Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash Of The Super Heroes EX Edition

Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash Of The Super Heroes EX Edition

12.10.2013 11:10:15
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by Joseph Christopher
version 1.0
Nov. 17, 1999

this faq is copyright 1999-2000 Joseph Christopher

by reading this faq you agree that I, the author, am not in any way
liable for any harm that anybody thinks came from reading this faq

* Shadow Lady is quite deprived of height advantage in the MVC world, but
no one should EVER take that as a sure sign of winning if they're using
someone taller. To compensate for her lack in size, she has packed quite
a LOT of advantages for her fans to enjoy, namely:

1. Shaodow Lady's supers cross out the Mech Zangief types from those who
have a possibility to beat you.
2. Shadow Lady can propell herself THRICE in mid-air, do a triangle jump,
and finally an air dash to keep her in mid-air for a looong time.
3. Shadow Lady can be both good confuser as well as a crazy combo maker
4. Shadow Lady has one of the best chipping abilities that cannot be considered
cheap since they work only on those who block all day.

* how to access - just finish the game once with Chunli and Shadow Lady'll
appear below Gambit.

Why read this guide:
I. Legend
II. General Moves
III. Normal Moves
IV. Special Moves
V. Supers
VI. Combos
VII. Vs. Computer
VIII. Vs. Human
IX. Ending
X. Credits
XI. Revision History
XII. Final Words

____ __ ____ ___ ____ _ _ ____
(_ _) ( ) ( ___) / __)( ___)( \( )( _ \
_)(_ )(__ )__) ( (_-. )__) ) ( )(_) )
(____)() (____)(____) \___/(____)(_)\_)(____/

U - up
D - down
B - back
F - forward
+ - at the same time
P - any punch
K - any kick
L - low
M - medium
H - high
/ - or

____ ____ ___ ____ _ _ ____ ____ __ __
(_ _)(_ _) / __)( ___)( \( )( ___)( _ \ /__\ ( )
_)(_ _)(_ ( (_-. )__) ) ( )__) ) / /(__)\ )(__
(____)(____)() \___/(____)(_)\_)(____)(_)\_)(__)(__)(____)
__ __ _____ _ _ ____ ___
( \/ )( _ )( \/ )( ___)/ __)
) ( )(_)( \ / )__) \__ \
(_/\/\_)(_____) \/ (____)(___/

dash - F,F / B,B (goes in direction you choose)
super jump - D,U / D,UF / D,UB (goes in direction you choose)
guard push - LP+MP+HP (while blocking)
taunt - press select
call helper- MP+MK
tag super - D,DF,F+HP+HK
team work - D,DB,B+HP+HK

* let me explain a few things about some of the general moves:
* first of all, in the PSX version, you'll have to choose only ONE partner,
either one of the conventional characters ("partner heroes") or one of
the helpers (special heroes).

call helper - your helper is the character you choose after you have chosen
the special heroes option. He/she basically, when called,
just enters the screen, does an attack, and leaves. Fighters
available in the character select screen are not available
as helpers and vice versa. In the PSX version, choosing a
helper does not require much effort since the cursor is at
your command. Beware of the time limit though, and be sure
of who you'll choose before you enter that menu. Oh, and
even the secret helpers are no secret no more---just press
down on Iceman to select Shadow and down on Colossus to
select Sentinel. One last reminder, helpers in the PSX version
are no longer limited to a certain number of strikes so,
in my opinion, rammers will RULE.

tag super - common to crossover fans, this move needs at least two levels
of super charged up. It will allow both fighters to execute
their respective supers at the same time, though the resting
one, in the PSX version, will no longer be left behind as if
they already "tagged"

team work - a clone of your opponent enters the screen, and after that
you can control both your fighters at the same time! (they'll
both respond to your controls.) What's more, your super gauge
is set to infinite. Yeah! This state is timed though, so use
it wisely. The length of time you stay in this state is determined
by the amount of super you have charged up when you did it.
Oh and I did say you can choose a helper as a partner right?
Well if you do, and use this move, he/she'll just enter the
screen, do his/her thing, exit, and repeat the whole process
over and over while you do YOUR thing and until the time runs
out---again one of the reasons why rammers would RULE. (cause
they'll be the ones repeating their entrances most before
time runs out).

