3rd Super Robot War

3rd Super Robot War

11.10.2013 20:34:26
by Mark Neidengard
version 1.0

This walkthrough is intended to help people with no Japanese knowledge get the
gist of what's going on in SRW3, part of one of my favorite series of anime-
inspired games. The "chapter" numbers correspond to the numbering given in
the Super Robot Wars Complete Box's flowchart. The astute reader will note
that not all the numbers are present in this FAQ - as of this writing I have
not had the chance to get every last map or every last item. People should
feel free to mail me additions, and eventually when I get around to replaying
the game I'll be able to fill them in.

About spelling - there are lots of characters and mecha from a large variety
of shows, and I either don't agree with or am not aware of "canonical"
spellings for many of them. Them's the breaks I guess.

0. PROLOGUE. Half a year after the Second Super Robot War against DC, the
nations of the world have seen the wisdom of unity, and formed the Earth
Federation. The heros of SRW2 have been gathered into an elite batallion,
the Lond Bel, but being feared by the Federation, they have been denied all
but the most rudimentary equipment.

1. "The Omen". A rash of mysterious disappearances prompts Lond Bel to
investigate the airspace around Fifth Luna. The party clashes with a band of
remnants of the Divine Crusaders, including Char. Char is guarding a
mysterious container, the contents of which he hopes the Lond Bel will

Once all but Char and his wingmen are defeated in the battle, a new group of
Zak II's will show up, headed by Garma. Char doesn't entirely appreciate
Garma's assistance, but leaves the field anyway in the hopes that Garma will
be defeated. Defeating Garma will give you 1 Repair Kit.

After the battle is over, you have the choice of doing a direct assault or
attacking from the side. The frontal assault continues on 3, the side
assault on 2.

2. "Knight of the Roses". While sneaking around the enemy, you are spotted
by Mashmar and his batallion of Dorattse. They're not very good in combat,
and this battle should be fairly easy. Beating them all will give you 2
Propellant Tanks. Completion of this battle will take you to area 4.

3. "G-3". In this battle, the stragglers of the Divine Crusaders are planning
to use G-3 poison gas in an assault on a colony. If you came here from 1,
defeat all enemies (except Ema) for 4 Propellant Tanks and 1 Repair Kit.

During the battle, an enemy pilot named Ema will approach you and try to
fight. "Convince" her with Amuro, and her doubts about DC's terrorist act
will grow and cause her to leave the battle prematurely.

After the battle, you discover that some mysterious assailants have wiped out
almost all of the Federation Army, and your team is its last, best hope.
Your mission now is to go and gather all your comrades from among all the
nations of the world. You are given two choices: fighting against the
Divine Crusaders (5) or fighting against the mysterious invader (9).

After the battle, you will also be joined by Fa Yui Li in the Metas and
Rekoa Lond in a Nemo. There is also a spare Nemo and the real Getter Robo.

4. This is the same battle as 3, except you start halfway to the ship with
the G-3 gas. Defeat all enemies (except Ema) and get 1 Propellant Tank and 2
Repair Kits.

5. "Deadlock in the Sky". Your group arrives at the base of the remnants of
the DC. Among the troops are Char and Lalah. Char doesn't think his men
have to fight you just yet, but he does so anyway out of courtesy (O_o).
Beat all enemies except Char and Lalah for 1 Booster and 2 Repair Kits.

Send Amuro to Convince Lalah and Char: this will cause them to stay out of
the fight.

After the battle, a transmission from the leader of the remnants of DC is
sent to all the world. He requests all those who are friends of love and
justice to lend DC power and pledges to fight against the invaders from space.
Your team realizes they must act quickly to prevent DC from regaining power,
and to stop the mysterious invaders from causing any more trouble. To head
to the DC's Von Braun base on the moon, go to 6. To reenter the atmosphere
and endeavor to find out the identity of the invaders from space, go to 8.

6. "Von Braun". Most of the way to the Von Braun base, your group is
confronted by a large detachment of enemies. Kill them all and receive 1
Propellant Tank, 1 Chobham Armor, and 2 Repair Kits.

Before the battle, Ema will join you if you Convinced her earlier. However,
you won't be able to use her for a while.

After the battle, you make it to the port of Von Braun and rendezvous with
Captain Henken. Unfortunately, he can't give you all the armaments and
supplies you desire, but he does give you Camille and the Z Gundam. Fa is
very glad to see Camille, but Camille's feelings for Four get in the way...
Go to 7.

7. "Into the Atmosphere". Amid Ema's reports of fanaticism within DC, the
crew tries to return to Earth. Musashi remembers how enemies attacked the
last time they tried this, and sure enough Garma, Char, and a band of DC
surround them again! Defeat all the enemies and return to White Base within
nine turns to go to 12. If you fail to defeat all enemies in nine turns, you
will end up at the Solomon Sea in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (10).

During the battle, Garma will say something about "Now's our chance, Char!"
and try assaulting White Base by himself; Char doesn't accompany him.
During this period, if you _damage_ Garma enough, a dialog between Char will
ensue where Char tells Garma he has to die for the sins of Garma's father.
Char will then disappear and leave Garma to his fate. IF you kill Garma
too quickly, Char will instead say something about not having to intervene
at all and hang around, motionless.

Keeping Char around will be good for getting extra items (and XP) from him,
but makes it far harder to complete the battle in nine turns. Your choice.
Also note that Char's mech has a trick up its sleeve.

