Dino Crisis 2

Dino Crisis 2

18.10.2013 08:20:32

';::''; '::' '::: '::' '' ';::::::::;' =====================================
:: ;; :: :::: :: ;; ;; :: :: DINO CRISIS 2 WALKTHROUGH
:: ;; :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Written by: Tom Walton
:: ;; :: :: :::: ;; ;; :: :: Email: twalton@evilgaming.net
.;::..; .::. .::. :::. .. :: :: Version A - Last Updated 10/06/2000
;''; '::''; '::' ;''; '::' ;''; :: :: SH Extreme - www.survivalhorror.net
;; :: ; :: ; :: ; :: :: RE Extreme - www.resident-evil.org
:: ::..; :: ;.; :: ;.; :: :: =====================================
;; :: ;; :: ; :: ; :: :: SPOILER FREE / FAT FREE VERSION
;..; .::. .;. .::. ;..; .::. ;..; .;::::::::;.


>>> Disclaimer <<<

This guide is the spoiler-free guide. Check this out if you're stuck in a certain part of
the game. Nothing will be revealed to you except the location of items and monsters in
that area.

Furthermore this Guide is not and will not be reproduced in any way, shape, or form. It
may not be posted up on another website except for www.gamefaqs.com, and my site
www.survivalhorror.net. If I do see someone else using this guide, and I
will find outsooner or later, I will bother you constantly until it is taken off. Why
bother instead of just taking legal action? Cause legal action is just a bunch of BS to
scare someone from using their guide. I worked hard and stayed up all hours of the
night to make this, and although being an insomniac helps, it was still a pain in the
ass to write. Get it? Got it? Good.

If you see this Guide on any other site, please email me at twalton@evilgaming.net.


>>> Contents <<<

1. Story
2. Characters
3. Controls
-5a. Menu Controls
-5b. Gameplay Controls
4. Walkthough
-4a. Jungle
-4b. Military Facility - Outside
-4c. Military Facility - Interior
-4d. Jungle Pt.2
-4e. Military Facility Pt.2
-4f. Jungle Pt.3
-4g. Research Facility
-4h. Boat Ride
-4i. Third Energy Facility
-4j. Third Energy Reactor
-4k. The Route to Edward City
-4l. Outrunning the Triceratops
-4m. Edward City
-4n. Jungle Pt.4
-4o. Missle Silo
-4p. The Watergate
-4q. Habitat Support Facility
-4r. The Escape
-4s. The Ending
5. Cheats
6. Gameshark Codes
7. Special Thanks


>>> 1. Story <<<


One year has passed since Regina's fight for survival against raging dinosours and the
capture of the rogue scientist Dr. Kirk.

Despite dangers, the government has recklessly resumed massive research on Third Energy.
The heedless quest for immediate results and neglet of predictable consequences.
Another "accident" looms.

Suddenly, a military base, a research institute, and an entire town mysteriously vanish!

Now a special mission to rescue survivors., uncover the mystery and recover the
missing research data begins.

Armed with the latest in heavy artillery, a hand-picked team heads into the unknown -
a dangerous jungle from another time.

Only Regina has an inkling of the adrenaline-pumping prehistoric challenge the team
will soon encounter...

Pure terror!


>>> 2. Characters <<<

Age: 24
Height: 5ft 9in
Team: S.O.R.T.
(Secret Operation Raid Team)
An expert in stealth missions, Regina is a member of an espionage agency that reports
directly to the government. She is a survivor of last year's mission to capture Dr.
Kirk. Considering her outstanding past performance, the agency tagged her once again
for this mission. Agility and cool composure in any situation are her biggest strengths.

Age: 25
Height: 5ft 11in
Team : T.R.A.T.
(Tactical Reconnoitering and Aquisition Team)
Dylan is a true soldier. A member of a special task force in the army, his extremly
strong body and mind can endure any adverse circumstances. Though somewhat lacking
in agility, Dylan's strength makes him excellent at handling heavy firearms. He will
realize his destiny during this mission...

Age: 23
Height: 6ft 0in
Team : T.R.A.T.
(Tactical Reconnoitering and Aquisition Team)
A member of Dylan's special task force, David's humorous take on danger keeps the
team's morale high. A weekend wrangler, he wears his favorite cowboy hat constantly.
Though weaker than Dylan in fighting ability, David's compassion for his friends is
an indispensable asset to the team.

Mysterious Survivors
Regina and Dylan encounter mysterious survivors in Edward City. For some reason,
these eerie individuals are hostile to the rescue team and attack them persistently.
They hold a significant clue to the riddle of Edward City's disappearence.


