Grand Theft Auto London 1969

Grand Theft Auto London 1969

11.10.2013 15:45:55
Grand Theft Auto London 1969(NTSC Version)
For the Sony Playstation Videogame Console
By: Gavin Ripley (
July 23, 1999

I. Version
II. Introduction
III. Maps
IV. Controls
V. Vehicles
VI. Codes
VII. Mission Terms
VIII. Mission Guides
IX. Secret Guides
X. Copyright and Credits

I. Version

1.2 - 7/23/99 - The GTA London 1969 Guide is complete. The guide also
includes details on how to beat the game at the end which I have been getting
many e-mails about. It was a rather short game, but it was only an add-on so
I was expecting it to be. DonÕt forget about the Playstation GTA web site
which continues with updates on the new Grand Theft Auto 2 which will be
coming out in late October.

Also, be sure to e-mail me with any mistakes so I can correct them.

1.1 - 7/12/99 - The guide now continues to v1.1 which has a secret and
mission guide to London 1 through 3. The vehicles section has been updated

1.0 - 7/4/99 - The first version of the Guide. I recently finished a guide to
Grand Theft Auto and I now have started this guide. It currently contains a
detailed Mission and Secret Guide for London 1 & 2. I just started the guide
so e-mail me with any corrections.

II. Introduction
First of all, visit the best PSX GTA page out there, the Playstation
Grand Theft Auto Page!! The URL is:
Grand Theft Auto London 1969 is the first real add-on for the
Playstation. Since it is an add-on, it is very similar to Grand Theft Auto.
WhatÕs new is the map, textures, vehicles, characters, and missions.
Although, the whole Grand Theft Auto style is the same. Much like Grand Theft
Auto, you control one of four characters: Sid Vacant, Maurice Caine, Rodney
Morash, or Charles Jones. Once you are in the city you have to steal cars,
complete jobs for your boss, and kill others to become a high standing member
of The Mob. Like GTA, Grand Theft Auto London 1969 is a great game because it
gives you a lot of freedom. If you are sick of running around doing missions,
you can drive or walk around the whole city wherever you please. If you canÕt
figure out how to complete a certain mission or find a certain secret, this
is the Guide that will help.

III. Maps
The maps are very important to this game and this guide. If you
bought Grand Theft Auto London 1969, a map should have came with it. If you
rented it or are borrowing it, you will need to get a map. You can download
one at my site

You need to learn to use the maps while you are playing. On timed
missions, you need them to be able to use the maps to find the quickest
routes. You can also use them to find Respray and Bomb shops within the city.

IV. Controls
Default Controls
Square --- Enter/Exit
Triangle --- Backwards
Circle --- Attack
X --- Forwards
Start --- Pause
Select --- Previous Page/Message
Left --- Turn Left
Right --- Turn Right
L1 --- Next Weapon
L2 --- Previous Weapon
R1 --- Brake in a car, Jump cars on foot
R2 --- Special (Burp/Fart on foot, Honk in a car)

V. Vehicles (32)

Beagle 3
Double Decker
Garden Shed
James Bomb
Jug MkII
Jug Swinger
Jugular E
London Cab
MC Hamper
Mod Scooter
Reno 17TL
Royal Pain
Royal Stretch
Sweets Van
Tour Bus

VI. Codes
Enter one of these codes as a player name in the character screen.

Parrot picture, all levels, all infinite weapons, Get Out of Jail
Free Card, armor, coordinates, 9,999,990 points, 5x multiplier, no cops, and
99 lives.
All levels, all infinite weapons, Get Out of Jail Free Card, armor,
coordinates, 5x multiplier, 99 lives, maximum wanted level.
All infinite weapons, Get Out of Jail Free Card, and armor.
All levels, all infinite weapons, Get Out of Jail Free Card, armor,
and 5x multiplier.
All infinite weapons, Get Out of Jail Free Card, and armor.
All levels, all infinite weapons, Get Out of Jail Free Card, and
All levels.
All levels.
London levels 1 & 2.
London levels 1 through 3.
5x multiplier.
99 lives.
9,999,990 points.
Coordinate display.
Maximum wanted level.
No cops.

