Thrill Kill

Thrill Kill

08.10.2013 06:21:45

Thrill Kill faq rev 3.1 for U.S. beta
created 10/28/98
revised 3/2/99
written by Deceptico

What's New
Added new kill for Belladonna - this is one the ESRB wanted out.
Added tip to get Violet's moves to work
Added flap jack move for Mammoth
Added instant kill meter fill code
Added Game Shark codes
Added moves and thrill kills for Cain, Judas, and Marukka
Added more thrill kills, regular kills, and fixed some typos
Added some thrill kill moves and descriptions for everyone.


Thrill Kill uses the D-Pad, the four main action buttons, and the two left
shoulder buttons. Dual Shock is supported, but analog control is not. The
button configuration can be customized, but I will use the default configuration
below to define my abbreviations.

Square: QP (quick punch) LEFT: left on the D-Pad
Triangle: SP (strong punch) RIGHT: right on the D-Pad
X: QK (quick kick) UP: up on the D-Pad
Circle: SK (strong kick) DOWN: down on the D-Pad
L1: L1 (block)
L2: L2 (crouch)

From what I have been able to gather, the buttons I have labeled strong are not
necessarily stronger than the ones I have labeled quick. I have just given them
those names to avoid confusion in the moves list.

Some more abbreviations that I use:

F: forward
B: back
QCF: quarter circle forwad
HCF: half circle forward
FCF: full circle forward
Charge indicates that you must hold the button down for a few seconds

jab: quick punch or kick
knockdown: punch or kick that knocks your opponent down
vulnerable: punch or kick that leaves your opponent vulnerable (like a dizzy)


Every fighter in Thrill Kill has unique special moves. However, there are also
certain moves universal to all the characters.

QP: jab F-F-QP: running knockdown
SP: jab F-F-SP: running knockdown
QK: jab F-F-QK: running knockdown
SK: jab F-F-SK: running knockdown

QP+QK: throw 1 L2+QP: crouching jab
SP+SK: throw 2 L2+SP: uppercut
QP+SP: high counter L2+QK: crouching jab
QK+SK: low counter L2+SK: leg sweep
QP+SK: position swap
QK+SP: taunt

Regular Kills (killing a fighter prior to enabling your thrill kill)
QP: Combo kill
SP: Knock head off kill
QK: Knock opponent against wall kill
SK: Knock opponent into air

Every fighter has a move associated with each action button that starts with F
and F-B. Since they vary, those moves are discussed in each fighter's
individual section. Some fighters also have variations on the crouching moves
which are also discussed in their sections.

To execute a thrill kill, enter the appropriate command while the camera is
panning around your fighter, but before the lightning animation starts. Once
the animation has started, you can release the buttons. Nothing needs to be
entered to perform the default thrill kill.

Every fighter has a thrill kill which is a combo kill. The combo kill
consists of a multi hit combo that ends with the loser exploding. Every
character also has a dance kill which makes your fighter (and in some cases
the victim as well) perform a dance. This is just for fun.

The Fighters


F-QP: jab F-B-QP: vulnerable
F-SP: jab F-B-SP: knockdown
F-QK: knockdown F-B-QK: knockdown
F-SK: jab F-B-SK: jab

Charged Punch: QCF-QP
Charged Uppercut: F-QCF-QP
Guilty Lashes: QCF-SP
Chain Twirl Throw: HCF-SP
Lasso Threat: FCF-SP
Nut Cracker: F-B-F-SP
Chain Heater: charge SP
Ax Kick: QCF-SK

L2+SP is just a jab instead of an uppercut

Thrill Kills:

Chain Decapitation: Default
Tormentor flips over your body wrapping his chain around your neck and then
pulls it to rip off your head
Body Split: SP+SK
Tormentor wraps his chain around your waist and cuts you in two
Draw & Quarter: QP+SK+UP
Chains pull each limb to a different corner of the screen and they are all
ripped off
Combo: QK+SK+L1+LEFT
Dance (Stayin' Alive): QP+SP+QK+SK+RIGHT


