Dragon Valor

Dragon Valor

24.09.2013 11:03:40

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Dragon Valor FAQ/Walkthrough / version 1.6 / January 22th 2001
Written by Split Infinity


Version 1.6 (Monday, January 22nd, 2001)

- Legal Info section has been updated with three more websites that were
granted permission to use this FAQ
- Secrets section has been updated (added 'Gallery pictures' section)
- added better strategies for Volef and Clovis boss fights
- added some more info on Titan and Vappula boss fights
- fixed Scorpion info
- FAQ sections finally got some 'inhabitants'

Version 1.5 (Sunday, January 21st, 2001)

- walkthru for route 3 is now finished! I am happy to inform you that
Walkthrough section now contains all info you could wish to find
- Character bios section has been completed
- Family tree section has been completed
- Magic, Enemies, Items, Hazards section have been completed
That's it, gals and guys. I have finished this humongous FAQ. Whilst I can't
find anything else to cover in my FAQ, I will now dedicate some time to
proofread this FAQ and correct spelling mistakes and whatnot.
Think that I haven't covered an important aspect, have suggestions on how to
improve my FAQ, have a piece of useful info? Please send e-mails to:
That's it for this update. See you in my next FAQ... whatever that will be...

Version 1.4 (Saturday, January 20th, 2001)

- walkthru section almost finished; today I added Chapters 2 and 3 of route 1
- 6 new entries in Family tree section
- 8 new entries in character bios section
- revised all available shops and marked recommended buys, trades or sells
That's it for this update. Expect finished walkthru section tomorrow.

Version 1.3 (Sunday, January 14th, 2001)

- 1 more enemy description added
- walkthru for 'Story of a Dragon Valor', route 2 is finished!
- now that I've beat the game 3 times already with different characters, I was
able to update 'Secrets' section
- for easier search I numbered sections of walkthru more specifically
- added small note at start of chapters containing info which character you
control and sword he/she is armed with
- 'Magic' section has been updated and is now finished!

Version 1.2 (Saturday, January 13th, 2001)

- 2 more enemy descriptions added
- added walkthru for 3 dungeons in chapter 5 of route 2
- 2 new entries in Family Tree section
- added better strategy for fighting Hellfire and Inferno
That's it for this update. Sorry for not including more info, but I have been
busy with some other things. I promise I'll finish route 2 walkthru tomorrow.

Version 1.1 (Tuesday, January 9th, 2001)

- small fixes in character bios section
- more magic entries added
- walkthru for 'Story of a Dragon Valor', route 3 is finished!
- walkthru added up to chapter 4 (for game route 2)
- walkthru added up to chapter 2 (for game route 1)
- new entries in Family Tree section
- more enemy decriptions added
- 5 more character bios added

Version 1.03 (Sunday, January 7th, 2001)

- 7 more character bios added
- more magic entries added
- 22 more enemy descriptions added
- walkthru added up to chapter 5 (for game route No. 3)
- 6 more entries in Family Tree section
- completely revamped walkthru section
- 4 more hazards added to 'Hazards' section
- fixed one mistake and added new technique in Sword Techniques section
- 3 more item descriptions added
- ASCII art for title of this FAQ has been sent to me (see Credits)

Version 1.02 (Saturday, January 6th, 2001)

- 3 more character bios added
- few more magic info added
- added some more items (Horn, Bracelet, Scroll)
- 8 more enemy descriptions added
- walkthru added up to Chapter 3 (for game route No. 3)
- 2 more entries in Family Tree section
- added a note on how this walkthru will be written at the start of Walkthru
- decided to shorten few items' names
---> Small Health potion will now be referred to as 'health'
---> Large Health potion will now be referred to as 'S health'
---> Small Magic potion will now be referred to as 'magic'
---> Large Magic potion will now be referred to as 'S magic'
- added 'Hazards' section

Version 1.01 (Friday, January 5th, 2001)

- more character bios added
- more enemy descriptions added
- 'Family Tree of Dragon Valor' section added
- fixed and finished items section
- some minor fixes in Magic section
- added a secret about 3 different routes thru the game
- walkthru added up to Chapter 2 (for game route No. 3)
- remade some of the walkthru for Prologue

Version 1.0 (Wednesday, January 3rd, 2001):

Very first version of this FAQ. After having the game for 4 days and noticing
that no FAQs for this game exist yet, I decided to write one myself.
Before you proceed with reading this FAQ, please take some time to read Legal
Information section. Remember, it's not nice to steal other people's work.
Tomorrow I will write the walkthru for Chapter 1.

Note: Latest versions of this FAQ will always be found on GameFAQs.


1. Revision history / Updates

2. You're reading this right now.

3. Legal information (Read!)

4. Story, Characters and other tidbits...

a) Story
b) Characters
c) Controlling your character
d) Title / Game / Menu / Map / Save / Game Over / Gallery Screen
e) Magic
f) Items
g) Enemies
h) Hazards

5. Walkthrough

---> 'Story of a Dragon Valor', route 1

I. Prologue: Dragon Valor
A001: Brize Forest

II. Chapter 1: Avenger
A002: Raxis Border
A003: Shop 01
A004: The Ruins of the Prison
A005: Shop 02
A006: The Border Fortress
A007: Raxis City
A008: Shop 03
A009: The Underground Passage
A010: The Road to Raxis Castle
A011: Raxis Castle (Entrance 1)
A012: Raxis Castle (Entrance 2)
A013: Tower of the Alchemist
A014: Shop 04
A015: The Catacombs

III. Chapter 2: The Renegade Knights

A016: The Castle of East Raxis
A017: The Cavern of Falayd
A018: Shop 05
A019: Highlands of Dett
A020: Shop 06
A021: The Alkemia Garrison
A022: The Execution Grounds
A023: Shop 07
A024: The Great Fortress
A025: Shop 08
A026: The Glacier

IV. Chapter 3: The Demonic Minister

A027: The Underground Arena
A028: Zomas Estate
A029: Shop 09
A030: The Mountain Passage
A031: Shop 10
A032: The Ruins of Jirat
A033: Galia Desert
A034: Shop 11
A035: Jirat Castle
A036: Shop 12
A037: Zomas Estate

V. Chapter 4: Minion of the Ancient Dragon

A038: The Ruins of Saldo
A039: Shop 13
A040: Beneath the Ruins
A041: The Deepest Place
A042: Shop 14
A043: Verea Mountain
A044: Shop 15
A045: The Fortress City of Verea
A046: Shop 16
A047: Passage to the Demon's Lair
A048: The Force Field
A049: The Demon's Lair

VI. Chapter 5: Resurrection of the Evil Dragon

A050: The Ruins of Raxis City
A051: The Ruins of Raxis Castle
A052: Passage to the Underworld
A053: Shop 17
A054: Entrance to the Underworld
A055: Shop 18
A056: City of Demons
A057: Shop 19
A058: Forest of Monsters
A059: Shop 20
A060: The Dungeons of Eternity

---> 'Story of a Dragon Valor', route 2

I. Prologue: Dragon Valor
B001: Brize Forest

II. Chapter 1: Avenger
B002: Raxis Border
B003: Shop 01
B004: The Ruins of the Prison
B005: Shop 02
B006: The Border Fortress
B007: Raxis City
B008: Shop 03
B009: The Underground Passage
B010: The Road to Raxis Castle
B011: Raxis Castle (Entrance 1)
B012: Raxis Castle (Entrance 2)
B013: Tower of the Alchemist
B014: Shop 04
B015: The Catacombs

III. Chapter 2: Berserker
B016: The Pirate Ship
B017: Kadeli Canal
B018: Shop 05
B019: Kadeli City
B020: The Abandoned Mine
B021: Shop 06
B022: Linton Forest
B023: Clovis' Fortress
B024: Shop 07
B025: The Highlands of Linton
B026: Shop 08
B027: Beneath the Volcano

IV. Chapter 3: The Evil Dragon
B028: The Boat Deck
B029: Paley Island Beach
B030: Shop 09
B031: The Rainforest
B032: Shop 10
B033: The Village of Shamans
B034: Shop 11
B035: Heart of the Rainforest
B036: The Ruins of Paley
B037: Shop 12
B038: Onboard the Jirat Ship

Chapter 4: Minion of the Ancient Dragon
B039: The Ruins of Saldo
B040: Shop 13
B041: Beneath the Ruins
B042: The Deepest Place
B043: Shop 14
B044: Verea Mountain
B045: Shop 15
B046: The Fortress City of Verea
B047: Shop 16
B048: Passage to the Demon's Lair
B049: The Force Field
B050: The Demon's Lair

Chapter 5: Ressurection of the Evil Dragon
B051: The Ruins of Raxis City
B052: The Ruins of Raxis Castle
B053: Passage to the Underworld
B054: Shop 17
B055: Entrance to the Underworld
B056: Shop 18
B057: City of Demons
B058: Shop 19
B059: Forest of Monsters
B060: Shop 20
B061: The Dungeons of Eternity

---> 'Story of a Dragon Valor', route 3

I. Prologue: Dragon Valor
C001: Brize Forest

II. Chapter 1: Avenger
C002: Raxis Border
C003: Shop 01
C004: The Ruins of the Prison
C005: Shop 02
C006: The Border Fortress
C007: Raxis City
C008: Shop 03
C009: The Underground Passage
C010: The Road to Raxis Castle
C011: Raxis Castle (Entrance 1)
C012: Raxis Castle (Entrance 2)
C013: Tower of the Alchemist
C014: Shop 04
C015: The Catacombs

III. Chapter 2: Berserker
C016: The Pirate Ship
C017: Kadeli Canal
C018: Shop 05
C019: Kadeli City
C020: The Abandoned Mine
C021: Shop 06
C022: Linton Forest
C023: Clovis' Fortress
C024: Shop 07
C025: The Highlands of Linton
C026: Shop 08
C027: Beneath the Volcano

IV. Chapter 3: The Dragon Worshippers
C028: Western Kadeli
C029: Shop 09
C030: The Saldo Border
C031: Shop 10
C032: Saldo Town
C033: The Heathen Cathedral
C034: Shop 11
C035: The Cathedral Crypt
C036: Beneath the Ruins
C037: Shop 12
C038: The Deepest Place

V. Chapter 4: Minion of the Ancient Dragon
C039: Sorcerer's Keep
C040: Shop 13
C041: Galia Desert
C042: Shop 14
C043: The Ancient Ruins of Jirat
C044: Verea Mountain
C045: Shop 15
C046: The Fortress City of Verea
C047: Shop 16
C048: Passage to the Demon's Lair
C049: The Force Field
C050: The Demon's Lair

VI. Chapter 5: Ressurection of the Evil Dragon
C051: The Ruins of Raxis City
C052: The Ruins of Raxis Castle
C053: Passage to the Underworld
C054: Shop 17
C055: Entrance to the Underworld
C056: Shop 18
C057: City of Demons
C058: Shop 19
C059: Forest of Monsters
C060: Shop 20
C061: The Dungeons of Eternity (comprised of three parts)

6. Family Tree of Dragon Valor
I. 'Story of a Dragon Valor', route 1
II. 'Story of a Dragon Valor', route 2
III. 'Story of a Dragon Valor', route 3

7. Frequently Asked Questions

8. Secrets

9. Credits

10. Contact Info

11. Future Plans


A) This FAQ can appear on the following site(s):

- GameFAQs [www.gamefaqs.com]
- PSX codes [www.psxcodez.com]
- Neoseeker [www.neoseeker.com]
- RPG Dreamers [www.rpgdreamers.com] or [rpg.rpgdreamer.com]

Webmasters of all these sites have been granted permission to post this FAQ on
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Therefore I ask you to check www.gamefaqs.com for possible updates of this

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Why GameFAQs? Because I said so. To clear up some confusion, you can not link
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Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright of their
respective companies. I am in no way affiliated with Namco or any other
companies that were/are involved with this game.

This document is © 2001 Split Infinity
All rights reserved


a) Story

In the past huge beasts troubled the mankind. These beasts were known as...
dragons. The legend went that only a magic sword of Dragon Valor can slay a
dragon... it was only the legend... but, sometimes the legend can come true...

(Because I intend this walkthru to be spoiler-free (except for Characters
section, where I will mark SPOILER!), I will not include any info on story
progression as you journey thru this adventure - except for what you get to
know in first five minutes of the game...)

b) Characters

Note: This section contains SPOILERS about character cast in Dragon Valor, so
do not read further if you don't want any info on characters.
Further note: Some characters are encountered in more than one storyline. I
will make 2 character bios for such chracters.

1. Clovis
First Dragon Valor you get to control. His motives for slaying dragons feed on
his hatred for dragons, because one of them killed his sister, Elena.

2. Elena
Clovis's sister. Very dear to him, but unfortunately was killed by one of wild
dragons. Her death is one of main motives for Clovis to rid this world of

3. Carolina
Inventor girl in Raxis city. Her father was executed by Azale Knights because
he didn't want to create a weapon for them. She meets Clovis after being
rescued from some thugs at Raxis border.

4. Volef
Head of Azale Knights. Keeps Raxis princess Celia in custody for his own
selfish reasons. Volef's power is supposedly fueled by dragon magic.

5. Celia
Raxis's princess. Not really liked by the people because of her personality.

6. Raimun
Power Ranger wannabe. He got his power from renegade dragon, whom is being
followed by Clovis. Raimun built his alchemist tower nearby Raxis Castle,
where he is performing foul experiments.

7. Kodel
Son of Clovis and Carolina. Though taught in swordsmanship, Codel never wanted
to be a dragon slayer. Instead he started to steal pirate's treasures.

8. Robert
Head honcho of one of pirate bands, Fannah's father. Runs into Kodel when he
tried to steal Robert's sword (which in fact belonged to Clovis). What is the
connection between Clovis and Robert?

9. Fannah
Robert's daughter. She's been a prisoner (sorta... I bet Robert was tired of
her yappin') on Robert's ship and resued by Kodel. Is she destined to cross
her way with a Dragon Valor?

10. Gerome
Kodel's adopted son. Taught in swordsmanship by Kodel. He became a famous
thief, until one day he heard of a mysterious cult, who supposedly had much-o
treasure. During his adventure he will meet a woman...

11. Halfas
One of Dahaka's minions. He first met Gerome on Saldo border. Now wants to
test his skills in a battle against Gerome's skills. It seems to me that his
only interest is in finding skilled Dragon Valor who will kill him.

12. Dahaka
Supposedly king of dragons. His minions try to revive him, but what are their
true reasons for even trying to do it? Halfas seems he doesn't care about it,
Krassel is power hungry, Vappula is plain stupid...

13. Sarah
Woman from Village of Magicians. Her village was burnt down by Dahaka Cult.
She was about to be sacrificed, when she was saved by Gerome.

14. Anita
Daughter of Gerome and Sarah. She became an exorcist. She was the best of them
all, until one day she was requested to purge Raxis Castle of the demons.

15. Vappula
One of Dahaka's minions, working together with Halfas and Krassel (at least he
thinks so). When he runs into Dragon Valor, his life is forfeit... but it
isn't Dragon Valor who will judge Vappula's life...

16. Krassel
One of Dahaka's minions. Is his intention of reviving Dahaka only to gain
Dahaka's power all for himself?

17. Calvin
Captain of the ship, on which Phillip works as a sailor.

18. Phillip
Very skilled sailor. One day his ship was attacked by one of dragons. Whilst
battling them, he was pushed into the sea. He washed up on island named Paley,
where his destiny as Dragon Valor will be shaped...

19. Jeanne
Route 1 bio:
Princess of Jirat. She was used as a bate by Zomas, so that Zomas could obtain
magic sword Azos. After this event kingdom of Jirat was troubled by demons, so
Jeanne sets out to find another magic sword...
Route 2 bio:
Princess of Jirat. Her kingdom is attacked by a dragon. Only weapon effective
against the dragon is a magic sword, therefore she sets out to find one. Will
she be lucky on Paley Island?

20. Vilherm
Route 1 bio:
Jeanne's trusted knight. Aids Felippe in search for a magic sword.
Route 2 bio:
Jeanne's trusted knight. Aids her in search for a magic sword.

21. Maseo
Village chief in Village of Shamans. His role was to tell Phillip of how
Dragon Valors and magic swords are connected...

22. Mihael
Route 1 bio:
After his sister mysteriously disappears, Mihael firmly decides to find her.
During his travels he hears rumors about a mysterious person appearing near
the ruined Raxis castle...
Route 2 bio:
Anna's twin brother, child of Phillip and Jeanne. They were living in peace,
until one day magic sword Azos was stolen. Mihael sets out on a search for
stolen sword together with Vilherm...

23. Anna
Route 1 bio:
One day Anna and Vilherm go on a search for another magic sword. They heard
rumors about a magic sword being buried in Saldo ruins...
Route 2 bio:
Mihael's twin sister. After not receiving any news about her brother, she sets
out to find him. Will she succeed in her quest?

24. Grusamseus
Strange sorcerer living in Verea city. Would like to join Dahaka's side, but
he needs to prove himself first. A magic sword would be perfect...

25. Arlen
His mother Celia is kidnapped by a mysterious black knight from Alkemia
kingdom. He sets out on a search to rescue her from certain doom.

26. Lodonya
Volef's son. Clovis was responsible for Volef's death, therefore Lodonya seeks
revenge. Death of Clovis' son Arlen would be sufficient to satisfy Lodonya's
thirst for revenge.

27. Shalya
Leader of West Raxis Liberation Army. She rescued Arlen when he fell from a
high cliff. Has a plan on how to rescue Arlen's mother, Celia.

28. Franco
One of Shalya's sidekicks.

29. Simon
One of Shalya's sidekicks.

30. Zomas
Minister of Jirat. His greed to become dragon halfling led him to perform
unspeakable act: using princess Jeanne as bait he obtained magic sword, which
he handed over to Krassel. But will Krassel keep his promise?

31. Felippe
Entered Jirat's competition in swordsmanship to find a swordsman equal in
skills. Sacrificed his magic sword to rescue Jeanne's life. He is now
searching for his lost sword, but will he succeed?

c) Controlling your character

I. First, let's take a look at controls...

1. Directional buttons: Move character left, right, up, down. Also used for
directing your jumps. Moves the cursor in Status screen.
2. Square button: Press this button to swing your sword. Press the button 3
times for 3 consecutive slashes. Confirms your choices in Status screen.
3. X button: Used for jumping. The longer you keep button pressed, the higher
you will jump. While in midair, press X button again to perform 2xjump. Also
used for confirming your choices in Status screen and confirming your
responses in dialogues.
4. Circle button: Used for Magic attacks. While in Status screen, press this
button to return to game screen.
5. Triangle button: Used to access Status screen.
6 . L1/L2 buttons: Hold either one down while pressing directional buttons to
7. R1/R2 buttons: Hold either one down while pressing directional buttons to
crouch and move while crouching.
8. No button input: Your character will guard against physical attacks from
front. Character cannot guard against magic attacks, special attacks and
physical attacks from behind.

II. Sword (and other) Techniques

1. Sword Swing(s)
Press Square button once to swing your sword. Press Square button up to 3
times for 3 consecutive blows.

2. Charged Sword Swing
Hold Square button for a second. Your sword will start to glow. Release Square
button for a powerful Charged Sword Swing. Different characters may have
different Charged Sword Technique.

3. Jumping Slash
Press X button to jump. While in midair, press X button again to perform
2xjump. Anytime during the jump you can press Square button to perform Jumping

4. Upward Stab
Press either R1/R2 to crouch. Wait for the enemy to get close. Press X button
to perform Upward Slash. This technique is especially useful against flying

5. Hammer Blow No. 1
Press X button to jump. While in midair, press either R1/R2 to have your
character strike the ground with sword placed horizontally.

6. Hammer Blow No. 2
Press X button twice to 2xjump. While in midair, press either R1/R2 to strike
the ground with your sword placed vertically. When the strike lands, you will
release a small circular shockwave, damaging nearby enmies.

7. Single or Double Slash, followed by Forward Slash
Press Square button once (or twice) to perform single (or double) slash.
Whilst your character is in motion of swinging the sword for first (or second)
slash, press either L1/L2 button and press Square button again to finish this
Sword Technique with Forward Slash.

8. Single or Double Slash, followed by Upward Slash
Press Square button once (or twice) to perform single (or double) slash.
Whilst your character is in motion of swinging the sword for first (or second)
slash, press either R1/R2 button and press Square button again to finish this
Sword Technique with Upward Slash.

9. Backflip (2xBackflip)
In case you're chopping up some enemies, but need to get away quickly, do the
following: Press Square button once (or twice) to do Single (or Double) Slash,
but then press X button to perform a Backflip, which will take you out of
harms way. During a Backflip you're invincible. Backflip can be turned into
2xBackflip if you press X button for second time.

10. Single or Double Slash -> Backflip -> Jumpkick combo
Press Square button once or twice to perform Single/Double Slash. Immediately
press X button only *once* to perform Backflip. While backflipping press
Square button and your character will perform a Jumpkick when character comes
out of Backflip motion.

11. Mowing Slash
Press R1/R2 to crouch. Press Square button to swing your sword very close to
the ground, so called Mowing Slash. Useful for enemies that are very small
(for example, Eyefuls and Starfish).

12. 'Go away' Slash
Press R1/R2 to crouch. Hold directional button so that you will face your
enemy. While crouching and holding directional button press Square button to
swing your sword upwards. This will knock your enemy off feet and send him to
the ground few feet away from you.

13. 'Poor' Slash
Sometimes you'll get fatigued (you will know this by your character who will
be kneeling and moving really slow). During this time all you can do is a
Single Slash by pressing Square button.

14. Dashing Slash
Press either L1/L2 to dash. While dashing, press Square button once to perform
Dashing Slash.

15. Forward Thrust
Press either L1/L2 to dash. While dashing, press either R1/R2 to perform
Forward Thrust.

16. Special Sword Technique
Be careful with this. By pressing Square and X buttons at the same time your
character will perform Special Sword Technique (one full circle single sword
slash, followed by an upward stab). Although powerful, this technique has two
- it eats up five HP
- your character is fatigued for a while

17. Guarding
Face your enemy. Do not press any buttons. If enemy attacks you physically,
your character will guard.
Attacks you cannot guard against:
- physical attacks from behind
- magical attacks of any sort

d) Title / Game / Status / Map / Save / Game Over / Gallery Screen

I. Title Screen

You can watch intro movie or press Start to skip it. You will land in Title
Screen. You have following options:

1. New Game
Select this option to start a new game.

2. Load Game
Select this option to load previously saved game.

3. Configuration
Select this option to set the game options, which are: Controller Setup,
Adjust Screen and Audio Setup.

II. Game Screen

Let's explain how you should treat Game Screen.

1. In upper left corner you'll see a black box, which is empty for now. When
you obtain magic tomes (to be able to cast magic), it is here where your
chosen magic will be shown. You can only use one magic at a time.

2. To the right are HP and MP gauges. HP gauge decreases as you take damage.
MP gauge decreases as you cast magic spells. Increase the gauges by picking up
(or buying in some cases) correspondent vials: health potions for HP and magic
potions for MP.
You can also *increase* MAX HP/MP by finding (or buying in some cases) items
that increase the amount of MAX HP/MP.

3. In upper right corner there is another black box which pops up every time
you pick up an item, be it money, vials, whatever.

4. As you're fighting your enemies, you can see how much energy they have
remaining by looking at the health bar in the lower left corner. When the
health bar of an enemy is empty, that enemy is dead.

5. And lastly, sometimes you will see a black box showing info on number of
enemies. This signifies that you have to kill that many enemies in order to be
able to proceed to the next room.

III. Status Screen

1. In upper left corner you will see a black box where your selected magic is

2. To the right are HP/MP gauges.

3. In the upper right corner you can see current character's name and

4. Under HP/MP gauges are two boxes showing your current attack and defense
power. Both can be increased by finding correspondent items: Gems for attack
and Talismans for defense.

5. Under Attack/Defense stats you can confirm what magic spells you have found
so far. When cursor is placed over one of the magics, you can read short
description of what the spell does and its cost in MP. You can find eight
magic spells in total. Each spell has three levels of effect, with last being
the greatest. To increase their levels of effect, you'll have to find more
tomes of certain color.

6. To the right you will see 16 boxes. Inside these items you can collect will
appear. Place the cursor over an item to read its description.

7. And lastly, in the lower right corner you can confirm your current amount
of money.

IV. Map Screen

When you finish a level, Map screen will be shown.
- In upper left corner you can see at which chapter of the story you're
currently at.
- In lower right corner you will see three options: Move, Status and Save
(Save will be explained below).
1. Select Move command to see your next available destinations. Select desired
destination and your character will walk to it.
2. Select Status command to be taken to Status screen.
3. Select Save command to be taken to Save screen.

V. Save Screen

Saving in Dragon Valor takes 1 memory card block per 1 save. When Save screen
is accessed, wait a bit for the game to check available space on Memory Card.
When prompted, select an empty slot and press X button to save your game.
Note: Should you choose to save over previously saved Dragon Valor file, you
will be asked if you wish to overwrite. Select Yes to overwrite, or select No
if you choose not to overwrite.
When saving is complete, press X button once again to be taken back to Map
Note: Game will also prompt you to save between chapters.

VI. Game Over Screen

Your game is over when your HP gauge is depleted. You are given the option to
continue your game. If you select yes, you will continue your game as
1. If you die before the boss, you will restart at the entrance to the
2. If you die during the boss battle, you will restart at the start of boss
In both cases your HP/MP gauges will be filled completely. 50 val will be
deducted from amount of money you had when you died.

However, if you choose not to continue, you are then given the option of
saving your current game progress. Select Yes to save, or No to be returned to
Title Screen.

VII. Gallery Screen

L1 will show previous image.
R1 will show next image.
Triangle will enlarge currently viewed image. Press again to shrink to
original size.
X will return you to Title screen.
Directional buttons will move currently viewed enlarged image.

e) Magic

In Dragon Valor you can find 8 different spells. Spell is learned when you
obtain a colored book, called Tome. These are:

1. Green Tome --> Heal magic
Lv 1 Heal magic: Recovers HP. Spell recovers 25 HP. (MP cost: 10)
Lv 2 Heal magic: Spell recovers 35 HP and damages undead. Finally a weapon
with which you can damage Skeletons, Ghouls and other undead enemies. (MP
cost: 12)
Lv 3 Heal magic: Spell recovers 45 HP and deals twice as much damage as before
to undead. (MP cost: 14)

2. Red Tome --> Fire magic
Lv 1 Fire magic: Fireball attack or ignite devices. Casting this spell will
launch a single fireball in direction you're facing. Spell is also used to
ignite some devices you will find in the dungeons. (MP cost: 3)
Lv 2 Fire magic: Destructive power of fireball is increased. Now conjures
bigger fireball. (MP cost: 3)
Lv 3 Fire magic: Now conjures biggest and most powerful fireball. (MP cost: 4)

3. Orange Tome --> Thunder magic
Lv 1 Thunder magic: Thunder attack or electrify devices. Once you cast this
spell, single thunder ball will hover in the air. It will explode after enemy
gets close or after certain time limit. Spell is also used to electrify some
devices you will find in the dungeons. (MP cost: 6)
Lv 2 Thunder magic: You can now cast two thunder balls. (MP cost: 7)
Lv 3 Thunder magic: You can now cast four thunder balls. (MP cost: 8)

4. Grey Tome --> Stealth magic
Lv 1 Stealth magic: Invisibility deters enemy attacks. Invisibility is
nullified when you attack. (MP cost: 8)
Lv 2 Stealth magic: Invisibility time is extended. Invisibility is not
nullified when you attack. (MP cost: 10)
Lv 3 Stealth magic: Invisibility time is extended even further. (MP cost: 12)

5. Yellow Tome --> Defense magic
Lv 1 Defense magic: Increases defense and weapon range. (MP cost: 3)
Lv 2 Defense magic: Defense and weapon range are increased even more. (MP
cost: 4)
Lv 3 Defense magic: Weapon range is increased even more. (MP cost: 5)

6. Blue Tome --> Ice magic
Lv 1 Ice magic: Ice attack or freeze flame platforms. Casting the spell causes
several seconds lasting ice damage to enemies. Spell is also used to freeze
flame platforms you will come across in several dungeons. (MP cost: 3)
Lv 2 Ice magic: Ice blast does more damage and freezes enemies. (MP cost: 4)
Lv 3 Ice magic: Ice blast does even more damage. (MP cost: 5)

7. Black Tome: Mine magic
Lv 1 Mine magic: Controlled Mine attack. Press and hold Circle button. Press
directional buttons to direct your mine to the place where you want it to
explode. (MP cost: 4)
Lv 2 Mine magic: 2 controlled Mine attacks. Same as above. (MP cost: 4)
LV 3 Mine magic: 3 controlled Mine attacks. Same as above. (MP cost: 5)

8. Violet Tome: Vortex magic
Lv 1 Vortex magic: Controlled enemy entrapment. Press and hold Circle button.
Use directional buttons to move the vortex to the enemy you wish to trap. (MP
cost: 5)
Lv 2 Vortex magic: Controlled enemy entrapment. Same as above, except that now
the time enemy is trapped is extended plus enemy is damaged while trapped in
the vortex. (MP cost: 6)
Lv 3 Vortex magic: Enemy entrapment time is extended even more. (MP cost: 7)

f) Items

Items can be collected during your adventures. Some general tips:

- Search everywhere! Behind trees, behind pillars, behind fences, behind
anything. You never know where to find something useful.
- Kill as many enemies as you can! Many enemies drop useful items like val or
Gems, so it is in your best interest to chop as many as you can.

I. Items that appear under Items section in Status screen:

1. Gem: Increases attack power.
2. Chalice: Increases MAX HP by 8.
3. Pendant: Increases MAX HP by 1.
4. Scroll: Increases MAX MP by 8.
5. Lithograph: Increases MAX MP by 1.
6. Ring: Increases attack power.
7. Talisman: Increases defense by 1.
8. Bracelet: Reduces fatigue.
9. Earrings: Reduces MP consumption.
10. Pepper: valuable spice traded at shops.
11. Wine: Potent drink traded at shops.
12. Tea: Special item traded at shops.
13. Mask: Handmade item traded at shops.
14. Harp: Royal instrument traded at shops.
15. Tiara: Jeweled item traded at shops.
16. Perfume: Herb scented and traded at shops.
17. Horn: Handmade item traded at shops.
18. Gold Key: Opens locked doors.
19. Silver Key: Opens locked doors.
20. Copper Key: Opens locked doors.

II. Items that have immediate effect:

1. Small Health potion: Restores 10 HP. (It will be referred to as 'health'.)
2. Large Health potion: Restores 30 HP. (It will be referred to as 'S
3. Health vial: Restores MAX HP.
4. Small Magic potion: Restores 10 MP. (It will be referred to as 'magic'.)
5. Large Magic potion: Restores 30 MP. (It will be referred to as 'S magic'.)
6. Magic vial: Restores MAX MP.
7. Magic Power vial: Restores MAX MP and bestows your character with 'Magic
power'. Your character will start to emanate colorful lights. This effect
lasts around 1 minute. During this time your MP will not be depleted, which
means you can cast as many spells as you want.
8. Silver coin: Adds 1 val to your current amount of money.
9. Gold coin: Adds 10 val to your current amount of money.
10. Poison: Your character will have be fatigued for a while. Picking up
Poison causes your character to lose 5 HP and gain 2 MP.
11. Bomb: Kills all enemies on current screen (including undead enemies).

g) Enemies

Short overview of what info you will be able to read in an enemy description:
- enemy name
- few words on its outside appearance and equipped weapon (if applicable)
- moving speed (may be stationary)
- special abilities the enemy may possess (undead, flying/floating, cloaking,
jumping, small...)
- few words on attacks this enemy is cabable of
- can enemy guard?
- can enemy attacks be guarded (Ones that can't be will be mentioned)?
- few words on easiest way to kill this enemy
Note: Some enemies have upgraded versions which you will encounter in later
chapters. Usually they only differ in color and having more health. Such
upgraded enemies won't be described, but those that come with new forms of
attacks will be.

1. Orc - enemy armed with wooden bat. Slow. Half the time he'll spend looking
around where you are. Can try to hit you with wooden bat. Can do jump&punch
attack. Can't guard. Can be guarded against. Simply run up to him and chop
himp up.

2. Bat - small but annoying. Flying. Moderately fast. They like to swoop down
at you and bite you. Can't guard. Can be guarded against. Guard and wait until
he tries to bite you. You will guard this attack. When bat tries to get away,
quickly perform Upward Slash to get rid of him. Jumping Slashes may also do
the work.

3. Tentacle Plant - green plant with 4 tentacles. Can't move. Don't try to
jump over this enemy. It will hurt you, since Tentacle Plant can swing its
tentacles in the air too. Can't guard. Can be guarded against. Wait for
Tentacle Plant to try to attack you (make sure you're out of tentacles's
reach). After the hopefully failed attack Tentacle Plant is doomed, so kill

4. Will-O'-The-Wisp - small red bubble-like enemy. When you move, he moves -
toward you. If he gets too close, he'll shrink and then double in size. Can't
guard. Can be guarded against. Move so that he comes really close, then kill

5. Cerberus - annoying dog enemy. Fast. Like his name applies, he can breath
fire.:) Can't guard. Can be guarded against (can't guard his fireball!). Dodge
or guard his jumping attacks he launches at you and while he shows you his
back, run up to him and kill him. Watch out for fire breath though.

6. Archer - human enemy armed with a bow. He moves really slowly, but can
shoot arrows at you from a distance. Can't guard. Can be guarded against. Run
up to him, watching out for his arrows and chop him up.

7. Warrior - human enemy armed with double axes. Slow; fast if he tries to ram
you. He can try to chop you up. He is also capable of bashing into you (he may
either take a few steps back and then bash you; or may try bashing you
straight away). Can evade. Can't guard. Can be guarded against. Guard his
attack and then attack him.

8. Skeleton - pile of bones that came to life. Armed with a bone... talk about
original.:) Undead. Slow. His only attack is striking you with your bone.
Can't guard. Can be guarded against. He cannot be killed with your sword. He
can only be killed by Lv 2 or Lv 3 Heal magic (however, you can disable him by
striking him with strong attack like Hammer Blow, so he falls to the ground;
he will get back up after few seconds tho').

9. Rhinoid - rhino wearing armour and armed with an axe. Slow; fast when
trying to ram you. He can ram you (either by taking few steps back or straight
away). He can try to chop you up. Has an annoying ability of guarding your
slashes and immediately kicking you with his hind legs. Can guard. Can be
guarded against. Guard his attack and then attack him.

10. Ninja - does it need a description:)? Moderately fast. Armed with dual
claws. He can either try to hit you with a jumpkick or run up close and do
double swipe, followed by single swipe. Can't guard. Can be guarded against.
Guard his attack and then attack him.

11. Lizardman - walking green lizard armed with a spear. Moderately fast.
Attacks you with his spear (very long reach!) or by jump kicks. Can't guard.
Can be guarded against. Guard his attack and then attack him.
Note: there are two upgraded versions of this enemy with these changes: one is
red, can spit fire, has shorter version of jump kick, armed with a halberd;
the other is brown, spits poison (causes fatigue), armed with polesword.

12. Knight - human with lots of armor and armed with a sword. Slow; fast if
trying to quick-stab you. Attacks you with a simple slash. Can retreat and
then attack you with quick stab. Can guard. Can be guarded against. Guard his
attack and then attack him.

13. Catapult Orc - your average Orc, except this one is armed with a
slingshot. Moderately fast. Uh, don't get me wrong, but it seems to me that
they're shooting air, when they release the string on slingshot. Glitch?
Anyway, this makes them easiest enemies by far. Can't guard. Can be guarded
against. Simply run up to him and chop him up.

14. Eyeful - amoeba with nucleus in the middle. Slow; fast at lunging at you.
Usually he comes in large groups. He can only lunge at you in order to harm
you. Can't guard. Can't be guarded against. Easiest way to dispose them is to
do Hammer Blows, preferably the one which ends with shockwave.

15. Flying Fish - fish that flies (kinda). Has fixed jumping path. It can only
hurt you if you're unfortunate enough to stand in its way. Can't guard. Can be
guarded against. Single slash will send this enemy to meet his maker.

16. Giant Crab - crab, big crab. Moves at moderate speed. Attacks you either
with his pincers, or (if you're very close) will shoot flurry of bubbles at
you. Can't guard. Can be guarded against (can't guard his bubbles!). Execute
Hammer Blows for short work on him.

17. Imperial Guard - upgraded version of Knight. Has bigger sword, more health
and more mobility. Fast. Can backflip, make attacks similar to your Hammer
Blow at you, knows two way of performing single sword slashes. Can guard. Can
be guarded against. Guard his attack and then attack him.