>>> 3. Controls <<<

>> 3a. Menu Controls <<

Directional Buttons / Left Stick Choose an option or command
X Button Confirm a selection
Square Button Confirm a selection
Triangle Button Cancel a selection

>> 3b. Gameplay Controls <<

START Button Start Game / Pause / Access Option mode
SELECT Button Access Inventory screen / Cancel event movie
Directional Buttons / Left Stick Move character(up/down) / Rotate character(left/right)
Square Button Action (Check item / Attack)
X Button Action (Check item / Attack)
Circle Button Use sub weapon
Triangle Button Side / Back step
R1 Button Draw weapon
R2 Button Quick 180 degree turn
L1 Button Change target (when a weapon is drawn)
L2 Button Access map screen


>>> 4. Walkthrough <<<

>> 4a. Jungle <<

Go through the door which Dylan used his machete to clear the path to. Run straight
until another cutscene occurs. Three Velociraptors will ambush you from all sides. Run
past the one to Dylan's left so they cant attack you from both sides, then attack.

Hint: When going one-on-one with a raptor, use the machete, it will knock them down,
then start attacking them until they die. It will save you a lot of ammo.

After they have been defeated, run straight towards the fork in the road. Go right if you
want a Med Pak M, then go left and up the ladder. Keep running and go down the next
ladder. Keep going straight, avoiding raptors whenever possible. Raptors usualy come
in two's, so be carful not to get surrounded. You'll reach another ladder. Go down
that. Run straight and kill the raptor that jumps out. Then go down the next ladder.
Keep running up and down ladders until you reach a spot where you can see a med pack
on top of a metal crate. If you choose to climb up and get it, you'll be rewarded with
a Med Pak S. If not, just go to the right and jump down the crevice. Run straight and go
through the steel gate. Upon entering, a brief cutscene begins. After it ends, run to
your right lies a save/shop monitor, as well as a dino file on the floor. Go there and
buy whatever you think you will need for the next part, as well as renew your ammunition
for your shotgun. Go straight, bypassing the door to the left, and go up the next ladder
to get a Resuscitation Pak. Go back down and go through the door to the right of the
ladder. Go strsight and make a quick left to get the Med Pak M on the floor. Go back and
continue on to the metal fence. Jump down and keep running straight until you hit
the entrance to the military facility.


>> 4b. Military Facility - Outside <<

Upon entering the facility, a cutscene begins. When the cutscene ends, run to ladder
behind you and climb up. Run foward and then wait for the T-rex to destroy the cargo box
blocking your path. Jump down quickly and run straight towards the ladder. Go up the
ladder and run around the
corner, picking up the Med Pak L along the way. The T-rex will once again destroy
the cargo boxes blocking its path. Jump down and run straight until a cutscene starts
up. After the cutscene, you enter the door to the military
facility's interior.


>> 4c. Military Facility - Interior <<

Run to the top-right side of the room and pick up the dino file off the desk. Now go
left and through the only availible door. Run around the corner and go into the first
door to your left. Inside lies a save/shop, a keycard to the left side of the room,
and the doctor's papers on the examining bed. Restock your ammo and exit.

When you exit, a pack of raptors will already be running towards you. Take them out and
run back to the first part of the facility. There are 4 more raptors in the room, take
them out, or just run towards the door to the outside. The T-rex is waiting for you,
but run to your right and into the next door. Goto your right and pick up the Storage
Room Items file and then towards the back of the room. Use the keyplate on it to open
it and take the Research Facility Keycard. A cutscene begins after taking the

>> 4d. Jungle Pt.2 <<

The cutscene ends and you now play the role of Regina. If you need to save, go back down
the ladder and into the ship. There is a save/shop inside. Now go back and up the ladder.
Run stright and use the stungun on the gate panel and it will open. To your right, there
lies a dead soldier, examine him to get a new dino file. Run across the bridge and towards
the door on the other side. More raptors await you here, just run straight and keep going
until you reach another door. Now go straight until you reach a fork in the road. Instead
of going through the door in front of you, turn left and go down till you reach the door.
Walk towards the ladder and try to climb it. A short cutscene will follow introducing a
new enemy...The Allosaurus. You best bet would be to run towards the door, but if you
want to fight it, then by all means, good luck. When you enter, a group of raptors will
attack, kill them and climb up the ladder to your right. Run straight and then drop
down. Go past the vine covered door and go into the next door to your right. You are
now in a save/shop room. Pick up the Incineration of Plants file off the table. The
file points out that the flame launcher is the ideal weapon for taking out the plants.
Luckily, a flame launcher is availible for the low price of 8,000 (16,000 hard mode).

