laser Designator/L. DESIGNATER - Only used in one mission where you must
designate a place for a missle to strike.

Stinger missles/STINGER - This is a special missile that only appears in a
few missions and is often used for a specific task, like blowing up a
helicopter. You can't play around with this if you want to win the levels.

EMP Device/EMP - This weapon only appears in one mission, Ambush. A beam
will appear on the side of the cat that is facin.g You must use it to
destroy the computers in the factory.

TSP Missle Launcher/TSP - This weapon only appears in two missions, River
Race and Showdown. Press R1 to activate the scope, then use the D-button to
move the cross hair. When your target is in sight, press R1 again to fire.
You can also speed up the scope's speed with R2, and press Triangle choose a
zoom setting.


Guards on foot - Cause low damage with their handguns, but can add up
quickly if you don't kill them. Machine guns or Hellfire rockets are most

Jeeps - They will try to ram you. Sometimes shoot at you too. Use oil
slicks or smoke to slow them down, or use Hellfire rockets to destroy them.

Enemy cars - same as Jeeps.

Tanks - Big, slow, and have a cannon that can only hurt you if it hits a
wall close to you. Four Hellfire rockets will destroy them.

Helicopter - Will sometimes fire rockets at you. In one mission, it also
blows up bridges, slowing you down. You need a Stinger missile to kill it.

Exploding Boxes - They are dark brown with yellow markings on the side.
These can either help or hurt you. If you run into them, a giant explosion
will damage you severely. On the other hand. if an enemy vehicle runs into
it, they'll blow up too!


4: Agent Mode Walkthrough


- Rescue Cherise Litte
- Obtain STINGER missle from courtyard
- Eliminate Helicopter with STINGER
- Jump border crossing to safety

Aston Martin DB5

You shouldn't have much trouble here once you get used to the quirky
controls. Drive straight ahead and pick up the SHIELD and H. FIRE. Turn to
the left and use the H. FIRE on the door blocking the castle entrance. The
explosion will also kill the guards if you didn't scare them away from their
spots. Drive through the entrance. Ignore all the guards in the courtyard
and pick up more H. FIRE and the STINGER. Now drive to the person who has a
red ring surrounding her and stop completely. She will get in. It's
Cherise Litte! Now drive back out and use your H. FIRE on the barricade.

After it is destroyed, go past it and then Cherise will yell, " Watch out!"
Stop your car. There will be four explosions ahead down the road that you
would have run into if you hadn't stopped your car. Now it is safe to
proceed. Drive past the craters the explosions left and you will find more
H. FIRE and HEALTH. When you come to the fork, go left. There is a tank
aiming at you! If you want to, you can destroy it with four H. FIRE, but
you don't have to do it since the tank is too slow to catch you and can't
hit you directly. After passing the tank, equip your STINGER and drive past
or through the boxes and barrels blocking your path.

Go around the next corner, and you will come to a clearing where the
helicopter is taking off. While you are watching it, the STINGER'S
crosshairs have locked on to the helicopter so fire off the STINGER and the
helicopter will crash to the ground. Be careful the helicopter doesn't fall
on you when it hits the ground or you will take damage. If you missed, then
you can go back and use the road you haven't gone onto yet and find another
STINGER with some other powerups. Now blow up the barricade with your H.
FIRE and speed across the clearing, ignoring everything.

There is another tank at the other side of the clearing if you want to blow
it up too. Drive past it and through the roadblock and then stop. Another
wave of explosions will appear, and you would have run into that too if I
hadn't stopped you :) Go on past the craters, then drive down the road and
jump the creek. After you cross the bridge, another explosion will rock the
road, and two jeeps will start chasing you.

Evade them and go into the tunnel, being careful not to run into the
exploding boxes. You can get more HEALTH here if you need it. At the end
of the tunnel is a ramp and a helicopter. Crash into the helicopter to end
the level.


- Collect all transmitters
- Jettison car in Hudson River


Your car has been booby-trapped with a bomb! And it will detonate in 15
seconds! It will also detonate if you stop your car! What are we going to
do?! Not to fear, Jack Wade is covering you and has discovered a safe place
to get rid of the car and the bomb. The police have been informed of the
situation and will allow you to proceed without interfering. All you have
to do now is collect all 12 transmitters and get to the river.

First, drive straight ahead into the park to the first transmitter. When
you pick it up, drive onto the road behind it and go on the left fork where
it T's. Hit the fire hydrant if you want a nice shower by the way :) Now
when you get to the next T, drive through the park and take the road past
the other side of the library or whatever it is. You will see transmitter
2. Pick it up and turn right when the road T's. Then go left at the next
turn. When you come to a plaza, pick up transmitter 3 by the fountain.

When you pick that up, go straight and take the road that goes under the
subway tracks. Follow this road until you come to an intersection before
the road ends. Turn right at this intersection and pick up transmitter 4.
After you pick it up, do a 180 and drive across the park diagonally. If you
need it take the HEALTH in the trees. Drive down the road on the other side
a bit and you will see another park. Take transmitter 5 from it.

Do another 180 and drive on the road under the subway tracks. At the next
intersection after the tracks, turn left to find transmitter 6. Follow the
road straight and turn right at the curve, then left at the next
intersection. You will come to a park which has transmitter 7. Drive to
the opposite corner of the park and go right. You will see HEALTH ahead.
Pick it up and look for an alley on the left to drive into. There you will
find transmitter 8.

