Street Fighter Alpha 3

Street Fighter Alpha 3

11.10.2013 22:43:10
For the Sony PlayStation
By Shin Akuma

Unpublished work Copyright 1999 K. T. G.

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be
reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be
altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice
appear in full. This FAQ is not to be used for Profitable OR
promotional purposes; this includes being used by publishers of
magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines,
etc. in ANY way. This FAQ was created by anyone who has put up a FAQ of
the game, or who has talked about it on the official newsgroup
"". It was, however, put on the net by K. T. G.
. All copyrights and trademarks are
acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. So, give
credit where it is due.

The Street Fighter game series and the Final Fight series are (c)
Capcom of Japan and (c) Capcom of America.

Greetings! And welcome to the first People's FAQ! Why? Because
this was created by you…THE FANS. A lot of research, practice, and
waiting went into this FAQ, even though I've only had the game since
its release. I've followed the SF series since 1991, when the SF2
series officially began. I played a lot of E.Honda, but I got my butt
kicked a lot by either a good human player using Guile or Ryu, or the
CPU M.Bison. So, someone taught me Ryu & Ken, and I've beaten every
single version since (Except the SF3 series, which has yet to reach my
neck of the woods, which is Gainesville, FL.). I do enjoy the series,
especially SFA3, so I'm creating this series to show my appreciation
for the game. Now, on to the FAQ.

This first FAQ will focus on Adon, the Muay Thai kickboxer. He's
Sagat's ex-pupil, but he chose to use a different path to his fighting,
using the Jaguar style instead of Sagat's Tiger style.



This section outlines the basic controls for all characters:

(Controller directions and results)

ub u uf Jump Up-Back Jump Up Up-Forward
\ | /
b -- n -- f Walk Back / Block Neutral Walk Forward
/ | \
db d df Crouch / Low Block Crouch Off. Crouch

(Button layout and effect)

LP MP HP Light Punch Medium Punch Hard Punch

LK MK HK Light Kick Medium Kick Hard Kick

(FAQ abbreviations)

qcf / qcb - Press (d,df,f) or (d,db,b) on the control pad.
hcf / hcb - Press (b,db,d,df,f) or (f,df,d,db,b) on the control pad.
Rotate 360 - Rotate the control pad in a complete circle. You can
start and end the circle at any point (i.e. start at uf and end at uf,
or b to b, etc.) The shorthand motion for this is f,df,d,db,b,ub or
the reverse.
Rotate 720 - Perform the 360 motion twice (two full rotations).
PP / PPP - Press any two / all three Punch buttons.
KK / KKK - Press any two / all three Kick buttons.
(air) - The move can be performed while on the ground, or while
in the air (during a jump or after an air recovery).
x~x - All possible ranges are allowed (for example, ub
through uf, or MK through HP).
xav / XAV - You can cancel the move into a special in the listed
ISM (lowercase), or into a Super Combo (uppercase).
xav1 - The attack is only interruptable on the first hit.
xavB - The attack is interruptable on both hits.
ZC / AC - Zero Counter (in SFZ) / Alpha Counter (in SFA)
OC / CC - Original Combo (in SFZ) / Custom Combo (in SFA)
SC - Super Combo


This section explains the basic moves of each character. Remember
that the ISM (and mode, if one is used), affects which basic abilities
a person will be able to use.


Block Hold b / db (air)
Ground Recovery Press (f) + KK when knocked down
Air Recovery Press (b / d) + PP when knocked into the air
Taunt Press (b / f) + Select
Throw When close, b / f + PP / KK (air)
Tech. Hit When thrown, press f + PP / KK *
Damage Reduction Any direction + P / K while you're getting hit
Guard Protection Press b / db to block just prior to an attack
Counter Hit Hit someone as they're attacking you
Zero Counter While blocking, f + same P + K (ground only)
Original Combo Press the same strength P + K (air)
Reversal Perform a special move as you get off the floor
Doujioshi SP See the section below

*Believe it or not, you can still Tech. Hit in X-ISM.