After doing that, leave the room and sit back as another cutscene begins. After the
cutscene, travel back to where the Allosaurus was. If you're feeling super, kill him,
you'll get a nice 4000 points for defeating him.

Hint: When going up against the Allosaurus, stay on the northern ledge, the ledge
with the door you just came out of, and shoot until he sidesteps away. Move a little back
so he jumps onto the ledge. Jump off and wait underneath the ladder until he
jumps off the ledge. Now climb back up and do it all over again until he is defeated.
Easy Pickens...

Run back to the fork in the road where you made the left instead of going through the
door. This time, go through the door. When you enter, it will tell you about the
poisonous spores emited from the plants. This is where you use your flame launcher.
Just light those babies up wherever you see them. After you're done, go through the
door at the end of the path.

Hint: If you are quick, you can get up to a 13 hit combo on all the spore plants.
This adds up to an amazing 5600 points.

In the next room, you find more plants. Kill them and jump down the ladder and go
through the door. You find yourself back in the water tower save room. You've seen
this place before, and you know what to do. Refill your ammo, but some health
supplies, then go through the door to the right of the ladder. There are no raptors
to annoy you while going to the military facility. There is a cool triceratops
walking in the background though. (*Note: you cant hit it, Ive tried.) Keep on going
till you reach the doorway to the entrance of the military facility.


>> 4e. Military Facility Pt.2 <<

Upon entering, the screech of a Pterodactyl rings through the air, when you hear that,
it means run. Run over to the hardware storage room. Pick up the keycard on the floor
and leave. Run to the left of the door to get to the military facility interior
entrance. Once inside, be ready to be attacked by two raptors. After that, proceed to
the only other door availible. Go past the medical room and all the way to the end of
the hallway, use your stungun to open the door leading to the control room. Once inside,
goto your left and up the stairs. There should be a Management of Keyplates file there.
Pick it up and go back down. Now run around the room until you hit a control panel with
different color lights shining. Use your key plate on it and then take the Blue Key
Plate. With that all done, all you have to do is go back to where Dylan is trapped,
avoiding the Pterodactyls on your way out. When you get there, use the Blue Key Plate
on the blue lock next to the door. A cutscene begins.


>> 4f. Jungle Pt.3 <<

You are now in control of Dylan again. When you go up the ladder, get ready to either
run or attack the Allosaurus thats coming for you. After you're done, or if you chose
to run, run to the once blocked door to your left. The boxes have been removed. When
you enter, another Allosaurus comes toward you. Use the high ground to your advantage
and take him out. Now keep going straight till you go down the second ladder.

Shortcut: On my second run through the game, I saved more time by getting the Third
Energy Research Keycard earlier than usual. Instead of having to go all the way back
to this spot to get the keycard, search the waterfall twice and a leaf should pop out.
Follow the leaf until it stops. Search the around the leaf to get the
Third Energy Facility Keycard.

After getting the keycard, go up the stairs and follow the path to the door. When you
enter, you'll notice that the terrain is familiar. You'll also notice the raptors
coming to take off your head. Run to the ladder to the left. Keep running up and down
the ladders until you reach the water tower save/shop point. On the way, you'll meet
the T-rex once again, dont worry, as he does not see you and will not attack. When you
arrive at the water tower, refill your ammo and check your medical supplies. Another
tool has been added, the heavy blade. Buy it if you have the extra cash, if not, dont
bother. Now go through the door near the save/shop point. When you exit, you'll be
attacked by two raptors.

Hint: This is a great place to rack up dino points. The small area prevents you from
being surrounded, making raptors easy targets.

Go up the ladder and meet up with some more raptors. Keep running till you get to the
door at the end of the path. Again, more raptors, kill them and run to the door. There
are Pterodactyl's flying around in here so run straight ahead to the door without
stopping. Go up the ladder and kill the raptors that come at you. Then go down the
next ladder. Use the machete on the door to Dylan's left and go in.


>> 4g. Research Facility <<

Go left and keep going until a cutscene begins. The cutscene introduces a new dinosaur,
the Oviraptor. Kill them but be sure to watch out for their spit attack. Keep running,
but be careful of the Oviraptors jumping through the windows, until you hit the door.
Use the Research Facility Keycard on the door and enter.