Leave the alley out the other side and turn right. Turn left at the curve,
then turn right again at the next intersection. You will find transmitter
9. When you pick it up, go straight and turn left at the next intersection.
Turn right at the next opportunity, and then go left at the next
intersection ahead. You will find transmitter 10. Drive straight ahead
until you come to another plaza. Drive diagonally across it to transmitter

Stay on the road that transmitter 11 was on, and turn right at the end of
the road, then turn right again at the curve. Go straight on this road and
turn left when it T's. Drive straight and pick up transmitter 12. You now
have all transmitters. Drive straight ahead and fly off the ramp at the end
of the pier you see. Your car bomb is now safely resting on the bottom of
the river where it will harm no one. Good work!


- Disable all vehicles in ambush
- Disable forklifts
- Gain access to distribution center
- Collect EMP gadget
- Destroy all ten computers with EMP

Aston Martin DB5

Very hard mission here! At the start of the mission, you are hiding in an
alley. When you go into the clearing, you are attacked by enemy cars in
groups of two. The goal for this part of the level is to destroy 8 cars.
There are several weapons surrounding the clearing, including H. FIRE, OIL,
and SMOKE. Also there are a few boxes of HEALTH when you need it. There
are several methods I have made to get rid of the cars. You can use most of
them, and you may win. You could also combine methods.

First method: Pick up two H. FIRE and drive backwards into the alley where
you started the level. As the cars try to enter the alley, fire a rocket to
blow them up. Repeat until all dead and occasionally leave the alley to
restock H. FIRE. You could also use SMOKE while backing up to stall them.

Second method: Drive near the exploding crates and get them between you and
your enemies. The enemy cars are as dumb as stumps, so they will try to
drive through the crates, but only end up getting blown to bits. You will
have to mix this with another method because there are only four crates and
eight cars to kill.

Third method: Drive in reverse and let the enemy cars hit you from the
front. You will notice when they hit you from the front, they briefly stop.
Use this time to back away from them and fire off a rocket while they are
stunned. You won't take much damage from the blast like if you shot them up

Fourth Method: Drive reverse into the alley where the cars are emerging
from. Shoot off a rocket to destroy them when they follow you. Now, for
every destroyed car, another one will magically appear in the alley in front
of you if you are in far enough. You can keep shooting until all the cars
are destroyed in seconds. Be careful not to run out of rockets or you could
get trapped by the cars as they try to ram you. This is the best way to
destroy all the cars quickly.

When all the cars are dead, a STINGER will appear in the alley where they
were appearing from. Use the STINGER to demolish the door blocking the next
area. Drive through the hole and pick up the HEALTH and SHIELD. You are
now in an area where two forklifts are working. When the forklifts see you,
they will drive over and try to turn you over! They are invunerable to all
your weapons except M. GUNS, so this time you should trick them into running
into the explosive crates. Do it in the same way you did with the cars. If
you miss with the crates you can try to get the forklifts to get stuck on a
wall or a box and then fire away at the flashing red light on its back with
the M. GUN.

When the forklifts are destroyed, pick up the STINGER from their wreckage
and use it to destroy the door for the delivery entrance of a building. If
the battle has made your car weary, you can pick up more HEALTH. Go through
the hole in the delivery entrance and into a factory. Ignore all the guards
shooting at you and drive straight ahead up a ramp into another room. At
the end of the room is a window. At high speed crash through it to another

Ignore the guards for now and look for a ramp that leads down. At the
bottom of this ramp is the EMP. Pick it up and drive back up the ramp. Now
equip your M. GUN and shoot all the guards with it. Next, equip your EMP.
Park next to each computer in the room and activate the EMP. Use the EMP
until the computer is blown up completely. Don't worry about the damage you
get. Some of the computers will give you more HEALTH.

After all the computers in the room are blown up, look for a ramp leading up
and go on it. This will lead you into a room that appears to be a place
where cars are being tested. Kill all the guards with your M. GUN, then get
to work on the computers in the room with your EMP. They are all along the
outer wall. When they are all destroyed, break through the window at the
end of the room to finish this level.


-Destroy all four transporter tires

Aston Martin DB5

This mission is a cakewalk compared to that marathon in the last level, as
long as you are mindful of the oncoming traffic. To finish the mission, you
must use your tire-cutting LASER to stop the transporter by driving
alongside it and cutting the tires. Each tire will take about one and a
half full charges before catching on fire and being disabled. If you get
damaged, some HEALTH will appear every now and then. While you are trying
to do that, there are many hazards to watch out for.

Oncoming traffic is a big problem. For about half the time you are chasing
the transporter, there will be other cars driving alongside him too. Resist
the urge to cut the tires while there is traffic everywhere. The car on top
of the transporter can also be a problem if you don't watch out. If you
take too long to cut the tires, then the transport will enter a tunnel and
the car on top will fall off. This won't be a problem as long as you are
prepared for it.

Be sure to not get too absorbed in your cutting when there is an offramp
coming up. Many times, I have forgotten to pay attention to the road ahead
and have wrecked head-on into the guard rail dividing the off-ramp and the
main highway. If this happens, drive down the off-ramp and up the other
side. You'll only have to worry about this while you are cutting the tires
on the right side.

After all four tires have been destroyed, you win the level.


- Collect four Mine Packs on bridges
- Locate and drive onto truck


Hurray! We finally get to use the BMW Z3 that was SO under-used in
Goldeneye! The idea of this mission is very simple. Like it says in the
objectives, you must collect four MINES from the bridges. But, there is a
helicopter chasing you blowing up the bridges! See the timer on top of the
screen? That is how long you have before the helicopter destroys the next
bridge. If a bridge is blown up, you will be forced to take an alternate
route down into the ravine the bridge crosses which will cost you time to
catch up with the helicopter. You won't have to worry about this on the
first bridge. Also, the helicopter will occasionally fire missles at you.
The place they will hit is shown by the red circles. After you get enough
MINES, you won't have to worry about crossing the bridges anymore.