After you kill Garma, Cima appears with four wingman and berates Char for not
working harder to keep him alive. Char, for his part, is glad that your team
did his dirty work for him. Defeat all enemies for 1 Magnetic Coating (from
Char), 1 Propellant Tank, and 1 Reloader.

8. This is essentially battle 7, with the same map, enemies, and goals. The
difference is that you don't have Camille or Ema, making things a lot tougher.
And your party is lower level too! Such is the price of indecision over
which group of bad guys to pursue. (But hey, at least your total turn count
is less...)

Among other things, this means that killing Char _and_ everybody else
within the time limit, tricky under the best of circumstances, is basically
infeasible. Just take your time in killing Garma and have Char desert
instead if you want to make the time limit.

Just when things are looking grim, Camille shows up on Captain Henken's orders
on turn 6. If you beat all the enemies within nine turns, go to 11. If not,
go to 12.

9. Yet another "Into the Atmosphere". This time your enemies are some of
the mysterious invaders; Char and the DC people are nowhere to be seen. This
time, you've got quite a while until your reentry window, so there's no time

Like 8, Camille shows up after a couple rounds to help on Captain Henken's
orders. Unfortunately, the following round Bask and his wingmen (including
Ema) show up. Ema doesn't want to fight your team since you're already
fighting the mysterious invaders, but Bask won't have it. Send Camille to
Convince Ema and she'll join your team.

If you defeat all the other enemies, Bask will retreat. Bad for XP, but
good for turn count!

Defeat everyone but Ema and Bask for 2 Propellant Tanks and 1 Repair Kit.
After the battle, Giren from DC makes the same speech as in 5. Go to 11.

10. "Battle in the Solomon Sea". Your party notes that the mysterious mechs
attacking them aren't from DC: they must be from the group that destroyed
the Federation forces!

Note in particular that most of your weapons will be weaker or useless
against underwater opponents. You may wish to exploit Getter Robo's Drill
Punch and (when you've amassed the Morale) Dai-Setsu-Zan-Oroshi.

After the battle your group attempts to analyze the wreckage of the machines,
only to find that they're totally unknown parts that seem to contain no trace
of pilots aboard them. They also give you no special items and very little
money. Go to 12.

11. "GP-02 Physalisis". After a successful reentry, you are greeted with
open arms by Trinton Base. General Synapse tells you that the unknown
invaders are now presumed to be aliens, as the DC propaganda claims. After
some supposition about what their objective might be in attacking military
targets, your group is offered what military enhancements Trinton can offer.
As your people marvel at the GP-01 and -02, a very enthusiastic Kou Uraki
greets Amuro. Suddenly a band of DC attack, and Anavel Gato manages to steal
the -02! Kou hops into the -01 and is ordered to destroy the -02 to prevent
it (and its nuclear weapon) from falling into DC hands.

It really isn't possible to stop Gato. Once he's away, all surviving
members of his team will disappear too. However, several waves of aliens
will appear instead.

After the battle, Kou (in the GP-01) and Keith (in a Guncannon) join your
team, backed up by Nina (who feels responsible for -02) and Mora. Now it's
off to Japan.

12. "Earth of Burning Sand". As your group approaches the Trinton Base, you
learn that the unknown invaders are attacking! The base is being held by two
greenhorn pilots (Kou and Keith from Gundam 0083), and as the battle starts
you get to play as them for a couple rounds until the rest of your people

In the midst of the battle, Nina Purpleton arrives on the scene bearing some
new Mobile Suits. One more person to protect. It gets worse when several
new enemy units appear hot on her tail.

After the battle, you will be joined by Nina and Kou, and the Gundam GP-01 and
an amphibious Zugock E. Go to 13.

13. "Nightmare Coming". Your team attempts to leave for Japan. If you
fought Gato, Kou gets to angst about losing to him. Too bad that before you
get anywhere near Japan Gato and his goons come looking for trouble. The
dialog only differs slightly depending on whether you came from 11 or 12, the
gist is that Gato wants you dead on the double.

On round 7, a bunch of Gato's friends, lead by Ral, appear. Defeat all
enemies for 3 Propellant Tanks, 1 Reloader, and 1 Magnetic Coating.

After the battle, Kou is distressed to learn that the GP-02 has vanished
without a trace: run off somewhere. Just then you get a transmission from
Henken, saying he's just arrived from the Von Braun base on the Moon with a
present for you: the Argama, an Alex, 2 Nemos, and two more pilots! In
particular, the Alex's text pilot Christina McKenzie, and Sleggar Rou who
delivers a rose to Ema on Henken's behalf. The crew then decides to go to
Japan and try to pick up the Combattler V.

14. "Seaside Panic" At the recommendation of some of the female crew members,
your team decides to land near Okinawa for a bit of R&R. They bump into
Bernard "Bernie" Wiseman, who seems to hit it off with Chris (surprise
surprise...) However, just when Bernie is getting berated for hitting on
the girls, a bunch of alien mecha attack! The rest of your crew has to hold
them off long enough for everyone to get back from the beach (i.e. turn 5).

Once you kill the last of the elephant mecha, the Black Trinary and their
henchpeople appear and begin heading in your direction. Luckily, Four
pops out of nowhere in the D.J. SE-R on the next round and comes to your
rescue. Beat all the enemy for 2 Propellant Tanks.

It turns out that Captain Henken is here for a pow-wow with Bright and brought
Four along. After Chris mumbles something about thinking she's met Bernie
somewhere before, there is an amusing scene where Henken fumbles an attempt
to get Ema transferred to his ship. Afterwards, Four tells Camille that
she's staying with Henken, but that she's leaving her D.J. with you! However,
Ryuu and Hayato get sent to Henken. Go to 15.

