Rival Schools: United By Fate

Rival Schools: United By Fate

16.10.2013 20:28:07

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Rival Schools: United By Fate
Sony PlayStation, by Capcom (1998)
By Ryouga (ryouga@videogamers.com)


(I) [Introduction]

(II) [Controls]

(III) [Rules]

(IV) [Menus]

(V) [Characters]

(Taiyo High School)
- Batsu - Kyosuke
- Hinata - Hayato

(Pacific High School)
- Roy - Boman
- Tiffany

(Gorin High School)
- Shoma - Roberto
- Natsu

(Gedo High School)
- Akira - Gan
- Edge - Daigo

(Justice High School)
- Hideo - Raizo
- Kyoko - Hyo

(Tamagawa Minami High School)
- Sakura

(VI) [Lesson Mode]

(VII) [Secrets]


(IX) [Acknowledgments]


(I) [Introduction]

- Story -
Recently, mysterious and unexplainable have taken place that have rocked the
country. In high schools all over, students have been mysteriously
disappearing with no clue as to their whereabouts. Furthermore, it appeared
that these unspeakable acts were occurring in direct defiance of the school
system. These disappearances were taking place in many different locations
simultaneously, and many thought that they were being staged by an organized
crime ring.

It was also rumored throughout the world that these acts were being plotted by
school officials or agents of a rogue foreign government. All government
agencies cooperated with each other in the investigation to stop these
mysterious events. Despite their good intentions, all of the blame fell onto
school officials and nothing was ever resolved.

Parents and police could do nothing and the country was paralyzed with fear!
A group of students decided to take matters into their own hands: "We will
protect our schools", they cried. Yet the uneasiness still remains. Will the
students get to the bottom of these strange occurences and bring true justice?

The great fight begins.

- Features -
Rival Schools is a 3D arcade fighting game with gameplay based on the Street
Fighter series. The game was also released on the Sony PlayStation, which
includes two discs: Arcade and Evolution. The Arcade disc contains the true
arcade version of Rival Schools, while the Evolution disc is an enhanced
version of the game with alternate modes of gameplay.


(II) [Controls]

- Basics -

LP: Low Punch LK: Low Kick
HP: High Punch HK: High Kick

D: Down DF: Down-Forward
U: Up DB: Down-Back
F: Forward UF: Up-Forward
B: Back UB: Up-Back

QCF: Quarter-Circle Forward control pad motion.
(Down, Down-Forward, Forward)
HCF: Half-Circle Forward control pad motion.
(Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward)

QCB: Quarter-Circle Forward control pad motion.
(Down, Down-Back, Back)
HCB: Half-Circle Forward control pad motion.
(Forward, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Back)


- Basic Special Moves -

- Blocking -
-Hold Back to block high and mid-range attacks, or hold Down-Back to block
low attacks.
-Blocking Special Attacks will cause a minimal amount of damage to the
-Throws cannot be blocked.

- Super Jump -
- Press Down, then immediately Up-Back, Up, or Up-Forward to perform a Super
jump in the corresponding direction. Super Jumps are much higher than
normal jumps.

- Step -
- Tap Forward twice to Step Forward.
- Likewise, tap Back twice to Step Backward.
- Characters can run by tapping Forward, then pressing and holding Forward.
- Each character can perform these attacks while dashing or running forward:
LP/HP: shoulder tackle
LK: sliding kick
HK: jumping kick

- Rival Launcher -
- Press DF+HP/HK to launch the opponent into the air.
- Rival Launchers vary from character to character, and are listed in the
[Crouch Attacks] and are marked with a star (*).

- Throw -
- Press (LP+HP) to grab or throw a nearby standing opponent.
- Press (D+LP+HP) to grab or throw a nearby crouching opponent.
- Press (LP+HP) to grab or throw an opponent that is facing away.
- Opponents that are crouching cannot be thrown from behind.
- Press (LP+HP) as an opponent throws you to escape their throw.
- Throws and grabs vary from character to character.

- Ditch -
- Press (LK+HK) to sidestep into the screen.
- Press (D+LK+HK) to sidestep out of the screen.
- Ditching is a useful way of dodging attacks.

- Taunt -
- Press Start to Taunt the opponent.
- Taunting will leave the character defenseless, but increase their Burning
Vigor Meter.
- Taunting can only be done on the Arcade version, not the PlayStation game.

- Tardy Counter -
- Use a Special Move motion when blocking an opponent's attack to counter
attack with a Special Move.
- Tardy Counters can also be done in the air.

- Lightning Crush -
- When both characters hit each other at the same time, a bolt of lightning
will strike between them and both characters will receive an extra bar
in their Burning Vigor Gauges.

- Fall Recovery -
- Recover from falling by landing on feet while knocked into air or before
being knocked down. Press any two buttons before impact with the ground.


- Combos -

- TextBook Combo System -
- This is a chain of attacks by pressing any LP/LK twice followed by HP/HK,
then ending with F+HP/HK or a Special Move.

- Air Combo System -
- This launches the opponent into the air and follow up with a chain attack.
By pressing DF+HP or HK, the character will launch the opponent into the
air. Hold Up to Super Jump into the air to perform Textbook Combos in the


- Super Attacks -

- Burning Vigor Attack -
- The meter at the bottom is the Burning Vigor Meter. It can be accumulated
while blocking, attacking, using special moves, etc.
- Burning Vigor attacks consume one bar of the meter and result in a more
powerful Special Attack.
- Each character has around 2-5 Burning Vigor Attacks, as listed below.
- Burning Vigor Attacks marked [A] can only be performed on arcade machines
and the PlayStation Arcade Disc.
- Burning Vigor Attacks marked [E] can only be performed on the PlayStation
Evolution Disc.

- Team Up Technique -
- Consumes 2 bars of the Burning Vigor Meter. A combination of the two
characters performing an attack or a healing move. The Team Up Technique
is dependent on the teammate and NOT the main character. Activated by
pressing LP+LK or HP+HK, which produces a single attack which starts of
the Team-Up if the attack connects. The activation attack is also
dependent on the teammate.

(III) [Rules]

- Match Play -
- Players select a team of two characters.
- If the two characters are from the same school, the game will proceed into
Story Mode, which describes the events between each fight.
- The first character selected is the active character, while the second
is the Team-Up partner.
- The active character and partner can be switched between rounds.
- Characters fight until either one runs out of Vitality Gauge, or the timer
depletes to zero.

- Winning and Losing -
- If a character's Vitality Gauge is reduced to nothing, that then
character is knocked out.
- If the Timer reaches zero, then the character with more vitality in their
Vitality Gauge is the winner.
- If a character wins by K.O., then their Vitality Gauge will recover in
accordance to the amount of time remaining in the match. If a player
wins by Time Over, the character recovers no vitality.
- If one team loses two rounds, then the opposing team wins.

- Draw Game -
- A Draw Game occurs when both characters reach zero vitality at the same
time. In such a case, both characters are eliminated.


(IV) [Menus]

- Lesson Mode - (Evolution)
Practice basic attack skills and get graded on them. See (V) [Lesson Mode]
for more information.

- 1P Game - (Arcade/Evolution)
Play a one-player game against computer opponents

- Cooperate - (Evolution)
Play a two-on-two, four-player game using a PlayStation Multi-tap with four

- Group - (Evolution)
Play a two-player Teams versus mode.

- Versus - (Arcade/Evolution)
Play a two-player game versus each other.

- League - (Evolution)
Select 2-6 characters and play a league battle.

- Option - (Arcade/Evolution)
Change game options:
-CPU Diifculty: Sets the difficulty of the computer opponents (1-8 Stars).
-Attack Power: Sets the damage dealt by characters in battle. (1-4 Stars).
-Timer Speed: Sets the speed of the clock in battle (1-4 Stars or Off).
-Number of Matches(CPU): Sets the number of matches needed to win the
battle in 1P Game mode.
-Number of Matches(VS): Sets the number of matches needed to win the
battle in Versus mode.
-CPU Round Character Change: Set to be able to change active and Team Up
characters between rounds in 1P Game mode.
-Continue Character Change: Set to change characters after continuing in
1P Game mode.
-Vibration: Sets the Vibration feature of the Dual Shock controller.
-Key Configuration: Change the button layout of the controller.
-Sound Test: Several sound option:
*Sound Mode: Set between Stereo and Monaural
*BGM Test: Play any background music from the game.
-Default: Returns all options to their default settings.
-Exit: Return to the Main Menu screen.