Beware the jeeps and tanks on the ground below too. The tanks are too slow
to chase you and they can't shoot low enough to hit you, so you won't have
to worry much about them. The jeeps will pursue you relentlessly, on the
other hand. They can shoot you with machine guns, but this won't cause much
damage. If you let them get close enough, they will try to ram you off the
road. Stall them with the OIL you find or shoot them with H. FIRE when
they first appear ahead of you on the road.

Every now and then, you will find a STINGER. Be sure to pick it up because
you will need it a bit later to destroy a tree blocking the path. If you
miss the STINGER, you can still crash through it, but this will cause heavy

When you arrive at the second village, drive between the town wall and the
first buildings on the left to find the entrance to the truck you must
enter. It is a large blue 18 wheeler. The level will then end.


- Retrieve Mine Detonator
- Detonate all ten Limpet Mines
- Locate Stinger Missles
- Destroy Guard Towers
- Laser designate storage facility
- Extract Zukovsky
- Escape before air strike launch


This mission can be hard at first, but it gets easier with practice. First,
drive out of the truck and take the time to eliminate all the guards with
the M. GUN so they won't peck at you constantly while you are detonating the
mines. Next, drive over to the tent on the right of the storage facility
(the long, low brown building with the big garage door.)

Pick up the M. DETONATER there, and park in the green circles where the
MINES are planted. Hold down the fire button with the M. DETONATER until
you hear a beeping noise. Then, drive away fast in a straight line from the
MINE to suffer minimal damage from the mine explosion. Repeat until all
ten MINES are destroyed. Be sure to take the H. FIRE from the wreckage.
You can use it to blow up the bulldozers if you want to, or use it to
destroy the tents if you are low on health.

Now, go over to the small tents and destroy them by running over them
(yeeaaahhhh!) if you have a lot of health. There is HEALTH in the tents to
cover the damage, but only if you can live through the crash. If not, then
use the H. FIRE to blow up the tents. After all the tents are destroyed,
you will have three STINGER and a L. DESIGNATER. Use the STINGER on the two
large guard towers on the base's wall. Now, get fairly far away from the
storage facility and use the L. DESIGNATER on the garage door until the
crosshair is permanently there. A helicopter will now fly over and blow up
the door. Drive in there quick and rescue Zukovsky! Now get out of there
through the gate which is a hole in the barbed wire fencing. You did it!
Good work!


- Activate six homing beacons
- Beat assasin and make escape


First, floor it to escape the tanks and guards who are already upon you at
the start. After some curves, Xenia, the villaness from Goldeneye, will
join you for a race in her red Ferrari, along with some jeeps. You should
be able to figure this level out yourself. Get all the H. BEACONS, evade
jeeps and tanks, use OIL to slow down Xenia and finish before her.

The ending might confuse you a bit, though. You have to grab the parachute
on the left of the road right before the dropoff that marks the end of the
level. Activate the parachute, and you win.


- Collect Limpet Mine pack
- Deploy Mines next to crates
- Locate exit to detonate

BMW 750iL

This level is unique because you are not driving the car itself, but
operating it by remote control. You have to rely on the warehouse's
security cameras to guide your car to finish the mission within the time
limit. It's challenging at first, but becomes easier. Think of it as
playing with a real RC car, only with much more at stake. You can do this
level pretty much any way you like it. I'll just tell you where to find the
MINES, what to do with them, some general tips, and how to escape.

First, drive straight ahead and break out of the labratory to the
astonishment of the suprised scientists! Now turn 90 degrees to the left
and drive that way. You will find a platform that the MINES are on top of.
Drive up the ramp and back down again using the ramp, otherwise you will
flip over. Now drive to each crate with a circle around it and drop a MINE
in it. One of them is on top of a platform and the ring is hard to see
because the platform is a similar color to the ring. It is the platform
near the warehouse wall.

You will also notice other crates lying around without rings. If you hit
them, they will blow up, destroying your car instantly. Watch out for them.
Also be careful not to hit the forklifts and the small machines scurrying
around on the floor, or you will take damage and stop dead in your tracks.

After every mine has been planted, you will need to escape. See the
conveyor belt with the cars? Ram one aside from its place, and the crane
will pick you up to the exit.


- Collect four TSP-6060 Missles
- Locate TSP Launcher
- Reach final bridge and disable boat

BMW 750iL

Arrrgghh! I hate this mission! I hate the stupid pickups and dumptrucks
that always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, I hate the
river you can die instantly by driving into, and I really hate that dumb
powerboat that is trying to kill you with grenades!

At least the best route is easy to remember. First, drive across the bridge
in front of you, then turn left. When you see a ramp ahead that goes
through a boat house, crash through the barricade and take the ramp. You
will go over a small gap in the ramp. When you get to land again, drive
left and pick up a TSP MISSLE. After crossing the bridge, turn right.

Now for the rest of the level, only use the bridges that are not blocked off
by barricades, and when the boat shoots a grenade at you, you will see a red
circle appear where it will hit. Curve sharply to the left or right to
avoid it, unless there is a HEALTH or a TSP MISSLE to be had if you go
through it. Both of these items are very important. Also, it is
all-important that you stay as far ahead of the speedboat as possible.

When you get to the last bridge at the end of the river (the one with no
guard-rail on the left), pick up the TSP and point your car so it is facing
left down the river. Now equip the TSP and a scope will appear when you
first press R1. Zoom in on the left shoreline of the river with Triangle,
as this is where the boat will first appear from when it approaches the

When the boat appears from behind the shoreline, aim and fire at the boat
with R1. Keep in mind you must manually aim, the rocket will not lock on
the target. After 4 direct hits to the front of the boat, you will win. If
the boat manages to make a U-turn and flee back down the river again, you'll


- Download data from first limo
- Download data from second limo
- Download data from third limo
- Download data from fourth limo


This mission is cake compared to all the crud you have been through lately,
but it's boring too, even though you are driving a cool car. Just simply
track down the limos and stay within the download range for a limited amount
of time while they are sending data, and do it within a time limit. Watch
the meter in the top-left corner of the screen to see how much longer you
must stay with the limo.