18. Demon Armor - skull surrounded by armor and armed with a sword. Undead.
Fast. Can attack you with single sword slash or jumping slash. Can't guard.
Can be guarded against. Guard his attack and then attack him.

19. Royal Archer - same as Archer except having more health. Slow. Can't
guard. Can be guarded against. Run up to him, watching out for his arrows and
chop him up.

20. Flesh Demon - scorpion-like enemy that fell in red paint:). Slow. Can kick
you with his legs, can spew poison from its tail for a few seconds (causes
fatigue). Can't guard. Can be guarded against (can't guard his poison!).
Hammer Blows will make short work of him.

21. Ghoul - phantom being wearing rags. Undead. Floats. Can appear anywhere in
the room. Fast and can follow you for a while. Cannot be guarded against.
Can't be killed by your sword. Can only be killed by Lv 2 or Lv 3 Heal magic.

22. Pirate - human enemy that throws knives at you. Moderately fast. Can't
guard. Can be guarded against. Guard his attack and then attack him.

23. Pirate Thug - pirate armed with a sword. Slow. Can attack you with two
different single slashes. Can't guard. Can be guarded against. Guard his
attack and then attack him.

24. Starfish - sea creature somehow living outside of sea. Fast. Because it is
small, normal attacks don't do well. Can try to ram you. If you're close,
he'll spin attack you. Can't guard. Can be guarded against. Guard his attack
and then make short work of him by Hammer Blows.

25. Cave Slug - slug living in caves... I know, lack of imagination.:) Because
it is small, normal attacks don't do well. Fast. Can try to jump on you and
bite you. If he succeeds, he will remain on you draining your HP, so get rid
of him by mashing on controls. If you're close, he will try to bite you. Can't
guard. Can be guarded against. Guard his attack and then make short work of
him by Hammer Blows.

26. Zombie - dead corpse that came to life.:) He comes out of the ground when
you get close. Undead. Really slow. Can try to lounge himself onto you (will
cause fatigue). If he remains standing with less than 25% of health, his lower
body will fall of and will be forced to crawl. Can still launch himself onto
you (will cause fatigue). Use Hammer Blows to get rid of him should he reach
this state. Can't guard. Can't be guarded against. Since he moves so slow,
shouldn't be a problem to get rid of him with efficient use of Hammer Blows.

27. Rock Demon - living pile of rocks. Slow. Mainly uses his hands to attack.
Knows left punch, right punch and punch using both arms. Can only be harmed
with advanced sword techniques (Hammer Blow being the most efficient). After
he is dealt damage, he can do rather long jump in your direction and if it
connects, it hurts, so get away from him once you strike him successfully. Can
guard normal sword attacks. Can't be guarded against. Use mainly Hammer Blows
to get rid of this nuisance.

28. Toadstool - mushroom-like enemy. Can't move. When you get close he will
spit out some strange pollen (causes fatigue if you're caught in it). Can't
guard. Can't be guarded against. Wait for his pollen to disappear and then
attack him.

29. Mantis - another wild animal enemy. Gee, aren't we hateful? Fast. Skilled
user of his two claws. Can jump on you - if it misses, sometimes he continues
the attack by trying to hit you with both claws. Can attack using claws only.
Can't guard. Can be guarded against. Guard his attack and then attack him.

30. Armored Orc - Orc who is bigger, better armed (steel bat), better armored
and has more health than usual Orc. Fast. Can strike you with his bat. Has two
jumping attacks: one ending with hand punch, other ending with bat strike.
Can't guard. Can be guarded against (can't guard jumping bat strike!). Normal
attacks will take care of him.

31. Hornet - another annoying flying enemy. Small. Fast. Can only sting you,
which will cause fatigue. Can't guard. Can be guarded against. Upward Slash or
Jumping Slash are the cures for this enemy.

32. Centaur - half human, half horse. Armed with bow. Fast. Can ram you, kick
you with hind legs or shoot two arrows consecutively at you. She loves to
stand on hind legs and kicking her front ones like crazy (could this count as
guarding?). Otherwise can't guard. Can be guarded against. Guard her attack
and then attack her.

33. Skull Knight - advanced version of Skeleton. Armed with sword and shield.
Undead. Moderately fast. Knows two versions of single slash. Can guard. Can be
guarded against. Guard his attack and then attack him. He can't be killed by
your sword. Can only be killed by Lv 2 or Lv 3 Heal magic.

34. Giant Knight - big blue knight with a huge sword. Slow. Knows single
slash. Knows double slash. When he's down, he may try mowing slash before he
gets back on his feet. If you're behind him, he may turn around in blink of
the eye and strike you. Can guard. Can be guarded against (can't guard his
whole double slash or mowing slash!). Hammer Blows seem to be most efficient.
Note: There is upgraded version - this one is red. Has same abilities, but has
two advantages: more health and full clockwise spin single slash attack.

35. Sorcerer - your average sorcerer. Floats. Can appear anywhere in the room
(after which he's stationary target). When he does, you have a chance of
striking him before he conjures that fireball. Fireball attack is all he
knows. Can't guard. Cannot be guarded against. You can only strike him once
before he disappears.

36. Demon Spirit - walking smiley enveloped in red light:). Can appear
anywhere in the room. Undead. Fast. If he touches you, he will cause fatigue.
Can't be guarded against. He can't be killed by your sword. Can only be killed
by Lv 2 or Lv 3 Heal magic.

37. Roper - green plant-like creature with three tentacles. Slow. Can only
attack you with his tentacles. Can't guard. Can be guarded against. Guard his
attack and then attack him.

38. Small Roper - basically the same as Roper, except that he is smaller.:)

39. Scorpion - small enemy with poison sting. Slow. Can sting you, which
causes fatigue. Can lunge himself at you. Can't guard. Can't be guarded
against. Hammer Blow is most efficient.

40. Bacula - large stone consisting of two halves with eye in the middle.
Floats. Can't move. Spins around at timed intervals - can hurt you during this
time. Can't guard. Can't be guarded against. Any attack will hurt him when
he's not spinning.

41. Stingray - another water enemy that can strangely survive without water.
Can fly. Slow. If you get under him, he'll electrocute you. Can't guard. Can't
be guarded against. Kill him before he's able to take off for an easy kill. If
he starts to fly, Upward Slash or Jumping Slash him.

42. Crystal Knight - huge knight made of crystal armed with sword. Moderately
fast. Can cloak himself. Knows single slash. Knows quick stab. Can run and
then do dashing stab. When he decloaks, he will do single slash. Can guard.
Can be guarded against. Guard his attack and then attack him.

43. War Bird - bird with no wings. Slow. Can jump. Knows jump attack only - he
will first jump on the spot and then in your direction. Can't guard. Can't be
guarded against.

44. Devil axe - axe as an axe, nothing more to tell. Slow. Can jump a bit.
Undead. Hovers. Can launch himself into the air in your general direction only
to come crashing down - he is stuck for a while in the ground. As he moves and
rams you with sharp edge, you take damage. Can't guard. Can't be guarded
against. Wait for him to be stuck and then attack him.

45. Deer Head - head of a deer... OK, I know, no imagination, right:)? Fast.
Hovers. Ramming you is his only attack. Can't guard. Can't be guarded against.
Hammer Blow all the way.

46. Sand Fish - exactly as Flying Fish, except that this one lives in sand.
Read entry No. 15 in this section for more info.

47. Ice Hound - another recycled enemy. Fast. Can jump&bite you. Can icebreath
you. Can't guard. Can be guarded against (can't guard his icebreath!). Block
his jumpin attack and then attack him.

48. Armored Beetle - black roach surrounded with hard shell. Slow&fast when
doing curling attack. High defense. Can curl himself in a ball and come
screeching in your direction. Can curl himself in a ball to defend itself. Can
guard. Can't be guarded against. Hammer Blows again...

49. Assassin - female version of Ninja (if he would be upgraded:)). She is
armed with two chakras. Fast. Can slash at you with her chakras. Knows
jumpkick. Don't jump at her or you will be hurt by her jumping slash. Knows
backflip. Knows double backflip. Can guard. Can be guarded against. Guard her
attack and then attack her.

50. Imperial Soldier - exactly the same as Imperial Guard, except for outside
appearance. For more info read entry No. 17 of this section.

51. Dragonet - small green dragon. Can't move. His only attack is breathing
fire at you. He does it only once. Then after some time he disappears. Can't
guard. Can't be guarded against. He's really easy to kill cos he has very low
health - any attack will do.

52. Winged Demon - gargoyle-like grey enemy. Flying. Undead. Slow, but fast in
airborne attacks. Has uppercut-like punch, double swipe. Sometimes becomes
airborne and tries to do flying ram into you. Can't guard. Can be guarded
against. Strange as it is, he counts as undead so use Lv 2 or Lv 3 Heal magic.

53. Mystic Warrior - female enemy armed with sword. Fast; can also run. Has
single slash, dashing slash, salto-over-your-head-slash, upward stab, evasive
jump. She's capable of casting Ice magic. Can guard. Can be guarded against
(can't guard her Ice magic!). Hammer Blows or get close to her, guard her
attack and then attack her.

54. Cyclops - biggest Orc enemy armed with hammer. Moderately fast. Knows
dashing punch, hammer swing and jumpin hammer smash. Can't guard. Can be
guarded against (can't guard his hammer swing and jumping hammer smash!). Any
attack is good against him.

55. Convict - human enemy armed with throwing knives. Fast. Can throw knives
at you. Can't guard. Can be guarded against. Take these guys out first or else
feel the pain.

56. Guardian - pile of useless junk pieced together. Armed with three swords
and one hammer. Floats. Can fly for a bit. Has fireball attack (this fireball
is first moving slowly to home on your position and is then released with
great speed). If you get close, he'll spin his weapons around him; they act as
weapon and shield. Can fly to your position where he will smash his hammer in
the ground and create a shockwave at same time; will need some time to get
hammer out of ground - attack him during this time. Has grenade launcher which
fires three bombs; upon explosion they create shockwave. Can guard. Can't be
guarded against. Wait for his flying hammer blow attack and then attack him.

57. Sorceress - your average sorceress. Floats. Can appear anywhere in the
room (after which she's stationary target). When she does, you have a chance
of striking her before she conjures ice shard. Ice shard attack is all she
knows. Can't guard. Cannot be guarded against. You can only strike her once
before she disappears.

58. Rock Monster - pile of rocks that came to life. Slow. Can punch you with
his stone arm or sometimes uses both arms to slam them down in front of him.
Can also jump attack you. Can't guard. Can't be guarded against. Normal
attacks won't do against this bastard, you'll have to use stronger sword
attacks, like Hammer Blows.

59. Executioner - similar to Warrior in appearance, only that he wears hood
over his head. Armed with dual hatchets. Slow; fast if he tries to ram you. He
can try to chop you up. He is also capable of bashing into you (he may either
take a few steps back and then bash you; or may try bashing you straight
away). Can evade. Can't guard. Can be guarded against. Guard his attack and
then attack him.

60. Paladin - knight wearing green armor armed with sword. Slow. Knows two
ways of single slashing you, knows quick stab attack, can backflip. Can guard.
Can be guarded against. Guard his attack and then attack him.

h) Hazards

1. Spike - usually you can tell where they are by holes in the ground. They
come out at timed intervals. First only tips will appear for a brief moment
letting you know to get away, and then whole spike bed. If you're still in the
middle, ouch!

2. Sensor Spike - same as the above, except that they come out when you get

3. Spike wall - small brick with spikes with a set course of movement. First
it will move back a little and then come 'driving' in your direction at full
speed. Jump over it or stay away from its path.

4. Arrow turret - turret that shoots arrows. Can move its upper part to track
your location. Before arrow is fired, turret will flash for a brief moment.
Jump over the arrow or guard it. You can jump *on* Arrow turret.

5. Lava pool - pool filled with red hot lava. Walking in it too long is not
good for your health.

6. Poison pool - pool filled with green slimy poison. Walking in it for too
long is bad for your health.

7. Poison mushroom - you can find these lying around in many rooms. If you
accidentally pick it up, it will cause fatigue, you will lose 5 HP, but gain 2

8. Flame geyser - spits out fire at regular intervals. Before it starts, small
flame will erupt from one such geyser, alerting you. They come in wall and
floor flavors.

9. Bomb - regular bomb at your disposal:). Blow it up by your Mine magic,
hitting it with your sword or walking near it and quickly getting away.

10. Flame platform - platform caught on fire. Don't jump on one straight away.
Freeze it first with Ice magic.

11. Falling pillar - easily recognizable hazard, cos it usually stands out of
the scenery. It will attempt to fall on your head as you pass by. To not let
this happen, get close to it and it will fall down without harming you.

12. Fake door - if you stand in front of it, suddenly door will open and big
hand will grab you and return you to start of the dungeon (Wallmasters from
Zelda, anyone:)?).

13. Propeller - blows wind in strong gusts. Whilst wind gusts itself aren't
dangerous, don't touch the propellers as they will hurt you.

14. Grinder - a pole on which two saws are fitted, which move in clockwise
motion. Touch it and you will take damage.

15. Falling spike - spikes mounted on a chunk of wall that come crashing down
on bypassers. You can anticipate when Falling spike hazard is nearby when you
see pebbles falling down. Quickly duck and you won't take damage. You can move
while crouching under Falling spike.


---> Explaining the Search option
This walkthru will be big. So how can you find info on a specific dungeon
without scrolling endlessly thru this document?

For example, let's say you'd like info on 'The Ruins of Paley' dungeon, which
can be found in route 2 section. So what do you do?
Firts take a look at Table of Contents and look for Walkthrough entry. Find
route 2 you're interested in and then look for the name of desired dungeon.
See those four characters in front of dungeon's name? In this case they are
Now press CTRL + F at the same time. When prompted, enter B036 and then press
enter key. You will be instantly taken to that part of walkthru.

---> Important note!
Many rooms in this game are simply go from left/right to right/left, therefore
I will not go into specifics. However, I will be more detailed about the rooms
that have puzzles to be solved or have multiple levels. In both cases I will
name enemies you can meet in a certain room and what loot you can collect in a
particular room (minus loot that the enemies drop, cos that kind of loot
varies). So how to read Walkthru section?

- on top of particular dungeon walkthru will be name of that dungeon
- then I will mark separate rooms as 'screens' (shortened to s.); most
dungeons are straightforward, so rooms will go in nice and easy numbered
manner; but in cases this isn't possible (like when room has more exits) I
made necessary changes to the name of that room, so that you will always be
able to know where you currently are.
- after name of the room there will be info on what you must do; again, type
of available info will vary based on:
--> if there are only enemies and/or hazards in the room and *nothing else*
(this invilving jumping, pressing switches etc.), I will only mention which
enemies and/or hazards can be found in this room
a) if it's written 'Kill ?????', that means you don't have to kill those
b) if it's written 'Must kill ?????' that means you must clean the room of all
oposition (not true in some cases - they are mentioned in walkthru)
--> if you'll have to jump somewhere, press the switch etc., this will be
explained in the walkthru
- and on the end of the particular room you will be able to read what stuff
can be found in that room - minus stuff that enemies drop, cos that kind of
stuff varies from game to game
- when there is boss fight ahead, in the walkthru you will find name of the
boss, boss' attacks and boss strategy
- in a case of shop all available listings will be written (trader can sell,
buy or trade items); recommended buys are marked 'Get this!!'
- OK, that's about it... so go on and enjoy!:)


I. PROLOGUE: Dragon Valor

Character: Clovis
Magic Sword: Azos

A001: Brize Forest

1st s.: Let the adventure begin! Watch the intro and when you get control of
your character, you will see some online instructions on controls. Read 'em or
press Start to get rid of 'em. Must kill 1x Orc.

2nd s.: Must kill 1x Orc.

3rd s.: Time to learn how to jump and double jump. Jump over first ledge and
2xjump on the next. Jump on the ledge which sticks out of the wall. (If you
drop down, don't worry. You can 2xjump back on second ledge.) Jump from this
ledge to land on firm floor ahead. You will now cross a bridge. Use the online
tip to learn how to dash. Proceed to the right. Hmm, seems like a dead end.
Not! Press R1/R2 to crouch. Now press directional buttons to move right while
crouching. When you can stand up again, go right and drop down. Must kill 2x

4th s.: Must kill 2x Orc.

5th s.: Kill 1x Orc. Jump on two ledges and land on firm floor ahead. Smash 3x
3x val.

6th s.: Must kill 1x Tentacle Plant.
Red Tome: Lv 1 Fire magic.

7th s.: Completely empty.

8th s.: Must kill 3x Orc.

9th s.: Destroy 3x crate. Jump over 2 ledges and drop down. Kill 2x Bat. Turn
back and 2xjump on second ledge. Jump on the first sticked ledge, then on the
second, and then on the floor. Destroy next 3x crate.
2x val, 1x health, 1x Wine, 1x S magic, 1x S health.

10th s.: Kill 2x Will-O'-The-Wisp (one of them may drop a Gem) and 1x

11th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. If you see Rage lift his head and cry out, be ready to jump, cos he will
send out a circular shockwave.
2. If you find yourself close to Rage, he may try to hit you with his
headswipe from right to left. Evade this by jumping over his head or
retreating out of danger range.
3. Sometimes he decides to fly around a bit. Be careful, because he may try to
land on you. When he finally lands, be ready to jump because of a circular
shockwave that Rage will create when he lands.
4. When low on health, he will start to breathe fire, which hurts if you're
hit. Best thing you can do to avoid this is to run to either side of Rage if
you can. Otherwise, make use of 2xjumps.
Note: When Rage is about to perform any of these four attacks, he is
*invincible*. You cannot harm him in any way.

Boss strategy:
It's a pretty basic dragon for a start. He will start the battle by walking
towards you or retreating a few steps. Run up to him and land a few slices
into his skin, then retreat because he may counter with head swipe. Don't
worry, if you touch him accidentally, he will not harm you - except when he
performs his head swipe.
When he tries to hit you with shockwave, you can easily expect this. Rage will
start to flash, lift his head, wave it a bit, let out a cry and then the
shockwave. Jump over the shockwave and hit Rage with jumping slash.
Watch out for his flying trips, both because he may try to land on you or
(when he lands) hit you with a shockwave.
Sometimes he may drop to the floor - cos he is tired:)? Use this chance to hit
him with a 3xhit sword combo.
When his health drops below 40% or so, he will start breathing fire. Run to
the side of Rage or (in case this isn't possible) 2xjump.
You can also try to hit him with a fireball.:) Despite both Rage and fireball
being of fire nature, fireball will hurt Rage.
For the fastest disposal of Rage perform jumping slashes at Rage's head. After
7 or 8 hits he goes down. Be careful tho, cos he likes to counterattack with
fire breath.

This dungeon is now complete!

Prologue: Dragon Valor comes to and end...


II. CHAPTER 1: Avenger

Character: Clovis
Magic Sword: Azos

A002: The Raxis Border

1st s.: Kill 3x Cerberus (destroy wood fence that hinders your way) and 2x
Archer, destroy 3x crate.
4x val, 1x Perfume, 1x S health, 1x S magic, 1x tiara.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Warrior.
12x val.

This dungeon is now complete!


A003: Shop 01

Trader is buying:
- Wine for 30 val
- Tiara for 50 val
- Perfume for 100 val

Oookay, one of rare ocasions where you can choose your path. Select 'The Ruins
of the Prison' for now...


A004: The Ruins of the Prison

1st s.: 5x val.

2nd s.: Kill 3x Bat.
4x val.

3rd s.: Kill 4x Orc. You will come out thru west entrance. South entrance is
currently locked. North entrance is accessible, but there are 3x Spike in the
next room which you must lower first. So take east entrance for now.
4x val.

East way, 1st s.: You will see a high ledge with some items and money along
with a block which can be moved. Stand next to the block and press Square so
your character will grab it. Then press directional buttons in direction you
want to push the block. Pust it north 4 times, then let go. Jump on the block,
then on the ledge to collect loot.
3x val, 1x Lithograph, 1x S health.

East way, 2nd s.: This room contains 3x Skeleton and 1x Rhinoid, whom you must
kill to get Gold key, which you need for locked door found two rooms back. 3x
Skeleton can't be killed yet, so avoid them best you can. Return to the four
entrance room and take south exit now.
1x Gold key, 2x val

South way, 1st s.: Kill 3x Bat.
6x val.

South way, 2nd s.: Before picking up anything, make your way to the highest
pillar where a floor switch is. Go to the east side of the room and then you
can start your jumping trip. It's pretty easy and you should have no problems.
After the switch is activated, collect the loot. Return to 4 entrance room and
take north exit now.
1x Chalice, 1x health, 5x val.

North way, 1st s.: 3x Spike has disappeared, so just make your way left.

North way, 2nd s.: Must kill 3x Ninja.
1x health.

North way, 3rd s.: Must kill 1x Lizardman.
1x magic, Black Tome: Lv 1 Mine magic.

This dungeon is complete!


A005: Shop 02

Trader is selling:
- Wine for 20 val <--- Get this!!
- Lithograph for 200 val
- Pendant for 120 val


A006: The Border Fortress

If you don't like prison path, you can select this one instead.

1st s.: Must kill 2x Knight and 1x Archer.
1x val, 1x S health.

2nd s.: Kill 2x Ninja.
5 val.

3rd s.: Climb the stairs. Destroy the 2x crate.
1x magic, 2x val.

4th s.: Exit is on the very right. But check the two doors in the middle...

First middle door: Destroy 3x crate. Return to 4th screen.
1x Lithograph, 2x val.

Second middle door: Destroy 2x crate. Step on the switch to open the door.
Return to 4th screen and go right now.
1x Chalice, 1x val.

5th s.: Climb the stairs. Destroy 2x crate.
3 val.

6th s.: Must kill 2x Rhinoid.
1x health, Black Tome: Lv 1 Mine magic.

This dungeon is complete!

Completing either 004 or 006 will lead to...


A007: Raxis City

1st s.: Go DOWN all the way you can. You can get some extra loot that way.
Kill 6x Will-O'-The-Wisp, 2x Catapult Orc.
1x Pendant, 1x Wine, 1x magic, 1x S health, 1x health, 42x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 5x Will-O'-The-Wisp and 2x Catapult Orc.

3rd s.: Don't joke around the bombs too long. They hurt if you get caught in
explosion. Simply run past them and you should be safe from the explosion that
follows. If you want to be double safe, try out your Mine magic.
1x S magic, 13x val.

4th s.: Must kill 5x Will-O'-The-Wisp and 1x Lizardman. Get rid of red balls
ASAP, so that you have only Lizardman left to deal with. Kill him last.
1x S health, 1x Chalice, 12x val. Some items are hidden beneath the stone
fence on lower part of the screen. Remember, always check everywhere on every

This dungeon is now complete!


A008: Shop 03

Trader is selling:
- small Magic potion for 40 val
- large Magic potion for 60 val
- Magic vial for 120 val

Select either 009 (The Underground Passage) or 010 (The Road to Raxis


A009: The Underground Passage

1st s.: At beginning go back a bit for some loot. Watch for falling pillars
(stand close to one and wait for it to fall) and spikes coming out of the
ground (they come out at timed intervals). At the end of the screen destroy 4x
crate (careful, in one of the crates is Poison). Enemies: 19x Eyeful, 9x
Flying Fish.
1x Wine, 1x Chalice, 3x health, 2x magic, 39x val

2nd s.: Must kill 2x Giant Crab.
1x magic, Green Tome: Lv 1 Heal magic.

Note: If you took this path, your next part of the walkthru should be 011.

This dungeon is now complete!


A010: The Road to Raxis Castle

1st s.: At beginning go back for some loot. Kill 6x Tentacle Plant. There are
mines here, so watch out.
9x val, 1x health, 1x magic.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Orc and 2x Catapult Orc.

3rd s.: 6x mine will be in your way. Destroy 2x crate.
1x Chalice, 1x health, 2x val.

4th s.: Must kill 2x Cerberus and 2x Imperial Guard (head all the way to the
right across the bridge for some extra loot).
1x S health, 1x S magic, 4x val, Green Tome: Lv 1 Heal magic.

Note: If you took this path, your next part of the walkthru should be 012.

This dungeon is now complete!


A011: Raxis castle (Entrance 1)

1st s.: Nothing of interest here. Go up the stairs.

2nd s.: 3x val.

3rd s.: Must kill 2x Demon Armor.
1x Mask (after both Demon Armors are destroyed).

4th s.: Go up the stairs. See 1x Spike? There's a switch room there. Go
inside, step on the switch, and bars will go away. Exit the switch room and go
thru north exit.
4x val.

5th s.: 4x val, 1x health.

6th s.: Another room with 4 exits. You will come through west exit (it will
close after you). South exit is inaccessible (see Note 1 at the end of this
part of walkthru). Watch out for 4x Arrow turrets. Destroy 2x crate in the
middle of the room. Take the east exit.
1x Chalice, 1x Pendant, 1x val.

East exit, 1st s.: Absolutely choose to destroy the door. This choice is
necessary to make in order for this story to proceed in right direction (also
see Note 2!).
1x Pendant, 2x val.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Knight and 2x Royal Archer.
1x S health, 1x S magic, 2x val.

North exit, 2nd s.: Destroy 2x crate.
1x Lithograph, 1x Harp.

North exit, 3rd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. He may dash at you and try to hit you with dashing punch (he is very
vulnerable after this attack, cos he must 'catch his breath':)).
2. If you're close to him, he may swing his right arm in order to hit you.
3. If he guards your attacks, get away because he may power up his right arm,
which can be extended quite a bit in order to hit you (you will know this by
flames coming out of his right arm).
4. Don't jump on him face-to-face, because he may knock you down with his
right arm swing.

Boss strategy:
This boss is really easy. Stay away from him at a moderate distance and wait
for him to do a dashing punch. When he get close, 2xjump over him so his
attack misses and then attack him from the back. Rinse and repeat and you win.
Easier strategy: Stay at a moderate distance and fireball him to death. He
should not even touch you.

Note 1: You get here by south exit if you take route 007.
Note 2: SPOILER: Here's first important decision, which decides how the story
will go on.
- If you choose to knock the door down, you will meet Raxis princess. After
Chapter 1 comes to an end, Clovis will marry Raxis Princess.
- If you choose to ignore the door, Clovis will marry Carolina, after chapter
1 comes to an end.

This dungeon is now complete!


A012: Raxis Castle (Entrance 2)

1st s.: Must kill 3x Knight and 2x Royal Archer to get the key. Then collect
the loot. Don't forget to destroy 3x crate. Open the door to proceed to next
37x val, 1x S health (all the way left), 1x Pendant, 1x magic, 1x Chalice, 1x
Mask, 1x Gold key.

2nd s.: Looks familiar? This is the same room with four exits as described in
walkthru part 008. Only this time west exit is locked (you get thru west exit
if you took the underground passage path). East exit still leads to the same
room as before, as well as north exit. But for now collect the loot in this
room. Beware of 4x Arrow turret. Then take east exit.
12x val.

East exit, 1st s.: Absolutely choose to destroy the door. This choice is
necessary to make in order for this story to proceed in right direction.
1x val, 1x health.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Knight and 2x Royal Archer.
1x S health, 1x S magic, 2x val

North exit, 2nd s.: Destroy 2x crate.
1x Lithograph, 1x Harp.

North exit, 3rd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. He may dash at you and try to hit you with dashing punch (he is very
vulnerable after this attack, cos he must 'catch his breath':)).
2. If you're close to him, he may swing his right arm in order to hit you.
3. If he guards your attacks, get away because he may power up his right arm,
which can be extended quite a bit in order to hit you (you will know this by
flames coming out of his right arm).
4. Don't jump on him face-to-face, because he may knock you down with his
right arm swing.

Boss strategy:
This boss is really easy. Stay away from him at a moderate distance and wait
for him to do a dashing punch. When he get close, 2xjump over him so his
attack misses and then attack him from the back. Rinse and repeat and you win.
Easier strategy: Stay at a moderate distance and fireball him to death. He
should not even touch you.

This dungeon is now complete!


A013: Tower of the Alchemist

1st s.: Nothing at all.

2nd s.: Spikes hazard. Kill 3x Will-O'-The-Wisp and 1x Imperial Guard.
1x val.

3rd s.: Wow, a tower, no kiddin'.:) Fip all the levers except yellow one (this
will cause spikes on the stairs to disappear). Climb the stairs jumping over
chasms when necessary.
1x val, 1x Lithograph.

4th s.: Must kill 1x Flesh Demon.
1x S magic, 1x S health.

5th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. He knows dashing slash.
2. He knows single / double / triple slash.
3. He frequently throws explosive bombs.
4. He frequently throws poison bombs (causes fatigue).
5. He can guard.
6. When he gets up and if you're close to him, can do swift swipe at you,
which you can't guard against.

Boss strategy:
It's morphin' time!:) Raimun is little harder. Always be on the move, you
never know when he's gonna shower you with those stupid bombs. Jump in such
manner that you will land near him, and then let him have it.
Sometimes he seems to have run out of bombs and will run up to some shelves of
sorts to restock ---> free attack for you from behind.:)
Sometimes you'll see Raimun's sword on fire. Be ready to jump cos Raimun will
perform Dashing Slash. After it fails (hopefully), he's open to your attack.
Follow the above tips and you will win easily.
Yellow Tome: Lv 1 Defense magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


A014: Shop 04

Trader is selling:
- small Health potion for 20 val
- large Health potion for 30 val
- Health vial for 60 val


A015: The Catacombs

1st s.: Return a bit to right for some loot. Go down the stairs and pull the
block on the switch.
4x val.

2nd s.: Nothing. Check behind the stone.
10x val.

3rd s.: 6x Skeleton and 6x Ghoul - none can be killed yet. Instead just go all
the way left. Check every nook you come across for loot and beware of 4x Spkie
wall hazards.
3x val, 1x Chalice, 1x magic, 1x Pendant

4th s.: You will enter from east. There are three exits on north. First enter
the right one, which is the only one open.
1x val.

Right north exit: Loot the room and return to previous room. Push right block
off the right switch. Pull left block on the left switch. This will open left
1x Ring.

Left north exit: Loot the room then return to previous room and push right
block on the right switch. This will open middle exit.
1x Lithograph, 1x S health, 1x magic.

Middle north exit: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. He can launch single energy ball from his right arm.
2. He can run up to you and perform flying drill attack (?)... looks kinda
like Bison's Psycho Crusher move:). After this attack Volef will be unable to
move temporarily.
3. If you're close to him, he'll try to punch you with his right arm.
4. He can also perform a spin attack of sorts, usually after he picks himself
up from the floor.
5. He can guard.

Boss strategy:
Same stupid Volef as before. Stay away from him at a moderate distance, but
keep moving (he will try to shoot you with his energy balls!). When Volef
finally moves in for his flying drill attack, 2xjump over Volef. When Volef
lands, he's open to your attack. Attack him from behind with Triple Slash.
Then move away at a moderate distance... Rinse and repeat and victory is
Grey Tome: Lv 1 Stealth magic


Boss attacks:
1. He can lift his head, then he will cry out and try to hit you with circular
2. If you're close, he'll try to hit you with a head swing.
3. He can spit out 3 fireball bombs, first being the closest and last being
the farthest (in distance); after they explode stay away from the place of
explosion for a while.
4. He can try to jump on you; if this misses, be ready to jump because of
circular shockwave.
5. He can spit out a really fast fireball which flies in a straight line.
6. He can stand on his hind legs, doing so enables him a new attack - if
you're close, he will try a quick advance toward you which he finishes with a
powerful bite; during standing he can also perform attacks 1, 3 and 5.

Boss strategy:
Titan is harder than his predecessor. Always be on the move, and try to learn
Titan's signs to predict his attacks. Attacking his head only doesn't work
anymore. It will have to get personal. Start the fight by running close to him
and doing Jumping Slash, then get away. He's likely to retaliate by reating a
shockwave or headswing. If he tries attack his fast fireball spit, good luck
in evading it. His jumps at you seem to be the rarest. 3 fireball bombs attack
is easy to avoid (unless you're close to Titan, in which case first fireball
bomb might hit you). After 3 or so Jumping Slashes he will collapse, giving
you a free attack. Use the chance! Repeat this recipe until Titan stands on
his hind legs. Watch out for his quick charge&bite attacks against you.
Continue your previous technique and Titan will soon go down.
Useful tip: His weak spot is his tail. You can deal him critical damage if you
hit his tail successfully (for example when Titan is fatigued).

This dungeon is now complete!

Chapter 1: Avenger comes to an end...


III. Chapter 2: The Renegade Knights

Character: Arlen
Magic Sword: Azos

A016: The Castle of East Raxis

1st s.: 10x val.

2nd s.: Beware 2x spike. Smaash 2x crate.
11x val.

3rd s.: Must kill 3x Knight and 1x Royal Archer.
1x Perfume.

4th s.: Smash 6x crate.
7x val, 1x Chalice.

5th s.: Must kill 2x Knight and 1x Ninja.

6th s.: Beware 3x sensor spike.
1x Tea, 2x val, 1x magic.

7th s.: Must kill 3x Knight.
10x val, 1x health.

8th s.: Must kill2x Knight and 1x Imperial Guard.
1x magic, 1x S health, Blue Tome: Lv 1 Ice magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


A017: The Cavern of Falayd

1st s.: 4x val.

2nd s.: Kill 3x Bat.

3rd s., lower level: North doors on upper level are locked. See two pillars?
Push/pull them in middle of the room. Then collect what you can and take
lower east exit.
Lower level loot: 1x S health, 11x val.

4th s.: Kill 4x Bat.
3x val.

5th s.: Smash 3x crate. Jump on ledges in far right corner and make your way
left to upper level, where exit of this room is (should you fall down when
jumping over last gap, meet 1x spike).
1x Lithograph, 1x health, 12x val, 1x magic.

6th s.: Must kill 1x Imperial Guard.
Orange Tome: Lv 1 Thunder magic.

3rd s., upper level: You're on the bridge. Just go across it for now.
Upper level loot: 1x val.

7th s.: Kill 6x Bat.
3x val.

8th s.: Push/pull movable block either on left or right switch, then step on
remaining one. Key will appear. Smash 2x crate. Return to 3rd screen.
1x Gold key, 1x val, 1x health.

3rd s., uper level, revisited: Jump to north exit using two pillars as
support. Unlock north doors.
Additional upper level loot: 2x val.

9th s.: 4x val.

This dungeon is now complete!


A018: Shop 05

The trader is buying:
- Wine for 30 val
- Tiara for 100 val
- Perfume for 100 val


A019: Highlands of Dett

1st s.: Drop down everywhere. Jump everywhere. Kill everything. And check the
trees. Some loot is hidden in the leaves. Kill 3x Tentacle Plant in first gap.
Kill 3x Catapult Orc in second gap.
6x val, 1x magic, 1x health, 1x Chalice

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Catapult Orc and 1x Rhinoid. Smash 3x crate (destroy the
crate in far right corner for helpful item!).
1x Bomb, 12x val, 1x S magic.

3rd s.: Smash 1x crate. Kill 6x Tentacle Plant and smash 1x crate in first
1x Pendant, 27x val.

4th s.: Must kill 1x Tentacle Plant and 2x Lizardman.
1x S health, 1x val.

5th s.: Beware 5x bomb in first gap. Smash 3x crate, but before doing so jump
on them and into the leaves.
1x health, 22x val, 1x Health vial

6th s.: Must kill 1x Mantis.
1x S magic.

7th s.: Must kill 2x Lizardman.
1x health, 1x S magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


A020: Shop 06

The trader is selling:
- Pendant for 200 val
- Lithograph for 250 val
- Chalice fo 300 val <--- Get this!!


A021: The Alkemia Garrison

1st s.: Kill 6x Orc. Smash wooden fence
1x health, 6x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 1x Ninja and 2x Warrior.

3rd s.: Smash 4x crate.
2x val, 1x s magic, 1x health.

4th s.: Must kill 1x Mantis and 1x Catapult Orc.
1x health.

5th s.: Kill 6x Toadstool. Smash 6x crate.
9x val, 1x Lithograph, 1x Magic Power vial.

6th s.: Must kill 2x Tentacle Plant and 2x Mantis.

This dungeon is now complete!


A022: The Execution Grounds

1st s.: Must kill 3x Ninja.
3x val.

2nd s.: Beware 4x bomb. Must kill 2x Cerberus. Beware 2x arrow turret.
1x Chalice, 1x health.

3rd s.: Must kill 1x Rock Demon.
1x health.

4th s.: 3x val, 1x S magic.