- Tournament - (Evolution)
Play a tournament with up to 8 players.

- Record - (Arcade/Evolution)
Save and load game data from a Memory Card, as well as enable Auto-Save.

- Training - (Arcade)
Practice against a sparring opponent. Press Start to bring up the Training
Continue Training: Exits the Training Menu.
Command List: View the character's Special Moves, Burning
Vigor Attacks, and Team Up Technique.
Situation Settings: Set the actions of the sparring opponent:
-Opponent: Makes opponent stand, crouch or jump.
-Guard: Makes the opponent block attacks or not.
-Safe Fall: Makes the opponent perform Safe Falls
or not if knocked into the air.
-Exit: Return to the Training Menu.
Change Character: Return to the Character Select Screen.
Return To Mode Menu: Goes back to the Main Menu Screen.

- Extra - (Arcade/Evolution)
Unlock Special features by playing the game. Those marked [A] appear only on
the Arcade Disc and those marked [E] appear only on the Evolution Disc:
-Movie: View different opening movies.
-Gallery: View different loading screens.
-Watch Mode: Watch Computer characters fight.
[A]-Good Endings: View Good character endings from 1P Game.
[A]-Bad Endings: View Bad character endings from 1P Game.
-Staffroll: View the credits.
[E]-Kyoko's Office: Kyoko will "massage" you via a Dual Shock Controller.
-Exit: Return to the Main Menu screen.


(V) [Characters]


(Taiyo High School)


- Batsu - "Hot-Blooded Transfer Student"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Jab Drop: LP
Straight: HP Overhead Smash: HP Overhead Smash: HP
Elbow Smash: F+HP *Uppercut: DF+HP Downward Straight: F+HP
Overhead Punch: B+HP Short Kick: LK Thrust Kick: LK
Shin Kick: LK Sweep Kick: HK Roundhouse Spin: HK
Thrust Kick: HK Upper Kick: DF+HK Dropkick: F+HK
Stepping Roundhouse: F+HK
Axe Kick: B+HK

Trip Takedown: HP+HK
Takedown Pummel: D+HP+HK
Suplex (behind): HP+HK

[Special Attacks]
Guts Bullet: QCF+Punch (air)
-Batsu tosses a blue fireball across the screen, which will travel across most
of the screen before dissipiating. Using HP speeds up the projectile. This
attack can be done in the air to launch a Guts Bullet downward at an abgle.

Guts Upper: F,D,DF+Punch
-Batsu dashes forward and performs a flaming uppercut. This is fairly quick
and can be worked into the end of a combo.

Crescent Star Kick: QCB+Kick
-A quick turnaround followed by a crescent-shaped kick for up to three hits
if used up close. There is a large lag time between the motion and the actual
kick, but can be used as an anti-air move.

Shooting Star Kick (air): QCF+Kick
-A diving kick goes almost straight down, hitting up to five times up close.
Be careful, if an opponent blocks this, Batsu will be bounced into the air
and open to any possible attack.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Super Guts Bullet: QCF,QCF+Punch (air)
-A more powerful version of the Guts Bullet, Batsu tosses a large blue fireball
that dissipates after crossing most of the screen. This can also be done
in the air to throw the Super Guts Bullet at a downward angle.

[A] Rival Launcher: QCB,QCB+Punch (Punch rapidly)
-An uppercut followed by an auto air combo. Press Punch buttons rapidly after
the launcher hit to score more hits and damage.

[E] Shooting Comet Kick (air): QCF,QCF+Kick
-A more powerful Shooting Star Kick that hits multiple times. This attack
can only be done in the air.

[Team Up Technique]
Double Guts Bullet
-Batsu and his partner charge up two Super Guts Bullets, which the unleash
simultaneously on their opponent.
Start-Up: Straight punch.


- Hinata - "Whirlwind Schoolgirl"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Jab Drop: LP
Hook: HP Uppercut: HP Overhead Punch: HP
Straight: F+HP Upward Smash: DF+HP Overhead Smash: F+HP
Shin Kick: LK Short Kick: LK Thrust Kick: LK
Thrust Kick: HK Sweep Kick: HK Roundhouse Spin: HK
Backdoor Roundhouse: F+HK *Backdoor Thrust: DF+HK Overhead Spinkick: F+HK
Axe Kick: B+HK

Shoulder Slam: HP+HK
Boston Crab: D+HP+HK
Suplex (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Rengekiken: QCF+Punch (Punch rapidly)
-Hinata punches rapidly, then finishes with a flaming sphere. Tap Punch
rapidly to increase the number of hits and damage that the attack deals.

Shouyouken: F,D,DF+Punch
-Hinata dashes forward and leap into the air with an uppercut. Hinata will
sidestep before the punch when using HP, which will also flame opponents
when hit.

Enbukyaku: QCB+Kick
-Hinata spins forward with a flaming kick. HK will hit and spin more times
than LK.

Renkyakudan (air): QCF+Kick (Kick rapidly)
-Hinata kicks off her shoe downward at her opponent while in mid-air, acting
as a projectile. Tap Kick rapidly to shoot up to three shoes. HK makes the
shoes travel quicker than LK.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Fire Senpuu-Kyaku: QCB,QCB+Kick (air)
-A more powerful version of the Enbukyak, Hinata spins in place with a
flaming kick.

[A] Rival Launcher: QCB,QCB+Punch (Punch rapidly)
-An air-launching punch followed by an auto air combo. Similar to Bastu's,
just jam on Punch rapidly to rack up the hits and damage.

[E] Super Rengekiken: QCF,QCF+Punch
-A more powerful variation of the Rengiken, Hinata will punch rapidly nine
times, then dash forward with a flaming uppercut.

[Team Up Technique]
Guts & Power
-Hinata runs in and encourages her teammate, which increases their Burning
Vigor meter by 5 levels.
Start-Up: Energy Column.

Hinata2 plays almost identically to Hinata, but cannot use the Rival Launcher
and can always use the Super Rengekiken She also has a new Team Up Tehnnique:

[Team Up Technique: Hinata2]
Crossfire Kick
-Hinata2's teammate uppercuts the opponent into the air, then leaps up and
smash punches them. After that, both characters cross-kick the opponent.
Start-Up: Close uppercut.


- Kyosuke - "Mysterious Comittee of Discipline"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Jab Drop: LP
Lunging Straight: HP Uppercut: HP Overhead Punch: HP
Stepping Palm: F+HP Short Kick: LK Uppercut: F+HP
Spinning Backfist: B+HP Double Leg Sweep: HK Punt Kick: LK
Shin Kick: LK *Backdoor Thrust: DF+HK Downward Thrust: HK
Thrust Kick: HK Spin Roundhouse: F+HK
Roundhouse Kick: F+HK
Arc Axe Kick: B+HK

Vertical Suplex: HP+HK
Leg Toss: D+HP+HK
Suplex (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Cross Cutter: QCF+Punch
-Kyosuke tosses a pair of energy waves, one upward and one downward, that
both arc back together and form a larger energy wave. HP send the
projectiles faster than LP.

Shadow Cut Kick: QCF+Kick (air)
-Kyosuke leaps into the air and somersaults backwards with a kick. Using LK
will flip in place, while HK moves slightly forward. This attack can also be
done in the air at an arc corresponding to Kyosuke's jump.

Lightning Upper: F,D,DF+Punch
-Kyosuke uppercuts and a bolt of lightning rises from the ground. This attack
knocks opponents into the air.

Shadow Wave (air): QCF+Punch
-Kyosuke slashes his arms and creates a wave of energy in front of him. This
attack can only be done in the air, and has very short range.