15. "Con-Battler V" Kyouji tells everyone that the Nangen Connection is very
close to the Photon Power Laboratory and that he's met the Combattler Team
many times. Wouldn't you know, the Connection is under attack by Magma Beasts.
Hyouma and Juuzo race out ahead, not waiting for the rest of their team. Just
kill some time and the rest of the team will emerge and combine.

Once you combine Combattler V, the small fries should get mashed quickly.
But then Big Garuuda comes on the scene, over Garuuda's subordinate's
cautions. After you blow him to smithereens, a bunch of the alien invaders
show up. Luckily so does the Lond Bel. Defeating Garuuda gives you a
Minovsky Craft.

After the battle, the Combattler team joins your party. Professor Yotsuya
has already given C-V a new weapon (the Big Blast Divider), and hopes to send
more as time goes on. To go to the Saotome Institute, go to 16. To go
straight to the Photon Power Laboratory, go to 17.

16. "Saotome Institute in Crisis". Your team heads for the Saotome Institute,
hoping to pick up Texas Mack and Getter Queen. After Musashi's worries about
Jack hitting on Michiru are put to rest, your team learns that the Institute
is under attack! You get to play as Getter Queen and Texas Mack for a few
rounds until the rest of your team arrives.

No surprise that a second batch of enemies appears in the midst of battle.
One of your teammates wonders where the heck they're all coming from.

Hayato asks after the battle if Getter G is ready yet, but unfortunately the
preparations are not yet complete. So sad. Go to 17.

17. "Scrunder Cross". Kyouji and Sayaka hurry ahead of the group to say hi
to Professor Yumi, who says he's got a present waiting for them.
Unfortunately, Brocken and a bunch of DC goons show up and interrupt. So
Mazinger Z and Aphrodite A have to hold them off until the rest of your team

Come round 3, who should appear and try to act macho but Boz and his walking
scrap heap. No doubt the battle is still as hard as it was before. Then
the Lond Bel show up, and things start improving. Unfortunately, Ashura and
her minions then stage an entrance, and things suck again. Defeat the two
generals for 2 Chobham Armors.

After the battle, your team receives the Jet Scrander and Aphrodite A gets
replaced by Diana A. Your team then heads toward Chiba City in the hopes of
recruiting Reideen. You also get the dubious honor of having Boz join you.
Go to 18.

18. "Reideen the Brave". On the way to Chiba City, you find out that the
Reideen runs on something called "Mutron" energy, and that its pilot is named
Hibiki Akira, but nobody really knows more than that. Meanwhile, at the
Mutron Laboratory, some fossil monsters (from DC) have been spotted on radar.
Reideen goes out to confront Sharkin and his fossil beasts in a battle with
the honor of the "Demon Empire" at stake. As usual, your team isn't there
at the outset. Which isn't much of a problem since most of the enemies are
super weak. Defeat the first wave and Sharkin comes out himself to do battle.

Once you defeat Sharkin, a new wave of alien mecha appears, after which
comes your team. Defeating Sharkin nets you a Chou-Goukin Z.

After the battle, Akira tells you that Reideen is made from super-science
gathered from the ancient Mu Empire, somewhat reminiscent of the Psybuster.

Just as Bright plans to head to Hong Kong to help reduce DC's fighting power,
a message arrives from Henken: Four has been captured by DC! Camille vows
to go and save her. Go to 19.

19. "Daitarn Come Here!" En route to Hong Kong, Camille gets to angst about
Four for a while, only to have Fa and Rekoa bring him back to his senses.
And then the enemies attack. ^_^ It turns out it's Jerid and the crew, trying
to prove they're not the whipped dogs everyone else thinks they are.

Wouldn't you know it, after round four, a bunch of aliens show up. This is
not your team's day. Luckily for you, Daitarn-3 and its pilots are hiding
in one of the buildings in the city(!) and emerge to help you. Defeat all
enemies for a Biosensor and 2 Propellant Tanks.

After the battle, Daitarn (and all its support staff) join your team. Your
party considers how the enemy always pops up out of nowhere and concludes that
they must be using some sort of teleportation device, most likely located in
the vicinity of Luna2. To get back into space, Captain Bright sets course
for Shanghai to acquire a booster. Go to 20.

20. "Into Space". You meet Beltorchika Irma, who brings the booster and a
pilot - Kayla Su. Sadly, you get attacked by DC troops before you can depart.
Wouldn't you know it, it's Jerid again! One resilient dude.

Lo and behold, he's got Barney in his group. After a few rounds, Barney
wonders if he can meet Chris again. Once you defeat Jerid, his friends
show up (a little late) with Minerva X in tow. Sadly, it's been modified to
attack you. It doesn't appear to be possible to recruit Bernie - the best
you can do is have Chris kill him (where have we heard that before?). It's
also impossible to recover Minerva X. Kill all enemies for 1 Apogee Motor,
1 Propellant Tank, 2 Repair Kits, and 1 Reloader.

Once the battle is over, Bright hurries preparations for launch, and the
team is back in space minus Boz, who stays on Earth as promised. Go to 21.

21. "In the Tranquility". Captain Bright's musings on how quiet the zone of
space he's in is are disrupted by an argument over Kou's refusal to eat all of
his carrots (O_o;;) Luckily for Kou, some enemies happen to attack just then.
The GP-01 is now in Full Vernier mode, but sadly the Daitarn-3 is being
overhauled and can't participate in this battle. The enemy turn out to be
Cima and the Black Trinary and some of their goons.