Go right and into the the first door on the left. Inside the research lounge is a
save/shop point. Pick up the Researcher's Notebook off the exmining bed and then refill
all your ammo. A few new tools are availible to you now, namely the EPS Silver Card and
the Inner Suit. Do not close the ventilation shaft to the left of the save/shop point.
Go left towards the back of the room. First open the cage with the green light. it will
open and up and you'll receive a new dino file. After that, close the ventilation shaft
right next to it. Now goto the right side of the room and close the ventilation shaft
there. Use the machete on the door to cut away the vines. In the next room, pick up the
Researcher's Records file right next to you. Now go all the way left until you reach
another ventilation shaft. Close that one and proceed out the door. you find yourself
back in the hall you started in. Run all the way east to the last door and use the
keycard on the lock next to the door. A short cutscene begins.

You have to get the card back from the Compy. The main reason for closing the ventillation
shafts was so you could trap the Compy from escaping your grasp. Chase the Compy to the
ventilation shaft you left open. When you accomplish this, go into the Researcher
Lounge and close the ventilation shaft therefore trapping it in the room with you. Now
you must try and lure it into the cage that you opens towards the back of the room. Once
you do this, the keycard will slide out of the cage and you're done.

Leave the room and get your weapon ready cause some Oviraptors will attack you once you
get out. Kill them and then use the Research Facility Keycard to open the door to your
right. Walk foward and pick up the Starter Battery off the Floor, as well as the Report
on the Unidentified Body file. Thats all there is in this room. Now its time to travel
all the way back to the ship. You already know how to get back to the ship, so ill just
mention the new enemies that await while traveling back. The Oviraptors return while
running past the escalator again. This is a great time to rack up points, as I have
gotten up to an 18 hit combo here. The Oviraptors have replaced most of the raptors
in the area. There is also another Alosaurus waiting for you where you first met the
first one. Thats about it, so get yourself back to the ship where Regina is waiting for


>> 4h. Boat Ride <<

When you get into the boat, a cutscene begins. After the cutscene, save your game and
restock your ammo. After that click on the control panel and set the destination to the
Third Energy Facility. Uh oh, your boat is under sttack by Plesiosaurus' and Pterodactyls.
This is pretty fun to play, but dont let that go to your head, you still have to win.
When you reach your final destination, you will take control of Regina.


>> 4i. Third Energy Facility <<

The save/shop point contains a few more weapons and tools. A good investment would be the
Missle Pod Launcher. It takes out the Plesiosaurus' extremely easy and without getting
hit as well. Now leave the boat and walk till you hit the dock. Follow the path up, a
bunch of Plesiousaurus will pop out of the water, if you have the missle pod, blast them
away, if not, I suggest you keep running cause they can kill you instantly if they drag
you underwater. Go through the door at the end of the path and get ready for some dino
killing. Through the door you again have the option of running or shooting. Shooting will
give you alot of points, especially when you survive without getting hit (10,000 points).
Pterodactyls roam the next area. Run past them and through the door at the end. More
Pterodactyls are in the next area, run towards your left and pick up the Soldier's Papers
that are next to the dead soldier. The papers tell you of a keycard he dropped in the
jungle. If you followed my walkthrough then you should already have it and will not have
to go all the way back to retrieve it. Go to your right and you should see a door. Use
the Third Energy Keycard on the control panel near the door to open it. Run straight and
kill the Plesiosaurus' that pop out. Then go south and onto the boat thats docked. Keep
running to the other side of the dock. Follow the path until you reach the door at the

You're now facing a flight of stairs. Go up both of them and then make a left and
pick up the Key for the Box. There is also a file on some of the equipment if you goto
the back of the room. This room is also a save/shop point so stock up and save before
ventring out again. Check the console across from the door from the door for a new dino
file and then go through the door. Run past the Pterodactyls and check the dead guy in
the corner. You'll find a mechanics keycard. Run back to the control room. Now
backtrack a little to where you crossed the boat. There was a box that was locked. Go
back and used the Key for the Box to open it. The box contains a passcode. They change
every time you play so you'll have to get it yourself. My first code was 4521, my
second time playing though was 3142. After getting the cide, run back up to the control
room and use the Mechanic's Keycard and enter the password you got from the boat file,
to open the door to the right of the stairs.

Go down the elevator and down the flight of stairs. Keep going straight until you hit
the door. Go right and run to the computer screen. You have to restore power the
computers. When you turn on the computer, it will make the green boxes, to Regina's
left and right, start to blink red. Use your stungun to turn the red box to green.
After finishing this the power will be restored and you are done. Jump off the ledge
and go to your left. Climb up the ladder and pick up the file on the console. To the
left of the file is some lockers. Check them to get a Diving Suit. Drop down once more
and check the computer right next to the ladder. The lift will now take you down to
the Third Energy Reactor.


