Tales of Phantasia

Tales of Phantasia

13.10.2013 13:48:07
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|| ||
|| PART I ||
|| [joaquinpuga@infovia.com.ar] ||
|| Copyright (©) 2000 Joaquin Puga ||
|| ||

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Unpublished work Copyright 2000 Joaquin Puga

This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced
in any way, shape or form (physical, electronical, or otherwise) aside
from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in
it's original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used
for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling
it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of
commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of
bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy
and is therefore prohibited. Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by
the publishers, editors, employees or associates, etc. of any company,
group, business, or association, etc., nor can it be used by game
sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines, guides, books,
etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (including
mediums not specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form
(including reprinting, reference or inclusion), without the express
written permission of the author, myself. This FAQ was created and is
owned by me, Joaquin Puga. All copyrights and trademarks are
acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this

The above Copyright Notice was developed by Kao Megura (with a tiny
bit of helping from Ignacio de Lucas). It is self-affecting, meaning
that it cannot be reproduced without crediting its author (for all
purposes, Kao Megura). A lot of FAQ writers out there are starting to
be aware of the need to protect their work from plagiarism. This is
Good. However, there's been an increasing trend among some of them do
so by just copying and pasting Kao Megura's copyright notice, without
crediting him at all. This is Wrong. He's too good a guy and is more
happy about these people protecting their work (and doing so with
something he has devoted a lot of time to perfect) than concerned
about his own protection being transgressed. Thus, he'll say nothing,
but I won't. If you're going to just copy his Copyright Notice (one
that warns against plagiarism, for goodness' sake) at least have the
decency of thanking him properly!

| THANKS A LOT TO IGNACIO DE LUCAS for letting me use the disclaimer |
| from his Xenogears FAQ. THANKS TO KAO MEGURA because he is the one |
| who made it in the first place. Remember that, if you want to use |
| the above disclaimer you MUST ask for permission from Kao Megura or|
| Ignacio de Lucas, not from me. |
| |
| Ignacio de Lucas Kao Megura |
| |

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Version 0.1 [08/14/00] - Decided to make a walkthrough for Tales of
Phantasia. Made the ASCII art of the FAQ and
wrote the introduction. The design used is
the same from my FF IX FAQ project.

Version 0.2 [08/30/00] - The FAQ covers as far as the Moria Gallery
and a little more. More to come soon!

Version 0.3 [09/07/00] - Walkthrough up to The Tower of the Twelve
Stars. Added the Norse Mythology Section (I'm
not even near finishing it, but it's there).

Version 0.4 [09/14/00] - Expanded the walkthrough up to the end of
Dhaos' Fortress. Added lots of information to
the Norse Mythology section. This is the
largest Tales of Phantasia FAQ that I know of
already, and I'm not even half done yet! (is
this good or bad?...).

Version 0.5 [09/21/00] - The walkthrough is done until right before
going to the Fire Tower and the Ice Cavern.
Added a new part to the introduction. The
file now is as big as 242 KB, that's 54 KB
more than last week!

Version 0.6 [09/28/00] - The walkthrough is almost complete, I'm right
before going after Dhaos. I'm almost sure
that the walkthrough will be complete by next

Version 0.7 [10/08/00] - I know I almost promised the complete
walkthrough, but I was busy half the time
last week, and the other half I was... well,
just lazy. I had to delay the release of this
revision to include the full walkthrough of
the Moria Gallery and the Treasure Quest.

Version 0.8 [11/05/00] - Okay, I'm really sorry about taking so long,
but the walkthrough is complete now and the
Coliseum section has been added. The next
revision will include cheats!

Version 0.9 [11/29/00] - And yet again I'm late! This time I added the
'Cheats and Codes' section, check it out!
Last AND least, I completed the 'Menu
Explanation' section, but it's huge, so I
might move it somewhere below the

Version 1.0 [12/15/00] - Made the list of skills for Mint, Klarth and
Arche. Added more information in section 8.3
Created the 'Voice Actors' Section and added
the 'Patch Related Questions' to the
Frequently Asked Questions.

Version 1.1 [12/22/00] - Hooray! We just overcame the 500 KB barrier!
This time I made the list of skills for Cless
(Combos are still missing though) and
completed sections 2.3 and 2.4. I also
finished the 'Voice Actors' section.

Version 1.2 [02/03/01] - After Dejap's Final Patch release, seeing how
big the file would get, I decided the divide
the FAQ. I changed all the item names in the
walkthrough and added a few minor things
(such as the combos you can get in each
section). Cless' combos were finally added to
Part II, as well as some new codes (most of
them are courtesy of Jeffrey Tam).

Version 1.3 [03/29/01] - The huge increase in file size comes from the
fact that the Item and Shop Lists are done!
There were also many changes in the
walkthrough and the mini-quests, but they are

Version 1.4 [07/14/01] - It was about time! This revision includes the
List of Enemies and a new section for extra
tactics sent by contributors. I am pleased to
announce that this is the Complete Version of
the FAQ (for more info, see section 1.4).
There won't be any more updates unless I
realize there is a big flaw somewhere in the
guide... Thanks for reading. Bye!

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- PART I -

1.1 About this Walkthrough
1.2 About Tales of Phantasia
1.3 About the Game and the Translation Patch
1.4 A Short Message from the Author

2.1 Characters Introduction
2.2 Gameplay basics
2.3 The Controls
2.4 The Battles
2.5 Menu Explanation

3.1 Totus Town and the Southern Forest
3.2 Betrayal in Euclid
3.3 Escaping Jail
3.4 Awakening of Dhaos
3.5 A New World, or an Old Time?
3.6 Euclid in the Past
3.7 The Valley of the Sylphs
3.8 Yggdrasill and the Destruction of Harmel
3.9 Venezzia and Demitel's Island
3.10 On the Way to Alvanista
3.11 The Kingdom of Alvanista
3.12 Undine's Water Cave
3.13 Ifrit, the Fire Elemental Spirit
3.14 Gnome, the Spirit of Earth
3.15 The Moria Gallery
3.16 Looking for Edward
3.17 Maze! Treant's Forest
3.18 The City of Midgard
3.19 The Tower of Twelve Stars
3.20 War! The Valhalla Plains and the Aerial Battle
3.21 Dhaos' Fortress
3.22 Unicorn! Help us Save the Yggdrasill
3.23 Thor, the sunken Hi-Tech City
3.24 Future Times are Better!
3.25 Lightning Spirit! Volt's Cave
3.26 The Future of Alvanista and the Grand World Tour
3.27 Freeze! Fenrir's Ice Cavern
3.28 Burn! Odin's Fire Tower
3.29 Spirit of Creation, Origin
3.30 Before Taking on Dhaos
3.31 The Final Confrontation

4.1 Elwyn and Nancy, a Love Story
4.2 Mini-Games at Alvanista
4.3 The Ninja Village
4.4 Ayflite's Treasure
4.5 Moria Gallery, the Lower Levels
4.6 The Coliseum
4.7 Ninjas at Euclid
4.8 Cookin' 'n Stuff
4.9 Cless' Classes
4.10 Combo Command Combinations

5.1 Clearing Things Out
5.2 Game Related Questions
5.3 Patch Related Questions



I.1 List of Skills for Cless
I.2 List of Skills for Mint
I.3 List of Spirits for Klarth
I.4 List of Spells for Arche

II.1 Supply List
II.2 Food List
II.3 Weapon List
II.4 Armor List
II.5 Accessory List
II.6 Treasure List

III.1 Shops in the Present
III.2 Shops in the Past
III.3 Shops in the Future

IV.1 List of Monsters per Location
IV.2 List of Enemies

V.1 Toying with Characters' Level and Status
V.2 General Toying
V.3 Skill Activation Codes
V.4 Item Modification Codes

VI.1 Yume Wa Owaranai Lyrics
VI.2 Norse Mythology in Tales of Phantasia
VI.3 Some Other Interesting Things
VI.4 Voice Actors
VI.5 Extra Tactics

VII.1 Clearing Things Out
VII.2 Game Related Questions
VII.3 Patch Related Questions


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1.1- About this Walkthrough

First of all, note that I'm not a native English speaker, so, in
spite of all my attempts to correct everything, there are quite a few
grammar and spelling mistakes through the guide. If you happen to
notice one of these, please let me know.