On round 3, Katsu and the G Defenser show up from Captain Henken. Although
Camille objects, Katsu insists on helping. Sadly, Mashmar shows up a few
turns later with Kyara in tow, vowing to destroy you all (and get it on
tape!) After quite a bit of comedy, they actually start heading in your
direction. As if that wasn't bad enough, Steiner and his contingent pop up
a turn later! He's got Bernie in tow, who wonders morosely if he'll have to
fight Chris again. Luckily, _this_ time you can send Chris to Convince him.

Defeat all enemies for 1 Megabooster, 1 Propellant Tank, 3 Repair Kits, and 3

After the battle, Nina manages to convince Kou that all good pilots mind their
nutrition and hence he should eat his carrots. After which Katsu resolves to
stay and fight alongside Amuro despite Camille's misgivings. Bright then
allows Rekoa to handle the dangerous task of making sure that the enemy base
is where they think it is. Go to 22.

22. "The War of Lunar-II". Captain Bright orders everyone on alert upon
reaching Lunar-II. Kyouji is confident that he can handle anything the enemy
has to offer, although Sayaka isn't as sure. The strategy is simple: destroy
all the enemies on the outside, then penetrate the inside. The first wave
of enemies appears at first to be quite fragile...

So, they're not all that fragile. After five rounds of combat, who should
appear but Gato and his troops. Amazingly, they start duking it out with
the aliens and leave you alone. Bright ignores Kou's cries for Gato's
blood and tells your team to concentrate on the aliens.

After the last alien is dead, Gato decides to leave the rest to you, since
his warpower is far less than yours by this point. After the battle, you
receive a Jegan and a Kemfer from Captain Henken, and Gargantua courtesy of
Professor Yotsuya. Go to 24.

24. "The Thing Coming". Having completed their preparations, the group
makes their entrance. Once you munch through the enemy mecha stationed in
the base, a very strange foursome appear: the first aliens who actually _talk_
to you! This very odd foursome is acting on someone else's orders, but
since they've got some free time they plan to drop a colony on the earth -
and dare you to stop it to keep them from getting bored. Just what you
needed. So, your crew hurries off towards the Side-1 colony to avert the
unthinkable. Camille recalls that Judou is at Side-1, and hopes he's okay.
Hurry to 26.

26. "Fierce Showdown in Side-1". Nina gets entrusted with analyzing the data
about the aliens to try to figure out where they're based out of. Meanwhile,
your party arrives at Side-1 and tries to prevent it from being dropped onto
the earth.

After round 2, Rue and Seabook show up on Henken's orders to help out. And
then, after round 3, Judou appears. Once you get close enough to the
colony, a new squad of enemies will appear too. More will appear behind you

After the battle the enemies go inside the colony. You decide to follow them.
Judou worries over his sister's safety (she's in the area). Go to 28.

28. "Shangri-La". It seems the enemies are planning to control the colony's
Vernier thrusters from the inside in order to alter its course. Time is of
the essence. Sadly, a group of DC led by Mashmar is also inside. To clear
his name of all past disgrace, he plots to make you fight the aliens, and
then mop up whichever side is left. His subordinate Gordon is somewhat

One round after you get rid of the aliens and start attacking Mashmar's men,
Rakan and some subordinates appear, berate Mashmar for not killing you
sooner, and then insist in a piece of the mayhem to come. Defeat them all
for 1 Magnetic Coating, 1 Propellant Tank, 1 Reloader, and 1 Chobham Armor.

After the battle, a bunch of Judou's friends convince Judou and Bright to let
them join the crew...as does Judou's little sister. Nina has finished
analyzing the data: the enemy's base seems to be in an abandoned military
installation called Compaitor. On the way there, your team plans to visit
Side 6 and replenish supplies. Go to 30.

30. "Conscon's Raid". Very good news: Cameron Bloom, director of Side 6, has
a bunch of new mobile suits and the Ner-Argama for you...once you get past the
next batch of enemies. At least he and Mirai (his one-time fiancee) get to
see each other briefly first.

The first batch of enemies are Rick Doms, who should be _very_ fast killing.
Once they're all destroyed Conscon is totally appalled, and Gremie sighs that
he's got to do things himself. Defeat all enemies for 1 Biosensor, 1
Propellant Tank S, 1 Chobham Armor, and 2 Repair Kits.

After the battle, you get to open your presents. First, Amuro gets back the
Nu-Gundam (at long last!), although there's a minor fight between who gets to
be his mechanic (O_o). As soon as outfitting is done, you'll head out for
Compaitor. You also get the Ner-Argama. Go to 31.

31. "Load of Elemental". You're told that the "Ner-Argama" is "something
near to the Argama". Spiffy. You approach Solomon, which is 75% sure to be
the enemy's front-line base. Before the battle, your group finds a set of
DC facing the enemy too. At Char's request, your two groups agree to a
cease-fire until the aliens are disposed of.

After a bit of combat, a certain familiar mech appears: the Psybuster!
Masaki glosses over an explanation of what he's been up to, but explains
how his machine works by coalescing chi into matter - similar to the Reideen.
Sadly, more aliens emerge too. Once all aliens are defeated, the remaining
DC mecha disappear.