5th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: He will alternate between Ice and Fire magic.
When using Fire magic:
1. If you get close to him, he can swing his right arm to fire you up.
2. Can conjure 3 fireballs at once. Middle fireball will fly into yor
diection, while 2 other fireballs will home in on you after a while.
3. Before switching to Ice magic, he will stop and start throwing multiple
fireballs at you, their numbers increasing as Magic Knight takes more damage.
4. Can do a backflip; if you follow him, he may end it with fire swipe in your
When using Ice magic:
5. If you get close to him, he can swing his right arm to freeze you.
6. Can conjure 3 ice shards at once. Middle shard will fly in your direction,
while other two will fly in straight line (approx.
7. Before switching to Fire magic, he will stop and start throwing multiple
ice shards at you, their numbers increasing as Magic Knight takes more damage.
8. Can do a backflip; if you follow him, he may end it with ice swipe in your

Boss strategy:
This boss is not so hard, but battle may take long cos of Knight's high
defense. To win quickly, I suggest the following:
Run up to him and slice him up. Repeat this once more and then be on the
lookout. Slicing him for third time can be difficult, cos boss may decide to
go into flurry of magic attacks before switching magic type; or he will
backflip out of sword range. In any case, once he switches magic type, he is
open to one or two easy-to-finish Triple Slashes.
Be wary of his magic, especially triple fireballs, where two side fireballs
home in on your position.
Don't let him stand close to you for too long or he will swing his arm at you.
Basically, triple slash him once or twice, wait for him to switch magic type
and then repeat.

This dungeon is now complete!


A023: Shop 07

The trader is trading:
- your 1x Harp for 1x Lithograph
- Your 1x Wine for 1x large Magic potion
- Your 1x Pendant for 1x Ring <--- Get this!!


A024: The Great Fortress

1st s.: Go LEFT first.
10x val, 1x health.

2nd s.: Nothing.

3rd s.: Beware 4x arrow turret. Step on three switches for key to appear.
1x Gold key, 1x S magic.

4th s.: Must kill 2x Knight and 1x Imperial Guard. Return to 1st screen and go
1x health, Grey Tome: Lv 2 Stealth magic.

5th s.: Beware 1x spike and 2x sensor spike combo. This is then followed by 2x
sensor spike and 1x spike combo. And lastly, beware 1x spike.
4x val, 1x Pendant.

6th s.: Smash 5x crate and unlock east doors.
5x val, 1x Magic Power vial.

7th s.: 19x val.

8th s.: Must kill 3x Ninja and 1x Royal Archer.
Violet Tome: Lv 1 Vortex magic.


A025: Shop 08

The trader is selling:
- small Health potion for 30 val
- large Health potion for 45 val
- Health vial for 90 val


A026: The Glacier

1st s.: Beware 3x spike, 3x falling pillar, 2x spike and 1x falling pillar.
3x val, 1x magic.

2nd s.: Kill 3x Demon Armor first and collect what you can. Then jump over the
ledges to the exit, but beware of 2x spike.
12x val, 1x Pendant, 1x Chalice, 1x health.

3rd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. If you're not very close, he can do dashing stab.
2. Can use Ice magic, which will cause 7 ice clouds to appear at fixed places
on battlefield.
3. Can guard.
4. If he guards, he may counterattack with quick stab.
5. When duking it out up close, he can perform 2-stage stab.

Boss strategy:
Most of the time he will be running around, trying to dash-stab you. Guard
this and then Hammer Blow him for easy defeat.
Ice clouds always appear at set locaions, so if you know where they appear,
more kudos to you.
Do not engage in man-to-man combat too often, cos Lodonya is quite good at
blocking your attacks and counterattacking you. Once Lodonya is defeated, this
dungeon continues.

4th s.: Go north when you come to an intersection. Beware 1x falling pillar.

5th s.: Beware 2x sensor spike. Smash 1x crate.
1x S health.

6th s.: Must kill 2x Archer and 2x Lizardman. Return two screens and when on
intersection, go south.
1x Gold key, 1x S magic.

South exit, 1st s.: Beware 1x spike. Kill 1x Demon Armor. Beware 1x falling
pillar. Unlock exit doors.
5x val, 1x health, 1x S magic.

South exit, 2nd s.: You can jump in the pits for some good loot, but be
careful of spikes. From start they go as following: 1x sensor spike, 1x spike,
2x sensor spike, 1x spike.
5x val, 1x S magic, 1x Health vial.

South exit, 3rd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: He can come out of the water in 3 different places: north corner,
nortwest corner, southeast corner. Arktos will switch places after he has
taken some damage or after some time has elapsed.
1. When he comes out of the water, he may come down and cover the battlefield
with his freeze breath.
2. At start of the battle and afterwards (when he's out of the water), he can
cause 5 ice chunks to come crashing down (you will see their shadows).
3. Can try to hit you with his long neck, with which he will sweep over the
4. You may get frozen if you touch his body.
5. When Arktos starts to cry out, be ready to jump. He will spit out several
ice shards which will come flying in your direction.

Boss strategy:
Stand in whichever corner he comes out of so that you will under Arktos' head.
You will be safe from his freeze breath attack. Then return to middle of ice
platform and select Fire magic. Aim in direction of Arktos' neck and fire! If
you hit him, Arktos takes damage and will come crashing down for you to attack
him with your sword. Do so! Repeat this until Arktos croaks.
Falling ice chunks and spitting ice shards attacks can be easily avoided if
you're standing in middle of ice platform. If you run out of MP, you have two
options – you can either wait for Arktos to come falling down as sign of his
fatigue, or collect small Magic potions which occassionally appear after
falling ice chunks attack.
In any case, Arktos should not be too difficult boss.
Blue Tome: Lv 2 Ice magic.

Chapter 2: The Renegade Knights comes to an end...


IV. CHAPTER 3: The Demonic Minister

Character: Felippe
Magic Sword: Soul

A027: The Underground Arena

1st s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. Knows single/double slash.
2. Can guard.
3. Has evasive jump.
4. Can use Wind magic.
5. Knows Hammer Blow type attack.

Boss strategy:
Note: Don't do 2x jumps! There are spikes at the ceiling which will hurt you.
Vilherm is a slowpoke. This fight is really easy. Just run up to him and
attack him. Don't give him time to breathe! Once Vilherm's health is in range
below 50%, screen will go white. Don't worry tho', this is supposed to happen.

This dungeon is now complete!


A028: Zomas Estate

1st s.: 5x val.

2nd s., lower level: Since we can't do much the first time we're here, just
take lower east exit for now.

3rd s.: Strangely, 2x falling pillar won't move.
4x val.

4th s.: Step on three switches and then return to 2nd screen. 3x falling
pillar won't budge for now.

This dungeon is now complete!


A029: Shop 09

The trader is selling:
- Horn for 250 val <--- Get this!!
- Chalice for 400 val <--- Get this!!
- large Magic potion for 120 val


A030: The Mountain Passage

1st s.: Beware 6x bomb.
3x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 1x Hornet and 3x Will-='-The-Wisp.

3rd s.: Beware 8x bomb.
1x Pendant, 2x val.

4th s.: Must kill 2x Hornet and 2x War Bird.
1x health, 3x val.

5th s.: Smash 3x crate. Then drop down in the gap. Beware Poison pool. Make
your way to far right corner and jump on ledges there. Jump left. Watch that
you don't fall down. When on other side, jump up and right. Jump right again
to get across this chasm. Beware 6x bomb. Kill 3x Toadstool.
27x val, 1x Chalice, 1x Magic Power vial, 1x health.

6th s.: Must kill 2x Archer. Smash wooden fence.
1x val, 1x health.

7th s.: Beware 4x arrow turret.
14x val.

8th s.: Must kill 2x warrior and 2x Archer. Run to far right corner and smash
wooden fence you will find there for a helpful item.
1x Bomb, 1x val.

9th s.: Smash 4x crate. Drop in the chasm. Beware Poison pool. Jump on small
islands until you can jump on moving platform. From here jump left on a ledge
and then on another moving platform. Duck and then jump on next ledge. Then
jump right. Jump right again to another ledge and right yet again to cross
this chasm.
2x health, 19x val, 1x S magic.

10th s.: Must kill 1x Centaur.
20x val, 1x S health.

11th s.: 4x val.

This dungeon is now complete!


A031: Shop 10

The traders is trading:
- Your 1x Tea for 1x Bracelet <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Pendant for 1x Ring <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Lithograph for 1x Talisman <--- Get this!!


A032: The Ruins of Jirat

1st s.: At start go back for some loot. Kill 2x Warrior and ignore first door
you come across. Continue right to second north door, where you must kill 1x
Rock Demon to unbar them.
4x val, 1x health, Yellow Tome: Lv 2 Defense magic.

2nd door, 1st s.: 2x health.

2nd door, 2nd s.: Ignore 2x Skull Knight, which can't be killed yet.

2nd door, 3rd s.: Kill 3x Tentacle Plant. Push movable block up against the
wall. Jump on block and then jump on elevation. Jump left and step on switch
you will find (will unbar 1st door on the 1st screen). Return to 1st screen
end enter 1st door.
1x Lithograph, 9x val.

1st door, 1st s.: Smash 1x crate.
1x S magic.

1st door, 2nd s.: Big room with 4 exits. You came thru west exit. 1st north
exit is locked for now. Kill 1x Giant Knight. Beware 2x arrow turret. Smash 1x
crate. Ignore 3x Skeleton you will run into in front of second north door. Go
thru them for now.
1x Chalice, 3x val.

2nd north exit, 1st s.: Ignore 2x Skull Knight which can't be killed for now.
Jump on two pillars and go thru upper north exit.

2nd north exit, 2nd s.: Jump on pillar to your left. Step on the switch (this
will cause right floating pillar to descend; you can't jump on it yet – you
will have to take another entrance to this room). Then jump down and kill 3x
Toadstool. Exit the room thru lower doors on your right. Return to '1st door,
2nd screen' room and take east exit now.
Primary loot: 3x val, 1x Pendant.

East exit, 1st s.: Smash 3x crate.
10x val, 1x magic, 1x S health.

East exit, 2nd s.: Kill 2x Warrior.
1x health.

East exit, 3rd s.: Kill 3x Ninja. Jump up the pillars to the exit. You will be
1x magic, 4x val.

2nd north exit, 2nd s.: ... the room where you activated first switch. Jump on
pillar with second switch and step on it (will lower left floating pillar).
Jump on now accessible floating pillars and jump on a ledge with a key. Go to
where locked doors are ('1st door, 2nd screen' room).
Secondary loot: 1x Gold key.

Behind gold doors, 1st s.: 1x health.

Behind gold doors, 2nd s.: Kill 3x Scorpion. Select Fire magic. Light the
1x S magic.

Behind silver doors, 3rd s.: Must kill 1x Guardian.

This dungeon is now complete!


A033: Galia Desert

1st s.: Kill 3x Sand Fish and 3x Scorpion. Smash 2x crate
2x health, 1x magic, 10x val, 1x Bomb.

2nd s.: Kill 3x Sand Fish and 3x Scorpion. Smash 1x crate. Kill 3x Snad Fish.
Smash 3x crate.
1x magic, 1x health, 13x val, 2x Lithograph, 2x S magic.

3rd s.: Must kill 2x Centaur.
1x health.

This dungeon is now complete!


A034: Shop 11

The trader is buying:
- Wine for 100 val
- Tiara for 200 val
- Perfume for 50 val


A035: Jirat Castle

1st s.: 2x val.

2nd s.: 3x val.

3rd s.: Must kill 1x Giant Knight.
1x magic, 1x S health, Blue Tome: Lv 3 Ice magic.

4th s.: Kill 2x Bacula. Smash 6x crate, but beware 3x arrow turret.
1x Pendant, 1x Chalice, 14x val.

5th s.: Must kill 3x Demon Armor. Beware 2x arrow turret.
3x val.

6th s.: Beware 3x arrow turret.
25x val.

7th s.: Must kill 2x Sorcerer.
2x health, 1x magic.

8th s.: Smash 3x crate.
1x S magic, 2x val.

9th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: Zomas can only be attacked once four floating blue balls have been
1. If left alone for too long, four balls will stop, flash for while and then
release electric shock. This is their attack at start of battle.
2. Once Zomas' health is at 60% or close to it, four balls gain new attack.
When they appear, they will flash for a while; stay away cos they will
electrically charge themselves and you don't want to touch them. They will
make bigger circles until the point when they will fly out in one corner of
the room; if one or more balls is destroyed, then you get to deal with four
minus destroyed balls. Stand at the sides of the room (not in the corner!) and
you won't even be touched.
3. Once Zomas' health is at 25% or close to it, four balls gain new attack.
This time when they appear, they won't move at all. Always be on the move
during this period cos they will come flying in your direction one by one; if
one or more balls is destroyed, then you get to deal with four minus destroyed
balls. Keep running in circles round Zomas, timing your jumps over the balls
which come in your direction.
4. Don't run under Zomas or you'll be hurt by the 'gas' Zomas' health ball is
5. While Zomas' energy is being replenished by health ball found above Zomas,
he can attack you with magic spell sent at your current position.

Boss strategy:
Don't be running inside the circle four balls are 'creating', so that you
won't be hit too often by Zomas'. Also health ball hovering above Zomas can't
be destroyed. Now on to info to kick Zomas' ass...
Destroy four balls circling around Zomas. This will cause Zomas to fall down.
Run to where he landed and attack him. After this he will attempt to get away,
but you have enough time to attack him again. After this Zomas will fade away.
When he reappears, he will create another 4 balls, which must be destroyed to
be able to attack Zomas again. (stpil iyntfiin... From beginning read every
second character. If the name you get isn't the same as the one this document
is credited to, it's a steal of my work. Inform me, please) At the same time
health ball will be slowly regenerating Zomas' health, so it's in your best
interest to destroy them ASAP. For info on balls' attacks and how to avoid
them, check Boss attacks section for Zomas.
Keep destroying four balls and Zomas will fade away for good.

This dungeon is now complete!


A036: Shop 12

The trader is selling:
- small Health potion for 40 val
- large Health potion for 60 val
- Health vial for 120 val


A037: Zomas Estate

1st s.: 5x val.

2nd s., lower level: Has two levels, upper inaccessible for now. Take lower
east exit for now.
Lower level loot: 1x val.

Lower east exit, 1st s.: Beware 2x falling pillar.
4x val.

Lower east exit, 2nd s.: Step on three switches (will unbar north exit two
screens back), but beware 3x falling pillar. Return to '2nd s., lower level'
room and take north exit.

North exit, 1st s.: 10x val.

2nd s., upper level: Beware 2x spike wall as yo move around collecting loot.
Take upper west exit.
Upper level loot: 1x Chalice, 11x val.

West exit, 1st s.: Beware 5x flame geyser.
5x val.

West exit, 2nd s., upper level: If you drop down, you will have to return to
2nd screen, go thru north door and make you around again, so don't fall down
Upper level loot: 23x val, 1x S magic.

West exit, 3rd s.: Check everywhere for useful loot. Return to previous screen
and drop down.
1x Gold key, 1x Lithograph, 4x val, 1x S health.

West exit, 2nd s., lower level: Must kill 2x Royal Archer and 3x Ninja. Go
right after you purge this room.
Lower level loot: 10x val, 1x health.

West exit, 4th s.: Beware 2x spike wall.
6x val.

2nd s., lower level, revisited: Back at the beginning. Make your way right for
two screens and unlock the doors you will find at the end.

Lower east exit, 3rd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. When Zomas' dragon head is lowered, he will throw three claws
consecutively. These are slow at first, but they home in on your position.
When they 'locate' you, they will gain in speed. Zomas may use this attack up
to three times.
2. When Zomas' dragon head is lifted, he will create some type of vortex,
which will attempt to draw you close. Run away from it, but be ready to jump
cos after three second it will be released with great speed in your direction.
3. After Zomas' human head is dealt damage, dragon head may decide to heal.
it. After this is done, dragon head will be lowered and Zomas will now be
using claws attacks.

Boss strategy:
When battle starts, stand as far away as you can to avoid Zomas' claws. When
Zomas' dragon head is lifted, human head appears, and Zomas is now vulnerable.
Run up to him and Triple Slash him. Then run to left or right side of Zomas,
so that you will be able to jump over that vortex ball Zomas will create.
After vortex ball is gone, human head can be attacked again.
You can do this up to three times, before dragon head heals human head. With
healing en-route, return to lower part of the screen to avoid Zomas' flurry of
claws. When dragon head is lifted, human head can be attacked... Rinse and
Green Tome: Lv 2 Heal magic.


Boss attacks:
Note: Don't be pushed into Posion pool surrounding the battlefield too often!
1. Can spit sonic waves at you, which will cause fatigue.
2. Will flap his wings to cause wind gusts to push you into poison pool.
3. Will cry out as a sign of upcoming circular shockwave.
4. Can fly up and while in flight he wil cry out; Tempest will then attempt to
land on you, if it fails, he will slam the ground for a shockwave. He will
repeat this up to two times.
5. Sometimes he will flap his wings to create wind gusts to push you into
poison, but can also spit sonic waves at you.
6. Sometimes when he decides to fly up, instead of trying to land on you, he
will attempt to hit you with sonic waves. Whether these waves hit you or not,
Tempest will drop down to slam the ground for a shockwave.

Boss strategy:
Try to be behind Tempest's back all the time if you can. He has no protection
against backattacks except from shockwave, which you can easily anticipate.
And his flap attacks will also miss you. So keep Triple Slashing him as often
as you can.
During his aerial raids make sure that you're not under him when he is about
to land.
If you're caught in flap attacks, keep running in Tempest's direction. Flap
attacks get stronger, less health Tempest has. This also means you will have
more trouble not to be pushed into poison.
Tempest's sonic wave attack is a pain to be avoided, but you won't have to
deal with them if you're behind Tempest; or in case of his flying sonic wave
attack be under him.
Unfortunately I don't have any easy strategy for this boss apart from info I
have provided. I did notice one thing, tho': Sometimes I've been able to deal
critical damage to Tempest's wings, which flashed red. I have no clue what to
do for this to happen. Plain luck, I guess.

Chapter 3: The Demonic Minister comes to an end...


V. CHAPTER 4: Minion of the Ancient Dragon

Character: Anna
Magic Sword: Soul

A038: The Ruins of Saldo

1st s.: Nothing.

2nd s.: Beware 4x arrow turret. Smashing 4x crate is optional, cos the loot
1x val.

3rd s.: Kill 3x Devil Axe.
3x val.

4th s.: Ignore north exit for now and instead proceed east.
8x val.

5th s.: Beware Poison pool. Jump on ledges in far left corenr, then on
platforms (beware 4x flame geyser; duck under second pair). Then jump right.
22x val, 1x magic.

6th s.: Beware 1x fake door.
1x magic, 1x health, 4x val.

7th s.: Kill 3x Skull Knight and 1x Demon Spirit.

8th s.: Jump on ledges to work your way up and right. Beware 5x flame geyser.
When you reach highest ledge, step on switch to unbar east exit of this room
(see that small hole in middle wall? Use it on your way back).
1x val, 1x magic, 1x Pendant.

9th s.: Must kill 1x Lizardman and 3x Will-O'-The-Wisp. Return to 4th screen
and take north exit now.
1x Gold key.

North exit, 1st s.: Unlock east doors.
6x val.

North exit, 2nd s.: Beware 3x fallinh spike. Smash 3x crate.
2x val, 1x S magic.

North exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 1x Giant Knight.
Orange Tome: Lv 2 Thunder magic.

North exit, 4th s.: 19x val, 1x health.

This dungeon is now complete!


A039: Shop 13

The trader is selling:
- Pepper for 200 val <--- Get this!!
- Lithograph for 500 val
- Chalice for 500 val <--- Get this!!


A040: Beneath the Ruins

1st s.: Room with 3 exits. You came thru east exit. Take north exit for now.
4x val.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 6x Eyeful. Beware 3x falling spike as you purge
the room.

North exit, 2nd s.: Beware 3x grinder.
32x val, 1x Health vial.

North exit, 3rd s.: Kill 3x Armored Beetle. Then step on switch. Return to 1st
screen and go west this time.
6x val.

West exit, 1st s.: Kill 2x Stingray and 3x Skeleton.
2x val.

West exit, 2nd s.: 4x val.

West exit, 3rd s.: Kill 3x Starfish, 1x Roper and 2x Small Roper.

West exit, 4th s.: 4x val.

West exit, 5th s.: Beware Poison pool. Stand under the rope and press Square
so that your character will grab onto the rope. Press left and go left all the
way (hold Square pressed!). When you land, nab the key, then loot the room,
then return to 'North exit, 3rd s.' room.
1x Gold key, 1x Chalice, 1x S magic, 17x val.

North exit, 3rd s., revisited: Unlock north doors.

North exit, 4th s.: Kill 3x Skull Knight.
6x val.

North exit, 5th s.: Must kill 1x Sorceress.

North exit, 6th s.: 4x val, 1x Health vial.

This dungeon is now complete!


A041: The Deepest Place

1st s.: 2x val, 2x S health.

2nd s.: Room with 3 exits. You came thru west exit. Take east exit for now.
17x val.

East exit, 1st s., lower level: Just go thru north door.
Lower level loot: 1x health.

East exit, 2nd s.: Kill 2x Centaur and 1x Deer Head.

East exit, 3rd s.: Has two levels, you start on lower. Select Fire magic and
light the pillar to activate moving platform. Jump on it. From here you can
jump into 2 small holes (one is left and one is right from your current
position). Loot those two holes and then jump back on moving platform. From
here jump on upper level.
1x Pendant, 1x Magic vial, 13x val.

East exit, 4th s.: 12x val.
(Note: There's a key on the pillar, but you can't get there yet.)

East exit, 5th s.: There's 4x propeller in this room. Beware 8x bomb. Just
stick to lower part of the room and go left.

East exit, 6th s.: Kill 3x Sorcerer and 3x Deer Head.
1x S magic, 13x val.

East exit, 1st s., upper level: Stand under the rope and press Square so that
Mihael will grab onto it. Press left when ready. When you're about halfway
down the rope, let go of Square so that Anna will land on the ledge. If you
miss, you have to go around again. Step on switch there. Then collect what you
can. Return to 2nd screen.
Upper level loot: 15x val.

2nd s., revisited: Take north exit now.

North exit, 1st s.: Kill 1x Deer Head and 3x Skull Knight.

North exit, 2nd s.: Jump on the block and from here jump on north ledge.
2x val, 1x S magic.

Detour, 1st s.: 1x S magic.

Detour, 2nd s.: Then break greenest tile in the floor and drop down to...

East exit, 4th s., revisited: You will be standing on a pillar in that room.
Grab the key. Return to 'North exit, 2nd screen' room.
Secondary loot: 1x Gold key.

North exit, 2nd s., revisited: Push movable block to to the left, then jump on
the block and then jump to western doors. Unlock them.

North exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 2x Ice Hound and 1x Rock Demon.
1x val, Violet Tome: Lv 2 Vortex magic.

North exit, 4th s.: Must kill 1x Imperial Soldier and 2x Sorcerer.

This dungeon is now complete!


A042: Shop 14

The trader is trading:
- Your 1x Horn for 1x Ring <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Tea for 1x Earrings <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Mask for 1x Pendnat


A043: Verea Mountain

1st s.: Nothing.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Bat and 1x Flesh Demon, which will activate the platform.
Jump on it and then jump up on the ledge. Smash 2x crate.
20x val.

3rd s.: Must kill 2x Rock Demon.

4th s.: Beware Lava pool. Kill 3x Will-O'-The-Wisp. Jump using small islands
to the other side. There's 5x flame geyser to look out for.

5th s.: Beware Lava pool. Jump on ledge nearby. Jump on one of moving
platform. Jump on them to the exit on east side. Drop down from this ledge for
some more loot (will have to backtrack then).
1x Health vial, 1x Magic vial, 1x val.

6th s.: Must kill 2x Rhinoid and 2x Demon Armor. Beware Lava pool.

7th s.: Beware Lava pool. Jump on small islands and then on ledge. Jump on
next small island to right, then on next to get the key. Jump back and then
jump on the upper ledge. Beware 2x flame geyser. Make your way right and then
unlock east doors.
1x S magic, 13x val, 1x Lithograph, 1x Gold key.

8th s.: Must kill 1x Giant Knight. Beware Lava pool.
1x health.

9th s.: Smash 2x crate. Drop down. Must kill 3x Scorpion and 3x Stingray,
which will activate moving platform. Jump on it and then out of this hole.
Smash 1x crate.
1x val, 1x health, 1x S magic.

10th s.: Must kill 2x Crystal Knight.

11th s.: Nothing.

This dungeon is now complete!


A044: Shop 15

The trader is buying:
- Wine for 150 val
- Tiara for 400 val
- Perfume for 20 val


A045: The Fortress City of Verea

1st s.: 10x val.

2nd s., way over right drawbridge: You will come across two drawbridges. Flip
the lever to lower right drawbridge and go right. Kill 2x Bacula.
3x val.

Right exit, 1st s.: Must kill 3x Crystal Knight. There is 4x crate in this
room. Smash the crate in far right corner for a helpful item.
1x Bomb.

Right exit, 2nd s.: 4x val, 1x Magic Power vial.

Right exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 4x Devil axe.

Right exit, 4th s.: Jump on mddle platform for a key. Beware 5x flame geyser.
1x Gold key.

Right exit, 5th s.: Kill 6x Demon Spirit. Then return to 2nd screen and flip
the lever to lower left drawbridge.
70x val, 1x Lithograph.

2nd s., way over left drawbridge: Get past 3x propeller. Beware 2x falling
pillar and 2x fake door. Unlock the doors.
2x health.

Left exit, 1st s.: Must kill 1x Crystal Knight.

This dungeon is now complete!


A046: Shop 16

The trader is selling:
- small Magic potion sor 100 val
- large Magic potion for 150 val
- Magic vial for 300 val


A047: Passage to the Demon's Lair

1st s.: 3x val.

2ns s.: Beware Poison pool. Jump on platforms to get across.
11x val, 1x magic.

3rd s.: Has 3 exits. You came thru west one. Beware 2x grinder. Take north one
for now.
12x val, 1x health.

North exit, 1st s.: Kill 2x Skull Knight and 2x Demon Armor. Smash 1x crate.
Return to previous screen and go east this time.
1x Talisman.

East exit, 1st s.: Break thru the greenest tile.
2x val.

East exit, 2nd s.: Kill 3x Toadstool.

East exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 1x Crystal Knight.
Grey Tome: Lv 3 Stealth magic.

East exit, 4th s.: Beware Poison pool. Jump on platforms to get across to the
other side. Jump to corners for extra loot. Jump all the way to the top for
more extra loot.
32x val, 1x magic, 1x health, 1x Chalice.

East exit, 5th s.: Beware 2x bomb.

This dungeon is now complete!


A048: The Force Field

1st s.: Has 3 exits. North one is locked. Go left first. Beware 2x sensor
spike and 2x spike (these are scattered all over this room). Smash 2x crate.
1x S health, 1x magic, 1x health, 26x val.

Left exit, 1st s.: Must kill 1x Sorceress.

Left exit, 2nd s.: Beware 2x flame geyser. Smash 2x crate.
1x val, 1x S health, 1x S magic.

Left exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 3x Armored Beetle and 1x Centaur. Return to 1st
screen and go right now.

Right exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Sorceress.
Yellow Tome: Lv 3 Defense magic.

Right exit, 2nd s.: Smash 2x crate. Beware 1x sensor spike. Smash 2x crate.
14x val, 1x magic.

Right exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 2x Imperail Soldier and 2x Archer. Return to 1st
screen and take north exit.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Lizardman.

North exit, 2nd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: there are 3x spike scattered over the battlefield, so take care!
1. If you're in front of him, he will burp out some poison pollen (will cause
fatigue). He'll also do that if you attack him face to face.
2. Can bounce you back if you attack him face to face (you have to attack him
from behind or from side). After that he will spit out poison pollen.
3. Can fly around and try to land on you.
4. Can jump and when he lands, he will cause circular shockwave.
5. When he bangs his stick into the ground, 3 fish-like creatures will emerge.
They float around until they explode (before exploding creature will turn
red). After explosion circular shockwave is caused.

Boss strategy:
Hehehe, I think this dragon would deserve title of the comedian. Sounds he
makes when you hit him are funny:)... Err, back to strategy.
For starters, any attack head on will fail because he will block it with that
large belly of his. Plus he counters with poison pollen spit. So your options
are side/back attacks. This may be little hard to achieve in some cases cos
they may be spikes nearby. But don't give up. If you don't like the position
where Vappula is currently standing, get away and he will fly up to a more
convenient (hopefully) location. If he gets too far away from you (or you get
too far away from him) he may create three fish-like creatures, which are
actually bombs. Don't allow them to explode in your vicinity. So park yourself
behind him ASAP and chop him up. After he gets up, his usual move is
jump&stomp the ground (watch for shockwave!). So jump over the shockwave, then
to the side (or behind) Vappula and repeat. Victory is yours!
For quick and easy win run to Vappula immediately when battle starts. Hit him
in the belly so he does his poison pollen spit. When he is 'recovering', jump
to side and chop him up. He gets up, jumps in the air, you jump over shockwave
and to the side, you chop him up... Rinse and repeat.
Useful tip: Sometimes Vappula will be stupid and will land on spikes instead
of landing on you. Talk about stupid...

This dungeon is now complete!


A049: The Demon's Lair

1st s.: 1x health, 1x magic.

2nd s.: Beware 2x falling spike.
4x val.

3rd s.: Must kill 1x Giant Knight and 2x Demon Armor.

4th s.: 16x val.

5th s.: Kill 2x Imperial Soldier and 3x Sorceress. Smash 3x crate.
31x val, 1x Magic vial.

6th s.: Smash 3x crate.
1x Health vial, 2x val.

7th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: There are 3x Skeleton in this room.
1. Can throw fireball bomb down at you. When it explodes, it causes circular
2. Will revive 3x Skeleton on regular basis (these 3x Skeleton *can't* be

Boss strategy:
Finally easy boss battle involving dragons. See those four pillars that float
in the air? Wait until Krassel jumps on one of them, then run there and do
Jumping Slash (one will do) at pillar Krassel is standing on. He will fall
down on his ass. Don't try to hit him yet, cos he is still invincible for a
few moments. He will flash 3 or 4 more times before he becomes vulnerable. Let
him have it for those 3 seconds of time you have to hurt him. After that he
becomes invulnerable again and will escape to high ledge in corner of the
Krassel will occassionaly revive 3x Skeleton that are lying around. You can
either ignore them or knock them down, but you can't kill them. (If you see
this faq anywhere and see that it isn't credited to Split Infinity, please
inform me) Krassel may also attempt to throw a fireball bomb at your current
position, but it's nothing of danger - can be avoided easily.
If one or more pillar is missing, Krassel can materialize missing ones anytime
he wants (if pillars are being created over and over, you may need to strike
them more than once!) To win, just follow the guidelines two paragraphs above
and he goes down.

After this boss fight is over, dungeon is still not complete. You have to go
even further...

8th s.: Beware 1x grinder.
20x val, 1x S health, 1x S magic.

9th s.: Kill 2x Imperial Soldier and 3x Sorceress. Flip both levers.
1x Chalice, 1x Lithograph, 1x Pendant, 1x val.

10th s.: 14x val.

11th s.: Must kill 2x Crystal Knight and 2x Lizardman.

12th s.: Beware 3x falling spike.
21x val.

13th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: Halfas will grant you free 1x Magic vial and 1x Health vial.
1. Power up and slide into random direction. Can ram you during his gliding.
2. Sometimes after gliding he will summon white energy ball (has small homing
ability) from his weapon into your direction.
3. Sometimes he'll glide close to your current position, stop and try to
strike you with his staff. Regardless of success he will be fatigued for a
while (free attack!).
4. Can attack you with his staff if you're close.
5. When low on health, he can fly into one corner. He will spit out three blue
energy balls one after another. These have small homing ability. When they
explode, they will create circular shockwave. He will finish the attack by
trying to do flying bodyram into you. After this 'performance' he will be

Boss strategy:
Until he starts to fly, Halfas is relatively easy. He doesn't have any sudden
projectile attacks (two which he actually has can be predicted by his
actions). Stand in one corner and wait for Halfas to end his glide trip
somewhere near you (be ready to jump in case of firing a projectile to finish
his attack). I find running after him a waste of time, cos in 7 out of 10
cases he will move to another spot. When he finishes his attack, he's open to
your attack, so let him have it. Repeat this and when his health is seriously
depleted, he'll start to fly around. He'll park himself in the corner, shoot
out three energy balls of his and then try to fly into you. Keep moving at all
times. When he's finished with flying crap, he's fatigued --> free attack!
Rinse and repeat and victory is yours.


Boss attacks:
1. When he cries out, he will create circular shockwave.
2. Can create 3x Cave Slug to assist him.
3. Knows left-arm swipe if you get close.
4. Can quickly retreat by jumping back a short distance.
5. Can spit out purple porcupine-like bomb at a small-to-medium distance. When
it explodes, it will create circular shockwave.
6. With around 40 to 60% health remaining his true head will come out. He will
become faster plus gain extended arm reach.
7. His true head can shoot out 3-way blue beamshot that travels above ground.
8. If you get close, he now knows triple claw swipe (left, then right, then
both arms).
9. Instead of one purple bomb, he can now throw three in your general
10. If you hit his head, he *will* throw you one purple bomb and while you're
jumping, will follow with 3-way blue beamshot which is almost sure to hit you.

Boss strategy:
Hard boss battle. This dragon is almost perfect. Has high defense, fast
(becomes even faster), has many attacks, big health bar... too bad you must
kill him:).
Going head on is a bad idea for now. He may swipe at you or try to throw a
porcupine at you (usually throws bombs when you're very far away from him).
His most frequent attack is shockwaving you. Get behind him for easier time
with this monstrosity. Wait for shockwave attack, jump over it and attack
Talon. Repeat this. It will go slow, but is moderately safe. 2 or 3 times
you'll have to deal with 3x Cave Slug - Hammer Blow is your friend.
Once about 50% of Talon's energy has been depleted, his true head will emerge.
Talon becomes faster, gains more attacks and extended arm reach. Talon now
knows triple claw swipe. If you're far away, he will 3-way beamshot you. What
to do? Go for the head! If you attack it successfully, your attack will take
off big chunk of Talon's health (good animation of Talon grabbing his head in
pain). And Talon *will counterattack* by throwing a porcupine at you and then
3-way beamshot. If one doesn't hit, the other will most surely do. Try your
best in evading this by running behind him.

This dungeon is now complete!

Chapter 4: Minion of the Evil Dragon comes to an end...


VI. CHAPTER 5: Resurrection of the Evil Dragon

Character: Mihael
Magic Sword: Igunis

A050: The Ruins of Raxis City

1st s.: Go up. Smash 1x crate. Keep going left, collecting loot. Beware 4x
arrow turret. Smash wooden fence for even more loot. Enter small crawlhole at
the end (beware 5x bomb).
73x val, 1x magic, 1x health.

2nd s.: 1x magic, 3x val.

3rd s.: Must kill 1x Imperail Guard and 1x Rhinoid.

4th s.: Beware 3x flame geyser.
30x val.

5th s.: Must kill 1x Lizardman. Kill 2x Skull Knight.
1x S magic, 3x val.

6th s.: Go right first and smash 4x crate.
32x val, 1x S magic, 1x Chalice.

7th s.: Must kill 2x Assassin.
22x val, 1x health, 1x S magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


A051: The Ruins of Raxis Castle

1st s.: Kill 2x Ice Hound and 3x Winged Demon. Smash 2x crate (go for the
crate on the staircase first!). Kill 1x Rhinoid for a key. Smash 1x crate.
31x val, 1x Gold key, 1x Magic Power vial.

3rd s.: Kill 3x Paladin and 2x Sorceress. Smash 5x crate.
1x magic, 1x health, 20x val, 1x Silver key.

4th s.: Beware 5x flame geyser. Smash 2x crate. Beware 1x flame geyser. and 1x
sensor spike.
1x S magic, 1x magic, 10x val.

5th s.: Must kill 1x Crystal Knight. Kill 3x Ghoul. Smash 1x crate.
1x S health, 1x Copper key, 3x magic.

6th s.: Smash 3x crate.
35x val.

This dungeon is now complete!


A052: Passage to the Underworld

1st s.: 14x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 2x Sorceress.
Black Tome: Lv 2 Mine magic.

3rd s., lower level: Has 2 levels, upper inaccessible from your position. Jump
over 1x spike and continue right.
Lower level loot: 3x val, 1x S health.

4th s.: Kill 3x Bat and 3x Armored Beetle. East exit of this room will unbar
(north bars require a switch to be stepped on).

5th s.: Beware 1x grinder. East exit needs a key. Go thru north doors.
3x val, 1x S magic.