____ ____ ____ _ _ _____ ____ __ __ __ __
(_ _)(_ _)(_ _) ( \( )( _ )( _ \( \/ ) /__\ ( )
_)(_ _)(_ _)(_ ) ( )(_)( ) / ) ( /(__)\ )(__
(____)(____)(____)() (_)\_)(_____)(_)\_)(_/\/\_)(__)(__)(____)
__ __ _____ _ _ ____ ___
( \/ )( _ )( \/ )( ___)/ __)
) ( )(_)( \ / )__) \__ \
(_/\/\_)(_____) \/ (____)(___/

1) LP - Shadow Lady doesn't throw real jabs, but her LPs can be considered
identical to any shoto's jab in terms of speed, damage, and

a) standing - Shadow Lady opens her hand, palm up, close fingers, and
slaps the opponent in the neck or in the chest if he's
a little taller like Hulk. Must always come in sets of
three if you are to fully utilize Shadow Lady's poking

b) crouching - she throws a punch that's just as useful as any normal
or small sized player's jab in the game. Used to confuse
low-blocking opponents to continue blocking low when
you decide to do an a Splits K.

c) jumping - it's just a mid-air version of her crouching LP and this
time her aim is a little diagonally downward. Strictly
for starting air combos ONLY.

2) MP - generally (and unexpectedly) just considered as combo fillers and
nothing else. It can counter many dashing attacks and therefore should
be used also in those situations.

a) standing - remember what Chunli did to launch her first projectile
in the SFII series? Well, if you don't, it's a double
palm strike to the midsection and that's what Shadow Lady's
standing MP in MVC does. And like its predecessor, does
a lot of damage. (well, not really)

b) crouching - it's just a longer reaching but slower yet higher damaging
version of the crouching LP and can combo from that
move too.

c) jumping - it's just a longer reaching but slower yet higher damaging
version of the jumping LP and can combo from that move
too. This time, however, her arm is angled a bit lower
than the said move.

3) HP - tons of uses and therefore is the most important in Shadow Lady's
array of normal moves. Besides being a good combo ender, also has
high priority and does some pretty respectable damage.

a) standing - a long-reaching punch to the head that actually makes
you do a step forward first before executing it. It's
a good anti-air (but nothing compared to her launcher)
that comes out fast and like I just said, has a longer

b) crouching - it's just a longer reaching but slower and yes, higher
damaging version of the crouching MP and can combo from
that move and/or from the crouching LP. Recommended
for starting a Senretsu Kyaku.

c) jumping - it's just a longer reaching but slower and yes, higher
damaging version of the crouching MP and can combo from
that move and/or from the crouching LP. This move is the
high priority move I was talking about. You just punch
downward, (diagonally forward, not straight down) and
hit hard, giving you enough time to follow it up with
ANY move---normal, special, or super if you use it as a
jump-in combo starter. You can super jump and charge your
super bar by repeatedly doing this move as an alternative
to the multitude of Lightning Ks you were probably thinking.
If an opponent's air-borne, you can also super jump and
do it as you propell yourself to give him a knock down

4) LK - at some point may be better than the LPs but not always. I'll
show you why...

a) standing - she throws a short K that's just as useful as any normal
or small sized player's short K in the game. Used to
confuse blocking opponents to continue blocking when
you decide to throw them.

b) crouching - ahh...yes, the short kick that used to rule during the
SFII series. I think you can do about 5-7 hit combos
with this move before but not any more. It's a good
combo starter, that's what it is. And it can also be
a good confuser.

c) jumping - a straight horizontal K that's one of the best moves to
use in an air to air encounter. (though I'd prefer an
HP) May also serve as a jump-in but rather leave that
to the H attacks. Its main use is an air combo starter.