After the battle, Masaki tells you that the Psybuster was constructed by magic.
Unfortunately, Ryuu's in a hurry to infiltrate Solomon (aka Compaitor) and
cuts him off. Go to 33.

33. "Prelude to Battle". Your team enters the base to find freshly-made
damage all over. Vigaj pops up and announces the beginning of a fun little
game... Once you close to range with Vigaj and do a reasonable amount of
damage, he says that he's bored and goes away.

Bright realizes that he was just a decoy, and learn from Henken that a very
ferocious band of aliens is now engaged in all-out war with the remnants of
the Federation army. The Ner-Argama starts hurrying toward Earth, to
rendezvous with Henken at point X708A; he can't talk about the theater of
operations over the transmission. This point is also known as Jaburo. Go to

35. "Ryuune, and Valcione". As the group prepares to reenter the atmosphere,
Kyouji wonders where the obligatory enemies are. Lo and behold, they appear:
all one of them. To your dread, it's Ryuune Zoldark, daughter of Vian Zoldark
who your people killed in SRW2. Ryuune vows to kill you off as revenge for
her father's death, even if he wasn't the greatest dad around. She also
says that she has nothing to do with the current DC, which are nothing like
the organization her father commanded. Then Carozzo and some DC goons appear
and comment on Ryuune's return from Jupiter. Blow them all away for: 2
Propellant Tanks, 1 Repair Kit, and 1 Hybrid Armor.

After the battle, you learn that new weapons have arrived for the Reideen:
the Gorgon Sword and the Energy Cutter. And into the atmosphere you go, to 36.

36. "Storm in Jaburow". Your team arrives in Jaburo to find it, a base that
should be able to withstand a direct hit from a nuke, totally destroyed.
Sure enough, enemies attack you.

Kochou-Ki is among the enemy, apparently having lost her memory. Have
Getter Robo Convince her twice and she joins your team. A couple more
enemies appear, but then so does Tetsuya and Jun in the Great Mazinger and
the Byuunas A.

But the fun isn't over yet: Vigaj shows up and plans to scrap with you as
a form of research. This translates to him slaughtering your people at a
rate rivaling the demolition of Sodom and Gomorrah. Oh, and while
sacrificing your people trying to make him retreat, beware of his
_Beam_Absorb_ power...at least you get a Psychoframe if you defeat him...

Assuming you get through the battle, Tetsuya tells you of the battle plans
he received from Henken, as well as new equipment for Combattler V: V Laser,
Twin Lancer, and the Battle Chainsaw. The battle map dictates heading for
Odessa in Central Europe, although the group decides to take a roundabout
course to avoid revealing their plans to the enemy. To go to North America
head to 37. For Africa, go to 38.

38. "Equatorial". The Combattler-V team is _way_ too hot in the African
weather. After being reprimanded for running around in their underwear, they
take their machines out for a spin to test their new weapons. During this,
they run across a resupply batallion lead by Agirha. One small problem:
until the Ner Argama arrives, you can't combine into Combattler V. These guys
are worth big bucks, and you get a Megabooster for defeating Agirha. Their
goal is to reach the left edge of the map (and disappear) but you should be
able to bag at least six of them. Two words: bonus round.

After the battle your group considers that all they have to do now that DC's
supply lines have been hit is go and assail the remaining soldiers at the
Odessa Base to seriously hurt DC's world dominance. You then receive a
message stating that new equipment is waiting for you at the Belfast Base.
Head for there at 39.

37. "A Feint". This mission starts with Beauty chasing Masaki for peeking
into the shower room. Masaki insists he simply got the wrong room due to his secret
shame: a bad sense of directions. Amuro is able to back him up, and Beauty
forgives him this time, saying that only Banjou is allowed to see her naked.
Shortly thereafter, a group of enemies is detected on radar, albeit not headed
for your party. Akira and Kyouji get sent out to see what they're up to.
It seems that they're busy chasing...Grandizer! Daisuke promises to protect
Hikaru from the bad guys no matter what.

It takes a few turns for Akira and Kyouji to catch up with Grandizer. A
couple turns after that, Bran shows up to supplement Yazan's men. Yazan
isn't terribly thrilled. No doubt his day gets even worse when the Ner
Argama shows up. Beat them all for a Repair Kit S, 2 Reloaders, and an
Apogee Motor.

After the battle, Daisuke tells you that he was on the way to Europe to
participate in the Odessa operation when a batallion of DC found him. Just
then the Laplace Computer in the Psybuster finds the location of an alien
base in the Bermuda Triangle. There is new equipment waiting for you in
Belfast, but some of the team is eager to go to Bermuda. Masaki cautions
that both time and space are unstable there, and that there's no guarantee
that Bermuda time runs at the same speed as the rest of the world. To go to
Bermuda, head to area 40. To go straight to Belfast, go to 41.

39. "Desert Storm". Your team spots a group of enemies fighting among
themselves. Hyouma and Akira volunteer for reconnaissance duty. Masaki
volunteers to go too. Upon seeing the DC members fighting among themselves
your group decides not to intervene - but that's when a large number of DC
pop out of the sand, lead by the Great General of the Dark, who tells you you
fell for his plan hook, line, and sinker.

After a few rounds of wondering how to overcome the DC who surround your
surveillance team, the cavalry (all 9 of them) show up. There is some kind
of DC agent named Tekkou-Ki who challenges Getter Robo to a duel. After
a few rounds of combat, Daisuke and the Grandizer appear. Defeat all
enemies for a Chou-Goukin Z and a Chou-Goukin Nu-Z.