North room: Stand under trident-type object hanging from ceiling. Select
Thunder magic and cast it. You will hear a chime meaning that the device is
powered up (will unbar north door two screens back). Return to '4th screen'
room and take now open north exit.
1x health.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 1x Winged Demon.

North exit, 2nd s.: Select Fire magic and light pillar at end of this room.
Return a bit and jump on now activated platform. Jump up.
1x S health, 1x Pendant, 1 val.

North exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 1x Winged Demon.
20x val, Green Tome: Lv 3 Heal magic.

North exit, 4th s.: Beware Poison pool. Jump (using three conveyor belts) to
the other side.
1x S health, 1x Chalice, 30x val.

3rd s., upper level: You've been here before, except you're now at upper
level. Collect what you can, drop down and make your way to locked doors.
Upper level loot: 1x Gold key, 1x S health, 1x Lithograph.

Behind locked dooor, 1st s.: Kill 3x Dragonet.
1x S health, 5x val.

This dungeon is now complete!


A053: Shop 17

The trader is buying:
- Wine for 300 val
- Harp for 400 val <--- Get this!!
- Mask for 400 val <--- Get this!!


A054: Entrance to the Underworld

1st s.: 3x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Scorpion. Smash 2x crate. Bewae 5x bomb.
10x val.

3rd s.: Must kill 1x Lizardman. Beware 4x bomb.
1x Magic Power vial, 22x val.

4th s.: Beware 7x bomb. Kill 2x Bacula. Beware 1x spike and 2x sensor spike.
Kill 1x Bacula. Beware 1x spike, 1x sensor spike and 3x bomb. Kill 1x Bacula.
1x S magic, 20x val, 1x S health.

5th s.: Must kill 2x Centaur. Beware 2x bomb.

6th s.: Kill 2x Winged Demon. Beware 4x bomb.
1x S health.

7th s.: Beware 8x bomb, kill 2x Bacula, smash 2x crateTentacle Plant, jump
over 1x spike, kill 1x Tentacle Plant, jump over 1x spike, kill 1x Tentacle
1x health, 40x val, 1x magic, 1x S magic.

8th s.: Must kill 2x Rock Demon.
1x magic, 1x health.

This dungeon is now complete!


A055: Shop 18

The trader is selling:
- Chalice for 600 val <--- Get this!!
- Talisman for 800 val <--- Get this!!
- Lithograph for 700 val


A056: City of Demons

1st s.: Nothing.

2nd s.: Must kill 2x Lizardman.

3rd s.: Beware 6x bomb. Smash 2x crate. When you come to crossroads, go east
for now (north doors are locked). Beware 6x bomb and 2x arrow turret.
1x S magic, 10x val, 1x Chalice.

East exit, 1s s.: Must kill 2x Assassin. Return to previous screen and unlock
north doors.
1x Gold key.

North exit, 1st s.: Beware 3x flame geyser and 4x bomb.

North exit, 2nd s.: Must kill 1x Giant Knight.

North exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 1x Crystal Knight.

North exit, 4th s.: Must kill 1x Cyclops.

This dungeon is now complete!


A057: Shop 19

The trader is trading:
- Your 1x Pepper for 1x Ring <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Horn for 1x Earrings <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Perfume for 1x Pendant


A058: Forest of Monsters

1st s.: Ignore hole in the tree for now.
11x val.

2nd s.: Jump over the chasm to hills on right to get across. Kill 3x
1x Magic Power vial, 2x health (you can get the latter if you fall down).

3rd s.: Must kill 2x Winged Demon and 1x Rock Demon.

4th s.: Kill 3x Flying Fish and 1x Dragonet.

5th s.: Must kill 4x Tentacle Plant. Before proceeding further east, drop down
so that we'll clear bottom level. 2x health, 1x Lithograph.

Bottom level, 1st s.: Nothing, go left.

Bottom level, 2nd s.: Kill 2x War Bird.

Bottom level, 3rd s.: Beware 5x bomb. Smash 3x crate.
1x S health, 1x val, 1x Pendant.

Bottom level, 4th s.: Must kill 1x Winged Demon. Kill 2x Skull Knight.

Bottom level, 5th s.: Drop down and climb the hill in far left corner. You
will emerge near entrance of 1st screen. Make your way to 5th screen and go

6th s.: 12x val, 1x S magic.

7th s.: Must kill 2x Assassin. Beware 2x bomb.

8th s.: Kill 2x Flying Fish and 2x Dragonet.

9th s.: Must kill 2x Executioner. And 1x Mystic Warrior.

This dungeon is now complete!


A059: Shop 20

The trader is selling:
- small Magic potion for 120 val
- large Magic potion for 180 val
- Magic vial for 360 val


A060: The Dungeons of Eternity

This dungeon is veeery long and tedious. It's comprised of three parts. Let's

---> Part 1 of this dungeon

1st s.: Jump in the hole.

2nd s.: Big room with six (6!) exits. To make things worse, this is also
upper/lower level room. Two exits are west (one on lower, one on upper level),
three exits are on east (two of which are on upper level). North exit is
barred. To lift those bars, you have to electrify 4 trident like devices. One
device is in far left corner of this room, so power it up using Thunder magic.
Then take lower west exit. Before doing that kill 3x Demon Armor and 2x

Lower west exit, lower level, 1st s.: Has two levels, you're on lower. Kill 3x
Dragonet. Then go left.

Lower west exit, 2nd s.: Push movable on the leftmost switch. Jump on the
block and then on ledge where you should kill 1x Tentacle Plant. Go thru first
north door.
1x health.

1st north door, 1st s.: Kill 6x Bat and step on switch.

Lower west exit, 2nd s., revisited: Push movable block on rightmost switch to
unbar second north door. Jump on block, then on the ledge, kill 1x Tentacle
Plant and go thru second north door.

2nd north door, 1st s.: Nothing.

2nd north door, 2nd s.: Step on switch, which will (in conjunction with
previously stepped on switch) unbar 3rd north door two rooms back, so go there
(jump to the door with help of movable crate). You will find yourself in...

Lower west exit, 1st s., upper level: Beware 4x flame geyser. Make your way
1x S magic.

2nd s., revisited: Power up second trident-like device. Then jump down and
take lower east exit.
1x magic.

Lower east exit, 1st s.: Kill 1x Mystic Warrior.
Red Tome: Lv 2 Fire magic.

Lower east exit, 2nd s.: Kill 3x Skull Knight and 3x Toadstool.
1x health.

Lower east exit, 3rd s.: Go to far right corner (smash 1x crate) and jump on
small hill there. Jump on ledges to your left to gain access to another two
exits (beware 3x sensor spike if you fall down). Enter first west door you
come across.
1x S magic, 1x S health.

Behind upper west door 1, 1st s.: Drop down and push the pillar up as far as
you can. Then use this pillar to jump across to other side.
1x magic.

Behind upper west door 1, 2nd s.: Drop down and push the pillar up as far as
you can. Then use this pillar to jump to top of 1x falling pillar and to be
able to jump across.
1x magic.

2nd s., rerevisited: Power up third trident with Thunder magic. Then return to
'Lower east exit, 3rd screen' room, and take the other upper level west exit.

Behind upper west door 2, 1st s.: Jump over conveyor belts to other side. Kill
or ignore 3x Bat that will annoy you.
1x S health, 1x magic.

Behind upper west door 2, 2nd s.:: Must kill 1x Rock Monster.

2nd s., rererevisited: Power up fourth and last trident device with Thunder
magic. This will unbar doors to north of this room.

Behind north door, 1st s.: Don't bother going north in this room. Door ahead
is locked. Flip the lever to lower right drawbridge. Go right.
1x S magic.

Right exit, 1st s.: Must kill 1x Mystic Warrior.

Right exit, 2nd s.: Kill 6x Will-O'-The-Wisp. Smash 3x crate.
1x Lithograph, 2x health.

Right exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 1x Rock Monster.

---> Part 2 of this dungeon

1st s.: Nothing.

2nd s.: Has 3 exits. You came thru west one. Step on switch to activate moving
platform. Jump on platform, from here to special platform. Wait for sound
signal and then step on one of four arrows signifying which direction you want
platform to go - right now that would be north. There is some loot on most
upper ledges.
1x Magic vial, 1x S health, 1x health.

North door, 1st s.: Must kill 3x Mystic Warrior. Beware 4x flame geyser.

Switch & Lever room: Has two entrances. You came thru west one. Stand next to
lever. Unlike previous levers, this one can be pulled in four directions. Flip
it down for some loot to appear. Flip it left to make lower left bars to
disappear. Then flip it up to make upper left bars to disappear. Step on now
available switch, which will lower middle bars. Return to lever. Flip it right
to lower upper right bars. Step on another now available switch for a key to
appear. Return to '2nd screen' room and take east exit.

East exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Lizardman.

East exit, 2nd s.: Kill 2x Demon Spirit. Jump on ledge in far right corner.
Jump on ledges to your left to this room's exit. Beware 3x flame geyser on
your way.
4x magic.

East exit, 3rd s.: Beware 2x bomb. Must kill 3x Executioner.

East exit, 4th s.: Has three exits. You came thru east one. West one is locked
(you need Gold key). North one is your choice for now. Go to pillar in middle
of room. Jump on pillar and then jump on platform. Wait for sound signal and
then step on one of four arrows signifying which direction you want platform
to go - right now that would be north exit. There is much of interest on upper
1x Chalice, 1x Health vial, S magic.

North path, 1st s.: Must kill 1x Rock Monster.

North path, 2nd s.: Beware Poison pool. First drop down to lower ledge. Use
platforms to jump over to other side and collect the loot there. Then
backtrack to entrance of this room. Jump over ledges (beware 1x grinder) to
this room's exit.
1x Pendant, 1x Magic Power vial.

North path, 3rd s.: Drop all way to bottom. Select Ice magic and freeze 3x
flame platform to gain access to this room's exit.
1x S magic, 1x Magic vial.

Switch & Lever room, revisited: Nab the key, then return to 'East exit, 4th
s.' room, jump on special platform and unlock west doors.
1x Gold key.

Behind gold door, 1st s.: 1x Magic vial.

---> Part 3 of this dungeon

1st s.: Nothing.

2nd s.: Must kill 1x Crsytal Knight.
1x Gold key.

3rd s.: Kill 3x Tentacle Plant. Drop down. Kill 3x Tentacle Plant. Seems
familiar:)? Go to lever and flip it to lower left drawbridge. Finally go to
north doors. Unlock them.
1x Magic vial, 1x Health vial.

Final s.: Final boss battles ahead!


Boss attacks:
Note: There are 3x Skull Knight in this room.
1. Can throw fireball bomb down at you. When it explodes, it causes circular
2. Will revive 3x Skull Knight on regular basis (these 3x Skull Knight *can't*
be killed!).

Boss strategy:
Recycled boss... yawn. See those four pillars that float in the air? Wait
until Krassel jumps on one of them, then run there and do Jumping Slash (one
will do) at pillar Krassel is standing on. He will fall down on his ass. Don't
try to hit him yet, cos he is still invincible for a few moments. He will
flash 3 or 4 more times before he becomes vulnerable. Let him have it for
those 3 seconds of time you have to hurt him. After that he becomes
invulnerable again and will escape to high ledge in corner of the room.
Krassel will occassionaly revive 3x Skull Knight that are lying around. You
can either ignore them or knock them down, but you can't kill them. Krassel
may also attempt to throw a fireball bomb at your current position, but it can
be avoided easily.
If one or more pillar is missing, Krassel can materialize missing ones anytime
he wants. Created pillar now has to be struck *four times* before it is
destroyed. Just continue the above recipe and Krassel will bite his ass for
good now.


Boss attacks:
1. Can head swipe at you if you're close (if he misses, he's open to attack).
2. When hit, will usually jump in the air, hover there a bit, then send a
fireball in your direction (when it explodes, circular shockwave is created)
and finish this 'performance' with stomping on gorund, creating another
circular shockwave.
3. Will cry out as a sign for shockwave attack, which is coming next.
4. Can fly around for a while and then stomp the ground for a shockwave.
5. If he cries out and at the same time closes his wings in front of him, this
means he'll create 4 magic circles (if you get caught in one, you can't get
out; you have to wait for circle to disappear). When these circles are
conjured, he'll finish the attack by stomping the ground for a shockwave. Stay
away from circles if you can (you can still get sucked in).
6. If you're behind him, he may strike you with his tail. If that misses,
shockwave is also sent in your direction.
7. With each step he makes, at some places on the battlefield poison smoke
will erupt. If you touch it, you will be fatigued.

Boss strategy:
Hard boss, no doubt. Retreats when attacked, has nasty attacks at his
disposal, can attack you even with his back to you... So how to beat him?
My easiest and craziest strategy: At start run up to him head on. Most of the
time he will try to headswipe you, so jump over it or stay out of its reach.
Whilst his head is 'on the side', he can't do a thing, so Triple Slash him. He
will then try headswiping you again. Jump over it or evade it. Triple Slash
him. Jump or evade... etc. This works for me 75% of the time. But in cases he
starts to get annoying...
To start, don't always attack him from behind. Tail shockwaves hurt... a lot.
Also pay attention to what his stance is when he cries out as a sign of attack
- if he covers his chest with his wings, stay away from him. You don't want to
be trapped in those circles, as you can't do a thing only try your best to
avoid his attacks; lucky hits against him while you're trapped are possible,
tho'. This boss battle can be somewhat long, cos it's very hard to land more
than one hit in; either he'll start an attack or will retreat out of sword
range. My best advice is to be persistent and he will eventually go down...
Will he?


1. Can spit out huge fireball, which upon impact creates shockwave.
2. Has right arm flame-swipe.
3. When he lifts his head and holds it there for some time, be ready for
several second lasting blue/green beam that will come in your direction.
Fortunately, he can't control it once it's fired.
4. Beware of tail swipe if you're attacking him from behind.
5. Can cry out as a sign of following shockwave attack.
6. Can fly for a bit and will then spit fireball in your direction (will
create shockwave after explosion) and stomp the ground for another shockwave
(he also has a version without the fireball).
7. With each step he makes, at some places on the battlefield poison smoke
will erupt. If you touch it, you will be fatigued.

Boss strategy:
Bigger, faster, more powerful attacks... but actually easier in terms of
landing successful hits.
Quite often Dahaka starts the battle by sending greeting fireball in your
direction, so ouch! for you right away. Get too close for too long and
armswipe is yours. Dawdle near his back for too long and tailswipe is yours...
but unless previous Dahaka form, this time it's actually easier to hit him
more than once. Attacking from side would seem like the best option, as only
thing you'd have to watch out for would be his instant shockwaves. Be ready
when Dahaka starts to gather power for his energy shot. Immediately start
running to his side and hopefully he will miss. Few seconds you're given
(while his attack still lasts) is more then enough to strike him good. It is
next to impossible to avoid his instant fireball, so don't feel bad about it.
So your best chance to attack him is immediately after boss is done shooting
that beam at you. Of course, at other times too.
Finally, when you deplete his health, he'll fall to the ground. Now move to
where his head is and execute a powerful blow at his head (Hammer Blow, for
example). If you want to be double sure, Special Sword Technique him. With
this you win and...



I. PROLOGUE: Dragon Valor

Character: Clovis
Magic Sword: Azos

B001: Brize Forest

1st s.: Let the adventure begin! Watch the intro and when you get control of
your character, you will see some online instructions on controls. Read 'em or
press Start to get rid of 'em. Must kill 1x Orc.

2nd s.: Must kill 1x Orc.

3rd s.: Time to learn how to jump and double jump. Jump over first ledge and
2xjump on the next. Jump on the ledge which sticks out of the wall. (If you
drop down, don't worry. You can 2xjump back on second ledge.) Jump from this
ledge to land on firm floor ahead. (tilps ytinifni! Read backwards to get
what? If this name isn't the same as the one at top of document, you're
reading a ripped walkthru from me!) You will now cross a bridge. Use the
online tip to learn how to dash. Proceed to the right. Hmm, seems like a dead
end. Not! Press R1/R2 to crouch. (Send me an e-mail if you suspect this
document is ripped to lifearmor@hotmail.com) Now press directional buttons to
move right while crouching. When you can stand up again, go right and drop
down. Must kill 2x Bat.

4th s.: Must kill 2x Orc.

5th s.: Kill 1x Orc. Jump on two ledges and land on firm floor ahead. Smash 3x
3x val.

6th s.: Must kill 1x Tentacle Plant.
Red Tome: Lv 1 Fire magic.

7th s.: Completely empty.

8th s.: Must kill 3x Orc.

9th s.: Destroy 3x crate. Jump over 2 ledges and drop down. Kill 2x Bat. Turn
back and 2xjump on second ledge. Jump on the first sticked ledge, then on the
second, and then on the floor. Destroy next 3x crate.
2x val, 1x health, 1x Wine, 1x S magic, 1x S health.

10th s.: Kill 2x Will-O'-The-Wisp (one of them may drop a Gem) and 1x

11th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. If you see Rage lift his head and cry out, be ready to jump, cos he will
send out a circular shockwave.
2. If you find yourself close to Rage, he may try to hit you with his
headswipe from right to left. Evade this by jumping over his head or
retreating out of danger range.
3. Sometimes he decides to fly around a bit. Be careful, because he may try to
land on you. When he finally lands, be ready to jump because of a circular
shockwave that Rage will create when he lands.
4. When low on health, he will start to breathe fire, which hurts if you're
hit. Best thing you can do to avoid this is to run to either side of Rage if
you can. Otherwise, make use of 2xjumps.
Note: When Rage is about to perform any of these four attacks, he is
*invincible*. You cannot harm him in any way.

Boss strategy:
It's a pretty basic dragon for a start. He will start the battle by walking
towards you or retreating a few steps. Run up to him and land a few slices
into his skin, then retreat because he may counter with head swipe. Don't
worry, if you touch him accidentally, he will not harm you - except when he
performs his head swipe.
When he tries to hit you with shockwave, you can easily expect this. Rage will
start to flash, lift his head, wave it a bit, let out a cry and then the
shockwave. Jump over the shockwave and hit Rage with jumping slash.
Watch out for his flying trips, both because he may try to land on you or
(when he lands) hit you with a shockwave.
Sometimes he may drop to the floor - cos he is tired:)? Use this chance to hit
him with a 3xhit sword combo.
When his health drops below 40% or so, he will start breathing fire. Run to
the side of Rage or (in case this isn't possible) 2xjump.
You can also try to hit him with a fireball.:) Despite both Rage and fireball
being of fire nature, fireball will hurt Rage.
For the fastest disposal of Rage perform jumping slashes at Rage's head. After
7 or 8 hits he goes down. Be careful tho, cos he likes to counterattack with
fire breath.

This dungeon is now complete!

Prologue: Dragon Valor comes to and end...


II. CHAPTER 1: Avenger

Character: Clovis
Magic Sword: Azos

B002: The Raxis Border

1st s.: Kill 3x Cerberus (destroy wood fence that hinders your way) and 2x
Archer, destroy 3x crate.
4x val, 1x Perfume, 1x S health, 1x S magic, 1x Tiara.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Warrior.
12 val.

This dungeon is now complete!


B003: Shop 01

Trader is buying:
- Wine for 30 val
- Tiara for 50 val
- Perfume for 100 val

Oookay, one of rare ocasions where you can choose your path. Select 'The Ruins
of the Prison' for now...


B004: The Ruins of the Prison

1st s.: 5x val.

2nd s.: Kill 3x Bat.
4x val.

3rd s.: Kill 4x Orc. You will come out thru west entrance. South entrance is
currently locked. North entrance is accessible, but there are 3x Spike in the
next room which you must lower first. So take east entrance for now.
3x val, 1x S magic.

East way, 1st s.: You will see a high ledge with some items and money along
with a block which can be moved. Stand next to the block and press Square so
your character will grab it. Then press directional buttons in direction you
want to push the block. Pust it north 4 times, then let go. Jump on the block,
then on the ledge to collect loot.
3x val, 1x Lithograph, 1x S health.

East way, 2nd s.: This room contains 3x Skeleton and 1x Rhinoid, whom you must
kill to get Gold key, which you need for locked door found two rooms back. 3x
Skeleton can't be killed yet, so avoid them best you can. Return to the four
entrance room and take south exit now.
1x Gold key, 2x val.

South way, 1st s.: Kill 3x Bat.
7x val.

South way, 2nd s.: Before picking up anything, make your way to the highest
pillar where a floor switch is. Go to the east side of the room and then you
can start your jumping trip. It's pretty easy and you should have no problems.
After the switch is activated, collect the loot. Return to 4 entrance room and
take north exit now.
1x Chalice, 1x health, 5x val.

North way, 1st s.: 3x Spike has disappeared, so just make your way left.

North way, 2nd s.: Must kill 3x Ninja.
1x health.

North way, 3rd s.: Must kill 1x Lizardman.
1x magic, Black Tome: Lv 1 Mine magic.

This dungeon is complete!


B005: Shop 02

Trader is selling:
- Wine for 20 val <--- Get this!!
- Lithograph for 200 val
- Pendant for 120 val


B006: The Border Fortress

If you don't like prison path, you can select this one instead.

1st s.: Must kill 2x Knight and 1x Archer.
1x val, 1x S health.

2nd s.: Kill 2x Ninja.
5 val.

3rd s.: Climb the stairs. Destroy the 2x crate.
1x magic, 2x val.

4th s.: Exit is on the very right. But check the two doors in the middle...

First middle door: Destroy 3x crate. Return to 4th screen.
1x Lithograph, 2x val.

Second middle door: Destroy 2x crate. Step on the switch to open the door.
Return to 4th screen and go right now.
1x Chalice, 1x val.

5th s.: Climb the stairs. Destroy 2x crate.
3 val.

6th s.: Must kill 2x Rhinoid.
1x health, Black Tome: Lv 1 Mine magic.

This dungeon is complete!

Completing either 004 or 006 will lead to...


B007: Raxis City

1st s.: Go DOWN all the way you can. You can get some extra loot that way.
Kill 6x Will-O'-The-Wisp, 2x Catapult Orc.
1x Pendant, 1x Wine, 1x magic, 1x S health, 1x health, 42x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 5x Will-O'-The-Wisp and 2x Catapult Orc.

3rd s.: Don't joke around the bombs too long. They hurt if you get caught in
explosion. Simply run past them and you should be safe from the explosion that
follows. If you want to be double safe, try out your Mine magic.
1x S magic, 13x val.

4th s.: Must kill 5x Will-O'-The-Wisp and 1x Lizardman. Get rid of red balls
ASAP, so that you have only Lizardman left to deal with. Kill him last.
1x S health, 1x Chalice, 12x val. Some items are hidden beneath the stone
fence on lower part of the screen. Remember, always check everywhere on every

This dungeon is now complete!


B008: Shop 03

Trader is selling:
- small Magic potion for 40 val
- large Magic potion for 60 val
- Magic vial for 120 val

Select either 009 (The Underground Passage) or 010 (The Road to Raxis


B009: The Underground Passage

1st s.: At beginning go back a bit for some loot. Watch for falling pillars
(stand close to one and wait for it to fall) and spikes coming out of the
ground (they come out at timed intervals). At the end of the screen destroy 4x
crate (careful, in one of the crates is Poison). Enemies: 19x Eyeful, 9x
Flying Fish.
1x Wine, 1x Chalice, 3x health, 2x magic, 39x val

2nd s.: Must kill 2x Giant Crab.
1x magic, Green Tome: Lv 1 Heal magic.

Note: If you took this path, your next part of the walkthru should be 011.

This dungeon is now complete!


B010: The Road to Raxis Castle

1st s.: At beginning go back for some loot. Kill 6x Tentacle Plant. There are
mines here, so watch out.
9x val, 1x health, 1x magic.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Orc and 2x Catapult Orc.

3rd s.: 6x mine will be in your way. Destroy 2x crate.
1x Chalice, 1x health, 2x val.

4th s.: Must kill 2x Cerberus and 2x Imperial Guard (head all the way to the
right across the bridge for some extra loot).
1x S health, 1x S magic, 4x val, Green Tome: Lv 1 Heal magic.

Note: If you took this path, your next part of the walkthru should be 012.

This dungeon is now complete!


B011: Raxis castle (Entrance 1)

1st s.: Nothing of interest here. Go up the stairs.

2nd s.: 3x val.

3rd s.: Must kill 2x Demon Armor.
1x Mask (after both Demon Armors are destroyed).

4th s.: Go up the stairs. See 1x Spike? There's a switch room there. Go
inside, step on the switch, and bars will go away. Exit the switch room and go
thru north exit.
4x val.

5th s.: 4x val, 1x health.

6th s.: Another room with 4 exits. You will come through west exit (it will
close after you). South exit is inaccessible (see Note 1 at the end of this
part of walkthru). Watch out for 4x Arrow turrets. Destroy 2x crate in the
middle of the room. Take the east exit.
1x Chalice, 1x Pendant, 1x val.

East exit, 1st s.: Ignore the door. Why? See Note 2 at the end of this part of
walkthru. Return to previous screen and take north exit now.
1x Pendant, 2x val.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Knight and 2x Royal Archer.
1x S health, 1x S magic, 2x val.

North exit, 2nd s.: Destroy 2x crate.
1x Lithograph, 1x Harp.

North exit, 3rd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. He may dash at you and try to hit you with dashing punch (he is very
vulnerable after this attack, cos he must 'catch his breath':)).
2. If you're close to him, he may swing his right arm in order to hit you.
3. If he guards your attacks, get away because he may power up his right arm,
which can be extended quite a bit in order to hit you (you will know this by
flames coming out of his right arm).
4. Don't jump on him face-to-face, because he may knock you down with his
right arm swing.

Boss strategy:
This boss is really easy. Stay away from him at a moderate distance and wait
for him to do a dashing punch. When he get close, 2xjump over him so his
attack misses and then attack him from the back. Rinse and repeat and you win.
Easier strategy: Stay at a moderate distance and fireball him to death. He
should not even touch you.

Note 1: You get here by south exit if you take route 007.
Note 2: SPOILER: Here's first important decision, which decides how the story
will go on.
- If you choose to knock the door down, you will meet Raxis princess. After
Chapter 1 comes to an end, Clovis will marry Raxis Princess.
- If you choose to ignore the door, Clovis will marry Carolina, after chapter
1 comes to an end.

This dungeon is now complete!


B012: Raxis Castle (Entrance 2)

1st s.: Must kill 3x Knight and 2x Royal Archer to get the key. Then collect
the loot. Don't forget to destroy 3x crate. Open the door to proceed to next
37x val, 1x S health (all the way left), 1x Pendant, 1x magic, 1x Chalice, 1x
Mask, 1x Gold key.

2nd s.: Looks familiar? This is the same room with four exits as described in
walkthru part 008. Only this time west exit is locked (you get thru west exit
if you took the underground passage path). East exit still leads to the same
room as before, as well as north exit. But for now collect the loot in this
room. Beware of 4x Arrow turret. Then take east exit.
12x val.

East exit, 1st s.: Ignore the door for now. We shall return here, when we
replay the game. Return to previous room and take north exit.
1x val, 1x health.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Knight and 2x Royal Archer.
1x S health, 1x S magic, 2x val

North exit, 2nd s.: Destroy 2x crate.
1x Lithograph, 1x Harp.

North exit, 3rd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. He may dash at you and try to hit you with dashing punch (he is very
vulnerable after this attack, cos he must 'catch his breath':)).
2. If you're close to him, he may swing his right arm in order to hit you.
3. If he guards your attacks, get away because he may power up his right arm,
which can be extended quite a bit in order to hit you (you will know this by
flames coming out of his right arm).
4. Don't jump on him face-to-face, because he may knock you down with his
right arm swing.

Boss strategy:
This boss is really easy. Stay away from him at a moderate distance and wait
for him to do a dashing punch. When he get close, 2xjump over him so his
attack misses and then attack him from the back. Rinse and repeat and you win.
Easier strategy: Stay at a moderate distance and fireball him to death. He
should not even touch you.

This dungeon is now complete!


B013: Tower of the Alchemist

1st s.: Nothing at all.

2nd s.: 1x spike hazard. Kill 3x Will-O'-The-Wisp and 1x Imperial Guard.
1x val.

3rd s.: Wow, a tower, no kiddin'.:) Fip all the levers except yellow one (this
will cause spikes on the stairs to disappear). Climb the stairs jumping over
chasms when necessary.
1x val, 1x Lithograph.

4th s.: Must kill 1x Flesh Demon.
1x S magic, 1x S health.

5th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. He knows dashing slash.
2. He knows single / double / triple slash.
3. He frequently throws explosive bombs.
4. He frequently throws poison bombs (causes fatigue).
5. He can guard.
6. When he gets up and if you're close to him, can do swift swipe at you,
which you can't guard against.

Boss strategy:
It's morphin' time!:) Raimun is little harder. Always be on the move, you
never know when he's gonna shower you with those stupid bombs. Jump in such
manner that you will land near him, and then let him have it.
Sometimes he seems to have run out of bombs and will run up to some shelves of
sorts to restock ---> free attack for you from behind.:)
Sometimes you'll see Raimun's sword on fire. Be ready to jump cos Raimun will
perform Dashing Slash. After it fails (hopefully), he's open to your attack.
Follow the above tips and you will win easily.
Yellow Tome: Lv 1 Defense magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


B014: Shop 04

Trader is selling:
- small Health potion for 20 val
- large Health potion for 30 val
- Health vial for 60 val


B015: The Catacombs

1st s.: Return a bit to right for some loot. Go down the stairs and pull the
block on the switch.
4x val.

2nd s.: Nothing. Check behind the stone.
10x val.

3rd s.: 6x Skeleton and 6x Ghoul - none can be killed yet. Instead just go all
the way left. Check every nook you come across for loot and beware of 4x Spkie
wall hazards.
3x val, 1x Chalice, 1x magic, 1x Pendant

4th s.: You will enter from east. There are three exits on north. First enter
the right one, which is the only one open.
1x val.

Right north exit: Loot the room and return to previous room. Push right block
off the right switch. Pull left block on the left switch. This will open left
1x Ring.

Left north exit: Loot the room then return to previous room and push right
block on the right switch. This will open middle exit.
1x Lithograph, 1x S health, 1x magic.

Middle north exit: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. He can launch single energy ball from his right arm.
2. He can run up to you and perform flying drill attack (?)... looks kinda
like Bison's Psycho Crusher move:). After this attack Volef will be unable to
move temporarily.
3. If you're close to him, he'll try to punch you with his right arm.
4. He can also perform a spin attack of sorts, usually after he picks himself
up from the floor.
5. He can guard.

Boss strategy:
Same stupid Volef as before. Stay away from him at a moderate distance, but
keep moving (he will try to shoot you with his energy balls!). When Volef
finally moves in for his flying drill attack, 2xjump over Volef. When Volef
lands, he's open to your attack. Attack him from behind with Triple Slash.
Then move away at a moderate distance... Rinse and repeat and victory is
Grey Tome: Lv 1 Stealth magic


Boss attacks:
1. He can lift his head, then he will cry out and try to hit you with circular
2. If you're close, he'll try to hit you with a head swing.
3. He can spit out 3 fireball bombs, first being the closest and last being
the farthest (in distance); after they explode stay away from the place of
explosion for a while.
4. He can try to jump on you; if this misses, be ready to jump because of
circular shockwave.
5. He can spit out a really fast fireball which flies in a straight line.
6. He can stand on his hind legs, doing so enables him a new attack - if
you're close, he will try a quick advance toward you which he finishes with a
powerful bite; during standing he can also perform attacks 1, 3 and 5.

Boss strategy:
Titan is harder than his predecessor. Always be on the move, and try to learn
Titan's signs to predict his attacks. Attacking his head only doesn't work
anymore. It will have to get personal. Start the fight by running close to him
and doing Jumping Slash, then get away. He's likely to retaliate by reating a
shockwave or headswing. If he tries attack his fast fireball spit, good luck
in evading it. His jumps at you seem to be the rarest. 3 fireball bombs attack
is easy to avoid (unless you're close to Titan, in which case first fireball
bomb might hit you). After 3 or so Jumping Slashes he will collapse, giving
you a free attack. Use the chance! Repeat this recipe until Titan stands on
his hind legs. Watch out for his quick charge&bite attacks against you.
Continue your previous technique and Titan will soon go down.
Useful tip: His weak spot is his tail. You can deal him critical damage if you
hit his tail successfully (for example when Titan is fatigued).

This dungeon is now complete!

Chapter 1: Avenger comes to an end...


III. CHAPTER 2: Berserker

Character: Kodel
Magic Sword: Azos

B016: The Pirate Ship

1st s.: Kill 1x Pirate Thug and 2x Pirate to be able to proceed. Take the west
exit for now.

West exit, 1st s.: Destroy 5x crate. Return to prvious room and take upper
east exit.
32x val.

East exit, 1st s.: Kill 2x Pirate. Must kill 1x Pirate Thug.
1x Perfume (dropped by Pirate Thug).

East exit, 2nd s.: Before going up the stairs, destroy 4x crate.
22x val, 1x S health, 1x Talisman.

East exit, 3rd s.: 9x val, 1x S magic.

East exit, 4th s.: Careful here. This room has 2x Spike Wall and 2x Arrow
turret hazards. Western exit is currently locked. Make your way past Spike
Walls and Arrow turrets to lower right of this screen.
4x val, 1x Tea.

East exit, 5th s.: Kill 2x Ninja. Must kill 1x Rhinoid to get a key. Return to
previous room and use the key on locked doors.
1x val, 1x Gold key, 1x health, 1x magic.

West exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Ninja and 2x Warrior. Beware of 2x Arrow
turret. Make Arrow turrets work for you by dancing in front of them and when
they're about to shoot, jump and the arrow will hopefully hit one of the
1x health, 13x val, Violet Tome: Lv 1 Vortex magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


B017: Kadeli Canal

1st s.: Nothing at all.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Knight (one may drop a Gem). Take lower east exit for
some loot.
4x val.

Lower east exit, 1st s.: Destroy 3x crate. Then return to previous screen and
take upper east exit.
21x val.

Upper east exit, 1st s.: Destroy 2x crate.
20 val.

Upper east exit, 2nd s.: Must kill 3x Starfish and 1x Pirate Thug.
2x val, 1x S health.

Upper east exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 2x Pirate and 2x Pirate Thug.

Upper east exit, 4th s.: Check below the stairs first. Then climb the stairs.
Go all the way left. Beware of 2x Arrow turret. Step on the switch you will
find at the end.
1x S magic, 1x Chalice, 1x health, 14x val.

Upper east exit, 5th s.: Must kill 1x Pirate and 1x Pirate Thug.

Upper east exit, 6th s.: Destroy 4x crate. 4x Bomb hazard.
1x health, 1x Lithograph, 1x S magic, 38x val.

Upper east exit, 8th s.: Must kill 3x Starfish and 1x Giant Crab.
1x health, 1x magic, Orange Tome: Lv 1 Thunder magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


B018: Shop 05

Trader is selling:
- Pendant for 200 val
- Lithograph for 250 val
- Chalice for 300 val <--- Get this!!


B019: Kadeli City

1st s.: Must kill 1x Imperial Guard.
5x val, 1x S health.

2nd s.: Must kill 5x Starfish (one may drop a gem).

3rd s.: Kill 3x Pirate Thug. Destroy 1x crate.
12x val, 1x magic, 1x health.

4th s.: Beware of 2x Spike hazard. Destroy 2x crate.
26x val.

5th s.: Must kill 3x Pirate Thug. Destroy 2x crate.
2x val, 1x health, 1x magic, Yellow Tome: Lv 2 Defense magic.

6th s.: Must kill 1x Imperial Guard. Smash 4x crate.
30x val, 1x S magic.

7th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. His move pattern is following: few seconds he'll stand in a corner, few
seconds he'll spend running around like mad.
2. He can try to ram you.
3. He can magically power him up, thus becoming faster; if he rams you while
powered up, he will deal more damage.
4. When powered up, he can throw 3 bombs at you; their distance varies -
either he throws them up close, or really far; even if the bomb misses, you
must be careful cos of their circular shockwaves; after he throws 2 sets of
three bombs, he'll start laughing; this is the time when he's open to attack,
so do it.
5. If his ramming attack misses, he can follow it up by throwing his hook as a
boomerang; in case even this attack misses he will follow it by another
hookthrow (he cal also throw his hook as a separate counting attack).
6. Extremely good at guarding and evading.

Boss strategy:
Always be on the move. You never know when he might ram you. And don't stay
near him for too long, his hook hurts.
For easy win try this strategy: Do a Jumping Slash at him. When Robert gets
up, he'll power up. Wait for his 6 bombs to be thrown (doing your best to
avoid them, of course) so that he'll start to laugh. Run up to him and chop
him with Triple Slash. When he gets up he'll power up... Rinse and repeat.

This dungeon is now complete!