Shadow Breaker: QCB+Punch
-Kyosuke hops forward and smashes downward with a punch charged with
lightning. HP hits twice up close and travels higher than LP.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Super Cross Cutter: QCF,QCF+Punch
-A more powerful version of the Cross Cutter, Kyosuke launches five small
energy waves that arc into one giant one.

Double Shadow Cut Kick: QCF,QCF+Kick (air)
-A more powerful variation of the Shadow Cut Kick, Kyosuke somersaults twice
in a row, then performs a multi-hitting Shadow Wave. This attack can also
be done in the air

[Team Up Technique]
Last Symphony
-Kyosuke leaps onto the screen and both characters perform a series of kick
attacks on the opponent finished by a pair of somersault kicks.
Start-Up: Spinning backhand.


- Hayato - "Burning Teacher"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Jab Drop: LP
Overhead Shenai: HP Shenai Sweep: HP Downward Straight: HP
Shenai Stab: F+HP *Shenai Uppercut: DF+HP Shenai Thrust: F+HP
Shenai Slash: B+HP Short Kick: LK Punt Kick: LK
Shin Kick: LK Sweep Kick: HK Downward Thrust: HK
Thrust Kick: HK
Roundhouse Kick: F+HK
Axe Kick: B+HK

Smash Punch: HP+HK
Takedown Pummel: D+HP+HK
Suplex (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Counter Thrust: QCB+Punch
-Hayato will take a defensive stance and charge a sphere of energy around
himself while taking his opponent's hits, then unleash a flaming multi-hit
counterattack punch.

Scolding Slash: QCF+Punch
-Hayato will slash repeatedly with his shenai. LP will slash three times,
while HP will slash five. This attack can also be done in the are at an
arc corresponding to Hayato's jump.

Devastation Kick: QCF+Kick
-Hayato falls onto his back and pushes himself feet-first into the air.
Using LK will propel Hayato straight up, while HK will send him slightly

Second Kick: QCB+Kick
-Hayato performs a quick jumpkick forward. He cannot be hit low during this

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
P.E. Smack: QCF,QCF+Punch
-Hayato performs a close-range smack with his shenai. If this hits, then
he will knock his opponent to the ground and force them to do several
push-ups, and then smack them again with his shenai.

Super Counter Thrust: QCB,QCB+Punch
-A more powerful version of the Counter Thrust, will take a defensive
stance and charge a sphere of energy around himself while running forward
a couple steps and taking his opponent's hits, then unleash a flaming
multi-hit counterattack punch.

[Team Up Technique]
Sphere of Confidence
-Hayato repeatedly smacks his partner with his shenai, which builds up a
sphere of energy around them. With a final smack, the active character
launches the energy sphere at the opponent.
Start-Up: Close uppercut.


(Pacific High School)


- Roy - "Stouthearted American"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Jab Drop: LP
Straight Punch: HP Overhead Smash: HP Downward Straight: HP
Gut Blow: F+HP *Uppercut: DF+HP Backfist: F+HP
Hop Overhead Smash: B+HP Short Kick: LK Punt Kick: LK
Shin Kick: LK Sweep Kick: HK Downward Thrust: HK
Thrust Kick: HK Spin Roundhouse: F+HK
Stepping High Kick: F+HK
Backflip Kick: B+HK

Neck Twister Slam: HP+HK
Powerbomb: D+HP+HK
Neck Ride (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Dynamite Straight: QCF+Punch
-Roy slides forward with a lunging punch that knocks opponents far away.
HP slides farther than LP.

Twister Upper: F,D,DF+Punch
-Roy dashes forward and leaps into the air with a spinning, flaming uppercut.
Using HP sends Roy higher in the air, and can hit multiple times up close

Touchdown Wave: QCB+Punch
-Roy punches the ground and sends and creates a column of energy. Using LP
will shoot the column forward before it dissipiates, while HP makes the
column stand still.

Fist Slam (air): QCF+Punch
-Roy will punch downward while in mid-jump, which will smash opponents
against the ground. This is a fairly close-range attack.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Triple Twister: QCF,QCF+Punch
-A more powerful version of the Twister Upper, Roy performs three flaming
uppercuts in a row.

Super Touchdown: QCB,QCB+Punch
-A more powerful version of the Touchdown Wave, Roy leaps forward and punches
the ground, creating three columns of energy in front of him.

[Team Up Technique]
Double Rising Tornado
-The active character knocks the opponent into the air, then Roy and his
partner spin into the air and uppercut the opponent higher into the air.
Start-Up: Close uppercut.


- Tiffany - "Flamboyant Cheerleader"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Jab Drop: LP
Hook Punch: HP Overhead Smash: HP Right Fist Smash: HP
Clap Punch: F+HP *Uppercut: DF+HP Left Fist Smash: F+HP
Straight Punch: B+HP Short Kick: LK Poke Kick: LK
Shin Kick: LK Sweep Kick: HK Downward Thrust: HK
Thrust Kick: HK Spilts Kick: DF+HK High Roundhouse: F+HK
Stepping High Kick: F+HK Stomp Kick: D+HK
Axe Kick: B+HK

Neck Twister Slam: HP+HK
Takedown Pummel: D+HP+HK
Suplex (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Beautiful Spin: F,D,DF+Kick
-Tiffany flips onto her hands and pushes herself upward with a spiralling
kick. LK sends Tiffany straight up, while HK moves forward slightly.

Groovy Punch: QCB+Punch (charge Punch)
-Tiffany will spin her arm around and charge her punch as long as a Punch
button is being held. When it is released, Tiffany will step forward and
unleash the punch. At full power, Tiffany will create a rainbow swirl and
the punch will knock the opponent across the screen.

Groovy Knuckle: QCF+Punch (charge Punch)
-Tiffany will crouch and spin forward three times as long as the Punch
button is held. When it is released, she will perform a backhand, which
will knock the opponent down if all three spins have been performed. Using
HP will make Tiffany sidestep while spinning, while LP will spin directly
forward. Pressing any other attack while Tiffnay is spinning will cancel
the attack.

Exciting Kick: QCB+Kick (air)
-Tiffany will leap high and back into the air, then perform a diving kick
forward. HK leaps higher into the air and performs more hits than LK. This
attack can also be performed in the air for the diving kick.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Wonderful Kick: QCF,QCF+Kick
-A more powerful variation of the Beautiful Spin, Tiffany will perform
two somersault kicks in a row followed by a multi-hitting Beautiful Spin
kick upwards.

[A] Rival Launcher: QCB,QCB+Punch (Punch rapidly)
-Tiffany will uppercut her opponent into the air, then Super Jump and
combo them for a few hits. Pressing Punch rapidly will have Tiffany end
with a multi-hitting Exciting Kick

[E] Wonderful Knuckle: QCF,QCF+Punch
-A more powerful variation of the Groovy Knuckle, Tiffany will perform
four spinning Groovy Knuckle hankhands in a row, then a half-charged
Groovy Punch. If the opponent is hit by all the Groovy Knuckles, they
will be stunned for the Groovy Punch to hit.

[Team Up Technique]
Love & Peace
-Tiffany leaps into her partner's arms and kisses them, restoring some of
their Vitality Gauge

Tiffany2 plays almost identically to Tiffany, although she cannot use the
Rival Launcher and can always use the Wonderful Knuckle. She also has a
new Team Up Technique:

[Team Up Technique]
Bridge Drop
-Tiffany2 slides through her partner's legs, kicking them to the ground and
leaping high into the air. Then both Tiffany2 and her teammate dogpile onto
their opponent.
Start-Up: High axe kick.


- Boman - "Fighting Clergyman"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Backfist: LP Backfist: LP
Body Blow: HP Short Uppercut: DF+LP Downward Straight: HP
Stepping Straight: F+HP Overhead Smash: HP Straight Punch: F+HP
Hop Overhead Punch: B+HP *Uppercut: DF+HP Punt Kick: LK
Short Kick: LK Short Kick: LK Roundhouse Spin: HK
Thrust Kick: HK Extended Kick: HK
Axe Kick: F+HK Short Slide: DF+HK

Shoulder Drop: HP+HK
Takedown Pummel: D+HP+HK
Suplex (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Great Upper: QCF+Punch (X3)
-Boman will dash forward and uppercut. Repeat the motion three times to
have Boman perform a Great Upper, Cross Punch, and Haymaker Straight combo.
Using HP will make Boman dash back and sidestep before the Great Upper,
while LP will move straight forward.

