Power Move Pro Wrestling

Power Move Pro Wrestling

11.10.2013 08:31:25
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\ F A Q. |___/ /
Date last updated: Saturday, February 3rd, 2001

| PMPW FAQ by |
| Scotsman |
| gjmcg@kingston.net |
C O N T E N T S:
[1] Introduction
[2] Updates
[3] Description
[4] Character Profiles
[5] Basic Move List
[6] Special Move List
[7] Hidden Moves
[8] Cheats
[9] Japanese Counterparts

I N T R O D U C T I O N:

Welcome to my first FAQ. Please check the updates section for info
about what is coming up in this FAQ.

Any comments about this FAQ....any questions about the game etc, feel
free to mail me at scots@xwrestling.com. One last thing......if you
want to use this FAQ on your website, you can. Just please contact me
and let me know. Thanks.


I apologise for not updating this in a few months. My game broke, and I
never had the cash to pay for a new one. I've just recently picked the
game up again. However as I now own WWF Smackdown, Fire Pro Wrestling G,
NJPW 3 and Wrestlemania 2000 it's becoming harder and harder to pick up
PMPW again. But don't worry; I'll keep fighting at it till I get this
FAQ complete. :-)

Graeme J McGaw
aka Scotsman

U P D A T E S:

V1.0 - Beginning of FAQ.
V1.1 - Completed Character Profiles. Move list for Agent Orange. Will
be messing around with this section to get a better design before
continuing. Added info as to why I haven't updated recently.
V1.2 - Messed a few things up in my last update. Date is fixed. New
sections like Description, Hidden Moves and Japanese Counterparts.
Also move lists for Agent Orange and Area 51 are now up. I aim to
add a new move list daily. I also have to edit the special/
trademarks move list for next update.
V1.3 - Decided to leave special/trademarks move list as it is fine. I
have also added normal move lists for Chain Gang, Commandant and
Da'Judge. I aim to add the rest of the move lists and tidy up
the FAQ as well as going through the move lists and making sure
everything is correct. I'll then try and hack the game for
Gameshark codes. All this should be done by version 2.0 which
will probably be the final update unless anything else is needed.
V1.4 - Added move lists for Danny McGee, King OG, Egyptian Conniption,
and El Temblor. Two more wrestlers to add move lists for and I
think this FAQ is complete!
V1.5 - Numerous design changes. Change of my e-mail address. I finally
got PMPW again(after my previous copy was broke) so expect a finish
to this FAQ soon.


I've been asked by a few readers for a quick description of the game. I
feel it's an okay game; very basic but considering it came out quite a
while ago, that is understandable. It's slow-paced, but is loosely
based on the control system of WWF Smackdown. It's more based on
the NJPW control system though; although it doesn't have the same
"flow" that NJPW has. Wrestlers and options are limited; and
replayability is not going to be too likely. I recommend renting it,
not buying. Although you CAN buy it cheap at your local Wal-mart or
wherever. I picked up a copy for $5 CDN.

I will have a longer review up soon here at Gamefaqs.

C H A R A C T E R P R O F I L E S:

[Text taken from manual]

We don't know his real name. But we do know he is wanted by the authoratives
on trumped-up charges. He is fond of guns, camouflage and explosives. He's
tough, reserved and anti-establishment. He thinks the NRA is for sissies.

"I get my blue hair from my mother's side", insists the enigmatic Area 51,
who attributes his phenomenal record of wins to his extraterrestrial combat
experience. "For six years, I represented Earth at the Plutonian
Championship games. Lucky for Earth, I wasn't raised a sissy like some of
the punks in this league, or we'd all be living on a cinder block!" We'll
take your word for it, Mr 51.

Also known as prisoner #48177. Chaingang is in a state prison serving time
for assault, manslaughter, mayhem, kidnapping, arson and disturbing the
peace. Because of a deal worked out by his lawyers, he is given short
weekend passes to indulge in his secondary (now primary) livelihood - pro
wrestling. Note that all of Chaingang's wrestling proceeds are deposited
into an escrow account to be distributed by a court as restitution to
his victims. His manager is his attorney, and Chaingang usually enters
the room in shackles, accompained by a prison guard. He is masked to
shield his identity from his surviving victims.

