Shadow Tower

Shadow Tower

08.10.2013 19:56:34
System: Playstation

A Walkthrough by Joe Williams
Version 1.0

Copyright (c) 2000 by Joe Williams

Background (from From Software)

Shadow Tower is the resting place of a terrible crown with a single
eye. Ages ago the gaze of that crown snuffed out the Kingdom of
Eclipse in a single night, leaving a gargantuan pit. Neighboring
kingdoms built a tower atop the hole to seal the crown forever within
its depths.

In the game you'll play Ruus Hardy, a mercenary on his way to the Holy
Land of Zepter to visit his beloved Granny. To his horror, he finds
the town reduced to rubble and the tower that once dominated the
skyline sucked down into a vast hole.

A monk, mistaking Ruus for the Earl of Marus, tells him the souls of
the townsfolk have been consumed by the denizens of the realm beneath
the tower. Since man-made weapons are useless against the evils ones,
he gives Ruus an ancient short sword and sends him into the hole to
fight the evil.

Ruus, remembering Granny's smile and good cooking, sighs softly and
descends into the nether realms.

Your adventure opens with a baffling cinema showing an armored knight
battling a winged demon. Is that your predecessor, the king who owned
the one-eyed crown? Or is it a glimpse into your future as you battle
one of the game's bosses? Who is that man on the medieval crapper?
The voice-over that follows is just as mystifying.

Luckily, you don’t need to understand the backstory to enjoy the game.
All this mumbo-jumbo is just a raison d'être for what turns out to be a
straightforward dungeon crawl.


The maps in this walktrhough are adapted from the maps at From
Software's web site. Those maps are in Japanese and can be a pain to
print out. The maps I've drawn are keyed to the text.

Map Key

* Save point
@ Warp
% Item repair
h Healing potion shop
m Magic potion shop
$ Cune shop
# Hole
+ Secret door
> One way door

About The Walkthrough

The walkthrough lists the monsters I found in each area and the items
they dropped. The first time through a level you will probably
encounter fewer creatures. To make a clean sweep, you'll need to
return to areas over and over again. Be aware when passing through
areas you thought were cleared that you may encounter more monsters.

I wouldn't worry too much about killing everything the first time
through. You'll have the opportunity to catch the stragglers on your
next game.

To see how close you are to finishing a level, press select to bring up
the main menu. Press triangle to display your kills and items found.
Press R1 to bring up a list of the levels you have visited and their
percent of completion. The percentage is based solely on creatures
killed, not on items found.

There are 250 unique items in Shadow Tower (not including disposable
items such as healing potions). There seems to be more items in Shadow
Tower than you can ever possibly find in one trip, giving the game a
certain replay value.

The items dropped by monsters are random, although it does appear that
some creatures are more likely to carry certain kinds of treasure. The
text lists the items the creatures dropped for me.

Items located in rooms or in chests are always the same. However, if
you already possess a unique item, you will not find it in the room in
which it is normally located.

Common Items

Torch Increases line of sight
Lamp Lasts much longer than a torch
Sacred Feather Teleports Ruus to the last save point
Healing Potion Heals Ruus to his maximum hit points
Magic Potion Restores Ruus to his maximum magic points
Anti-Venom Cures poison
Anti-Paralysis Cures paralysis
Divine Symbol Cures curses
Fire World Stone Temporarily reduces damage from fire
Poison Vaccine Temporarily protects against poison
Dust of Rage Temporarily boosts attack power
Bottle of Light Brightens rooms
Acid Vaccine Temporarily reduces damage from acid
Spirit Book Unseals magic. Save them for the last level.
Allows Ruus to cast spells without MP.
Dorado's Ashes Repairs all equipped items by a few points.
Soul Pods Increases Ruus's attributes


Shadow Tower is a misnomer because the tower is really a pit. You
start the game on a narrow walkway at the uppermost level of the
inverted tower. You can turn around and go up, but the doorway you
came through will collapse in front of you, trapping you. There's only
one way to go, and that's down.

If you've never played the King's Field series, you might find the
controls tricky and the narrow walkway doesn't allow much room for
getting used to them. Look down using the R2 button and walk carefully
down the stairs. Don't go too fast or you'll bounce down the stairs
like an out of control RV. You might also consider turning off the
walking effect--that annoying bounce to your step--to make maneuvering
smoother. You can access the options menu by hitting the select button
or pressing circle twice.

While you're in the main menu, check out your items. All you carry is
the short sword the monk gave you. It won't take long for you to
augment your arsenal.

At the bottom of the steps you'll pass through a door into the game's
first level, the Human World: Solitary Region. Follow the passages
into room 1.

HUMAN WORLD 1: Solitary Region

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1. 3 acid slime (drop anti-venom, cap)
Items: Quilted armor (behind altar)
Healing potion (next to entrance)

Use R2 to look down at the slime. Time your swings to hit as you run
up to them and then back quickly away. Watch out that you don't go too
far forward or you'll step on a slime and injure yourself.

Pick up the quilted armor by pressing X and equip it via the main menu
(press select or circle twice to access the main menu).

2. 3 spiders (drop morning star, buckler)
Items: Healing potion (NW corner)

Look down to attack the spiders. It's safest if you attack from the
side. Use L1 and R2 to circle them as they try to face you. The
morning star works especially well against slimes.

3. There's a secret door to the north, but don't go there yet. The
skeletons behind the door will probably kill you. Keep going straight
into the graveyard.

4. 2 Demon Bats

Demon bats don't move, but they have a sonic attack that can strip you
of hit points faster than you can swing a sword. Because they hang
from the ceiling, it's hard to reach them with your short sword. Run
past them for now, heading for the secret door in the north wall. You
can return later with the rapier to turn the demon bats into pinyatas.

After you go through the north door, keep going north, through another
secret door, and into Human World 2: Hidden Region.

HUMAN WORLD 2: Hidden Region _
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1. Follow the hallways. The path going to your right takes you to a
shop where you can buy various items with cunes, the monetary system of
the demon-world. Skip it for now and continue north to the Torture

2. 3 acid slimes (drop anti-venom x2, leg guards)
Items: Dorado's Ashes (NW corner)

The torture chamber has a lovely decor. The cell in the NE corner
taunts you with a shiny suit of armor. Makes your quilted armor look
pretty shabby, doesn't it? The cell is locked, so you'll have to
figure out another way to get in. Take the west passage and where it
branches, go right.

3. 1 blood slime (drops healing potion), 2 acid slimes
Items: Torch (SE corner)

Blood slimes can poison you, so you might want to avoid them for now
and run to the opening on the opposite side of the room. That short
hall leads to a save room. Once your progress is saved, go back and
mop up the slime.

They call this the Hidden Region because much of it is concealed behind
secret doors. Search the southern end of the east wall by sliding
along it and pressing X. A portion of the wall falls away, revealing a
hidden tunnel. The tunnel will bear right and after going through an
old fire pit it will take you to the cell you saw earlier.

4. Parasite (drops Dorado's Ashes)
Items: Scale Mail

Grab the scale mail. When you try to equip it, you'll make the rude
discovery that you're not strong enough to wear such heavy armor.

Step to the side of your cellmate and press the X button. A parasite
will lunge out of his chest like one of those rubber snakes kids buy at
gag gift shops to scare their little sisters. As long as you keep to
its side you can hack at it with impunity. That done, turn around and
backtrack to Room 3. Cross the room and search the south portion of
the west wall until more rocks fall away to reveal another tunnel.
Head on in.

5. Fanged worm (drops rapier), 2 acid slimes (drop anti-venom)
Items: Healing potion (W wall)
5 pt Soul Pod (N wall)

Run behind the worm and attack him from relative safety. Once he dies
and drops the rapier down the hole, turn your attention to the slime.
Then loot the room.

I suggest you put the soul points from the soul pod right into
Strength. Not only will this increase your hit points, it will enable
you to wear heavier armor. You might be able to don the scale mail if
you remove other armor.

Once you're done playing with your loot, jump down the hole and
retrieve the rapier.

6. Items: 3 health potion, Dorado's ashes.

After you ransack this room, continue up the passage and you'll drop
down a ledge into Room 3. Go straight across the room and search the
east wall to open a third hidden passage. You'll meet a new and deadly
kind of foe in there, so you might want to visit the nearby save room
before proceeding into the passage. Also, this might be a good time to
drink a health potion if you're weak. You're sure to be taking damage
in the near future no matter how good of a fighter you are.

7. Casket (drops torch)
Items: Metal gloves
5 pt Soul Pod

As you walk down the passage, you'll see a door on your right. Run to
it, throw it open, and start hacking at the weird, bundled creature
standing before you. It won't move, and it won't attack back, but it
will drain your hit points at an alarming rate. To make matters worse,
the casket shifts between corporeal and incorporeal forms. Time your
attacks to land while the creature is in material form.

Again, when you retrieve the soul pod put the soul points into
Strength. Don't forget to equip the metal gloves.

Go out the door and turn right, heading for the chamber at the tunnel's

8. 3 blood slime (drops blottle of light, cune, torch), Casket (drops
Items: Torch, cune, large shield (along E wall)

When confronted by a Casket, your best plan is to take it out as fast
as possible. Then turn your morning star on the slime.

When you finish with this room, go back to Room 3. Save your game and
then make your way back to the Solitary Region to revisit the
graveyard. Take the passage across from the save room and turn left at
the T intersection. At the torture chamber follow the passage in the
right hand wall, going straight where it branches, until the reach the
Solitary Region.

HUMAN WORLD 1: Solitary Region (revisted)

4. 2 Demon Bats (drop long swords), Skeleton (drops item)
Items: Health potion (by N tunnel)
5 pt Soul Pod (NE corner)
Torch (NE corner)
cune (in skeleton's grave)

To fight the demon bats, switch to your rapier, look almost straight
up, and stick them from behind. Now that you've honed your skills
they'll die surprisingly easily.

Grab the items on the floor and put the soul points into Strength.

