Eternal Eyes

Eternal Eyes

17.10.2013 18:43:24
Eternal Eyes
FAQ / Walkthrough
Version 0.02
May 23, 2001

Game: Eternal Eyes
Genre: Role-Playing / Strategy Game

Author: John Eric Sy (krystalklyr)
E-mail Address:
ICQ Number: 87324141

// I. Table of Contents //

I. Table of Contents
II. Version History
III. Author's Note
IV. Introduction
V. Basic Information
VI. Game Play Tips
VII. Lists
A. Weapons
B. Protective Gears
C. Accessories
D. Items
E. Shops
F. Enemies
H. Magic
VIII. Walkthrough
IX. Frequently Asked Questions
X. Credits
XI. Legal Information

// II. Version History //

Version 0.01 [February 16, 2001]
. I started making this document
- Several sections added
- Walkthrough up to Goonsdock
- Lists are incomplete
- A huge number of Game Play Tips
- Made several subsections in Basic Information

Version 0.02 [May 23, 2001]
. Ok, after a long period without any updates, here's another one. I'm
still alive, so don't worry, here more progress.
- Walkthrough up the beginning of the Hall of Dolls in chapter three.
- More on the lists

This FAQ can be considered complete when it reaches a version of 1.00.

// III. Author's Note //

Hey there. This is my fifth project associated to Game FAQ writing.

Anyone may use and distribute this document freely as long as:
- The author and the people who made this possible are credited.
- The FAQ stays as it is (no sections removed, not even a single letter).
- No one is to be profiting directly from it.

To any webmaster that wishes this document onto their site must:
- The above guidelines are followed (paragraph/outline before this)/
- Inform and seek my permission before adding this to their site.
- This document stays as text in format.

If you wish to help, just send me an e-mail telling me something that I
missed out or anything that will be for the better of this guide likes tips,
suggestions or even criticisms. Flames and death threats are also welcome.

Please note that everything contained in this FAQ is based on my current

// IV. Introduction //

Eternal Eyes is both, somehow, a role-paying game and a strategy game.
Somehow Eternal Eyes is not that good compared to the games that are being
released but if you found turn based strategy games and anime, you might like
to give Eternal Eyes a try. It seemed like the game was rushed due to a
number of typographical errors and the graphics are not that good (even though
the anime characters were indeed nice). Sound in this game is quite fine but
I do not know really as I am not great in reviewing music.

Eternal Eyes, basically, is a term used in the game that describes the
people with purple eyes. People with purple eyes have the power to control
magical puppets through the use of orbs. The eternal eyes sealed the Goddess
of Destruction, Luna, who destroyed a huge part of the planet. After that
encounter, the eternal eyes was not very much active in the world and so there
are no more people known as them. But, a young boy, possessing purple eyes
has a journey awaiting him ...

// V. Basic Information //

/ Start of Playing /

Upon loading the game, after seeing the logos of the makers, a nice
animation, you will be asked what language you prefer the game to be in. You
can select English, French, Italian, German or Spanish. Do note that this FAQ
/ Walkthrough will be based in the English terms.

After that, on the Press Start Screen, if you do not press buttons, a
prologue will be shown to you. Basically about the "War of the Goddess," it
is worth checking out as it is necessary for the story.

/ Saving and Loading /

The game uses up one memory card block. I have seen, through my current
progress, only two Load points in the game. One is after the Press Start
Screen and another is at Luke's (the game's main character) House, in his
bedroom, there are two beds, check out the one that is blinking blue.

There are a variety of ways to save in this game. The very first save
point, if I am not mistaken is the one is at Luke's House, in his bedroom, the
bed that is blinking red, the one farther the stairs. Also, sometimes, a menu
comes up in certain places containing Save as an option. You can save your
game there too.

/ Configuration Menu /

. Cursor Mode
- I do not understand what this means so just figure it out for

. Map Rotation
- The way the camera rotates.

. Ok & Cancel
- The default option is (X) for Ok and (Triangle) for Cancel. You can
switch the actions of the two buttons.

- NOTE - This FAQ / Walkthrough is based on the default button

. Sound Output
- Choose between Stereo and Monaural sound.

. Language Select
- Choose what language the game should be in.
- NOTE - This FAQ / Walkthrough is based on the English language.
- NOTE - This option is only present in the main screen configuration
menu (after the Press Start Screen), so do not be surprised
if you cannot find it while you are playing through the game.