After the battle, Duke introduces Hikaru, his copilot who holds a provisional
pilot's license. With the re-addition of Grandizer, the Mazinger Team is
now all back together. Go to 41.

40. "Bermuda Triangle". After your crew trades a few ghost stories, they
embark to face the enemy. Masaki tells your crew to head for the weird
object over in the distance, which is the source of the base's power.

Their base becomes unusable after the monster is defeated. Then you hear
a "mysterious" voice saying "God Voice...God Voice...Thy breast shall call
when thou shalt raise thy voice...call forth: God La Mu-..." Could this
be referring to Reideen's new weapon? In fact it is, a very powerful one
in tests that comes with a heavy energy cost. Go to 41.

41. "Woman Spy". Scirocco and his underlings are planning to have someone
infiltrate the Ner Argama and figure out what your team is up to, the better
to beat you down in battle. Kai is going ashore for some leave (over Amuro's
warnings) and bumps into a street vendor named Miharu. Unfortunately, Amuro
gets strong-armed into shopping with Beltorchika. As Miharu sneaks onboard
for the sake of her brother, Scirocco and his men prepare to attack. Sara
wants to go with them, but is told she's not yet ready and ordered to stay
on the sidelines and watch carefully. So, when the enemy attacks, you have
to wait for some of your crew to get back on board.

Sure enough, there's a second wave of enemies who appear underwater after
the first group gets depleted a bit. Miharu manages to con Kai into letting
her on the ship despite carrying a Beretta(!). Things seem promising when
the rest of your troops spring into action, but then Scirocco comes on the
scene with his G-O when he sees how strong your people have gotten. He
lets Sara come along as long as she doesn't do anything dangerous. And
he's got a _lot_ of wingmen...

During this battle, Scirocco and Sara get to go twice per round. But hey,
so do any of your characters with Response of 200 or higher. Also note that
if you reduce Scirocco to few enough HP, he'll retreat early.
Defeat all enemies for a Psychoframe, a Reloader, and a Magnetic Coating.

After the battle, Camille wonders what Scirocco is up to, having left DC.
Miharu then wonders how to find the ship's destination now that she's snuck
in. She then tries to break into the Captain's Quarters. Kai catches Miharu
in the act, but manages to be convinced that she's not up to anything
suspicious. He then lets it slip that the ship is headed for Odessa, but
won't say any more than that. Go to 42.

42. "Shadow of Brocken". The Ner Argama is flying over Germany near Mt.
Brocken. After initial worries over the Brocken Bow (explained away by the
Glory phenomenon), the group decides to send some of your team out on patrol
to guard against surprise attack through the fog. Thanks to Miharu, your group
is surrounded (again). Lo and behold, it's Scirocco (and lackeys) back for
more punishment. From the information that you're heading for Odessa, he
infers that the Federation intends to attack the aliens in Central Asia.
He passes this information along to D.C. command, hoping to get them in his
debt. Then, having apparently nothing better to do, decides to make life a
little harder for you on the way to attack the aliens.

Scirocco and Sara leave a ways into the battle, leaving things to Boone.
Defeat him and get a Reloader (joy of joys...)

Kai forgives Miharu after the battle for passing along the information, saying
it was really Scirocco's fault and that she isn't to blame for wanting to
save her brothers and herself. Go to 43.

43. "Odessa Day". Your team arrives in Central Europe, which is currently
under the domination of the aliens who are digging for raw materials under
ground. The Odessa operation commences at 0900, at which point your team
is supposed to wreak havoc behind enemy lines. Lo and behold, it's Vigaj and
Mekiboz, who weren't really expecting DC to slow you down that much anyway.

After you kill enough of the bad guys, Mekiboz begins to get worried. In
response, Vigaj orders full troop deployment (over Mekiboz's objections).
After you kill more of them, Vigaj gets even more pissed and blames poor
maintenance on Agirha's part. Agirha shows up with a few more mecha, but
couldn't manage any more than that due to being attacked en route to the
battlefield. She then leaves again, mentioning a possible problem in space
with the D.C.

Once you damage Mekiboz enough, he and Vigaj realize that the alien's
fighting potential is about to drop by a full 50%. They decide to pull out,
but not before Mekiboz fires his range 6 map weapon...leaving you to take
out Vigaj (again). Blow away Vigaj and get a Long Range Radar.

After the battle, the aliens activities on Earth have been severely curtailed.
Moreover, the enemy's center of operations is located: Axis! Formerly a base
for D.C. holdouts, it's now the alien stronghold. You have new gear waiting
for you in New Delhi, and the booster to return you to space waiting at Maui.
Go to 44.

44. "Matilda's Rescue". Matilda of the Medea Supply Squadron calls for help,
being chased by the D.C. Go to her rescue! Dobel's group is determined to
crush your men, but Cecily Fairchild is among them, waiting for Seabook to
rescue her.

Send Seabook to talk to Cecily and she'll join you (along with her
Begina-gina, a very fine machine). However, a few rounds into battle,
Zabine comes with his wingmen and taunts Dobel about Cecily's defection,
and then advocates the Lond Bel's destruction. Defeat all enemies for a
Propellant Tank S, 2 Reloaders, and 1 Repair Kit S.

After the battle, Matilda says she was running late due to engine trouble when
the D.C. attacked. Matilda is invited to accompany you to Hawaii, and gives
you the Double Spacer. If you saved Cecily, Seabook gets to offer her words
of comfort. Go to 45.