A strict disclipinarian, the Commandant is fond of black leather trunks,
studded collars and riding crops. He likes receiving pain almost
as much as giving it.

Here he comes! Led by his manager, The Bailiff, Da' Judge is big,
black and overruling. Many wrestlers are afraid to approach the
bench on his side of the ring. When not presiding over the affairs
of pro wrestling, Da' Judge has been known to binge on greasy bacon
cheeseburgers and root beer floats, giving new life to the phrase
"Order in the court!" You want fries with that, judge?

"May the road rise up to meet ya" is the famous green-trunked wrestler's
catchphrase before the inevitable three-count is sounded. The undauntable
Danny McGee is a very proper Irishman, preferring a dram of Irish whiskey
to any of that "Milwaukee swill that tases of ol' bath water in th' mouth.
Those bloody Yanks'll drink anything. You kin tell em I said it."

Tall, dark and ugly, he's the perfect villain chracter. Rumored to be
a former member of an unnamed Middle Eastern power's secret police, the
Egyptian Conniption has no qualms about using illegal holds and throws to
beat his opponents. He is always jeered and booed when he enters the ring -
and that's the way he likes it!

This master tactician and split-second thinker borrows many of his moves
from his homeland. A legend in Mexico City, El Temblor's career highs and
lows have caused major upheaval on the Mexican social Richter scale as
potent as any soccer cup rivalry - parades are thrown in his honor, and riots
ensue should victory escape him. Nevertheless, it is Mexico's devotion
that ignites him to wrestle, and his country's colors are boldy displayed
on his patriotic trunks.

The Bible claims King Og's bed was nine cubits long and, according to
witnesses, his namesake is one of the biggest, strongest men anyone will
ever meet! He is out to destroy and choke-slam his way to the top!

Tall, handsome, long hair - the type of guy all the women(and some men) just
adore. Sort of like a wrestling version of Fabio, Lance is honorable,
chivalrous and skilled. Even though his opponents may cheat, Lance will come
out on top through superior fair play.

Having flexed his many muscles on California beaches before choosing to
wrestle professionally, the aptly named Malibu Mike sounds like he just came
out of the water: "Dude, I'm like one helluva wave - you may ride for awhile
but eventually I close out on you."

No one knows anything about Zombie; he doesn't say much. Originally from
Jamaica, insiders believe Zombie is under the control of Shamen, his manager
(and powerful Haitan witch doctor). People say that he sold his soul for
superior endurance (it is rumoured that he doesn't even have to sleep).

B A S I C M O V E L I S T:

All wrestlers have a list of basic moves. These vary slightly, but are
more or less the same. Here's the list:


Facing, standing normal:

Headlock - Triangle
Arm Wrench - Hold Triangle
Body Slam - Circle
Suplex - Hold Circle
Slap - X
Hold X - Chop

Facing, standing groggy opponent:

Bear Hug - Triangle/Hold Triangle
Body Slam - Circle/Hold Circle(variation of slam)
Kick - X

Behind, standing groggy opponent:

Sleeper Hold - Triangle/Hold Triangle
Side Suplex - Circle
German Suplex - Hold Circle
Forearm Smash - X

Opponent down on stomach:

Camel Clutch - Triangle at head
Boston Crab - Triangle at feet
Stomp - X

Opponent down on back:

Eye Poke - Triangle at head
Bostin Crab - Triangle at feet
Chop - X

Irish whipped opponent:

Sleeper - Triangle
Firemans Carry - Circle

Top Rope Moves(all X):

Double Axehandle when opponent is standing
Flying Headbutt when opponent is on ground
Top Rope Death Valley Driver when groggy opponent in corner
Top Rope Back Suplex when groggy opponent has back to you in corner

Running at opponent(all X):

Spinning Wheel Kick if opponent in ring/corner
Clothesline outside ring or groggy


Facing, standing normal:

Headlock - Triangle/Hold Triangle
Swinging Neckbreaker - Hold Triangle
Suplex - Circle
Scoop Slam - Hold Circle
Chop - X
Front Kick - X

Facing, standing, opponent groggy:

Arm Wrench - Triangle
Armbar - Hold Triangle
DDT - Circle
Fisherman Suplex - Hold Circle
Chop - X

Behind, standing, opponent groggy:

