Spec Ops: Ranger Elite

Spec Ops: Ranger Elite

16.10.2013 23:14:35

| Spec Ops: Ranger Elite |
| For the Playstation |
| FAQ |
| v 1.0 |
| 05/19/01 |
| Written By: |
| Junie |
| junies_c@yahoo.com |

This FAQ was created for GameFaqs.com and may not be reproduced by
printed or electronic means. If any other web site, magazine, etc. would
like to reproduce this FAQ contact me at junies_c@yahoo.com for my
permission. This FAQ is protected under USA copyright laws and foreign


Overview on this game:

The price alone is a great incentive to purchase this game only
$9.99! Not to mention the fact that all "Snipers" out there will appreciate
the weapons available, the SSG and the BMP50.

Everyone will appreciate the fact the game is Vibration Function
Compatible, it gives the player the sensation of actually pulling the
trigger or getting shot (At least more than you would expect).

Table of Contents:

1. Controls
2. Weapons/Scopes/Environment & Pickups/Booby traps
3. Using your Ranger Buddy
4. Cheats
5. Starting the Game
6. Troubleshooting Mission Objectives
7. Miscellaneous
8. Conclusion


1. Controls

The following information is from the instructional booklet included with
the game. I have also included comments to try and make it easier for the
beginner to understand how to use them.

Symbols used in the controls below --
(These should be self-explanatory)

X = The X button
[] = The Square button
O = The Circle button
/\ = The Triangle button
<- = The Left directional button
-> = The Right directional button

Ranger/Game Functions

Move Ranger <- or -> directional button (Left
Analog stick)*
Sidestep (Ranger Must be Standing) R2 <- or -> direction button
Fire Weapon X button
Throw Grenade/Use Explosive [] button
Use Inventory Item O button
Toggle Rangers /\ button
Toggle Ranger Posture R2 button + Up or Down
directional button
Toggle Ranger Posture R2 + <- left analog stick *
Use Scopes L1 button
Reload Weapon L2 button + Up directional button
Use Inventory R1 button + directional button
Map Screen Select button
Pause + Game Options Start button

* When analog is On

Command Buddy (Shift Functions)

Buddy Order "Hold Up" L2 button + X button
Buddy Order "Fire 'em Up" L2 button + O button
Buddy Order "Move Up" L2 button + /\ button
Buddy Order "Follow Me" L2 button + [] button

Crouching Mode

Roll to Left R2 button + <- directional button
Roll to Right R2 button + -> directional button

2. Weapons/Scopes/Environment & Pickups/Booby traps


I have sorted the list of weapons into categories and discuss each
weapon in detail. This includes the amount of ammo for each magazine, how
many magazines are standard, how many magazines you can carry, if the
weapon uses a scope, and the number of bullets it takes from the weapon to
disable the enemy soldier.

Here is how the weapons information is read --

rds = rounds (bullets)
mag = magazine
std = standard
max = maximum

Weapon Name -- Bullets fired for each trigger squeeze / Bullets in 1
magazine / Standard amount of Magazines / The maximum amount of Magazines
you can carry / If the Scope is available / Number of bullets to disable an
enemy soldier

Assault Rifles
M4 -- 3 rds/30 rds per mag/10 mags std/10 mags max/no Scope/6 rds
M16 -- 3 rds/30 rds per mag/12 mags std/12 mags max/with Scope/6 rds
HKG11 -- 3 rds/45 rds per mag/10 mags std/10 mags max/with Scope/6 rds
AK74 -- 3 rds/30 rds per mag/10 mags std/10 mags max/no Scope/6 rds

Machine Guns
M249 -- 5 rds/200 rds per mag/5 mags std/5 mags max/no Scope/5 rds
RPK -- 3 rds/45 rds per mag/10 mags std/10 mags max/no Scope/9 rds
M60 -- 3 rds/90 rds per mag/4 mags std/8 mags max/no Scope/3 rds

Grenade Launcher
M203 -- 3 rds/30 rds per mag/8 mags std/8 mags max/no Scope/6 rds
5 grenades std/20 grenades max/no range (Shoots to end of "Fog")

Sniper Rifles
SSG -- 1 rds/5 rds per mag/10 mags std/10 mags max/with Scope/1 rds
BARRET M82A -- 1 rds/10 rds per mag/8 mags std/8 mags max/with Scope/1

Close Quarters Weapons
Ithaca 37 (Shotgun) -- 1 rds/8 rds per mag/12 mags std/12 mags max/no
Scope/2 rds
HKMP55D (Sub-Machine Gun) -- 3 rds/45 rds per mag/10 mags std/10 mags
max/with Scope/6 rds


Can only be used when the weapon you have has one. There are two
different Scopes available, both are discussed in detail below.

4x -- This is the standard scope when the weapon selected uses a scope.
This scope basically puts a cross-hair on the screen so you can aim.
If you don't want much magnification and just want a cross-hair to aim
your weapon this is the way to go.