If you are too close or too far away from the limo, you won't be able to get
the data. Listen to the whirring noise when you are close to a limo. If it
is high-pitched, you need to back off. If it is low-pitched, you should get

If you need it, there is NITRO to help you get to the limos faster, HEALTH
to repair damage if you drive carelessly, and OIL and SMOKE to get away from
the police if they decide to chase you. Not really, the police are bad
drivers and aren't intelligent enough to keep up with you. After the last
limo has been hacked, you win.


- Avoid security lasers
- Locate and rescue Dr. Chase
- Plant explosive charge
- Collect four ANTIDOTES
- Escape facility

Lotus Esprit

My favorite mission. After you gain control, immediately activate your
IRGOGOGGLES to see the otherwise invisible lasers. When the first one on
the right looks away from the right corner, drive around the right corner
and stick to the wall like glue. For the rest of the laser area, drive down
the side of this wall, pausing every now and then to wait for a laser to
look away. Never try to be clever by shortcutting through the center of the
corridor. The lasers will spot you for sure and shoot you to death. After
sticking to the right wall through a door, and another corridor, you will
come to a large chamber with what appears to be a large generator. You can
turn off the IRGOGOGGLES now.

You will also notice three lasers lancing out from it. Do not touch them or
it is instant death. Drive along the left wall of this room and you will
find a breakable glass wall. Drive through it and you will see Dr. Chase
with a red circle surrounding her. Go over and stop nearby. She will jump

Now drive next to the generator, avoiding the lasers. Look for a door to
drive through. Line up your car with the door so you can go in a straight
line towards it. Equip the BOMB and press R1 to drop it. Now drive as fast
as you can through that door to escape the blast. After the bomb blows,
you must maintain your speed or the blasts will catch up, killing you

Drive down this track. There are blast doors you can see, but you'll be
miles away before they close. You will come to a place where there is a low
path and a high path. Take the high path to find the first ANTIDOTE. After
going back down, you will come to a sharp curve. Go around it and you will
find another place with high and low paths. This time, use the lower path
to get the second ANTIDOTE. After the track levels out again, you will go
into a purple-lit section. Grab the third ANTIDOTE here. Next there is a
tunnel with gray walls. The last ANTIDOTE is here, and shortly after that,
the exit. Drive into the water to finish.


- Disable each engine
- Deploy missles to destroy plane
- Drive off cliff to escape virus

Lotus Esprit

This mission seems impossible until you figure out how to do it. The
objectives are what you really have to do, but are misleading. You have no
weapons available right at the start, so you must ram each engine of the
plane until it catches fire to disable it. Your rams will only affect the
engine while it is flashing, so save your health by waiting until this
happens. This is also the time while the plane is gathering speed for
takeoff, so if you take too long to destroy an engine, the plane will escape
and the mission will be a failure.

And please, don't try to destroy the plane'e engines by stopping in front of
them or ramming directly behind them unless you want your health to be
sucked away faster than water down a drain, thanks to the jet's exhaust.
When all four engines are disabled, your car will short out and you won't be
able to move. While you are pondering what to do, the plane is going on
ahead and is turning around to ram you! While the plane is turning, tap L1
to bring up the TSP, then rapidly tap R1 until the scope appears. Now aim
at the front wheels of the jet. Fire two rockets at it and the plane's nose
will dip into the dirt, but it's still coming! But, by a miracle, at the
same time you destroyed the wheels, your car started up again, so quickly
drive out of the way of the huge plane, then go to the right concrete fence
of the airfield and look for a wooden section of fence. The arrow will help
if you can't find it. Crash through this fence and into the sea to win the
level and defeat the game!


5: 00 Agent Mode Walkthrough


- Rescue Cherise Litte
- Obtain STINGER missle from courtyard
- Eliminate Helicopter with STINGER
- Jump border crossing to safety

Aston Martin DB5

This level can be completed in exactly the same way as in Agent Mode. Drive
straight ahead and pick up the SHIELD and H. FIRE. Turn to the left and use
the H. FIRE on the door blocking the castle entrance. The explosion will
also kill the guards if you didn't scare them away from their spots. Drive
through the entrance. Ignore all the guards in the courtyard and pick up
more H. FIRE and the STINGER. Now drive to the person who has a red ring
surrounding her and stop completely. She will get in. It's Cherise Litte!
Now drive back out and use your H. FIRE on the barricade.

After it is destroyed, go past it and then Cherise will yell, " Watch out!"
Stop your car. There will be four explosions ahead down the road that you
would have run into if you hadn't stopped your car. Now it is safe to
proceed. Drive past the craters the explosions left and you will find more
H. FIRE and HEALTH. When you come to the fork, go left. There is a tank
aiming at you! If you want to, you can destroy it with four H. FIRE, but
you don't have to do it since the tank is too slow to catch you and can't
hit you directly. After passing the tank, equip your STINGER and drive past
or through the boxes and barrels blocking your path.

Go around the next corner, and you will come to a clearing where the
helicopter is taking off. While you are watching it, the STINGER'S
crosshairs have locked on to the helicopter so fire off the STINGER and the
helicopter will crash to the ground. Be careful the helicopter doesn't fall
on you when it hits the ground or you will take damage. If you missed, then
you can go back and use the road you haven't gone onto yet and find another
STINGER with some other powerups. Now blow up the barricade with your H.
FIRE and speed across the clearing, ignoring everything.