5) MK - just like the MPs, a basic combo filler that has its varieties
but is mainly used to increase the number of hits of your every

a) standing - it's just a longer reaching but slower yet higher damaging
version of the standing LK and can combo from that move
too. This time, however, her leg is angled a bit higher
than the said move.

b) crouching - a long-reaching low kick that should be used mainly to
add to the number of hits of your ground combos but
can also be considered as a counter for dash-in moves
and combos.

c) jumping - a straight horizontal K---slower yet more damaging than
the jumping LK---that's one of the best moves to use in
an air to air encounter. (though I'd prefer an HP) May
also serve as a jump-in but rather leave that to the H
attacks. Its main use is an air combo filler.

d) down (mid-air) - her famous stomp kick that, since already has the
ability to be comboed into other normal moves,
has gained respect in the crossover world.

6) HK - being a combo ender (not to mention a launcher) is the only use
I can think for this move so far. Not much on the priority side,
but reaches further while just as damaging as the HPs.

a) standing - this is what every MVC character has---a launcher. From
a kneeling position, Shadow Lady turns her back, reveals
her butt for a split second, and then kicks almost vertically
upward so hard your opponent is launched. Also very high
on priority.

b) down-forward - this should be a special move, but I'll include it here
for completeness' sake. In this move, Shadow Lady
jumps, flips forward in mid-air, and lands a little
bit behind your opponent, sticking out her knee to
the back of his neck. Not to be used much because
of its lame execution and recovery time.

c) crouching - from a kneeling position, Shadow Lady swings out both
her legs with much force to hit both the opponent's shin
and hips(in Hulk's case hits only the shin) and knock
him down.

d) jumping - I never really found any good use for this move, which
by the way is a double axe K (farther leg first then nearer)
but at least in MVC it's a good combo ender, though I'd
still prefer a special, a throw, or a super.

____ _ _ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ __ __
(_ _)( \/ ) / __)( _ \( ___) / __)(_ _) /__\ ( )
_)(_ \ / \__ \ )___/ )__) ( (__ _)(_ /(__)\ )(__
(____) \/ () (___/(__) (____) \___)(____)(__)(__)(____)
__ __ _____ _ _ ____ ___
( \/ )( _ )( \/ )( ___)/ __)
) ( )(_)( \ / )__) \__ \
(_/\/\_)(_____) \/ (____)(___/

1) Lightning K - K (rapidly)

Chipping off decent damage is what this move does best. Also
a good combo ender mainly because of the ease with which you can link
it from almost ANY move and secondarily because it gives the most number
of hits.

2) Splits K - F,DF,D,DB,B+K

One of the many reasons people should think thrice before throwing
a fireball. The LK version can also be used as an instrument for confusing
those who block all day. A good strategy would be to hit him with a
double D+LK/D+MK and connect with this move. It won't register as a
combo, you're guaranteed at least one hit if you don't do it often.
Added note: the lower the K strength used, the higher the jump before
striking while the higher the K strength used, the farther the move
will go.

3) Electric Shock - F,D,DF+P

Don't think Shoryuken with this move simply because of the directional
motion with which you execute it. This is a very different move and
is not any better than the shoto's version. Not high in priority at
all and hard to connect because of its very limited range so use it
for defense against dashers and nothing else.

4) Drill - D,DF,F+P

Reaches across the screen, I think, and chips so well while keeping
you on the safe side during recovery that you should ALWAYS use this
move as a combo ender either when your combo is blocked or when you
end up too far for a launcher.

5) Rainbow Missiles - D,DF,F+K

One of the many reasons people should think thrice before even
trying to jump. Practice making this move second nature whenever an
opponent jumps for any reason at all. It's homing, so you're guaranteed
at least a nice chip.