6x -- You must select this scope by "Modifying Layout" of your Ranger. This
scope will give you a better view, unlike the 4x which is much more
of a broader view.

With either scope when you aim by using the directional buttons,
you must move the directional buttons slowly to get a good shot. The
directional buttons move the scope very fast and makes it hard to take a
good shot.

When firing your weapon with or without a scope you can shoot beside
the enemy soldier and still hit them, or even above their heads. I am
personally unsure if this is because of the distance the weapon is made to
shoot, or perhaps it is due to poor programming.

Also be aware of the fact if you are using a scope and are next to
a fence, tree, etc. the scope will only show a close-up of the object your
next to. If this happens simply move the player away from the item, or at
least further behind it.

Environment & Pickups

The "Environment" as the instructional booklet describes it, is simply
the additional items that you can edit by accessing "Modifying Layout" of
your Ranger. This is the grenades, Satchel Charges, MedKit, etc.

Pickups are items left behind when you disable the enemy soldiers.
They include Ammo Boxes, Flak Vest, etc.


Frag Grenade - These have a 3 meter kill-radius on unarmored enemies.
From my experience these are not worth the hassle, the HE
Grenade is the same thing with a larger kill-radius.

HE Grenade - (High-Explosive) This grenade has a 7 meter kill-radius on
unarmored enemies. These grenades weigh a little more than
a Frag, but are definitely worth it for a more than
doubled kill-radius. The instruction booklet goes on in
regards to enemy equipment, the only equipment I have
successfully used this or any grenade on is the oil drums.

Smoke Grenade - Are used to temporary blind an enemy. The instructional
booklet also claims they can be used to call in a air
strike on certain levels, I have never gotten a air
strike from using them.

White Phosphorous Grenade - The kill-radius is unknown. The
instructional booklet describes, "Throw and
go prone or seek cover because this one is
powerful". Perhaps this grenade kill-radius
is greater than that of the HE Grenade.

Satchel Charge - These are high explosive charges that are set on a
timer, 5 - 20 seconds (Use L2 to Decrease Time and R2
to Increase time when setting), and are used to blow
various things up. You will need several on certain
stages, make sure you have enough. Decue and a half
(Military Transport Trucks), bridges, and a building
are the items they are needed for. For fun you can blow
up trees.

Claymore - Unlike the usual Claymore which can be triggered by motion or
by a Clacker, these can only be triggered by a Clacker. You
must set the Claymore and then select the Clacker by the R1
button. Detonate when a enemy solder gets near it by pushing
the O button.


Ammo Box - Contains a certain number of clips

Flak Vest - Increase Rangers armor. Can only be picked up if your
Rangers armor is not already full.

Ammo Clip - Contains a certain number of rounds, depending on ammo type.

M203 Grenade - A single grenade for use with the M203 weapon. Has only a
1 meter kill-radius.

Booby traps

There are two Booby Traps that the enemy can set, one of which I
have never seen during game play. Perhaps the programmer forgot to include
them in the game?

Antipersonnel Mine - This mine is usually buried next to trees and beside
the pathways on stages. It is easily found. You
will see a round metallic colored object on the
ground. If you step on one even with a full life
you will kill your Ranger.

Tripwire - This is a Booby Trap with involves a Tripwire and a special
layout of Claymores. This is the Booby Trap I have never seen
in the game. If anyone knows where it does exist in the game
e-mail me what Stage, Phrase, and where it is.

3. Using your Ranger Buddy

This option is only available during 1 player game play, during 2
player game play the 2nd player is your Ranger Buddy. If you want to
actually beat the game with less effort learn to use your Ranger Buddy.
Also to earn a decent Medal for the Phase you must use your Ranger Buddy.

Be sure to simply tell your Ranger Buddy to "Move Up!" if not
anything every now and then, that way you will get a great Medal.

If you don't want to use your Ranger Buddy when you play, remember
certain parts of the game requires Satchel Charges and unless you stockpile
your Ranger with them, you will need your Ranger Buddy's Inventory.

Of course many parts of the game your Ranger Buddy can be wasted
and you can beat it without him. Some fun things to do is make him "Move
Up!" when you are positioned on a edge of the cliff and he will jump off
the cliff (Your Ranger Buddy can be easily tricked into this, his
Artificial Intelligence is really low). Also telling your Ranger Buddy to
"Hold Up!" on the middle of a bridge set to blow with Satchel Charges is
another way to get rid of him.

Fire 'em Up! -- (L2 + O button) Your Buddy will take aim and fire on
nearby enemy soldiers.

Follow Me! -- (L2 + [] button) Your Buddy will follow you close
behind. You stop he stops, etc.

Hold Up! -- (L2 + X button) Your Buddy will hold his current
position until you give him another command. Also he
will fire on nearby enemy solders. If you re-give this
command when he is firing on enemy solders he will

Move Up! -- (L2 + /\ button) Your Buddy will advance forward of your
current position for a distance and stop. He will fire
on nearby enemy solders in this command as well.