Haymaker Straight: HCB+Punch
-Boman will execute a powerful straight punch that sends opponent across the

Great Rush: F,D,DF+Punch
-Boman will punch repeatedly into the air. Using LP will punch three times,
while HP will punch four and finish with a downward smash punch.

Great Lariat (air): QCB+Punch
-Boman will extend his arms and spin around several times while in mid-air.
Using HP will hit twice up close, while LP only hits once.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Best Rush: QCF,QCF+Punch
-A more powerful variation of the Great Upper and Haymaker Straight combo,
Boman will go into a punching flurry that sends opponents across the screen.

Great Cross: QCB,QCB+Punch
-A more powerful variation of the Great Lariat, Boman will extend his arms
and spin straight up into the air, hitting opponent multiple times.

[Team Up Technique]
Double Power Buster
-The active character knocks the opponent into the air, then they and Boman
leap up and grab the opponent and slam them on their backs.
Start-Up: Close uppercut.


(Gorin High School)


- Shoma - "Explosive Slugger"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Jab Drop: LP
Overhead Bat: HP Uppercut: HP Overhead Smash: HP
Bat Swing: F+HP *Bat Uppercut: DF+HP Bat Swing: F+HP
Overhead Bat Mash: B+HP Short Kick: LK Thrust Kick: LK
Short Kick: LK Short Slide: HK Downward Thrust: HK
Thrust Kick: HK
Double Roundhouse: F+HK

Bat Smash: HP+HK
Piledriver: D+HP+HK
Suplex (behind): HP+HK

[Special Attacks]
Fast Ball: QCF+Punch (air)
-Shoma throws a high baseball quickly across the screen. Using HP throws the
ball faster than LP. This attack can also be done in the air to throw a
baseball downward at an angle.

Grand Slam Smash: F,D,DF+Punch
-Shoma spins around with his bat, then swings it. This will hit twice up

Homicide Slide: QCF+Kick
-Shoma performs a quick jumpkick forward. He cannot be hit low while
performing this attack.

Baseline Shuffle: B+LK+HK
-Shoma slowly sidesteps while taunting. Pressing any direction cancels the
move. This can follow into:

[]Sliding Kick: LK
-Shoma performs a sliding low kick attack.

[]Homicide Slide: HK
-Shoma performs a leaping high kick attack.

Catcher: HCB+Punch
-Shoma thrusts forward with his bat. If this hits, he will lift his opponent
into the air and spin them several times, then throw them.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Hundred Balls: QCF,QCF+Punch (air)
-A more powerful variation of the Fast Ball, Shoma will throw a flurry of
baseballs at a small radius in front of him, which can hit multiple times
before the baseballs dissipiate after a few steps. This attack can also
be done in the air to launch the baseballs at a downward angle.

Homerun Hitter (1,81): QCB,QCB+Punch
-A more powerful variation of the Grand Slam Smash, Shoma will wind up
and perform a powerful swing with his bat. Up close, this will launch
opponents across the screen. If only the top of Shoma's bat hits, then it
with just knock them down.

[Team Up Technique]
Grand Slam
-The active character bops the opponent into the air, then leaps up and
smashes them down to Shoma, who smashes them across the screen with his bat.
Start-Up: Close uppercut.


- Natsu - "Powerful Attacker"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Backfist: LP Jab Drop: LP
Slap: HP Uppercut: HP Downward Slap: HP
Stepping Slap: F+HP *Spinning Uppercut: DF+HP Overhead Chop: F+HP
Overhead Slap: B+HP Short Kick: LK Punt Kick: LK
Short Kick: LK Sweep Kick: HK Downward Thrust: HK
Thrust Kick: HK Spin High Kick: DB+HK Arc Axe Kick: B+HK

Slapfest: HP+HK
Piledriver: D+HP+HK
Neck Ride (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Jumping Serve: QCF+Punch (air)
-Natsu serves an overhead volleyball forward, which arcs downward towards the
ground. Using HP will send the ball farther than LP. This attack can also be
used in the air to send a volleyball downward at an angle.

Sliding Receive: F,D,DF+Punch
-Natsu will slide forward and slap upward, then roll along the ground. Only
the slap will hit the opponent, and will knock them back into the air.
Using HP will slide and roll slightly farther than LP.

Rolling Receive: QCB+Punch
-Natsu will roll forward and uppercut will both arms, launching her opponent
into the air. This counts as a Rival Launcher and can be followed by an air
combo. Using HP will roll slightly farther than LP.

Tokkun Spike (air): QCB+Punch
-Natsu will strike downward while in mid-jump, which smashes opponents into
the ground. This close-range attack can hit twice up close.

Set N' Spike: HCB+Kick
-Natsu will perform a close-range uppercut. If this hits, she will knock her
opponent into the air twice, then somersault into the air and smash them
to the ground.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Thousand Spikes: QCF,QCF+Punch
-A more powerful variationn of the Jumping Serve, Natsu will float in the air
and hit five flaming volleyballs forward, which arc downward towards the
ground. Using LP will make the first volleyball land farther while the rest
arc closer, and the final one closer. Using HP will make the first volleyball
land closer while the rest arc farther out.

Blazing Spike (air): QCF,QCF+Punch
-Another more powerful variation of the Jumping Serve, Natus will serve a
multi-hitting, flaming volleyball downward at an angle while in mid-jump.
Using HP will send the ball farther than LP.

[Team Up Technique]
Praise & Spirit
-Natsu runs to her teammate and slaps them twice on the shoulders, then slaps
their back. This raises their Burning Vigor Gauge by five bars.
Start-Up: Column.

Natsu2 plays identically to Natsu, with the exception of a different throw
and an alternate Team Up Technique:

Shoulder Slam: HP+HK
Piledriver: D+HP+HK
Neck Ride (behind): HP+HK

[Team Up Technique]
Final Spike
-Natsu2's teammate bops the opponent into the air, then leaps up and smashes
them toward the ground. Natsu2 slides in and hits them back into the air,
then both her and her teammate leap up and smash the opponent together.
Start-Up: Close uppercut.


- Roberto - "Talented Goalkeeper"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Jab Drop: LP
Overhead Smash: HP Overhead Smash: HP Downward Punch: HP
Stepping Straight: F+HP Short Kick: LK Straight Punch: F+HP
Short Kick: LK Sweep Kick: HK Poke Kick: LK
Thrust Kick: HK *Backflip Kick: DF+HK Downward Thrust: HK
Kick Juggle: F+HK (press HK repeatedly) Goal Kick: F+HK
Axe Kick: B+HK

Ground Smashes: HP+HK
Boston Crab: D+HP+HK
Neck Ride (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Shining Save: QCF+Punch
-Roberto dives forward into the air with glowing hands. If he hits a jumping
opponent, he will grab them and smash them into the ground, then kick them.
Hitting an opponent that is not jumping will knock them down but deal no
damage. Using HP dives farther and higher than LP.

Long Shot: QCF+Kick
-Roberto kicks a soccer ball forward. Using LK will arc the ball upward then
fall back to the ground, while HK will make the ball arc diagonally into the
air but disappear after a bit.

Rising Kick: F,D,DF+Kick (air)
-Roberto will leap into the air with a knee attack. Using HK will perform
a second kick after the knee. This attack can also be performed in the air.

Sliding Kick: QCB+Kick
-Roberto will perform a quick crouching sidestep clockwise, then slide
forward with a kick.

Bicycle Kick (air): QCF+Kick
-Roberto will turn around in mid-air and perform a backflip kick which smashes
opponents into the ground. Using HK will flip and hit twice up close.