I will be using Dejap's patch to make the walkthrough, which means
that the names of items, skills, enemies, etc. will be called as in
the aforementioned patch.

The latest version of this file can always be found in the following

GameFaqs - www.gamefaqs.com

Video Game Strategies - http://vgstrategies.about.com

PSX Codez - www.psxcodez.com

Neoseeker - www.neoseeker.com

Fresh Baked Games - www.fbgames.com

Hellhound Emulation - http://plasticbrick.dyndns.org/hellhoundemu/

The RPG Realm - www.rpgrealm.com

1.2- About Tales of Phantasia

Tales of Phantasia is a Super Famicom classic released by Namco in
Japan during 1995. The game was very innovative, it even included a
full J-Pop song and lots of voice acting. The battle system was
different from most RPGs, instead of the classic turn based fights, in
TOP, you control your main character in a battle field that looks a
lot like a fighting game, you run, hit your enemies with your sword,
use special skills, etc. Of course, like most good games, ToP never
got released in America. Some have said says it's because of certain
rather mature scenes in the game, which would most likely be
considered "outrageous" in America; I think it's true.

A few years later, Namco released a game in the same style of ToP for
the Playstation, Tales of Destiny was its name. ToD followed the story
of Stahn Aileron, a young man from a country village who goes out to
see the world. Of course, being the main character of an RPG he
couldn't do anything different from getting involved in an epic battle
to save the world. Even though Tales of Destiny was meant to resemble
ToP, it had many original features. The game was released in America,
the only thing changed was the opening song, which was replaced for an
instrumental theme in the opening video.

Tales of Destiny was a great game, but people wanted to see Tales of
Phantasia again, so Namco decided to release a remake of it for the
Sony Playstation. The game was completely re-done, even the dialogues
where written again. The remake included a new version of the original
J-Pop song, a few videos, some new dungeons and even a secret
character. But again, the game was not released in America, probably
for the same reasons that kept the Super Famicom version of the game
away from these shores.

The latest 'Tales' game, named Tales of Eternia, was released by the
end of 2000 in Japan. The release date of the American version is
scheduled for September 2001!

Finally, on November 2000, 'Tales of Phantasia Narikiri Dungeon' was
released for the Color Game Boy. The story takes place in the same
world of ToP, but some time later. The main characters are Mel and
Dio, a pair of twins with a mysterious origin...

1.3- About the Game and the Translation Patch

Well, I don't know where you can get the original cartridge of Tales
of Phantasia for the Super Famicom, probably you can find one in one
of those auction sites. However, if you want to be able to use a patch
to play the game in English, you will have to get the Rom of the game
and a good emulator (neither of them are hard to find).

The best Super Famicom and Super Nes emulator (in my humble opinion)
is Zsnes, which can be downloaded from the Zsnes site at www.zsnes.com
(and in many other sites of course, but that's the main one).

As for the translation Patch, there are at least two groups of people
working on it. One is Disnesquick's group, but there's no released
patch so far ^_^ The ones who already released a final version are the
people of Dejap. Even though they still plan to do some small changes,
the current version is a complete translation of the game. For the
FAQ, I'll use the item and enemy names of Dejap's Patch.

And finally, the Rom: "where do I get it?" you may be wondering,
well, try on a search engine! Roms are not hard to find and everyone
knows that, but you must remember this: IT IS ILLEGAL TO HAVE A ROM IN
CARTRIDGE. So, if you don't have the original cartridge, you have to
break the law to play the game (unless you finish it in less than 24
hours ^_~). It's your choice, not mine...

NOTE: Finally, somebody confirmed that it IS legal to have backup
copies of games. Thanks a lot to Joe.J.Glogowski for this info.
Also, thanks to Alexiyies and Stefan Zammit for their
contributions on the subject.

Where to find everything that's mentioned here:

Zsnes - http://www.zsnes.com

Disnesquick - http://disnesquick.faithweb.com/index2.html

Dejap - http://dejap.zsnes.com

1.4- A Short Message from the Author

It's been almost a year since I started this guide, and it's finally
time to declare it complete... I must say writing was a very
fulfilling experience, all because of you people, who supported me.
I just wanted to thank everyone: readers and contributors!

I hope you read my next guides! Bye!

PS: Please DO read the e-mail policy before writing ^_^

- Joaquin

- E-mail Policy -

The fact that this is the 'Complete Version' of the FAQ does not mean
I'll stop answering questions regarding ToP. However, since this guide
supposedly contains all I know about Tales of Phantasia, you should
make sure your question is not already answered here before writing. I
mean it!

I've answered every single question I've gotten so far, but from now
on I will be a bit more demanding about the kind of e-mail I get. Try
to make clear questions, write in good English (just make the text
understandable) and please be polite. If you fail to respect such
simple norms, I might not bother to reply.

I will not reply to people who ask me where to find ROMs. Why?
Because I'm tired of replying to people who are just too lazy to try
using a search engine. The Tales of Phantasia and ToP Narikiri Dungeon
ROMs are pretty common, so please don't ask me where to get either of
them. Run a search on Google or Altavista!

Last, but not least, write 'Tales of Phantasia' or 'ToP' in the
subject of your messages, so that I don't have to guess the game you
need help with!

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This section has some info on the game that you might want to know
before starting the game.

2.1- Characters Introduction

Cless Alvein

Cless is the hero of the game, son of a great swordsman who lives in
a town called Totus. After receiving a Pendant for his 15th birthday,
he goes hunting with his best friend; everything is just fine until
they hear the town's emergency bell. When they get there, the town has
been destroyed. This is the start of a series of events that will
change the world, present, past and future...

Chester Barklight

Chester is Cless' best friend, he lives in Totus with his little
sister Amy. He goes hunting with Cless and also gets involved in the
sad events that follow. The death of his sister during the attack
makes him swear revenge on those who destroyed the town.

Mint Adnade

A shy girl whom Cless meets in jail. After their escape, they find
out that there was some relation between their parents and the evil
wizard Dhaos. The circumstances develop in such strange ways that they
end up in the past...

Klarth F. Lester

Klarth is a human from the village of Euclid in the past. After years
of studying, he is able to make contracts with spirits and then summon
them in battle. Cless and Mint request his help to defeat Dhaos in the
past, so they can return to the present.

Arche Klaine

A pink haired half-elf whom the party meets under weird circumstances
(at first she was possessed by an old friend's spirit). Once her true
self comes out, she decides to join the others to go get some
adventures. Being a half-elf, she can cast powerful magic, all she has
to do is find books to learn the spells.


A powerful black wizard whose real intentions no one knows. Is he
just another megalomaniac trying to conquer the world, is he just
plain evil, is he a nut or is there a more meaningful task he is
carrying out? You will know once you play the game...

2.2- Gameplay basics

Some things you should know before you play the game:

HP (Hit Points): These represent your health: when an enemy hurts
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ you, the number that appears is the amount of Hit
Points that you lose. When the number is zero,
your character dies. Hit Points can be regained by
casting healing magic on the character, using an
item (such as an Apple Gummy), sleeping at an inn,

TP (Tech Points): When you cast a spell, use a technique, summon a
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Spirit, etc. you use some of these. They are like
MP are in most games. In TOP you regain a little
TP after each battle. You can also recover these
by using an item (such as an Orange Gummy) or
sleeping at an inn.