F-QP: knockdown F-B-QP: knockdown
F-SP: knockdon F-B-SP: knockdown
F-QK: jab F-B-QK: knockdown
F-SK: knockdown F-B-SK: jab

Front Roll Escape: QCF-QP
Neck Breaker: HCF-QP
Backroll Escape: QCF-SP
Head Case: HCF-SP
Suicide Drop: QCF-QK
Slow Leg Sweep: HCF-QK
Flipped Out: QCF-SK
Windmill: HCF-SK

Donkey Kick: F-B-QP+QK
Sitting Delirious: charge QK, then QK+SP

Thrill Kills:

Head Kick: Default
Oddball stomps on your head with his foot then kicks it toward the screen
Head Spinner: L1+LEFT (may not work on all versions)
Oddball sits on your head and spins it until it rips off
Body Drill: QP+QK+SK
Oddball kicks you into the air and then throws himself at you causing you to
Dance (Butt Bump): QP+QK+SK+L1+UP


F-QP: jab F-B-QP: knockdown
F-SP: vulnerable F-B-SP: knockdown
F-QK: knockdown F-B-QK: knockdown
F-SK: knockdown F-B-SK: jab

Bitch Slap: QCF-QP
Rising Prod Spin: HCF-QP
Prod Swing: QCF-SP
Ball Kick: QCF-QK
Forward Cartwheel: HCF-QK
Slap Kick: QCF-SK
Backward Cartwheel: HCF-SK
Triple Attack: FCF-SK

Rising Prod Swing: HCF-SP
Sado-Masochist: Charge SP for 2 seconds

L2+SP is a jab
L2+SK is a knockdown

Thrill Kills:

Swallow This: Default
Belladonna shoves her cattle prod down your throat and you explode
Suicide: QK+LEFT
Belladonna gives you her prod and you shock yourself until you explode
That Tickles: DOWN+QP+SK+L1
Belladonna goes down on you and your head rocks in carnal delight. Then
the camera tilts down and we see that she is merely tickling your feet.
Combo: SP+QK+L1
Dance (Heeeeeey, Macarena): QP+SP+QK+SK+L1


F-QP: knockdown F-B-QP: knockdown
F-SP: knockdown F-B-SP: vulnerable
F-QK: crane (nothing) F-B-QK: jab
F-SK: jab F-B-SK: jab

Dog Maul: QCF-QP
Stomach Stab: QCF-SP
1000 Stabs: HCF-SP
Surgery Swing: FCF-SP
Crane Kick: F-QK-QK

L2+SK is a knockdown
Faustus' second throw does not result in a knockdown

Thrill Kills:

Giving Head: Default
Faustus bites you on your neck causing your head to fall off
Botched Facelift: QP+L1
Faustus cuts up your face and gives you a bear trap mouth just like his
Faustus bites your neck and shakes you violently like a dog
Dance (Ballet): QP+SP+QK+L1+LEFT


F-QP: jab F-B-QP: vulnerable
F-SP: knockdown F-B-SP: jab
F-QK: knockdown F-B-QK: vulnerable
F-SK: jab F-B-SK: knockdown

Charged Punch: QCF-QP
Lost Balance: HCF-QP or HCF-SP
Mighty Tiny Uppercut: QCF-SP
Back Flip Kick: QCF-QK
Pommel Horse: HCF-QK or HCF-SK
Forward Flip Kick: QCF-SK
Knee to Head: F-B-QP+QK
Stilt & Spin: F-B-SP+SK

123 Little Punches: SP+QK
Riding on Papa: QCF-QP+QK

Thrill Kills:

Head Stomp: Default
Imp shoves his stilt in your head and it explodes
Possession: QP+DOWN
Imp disappears and then you explode and he appears where your body was
Shrinkage: SP+QK+RIGHT
Imp sprinkles magic dust on you causing you to shrink then he steps on you
Combo: QP+QK+L1+LEFT
Dance (Butt Shaker): QP+SP+QK+SK+DOWN