Flash Feint: B+LK+HK
-Roberto will take a quick sidestep counter-clockwise, then take two quicker
sidesteps clockwise. If done up close, Roberto will run around to his
opponent's back.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Victory Goal: QCF,QCF+Kick
-A more powerful variation of the Long Shot, Roberto will kick a flaming,
multi-hitting soccer ball forward which arcs slightly into the air. Using HK
will cause the soccer ball to raise slightly higher than LK.

Rival Launcher: QCB,QCB+Kick (Kick rapidly)
-Roberto will Backflip Kick his opponent into the air, then Super Jump with them
and perform a small air combo. Pressing Kick rapidly will make Roberto perform
a Bicycle Kick at the end of the air combo.

[Team Up Technique]
Double Shot
-The teammate will kick the opponent to Roberto, who hits them with his knee
into the air, then headbutts them high. Then both characters kick the
opponent across the screen.
Start-Up: Forward roundhouse kick.


(Gedo High School)


- Akira - "Kung-fu Rider"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Jab Drop: LP
Low Palm Strike: HP Uppercut: HP Downward Chop: HP
Stepping Back Chop: F+HP *Stepping Uppercut: DF+HP Poke Kick: LK
Short Kick: LK Short Kick: LK Thrust Kick: HK
Thrust Kick: HK Sweep Kick: HK Flip Heel Drop: F+HK
Arc Kick & Spin Kick: F+HK,HK

Side Slam: HP+HK
Leg Toss: D+HP+HK
Suplex (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Gate Elbow: QCF+Punch
-Akira dashes forward and performs a mid-level elbow strike. Using HP will
perform a quick sidestep before the dash.

Dancing Cyclone Kick: QCF+Kick (X3)
-Akira will spin forward with a kick attack. Using LK will perform spinning
sweep kicks, while HK will perform hopping high spin kicks. In either case,
the motion can be repeated three times for three kicks.

Leg Up (throw): QCB+Kick
-Akira grabs her opponent's leg and throws them into the air. This can be
followed by an air combo, but it is tricky since a Super Jump will leap
over the opponent and a normal jump is too short.

Reflex Stance: QCB+Punch
-Akira gets into Reflex Stance, which can be lead into the following combos:

[]Launch Pad: LP,HP,HK,LK,LK,LK
-Akira will perform tow advancing punches, then a launching flip kick
followed by a rapid jumping kick.

[]Bully Beater: LK,LK,LK,LP,HP,HK
-Akira will perform a rapid kick followed by a low palm strike, then
a lunging punch, finished with an advancing roundhouse kick.

[]Falter Bash: HP,LP,LK,HK
-Akira will perform a Gate Elbow, followed by high and low Dancing
Cyclone Kicks and finished with a lunging palm strike.

[]Air Feast: HK,LK,LK,LK,LP,HP
-Akira will perform a launching flip kick followed by a rapid kick,
a downward jab and a straight punch.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Skull Aura: QCF,QCF+Punch (air)
-Akira creates a large, rotating skull in front of her that can hit multiple
times. This attack can also be performed in the air to create the skull at
a downward angle.

Reflex Barrage: QCB,QCB+Punch
-A more powerful version of the 'Bully Beater' Reflex Stance combo, except
Akira will perform all of the attacks without needing to perform the
Reflex Stance or push the buttons in order.

Aerial Barrage: QCB,QCB+Kick
-A more powerful version of the 'Air Feast' Reflex Stance combo, except Akira
will perform all of the attacks without needing to perform the Reflex Stance
or push the buttons in order.

[Team Up Technique]
Neo Synchronous Attack
-The teammate grabs the opponent and Akira performs a series of punches and
kicks on them. Then the teammate attacks as well and both characters finish
with a lunging double punch.
Start-Up: High grab.

akira plays very similarly to Akira, with a few minor changes. First off, her
Gate Elbow attack will perform an uppercut that knocks opponents into the air.
Secondly, she has an alternate Team Up Technique:

[Team Up Technique]
Neo Synchronous Attack
-The teammate will knock the opponent into the air, then akira and her partner
will backflip twice and uppercut the opponent as they fall, then axe kick
them across the ground. Then they both leap into the air and perform a diving
kick that drags the opponent across the ground and hits multiple times.
Start-Up: Close uppercut.


- Edge - "Bloody Knife"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Jab Drop: LP
Headbutt: HP Uppercut: HP Overhead Punch: HP
Spinning Knife Slash: F+HP *Knife Uppercut: DF+HP Punt Kick: LK
Short Kick: LK Short Kick: LK Roundhouse Spin: HK
Thrust Kick: HK Sweep Kick: HK Arc Axe Kick: F+HK
Somersault Heel Drop: F+HK *Handstand Kick: DF+HK
Roundhouse Spin Kicks: B+HK,HK,HK,HK

Vertical Suplex: HP+HK
Takedown Pummel: D+HP+HK
Suplex (behind): HP+HK

Reversing Blade Strike: QCF+Punch (X4) (air)
-Edge will toss a spinning knife forward. Using LP will toss the knife low
while HP will toss high and spin Edge backwards. Repeating the motion a second
time will toss a second knife at the opposite height. Also, it is possible to
perform the attack twice with LP and then twice with HP for a total of four
knives. This attack can also be performed in the air to throw a knife at a
downward angle, in which case HP will throw farther out than LP. The knives
will always dissipiate after a small distance.

[E] Upward Blade Strike: QCB+Punch (X2)
-Edge throws a spinning knife upward at an angle. Using HP will throw the knife
more outward than LP. Performing the attack with LP can chain into the attack
with HP to launch a total of two knives into the air.

Destructive Kick: QCF+Kick
-Edge will kick up a cloud of dust that damages opponents. Using LK will kick
up a low dust cloud, while HK will make Edge turn around and somersault to kick
up a high cloud.

Rising Blade Abuse: QCB+Kick
-Edge dives forward along the ground with his knives extended. LK performs a
quick sidestep before the dive, while HK does a quick step back.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Bloody Festival: QCF,QCF+Punch
-Edge does a quick sidestep and dashes half way across the screen. If he hits
his opponent, he will unleash a flurry of knife slashes finished with a
somersault heel drop.

[A] Rival Launcher: QCB,QCB+Punch (Punch rapidly)
-Edge will knife uppercut his opponent into the air, then Super Jump and
perform a flurry of kicks on them. Pressing Punch rapidly will perform a
Reversing Blade Strike at the end.

[E] Destruction Kick (air): QCF,QCF+Kick
-A more powerful variation of the Destructive Kick, Edge somersaults several
times in mid-jump and sprays dust downward at an angle.

[Team Up Technique]
Bloody Nightmare
-The teammate will knock the opponent into the middle of the screen, then
they and Edge will dash by several times with slashing attacks.
Start-Up: Spinning high kick.


- Gan - "Powerful Juvenile Gang Leader"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Backfist: LP Backfist: LP
Smash Punch: HP Overhead Smash: HP Downward Punch: HP
Straight Punch: F+HP *Uppercut: DF+HP Punt Kick: LK
Overhead Smash Punch: B+HP Short Kick: LK Thrust Kick: HK
Short Kick: LK Thrust Kick: HK Dropkick: F+HK
Thrust Kick: HK
Ground Stomp: F/B+HK

Headbutt Slam: HP+HK
Piledriver: D+HP+HK
Back Ride (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Gun Stabbing: QCF+Punch (2-3X)
-Gan slides forward while slapping twice. If LP is used, the motion can be
repeated again for a total of four slaps. If HP is used, the motion can be
repeated twice for a total of six slaps.

Rough Wave Stomping: QCF+Kick
-Gan stomps the ground and creates a column of flame. If this hits, it will
knock the opponent into the air.

Rock Smashing: F,D,DF+Punch
-Gan will hop forward and smash downward with both fists. Using HP will hop
higher and farther than LP.

Clapping Hand Destruction: QCB+Punch
-Gan will clap in front of him, which creates a small shockwave around his
hands. Using HP will cause a bigger delay before and after the clap.

Thunder Clap (throw): HCB+Punch
-Gan grabs his opponent's leg and flails them about before slamming them into
the ground. This attack must be done up close and must be blocked low.