>> 4j. Third Energy Reactor <<

The lift takes you down to the Third Energy Reactor. The only problem is...its
underwater. Just as you get down, two Mosasaurus' attack you.

Hint: A good way to take on the Mosasaurus is to first use the Shockwave, which
knocks them down, then proceed to attack with the needle gun. Dont worry about
running out of ammo as they are infinite.

Goto your right and drop down the ledge. There is a Med Pak S here, pick it up if you
need it, then go south and drop down another ledge. Keep walking, there should be a few
more Mosasaurus' attacking you, so kill them and run until you reach another ledge. Drop
down that and go left. Further left isa Med Pak L. Get that or just go through the door
a little to your left. You're now at a save/shop point. Restock your medical supplies
and save your game. Go right and pick up the file in the computer alcove. Continue on
and you'll reach a ladder. Go right and into the big door. Follow the only path availible
and jump over the half closed shutter (press triangle to jump). After jumping, go through
the door in front of you. Nothing much here, watch out for 2 mosasaurus' and go straight
into the next door. There are more mosasaurus' in here. Go straigh a little and than make
a right. Follow the path until you reach some double doors and a platform with a Med Pak
on it. Jump to the top of the platform and go foward. Jump over the small gap and keep
walking around the catwalk. Soon you'll reach another Med Pak. Pick it up if you wish and
then proceed to jump over another small gap onto the central platform.

Hint: When you are jumping, dont press the d-pad too hard on the direction you want to
go, or you'll end up passing your destination and fall back to the ground. Tap the d-pad.

Goto your right and you'll see another small gap. Jump over it and the screen will
center in on the cracked pillar. You should have bought the Aquagrenade weapon from the
last save/shop point. If not, you'll have to travel back and get it. Otherwise, take it
out and blast the pillar. It will break and the door above it will be accessible. Now
walk to your right. You'll see something shining in the water. Goto it and click on it.
Its the switch to power up the elevator. Now follow the path and jump over the
obstuction. Now turn left and drop down to where the dead guy lies. A mosasaurus will
come after you so be careful not to get knocked back down to a lower level. Now pick up
the key that lies next to the guy and then backtrack all the way to the save/shop point.

When you arrive, goto the small computer panel to the right of the save/shop point. Use
the plug on the control panel and then operate it. The shutters will move down allowing
you to access what you couldnt before. Now go back to there you first started jumping
the platforms, near the double doors where the med pak was. Go through those double doors
and into a save/shop point. Save your game first, than go up the elevator right next to
the save/shop point. Keep going stright, jumping over the shutters blocking your path,
and pick up the City Keycard next to the dead guy. Turn right and go foward a little to
pick up a new dino file. Now make a right and go down the elevator. When the elevator
reaches the bottom, get off and go through the door. A cutscene begins which introduces
you to the Plesiosaurus. First off, you NEED the aquagrenade. So refill the ammo for it,
and try to buy some extra magazines for it, before you meet up with the Plesiosaurus.

Hint: The Plesiosaurus is a simple enemy if you know the trick to beating him.
Now when you start off, run straight foward till you reach a ledge with a med pak. You
may get hit once or twice, but dont worry. Now jump onto that ledge, then jump onto the
ledge to the left. Then jump to the next ledge, which may take a few tries to do. When
you get up there, there is a little alcove with a med pak in it. You can stand there and
blast him when he passes by. It will only take about 7-10 hits in normal mode for it to

After you kill it, the blue defensive force fields will subside and you will be able to
get into the next room. From the alcove, turn to the right and jump across the small
ledge. You should see another ledge below. Jump to that and you should see a door in
front of you, as well as a Med Pak L. Operate the panel next to the door and enter. You
are in an elevator. It asks you to goto the surface. Say yes.


>> 4k. The Route to Edward City <<

After you walk down the stairs with Regina, a cutscene begins. When the scene ends and
you now play as Dylan. Walk towards the gate in front of you and go through it. the
raptors are back, take them out with the everhandy shotgun. Then goto the door to your
right. Run straight and past the cargo boxes to meet up with another old friend...the
Allosaurus. Use the same tactics on him as before. When he is defeated, goto the
save/shop point thats located in the same area. A good idea would be to pick up the
chaingun for the monsters ahead. There is also the light-weight armor availible which
may cost a chunk of change, but halves damage cause by enemies. With nothing else to do
in this room, go back.