Gameshark Codes
All of The following codes are from:
You can find a FAQ on the Joker Command Code at the following address:

Grand Theft Auto London 1969

Codes Made & Tested on 3.0 Version Game Shark

Reverse Joker Command
D003C528 ????
5 Million Points Score D002BE1C 0000
8002BE1C 4FFF
D002BE1E 0000
8002BE1E 004C
Infinite Lives
8002BF72 0004
Infinite Pistol Ammo
3002BF7D 0063
Infinite Machine Gun Ammo
3002BF7E 0063
Infinite Rocket Ammo
3002BF7F 0063
Infinite Flame Thrower Fuel
3002BF80 0063
Have Get Out of Jail Free Card
8002BF8A 0001
Max Bonus Multiplier
8002BF6E 0063
Enable Mods + Sods Level
80026748 0001
Enable Chelsea Smile Level
8002674C 0001
Enable Dead Certainty Level
80026750 0001
Wanted Level Maxed Out
80019C44 0004
No Cops
8002BE08 0000
Disable The Need For Double Swap (2.xx & Caetla Version)
D0180C94 033F
80180C96 2400
Disable The Need For Double Swap (GameShark Pro 3.xx Version)
C1000000 0000
D0180C94 033F
80180C96 2400

VII. Mission Terms

You will need to understand the terms below to use the mission guide.

Respray shop - Place you go to get a new paint job and new license plates to
get away from the cops.

Bomb shop - Place you go to get a bomb on your car. To activate the bomb,
while in the car press Circle to activate the bomb. You have about 5 seconds
to get out and away from the car before it explodes.

Crate - White box that you can run over, punch, or shoot to open. They
contain weapons and other items to help you.

Secret - There is a set number of secrets for each level. This is showed to
you in the pause menu. A secret is a Kill Frenzy. In them you try to kill as
many people as you can and cause a certain amount of damage to pass them.
They can be in the form of a weapon inside a crate or in certain parked

Crane - Place you go to sell stolen cars for bonus points.

VIII. Mission Guides

A. London 1 - Boys Will Be Thieves - 1 Mission

Phone in Northeast Chelsea
Answer the phone and youÕre told that the Crisp Twins want a Mod
Scooter. So follow the yellow arrow to Central Chelsea and get one. When you
get the Mod Scooter, take it to Harold CartwrightÕs place in Southeast Soho.
Nice One!

After you have completed the first mission, go to Southeast Soho and
talk to Harold.

B. London 2 - Mods and Sods - 13 Missions

Southwest City Phones
Left Phone
Answer the phone and then go talk to Keith in Northwest Bow.
Keith tells you to go pick up a Crapi in Northwest Angel. When you get in the
Crapi youÕre told that Chalkie is somewhere in Soho. Follow the yellow arrow
to Soho and find him. When you find him, punch him once so he will tell you
where the drugs are. After you punch him heÕll tell you that the drugs are by
a bush in Northwest Soho. Go up there and get the drugs. Even though you got
the drugs back, Harold has had it with Chalkie follow the yellow arrow to him
and then go ahead and kill him. Now Harold wants to blow up ChalkieÕs Pub. So
go to the pub and then walk right up to the building. Press Circle to put
down the bomb and then run. Nice One!

Left Middle Phone
A drug deal has been set up with the Mods. Go to there club
in West Chelsea and meet up with them. Walk up to the guy outside the club
and heÕll tell you there arenÕt any Mods around. Then Harold tells you to
punch him so do it. He will admit to you that the Mods are waiting on top of
a building in Southwest Westminster. Go there and go up the stairs and punch
open the crate and then continue onto the roof. Leave the Bike there for now
and go North and kill the Mods there. Now go back to the Bike and ride it
straight forward and you will ramp to another building. After you ramp go
down the stairs and take the Bike to Northeast Westminster. Nice One!