Double Pound (air): QCF+Punch
-Gan will smash downward with both fists during mid-jump, smashing opponents
into the ground. This is a close-range attack.

Cannon Ball (air): QCF+Kick
-Gan will drop straight down on his butt in mid-jump, creating a splash of
flame when he hits the ground. Using HK will drop quicker than LK.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Super Gun Stabbing: QCF,QCF+Punch
-A more powerful version of the Gun Stabbing, Gan will slide forward with
five slaps that create large waves of energy in front of him. The last
slap will send the opponent across the screen.

Concrete Smash (throw): QCB,QCB+Punch
-A more powerful version of the Thunder Clap, Gan grabs his opponent's leg and
slam them back and forth several times, then flails them about and slams them
into the ground one last time. This attack must be performed up close, and
must be unblocked low.

[Team Up Technique]
Active Volcano
-The teammate will grab the opponent and flip them over their head, then Gan
grabs them and slams them into the ground. Then both characters grab the
opponent's arms and legs and slam them into the ground multiple times.
Start-Up: Low grab.


- Daigo - "The Man of Men"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Backfist: LP Jab: LP
Straight Punch: HP Uppercut: HP Downward Punch: HP
Stepping Straight: F+HP *High Uppercut: DF+HP Punt Kick: LK
Overhead Chop: B+HP Short Kick: LK Thrust Kick: HK
Short Kick: LK Thrust Kick: HK
Thrust Kick: HK
Lunge Kick: F+HK
Axe Kick: B+HK

Shake & Toss: HP+HK
Takedown Pummel: D+HP+HK
Neck Ride (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Phoenix Fist: QCF+Punch (5X)
-Daigo will step forward and punch with his fist covered in energy. Using HP,
the motion can be performed five times in a row to perform a punching combo.

Phoenix Kick: QCF+Kick
-Daigo steps forward while performing a double roundhouse kick. The second
kick will knock the opponent down.

Phoenix Fire: QCB+Kick
-Daigo turns his back and creates a brief column of flame around himself.
This can hit three times up close and knock the opponent into the air.

Skull Aura (air): QCF+Punch
-Daigo punches forward in mid-jump and creates a brief sphere of electricity.
This can hit three times up close.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Phoenix Fury: QCF,QCF+Punch
-A more powerful variation of the Phoenix Fist, Daigo will perform a single
punch. If this hits, he will crack his knuckles and pummel them with a
flurry of punches and kicks, ending with one final punch that sends the
opponent across the screen.

Air Rebel Aura (air): QCF,QCF+Punch
-A more powerful version of the Skull Aura, Daigo punches forward in mid-jump
and creates a brief sphere of electricity that can hit five times up close.

Super Phoenix Fire: QCB,QCB+Punch
-A more powerful variation of the Phoenix Fire, Daigo turns his back and
creates a circle of flame around him as a large dragon appears above him
and shortly disappears. This can hit multiple times up close.

[Team Up Technique]
Super Parry
-Daigo jumps in and allows the opponent to punch him several times, then he
smashes them up high into the air and walks away as his teammate bows to him.
Start-Up: Forward push.


(Justice High School)


- Hideo - "Mobile Teacher"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Backfist: LP
Straight Punch: HP Uppercut: HP Downward Punch: HP
Hook Punch: F+HP *High Uppercut: DF+HP Downward Straight: F+HP
Overhead Punch: B+HP Short Kick: LK Punt Kick: LK
Short Kick: LK Sweep Kick: HK Thrust Kick: HK
Thrust Kick: HK
Axe Kick: B+HK

Shoulder Slam: HP+HK
Leg Toss: D+HP+HK
Suplex (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Seihaken: QCF+Punch (air)
-Hideo throws a fireball across the screen. Using HP will throw the fireball
faster and slightly farther than LP. This attack can be used in mid-air to
throw a fireball downward at an angle. If HP is used, tap HP rapidly to
shoot up to three fireballs.

Anti-Air Seihaken: QCB+Punch
-Hideo throws a fireball upward at an angle to hit jumping opponents.

Jicchokuken: F,D,DF+Punch
-Hideo leaps into the air with an uppercut. Using HP will travel higher and
slightly father out than LP.

Shinenkyaku: QCB+Kick
-Hideo spins forward with his leg out, creating a circle of wind while
kicking. Using HK will spin and hit three times, while LK spins once.

Raieishuu (air): QCF+Kick (3X)
-Hideo dives forward will a charged kick. This can be performed three times
in a row, changing direction each time.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Shimazu Seihaken: QCB,QCB+Punch
-A more powerful version of the Seihaken, Hideo throws a larger,
multi-hitting fireball across the screen which dissipiates most of the way

Shimazu Jicchokuken: QCF,QCF+Punch
-A more powerful variation of the Jicchokuken, Hideo will perform a close
uppercut followed by a two-hit Jicchokuken that launches the opponent high
into the air.

[Team Up Technique]
Shin Seihaken
-The teammate performs a multi-hitting spin kick into the opponent, the Hideo
hits them into the air with a Jicchokuken. Then both characters throws multi-
hitting Seihakens at the opponent.
Start-Up: Spinning kick.


- Kyoko - "Devilish School Nurse"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Chop: LP Backfist: LP Jab: LP
Clipboard Smash: HP Uppercut: HP Downward Clipboard: HP
Stepping Slap: F+HP Short Kick: LK Punt Kick: LK
Short Kick: LK Sweep Kick: HK Roundhouse Spin: HK
Thrust Kick: HK *High Kick: DF+HK Arc Axe Kick: F+HK
Backdoor Roundhouse: F+HK
Axe Kick: B+HK

Clipboard & Kick: HP+HK
Boston Crab: D+HP+HK
Suplex (behind): HP+HK

Shussekikakunin: QCB+Punch
-Kyoko performs a quick spinning sidestep, then lashes out with her clipboard.
Using LP will perform a tripping swipe, while HP will perform an uppercut.

Kaishin: QCB+Kick (air)
-Kyoko spins forward while kicking. Using LK will spin and kick once, while HK
will attack three times. This attack can also be used in the air to spin
straight forward regardless of Kyoko's jump.

Shokushin: QCF+Punch (Kick rapidly)
-Kyoko will dash foward and grab her opponent's arm. Pressing Kick rapidly
will perform a rapid kicking attack that can hit up to five times. The grab
cannot be blocked, although it does not deal any damage without the Kick
buttons being pressed.

One Wing Stance: QCF+Kick
-Kyoko gets into One Wing Stance, which can lead into several attacks:

[]Leg Diagnosis: LP
-Kyoko quickly sidesteps, then swings low with her clipboard.

[]Pulse Diagnosis: HP
-Kyoko quickly sidesteps, then jabs forward with her clipboard.

[]Weight Diagnosis: LK,LK,LK
-Kyoko performs two low rising kicks followed by an axe kick which
smashes the opponent to the ground.

[]Height Diagnosis: HK,HK,HK
-Kyoko performs three high rising kicks which launch the opponent
high into the air.

[]Chest Diagnosis: LK,LK,HK
-Kyoko performs two low rising kicks followed by a final rising
kick that launches the opponent high into the air.

[]?? Diagnosis: HK,HK,LK
-Kyoko performs two high rising kicks followed by an axe kick which
smashes the opponent to the ground.

Pop Quiz: B+LK+HK
-Kyoko flips forward while spinning. If this is performed up close, she will
flip to the other side of her opponent. If this is done from a distance,
Kyoko's legs can hit the opponent as she brings them down.

Knee Check: F,D,DF+Kick
-Kyoko leaps into the air with a rising knee attack. If the attack is performed
with HK, pressing HK a second time will perform a downward axe kick after
the knee attack.

[Burning Vigor Attack]
Final Prescription: QCF,QCF+Punch
-Kyoko quickly dashes forward and grabs her opponent, then performs a series
of throws. This attack cannot be blocked.

Class Curve Kicks: QCF,QCF+Kick
-A more powerful version of the 'Diagnosis' One Wing Stance attacks, Kyoko
leap into the air with four rising kicks followed by an axe kick that knocks
opponents to the ground.