_ _ ___ __ __ ____ ____ ____ ___
( \/ ) / __)( )( )( _ \( ___)( _ \/ __)
\ / \__ \ )(__)( )___/ )__) ) /\__ \
\/ () (___/(______)(__) (____)(_)\_)(___/

1) Big Bang Laser - D,DF,F+2P

Shadow Lady summons all her chi and pours it all out on her opponent
in the form of a beam of pure energy. It does a minimum of 20+ hits
(as far as I've seen) and that can be increased to 30+ if you mash the
buttons while she's at it (that I'm not sure of). You can also do this
in mid-air. See anyone who can't move for the moment? DO IT NOW!!!

2) Galaxy Missile - D,DF,F+2K

As the Rainbow Missile can chip well, so can its super version. Use
this move mainly as a combo ender though it WON't combo. Utilizing its
chipping prowess whenever the opponent's in a corner is also acceptable.
Not the best super to finish what a ramming helper started but at least
it's the easiest to execute when you're a mile away from a jumping

5) Final Mission - Hold B...F,B,F+2K
(must be charged at level 3)

WOW! Definitely one of the coolest moves in town! I said cool
because, in case you haven't seen it yet, it's a move wherein Shadow
Lady kicks the opponent once (with a launcher), the whole scene comes
to a pause, like Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu, a multitude of hits reveal
themselves on the screen, and when everything's back to normal your
opponent finds his life bar cut to half---yeah! On the down side, besides
eating up ALL three super bars, it's very hard to connect with this
super even on average players. Don't use this super even if your opponent
is wide open because there's always that chance you might miss so if I
were you, I'd do a team work super and make him/her pay for his/her

_ _ ____ ___ _____ __ __ ____ _____ ___
( \/ )(_ _) / __)( _ )( \/ )( _ \( _ )/ __)
\ / _)(_ ( (__ )(_)( ) ( ) _ < )(_)( \__ \
\/ (____)() \___)(_____)(_/\/\_)(____/(_____)(___/

* nope. I won't be giving out any infinites (though you'd probably know
them all by now) BUT I'll be using those infinites' basic principles
in some of my combos.

Universal Jump-in: HP - yes, that's all you should do to start a jump-in
combo. You may want to do a LK-> MK-> HK combo
to start a jump-in but, can the LK really hit
the opponent before he does something else?

* a jump-in you MAY add while a dash-in you MUST add to any of these combos:

1. D+LK-> D+MK-> D+HP-> Drill
2. LP-> LK-> HK-> UF-> LP-> LK-> MP-> D+MK-> LP-> LK-> MP-> MK-> Lightning K

* combos that end in supers, sorry.
* BUT, her Galaxy Missiles can be linked to her Big Bang Laser though
when you do it, the rest of the missiles that haven't connected yet
will vanish.

_ _ ____ ____ _ _ ___
( \/ )(_ _)(_ _) ( \/ )/ __)
\ / _)(_ _)(_ \ / \__ \
\/ (____)(____)() \/ (___/()
___ _____ __ __ ____ __ __ ____ ____ ____
/ __)( _ )( \/ )( _ \( )( )(_ _)( ___)( _ \
( (__ )(_)( ) ( )___/ )(__)( )( )__) ) /
\___)(_____)(_/\/\_)(__) (______) (__) (____)(_)\_)

Well, pull off all the combos I just taught you! If you block all day,
computer opponents will most likely do a dumb attack that'd leave them
open for a combo that ends in a super! If, however, they walk forward
for no reason, they're planning to throw you so do what you want to counter
that! Simple enough?

Oh, yeah, how to beat Onslaught:
First, cool-looking form: all you have to do is block low and release
a multitude of crouching HPs whenever he's
finished doing a special move.

Second, cheap@$$ form: jump and HP his face until you're all charged up
for a super then Big Bang Laser his face and make his
neck crack! Block right after your every move to
avoid his eye beams.

_ _ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ _
( \/ )(_ _)(_ _)(_ _) ( \/ )/ __) ( )_( )( )( )( \/ ) /__\ ( \( )
\ / _)(_ _)(_ _)(_ \ / \__ \ ) _ ( )(__)( ) ( /(__)\ ) (
\/ (____)(____)(____)() \/ (___/() (_) (_)(______)(_/\/\_)(__)(__)(_)\_)

*Well, there won't be any universal rules for fighting against humans cause
no two humans think identically. There are, however, general rules that
could apply to at most 80% of your encounters with human challengers.