Armbar - Triangle/Hold Triangle
Back/Side Suplex - Circle
German Suplex - Hold Circle
Sweep Kick - X

Opponent down on stomach:

Armbar - Triangle at head
Half-Boston - Triangle at feet
Stomp - X

Opponent down on back:

Armbar - Triangle at head
Leglock - Triangle at feet
Elbowdrop - X

Irish Whipped Opponent:

Sleeper - Triangle
Powerslam - Circle

Top Rope Moves(all X):

Flying shoulderblock when opponent is standing
Flying elbowdrop when opponent is on ground
Superplex when groggy opponent in corner
Top-rope DDT when groggy opponent has back to you in corner
Top-rope back/side suplex when opponent is out of ring

Running at opponent(all X):

Spinning heel kick if opponent in ring/corner
Clothesline if groggy

X AREA 51: X

Facing, standing normal:

Headlock - Triangle
Swinging Neckbreaker - Hold Triangle
Suplex - Circle
Tombstone - Hold Circle
Slap - X
Punch - X

Facing, standing, opponent groggy:

Arm Wrench - Triangle
Armbar - Hold Triangle
Huracarana - Circle
Power Bomb - Hold Circle
Slap - X

Behind, standing, opponent groggy:

Chickenwing - Triangle/Hold Triangle
German Suplex - Circle
Belly To Back Suplex - Hold Circle
Dropkick - X

Opponent down on stomach:

Camel Clutch - Triangle at head
??? - Triangle at feet(I forget name of this)
Elbowdrop - X

Opponent down on back:

Armbar - Triangle at head
Figure Four - Triangle at feet
Splash - X

Irish Whipped Opponent:

Sleeper - Triangle
Suplex - Circle

Top Rope Moves(all X):

Flying Dropkick when opponent is standing
Shooting Star Press when opponent is on ground
Fishermans Suplex when groggy opponent in corner
Backdrop when groggy opponent has back to you in corner

Running at opponent(all X):

Spinning heel kick if opponent in ring/corner
Baseball Slide outside ring or groggy


Facing, standing normal:

Headlock - Triangle
Arm Wrench - Hold Triangle
Snap Mare - Circle
Scoop Slam - Hold Circle
Forearm - X
Spinning Kick - Hold X

Facing, standing, opponent groggy:

Arm Bar - Triangle
Inside Cradle - Hold Triangle
Backbreaker - Circle
Frankensteiner - Hold Circle
Dropkick - X

Behind, standing, opponent groggy:

Abdominal Stretch - Triangle
Octopus Stretch - Hold Triangle
Bulldog - Circle
Dragon Suplex - Hold Circle
Forearm smash - X

Opponent down on stomach:

Armbar - Triangle at head
Figure Four - Triangle at feet
Elbowdrop - X

Opponent down on back:

Camel Clutch - Triangle at head
Leglock - Triangle at feet
Legdrop - X

Irish Whipped Opponent:

Sleeper - Triangle
Backdrop - Circle
Dropkick - X

Top Rope Moves(all X):

Flying Dropkick when opponent is standing
Moonsault when opponent is on ground
Top Rope Frankensteiner when groggy opponent in corner
Top Rope Back Suplex when groggy opponent has back to you in corner

Running at opponent(all X):

Flying Forearm if opponent in ring/corner
Dropkick if groggy


Facing, standing normal:

Headlock - Triangle
Swinging Neckbreaker - Hold Triangle
Snap Mare - Circle
Bodyslam - Hold Circle
Kick - X
Euro Uppercut - Hold X

Facing, standing, opponent groggy:

Arm Wrench - Triangle
Small Package - Hold Triangle
Suplex - Circle
Legsweep - Hold Circle
??? - X

Behind, standing, opponent groggy:

Abdominal Stretch - Triangle
Backslide - Hold Triangle
Back Suplex - Circle
Dragon Suplex - Hold Circle
??? - X

Opponent down on stomach:

??? - Triangle at head
Half Boston - Triangle at feet
Stomp - X

Opponent down on back:

Headlock - Triangle at head
Figure Four - Triangle at feet
Knee drop - X

Irish Whipped Opponent:

Sleeper - Triangle
Backdrop - Circle
Dropkick - X

Top Rope Moves(all X):

