

15.10.2013 07:05:38
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Grandia - Boss + Recommended Spells FAQ
Version 2.0
Done By: Tricrokra (

Data of Grandia version I played.
System: PlayStation
Region: PAL (Europe)

Legal Notics.
You're free to download and copy this FAQ to anyone you know as long as it's
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When uploading this FAQ to please let me know. In most cases it won't be a
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(C) Copyright JBC-Soft, Jeroen Broks (Tricrorka), 2001, All rights reserved

1.0 ??-??-???? This whole FAQ
2.0 06-12-2001 Added my levels and skill levels & Characters also added the
bosses' hitpoints.

This list describes how to beat all bosses and
two optional bosses, and since some very cool
spells are recommended most of the times I'll also
describe all the Mana Eggs I found in order to give
you the possibilities to take the same preparations I took.

One important note... IGNORE the main experience of your
characters. It takes days to boost those levels, while the
true power of your characters lies in their skill experience
which can mostly be trained in a VERY short time. Be sure to
get good weapon exp points and magic exp points. They are
a lot more important. Especially when you want to use the
moves I recommend.

Another important note. After Gadwin leaves the party for
good he'll teach Justin how to use the "Dragon Cut".
Justin can use it when he has sword level 16, Earth level 7
and fire level 6. Make sure he obtains that move ASAP and
use it on normal encounters as much as possible. Expecially
when you do this with an axe, Justin's power will increase
to extreme levels in relatively a very short time.

Name: Justin
Joins: At the beginning of the game
Leaves: At the end of the game
Description: The hero of the game. Wants to become an
Advantage: When you use "Dragon Cut", after you learned
if from Gadwin, as much as possible on all
non-boss enemies he'll become very strong
Disadvantage: Actually none

Name: Sue
Joins: At the beginning of the game
Leaves: After she gets exhausted when completing the
Twin Towers
Description: Little girl who's non-stop chatter can be
Advantage: Attacking at distance
Disadvantage: Not really fast. Takes a long time to regain
senses when struck and killed easily

Name: Feena
Joins: When crossing the sea to Elencia
Leaves: At the end of the game
Description: Pretty female adventurer
Advantage: Quick. Very usable as healer
Disadvantage: Not really strong, and her special powers
cost too much to be usefull.

Name: Gadwin
Joins: When encountering him in the valley of the
flying dragon
Leaves: When Sue goes back to Parm
Description: Warrior who wants to turn Justin into a man
Advantage: Strong and not easy to kill
Disadvantage: Slow

Name: Rapp
Joins: When you got to save his pupil Nicky

Leaves: After defeating the final boss
Description: Young boy without manners
Advantage: Very quick. Pretty strong and runs fast
Disadvantage: Since he joins up pretty late it takes too
long to boost his magic skills

Name: Milda
Joins: After defeating her at the Tower of Doom
Leaves: After healing wise men Dorlin
Description: Bulldozer kind of woman, but rather friendly
once you won her trust.
Advantage: Strong
Disadvantage: Slow and no magic

Name: Guido
Joins: When you have to enter the shrine at Zil
Leaves: When you're reaching Alent
Description: Mysterious merchant
Advantage: Combo's are three hits
Disadvantage: All

Name: Liete
Joins: When you meet her at Alent
Leaves: After defeating final boss
Description: Priestess of Alent
Advantage: Much magic
Disadvantage: Pretty weak

- You'll automaticly get your first when beating the
giant squid

- Underway to Feena's house there's a small tunnel on
the other side of it you'll find another one

- In the sewer's under the church where Feena's gonna
get married against her will, is a mana egg near
the start, but you can't get there directly. You may
have discovered that you can open and close gates to
change the water level. One of them is usable on both
sides of the water side. Open it to cross the water flow
and close it after it. Then you'll see a big square on
a lower level swamped with monsters. Ignore it for now
and you'll find an other gate (on the other side of the
water here is the start) open this gate and the water
will be removed. Go to the lower level square and go
to the part which was first filled with water. From
here you can make the way to the egg

- Rangle Mountains, on the west near the start

- Rangle Mountains, follow the road on the left of the exit

- Near the boss in the Dom Ruins

- After Gadwin joined you may find one near a plant that
will shape like some go-around-stairs (or however you
call that in English)

- There's another one in the same valley, but I can't descibe it

- Mount Typhoon, on an island surrounded by poison

- Typhoon Tower, in the hall left from the entrance, easy to spot!!!

- In the cemetry in the Castle of Dreams (Optional Dungeon)

- Near the entrance of Alent (once you got there)

Recommeneded order of using the eggs
1. Justin -> Water
2. Justin -> Earth
3. Feena -> Water
4. Justin -> Fire
5. Feena -> Wind
6. Feena -> Earth
7. Rapp -> Water
8. Rapp -> Earth