1. Use Psylocke as a helper - You may replace her, but make sure the
replacement pretty much does the same thing---
RAM the opponent! You can always do a Big
Bang Laser for major damage afterwards.

2. Play a mix-up game - Shadow Lady can't just combo and hope that her
opponent opens up somewhere during her moves because
she can only do short range combos and they don't
even confuse that much. Here's what you can do:

Dash-> D+LK, after that,...

a) F+HK - only if he doesn't block. Launches him in mid-air. Continue
with an air combo of your choice

b) D+MK - may be done even if he blocks or doesn't block. Added combo

b.1) D+HP-> Drill - may be done even if he blocks or doesn't block.
Added combo ender.

b.2) Splits K - an overhead to confuse your opponents while blocking

b.3) throw - used to confuse opponents who block all day. Not to be
used much as it can be considered cheap if you win almost
entirely by it.

b.4) Dash-> D+LK - only if blocked. Repeat mix-up game.

c) Splits K - remove the D+MK part to further confuse. It's an overhead
done to confuse your opponents while blocking low.

d) walk forward - make him guess what you'll be doing next and if
you predict right, either:

d.1) throw - remove the D+MK part to further confuse. It's used to
confuse opponents who block all day. Not to be used much
as it can be considered cheap if you win almost entirely
by it.

d.2) D+LK - start the whole strategy all over again for those who
are already keen observers and can retaliate when they
see a throw coming. Adding this to your options would
give 'em a sure fire headache.

e) summon Psylocke/any rammer - only when guard pushed because your
opponent will usually dash afterwards.
Connect with a Kikoshou for major

3. Abuse the priority of your Jumping HP

Whenever you just don't know what to do, or whenever every attack
of yours ends up being countered, pull yourself together while buying
time using a ton of HPs while repeatedly super jumping. Not only will
your supers get charged up in no time, you'll also be quite sure it'll
take some time before he could think of a way to stop you, and by that
time you've already thought of a way to stop HIM!

4. Know which super to use

Well, you can pretty much guess which super should be used for
which situation---Big Bang Laser for ground-bound opponents and the
Galaxy Missile for air-borne ones. Master the art of making these
moves second nature whenever an opponent opens himself up. Knowing
all these by heart would lead the path to victory.

5. Character-specific strategies:

Captain America - if there's anyone who could match your air HP priority,
it's him. His jumping HP does a lot more damage, reaches
further, and all that without having to sacrifice
execution time. Don't be the first one to super jump,
as he would most likely meet you in the air with the
accursed HP. Stay on the ground, dash forward and back
and lure him to miss a standing HP cause that's when
you pour out your Senretsu Kyaku. Use a confuser's
strategy, guard push his supers, and retaliate with
any of yours!

Captain Commando - ahh...this captain must be dealt with in a rather
opposite manner than the first one. With this captain,
ALWAYS super jump and air block to avoid getting hit
by the heavily damaging Captain Corridor or the Captain
Sword super. Being able to block these would mean a
free Big Bang Laser for you. DON'T use a confuser's
game with this captain because he'll just Captain Corridor
you out of it.

Chunli - two problems: avoiding her launcher when you're air-borne and
avoiding her low combo to Lightning K super when you're on dry
land. Two solutions: never be the first to super jump and if
you ever will, hit the HP button rapidly during the whole air
trip. Second, dash to low combo to special and make use of my
confuser strategy, but with extra care. Missing would prove fatal...

Gambit - just avoid his cheappy infinite and you'll be fine. That's the
only thing he can do to beat you so if you've mastered the art
of avoiding it, and everything he can do set you up for it,
(like a launcher, a ramming helper, or a throw in the corner)
then you'll be fine. He can be a good confuser but has his options
limited to low attacks and throws so show-off YOUR confusing
skills and win! He may use a rain of Kinetic Cards as a chip
away strategy but that can easily be countered: Just dash right
below him, and what else but Galaxy Missile!