Examine the graves and you'll see that two lack fences.
Go to the one closest to the demon bats, press X and back off quickly.
A skeleton hops from its disturbed grave. Switch to a long sword or
morning star and circle your bony adversary, lunging in to hit him from
the side. Watch out for his counter attacks--they can be devastating.

If the skeleton is getting the better of you, run to the southeast
hallway leading from the graveyard. Like all the monsters in Shadow
Tower, the skeleton is highly territorial. It can't cross the
graveyard's threshold. You can use this to your advantage to keep out
of its reach while you wait for your moment to strike.

Once you've returned the skeleton to its eternal rest, pick up the item
it dropped and then examine the grave from which it arose. You'll find
a cune in it.

Exit the graveyard by the southwest passage. Stop in Hallway 3, turn
to the right, and open the secret door to Skeleton Alley.

6. 2 skeletons (drop small shield)
Items: 5 pt Soul Pod

Two skeletons guard the hallway behind the secret door. Stand just
outside the doorway. When they stop striking with their swords, lunge
in with your morning star, get a quick hit, and back out again. When
you dispatch them, go in and claim the soul pod. Put the points into

Another secret door at the far end of Skeleton Alley leads back to the
Hidden Region. Go there if you want to search for more monsters to
kill. Otherwise, turn around had head back to the graveyard (Room 4).

There's an unfenced grave here you still haven't investigated. Examine
it with the X button and it opens to reveal a hole. Drop down and pick
up the cune on the floor. Pass through the door and you'll enter the
Cursed Region.

HUMAN WORLD 3: Cursed Region
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1. Spider, 2 Tongue Imps (drops buckler)
Items: Axe (to the right of entrance)

This level has a couple of large, irregularly shaped rooms, making it
easy to get lost unless you light a torch.

When the tunnel first opens into the bigger chamber, stand still for a
moment and wait for the spider to come to you. Once it's dead, go to
the right and get your axe. Use it on the tongue imps. Like Caskets,
they drain hit points.

2. Items: 2 Healing potions, Dorado's Ashes, helmet

To the west of the entrance is a corpse lying before a "hidden" door.
Go in and collect the items waiting for you.

3. 2 Tongue Imps (Drops armor)
NPC: Mole (Gives cune)

Return to the big cave and take the passage across from you to reach
Mole's Hole. Make quick work of the two Tongue Imps and then go
further into the cave to talk to Mole by pressing X repeatedly until he
vanishes. He gives you some background on the tower and leaves you a
cune for your trouble. Do you have the feeling you'll be seeing him
again? Think of him as Yoda in a fur coat.

Return to the big cave and bear left to get to the next room.

4. 3 Spiders (Drop hard boots, Dorado's ashes), 1 Shadow Spider

Shadow spiders breathe black smoke that causes darkness. While
temporarily annoying, it will go away on its own. Like other ceiling
hangers, they are easily dispatched with the rapier.

The south passage leads to a save room. To the west is a door that
leads deeper into the dungeon.

5. 2 spiders (drop health potion)
Items: Leather gloves (on floor near entrance)

By now you know the routine. When done squashing spiders, go out the
far door. At the intersection, go straight.

6. 2 Shadow spiders (drop magic potion, sacred feather), Guardian
Items: Healing potion (near entrance)

The guardian doesn't activate until you get close. Try to poke the
shadow spiders without awakening their bony roommate. When it comes to
fighting the guardian, the axe works well.

Leave the room via the door by which you entered. This time go left at
the intersection. You'll pass through a door into Shadow Tower. Go
down the stairs and through another door into the Forgotten Region.

HUMAN WORLD 4: Forgotten Region
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1. Go down the long hallway. At the first intersection, turn right and
save your progress.

Back in the hallway, the next right leads to a HP Shop where you can
trade items for Healing Potions. You might want to unload some of your
weaker pieces of armor for potions, especially if you've collected a
lot of wimpy shields. Don't trade any of your weapons. The way
weapons deteriorate, you'll need them all.

Keep going down the hall. At the bend, you can examine the wall on the
left for a surprise.

Walk past the cells. The doors are locked, and you don't have the key.

At the intersection, go right and search the dead-end to find a secret

2. 2 Skeletons (drop cune)
Items: 5 pt Soul Pod (in chest on right)

There are two chests in this room. When you open a chest, skeletons
rise off the floor. Use the open space to evade their swords while
dodging in to land blows with your axe or sword. If they give you
trouble, try retreating back out the secret door and fighting them
across the threshold.

The chest on the left is empty. The one on the right holds a 5 point
Soul Pod. Put the points into Strength.

Return to the hall with the cell doors and continue to the right.

3. 1 Skeleton

The hall ends at a T intersection. To the right there may be a
skeleton in the hall. Kill it, then look to the left at a spike-filled
pit. Periodically bodies fall from the ceiling into the pit. Don't
even think about jumping into the pit unless you want to end the game
quickly. Hugging the rocky ledge surrounding the pit, make your way to
the secret door on the right wall.

4. Blood Skull
Items: Great shield (by back wall)

Blood skulls are huge and turn slowly, making them easy to kill.
However, they breathe clouds of poisonous gas, making it just as easy
for them to kill you. You'll probably have to use some anti-venom.

When you leave this room, scoot around the pit to the passage on the

5. 4 Blood skulls (drop shield, boots, light bottle)
Items: 5 pt Soul Pod, Poison Vaccine

Put the points from the Soul Pod into Strength. When you're done with
this room, circle the pit and get back to the main dungeon. Continue
straight past the cells. At the first intersection turn left.

6. 3 Acid Skulls (drop boots, 2 anti-venom)

Once you kill the skulls in the jail keeper's apartment, make your way
into the bedroom where more skulls await.

7. Acid Skull
Items: Health potion (next to bed)
Brass key (behind bed)

You can use the brass key to unlock the cells you passed.

Leave the jail keeper's apartment and turn right to face the hall of
cells. The first cell on the right has a red skull in it. The next
two cells are empty. The first cell on the left holds a cune. You'll
pass another empty cell on your right. The next cell imprisons a
healing potion that you should set free. Since the last two cells are
empty, turn around and head back in the direction of the jail keeper's
apartment. This time don't go into the apartment. Continue along the

The passage to your right leads to ledge that's too high for you to
climb to. The next passage on your left leads to a warp back to the
Hidden Region. Take the warp if you want to continue scouring the
upper levels for wandering monsters. Otherwise continue down the hall
to the ledge.

Once you jump over the ledge you won't be able to get back to the Human
World for quite some time. If you're ready for the next world, drop
down and follow the passage to Shadow Tower.

At the bottom of the stairs there's a door that leads to the Rotting
Cavern. The ledge to the right leads to the Poisonous Cavern. Neither
choice sounds appealing, but if you haven't saved in awhile I suggest
you stop by the Poisonous Cavern. There's a save pedestal at the
entrance. With your progress preserved, turn around and return to the
Rotting Cavern.

EARTH WORLD 1: Rotting Cavern

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1. 4 Watcher Plants (drop Poison Vaccine), 1 Elder (drops healing
Items: Guardian Bastard Sword (to the right of the Elder)

Avoid the Elder on the far side of the room and concentrate on the
watcher plants first. The Elder will paralyze you if you get too
close. Although paralysis doesn't last long, those watchers can do a
lot of damage while you're frozen.

With the watchers weeded, it's a simple matter to attack the elder from
the side. Don't approach it from the front on its long branches will
smack you silly. As it turns to face you, back off and swing around to
its other side.

The passage to the north leads to an Item Repair shop. Here you can
trade hit points to repair your equipment. By now your weapons should
be nearly useless. Stop by and repair what you can, bringing your hit
points as low as possible. Then equip the items that will bring your
Strength (and thus your hit points) to the maximum. Drink a healing
potion and return to the Repair Shop. Repeat until all your weapons
are repaired. You should also repair key pieces of armor. At this
point you probably won't want to waste the hit points on repairing your
shields. Later on, when you start regenerating hit points, you can
consider repairing all your items.

Watch for the red icon on the right side of your screen that appears
when an item is down to 3 or fewer points. Never use an item until it
breaks. It is much more expensive to replace an item that has broken
then it is to repair an item that has even one point left.

When you're done fixing your gear, go through the passage the Elder was
guarding. You might want to use a bottle of light to help you get
around in the dark caves.

2. Items: Healing Potion (in barrel near entrance)

Take the door across the room, the one with two barrels next to it.

3. 2 Elders, 3 minor dwarfs

The dwarfs might not look tough, but they can poison you if they hit
you. If you're feeling timid, simply run past the monsters in the
room, aiming for the passage to your left. There's a save room here,
as well as a warp that will take you to shop where you can trade items
for Magic Potions. You can't cast spells yet, and by the time you have
enough spells for you to worry about your magic points, your MP will
regenerate on their own.

The rings that allow you to cast spells will need to be repaired like
any other item, and that takes hit points. I suggest saving your extra
items for healing potions because in this game, hp are what make the
world go round.

With your progress saved, return to the room with the dwarfs and
elders. You can either stay away from the elders and concentrate on
the dwarfs, or vice versa. If you try to tangle with them both you're
likely to be paralyzed and poisoned.

4. NPC: Dwarfling

Once you've cleared the room, take the passage across the cave from the
save room. There you'll find a dwarf cowering at the end of the hall.
It may be tempting to kill the quaking craven, but it's better simply
to talk to him. He'll give you an Iron Key before disappearing through
the wall behind him.

With the key safely tucked in your belt, head back to the cave where
you found the Elders. Search the wall to the right of where you first
entered and you'll find a secret passage. Follow it to the next

5. 2 Myconid
Items: Poison vaccine (in ruined barrel)

If you can, run between the myconid to get into the room with them. If
they block the entrance you'll have to back off and try to get in
later. If you try to fight them through the doorway they'll poison you
and headbutt you into a green pulp. Once you're in the room with them
it's easy to stay behind the lumbering fungi as you dice them into a
fine salad.

The tunnel across the room leads back to the Watcher Cave (Room 1). As
you reenter that room, beware of regenerating plants.

Take the passage on your left back to the Barrel room (Room 2). This
time take the door to your right.

