

24.09.2013 16:20:06
by Briareos Kerensky (, briareos_CWE), ver 1.5 13/04/2001

Table of Contents
1-Update History
4-Legs Briefing
5-Arms Briefing
6-Weapons Briefing
7-VA Briefing
10-Credits and misc


14/04/2001-version 1.5. Thanks to Steward Methev for his help on the characters
names and backgrounds.

13/04/2001-version 1.0. I wonder how many months have passed since the last
document I wrote...and I wonder how many years passed since the last arcade
walktrhough I did...but...hey, that my first walkthrough for an arcade game!
Most sections are online.


My Japanese is struck at hiragana and katakana, and only to basic grammar, so
I'm not able to read all those kanjis apperaing in the various screens: I
basically do not know nothing about the characters, the history and everything
else about this game, except it is from Capcom and that it is based on the
CPS-2 system. Some characters and bots also appeared in a previous game
(Armored Warriors; thanks again to Steward Methev), a beat'em'up like Final
Fight but where you can change your bots' legs and arms with various equipment.
If someone has hard datas on history and characters, please mail me at


Mhmm...I think there is one. I'm certain that there is one good histroy behind
this game. But I don't know it for the reason I wrote above.
Basically, however, during the future humankind was able to built giant robots,
called VA. Then the story varies from character to character. I think someone i
trying to become the strongest VA pilot on this world, someone else to capture
them or maybe just for fun...


Legs affect type of boost and sometimes special moves.


Standard humanoid legs. Medium walking speed and good jumping ability. The
boost is good enough. Walkers employ few seconds to regain their feet (note
that the GP-N1 Guldin has Walker type legs: the small threads on its feet are
not real threads).


Very stable. Regaining feet with an arachnoid is easy, though the boost is more
or less the same of a Walker VA. Good Jumping ability (though inferior to the
Hover type).


Fast. They have the better boost and jump capability, though it is relatively
easy to send them flying and relatively diffuclt to regain feet.


The Thread is faster than a Walker when boosting but less stable than an
Arachnoid. Jumping capability is minimum, though Thread are normally used on
VAs with a lot of armor and/or weapons.


Arms are your primary way to attack enemy. Different kind of arms will have
different power, range and speed of attack. If you lose one arm, immediately
walk on it (follow the arrow) to mount it again; without your "main" arm,
you'll have to fight with your "secondary" arm, which has a very limited range
and power.


The normal arm for every VA. Not a long range, but very reliabel in close
combat. Medium execution speed, even for strong attacks.


Fast, long range weapon. Using a sword is funny, especially when you end your
fight by cutting the enemy in half :). Maybe the best arm in the game.


Long range arm, slower than the Sword but more powerful.


Huge, slow and powerful arm. The Claw is useful at (very) close range, but
special moves often includes extension of it.


An other Sword-type weapon, this time faster and with shorter range. Damage
values are roughly the same.


Even bigger than the Giant Claw. Good for close/medium range fightings. Fast as
the Claw and with a slightly lower damage value.


Basically a Giant Claw with some long-range capabilities; less damage but a bit


Weapons are secondary ways to attack enemy. Each projectile will destroy an
enemy projectile; when fired, each weapon will dry the weapon meter and you
won't be able to fire until it is fully recharged (this is also for the boost


A small flying gun that follows the commanding VA. It is neither powerful nor
fast in recharge, but can be aimed where ever you want. Just hold the Weapon
button and use the directional crosshair to position the BIT where you want and
release it to fire.


This weapon fires one or two mines before overheating. Themines are fired with
an arched trajectory, and the ditance is based on which VA is firing the mine:
larger (or heavier) is the VA, shorter will be the range. The mines do a
moderate amount of damage and knock the enemies down. If the mine does not hit
the enemy, it remains on the ground for about 3 seconds and then explodes


A variant of the mine launcher; this weapon deploys a single missile that lays
of the ground a special emitter: if the enemy VA hits the emitter, it will
remain struck for few seconds. The missile or the emitter themselves do not
allocate damage.


Similar to the BIT, but it is fixed to the VA and it has a lower recycle rate
and possibly an higher damage value. The Pulse Laser hasn't a big knock-down.


The Laser Cannon cannot be aimed, and needs few seconds to be prepared; the
power of this weapon is remarkable, and has a decent recycle rate. Best used at
long range and against slow opponets.