Some nice things to know about moves.
Move: Req Level: Recommended on party members:
MidAir Cut Mace 10 Axe 12 Justin
Dragon Cut Swrd 16 Fire 6 Earth 7 Justin, Gadwin (Justin can only learn it after
Gadwin taught him this)
Fire Whip Whip 14(?) Fire 12* Feena
Zap! Whip Whip 24 Fire 15 Wind 15* Feena
Doppelganger Available when Rapp has Rapp
a dagger of a sword
Heal Water 1 Justin!, Sue (Only when sure
you got more than enough mana
eggs), Feena!, Rapp (When enough mana
Snooze Water 3 Justin, Feena (Nice to gain lots of
water experience)
Alheal Water 5 Justin, Feena
Ressurrect Water 16 Justin, Feena, Liete
Diggin' Earth 1 Justin, Feena, Rapp (if enough mana
Tremor Earth 3 Justin
Burn Fire 1 Justin, Feena, Rapp, Gadwin
Burnflame Fire 4 Justin, Feena, Rapp
Burnflare Fire 12 (?) Feena
Howl Wind 1 Feena, Justin (There are some kind
of alligators only vulnerable to wind
Runner Wind 2 Feena (nice to train wind for Zap! whip)
* = Only available when Feena is equipped with a whip

About my levels
I noted by almost every boss what MY skill levels were. Are they the recommended
levels? Well, yeah. As I mentioned earlier the general levels are not the most
important part (that's why I won't discuss the enemies' EXP), the skills are
the things that can really make you stronger.

My recommendation is to get as close to my skills when we're talking about:
Justin's weapon levels, Water, Fire and Earth levels
Feena's whip level, Fire, Water and wind level
Rapp's Sword and dagger level

THe abbreviations I used in levels:
Gen = General Level
Swd = Sword Level
Axe = Axe Level
Mce = Mace Level
Whp = Whip Level
Knf = Knife Level
Bow = Throw Level
Fir = Fire Level
Wat = Water Level
Wnd = Wind Level
Ear = Earth Level


Now the the things I really wanted to discuss in this FAQ


Boss 01: Rock Bird
Location: Sult Ruins
Difficulty: Easiest Boss in the game
Party: Justin, Sue
Justin: Gen 3, Swd 3, Axe 1, Mce 1
Sue: Gen 2, Bow 3, Mce 1
Preparations: None
For an RPG player with a little experience this boss is
TOTALLY no problem, but what did you expect from the first
boss. Justin can use his "V-Slash", but criticals will also
do a great deal and the last thing will also block him, making
it almost impossible for him to attack. Sue should save her SP
to aid with "Rah-Rah Cheer" if needed, but that'll seldom happen

Boss 02: Orc King
Location: Leck Mines
Difficulty: Easy
Party: Justin, Sue
Justin: Gen 4, Swd 5, Mce 1, Axe 1
Sue: Gen 3, Mce 1, Bow 5
Preperations: Be at full HP and SP
The only bad thing is that he brought help. Kill his helpers first
and he's almost powerless, once that's done you can use the same
strategy as on the Rock Bird. Watch out for his "firebreath" tough

Boss 03: Giant Squid
Location: Ghost Ship
Difficulty: Bloody Hard
Party: Justin, Sue, Feena
Justin: Gen 5, Swd 7, Mce 1, Axe 1
Sue: Gen 4, Bow 6, Mce 1
Feena: Gen 6, Knf 3, Whp 6, Fir 4
Hitpoints: 592 (R tent 356, L tent 438)
Preperations: Feena should have "Burnflame" which she can easily get by
gaining only 1 fire-level
Have some powerfull healing items ready
This guy can sometimes be defeated easily, sometimes he can give you
an awfull time. Save Sue's SP so she can use "Rah Rah Cheer"... You'll
need it. You can also choose to kill its tentacle's but it's only the
main body that counts, so that's up to you, I can say that when he lost
his tentacles you should only use criticals on the main body, and he's
chanceless, but it takes too much time to remove them. Basically, the
thing you need to prevent at all costs is his move "Shockwave", since
the engine tells you which moves the enemies have planned it's easy to
see when he wants to do that. When he plans to CANCEL IT IF YOU CAN!!!
Criticals can do that job.

Boss 04: Chang
Location: Church of New Parm
Difficulty: Pretty easy, but don't underestimate him
Party: Justin, Sue
Justin: Gen 7, Swd 7, Mce 4, Axe 1, Wat 2, Ear 1
Sue: Gen 5, Bow 8, Mce 1
Hitpoints: 738
Preparations: Justin -> "Diggin'" and "Heal"
Chang uses much time to attack, and that's your advantage. You'll
need to watch out for his "Tornado Punch". Letting Justin cast
"Diggin'" once solves a bit of the puzzle. "V-Slash" is a nice move
to hurt him bad!!! Once again, Sue should save her SP so she can
use "Rah-Rah" if needed, but that'll hardly happen

Boss 05: Ganymede
Location: Dom Ruins
Difficulty: Soooooooo easy!!!!
Party: Justin, Sue, Feena

ustin: Gen 8, Swd 7, Mce 8, Axe 1, Fir 1, Wat 4, Ear 4
Sue: Gen 7, Bow 11, Mce 1
Feena: Gen 8, Knf 3, Whp 10, Fir 5, Wat 2, Ear 1
Hitpoints: 1500
Preparations: Justin -> "Diggin'", "Heal"
Feena -> "Heal"
Since Justin needs very much Earth levels to learn "Dragon Cut" later
in the game I'll use this boss for training, since he's too easy to
even talk about. Just boost to Defense Level 7 and there's no problem
at all. Still it's nice to have Feena ready as a healer

Boss 06: Saki
Location: Millitary Base
Difficulty: Easy
Party: Justin, Sue, Feena
Justin: Gen 10, Swd 7, Mce 10, Axe 1, Fir 2, Wat 5, Ear 5
Sue: Gen 8, Mce 1, Bow 13
Feena: Gen 9, Knf 3, Whp 12, Fir 6, Wat 3, Wnd 1, Ear 1
Hitpoints: 1000 (Her helpers (private) have 110)
Preparations: Justin -> "Diggin'"
Feena -> "Heal"
Saki is the strongest of the "Mean and ugly girls", but still she's
by far the easiest. Just like before I use Justin to train his Earth
skills, that's all I can say.