6. 4 Imps
Items: Healing Potion (in barrel on its side)

Although they have only one foot each, imps can be hard to hit the way
they hop around. One trick to slow them down is to light a torch to
illuminate the room. The extra polygon crunching slows the Playstation
to a crawl, giving the action a dreamlike lethargy.

The door you came through is bracketed by barrels. Nearby is a short
passage that ends in a locked door. Use the Iron Key to open it. Now
aren't you glad you didn't kill that dwarfling?

7. Imp
Items: healing potion (barrel in NE corner)
NPC: Auriel

The woman with the insect appendages is Auriel, a demoness. Instead of
attacking her, talk to her using the X button. She'll give you a sob
story and collapse to her knees. That rotten Duhrin! If you ever get
your hands on him . . .

Before you leave the room, check the north wall for a secret door.

8. Star Serpent (drops Bracelet of Balance)
Items: Anti-Venom (north wall)

When you're done with the serpent, return through Auriel's room to the
Imp Room (Room 6). There's a passage in the far left corner. Take it.

9. 3 Tondroms

As you near the T intersection at the end of the tunnel, slow down and
approach with caution.

The stone faces that look like drums are Tondroms and there are three
that lurk in the passage ahead of you. One is to the right and the
other two are to the left. A tondrom can flatten you in no time, but
if you hug the cave wall as you back away you can trick them into
sticking against the uneven surface. Then it’s a simple matter to walk
up and wack them. Try it on the Tondrom to the right, dodging back
into the entry passage if possible. Then turn to the left and kill
those Tondrom. Continue to the cave at the end.

10. 2 Barrel snails (drop venom cure)
Items: 5 pt Soul Pod (far corner)

If you can avoid the clouds of poison, it's not too difficult to kill
the barrel snails. Use the soul pod to increase your strength.

Head out the way you came, continuing down the passage until you it
widens into another cave.

11. 3 Elders (drop 2 divine symbols)

An Elder will appear in the doorway. Because it appears facing you,
it's almost impossible to fight. But if you retreat and come back, the
elder will be facing the other way and you can strike at its back with

The passage on the far side of this room lands you in Room 1. From
there, take the passage on your left to return to Shadow Tower. Follow
the ledge to your left and you'll be in the Poisonous Cavern.

EARTH WORLD 2: Poisonous Cavern
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1. Save Room
It's a good idea to save before facing the challenges of this level.

2. 2 beak plants, 3 watcher plants (drops item)
Items: Torch (to left of entrance)

This is a deadly combination. The laughter of the beak plants
paralyzes you while the watcher plants blast you with their laser gaze.
Keep moving and swinging. Consider killing the beak plants first.
Chopping them with the axe works well.

Once the flora is trimmed, head for the door across from the entrance.
When you try to open the door, a voice behind you warns you not to go
that way. Follow the dwarf down the passage to your left. When you
try the door at the end you discover the dwarf isn't as friendly as you
thought. By checking your Creature Log you'll learn it's Duhrin, the
demon you stole Auriel's body.

When you return to the door you tried originally you'll find that the
floor of the hall beyond is green with poison. Equip your rapier,
light a torch, swallow a poison vaccine and plunge on in.

The vaccine prevents the poison from hurting you but it won't last

3. 3 Hanging Dead
Items: Healing Potion (against left wall)

Don't bother grabbing the healing potion. You'll be back through this
area later when it's not filled with poison and you can loot the room
then. See those corpses hanging from the ceiling? The green goo
dripping from them is poison and it's their excretions that are
covering the floor. Use your rapier to run them through. Don't worry
about the poison dripping on you. Your vaccine will protect you.

If the hanging dead drop anything don't bother picking it up. Race out
the far door to the next chamber.

4. 3 Hanging Dead (drops ring), Watcher Plant
Items: Shield (atop S ledge)

Don't bother attacking the monsters in this room. Veer left, running
for the ladder just past the bridge supports. Climb the ladder to the
safety of a ledge. At the far end of the ledge is a shield. Don't
cross the ledge but go through the passage.

5. 2 Watcher Plants (drops cune, healing potion), 2 Wingsects (drops

The Wingsect has the annoying ability of draining magic points, and
while you don’t have any spells right now you soon will. Don't be
surprised if the first wingsect doesn't drop a bow. You'll be back
through here shortly.

There's a secret door on the west wall.

6. 2 Wingsects (drops crushing broad sword, magical amulet)

Kill the wingsect quickly before it drains your magic. Then return to
the bridge. Cross it and follow the path.

7. Trickster (on ledge), Warrior Dwarf (below)
Items: 5 pt soul pod (on ledge)
Cune (lower portion)

After you kill the trickster, grab the 5 pt soul pod and put it into
Strength. There's nothing on the far side of the bridge, but there's a
warrior dwarf below. Drop down and dispatch him.

8. Before taking the wide hallway, explore the narrow passage near the
bridge. You'll see a man holding a boulder. He asks you to insert
your sword into a nearby face.

Before you do as he asks, equip your weakest sword (a short sword will
suffice). Do not equip a magic weapon. Walk up to the face in the
alcove and press X. The face chews up your sword and it's gone

The boulder vanishes and the man, after giving his history lesson,
fades away, leaving the passage to the Quaking Cavern wide open.

Now is not the time to explore that lower region. You still have to
get even with Duhrin for making a jackass out of you.

Equip a weapon (remember, your last one was just eaten). Go back to
the small bridge and follow the wide hallway to the room at its end.

8. 2 Beak plants
NPC: Duhrin (drops spirit key)
Items: Poison vaccine (in NE corner)

Kill the beak plants and then have fun chasing Duhrin around the room.
He won't attack you, but he will make you feel unmanly by begging for
his life. Ignore his pleas and keep hitting him. Remember, you're
doing this for Auriel. A long sword works well because of its added
reach. When Duhrin dies, he leaves behind the spirit key.

Take the passage in the northwest corner to the room at its end.

9. Auriel's Shrine
NPC: Auriel (Gives Summoner's Ring of Fire)
Items: Healing Potion

There's a healing potion across the room, but more interesting is the
glass coffin containing a woman's body. Use the Spirit Key on the lock
behind the coffin and the glass case will open, revealing Auriel in all
her glory. She expresses her gratitude with a Summoner's Ring of Fire.
Equip it in your Right Hand and select Explosion under Right Magic.
Chortle with glee at your newfound power.

Head back to Duhrin's lair and search the west wall for a secret door.

10. Watcher plant (drops poison vacine)

When you're done here, return to Duhrin's lair. In the northeast
corner is a passage leading to a cune shop. Stop by and check out the
prices. The first items you should buy are the Soul Pods. If you
can't afford them right now, save your cunes for later.

Leave Duhrin's lair by the door to the east. It will unlock, enabling
you to move freely between Duhrin's lair and the Plant Room.

Head through the passage on the left, save your progress, then return
to the poison passage. Be sure to take a poison vaccine before
entering the green goo.

In Room 3 take a moment to pick up whatever's lying on the floor. Then
proceed to the bridge (Room 4). Like last time, don't get stuck
fighting while you're in the poison. Run for the ladder and climb to
the ledge. From there you can try out your new ring. Target the three
hanging dead on the ceiling and blast them. It should only take one
shot each. While you're at it, feel free to blast the Watcher Plant
down below.

While waiting for the poison below you to evaporate, revisit the room
where you saw the wingsects. The room will be restocked with a
wingsect and watcher plant. Consider killing the wingsect first so it
can't drain your magic points. The wingsect drops one of the most
useful weapons in the game, a bow.

Head through the secret door to the secret room and there you'll find
another wingsect. This one drops your first magical amulet.

Go back to the ledge with the bridge. The green floor should be brown.
If it's not, you missed a hanging dead somewhere and you'll have to
take a poison vaccine and go down to find it. If the ground is brown,
feel free to climb down and collect whatever the hanging dead dropped.

Climb the ladder, cross the bridge and make your way to the passage
where you found the man holding the boulder. Follow the passage into
the Quaking Cavern.

EARTH WORLD 3: Quaking Cavern
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1. 6 Blue Flicker (drop 3 lamps, poison vaccine), 4 Sand Leeches (drops
Items: Wooden gloves (in pond in SE corner)

This level is short but challenging. Upon entry, you are immediately
faced with a variety of monsters. The sand leeches may look harmless
but they spit poison. Try killing the blue flickers first.

Exit the cavern via the nothwest tunnel.

2. 3 Adult Sand Leeches

It turns out those grubs you saw earlier were just babies. The adults
fill the tunnels with lunging teeth. Kill the one in the side tunnel
first; this will give you the room to take out the other two. Your
safest bet is ranged weapons. Your newfound bow works especially well.

Follow the side passage to the room at its end.

3. 2 Acid Pods (drops Dorado's ashes, gauntlets)

Cross the room to the exit.

4. 1 Acid Pod (drops Dorado's ashes), Killjoy (Resist Bracelet)
Items: Poison Vaccine

Return the way you came to the intersection where you fought the adult
sand leeches. Turn right. The large chamber at its end is empty.
Take the tunnel to your left.

5. 2 Cacoon Plants (drops anti-venom)
Items: Poison Vaccine (SE corner)

The cocoon plants are very susceptible to fire spells. Once they are
dispatched, follow the passage to the west to find a repair station.
Here you can trade hit points to repair your items. Be sure to repair
your Summoner's Ring of Fire. You'll need it.

6. 3 Torg (drops broadsword, lamp, scale mail of curing)
Items: 3 cunes, 3 dusts of rage, shield

Before you even approach the door to this room you should seriously
consider returning to the Poisonous Cavern to save your progress. The
Torgs that live here can kill you before you even get through the door.
Do you feel the earth move under your feet? No, it's not love at first
sight. It's the Torg's earthquake power that can travel through walls
and closed doors.

Hit them fast and hard with fireballs alternating with the crushing
broad sword and be ready to quaff healing potions as needed. As soon
as you kill the two in this room race out the door and attack the Torg
that regenerated in room 5. Stopping to search the Torg lair before
dealing with the Torg outside is a big mistake. He'll pulverize you
with earthquakes before you know what's happening. When you kill him,
he'll drop Scale Mail of Curing--the best armor you've found so far.