Hulk - Block, block, block! Eventually he'll grow impatient and hit you.
Then attack, attack, attack! He'll be wide open after just about
ANYTHING he does so it's time to combo a dashing D+LK-> D+MK->
D+HP-> Drill. Air combos will also work on him fine, just remember
to hit him once before launching otherwise he won't budge. Hulk
is big, but remember that all your supers make bigger look dumber
rather than stronger.

Jin - obviously cannot even dream of having Hulk's reach, but would definitely
be faster. Other than that, Jin would have all of Hulk's advantages
and disadvantages as well. He'll pack power with his attacks, especially
if he's all yellow! That doesn't give him much of an upperhand,
though, as his attacks have a lame recovery time and could easily
be punished by an aerial combo. Just use the same strategies you
would on a Hulk user and watch out for that hurricane super whenever
you jump!

Megaman - two words: Keep Away. Yep, that's the NES freak's cheapy strategy!
Let him use his X buster all he wants, while you constantly super
jump and HP all the way. There'll be four kinds of Megaman
users, and only two will you find challenging. The first one
just hammers away with a stream of X busters that's easy to
jump over and punish with a combo. The second one will always
charge up his X buster and use it as part of an air combo. Just
dash back and forth to confuse him into giving up that hold
then welcome his fireball with a Splits K. The third Megaman
user would be using a rammer as a helper, slide kick you, and
hope that you'll retaliate with a combo as he summons his helper
afterwards. He'll surely get hit, but you'll be punished by his
helper as well, giving him enough time for a Hyper Megaman super.
Just don't counter the slide kick and wait for him to run out
of helpers, THEN attack! The fourth, most challenging one would
be a Megaman that X busters low, then X busters high, then low,
then high, then you lose your sanity---WRONG!! Fight on! Block
his low X busters and dash forward when he does the high one.
Eventually you'd be near him. Time to use your confusing skills.
If he manages to escape, which would only be possible via super
jump, wait for him on the ground then launch with the all powerful
standing HK! By the way, don't worry bout his supers, just block
and Big Bang Laser afterwards.

Morrigan - will fight like you do, being a good confuser and all that.
She will, however, have her options limited to low attacks
and throws so show-off YOUR confusing skills and win! If she
does something you won't, namely raining you with air fireballs,
Dash in and punish her with your Galxy Missile or launch her
if you don't have the extra charged super bar.

Ryu - If he's using strategies found in my Ryu faq, then may the best
confuser win! If he's not, you're in for a cheapy fireball game.
Again, you'd be needing your invaluable jumping HP to chrage up
your super and Bang Banig Laser his fireball wherever he may be.

Spiderman - Even his Maximum Spider has a high chance of getting countered
by a Big Bang Laser in progress so abuse that fact to your
advantage. Master the art of rolling and you'll be avoiding
his Crawler Assaults forever! Even his Ultimate Web Throw
would not be able to counter a Big Bang Laser and you can easily
detect that. If he uses an air combo that knocks you down and
falls right behind you as you get up, just hit the HK and launch

Strider Hiryu - I don't believe I'm hearing myself say this, but I advise
you to STAY in the corner when pitted against this teleport
master. That way he wouldn't be able to use an Ouroboros-
and-teleport-behind-you strategy. But with you in the
corner, he'll try two things: combo you like crazy, wherein
the guard push feature would prove most useful, and chip
away some nice damage with his robo dog, which you should
super jump to avoid and charge up your super meter. Use
your helper whenever he jumps for you then Big Bang Laser
afterwards. If he doesn't have a single super charged
up yet, hell, forget all I've just said about him and
engage in a confuser's game instead.

Venom - Just super jump and HP all the way and as you land, choose from
two landing sites: as far away from him as possible to be able
to continue super jumping and charging up your meter, or a little
behind him so your HP could out prioritize ANYTHING he whips up
and give you an opportunity to do a D+LK-> D+MK-> D+HP-> Drill
combo whether he blocks it or not. If he's able to block all of
it, engage in a confuser's game but beware, he may not have an
overhead but his throw allows him to combo you afterwards so get
ready for that.