Boss 07: Nana
Location: Millitary Base
Difficulty: Medium
Party: Justin, Sue, Feena
Justin: Gen 10, Swd 7, Mac 11, Axe 1, Fir 2, Wat 5, Ear 6
Sue: Gen 8, Mce 1, Bow 14
Feena: Gen 10, Knf 3, Whp 13, Fir 6, Wat 5, Ear 1, Wnd 1
Preparations: Justin -> "Diggin'", "Heal"
Feena -> "Diggin'", "Heal", "Burnflame"
Okay, enough playing. Nana IS weaker than Saki, but still she's a bigger
thread. Especially, her Yo-Yo attacks can give you a hard time. I prefer
to let Feena use her "Burnflame" to get rid of her helpers ASAP. Casting
"Diggin'" by Justin or Feena will reduce the damage of "Spinning Yo-Yo" a bit
but significantly!

Boss 08: Mio
Location: Millitary Base
Difficulty: Hard
Party: Justin, Sue, Feena
Justin: Gen 10, Swd 8, Mce 11, Axe 1, Fir 3, Wat 6, Ear 7
Sue: Gen 8, Mce 1, Bow 14
Feena: Gen 10, Knf 3, Whp 13, Wnd 1, Fir 7, Wat 7, Ear 1
Preparations: Full HP, Full MP and full SP!!!!!!!!!
Justin -> "Heal", "Tremor"/"Burnflame"
Feena -> "Heal", "Burnflame"/"Tremor"
Mio is the weakest of the three, but absolutly the most dangerous one. The
only way to beat her is by not giving her chances. Mio is an expert in
using nerve gas ballons and Stun Guns, that'll cause paralysis and sleep and
poison and she is also pretty fast. Using Criticals to cancel her all the time
is really a good idea and using "Tremor" or "Burnflame" to get rid of Mio's
helpers is absolutly needed or you won't stand a chance.
For the rest, just don't give Mio a chance to perfom any kind of special moves,
if she does you're in BIG trouble!!!!!

Boss 09: Gadwin (1)
Location: Valley of the flying dragon
Diffculty: Impossible. You're not supposed to win
Party: Justin
Justin: Gen 13, Swd 16, Mce 11, Axe 2, Fir 6, Ear 7, Wat 7
Preparations: None
Just do what you want. Gadwin will will always defend being invincible. In
the end he'll use "Dragon Cut" to hit you out. Don't worry, you're not
supposed to win!!

Boss 10: Serpent
Location: Typhoon Tower
Difficulty: Hard
Party: Justin, Sue, Feena, Gadwin
Justin: Gen 14, Swd 16, Mce 11, Axe 7, Fir 6, Wnd 1, Wat 7, Ear 7
Sue: Gen 12, Bow 18, Mce 1
Feena: Gen 14, Whp 20, Knf 3, Fir 12, Wat 8, Wnd 5, Ear 2
Gadwin: Gen 30, Swd 21, Fir 6, Ear 7
Hitpoints: 1071, Bad h. 600, Mean h. 486, Nice h. 800, Hot h. 516
Preparations: Justin -> "Alheal"
"MidAir Cut" is nice, but you can win without it
Feena -> "Alheal" strongly recommended!!
"Fire Whip"
There are two ways of killing this one. Or by chopping off all his heads, or by
striking it's main body.
When going for the first technique, I strongly recommend to kill the "Nice head"
first, or else your fight will take forever! (Nice head will only heal, that's why)
Going for the main body is definatly the quickest way. Letting Justin use "V-Slash"
does lots of damage. Gadwin's Dragon Cut is also of great service, no matter if you
go for the head or the main body. Feena's "Fire Whip" can work out, especially if you
go for the heads. Sue can basically do nothing except for attacking and using
"Rah-Rah" if needed, but it's strongly recommended to do it with "Alheal" if possible.
"Rah-Rah" is already pretty weak and will relatively only get weaker now.

Boss 11: Fire Dragon
Location: Volcano
Difficulty: Medium
Party: Justin, Sue, Feena, Gadwin
Justin: Gen 16, Swd 16, Mce 11, Axe 13, Fir 6, Wnd 1, Wat 18, Ear 7
Sue: Gen 14, Bow 17, Mce 1
Feena: Gen 16, Knf 3, Whp 24, Fir 16, Wnd 15, Ear 2, Wat 11
Gadwin: Gen 30, Swd 24, Fir 6, Ear 15
Hitpoints: 2150
Preparations: Justin -> "Midair Cut", "Allheal"
Feena -> "Zap! Whip", "Allheal"
Okay, if you care, this is Sue's last boss, so enjoy fighting with her at your
side! ;-) Seriously, the head and body share the same HP so don't worry about
that! "Dragon Cut" and "MidAir Cut" Hurt him bad so those are good moves. "Zap! Whip"
will also do a great deal. Needless to say not to use "Fire Whip" or other fire
spells. They won't hurt him at all. Sue could use "Rah-Rah" when needed, but
it's once again recommended to use "Alheal" if possible.