B020: The Abandoned Mine

1st s.: 4x val.

2nd s.: Kill 3x Cave Slug.

3rd s.: Really big room. North exit is currently closed. The switch for the
door is in the same room, but inaccessible for now. Instead loot the room to
get what you can for now. Then take east exit.
1x Pendant, 1x Chalice (can't get this for now; I'll tell you when you can get
it), 1x magic, 14x val (2x val is near the switch above).

East exit, 1st s.: Another big room. Has upper and lower level. You're
currently on the lower level. Go east.
Lower level 10x val.

East exit, 2nd s.: Must kill 3x Cave Slug.

East exit, 3rd s.: Another two levels room. First kill 3x Zombie to activate
the platform (see its shadow?). Board the platform to gain access to upper
level. Go left now, but beware of 1x Arrow turret.
1x S magic, 1x S health, 13x val.

East exit, 4th s.: Must kill 6x Zombie.

East exit, 1st s.: We're back at this room, only this time we're at upper
level. Make your way over the beams, taking care not to be spiked by 3x Spike
wall hazard. Finally you reach east upper exit of this room. (If you fall
down, you'll have to go around again.)
Upper level 6x val, 1x health.

3rd s.: We're back at first big room. Go up and step on the switch to open the
door. Collect loot nearby. See that wood beam with silver coin on it? Jump up
there and walk to the left to receive the rest of the loot in this room (i.e.
Chalice and 2 val). Drop down and take north exit.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 1x Rock Demon.

North exit, 2nd s.: Drop down first and kill 3x Toadstool. Go right as far as
you can to get Magic Power vial! Then return to where you come in and start
jumping to the right over the chasms. Take note of 3x Arrow turret. For easy
last jump go to where 3rd Arrow turret is. From there jump to the exit.
4x val, 1x Magic Power vial.

North exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 2x Lizardman (one of them dropped another Magic
Power vial for me).
1x health.

North exit, 4th s.: Move the block and the pillar as far right as you can.
Then jump on the block, then on the pillar ant finally to the exit. Kill 1x
1x val.

North exit, 5th s.: Must kill 1x Rock Demon.

This dungeon is now complete!


B021: Shop 06

The trader is trading:
- Your 1x Mask for 1x Pendant
- Your 1x Wine for 1x large Magic potion
- Your 1x Lithograph for 1x Ring <--- Get this!!


B022: Linton Forest

1st s.: Nothing at all.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Will-O'-The-Wisp and 1x Catapult Orc.
6x val.

3rd s.: Beware of 3x Arrow turret. Destroy 2x crate (if you wish, that is;
loot is crappy).
2x val.

4th s.: Must kill 3x Zombie and 3x Will-O'-The-Wisp.

5th s.: Beware of 2x Arrow turret and quickly destroy wood fence. Don't forget
the loot!
3x val, 1x Chalice.

6th s.: Must kill 3x Orc and 1x Lizardman.

7th s.: Destroy 3x crate.
11x val, 1x S magic.

8th s.: Must kill 3x Tentacle Plant and 1x Mantis.

This dungeon is now complete!


B023: Clovis' Fortress

1st s.: 1x health, 1x magic, 1x val.

2nd s.: 6x val.

3rd s.: Must kill 3x Knight (one may drop a Gem) and 1x Imperial Guard.
1x Gold key (appears after Imperial Guard is defeated).

4th s.: Beware of 1x Spike.
3x val, 1x Lithograph

5th s.: Kill 2x Royal Archer and 3x Rhinoid. Then step on 5 switches to lower
the bars.

6th s.: Examine the door and when asked, decide to 'Open the door'.
This choice is necessary to make for this part of the walkthru. The other
choice should be made when you wish to continue with ''Story of a Dragon
Valor', route 3.
2x val, 1x S health, 1x magic

7th s.: Must kill 3x Demon Armor and 1x Lizardman. Beware of 2x Spike Wall
hazard at east side of the room. Try to lure enemies on the east side so they
get chopped up by Spike Walls.:)
23x val, 1x S magic, 1x S health, Blue Tome: Lv 1 Ice magic

8th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. Can perform Special Sword Technique at ease (one where you have to press
Square and X at the same time). He gets exhausted after it too.
2. Can cast very quick fireball.
3. Can backflip once or twice.
4. Can do Single (or Double) Slash.
5. Can guard extremely well.

Boss strategy:
Welcome to very tough boss battle. Clovis has a nice array of moves at his
disposal and won't hesitate in using them. Here's how to beat him...
Always be on the move cos of possible fireball attack. Your chances to strike
him successfully are immediately after he cast the fireball or he performed
Special Sword technique (he's defenseless for a while). He loves to backflip
and then cast a fireball. If you attack him in a common way, but he blocks,
try to get away cos he's very likely to counterattack. Keep it up and he will
go down eventually.
Easier strategy: Select Mine magic and blow him away. So what if he hurts you?
As long as you deal more damage to him than he does to you, you're okay.

This dungeon is now complete!


B024: Shop 07

The trader is buying:
- Wine for 100 val
- Tiara for 100 val
- Perfume for 100 val


B025: The Highlands of Linton

1st s.: This room involves lots of jumping. Make sure you fall into every hole
you see to nab the loot there. Drop into first hole and kill 3x Tentacle Plant
and 3x Orc. Then work your way up those ledges until you land on the right of
the first hole. Destroy 4x crate. Jump over next ledge and fall into second
hole. Kill 3x Cerberus there. Jump back up. This time work your way over the
ledges above the second hole. On your way you'll have to get rid of 3x
2x health, 1x magic, 1x S health, 35x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 2x Orc and 1x Mantis.
1x Magic vial.

3rd s.: Smash 3x crate and collect loot nearby. Go and fall down. Beware of
Poison pool hazard. Wait for a moving platform to jump onto. Jump onto next
moving platform and you're across this poison lake. Jump onto the ledges in
the corner and continue making your way first left, then right until you're
across this hole.
1x Chalice, 1x magic, 38x val.

This dungeon is now complete!


B026: Shop 08

The trader is selling:
- small Health potion for 20 val
- large Health potion for 30 val
- Health vial for 60 val


B027: Beneath the Volcano

1st s.: At beginning jump in the lava all the way to the left for some loot.
Beware of Lava pool hazard (don't walk in it for too long!). Continue right.
Jump on the ledge. Switch to Ice magic and freeze flaming platform ahead. Jump
on this platform and then on the next. Jump on the floor ahead. First Lava
pool is after us. Go right. Now you'll also have to watch out for Flame geyser
hazard. Jump on first Flame geyser island (you can stand just to the end of
that small island and not be harmed neither by Flame geyser or surrounding
lava). Jump south from here and collect some money in the lava you see. Don't
worry, at the end you get Health vial. Return to first Flame geyser island.
Jump to next island east from this one. (Check the writer of this document. If
it isn't SsPpLlIiTt IiNnFfIiNnIiTtYy, this document is ripped! Inform me
please at LlIiFfEeAaRrMmOoRr hot account) Next island is to the south (there
are 2x Flame geyser here). Jump to next east island. Jump to next east island.
Kill 1x Bat there. There is small Health potion barely visible behind this
island. Jump on next east island and kill 1x Bat there. Then jump on south
island and kill 1x Bat there. Collect large Health potion. Lastly, jump on
large east island and second lava pool is over with. It's not over yet...
There is a series of jumps east now: jump on first island (1x Flame geyser
hazard), then on second (safe here), then on third (1x Flame geyser), then on
fourth (1x Flame geyser) and stop. Switch to Ice magic. Freeze flame platform
and jump onto it. Jump on another east island. Freeze next flame platform (the
one with Poison on it). Jump on it. Freeze next flame platform and jump on it.
Jump on moving platform and finally jump on the floor ahead. It's 'Sayonara'
to Lava pools.:) Go right and drop down the hole.
1x Pendant, 81x val, 1x Health vial, 1x health, 2x S health, 1x S magic

2nd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: Inferno is dragon on the left. Hellfire is dragon on the right.
1. Inferno can try to hit you with head swing from left to right. Same applies
for Hellfire, except that he swings from right to left.
2. They spit fire very often. Both have three different techniques:
- Inferno will lift his head, wave it a bit, then spit fire on middle island
and finish by spewing fire on the left island; Hellfire will spit fire on
middle island and finish it by spewing fire on the right island
- Inferno may send a fireball directly to left island; Hellfire may send
fireball directly to right island; when this fireball explodes, it will send
out huge circular shockwave
- Inferno and Hellfire can join forces in combined fireball attack: they will
lower their heads and spit out 6-8 fireballs (Inferno will move in
anticlockwise, Hellfire will move in clockwise direction); they can only
perform this attack if both of them are alive

Boss strategy:
This boss is not so hard as it seems, but you need to be patient. Why? Read
the strategy and you will see...
Room consists of 3 islands where you can move. Middle one (directly beneath
both dragons), left one and right one. Mostly you will have to jump between
left and right islands. Only go to middle island if you have a chance to hit
one of the dragons. Both dragons can only be hit, after either one falls down
fatigued. Exact time when this happens cannot be predicted. When it happens,
it happens, so that's why you have to be patient. Inferno and Hellfire have
separate health bars.
Sometimes when one of them does firebreath attack where he fireballs middle
and then left/right island, 1x magic may appear on middle island. Don't
collect it immediately. Instead heal first and then collect it.
Try to deal same amount of damage to both heads before you take one down. If
you kill Inferno first, he will spit a fireball on right island which will
then be engulfed in flames *permanently*. Also when Inferno's body will fall
to the ground, he will catch fire, so don't walk too near him. Same thing foes
for Hellfire (except that he'll torch right island instead).
Now is the true test of your patience. You *have* to wait until remaining head
has so much 'courage' to lower his head so that you can kill him for good. If
remaining head's health bar is still moderately full, you have a looong battle
ahead. That's why I suggested to deal same amount of damage to both heads
before killing one off.
When one head remains, that head can still do 3 attacks. Head swing and two
sorts of firebreath attacks. For this part of battle I suggest that you remain
on middle island under whichever head is still alive and patiently wait for
head to fall down.
Firebreath attack with pattern middle/left (or middle/right) island can easily
be anticipated. Jump to left/right island first and then to the middle again,
just as remaining dragon is about to firebreath left/right island. Be patient
with remaining head and you'll win.
IMPROVED STRATEGY: Select Ice magic, stand on island next to those two dragons
and cast it! Spray both dragons with ice shards and they will come crashing
down like no tomorrow. Let them have it. When they go up again, just cast Ice
magic again.
nX magic (infinite), Grey Tome: Lv 2 Stealth magic.

This dungeon is now complete!

Chapter 2: Berserker comes to an end...


IV. CHAPTER 3: The Evil Dragon

Character: Phillip
Magic Sword: Azos

B028: The Boat Deck

1st s.: Must kill 2x Rhinoid and 1x Lizardman. Before they're killed, loot the
1x Pendant, 14x val.

This dungeon is now complete!


B029: Paley Island Beach

1st s.: Kill 3x Starfish. Beware 2x arrow turret, 6x bomb. Kill 3x Starfish.
Beware 3x arrow turret, 6x bomb and 2x arrow turret.
10x val, 1x health, 1x magic.

2nd s.: Smash 4x crate.
12x val, 1x Chalice.

3rd s.: Must kill 1x Hornet and 2x Will-O'-The-Wisp.
4x val.

4th s.: Beware 5x bomb. Jump on ledges for loot and work your way up.
1x Pendant, 1x Magic Power vial, 14x val.

5th s.: 23x val.

6th s.: Must kill 3x Roper and 6x Small Roper.
2x val.

7th s.: Kill 1x Tentacle Plant.
1x health, 1x magic, 4x val.

8th s.: Must kill 2x Cerberus. Beware 2x arrow turret.
2x val.

9th s.: Kill 2x Tentacle Plant.
3x val, 1x health.

10th s.: Must kill 2x Giant Crab.
Green Tome: Lv 2 Health magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


B030: Shop 09

The trader is selling:
- Pepper for 200 val <--- Get this!!
- Chalice for 400 val <--- Get this!!
- large Magic potion for 100 val


B031: The Rainforest

1st s.: At start go back for extra loot.
3x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 1x Mantis.

3rd s.: Kill 3x Tentacle Plant.
6x val, 1x magic, 1x health.

4th s.: Must kill 2x Lizardman.

5th s.: Kill 3x Toadstool. Then take east exit first.
10x val.

East exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Mantis.

East exit, 2nd s.: Smash 4x crate.
4x val.

East exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 3x Armored Orc and 1x Centaur. Return three
screens and take north exit.
2x magic, 1x S magic, 2x health, 1x S health, 1x Chalice, 1x Lithograph, 1x

North exit, 1st s.: Beware Poison pool. Go around on pathway, killing 3x
Tentacle Plant. Jump on middle island and step on switch.
5x val.

North exit, 2nd s.: Smash 1x crate.
1x S magic.

North exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 3x Lizardman.

North exit, 4th s.: Kill 3x Sand Fish.
1x val, 1x magic.

North exit, 5th s.: Must kill 2x Centaur.

This dungeon is now complete!


B032: Shop 10

The trader is trading:
- Your 1x Tea for 1x Bracelet <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Pendant for 1x Ring <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Lithograph for 1x Talisman <--- Get this!!


B033: The Village of Shamans

1st s.: Must kill 2x Rhinoid.
1x S health.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Armored Orc.
4x val.

3rd s.: Kill 3x Demon Spirit. Smash 4x crate (one will unbar west exit...
don't ask me).
3x val, 1x magic, 1x Chalice.

4th s.: Kill 2x Bacula.
1x Lithograph, Red Tome: Lv 2 Fire magic.

5th s.: Smash 4x crate.
13x val.

6th s.: Must kill 2x Sorcerer.
1x health.

7th s.: Beware 3x flame geyser.
5x val.

8th s.: Must kill 2x Centaur.

This dungeon is now complete!


B034: Shop 11

The trader is selling:
- small Health potion for 30 val
- large Health potion for 45 val
- Health vial for 90 val


B035: Heart of the Rainforest

1st s.: 2x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 2x Giant Crab and 3x Toadstool. Smash 1x crate.
1x Magic Power vial, Orange Tome: Lv 2 Thunder magic.

3rd s.: Beware 2x spike. Smash 1x crate. Beware 2x spike.
1x health, 5x val.

4th s.: Must kill 2x Crystal Knight and 3x Scorpion. To be quick, smash 1x
crate for your salvation.
1x Bomb.

5th s.: Beware 4x spike. Kill 1x Sand Fish. Beware 1x spike. Kill 1x Sand
Fish. Smash 1x crate. Kill 1x Sand Fish. Beware 1x spike. Kill 2 Sand Fish.
Beware 1x sensor spike. Kill 1x Sand Fish. Smash 2x crate.
28x val, 1x magic, 1x Pendant, 1x S health, 1x S magic.

6th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. Whenever Thunder is surrounded with electricity, do not touch him.
2. Will cry out as a sign of following shockwave.
3. Can electrify himself and will then release 5 thunder blades one after
another. These blades have homing ability for about one second and after that
they dash in whichever direction they were going. When he does this attack,
stay far away so that you have space to evade them. After this attack Thunder
will be fatigued for a while. Thunder also has faster releasing thunder blades
4. Can electrify himself and will then release 5 thunder balls. They will form
semicircle in front of Thunder. After some time they will come rolling in your
direction. Thunder will be fatigued after this attack.
5. After he is attacked, get away quickly or prepare to be shocked (he seems
to do this if third sword strike dealt critical damage).

Boss strategy:
Safest way to strike Thunder without being fried is to wait until his thunder-
based attacks die off (thunder blades and thunder balls - tips on avoiding
those are described in boss' attacks just above this strategy) and then attack
him. If he walks toward you and is electrified, run away. So to sum up: wait
and avoid his thunder blades/balls attack, he will get fatigued, attack him,
get away, wait and avoid his thunder blades/balls attack, he will be fatigued
Note that somewhere in middle of battle he becomes faster and obtains faster
moving thunder blades.

This dungeon is now complete!


B036: The Ruins of Paley

1st s.: West door is barred, so go north.

2nd s.: Kill 1x Roper and 2x Demon Spirit.
3x val.

3rd s.: Go all way to right and kill 1x Giant Knight. Pick up loot he leaves
behind and east doors in this room will unbar. Take north door for now.
Red Tome: Lv 3 Fire magic.

North exit, 1st s.: Kill 3x Ghoul.

North exit, 2nd s.: Must kill 3x Centaur. Quickly smash 4x crate for helpful
1x Bomb.

North exit, 3rd s.: Drop down. Pull pillar back six times and use it as a
platform for getting that key. Then oush it forward all way you can on the
switch, which will disable 1x flame geyser. Go back up and jump across.
27x val, 1x Lithograph, 1x Silver key.

North exit, 4th s.: Must kill 3x Sorcerer.

North exit, 5th s.: Jump on switch to unbar east doors in this room. You will
be back at 1st screen. Return to '3rd screen' room and take east exit now.

East exit, 1st s., lower level: Kill 3x Ghoul (some meay be on upper level)
and unlock east doors.

East exit, 2nd s., lower level: Jump on platform, go on upper level and then
4x val, 1x S health.

East exit, 1st s., upper level: Take north door.
1x magic.

West detour, 1st s.: You're above 1x Giant Knight, but ignore him. Collect the
14x val.

North detour, 1st s., lower level: Drop down and go right. Must kill 1x
Sorcerer and 2x Zombie.

North detour, 2nd s., lower level: There's some loot on middle pillar. Pull
movable pillar down nine times. Then take lower east door, complete next room
and you will reenter this room at upper east exit. Jump over pillars to nab
this item. Then push movable pillar back to original position so that you will
be able to make it across.
13x val, 1x Lithograph.

North detour, 3rd s., lower level: Pull movable pillar down as far as it goes.
Then push movable block as far as it goes. Jump on it and then on upper level.
Smash 3x crate and nab another key. Jump on pillars to nab the loot. Then
return movable block and pillar to original positions. Finally jump to upper
west exit of this room.
14x val, 1x Gold key, 1x Chalice, 1x Pendant.

North detour, 2nd s., upper level: Just jump across to upper west exit of this

North detour, 1st s., upper level. Make your way left. Beware 2x flame geyser.
And don't fall down. Duck at the end and then fall down. Return to 'East exit,
2nd screen, lower level' room and unlock east doors.
20x val.

East exit, 3rd s.: Kill 3x Skull Knight and 1x Demon Armor.

East exit, 4th s.: Kill 1x Guardian.

This dungeon is now complete!


B037: Shop 12

The trader is buying:
- Wine for 100 val
- Tiara for 50 val
- Perfume for 70 val


B038: Onboard the Jirat Ship

Just some story...

This dungeon is now complete!

Chapter 3: The Evil Dragon comes to an end...


CHAPTER 4: Minion of the Ancient Dragon

Character: Mihael
Magic Sword: Kadum

B039: The Ruins of Saldo

1st s.: Nothing.

2nd s.: Kill 3x Skull Knight.
3x val.

3rd s.: Smash 3x crate.
12x val.

4th s.: Ignore north exit for now and instead proceed east.
1x S magic.

5th s.: Beware Poison pool. Jump on ledges in far left corenr, then on
platforms (beware 4x flame geyser; duck under second pair). Then jump right.
11x val.

6th s.: Beware 1x fake door.
1x magic.

7th s.: Beware 2x fake door.
1x health.

8th s.: Jump on ledges to work your way up and right. Beware 5x flame geyser
and 1x spike wall (see that small hole in middle wall? Use it on your way
5x val, 1x S magic.

9th s.: Must kill 1x Imperial Soldier. Return to 4th screen and take north
exit now.
1x Gold key.

North exit, 1st s.: Unlock east doors.

North exit, 2nd s.: Select Ice magic and freeze 3x flame platform.
20x val, 1x S magic, 1x S health.

North exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 2x Lizardman.

North exit, 4th s.: 5x val.

This dungeon is now complete!


B040: Shop 13

The trader is selling:
- Horn for 300 val <--- Get this!!
- Pendant for 450 val
- Chalice for 500 val <--- Get this!!


B041: Beneath the Ruins

1st s.: Room with 3 exits. You came thru east exit. Take north exit for now.
5x val, 1x S health.

North exit, 1st s.: Kill 1x Giant Knight. East exit of this room is barred, so
return to previous screen and go west.
1x Gold key.

West exit, 1st s.: Kill 2x Stingray.

West exit, 2nd s.: 1x health, 2x val.

West exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 3x Zombie and 1x Sorcerer.
2x val.

West exit, 4th s.: 4x val.

West exit, 5th s.: Beware Poison pool. Stand under the rope and press Square
so that your character will grab onto the rope. Press left and go left all the
way (hold Square pressed!). When you land, you will automatically press switch
up there. This will unbar east door in 'North exit, 1st screen' room, which is
where you should go now. Then loot the room. Under the exit to this room is 1x
Fake door.
1x magic, 1x S health, 22x val.

North exit, 1st s., revisited: Nothing is here now, except for 1x Giant

North exit, 2nd s.: Smash 3x crate and pick up a bomb. This will kill 3x
1x Bomb.

North exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 3x Stingray.

North exit, 4th s.: Kill 3x Ghoul.
8x val.

North exit, 5th s.: Must kill 1x Sorceress.

North exit, 6th s.: 1x val, 1x S health, 1x S magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


B042: The Deepest Place

1st s.: 4x val.

2nd s.: Room with 3 exits. You came thru west exit. Take east exit for now.
6x val.

East exit, 1st s., lower level: Just go thru north door.
Lower level loot: 1x S magic, 2x val.

East exit, 2nd s.: Kill 1x Centaur and 2x Ghoul.

East exit, 3rd s.: Has two levels, you start on lower. Select Fire magic and
light the pillar to activate moving platform. Jump on it. From here you can
jump into 2 small holes (one is left and one is right from your current
position). Loot those two holes and then jump back on moving platform. From
here jump on upper level.
2x Pendant, 1x S magic, 10x val.

East exit, 4th s.: 12x val, 1x Chalice. (Note: There's a key on the pillar,
but you can't get there yet.)

East exit, 5th s.: Switch to Ice magic and freeze 4x flame platform. There's
4x propeller in this room.
22x val, 1x Lithograph.

East exit, 6th s.: Kill 3x Sorcerer and 3x Zombie.
1x health, 20x val.

East exit, 1st s., upper level: Stand under the rope and press Square so that
Mihael will grab onto it. Press left when ready. When you're about halfway
down the rope, let go of Square so that Gerome will land on the ledge. If you
miss, you have to go around again. Step on switch there (will unbar west exit
in 'North exit, 1st screen' room). Then collect what you can. Return to 2nd
Upper level loot: 20x val.

2nd s., revisited: Take north exit now.

North exit, 1st s.: Kill 2x Bacula.
1x val, 1x Magic vial.

North exit, 2nd s.: Jump on the block and from here jump on north ledge.
23x val, 1x health.

Detour, 1st s.: 3x val.

Detour, 2nd s.: Then break greenest tile in the floor and drop down to...

East exit, 4th s., revisited: You will be standing on a pillar in that room.
Grab the key. Return to 'North exit, 2nd screen' room.
Secondary loot: 1x Gold key.

North exit, 2nd s., revisited: Jump on the block and then jump to western
doors. Unlock them.

North exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 1x Giant Knight.

North exit, 4th s.: Must kill 1x Imperial Soldier and 2x Zombie.
Orange Tome: Lv 3 Thunder magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


B043: Shop 14

The trader is trading:
- Your 1x Pepper for 1x Earrings <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Tea for 1x Ring <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Harp for 1x Lithograph


B044: Verea Mountain

1st s.: 2x val.

2nd s.: Kill 3x Stingray and 3x Hornet. Jump up the ledges. Beware 5x bomb.
44x val, 1x magic, 1x S health.

3rd s.: Must kill 2x Rock Demon.

4th s.: Beware Lava pool and 3x propeller. Jump on ledge in far left corner.
Then jump right, go up and press switch (will stop 3x propeller). Then go back
and make your way over small islands.
12x val, 1x Pendant.

5th s.: Beware Lava pool. Jump on ledge nearby. Jump on one of moving
platform. Jump on them to the exit on east side. Drop down from this ledge for
some more loot (will have to backtrack then).
1x S health, 2x val, 1x Chalice.

6th s.: Must kill 3x Armored Orc and 1x Sorcerer. Beware Lava pool.

7th s.: Beware Lava pool. Jump on small islands and then on ledge. Beware 2x
flame geyser. Jump on next small island to right, then on next to get the key.
Jump back and then jump on the upper ledge. Beware 1x flame geyser. Make your
way right and then unlock east doors.
21x val, 1x health, 1x Gold key.

8th s.: Must kill 3x Toadstool and 3x Demon Armor. Beware Lava pool.
2x val.

9th s.: Smash 2x crate. Drop down. Push block all the way to the right. Jump
on it and out of this hole. Smash 1x crate. Beware 2x flame geyser.
21x val, 1x S magic.

10th s.: Must kill 2x Lizardman and 1x Sorceress.

11th s.: Nothing.

This dungeon is now complete!


B045: Shop 15

The trader is buying:
- Wine for 100 val
- Tiara for 30 val
- Perfume for 40 val


B046: The Fortress City of Verea

1st s.: 10x val.

2nd s., way over left drawbridge: You will come across two drawbridges. Flip
the lever to lower left drawbridge and go left. Kill 2x Bacula. Step on three
switches for some loot (beware 1x arrow turret).
1x health, 33x val, 1x magic, 1x Chalice.

Left exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Assassin for a key. The return to the lever
and flip it again to lower right drawbridge.
1x Gold key.

2nd s., way over right drawbridge: Kill 3x Tentacle plant. There're 3
propeller here.
11x val, 1x health.

Right exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Assassin. Smash 2x crate.
1x val, 1x Magic Power vial, Yellow Tome: Lv 3 Defense magic.

Right exit, 2nd s.: Beware 2x Grinder.
18x val, 1x health.

Right exit, 3rd s.: Kill 3x Zombie. Beware 2x fake door.
14x val, 1x magic.

Right exit, 4th s.: Kill 2x Archer and 2x Imperial Soldier. Beware 4x flame
geyser on middle platform.
1x Magic vial, 20x val.

Right exit, 5th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. Can conjure fireball bomb; upon impact it falls apart into 3 smaller
fireball bombs.
2. Can conjure 5 ice shards that come flying in your direction.
3. Can create two copies of himself; will electrify himself and start circling
around you, getting closer and closer.

Boss strategy:
Easy boss. Think of him as a souped up version of Sorcerer, only with more
magic and health. Just wait for him to show up somewhere, run toward him, jump
over his magic attack and let him have it.
If you're too close to him when he shows up, he may teleport to another
location straight away.
When he creates copies and circles around you, wait until he's really close
and then 2xjump out of harms reach; you shouldn't be even touched.

This dungeon is now complete!


B047: Shop 16

The trader is selling:
- small Magic potion sor 80 val
- large Magic potion for 120 val
- Magic vial for 240 val


B048: Passage to the Demon's Lair

1st s.: 5x val.

2ns s.: Beware poison pool. Jump on platforms to get across. There's some
extra loot in poison pool.
11x val, 1x S health.

3rd s.: Has 3 exits. You came thru west one. East one is locked. Take north
one for now.
14x val.

North exit, 1st s.: Kill 3x Skull Knight and 1x Zombie for a key. Return to
previous room and unlock east doors.
1x Gold key.

East exit, 1st s.: Kill 3x Stingray. Break thru the greenest tile.
5x val.

East exit, 2nd s.: Kill 2x Bacula.
1x magic, 10x val.

East exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 1x Rock Demon.
Grey Tome: Lv 3 Stealth magic.

East exit, 4th s.: Beware Poison pool. Jump on platforms to get across. Jump
to corners for extra loot. Jump all the way to the top hill and step on switch
to unbar east exit of this room.
2x val, 1x magic, 1x Lithograph.

East exit, 5th s.: Nothing.

This dungeon is now complete!


B049: The Force Field

1st s.: Has 3 exits. North one is locked. Go left first. Beware 5x flame
geyser (these are scattered all over this room). Smash 2x crate
1x S magic, 1x magic, 1x S health, 37x val.

Left exit, 1st s.: Must kill 3x Devil Armor and 2x Centaur.

Left exit, 2nd s.: Beware 4x flame geyser. Smash 2x crate.
4x val, 1x Pendant, 1x health, 1x S magic.

Left exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 3x Armored Beetle and 1x Giant Knight. Return to
1st screen and go right now.

Right exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Sorceress.

Right exit, 2nd s.: Beware 4x flame geyser. Smash 2x crate.
2x health, 1x magic.

Right exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 3x Hornet and 2x Assassin. Return to 1st screen
and take north exit.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 3x Rhinoid and 1x Crystal Knight.

This dungeon is now complete!


B050: The Demon's Lair

1st s.: 10x val.

2nd s.: Beware 2x spike.
22x val.

3rd s.: Must kill 1x Crystal Knight. Also kill 3x Ghoul.

4th s.: 18x val.

5th s.: Kill 2x Imperial Soldier and 3x Sorcerer.
30x val, 2x magic, 1x health.

6th s.: Smash 3x crate.
1x S magic, 2x val.

7th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: There are 3x Skeleton in this room.
1. Can throw fireball bomb down at you. When it explodes, it causes circular
2. Will revive 3x Skeleton on regular basis (these 3x Skeleton *can't* be

Boss strategy:
Finally easy boss battle involving dragons. See those four pillars that float
in the air? Wait until Krassel jumps on one of them, then run there and do
Jumping Slash (one will do) at pillar Krassel is standing on. He will fall
down on his ass. Don't try to hit him yet, cos he is still invincible for a
few moments. He will flash 3 or 4 more times before he becomes vulnerable. Let
him have it for those 3 seconds of time you have to hurt him. After that he
becomes invulnerable again and will escape to high ledge in corner of the
Krassel will occassionaly revive 3x Skeleton that are lying around. You can
either ignore them or knock them down, but you can't kill them. (If you see
this faq anywhere and see that it isn't credited to Split Infinity, please
inform me) Krassel may also attempt to throw a fireball bomb at your current
position, but it's nothing of danger - can be avoided easily.
If one or more pillar is missing, Krassel can materialize missing ones anytime
he wants (if pillars are being created over and over, you may need to strike
them more than once!) To win, just follow the guidelines two paragraphs above
and he goes down.

After this boss fight is over, dungeon is still not complete. You have to go
even further...

8th s.: Beware 1x spike. Cast Stealth magic.
10x val, 1x S health.

9th s.: Kill 3x Sorceress. Flip far left switch to open left doors. (Lower
left switch makes 1x spike in previous room to lower.)
10x val.

10th s.: 32x val, 1x magic.

11th s.: Must kill 2x Giant Knight.

12th s.: Beware 2x grinder.
13x val, 1x Talisman.

13th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: Halfas will grant you free 1x Magic vial and 1x Health vial.
1. Power up and slide into random direction. Can ram you during his gliding.
2. Sometimes after gliding he will summon white energy ball (has small homing
ability) from his weapon into your direction.
3. Sometimes he'll glide close to your current position, stop and try to
strike you with his staff. Regardless of success he will be fatigued for a
while (free attack!).
4. Can attack you with his staff if you're close.
5. When low on health, he can fly into one corner. He will spit out three blue
energy balls one after another. These have small homing ability. When they
explode, they will create circular shockwave. He will finish the attack by
trying to do flying bodyram into you. After this 'performance' he will be

Boss strategy:
Until he starts to fly, Halfas is relatively easy. He doesn't have any sudden
projectile attacks (two which he actually has can be predicted by his
actions). Stand in one corner and wait for Halfas to end his glide trip
somewhere near you (be ready to jump in case of firing a projectile to finish
his attack). I find running after him a waste of time, cos in 7 out of 10
cases he will move to another spot. When he finishes his attack, he's open to
your attack, so let him have it. Repeat this and when his health is seriously
depleted, he'll start to fly around. He'll park himself in the corner, shoot
out three energy balls of his and then try to fly into you. Keep moving at all
times. When he's finished with flying crap, he's fatigued --> free attack!
Rinse and repeat and victory is yours.


Boss attacks:
1. When he cries out, he will create circular shockwave.
2. Can create 3x Cave Slug to assist him.
3. Knows left-arm swipe if you get close.
4. Can quickly retreat by jumping back a short distance.
5. Can spit out purple porcupine-like bomb at a small-to-medium distance. When
it explodes, it will create circular shockwave.
6. With around 40 to 60% health remaining his true head will come out. He will
become faster plus gain extended arm reach.
7. His true head can shoot out 3-way blue beamshot that travels above ground.
8. If you get close, he now knows triple claw swipe (left, then right, then
both arms).
9. Instead of one purple bomb, he can now throw three in your general
10. If you hit his head, he *will* throw you one purple bomb and while you're
jumping, will follow with 3-way blue beamshot which is almost sure to hit you.

Boss strategy:
Hard boss battle. This dragon is almost perfect. Has high defense, fast
(becomes even faster), has many attacks, big health bar... too bad you must
kill him:).
Going head on is a bad idea for now. He may swipe at you or try to throw a
porcupine at you (usually throws bombs when you're very far away from him).
His most frequent attack is shockwaving you. Get behind him for easier time
with this monstrosity. Wait for shockwave attack, jump over it and attack
Talon. Repeat this. It will go slow, but is moderately safe. 2 or 3 times
you'll have to deal with 3x Cave Slug - Hammer Blow is your friend.
Once about 50% of Talon's energy has been depleted, his true head will emerge.
Talon becomes faster, gains more attacks and extended arm reach. Talon now
knows triple claw swipe. If you're far away, he will 3-way beamshot you. What
to do? Go for the head! If you attack it successfully, your attack will take
off big chunk of Talon's health (good animation of Talon grabbing his head in
pain). And Talon *will counterattack* by throwing a porcupine at you and then
3-way beamshot. If one doesn't hit, the other will most surely do. Try your
best in evading this by running behind him.

This dungeon is now complete!

Chapter 4: Minion of the Evil Dragon comes to an end...


VI. CHAPTER 5: Resurrection of the Evil Dragon

Character: Anna
Magic Sword: Igunis

B051: The Ruins of Raxis City

1st s.: Go up. Smash 2x crate. Step on switch in small alley (will deactivate
2x flame geyser). Keep going left, collecting loot. Beware 3x arrow turret.
Enter small crawlhole at the end.
48x val.

2nd s.: 1x magic.

3rd s.: Must kill 1x Executioner and 1x Ninja.

4th s.: Jump over 3x spike, then step on switch at end of the room to lower
all spikes. Collect the loot.
30x val.

5th s.: Must kill 2x Zombie and 1x Winged Demon.
1x S health, 3x val.

6th s.: Go right first and step on switch. Loot the room.
40x val, 1x S magic.

7th s.: Beware 2x falling pillar. Must kill 1x Centaur.
42x val, 1x health.

This dungeon is now complete!


B052: The Ruins of Raxis Castle

1st s.: Kill 3x Executioner. Smash 3x crate. Kill 1x Rhinoid for a key. Smash
1x crate.
32x val, 1x Gold key, 1x Magic Power vial, 1x health.

3rd s.: Must kill 2x Imperial Guard and 1x Imperial Soldier.
1x magic, 1x health, 20x val.

4th s.: Beware 3x flame geyser and 1x sensor spike.
1x health, 3x val.

5th s.: Must kill 2x Demon Armor and 3x Zombie. Then go right.
20x val, 1x magic.

6th s.: 19x val.

This dungeon is now complete!


B053: Passage to the Underworld

1st s.: 10x val, 1x health.

2nd s.: Must kill 2x Centaur.

3rd s., lower level: Has 2 levels, upper inaccessible from your position. Jump
over 1x spike and continue right.
Lower level loot: 3x val, 1x S magic.

4th s.: Kill 1x Mystic Warrior. North exit of this room will unbar (east exit
needs a key).

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Winged Demon.

North exit, 2nd s.: Select Fire magic and light pillar at end of this room.
Return a bit and jump on now activated platform. Jump up.

North exit, 3rd s.: Kill 3x Bat. Must kill 1x Winged Demon.
Black Tome: Lv 2 Mine magic.

North exit, 4th s.: Beware Poison pool. Jump (using three conveyor belts) to
the other side.
1x health, 1x S magic.

3rd s., upper level: You've been here before, except you're now at upper
level. Collect what you can, drop down and make your way to locked doors.
Upper level loot: 1x Gold key, 1x S health, 2x val.

Behind locked dooor, 1st s.: Beware 1x Grinder. East exit is barred. Take
north exit for now.
1x Magic vial, 3x val.