Right Middle Phone
Answer the phone and then go down to Central Brixton to pick
up a Rocket Launcher. Use the Rocket Launcher to blow up the RangersÕ coach.
The Rangers is the name of the local football team. YouÕll find the coach in
South Camberwell. Blow it up. Now the team has to ride in London Cabs. You
will be driving one of them. Go to Southeast Camberwell and get in the London
Cab. The midfield for the team is waiting in South Bermondsey. Go there and
pick them up. Take them to RayÕs Auto Garage in West Brixton. Nice One!

Right Phone
The Noles Brothers have taxed five grand off Harold. To get
revenge, go get a specially prepared Jugular E in East Camberwell. When you
get in it you find out that the Noles are involved in a deal in Northeast
Bow. Show up there and open fire with a Machine Gun until theyÕre all dead.
Now go to BerylÕs place in Central Camden Town. Nice One!

Note on the following missions
These next six missions go in order. The first one below starts when
all Southwest City phones have been attempted. After the first one below has
been completed or failed, the next one starts and so on.

Dr. Zel in Northwest Westminster
Albert Crisp loves art. Go buy some paintings at the National Gallery
in Northwest Westminster. At the gallery, youÕll see one of AlbertÕs
associates, Dr. Zel outside the building. Walk up to him and he will give you
the paintings. Now the cops are on you because Zel stole those paintings.
Take them to a garage in North Soho. Now you find out that Special Branch is
involved with the stolen paintings. Dr. Zel will start talking and get you in
trouble so get a London Cab in East Bow and pick him up from the pub in North
Soho before anyone else does. DonÕt waste time getting there because there is
a time limit. After you pick him up, go to Northeast Bermondsey. Zel will
pass out on the way over. Once in Northeast Bermondsey, follow the yellow
arrow to a dock and park it there. Get out and use the Sweets Van to nudge
the London Cab off the dock. Nice One!

Phone in East Westminster
Answer the phone and youÕre told that ParkinsonÕs friend Sidney is in
the park planning a bank job. Harold wants part of it, so you need to take
care of Sidney. Go get a Sweets Van in East Chelsea for him. YouÕll be
picking up food in suitcases in different places around the city. You have a
time limit to pick up four suitcases. So, quickly go to Southwest Camden Town
and pick up some pie and mash. Then go to North Camden Town and pick up some
pickled eggs. Grab some Yorkshire pudding in North Soho. Then get some
Spotted Dick in West Camden Town. Take them all to SidneyÕs Royal Stretch in
Northeast Hyde Park and wait while he eats. When he is done he gives you the
leftovers. Take them to a building in Northwest Bow. Nice One!

Old Keith in South Angel
Midnight is getting cold feet about the planned Power Station Job. Go
see Old Keith in South Angel and he will tell you what to do. HeÕll tell you
that MidnightÕs best boy is in the Prince Albert Pub in Northwest Soho. Go
there and you will see him walking outside the building. Go up to him and
punch him. He tells you that Midnight wasnÕt planning on doing the job. He
says he is at the Power Station in East Battersea getting ready to leave. Go
there and stop him by stealing his car. Bring it back to the Power Station
and park it. Back away because it is going to blow and knock out power all
over the city. Now go back and follow the yellow arrow to kill Midnight. Nice

Double Decker in Southeast Chelsea
Since the power has been out, the boys have been doing a few bank
jobs. They need your help to get rides away from the banks. Go pick up the
Double Decker in Southeast Chelsea so you can pick them up at different banks
around the city. First is Fingers who is waiting for you in South Soho. Next
go pick up Lenny in Southeast City. Once Lenny is aboard, go get Terry in
Northeast City. Take all three of them to a garage in East Mile End. Nice

Three Beagle 3Õs in Northwest Bermondsey
Jack wants three Beagle 3Õs. You can get them at a dealer in
Northwest Bermondsey. Go there and steal the Beagle 3 on the far left of the
lot and take it to a garage in Northeast Bow. Go back and get the Beagle 3
that the yellow arrow is pointing to and then bring it back to the same
place. Just do this once more with the last Beagle 3, but this time take it
to a different garage in Southeast Chelsea. Nice One!