Once all the Torg are dead you can safely pillage their lair. Stop by
the Repair Shop to mend your items before heading out the way you came.
Take the tunnel up to the large empty chamber, take the tunnel to your
right, going straight at the intersection, until you reach Room 1.

7. Sand Leech

On your way out, be sure to stop by this little cavern to kill the sand
leech that hides here. Then take the door to the Poisonous Cavern.

EARTH WORLD 2: Poisonous Cavern (revisited)

Go straight, turn left under the small bridge and follow the wide hall
to Durin's lair. Exit by the door to your right. To your left is a
save room. Across from it is the door that leads to where you fought
the handing dead. When you come to the room with the bridge, do not
climb the ladder. This time, go straight through the passage in the far
wall. It leads to the next level.

EARTH WORLD 4: Stone Cavern
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The first passage to your left will take you to a shop selling healing
potions. At this point you can consider trading your weakest weapons.
Keep going to the end of the hall and turn right to a hole in the
floor. Drop down.

1. Items: Cune (N wall)

Follow the rails to the south. At the intersection, go left.

2. Sloth Bug (drops divine symol)

A sloth bug lurks around this corner. If you don't want to risk
getting close to this brute, exterminate it with an arrow and a
fireball. Turn left.

3. Sloth Bug, Clay servant

The clay servant will squat and chant gibberish so long as you don't
get too close. Even if you do rile it, it won't chase you very far.
After you dispatch the sloth bug, you can try getting behind the clay
servant with a melee weapon. However, its skin is so tough that
killing him toe-to-toe can be very hard on your equipment. The tight
quarters are another reason to consider using fireballs.

When the monsters are dead, keep following the mine shaft. The passage
on the left is a dead end. Keep going straight.

4. NPC: Dybbuk

As you approach, a Dybbuk appears to taunt you. He disappears before
you can retaliate, leaving a hole in the floor. Scoot carefully around
the hole to continue along the passage. At the end of the hall turn
right. At the four-way intersection turn left.

Before exploring further, consider trotting to the save room at the end
of the hall. Then backtrack to room 5.

5. Hobble Worm (drops healing potion)
Items: Bottle of light (in crate)

The hobble worm is ugly but relatively easy to kill. Just get behind
it and hack to your heart's content. When you're done, check the west
wall for a secret door.

6. 3 Hobble Worms (drop healing potion, great axe)

This room is crowded but it's not too tough. Even if the hobble worms
slow you it won't stop you from hacking them to bits.

When you're done, return to the four-way interesection and turn left.
Follow the shaft to the save room at the far end and avail yourself of
the facilities. That bit of business done, wash your hands and return
to the four-way interesction. Turn left and left again. Keep going
straight. You'll go through an empty room and past a tunnel on your
right. Eventually the shaft Ts off. Go right.

7. 3 demon bats
Items: bottle of light (in crate)
Blue crystal (press X at crystals in far alcove)

In your early days demon bats might have given you pause. Now simply
equip your rapier and finish them quickly.

The blue crystal you find in the far alcove is a key that you will use
on the next level.

Take the exit near the alcove and turn right at the next intersection.

8. 2 sloth bugs (drop divine symbol, harden leg guard), 3 clay servant
(drops bastard sword)
Items: Healing potion (behind logs in SW corner)

The number of monsters in this room is offset by the open space. By
circling, dodging and hitting them from the side, you can whittle away
at the inhabitants. Feel free to use magic as needed to soften them
up. Clearing this room is the hardest part of the level.

Once you have killed the monsters and grabbed their droppings and the
potion in the corner, return to hallway 4 where the Dybbuk created the
hole. The quickest route is to leave the way ou came, turn right, go
the end of the hall and turn right again. Drop through the hole and
take the tunnel to the east. Turn right at the first intersection.

9. NPC: Dybbuk (drops caustic ring)
Items: Healing potion (in crate)

Once more you meet the cowardly beak-nosed Dybbuk. No vanishing act
this time. Chase him down and ignore his cries of murder. You might
feel guilty now, but when he dies and drops a magic Caustic Ring your
guilt will be assuaged.

Leave the room and turn right.

10. 3 Crying roots (drop 3 sacret feathers)
Items: Cune (in SE corner)
Bottle of light (SW corner)

If you felt bad about murdering the Dybbuk for his ring, you're really
going to feel bad about slaughtering the carrot people. You can see
their little heads peeking from the dirt. Simply walk up to one, take
a swing with your weapon, and back away. The crying root springs from
the ground and lets loose a paralyzing screech. Turning them to salad
is pathetically easy.

Once you're done with lunch, head back to the room where you first
dropped in. Take the northern pathway to the next level.

EARTH WORLD 5: False Pit Cavern

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1. Earth Knight (drops large shield of balance)
Items: Cune (SW corner)

The Earth Knight won't advance into the west end of the wide corridor.
Still, you need to beware the long reach of his halberd. Before
tackling him, you might consider hooking to the right into the passage
with the Save point.

Arrows work well against the knight. Once you've cleared the way,
advance into the small passage at the far end of the hall.

2. 2 Acid Pods (drop healing potion)

If it wasn't for the twists of the narrow tunnel, killing the Acid Pods
would be easy. As tempting as it might be to blast the pesky green
boingers with magic, you might want to conserve your spells for the
challenges ahead.

Take the first two left hand turns to reach the ledge overlooking a
vast chasm.

3. Item: Cune (on ledge)

By looking over the side, you can see another ledge below you.
Carefully back off the side of the ledge--do not jump off the middle or
you'll miss the shelf below.

On the lower level, take the first left into the room filled with Acid

4. 3 Acid Pods (drop ring of protection, healing potion)
Items: 14 pt Soul Pod, Tower Shield of Honor

Put the soul pod into Strength. Repair the Tower Shield of Honor as
soon as you can. When it's equipped, you will regenerate hit points up
to half your max. The shield will pay for itself in no time.

When you leave the room, turn left at the T and take the next right.

5. 2 Acid Pods (drops healing potion), 1 Ray Plant (drops deadly
Items: Cune (near entrance), 14 point soul pod, 2 magic potions,
another 14 point soul pod (in chest)

The adversaries in here aren't very difficult and the reward is
considerable. Put the Soul Pods into Strength, Defense or Spirit.

When you're done, leave the room and turn right at the T.

6. Item: Bracelet of composure

As you near the end of the tunnel, be careful you don't get caught by
the invisible warp to Room 7. Be sure to grab the bracelet before you
take the express.

7. 2 Cannon Snails (drops item)

While you're here, put the Blue Crystal you found in the Stove Cavern
into the pillar. The green light makes the monsters on the lower level
invisible, so make sure you've cleared out those areas before using the

Follow the tunnel from the chamber.

8. Acid Pod (drops healing potion)

Turn right at the intersection.

9. Items: 2 Dorado's Ashes

After picking up the items, turn around and turn right.

10. Acid Pod (drops Dorado's Ashes)

More boingers! Turn right at the next interesting on then right again.
Follow the winding tunnel until it opens into an ominous shaft.

11. 2 Guardians

Fighting the guardians is tough. You can't reach them with your melee
weapons, and if you kill them while they're hovering over the pit
they'll drop their items where you can't get them.

Carefully follow the walkway. Not only is the walkway narrow, its
uneven surface makes it hard to stand on without sliding off the edge.
You need to keep moving.

12. 3 Sloth Bugs

Fighting the Sloth Bugs toe to toe is suicide. Now is a good time to
use those arrows and fireballs you've been saving. You have been
saving them, haven't you?

13. Item: Shield

Be sure to grab the shield as you make your way to the level's end.
The door at the end of the walkway leads to the Hostile Rock Cavern.

EARTH WORLD 6: Hostile Rock Cavern

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After the confinement of the False Pit Cavern, this is a snap.

1. 4 Earth Knights (drop 2 anti-paralysis, helmet), 5 Black Onyx (drop
2 bottles of light, healing potion)

Luckily only a few monsters appear in the room at a time. As they die,
replacements appear. Take advantage of the wide-open spaces to keep
moving, hitting the monsters while their backs are to you. Lined up
properly, the stalagmites can block the monsters.

Check the side passages for the treasure and then go through the large

2. Items: Leg guards (in chest)

3. Items: Unknown (nothing will appear if you already have it)

4. Apollos the Dread Knight (drops sword), 2 Earth Knights (drop evil
eye, sacred feather)
Items: Spirit Book (in chest), Plate Mail of Curing (in chest), 5 pt
Soul Pod

Apollos is the boss of Earth World. It may be tempting to attack
Apollos from the hallway but don't bother. He won't take damage unless
you've gone into the room and activated him. You should be able to
kill the Earth Knights from the hall.

Concentrate your attacks on Apollos. When he dies, the Earth Knights
will also vanish.

When you're done collecting the treasure, head through the warp to the
False Pit Cavern.

EARTH WORLD 5: False Pit Cavern (revisited)

This is a very brief trip. You appear in a small passage above the
save point. Simply drop down into the large hall, turn around and save
your progress. Return to the wide hall and cross it to the narrow
passage on the left. The door at the end leads to the Shadow Tower and
from there directly to the Phoenix Cave.

FIRE WORLD 1: Pheonix Cave
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W1 F2

1. Fire Jinn
Items: Shield (ne corner)

Head out the far opening.

2. Fire Jinn
Items: Acid Vaccine (SE corner)

The drawbridge across the lava is up. Go through the far doorway and
turn left.

3. Fire Jinn (drops sword)
Items: Cune (SE corner)

Quickly kill the Fire Jinn, watching for incoming fireballs from the
Jinn across the lava. Throw the lever to lower the bridge, then duck
through the arch to a platform surrounded by lava.

4. Items: Fire World Stone (next to lever)

Throw the switch and pick up the Fire World Stone next to it. Return
through the arch and cross the bridge.

5. Fire Jinn (drops healing potion)
Items: 2 cunes (near lava)

Go through the doorway.