Boss 12: Massacre Machine I
Location: Vanishing Hill
Difficulty: Easy
Party: Justin, Feena, Gadwin
Justin: Gen 17, Swd 16, Mce 11, Axe 16, Fir 6, Ear 7, Wat 18, Wnd 1
Feena: Gen 17, Knf 3, Whp 26, Fir 17, Wnd 15, Wat 11, Ear 2
Gadwin: Gen 30, Swd 25, Fir 7, Ear 16
Preparations: Just as the fire dragon
"Dragon Cut", "MidAir Cut" and "Zap! Whip" are the moves that hurt him REALLY bad.
Using "Diggin'" might also be a nice idea. His Eye and Main Body share the same HP
so you can really concentrate on cancelling the one with the worst move. Basically
the eye is the magic user and the main body the fighter.

Boss 13: Massacre Machine II
Location: Vanishing Hill
Difficulty: Still easy, but a little harder than the first one
Party: Justin, Feena, Gadwin
Justin: Gen 18, Swd 16, Mce 11, Axe 18, Fir 6, Wnd 1, Wat 18, Ear 7
Feena: Gen 18, Whp 27, Knf 3, Fir 18, Ear 2, Wat 12, Wnd 15
Gadwin: Gen 30, Swd 26, Fir 7, Ear 16
Hitpoints: 2000
Preparations: Same as boss 11 and 12 ;-)
Just as before, but this one has other spells. The fighting technique can be
much the same. But keep in mind that this time there's no save-spot around!

Boss 14: Gadwin (2)
Location: Valley of the flying dragon
Difficulty: Pretty easy as long as he doesn't use "Dragon Cut"
Party: Justin
Justin: Gen 18, Swd 16, Mce 11, Axe 20, Fir 6, Wat 19, Wnd 1, Ear 7
Hitpoints: 1525 (Hmm, he didn't have that much as a party member) ;)
Preparations: "MidAir Cut" and good healing spells
Remark: When you loose, nothing wrong! Talk to Gadwin to try it again!
Gadwin is not the guy to worry about. He only has more HP then he had as a party
member. His "Dragon Cut" can be a serious tread. Use Critical whenever he tries
to use it. For the rest use a lot of "MidAir Cut" and the battle is over before
you know it. Remember to heal whenever it's needed.

Boss 15: Grin Whale
Location: Island of the Mermaids
Difficulty: Hard!
Party: Justin, Feena
Justin: Gen 19, Swd 16, Mce 11, Axe 21, Fir 6, Wat 19, Wnd 1, Ear 7
Feena: Gen 18, Whp 28, Knf 3, Fir 18, Ear 2, Wat 12, Wnd 15
Preparations: Avoid all combats in this region!!!!
Justin -> "MidAir Cut", "Alheal", "Diggin'"
Feena -> "Zap! Whip", "Diggin'", "Alheal"
Welcome to hell!!! I really hope you've avoided all combats here, or
you'll be history! It's the big fish that counts. The lure it's fucking
annoying since she makes Justin falling in love with her in order to make
him an easy prey. In most of the cases Feena should be healing Justin for that.
Justin should use "MidAir Cut" whenever possible. If Feena gets the chance to
"Zap! Whip" will hurt him bad. Starting the fight with "Diggin'" might be
a terrible good idea.


Okay before I continue, if you want to get Justin REALLY strong, now is the
time to start the "Dragon Cut" training on every "non-boss" enemies. Try to
use it on big ammount of enemies at once, the more enemies you get in one
cut, the faster it'll go. Justin's SP will also increase mega-fast!!!! That
allows you to use Dragon Cut even more. However never use it on bosses!

Boss 16: Trent
Location: Virgin Forest
Difficulty: Medium
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp
Justin: Gen 20, Swd 16, Mce 11, Axe 24, Fir 7, Wat 19, Wnd 1, Ear 8
Feena: Gen 19, Whp 29, Knf 3, Fir 19, Ear 1, Wnd 15, Wat 13
Rapp: Gen 20, Knf 12, Swd 9, Bow 13, Fir 5 (Rapp's start levels)
Hitpoints: 2249 / Arm 1366 / Flower 1385
Preparations: Justin -> "MidAir Cut", "Ressurect" and that goes for all coming bosses
so I won't say it again
Feena -> "Zap! Whip", "Alheal" and maybe even "Resurrect" and that also
goes for all the next bosses.
It's the main body that counts. Be sharp, cause this one can do so much that "Alheal" is
really needed, and Rapp can't do it so the healing is in the hands of Justin and Feena. I
prefer the attacks in the hands of Justin and Rapp with "Missile" and "MidAir Cut", but
for God's sake, WATCH YOUR HP!!!