F-QP: knockdown F-B-QP: jab
F-SP: jab F-B-SP: knockdown
F-QK: knockdown F-B-QK: knockdown
F-SK: jab F-B-SK: vulnerable

NOTE: moves denoted with (*) are listed in the game, but moves that I cannot get
to work properly

Limb Limb: QCF-QP
Pretzel Stance: HCF-QP or HCF-SP
*Super Extend Kickout: HCF-QP-SP or HCF-SP-SP
*Spinal Snap: HCF-QP-QK
Super Flex Float: QCF-SP
Chiropractor: QCF-QK
Split Kick: HCF-QK
Super Foot Waltz: FCF-QK
Cherry Picker: QCF-SK
Flex Fury: HCF-SK
Super Foot Waltz: FCF-SK
Spinal Snap: HCF-QK+SP

* These moves are listed but don't really work

Performing Violet's hold throw (SP+SK) during practice mode seems to crash the

Thrill Kills:

Leg Split: Default
Violet grabs you with her legs and splits your body apart with them
Thrill Kill 2: Unknown
Bone Break: QP+SP+QK
Violet breaks both of your arms and then bends over and breaks your spine
Combo: QP+SK+L1+DOWN
Dance (Body Sway): QP+SP+SK+L1+UP


F-QP: knockdown F-B-QP: knockdown
F-SP: knockdown F-B-SP: vulnerable
F-QK: knockdown F-B-QK: knockdown
F-SK: knockdown F-B-SK: knockdown

Jungle Greeting: QCF-QP
Jungle Fury: HCF-QP or HCF-SP
Super Float: QCF-SP
Root Shaker: QCF-QK
Gone Ape: HCF-QK
Rooted Up: QCF-QCF-QK
Rolling Boulder: QCF-SK
Banana Slamma: HCF-SK
Falling Coconut: FCF-SK
Gone Bowling: B-F-QP+QK
Flap Jack: B-F-SP+SK

L2+SK is a jab

Thrill Kills:

Big Punch: Default
Mammoth swings his fist and punches you causing you to explode
Arm Tear: SP+UP
Mammoth rips off both of your arms then hits you with them
Spin Around: QP+SK+DOWN
Mammoth grabs you by your legs and spins you around until they rip off
Combo: QP+SP+QK+UP
Mammoth's combo ends with him ripping your legs off instead of you just
Dance (Can't..Stop..Doing..The Monkey): QP+SP+QK+SK+L1


F-QP: jab F-B-QP: knockdown
F-SP: jab F-B-SP: jab
F-QK: knockdown F-B-QK: knockdown
F-SK: jab F-B-SK: jab

Dashing Elbow: QCF-QP
Backwoods Beating: HCF-QP or HCF-SP
Stump Stab: charge QP
Moonshine: QCF-SP
Choppin Wood: charge SP
Stump Squirt: F-B-F-SP
Round The Barn: QCF-QK
Round Outhouse: QCF-SK
Lip Lunch: F-B-QP+QK

Thrill Kills:

Cannibal: Default
Cleetus wipes his mouth then pounces you and eats your face
Head Cup: SP+L1
Cleetus rips your head off then tilts it back and drinks the blood from your
severed neck
Nothing Beats A Great Pair Of Legs: QP+SP+L1
Cleetus throws his leg down and then throws you down and rips off your leg
to use as his new weapon
Dance (Indian War Dance): QP+QK+L1+LEFT+DOWN


F-QP: jab F-B-QP: vulnerable
F-SP: knockdown F-B-SP: knockdown
F-QK: jab F-B-QK: knockdown
F-SK: knockdown F-B-SK: knockdown

Power Uppercut: QCF-QP
Flaming Shoulder Charge: HCF-QP
Incinerator: QCF-SP
Combustion: HCF-SP
Uppercut Kick: QCF-QK
Backdraft: HCF-QK
Ball of Fire: QCF-SK
Quake of Fire: HCF-SK

L2+SP is a vulnerable

Thrill Kills:

Flamer: Default
Cain grabs you and sets you on fire
Match Throw: QP+SK
Cain throws you to the ground and flings a match on you catching you on fire
Hell Joy Buzzer: QP+QK+L1
Cain offers you his hand and when you shake it you burst into flames
Dance (Fire Worship): SP+QK+RIGHT+DOWN


F-QP: jab F-B-QP: knockdown
F-SP: vulnerable F-B-SP: knockdown
F-QK: jab F-B-QK: vulnerable
F-SK: knockdown F-B-SK: vulnerable

Friendly Fight: QCF-QP
Multi-Head Spin: HCF-QP or HCF-SP
Power Uppercut: HCF-SP
Drop Kick: QCF-QK
Multi-Back Spin: HCF-QK or HCF-SK
Rising Power Fist: QCF-SK

L2+SP is a jab
L2+QK is a sweep
L2+SK is a knockdown

Some of Judas' moves, including his throws, vary depending on which torso is
right side up

Thrill Kills:

Time To Split: Default
Judas grabs your feet with his one pair of hands and your torso with the
other and splits you in half
Human Jigsaw Puzzle: SP+QK+DOWN
Judas jumps on top of you and re-arranges your head and limbs
Body Stretch: SP+QK+SK+UP
Judas punches your torso stretching it to the ceiling and when it shrinks
back down he punches it off
Dance (Running Man): QP+SP+QK+SK+L1+RIGHT


F-QP: jab F-B-QP: knockdown
F-SP: knockdown F-B-SP: knockdown
F-QK: vulnerable F-B-QK: knockdown
F-SK: knockdown F-B-SK: knockdown

SP and QK alone are both knockdowns

Turn To Stone: QCF-QP
Wings Of Fury: HCF-QP or HCF-SP
Demon Flap: QCF-SP
Flying Throw Kick: QCF-QK
Teleport: HCF-QK or HCF-SK
Rising Power Kick: QCF-SK

Thrill Kills:

Head Muncher: Default
Marukka latches on to you and chows down on your head
Play Dead: QK+L1+RIGHT (may not work on all versions)
Marukka falls dead to the floor and when you turn and walk away she jumps
on you from behind and rips your head off
Bottomless Pit: QK+SK+L1+LEFT
A hole appears behind you and Marukka tackles you and you both fall into it
then a fountain of blood and your body parts spew out
Dance (The Seduction): QP+SP+QK+SK+L1+DOWN


Thrill Kill's boss characters are Cain, Judas, and Marukka and they are all
fully playable, except Marukka who can be played in every mode besides arcade.
PSM magazine reported that to release Cain the game had to be completed on
medium level, hard level to free Judas, and very hard for Marukka. I beat the
game just once on medium level and they were all released. Give it a try. Some
people have reported trouble freeing the bosses when continues were used. If
you have trouble, try beating the game without using any continues. Mammoth iw
easiest for this.

All the fighters have 4 immediately available outfits. The fifth outfit is
released by completing all of the fighter's moves in practice mode. The bosses
don't seem to have a fifth outfit. Once you have released the bonus outfit,
hold both L buttons when selecting your fighter. Here are descriptions of the
bonus outfits:

Tormentor - I don't know what the hell he's supposed to be, but he's green,
wears a Hawaiian shirt, and has sunglasses
Oddball - some sort of strange looking bear outfit
Belladonna - ride 'em cowgirl! Belladonna's got everything from the hat and
boots right on down to her Daisy Dukes!
Dr. Faustus - on his way to the AMA benefit dinner, the doctor sports a tuxedo
complete with tophat
Imp - Imp the Pimp! Watch Imp become a black man, grow a huge afro, and don
Mr. T style gold chains. Beware of his very high platform shoes. Yeah!
Violet - nobody from Earth could bend like that, Violet is an alien. Freaky big
green head and a cool space suit complete with a picture of her home
planet on the front.
Mammoth - hey, kids, it's Mammoth the clown. Mammoth is stylin' in his bright
clothes, party hat, and painted face
Cleetus - shiver me timbers, Phillip, it's Cleetus the pirate! Complete with
striped shirt, scarf hat and peg leg, Cleetus will keel haul you

I'll keep you updated on any new secrets I find.