Phone in Northwest Bow
Answer the phone and youÕre told that an old mate of the Crisp Boys
is leaving court and he doesnÕt want the media involved. Go to Northwest
Westminster and help him out. Get there and he will tell you to get rid of
three reporters. Follow the yellow arrow around the city and blow up each
reporter in their car. Nice One!

Other Missions - These missions are available any time during the game.
Royal Stretch in North Chelsea
You will see the Royal Stretch parked in a parking lot in
plain sight. There is a man named Lucan in the back. He wants you to take him
to the local plastic surgeon in Southeast Soho. Nice One!

Missing Boy in a car in North Soho
He is in the Crapi North of St. James Square. You find out
that the boy in the car is Gary. He is hurt and the cops are after him. Take
him to a building in East Bow. Nice One!

Ranger in Northeast Brixton
You will see it parked in the grass on the Northwest side of
the Brixton Hospital. Get in the Ranger and drive into JehadsÕ Department
Store in Southwest Camden Town to blow up the place. Nice One!

After you have 100,000 points or more, go meet Jack Parkinson in a
building in Southeast Miles End.

C. London 3 - Chelsea Smile - 12 Missions

Northwest Bow Phones

Left Phone
Answer the phone and Jack tells you he wants to take control
of the market but a there is a gang that thinks theyÕre in control of the
market. You have to kill a few of the gang members. The first guy to kill is
in his car. Follow the yellow arrow to him and blow up his car. Then go to a
place in North Camden town and run over everyone there. After they are all
dead youÕre needed to blow up their hang out. Use a Crapi that is parked in
Northeast Chelsea. This car is stuffed full of bombs so carefully drive into
their garage in South Camden Town to blow it up. Now go to the side of the
building you just blew up and steal the Sweets Van parked there. Take the van
to a garage in East Mile End. Nice One!

Left Phone Part 2
Go to West Angel and meet the guy there. He tell you that
Jack wants to collect money from some traders at the market. Go there and
pick up some insurance money from a guy in Central Camden Town. Then move on
to see Arthur in Southeast Camden Town. He will call the cops on you so you
have to teach him some manners. Go to West Soho and pick up a Ferocious GTO
with some explosives in it. Take the car back to ArthurÕs place in Southeast
Camden Town and get out and walk up to his front door to blow up the place.
Now you can follow the yellow arrow around Camden Town and pick up some
briefcases. After you have collected all three briefcases, drop them off in a
garage in Southeast Mile End. Nice One!

Left Phone Part 3
Some specially made inflatable dolls with TNT that belong to
the mob have been stolen. You have to get them back. One doll has been
tracked down to Central Camberwell. When you get there you see that youÕre
too late, the doll has already exploded. There is another doll in Northwest
Camberwell. Go there and grab the suitcase and get back in your car then
quickly get back out so you donÕt die in the explosion. There is still
another doll traveling in a Sweets Van. Follow the yellow arrow to the van
and steal it. Bring the van to ColinÕs place in East Chelsea and park it.
Colin will get in the van and kill himself using the inflatable dolls! Nice

Middle Phone
Answer the phone and youÕre told that Jack wants to kill one
of his clients. First you need to pick up a suitcase of stuff you will need
for the job. The suitcase is waiting for you in Southwest Soho. Then get a
bus in West Brixton and go pick up this client in Southwest Southwark. Now
take him to a back alley in South Hyde Park where a few associates of this
client want to talk to him. Park the Jug Swinger right next to the road
blockers so the guys there can open fire on the bus to blow it up. After they
have exploded the bus, go to the other side of the building and get in the S-
Cart there. Bring the car to a garage in Central Mile End. Nice One!