Boss 17: Milda
Location: Tower Of Doom
Difficulty: Medium
Party: Justin, Feena
Justin: Gen 21, Swd 18, Mce 11, Axe 26, Fir 8, Wat 19, Wnd 1, Ear 13
Feena: Gen 20, Knf 3, Whp 30, Fir 24, Wat 14, Wnd 15, Ear 2
Hitpoints: 2800 (Where did they go after this fight?) :)
Preparations: See boss #16
Keep your HP as high as possible, since the "Milda hit" will hurt you really bad, but that's
her strongest move, so you don't need to worry about the rest. Use "MidAir Cut" and "Zap! Whip"
whenever you get the chance.

Boss 18: Gaia Battler (1)
Location: Tower Of Doom
Difficulty: Easy
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp, Milda
Justin: Gen 22, Swd 18, Mce 11, Axe 32, Fir 10, Wat 19, Wnd 1, Ear 15
Feena: Gen 21, Knf 3, Whp 32, Fir 21, Wat 16, Wnd 17, Ear 2
Rapp: Gen 21, Knf 12, Bow 30, Swd 11, Fir 5, Wat 1, Wnd 1, Ear 1
Milda: Gen 35, Swd 20, Mce 27, Axe 30
Hitpoints: 2473 / Right Hand 1708 / Left Hand 1872
Preparations: See boss #16, and let Rapp have a sword or dagger so he can use
There are four of these spreaded thoughout the entire 2nd CD. They are all too easy. Just watch
you HP and use "MidAir Cut", "Zip! Whip", "Milda Hit" and "Doppelganger" on its main body.

Boss 19: Gaia Battler (2)
Location: Abandoned Laine Village
Difficulty: Easy
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp, Milda
Justin: Gen 24, Swd 18, Mce 16, Axe 39, Fir 17, Wat 20, Wnd 2, Ear 21
Feena: Gen 24, Whp 35, Knf 3, Fir 23, Wat 20, Ear 2, Wnd 17
Rapp: Gen 23, Knf 23, Swd 16, Bow 30, Fir 6, Wat 1, Wnd 2, Ear 1
Milda: Gen 36, Swd 20, Mce 27, Axe 32
Hitpoints: 3567 / Right Hand 2548 / Left Hand 2573
Preperations: Just as before
Same story!!!

Boss 20: Ruin Guard
Location: Shrine of Zil Padon
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp, Guido
Justin: Gen 25, Swd 18, Mce 25, Axe 40, Fir 20, Wat 20, Wnd 2, Ear 25
Feena: Gen 25, Whp 36, Knf 3, Fir 24, Wat 20, Wnd 17, Ear 3
Rapp: Gen 24, Knf 12, Swd 18, Bow 30, Fir 6, Wat 2, Wnd 2, Ear 1
Guido: Gen 24, Knf 19, Swd 9, Bow 28
Hitpoints: 4500 / Axe 2350 / Boomerang 2350
Preparations: I really hope you took my advise with the "Dragon Cut"-training!
I had to try this boss about 7 times before I actually beat him the first time, wanna know why.
Because I didn't know about the "Dragon Cut" training then, when I finished the game later, I used
that training and the boss got a lot easier since Justin was MUCH stronger! Another problem is that
Guido is SOOOO weak! Oh well, shit happens. Just don't waste your time on the body parts and go
for the main part. Nice to know it that Guido can use "Mogay Hypo" to give 45 SP to somebody else.
I suggest to use it on Justin whenever needed!

Boss 21: Nana, Saki and Mio
Location: Airship Grandeur
Difficulty: Annoying AND hard
Party: Justin, Rapp, Guido
Justin: Gen 27, Swd 18, Mce 29, Axe 45, Fir 24, Wnd 2, Wat 20, Ear 28
Rapp: Gen 25, Swd 15, Knf 12, Bow 30, Fir 6, Wnd 2, Wat 3, Ear 1
Guido: Gen 25, Knf 19, Swd 10, Bow 29
Preparations: See boss #20, #18 and #16, letting Rapp have at least "Heal" is recommended
One of the biggest problems is that you have to miss Feena on this one! AAAARGH!!!
As long as there are three of them the situation is critical. Together they can use
the "Trinity Attack" that can hurt you REALLY REALLY BAD!!! So the point is to get
rid of one of them ASAP!!! I suggest to go for Mio, since she has the lowest ammount
of HP and since she's also the one with the most dangerous killer moves and she's
the healer of the bunch. Three good reasons to get rid of Mio ASAP. As soon as that's
fixed the situation will be a lot brighter. I personally choose Nana as my second victim,
since her Yo-Yo is dangerous too and she has less HP then Saki. And once Saki is all alone
there's nothing to worry about. But keep one thing in mind. Justin is the only
one with really good healing abilities since Feena is gone for awhile. NEVER FORGET THAT.
When you were so smart to give Rapp "Heal" he can do a little healing, but not much.
It takes too long to boost Rapp for cooler healing spells so don't try it. Guido's ability
to refill Justin's SP is also very nice, because since there are three of them he'll really
get out of it very soon. "MidAir Cut" is a must to get rid of Mio and Nana, on Saki it doesn't
matter any more, even since she has very much HP

Boss 22: General Baal 1
Location: Airship Grandeur
Difficulty: Easy
Party: Justin
Justin: Gen 27, Swd 18, Mce 29, Axe 45, Fir 24, Wnd 2, Wat 20, Ear 28
Preperations: Just as before
If you were so wise to use the "Dragon Cut"-training before and when you are lucky you can
in this fight without one single HP of damage! Just keep on using "MidAir Cut" and he'll
be down in a few seconds!