There is another tank at the other side of the clearing if you want to blow
it up too. Drive past it and through the roadblock and then stop. Another
wave of explosions will appear, and you would have run into that too if I
hadn't stopped you :) Go on past the craters, then drive down the road and
jump the creek. After you cross the bridge, another explosion will rock the
road, and two jeeps will start chasing you.

Evade them and go into the tunnel, being careful not to run into the
exploding boxes. You can get more HEALTH here if you need it. At the end
of the tunnel is a ramp with a helicopter taking off. Crash into the
helicopter to end the level.


- Collect all transmitters
- Jettison car in Hudson River


Out of all the levels, this one had the most changes. This difficulty level
makes Agent's version of the level look like a drive to the grocery store!
The time limit is tighter, the bomb will detonate at higher speeds, the
police are after you, you have no brakes (!), and to top it off, you have to
collect almost twice as many transmitters! Please bear with my directions
as it is hard to write a walkthrough for this level because the layout is
confusing and every street looks like every other street.

Begin by going across the park in front of you to get Transmitter 1.
Continue straight to the intersection and then turn left alongside the park
that comes almost right after the intersection. Pick up transmitter 2 at
the other end of the park, then turn right and go past the cop cars and the
white building. Go down this street until it T-s, then turn right across
the sidewalk. After that, turn left onto where this street T-s. Follow
this road until you see a plaza with a fountain on the left. Drive into
this plaza. Get transmitter 3 near the fountain, then make a sharp left to
pick up transmitter 4 on the other side of the fountain.

Take a U-turn to the right through the trees and onto the street. Follow
this street till it T-s, then turn left. Follow the road and you will get
transmitter 5. Immediately turn left after collecting it. Follow the road
until you see a street on the right with traffic lights above it. Turn
right onto this street, then left into the alley that comes shortly after.
Collect transmitter 6 here then turn right at the other end. Turn left at
the next intersection then right across the sidewalk when the road curves 90
degrees to the right. At the next intersection turn left, and when you
reach the curve of this road, slow down and cross the sidewalk on the left
to collect transmitter 7. Follow the street and you will arrive at a park.
Go across the park and pick up transmitter 8. After collecting it, turn to
the right and go through the trees back to the street.

Turn right at the intersection. Follow the street until it T-s, then turn
left. When you come to a park, drive diagonally acorss the park and the
next intersection to collect transmitter 9. Follow the street you are on
until it T-s, then turn left to find transmitter 10. After getting that
transmitter, you will come to a park. Turn left onto the street just past
it, then follow it all the way to the white building again. Collect
transmitter 11 in front of the white building. Drive diagonally across the
park. Follow the road and you will pick up a HEALTH. After you get two
large blue buildings on either side of the road, turn left to find
transmitter 12.

Turn left again to keep from smashing into the dead end street. You will
pick up a second HEALTH on the way out. Turn right onto the next road, then
left again onto the next street. Follow this road to the white building and
take transmitter 13 which is in front of it. Sharply turn right again
then left. Follow this road until it T-s, then turn left and then left
again into the alley. Get transmitter 14 Pick up the health on the way out.
Turn right then left into another alley. Collect transmitter 15 in this
alley. Turn right after exiting the alley. At the next few corners go
diagonally left through them. After those corners, you'll see a subway
track over the road ahead. Turn left under the tracks to get transmitter
16. Turn at the end of the tracks to the right. Follow this road until you
see a blue building. Crash through the building's rear left corner to find
transmitter 17, then turn back onto the street you were traveling. Turn
right under the traffic signals that appear shortly after.

You will come to a plaza where transmitter 18 is waiting. Drive diagonally
to the other corner of the plaza. Transmitter 19 is just past the
intersection there. After picking up that one, turn right and follow the
road to where it T-s to collect transmitter 20. Follow the road it was on
to get transmitter 21. Yay! We got all the transmitters! Now drive
straight and you will see a dock. Drive off this dock to finish the level.


- Disable all vehicles in ambush
- Disable forklifts
- Gain access to distribution center
- Collect EMP gadget
- Destroy all ten computers with EMP

Aston Martin DB5

Very hard mission here! At the start of the mission, you are hiding in an
alley. When you go into the clearing, you are attacked by enemy cars in
groups of two. The goal for this part of the level is to destroy 17 (!) cars
instead of Agent Mode's eight. There are several weapons surrounding the
clearing, including H. FIRE, OIL, and SMOKE. Also there are a few boxes of
HEALTH when you need it. There are several methods I have made to get rid
of the cars. You can use most of them, and you may win. You could also
combine methods.

First method: Pick up two H. FIRE and drive backwards into the alley where
you started the level. As the cars try to enter the alley, fire a rocket to
blow them up. Repeat until all dead and occasionally leave the alley to
restock H. FIRE. You could also use SMOKE while backing up to stall them.

Second method: Drive near the exploding crates and get them between you and
your enemies. The enemy cars are as dumb as stumps, so they will try to
drive through the crates, but only end up getting blown to bits. You will
have to mix this with another method because there are only four crates and
eight cars to kill.

Third method: Drive in reverse and let the enemy cars hit you from the
front. You will notice when they hit you from the front, they briefly stop.
Use this time to back away from them and fire off a rocket while they are
stunned. You won't take much damage from the blast like if you shot them up

Fourth Method: Drive reverse into the alley where the cars are emerging
from. Shoot off a rocket to destroy them when they follow you. Now, for
every destroyed car, another one will magically appear in the alley in front
of you if you are in far enough. You can keep shooting until all the cars
are destroyed in seconds. Be careful not to run out of rockets or you could
get trapped by the cars as they try to ram you. The best way to get through
the area if you ask me.