Middle Phone Part 2
Go get the London Cab in Central City. There is a Beefeater
in there that owes Jack two grand, two ponies, and a monkey. He will tell you
how to steal the Crown Jewels so he can pay off his debts. Go to the Tower of
London in South Bow and talk to the guy standing there. He will tell you at
first that he is not going to help you. Punch him and he will agree to help
and will get in the cab. Now drive him to a garage in East Mile End. After
you drop him off, go get a Beagle 3 in West Mile End and go back to the Tower
of London and park where the yellow arrow is pointing. Get out of the car
because it is going to blow up the building! Now while everyone is
distracted, go to the back and take the jewels. Now get back to the garage in
East Mile End and watch out for the cops. Nice One!

Middle Phone Part 3
There are two big deliveries to the North City Bank. Jack
wants some bank notes, so follow the yellow arrow to a Sweets Van. Be quick,
you have a timer. Steal the van and then get out of it because it is going to
blow up. When you got in the van you stole the bank notes. Now go steal a
London Cab and take the notes to the crane in North Battersea. After you drop
off the cab, quickly head back to the road and steal a car to go get the next
shipment of notes before it reaches the North City Bank. Follow the yellow
arrow to the Sweets Van and steal it to get the notes. Once again get back
out of it before it explodes. Get a London Cab and take the bank notes to the
crane in North Battersea. Nice One!

Right Phone
Answer the phone and youÕre told that someone is messinÕ with
one of Albert CrispÕs favorite men. Jack is going to kidnap this guy. They
need your help to distract the police. To do this, go get a Flatbed truck in
West Soho. Take it to Big Ben in Southeast Westminster because you are going
to change the time! First you have to talk to the caretaker to find out how
to change the time. When you talk to him he says he canÕt tell you. To get
him to talk, punch him once. He will then tell you to go to the control panel
on the side of the tower. Go there and you will change the time. This will
force the Tour Buses to leave early. Now follow the yellow arrow to the
nearest Tour Bus. You are going to kidnap a bus of tourists to create a
diversion. Steal the Tour Bus and then go back to Big Ben in Southeast
Westminster to pick up some German tourists. Make sure all three of them get
on the bus and then you can take them all to a garage in West City. Nice One!

Right Phone Part 2
Now that the cops are looking for the German tourists, you
can steal a Royal Stretch that is leaving Buckingham Palace. You have to be
fast because you have a 45 second timer. Once you have caught up with the
Royal Stretch, steal it. YouÕre going to put out a ransom for the guy in the
back. Take him to a garage in Northeast Bow. Now you have to collect the
ransom money in Northeast Brixton. Grab the money and drop it off in East
Bermondsey. After you drop the money off you find out that the Mods stole
that guy for reward money. You have a 45 second timer to steal him back
before it is too late. Follow the yellow arrow to their Royal Stretch and
steal it. Drive the Royal Stretch to Buckingham Palace and collect the reward
money. Nice One!

Mission after Northwest Bow Phones
Jack is mad at some guy named Endeavor Chambers. Steal his Jug
Swinger which is parked in East Brixton. Now you find out that Hans Nemesis
has stolen an ICBM. You have to get it back. Follow the yellow arrow to the
big truck and steal it. When you get in the ICBM youÕre told that you only
have 75 seconds to get to a garage in Northwest Brixton before it explodes.
Look at your map and find the fastest way to get there. When you get to the
garage and drop off the ICBM, a bunch of guards show up. You have to shoot
your way out to get to your car which is close to where you are now. Use the
Rocket Launcher there to blow up their two limos which will also kill the
four guards standing in front of them. Then use any other weapon to kill the
two remaining guards outside the garage. Once you get out of there, follow
the yellow arrow to your car which is nearby. Now you have to stop Hans
Nemesis. He has hidden the two ICBM codes in two cars. Follow the yellow
arrow to a S-Cart first and then steal it. Then follow the yellow arrow to
the other car and steal it. Now you have both codes and can deactivate the
ICBM. Quickly go to West Brixton and get in the ICBM. Nice One!