. >> Default Set
- Set all options in their respective default options.

. >> Set
- Save all options changed or made.

/ Definition of Terms /

Many terms in this game have been abbreviated, here are some of the

. HP
- Health Points. Common in role-paying games. Decreases when taking

. MP
- Magic Points. Decreases when using magic. (Also see, CS)

. DF
- Defense. Your protection against physical attacks.

. MD
- Magic Defense. Your protection against magical attacks.

. HR
- Hit Rate. The higher the hit rate, the higher your chance of
hitting your target with physical attacks.

. AV
- Evasion. The higher the evasion, the more likely for you to evade
enemies' physical attacks.

. SP
- Speed. I don't seem to understand what this does.

. LK
- Luck. I am not aware of the game factors that concerns luck.

. MV
- Move. The number of blocks you can move per turn.

. CS
- Consumption. Determines the MP used needed to cast the magic

. PW
- Power?

. RG
- Range. The range of your attacks. The higher the range, the more
distant will you be able to attack or cast magic.

. EF
- Effect?

/ Weapons /

. There are three types of weapons, they are swords, spears and bows.
- Swords are weapons used for close combat. It can only attack blocks
adjacent to your character.
- Spears can reach one more block that is beyond the adjacent block to
your character. It can attack enemies which are not directly
- Bows are indirect weapons. They attack at a further range than both
the sword and the spear but they cannot attack enemies in close

/ Buying and Selling /

. You can buy or sell Weapons, Protective Gears, Accessories and Items in
this game at General Stores located at towns.
. If you enter the General Store, walk to the shopkeeper and talk to him
or her using the Ok button (default is (X)).
. You will be given an option whether to Buy, Sell, Equipment and Exit.
. Choosing buy will give you another option whether you will buy Weapons,
Protective Gears, Accessories or Items.
. Choosing to sell will bring up your Weapons, Protective Gears,
Accessories and Items.
. During buying or selling, move left or right to change the value of the
one you are buying or selling, press the Ok button to confirm.
. The resale value for everything is 50%.
. Choosing equipment will allow you to change your equipped weapons,
protective gears or accessories.
. Exit leaves the menu you are in and back to the shop.

/ Weapons, Protective Gears, Accessories and Items /

. Weapons and Protective Gears are equipment that can be equipped by
- Luke can only equip one weapon and one protective gear at a time.
. Accessories can only be bought on Chapter 2 onwards.
- Luke's magical puppets can equip two accessories at a time.
. Items are things that can be used by Luke during battle.
- Each item has different effects when used.
- Items are expendable, meaning a single item can only be used once.

/ Battle /

// VI. Game Play Tips //

NOTE - Some tips may not make sense if you have not played through the game
for at the very least, a few minutes.

/ Save often /
. Basic tip for all role-playing and strategy games. You never know when
you can be defeated. Better safe than sorry they say.

/ Battle often /
. Another basic tip. In most role-playing and some strategy games, your
levels determine your edge against the enemy. The stronger your characters
are, the easier you can get through the game. If you fight often, you can get
more experience, in turn raising your levels. The higher your levels are, the
stronger your characters.
. Also, this is needed to gain Mica (money in the game). The more Mica
you have, then the more Mica you can spare in buying Weapons, Protective
Gears, Accessories and Items.

/ Think, choose and press buttons carefully /
. Moves in battle cannot be undone. As soon as you press them (acts in
battle), they will be executed. Try to be careful in choosing your moves. Do
note that some options will trigger another question to be asked whether you
want to continue or not.

/ Fight enemies one at a time /
. An enemy at full health deals the same damage as the same enemy having
one HP. It is important that you concentrate on beating one enemy at a time
so enemies and their attacks would not overwhelm you.

/ Keep everyone close /
. Do not let your character wander off too far as if enemies attack that
character, that character might get beaten up badly.

/ Restore HP and MP /
. A character that levels up automatically restore HP and MP. Take
advantage of that situation.

/ Elevation /
. Attacks coming from above (greater height) deals more damage than
attacks on the same height level or lower. Likewise, if you are at a lower
height and you attacked an enemy, your damage is lower. Use this strategy to
have a little boost in both physical attack power and physical defense.