North detour, 1st s.: Kill 6x Bat. Stand under trident-like object hanging
from ceiling. Select Thunder magic and cast it. Device will electrify (you
will hear a chime) and open barred door one room back. Return there and take
now open east exit.
1x Lithograph, 10x val.

Behind locked door, 2nd s.: Must kill 1x Rock Monster.
1x S magic, Green Tome: Lv 3 Health magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


B054: Shop 17

The trader is buying:
- Wine for 100 val
- Harp for 1000 val <--- Get this!!
- Mask for 1000 val <--- Get this!!


B055: Entrance to the Underworld

1st s.: 3x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 6x Cave Slug.

3rd s.: Beware 3x spike, then 3x bomb and lastly 1x spike.
1x magic, 14x val, 1x Lithograph.

4th s.: Kill 3x Bacula. Beware 1x spike. Kill 1x Bacula. Beware 2x spike. Kill
1x Bacula.
1x S magic, 42x val, 1x health.

5th s.: Must kill 3x Zombie.

6th s.: Must kill 1x Cyclops. Beware 4x spike scattered around.
10x val, 1x Chalice.

7th s.: Jump over 3x spike, kill 1x Tentacle Plant, jump over 1x spike, kill
1x Tentacle Plant, jump over 1x spike, kill 1x Tentacle Plant.
1x health, 42x val, 1x magic, 1x Pendant.

8th s.: Must kill 1x Giant Knight.
1x S magic, 10x val.

This dungeon is now complete!


B056: Shop 18

The trader is selling:
- Chalice for 600 val <--- Get this!!
- Talisman for 800 val <--- Get this!!
- Lithograph for 700 val


B057: City of Demons

1st s.: Nothing.

2nd s.: Must kill 2x Winged Demon.

3rd s.: Beware 3x arrow turret. When you come to crossroads, go east for now
(north doors are locked). Smash 3x crate.
1x Magic vial, 2x val, 1x Pendant.

East exit, 1s s.: Kill 3x Skull Knight and 2x Winged Demon. Smash 5x crate.
Flip the lever. Return to previous screen and unlock north doors.
1x Gold key.

North exit, 1st s.: Smash wooden fences to get past 3x flame geyser.

North exit, 2nd s.: Must kill 2x Crystal Knight and 1x Eyeful. Kill Eyeful
first to get a helpful item.
1x Bomb.

North exit, 3rd s.: Smash 4x crate.
22x val.

North exit, 4th s.: Must kill 1x Mystic Warrior and 2x Paladin.

This dungeon is now complete!


B058: Shop 19

The trader is trading:
- Your 1x Horn for 1x Ring <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Pepper for 1x Lithograph
- Your 1x Perfume for 1x Pendant


B059: Forest of Monsters

1st s.: Ignore hole in the tree for now.
22x val.

2nd s.: Jump over the chasm to hills on right to get across. Beware 2x flame

3rd s.: Must kill 1x Dragonet and 1x Centaur.

4th s.: Kill 3x Zombie.

5th s.: Jump on platforms in corners for the loot. Lower left platform has a
switch (will unbar east exit of this room). Beware 4x flame geyser. Then drop
down to get loot on bottom level. Jump in the hole you will see.
12x val.

Bottom level, 1st s.: Nothing, go left.

Bottom level, 2nd s.: Must kill 3x Winged Demon.

Bottom level, 3rd s.: Smash 3x crate.
1x S health, 1x val.

Bottom level, 4th s.: Kill 3x Zombie and step on switch (disables 2x flame
geyser on 2nd screen).

Bottom level, 5th s.: Drop down and climb the hill in far left corner. You
will emerge near entrance of 1st screen. Make your way to 5th screen and go

6th s.: 1x val, 1x Chalice 1x S magic.

7th s.: Must kill 3x Rock Demon.

8th s.: Kill 3x Devil axe.

9th s.: Must kill 2x Assassin. Beware 2x bomb.

This dungeon is now complete!


B060: Shop 20

The trader is selling:
- small Magic potion for 100 val
- large Magic potion for 150 val
- Magic vial for 300 val


B061: The Dungeons of Eternity

This dungeon is veeery long and tedious. It's comprised of three parts. Let's

---> Part 1 of this dungeon

1st s.: Jump in the hole.

2nd s.: Big room with six (6!) exits. To make things worse, this is also
upper/lower level room. Two exits are west (one on lower, one on upper level),
three exits are on east (two of which are on upper level). North exit is
barred. To lift those bars, you have to electrify 4 trident like devices. One
device is in far left corner of this room, so power it up using Thunder magic.
Then take lower west exit. Before doing that kill 6 Will-O'-The-Wisp.

Lower west exit, lower level, 1st s.: Has two levels, you're on lower. West
exit of this room is sealed. Kill 2x Convict. Then jump on platform and go to
upper level, then go left.

Lower west exit, 2nd s.: Drop down and push movable to the left so you can
jump to second north door.
1x S magic.

2nd north door, 1st s.: Beware 1x grinder.
1x magic, 1x Health vial.

2nd north door, 2nd s.: Step on switch, which will unbar 1st north door two
rooms back, so go there (jump to the door with help of movable crate).

1st north door, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Sorceress for a key. Return to 'Lower
west exit, 1st s.' room and unlock east doors on upper level.
1x Silver key.

2nd s., revisited: Power up second trident-like device. Then jump down and
take lower east exit.
1x magic.

Lower east exit, 1st s.: Kill 3x Stingray.
1x magic.

Lower east exit, 2nd s.: Must kill 2x Winged Demon.

Lower east exit, 3rd s.: Go to far right corner and jump on small hill there.
Jump on ledges to your left to gain access to another two exits (beware 3x
sensor spike if you fall down). Enter door closest to the lever.
2x magic, 1x S health, 1x health.

Behind lever door 1, 1st s.: Jump on top of 2x falling pillar to make it to
other side. Or if you prefer, drop down and kill 2x Mantis, then loot the
1x Pendant, 1x health, 1x S magic.

Behind lever door 1, 2nd s.: Drop down and kill 8x Eyeful. Step on switch to
unbar west exit of this room. Then jump back up and over 2x falling pillar to
the other side.
1x Magic Power vial.

2nd s., rerevisited: Power up third trident with Thunder magic. Then return to
'Lower east exit, 3rd screen' room, flip the lever to unbar the other door,
which you should enter now.

Behind lever door 2, 1st s.: Jump over conveyor belts to other side. Kill or
ignore 3x Bat that will annoy you.
1x health.

Behind lever door 2, 2nd s.:: Must kill 2x Sorceress.
Blue Tome: Lv 2 Ice magic.

2nd s., rererevisited: Power up fourth and last trident device with Thunder
magic. This will unbar doors to north of this room.

Behind north door, 1st s.: Don't bother going north in this room. Door ahead
is locked. Flip the lever to lower right drawbridge. Go right.
1x S magic.

Right exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Bat and 1x Crystal Knight.

Right exit, 2nd s.: Kill 2x Flesh Demon.

Right exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 2x Mystic Warrior.

---> Part 2 of this dungeon

1st s.: Nothing.

2nd s.: Has 3 exits. You came thru west one. Must kill 6x Starfish to activate
moving platform. Jump on platform, from here to special platform. Wait for
sound signal and then step on one of four arrows signifying which direction
you want platform to go - right now that would be north. There is some loot on
most upper ledges.
1x S magic, 1x S health, 1x health.

North door, 1st s.: Must kill 3x Royal Archer. Beware 3x arrow turret.

Switch & Lever room: Has two entrances. You came thru west one. Stand next to
lever. Unlike previous levers, this one can be pulled in four directions. Flip
it right to make Gold key to appear. Then flip it up to make lower left bars
to disappear. Step on now available switch, which will lower upper right bars.
Flip the lever right then to lower upper left bars. Step on another now
available switch for some loot to appear. Return to '2nd screen' room and take
east exit.

East exit, 1st s.: Must kill 1x Rock Monster.

East exit, 2nd s.: Jump on ledge in far right corner. Jump on ledges to your
left to this room's exit. Beware 3x flame geyser on your way.
2x magic.

East exit, 3rd s.: Watch for 4x falling pillar. Must kill 2x Demon Armor and
2x Paladin.

East exit, 4th s.: Has three exits. You came thru east one. West one is locked
(you need Gold key). North one is your choice for now. Go to pillar in middle
of room. Kill 2x Toadstool. Jump on pillar and then jump on platform. Wait for
sound signal and then step on one of four arrows signifying which direction
you want platform to go - right now that would be north - beware 3x flame
geyser as you jump to north exit. There is nothing of interest on upper
1x S magic.

North path, 1st s.: Kill 3x Dragonet.

North path, 2nd s.: Beware Poison pool. First drop down to lower ledge. Use
platforms to jump over to other side and collect the loot there. Then
backtrack to entrance of this room. Jump over ledges (beware 3x grinder) to
this room's exit.now unbarred door.
1x Health vial, 1x Magic Power vial.

North path, 3rd s.: Drop all way to bottom. Step on switch you will find here
(purpose of this switch?????). Select Ice magic and freeze 3x flam platform to
gain access to this room's exit.

Switch & Lever room, revisited: Collect the loot, then return to 'East exit,
4th s.' room, jump on special platform and unlock west doors.
1x Gold key, 1x Chalice.

Behind gold door, 1st s.: Nothing.

---> Part 3 of this dungeon

1st s.: Nothing.

2nd s.: Must kill 1x Giant Knight.
1x Gold key.

3rd s.: Kill 6x Toadstool. Drop down. Seems familiar:)? Go to lever and flip
it to lower left drawbridge. Finally go to north doors. Unlock them.
1x Magic vial, 1x Health vial.

Final s.: Final boss battles ahead!


Boss attacks:
Note: There are 3x Skull Knight in this room.
1. Can throw fireball bomb down at you. When it explodes, it causes circular
2. Will revive 3x Skull Knight on regular basis (these 3x Skull Knight *can't*
be killed!).

Boss strategy:
Recycled boss... yawn. See those four pillars that float in the air? Wait
until Krassel jumps on one of them, then run there and do Jumping Slash (one
will do) at pillar Krassel is standing on. He will fall down on his ass. Don't
try to hit him yet, cos he is still invincible for a few moments. He will
flash 3 or 4 more times before he becomes vulnerable. Let him have it for
those 3 seconds of time you have to hurt him. After that he becomes
invulnerable again and will escape to high ledge in corner of the room.
Krassel will occassionaly revive 3x Skull Knight that are lying around. You
can either ignore them or knock them down, but you can't kill them. Krassel
may also attempt to throw a fireball bomb at your current position, but it can
be avoided easily.
If one or more pillar is missing, Krassel can materialize missing ones anytime
he wants. Created pillar now has to be struck *four times* before it is
destroyed. Just continue the above recipe and Krassel will bite his ass for
good now.


Boss attacks:
1. Can head swipe at you if you're close (if he misses, he's open to attack).
2. When hit, will usually jump in the air, hover there a bit, then send a
fireball in your direction (when it explodes, circular shockwave is created)
and finish this 'performance' with stomping on gorund, creating another
circular shockwave.
3. Will cry out as a sign for shockwave attack, which is coming next.
4. Can fly around for a while and then stomp the ground for a shockwave.
5. If he cries out and at the same time closes his wings in front of him, this
means he'll create 4 magic circles (if you get caught in one, you can't get
out; you have to wait for circle to disappear). When these circles are
conjured, he'll finish the attack by stomping the ground for a shockwave. Stay
away from circles if you can (you can still get sucked in).
6. If you're behind him, he may strike you with his tail. If that misses,
shockwave is also sent in your direction.
7. With each step he makes, at some places on the battlefield poison smoke
will erupt. If you touch it, you will be fatigued.

Boss strategy:
Hard boss, no doubt. Retreats when attacked, has nasty attacks at his
disposal, can attack you even with his back to you... So how to beat him?
My easiest and craziest strategy: At start run up to him head on. Most of the
time he will try to headswipe you, so jump over it or stay out of its reach.
Whilst his head is 'on the side', he can't do a thing, so Triple Slash him. He
will then try headswiping you again. Jump over it or evade it. Triple Slash
him. Jump or evade... etc. This works for me 75% of the time. But in cases he
starts to get annoying...
To start, don't always attack him from behind. Tail shockwaves hurt... a lot.
Also pay attention to what his stance is when he cries out as a sign of attack
- if he covers his chest with his wings, stay away from him. You don't want to
be trapped in those circles, as you can't do a thing only try your best to
avoid his attacks; lucky hits against him while you're trapped are possible,
tho'. This boss battle can be somewhat long, cos it's very hard to land more
than one hit in; either he'll start an attack or will retreat out of sword
range. My best advice is to be persistent and he will eventually go down...
Will he?


1. Can spit out huge fireball, which upon impact creates shockwave.
2. Has right arm flame-swipe.
3. When he lifts his head and holds it there for some time, be ready for
several second lasting blue/green beam that will come in your direction.
Fortunately, he can't control it once it's fired.
4. Beware of tail swipe if you're attacking him from behind.
5. Can cry out as a sign of following shockwave attack.
6. Can fly for a bit and will then spit fireball in your direction (will
create shockwave after explosion) and stomp the ground for another shockwave
(he also has a version without the fireball).
7. With each step he makes, at some places on the battlefield poison smoke
will erupt. If you touch it, you will be fatigued.

Boss strategy:
Bigger, faster, more powerful attacks... but actually easier in terms of
landing successful hits.
Quite often Dahaka starts the battle by sending greeting fireball in your
direction, so ouch! for you right away. Get too close for too long and
armswipe is yours. Dawdle near his back for too long and tailswipe is yours...
but unless previous Dahaka form, this time it's actually easier to hit him
more than once. Attacking from side would seem like the best option, as only
thing you'd have to watch out for would be his instant shockwaves. Be ready
when Dahaka starts to gather power for his energy shot. Immediately start
running to his side and hopefully he will miss. Few seconds you're given
(while his attack still lasts) is more then enough to strike him good. It is
next to impossible to avoid his instant fireball, so don't feel bad about it.
So your best chance to attack him is immediately after boss is done shooting
that beam at you. Of course, at other times too.
Finally, when you deplete his health, he'll fall to the ground. Now move to
where his head is and execute a powerful blow at his head (Hammer Blow, for
example). If you want to be double sure, Special Sword Technique him. With
this you win and...



I. PROLOGUE: Dragon Valor

Character: Clovis
Magic Sword: Azos

C001: Brize Forest

1st s.: Let the adventure begin! Watch the intro and when you get control of
your character, you will see some online instructions on controls. Read 'em or
press Start to get rid of 'em. Must kill 1x Orc.

2nd s.: Must kill 1x Orc.

3rd s.: Time to learn how to jump and double jump. Jump over first ledge and
2xjump on the next. Jump on the ledge which sticks out of the wall. (If you
drop down, don't worry. You can 2xjump back on second ledge.) Jump from this
ledge to land on firm floor ahead. You will now cross a bridge. Use the online
tip to learn how to dash. Proceed to the right. Hmm, seems like a dead end.
Not! Press R1/R2 to crouch. Now press directional buttons to move right while
crouching. When you can stand up again, go right and drop down. Must kill 2x

4th s.: Must kill 2x Orc.

5th s.: Kill 1x Orc. Jump on two ledges and land on firm floor ahead. Smash 3x
3x val.

6th s.: Must kill 1x Tentacle Plant.
Red Tome: Lv 1 Fire magic.

7th s.: Completely empty.

8th s.: Must kill 3x Orc.

9th s.: Destroy 3x crate. Jump over 2 ledges and drop down. Kill 2x Bat. Turn
back and 2xjump on second ledge. Jump on the first sticked ledge, then on the
second, and then on the floor. Destroy next 3x crate.
2x val, 1x health, 1x Wine, 1x S magic, 1x S health.

10th s.: Kill 2x Will-O'-The-Wisp (one of them may drop a Gem) and 1x

11th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. If you see Rage lift his head and cry out, be ready to jump, cos he will
send out a circular shockwave.
2. If you find yourself close to Rage, he may try to hit you with his
headswipe from right to left. Evade this by jumping over his head or
retreating out of danger range.
3. Sometimes he decides to fly around a bit. Be careful, because he may try to
land on you. When he finally lands, be ready to jump because of a circular
shockwave that Rage will create when he lands.
4. When low on health, he will start to breathe fire, which hurts if you're
hit. Best thing you can do to avoid this is to run to either side of Rage if
you can. Otherwise, make use of 2xjumps.
Note: When Rage is about to perform any of these four attacks, he is
*invincible*. You cannot harm him in any way.

Boss strategy:
It's a pretty basic dragon for a start. He will start the battle by walking
towards you or retreating a few steps. Run up to him and land a few slices
into his skin, then retreat because he may counter with head swipe. Don't
worry, if you touch him accidentally, he will not harm you - except when he
performs his head swipe.
When he tries to hit you with shockwave, you can easily expect this. Rage will
start to flash, lift his head, wave it a bit, let out a cry and then the
shockwave. Jump over the shockwave and hit Rage with jumping slash.
Watch out for his flying trips, both because he may try to land on you or
(when he lands) hit you with a shockwave.
Sometimes he may drop to the floor - cos he is tired:)? Use this chance to hit
him with a 3xhit sword combo.
When his health drops below 40% or so, he will start breathing fire. Run to
the side of Rage or (in case this isn't possible) 2xjump.
You can also try to hit him with a fireball.:) Despite both Rage and fireball
being of fire nature, fireball will hurt Rage.
For the fastest disposal of Rage perform jumping slashes at Rage's head. After
7 or 8 hits he goes down. Be careful tho, cos he likes to counterattack with
fire breath.

This dungeon is now complete!

Prologue: Dragon Valor comes to and end...


II. CHAPTER 1: Avenger

Character: Clovis
Magic Sword: Azos

C002: The Raxis Border

1st s.: Kill 3x Cerberus (destroy wood fence that hinders your way) and 2x
Archer, destroy 3x crate.
4x val, 1x Perfume, 1x S health, 1x S magic, 1x tiara.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Warrior.
12 val.

This dungeon is now complete!


C003: Shop 01

Trader is buying:
- Wine for 30 val
- Tiara for 50 val
- Perfume for 100 val

Oookay, one of rare ocasions where you can choose your path. Select 'The Ruins
of the Prison' for now...


C004: The Ruins of the Prison

1st s.: 5x val.

2nd s.: Kill 3x Bat.
4x val.

3rd s.: Kill 4x Orc. You will come out thru west entrance. South entrance is
currently locked. North entrance is accessible, but there are 3x Spike in the
next room which you must lower first. So take east entrance for now.
4x val.

East way, 1st s.: You will see a high ledge with some items and money along
with a block which can be moved. Stand next to the block and press Square so
your character will grab it. Then press directional buttons in direction you
want to push the block. Pust it north 4 times, then let go. Jump on the block,
then on the ledge to collect loot.
3x val, 1x Lithograph, 1x S health.

East way, 2nd s.: This room contains 3x Skeleton and 1x Rhinoid, whom you must
kill to get Gold key, which you need for locked door found two rooms back. 3x
Skeleton can't be killed yet, so avoid them best you can. Return to the four
entrance room and take south exit now.
1x Gold key, 2x val

South way, 1st s.: Kill 3x Bat.
6x val.

South way, 2nd s.: Before picking up anything, make your way to the highest
pillar where a floor switch is. (Is this docoument credited to Split Infinity?
No? Send me an e-mail at lifearmor@hotmail.com) Go to the east side of the
room and then you can start your jumping trip. It's pretty easy and you should
have no problems. After the switch is activated, collect the loot. Return to 4
entrance room and take north exit now.
1x Chalice, 1x health, 5x val.

North way, 1st s.: 3x Spike has disappeared, so just make your way left.

North way, 2nd s.: Must kill 3x Ninja.
1x health.

North way, 3rd s.: Must kill 1x Lizardman.
1x magic, Black Tome: Lv 1 Mine magic.

This dungeon is complete!


C005: Shop 02

Trader is selling:
- Wine for 20 val
- Lithograph for 200 val
- Pendant for 120 val


C006: The Border Fortress

If you don't like prison path, you can select this one instead.

1st s.: Must kill 2x Knight and 1x Archer.
1x val, 1x S health.

2nd s.: Kill 2x Ninja.
5 val.

3rd s.: Climb the stairs. Destroy the 2x crate.
1x magic, 2x val.

4th s.: Exit is on the very right. But check the two doors in the middle...

First middle door: Destroy 3x crate. Return to 4th screen.
1x Lithograph, 2x val.

Second middle door: Destroy 2x crate. Step on the switch to open the door.
Return to 4th screen and go right now.
1x Chalice, 1x val.

5th s.: Climb the stairs. Destroy 2x crate.
3 val.

6th s.: Must kill 2x Rhinoid.
1x health, Black Tome: Lv 1 Mine magic.

This dungeon is complete!

Completing either 004 or 006 will lead to...


C007: Raxis City

1st s.: Go DOWN all the way you can. You can get some extra loot that way.
Kill 6x Will-O'-The-Wisp, 2x Catapult Orc.
1x Pendant, 1x Wine, 1x magic, 1x S health, 1x health, 42x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 5x Will-O'-The-Wisp and 2x Catapult Orc.

3rd s.: Don't joke around the bombs too long. They hurt if you get caught in
explosion. Simply run past them and you should be safe from the explosion that
follows. If you want to be double safe, try out your Mine magic.
1x S magic, 13x val.

4th s.: Must kill 5x Will-O'-The-Wisp and 1x Lizardman. Get rid of red balls
ASAP, so that you have only Lizardman left to deal with. Kill him last.
1x S health, 1x Chalice, 12x val. Some items are hidden beneath the stone
fence on lower part of the screen. Remember, always check everywhere on every

This dungeon is now complete!


C008: Shop 03

Trader is selling:
- small Magic potion for 40 val
- large Magic potion for 60 val
- Magic vial for 120 val

Select either 009 (The Underground Passage) or 010 (The Road to Raxis


C009: The Underground Passage

1st s.: At beginning go back a bit for some loot. Watch for falling pillars
(stand close to one and wait for it to fall) and spikes coming out of the
ground (they come out at timed intervals). At the end of the screen destroy 4x
crate (careful, in one of the crates is Poison). Enemies: 19x Eyeful, 9x
Flying Fish.
1x Wine, 1x Chalice, 3x health, 2x magic, 39x val

2nd s.: Must kill 2x Giant Crab.
1x magic, Green Tome: Lv 1 Heal magic.

Note: If you took this path, your next part of the walkthru should be 011.

This dungeon is now complete!


C010: The Road to Raxis Castle

1st s.: At beginning go back for some loot. Kill 6x Tentacle Plant. There are
mines here, so watch out.
9x val, 1x health, 1x magic.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Orc and 2x Catapult Orc.

3rd s.: 6x mine will be in your way. Destroy 2x crate.
1x Chalice, 1x health, 2x val.

4th s.: Must kill 2x Cerberus and 2x Imperial Guard (head all the way to the
right across the bridge for some extra loot).
1x S health, 1x S magic, 4x val, Green Tome: Lv 1 Heal magic.

Note: If you took this path, your next part of the walkthru should be 012.

This dungeon is now complete!


C011: Raxis castle (Entrance 1)

1st s.: Nothing of interest here. Go up the stairs.

2nd s.: 3x val.

3rd s.: Must kill 2x Demon Armor.
1x Mask (after both Demon Armors are destroyed).

4th s.: Go up the stairs. See 1x Spike? There's a switch room there. Go
inside, step on the switch, and bars will go away. Exit the switch room and go
thru north exit.
4x val.

5th s.: 4x val, 1x health.

6th s.: Another room with 4 exits. You will come through west exit (it will
close after you). South exit is inaccessible (see Note 1 at the end of this
part of walkthru). Watch out for 4x Arrow turrets. Destroy 2x crate in the
middle of the room. Take the east exit.
1x Chalice, 1x Pendant, 1x val.

East exit, 1st s.: Ignore the door. Why? See Note 2 at the end of this part of
walkthru. Return to previous screen and take north exit now.
1x Pendant, 2x val.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Knight and 2x Royal Archer.
1x S health, 1x S magic, 2x val.

North exit, 2nd s.: Destroy 2x crate.
1x Lithograph, 1x Harp.

North exit, 3rd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. He may dash at you and try to hit you with dashing punch (he is very
vulnerable after this attack, cos he must 'catch his breath':)).
2. If you're close to him, he may swing his right arm in order to hit you.
3. If he guards your attacks, get away because he may power up his right arm,
which can be extended quite a bit in order to hit you (you will know this by
flames coming out of his right arm).
4. Don't jump on him face-to-face, because he may knock you down with his
right arm swing.

Boss strategy:
This boss is really easy. Stay away from him at a moderate distance and wait
for him to do a dashing punch. When he get close, 2xjump over him so his
attack misses and then attack him from the back. Rinse and repeat and you win.
Easier strategy: Stay at a moderate distance and fireball him to death. He
should not even touch you.

Note 1: You get here by south exit if you take route 007.
Note 2: SPOILER: Here's first important decision, which decides how the story
will go on.
- If you choose to knock the door down, you will meet Raxis princess. After
Chapter 1 comes to an end, Clovis will marry Raxis Princess.
- If you choose to ignore the door, Clovis will marry Carolina, after chapter
1 comes to an end.

This dungeon is now complete!


C012: Raxis Castle (Entrance 2)

1st s.: Must kill 3x Knight and 2x Royal Archer to get the key. Then collect
the loot. Don't forget to destroy 3x crate. Open the door to proceed to next
37x val, 1x S health (all the way left), 1x Pendant, 1x magic, 1x Chalice, 1x
Mask, 1x Gold key.

2nd s.: Looks familiar? This is the same room with four exits as described in
walkthru part 008. Only this time west exit is locked (you get thru west exit
if you took the underground passage path). East exit still leads to the same
room as before, as well as north exit. But for now collect the loot in this
room. Beware of 4x Arrow turret. Then take east exit.
12x val.

East exit, 1st s.: Ignore the door for now. We shall return here, when we
replay the game. Return to previous room and take north exit.
1x val, 1x health.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Knight and 2x Royal Archer.
1x S health, 1x S magic, 2x val

North exit, 2nd s.: Destroy 2x crate.
1x Lithograph, 1x Harp.

North exit, 3rd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. He may dash at you and try to hit you with dashing punch (he is very
vulnerable after this attack, cos he must 'catch his breath':)).
2. If you're close to him, he may swing his right arm in order to hit you.
3. If he guards your attacks, get away because he may power up his right arm,
which can be extended quite a bit in order to hit you (you will know this by
flames coming out of his right arm).
4. Don't jump on him face-to-face, because he may knock you down with his
right arm swing.

Boss strategy:
This boss is really easy. Stay away from him at a moderate distance and wait
for him to do a dashing punch. When he get close, 2xjump over him so his
attack misses and then attack him from the back. Rinse and repeat and you win.
Easier strategy: Stay at a moderate distance and fireball him to death. He
should not even touch you.

This dungeon is now complete!


C013: Tower of the Alchemist

1st s.: Nothing at all.

2nd s.: Spikes hazard. Kill 3x Will-O'-The-Wisp and 1x Imperial Guard.
1x val.

3rd s.: Wow, a tower, no kiddin'.:) Fip all the levers except yellow one (this
will cause spikes on the stairs to disappear). Climb the stairs jumping over
chasms when necessary.
1x val, 1x Lithograph.

4th s.: Must kill 1x Flesh Demon.
1x S magic, 1x S health.

5th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. He knows dashing slash.
2. He knows single / double / triple slash.
3. He frequently throws explosive bombs.
4. He frequently throws poison bombs (causes fatigue).
5. He can guard.
6. When he gets up and if you're close to him, can do swift swipe at you,
which you can't guard against.

Boss strategy:
It's morphin' time!:) Raimun is little harder. Always be on the move, you
never know when he's gonna shower you with those stupid bombs. Jump in such
manner that you will land near him, and then let him have it.
Sometimes he seems to have run out of bombs and will run up to some shelves of
sorts to restock ---> free attack for you from behind.:)
Sometimes you'll see Raimun's sword on fire. Be ready to jump cos Raimun will
perform Dashing Slash. After it fails (hopefully), he's open to your attack.
Follow the above tips and you will win easily.
Yellow Tome: Lv 1 Defense magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


C014: Shop 04

Trader is selling:
- small Health potion for 20 val
- large Health potion for 30 val
- Health vial for 60 val


C015: The Catacombs

1st s.: Return a bit to right for some loot. Go down the stairs and pull the
block on the switch.
4x val.

2nd s.: Nothing. Check behind the stone.
10x val.

3rd s.: 6x Skeleton and nx Ghoul - none can be killed yet. Instead just go
all the way left. Check every nook you come across for loot and beware of 4x
Spkie wall hazards.
3x val, 1x Chalice, 1x magic, 1x Pendant

4th s.: You will enter from east. There are three exits on north. First enter
the right one, which is the only one open.
1x val.

Right north exit: Loot the room and return to previous room. Push right block
off the right switch. Pull left block on the left switch. This will open left
1x Ring.

Left north exit: Loot the room then return to previous room and push right
block on the right switch. This will open middle exit.
1x Lithograph, 1x S health, 1x magic.

Middle north exit: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. He can launch single energy ball from his right arm.
2. He can run up to you and perform flying drill attack (?)... looks kinda
like Bison's Psycho Crusher move:). After this attack Volef will be unable to
move temporarily.
3. If you're close to him, he'll try to punch you with his right arm.
4. He can also perform a spin attack of sorts, usually after he picks himself
up from the floor.
5. He can guard.

Boss strategy:
Same stupid Volef as before. Stay away from him at a moderate distance, but
keep moving (he will try to shoot you with his energy balls!). When Volef
finally moves in for his flying drill attack, 2xjump over Volef. When Volef
lands, he's open to your attack. Attack him from behind with Triple Slash.
Then move away at a moderate distance... Rinse and repeat and victory is
Grey Tome: Lv 1 Stealth magic


Boss attacks:
1. He can lift his head, then he will cry out and try to hit you with circular
2. If you're close, he'll try to hit you with a head swing.
3. He can spit out 3 fireball bombs, first being the closest and last being
the farthest (in distance); after they explode stay away from the place of
explosion for a while.
4. He can try to jump on you; if this misses, be ready to jump because of
circular shockwave.
5. He can spit out a really fast fireball which flies in a straight line.
6. He can stand on his hind legs, doing so enables him a new attack - if
you're close, he will try a quick advance toward you which he finishes with a
powerful bite; during standing he can also perform attacks 1, 3 and 5.

Boss strategy:
Titan is harder than his predecessor. Always be on the move, and try to learn
Titan's signs to predict his attacks. Attacking his head only doesn't work
anymore. It will have to get personal. Start the fight by running close to him
and doing Jumping Slash, then get away. He's likely to retaliate by reating a
shockwave or headswing. If he tries attack his fast fireball spit, good luck
in evading it. His jumps at you seem to be the rarest. 3 fireball bombs attack
is easy to avoid (unless you're close to Titan, in which case first fireball
bomb might hit you). After 3 or so Jumping Slashes he will collapse, giving
you a free attack. Use the chance! Repeat this recipe until Titan stands on
his hind legs. Watch out for his quick charge&bite attacks against you.
Continue your previous technique and Titan will soon go down.
Useful tip: His weak spot is his tail. You can deal him critical damage if you
hit his tail successfully (for example when Titan is fatigued).

This dungeon is now complete!

Chapter 1: Avenger comes to an end...


III. CHAPTER 2: Berserker

Character: Kodel
Magic Sword: Azos

C016: The Pirate Ship

1st s.: Kill 1x Pirate Thug and 2x Pirate to be able to proceed. Take the west
exit for now.

West exit, 1st s.: Destroy 5x crate. Return to prvious room and take upper
east exit.
32x val.

East exit, 1st s.: Kill 2x Pirate. Must kill 1x Pirate Thug.
1x Perfume (dropped by Pirate Thug).

East exit, 2nd s.: Before going up the stairs, destroy 4x crate.
22x val, 1x S health, 1x Talisman.

East exit, 3rd s.: 9x val, 1x S magic.

East exit, 4th s.: Careful here. This room has 2x Spike Wall and 2x Arrow
turret hazards. Western exit is currently locked. Make your way past Spike
Walls and Arrow turrets to lower right of this screen.
4x val, 1x Tea.

East exit, 5th s.: Kill 2x Ninja. Must kill 1x Rhinoid to get a key. Return to
previous room and use the key on locked doors.
1x val, 1x Gold key, 1x health, 1x magic.

West exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Ninja and 2x Warrior. Beware of 2x Arrow
turret. Make Arrow turrets work for you by dancing in front of them and when
they're about to shoot, jump and the arrow will hopefully hit one of the
1x health, 13x val, Violet Tome: Lv 1 Vortex magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


C017: Kadeli Canal

1st s.: Nothing at all.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Knight (one may drop a Gem). Take lower east exit for
some loot.
4x val.

Lower east exit, 1st s.: Destroy 3x crate. Then return to previous screen and
take upper east exit.
21x val.

Upper east exit, 1st s.: Destroy 2x crate.
20 val.

Upper east exit, 2nd s.: Must kill 3x Starfish and 1x Pirate Thug.
2x val, 1x S health.

Upper east exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 2x Pirate and 2x Pirate Thug.

Upper east exit, 4th s.: Check below the stairs first. Then climb the stairs.
Go all the way left. Beware of 2x Arrow turret. Step on the switch you will
find at the end.
1x S magic, 1x Chalice, 1x health, 14x val

Upper east exit, 5th s.: Must kill 1x Pirate and 1x Pirate Thug.

Upper east exit, 6th s.: Destroy 4x crate. 4x Bomb hazard.
1x health, 1x Lithograph, 1x S magic, 38x val.

Upper east exit, 8th s.: Must kill 3x Starfish and 1x Giant Crab.
1x health, 1x magic, Orange Tome: Lv 1 Thunder magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


C018: Shop 05

Trader is selling:
- Pendant for 200 val
- Lithograph for 250 val
- Chalice for 300 val <--- Get this!!


C019: Kadeli City

1st s.: Must kill 1x Imperial Guard.
5x val, 1x S health.

2nd s.: Must kill 5x Starfish (one may drop a gem).

3rd s.: Kill 3x Pirate Thug. Destroy 1x crate.
12x val, 1x magic, 1x health.

4th s.: Beware of 2x Spike hazard. Destroy 2x crate.
26x val.

5th s.: Must kill 3x Pirate Thug. Destroy 2x crate.
2x val, 1x health, 1x magic, Yellow Tome: Lv 2 Defense magic.

6th s.: Must kill 1x Imperial Guard. Smash 4x crate.
30x val, 1x S magic.

7th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. His move pattern is following: few seconds he'll stand in a corner, few
seconds he'll spend running around like mad.
2. He can try to ram you.
3. He can magically power him up, thus becoming faster; if he rams you while
powered up, he will deal more damage.
4. When powered up, he can throw 3 bombs at you; their distance varies -
either he throws them up close, or really far; even if the bomb misses, you
must be careful cos of their circular shockwaves; after he throws 2 sets of
three bombs, he'll start laughing; this is the time when he's open to attack,
so do it.
5. If his ramming attack misses, he can follow it up by throwing his hook as a
boomerang; in case even this attack misses he will follow it by another
hookthrow (he cal also throw his hook as a separate counting attack).
6. Extremely good at guarding and evading.

Boss strategy:
Always be on the move. You never know when he might ram you. And don't stay
near him for too long, his hook hurts.
For easy win try this strategy: Do a Jumping Slash at him. When Robert gets
up, he'll power up. Wait for his 6 bombs to be thrown (doing your best to
avoid them, of course) so that he'll start to laugh. Run up to him and chop
him with Triple Slash. When he gets up he'll power up... Rinse and repeat.

This dungeon is now complete!


C020: The Abandoned Mine

1st s.: 4x val.

2nd s.: Kill 3x Cave Slug.

3rd s.: Really big room. North exit is currently closed. The switch for the
door is in the same room, but inaccessible for now. Instead loot the room to
get what you can for now. Then take east exit.
1x Pendant, 1x Chalice (can't get this for now; I'll tell you when you can get
it), 1x magic, 14x val (2x val is near the switch above).

East exit, 1st s.: Another big room. Has upper and lower level. You're
currently on the lower level. Go east.
Lower level 10x val.

East exit, 2nd s.: Must kill 3x Cave Slug.

East exit, 3rd s.: Another two levels room. First kill 3x Zombie to activate
the platform (see its shadow?). Board the platform to gain access to upper
level. Go left now, but beware of 1x Arrow turret.
1x S magic, 1x S health, 13x val.

East exit, 4th s.: Must kill 6x Zombie.