Sleeping at an inn: You can stay at inns to get your HP and TP to the
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ maximum without spending an item or using your
magic. Of course, staying at inns will cost you
some money.

Gald: Gald is the money in Tales of Phantasia, you get
¯¯¯¯ it by fighting monsters and sometimes in chests in

Food Sack: The Food Sack is a special item were you put food
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ items. When a character's hurt, he/she will regain
a little HP by eating from the bag with each step
(of course, the food value decreases).

2.3- The Controls

|Directional Buttons: Movement |
| SELECT button: N/A |
| START button: N/A |
| A Button: Talk/Confirm |
| B Button: Cancel/Run (must have Jetboots equipped) |
| X Button: Access Menu |
| Y Button: N/A |
| L Button: N/A |
| R Button: N/A |

|Directional Buttons: Move horizontally |
| SELECT Button: N/A |
| START Button: Pause (use the directional buttons to scroll |
| through the battlefield) |
| A Button: Attack/Confirm selections in the Battle Menu |
| B Button: Use Cless' equipped Skills |
| X Button: Access Battle Menu |
| Y Button: Select Target |
| L Button: Makes the party face to the left/Run away |
| R Button: Makes the party face to the right/Run away |

|Directional Buttons: Movement |
| SELECT button: N/A |
| START button: Toggle Map |
| A Button: Take Off (only after getting the Metal Birds) |
| B Button: Land (only after getting the Metal Birds) |
| X Button: Access Menu |
| Y Button: N/A |
| L Button: N/A |
| R Button: N/A |

|Directional Buttons: Steer |
| SELECT button: N/A |
| START button: Toggle Map |
| A Button: Take off/Fly Forward |
| B Button: Land |
| X Button: Access Menu |
| Y Button: Use the directional buttons while pushing to |
| strafe |
| L Button: N/A |
| R Button: N/A |

2.4- The Battles

In most RPGs, battles are turn-based. Each character gets a turn per
round. All you have to do is choose the commands from a small menu
that includes the basic actions.

In Tales of Phantasia, battles are more like a fighting game. Your
party and the group of enemies are placed in a horizontal battlefield.
Basically, you can only control Cless, the main character, while the
rest of your party is controlled by AI. This system created by Namco
is called the Linear Motion Battle System (LMB System).

Cless can attack in several different ways. Pressing the A button
will make him run and use a slash attack against the target, but if
you press a down in the control pad while he runs, he will stab the
enemy. Depending on the distance and height of the enemy, the attacks
will vary differently. You will get used to it quickly once you play.

TIP: To get critical hits almost always, starting far from the enemy
press A to attack (or Up + A to stab) and press A again while
Cless runs. This should result in a critical hit. Thanks to
Darkdude3 for this tip.

As he becomes more powerful, Cless will acquire skills to use in
battle. These skills consume TP when used, but are really powerful.
You can have up to four skills ready to use in battle at the same
time, two long-range and two short-range skills. To use the ability
equipped on the first slot of either kind, press B; to use the one
equipped on the second slot, press Up + B. Here's a small chart to
explain better:

Short-Range 1.[Press B while near the target]
2.[Press Up + B While near the target]

Long-Range 1.[Press B while away from the target]
2.[Press Up + B while away from the target]

Aside from normal Skills, you can use combos. To use a combo you need
to master the two skills that form it (by using them over and over).
You will also need someone who teaches Cless the combo. Note that,
since all combos include a short and a long range skill, they can only
be equipped on the Long-Range slots.

As for the target: normally, it is the closest enemy, but you can
change the target by pressing the Y button. This will make either a
'S' or a 'L' appear over the new target. The 'S' means that the game
considers the enemy is close enough to Cless to use Short-Range
skills, the 'L' means the enemy if far enough to use Long-Range

Even though you can't control the rest of your party as much as you
can control Cless, you can control them with the help of the battle
menu. To access it, just press X while in battle and a small menu from
which you can choose the following options will appear:

Magic: Allows you to tell a character to cast a spell, use
¯¯¯¯¯ healing magic or summon a spirit. Note that you can't
order a character to cast a spell while he/she is busy
casting another one. Be aware that if the character gets
damaged, the casting process is stopped.

Tactic: This option lets you access the Artificial Intelligence
¯¯¯¯¯¯ settings of your party. There are four option of AI for
each character. Note that you can also change these
settings from the menu while in the field screen.

Formation: You can change the disposition of your party on the
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ battlefield with this option. This allows you to make the
spell casters of the party away from fighters, thus
protecting them, since the fighters are always near the
enemies. Note that the Formation can also be changed from
the menu while in the field screen.

Item: Quite obvious, this option allows you to use an item. Of
¯¯¯¯ course, some items can't be used in battle, just like some
others can't be used in the field. Remember that after you
use an item, you will have to wait a few seconds before
using the next one.

To run away from a battle, get Cless to one of the ends of the
battlefield and press either the L or R button (depending on which
side of the battlefield it is). Note that you can't run from all

Well, those are the basics of battling. It is really easy, not to
mention fun, once you get used to it.

2.5- Menu Explanation

T h e M a i n M e n u :
|CLESS ||[Character Name] |
| LV 99 || LV 99 |
| HP 9999/9999 || HP 9999/9999 |
| TP 999/ 999 || TP 999/ 999 |
| || |
| EXP 0 || EXP 0 |
| NEXT 10 || NEXT 10 |
|[Character Name] ||[Character Name] |
| LV 99 || LV 99 |
| HP 9999/9999 || HP 9999/9999 |
| TP 999/ 999 || TP 999/ 999 |
| || |
| EXP 0 || EXP 0 |
| NEXT 10 || NEXT 10 |
| TIME 15:30 GOLD 9999999 |
| BATTLES 1254 FOOD 0 |
In the Characters' Boxes:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯
LV: Shows the current level of the character. Higher levels means
the characters are stronger. The highest level the characters
can have is 99 and the lowest is 1.

HP: It's shown in the following format: Current HP/Maximum HP. The
highest Maximum HP possible is 9999 for all characters.

TP: It's shown in the following format: Current TP/Maximum TP. The
highest Maximum TP possible is 9999 for all characters (except
Chester, who doesn't have TP at all).

EXP: Shows how many Experience Points the character has gained.
Experience Points are used to raise levels of the characters.

NEXT: Shows how many Experience Points the character has to gain to
raise a level. If the character has reached level 99 this space
will display the word 'MASTER'.

In The Bottom Box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
TIME: Shows for how much time you have been playing the game.

BATTLES: Shows in how many battles you have engaged since the
beginning of the game.

GOLD: Gold is the money of the game. This shows how much money
you have at the moment.

FOOD: ToP has a Food Sack system. You can put food you find in
the sack and characters will consume it while they walk in a
dungeon, recovering HP if they are hurt. There are three
different Food Sacks you can get in this game.

T h e S k i l l s M e n u :

For Cless:
¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯
__________________________ ______________________
| Char. [Name] || [The list of skills |
| Sprite TP 999/999 || appears here when you |
| || are selecting skills] |
| SR A [Skill] || |
| B [Skill] || |
| || |
| LR A [Skill/Combo] || |
| B [Skill/Combo] || |
| [When selecting skills this box displays a short |
| description of them; if you are not selecting skills, |
| a message about using skills appears] |

In the top-right box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
OK: Use this command to accept all changes and return to the main

UNDO: Use this command to return everything to how it was before.

In the middle-left box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
SR This marks the slots for the Short-Range skills.

LR This marks the slots for the Long Range Skills.

In the middle-right box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
Obviously, if you are selecting skills for the Short-Range slots, the
Long-Range skills and Combos will not be displayed and vice versa.
Note that some skills can be used as Long and/or Short-Range.