/ Sell unneeded equipment /
. This especially goes to the multiple Weapons and Protective Gears that
Luke has in his inventory. Luke only needs one of each so if you are in need
of cash, its either you go to a battle or sell these things. But if you like
collecting every item in the game, then ignore this tip.

/ Bonus Experience /
. No matter how high your levels are, the Bonus Experience (the one you
get after battle) does not drop. Take advantage of this by focusing on just
beating your enemies in order to get the Bonus Experience [to come back to
that area again and fight for more Bonus Experience. Take note that the Bonus
Experience is divided among all characters.

/ Attack the items /
. In the battle, after killing an enemy, they leave behind a chest.
Attack it and you can get the item in advance. Also, sometimes an enemy
attacks these chests and because of that, you lose the chance of obtaining it
during or after the battle.

// VII. Lists //

These list represent my current progress through the game which means that
it is incomplete. Also, since the game has several typographical errors, I
will commit the same errors just for the sake of being the same.

A. Weapons

Weapon Price (Mica) Effects
Wooden Sword 30 AT + 5
Bronze Sword 60 AT + 10
Iron Sword 120 AT + 20
Flame Sword 280 AT + 35 , HR + 10
Frost Blade 620 AT + 30 , SP + 10

Bamboo Pole 8 AT + 5
Spear 90 AT + 10 , SP - 5
Javelin 160 AT + 20 , SP - 5
Flame Lance 530 AT + 30 , LK + 20 , SP - 20
Ice Javelin 1400 AT + 30 , MD + 10 , SP - 20
Wind Spear 2200 AT + 30 , HR + 20 , SP - 20
Dragon Lance 3100 AT + 40 , HR - 20

Short Bow 90 AT + 8
Longbow 140 AT + 12
Mythril Bow 640 AT + 25

B. Protective Gears

Protective Gear Price (Mica) Effects
Tunic 80 DF + 5
Leather Armour 300 DF + 10 , AV + 5
Chain Mail 480 DF + 15 , SP - 10
Breast Plate 780 DF + 30 , SP - 10 , AV - 10
Earth Mail 1600 DF + 35 , MD + 20 , SP - 20
Torned Vest - DF + 1
Damaged Armour - DF + 1
Knight Mail - DF + 35 , AV - 10 , SP - 20

C. Accessories

Accessory Price (Mica) Effects
Cat Claws 220 AT + 10 , SP + 5
Wolf Claws 270 AT + 15 , SP + 5
Wooden Mallet 320 AT + 25 , SP - 10 , HR - 10
Bigblow 300 AT + 35 , SP - 20 , HR - 10
Warhammer - AT + 45 , SP - 30 , LK + 20
Hat 160 DF + 10
Twisted Towel 250 DF + 20
Glass Maskg 240 MD + 20
T-Shirt 60 DF + 10 , HP + 5
Wrestling Pants 240 DF + 10 , HR + 5
Wrestler Pants 310 DF + 15 , HR + 10
Collar of Power 390 MP + 30 , HP + 10
Necktie 400 AV + 8
Tortoise Shell 260 DF + 20 , MD + 10 , AV + 5
Bandana - DF + 20 , SP + 10
Bearings - HR + 22
Ruby Bracelet - HP + 20 , MP - 10
Wind Bracelet - HP + 20 , AV + 10
Charm - MD + 10 , AV + 5 , LK + 23

D. Items

Item Price (Mica) Effects
Riceball 20 Recover a bit of HP
Clover 140 Recover a bit of MP
Rice Sandwich 40 Recovers HP
Mint 80 Increases resistance
Whistle 170 Increases the hit rate
Dad's Smack 130 Increases the attack power
Mocha Bean 240 Increases the evasion rate
Black Rose Thorn 60 Decreases the evasion rate
Moth Wing 70 [Induces poison]*
Stern Look 140 Decreases the magical force
Maddening Wine 260 Decreases the hit rate

* Descriptions enclosed by [ ] are paraphrased descriptions.

E. Shops

Note - You can only buy accessories in Chapter 2 onwards.
- The resale value for anything is 50% (half) the original price.
- Also see, Buying and Selling at Basic Information.
- [NEW!] means that it is new on both the shop and the game.
- [NEW] means that it is new on the shop.
- All typographical errors committed in the game are retained for
the sake of being the same.