East exit, 1st s.: We're back at this room, only this time we're at upper
level. Make your way over the beams, taking care not to be spiked by 3x Spike
wall hazard. Finally you reach east upper exit of this room. (If you fall
down, you'll have to go around again.)
Upper level 6x val, 1x health.

3rd s.: We're back at first big room. Go up and step on the switch to open the
door. Collect loot nearby. See that wood beam with silver coin on it? Jump up
there and walk to the left to receive the rest of the loot in this room (i.e.
Chalice and 2 val). Drop down and take north exit.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 1x Rock Demon.

North exit, 2nd s.: Drop down first and kill 3x Toadstool. Go right as far as
you can to get Magic Power vial! Then return to where you come in and start
jumping to the right over the chasms. Take note of 3x Arrow turret. For easy
last jump go to where 3rd Arrow turret is. From there jump to the exit.
4x val, 1x Magic Power vial.

North exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 2x Lizardman (one of them dropped another Magic
Power vial for me).
1x health.

North exit, 4th s.: Move the block and the pillar as far right as you can.
Then jump on the block, then on the pillar ant finally to the exit. Kill 1x
1x val.

North exit, 5th s.: Must kill 1x Rock Demon.

This dungeon is now complete!


C021: Shop 06

The trader is trading:
- Your 1x Mask for 1x Pendant
- Your 1x Wine for 1x large Magic potion
- Your 1x Lithograph for 1x Ring <--- Get this!!


C022: Linton Forest

1st s.: Nothing at all.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Will-O'-The-Wisp and 1x Catapult Orc.
6x val.

3rd s.: Beware of 3x Arrow turret. Destroy 2x crate (if you wish, that is;
loot is crappy).
2x val.

4th s.: Must kill 3x Zombie and 3x Will-O'-The-Wisp.

5th s.: Beware of 2x Arrow turret and quickly destroy wood fence. Don't forget
the loot!
3x val, 1x Chalice.

6th s.: Must kill 3x Orc and 1x Lizardman.

7th s.: Destroy 3x crate.
11x val, 1x S magic.

8th s.: Must kill 3x Tentacle Plant and 1x Mantis.

This dungeon is now complete!


C023: Clovis' Fortress

1st s.: 1x health, 1x magic, 1x val.

2nd s.: 6x val.

3rd s.: Must kill 3x Knight (one may drop a Gem) and 1x Imperial Guard.
1x Gold key (appears after Imperial Guard is defeated).

4th s.: Beware of 1x Spike.
3x val, 1x Lithograph

5th s.: Kill 2x Royal Archer and 3x Rhinoid. Then step on 5 switches to lower
the bars.

6th s.: Examine the door and when asked, decide to 'Hurry on.' This choice is
necessary to make for this part of the walkthru. The other choice should be
made when you wish to continue with ''Story of a Dragon Valor', route 2'.
2x val, 1x S health, 1x magic

7th s.: Must kill 3x Demon Armor and 1x Lizardman. Beware of 2x Spike Wall
hazard at east side of the room. Try to lure enemies on the east side so they
get chopped up by Spike Walls.:)
23x val, 1x S magic, 1x S health, Blue Tome: Lv 1 Ice magic

8th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
1. Can perform Special Sword Technique at ease (one where you have to press
Square and X at the same time). He gets exhausted after it too.
2. Can cast very quick fireball.
3. Can backflip once or twice.
4. Can do Single (or Double) Slash.
5. Can guard extremely well.

Boss strategy:
Welcome to very tough boss battle. Clovis has a nice array of moves at his
disposal and won't hesitate in using them. Here's how to beat him...
Always be on the move cos of possible fireball attack. Your chances to strike
him successfully are immediately after he cast the fireball or he performed
Special Sword technique (he's defenseless for a while). He loves to backflip
and then cast a fireball. If you attack him in a common way, but he blocks,
try to get away cos he's very likely to counterattack. Keep it up and he will
go down eventually.
Easier strategy: Select Mine magic and blow him away. So what if he hurts you?
As long as you deal more damage to him than he does to you, you're okay.

This dungeon is now complete!


C024: Shop 07

The trader is buying:
- Wine for 100 val
- Tiara for 100 val
- Perfume for 100 val


C025: The Highlands of Linton

1st s.: This room involves lots of jumping. Make sure you fall into every hole
you see to nab the loot there. Drop into first hole and kill 3x Tentacle Plant
and 3x Orc. Then work your way up those ledges until you land on the right of
the first hole. Destroy 4x crate. Jump over next ledge and fall into second
hole. Kill 3x Cerberus there. Jump back up. This time work your way over the
ledges above the second hole. On your way you'll have to get rid of 3x
2x health, 1x magic, 1x S health, 35x val

2nd s.: Must kill 2x Orc and 1x Mantis.
1x Magic vial.

3rd s.: Smash 3x crate and collect loot nearby. Go and fall down. Beware of
Poison pool hazard. Wait for a moving platform to jump onto. Jump onto next
moving platform and you're across this poison lake. Jump onto the ledges in
the corner and continue making your way first left, then right until you're
across this hole.
1x Chalice, 1x magic, 38x val

This dungeon is now complete!


C026: Shop 08

The trader is selling:
- small Health potion for 20 val
- large Health potion for 30 val
- Health Vial for 60 val


C027: Beneath the Volcano

1st s.: At beginning jump in the lava all the way to the left for some loot.
Beware of Lava pool hazard (don't walk in it for too long!). Continue right.
Jump on the ledge. Switch to Ice magic and freeze flaming platform ahead. Jump
on this platform and then on the next. Jump on the floor ahead. First Lava
pool is after us. Go right. Now you'll also have to watch out for Flame geyser
hazard. Jump on first Flame geyser island (you can stand just to the end of
that small island and not be harmed neither by Flame geyser or surrounding
lava). Jump south from here and collect some money in the lava you see. Don't
worry, at the end you get Health vial. Return to first Flame geyser island.
Jump to next island east from this one. Next island is to the south (there are
2x Flame geyser here). Jump to next east island. Jump to next east island.
Kill 1x Bat there. There is small Health potion barely visible behind this
island. Jump on next east island and kill 1x Bat there. Then jump on south
island and kill 1x Bat there. Collect large Health potion. Lastly, jump on
large east island and second lava pool is over with. It's not over yet...
There is a series of jumps east now: jump on first island (1x Flame geyser
hazard), then on second (safe here), then on third (1x Flame geyser), then on
fourth (1x Flame geyser) and stop. Switch to Ice magic. Freeze flame platform
and jump onto it. Jump on another east island. Freeze next flame platform (the
one with Poison on it). Jump on it. Freeze next flame platform and jump on it.
Jump on moving platform and finally jump on the floor ahead. It's 'Sayonara'
to Lava pools.:) Go right and drop down the hole.
1x Pendant, 81x val, 1x Health vial, 1x health, 2x S health, 1x S magic

2nd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: Inferno is dragon on the left. Hellfire is dragon on the right.
1. Inferno can try to hit you with head swing from left to right. Same applies
for Hellfire, except that he swings from right to left.
2. They spit fire very often. Both have three different techniques:
- Inferno will lift his head, wave it a bit, then spit fire on middle island
and finish by spewing fire on the left island; Hellfire will spit fire on
middle island and finish it by spewing fire on the right island
- Inferno may send a fireball directly to left island; Hellfire may send
fireball directly to right island; when this fireball explodes, it will send
out huge circular shockwave
- Inferno and Hellfire can join forces in combined fireball attack: they will
lower their heads and spit out 6-8 fireballs (Inferno will move in
anticlockwise, Hellfire will move in clockwise direction); they can only
perform this attack if both of them are alive

Boss strategy:
This boss is not so hard as it seems, but you need to be patient. Why? Read
the strategy and you will see...
Room consists of 3 islands where you can move. Middle one (directly beneath
both dragons), left one and right one. Mostly you will have to jump between
left and right islands. Only go to middle island if you have a chance to hit
one of the dragons. Both dragons can only be hit, after either one falls down
fatigued. Exact time when this happens cannot be predicted. When it happens,
it happens, so that's why you have to be patient. Inferno and Hellfire have
separate health bars.
(This document was written by Split Infinity. If the name this document is
credited with isn't Split Infinity, then this FAQ is ripped off. Please report
the offending party to me at lifearmor@hotmail.com)
Sometimes when one of them does firebreath attack where he fireballs middle
and then left/right island, 1x magic may appear on middle island. Don't
collect it immediately. Instead heal first and then collect it.
Try to deal same amount of damage to both heads before you take one down. If
you kill Inferno first, he will spit a fireball on right island which will
then be engulfed in flames *permanently*. Also when Inferno's body will fall
to the ground, he will catch fire, so don't walk too near him. Same thing foes
for Hellfire (except that he'll torch right island instead).
Now is the true test of your patience. You *have* to wait until remaining head
has so much 'courage' to lower his head so that you can kill him for good. If
remaining head's health bar is still moderately full, you have a looong battle
ahead. That's why I suggested to deal same amount of damage to both heads
before killing one off.
When one head remains, that head can still do 3 attack. Head swing and two
sorts of firebreath attacks. For this part of battle I suggest that you remain
on middle island under whichever head is still alive and patiently wait for
head to fall down.
Firebreath attack with pattern middle/left (or middle/right) island can easily
be anticipated. Jump to left/right island first and then to the middle again,
just as remaining dragon is about to firebreath left/right island. Be patient
with remaining head and you'll win.
IMPROVED STRATEGY: Select Ice magic, stand on island next to those two dragons
and cast it! Spray both dragons with ice shards and they will come crashing
down like no tomorrow. Let them have it. When they go up again, just cast Ice
magic again.
nX magic (infinite), Grey Tome: Lv 2 Stealth magic.

This dungeon is now complete!

Chapter 2: Berserker comes to an end...


IV. CHAPTER 3: The Dragon Worshippers

Character: Gerome
Magic Sword: Azos

C028: Western Kadeli

1st s.: Beware 4x Bomb hazard.
27x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Ninja.

3rd s.: Destroy 5x crate. Beware 2x Arrow turret. Go right and drop in the
hole. Kill 1x Toadstool (behind it is some loot). Jump on a small hill next to
this enemy. Jump up on left ledge. Crouch and go left. Kill 2x Toadstool.
Where third Toadstool was, jump up for some more loot, then back down and to
the right to get across this hole. Drop in next hole and kill 2x War Bird.
There's some loot in upper east corner. Go back, jump out of second hole and
make your way over it by jumping on ledges to get across. Go right and kill 3x
Tentacle Plant to clear those ledges. Beware 4x Bomb. Smash or ignore wood
1x magic, 1x Pendant, 1x S health, 1x magic, 46x val.

4th s.: Must kill 2x Cerberus and 2x Warrior.

5th s.: Smash 3x crate. Go right. Beware Poison pool. Jump first on small
islands down there and collect the loot. Turn back, jump out of this hole and
jump on the moving platform. Let it take you right, but take care: jump over
the ledges so that you won't be pushed off the platform. Jump on all 3 ledges
that are in the way of first moving platform to collect loot on them. Then
jump on middle one of these ledges. Above you is a ledge with some money. Jump
there. Then jump left, then right. Jump on second moving platform, jump over
the ledge that is in th way and land on firm floor ahead. Beware 3x Arrow
1x Chalice, 2x magic, 1x S health, 1x health, 44x val.

6th s.: Must kill 2x Mantis and 2x Archer.
Black Tome: Lv 2 Mine magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


C029: Shop 09

The trader is selling:
- Horn for 200 val <--- Get this!!
- Chalice for 300 val <--- Get this!!
- large Magic potion for 60 val


C030: The Saldo Border

1st s.: Beware 4x Mine. Smash 3x crate.
15x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Armored Orc and 1x Hornet.
1x health, 2x val.

3rd s.: Smash 4x crate. Beware 3x Arrow turret. Go right. Beware Poison pool.
Get close to teh edge and wait for 1x Toadstool to let out his pollen. 2xjump
over him and do Hammer blow to kill him. Do the same for next 1x Toadstool.
Jump on tree ahead. Jump on stone island you will see now and then back on
tree. Go down and kill 1x Toadstool. Jump on next two stumps and then on
ledge. Drop down and jump on next tree. Duck. Beware 1x Flame geyser. Jump on
next tree and duck again. Kill 1x Toadstool and jump on next tree. Go down and
kill 1x Toadstool to the left. Jump on the stump and kill 1x Toadstool on next
stump. Jump on stone island (beware 1x Flame geyser) for some loot. Go back
over two stumps on the tree. Go up and jump on firm floor to the right. Beware
of 1x Fake door when you try to collect loot in front of it. Cross the bridge.
Smash 4x crate.
3x health, 1x magic, 85x val.

4th s.: Must kill 1x Centaur.

This dungeon is now complete!


C031: Shop 10

The trader is trading:
- Your 1x Tea for 1x Ring <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Pendant for 1x Bracelet <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Lithograph for 1x Talisman <--- Get this!!


C032: Saldo Town

1st s.: 3x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 1x Warrior. Avoid 2x Skull Knight, who cannot be killed yet.

3rd s.: Kill 8x Eyeful. Smash 3x crate.
1x magic, 1x health, 15x val.

4th s.: Must kill 1x Lizardman. Avoid 3x Skull Knight, who cannot be killed
10x val.

5th s.: First step on the switch and collect the loot that appears. As you go
further, some bars will appear behind you.
1x Magic power, 10x val.

6th s.: Must kill 2x Cave Slug and 1x Rock Demon (may drop Health vial).

7th s.: Smash 3x crate.
1x S magic, 15x val.

8th s.: Must kill 2x Warrior and 1x Lizardman.

9th s.: Beware 3x Arrow turret. Smash 4x crate.
1x Pendant, 3x val.

10th s.: Must kill 1x Giant Knight.
1x magic, 1x S health, Violet Tome: Lv 2 Vortex magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


C033: The Heathen Cathedral

1st s.: Avoid 3x Skull Knight, who can't be killed yet.
17x val, 3x magic.

2nd s.: Big room with four exits. You came thru lower west exit. North exit is
locked. That means youur current options are upper west and east exit. Avoid
3x Ghoul if possible; they can't be killed yet. Kill 2x Sorcerer. Climb right
stars and smash 1x crate. Collect the loot. Then climb left stairs and go thru
upper east exit.
1x Lithograph, 3x val, 4x magic.

Upper west exit, 1st s.: Beware 2x Sensor Spike. Jump over them. Select Fire
magic. Light the pillar at end of walkway. Return to previous room and go thru
east exit.
2x val.

East exit, 1st s.: Kill 3x Demon Armor.

East exit, 2nd s.: Beware 3x Arrow turret. Kill 1x Lizardman. Climb the
stairs. Beware 2x Sensor Spike. Select Fire magic and light pillar at end of
walkway. Return two rooms back and take now unlocked north exit.
5x val, 1x magic.

North exit, 1st s.: Two level room. You're on lower level. First clean the
room of 6x Tentacle Plant and 1x Giant Knight (may drop Health vial). There's
also a locked door on lower level (ignore it for now). Then step on two
switches and collect loot.
26x val, 2x magic, 1x Chalice.

North exit, 2nd s.: Ignore 3x Demon Spirit and 3x Ghoul, who can't be killed
now. Smash 1x crate.
1x Pendant, 11x val, 2x magic.

North exit, 3rd s.: Ignore 3x Skull Knight, who can't be killed now. Climb the
stairs. Beware of 1x Fake door as you try to smash 1x crate. When you collect
the key, let Fake door grab you and you will be conveniently returned to the
locked door. So unlock them now...
10x val, 1x Gold key.

Behind locked door, 1st s.: Kill 3x Sorcerer.

This dungeon is now complete!


C034: Shop 11

The trader is buying:
- Wine for 300 val
- Tiara for 50 val
- Perfume for 300 val


C035: The Cathedral Crypt

1st s.: 1x health.

2nd s., lower level: Has two levels. Upper level is inaccessible for now.
Ignore 2x Demon Spirit. Kill 1x Roper and then 2x Small Roper.
Lower level 22x val.

3rd s.: Kill 3x Scorpion and 2x Zombie.
1x val, 1x health.

4th s.: Big room. Beware Poison pool. Flip the lever which will cause right
pillar to come down so that you can jump on it. Jump on middle, then on left
pillar and finally on a ledge with 2x Toadstoll (kill them) and another lever.
Flip it and left pillar will be raised a little. Then go down. Kill next 2x
Toadstool and flip last lever. This will cause both middle and right pillar to
be raised a little. 1x Toadstool on platform under middle pillar can be
ignored (but kill it anyway:)). Jump on the ledge where second lever is, then
on left, then middle and finally right pillar. From here jump into small nook
where 1x Toadstool resides. Kill it and collect loot. Exit door will now open.
1x magic, Green Tome: Lv 2 Heal magic.

5th s.: Jump on left slope first. Then jump on right slope and make your way
to the top. Kill 2x Tentacle Plant there. Beware 4x Flame geyser. Kill 1x
Tentacle Plant. Beware 4x Flame geyser.
1x health, 15x val.

6th s.: Big room. Has 3 exits. You came thru west exit. North exit is locked.
go thru east exit. Beware 3x Spike. Jump on a ledge in northeast corner for
some loot.
1x S health, 1x S magic, 23x val.

7th s., lower level: Has two levels, upper one being inaccessible for now.
Kill 1x Zombie (this Zombie is on lower level; there is also 1x Zombie on
upper level) and 3x Will-O'-The-Wisp (4th one is on upper level) that may fall
Lower level 1x Lithograph, 11x val.

8th s. Beware Poison pool. There are also 4x Flame geyser scattered around.
Smash 3x crate.
1x S health, 1x health, 1x magic, 11x val.

9th s.: Must kill 3x War Bird and 1x Flesh Demon. Smash 1x crate.
10x val.

10th s.: Kill 3x Scorpion. Go right and smash 1x crate. Collect what you can
for now. Go left to where you came in. Jump on moving platform and select Ice
magic. freeze flame platform to your right. Jump on it and then on a small
ledge. Go around, freeze next flame platform. Jump on it, then on next moving
platform and finally to the top of this 'hill'. Smash 1x crate for a key.
Return to 6th screen.
1x health, 2x magic. 1x Pendant, 1x Gold key.

6th s., revisited: Seems like a dead end... jump on a small ledge and look for
a hole. Duck and crwal thru it, then drop down by 2x Spike. Jump over them and
make your way to north exit. Beware of 1x Spike in front of the door. Unlock
the door.

Behind locked door, 1st s.: Jump up the ledges. Watch for 9x Eyeful, which you
should kill (some of them may fall down on you to wheer you enter this room).
1x magic, 2x val.

Behind locked door, 2nd s.: Kill 3x Starfish. Beware 5x Spike wall. Take a
look at green floor. One tile seems more green than the others. Perform a
Hammer Blow above it to break thru it and drop down to.... But before doing
so, loot the room.
20x val, 1x S health, 1x magic

7th s., upper level: Whatever you don, do not fall down, otherwise you have a
long way around. Kill any surrounding enemies which may be 4x Will-O'-The-Wisp
and 1x Zombie, so that they won't annoy you. Green tile that can be broken is
in upper right corner. Do so and drop down to...

2nd s., upper level: Before doing anything, lure one (or both) of 2x Demon
Spirit to 'pool' where green tiles are. Select Heal magic. Wait for them to
appear and then dash in your direction. Just as they're about to hit you, heal
yourself. Since your Heal magic is now lv 2, it damages demons, which means 2x
Demon Spirit will die. Hopefully they will drop Scrolls (very useful!), item
which increases your MAX MP by 8 points. If they fall down on lower level,
tough luck. Loot the upper level, but don't fall down!
1x magic, 5x val.

Behind locked door, 3rd s.: Must kill 2x Cerberus and 1x Sorcerer. Smash 2x
1x magic, 1x health, 1x val.

This dungeon is now complete!


C036: Beneath the Ruins

1st s.: Room with 3 exits. You came thru east exit. Take west exit for now.
3x val.

West exit, 1st s.: Must kill 3x Armored Orc and 1x Sorcerer.
Black Tome: Lv 3 Mine magic.

West exit, 2nd s.: 2x health.

West exit, 3rd s.: Kill 2x Bacula. Step on left switch to open west door and
on right switch to open east door.
1x val.

West exit, 4th s.: 4x val.

West exit, 5th s.: Beware Poison pool. Stand under the rope and press Square
so that your character will grab onto the rope. Press left and go left all the
way (hold Square pressed!). When you land, jump on wooden beam to get the key.
Then loot the room. Under the exit to this room is 1x Fake door. Collect the
loot in front of it last and then let Fake door grab you. You will be returned
to 1st screen.
1x magic, 1x health, 1x Chalice, 15x val.

1st s., revisited: Jump over Poison and take north exit this time.

North exit, 1st s.: There are 3x Propeller hazard in this room. Do not touch
them and you will be okay. Kill 3x Demon Spirit with lv 2 Heal magic (remember
Scrolls they may drop?).

North exit, 2nd s.: Smash 6x crate.
2x magic, 2x health, 11x val.

North exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 2x Centaur.
2x val.

North exit, 4th s.: Must kill 3x Sorcerer.

North exit, 5th s.: Beware 6x Mine and 2x Fake door. Unlock doors to east.
14x val, 1x Lithograph.

North exit, 6th s.: 5x val.

This dungeon is now complete!


C037: Shop 12

The trader is selling:
- small Health potion for 20 val
- large Health potion for 30 val
- Health vial for 60 val


C038: The Deepest Place

1st s.: 4x val.

2nd s.: Room with 3 exits. You came thru west exit. Take east exit for now.
6x val.

East exit, 1st s., lower level: Just go thru north door.
Lower level 3x magic.

East exit, 2nd s.: Must kill 3x Stingray.

East exit, 3rd s.: Has two levels, you start on lower. Kill 1x Crystal Knight.
Select Fire magic and light the pillar to activate moving platform. Jump on
it. From here you can jump into 2 small holes (one is left and one is right
from your current position). Loot those two holes and then jump back on moving
platform. From here jump on upper level.
2x health, 1x S magic, 14 val.

East exit, 4th s.: Kill 4x Will-O'-The-Wisp and 3x Demon Armor (most will fall
down from the pillar).
10x val. (Note: There's some items on the pillar, but you can't get there

East exit, 5th s.: Beware 2x Grinder.
14x val, 1x magic.

East exit, 6th s.: Kill 3x Demon Spirit and 2x Sorcerer.
1x health, 1x magic, 11x val.

East exit, 1st s., upper level: Stand under the rope and press Square so that
Gerome will grab onto it. Press left when ready. When you're about halfway
down the rope, let go of Square so that Gerome will land on the ledge. If you
miss, you have to go around again. Nab the key there. Then collect what you
can. Return to 2nd screen.
Upper level 22x val, 1x S magic, 1x Gold key.

2nd s., revisited: Take north exit now.

North exit, 1st s.: Kill 3x Stingray and 2x Demon Spirit. Unlock west doors.

North exit, 2nd s.: Smash 3x crate. We shall make a small detour. Push/pull
the block so that you can jump on north ledge.
22x val, 1x Lithograph.

Detour, 1st s.: Nothing at all.

Detour, 2nd s.: Kill 8x Eyeful. Then break greenest tile in the fllor and drop
down to...
1x val.

East exit, 4th s., revisited: You will be standing on a pillar in that room.
Immediately kill any enemies up there (3x Will-O'-The-Wisp and 1x Demon
Armor). Beware of 1x Grinder. Return to 'North exit, 2nd s.' room.
Secondary 1x Chalice, 1x magic.

North exit, 2nd s., revisited: Push/pull the block to where it originally was.
Jump on it and then on west ledge.

North exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 1x Giant Knight.

North exit, 4th s.: Nothing at all.

North exit, 5th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Finally a challenging boss with many attacks...
1. Can do tail swipe, if you're close to him.
2. Can bite you if you're close to him.
3. Can throw 3 energy balls one after another from his right hand. They can
track you for a while; explode after they hit edge of the battlefield. After
explosion they send out circular shockwaves.
When he's close to defeat, he gains new attacks.
4. Can draw you close to him by sucking air (well, that's how it appears to be
done:)), and finishes it with a head swipe.
5. Can do head swipe as a separate attack (if you're close).
6. Can now throw all 3 energy balls *at once*.

Boss strategy:
Gerome has quite high defense (in my case 5), so most boss' attacks should do
minimal / medium damage.
When the battle starts, he will 'put himself together'.:) Notice the red
energy ball in his chest? That's his weak point. As long as that energy ball
is in chest, he's invulnerable (except for one case; read Note at end of this
boss strategy). Here's how to defeat him:
Run up to him and do Jumping Slash in direction of his chest. If your strike
connects, Hades will fall apart and red energy ball will split up into *three*
red balls that will circle across the battlefield. You must destroy these
three red balls in order for Hades to take damage (if you touch any of them,
it will cause fatigue). But you have to be quick in destroying them, otherwise
they will return inside Hades' chest and you will have to jump-slash at it
Ok, so after these three red balls are running across battlefield, Hades will
do his best to stop you. He is quite fast. Will be throwing his blue energy
balls at you nonstop. Ignore them and concentrate on hunting red balls. He is
quite fast and can cover the battlefield with ease. Once three red balls are
destroyed, Hades will fall apart once again and some of his health will be
depleted. He will then stand up again with red energy ball in his chest being
revived, so run up to him again and do Jumping Slash etc...
At one point when you strike him with Jumping Slash and three red balls will
'escape', these three balls will assemble Hades immediately. This is a sign
that the fight is going to be harder. When you strike his chest, instead of
three now four energy balls will escape from Hades' chest. Plus Hades will
gain attacks 4., 5. and 6.
Hunt four red balls down for two more times and victory is yours.
Note: When you want to heal, be close to Hades. Use your Heal magic and Hades
will take damage as he is undead. You can do this at any time during the
fight, just make sure you're close to him.

This dungeon is now complete!

Chapter 3: The Dragon Worshippers comes to an end...


V. CHAPTER 4: Minion of the Ancient Dragon

Character: Anita
Magic Sword: Azos

C039: Sorcerer's Keep

1st s.: 11x val.

2nd s.: Must kill 4x Devil Axe.
4x val.

3rd s.: Smash 3x crate.
15x val.

4th s.: Must kill 2x Devil Axe and 1x Deer Head.
4x val.

5th s.: Beware 1x Flame geyser.
1x Chalice.

6th s.: Tough battle. Kill 1x Bacula and then step on the switch. 3x Giant
Knight will make this almost impossible, so kill them.
2x health, 30x val.

7th s.: 1x S magic, 5x val.

8th s.: Kill 3x Ghoul. Must kill 1x Sorcerer.
1x health, 1x magic, 20x val.

9th s.: Beware 3x Falling pillar.
42x val.

10th s.: Must kill 2x Ice Hound and 1x Centaur.

This dungeon is now complete!


C040: Shop 13

The trader is selling:
- Pepper for 100 val <--- Get this!!
- Pendant for 250 val
- Chalice for 350 val <--- Get this!!


C041: Galia Desert

1st s.: Kill 2x Sand Fish. Beware 3x Spike.
1x S health, 2x magic, 47x val.

2nd s.: Kill 3x Scorpion and 3x Armored Beetle. Beware 2x arrow turret
(quickly destroy wood fence). Smash 4x crate. Beware of 2x spike and 2x arrow
turret combo.
69x val, 2x S magic, 1x health, 1 S health.

3rd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: There are 6x mine scattered around the battlefield, so do not dawdle
near them for too long.
1. Can cast spell which sends out 3 energy balls (small homing ability).
2. Can do Hammer Blow, which when finished sends out a circular shockwave.
3. Knows single slash.
4. Knows double slash.
5. Can guard.
6. Has evasive jump maneuver.

Boss strategy:
Don't be too far away from Vilherm, otherwise he'll keep casting those
annoying energy balls. Best thing to do is to go face to face on him. He is
rather slow when trying to slash at you. You should have little to no problem
in being faster than him. If he guards your first slash, keep at it - usually
third slash connects. For some fun you can also lure him near those bombs
and... you get the picture:).
If he jumps back to gain some distance, run after him. Don't give him time to
breath. Vilherm is one of easier bosses and you should defeat him easily.

This dungeon is now complete!


C042: Shop 14

The trader is trading:
- Your 1x Horn for 1x Earrings <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Tea for 1x Lithograph
- Your 1x Mask for 1x Lithograph


C043: The Ancient Ruins of Jirat

1st s.: At start go back for some loot. Kill 2x Armored Beetle and ignore
first door you come across. Continue right to second north door. Beware 2x
36x val, 1x magic.

2nd door, 1st s.: 3x val.

2nd door, 2nd s.: Kill 2x Demon Spirit.
1x magic.

2nd door, 3rd s.: Kill 3x Scorpion. Step on the switch in one of the corners.
Jump on moving platform that moves vertically. Jump on next moving platform.
From here jump on elevation in right corner of this room. From here jump on
small ledge where key is. Then loot the room. Return to 1st screen end enter
1st door.
2x health, 23x val, 1x Gold key.

1st door, 1st s.: Unlock the door.

1st door, 2nd s.: Big room with 4 exits. You came thru west exit. 1st north
exit is locked for now. Beware 2x arrow turret. Kill 3x Sorcerer (arrow
turrets will most likely kill them instead:)). First north door can only be
opened with Silver key, so ignore them for now. Go right. Beware 2x grinder.
Go thru second north door for now (beware 1x Falling spike).
1x health, 1x magic, 1x S health, 12x val, 1x Talisman.

2nd north exit, 1st s.: Kill 3x Deer Head. Jump on two pillars and go thru
upper north exit.
2x val.

2nd north exit, 2nd s.: Jump on pillar to your left. Step on the switch (this
will cause bars on another entrance to this room to be lifted). Then jump down
and step on another switch (this will activate the moving platform). Kill 2x
War Bird (one will fall down from somewhere). Exit the room thru lower doors
on your right. Return to '1st door, 2nd screen' room and take east exit now.
Primary loot: 11x val.

East exit, 1st s.: Must kill 1x Imperial Soldier.

East exit, 2nd s.: Beware 1x falling spike.
10x val.

East exit, 3rd s.: Kill 3x Demon Spirit. Jump up the pillars to the exit. You
will be in...
1x magic, 2x val.

2nd north exit, 2nd s.: ... the room where you activated two switches. Jump on
moving platform and from there jump on a ledge with another key. Go to where
2nd locked doors are ('1st door, 2nd screen' room).
Secondary loot: 1x S magic, 1x Silver key.

Behind silver doors, 1st s.: 1x magic, 1x health.

Behind silver doors, 2nd s.: Select Fire magic. Light the pillar.
1x Pendant.

Behind silver doors, 3rd s.: Must kill 1x Crystal Knight.

This dungeon is now complete!


C044: Verea Mountain

1st s.: 1x health.

2nd s.: Kill 3x Skull Knight. Jump on moving platform. Smash 2x crate. Kill 3x
63x val, 1x magic.

3rd s.: Must kill 2x Rhinoid.

4th s.: Beware Lava pool and 4x bomb. Jump on ledge with 1x bomb. Jump on
another ledge to nab the loot. Then go back and make your way over small
islands. You will have to avoid 3x bomb and 3 Toadstool this way.
2x magic.

5th s.: Beware lava pool. Jump on ledge nearby. Kill 1x Toadstool. Step on
switch (will activate moving platform). Jump on it. Jump on small island with
another switch. Step on it (will deactivate 3x flame geyser and activate
another 3 platforms). Jump on them to the exit on east side. Kill 2x
Toadstool. Drop down from this ledge for some more loot (will have to
backtrack then).
1x magic, 1 S health, 10x val, 1x Pendant.

6th s.: Must kill 1x Rock Demon and 2x Cerberus. Beware lava pool.

7th s.: Beware lava pool. Jump on stationary platform. 2x jump no sothwest
corner. There is small island with switch. Step on it (will activate
stationary platform and deactivate 2x flame geyser). Loot 2 islands nearby.
Jump with use of 2 moving platforms on a ledge with 1x val. Jump on next right
2x val, 1x S health, 1x S magic.

8th s.: Must kill 3x Hornet and 2x Assassin. Beware lava pool.
2x val.

9th s.: Kill 2x Skull Knight. Drop down. Kill 5x Cave Slug. Step on 4 switches
(will activate platform). Jump on firm floor aheaad. Smash 4x crate.
14x val, 1x health, 1x magic.

10th s.: Must kill 3x Bat and 1x Mantis.
Violet Tome: Lv 3 Vortex magic.

11th s.: 4x val.

This dungeon is now complete!


C045: Shop 15

The trader is buying:
- Wine for 600 val <--- Get this!!
- Tiara for 200 val
- Perfume for 800 val <--- Get this!!


C046: The Fortress City of Verea

1st s.: 12x val.

2nd s., way over right drawbridge: You will come across two drawbridges. Step
on switch to lower right one. Go right.
67x val.

Right exit, 1st s.: Pull pillar on switch. Go right. (If switch is pressed,
left door is closed. If switch is not pressed, right door is locked!)
13x val.

Right exit, 2nd s.: Step on switch (will lower left drawbridge). Back to 2nd
screen and across left drawbridge.

2nd s., way over left drawbridge: Kill 2x Bacula. Beware 2x arrow turret and
2x fake door.
1x health, 2x magic, 1x Lithograph, 33x val

2nd s., way over left drawbridge, next s.: Must kill 1x Giant Knight for a
key. Then return to right exit, 2nd screen.
1x Gold key.

Right exit, 2nd s.: Collect the loot and go right.
6x val.

Right exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 3x Imperial Soldier and 2x Archer.

Right exit, 4th s.: Beware 5x arrow turret.
1x Magic Power vial, 11x val.

Right exit, 5th s.: Must kill 2x Assassin and 2x Archer.

This dungeon is now complete!


C047: Shop 16

The trader is selling:
- small Magic potion sor 50 val
- large Magic potion for 75 val
- Magic vial for 150 val


C048: Passage to the Demon's Lair

1st s.: 3x val.

2ns s.: Beware poison pool. Jump on platforms to get across (take care of 2x
flame geyser). There's some extra loot in poison pool.
14x val, 1x S health.

3rd s.: Has 3 exits. You came thru west one. North is locked. Take east one.
Kill 3x Stingray.

East exit, 1st s.: Collect the loot. Don't break the greenest tile yet! Return
to previous screen and unlock the door.
44x val, 1x Gold key.

North exit, 1st s.: Kill 1x Crystal Knight. Smash 1x crate. Return to where
you got the key and break thru the floor to drop to...
1x S health, 1x Ring.

East exit, 2nd s.: Must kill 3x Bat and 1x Sorceress.

East exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 2x Bat and 1x Crystal Knight.
Grey Tome: Lv 3 Stealth magic.

East exit, 4th s.: Beware Poison pool and 2x arrow turret. Jump on platforms
to get across. Jump to corners for extra loot.
1x Pendant, 12x val, 1x health.

East exit, 5th s.: Beware 2x bomb.
4x val, 1x magic, 1x health.

This dungeon is now complete!


C049: The Force Field

1st s.: Has 3 exits. North one is locked. Go left first. Beware 5x spike, 1x
bomb and 2x flame geyser (these hazards are scattered all over this room).
8x health, 9x magic, 20x val.

Left exit, 1st s.: Must kill 6x Devil Axe.

Left exit, 2nd s.: Beware 3x bomb and 3x flame geyser.
12x val, 1x Pendant.

Left exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 6x Deer Head. Return to 1st screen and go right

Right exit, 1st s.: Must kill 3x Armored Orc and 2x Assassin.
Yellow Tome: Lv 3 Defense magic.

Right exit, 2nd s.: Beware 7x bomb and 3x spike.
12x val.

Right exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 3x catapult Orc and 1x Sorceress. Return to
first screen and take north exit.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 3x Cave Slug and 1x Crystal Knight.
1x Magic vial, 1x S health.

North exit, 2nd s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: there are 3x spike scattered over the battlefield, so take care!
1. If you're in front of him, he will burp out some poison pollen (will cause
fatigue). He'll also do that if you attack him face to face.
2. Can bounce you back if you attack him face to face (you have to attack him
from behind or from side). After that he will spit out poison pollen.
3. Can fly around and try to land on you.
4. Can jump and when he lands, he will cause circular shockwave.
5. When he bangs his stick into the ground, 3 fish-like creatures will emerge.
They float around until they explode (before exploding creature will turn
red). After explosion circular shockwave is caused.