Other Missions

Copper in Southwest Westminster
You will find the car parked by the road Southwest of
Westminster Abbey. The Crisp Twins need this car for a job. Take it to a
garage in Northeast City. Nice One!

Tanker in Central Bow
The Tanker is in the middle of the rectangle block in the
exact center of Bow along with an extra life. Once in the Tanker, follow the
yellow arrow to an intersection in Southwest City and park it there. Back off
because it is going to blow up. Nice One!

Ranger in Southwest Bermondsey
The Ranger is parked in the parking lot on the block to the
North of the farthest Southwest block in Bermondsey. Get in the Ranger and
bring it to a garage in Southwest City. Nice One!

After you have 200,000 points or more, go meet the Crisp Twins in
Northeast Bow.

D. London 4 - Dead Certainty - 12 Missions

West Angel Phones

Top Left Phone
Answer the phone and then go get a couple of Mynis for a big
job that the Crisp Twins are planning. The first one is in North Chelsea.
Bring it back to the garage in Northeast Bow and then go to East Bermondsey
and find the other Myni behind some buildings. Bring that one back to the
same garage in Northeast Bow. Now go to Northeast Bermondsey. The twins have
souped a Myni and they need you to test it out for them. When you get in, you
have a 40 seconds to drive around in the red Myni as fast as you can. Simply
go up and down the streets dodging cars for 40 seconds. If you did this
right, you will be told to test the armor on the other one. To do this, get
in the Sweets Van in Northeast Bermondsey and then get out. Stand where the
yellow arrow is pointing and you will blow up the van. Nice One!

Top Left Phone Part 2
Answer the phone in Southwest City and go to St. James Square
in Central Soho and disable the security cameras. You do this by putting down
suitcases with scramblers in them. Put the first one down and then follow the
yellow arrow to two more areas around St. James Square and put down the
scramblers. Then go get a Rocket Launcher right by the square and blow up the
tank. Now go get some goods in the center of the square. Follow the yellow
arrow and get in the Myni. Now go to Southwest Bow and drop off the goods.
Watch out for the cops on your way out. Nice One!

Top Right Phone
ArchieÕs MP associate is having some trouble with his
creditors. The mob doesnÕt like people hassling them, so youÕre going to
hassle the creditors. Pick up a call girl in a Royal Stretch parked in West
City. Take her to Southeast Mile End. Then they tell you that they want a
skanky girl because they donÕt want to use the classy one. Pick her up in
Northeast Mile End. YouÕre going to take her to one of the creditors hotel
rooms. He is married and theyÕre going to take a picture of him to teach him
not to mess with the mob. Take her to a garage in Central Camden Town. As
soon as you drop off the limo head South because you have a time limit to
kill another creditor who is heading to the Police Station. Now go pick up a
briefcase of money in South City. The last creditor is waiting for a
percentage of the money that he is actually owed. He is in a building in
Central Angel. Nice One!

Top Right Phone Part 2
The skanky girlÕs pimp Tony found out that the mob was using
her for bait. Now the pimp has kidnapped the classy girl. Go get the Royal
Stretch in West City and get her back. Bring her back to a garage in East
Mile End. The girl has been slapped around and Archie and Albert Crisp donÕt
like violence to women so you have to kill the pimpÕs associates. The first
pimp is in North City. The next guy is walking in Southeast City. The next
pimp is in Northwest City. After youÕve killed these guys youÕre told to
watch your back because Tony is pissed off. You will find Tony in Southwest
Angel. Now go get his Raver in Central Angel and bring it to the warehouse in
North Bermondsey. Nice One!