45. "Oh, My Sister". After Lina picks on Judou for a while, Duke reveals that
he has a sister who was separated from him in the last war. Sadly, the angst
is interrupted by a D.C. attack. Wouldn't you know, Duke's sister Maria is
among the attackers.

Send Duke to talk to Maria and she'll join you - although she's gotten a
bit more forceful since they last met. Later in the battle, Gremy and his
his men show up...and Puru, who feels some strange resonance with Judou.
When you send Judou to talk to her, she tells him she's back in D.C. because
Judou always plays with Lina and never with her. Judou promises to play
with her from now on, and she joins you. Defeat all enemies for a Propellant
Tank and a Repair Kit.

After the battle, Lina and Puru get off to an okay start (although Puru is
still pretty childish), but Maria insists on flying combat missions to the
great concern of Duke. She also wants her Zume-Zume thrown out, which Duke
thinks is a waste. Matilda also passes the message from the Saotome Laboratory
that Getter G is (finally!!) ready. Go to 46.

46. "In Extreme Sorrow". Having made your way to Japan, your team establishes
a laser transmission to the Saotome Laboratory, where the readiness of Getter
G is confirmed. Unfortunately, before your men get there, D.C. attacks and
only Michiru and Texas Mack stand between them and the lab. They're led
by Neida, who is grieving over the loss of her brother and wants Duke Breed
and the rest of the Lond Bel dead.

During the battle, have Duke attack Neida (try not to kill her off). After
the first exchange of fire, you can send Duke to Persuade her, which touches
of a sequence in which Neida learns from Ashura that DC had brainwashed her
brother. Duke offers to give Neida his life after the war is over, just so
long as she leaves the DC. She then joins your side. Kill all enemies to
get a Megabooster.

After the battle, Neida tells Duke that she can't kill him, and gives your
group the Southerby. She then resolves to live quietly away from the fighting.
The Getter Team finally gets Getter G and starts the test, minus Musashi who
bows out to use the bathroom. During the test an abnormality arises, which
requires immediate repair. And wouldn't you know it, here come the enemy
again! It's Brocken, commanding his Mecha Zalz-Die to destroy the Saotome
Laboratory. Musashi decides to buy a bit of time in Getter 3, saying he
has to prevent Getter G from being destroyed no matter what. Seeing that he
couldn't prevail with Getter 3 in its half-repaired state and determined to
stop the enemy, he self-destructs G3. The rest of the team is _unhappy_.
Professor Saotome then reveals that another pilot has been trained to pilot
Getter Robot: Benkei. He had done this as an emergency measure, but had
never expected to have to employ it. Benkei is introduced to the rest of
the group, and then assumes control of Getter Poseidon. The group leaves to
rejoin the Lond Bel.

Back at the Ner Argama, a message from Captain Henken arrives. Due to the
alien's weakened state, D.C. appears to be getting more aggressive out in
space. Part of D.C. is fighting the aliens (which isn't that bad), but the
activities of the Zabi House are cause for much concern. It seems that Side
3, originally under D.C.'s control, is making a bid for independence.
According to Cecily, the Zabi were trying to align themselves with them.
And, the batallion sent to scout out Side 3 has gone missing. Henken promises
to contact you again when he finds out anything more definite. Go to 47.

47. "Countdown". Your group prepares to head to space, ready to confront the
aliens who presumably will be gathering at Side 3. Getter G is taking a
while to catch up, and the enemy attack with fifteen turns left until

In the midst of battle, Scirocco shows up, compliments you on the Odessa
Operation, and then tells you he's going to delay you from getting into
space. Ashura is surprised that he's still crawling around alive
somewhere, to which Scirocco responds that, for the moment, obstructing the
Lond Bel is more expedient for him than settling the score with D.C. Beware
that the sea monster with Ashura has Low-Level Regenerate... Beat all
enemies for a Propellant Tank and a Repair Kit.

After the battle, the Getter Team breaks the sad news to the rest of the Lond
Bel. Hayato vows to overthrow the schemes of the aliens and of D.C. so that
Musashi's death won't be in vain. Go to 48.

48. "Especially Twins". Once in space, Bright praises the Ral Kairam for its
better weaponry. Since there are lots of Minovsky particles around, Combattler
V gets sent on patrol, where it encounters the enemy. Puru then gets some
kind of strange sensation, and rather than follow Riina's orders and go to
bed rushes out in her mecha - Judou in pursuit. It's the D.C. Once everyone
is out, Ryou slips and yells encouragement to Hayato and _Musashi_. The
D.C. are led by Gremy, not the world's most successful user of brainwashing.
This time he's trying to order Puru2 to get you in her PsychoGundam mk.II;
she doesn't like being told what to do, but Gremy figures he can get more
mileage out of her than out of the original Puru.

During combat, send Puru to fight Puru2. They should miss each other that
first round after Puru tries explaining to Puru2 what's going on. Then
send Judou to Persuade her. He can't do it alone, so send Puru to Persuade
her. That _still_ doesn't work so have Judou Persuade her again. Defeat
them all for a Repair Kit and a Propellant Tank.

After the battle, Puru2 happily joins Puru and the rest of your team, but in
response to Amuro's worries the PsychoGundam mk.II gets thrown out. Luckily,
Puru2 has the Yact Douga as well, which she had hidden from Gremy. If you
played the "Nightmare of Solomon" mission, go to 49. If not, go to 50.