Each move list is divided into these sections: Their opening
story line, colors, ground and air throws, special moves and command
attacks, and then Super Combos and Level 3 Super Combos. If I don't
have the official Capcom name for a move, the name is written in
lowercase, in parenthesis. To the far left of the move list, you may
see the letters X, A, or V. These letters indicate that the move is
available only when using X-ISM, A-ISM, or V-ISM. Afterwards is
information on each character's Alpha Counters and a list of cancelable
attacks (so you know what moves can be used in combos, etc.) Also,
there are some extra tidbits about some of the special moves listed.

Height : 182cm
Weight : 73kg
Blood Type : B

He is Adon, the self proclaimed "God of Muay Thai".
After beating Sagat, his master, one thing has been on his mind.
Can Muay Thai stand against the power of the "Raging Demon"?

1: Red-orange hair, dark skin, white headring, red-orange + purple
shoulder bands, purple shorts w/white trim
2: Orange hair, normal skin, gold headring, orange + blue shoulder
bands, light purplish-blue shorts w/yellowish orange trim
3: Maroon hair, pale skin, red headring, black + red shoulder bands,
black shorts w/red trim
4: Red-orange hair, dark skin, white headring, red + pink shoulder
bands, red shorts w/white trim
5: Orange hair, normal skin, gold headring, orange + olive green
shoulder bands, olive green shorts w/yellow trim
6: Maroon hair, pale skin, red headring, light blue + red shoulder
bands, light blue shorts w/red trim

XAV Jaguar Carry b / f + PP
XAV Jaguar Slam b / f + KK
XAV Jaguar Stab Any direction but u/d + PP (air)
XAV Jaguar Throw Any direction but u/d + KK (air)

XAV Rising Jaguar f,d,df + K
AV Jaguar Kick b,d,db + K
X Jaguar Kick In air, press K
XAV Jaguar Tooth hcb + K
XAV Jaguar Crunch f + MP

A Jaguar Revolver qcf,qcf + K
XA Jaguar Varied Assault qcf,d,df + P
XA Jaguar Thousand Tap P during Jaguar Varied Assault
XA Jaguar Assassin Tap K during Jaguar Varied Assault

Zero Counter (A-ISM): HK Rising Jaguar
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Jaguar Assassin
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + HK

Cancelable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv

- In X-ISM, Adon's Jaguar Kicks are performed just like a normal jump
kick. Not only does the button used determine the strength and
angle of the Jaguar Kick, but whether you're jumping back, forward,
or straight up also affects the range of this move.
- The Jaguar Crunch is an overhead attack.
- In A-ISM, you can only use the Jaguar Thousand or Jaguar Assassin
if you perform the Jaguar Varied Assault at Level 3.

-Low Jab * 2 -> Jaguar Varied Assault

-(X-ism) standing Jab * 3 -> Low Fierce

-(Corner) Standing Strong -> Rising Jaguar -> (Standing Jab/Strong ->
Rising Jaguar)/Air Throw/(Low short * 2 -> Jaguar Varied Assault)

-(Corner) MP+MK VC -> (Low Short -> Low Forward -> Short Jaguar Kick) *

-(On the center of the screen) LP+LK VC -> Roundhouse Rising Jaguar ->
Short Jaguar Kick -> Roundhouse Jaguar Kick * @

-Opponent in corner, MP+MK VC, repeatedly does low MP, LK
Jaguar kick.


I don't have much on strategy for Adon right now, but I do have
some things to work on. For example, you can use a well-timed Jaguar
Kick or a Jaguar Tooth to fly over a fireball and hit your enemy. Or,
you can use a Jaguar Knee to counter certain attacks, such as E.Honda's
Flying Headbutt or Blanka's Rolling Attacks (Vertical, Horizontal,
etc.) I'm not sure what the "invincibility" window is for his Jaguar
Varied Assault. If anyone knows, let me know.


Winning Quotes
Quote 1: My existence is fury unleashed! You can't hope to contain me!
Quote 2: By fighting me, your weakness will become legendary!
Quote 3: Your only destiny now, is to lie here at my feet!
Quote 4: Look into my eyes, and see what's left of your broken self!
Quote 5: You'll appreciate knowing that I held back during the fight!
Quote 6: What hurts more? The pain of your body, or your self esteem?
Quote 7: That was a waste of my Muay Thai skills! You are worthless!
Quote 8: I felt your ribs and spine snap! I'm sorry I left you alive!