Gross Kingdom [Chapter 1, 2]

Wooden Sword
Bronze Sword
Iron Sword
Bamboo Pole
Short Bow

/Protective Gears/
Leather Armour

Cat Claws
Wooden Mallet
Glass Masks

Dad's Smack
Mocha Bean

Goondocks [Chapter 1, 2]

Bronze Sword
Short Bow

/Protective Gears/
Leather Armor

Cat Claws
Wooden Mallet
Glass Masks

Rice Sandwich

Gross Kingdom [Chapter 3]

Wooden Sword
Bronze Sword
Iron Sword
Flame Sword [NEW!]
Frost Blade [NEW!]
Bamboo Pole
Javelin [NEW]
Short Bow
Longbow [NEW]

/Protective Gears/
Leather Armour
Breast Plate [NEW!]

Cat Claws
Wolf Claws [NEW!]
Wooden Mallet
Twisted Towel [NEW!]
Glass Maskg
Wrestling Pants [NEW!]
Wrestler Pants [NEW!]

Dad's Smack
Mocha Bean
Black Rose Thorn [NEW!]
Moth Wing [NEW!]
Stern Look [NEW!]
Maddening Wine [NEW!]

Goondocks [Chapter 3]

Bronze Sword
Flame Lance [NEW!]
Short Bow

/Protective Gears/
Leather Armor
Chainmail [NEW]

Cat Claws
Wolf Claws [NEW]
Wooden Mallet
Twisted Towel [NEW]
Glass Masks
Wrestling Pants
Wrestler Pants

Rice Sandwich
Mint [NEW]
Whistle [NEW]
Dad's Smack [NEW]
Mocha Bean [NEW]

Gross Kingdom [Chapter 4]
/The shop is closed/

Goondocks [Chapter 4]

Bronze Sword
Iron Sword [NEW]
Flame Sword [NEW]
Frost Blade [NEW]
Flame Lance
Ice Javelin [NEW!]
Wind Spear [NEW!]
Dragon Lance [NEW!]
Short Bow
Mythril Bow [NEW!]

/Protective Gears/
Leather Armor
Breast Plate [NEW]
Earth Mail [NEW!]

Cat Claws
Wolf Claws
Wooden Mallet
Twisted Towel
Glass Masks
Wrestling Pants
Wrestler Pants
Collar of Power [NEW!]
Necktie [NEW!]
Tortoise Shell [NEW!]

Rice Sandwich
Dad's Smack
Mocha Bean

F. Enemies
/Enemy/ /Level/ /HP/ /MP/
Mooscue 1 ??? ???
Move 2 20 22
Drops: 3 24 22
4 ??? ???

Dolos 1 24 20
2 26 22
3 28 24
4 ??? ???

Heyup 1 ??? ???
2 ??? ???
3 26 22
4 28 23

Calab 1 ??? ???
2 24 20
3 26 22
4 28 24

Cyboze 1 ??? ???
2 37 13
3 ??? ???
4 43 15

H. Magic

// VIII. Walkthrough //

I will try to minimize spoiler.



Load up your game, after the logos of the makers and the nicely done
animation, you will be in the Press Start Screen. If you wait a little while,
you will be taken to a prologue in which you can read about "The Goddess War"
and the participation of the Eternal Eyes and what they actually mean.

>>> Story line content >>>

Upon starting a new game and after a plot being revealed, you will be turned
to a scene with Luke and his friends who are apparently looking for rare
mushrooms. They come to a chest and found an orb. They decided to take it
home with them.


Chapter 1 - Setting Out

/ Gross Kingdom - Luke's House /

Luke's friend has been checking the orb they found, afterwards, an explosion
happens. Luke and Nicol came to check it out and all of them found a hole
which leads to a warehouse in Luke's House.

/ Gross Kingdom - Luke's House - Warehouse /

Luke and his friends found several things that they have not seen before in
their home. They found puppets and a map that would lead them to a treasure
hunt. Finally, after inspecting the map, they realize an adventure ahead of
them which leads them to Goondocks.

>>> End of story line content >>>

/ Gross Kingdom /

Now that you are given control of your character, guess what, you are in the
town. Based on the default option, the Ok button is (X), the Cancel button is
(Triangle). Also, note that the (O) button brings up the menu.