If you switch your posture your Ranger Buddy will switch his to
match yours as well. Use L2 button + Up or Down to change postures.

4. Cheats

If you select 1 Player Quick Start you can not do this, otherwise
any other game start will work (Simply because you can't enter a player's

Once you select which game you want to start, the next screen will
give you the chance to enter your name. Enter your name as ROCKSTAR

With your name entered as ROCKSTAR you can select what Levels to
play, Phases, and even be Invulnerable with Infinite Time. After you enter
your name the next screen "Select Mission" allows you to select the Levels.
On the "Select Mission" screen use your <- and -> directions buttons to
select a different level.

The next screen is "Phase Objectives". Once again use your
controllers <- and -> direction buttons to change the Phase.

And last but not least, during the actual game play pause the
game. Use your Down directional button to highlight "Invulnerable", push X
button to turn it On or Off.

With Invulnerable On, you and your Ranger Buddy can not be killed,
also you are given Infinite Time. This includes no damage from bullets,
explosives, cliffs, and areas you should not be in. During the hostage
levels if you have Invulnerable On the hostage can still die like normal.
Be careful!

If you do manage to fall down a cliff you will need to turn
Invulnerable Off to continue game play (Either way your player must die to
continue, because there is no escape).

5. Starting the Game

This will walk you through starting a new game, if you do a "Quick
Start" this information is not needed. A "Quick Start" game does not allow
you to change or select anything, that's why it is a "Quick Start".

Choose The Type of Game

One Player Quick Start *
Two Player Quick Start *+
One Player Game
Two Player Game +
Load Game

* Immediately starts a game, the below information is not needed
+ You must have 2 controllers in the Playstation to Play

Enter Your name

Enter any name for the player(s). If you plan to cheat, type the name
told in the Cheat section above.

Select a Mission

This is only a option if you are cheating or have loaded a saved game,
otherwise just press the X button to continue.

Phase Objectives

This screen gives you a briefing on what you need to do in order to pass
the phase. Read it, often times tips on how to complete a objective is
told here and no where else.

Ranger Selecting

Now use your <- and -> directions buttons to move the arrow to a Ranger
you want. Press the X button to select your Ranger. If you want to
change your Ranger's weapon or equipment press the X button again to
change the Ranger's "Layout".

Now if you are in a 1 player game select your Ranger Buddy as you did
for your Ranger. You can also edit his "Layout" as well. If you are
playing a 2 player game, the 2nd player will need to use their
controller to select and change their Ranger.

Once both Rangers are selected you are ready to begin. Now move the
arrow to select the door in between the Close Quarters Ranger and the
Sniper Ranger. Then press the X button to start your Game.

6. Troubleshooting Mission Objectives

Level 4 Phase 1

The only Mission you may have a problem on solving, like I did, is
on Level 4 Phase 1. It is the Missiles you must disarm in China. To disable
the Missiles simply shoot the section of the missile below the missile cone.
The section is a light gray and has a black circle above and below the

In order to actual aim and fire at the right section you will need
to choose a weapon that has a scope.

Common Problem on all Levels

A common problem is you do the mission objective and now are
waiting to go onto the next mission objective but the game does, what's
wrong? The most common problem is that you will need to go to certain areas
of that stage to trigger the game to go onto the next mission objective.

If you have a problem make sure you hit the Select button and goto
the red dot areas on the map. Even if you disable the enemy solders like
instructed or whatever you will still need to go near the red dots on the

If that still doesn't work look for items that don't belong in the
level. For instance Mission 3 Phase 3, you must walk near the car to get
the game to go ahead to Objective 3.

7. Miscellaneous

Ranger Selecting

When selecting Rangers to start a game, there are 5 Rangers to choose
from --

Machine Gunner
Close Quarter

From the instructional booklet "Each ..Ranger has a special skill with a
particular weapon." Even if you give the Recon/Sniper a M60 machine gun
he will preform the same. So I am unsure what the instructional booklet
means. Does anyone know?

Ranger Item Weight

Each weapon and items have a weight, and the Rangers can only carry so
much weight. If you want more Ammo or to carry more Grenades remove the
items from your Inventory that you do not need.

Game Time

Every time you start a to play a game, you are given a set time to
complete the mission. If that time runs out you will have to restart the
mission (The Rangers are not harmed).

* You can have Infinite Time using the cheat described above.

Climbing Objects

Even though you can not climb ladders that are found on different
missions, you can climb different objects. This includes the Alaska
Pipeline found on Level 1 Phase 1.

Simply walk up the end that goes into the ground.

Reload Time

Any Ranger will need to reload their weapon from time to time. If you
are in the Prone position (Laying on your Belly) the weapon will
automatically reload without any pause.

8. Conclusion

I hope you learned something from this FAQ. I apologize if this FAQ
does not follow the usual rules or "feel" -- After all this is my first

If I get any new information to add into this FAQ I will make
another release when it becomes available. If you have something you think
needs to be added or changed just e-mail at junies_c@yahoo.com

Thanks for Reading!

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