Win Poses- (Hit the button according to the win pose right after the

LP Adon laughs and gives his opponent a thumbs down.
MP Adon flips back, takes off his tong, and says "Yeah!"
HP Adon crosses his arms and laughs.
LK Adon turns away, holds out his arms, and looks over his shoulder,
his teeth gleaming.
MK Adon rocks back and forth, then prostrates himself on one knee.
HK Like in MK, but he keeps rocking back and forth.

Pre-Fight Animation vs. Sagat

Conditions: One character must be computer controlled.
Description: Adon and Sagat are close to each other, throwing kicks
which they both counter. Their final attacks cancel
out as if they had been Guard Crushed. Sagat does his
LP pose, while Adon stands triumphantly and yells, his
teeth gleaming while he gives a thumbs up.


Ken: You are the worthy first pupil of Sagat, aren't you?
Adon: Shut up! He is no longer my master!
You studied with the one who has the "TEN" symbol upon his back?
I see... In that case, show me that technique!!

And after you defeat Ken…

Adon: You're overrated! You claim to be the "king of fighters"?! Ha!
That ultimate barrage attack... That's how I will identify him!
Then, I'll teach him that Muay Thai is truly invincible!

Stage 9 vs. Rose
Rose: People are obsessed with power, which in turn destroys people.
Can't you see it? Where your aspirations will lead you?
Adon: Ruin and destruction, right? I know full well what it is!
But Muay Thai's power is far beyond your comprehension!

Stage 10 vs. Shin M.Bison
Bison: You've changed. It's no surprise that your strength beat Sagat!
It seems... Well, it seems I underestimated you.
Adon: I don't need you. I'm just interested in "that power".
Bison: You want the secrets of the "Raging Demon" ...Right?
Adon: ..!! How could you know about that?
Bison: And what could you gain from such a pitifully weak move?
I'll show you true strength! The awesome might of Psycho

Adon's Ending
Bison's on the floor and Adon gloats over him. "I see... Is that
the best you can do Adon?" says Bison as he starts to float. "Hm hm
hm... Ha ha ha ha! No matter how many times I fall, my Psycho Power
will never die!". While Adon is shocked, Bison demonstrates the
strength of his Psycho Power by hitting Adon with a Psycho Crusher. As
Bison stands over Adon, he says "I fear nothing! Not even death!!". A
mysterious figure comes up behind Bison and did the Raging Demon on him
(gee I wonder who it is). After Bison is hurt by the R.D., he says
"Why?!! You... You cannot overcome my Psycho Power!!" Little does he
realize that his powers are already overcame. "What!?? Nooooooo!" and
Bison exploded into nothingness. Adon gets up and realizes that the man
who performed the Raging Demon on Bison was responsible. "Guh...
(gasp). It was the man bearing the "TEN" symbol, as I suspected. He
obliterated Bison's Psycho Power in one deadly moment... I must have
that power! For the new Muay Thai legend... I will!" We then see Adon
leave and Akuma, the "mysterious figure", perched on a cliff. Will Adon
ever get his shot at him? We may never know.

Personal Opinion:
Adon is a little less user-friendly than he is in Street Fighter
Alpha 2 simply because of his Jaguar Kick move (Reverse DP motion
instead of a fireball motion). I never got used to it in SFA1, but the
X-ISM version has potential, you just have to time it right. He does
have more of a Guard Meter and is harder to dizzy than any average
character, and that can help him out in close matches. One other
problem that evolves: He has too many predictable combos with his
Rising Jaguar, his Jaguar Kick (In V-ISM), and Jaguar Varied Assault,
and can be blocked very easily.

Credits: This means anyone who put out anything on SFA3 on the net!
These people have been given credit for this FAQ and the reason why.

Jack Lin aka Zangief104 – Most of Adon's combos
Chocobo ( – Adon's Variable Combo
Michael "Svenyip" Troupe ( – Plot Lines
Shawn "Shred-Man" Dumas ( – Plot Lines
Charles Yam ( – Bio Data
ShinJN ( – Winning Quotes
Kailu Lantis ( No E-Mail at this time)- Ending
And K. Megura ( – Everything else in this FAQ!


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