Boss 23: Hydra
Location: Alent
Difficulty: Very Hard
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp
Justin: Gen 28, Swd 18, Mce 29, Axe 49, Fir 26, Wnd 2, Wat 20, Ear 30
Feena: Gen 26, Knf 3, Whp 39, Fir 25, Wnd 18, Wat 21, Ear 3
Rapp: Gen 26, Knf 12, Swd 25, Bow 30, Fir 7, Wnd 2, Wat 3, Ear 1
Hitpoints: 3721 /Perl Head 2848/Nice Head 1741/Hot Head 2826/Awful Head 2462
Preparations: See my note at the beginning of CD 2. VERY IMPORTANT!!!
Remember the serpent? This fight is EXACTLY the same! This time he's only much
stronger and the Nice Head is MUCH more annoying with his recovery gas. It's
absolutly necasary that Justin took his "Dragon Cut" training on non-bosses
because it'll be of big help to prevent that the fight takes forever. However
I recommended "Dragon Cut" on his weaker brother, this time I say NOT to use
"Dragon Cut" at all, but to use "MidAir Cut"

Boss 24: Great Susano-O
Location: Alent
Difficulty: Medium
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp
Justin: Gen 28, Swd 18, Mce 29, Axe 49, Fir 26, Wnd 2, Wat 20, Ear 30
Feena: Gen 27, Knf 3, Whp 40, Fir 25, Wnd 18, Wat 21, Ear 3
Rapp: Gen 27, Knf 12, Swd 26, Bow 30, Fir 7, Wnd 2, Wat 3, Ear 1
Hitpoints: 3453 / Axe 2316 / Iron Ball 1600
Preparations: -
The twin brother of the Temple Guard, but MUCH easier this time, basically
you can follow the same technique as back then. But remember, Guido isn't there
anymore to refill Justin's SP. Going for his body parts can also be done now.
There's much harm in doing so here, but remember, you can't go back to the save-spot
and there's another boss right after him.

Boss 25: Phantom Dragon
Difficulty: Easy
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp
Justin: Gen 28, Swd 18, Mce 29, Axe 49, Fir 26, Wnd 2, Wat 20, Ear 30
Feena: Gen 27, Knf 3, Whp 40, Fir 25, Wnd 18, Wat 21, Ear 3
Rapp: Gen 27, Knf 12, Swd 26, Bow 30, Fir 7, Wnd 2, Wat 3, Ear 1
Hitpoints: 3976
Preparations: -
YAWN!!!! It's nearly the same as the one in the volcano. This time without Sue
and Gadwin. But that doesn't really matter. But I recommended to let Gadwin use
"Dragon Cut" on the previous version. Justin can do it (if you have enough SP
left) but I recommend "MidAir Cut".

Boss 26: General Baal (2)
Location: J Base
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp, Liete
Justin: Gen 31, Swd 19, Mce 19, Axe 61, Fir 32, Wat 20, Ear 26, Wnd 2
Feena: Gen 30, Knf 3, Whp 46, Fir 30, Wnd 19, Wat 20, Ear 3
Rapp: Gen 29, Knf 18, Bow 32, Swd 27, Fir 7, Wnd 2, Wat 4, Ear 1
Liete: Gen 31, Mce 16, Fir 13, Wnd 17, Wat 19, Ear 21
Hitpoints: 6000 / Gaia Tentacle 7000
Prepearations: Feena -> "Ressurect" and that goes for all the next bosses
WELCOME TO HELL!!!! First of all, don't use assist magic. Baal dispells it too
easily so it's the same as the Chewbacca defense method. "IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE".
Not only that, it gives him too much chances, and those giving him ONE single chance
can make you loose the battle without standing a chance so no mistakes can be afforded
on this one. Baal's human attacks will do a random status change, and that's fucking
annoying. Having the spell "Halvah" or very much "Panacea"'s is recommended! For
GAME IS OVER!!!! "MidAir Cut", "Doppelganger", "RedShock" and "Zap! Whip" are really needed
here. And don't forget to heal when you get the chance to that!!
To put it short, EVERY ATTACK to his Gaia part!!! Don't let his Gaia part come through,
especially his "Gaia Fang"!!! When his Gaia part is down, you'll win... (I think striking
his human part down will also be a victory for you, but even since his human part has less
HP, you won't stand a chance if you try it)...

Boss 27: Gaia Battler 3
Location: Zil Padon
Difficulty: Easy
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp, Liete
Justin: Gen 32, Swd 19, Mce 29, Axe 62, Fir 32, Wnd 2, Wat 22, Ear 36
Feena: Gen 31, Whp 46, Knf 3, Fir 30, Wnd 19, Wat 22, Ear 3
Rapp: Gen 30, Knf 18, Swd 27, Bow 32, Fir 7, Wnd 2, Wat 4, Ear 1
Liete: Gen 32, Mce 16, Fir 13, Wnd 17, Wat 19, Ear 21
Preparations: -
YAWN!!! Just as you beat the previous ones. Oh yeah, Milda has been replaced by Liete...
Oh well... "Redshock" will do a very great job.