At this point I am only aware of one code, but it's really cool.

Insant Kill Meter Fill:

At any time during a fight, simultaneoustly press L1+L2+R1+R2+QP+QK+SELECT
and your kill meter will instantly fill all the way up.

This isn't really a code, but this is how you enable Violet's fifth outfit.
Since two of her moves aren't really in the game, you have to do this.
For Violet's moves that don't work, simply find a very simple move and execute
it. Before the move has been fully executed, pause the game and select change
current move from the menu. When you unpause the game, there will be a check
mark by the move that you just selected as well as the original move that you

Game Shark Codes

I don't even have a game shark, so I can't confirm these first hand. Here they
are anyway.

These codes come from Kyle "BoneDrag" E. (

All arena's unlocked: 801E51D0 07FF

Small problem I had with this one, when you're in one of the two hidden arenas
fighting a 4-player game, don't do the regular X kill. The character will fall
instead of sticking to the wall and the game will not proceed to the next fight.

P1 Outfit Modifer: 801C87C0 000?
P2 Outfit Modifer: 801C87C4 000?
P3 Outfit Modifer: 801C87C8 000?
P4 Outfit Modifer: 801C87CC 000?

By entering a number between 1-5 you will get a different outfit. 0, 1, and 2
all give you the normal outfits. Putting 4 in the question marks spot gives you
the hidden outfit. 5 gives you the Gimp. Only use him in practice and Vs. modes.
The gimp freezes a lot too.

Here are some more codes from the Game Shark Code Creators Club

P1 Quick Kill Meter Fill Up 800DB180 0061
P2 Quick Kill Meter Fill Up 800DB3D4 0061
P3 Quick Kill Meter Fill Up 800DB628 0061
P4 Quick Kill Meter Fill Up 800DB87C 0061
P1 Always Empty Kill Meter 800DB180 0000
P2 Always Empty Kill Meter 800DB3D4 0000
P3 Always Empty Kill Meter 800DB628 0000
P4 Always Empty Kill Meter 800DB87C 0000
P1 Character Modifier 801C87B0 000?
P2 Character Modifier 801C87B4 000?
P3 Character Modifier 801C87B8 000?
P4 Character Modifier 801C87BC 000?
Have All Characters 801E51CE 07FF

For the character modifiers, here are the values for each character:

0: Tormentor 6: Mammoth
1: Oddball 7: Cleetus
2: Belladonna 8: Cain
3: Dr. Faustus 9: Judas
4: The Imp A: Marukka
5: Violet


The Gimp is not merely a rumor, he is available with the help of a Game Shark.
He is only available in versus and practice modes and will take on the moves of
whichever character you actually select (like Meat in Mortal Kombat 4). He
crashes the game a lot.

Some people still claim to have full NTSC versions of the game. Everybody who
buys from these people either end up with the beta version or the PAL version.

Electronic Arts' new wrestling game is supposedly going to use Thrill Kill's

Credit and Thanks

Kyle "BoneDrag" E. ( for his Game Shark codes.
Adam Carter found Mammoth's flap jack move.
Your Mom found Belladonna's third kill for us.
Lots of people submitted the way to enable Violet's fifth outfit. Thanks to
everyone who helped out with this!

The End

Well, that's it for now. This FAQ is written in my spare time (which I don't
have much of) so please be patient. This FAQ is fairly complete, but will be
updated as necessary. If you know of anything else that should be added to this
FAQ, feel free to drop me an e-mail. Since there are so many combos in the game,
I am not planning on including them in this FAQ unless there is substantial
demand. If you have anything additional to contribute, I'll give you credit.

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European Version: All characters and Arenas are unlocked.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAl Patch für die amerikanische NTSC Version.

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Throw Kills FAQ

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24.Сентябрь 2013

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engl. Cheats

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engl. Cheats
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. FAQ
13.Май 2008
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
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