When all the cars are dead, a STINGER will appear in the alley where they
were appearing from. Use the STINGER to demolish the door blocking the next
area. Drive through the hole and pick up the HEALTH and SHIELD. You are
now in an area where two forklifts are working. When the forklifts see you,
they will drive over and try to turn you over! They are invunerable to all
your weapons except M. GUNS, so this time you should trick them into running
into the explosive crates. Do it in the same way you did with the cars. If
you miss with the crates you can try to get the forklifts to get stuck on a
wall or a box and then fire away at the flashing red light on its back with
the M. GUN.

When the forklifts are destroyed, pick up the STINGER from their wreckage
and use it to destroy the door for the delivery entrance of a building. If
the battle has made your car weary, you can pick up more HEALTH. Go through
the hole in the delivery entrance and into a factory. Ignore all the guards
shooting at you and drive straight ahead up a ramp into another room. At
the end of the room is a window. At high speed crash through it to another

Ignore the guards for now and look for a ramp that leads down. At the
bottom of this ramp is the EMP. Pick it up and drive back up the ramp. Now
equip your M. GUN and shoot all the guards with it. Next, equip your EMP.
Park next to each computer in the room and activate the EMP. Use the EMP
until the computer is blown up completely. Don't worry about the damage you
get. Some of the computers will give you more HEALTH.

After all the computers in the room are blown up, look for a ramp leading up
and go on it. This will lead you into a room that appears to be a place
where cars are being tested. Kill all the guards with your M. GUN, then get
to work on the computers in the room with your EMP. They are all along the
outer wall. When they are all destroyed, break through the window at the
end of the room to finish this level.


-Destroy all four transporter tires

Aston Martin DB5

This mission is really hard now because now you have a strict time limit if
you want to get a high enough percentage to pass so don't waste a lot of
time. To finish the mission, you must use your tire-cutting LASER to stop
the transporter by driving alongside it and cutting the tires. Each tire
will now take almost three full charges before catching on fire and being
disabled. If you get damaged, some HEALTH will appear every now and then.
While you are trying to do that, there are many hazards to watch out for.

Oncoming traffic is a big problem. For about half the time you are chasing
the transporter, there will be other cars driving alongside him too. Resist
the urge to cut the tires while there is traffic everywhere. The car on top
of the transporter can also be a problem if you don't watch out. If you
take too long to cut the tires, then the transport will enter a tunnel and
the car on top will fall off. This won't be a problem as long as you are
prepared for it.

Be sure to not get too absorbed in your cutting when there is an offramp
coming up. Many times, I have forgotten to pay attention to the road ahead
and have wrecked head-on into the guard rail dividing the off-ramp and the
main highway. If this happens, drive down the off-ramp and up the other
side. You'll only have to worry about this while you are cutting the tires
on the right side.

After all four tires have been destroyed, you win the level.


- Collect four Mine Packs on bridges
- Locate and drive onto truck


This mission has not been changed much, the time limits are shorter and
that's about it. The idea of this mission is very simple. Like it says in
the objectives, you must collect four MINES from the bridges. But, there is
a helicopter chasing you blowing up the bridges! See the timer on top of
the screen? That is how long you have before the helicopter destroys the
next bridge. If a bridge is blown up, you will be forced to take an
alternate route down into the ravine the bridge crosses which will cost you
time to catch up with the helicopter. You won't have to worry about this on
the first bridge. Also, the helicopter will occasionally fire missles at
you. The place they will hit is shown by the red circles. After you get
enough MINES, you won't have to worry about crossing the bridges anymore.

Beware the jeeps and tanks on the ground below too. The tanks are too slow
to chase you and they can't shoot low enough to hit you, so you won't have
to worry much about them. The jeeps will pursue you relentlessly, on the
other hand. They can shoot you with machine guns, but this won't cause much
damage. If you let them get close enough, they will try to ram you off the
road. Stall them with the OIL you find or shoot them with H. FIRE when
they first appear ahead of you on the road.

Every now and then, you will find a STINGER. Be sure to pick it up because
you will need it a bit later to destroy a tree blocking the path. If you
miss the STINGER, you can still crash through it, but this will cause heavy

When you arrive at the second village, drive between the town wall and the
first buildings on the left to find the entrance to the truck you must
enter. It is a large blue 18 wheeler. The level will then end.


- Retrieve Mine Detonator
- Detonate all ten Limpet Mines
- Locate Stinger Missles
- Destroy Guard Towers
- Laser designate storage facility
- Extract Zukovsky
- Escape before air strike launch


No changes here from Agent. First, drive out of the truck and take the time
to eliminate all the guards with the M. GUN so they won't peck at you
constantly while you are detonating the mines. Next, drive over to the tent
on the right of the storage facility (the long, low brown building with the
big garage door.)

Pick up the M. DETONATER there, and park in the green circles where the
MINES are planted. Hold down the fire button with the M. DETONATER until
you hear a beeping noise. Then, drive away fast in a straight line from the
MINE to suffer minimal damage from the mine explosion. Repeat until all
ten MINES are destroyed. Be sure to take the H. FIRE from the wreckage.
You can use it to blow up the bulldozers if you want to, or use it to
destroy the tents if you are low on health.

Now, go over to the small tents and destroy them by running over them
(yeeaaahhhh!) if you have a lot of health. There is HEALTH in the tents to
cover the damage, but only if you can live through the crash. If not, then
use the H. FIRE to blow up the tents. After all the tents are destroyed,
you will have three STINGER and a L. DESIGNATER. Use the STINGER on the two
large guard towers on the base's wall. Now, get fairly far away from the
storage facility and use the L. DESIGNATER on the garage door until the
crosshair is permanently there. A helicopter will now fly over and blow up
the door. Drive in there quick and rescue Zukovsky! Now get out of there
through the gate which is a hole in the barbed wire fencing. You did it!
Good work!