Boss 28: Mage King
Location: Spirit Sanctuary
Difficulty: Medium
Party: Justin, Rapp, Liete
Justin: Gen 34, Swd 19, Mce 29, Axe 80, Fir 41, Wat 20, Ear 25, Wnd 2
Rapp: Gen 32, Knf 24, Swd 27, Bow 32, Fir 7, Wnd 2, Wat 4, Ear 1
Liete: Gen 34, Mce 21, Fir 13, Wnd 17, Wat 20, Ear 21
Hitpoints: 3892 / Wand 2346
Preparations: Save you MP and SP in the sanctuary, since the save spot at
the beginning of this dungeon is the very only one.
His head and body share the HP, but his staff has it's own HP. No special technique
recommended. "Redshock", "Doppelganger" and "MidAir Cut" will do the trick. The only
bad thing is that Feena isn't around

Boss 29: Gaia Battler (4)
Location: Icarian City
Difficulty: Easy
Party: Justin, Rapp, Liete
Justin: Gen 35, Swd 31, Mce 29, Axe 81, Fir 47, Wnd 2, Wat 20, Ear 51
Rapp: Gen 33, Swd 27, Knf 25, Bow 32, Fir 7, Wnd 2, Wat 4, Ear 1
Liete: Gen 35, Mce 21, Fir 13, Wnd 18, Wat 20, Ear 21
Hitpoints: 5871 / Right Hand 4237 / Left Hand 4237
Preparations: -
Same as before, but this time without Feena. But that's no big deal.
I was glad's it's the last one. They were boring me.

Boss 30: Mullen
Location: Icarian City
Difficulty: Too easy
Party: Justin
Justin: Gen 35, Swd 32, Mce 29, Axe 81, Fir 47, Wnd 2, Wat 20, Ear 51
Hitpoints: 2946
Preparations: -
Same story as Baal for the first time (Boss #22). When you're lucky and so wise to
use the training I described at the beginning of this disc he'll hardly hurt you.
Just keep on using "MidAir Cut"

Boss 31: Gaia Trent
Location: Gaia
Difficulty: Medium
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp, Liete
Justin: Gen 35, Swd 34, Mce 29, Axe 81, Fir 48, Wnd 2, Wat 22, Ear 53
Feena: Gen 33, Knf 3, Whp 57, Fir 37, Wnd 20, Wat 22, Ear 3
Rapp: Gen 33, Swd 27, Knf 26, Bow 32, Fir 7, Wnd 2, Wat 4, Ear 1
Liete: Gen 35, Mce 22, Fir 13, Wnd 18, Wat 20, Ear 21
Hitpoints: 4578 / Flower 3167 / Arm 2953
Remember the Trent you encountered when you met Rapp for the first time. This
fight is EXACTLY the same. Thinking of good bosses requires too much fantasy I suppose

Boss 32: Gaia Armor
Location: Gaia
Difficulty: Medium
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp, Liete
Justin: Gen 36, Swd 38, Mce 29, Axe 81, Fir 49, Wnd 2, Wat 21, Ear 53
Feena: Gen 33, Knf 3, Whp 58, Fir 37, Wnd 20, Wat 23, Ear 3
Rapp: Gen 34, Knf 27, Swd 27, Bow 32, Fir 7, Wnd 2, Wat 4, Ear 1
Liete: Gen 36, Mce 23, Fir 13, Wat 21, Wnd 18, Ear 21
Hitpoints: 6785
Preparations: -
Remember the two massacre machines at the vanishing hill, when Sue was exhausted?
This fight is EXACTLY the same. But I say it again... I recommended "Dragon Cut" before
but this time, I recommend NOT to use "Dragon Cut"

Boss 33: General Baal
Location: Gaia
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp, Liete
Justin: Gen 37, Swd 43, Mce 29, Axe 81, Fir 51, Wnd 2, Wat 21, Ear 55
Feena: Gen 34, Knf 3, Whp 59, Fir 38, Wnd 20, Wat 23, Ear 3
Rapp: Gen 34, Knf 27, Swd 27, Bow 32, Fir 7, Wnd 2, Wat 4, Ear 1
Liete: Gen 36, Mce 23, Fir 13, Wnd 18, Wat 21, Ear 21
Hitpoints: 7000 / C. Tentacle 6000 / G. Tentacle 5456 / Gaia Cyst 4500
Preparations: Now I really hope you followed my "Dragon Cut" training or suffer the
Much easier then his previous form, but still he'll give you a hard time. Also remember that there
are NO MORE SAVE-SPOTS and there are two bosses after him!! I prefer the quickest way, to go for
main part! I use Feena and Liete as healers since Justin and Rapp can do the most damage. But if
Justin should heal too. Baal doesn't give you many chances!
Don't waste your magic on magic attack spells or assist magic!

