Here are codes for EA Sports NCAA Football - Most I've tried and know they work,
but some I'm not so sure about - I got them a week ago from this site.. Give
them a try.
1. New Stadium
In exhibition mode you can choose which stadium to play in. On the
stadium select screen hold down L2 and R2 for random select. If you do it a
couple time you should land a few new stadiums which appear after Wyoming's
2. Secret Teams / Stadiums
In exhibition mode, enter your name as Tiburon ( the company who worked
on the production of the game with EA's staff ). Then, back out using the circle
until you get to the team select screen. Then, you will be able to choose the
Tiburon team. Then press select (for Rival Mode) and you will have a rival game
between Tiburon and EA sports, where all the players have abilities of 100.
Then, go to Stadium select and you will be able to play at the Orange Bowl (old
and new), Fiesta Bowl, Sugar Bowl, Rosw Bowl, Big 12 Championship, SEC
Championship, MAC Championship, WAC Championship, Tiburon home stadium, EA
Sports Home Stadium and the place where it all happens, the practice field.
3. Special Teams
In exhibition mode ( or season ) enter these codes at the user name -
then back out back to the menu to gain access to these cool codes.
COOLSITE - a couple of extra stadiums to choose from
ELECTRICH - players don't have running animation .. looks like
electric football
SEE FMV - adds FMV ( all videos ) to the main menu
FREE CAM - ?? have not tried
WHOLE POLL - In season mode, allows you to see rankings for all teams
AUDIO - ??
JEXLAD - 73 Alabama
OEDYIJ - 78 Alabama
WHVCIR - 89 Alabama
ZDDJOT - 92 Alabama
CEVHETS - 89 Colorado
VEWOJ - 96 Florida
MYLQLOH - 93 Florida State
RCIXRE - 96 Florida State
ZOWS - 82 Georgia
EIWQOH - 83 Miami
WEVKIM - 87 Miami
WMIXJ - 89 Miami
WYGGKEP - 91 Miami
ANOYSAJ - 94 Miami
BSEPMAJ - 65 Michigan State
KCIZRE - 91 Michigan
IGSI - 83 Nebraska
EGAXRIM - 91 Nebraska
SNXAI - 93 Nebraska
BNOYD - 94 Nebraska
JNIVED - 73 Notre Dame
REGRZOJ - 88 Notre Dame
AGIG - 79 Ohio State
HTOYMS - 85 Oklahoma
RSGPC - 94 Oregon
IEEIH - 78 Penn State
CCHN - 82 Penn State
HREG - 85 Penn State
AERE - 86 Penn State
DTEL - 94 Penn State
TSTRAAYI - 91 Washington
TIBURON - Tiburom perfect team
WREHSTAEH - 86 Miami