Once back out the door, go straight up until you see a smashed truck in the back. Make
a small right and you'll see a new dino file. After that, go into the destroyed fence
and hack aay the vines on the door at the end of the path. Go straight and a cutscene
will begin. After that, keep running along the path until you reach the door. A few
Oviraptors will pop out to attack you, so just take them out with you shot gun. In the
next area, more oviraptors roam the land. Keep running straight while shooting until
you reach another door. The next area is blocked off by a huge boulder. In order to
pass it, equip the chaingun and blast the thing away. After blowing it to pieces,
go into the cave and go stright until you reach a fork in the road. The right side
is blocked by a boulder. It is not necessary to blow this away, as it only leads you
to a med pak L. Take the left path and keep running until you reach a ladder. Climb up
it and meet a new dinosaur...The Inostrancevia.

Hint: Use the chainmine to knock the Inostrancevia on its back. From there, shoot its
belly until it dies.

After having defeated them, start running right and fight some more Inostranvecia's until
you reach another ladder. After climbing up, you see a boulder. Blast it and go through.
Keep running until you reach a fork in the road. Take the right path and you'll notice
another one of David's marks. Keep going until you reach a ladder, then decend it. You
now face a fork in the road blocked by 2 boulders. The right path leads to a hungry
Inostranvecia, the other leads to a save spot. Its your choice. If you chose the left
path (which I hope), just keep running straight and you'll eventually reach the
save/shop point.

Go up the ladder and a cutscene begins. After it ends, you receive a signal bullet
which you must shoot when and where you want the cannon shot to go. After Regina
reaches her desination, she will take over as backup so that Dylan can cross over
as well. You do this one more time and then both of you enter a save/shop point.

Run foward a little and a cutscene will begin.


>> 4l. Outrunning the Triceratops <<

Unlucky for both Dylan and Regina, an angry triceratops is hot on their tail. its Dylans
job to keep it away from attacking the jeep. Start shooting it until it gets close, when
it gets ready to attack, blast it and it will send it flying back. After about 15 seconds
of that, things get hotter as another Triceratops joins in on the fun. Use the same strat,
but make sure you hit the right one. The Triceratops like to seitch off at times,
throwing you off.

After a minute or so, both will fall to the ground and an awesome FMV will begin.

>> 4m. Edward City <<

After the cutscene, walk to the jeep straight across from you. Search the dead body near
it to receive another dino file. From there go north, keep going north until you reach
Robson's Store. In Robson's Store is a save/shop point. Save here and restock on anything
you need. Then take the Shop Owner's Papers file off the counter. Now go towards the back
of the room and grab the Living Quarters Key off he floor. Now leave the store and run
all the way back. To where you started out in Edward City. Go through the door there and
run straight towards the next door. On the way you will be attacked by some Oviraptors.
Take them out and then use the Living Quarters Key on the door at the end of the path.

As you walk out, your friend, the T-rex, pops out and runs after you. Dylan gets into a
tank and now your objective is to escape alive. You can shoot him with your cannon, or
you can shoot a flash bomb, which you have a limited amount of. The flash bomb will stun
the T-rex, allowing you to get ahead of him. If you manage to knock him down, you will
be rewarded 1000 points, but he will still come after you after you switch a few screens.
Also, you must blast the cargo boxes in your path, with the cannon. There is only one way
to go so dont worry about getting lost. When you get to the end, a gate will be closing
and will trap the tank as it goes under. Dylan gets out and the T-rex has been avoided
once more.

Now walk to your left and pick up the gas mask that is lying on the floor. A cutscene


>> 4n. Jungle Pt.4 <<

You now take control of Regina. Goto the save/shop point and refill and restock anything
you need. Also take the opportunity to aquire the latest tool, the EPS Gold Card. Dont
leave home without it. The EPS Gold Card doubles the amount of Extinction Points earned
while killing dinos. After that, leave the ship and climb the ladder. Run straight to the
left gate and use the stungun to open it. Run across the bridge and go through the door.
Keep running past the raptors till you get to the ladder, then ascend it. Now run
straight, killing the raptors that get in your way, until you reach a fork in the road.
Keep going straight into the door. Now you'll be in the poison marshes area. Keep running
until you reach a fork in the road. Goto the top-right, which if you look, is a ledge
with a ladder. When you reach the bottom, your gasmask will automaticall be put on your
face. No enemies will attack you while you are in this area so keep running along the
path until you reach a ledge with a ladder. Decend it and walk some more to discover
another ledge. Run some more again and descend the final ledge. You now are in front of
the missle silo.