[Team Up Technique]
Rest & Relax
-The teammate lies down and Kyoko massages their back to restore some of their
Vitality Gauge.
Start-Up: Column.

Kyoko2 plays identically to Kyoko, except she does not carry a clipboard and
has an alternate Team Up Technique:

[Team Up Technique]
Heart Attack
-Kyoko2 and her teammate hold hands and spin around to create a large several
large hearts that they launch at the opponent to knock them across the
Start-Up: Straight kick.


- Raizo - "Fierce Principal"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Jab: LP
Straight Punch: HP Overhead Smash: HP Downward Punch: HP
Stepping Swipe: F+HP *Scoop Uppercut: DF+HP Uppercut: F+HP
Overhead Slash: B+HP Short Kick: LK Punt Kick: LK
Short Kick: LK Sweep Kick: HK Thrust Kick: HK
Thrust Kick: HK Dropkick: F+HK
Somersault Stomp: F+HK

Trip Slam: HP+HK
Piledriver: D+HP+HK
Neck Ride (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Yasha-Guruma: QCF+any attack (air)
-Raizo will roll into a ball and propel himself in a direction
corresponding to the attack button used:
[]LP: Straight ahead.
[]HP: Straight ahead.
[]LK: Angle up.
[]HK: Straight up.
This attack can also be performed in the air to roll into a ball in
a direction corresponding to the attack button used:
[]LP: Straight ahead.
[]HP: Angle upward.
[]LK: Angle downward.
[]HK: Straight down.
Also, hold any direction and press any button for a second roll after the
first one.

Kyoujyuu-Reppa: F,D,DF+Punch
-Raizo will charge forward while slashing with his claws. Using LP will
slash twice, while HP will slash four times.

Roppu-Zuki: QCB+Punch (charge Punch)
-Raizo gets into a defensive stance for a moment, then runs up to the
opponent and slash them. Holding Punch will delay the attack for a moment.

Sekisaiga: HCB+Kick
-Raizo will grab his opponent high, then push them over and leap on them to
slash them multiple times finished with a double overhead punch. This attack
must be performed up close.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Imawano Kyoujyuu-Reppa: QCF,QCF+Punch
-A more powerful version of the Kyoujyuu-Reppa, Raizo will charge forward
while slashing with his claws eight times.

Imawano Roppu-Zuki (8,106): QCB,QCB+Punch (charge Punch)
-A more powerful version of the Roppu-Zuki, Raizo gets into a defensive stance
for a moment, then runs up to the opponent and slash them. Holding Punch will
delay the attack to increase the number of hits and damage it deals.

[Team Up Technique]
-The teammate knocks the opponent back into the air, then Raizo grabs his
partner, swings them over his shoulder, and throws them at the opponent. This
carries the opponent a long ways before both characters hit the ground.
Start-Up: High kick.


- Hyo - "Detestable Madness"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Jab: LP
Upward Slash: HP Uppercut: HP Overhead Punch: HP
Straight Slash: F+HP *Slash Uppercut: DF+HP Overhead Slash: F+HP
Overhead Slash: B+HP Short Kick: LK Poke Kick: LK
Short Kick: LK Thrust Kick: HK Thrust Kick: HK
Thrust Kick: HK *High Kick: DF+HK
Roundhouse Kick: F+HK
Axe Kick: B+HK

Shoulder Slam: HP+HK
Leg Toss: D+HP+HK
Neck Ride (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Ichimonji-Giri: QCF+Punch
-Hyo dashes forward and slashes across with his sword. This can follow into the
Jyuumoni-Giri below.

Jyuumoni-Giri: (after Ichimonji-Giri) Punch
-After the initial slash of the Ichimonji-Giri, Hyo will perform a second
overhead slash with his sword.

Iai-Giri: QCB+Punch
-Hyo will quickly sidestep and spin, then perform a straight slash with his

Kogetsu: (facing away) HP
-Hyo will perform a quick, long-range overhead sword slash using HP if his
foe is behind him.

Ouryuu-Zan: F,D,DF+Punch
-Hyo performs a rising slash that sends him into the air. Using HP will send
Hyo slightly higher than LP.

Tenrai-Zan (air): QCF+Punch
-Hyo will drop straight down in mid-jump and impale his sword into the ground,
creating a splash of energy around him. Using HP will drop quicker than LP.

Genei-Shuu: QCB+Kick (air)
-Hyo will somersault into the air and perform a kick. Using LK will flip in
place, while HK moves slightly forward. This attack can also be done in the
air with an arc corresponding to Hyo's jump.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Ankoku-Genai-Shuu: QCB,QCB+Kick
-A more powerful variation of the Genei-Shuu, Hyo will perform two somersault
kicks in a row followed by a multi-hitting Tenrai-Zan sword drop.

Ankoku-Genai-Zan: QCF,QCF+Kick
-Hyo will perform a spinning kick. If this hits, he will create a mirror
image of himself behind the opponent which will mimic his attacks as he
performs a multi-hitting combo of punches and kicks finished with an
Ouryuu-Zan, at which point the mirror image vanishes.

[Team Up Technique]
-The teammate grabs the opponent and flips behind them, then Hyo slashes the
opponent several times, then finishes by slashing both the opponent and his
teammate. This can K.O. the teammate if they have little Vitality left.
Start-Up: Straight punch.


(Tamagawa Minami High School)


- Sakura - "Fighting Schoolgirl"

[Normal Attacks] [Crouch Attacks] [Air Attacks]
Jab: LP Jab: LP Jab: LP
Straight Punch: HP Uppercut: HP Downward Punch: HP
Short Uppercut: F+HP *Upward Smash: DF+HP Downward Smash: F+HP
Overhead Smash: B+HP Short Kick: LK Poke Kick: LK
Short Kick: LK Sweep Kick: HK Down Thrust Kick: HK
Thrust Kick: HK *High Kick: DF+HK Spin Roundhouse: F+HK
Backdoor Roundhouse: B+HK
Flower Kick: F+HK

Smash & Kick: HP+HK
Takedown Pummel: D+HP+HK
Suplex (behind): HP+HK

[Special Moves]
Hadoken: QCF+Punch (charge Punch)
-Sakura throws a fireball across the screen. Holding Punch will cause Sakura
to charge the projectile, which will increase its size but cause it to
travel a shorter distance.

Soukuu-Hadoken (air): QCF+Punch
-Sakura throws a fireball in the air at a downward angle. This projectile
cannot be charged.

Tengyou-Hadoken: QCB+Punch
-Sakura throws a fireball upward at an angle to attack jumping opponents. This
projectile cannot be charged.

Shunpuu-Kyaku: QCB+Kick (air)
-Sakura spins forward while kicking, which arcs up the downward. Using LK
will spin and kick once, while HK will attack three times. This attack can
also be used in the air with an arc according to Sakura's jump.

Shouou-Ken: F,D,DF+Punch
-Sakura will slide along the ground and perform a rising uppercut. Using
HP will dash farther than LP and will hit multiple times while doing so,
while using LP will only hit once.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Shinkuu-Hado-Ken: QCF,QCF+Punch
-A more powerful version of the Hadoken, Sakura throws a large, multi-hitting
fireball across the screen which dissipiates a bit more than halfways across.

Shinkuu Tengyou-Hadoken: QCB,QCB+Punch
-A more powerful version of the Tnegyou-Hadoken, Sakura throws a large, multi-
hitting fireball upward at an angle to attack jumping opponents.

Haruichiban: QCB,QCB+Kick
-A more powerful variation of the Shunpuu-Kyaku, Sakura will spin along the
ground with a series of four sweep kicks finished with a roundhouse kick
that knocks the opponent across the screen.

Midare-Zakura: QCF,QCF+Kick
-A more powerful variation of the Shououken, Sakura performs three rising
uppercuts in a row.

[Team Up Technique]
-The main character grabs the opponent, then Sakura perform series of attacks
on them as the screen flashes white several times.
Start-Up: Straight punch.