War Machine - Just block his ground combos, D+LK to combo his throw attemps,
and do a dash in to Galaxy Missile if he abuses his mid-air
smart bombs. If he's dumb enough not to include his War Destroyer
super in a combo, dash Big Bang Laser him one moment after
all his missiles are launched from his armor. I guarantee
you the missiles will drop where you WERE before you dashed
but you have to time it right, though. The Proton Cannon,
if not done as an ender to a helper attack, would be easily
detected and therefore super jumped from and punished with
what else but a Big Bang Laser. If your opponent doesn't
make flaws like this, then you better stick to your good
'ol jumping HP to do the trick.

Wolverine - until recently have I thought that Wolvie users (including
me, once) were just plain good at it but now I know Wolvie
was just too advantaged to be defeated by a mere above average
player. I hate to be called cheap, so now I have stopped
using Wolverine, and started taking him as a challenge to
defeat with my Chunli. There'll be two things any "challenging"
Wolvie user would do: stomp you like crazy until you open
up for a combo to super, or dash in like crazy also until
you open up for a combo to super! With the first strategy
you'll again have to utilize the priority that's in your HP.
You can also opt to surprise him with a ramming helper as
he stomps you to get a clear opportunity for a Big Bang Laser.
For the second strategy, you'll have to assess yourself. If
you think you can pretty much predict what he's doing, then
combo him if he tries to throw and use the guard push otherwise.
If he doesn't give up and still dashes in like crazy, smile
and surprise him with a risky but rewarding Big Bang Laser.
to turn his healing factor off for good!

Zangief - Just charge up the way I've been telling you since the beginning
of this section and guard push all his attacks so that he couldn't
link them to a grapple or worse, SUPER grapple! He'll be using
blocks much, so you'll just have to play a risky confuser's game
with him. Remember that in a confuser's game, you'll have to
succeed over him in a LOT of times before you can be at an advantage.
One successful confuser from him and you're back to where you
started, a draw. Whenever you're charged up and can't land a
combo, just chip away with your Galaxy Missiles along with its
normal version.

6. Strategies on secret characters:

Golden War Machine - Just block his ground combos, super jump from his
throw attemps, and do a sudden dash in to Galaxy
Missile if he abuses his mid-air smart bombs. If he's
dumb enough not to include his War Destroyer super
in a combo, dash and Big Bang Laser him one moment
after all his missiles are launched from his armor.
I guarantee you the missiles will drop where you WERE
before you dashed but you have to time it right, though.
The Proton Cannon, if not done as an ender to a helper
attack, would be easily detected and therefore super
jumped from and punished with what else but a Big
Bang Laser. If your opponent doesn't make flaws like
this, then you better stick to your good 'ol jumping
HP to do the trick.

Morrigan's Lilith Mode - as with her "older" counterpart, she'll be best
dealt with a confuser's strategy. This time she
can't use a rain of fireballs to annoy you because
she'll only have short range ones but still beware
her confusing skills and counter as you see fit.

Orange Hulk - Block, block, block! Eventually he'll grow impatient and
hit you. Then attack, attack, attack! He'll be wide open after
just about ANYTHING he does so it's time to combo a dashing
D+LK-> D+MK-> D+HP-> Drill. You'll be needing this move
super much to chip away some nice damage in case it turns out
your opponent is a lot more patient than you are. Orange
Hulk is big, but remember that all your supers make bigger
look dumber rather than stronger.

Roll - She's so cute, I wouldn't dare land a jab on her face, but, sadly,
MVC is survival of the fittest and Roll, as many would say, is
not "fit". I'd choose her over Megaman anytime but I must admit
I find the always-give-you-a-stupid-look boy much harder to defeat.
Refer to my Megaman strategies for dealing with her and adjust
them according to these added notes: One, Roll's X buster CAN chip
some block damage but it would need a down to forward motion so
it'll come out slow. Two, you can low block against her Hyper Roll
and you wouldn't get a bruise. And three, all her other supers
are easy to block and Big Bang Laser afterwards.