In the bottom box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
The information displayed for skills includes a description, the TP
cost and the learning percentage. The information displayed for combos
includes the name of the two skills that form it, the learning
percentage of both skills and the TP cost of the combo.


For Everyone Else
¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯
| Char. [Name] TP 999/999 |
| Sprite |
| |
| X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] |
| X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] |
| X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] |
| X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] |
| X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] |
| [Displays a short description of the spell the cursor |
| is pointing. The TP Cost is also included] |
| |

In the middle box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
The symbol next to the spell name can either be a 'X' or a 'O'. The
'O' is for the spells that can be used outside of battle.

You can tell the AI of the character which spells it mustn't cast by
pressing the 'Y' button next to the spell name. Once you do this, the
name will be displayed in gray. Remember that you can still tell that
character to cast the spell via a battle command. To reverse the
process just press 'Y' next to the spell again.

T h e E q u i p M e n u :

__________________________ ____________________________
| [This box displays the list || [Name] Char. |
| of items the character can || Sprite |
| equip in a certain slot] || |
| || WEAP [Item Equipped] |
| || BODY [Item Equipped] |
| || SHLD [Item Equipped] |
| || HEAD [Item Equipped] |
| || HAND [Item Equipped] |
| || ACC1 [Item Equipped] |
| || ACC2 [Item Equipped] |
| Equipment [See complete description under the graphic]|
| Picture |
| |

In the top-right box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
EQUIP: Self-explanatory.

EMPTY: Self-explanatory too, just choose this and then select what
you want to remove from the character.

BEST: The game simply selects the equipment that will raise the
character's stats the most. Bear in mind that the game doesn't
consider elemental advantages and disadvantages. Finally, this
command doesn't affect the Relic slots.

In the middle-right box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
When equipping something, this box displays how some of the
character's stats will be affected. The four affected stats are:

ATK: Easy to guess, this is the power of the physical attacks of
the character. When equipping gear on Cless, this attribute is
changed for STB (Stab) and SLC (Slice), since he has two kinds
of attacks. The Attack can be modified by equipping weapons or
some special Relics.

DEF: Self-explanatory. The higher your defense, the less damage
you receive. The defense can be modified by equipping armor,
Relics and sometimes even weapons (such as Mint's Unicorn

ACY: The accuracy of the character when hitting. The Accuracy can
be modified by equipping weapons or Relics.

RUN: Also known as Evade, this is the chance that your character
has of avoiding any harm from an attack. This stat can be
modified by equipping Armor or Relics.

In the bottom box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
When selecting equipment, this box displays a short description of
it. If you press 'Y' the box will display useful information of what
you chose in this fashion:

|[Equipment] [Name of the Item] <[Item Type]> |
| [Picture] |
| ATK ** ACY ** TYPE |
| DEF ** RUN ** |

ATK: How much it adds to your Attack.

DEF: How much it adds to your Defense.

ACY: How much it adds to your Accuracy.

RUN: How much it adds to your Evasion.

TYPE: Under this title will appear the elemental attributes of the
weapon, armor, etc. Note that a piece of armor can have
different elemental resistance, being there armors that
diminish elemental damage, others that annul damage and others
that absorb it.

T h e I t e m M e n u :

__________________________ ______________________
| */160 |¯¯¯|¯¯¯|¯¯¯|¯¯¯|¯¯¯|¯¯¯|¯¯¯|¯¯¯|¯¯¯| |
| |New|Btl|ABC|Wpn|Arm|Shl|Acc|Fod|Msc| |
| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ |
| O [Item Name] : ** O [Item Name] : ** |
| O [Item Name] : ** O [Item Name] : ** |
| X [Item Name] : ** O [Item Name] : ** |
| O [Item Name] : ** X [Item Name] : ** |
| O [Item Name] : ** O [Item Name] : ** |
| X [Item Name] : ** X [Item Name] : ** |
| X [Item Name] : ** X [Item Name] : ** |
| Item <[Item Type]> |
| Picture [This box displays a short description of |
| the item you are pointing with the cursor] |

In the top-right box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
This option allows you to see a list of your rare items. To select
it, simply press up while the cursor is pointing one the item sorting
icons (see below).

In the middle box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
To scroll the Item List up and down quickly, just press L (to go up)
or R (to go down).

*/160: This displays the line being pointed by the cursor at the
moment, so that you can easily find an item again if you
don't sort your items.

O: The circle next to an item means that it can be used at the
moment, from the menu.

X: The cross next to an item means that it can't be used at the

**: Shows the stock you have of each item.

The grid on the top right part of this box allows you to choose how
to sort your items:

New: Places the items you got since the last time you entered the
item menu first. Note that new items are always displayed in
green instead of white.

Btl: Places items usable in battle first. This is quite useful
and I recommend you always sort your items like this before
fighting to save time.

ABC: Sorts items in alphabetical order.

Wpn: Places weapons first.

Arm: Places armor first.

Shl: Places shields, gloves and other protective pieces of
equipment first.

Rlc: Places Relics first.

Fod: Places food items first.

Msc: Places miscellaneous items first (such as Apple Gummies,
Remedy Bottles, etc.).

In the bottom box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
Aside from the description of the item, this window can display other
useful info if you press the 'Y' button. It can show you the 'Food
Value' of Food Items and the attributes of equipment.

T h e T a c t i c s M e n u :

| Char. 2 [Name] [Artificial Intelligence option 1] |
| Sprite [Artificial Intelligence option 2] |
| [Artificial Intelligence option 3] |
| [Artificial Intelligence option 4] |
| Char. 3 [Name] [Artificial Intelligence option 1] |
| Sprite [Artificial Intelligence option 2] |
| [Artificial Intelligence option 3] |
| [Artificial Intelligence option 4] |
| Char. 4 [Name] [Artificial Intelligence option 1] |
| Sprite [Artificial Intelligence option 2] |
| [Artificial Intelligence option 3] |
| [Artificial Intelligence option 4] |

This menu allows you to choose one out of four different AI options
for the character that you are not controlling all the time. This is
specially useful for spell casters, since you can have them use magic
moderately for normal battles or use all they've got for boss battles.

To change the AI configuration of a character, simply select him/her
in this menu and choose how you want them to behave. The options are
pretty self-explanatory, hence I will not go into more detail.

T h e F o r m a t i o n M e n u :
__________________________ ____________________________
| |
| [This window displays the disposition of your party |
| in battles. You can change it easily by selecting a |
| character and moving him/her to the left or right] |
| |
| |
| Char. [Name] || Char. [Name] |
|Sprite HP 9999/9999 ||Sprite HP 9999/9999 |
| TP 999/ 999 || TP 999/ 999 |
| Char. [Name] || Char. [Name] |
|Sprite HP 9999/9999 ||Sprite HP 9999/9999 |
| TP 999/ 999 || TP 999/ 999 |

In the top-right box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
OK: Use this to confirm all changes and return to the main menu.

UNDO: Use this to cancel any changes you may have done.

CHANGE: This option allows you to switch one of your active party
members for the inactive party member. Obviously, this option
can only be used once you get a fifth character, and that's
after playing through the first half of the game. Note that
Cless can NEVER be the inactive party member.

T h e S t a t u s M e n u :
|__________________________| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| Character |¯¯¯|
| [Name] [Last Name] Char. | Portrait | |
| [Class] Sprite | | |
| LV 99 | | |
| HP 9999/9999 |______________| |
| TP 999/ 999 |
| WEAP [Equipped Item] |
| EXP 9999999 BODY [Equipped Item] |
| NEXT MASTER SHLD [Equipped Item] |
| HEAD [Equipped Item] |
| STR 999 HAND [Equipped Item] |
| CON 999 ACC1 [Equipped Item] |
| AGL 999 ACC2 [Equipped Item] |
| LUC 999 |
| ATK 9999 [Chosen AI option] |
| DEF 9999 |
| ACY 9999 |
| RUN 9999 |

Quite easy to understand, the Status Screen shows you almost all the
information there is about your characters. You can always change
character names from here, just place the cursor next to his/her name
and press the accept button.