??? when opponent is standing
Knee drop when opponent is on ground
Superplex when groggy opponent in corner
Top rope back suplex when groggy opponent has back to you in corner

Running at opponent(all X):

Kick if opponent in ring/corner
Dive through ropes outside ring


Facing, standing normal:

Headlock - Triangle
Swinging Neckbreaker - Hold Triangle
Snap Mare - Circle
Bodyslam - Hold Circle
Kick - X
Slap - Hold X

Facing, standing, opponent groggy:

Arm Wrench - Triangle
Armbar - Hold Triangle
Suplex - Circle
Powerbomb - Hold Circle
Clothesline - X

Behind, standing, opponent groggy:

Abdominal Stretch - Triangle
Octopus Stretch - Hold Triangle
Back Suplex - Circle
Dragon Suplex - Hold Circle
Leaping Kick - X

Opponent down on stomach:

Hammerlock - Triangle at head
Half Boston - Triangle at feet
Stomp - X

Opponent down on back:

Headlock - Triangle at head
Sharpshooter - Triangle at feet
Stomp - X

Irish Whipped Opponent:

Sleeper - Triangle
Backdrop - Circle
High Knee - X

Top Rope Moves(all X):

Axehandle when opponent is standing
Knee drop when opponent is on ground
Superplex when groggy opponent in corner
Top rope back suplex when groggy opponent has back to you in corner

Running at opponent(all X):

Clothesline if opponent in ring/corner


Facing, standing normal:

Headlock - Triangle
Swinging Neckbreaker - Hold Triangle
Snap Mare - Circle
Bodyslam - Hold Circle
Kick - X
Slap - Hold X

Facing, standing, opponent groggy:

Arm Wrench - Triangle
Armbar - Hold Triangle
Suplex - Circle
Powerbomb - Hold Circle
Clothesline - X

Behind, standing, opponent groggy:

Abdominal Stretch - Triangle
Octopus Stretch - Hold Triangle
Back Suplex - Circle
Dragon Suplex - Hold Circle
Leaping Kick - X

Opponent down on stomach:

Hammerlock - Triangle at head
Half Boston - Triangle at feet
Stomp - X

Opponent down on back:

Headlock - Triangle at head
Sharpshooter - Triangle at feet
Stomp - X

Irish Whipped Opponent:

Sleeper - Triangle
Backdrop - Circle
High Knee - X

Top Rope Moves(all X):

Axehandle when opponent is standing
Knee drop when opponent is on ground
Superplex when groggy opponent in corner
Top rope back suplex when groggy opponent has back to you in corner

Running at opponent(all X):

Clothesline if opponent in ring/corner


Facing, standing normal:

Headlock - Triangle
Swinging Neckbreaker - Hold Triangle
Bodyslam - Circle
Suplex - Hold Circle
Slap - X
Chop - Hold X

Facing, standing, opponent groggy:

Arm Wrench - Triangle
Armbar - Hold Triangle
DDT - Circle
Powerbomb - Hold Circle
Side Kick - X

Behind, standing, opponent groggy:

Sleeper - Triangle
Armbar - Hold Triangle
Bulldog - Circle
Dragon Suplex - Hold Circle
Clothesline - X

Opponent down on stomach:

Hammerlock - Triangle at head
Boston Crab - Triangle at feet
Stomp - X

Opponent down on back:

Armbar - Triangle at head
Boston Crab - Triangle at feet
Stomp - X

Irish Whipped Opponent:

Sleeper - Triangle
Backdrop - Circle
Dropkick - X

Top Rope Moves(all X):

Ass bang when opponent is standing
Stomp when opponent is on ground
Superplex when groggy opponent in corner
Top rope back suplex when groggy opponent has back to you in corner

Running at opponent(all X):

Smash with ass if opponent in ring/corner
Slide Kick if outside ring
clothesline if Groggy


Facing, standing normal:

Neckbreaker - Triangle
Bearhug - Hold Triangle
Bodyslam - Circle
Suplex - Hold Circle
Chop - X
Kick - Hold X

Facing, standing, opponent groggy:

Choke - Triangle
Armbar - Hold Triangle
Gorilla Press - Circle
Backbreaker - Hold Circle
Clothesline - X