>> 4o. Missle Silo <<

Once in here, go straight and save your game at the save/shop point, as well as refill
your ammo. When you are done, go through the green door to the left of the save/shop
point. Once outside, dispose of the raptors, and keep running straight until you reach
a flight of stairs going down. Descend the stairs and go through the door. In the room,
run straight over to the console with the flickering light. To the left of it is a dino
file. Pick it up and then check the computer where the flickering light is. You have now
received the Third Energy Disk. Leave the room and a cutscene begins.

As Regina enters the next room, the Gigantosaurus smashes through the wall. Regina attacks
it using the gas terminals which burns its face up pretty good. The cutscene finally
ends and you are given the info needed to kill the Gigantosaurus. Run from gas terminal
to gas terminal, pressing the switch to activate the gas and then using the stun gun to
create the flame, hitting the Gigantosaurus. He is quite easy as long as you're quick on
your feet. If he roars, mash on the buttons so he doesnt attack you while you're on the
ground. After about 6-8 hits, the Gigantosaurus will fall and the platforms will raise
so you can get to the missle.

Run all the way around the walkway to the computer console. Another puzzle, but its not
too hard. Just remember back to the Third Energy facility puzzle. You must use your
stungun to hit the switches whenever they turn red. When you accomplish this, the bridge
will raise. Run across it and follow the path left until you reach an elevator. Ride it
up and then follow the path right to reach the console to open the missile head. Now run
over to the missile head and deactivate the missile. Good work. Now head back down the
elevator. When you get down, walk a little foward and then watch as an FMV starts up of
the Gigantosaurus smashing everything in its path as it tries to feed on Regina.

Regina will wake up in the middle of a room with flames burning everywhere. Save your
game and refill your ammo, then turn around and run towards the descending stairs. Once
at the bottom, go through the door. Run stright in the next room, but be cautious of the
Inostrovecia lurking about. Keep running, dodging the Inostranvecia's coming at you,
until you reach some double doors. The next room also has inostranvecia's lurking about,
kill them if you wish, but keep running straight until you reach another set of double
doors. You're home free...or are you?


>> 4p. The Watergate <<

When Regina gets out of the building, Dylan and David are wating for her. They all run
to the boat, but see that the water gate is shut, thus not allowing them to pass. They
see a valve, which could be the way to open the water gate. Dylan and David both go
out to try and open it. David tries to move the valve while Dylan goes on top of the
platform with a gun. As David is turnng the valve, Dylan spots a raptor coming in
close. Its now your job to shoot the incoming raptors while he turns the valve.

When you accomplish that a cutscene begins.


>> 4q. Habitat Support Facility <<

Your objective now is to prevent any dinosaurs from attacking the mysterious girl.
Follow her until you reach a weird looking door. She'll open it up for you. Follow
her through. Keep following her until you reach a fence. She will climb over it, but
you wont be able to. Instead, run to the left where a ladder will be waiting for you.
Climb up the ladder and jump down before any dino's can attack her. In the next room,
the girl will run over to a control panel. You will be ambushed by some Raptors when
you chase after her. One you get to the top though, a force field blocks you from
getting to her. The only way to get past the force field is to press the 4 switches
located around the room. Search for them and come back to the force field when you
are done. Now use the control panel located a little left of the ladder to shut off
the force field. Once the field is deactivated, go through the door. Upon entering,
run stright foward and pick up the Superintendant's Will file. Now go through the
door to the back of the room. Walk across the platform and into the double doors.
keep walking straight and you'll end up in another room. Pick up the Noa's Ark Plan
file in the middle of the room. Go towards the back of the room to a save/shop point.
Restock on ammo and medical supplies, and also save if you wish. After that, go
through the door and enter the huge door.

Go down the steps and walk foward. A cutscene begins. After the cutscene ends, follow
the girl to the next door and go in. Upon entering, another cutscene begins. When
the cutscene ends, run left towards the bridge. Now start running across the bridge
as fast as you can. If you are still on it when the Gigantosaurus smashes it, game
over. If you successfully manage to survive, keep going stright to the console right
in front of the bridge. A cutscene will start showing you that the exit has been blocked
off. Turn on the terminal you're at now, this will start the anti-sattelite up. Now turn
left and run stright towards the screen on the wall. Turn it on, now communications are
active between the facility and the satellite. Now get ready for a long run. Follow the
path all the way to the right. Keep going until you reach another computer terminal on
the wall. Turn it on, now the coordinates have been set. Run back to the main terminal.
Be prepared to get hit alot when running back, this dino doesnt want to die. When you
reach the main terminal, fire the weapon. Good work.