6. Armored Jinn (drops Fire World stone)
Items: Dorado's Ashes (SE corner)

Throw the lever to lower the next bridge to reach the fire jinn
blasting you from across the lava.

7. Fire Jinn

Kill the pesky jinn and go through the opening in the wall.

8. Fire Jinn (drops Healing Potion)
Items: Cune (near bridge)

Before you head for the swtich, use a Fire World Stone.

9. Jinn Lord
Items: cune (near switch)

As you approach the switch, a Jinn Lord appears. He's especially hard
to fight in the tight confines. Also, you will be under fire from the
Fire Jinn across the room. Once you kill the Jinn Lord, throw the
switch and head around to the drawbridge that lowers.

10. Fire Jinn (drops sword)
Items: 2 cunes, Fiery full Helm (in chest)

Your reward for battling this far is the Fiery full helm. Now you need
to make your through the level. Some of the Fire Jinn along the way
will probably reappear.

The path is pretty obvious. Just go over the bridges and wind your way
to room 11.

11. Items: Cune (near bridge)

Exit by the opening in the wall.

12. Items: Amulet of Guardian (SW corner)
Unknown item near lava.

Go out the doorway to Shadow Tower. Take a side trip down the stairs
to the first level of Water World. There you can collect the Fire
World Stones you'll need to get through the rest of Fire World.

WATER WORLD 1: Impure Pool Area

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After you enter the Impure Pool Area, turn left at the first
intersection. At the empty chamber go through the passage to your

1. 4 horned slime (drop 2 Fire World stones), 2 dweller (drops healing

Exit out the far door.

2. NPC: Akryal

The guardian Akryal gives a sob story about thieving sprites. She says
the water behind her is the only pure water in the tower. Your first
sub-quest is to find the pitcher she mentions.

Backtrack to the empty room and turn right.

3. NPC: Mole (gives Acid Vaccine)

Mole warns you not to drink the water. What is this, Tiajuana? Exit
out the far door.

4. 5 horned slime (drops fire stone, sacred feather)

The greenish water is actually acid. You might consider taking off any
footgear you are wearing to prevent it from disintigrating.

Fighting the slime in the acid can hurt you more than it hurts them.
Fortunately, a single fireball will cook a horned slime. You'll take
some damage picking up the items they drop, but it's worth it in the
long run.

5. 1 blood brain
Items: Keenest long sword (SW corner)
Pitcher of Nadya (in chest)

More acid. Run across to get the loot on the other side. The Pitcher
of Nadya is the relic Akryal was pining for. It won't do you any good,
so you'd best return it to its guardian. But before you do, go through
the passage next to the opening you entered through.

6. Items: Cune

Save your progress here. Then return to Room 2 where you met Akryal.

Give her the pitcher and she'll vanish. Now you can drink the healing
water from the trough behind her. You can return whenever you want a
health fix.

Backtrack to the empty room and turn left. At the T intersection turn
left again.

7. 3 dwellers (drop healing potion)

Exit out the far door.

8. 2 dementors (drop acid vaccine, frosty morningstar)

Dementors can be frightening. They're fast and pack a wallop. You'll
be coming this way later after you've finished Fire World, so if you're
feeling weak you can leave the dementors for later. If you choose to
fight them, left them come to the doorway and attack them from solid

There's no reason for you to go through the acid to reach the stairs on
the west wall. All you'll find is a small room with an acid-filled
hole in the floor. Jumping through the hole will take you on a one-way
trip to Water World 2, something you're not ready for if you haven't
finished Fire World. So once you are done giving the dementors a
little therapy, turn back around and take the hallway straight back to
Shadow Tower.

In Shadow Tower, take the ledge on the right to reach Fire World 2.

FIRE WORLD 2: Burning Cave

_________ | |
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1. 4 Mystic Towers (drops lamp)

Avoid their gaze. Not only will they blast you, but they can also
curse you. If you get cursed, you'll slowly lose about 1,000 hp and
mp. The only cure is a Divine Symbol. Since you can't buy them,
they're always in short supply. If you get cursed, kill the remaining
mystic towers before using a divine symbol. There's nothing more
frustrating than using a divine symbol just to get cursed seconds

To make things more difficult, you have to keep to the walls to avoid
the jets of flame.

Once you've deconstructed the Mystic Towers, stop by the nearby save
room. You can also buy a Magic Potion if your magic points are low.
Usually it's better to save your spare items to trade for healing

Next, head down the southern passage. Hold a shield in front of you as
you run through the flames to minimize the damage you'll take.
Equipping fiery items might also help.

2. 1 Mystic Tower
Item: Amulet, gothic shield

Exit out the far opening.

3. 3 Mystic Towers (drop full helmet)

You might want to avoid the mystic towers for now. Next time you go
through this room the flame jets will be off and it will make fighting
them much easier.

Through the south passage is a cune shop with a nearby healing poition
on the floor. Stop by here to buy the following items in this order:
Soul Pods, Fortune Helm, Hardened Gauntlet. The Fortune Helm increases
your magic resistance and enables you to regenerate magic points,
making magic potions superfluous.

Leave through the east passage, wading through flames with your shield
up as necessary.

4. 2 Berserkers, 1 Iron Crusher

Berserkers are my greatest nemesis. They produce rings of flame like
there's no tomorrow and if you get too close they ram you. The magic
damage is pretty mild if you have a Flame World Stone going, but there
are a lot more beserkers in the game than Flame World Stones.

There's no need to try to door to the north. It's locked. Instead
take the passage to the west.

5. The lever in this alcove turns off the flames in all the halls.

Head out the hall to your left and return to Room 3. Kill the Mystic
Towers if you haven't already done so. Then go to the right to the
short metal hall that used to be filled with flame. Search the wall to
your left for a secret door.

6. 4 Mystic Towers (drop lamp)

Leave the secret room and turn right. When you reach the room with
four exits, bear right.

7. 4 Iron Curshers (one drops an axe)
Items: Firy plate mail (on platform)

There's an Iron Crusher in each corner. Run toward one, dodging its
missiles, and slip into the corner behind it. From there you can
safely chop it down.

Climb the platform and take the firy plate mail. Then head through the
warp to the next level. If your equipment is severely damaged you
might want to visit a repair shop first.

FIRE WORLD 3: Molten Cave

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1. 1 healing potion (on platform), 2 anti-venom

Exit by the only door.

2. Mystic Tower (drops amulet of composure)

A mystic Tower lurks in the hall right outside the entry point.
Turning left, fight past the tower to the door at the end of the hall.

3. 3 Juggernaught (drops Dorado's Ashes)

More juggernaughts will appear when you pass back this way. Exit out
the far door. Visit the save point and health potion shop at the end
of the hall. On your way out, go through the door on your left.

4. NPC: Mole

You'll meet Mole in this hall. He gives a dire warning before
vanishing. Go into the room to your left.

5. 3 Steel Servants (drops axe, healing potion)
Items: Shield (up stairs)

Steel servants activate as you get close. Slip into the corner behind
them and beat them into submission. When you leave the room, turn
left. Go through a door and down a hall to a fiery chamber.

6. Abraxus, 5 Horned Skulls

When you first approach this room, enter only far enough to activate
Abraxus. He threatens you with a scorching death. Run away even
before he finishes his spiel. He's immune to all spells and weapons,
making it impossible for you to hurt him. Retreat back down the hall
to where you met Mole (area 4) and he'll give you the key to room 8.

Continue along the hall to the door at the end. Go through and turn
left. Go through two more sets of doors and up a long hall.

7. 2 Mystic Tower (at top of stairs)

Go around the corner and continue to the door at the end of the hall.
The key mole gave you opens the door to this room. Once you open it,
you'll wish Mole would stop doing you favors.

8. 3 Arachness (drops ring of desire)
Item: Firy leg guards (in chest across lava)

Drink an Anti-Venom to resist the poison of the spider women and go to
work with your trusty sword.

For now, don't bother with the chest across the lava. You'll be coming
back soon. Eixt out the hall next to the entrance.

9. 3 Arachness (drops Fire World Stone)
Items: 14 pt Soul Pod (across Lava)

Deju-vu. Another hit of Anti-Venom will help you fight these sisters.
Cross the lava to reach the soul pod. In the southeast corner is a
chain. Pull it and the lava will cool.

Now you can return to room 7 and safely cross the lava to reach the

Head back to room 6 where you saw Abraxus. Watch out for mystic towers
and juggernaughts along the way.

6. 5 Horned Skulls
Items: Fiery long sword (in rock), 14 point soul pod (on ziggurat)

On your return trip, Abraxus isn't quite as mouthy. He gives you a
cool reception. Simply hit him with any weapon and he'll shatter.

The horned skulls are still in here. They are high up and hard to
reach. Don't waste your ranged weapons on them. To get them to your
level, simply go through the warp at the top of the stairs and
immediately warp back to this room. The horned skulls will now be
floating halfway up the ziggurat.

Their horns tend to get caught against the walls of the pyramid,
allowing you to safely slaughter them.

Before you leave this room, be sure to check the rock in the southeast
corner for a firey long sword if you don't already have one. The soul
pod is halfway up the ziggurat.

When you're done, go through the warp at the top of the pyramid and
prepare for your worst nightmare.

FIRE WORLD 4: Ashen Cavern

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1. Items: Gloves (NE corner), Cune(SW corner)

This is a fire-heavy area. Equip your fire shield and fire armor and
take the narrow stairs.

2. 4 Juggernaughts (drops bottle of light, devil horn crown)

Two juggernaughts appear as you approach their platform. A third
appears as you near the pillars to the north. The fourth appears the
next time you pass this way.

Don't even try going across the bridge to the east. Meteors will stike
it, possibly killing you. Instead, proceed to the ruins opposite the

3. 2 bone demons (drops Cune), 1 juggernaught

Avoid the pillars. They tend to fall as you approach. Exit via the
next bridge.

4. 3 zygotes, 2 horn demons
Items: ring of poison (near pillar at A, 2 magic potions (near temple),
unknown object (near temple)

Killing a single zygote is easy. The trouble is, there always seems to
be another one blasting you from afar.