Cless' Status Screen is a bit different from the others. There can be
up to eight stars next to his current level, each star represents a
class that he has acquired (the classes don't affect anything in the
game). You can check the skills and combos equipped on Cless by
pressing down on your controller. Finally, just like in the Equip
Menu, instead of 'ATK', Cless has 'STB' (Stab) and 'SLC' (Slice),
because he has two kind of attacks.

T h e C u s t o m M e n u :
__________________________ ______________________
| MSG. SPEED 1 2 3 4 5 |
| |
| CANCEL...(B) |
| MENU.......(X) |
| TARGET.......(Y) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
In the top-right box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
OK: Use this to confirm all changes and return to the main menu.

UNDO: Use this to cancel any changes you may have done.

In the lower box:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
Everything is pretty much self-explanatory. Only a few things are
worth of noticing: The 'Combo Count' option doesn't appear until you
get the 'Combo Counter' item from Moria Gallery.

If place the cursor next to the bottom option and press down once,
you can change the color configuration of the windows.

T h e S a v e M e n u :

Not much to explain here, so I won't make a graphic. Just select a
'Save Slot' and confirm to save your game. The basic information about
your active party will be displayed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When you choose to start a new game you will be asked to name your
character. The default name is Cless. Remember that you can always
change the name from the status screen.

3.1- Totus Town and the Southern Forest

Items to Get: Pendant [Rare Item], Small Sack [Rare Item],
Apple Gummy [2], Apple [1], Life Bottle [1]


Once you select your name you will see a battle between four unknown
guys and a powerful wizard. The unknown party seem pretty much done
for until one of them manages to cast a spell...

The next thing you see is a star flying around while the names of the
staff members appear. You can skip this scene by pressing any button.

It turns out that the star was really the wizard. He appears in a
temple inside a mountain and is sealed by the party that was fighting
him before.

Ten years later, our hero finally appears. Cless talks to his father.
He wants to talk about the pendant Cless has. Now you see Cless' best
friend, Chester, who is with his little sister Amy. He goes over to
Cless' house. Cless postpones the conversation about the pendant to go
hunting with Chester. Once you are outside, Maria (the hero's mother)
comes out and gives you two Apple Gummies.

Now you can access your menu for the first time. Note that you start
with two Treasures in your inventory, the Pendant and the Small Sack.
To see them go to your Item menu, press up twice and confirm.

There isn't much to do in town, you cannot buy anything at the store
or stay at the inn. Talk to everyone anyway, when you go to the Item
Store, the owner will give you an Apple for Chester's sister. The
Apple is a Food Item, you can't heal a character by giving it to
him/her, you have to put the Apple in your Food Sack and your
characters will regain a little HP while walking (if they are hurt).
However, this Apple is for Amy, so go to Chester's house and give it
to her (there's no visible reward though). At the inn, the woman at
the counter will ask you to move the Bush Baby statue by the window.
Do so and talk to her again to receive 10 Gald (she's kinda cheap...).

Try to leave town. Tristan will interrupt you and leave. Go out, you
can save your game on the world map. It is advisable that you raise a
few levels, so you can get used to the battle system. Remember that
you can always go to your house to sleep if your characters are

When Cless reaches level 2 he gets the long-range skill Psion Bolt,
equip it right away. Go to the Tech menu and choose one of the two
bottom slots, then choose your only ability. Try to use abilities
often, you regain TP after each battle, and it's important to master
every skill to get better ones.

If you head West and then South you can reach a house and a cave, but
you can't enter the house or go too far into the cave yet. Going East
takes you to another cave, but there's nothing to do now. To North is
the mountain pass, you will go there later, don't worry.

Now, once you are used to the battle system, and a have a nice level
(between three and five is OK) go south of the town to enter the
forest. Soon after you enter, Chester will see a wild boar. You have
to chase it, but first lets get some treasure: head right from where
you are and then head up, you will get a chest with a Life Bottle. Go
down and then right to see the boar again. Follow it right and up
until you see a big burned tree. Chester will go to look for the boar
and Cless will have a vision of a lady who tells him to protect the
tree. Chester comes back and the boar appears to attack. The battle is
so easy that it's not even a boss fight, just attack the boar with
Cless while Chester shoots arrows at it. If you reached level 5 with
Cless, then he should have the Dual Kick short distance skill, it's
very useful for this fight.

When the fight's over you hear the town's alarm bell. Leave the
forest and enter the town only to discover that it's been destroyed!
Chester leaves to go see his sister, you can explore the rests of the
town, but the bad guys seem to like to break the doors to every non
plot-essential building, so you can't access any of the houses or

Go near Cless' house to see his dead father. His mother comes out,
and tells him to go to Euclid, to his uncle's house, then dies. Now
Cless goes to Chester's house, who's holding his dead sister. Cless
decides to go to Euclid, but Chester stays to bury everyone. As Cless
leaves the house he thinks about what his mother said. He decides to
go to Euclid to protect Chester, since the murderers are after the
Pendant he has.

Note that you can go up the stairs at Cless house to get a powerful
sword, but if you do that now, you will lose it soon, so leave it
where it is and go north from the town to reach the mountain pass.

3.2- Betrayal in Euclid

Items to Get: Life Bottle [1], Orange Gummy [1]


As you enter the mountain pass, Cless mentions he can move the
statue blocking the path going up. Buy some items from the woman. You
should have a few Apple Gummies since you win them from the enemies in
the area. Buy at least one Orange Gummy just in case, and two or three
Remedy Bottles.

You can choose one of two ways, the short and easy (just go left
twice) or the difficult one, with more enemies, but with some
treasure. To get the treasure move the stone soldier out of the way
(press and hold the confirm button to move it). The encounter rate is
quite high in this part, but the enemies are the same from before. You
should have no problem reaching the top, where you get a Life Bottle
and an Orange Gummy. Once you get them, head left and leave to the
world map.

Remember you can save anytime on the world map. In this part of the
continent the only place to visit is the city of Euclid (the bridge to
the other cities is conveniently broken).

Enter the city and Cless will mention his uncle lives in the
northwest corner of town. If you head right from the entrance you can
go to the shop, it sells exactly the same things the woman in the
mountain was selling. North from the shop you find the weapon and
armor shop, but you shouldn't get any new weapons, because you will
lose them very soon. Buy a pair of Jetboots from the armor shop end
equip them (Jetboots allow you to run in the field map). Directly
north from the entrance is a juggler, a little more to the north is a
guy selling various stuff, including items, armor, weapons and food
items, he also sells rods, buy one in advance (it's only 10 Gald).
Right from there is a food shop, buy some good food from there, check
how much it adds to your food bag by pressing Y (this is also useful
to check weapon and armor stats).

Right from the juggler you find the Inn, but you don't need to go
there. The North exit of the town takes you to the castle, but cannot
enter. Once you have got all you need, head to the top left house of
the town. Cless asks if his uncle Olson is there, Olson and his wife
appear and welcome him. Cless tells them what happened in Totus.

Talk to Olson again and he will invite you to stay over. Say yes to
continue with the plot. During the night, some soldiers will come and
take you with them. Now we see Chester, who's in Totus. He hears some
horses and hides.