- Activate six homing beacons
- Beat assasin and make escape


Again there aren't many changes, except for more aggressive driving from the
assassin. First, floor it to escape the tanks and guards who are already
upon you at the start. After some curves, Xenia, the villaness from
Goldeneye, will join you for a race in her red Ferrari, along with some
jeeps. You should be able to figure this level out yourself. Get all the
H. BEACONS, evade jeeps and tanks, use OIL to slow down Xenia and finish
before her.

The ending might confuse you a bit, though. You have to grab the parachute
on the left of the road right before the dropoff that marks the end of the
level. Activate the parachute, and you win.


- Collect Limpet Mine pack
- Deploy Mines next to crates
- Locate exit to detonate

BMW 750iL

The only thing that is changed about this level is that you must find a way
around a new security measure on the crane you use to escape. This level is
unique because you are not driving the car itself, but operating it by
remote control. You have to rely on the warehouse's security cameras to
guide your car to finish the mission within the time limit. It's
challenging at first, but becomes easier. Think of it as playing with a
real RC car, only with much more at stake. You can do this level pretty
much any way you like it. I'll just tell you where to find the MINES, what
to do with them, some general tips, and how to escape.

First, drive straight ahead and break out of the labratory to the
astonishment of the suprised scientists! Now turn 90 degrees to the left
and drive that way. You will find a platform that the MINES are on top of.
Drive up the ramp and back down again using the ramp, otherwise you will
flip over. Now drive to each crate with a circle around it and drop a MINE
in it. One of them is on top of a platform and the ring is hard to see
because the platform is a similar color to the ring. It is the platform
near the warehouse wall.

You will also notice other crates lying around without rings. If you hit
them, they will blow up, destroying your car instantly. Watch out for them.
Also be careful not to hit the forklifts and the small machines scurrying
around on the floor, or you will take damage and stop dead in your tracks.

After every mine has been planted, you will need to escape. Don't try to
get out the same way you did in Agent, lest you be dumped in a vat of acid.
Instead, follow the yellow dot that appears after the last mine is planted.
You will find a pack of STINGERS in one of the warehouse's corners. Now,
when the crane is about to pick up a car, blast it with a STINGER then
quickly take its place while the crane is lowering. The crane will still
think it is picking up a regular car, so it will take you to the exit.


- Collect four TSP-6060 Missles
- Locate TSP Launcher
- Reach final bridge and disable boat

BMW 750iL

Arrrgghh! I hate this mission! I hate the stupid pickups and dumptrucks
that always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, I hate the
river you can die instantly by driving into, and I really hate that dumb
powerboat that is trying to kill you with grenades! Now in 00 Agent, the
boat is faster and the shots you take on the boat at the end of the level
have to hit the front of it instead of anywhere you can aim.

At least the best route is easy to remember. First, drive across the bridge
in front of you, then turn left. When you see a ramp ahead that goes
through a boat house, crash through the barricade and take the ramp. You
will go over a small gap in the ramp. When you get to land again, drive
left and pick up a TSP MISSLE. After crossing the bridge, turn right.

Now for the rest of the level, only use the bridges that are not blocked off
by barricades, and when the boat shoots a grenade at you, you will see a red
circle appear where it will hit. Curve sharply to the left or right to
avoid it, unless there is a HEALTH or a TSP MISSLE to be had if you go
through it. Both of these items are very important.

When you get to the last bridge at the end of the river (the one with no
guard-rail on the left), pick up the TSP and point your car so it is facing
left down the river. Now equip the TSP and a scope will appear when you
first press R1. Zoom in on the left shoreline of the river with Triangle,
as this is where the boat will first appear from when it approaches the

When the boat appears from behind the shoreline, aim and fire at the boat
with R1. Keep in mind you must manually aim, the rocket will not lock on
the target. After 4 direct hits to the front of the boat, you will win. If
the boat manages to make a U-turn and flee back down the river again, you'll


- Download data from first limo
- Download data from second limo
- Download data from third limo
- Download data from fourth limo


This mission is cake compared to all the crud you have been through lately,
even though it is 00 Agent. All you have to deal with that is extra is a
tighter time limit and a more sensitive range for downloading data. Just
simply track down the limos and stay within the download range for a limited
amount of time while they are sending data Watch the meter in the top-left
corner of the screen to see how much longer you must stay with the limo.

If you are too close or too far away from the limo, you won't be able to get
the data. Listen to the whirring noise when you are close to a limo. If it
is high-pitched, you need to back off. If it is low-pitched, you should get
closer. Be careful, if you stay too close to them for too long, they will
stop transmitting data altogether and the mission will be a failure.

If you need it, there is NITRO to help you get to the limos faster, HEALTH
to repair damage if you drive carelessly, and OIL and SMOKE to get away from
the police if they decide to chase you. Not really, the police are as bad
as in Gimme a Brake. After the last limo has been hacked, you win.


- Avoid security lasers
- Locate and rescue Dr. Chase
- Plant explosive charge
- Collect four ANTIDOTES
- Escape facility

Lotus Esprit

My favorite mission. The ending becomes a bit more hectic from Agent since
the blast doors close faster than in Agent. After you gain control,
immediately activate your IRGOGOGGLES to see the otherwise invisible lasers.
When the first one on the right looks away from the right corner, drive
around the right corner and stick to the wall like glue. For the rest of
the laser area, drive down the side of this wall, pausing every now and then
to wait for a laser to look away. Never try to be clever by shortcutting
through the center of the corridor. The lasers will spot you for sure and
shoot you to death. After sticking to the right wall through a door, and
another corridor, you will come to a large chamber with what appears to be a
large generator. You can turn off the IRGOGOGGLES now.