After you kill the zygotes, two horned demons appear. Finish them and
search around the temple for the treasure. When you're done, head
across the bridge to the east.

5. horn demon, zygote (drops plate mail)
Items: Priest ring of Fire (N edge)

The exit is to the south.

6. 2 ruby demon (drops 2 anti-paralytic), 4 cerebus
Items: Fire key

This platform first confronts you with the ruby demons. If you stay at
the foot of the bridge (backing up to fight the downward slide), you
can kill the ruby demons with ranged weapons. Two cerebuses will
appear in the distance. Use a bottle of light if you can't quite see
them. By sanding at the foot of the bridge, you can fight the
cerebuses one at a time with ranged weapons.

Advance onto the platform and grab the fiery key. If your equipment is
in ruins, hop through the nearby gate to visit a repair station.

Return to platform 4 and use the key on the pillar at point A. The
pillar opens to reveal the Flaming Key. Take it and use it to teleport
to platform 7.

7. Ebony Knight (drops fiery bastard sword)

The Ebony Knight is encased in flaming explosions. Use a Fire World
Stone or you'll be a toasty critter.

Once he falls to your attacks, use a Sacred Feather to teleport back to
platform 4. Go right and right again to the platform with the warp to
the Burning Cave.

FIRE WORLD 2: Burning Cave (revisted)

8. There is a repair station against the north wall. Go to the door to
the south and unlock it. Then hop down the passage to the west and
turn north to Shadow Tower. Turn left at the bridge and go down to
Water World 1.

WATER WORLD 1: Impure Pool Area (revisted)

On this trip to Water World, you'll want to walk straight through room
7 and into the room with the acid where you earlier fought the
demontors. Wade into the acid and go up the stairs to the right.

9. The hole in the floor is acid filled. Before you jump in, consider
a few facts. The acid will do 2 points of damage to everything you
have equipped, including your rings, armor and weapons. But taking off
your armor will reduce your strength and hence your hit points. Rather
than damage your primary weapon, armor and shield, you might want to
equip gear that isn't as good. At the very least you'll want to remove
your rings.

You'll also take damage from the acid so make sure you're at full
health. Remember the healing waters in room 2 are just a short walk

Jump into the acid-filled hole. You land in the middle of a fight. As
soon as you hit the ground hit the select button and requip your battle

10. 3 Worm Faces (drop caustic plate and acid vaccine)

If you get cursed in this room it's not because of the Worm Faces. The
footprints on the floor lead to a secret door, and behind that door
you'll sometimes find a Hatchlin. You'll know its there should you get
cursed through the wall.

The wall to the left of where the footprints lead also contains a
secret door.

11. 3 Worm faces (drop 2 Dorado's ashes)
Items: Floodgate Key (on table)

Exit the way you came and go through the secret door that the
footprints lead to.

12. 1 Hatchlin (drops Balance Ring of Frost)

The Hatchlin rarely appears here, which is something of a good thing
because it can curse you through walls.

As you reenter Shadow Tower, follow the ledge to Water World 2.

WATER WORLD 2: Sunken River Area

W3 ______
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1. 1 Kabasaur (drops Floodgate Key)
Items: 5 pt Soul Pod (SW corner)

The slow-moving Kabasaur are a pleasure to kill. It's like shooting
fish in a bucket. By this time, you strength should be high enough
that you can start putting soul points into Defense and Sprit. A high
Spirit will help reduce damage form magic.

Continue out the only other exit.

2. 1 Kabasaur

This large chamber has two acid-filled pools. Avoid them for now. YA
Kabasaur skulks near the passage in the far wall. Kill it and continue
through the passageway.

3. 1 Kabasaur (drops bracelet of composure)

Another Kabasaur sometimes guards the hall to the save point. Save
your progress before tackling the next bit of business.

4. Items: Cune (halfway up hall)

As you leave the save pint, turn right to the small acid-filled pit in
the southwest corner. Last time you jumped in acid you were in it for
just a second. This time you'll be submerged for quite some time, long
enough to destroy everything you are wearing. Strip to your skivvies
and use an acid vaccine before diving in.

Run to the right and use a floodgate key on the stone monument. Then
turn around and race up the stairs and out of the acid. About halfway
along the passage you will find a cune on the floor. The hall end in a
T intersection.

5. 1 Kabasaur
Items: 14 pt soul pod (SE corner)

Put the soul points into Defense. Then hop off the ledge to the west.
Cross the room with the two pools and return to the southwest passage.
You'll discover that it no longer leads to the acid pit but now opens
into a small chamber with interesting wallpaper.

6. 1 Kabasaur (in trench)
Items: Sorcerer Ring of Frost (in locked chest)

Use the second Floodgate Key on the monument in the northwest corner.
The acid in the trench will drain away. Wait for it to subside and
then hop in to kill the kabasaur, should it appear.

The west end of the trench hides a chest with two horns. To open the
chest you'll need the Mermaid Key, which you won't find until later
and, unfortunately, once you find it backtracking to the chest will be
quite a hassle.

To escape the trench, simply head toward the wall opposite the chest.
An invisible one-way warp sends you to the ledge above the pool area
(Room 5).

You'll notice that the second floodgate key emptied the two large
pools. Hop down and prepare for battle.

7. 1 Kabasaur (drops evil eye), 4 Water Knights (drop healing potion,
frosty plate, frosty bastard sword, mermaid key)
Items: Caustic Tower Shield (against south wall)

The pools may have looked separate, but they turn out to be connected.
If you're lucky, one of the monsters will drop the mermaid key.
Otherwise you'll have to return here and hope to find it later.

The exit is a staircase to the north that leads to Water World 3.

WATER WORLD 3: Watery Labyrinth Area
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W2 \__/

In case you're not sick of acid, here's your chance to get your fill.
Choose your boots carefully. The acid can quickly eat through metal
boots. The Hard Leather Boots seem to last well in this environment.
Or, you can simply go barefoot.

You should also equip the Caustic Tower Shield to gain some protection
from the acid.

Walk straight to the first acid-filled room.

1. 1 horned slime (drops healing potion), 1 Kabasaur
Items: 2 cunes (to the right and left of the north exit)

Finding the cunes in the acid can be a real hassle. Go straight to the
next room.

2. 1 horned slime, 1 Kabasaur

Once you kill the monsters, take the tunnel to the right of the
entrance. At the end you'll find a save point, an item repair shop and
a magic potion shop. It's usually unnecessary to buy magic points
especially if you have the Fortune Great Helm, which regenerates magic

Slosh back the way you came and turn left, regaining solid ground.
Turn left at the intersection in the short hall.

3. 2 gaze hoppers (drops dark ring)
Items: Healing potion (in acid against E wall)

One arrow each will drop the gaze hoppers. It's best to shoot them
from the hallway. Follow the dry ground to the left to reach two more
dry passages. Go left.

4. Gaze hopper (drops cune), 2 slashers

This room and the room across from it are often empty on your first

5. Gaze hopper (drops cune), 1 slasher

Turn around and go left at the intersection. Wade across the acid
filled froom to the next chamber.

6. 2 slashers (drop healing potion)
Items: Shield (near E exit)

The flashes of green from the acid make it hard to see the slashers.
Run straight across the room to the dry ground on the far side. Use
the tunnel to retreat as you battle the monsters. Explore deeper into

7. 3 Manna Pythons

These skinny monsters are hard to hit but aren't much of a challenge.
You may have to revisit the room to find all the pythons. Turn around
and when you reach the acid-filled room, go right.

8. 4 Koazul (drop helm, cune), 1 horned slime (drops caustic ring)
Items: 14 pt Soul Pod (by N exit), Cune(E wall)

This is the hardest room of the Watery Labyrinth Area. The Koazul are
tough opponents, and the constant acid damage makes fighting difficult.
Keep an eye on your hit points. It will take a couple of acid vaccines
and many healing potions before you are done. To make matters worse,
the Koazul are fairly magic resistant.

Split the soul pod between Defense and Spirit.

9. 3 blood brains (drop poison vaccine)
Items: Cune (west wall), Cune(at bend in tunnel)

After a long walk through acid (be sure to stop at the bend to pick up
the cune) you reach a room with blood brains. The switch opens a gate
in the adjacent tunnel. Now it's a long walk through acid to get to
room 10.

Follow the long hall. At acid-filled room turn right. Go right at
again at the next room and left at the third room. At the T
intersection turn right, cross the acid filled room and into the acid
tunnel to the room at its end.

10. 3 Great Frogs (drops warrior bow)
Items: 3 acid vaccines (on dry ground)

You'll have to revisit this room to find all the frogs. The first frog
drops the warrior's bow. Stop by the save point and item repair shop
on your way out. Be sure to fully repair your bows before making the
trek to the exit to Water World 4.

WATER WORLD 4: White Rain Area
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1. 5 Winged Worms (drop ax, ashes, leg guard, amulet)

The instant you enter this room you start taking damage from the green
clouds spewing out the walls. Run across the room to the far door.
You can try to protect yourself with a shield, but the shield will
probably be destroyed in the process.

Once you are safely ensconced in the far doorway you can deal with the
winged worms. Corrosive Elements works well against them.

Follow the wide corridor to the ice cyrstal room. The door leads to the
boss of Water World, and I don't mean Kevin Costner.

2. 1 Magi Magus (drops Shadow Wolf), 3 Dragon Turtle (drops acid
Items: Caustic Sorcerer Ring (on icecycle)
29 pt Soul Pod and 2x 5 pt Soul Pods (behind throne)
Great Helm (SW corner)

Slowly enter this room. As soon as the Magi Magus activates, back out.
From the doorway, you can slide to the side to avoid his ice magic.
Arrows work best on the Magus. Slide to the side, pull back your bow,
sidestep into the doorway and release. If a dragon turtle gets in your
way blast it with fire magic.

The Magus lights himself up with an aura of cold, making an obvious

If you go too far into this room, the Magus will start teleporting
around. This makes him almost impossible to hit with arrows, and if
you get too close to him, you'll get engulfed in his frosty aura. Best
to take him out from the doorway.