Bottom Left Phone
Albert bet on a soccer match and he is going to lose because
of the goalkeeper. You have to go down to the stadium in Southwest Southwark
and kill all of the players there. You have a 30 second timer once you enter
the stadium. It doesnÕt matter how many you kill. I went in there once and
only killed one player and still was able to continue with the mission. When
youÕre done you find out that a few got away. So follow the yellow arrow and
kill the remaining players. After youÕve killed the last player, you find out
that some guys have cornered a few of the mobÕs associates. Go to West
Battersea and save them by running over the guys in red. Nice One!

Bottom Left Phone Part 2
Albert said that Harold Cartwright has stolen some of their
products. One of HaroldÕs boys named Cyprus Phil will know where Harold is.
Cyprus is in Northeast City. He tells you a bunch of crap that isnÕt true so
youÕre told to kill him. Now youÕre going to go ask HaroldÕs sister Beryl
where he is. SheÕs in Central Soho. She lies to you too, so kill her. Archie
found out that Harold is trying to leave London in the back of his friends
car. Follow the yellow arrow to it and blow it up. Now that he has been dealt
with, you have to get the products back. TheyÕre in his car by his apartment.
Go get in the Locust and bring it to East Mile End. Nice One!

Bottom Right Phone
Answer the phone and then go see Terry Dorkins in North
Southwark. Terry tells you that the Crisp Twins have run out of patience with
Lenny Smith and his clowns. Go get a Royal Pain tank in Southwest Southwark
and blow up everything in their compound in South Southwark. This is fairly
easy because the tank has a lot of armor. Simply use the cannon to blow up
the Tanker and the vans and run over the guys on foot. Nice One!

Bottom Right Phone Part 2
Terry heard about some of LennyÕs boys. The mob wants them
dead. First go see Terry in West Bermondsey. Terry tells you that you have to
poison some food that is going to one of LennyÕs clowns. Steal the food
delivery van within 40 seconds before it gets to him. Now go behind ArchieÕs
warehouse in West Brixton and get the poison. Now take it to the restaurant
in North Brixton. Now go back to West Bermondsey and talk to Terry again.
HeÕll tell you where LennyÕs boy, Gerald is. Terry tells you that Gerald is
at home in South Camberwell. Go steal his car and take it to the Bomb shop in
East Brixton and bring it back. Watch Gerald blow himself up. Nice One!

Bottom Right Phone Part 3
You are going to kill Lenny. Go see Terry once again in
Southwest Bermondsey. Terry tells you that LennyÕs brother Reg is in
Northeast Southwark. Go beat him up and heÕll tell you where Lenny is. Just
punch him and Reg will tell you that Lenny is on the roof of his place in
Central Southwark. Go there and go up the stairs to find him. Lenny tells you
that Crisp Twins want you dead. He suggests that you and him team up and kill
the Crisp Twins. This isnÕt true though, kill him. Nice One!

Other Missions

Royal Pain in Northwest Bow
Get in the tank and take it to the CrispsÕ place in North
Westminster. Nice One!

Sweets Van in Northwest Southwark
The van is in the farthest Northwest area of Southwark near
the river. Get in the van and take it to a garage in North City. Nice One!

Double Decker in Southeast Hyde Park
The bus is in the lot in the farthest Southeast area of Hyde
Park. Get in the bus and take it to a garage in Southeast City. Nice One!

After you have earned 300,000 points or more, this is what you got to
do. Albert and Archie Crisp think that you are going to kill them. TheyÕre
both in their car which is a Crapi. The Crapi is different than the others in
color. It is a light green color with a black hood. You have to blow it up.
You may have problems with this because you follow the red arrow and there is
nothing to blow up. That is because thatÕs where the car started. No matter
how long you wait to follow the red arrow to Northeast Mile End, you should
always see the light green Crapi just leaving the starting point when you get
there. That is the car you need to blow up to win. If you are still having
trouble and canÕt find their car, I have a map that shows the path of their
Just drive around on the blue line and you should find them. They start at
the blue dot and go in the direction of the yellow arrows. Once you find
them, blow up their car. YouÕve Won!