Moving around town may be hard at first so just bring up the Menu and choose
move. In this town, you can consider going to:

. Luke's House
. General Store
. Pub
. Mayor's House
. Private House
. Exit to Town

I suggest going to the Pub and talking to a man there to find information
regarding weapons. After doing that, you might want to visit several places.
You can go to Luke's House and go up to the bedroom. In the bedroom, there
are two beds, one blinking red and one blinking blue. The red one is a save
point and the blue one is a load point. If you choose to go to the General
Store, I would not recommend buying anything at this point so just leave the

/ World Map /

Just move the cursor onto Goondocks (the other dot) and confirm using the Ok

/ Goondocks - Port B /

After some small talk, you are given a menu. Check them out if you wish to
and after that, choose End. I suggest choosing "Go Outside" so that you can
check what items Goondocks has to offer.

/ World Map /

Re-enter Goondocks.

/ Goondocks /

Bring up the menu (O) button, and choose to go to the General Store.

/ Goondocks - General Store /

I suggest buying the Javelin. (See Buying and Selling on Basic Information
for more information regarding this.) Equip the weapon you just bought using
the Equipment option provided by the shopkeeper.

Leave the store.

/ Goondocks /

Explore if you want and when you are done, bring up the menu, choose move
and go to the Ground Floor.

/ Goondocks - Port B /

Equip your newly bought weapon if you have not done so. If you want save
your game then choose End and select the option Basement One.

/ Goondocks - Basement 1 /

First set of battles (Three of them).
Challenge: Easy

Just attack and heal *if* necessary, you only have Luke for this battle.

[NOTE] - I am not sure if the enemies present or the Bonus EXP or Bonus
Maica will be the same for me but somehow, they will roughly be the same.

After the battle, if you don't think you can survive the next one, which I
doubt, you can always exit to the World Map. If I remember clearly, there
will be three battles in this area, more on that later as I have lost my data
about this (all battles, Challenge: Easy).

>>> Story line content >>>

You will have a monster in this area, a Moosmoos. You will learn that you
are supposed to find the Ring of Destruction and use Magical Puppets to fight

Chapter 2 - The Call of the Wind

As the chapter starts out, you will be told that you have to make your way
to the Lost Forest. You're going to have to ask the Mayor's permission to go
to the Lost Forest but he only allows you Luke so you will have to leave your
sister behind.

>>> End of story line content >>>

/ Gross Kingdom /

Just go talk to the Mayor and exit to the world map.

/ World Map /

Visit Goondocks.

/ Goondocks /

Here in Goondocks, you may want to buy accessories for your Moosmoos. I
suggest you buy two Bigblows as defense isn't really necessary right now. If
you need to buy something but you don't have enough money, just go and fight
some battles from the place where you first fought the set of battles.

Once you have done everything you wanted to do, leave Goondocks and exit to
the World Map, where else?

/ World Map /

Enter the Lost Forest.

/ Lost Forest /

Once there, save then choose End and select Near Entrance.

/ Lost Forest - Near Entrance /

Fourth Battle
Challenge: Easy
Enemies: Fuwawa LV 4
Pikuchi LV 3-5
Items: Yellow B. Jewel
Yellow P. Jewel
Red A. Jewel

Just follow my battle strategies, no trouble on this battle. But if you're
having trouble, just re-load your game and go fight and earn levels in

/ Lost Forest /

Save, choose End and move on, unless you want to leave.

/ Lost Forest - Part 1 /

Challenge: Easy
Enemies: Mantee LV 4-5
Piyo LV 4-5
Items: Red W. Jewel
Red H. Jewel
Red B. Jewel
Blue W. Jewel
Yellow B. Jewel
Green H. Jewel
Bonus EXP: 114
Bonus Maica: 389

/ Lost Forest /

Save. You may want to use the Jewels you have picked up to let your
Magical Puppet learn new magic or let them evolve. Choose End and proceed.

/ Lost Forest - Part 2 /

Challenge: Easy
Enemies: Jackal LV 5
Moosmoos LV 5-6

/ Lost Forest /

The next battle will have a boss in it. Be sure to save! Choose End, then

/ Lost Forest - Part 3 /

>>> Story line content >>>

A messenger will test your powers if you are for real. Note that the
messenger is also a Magical Puppet.