Once the Magus is dead, mopping up the dragon turtles with fire magic
is easy.

Return to Room 1 and maneuver through the jets to pick up the items
dropped by the winged worms. The warp on the north wall takes you to
the next level.

ILLUSION WORLD 1: Gloomy Domain

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1. Items: lamp

You warp into a room with a cune shop. Visit it and buy what you need.
When you exit the room, go past the first intersection and turn right
at the next. At the far 4-way intersection turn right. Go straight up
the hall to a large room.

2. 1 red puppet (drops sorcerer amulet), 1 blue puppet (drops gauntlets
of resist), 1 Dark Imp

Dart past the puppets to the hole in the south wall. Use arrows on the
Dark Imp. His flute playing will drain you of health, so silence him

Now you can safely dispatch the puppets, being careful to avoid their
spinning legs. Exit the room and turn left at the bottom of the

3. 1 Dark Bishop (drops Dark Priest Ring)

Dark bishops surround themselves with fire, but are susceptible to
arrows. Proceed along the hall.

4. 1 Dark Bishop

Another dark bishop patrols this intersection. Once he is dead, take a

5. 1 red puppet (drops anti-paralytic), 1 blue puppet (drops anti-
paralytic), 1 Dark Imp

An instant replay of room 2. You know the drill. Silence the Imp with
arrows and then join the dance of the puppets.

When you leave, go straight down the hall to the next room.

6. 5 Dark Fairies, 2 ring demons (drops ashes)
Items: 2 locked chests

Before you mess with the chests, check the corners of the ceiling for
dark fairies. Shooting at a dark fairy before it activates will just
waste your ammunition. Approach it until it spits out green poison and
then back off. Kill them with arrows or spells.

There's a ring demon in the NW and SE chests. They are susceptible to
slayer spells.

The two center chests are locked. I don't know how to open them.

Leave the room by the hall opposite the entrance.

7. 3 Maristells (drop 2 cunes), 4 Deba (drops ashes, cune)
Items: Bag of rage (SW corner)
Guardian Great Sword (in corpse)

For now, don't touch the corpse. The Maristella hang from the walls,
one over each door and one in the SE corner. Explosion spells work
well on them. Once they're dead, pull the great sword form the corpse.
A Deba appears to challenge you.

The Deba are the deadliest opponents you'll meet on this level,
combining a nasty drain field, a sold punch, and a hardy resistance to
ranged attacks. Once you kill the first Deba, two more appear. Try
running down a hall. If you're lucky, only one Deba at a time will
follow you.

When you are done with the Deba, head out the northern corridor to the
Bewilderment Domain.

ILLUSION WORLD 2: Bewilderment Domain
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x= gargaral or gordoral
c= Cune

The hallways of the bewilderment domain are strewn with fireball
spurting gargaral, frost blasting gordoral and cunes.

You'll also come across a number of traps. None seem to do any harm.

Follow the hall, ducking fireballs, and kill the gargaral. Turn left,
dodge more fireballs and kill another gargaral. Turn right go to the
end of the hall where you'll find a cune. Turn around and take a left
at the first intersection. Kill the gordoral and turn right to reach a
save point. Turn around and follow the passage, going straight past
the first turnoff and stopping to pick up a cune in front of an
intersection. Go right into a wide hall.

1. 5 demon warriors (drop 2 healing potions)
Items: 2 cunes, 2 locked chests

The demon warriors have a wide swing, making it hard to get behind
them. Opening the chests is still a mystery.

The north passage is impassible so return the way you came. Turn right
at the fork.

2. 1 rotting face, 2 death mages (drops wizard crown)
Items: Cune, 2 locked chests, harden gothic shield (SW corner)

The rotting face above the entrance will curse you as you approach.
Kill it first, then deal with the death mages. When searching this
room beware the invisible pit at the mouth of the southwest passage.

Leave the way you came, taking the second left. Turn right at the T
and then left again. A gordoral shoots at you from a side passage.
Kill it, then return to the main passage. More spellfire rains at you.
Kill the gardaral and grab the cune in the next corner. Kill the next
gardaral, go straight past a side passage and turn to confront yet
another gordoral. Kill it, grab the nearby cune and backtrack to the
side passage. Follow it to your left, killing two more gargaral and
retrieving two cunes. Go straight past a side passage to a large room.

3. Rotting face, 5 war demons (drop shining plate)
Items: Cune, 2 locked chests

Take out the rotting face over the doorway before it curses you. One
of the gates opens and a war demon steps out. Once he is dispatched,
the other gate will open.

A regular broad sword works fine against these formidable-looking foes.

Loot the room and go out the way you came in. Take the right branch
and grab the cune along the way. The first side passage leads to a
healing potion shop. The next leads to a save point. Attend to
business before going to the next level.

ILLUSION WORLD 3: Worship Domain
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1. NPC: Mole

Mole tells you to look for hidden warps. Leave by the north passage.

2. 5 Master Knights (drops sword)

Keep going north.

3. Gorthaur (drops ring of ice)

Corrosive Elements takes him down quickly. As you approach the north
wall it bubbles oddly. Go through the warp into a large empty space.
Go out the north exit.

4. 6 Warpoor
Items: Gothic Shield (SE corner)

Anyone for seafood. Check the east wall for a hidden warp.

5. 4 Warpoor, 1 Wildowess (drops sorcerer ring of poison)
Items: Deadly gauntlets (NW corner)

A little sword swining will thin this crowd. Exit the way you entered
via an invisible warp, then take the opening to your right.

6. Jester (drops bracelet), 4 Cross Breeds (drops devine symbol and
bottle of light)

Corrosive Elements can do up to 2,000 points of damage against Cross
Breeds. The jester is a bit harder to hit and will take some

Take the warp to the final level of Illusion World.

ILLUSION WORLD 4: Dream Domain
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Follow the curing hall to the level's only room.

1. Disguise (drops Mystic Great Helm), 3 Dark Spirits (drop spririt
book, sacred feather, bracelet)
Items: Anti-paralytic (NW corner)
14 pt soul pod, 29 pt soul pod (against far wall)

Use a Fire World Stone to reduce the damage from Disguise's flaming
attack. Like every boss in the game, arrows work well against
Disguise. Once the boss is dead, the dark sprits don't put up much of
a fight.

Take the warp to the next world.

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After the magical foes of Illusion World, it's a pleasure to return to
manly hand-to-hand combat. You start in a room with a save point and a
magic potion stop. Leave via the secret door.

1. 1 Chipper, 4 Night Howlers (drop 3 cunes)

Take the stairs down.

2. NPC: Lizard Servant

Like a greeter at Disneyland, the Lizard Servant welcomes you to
Monster World and offers you a prize--next time you see him.

Search the left wall to find a secret door.

3. 5 Night Howlers (drop 5 cunes), 1 Master Howler (drops Young Dragon
Items: Sword (SW corner), 29 pt soul pod, 5 pt soul pod

Do not leave this level until after you kill Master Howler. You will
need the Young Dragon Gem on the next level.

Put the soul points into Defense and Spirit and leave by the only exit.
Search the wall to your left for another secret door.

4. 1 Night howler (drops cune)

When you leave this room, search the wall on your left for a third
secret door. Immediately search the hallway's right wall for a secret

5. Hermit crab (drops summoner's ring of frost), 5 freaks

Return to the hall and advance to the corner.

6. 3 Saurian Solders, 2 Dinogon

The west wall of the corner has a secret door.

7. 2 Saurian Warriors

This big boys can paralyze you. Try to stay behind them.

Return to the wide hall. At the far end on the left is another secret

8. 1 Saurian Warrior (drops tower shield of balance)
Items: Ring of Dark souls (NW corner)

Step out and climb the nearby stairs.

9. NPC: Lizard Servant

Press X to talk to him. He gives you the Shadow Tiger Sword.

Go down the stairs and follow the wide hall to the secret door at its
far end. Go through it and go left up the stairs. Cross the room to
the staircase and go up to Shadow Tower. Follow the ledge to your left
to reach the next level.

MONSTER WORLD 2: Screeching Area
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1. The warp in the first room takes you back to Water World 1: Impure
Pool Area. Go through it and grab the cune you find there. Also,
unlock the door. If you have the mermaid key, you can go through Water
World to the Sunken River Area to collect the Sorcerer Ring of Frost.

Otherwise return through the warp to the Screeching Area. Proceed to
the next room and take the first opening on the left to visit the save
point and item repair shop. While you're here, be sure to stop at the
cune shop to buy the beast key.

Leave the way you came and take the next passage to the left.

2. NPC: Auriel

Auriel challenges you and then vanishes before you can take her up on
her offer.

Exit the way you came and take the next passage to the left. Run
through the long hall, taking the next right. There are actually
monsters in the hall, but until you reach room 3 they are invisible.

3. Use the Dragon Gem on the central pillar. The denizens of the
Screeching Area will become visible.

Return to the hallway you entered through and clean up the monsters.

4. 2 Warden (vulnerable to explosion spells)

5. 1 Ovid (vulnerable to dual poison)

6. 2 Ovid

Return to the room where you used the Dragon Gem and take the doorway
to the left. Cross the wide hall into a smaller hallway. Across form
you is a locked door. Use the beast key to open it.

7. 3 Oxelus (drop weapon)
Items: 3 cunes

If you want to stay out of their reach, back up against the west wall.
From here you can slide back and forth, hitting them with spells while
dodging their fireballs.

8. 4 cursed demons (drop 29 pt soul pod)

When you leave room 7, cursed demeans appear in the room across the
hall. The real reward for buying the beast key is the 29 pt soul pod
one of the cursed demons drops. Split the points between Defense and

Return to the long hall and follow it to your right..

9. 3 Death Serpents (drops armor), Necron

First dispatch the death serpents near the door. As you advance,
Necron the boss of Monster World appears. Back away from him, plugging
him with arrows as he advances. When you run out of room, sprint past
him and continue shooting arrows as you back away.

The warp at the end of the hall takes you to the next world.