50. "Rabiane Rose". Rabiane Rose comes into sight. You make contact with
the captain Emarie, who asks for Captain Bright's autograph. As he hesitates
over giving it, the enemy attack. It's Basque, and he's sending Four to
get you in a PsychoGundam mk.II. Where have we seen this tactic before?

In the midst of the battle, Shuu shows up and offers to help fighting the
bad guys. Masaki is still totally pissed off at him, but Bright and the
others are willing to believe Shuu when he says he won't hand the earth over
to anyone - including the aliens. It is possible to convince Four to join
you if your total turn count is less than 350, but it wasn't clear to me
how. Failing anything else, you also should get Camille into combat with
Four and have him kill her - at least he gets a nice amount of angst that
way. Defeating all enemies for a Booster, a Chobham Armor, and a Hybrid

After the battle, the Combattler team gets a new robot from Dr. Yotsuya: the
Bandagruel, a powered-up version of the Gargantua. Also, Rusette shows up
with the GP-03, which has Kou going wild because of its ability to merge
with its Armed Base and become a mobile armor. Your team then faces a choice
of how to head to Awashiz, and chooses a lunar approach in order to avoid the
D.C. built up at A Baor Kur. Go to 52.

52. "Moonlight". Captain Bright notices that your course is off and asks Mirai
what's wrong. That something is drawing you inexorably towards the moon...
That something is draining all your engine power and keeping you rooted to
the spot. It's Vigaj, determined to turn the desolate surface of the Moon
into your graveyard; it seems your team has to be destroyed before they can
take out the forces on earth. Mekiboz reminds him not to push it too hard,
since if they lose here they've lost the war, but Vigaj sounds determined to

The Ral Kairam can't move at the beginning of the battle, but a few turns
in Vigaj discovers, much to his dismay, that his graviton generator has
developed a small problem - a problem caused by Shuu, who controls gravity
like a mo-fo and isn't at all impressed by the aliens' puny technology.
Worse for Vigaj, Gato shows up a round or so later and praises the Lond Bel
for not yielding an inch to the aliens. He then announces that his sole
wish is to protect Earth from the aliens and that he's already cut ties with
the D.C.

Kill enough of the enemies and Mekiboz will tell Vigaj that the battle is
lost and any more fighting will simply be meaningless. Vigaj violently
resists this concept, worrying that his position as commander will be lost.
Mekiboz reminds him that retreating at the right time is also a commander's
duty, but Vigaj simply won't budge. Mekiboz then leaves him there and goes
to report back in. Shortly after, Agirha shows up and laments Vigaj's
troubles. He doesn't want her saving his bacon, but she informs him that
she's just doing it to pay back the Lond Bel for what they've done to her.
She's got Sikalog in tow, and he's every bit as dangerous as she is...
Defeat them all for a Biosensor, a Propellant Tank S, a Chobham Armor, and
a Repair Kit S.

After the battle, Gato tells you that the D.C. are currently split between
Giren and Kishiria - now is your chance to smash them once and for all. He
answers doubts about his sincerity by saying that the current D.C. have lost
all sight of their original ideals and are nothing more than a cast-off husk.
A fight amongst the D.C. is about to begin at Granada, which is where your
team heads. Gato then meets Nina again, over Kou's objections. Rusette
explains that Nina and Gato were an item three years ago. Gato notes that
he stands only for his ideals now, and has no time for looking back. Go to

55. "Lunatic Dream". Kou confronts Nina and demands to know why she didn't
tell him about Gato. Rekoa tries to intervene, but Nina decides to tell Kou
about how she and Gato were going out together three years ago on the moon.
But she reassures him that things are over between Gato and her, and that
she's got Kou now...that she loves him. Your team then arrives at Granada in
time to see the battle starting. Kishiria appears to be in touch with the
aliens, and the opposing D.C. forces aren't happy. She's trying desperately
to contact the aliens, and decides to attack your group when you show up.
Note that she has several potent allies, including Carozzo. On the other
side are Giren and Dozul and their (smaller) group of cronies. Defeat them
all for 1 Booster, 1 Apogee Motor, and 1 Propellant Tank.

It appears that this battle has taken care of the D.C., so now it's off to
Axis to take out the remaining aliens. Go to 60.

60. "Last Battle" Your team nears Axis, commenting that the aliens have
used up most of their combat strength in the preceding battles and therefore
should be beatable. Mekiboz is first to take note, followed by Wendolo, who
observes that the aliens may be about to lose. Agirha is still hopeful,
since Scirocco's batallion is heading toward the scene. If they can manipulate
him, they figure they can still win.

On turn 5.5, Scirocco and his minions show up, saying that his rule over
the Earth is now only a matter of time with the D.C. gone. He decides to
start by destroying you. And he's got the Valcion! Wendolo figures this
can be used to their advantage and advises sitting back and watching for a
while. NOTE: if you kill Scirocco with Camille, a special sequence happens.
Scirocco steals part of Camille's mind, and unless you have Four with you
Camille will become imprisoned inside his own mind and disappear as a
player character.

After you kill Scirocco and the remaining aliens, Wendolo sends out
the Dikastes: a name that means "Judge" in Girishian. Wendolo explains
that the aliens were using human weapons because they were better than
theirs. However, humans also have immature nervous systems: and the aliens
are here to take your dangerous "toys" away from you...and fix things so
you could never create them again.

When you defeat Wendolo, he tells you that all humans are a cancer not only
on the Earth, but on the entirety of space. Your team realizes they have
to rethink their ideas of peace and progress, and return to Earth for what
they hope will be a life of peace. At least, until SRW EX...

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