You will also notice three lasers lancing out from it. Do not touch them or
it is instant death. Drive along the left wall of this room and you will
find a breakable glass wall. Drive through it and you will see Dr. Chase
with a red circle surrounding her. Go over and stop nearby. She will jump

Now drive next to the generator, avoiding the lasers. Look for a door to
drive through. Line up your car with the door so you can go in a straight
line towards it. Equip the BOMB and press R1 to drop it. Now drive as fast
as you can through that door to escape the blast. After the bomb blows,
you must maintain your speed or the blasts will catch up, killing you
instantly. Also, the heavy metal door at the end of this section of tunnel
closes faster; the minimum distance is reaching the yellow light at the time
of the blast.

Drive down this track. Follow my directions to the ANTIDOTES as the radar
won't track them in 00 Agent. You will come to a place where there is a low
path and a high path. Take the high path to find the first ANTIDOTE. After
going back down, you will come to a sharp curve. Go around it and you will
find another place with high and low paths. This time, use the lower path
to get the second ANTIDOTE. After the track levels out again, you will go
into a purple-lit section. Grab the third ANTIDOTE here. Next there is a
tunnel with gray walls. The last ANTIDOTE is here, and shortly after that,
another closing metal door. Drive through it quickly and into the water to


- Disable each engine
- Deploy missles to destroy plane
- Drive off cliff to escape virus

Lotus Esprit

Not many differences from Agent; the plane gathers speed more quickly and
you must find the breakable part of fence yourself to escape the explosion,
as it won't appear on the radar. You have no weapons available right at the
start, so you must ram each engine of the plane until it catches fire to
disable it. Your rams will only affect the engine while it is flashing, so
save your health by waiting until this happens. This is also the time while
the plane is gathering speed for takeoff, so if you take too long to destroy
an engine, the plane will escape and the mission will be a failure.

And please, don't try to destroy the plane'e engines by stopping in front of
them or ramming directly behind them unless you want your health to be
sucked away faster than water down a drain, thanks to the jet's exhaust.
When all four engines are disabled, your car will short out and you won't be
able to move. While you are pondering what to do, the plane is going on
ahead and is turning around to ram you! While the plane is turning, tap L1
to bring up the TSP, then rapidly tap R1 until the scope appears. Now aim
at the front wheels of the jet. Fire two rockets at it and the plane's nose
will dip into the dirt, but it's still coming! But, by a miracle, at the
same time you destroyed the wheels, your car started up again, so quickly
drive out of the way of the huge plane, then go to the right concrete fence
of the airfield and look for a wooden section of fence. Crash through this
fence and into the sea to win the level and defeat the game!


6: Thanks

- Thanks to myself because if it wasn't for me, this FAQ wouldn't exist!
- Thanks to EA for this driving game that 007 fans have probably been
dreaming about for decades!
- Thanks to my dad for giving me jobs to do to earn my PS2 and this game!
- BIG, Big thanks to GameFaqs, THE best video game site on the net!


7: E-mail Policy

I have recieved a lot of stupid e-mail in the past, but now it is starting
to get ridiculous so I am going to start enforcing what kinds of messages
will and will not get answered.

Please DO:

- read the whole document before sending a question. If you have time to
waste your life away on video games, then you have enough time to scan my
document for a few minutes for an answer to a problem.

- put the name of the game in the message topic. It makes it A LOT easier
for me to pick out which messages are on games and which are not. Also if
the name is not there, I might accidentally delete it, thinking it is junk

- spell correctly. I won't be able to help much with your problem if you
send me something like "Hy mn cn u hlp me wth ths 1 prblm, I cnt bt ths 1
lvl ok thnks gby."

- send a message in English. I can barely read Spanish, let alone translate
Japanese. You wouldn't believe how many messages I have recieved in some
foreign languages that I don't even know which continent they are from.

- be polite. Any mail with excessive flaming will be instantly deleted.

Please DO NOT:

- write the title of the message as "About your walkthrough" or something
similar to that.

- flame. I hate flaming. Especially messages with the f-word or the
s-word. These will be instantly deleted.

- send advertisements. These will be considered junk mail and will be
deleted instantly.

- ask me something that is already answered in the walkthrough or the
manual. C'mon, would you rather spend a few minutes skimming my guide, or
would you rather spend a few hours, days, or even weeks waiting for me to
get back to you?

- forget to include the name of the game in the message or on the title. I
am not a psychic. I cannot tell what game you are after if you do not
include the name in it.

- send me a message in any language other than English. The only other
language I can barely understand at all is Spanish, and even then, I can
hardly form simple sentences. So don't send the message in any language
besides English or I simply won't be able to help you.


8: Copyright

This guide is the sole property of Nathan Norris, author of this guide.
Don't rip off this guide in part or whole, or I will be forced to act
against you. Don't rip off this guide then alter it to death and claim it
as your own. This guide may not be used for ANY profitable reasons
whatsoever, even if no money is made.

I'm tired of all these websites requesting my guides for their sites, so
from now on, these are the only sites which may use my guides:


This makes it very simple for me to keep track of what state each version is
in each site. If you find this guide on some other site, and it is
incomplete, go to www.gamefaqs.com. before requesting help from me. Since
gamefaqs.com is the first place I send every piece of my work, they are sure
to have the most up-to-date version of my guides.

Also, if you find this guide on www.cheatcc.com, notify me immediately.
They have ripped off of me before and I'm not gonna let them do it again.

I bid you farewell.


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11.Октябрь 2013
Tips & Tricks Guide

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Октябрь 2008
10.Октябрь 2008
PAL/NTSC Selektor +13 Trainer Patch für die US NTSC Version (PDX)

16.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version ADR).

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version (PDX)

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30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
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