>> 4r. The Escape <<

From the main terminal, run east to the door that was previously blocked.
Thats it, now just sit back and watch the ending.


>> 4s. The Ending <<

Check out the ending movie at my site if you're interested.

By the way, good work!


>>> 5. Cheats <<<

These cheats were taken from www.gamesages.com Please give credit where do.

Unlock Dino Coliseum
Beat the game one time to unlock the Dino Coliseum. Here you can fight against all of
the dinosaurs found in the game in coliseum style pit fighting.

Unlock Dino Duel
After you buy Rick, Gail and the Tank for the Extra Crisis games at the player Entry
screen, you will get a new row of dinosaurs you can choose from. Use your Extinct
points to buy dinosaurs and fight them in Dino Duel.

Pricing for usage in the Coliseum
You'll need this much money to buy this dinosaur and use him in the Coliseum or the
Dino Duel.

Rick: 100,000 Extinct Points

Gail: 100,000 Extinct Points

Tank: 120,000 Extinct Points

Oviraptor: 150,000 Extinct Points

Velociraptor: 150,000 Extinct Points

Inostrancevia: 160,000 Extinct Points

Allosaurus: 180,000 Extinct Points

Tyrannosaurus Rex: 150,000 Extinct Points

Triceratops: 200,000 Extinct Points

Compsognathus: 250,000 Extinct Points

Unlock The EPS Platinum Card (pssst…that means Unlimited Ammo!!!)
Complete the game and collect all 11 Dino files. Once you've done that you can see the
EPS Platinum card at the Save Screen. Now the next time you play the game you'll have
Unlimited Ammo. No longer will you have buy ammo or magazines.

Unlock Triceratops and Compsagnathus
In Hard Mode the Triceratops and the Compsagnathus become available once you've
purchased all the other dinosaurs for Dino Duel and Dino Coliseum.


>>> 6. Gameshark Codes <<<

These codes were taken from www.gameshark.com

Unlock Dino Extra Mode: 800aeca80101
Go into the Option menu 800aecae0101
at the stasrt of the game,
and exit it and all will
show up.

Unlock All Characters (Dino Extra Mode): 800aeaceffff

Max Score: 800aee10e0ff

Stop the Timer: 800aecb40000

Inf. Health (Travel Mode): 800b53ca00b4

99 Combo Hit (Trav. Mode): 800b53dc0063

99 Hit Combo: 800ae3700063

Infinite Hemostat: 800aeddc0009

Infinite Med. Pak. M: 800aee0c0009

Infinite Med Pak L: 800aee000009

Infinite Resusc. Pak: 800aedd00009

Infinite Double Handed Machine Ammo: 800aed4c0063

Infinite Hand Gun Ammo: 800aecec0063

Infinite Solid Cannon Ammo: 800aed280063

Infinite Flamewall: 800aed340063

Infinite Solid Cannon Ammo: 800aed280063

Infinite Rocket Launcher Ammo: 800aed940063

Infinite Chainmine Ammo: 800aed880063

Infinite AquaGrenade Ammo: 800aed700063

Infinite Hv. Mchn. Gun Ammo: 800aed580063

Infinite Missle Pod Ammo: 800aed640063

Infinite Sub Machine Gun Ammo: 800aed400063

Infinite AntiTank R. Ammo: 800aed7c0063

Infinite Flame Thrower: 800aed400063

Infinite Shotgun Ammo: 800aece00063


>> 7. Special Thanks <<

Rombie: For making the top ASCII logo. Visit his site at www.new-blood.com
CJayC: For putting this Guide up on his site.
Capcom: For making the game.
CocaCola: For supporting me through all those late nights.

This Dino Crisis 2 Guide is
Copyright © TWalton 2000

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Div. Savegames

17.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Gegenstände, Munition und Extinct Points

16.Октябрь 2013

10.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
The Raptor Files

17.Октябрь 2013
Puzzles FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Октябрь 2008
10.Октябрь 2008

17.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013
Japanese FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Game is 3 times completed, all modes unlocked.

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European German PAL Version.

11.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European Spanish PAL Version.

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler Free Guide

14.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Weapons FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler Free Guide

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

12.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
24.Февраль 2018
24.Июль 2014
22.Октябрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013