DEATH WORLD 1: Dark Castle Layer
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1. Items: 2 cunes

Save your progress. Then unlock the door and step into the Dark

2. 2 Armored slayers, 3 Armored warriors, 1 Armored Guardian (drops
Sealed Sword Stone)

Cleansing ray works well on these armored foes. It's best if you can
line them up and hit two with one shot.

Exit the room via the passage in the southeast corner. Follow the
passage to Shadow Tower. To your left, the ledge winds down to the
game's final level. Don't bother going there because you won't be able
to get through. Instead, cross the bridge and take the ledge to the

At the door to the Screeching Area, turn around and look over the
ledge. There's a balcony with a rail around it directly below you.
Drop down and land on the balcony. The door takes you to the Lingering
Curse Layer.

DEATH WORLD 3: Lingering Curse Layer

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You're probably wondering what you're doing here when you haven't
finished levels 1 and 2. This backdoor entrance to the Lingering Curse
Layer allows you to explore the level without having your magic sealed,
making it easy to kill the monsters you'll meet. Later you'll come
back and finish off the rest of the monsters.

Follow the long hall to the a skybridge over a large library.

1. NPC: Nyet 3 Amon

Nyet shares his wisdom. Once he's done, race across the bridge and
hack the Amon at the end.

Now turn your attention to the two Amon shelling you from the bridge to
the east. Return fire with Corrosive Elements to take the down.

Jump off the bridge to the library floor.

2. Items: Evil Eye (NE corner)

Exit by the south passage.

3. 2 Aprocrypha, 2 Descrpha, 1 Wizarypha (drop magic potion and spirit

Look up to see these beam-shooting books. Hit them with blaze or
explosion to quickly reenact a scene from Fahrenheit 451.

Exit the way you came . Veer left across the library to the opening on
the far wall. Fall the hallway.

4. 5 Stack Eyes (drop bottles of light and ashes)
Items: Key of Knowledge (in box to South)

Before approaching the cubes on the floor, open the box to the left of
the entrance and take the Key of Knowledge. You'll use the key on your
next visit to unlock the rest of the level.

The stack eyes aren't very dangerous if you activate them one at a
time. Just rush in and strike when they are standing still, then back
off before they start whipping in a circle. Repeat ad nauseum.

When you're done, take the warp to Death World 1.

DEATH WORLD 1: Dark Castle Layer (revisited)

3. Items: Cune, 14 pt Soul Pod

Unlock the door to the east and step into room 3.

4. 1 Karasu, 2 hell hunters

The hell hunters are armed with bows, making them especially annoying.
The openings in the far wall all lead to the same place. Keep going
that direction, taking the short hall to the room where you fought the
armored warriors. Leave by the passage in the far right corner and
return to Shadow Tower.

Cross the bridge and follow the ledge to the Death World 3 jump off
point. Hop down to the balcony and reenter the Lingering Curse Layer.

DEATH WORLD 3: Lingering Curse Area (revisited)

Compared to your last visit, this one will be a snap.

Follow the long hall and cross the bridge high above the library. The
door at the far end is locked. Use the Key of Knowledge to open it.

5. 1 Bugler (drops evil eye), 9 Old Faces (drop healing potion and
sacred feather)

The bugler drains magic points. Quickly find an opening in the rail
and drop down to the floor. Take out the bugler first and then
concentrate on the old faces. Leave by the only exit.

6. Spirit book, Dark Sorcerer Ring

If you already burned the books that guard this room, you won't have a
problem reaching the end of this walkway. Grab the goods and then drop
off the walkway. From there make your way out the only exit. Cross
the library to the hall on the far left. Follow the passage to the
warp back to the Dark Castle Layer.

DEATH WORLD 1: Dark Castle Layer (revisted)

Time now to finish with this level once and for all. Leave the warp
room, go through any of the multiple openings and enter the small
hallway. Turn left and go up the stairs.

5. 1 Armored warrior, 2 armored slayers

Leave by the door across from the window. Go straight at the

6. 4 Tree Ogre (drop items)
Items: Bracelet (west wall)

The tree ogres spew poison. Use a Poison Vaccine before going after

Leave the way you came, turning right at the intersection. Follow the
hall to a crenellated bridge.

7. 1 Hell Hunter (drops cune)

Kill the hunter and backtrack. At the intersection, turn right. Leave
the small room by the door to the left.

8. 1 Armored Warrior (drops cune)

The tight quarters make this fight especially dangerous. Kill him and
continue through the next door.

9. 1 Armored Slayer

Head out the far door to the next level.

DEATH WORLD 2: Undead Layer
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Go straight at the 4-way intersection. Turn left at the next

1. NPC: Mole

Mole encourages you to violence but doesn't offer any help. Upon
leaving, turn left.

2. 3 Skeletons, King Edward
Items: Kings Key (on floor in center of room)
Magical Bastard Sword (sealed on North wall)
??? (sealed on South wall)

Take out the skeletons without advancing too far into the room. Once
they are dispatched, use the sword seal stone on the sword hanging on
the north wall. The sword is better than its counterpart on the
opposite wall. Now approach the throne. At some point anorexic King
Edward will get riled and come after you. Don't bother fighting him.
He is invulnerable to all attacks. Instead, grab the Kings Key off the
red carpet and run out the way you came.

Go straight at the four-way intersection and left at the next four-way.
After the bend in the hall, take the first door on your right.

3. Claw Head
Items: Cune (in room)

A claw head blocks the entrance to the save room. It's not much of a
challenge. Visit the save point and healing potion shop, then return
to the long hall and take the next door on the right.

4. Claw Head

Search the far wall for a secret door.

5. Items: 29 pt Soul Pod, 2 cunes

Return to the hall and head up the stairs to your right.

6. 4 Hell Hunters (drop torch, devine symbol)
Items: Cune (east end of hall)

Grab the cune at the dnd of the hall and go through the nearby door.

7. Claw Head

Enter the room with the stone hand.

8. 6 Demon's Eye (2 bags of rage)

Killing demon eyes can be tough. Look straight up and run directly
under them, then strike with a long weapon. Watch your health and take
healing potions as needed.

Stand to the side of the pulsating red heart and kill it, avoiding the
red clouds it spews.

Leave the room and turn left into the kitchen area.

9. Demon Eye

More demon eyes lurk behind the west wall. I don't know how to get to

When you're done, backtrack to King Edward's throne room. You'll find
he has vanished. Go up to his throne and press X to uncover a secret
passage. Follow it to an empty room with an opening in the far wall.
Search the wall to your left to find a secret door.

10. NPC: Auriel
Items: 53 pt soul pod

Flaunting that dynamite body you restored to her, Auirel gives you a 53
pt soul pod. Perhaps it's a gift to make up for the way she treated
you in Monster World. Shed a tear as she vanishes for the final time.
Alas, Auirel. You hardly knew her. Put the soul points into Defense
and Spirit.

Make sure you have plenty of arrows and head out the way you came.
Turn left at the empty room to reach the last level of Death World.

DEATH WORLD 4: Gate of the Death
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Watch your step. Crossing the narrow bridges is just as dangerous as
the denizens of this level.

1. NPC: Hollow Mage

The Hallow Mage appears to seal your magic. While your magic is sealed
you can't cast spells. However, a Spirit Book will unseal your magic
for quite some time.

2. 3 Hell warriors (drops deadly great shield)

Use ice magic on the hell warriors for quick kills. Then take the
bridge to your left.

3. 2 Doriwi, 1 bone Wolf

Watch out for the bone wolf's paralysis attack. Leave the way you came
and take the next bridge on the left.

4. 4 Doriwi
Item: Gothic Shield of Balance (in chest)

Leave the way you came and take the next bridge on the left.

5. 3 Wyvern (drops sacred feather), 3 Bone Wolves

Use smashing weapons on the wyverns and slashing weapons on the wolves.
Exit by the bridge on your left.

6. 5 Blood Bones (drop sword), 1 Hallow mage (drops Endless Amulet)
Items: 5 pt Soul pod (NW corner)
53 pt Soul Pod (SW corner)

Here you meet the boss of Death World. You might consider destroying
the blood bones before tackling the boss. You can take the skeletons
out fast by using Corrosive Bubbles and then hitting them with a high
damage weapon. If you go for the Hallow Mage first, the blood bones
can cause you problems by paralyzing you at inconvenient times.

The Hallow Mage teleports willy-nilly. Now is the time to use the Evil
Eyes you've been saving. While he's rooted in place, hit him with

Once he dies, head across the bridge and take the warp to the Dark
Castle Layer.

DEATH WORLD 1: Dark Castle Layer (revisted)

Yes, you're back here again. By now you should know the way to Shadow
Tower by heart. Go out through room 4, pass through room 1, and take
the far right passage to Shadow Tower.

If your equipment is in decent shape and you have at least ten arrows,
you can head straight for the Void. Otherwise you'll need to stop by
an item repair shop.

Descend the stairs to the bottom of Shadow Tower. Go through the warp
to the Void.

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If you have killed all the bosses of Shadow Tower, the mouth before you
slowly opens. Pass through it to a long corridor, where you meet the
armored knight Balron.

Using the skills you've honed by long practice, keep behind Balron and
hit him from the side and rear. For variety, use caustic bubbles to
soften him up. Once he starts grunting and recoiling, you know you're
getting close to finishing him.

Balron then casts off his armor and comes at you in his true lizard
form. He's even tougher without his armor, but the same tactics hold
true. Keep an eye on your hit points and be ready to drink health
potions as needed. Balron is bound to hit you a few times with his
wide swings.

Once the Lizard dies, proceed further down the hall until the Demon
King appears. Killing him is easy. Just back out of his reach and
pincushion him with a few arrows. Ignore his whimpers and take him

The game gives you a chance to save, an opportunity you should take.
If you replay your saved game, you'll start at the top of the tower
with all the equipment and experience you've gained from your first
adventure. You can play through a second time to pick up anything you
missed the first time through.

Sit back and endure the anti-climatic cinema that ends the game.

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16.Октябрь 2013
Item FAQ

13.Октябрь 2013

08.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
24.Июль 2014