(VI) [Lesson Mode]

In Lesson Mode, you select a character and teammate, then select a Lesson and
Category and try to perform the actions narrated by Hayato as quickly as
possible. At the end of each Test, you are given a grade based on three
Energy: Standing still causes this to lower. Always stay moving when the
clock is ticking!
Accuracy: Getting actions wrong lowers this.
Agility: The speed at which you respond to Hayato's orders influences this.

Grades vary from E (0) to S (100), and anything above a D will earn a Pass
and unlock the next category in a lesson. Accumulating S ranks will increase
the Mastery Percentage on the Report Card. Lesson Mode data is saved with
regular game data to a Memory Card.

The order of actions that Hayato calls are random. Here is a guide to all
six lessons:


- Lesson 1 -

[Category 1: Basic Movement] Forward, Backward.
[Category 2: Jumps] Jump, Crouch.
[Category 3: Punches] HP, LP.
[Category 4: Kicks] LK, HK
[Category 5: Basic Summary] All Categories from Lesson 1.


- Lesson 2 -

[Category 1: Stepping] Forward Step, Backward Step.
[Category 2: Ditch] Ditch Into Screen, Ditch Out Of Screen.
[Category 3: Jumping Summary] Jump, Crouch, High Jump.
[Category 4: Throws] Throw, Crouch Throw.
[Category 5: Unique Moves Summary] All Categories from Lesson 2.


- Lesson 3 -

[Category 1: Safe Fall] Get knocked down by Hayato and perform a Safe Fall.
[Category 2: Getting Up] Roll different directions while getting up.
[Category 3: Team Up Technique] Perform a Team Up Technique as Hayato attacks.
[Category 4: Textbook Combo] Perform simple 3-5 Hit combos.
[Category 5: Basic Skills Summary] All Categories from Lesson 3.


- Lesson 4 -

[Category 1: Rival Launcher] Launch Hayato, Super Jump and hit him.
[Category 2: Get Up Attack] Attack while rolling.
[Category 3: Tardy Counter] Counterattack while blocking.
[Category 4: Burning Vigor Attack] Perform any Burning Vigor Attacks.
[Category 5: Expert Skill Summary] All Categories from Lesson 4.


- Lesson 5 -

[Category 1: Ditch N' Spin] Ditch as Hayato kicks to spin behind him.
[Category 2: Throw Escapes] Escape Hayato's throws.
[Category 3: Lightning Crush] Counterattack with a normal attack.
[Category 4: B. V. Attack Counter] Counterattack with a Burning Vigor Attack.
[Category 5: The Road To Victory] All Categories from Lesson 5.


- Lesson 6 -

[Category 1: Movement Summary] All Categories from Lessons 1 and 2.
[Category 2: Unique Moves Summary] All Categories from Lesson 3 and 4.
[Category 3: Major Skills Summary] All Categories from Lesson 5.
[Category 4: Total Summary] All Categories from all Lessons.
[Category 5: Hayato's Challenge] Hit Hayato 30 times as quickly as possible.


(VII) [Secrets]

(General Secrets)

- Final Chapter Versus Hyo -
Finish Raizo or his partner (Chapter 7) with Team Up Attack in any round.
Hyo will be the last battle; beat him to see your character's Good ending.


(Arcade Secrets)

- Free Select mode -
-After two weeks of play, characters can be team up freely (but with no
Story Mode).

- Evil Color -
-After Free Select mode is enabled, hold Start while selecting a character.

- Unlock Hyo and Raizo -
-After 3 weeks of installation, insert a coin and hold Start. Hyo and Raizo
will be selectable.

- Unlock Sakura and 'akira' -
-After 4 weeks of installation, insert a coin and hold Start. There will be
two hidden rows above Hyo and Raizo, containing Sakura and akira (without
her helmet).

- Free Select Mode Code -
-In Test Mode's Dot Cross Hatch, press:
Player 1: Up, Up, Down, Down, LK, HP.

- Hyo/Raizo Code -
-With Free Select unlocked, in Test Mode's Sound&Voice, press:
Player 2: Up, Up, Down, Down, LK, HP.

- Sakura/Akira with helmet Code -
-With Hyo/Raizo unlocked, in Test Mode's Input, press:
Player 1: Up, Up, Down, Down
Player 2: LK, HP.


(PlayStation Arcade Disc Secrets)

- Unlock Secret Characters -
All characters are immediately selectable.

- Unlock Movies -
Watch the opening many times.

- Unlock Image Gallery -
Each Loading screen is added to the Image Gallery.

- Unlock Good Endings -
Complete the game with a character's good ending to unlock it.

- Unlock Bad Endings -
Complete the game with a character's bad ending to unlock it.

-Unlock Staff Roll
Complete the game with any character.

- Unlock Watch Mode -
Complete the game with any character.


[PlayStation Evolution Disc Secrets]

- Unlock Tiffany2, Kyoko2, Hinata2, Natsu2 -
Complete the game with Tiffany, Kyoko, Hinata, or Natsu to unlock their
alternate character.

- Unlock Custom Characters -
Complete the game to unlock a new Custom Character each time. There are 24
Custom Characters in total.

- Unlock Extra Options -
Extra Options are unlocked as they are on the Arcade Disc (see above), except
for one new option:
Unlock Kyoko's Office by completing the game as Kyoko on the highest
difficulty level.

- Unlock Mini-Games -
(Shoma's Home Run Mode): Complete the game as Shoma with Roberto as the
teammate on the highest difficulty level.
(Roberto's Target Mode): Complete the game with any team on any difficulty
(Roberto's Goal Mode): Complete the game as Roberto with Shoma as the
teammate on the highest difficulty level.
(Natsu's Service Mode): Complete the game as Natsu with Shoma as the teammate
on the highest difficulty level.



Q: How do I get a Good Ending?
A: Beat the boss in Chapter 7 in any round with a Team Up Technique to get to
the Final Chapter against Hyo. Defeat Hyo to see your main character's Good

Q: What happen if I defeat the really hard stage in the Story Mode?
A: It depends on who you use, few stages will be skipped and immediately
goes to stage 7 or 6. Here is a chart of who you will meet, and where
you will end up if defeat the bonus stage.

Taiyo High: Stage 3 (VS Raizo) - Winning skips to Stage 6.
Gorin High: Stage 3 (VS Hideo & Kyoko) - Winning skips to Stage 7.
Pacific High: Stage 3 (VS Hideo & Kyoko) - Winning skips to Stage 7.
Gedo High: Stage 3 (VS other members) - Perfect Win skips to Stage 6.
Justice High: Stage 3 (VS Raizo) - Winning skips to Stage 7.
Hyo & Raizo: Stage 3 (VS other group member) - No difference.

Q: What happened to the School Life mode from the Japanese Rival Schools?
A: Capcom removed it due to the fact there was so much translation to be done.
School Life was a mode that allowed you to customize a character and play
through a year at the school of your choice. This feature is included in
Rival Schools 2, which is only available for the PlayStation in Japan. On
the plus side, Capcom did include some Custom Characters in the Evolution
disc on the PS. One is unlocked each time the game is beaten.
Here they are, in order:
1. Rika 9. Taki 17. Judy
2. Will 10. Amy 18. Taro
3. Koji 11. Goro 19. Hide
4. Aki 12. Yuji 20. Eri
5. Jill 13. Mai 21. Ban
6. Saki 14. Eric 22. Beth
7. Ben 15. Maya 23. Hiro
8. Saya 16. Sho 24. Teru

Q: Sakura's in the game! Any other Street Fighter characters?
A: Ryu makes a cameo appearance during Sakura's Good Ending.


(IX) [Acknowledgments]

-Capcom, for making this wonderful fighting game.
-Murray, who introduced me to the Rival Schools series.
-CJayC, for making GameFAQs rule.

By Ryouga

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16.Октябрь 2013

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Alle Spieler und Modi freigespielt.

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11.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Learning Mode FAQ

13.Октябрь 2013
United by Fate Extra Characters

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United by Fate Evolution Secrets

13.Октябрь 2013
United by Fate Evolution Mini Guide

13.Октябрь 2013
United by Fate Daigo

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