This weapon fires two small missiles with an arched trajectory. Missiles are
unguided and do a moderate amount of damage; not a big knock-down power and
high recycle rate, however.


Similar to the previous weapon. It fires two big semi-guided missiles which do
a moderate damage and the laucnher itself has a moderate recycle rate.
With semi-guided missiles I mean that the missiles will follow the shortest
trajectory to reach their target; the position of the target is registered when
you fire, so tey won't turn to follow a a jumping opponent, for example.


Similar to the Pulse Laser Cannon, but with shorter range and higher damage; it
is fixed to the VA and can be aimed like all other fixed guns and has an high
knock-down power.


Here are all 'mechs you can play in the game, their specs and their special
moves: the Cyber Ex move can only be performed when the power meter is full;
note that attack power of the VA for phisical attacks is also increased. The
power meter is charged by hitting your enemy.
An emergency escape move, th Giga Crush can be performed by pressing both
attack buttons.
When your VA is sent flying, quickly tap the BOOST button to perform a softer
landing and faster awakening.
Also, when you are close to your enemy, you can try to rip off the main arm, by
pressing F, DF, D + ax. When your arm is ripped off, simply walk on them; when
you arm is ripped off, you can attack only with your secondary arm, which has a
very limited range and power.
Weapons and Boost cannot be used as long as they are charging.
U: up
UF: up-toward enemy
R: toward enemy
DF: down-toward enemy
D: down
DB: down-back
UB: up-back
ax: any of the two attack buttons
w: weapon button
b: boost button
a1: first (weak) attack button
a2: second (strong) attack button


Leg Type: Walker
Arm Type: Power Fist
Weapon Type: BIT

Special Tecniques:

Gatling Rod: D, DB, B + ax
Full Metal Charge: F, D, DF + ax
Break Shaft: B, DB, D, DF, F + ax
Direct Press: F, DF, D + a2 (when close)
Planet Smasher (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax

Leg Type: Thread
Arm Type: Sword
Weapon Type: Trap Launcher

Special Tecniques:

Slay Word: F, DF, D, DB, B + ax
Photon Splash: B, DB, D, B + ax (in mid-air)
G Splasher: D, DF, F + ax
Crescent Tornado (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax

3) BX-075 RIOT
Leg Type: Hover
Arm Type: Ultra Fist
Weapon Type: Pulse Laser Cannon

Special Tecniques:

Dyna Blow: D, DF, F + ax (in mid-air)
Death Bolt: D, DB, B + ax
Riot Strike: F, D, DF, F + ax (in mid-air)
Shining Arm: B, D, DB, B + ax (when close)
Gravition Field: (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax


1) RF-004 REPTOS
Leg Type: Walker
Arm Type: Power Fist
Weapon Type: Laser Cannon

Special Tecniques:

Violence Wind: B, DB, D, DF, F + ax
Satellite Force: D, DB, B + ax
Risky Nail: F, D, DF, F + ax
Fatality Dunk: D, D + ax (when close)
Thunder Shaking (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax

2) RF-027 JACKAL
Leg Type: Arachnoid
Arm Type: Whiphlash
Weapon Type: BIT

Special Tecniques:

Dizzy Boomerang: D, DB, B + ax (in mid air)
Heat Grapple: D, DF, F + ax
Jackal Stamp: charge D, U + ax
Laser Screen: D, DF, F + w (air target)
Laser Screen: F, DF, D + w (ground target)
Assault Bits (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax

Leg Type: Thread
Arm Type: Electric Claw
Weapon Type: Missile Launcher

Special Tecniques:

Sparkle Laser: D, DF, F + ax
Rolling Gear: charge D, U + ax (in mid-air)
Thunder Rain: D, D + ax
Thunder Shaking (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax


1) F Z100 FORDY
Leg Type: Walker
Arm Type: Power Fist
Weapon Type: Large Missile Launcher

Special Tecniques:

Iron Nail: D, DF, F + ax
Sunrise Blade: F, D, DF, F + ax
Spiral Anchor: charge B, F + ax
Nebulous Dream (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax

Leg Type: Arachnoid
Arm Type: Giant Claw
Weapon Type: Missile Launcher

Special Tecniques:

Rising Grenade Advancing: F, D, DF, F + ax
Rising Grenade Retreating: B, D, DB, B ax
Tarantula Stamp: charge D, U + ax
Powered Wrecker On Ground: D, DF, F + ax
Powered Wrecker Mid-Air: F, DF, D + ax
Powered Wrecker Missile: D, DB, B + ax
Falling Destroy (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax

Leg Type: Hover
Arm Type: Sword
Weapon Type: Mine Launcher

Special Tecniques:

Killer Screw Alpha: D, DF, F + ax (or both attack buttons)
Killer Screw Beta: F, D, DF, F + ax
Killer Sword: F, DF, D, DB, B + ax
Killer Eye: b, F + ax
Delta Blast (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax


Leg Type: Walker
Arm Type: Power Fist
Weapon Type: Flamer

Special Tecniques:

Gul Lariat: D, DF, F + ax
Sky Gul Lariat: D, DF, F + ax
Gul Wheel: F, D, DF, F + ax
Gul Burning (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax

Leg Type: Thread
Arm Type: Giant Claw
Weapon Type: Large Missile Launcher

Special Tecniques:

E-Pressure: D, DB, B + ax
Capture Device Apha: D, DF, F + ax
E-Typhoon: D, DB,B + ax (only after a successful Capture Device)
Body Scrap: F, D, DF, F + ax (close)
G-Typhoon (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax

Leg Type: Arachnoid
Arm Type: Drill
Weapon Type: Mine Launcher

Special Tecniques:

Drill Cannon: D, DF, F + ax
Hyper DD: F, B, F + ax (hit fast the attack button)
Cyclone Stamp: charge D, U + ax
D3 Bomb: D, DB, B + w (close)
D3 Bomb: D, DF, F + w (far)
Final DD (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax

--S-008 SUPER-8--
Leg Type: none
Arm Type: none
Weapon Type: Small Missile Launcher

Special Tecniques:

Red Omega: B, DB, D, DF, F + ax
Hell Delta 1: B, DB, D, DF, F + w
Hell Delta 2: D, DF, F + w
Hell Delta 3: F, D, DF, F + w
Devil X: D, U + a1
Final O: D, U + a2
Super Gamma: D, U + w
Octopus Jr.: F, D, DF, F +ax
Deathsaturn Sigma (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax

The Super-8 is an octopus-like VA specialized in long-range attacks; I'm not
sure about this, but its main pilot is a baby princess (or something similar)
called Devilot (I remember that this character was also in Super Puzzle Fighter
2). The best way to defeat the Super-8 is to charge the power meter and then
close with the VA when it jumps to release mines and hammer it with fast
punches. If your VA is equipped with a Large Missile Launcher, you can try to
continually fire the missiles, but it is not good as closing with the octopus.
It is a special VA, with arms and legs represented by the eight tentacles; the
weapon is a small missile launcher which fires 4 missiles.

--P-10033 GAITS--
Leg Type: Walker
Arm Type: Power Fist
Weapon Type: Very large Missile Launcher

Special Tecniques:

Ikkitousen: D, DF, F + ax (in mid-air)
Mondoumuyou: F, D, DF, F + ax
Shogyoumujyou 1: charge B, F + ax
Shogyoumujyou 1: charge B, F, b + ax
Ichimoudajin: D, DB, B + ax (when close)
Kuuzenzetsugo (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax

Small, but fast and with powerful attacks. The Gaits fires 4 salvos of four
missiles each in a striaght trajectory toward the top of the stage as weapon.
Ideal for anti-air tactics. The best way to deal with this VA is to close range
quickly and deliver few, strong moves. Though when controlled by the CPS-2 the
Gaits may be a little easy to defeat, a skilled player should be able to turn
this VA into a real killer machine.

Leg Type: Walker
Arm Type: Power Fist
Weapon Type: none

Special Tecniques:

Flugel Bogen: F, DF, D, DB, B + ax
Gott Kugel: D, DF, F + ax
Himmel Fangel: D, DB, B + ax
Schlachtfeld Kaval (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax

A VA capable of switching between VA and helicopter mode. Good at any range,
with a predilection of close-range. Very fast and with normal and special
moves, though most are ranged. The light attack is a sword-like attack while
the strong is a large laser cannon. The Helion has no weapon but you cannot rip
off its arms. The best way to attack the Helion is to use a good mix of close
and long range tactics and use an hit-and-run style tactic.