Boss 34: Gaia Core
Location: Gaia
Difficulty: Almost impossible
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp, Liete
Justin: Gen 37, Swd 45, Mce 29, Axe 81, Fir 51, Wnd 2, Wat 21, Ear 55
Feena: Gen 34, Knf 3, Whp 59, Fir 38, Wnd 21, Wat 23, Ear 3
Rapp: Gen 34, Knf 28, Swd 27, Bow 32, Fir 7, Wnd 2, Wat 4, Ear 1
Liete: Gen 36, Mce 23, Fir 13, Wnd 18, Wat 21, Ear 21
Hitpoints: 9999 / Mega Gaia 4800
Preparations: See boss 33!
I also hope you saved some "Ultra drinks". Use them now to restore your
SP before entering the battlefield!!!
If you didn't use the "Dragon Cut" training there's no way to beat this fellow unless you're
lucky! This is the ultimate boss of the game, the next and last one is no problem. There are three
these shaped as two little pillars and a big one. The two little ones are the problem. They'll
Gaia Snakes and use them wipe out your party really quickly. You need to get rid of them ASAP!!!
use "MidAir Cut", "Redshock", "Doppelganger" and "Zap! Whip" do much of HP reducing. Especially
"MidAir Cut" is deadly important since Justin is by far the strongest if you took the right
As soon as both little pillars are dead, all Gaia snakes will disappear. Until that time, watch the
big one.
He's incredebly slow and easy to cancel. Cancel him when he's about to do something but don't go
him until the the two little pillars are gone.
After the two little pillars are gone, save your SP, heal if needed and use criticals to on the big
and he will be powerless against you (even without Dragon Cut training)

Boss 35: Evil Gaia *** FINAL BOSS ***
Location: Gaia
Difficulty: Easy
Party Justin, Feena, Rapp, Liete
Justin: >>> Since the two battles are very shortly after each
Feena: other there is no chance to check my levels so I
Rapp: didn't do that. I really hope you don't mind that.
Liete: If you do, I'm sorry <<<
Hitpoints: 9999
Preparations: Read the battle technique of boss 34
Relax... if you saved you SP then use "MidAir Cut" "Zap! Whip", "Doppelganger" and "Redshock" and
heal if needed. This
fellow has only a few dangerous moves and he almost never uses them. He's also only one part. Attack
when you can and
heal when needed. Very easy!

Note... I used the party with Liete in it, but if you want you can do it sooner.

Optional Boss #1: Kung Fu Master
Difficulty: Depends when you get there
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp, Milda/Guido/Liete
Justin: Gen 30, Swd 19, Mce 29, Axe 50, Fir 26, Wnd 2, Wat 20, Ear 30
Feena: Gen 28, Whp 40, Knf 3, Fir 25, Wnd 18, Ear 1, Wat 21
Rapp: Gen 28, Knf 14, Swd 27, Bow 32, Fir 7, Wnd 2, Wat 3, Ear 1
Liete: Gen 30, Mce 12, Fir 13, Wnd 17, Wat 17, Ear 21
Hitpoints: 4776
Preparations: Have Justin as strong as possible. With
the "Dragon Cut" training it's about
when Liete has joined that Justin will be strong enough.
How to get there: He's the boss in the soldier's graveyard.
An optional dungeon easy to spot in the
Zil Desert. Rapp will mention it
Remember Chang? THis is his big brother. His fighting techniques
are EXACTLY the same. He only has a high regeneration and that sucks
that's why Justin needs to be so strong. When you wanna use assist
magic, you can savely do it, but the Kung Fu master can dispell it.

Optional Boss #2: Lord's Ghost
Difficutly: Depends when you get there. Really hard in any case
Party: Justin, Feena, Rapp, Milda/Guido/Liete
Justin: Gen 29, Swd 18, Mce 29, Axe 49, Fir 26, Wnd 2, Wat 20, Ear 30
Feena: Gen 27, Knf 3, Whp 39, Fir 25, Wnd 18, Ear 1, Wat 21
Rapp: Gen 27, Knf 12, Swd 26, Bow 30, Fir 7, Wnd 2, Wat 3, Ear 1
Liete: Gen 30, Mce 10, Fir 13, Wnd 17, Wat 17, Ear 21
Preparations: Same as optional boss #1
How to get there: Boss of Castle of dreams. Optional dungeon easy to
find in Zil Desert.
Big brother of the mage in the spirit santuary, but only MUCH stronger.
Cancel everything, or you're done for. Beating him quickly is the only
chance to survive. When Justin is really strong you may stand a chance.
DON'T use assist magic. That'll only give him chances to break through
your attacks!!
His head and main body share their HP. His staff has its own HP!

Other FAQ's by Tricrokra:
Breath Of Fire III - Walktrough with Ultimate Playing Hints
Breath Of Fire III - Fishing list
Breath Of Fire III - Manillo Tranding Shops
Breath Of Fire IV - Boss Guide
Breath Of Fire IV - Combo Guide
Grandia - The guide you are reading now :-)
Granstream Saga - Boss Guide
Wild Arms - Boss Guide
Wild Arms 2 - Boss Guide

Go to be sure you got the latest of my FAQs or to ask me anything to:

You could find my FAQs on:

If you like RPGs, maybe you'll like my production "Power Of The Rings".
It's a simple RPG game, but surely it's fun. You can download it from
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