Slayer Royal 2 Translation

Slayer Royal 2 Translation

14.10.2013 05:07:20

Update 1
Last Updated: August 21, 1999
Console: Saturn (Japanese)
Developer: Onion C.GG
Publisher: ESP

I encourage you to distribute this translation freely but be sure to have the
final credits paragraph included when you do distribute. Also, you may not
alter it without my permission.

I'm going to sum up the documented manual as concisely as I can.


Lina Inverse
Gourry Gabrieff
Zelgadiss Greywords
Emelia Tesla Seyruune
Sylpheel Nels Lahda
Naga the Serpent
Nise Lina (Elena)
Nise Gourry (Grace)
Lark Dear Framedoll


There are five times of day in Slayers Royal 2. They are:
5:00am-10:59am (6 hours)
11:00am-4:59pm(6 hours)
5:00pm-6:59pm(2 hours)
7:00pm-11:59pm(5 hours)
12:00am-4:59am(5 hours)

You may have noticed the two types of location markers on the world map.
Dotted pins are forks or branches with which to proceed to other directions.
At these locations you may travel to any other dotted location or any flagged
(triangle) location adjacent to your current location (Don't get confused.
The game will only show you where you can move in one turn anyhow) Red
locations are locations you have not visited yet. Yellow locations you have
already been to at least once before.
Signposts are roads, paths, or trails that lead to another map.

Traveling to a dotted location takes 30 minutes. Traveling to an adjacent
flagged location takes 10 minutes. Traveling to a nonadjacent flagged
location takes 20 minutes. Simple enough, eh?

Each time frame has a corresponding color shade and background music. You
should be able to figure them out without much trouble.


-Move Menu
Allows you either move along the map field or progress/retreat through
dungeons. A simple submenu will appear for dungeon travel.

-Action Menu
This will open up a submenu with up to four options, depending on where you
are located at the time:
Allows you to view your immediate surroundings.
Allows you to speak to everyone who is willing. Activate this command
numerous times to speak with everyone possible.
Allows you to eat up!
Allows you to stay at an inn.

-Camp Menu
This is your support menu.
Automatically skip to the next time frame. Be warned, however that the full
time will elapse and you will lose the correct portion of Food and
Stamina...maybe even Guts.
Check that statistics and armaments of your characters.
Check and use items in your inventory.

-System Menu
The menu will allow you to load/save a game as well as fiddle with the game


There are several attributes to your character that you must pay close
attention to in the game. Unlike standard RPGs, your characters' stats will
not only increase but decrease if they are not taken care of properly. I'll
explain them assuming you are viewing the stats screen for a single character.

Hit Points. This the numerical value of how much damage your character can
take before dying. Current HP are displayed which, if you are not in battle,
are your MAX HP.
Magic Points. This is the numerical value of how much magic you can cast and
of what strength. Same conditions as HP.
Physical Strength. This is a value of base strength. The current value is
displayed on the left while the maximum value is on the right. Please note
the current value can EXCEED the max value if your character is exceptionally
Defensive Value. This is a value of base defensive ability. Same
characteristics of STR.
Accuracy. This is a value of base accuracy when delivering either magic or
physical attacks. Same characteristics of STR.
Speed. This is a base speed value. This will determine initiative during
battles. Same characteristics of STR.
This is the amount in your belly. The more, the merrier. More Food
consumption raises GUTS.
This is how rested you are. Again, sleep well, sleep often. Long rests
raise Stamina quickly but lowers FOOD.
This is either raised or lowered by a combination of both Food and Stamina.
The higher this value, the higher your character's STR, DEF, HIT, and SPD
values go up. Keep a healthy character to kick ass in battle.


Attack Power. The higher this value, the more damage you'll inflict.
Magic Point Consumption.
Hit percentage.
Amount of time units before casting. The higher this value, the long it
takes to cast the spell.

The grid shows the area of the spell. Some spells effect the whole area
while others are effective in a smaller radius of the shaded area. Some
characters with the same spells have different effects. For example, Lina's
Recovery only covers one square in a short radius but Sylpheel's Recovery
covers 5 squares in a larger radius.

If a character is hit while casting a spell, the chant will be broken and the
spell will have to be restarted.


(Looking at the bar on the top of the page)

1)Move. Turn ends after movement.
-End Turn
2)Attack. Turn ends after attacking.
-Special Attack. Some characters have unique attacks.
-End Turn
3)Defensive Posture. This will determine what defensive stance the character
will take upon being attacked. Some of these options won't be available for
some characters.
-Counter Attack
4)Cast Magic. Turn ends after casting magic.
5)AI. Artificial Intelligence. Allows you to set up your characters to
automatically conduct battle.
-Physical Attacks
-Discretionary Attacks. Characters will choose between magic and physical
attacks, whichever he/she sees fit.
-End AI.
6)System. This allows you to Save/Load a battle and to tinker with the game
options. You can save at any time during a battle and resume later.

-Watch your money. You get money only from completing tasks for people or by
finding it. Enemies do not leave money behind.
-1 Gold piece is equal to about 30 Silver. 1 Silver is equal to about 30
Bronze. (I think) Keep this in mind when managing money.
-There is no leveling up here. You have all of your spells and your high
attributes from the start. The key is to remain healthy. Remember these
--Sleeping at an inn reduces food. The longer you sleep, the more food you
--Eating raises Guts. Try to eat to the max as much as you can.
--BOTH LOW STAMINA AND LOW FOOD LOWERS GUTS. When Guts goes down, so does
your attributes. Be careful, especially in the later dungeons. If you have
to leave, rest up and go back then so be it.
--The more you travel, the more Food and Stamina you use up. You'll be
notified when your characters are getting low on attributes so try to find an
inn at that point. Guts raises very slowly compared to Food and Stamina.
-After each battle, your HP and MP are replenished. All dead characters are
-If you get stuck, talk to everyone at every location for each time period.
I know it sounds tedious but it really doesn't take that long and you may
even find a coin or two.
-Use terrain to your advantage. Line of sight plays a key role in magic
attacks. If the enemy can't see you, he can't hit you.
-Try to position an enemy between yourself and enemy magic attacks. Maybe
they'll get hit in the crossfire.
-Learn what spells do what to the terrain. Is someone to high? Crush the
hill with an Earth spell.
-Powerful spells can kill in one hit but remember, if you are hit while
chanting, you'll lose all that time you put into it. Remember this later on
when the battles become (honestly) 30 against 3.

Good luck with the game!

D. Christopher Goodman

The Slayers is a copyright of SOFTX/Tokyo TV. Slayers Royal 2 is a copyright
of Entertainment Software Publishers, 1998, licensed by Sega Enterprises Ltd.
This FAQ is not in anyway owned, endorsed, or supported by SOFTX, ESP, Onion
C.GG, or Sega Enterprises. This FAQ is copyrighted in 1999 by D. Christopher
Goodman. Unauthorized reproduction or alteration is prohibited.

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