IX. Secret Guides

You will need a map to follow my directions to find theses secrets
(see Chapter III above).

A. London 1 - Boys Will Be Thieves - 0 Secrets

B. London 2 - Mods and Sods - 7 Secrets

Northwest Southwark
Type: Tank Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is sitting between the buildings in the farthest Northwest
area in Southwark.

North Bermondsey
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: From the big parking lot in Northwest Bermondsey, head Northeast
towards the river and you should see some brown boxes. The crate is right
next to those boxes.

Southeast Camberwell
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in the middle of the park in the Southeast corner of

South Angel
Type: Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in the middle of the building North of the North City Bomb

South Westminster
Type: Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in the big lot next to the river in South Westminster. It
is to the south of the East/West four-lane highway in South Westminster.

Southeast Brixton
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: On the South side of the huge block that covers all of South
Brixton you will see the crate. The crate is in between two bushes North of
the East/West four-lane highway.

Southwest Soho
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is North of the National Gallery in Northwest Westminster. It
is on the grass inside the walls in the Southwest Soho. The entrance to get
inside the walls is on the North side of the block.

C. London 3 - Chelsea Smile - 7 Secrets

Northeast Hyde Park
Type: Tank Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is right at the T intersection in the road in Northeast Hyde

Northeast Bermondsey
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: The crate is at the docks in Northeast Bermondsey.

North Chelsea
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is sitting in an alley in far North Chelsea. The alley is in
the block that is North of the East/West four lane highway in North Chelsea.

Northeast City
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in the center of the farthest Northeast building in City.

Central Westminster
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is within the gates at Buckingham Palace. The entrance to the
palace is on the South side of the palace.

Southeast Bow
Type: Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in far Southeast Bow in the area with grass right next to
the city border.

Southwest Southwark
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is within the walls in the big open green field in Southwest
Southwark. The entrance to the field is on the South side of the walls.

D. London 4 - Dead Certainty - 7 Secrets

Southeast Bow
Type: Tank Kill Frenzy
How to find: The tank is sitting in Southeast Bow right on the border of the
city in the grass.

Central Brixton
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: Go to the Bomb Shop in East Brixton. From there, go West on the
four lane highway and go South on the third road that goes that way. Once
youÕre going South, take the first road that goes West. When you get to the
North/South intersection, go past it through the alley into the middle of the
building complex. While in the middle of the block, go North to the North
section of the block. You will see the crate there.

North Southwark
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: Look on your map in North Southwark. Find the four small
buildings all next to each other. The crate is in the middle of the building
that is second from the right.

West Brixton
Type: Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
How to find: This is the easiest way to describe how to find this secret:
From the Bomb shop in West Brixton, head South on the two lane road. When you
get to the East/West intersection, go West. Almost immediately you will see
the road turns into a darker color. DonÕt go in there. Instead, go off road
to the North and you will see the crate.

Southwest City
Type: Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
How to find: The crate is in the big long block in South City. It is in the
West section of the block.

South Bow
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: The crate is within the walls of the Tower of London. Go in the
entrance on the South side of the building and you will see the crate.

West Westminster
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is within the gates of Buckingham Palace. Enter on the South
side of Buckingham Palace. The crate is in the West Section of the palace.

X. Copyright and Credits

This FAQ: The Playstation Grand Theft Auto London 1969 Guide, was
written by Gavin Ripley. It is intended for personal use and may not be sold
or widely distributed. You may be able to put this FAQ on your site ONLY if
you get MY permission by e-mail: But, you may only put it
on your site with my permission. If you do get my permission, you may not
make any changes without consulting me first. Please feel free to send any
comments or any corrections to me:


FAQ Author -- Gavin Ripley ( (URL:
Gameshark Codes -- Gameshark Code Creators Club (
Thanks to Rockstar Games for such an excellent GTA add-on.

This Document © 1999 Gavin Ripley

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