Boss strategy:
Hehehe, I think this dragon would deserve title of the comedian. Sounds he
makes when you hit him are funny:)... Err, back to strategy.
For starters, any attack head on will fail because he will block it with that
large belly of his. Plus he counters with poison pollen spit. So your options
are side/back attacks. This may be little hard to achieve in some cases cos
they may be spikes nearby. But don't give up. If you don't like the position
where Vappula is currently standing, get away and he will fly up to a more
convenient (hopefully) location. If he gets too far away from you (or you get
too far away from him) he may create three fish-like creatures, which are
actually bombs. Don't allow them to explode in your vicinity. So park yourself
behind him ASAP and chop him up. After he gets up, his usual move is
jump&stomp the ground (watch for shockwave!). So jump over the shockwave, then
to the side (or behind) Vappula and repeat. Victory is yours!
For quick and easy win run to Vappula immediately when battle starts. Hit him
in the belly so he does his poison pollen spit. When he is 'recovering', jump
to side and chop him up. He gets up, jumps in the air, you jump over shockwave
and to the side, you chop him up... Rinse and repeat.
Useful tip: Sometimes Vappula will be stupid and will land on spikes instead
of landing on you. Talk about stupid...

This dungeon is now complete!


C050: The Demon's Lair

1st s.: 20x val.

2nd s.: Beware 2x falling pillar.
1x S health, 1x S magic, 13x val.

3rd s.: Must kill 1x Dragonet and 3x Giant Knight (tip: kill 1x Dragonet
first; He drops Bomb item; pick it up and 3x Giant Knight will be killed).
1x Bomb.

4th s.: 1x magic, 1x health, 11x val.

5th s.: Kill 2x Imperial Soldier and 3x Sorcerer.
13x val, 1x magic, 1x health.

6th s.: Smash 1x crate.
1x S magic.

7th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: There are 3x Skeleton in this room.
1. Can throw fireball bomb down at you. When it explodes, it causes circular
2. Will revive 3x Skeleton on regular basis (these 3x Skeleton *can't* be

Boss strategy:
Finally easy boss battle involving dragons. See those four pillars that float
in the air? Wait until Krassel jumps on one of them, then run there and do
Jumping Slash (one will do) at pillar Krassel is standing on. He will fall
down on his ass. Don't try to hit him yet, cos he is still invincible for a
few moments. He will flash 3 or 4 more times before he becomes vulnerable. Let
him have it for those 3 seconds of time you have to hurt him. After that he
becomes invulnerable again and will escape to high ledge in corner of the
Krassel will occassionaly revive 3x Skeleton that are lying around. You can
either ignore them or knock them down, but you can't kill them. Krassel may
also attempt to throw a fireball bomb at your current position, but it's
nothing of danger - can be avoided easily.
If one or more pillar is missing, Krassel can materialize missing ones anytime
he wants. To win, just follow the guidelines two paragraphs above and he goes

After this boss fight is over, dungeon is still not complete. You have to go
even further...

8th s.: 12x val, 1x S health.

9th s.: Kill 2x Imperial Soldier and 3x Sorceress. Flip left switch to open
left doors.
22x val, 1x S magic.

10th s.: 10x val.

11th s.: Must kill 2x Imperial Soldier and 1x Crystal Knight.

12th s.: Beware 4x falling pillar.
22x val.

13th s.: It's a boss!


Boss attacks:
Note: Halfas will grant you free 1x Magic vial and 1x Health vial.
1. Power up and slide into random direction. Can ram you during his gliding.
2. Sometimes after gliding he will summon white energy ball (has small homing
ability) from his weapon into your direction.
3. Sometimes he'll glide close to your current position, stop and try to
strike you with his staff. Regardless of success he will be fatigued for a
while (free attack!).
4. Can attack you with his staff if you're close.
5. When low on health, he can fly into one corner. He will spit out three blue
energy balls one after another. These have small homing ability. When they
explode, they will create circular shockwave. He will finish the attack by
trying to do flying bodyram into you. After this 'performance' he will be

Boss strategy:
Until he starts to fly, Halfas is relatively easy. He doesn't have any sudden
projectile attacks (two which he actually has can be predicted by his
actions). Stand in one corner and wait for Halfas to end his glide trip
somewhere near you (be ready to jump in case of firing a projectile to finish
his attack). I find running after him a waste of time, cos in 7 out of 10
cases he will move to another spot. When he finishes his attack, he's open to
your attack, so let him hame it. Repeat this and when his health is seriously
depleted, he'll start to fly around. He'll park himself in the corner, shoot
out three energy balls of his and then try to fly into you. Keep moving at all
times. When he's finished with flying crap, he's fatigued --> free attack!
Rinse and repeat and victory is yours.


Boss attacks:
1. When he cries out, he will create circular shockwave.
2. Can create 3x Cave Slug to assist him.
3. Knows left-arm swipe if you get close.
4. Can quickly retreat by jumping back a short distance.
5. Can spit out purple porcupine-like bomb at a small-to-medium distance. When
it explodes, it will create circular shockwave.
6. With around 40 to 60% health remaining his true head will come out. He will
become faster plus gain extended arm reach.
7. His true head can shoot out 3-way blue beamshot that travels above ground.
8. If you get close, he now knows triple claw swipe (left, then right, then
both arms).
9. Instead of one purple bomb, he can now throw three in your general
10. If you hit his head, he *will* throw you one purple bomb and while you're
jumping, will follow with 3-way blue beamshot which is almost sure to hit you.

Boss strategy:
Hard boss battle. This dragon is almost perfect. Has high defense, fast
(becomes even faster), has many attacks, big health bar... too bad you must
kill him:).
Going head on is a bad idea for now. He may swipe at you or try to throw a
porcupine at you (usually throws bombs when you're very far away from him).
His most frequent attack is shockwaving you. Get behind him for easier time
with this monstrosity. Wait for shockwave attack, jump over it and attack
Talon. Repeat this. It will go slow, but is moderately safe. 2 or 3 times
you'll have to deal with 3x Cave Slug - Hammer Blow is your friend.
Once about 50% of Talon's energy has been depleted, his true head will emerge.
Talon becomes faster, gains more attacks and extended arm reach. Talon now
knows triple claw swipe. If you're far away, he will 3-way beamshot you. What
to do? Go for the head! If you attack it successfully, your attack will take
off big chunk of Talon's health (good animation of Talon grabbing his head in
pain). And Talon *will counterattack* by throwing a porcupine at you and then
3-way beamshot. If one doesn't hit, the other will most surely do. Try your
best in evading this by running behind him.

This dungeon is now complete!

Chapter 4: Minion of the Ancient Dragon comes to an end...


VI. CHAPTER 5: Resurrection of the Evil Dragon

Character: Gerome, then Anita
Magic Sword: Igunis

C051: The Ruins of Raxis City

1st s.: Go back for some loot, then go up and left. Beware 2x falling pillar
(they now fall in *your* direction!). When you come across two switches, step
on left one (will cause some loot to appear), then on right one (will raise
bars denying you access to small area near this two switches). When you get as
far left as you can, duck and crawl thru the hole (beware 1x spike wall).
93x val, 1x health.

2nd s.: 1x magic.

3rd s.: Must kill 1x Rhinoid and 1x Lizardman.

4th s.: Step on left switch first! Then backtrack a bit and collect some loot.
Step on right switch then.
1x Magic Power vial.

5th s.: Must kill 3x Armored Orc and 1x Flesh Demon.
1x S magic.

6th s.: Go right first.
13x val, 1x S health.

7th s.: Must kill 1x Giant Knight.
42x val, 1x magic, 1x S magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


C052: The Ruins of Raxis Castle

1st s.: Kill 3x Bat. Smash 2x crate. Must kill 1x War Bird for a key. Smash 1x
52x val, 1x magic, 1x Magic Power vial, 1x health, 1x Gold key.

3rd s.: Must kill 2x Royal Archer and 1x Mantis. For quick kill run in far
right corner and check behind some debris for a bomb. Smash 4x crate.
1x S magic, 1x health, 1x Bomb, 20x val.

4th s.: Beware 5x bomb. Smash 1x crate.
1x Health vial, 3x val, 1x magic.

5th s.: Must kill 6x Cave Slug. Smash 2x crate. Then go right.
20x val, 1x S magic.

6th s.: Smash 3x crate.
34x val, 1x magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


C053: Passage to the Underworld

1st s.: 14x val, 1x Pendant.

2nd s.: Must kill 3x Bat and 1x Sorceress.
Red Tome: Lv 2 Fire magic.

3rd s., lower level: Has 2 levels, upper inaccessible from your position. Jump
over 1x spike and continue right.
Lower level loot: 2x val, 1x magic, 1x health.

4th s.: Must kill 3x Stingray and 3x Armored Beetle. After you kill them, east
exit will open up (north one will remain closed).

East exit, 1st s.: Beware 2x grinder. This time east exit requires a key. Take
the other available exit.
22x val, 1x magic, 1x S health, 1x S magic.

North detour, 1st s.: Stand under trident-like object hanging from ceiling.
Select Thunder magic and cast it. Device will electrify (you will hear a
chime) and open barred door two rooms back. Return there and take now open
north exit.
1x magic.

North exit, 1st s.: Must kill 1x Winged Demon.

North exit, 2nd s.: Select Fire magic and light pillar at end of this room.
Return a bit and jump on now activated platform. Jump up and collect a key.
3x val, 1x magic, 1x Gold key.

North exit, 3rd s.: Kill 3x Stingray and 1x Dragonet.
10x val, 1x magic.

North exit, 4th s.: Beware Poison pool. Jump (using three conveyor belts) to
the other side.
20x val, 1x magic.

3rd s., upper level: You've been here before, except you're now at upper
level. Collect what you can, drop down and make your way to locked doors.
Upper level loot: 1x Pendant, 1x health, 2x val.

Behind locked door, 1st s.: Must kill 3x Bat and 1x Mystic Warrior.
2x health, Green Tome: Lv 3 Health magic.

This dungeon is now complete!


C054: Shop 17

The trader is buying:
- Wine for 50 val
- Harp for 10 val
- Mask for 10 val


C055: Entrance to the Underworld

1st s.: 1x health.

2nd s.: Must kill 2x Ice Hound, 1x Roper and 2x Small Roper.

3rd s.: Must kill 1x Winged Demon.
14x val.

4th s.: Kill 5x Toadstool. Beware 3x bomb, then 2x spike, then 3x bomb and
lastly 1x spike.
2x health, 1x magic, 25x val, 1x Pendant.

5th s.: Must kill 3x Cave Slug and 3x Zombie.
3x val.

6th s.: Jump over 2x spike.
34x val.

7th s.: Kill 2x Tentacle Plant. Beware 2x spike, then 2x bomb, 2x spike and 2x
1x health, 7x val, 1x magic.

8th s.: Must kill 2x Devil axe and 1x Crystal Knight.

This dungeon is now complete!


C056: Shop 18

The trader is selling:
- Chalice for 400 val <--- Get this!!
- Talisman for 500 val <--- Get this!!
- Lithograph for 400 val


C057: City of Demons

1st s.: Nothing.

2nd s.: Must kill 2x Sorceress and 1x War Bird.

3rd s.: Smash 3x crate. When you come to crossroads, go north a bit and step
on switch (will lower bars blocking east exit). North exit from this room is
locked. Take west exit for now. Beware 5x bomb.
6x val.

East exit, 1s s.: Kill 2x Bacula and nab a key. Return to previous screen and
unlock doors to north.
10x val, 1x S magic, 1x Gold key.

North exit, 1st s.: Beware 3x arrow turret.

North exit, 2nd s.: Kill 2x Dragonet. Must kill 1x Crystal Knight.

North exit, 3rd s.: Smash 4x crate.
12x val, 1x S health.

North exit, 4th s.: Must kill 1x Cyclops.

This dungeon is now complete!


C058: Shop 19

The trader is trading:
- Your 1x Pepper for 1x Ring <--- Get this!!
- Your 1x Horn for 1x Pendant
- Your 1x Perfume for 1x Earrings <--- Get this!!


C059: Forest of Monsters

1st s.: Beware 2x spike. Ignore hole in the tree for now.
30x val.

2nd s.: Just drop down for now and jump in the hole to land on bottom level.

Bottom level, 4th s.: Careful, there's 2x spike around you! This room is
numbered as fourth. There are three more rooms to right of your position,
which is where you should go, but first flip the lever (will lower bars in
east exit of 2nd screen, ie in the room where you jumped down).

Bottom level, 3rd s.: Step on switch (purpose is unknown to me). East door is
barred, so return to previous room and go west now.

Bottom level, 5th s.: Drop down. Go left and jump to top of ledges in left
corner. You will emerge near start of this dungeon. Go right and you will
again be at 2nd screen.
1x Chalice, 1x Magic Power vial.

2nd s., revisited: Jump on first right hill. Kill 1x Toadstool and 1x Tentacle
Plant there. Jump on next right hill. Kill 1x Toadstool and 1x Tentacle Plant
there. Jump right yet again and go right.

3rd s.: Must kill 1x Winged Demon and 2x Armored Beetle. Beware 2x sensor

4th s.: Kill 2x Dragonet.

5th s.: Don't fall down here, otherwise you will have to backtrack... but I
guess you want to kill every enemy right? Well then, drop down and jump in a
hole down there.

Bottom level, 1st s.: Nothing. Go left.

Bottom level, 2nd s.: Must kill 3x Winged Demon.

Bottom level, 3rd s., revisited: Hey, it's the room with unknown effect
switch! Familiar? Quickly go left, up that hill so you come out near start of
dungeon and make your way right to 5th screen.

5th s., revisited: Clean room of 4x Tentacle Plant. Then jump on nearby
'islands' to collect the loot.
1x S magic, 1x S health, 1x Magic Power vial, 1x health.

6th s.: 20x val, 1x Lithograph, 1x magic.

7th s.: Must kill 2x Centaur. Beware 1x spike.

8th s.: Kill 2x Dragonet. Between them is smashable fence.

9th s.: Must kill 3x Ninja and 1x Mystic Warrior.

This dungeon is now complete!


C060: Shop 20

The trader is selling:
- small Magic potion for 60 val
- large Magic potion for 90 val
- Magic vial for 180 val


C061: The Dungeons of Eternity

This dungeon is veeery long and tedious. It's comprised of three parts. Let's

---> Part 1 of this dungeon

1st s.: Jump in the hole.

2nd s.: Big room with six (6!) exits. To make things worse, this is also
upper/lower level room. Two exits are west (one on lower, one on upper level),
three exits are on east (two of which are on upper level). North exit is
barred. To lift those bars, you have to electrify 4 trident like devices. One
device is in far left corner of this room, so power it up using Thunder magic.
Then take lower west exit.
1x magic, 1x health.

Lower west exit, lower level, 1st s.: Has two levels, you're on lower. Go
left. Kill 2x Ice Hound.

Lower west exit, 2nd s.: Don't smash the crates yet. Kill 3x Will-O'-The-Wisp.
Jump on leftmost one and from here to first north door.

1st north door, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Mystic Warrior. Return to previous room,
jump on middle crate and from there to second north door.

2nd north door, 1st s.: Must kill 3x Bat and 3x Eyeful.
1x health.

2nd north door, 2nd s.: Get a key, return two screens back and jump to third
north door to come to...
1x Silver key.

Lower west exit, upper level, 1st s.: Make your way past 3x propeller, but
don't get blown off.
Upper level loot: 1x S magic.

2nd s., revisited: Power up second trident-like device. Then jump down and
take lower east exit.

Lower east exit, 1st s.: Must kill 3x Winged Demon.

Lower east exit, 2nd s.: Kill 3x Bat and 3x Demon Spirit.

Lower east exit, 3rd s.: Go to far right corner and jump on small hill there.
Jump on ledges to your left to gain access to another two exits (beware 2x
flame geyser). Take locked doors for now.
1x magic.

Behind silver door, 1st s.: Jump on top of 2x falling pillar to make it to
other side. If you drop down, ignore or kill 3x Rhinoid.

Behind silver door, 2nd s.: Jump on platform and then on top of 1x falling
pillar to make it across. If you fall down, ignore or kill 3x Mantis.

2nd s., rerevisited: Power up third trident with Thunder magic. Then return to
'Lower east exit, 3rd screen' room and this time take the other exit.

Lower east exit, 4th s.: Jump over conveyor belts to other side. Kill 1x
Tentacle Plant.

Lower east exit, 5th s.: Must kill 1x Crystal Knight.

2nd s., rererevisited: Power up fourth and last trident device with Thunder
magic. This will unbar doors to north of this room.

Behind north door, 1st s.: Don't bother going north in this room. Door ahead
is locked. Flip the lever to lower right drawbridge. Go right.

Right exit, 1st s.: Must kill 1x Rock Demon.
Blue Tome: Lv 2 Ice magic.

Right exit, 2nd s.: Kill 2x Lizardman.

Right exit, 3rd s.: Must kill 2x Sorceress.

---> Part 2 of this dungeon

1st s.: Nothing.

2nd s.: Has 3 exits. You came thru west one. North one is locked. Jump on
ledge in far right corner and take east exit. Kill 2x Sorcerer. There is some
loot on most upper ledges.
3x S magic.

East exit, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Assassin.

East exit, 2nd s.: Kill 2x Skull Knight and 1x Bacula. Jump on ledge in far
right corner. Kill 1x Bacula. Jump on ledges to your left to this room's exit.
1x magic.

East exit, 3rd s.: Beware 3x bomb. Step on right switch (will cause some loot
to appear). Go left. Watch for 3x falling pillar. Step on left switch (will
cause a key to appear).
2x magic, 2x health, 1x Silver key.

East exit, 4th s.: Has three exits. You came thru east one. West one is locked
(you need Gold key). North one is your choice for now. Go to pillar in middle
of room. Jump on it and then jump on platform. Wait for sound signal and then
step on one of four arrows signifying which direction you want platform to go
- right now that would be north. There is nothing of interest on upper ledges
(switch on upper far left ledge causes 3x Poison to appear).

North path, 1st s.: Must kill 2x Sorceress.

North path, 2nd s.: Beware Poison pool. First drop down to lower ledge. Use
platforms to jump over to other side. Step on switch there (will unbar door
above you). Then backtrack to entrance of this room. Jump over ledges to now
unbarred door.
1x S magic.

North path, 3rd s.: Drop all way to bottom. Watch for 1x fake door at bottom.
Jump on moving platform (that moves right/left) and take the exit.

Switch & Lever room: Has two entrances. You came thru east one. Step on only
available switch (will cause a key to appear). Then return to previous room,
let fake door grab you - you will be returned to start of dungeon. Go right
and you will be...

2nd s., revisited: Jump on platform that moves up/down. Make other platform go
north. Unlock the doors there.

Behind silver door, 1st s.:Kill 5x Eyeful and 3x Convict. Step on switch (will
unbar east exit of this room).

Switch & Lever room, revisited: This time you're on west side. Stand next to
lever. Unlike previous levers, this one can be pulled in four directions. Flip
it left first (will cause lower left bars to disappear). Step on now available
switch (will lower upper right bars). Return to lever and flip it up now (will
cause lower left bars to reappear; upper left bars will be lowered). You now
have access to another key. Flip the lever down for some free loot. Return to
'East exit, 4th screen' room.
1x Magic vial, 1x Gold key.

East exit, 4th s., revisited: Jump on pillar in middle of room and then on
platform. Make it go left. Unlock the doors there.

Behind gold door, 1st s.: Nothing.

---> Part 3 of this dungeon

1st s.: Nothing.

2nd s.: Must kill 1x Rock Demon.
1x Gold key.

3rd s.: Kill 3x Tentacle Plant. Drop down. Kill 3x Tentacle Plant. Seems
familiar:)? Go to lever and flip it to lower left drawbridge. Finally go to
north doors. Unlock them.
1x Magic vial, 1x Health vial.

Final s.: Final boss battles ahead!


Boss attacks:
Note: There are 3x Skull Knight in this room.
1. Can throw fireball bomb down at you. When it explodes, it causes circular
2. Will revive 3x Skull Knight on regular basis (these 3x Skull Knight *can't*
be killed!).

Boss strategy:
Recycled boss... yawn. See those four pillars that float in the air? Wait
until Krassel jumps on one of them, then run there and do Jumping Slash (one
will do) at pillar Krassel is standing on. He will fall down on his ass. Don't
try to hit him yet, cos he is still invincible for a few moments. He will
flash 3 or 4 more times before he becomes vulnerable. Let him have it for
those 3 seconds of time you have to hurt him. After that he becomes
invulnerable again and will escape to high ledge in corner of the room.
Krassel will occassionaly revive 3x Skull Knight that are lying around. You
can either ignore them or knock them down, but you can't kill them. Krassel
may also attempt to throw a fireball bomb at your current position, but it can
be avoided easily.
If one or more pillar is missing, Krassel can materialize missing ones anytime
he wants. Created pillar now has to be struck *four times* before it is
destroyed. Just continue the above recipe and Krassel will bite his ass for
good now.


Boss attacks:
1. Can head swipe at you if you're close (if he misses, he's open to attack).
2. When hit, will usually jump in the air, hover there a bit, then send a
fireball in your direction (when it explodes, circular shockwave is created)
and finish this 'performance' with stomping on gorund, creating another
circular shockwave.
3. Will cry out as a sign for shockwave attack, which is coming next.
4. Can fly around for a while and then stomp the ground for a shockwave.
5. If he cries out and at the same time closes his wings in front of him, this
means he'll create 4 magic circles (if you get caught in one, you can't get
out; you have to wait for circle to disappear). When these circles are
conjured, he'll finish the attack by stomping the ground for a shockwave. Stay
away from circles if you can (you can still get sucked in).
6. If you're behind him, he may strike you with his tail. If that misses,
shockwave is also sent in your direction.
7. With each step he makes, at some places on the battlefield poison smoke
will erupt. If you touch it, you will be fatigued.

Boss strategy:
Hard boss, no doubt. Retreats when attacked, has nasty attacks at his
disposal, can attack you even with his back to you... So how to beat him?
My easiest and craziest strategy: At start run up to him head on. Most of the
time he will try to headswipe you, so jump over it or stay out of its reach.
Whilst his head is 'on the side', he can't do a thing, so Triple Slash him. He
will then try headswiping you again. Jump over it or evade it. Triple Slash
him. Jump or evade... etc. This works for me 75% of the time. But in cases he
starts to get (copyright for this document by Split Infinity) annoying...
To start, don't always attack him from behind. Tail shockwaves hurt... a lot.
Also pay attention to what his stance is when he cries out as a sign of attack
- if he covers his chest with his wings, stay away from him. You don't want to
be trapped in those circles, as you can't do a thing only try your best to
avoid his attacks; lucky hits against him while you're trapped are possible,
tho'. This boss battle can be somewhat long, cos it's very hard to land more
than one hit in; either he'll start an attack or will retreat out of sword
range. My best advice is to be persistent and he will eventually go down...
Will he?


1. Can spit out huge fireball, which upon impact creates shockwave.
2. Has right arm flame-swipe.
3. When he lifts his head and holds it there for some time, be ready for
several second lasting blue/green beam that will come in your direction.
Fortunately, he can't control it once it's fired.
4. Beware of tail swipe if you're attacking him from behind.
5. Can cry out as a sign of following shockwave attack.
6. Can fly for a bit and will then spit fireball in your direction (will
create shockwave after explosion) and stomp the ground for another shockwave
(he also has a version without the fireball).
7. With each step he makes, at some places on the battlefield poison smoke
will erupt. If you touch it, you will be fatigued.

Boss strategy:
Bigger, faster, more powerful attacks... but actually easier in terms of
landing successful hits.
Quite often Dahaka starts the battle by sending greeting fireball in your
direction, so ouch! for you right away. Get too close for too long and
armswipe is yours. Dawdle near his back for too long and tailswipe is yours...
but unless previous Dahaka form, this time it's actually easier to hit him
more than once. Attacking from side would seem like the best option, as only
thing you'd have to watch out for would be his instant shockwaves. Be ready
when Dahaka starts to gather power for his energy shot. Immediately start
running to his side and hopefully he will miss. Few seconds you're given
(while his attack still lasts) is more then enough to strike him good. It is
next to impossible to avoid his instant fireball, so don't feel bad about it.
So your best chance to attack him is immediately after boss is done shooting
that beam at you. Of course, at other times too.
Finally, when you deplete his health, he'll fall to the ground. Now move to
where his head is and execute a powerful blow at his head (Hammer Blow, for
example). If you want to be double sure, Special Sword Technique him. With
this you win and...



I. 'Story of a Dragon Valor', route 1

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 1)

Clovis: A legendary Dragon Valor who slew the dragon and the Azale Knights
that once infested Raxis. Though self-taught, his skills were undeniable.

Celia: Rescued by Clovis from the Azale Knights. She was an intellectual with
no interest in swordsmanship or magic.

Arlen: Only child of King Clovis and Queen Celia. A peaceful kingdom is his
inheritance, but his father's blood in him yearns for action.

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 2)

Arlen: A legendary hero who destroyed both the dragon and the kingdom of
Alkemia, and then reunited Raxis. He was skilled in both swords and magic.

Shalya: Led the west Raxis Liberation Army and joined forces with Arlen. She
was not only a great fighter but a strategist as well.

Felippe: Child of Kinf Arlen and Queen Shalya. He was taught swordsmanship
sice childhood, and the Dragon Valor blood in his veins calls for adventure.

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 3)

Felippe: Single-handedly foiled the plot of the Minister Zomas and the demons,
and then slew the dragon. His inherited skill in swords and magic were

Jeanne: Her fiancee Felippe saved her life and country by sacrificing his
magic sword. She also was an excellent swordsman.

Anna: A twin girl born to Emperor Felippe and Empress Jeanne of Jirat. An
excellent swordsman from an early age. Her future however, holds uncertain
twists of fate.

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 4)

Anna: The strongest Dragon Valor in history for magic. Defeated 3 dragon
halflings and a dragon but disappeared after falling prey to Kraseel's trap.

Mihael: Seeks his missing twin sister. Though latent right now, his powers may
equal his sister's.

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 5)

Strangely, game awards you with no info, so this section is empty.

II. 'Story of a Dragon Valor', route 2

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 1)

Clovis: A legendary Dragon Valor who slew the dragon and the Azale Knights
that once infested Raxis. Though self-taught, his skills were undeniable.

Carolina: Saved by Clovis from demons and becomes an inventor in Kadeli like
her father. Though not a fighter, she was confident of her intelligence,
health and skills.

Kodel: Child of the Dragon Valor Clovis and inventor Carolina. Though raised
in peace and prosperity, his father's blood in him yearns for action.

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 2)

Kodel: Though not as well known, he also vanquished a dragon like his father,
the legendary Clovis. He was skilled in both swords and magic.

Fannah: Daughter of the mighty pirate Robert, who was saved by Kodel. Her
spiritual strength was such that separation from her physical body could not
harm her.

Phillip: The only child of Kodel and Fannah. He loves the sea, but many
battles await him on land.

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 3)

Phillip: Slew the dragon controlled by the powerful Dahaka's minion. The first
Dragon Valor ever to attain two magic swords. His inherited sword and his
magic were peerless.

Jeanne: Met Phillip while seeking the magic sword to defeat the dragon
threatening Jirat. She also was an excellent swordsman.

Mihael: A twin boy born to Emperor Phillip and Empress Jeanne of Jirat. He
fulfills his father wishes by organizing the Azale Knights and seeking the
magic sword, but his future holds uncertain twists of fate.

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 4)

Mihael: The strongest Dragon Valor in history for magic. Defeated 2 dragon
halflings and a dragon but disappeared after falling prey to Krassel's trap.

Anna: Seeks her missing twin brother. Though overshadowed by him, her powers
may exceed his.

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 5)

Strangely, game awards you with no info, so this section is empty.

III. 'Story of a Dragon Valor', route 3

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 1)

Clovis: A legendary Dragon Valor who slew the dragon and the Azale Knights
that once infested Raxis. Though self-taught, his skills were undeniable.

Carolina: Saved by Clovis from demons and becomes an inventor in Kadeli like
her father. Though not a fighter, she was confident of her intelligence,
health and skills.

Kodel: Child of the Dragon Valor Clovis and inventor Carolina. Though raised
in peace and prosperity, his father's blood in him yearns for action.

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 2)

Kodel: Though not as well known, he also vanquished a dragon like his father,
the legendary Clovis. He was skilled in both swords and magic.

Gerome: Saved by Kodel, this young thief becomes Kodel's companion. His
encounter with the magic sword changes the course of his life.

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 3)

Gerome: The thief who became a Dragon Valor and single-handedly destroyed the
Dragon and the Dahaka Cult. His swordsmanship was feared even by the demons.

Sarah: Rescued by Gerome from the Dahaka Cult. Though physically weak, her
magic was equal to the dragon halflings'.

Anita: The only daughter of the Exorcist Gerome and Magician Sarah. Trained by
her father from an early age. Many battles with demons are in store for her

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 4)

Gerome: The thief who became a Dragon Valor and single-handedly destroyed the
dragon and the Dahaka Cult. Seeks his missing daughter and once again battles

Sarah: Rescued by Gerome from the Dahaka Cult. Though no longer practicing
magic, her ability is undiminished.

Anita: The strongest Dragon Valor in history for sword craft. Defeated a
dragon halfling and a dragon but disappeared after falling prey to Krassel's

---> Family Tree of Dragon Valor (after Chapter 5)

Strangely, game awards you with no info, so this section is empty.


1. Q: How do I kill Azi Dahaka's second form? I deplete his health and he
drops down, but he keeps coming back to life with small chunk of energy.
A: Once Azi Dahaka's second form is down for the count, go to where his head
is. *Do not* use any magic whatsoever nor normal sword attacks.
You must strike Dahaka's head using more powerful Sword Technique, like Hammer
Blow for example. Once Azi is struck at his head with such blow, he bites the
dust for good.

2. Q: How can I raise my MAX MP amount? Lithographs I pick up only add 1 MP.
In your FAQ you mention Scrolls. Where can I get some?
A: To get Scroll item in your possession, you must kill enemies using *magic
attacks on them only*. If you strike enemy physically and finish him off
magically, there is still a small possibility that you will get a Scroll.
Easiest example of this would be using Lv 2 Heal magic on bunch of Skeletons.
You're almost guaranteed that one of them will drop Scroll. Other enemies I've
nabbed Scrolls from are Centaur, Rock Demon, Sorceress, Sorcerer, Giant
Knight, Scorpion, Orc, Armored Beetle and any enemy that counts as undead. It
is possible that other types of enemies may also drop Scrolls, but I haven't
been lucky so far.

3. Q: Any items that are worth having?
A: Yes! By all means you should try to get following items: Earrings (cut MP
usage by 1), Bracelet (reduces fatigue time), Talisman (raises defense by one
point). And of course Chalices and Scrolls.

4. Q: I'm almost at the end of the game and some of my magic spells haven't
reached Lv 3! What's up with that?
A: As strange as it sounds, you *cannot* obtain enough Tomes for all types of
magic to be at level 3 in one playthrough.
For example in route 2 you won't be able to raise you Ice magic to level 3.
But you will be able to do so in route 1.

5. Q: Help! I'm stuck on a room with a weird object. What do I do here?
A: Is this object a small pillar? If yes, select Fire magic. Now throw a
fireball at the pillar and it will light up, enabling you to proceed further.
Is this object a flame platform? If yes, select Ice magic and freeze the
platform, thus enabling you to proceed further.
Is this object a trident-like thing hanging from ceiling? If yes, select
Thunder magic and stand under the trident. Cast your magic. When thunderballs
explode, they will electrify trident, thus enabling you ro proceed further.

6. Q: How can I raise my attack power? I want to get rid of my enemies faster!
A: This will sound tedious, but you have to kill lots of enemies so that they
will drop Gems, which boost your attack either by 9 or 11 points. Ring item
isn't worth your time...

7. Q: Are there any cheats for the game?
A: Although there is one push-button-code posted at GameFAQs, I couldn't get
it work. As far as other possible cheats go, I haven't found any yet.
Note: Maybe Gameshark cheats or codes exist, but I wouldn't know, cos I don't
have GS myself. If anyone can fill me in on this matter, please send me an e-

8. Q: I powered up my PSX and... Where's the Gallery option in Title Screen?
I've beaten the game n-times already!
A: To call it back, simply load a save file in which you've beaten the game at
least *once*. Wait for game to load and then do soft reset (press L1, L2, R1,
R2, Start and Select buttons all at once). When you come back to title screen,
Gallery option is at your disposal.


Maybe there are some secrets in this game after all...

I. There are three different routes (I will refer to them as a 'Story of a
Dragon Valor') thru the game, which means three different endings. This routes
are enabled by making two critical choices, which are:

- Critical choice 1:
a) When in Raxis castle, choose to break down one of the doors when prompted.
Clovis will meet Celia and marry her afterward. This will be the only choice
in this route thru the game (I will refer to it as a 'Story of a Dragon
Valor', route 1).
b) If you choose to ignore the door when prompted, Clovis will never meet
Celia and will marry Carolina instead. This will lead to another critical
choice which you will have to make in Chapter 2: Berserker. (I will refer to
it as a 'Story of a Dragon Valor', route 2&3).

- Critical choice 2:
a) When in Clovis' Fortress, choose to open the door when prompted. Kodel will
meet Fannah's spirit and marry Fannah afterward. This choice will continue
your story in what I will refer to as a 'Story of a Dragon Valor', route 2.
b) When in Clovis' Fortress, choose not to open the door when prompted. Kodel
will not meet Fannah's spirit and will not marry her afterwards. This choice
will enable what I will refer to as a 'Story of a Dragon Valor', Route 3.

II. Gallery option

When you beat Dragon Valor for the first time, you will be asked if you want
to create 'clear data' save. Do so. When you load this save, you will start at
the prolog in the game. Now beat the game again, but this time choose the path
you didn't choose before. For info on where you can choose your path, refer to
secret I. above.
Also, when you beat the game for the first time (and save), 'Gallery' option
will appear in title screen menu. Select it and you will be taken to Gallery
menu. Controls are explained in point 4. of this walkthrough (look under Game
/ Menu etc. screen).
In Gallery you can view an assortment of really nice character art. Also
included are some image illustrations, rough illustrations, movie resources
pictures and more. When you beat the game for the second time using
*different* characters, amount of pictures in Gallery increases. Beat the game
for the thurd time again using *different* characters and Gallery will be

Note: When you power down your PSX and then start it again with Dragon Valor
disc inside, Gallery option will be gone. To call it back, simply load a save
file in which you've beaten the game at least *once*. (© Split Infinity) Wait
for game to load and then do soft reset (press L1, L2, R1, R2, Start and
Select buttons all at once). When you come back to title screen, Gallery
option is at your disposal.

III. Gallery Pictures Assortment (P stands for picture)

P1: Clovis from chapter 1
P2: Arlen from chapter 2
P3: Kodel from chapter 2
P4: Felippe from chapter 3
P5: Phillip from chapter 3
P6: Gerome from chapter 3
P7: Mihael from chapter 4
P8: Anna from chapter 5
P9: Mihael from chapter 5
P10: Anita from chapters 4&5
P11: Gerome from chapter 5
P12: Carolina from chapter 1
P13: Celia from chapter 1
P14: Shalya from chapter 2
P15: Fannah from chapter 2
P16: Jeanne from chapter 3
P17: Sarah from chapter 3
P18: Magic Knight from chapter 2
P19: Lodonya from chapter 2
P20: Clovis (aged) from chapter 2
P21: Halfas
P22: Vappula
P23: Krassel
P24: Rage from prologue
P25: Titan from prologue
P26: Titan from chapter 1
P27: Arktos from chapter 2
P28: Hellfire & Inferno from chapter 2
P29: Tempest from chapter 3
P30: Thunder from chapter 3
P31: Hades from chapter 3
P32: Talon from chapter 4
P33: Azi Dahaka from chapter 5
P34: Package illustration
P35 to P41: Image illustrations (really good!)
P42 to P46: Movie resources
P47 to P86: Rough illustrations (you can see how enemies or characters looked
like drawn on paper... I wish I could draw like that)
P87 to P94: Image illustrations (highly recommended!)

More to come as I rip this game apart further.:)


1. Companies
- Namco: they created this game
- Sony: for making PSX

2. Internet sites
- GameFAQs [www.gamefaqs.com]: for hosting my FAQ

3. People
- marshmallow [marshmallow@planetn2000.com]: I used 'legal information
section' found in one of marshmallows's faqs.
- CJayC [gamefaqs@gamefaqs.com]: for creating this top-notch site
- Beno Jange [beno_jange@hotmail.com]: for submitting ASCII title for my FAQ
- LightSoul [lightsoul@prontomail.com]: for submitting two Sword techniques -
actually, one of them was already mentioned, but I was missing one button


Send your comments, ideas for improvements, additional info, correction of
mistakes I may have made, and anything else via e-mail at:



With 21st January 2001 I am happy to inform you that this FAQ is finished.
What would my future plans be? Writing another FAQ, I guess... but I still
gotta decide for what game...

Yours truly,
Split Infinity

nd of Document~

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