Behind, standing, opponent groggy:

Sleeper - Triangle
Choke - Hold Triangle
Back Suplex - Circle
Side Suplex - Hold Circle
Clothesline - X

Opponent down on stomach:

Camel Clutch - Triangle at head
Boston Crab - Triangle at feet
Kick - X

Opponent down on back:

Headlock - Triangle at head
Half Boston - Triangle at feet
Splash - X

Irish Whipped Opponent:

Bearhug - Triangle
Scoop Poerslam - Circle
Clothesline - X

Top Rope Moves(all X):

Clothesline when opponent is standing
Elbow drop when opponent is on ground
Superplex when groggy opponent in corner
Top rope back suplex when groggy opponent has back to you in corner

Running at opponent(all X):

Shoulder thump if in ring
Splash if in corner
Clothesline if groggy

S P E C I A L M O V E L I S T:

This is the list of the special/trademark moves all the wrestlers have
in Power Move Pro Wrestling:

Mongolian Chop: D-Pad + X
Inverted Pile Driver: D-Pad + Circle
Fisherman's Carry Drop: Circle
Double Axehandle: D-Pad and X(pointing towards turnbuckle)

AREA 51:
Power Bomb(Pins): D-Pad + Circle
Bulldog: D-Pad + Circle
Power Slam(Pins): Circle
Sleeper Hold: Triangle

Armbar Takedown: D-Pad + Triangle
Spinning Wheel Kick: Square and X
Fisherman Buster: D-Pad + Circle
Armbar: Triangle

Bulldog: Circle
Legdrop: X
Moonsault: D-Pad + X
Top-Rope Frankensteiner: Circle

Leg Sweep Takedown: D-Pad + Circle
Dragon Suplex(Pins): D-Pad + Circle
Dive Through Ropes: Square + X
Reverse Headlock: Triangle

Clothesline: Dash + X
Knee Lift: X
Scorpion Deathlock: Triangle
Top Rope Back Suplex: Circle

Flying Butt Smash: Square + X
Power Bomb(Pins): D-Pad + Circle
Slide Kick: Square + X
Flying Stomp: D-Pad + X

Spinning Drop Kick: X
Flying Cross-Body Block: D-Pad + X
Drop Kick: X
Somersault Kick: Square + X

Choke Lift: Triangle
Body Splash: Dash + X

Arm Drag Turnout(Opp. Running Towards You): Circle
Power Slam(Pins): Circle

Northern Lights Suplex(pins): D-Pad + Circle
Giant Swing: Triangle

Mafia Kick: Square + X
Swinging Neckbreaker: D-Pad + Triangle


The manual didn't list numerous moves that you can do in the game.
These are:

Get up on turnbuckle: D-Pad in direction of turnbuckle, and X.

Opp. On Turnbuckle:
- Throw him off: D-Pad + Circle
- Punch Him: D-Pad + X

You + Opp. Standing near turnbuckle:
- Push his face into turnbuckle: Square

You + Opp. Outside ring:
- Square to slam his face into the gate, or throw him into ring, depending
where you are standing.

C H E A T S:

Play as Gorgon (the announcer):
At the title screen press L1, L1, L2, R2, R2, R1, Triangle, Down, X, Up,
Select. At the wrestler-select screen, highlight "Agent Orange" and
press Select.

Play as Sallie (the referee)
At the title screen press Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, X, Square,
Circle, L1, R1, L2, R2, Select. At the wrestler-select screen, highlight
"El Temblor" and press SELECT.

Play as Sparrow
At the title screen press Circle, Right, Triangle, Up, Square, Left, X,
Down, X, Down, Square, Left, Triangle, Up, Circle, Right, Select. At the
wrestler-select screen, highlight "Commandant" and press Select.

You will hear a bell if the above codes work.

[Thanks to Gamesages for the above cheats]


Most of the wrestlers in PMPW are based on other Japanese wrestlers, but
due to copyright laws their names have been changed. To the best of my
knowledge, here is a list of their counterparts from the Japanese version:

Agent Orange -> Tenzan
Commandand -> Keiji Muto
Gorgon -> Kero-Chan
El Temblor -> Kanemoto
Sallie -> Tiger Hattori
Sparrow -> The Great Muta

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