Leg Type: Walker
Arm Type: Power Fist
Weapon Type: Vulcan Cannon

Special Tecniques:

Sacred Stare: D, DF, F + ax
Ascension Black: D, DF, F + w
Sacred Stare Grab: F, D, DF, F + ax
Energy Drain: full 360° + ax
Forbidden Force: charge B, F, ax (in mid air)
Imitation Alpha: b, b, a2, F, F, a2
Imitation Beta: F, a1, a2, a1, B
Final Sacrifice (Cyber Ex): D, DF, F, D, DF, F + ax

Possibly the best VA in the game. With an X-0 you should be able to destroy
Guldin-type VAs only with your Vulcan Cannon: this weapon fires two salvos of
five projectiles each and recharges very quickly.
The a1 button is used to swing arms while the second to use legs. The tactic to
destroy an X-0 is the same used with the Super-8: close quickly and use fast
attacks. You can try to engage at long range as this VA is not as powerful as
the Super-8 at these ranges; be always careful, however.


Thanks to Steward Methev (
for his help; I should also thanks
for the flyers (which I cannot access! Damned italian lines...). In his own
words (an thru a little reorganization...), plus Strider Hiryu's
( additional infos:

JIN SAOTOME: son of famous VA pilot (Ken Saotome), he fights to uncover the
truth about his father's mysterious death.
1) Lightning (Shade)
2) Guldin (Gawaine)
3) Reptos (Mary)
4) Tarantula (Santana)
5) Killer Bee (Arieta)
6) Super-8 (Devilotte)

MARY MAYABI: an officer in the Earth Corps, a mysterious company which we find
out about later (I think it is related to the "secret base" stage and the
fighting on the falling space station and on the fighting ships NdB).
1) Reptos (Santana)
2) Fordy (Bao and Mao)
3) Super-8 (Devilot)

SANTANA: he's a mercenary doing anything for a quick buck (Funny face when he
sees the children piloting a VA :)ndB) May have a relationship with Arieta.
1) Blodia (Jin).
2) Gaits (unknown character n.1: japanese couple)
3) Killer Bee (Mary)
4) Guldin (Bao and Mao)
5) Helion (Shade)
6) Super-8 (Devilotte)

GAWAINE MURDOCK: he's an old friend of Jin's father, and a retired soldier.
Devilotte seems to have a admiration/crush on him.
1) Reptos (Mary)
2) Riot (Santana)

BAO and MAO: I don't know too much about them I'm afraid. Bao is the boy.
1) Guldin (Gawaine)
2) Tarantula (Arieta)

ARIETA: a test subject escaping from the Earth Corps.
1) Fordy (Bao and Mao)
2) Killer Bee (Mary)
3) Blodia (Jin)
4) Super-8 (Devilotte)
5) Vise (Gawaine)
6) Gaits (unknown character n.1: japanese couple)
7) Helion (Shade)


SHADE: the man who killed Jin's father.

DEVILOTTE: Devilotte de Deathsatan the Ninth is an evil (with that name...;)
NdB) princess who travels along in Super-8 with her two friends, St.Jigoku (the
purple faced voodoo man) and Doctor Stein (the quiet monster who looks like

G.O.D.: is the three faced brain who pilots the X-0 Warlock. Strider thinks he
wants to destroy the world.


Normallly, the S-008 Super-8, the P-10033 Gaits, the UVA-02 Helion and X-O
Warlock cannot be used by players. Here's a chain to perform after you chosed
your VA; you should end within the small animation that the VA you chosed does.

U, R, D, L, D, R, a1, U, L, D, R, a2

a1, a2, b, w, a1, b

U, U, D, D, L, R, b, w

L, a1, U, a2, R, b, D, w


Credits...mhmm...Capcom for this great game and me for this document. And
thanks to everyone who helped me (Steward Methev,; and
Strider Hiryu, and bla bla bla bla.
Here's the list of the site with my permission to show this FAQ:
1) The Clans Hall (; it's my
site. Visit it and leave your sign on the guestbook, this will make me very
2) F.I.B. (
3) GameFAQs (
4) PSX Codez (

Copyright (c) Briareos Kerensky 2000/2001. Reproduction and translation of
this document (as a whole or parts of its) in any mode without permission is
strictly forbidden.
All names and marks are proprieties of respective owners.

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24.Сентябрь 2013
Japanische Version: Alle Spieler freigespielt.

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