3.3- Escaping Jail

Items to Get: Earring [Rare Item], Longsword [1], Creamy Cheese [1],
Apple Gummy [2], Orange Gummy [1], Wooden Shield [1],
Savory [1], Rapier [1]


Cless is taken into a dark castle, where a spooky guy takes his
pendant and has him thrown into jail. Check the door and the hole in
the back wall, then wait a little. You will hear a woman's voice, now
go check the hole in the back wall again, the voice will ask you to
pass your hand through the hole, answer yes (first option) and Cless
will find an earring, that he uses to enlarge the hole. Go near the
dead body and you will be asked if you want to take the sword. Answer
'Yes' (the first option) and you will get a Longsword. Equip it, and
you will be able to open the cell doors. Exit through the nearest one
(the one near the dead body) and go right, into the small cell with a
barely visible bag (which contains a Creamy Cheese). Exit that cell
and enter the one directly south, were a woman is standing. Talk to
her, she thanks you for releasing her and asks about her mother.
Cless lies saying he didn't see anyone. Now Mint (that's her name)
joins you. She's a powerful healer, and will help a lot in the future

Equip the Rod you should have bought at Euclid on her. Now with Mint
in the party, you cannot enter the room with the dead body (since it's
her mother's body). You can't go near the guard either, so you should
go down, then right, and check the sewer access, Mint will say
something, now check it again and you will be able to pass.

As you enter the new zone, you will get a long message (it's about
how to control Mint). Note that there are random battles in this area.
By the Way, Mint reaches level three she gets the ability "First Aid",
you can give her the order to use it during battles by pressing the Y
button, choosing the first icon, choosing Mint (Cless can't cast
spells) and then selecting the ability to use and on who.

Head a little left and pick the Apple Gummy from the chest (if you
can't, then it's because you already have maxed out that item in your
inventory). Now go north and right to pick an Orange Gummy. Go back
down and then head left. Mint will talk about the Save Point, which
you can use now (step on it, go to your menu and select save).

Save and go up, then right along the passage, and north. Now head
left and down to get a Wooden Shield (equip it on Cless). Go back and
head right to leave the screen.

In the new area take the Apple Gummy and go up. Now head right, enter
the passage and go down to get a Savory (this item raises your max TP
by 5%, but it's better to use it later). Go directly north until you
get another chest (contains a Rapier), go down a little and then left
to the Save Point. Go left and up, then right to get a chest with 1000
Gald. Go back to the Save Point and use it. Use an Orange Gummy on
Cless if his TP are too low. Now go up and face the first real boss of
the game.

BOSS: Devil___________________________________________________________
HP 250
TP 0

Slug [2]
HP 120
TP 0

GALD: 566

First get rid of the two slugs using Cless' first short range
ability. Mint will probably spend most of her TP casting Hammer if she
has it (she gets it at level 5). Use her to heal if you are badly

Once the two Slugs are dead, go for the Devil. Just attack it with
the short range tech and it will not stand a chance.

Now follow the path and exit the area. Once in the forest, go down and
Mint will be attacked by a slime. Cless protects her, gets poisoned in
the process and faints. Horses are heard and Mint carries Cless to a
safe place.

3.4- Awakening of Dhaos

Items to Get: Heavy Stone [1], Knight's Sabre [1], Mixed Gummy [2],
Protect Ring [1], Spy Lens [1], Hourglass [1],
Chain Mail [2], Rune Bottle [1], Creamy Cheese [2],
Apple Gummy [1], Sabre [1], Sage [1], Cheese [2],
Orange Gummy [1], Remedy Bottle [1],
Lace Ruby [Rare Item], Rabbit's Foot [1],
Reverse Doll [1], Lavender [1],
Tornix's Book [Rare Item]

Combos to Get: Psion Kick [from Tristan, in the mausoleum cave]


Cless calls for his mother and father in his nightmares. When he
wakes up, an unknown man is standing by the bed. This man introduces
himself as Tornix D. Morrison and explains you are in his house. Then
Mint comes in.

You will be told to go outside and get some fresh air, so exit the
room though the door Mint just used and go down the hallway. Follow
the stairs down and exit the house. Go near the tree left from the
entrance and an arrow will pass by. You'll be happy to see that it's
just your good old friend Chester. Everyone comes outside. It seems
Morrison knew Cless' parents and Mint's mother (Meryl). Upon hearing
that Cless' pendant was taken, Morrison decides to go to some
mausoleum. Cless wants to go too, but Tornix won't let him. After that
everyone goes into the house to discuss what to do. During the chat,
someone knocks the door. It turns out it's Tristan!, the old man who
left the village before you went hunting. The party decides to go help
Morrison fight the one responsible for the destruction of Totus. Cless
will note that the Earring he got in jail is gone, then you will
regain control of him.

Check out the music and go down the stairs. In the hall you will find
a person selling items, buy a few Orange Gummies, and the gear for you
characters that you can afford (concentrate on Mint and Cless and
don't buy Chain Mails, you will get two pieces soon for free). You can
go back to Totus and get the sword in the upper floor of Cless' house
now, it's a Knight's Sabre.

Go outside, go left from the tree that Chester hit with an arrow and
there should be a hidden chest containing a Heavy Stone. Exit to the
world map and save if you want to.

Head south until you see a cave and enter it. Inside the cave, go up
and cross the bridge. A little north from there you find an enemy
guarding a chest (contains a Mixed Gummy). Go near Tristan and he will
tell you that Morrison went into the cave and then give Cless his
first combination Skill, Psion Kick. In order to use it, you have to
master the abilities that are part of the skill (that's the meaning of
the % next to the techs). In short, make sure that you use every skill
with a % next to it's name at least a hundred times.

Now enter the real dungeon by going north. When you get to a hallway
with many doors, enter every one and choose to open the coffin, you
will have to face a monster in each and then you will get your well
earned item, the items you get are:

First Coffin - Protect Ring
Second Coffin - Spy Lens
Third Coffin - Hourglass
Fourth Coffin - Chain Mail
Fifth Coffin - Rune Bottle

You can't enter the big door in the middle of the hallway, so you
will have to go deeper into the dungeon by the stairs in the near the
right end. You will see a few rooms with nothing remarkable, just go
through them.

When you get to a place where the path splits, go down first and
collect a Creamy Cheese and an Apple Gummy and then go back to the
last room. Head right, there are a few chests in here, the one to the
north has a Sabre (equip it on Cless if you don't have one yet). From
the right door you can go north to another room with many small
statues and a Chain Mail. Check the fourth statue from left to right
to activate a switch that makes appear two chests in the last room.

From the room with the Chain Mail, grab your new treasure boxes (they
contain a Sage and a Mixed Gummy). Take the lower door. In this room
go right first, grab the bag with a Cheese, heal up and save, then
check the big statue to fight it. To defeat it, simply have Mint cast
Pico Hammer on it and attack with Cless' Tiger Teeth short range skill
until it dies.

Once the enemy is defeated, get in front of the statue and press the
action button to move it. Go left, down, and then left again to put it
over a weird looking tile on the floor (you'll know you placed it well
when the door opens). Before you go through that door, go all the way
right and enter the door guarded by two small statues, there you will
find a Creamy Cheese, an Orange Gummy and a Remedy Bottle.

Now go through the door you opened with the help of the big statue to
get the Lace Ruby (appears in the 'Treasure' screen). Go back to the
hallway with the big locked door, which won't be locked anymore.
Inside you find a teleport field, step on it.

In this room with magma you have to move from platform to platform
using the tiles. First take the upper tile, when you get down, go a
little left and throw the switch on the wall. Before you go back, take
the northern tile and grab a Rabbit's Foot and a Cheese. Go back to
the platform with the transporter and go down a little, don't take the
stairs yet, just wait for a tile and go to the platform on the left to
grab a Reverse Doll.

Go back to the first platform and take the tile in the right end of
it. While you ride it Cless loses the Lace Ruby, go down the stairs
and try to get it back, it will drop to the floor below. Go back up
the stairs and step on the symbol, Cless will start flying! Take the
tile back to the first platform again and this time go down the
stairs. While you are floating you won't get damage. Go down and get
the Lace Ruby, follow the short path and get the Lavender from the

Go back up and enter the big door in the platform with the symbol.
Save and heal up. In the next room you will fight two Golems. Have
Mint cast Pico Hammer on one of them and throw everything you've got
at the other. If Cless is at level 9 you should use Lightning Bolt
on the Golems to kill them quickly.