Shadow Lady - Chunli minus the ability to combo a super but plus the
ability to chip away with her butt missiles. Keep an eye
out for your life bar cause these farts can cut it down
to half without even you noticing. Don't super jump, as
that would mean a free chip from those accursed butt bombs.
If she's stupid enough to do it while you're on the ground,
and up close then it's Big Bang Laser time! Anticipate her
missle super and again use your Big Bang Laser to counter.
She'll also be using a ramming helper to easily connect
with her Big Bang Laser so you'll have to predict when
she'll use it. Knowing all these, engage in a confuser's
game and she'll definitely short-circuit.

Venom's Carnage Mode - I really am not very observant on who takes more
damage than who but I definitely noticed the Carnage
Mode's belief in the quote, "The best defense is
a strong offense." (did I say it right?) Anyway,
Carnage Mode concentrates on speed and power, but
gives up stamina in return. Don't try a confuser's
game for him cause he's already confused!(heh)
Seriously though, his tremendous speed just gives
him the ability to jab his way out of any confusing
strategy you may have in mind. Let him combo you
like crazy, (while you block, of course), abuse
your guard push, and make him feel he's just another
big sucker for the Big Bang Laser.

____ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ ___
(_ _)( \/ ) ( ___)( \( )( _ \ (_ _)( \( ) / __)
_)(_ ) ( )__) ) ( )(_) ) _)(_ ) ( ( (_-.
(____)(_/\_)() (____)(_)\_)(____/ (____)(_)\_) \___/

Bison beats the crap out of Jin, and as he lay unconscious, Shadow along
with Shodow Lady appears. They blamed themselves for being to late and
concluded that only cybernation can save Jin now. After a few sparks,
We see Jin all black like the two Shadows and with a drill for an arm---
cool! He says, "Am...I...alive?"

_ _ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___
( \/ ) / __)( _ \( ___)( _ \ (_ _)(_ _)/ __)
) ( ( (__ ) / )__) )(_) ) _)(_ )( \__ \
(_/\_)() \___)(_)\_)(____)(____/ (____) (__) (___/

Jim Chamberlin ( for info on the whats and hows of ASCII
arts for paying attention to this faq
Capcom and all its affiliates for creating such a great game

Ms. AsianCuteness for inspiring me in just about everything I do!

_ _ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ____ _____ _ _
( \/ )(_ _) ( _ \( ___)( \/ )(_ _)/ __)(_ _)( _ )( \( )
) ( _)(_ ) / )__) \ / _)(_ \__ \ _)(_ )(_)( ) (
(_/\_)(____)() (_)\_)(____) \/ (____)(___/(____)(_____)(_)\_)
_ _ ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ _ _
( )_( )(_ _)/ __)(_ _)( _ )( _ \( \/ )
) _ ( _)(_ \__ \ )( )(_)( ) / \ /
(_) (_)(____)(___/ (__) (_____)(_)\_) (__)

none yet. suggestions, anyone?

_ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ __ __
( \/ )(_ _)(_ _) ( ___)(_ _)( \( ) /__\ ( )
) ( _)(_ _)(_ )__) _)(_ ) ( /(__)\ )(__
(_/\_)(____)(____)() (__) (____)(_)\_)(__)(__)(____)
_ _ _____ ____ ____ ___
( \/\/ )( _ )( _ \( _ \ / __)
) ( )(_)( ) / )(_) )\__ \
(__/\__)(_____)(_)\_)(____/ (___/

Please feel free to email me if there's something about Shadow Lady I left
out or if you just want to comment on my work. Thank you. If ever I revise
this faq and add something you feel came from one of your emails to me,
email me again and remind me bout it so I can give you credit. Thanks


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Clash of the Super Heroes EX Edition

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Clash of the Superheroes EX Edition

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PAL Patch für die japanische NTSC Version.

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PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

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