>>> End of story line content >>>

Challenge: Medium
Enemies: Pumpkin Head LV 7
Setapiyo LV 6
Items: Glassmask
Bonus EXP: 206
Bonus Maica: 694

Just attack the two Pumpkin Heads and once they're done for, concentrate on
beating up the Setapiyo. Heal if necessary, then whack the enemies to pieces.

>>> Story line content >>>

Setapiyo will tell you that Magical Puppets are created by Luke's
ancestors, the Eternal Eyes.

When the land became prosperous, one day, the King of Villee summoned Luna,
Goddess of Destruction so he can gain powers. Luna did not grant it and she
first killed the King. She then destroyed the island of Villee. The Eternal
Eyes attacked Luna and sealed her on the Island.

Because the Eternal Eyes showed great power, the people got afraid of them
so they prosecuted them.

After that story, Setapiyo will tell Luke that Luke and his sister are part
of the Eternal Eyes but not all Eternal Eyes have the power to control Magical
Puppets so that explains why the Magical Puppet does not react with Luke's

Setapiyo will ask Luke if he wants to help mankind and Luke agrees to this
so he is asked to journey to Vulado and another Magical Puppet will await him
there. After that, Setapiyo will lose his power and return to a puppet.

Luke will go back to Gross Kingdom.

>>> End of story line content >>>

Chapter 3 - Baptism of Fire

/ Gross Kingdom - Luke's House /

Go to the secret room in Luke's house and evolve your Magical Puppet. Exit
Luke's house.

/ --- /

I suggest you visit the shop of Goondocks and the shop of Gross Kingdom.
Choose wisely what to buy as I'll leave that to you. If you don't have enough
money, proceed to Goondocks or the Hall of Dolls to fight battles and gain
Maica and EXP as well.

After buying stuff, proceed to the World Map.

/ World Map /

Enter the Hall of Dolls.

/ Hall of Dolls /

Save, choose End and proceed to the first floor.

/ Hall of Dolls - 1F /

Challenge: Medium
Enemies: Sashtock (x3) LV 10-11
Death Bat (x2) LV 9-11
Items: Flame Lance
Yellow W. Jewel
Pink W. Jewel
Red B. Jewel
White H. Jewel
Bonus EXP: 195
Bonus Maica: 505

Be careful of the Sashtocks as they can cast a sudden death move. Just let
your new magical puppet gain sufficient EXP points on this one while
protecting it.

/ Hall of Dolls /

You might want to let your new puppet gain new magic or evolve it. Choose
end and proceed to the second floor.

/ Hall of Dolls - 2F /

Challenge: Medium
Enemies: Spirit (x4) LV 10-11
Dreamer (x2) LV 10
Items: Ruby Bracelet (x2)
Wind Bracelet (x2)
Hat (x2)
Bonus EXP: 245
Bonus Maica: 454

You're at a disadvantaged position here as you start low. Just let the
enemies come near you and attack them. Heal as necessary.

/ Hall of Dolls /

Save. If you still have enough items to move on, choose End and go to the
third floor, otherwise leave. You might want to let your Magical Puppets
learn magic or evolve them.

/ Hall of Dolls - 3F /

Challenge: Easy
Enemies: Dreamer LV 11
Chuff LV 11-13
Items: Hat (x2)
Blue H. Jewel
Red P. Jewel
Pink H. Jewel
Bonus EXP: 195
Bonus Maica: 448

Attack the enemies, simple battle.

/ Hall of Dolls /

Save, choose End and proceed to the fourth floor. I suggest you equip
Defense increasing accessories as the next enemies tend to hit hard.

[Continued on next update]

// IX. Frequently Asked Questions //

Q. Where can I find this game?

A. I don't know as I have no idea of where you live so I suggest shopping
online and finding this game. I do not suggest this game very well
though as it tends to get boring.

// X. Credits //

Me for typing this document up.

CJayC of GameFAQs for
hosting this document.

// XI. Legal Information //

"Eternal Eyes," and other words related are registered trademarks by Sunsoft
and Tamtam. Copyright 2000 Sunsoft, Tamtam, Kenji Trada, Kohime Ohs.

This document is copyright 2001 John Eric Sy. This document must only be
freely distributed and nothing in this document may be edited without prior
permission from the author.

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17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, +6 Trainer für die europäische UK PAL Version.

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019