After the fight, remove all of Chester's equipment to sell it later,
as he won't be in your party for a long time. Go ahead to find
Morrison talking to the person who took Cless' pendant, Malice. He
will enter the energy field and put the pendant to release the wizard
we saw in the intro. Malice talks about how the great king Dhaos had
once tried to take over a country a hundred years ago. Morrison
reveals that it was him, along with Miguel, Maria and Meryl who
defeated and sealed Dhaos ten years ago. Cless, Chester and Mint are
getting ready to fight Malice when the tomb opens and Dhaos appears.

Dhaos destroys Malice, who was actually being controlled by him; and
his soldiers. Then, he gets ready to kill your party. Since normal
attacks can't hurt Dhaos, Morrison decides to send you to a place
where you can get the needed power. He gives Cless a book and starts
casting a spell. Seeing Tornix won't make it in time, Chester attacks
Dhaos directly, and so, only Cless and Mint are transported.

3.5- A new world, or an old time?

Items to Get: Broken Bow [Rare Item], Medium Sack [Rare Item],
Orange Gummy [2], Remedy Bottle [1], Sage [1],
Hourglass [1], Reverse Doll [1], Spy Lens [1],
Life Bottle [1], Steak [1], Mystical Rune [1],
Elixir [1]

Combos to Get: Mecha Blade [Get behind the counter at the weapon shop]


Cless wakes up calling for Chester, but only finds Mint lying nearby.
Not knowing where they are or the location of the others, they
remember the book Morrison gave Cless and look at it. It tells the
story of how Dhaos fought four warriors in the past and escaped
through a Time Portal. Miguel, Maria, Meryl and Tornix sealed Dhaos
using two pendants, which were kept by Miguel and Meryl. After the
conversation, Cless finds Chester's bow on the ground.

Now you are on the map, enter the town next to you and approach the
group of people. A conversation will be triggered. Cless mentions he
comes from the town of Totus, but no one there heard about it. The
elder mentions Magic, confusing Cless, then you are taken to the
elder's house. At one point Mint shows her healing powers, and then
the old man shows his own little trick. Seeing how powerful magic is,
Cless says it's probably what they need to defeat Dhaos. This leads
to Lenios (the elder) mentioning that Dhaos has been terrorizing
people for over ten years. Cless deducts they must be in the future,
but contrary to his first guess, they were sent a hundred years into
the past.

When night comes, Lenios says that Dhaos is only vulnerable to magic,
that's why two of the greatest nations of the world are researching
it. Sadly, only Elves and Half-Elves can use magic. Since Cless and
Mint are decided to defeat Dhaos, Lenios tells them about a man named
Klarth in Euclid who might help.

Cless and Mint agree to stay in Lenios' house, but there is one
problem, only one bed is available, so Cless decides to sleep on the
floor. In the morning, talk to Lenios' wife to get the Medium Sack (it
can contain up to 2000 units of food).

Outside the Item Shop, on the left side you find two bags containing
an Orange Gummy and a Remedy Bottle. Go to the Weapon Shop and buy a
weapon you like, the Sharp Sabre is pretty well balanced if you ask
me. Right after buying your weapons, walk right, into the wall to
enter a secret passage that takes you behind the counter. Talk to the
boy to get the Mecha Blade combo. Now go by the Item Shop and buy
anything you need.

Now you should go to Euclid, but there are a few things to do before:
First go to the southern forest, since you can go and rest for free at
Lenios' house, don't refrain your TP use with Cless' skills, it's
important that you master them. From the place where Cless and Chester
spot the boar (directly south from the entrance) head right to grab
two chests, one is barely visible, and the other is hidden under a
nearby tree (the chests contain a Sage and an Orange Gummy). From
there go up and pick up a Hourglass from the chest. Go to the big
three where Cless has a vision at the beginning of the game and get a
Reverse Doll from the chest. Now exit the forest, go to the town and
rest, then leave through the northern exit.

The area where Morrison's house and the cave would be is empty, so
don't bother going there. There's a dock if you head a little north
and then go right. You can find a Spy Lens, a Life Bottle, a Steak,
a Mystical Rune (equip it on Mint) and an Elixir. Right from there is
a cave, but you will use it later.

Now get some training. Stay near the town and use Cless' skills as
much as you can, going to the town for healing when you run out of
TP. The enemies in the area leave some good Gald, it's better to save
for later. Don't overtrain your characters anyway, because you will be
going to a better place for EXP quite soon.

3.6- Euclid in the Past

Items to Get: Orange Gummy [1], Charm Bottle [1], Mixed Gummy [1],
Rune Bottle [1]


Once you are ready head to the mountain pass. Just like you did
before, you can choose the easy or the taxing way. I recommend you go
up in the fork (that's the taxing way); the encounter rate is higher
which gives you some good EXP and the chance to practice Cless' skills
a bit more. Note that if you missed the treasures at the summit when
you were going to Olson's house, you can pick them now.

Once you are on the north part of the continent enter Euclid town.
You will notice a girl under the tree near the inn. By talking to her,
you can start a whole quest from which you get nothing... To know more
about it, see section 4.1.

Now enter the upper right house. The person looking at the books is
Klarth, at first he will refuse to go with the party, but Miranda (his
assistant) will make him go. Klarth will explain that since he is a
human, he can't really use magic, but he has been researching a method
to use magic, it's called summoning. Before leaving the house, check
all the book selves, they contain interesting information about the

Now that Klarth has joined the party, lets get the treasure available
in town: behind Klarth's house, to the right, you can enter the bushes
if you stand on the little flower on the floor, then move one step up,
and the rest to the right, in the bushes move up as far as you can,
left, up, left, down, left, up and finally left to get a chest with a
Charm Bottle.

Left from the Armor Shop is a chest containing 1000 Gald. Go to the
food shop and buy enough Apples to fill your Food Sack (the maximum
you can have at one time is 15), and then buy as many as possible
(Apples cost 1 Gald and have a food value of 60!). Right and up from
the Inn you find a pair of chests containing a Mixed Gummy and a Rune

There are some musicians in the center of the town , you can give
them money, and they will thank you accordingly, if you give them 100
or 1000 Gald, they will give you a bit of information, but it is

Exit the town and head to the town directly north (the town, not the
little house you find on your way north).

3.7- The Valley of the Sylphs

Items to Get: Thief's Mantle [1], Opal Ring [1], Blue Ribbon [1],
Apple Gummy [1], Spy Lens [1], Talisman [1],
Rune Bottle [1], Charm Bottle [1],
Elemental Orb [Rare Item]


This is Harmel town, first go to the Item shop and buy a Pick-Axe and
a Rope, you will need them for the next dungeon. You should also buy a
few Holy and Dark Bottles (one makes you find less enemies, and the
other makes you find lots more when used, it's good for training).

If you helped the girl at Euclid, you can meet her at the Inn, she's
on her way to see Elwyn at Venezzia. The Weapon and Armor Shop in town
sell some good equipment for Cless, buy a new weapon for him, unless
you want to go north to the city of Venezzia and buy a better weapon
(it's not necessary).

Exit the town using the same gate you used to enter (the south one)
and enter the little house you didn't enter before. Klarth explains
this place is called the Long Valley, where the Air Spirits are
supposed to live. In order to become able to summon a Spirit, Klarth
must make a contract with it, using the appropriate ring.

Before entering the house grab the chest behind it (contains a
Thief's Mantle). Inside the cabin the party meets Bart. He says that
ever since an earthquake a couple of weeks ago, the Sylphs have been
mad. Bart agrees to give you the Opal Ring (needed to contract with
the Sylphs) if you look for her daughter, who has been missing for
weeks. Her name is Arche and she has pink hair. Equip the Opal Ring on
Klarth to raise his defense.

Now exit the house and go north to enter a new area. You fight
enemies here, so be careful and remember you can always go for healing
to Bart's place.

Check the stones blocking the way and Cless will use the Pick-Axe to
break them, then go ahead. The way will be blocked by wind, head right
to discover the Sylphs making it. Try to talk to them to enter a
battle. The two blue ones are easily killed with one attack of Cless'
Lightning Bolt long range skill , but the other two are healed with
it, so you will have to make Cless run and jump to hit them. When they
are defeated, they will explain that they lost control because of the
air from the Magic Realm that is seeping through some rifts in the
caves. Klarth explains that the air from the Magic Realm is called
Shoki, and it's really dangerous for magical spirits. You will have to
find the rifts and block them. Go a few steps down and get the chest
(it has a Blue Ribbon inside).

The next screen has a Save Point. In this screen you also find some
tornadoes, they draw some HP from you if you stand in them, but it's
not a big problem. Go up until the Sylphs move you to the right, and
then go up again, and right as soon as you can to get an Apple Gummy.

Where you are now are two different entrances to the cave and one way
that goes north (that one's to the right). The path going north takes
you to the summit where the Sylphs should be, but it's empty now. Of
the two entrances to the cave, you should use the left one (the other
one leads to a place blocked by wind). So, enter the left opening and
let the Sylphs move you to the right, use the Save Point there if you
want to and check the little stalagmite near the hole in the floor to
place the rope. Go down.

Down there go south and right, check the weird wall to break it with
the Pick-Axe. Go right as far as you can and break the wall to grab a
chest with a Spy Lens, then go back a little and go down the stairs.
Now go right and up, and use the rope you find there.

Once you are on the floor above, go directly south from the hole and
exit the cave, get the treasure (a Kite Shield and an Amber Cloak) and
go back inside. Attack the group of Sylphs to your right (just make
Cless run and jump, the Lightning Bolt skill will heal them).

Once the Sylphs are defeated, you can go to a new area of the cavern,
use the Save Point from before if you want to and then go north, to
the area filled with Shoki. While walking in the Shoki, you will lose
some HP with each step, it's best to fill your Food Sack to also
recover a little while you walk. Now go right and break the wall with
your Pick-Axe, then press and hold the action button next to the rock
to move it. Place it on the rift in the floor to your right and the
Shoki will disappear.

Go right as far as you can and then go down. Put the rope on the
stalagmite and descend to the floor below, which is filled with more
Shoki. Klarth will say that there might be Demons down here, and you
should run from them. What you have to do here is find two rocks and
two rifts to eliminate the Shoki which sustains the monsters. If you
run into an enemy called Hell Lord, RUN! That guy is really hard to
beat and doesn't give any good EXP. If the random battles here annoy
you, just use one of the Holy Bottles you bought in Harmel.

Go right to the Save Point and go down a little, then go right and
grab the rock. Move directly south from where it is as far as
possible, then go left until you hit the wall and place the rock over
the rift north from there. That's one, one more to go! Go back to
where you found the first rock. From there go up and right as far as
you can (avoid the rift) and grab the chest containing a Talisman. Now
break the wall south from you and move the rock on top of the little
hole you just avoided. That should make the gas go. Now go back up and
notice that all the Sylphs are gone, so you are free to take the chest
near you (contains a Rune Bottle). There are no more random fights in
the cave either, so smile and take any treasures you didn't take

Go outside the cave and the party will comment on how the Sylphs are
back to normal now that the Shoki is gone. Go get the chest that the
Sylphs on the left where guarding before (it contains a Charm Bottle)
and go right passing the caves and up. Cross the two bridges as you
head right and then approach the tree to meet Sylph, the wind
elemental. She accepts to make a contract with Klarth, but she also
says that Magic is being consumed too fast lately, Magical Spirits
will disappear soon anyway. You will have to go to the Tree of Life
(AKA Yggdrasill) in the southern part of the continent to find out
more. You get the Elemental Orb (a rare item) that will allow you to
talk to the Spirit of the tree. Klarth asks about Arche, too, but the
Sylphs haven't seen humans in months. Finally, Klarth makes the
contract with Sylph using the Opal Ring.

Go back to Bart's place, he will meet you outside and ask about his
daughter. The party tells him that the Sylph's hadn't seen her, then
they discuss the location of the Tree of Life, which is south of
Beladum, the very first town you met in this period of time. But
before you go anywhere, use the beds in Bart's place to heal up. Also
now that Klarth can summon the Sylphs, he will do it a lot, unless you
go to his 'Tactics' screen in the menu and change his settings.

3.8- Yggdrassil and the Destruction of Harmel

Items to Get: None


Exit the Valley, then go to Harmel and buy any items you are running
short of.

Make the long way to Beladum, go to rest in Lenios' house if you want
to and then use the lower exit of town to enter the Spirit Forest. Go
to the place where the burned tree was when Cless and Chester went
hunting (if you didn't come here to get treasures right after you left
Beladum for the first time, then get them now).

The spirit of the tree appears in front of you and introduces herself
as Martel. She says that the tree is dying, and it's no ordinary tree,
it is the source of all the magical power of the world! It's because
someone, somewhere is consuming huge amounts of magic. The party
decides to try and save the tree, since they need magic to defeat
Dhaos. After Martel vanishes, Mint tries to heal the tree casting
First Aid, but it's useless. Klarth says that Luna, the Spirit of the
Moon can probably help, but in order to contract with her, you will
need to get a Moonstone Ring in the Moria Gallery (the ancient home
of the dwarves), near Alvanista. To get there, you have to go to
Venezzia first. So, exit the forest and go north, to Harmel.

When you enter the village you will notice something... It's been
destroyed! All the doors in town are broken, so the only thing to do
is to talk to the pink haired girl near the northern exit. A person
called Demitel attacked the town. Cless and Mint want to help her take
revenge on Demitel, but Klarth doesn't seem to be so happy with the
idea. The girl introduces herself as Lia Scarlet, and joins your party
as an NPC (Non Playable Character).

Demitel went north, to Venezzia, so just go there.

3.9- Venezzia and Demitel's Island

Items to Get: Protect Ring [1], Mixed Gummy [1], ?Book [1],
Spy Lens [1], Savory [2], Magic Key [Rare Item],
Elixir [1], Apple Gummy [2], Verbena [1],
Reverse Doll [1], Corsesque [1], Armet Helm [1],
Holy Bottle [2], Rune Bottle [2], ?Book [1],
Aquamarine Ring [1], Ruby Ring [1]

Combos to Get: Tempest [Pay 3,000 to a woman in Venezzia's Armor Shop]


Go north to Venezzia. If you helped Nancy (the girl at Euclid), you
can talk to her at the inn (go north from the entrance). See section
4.1, 'The First Date' to find out what to do.

Now lets get on with the business in town. From the entrance of town
go right and enter the only house with a door there. Talk to everyone,
some people will talk about Demitel, who now lives on a small island.
Once you have talked to everyone leave the house. Remember that you
MUST talk to these people in order to be able to take the ship to
Demitel's Island. Remember to go upstairs and talk to the mayor,
Lenios' twin brother (this helps you get a spell later).

From the fountain, go up and right, talk to the guy on the boat and
pay him to be transported around. First choose number 1 to be taken to
the Weapon Shop (buy a new weapon for Cless and a Gem Rod for Mint).
Talk to the guy again and choose number 2, in the Armor Shop talk to
the person walking around and pay 3,000 Gald for the Tempest combo for
Cless, then buy new armor. Go back to the boat guy and choose number
four to be left near the Item Shop. Buy anything you need and exit to
the right.

You are now in Venezzia Harbor, but the only boat you can get on
right now will not take you to Demitel's island, so take the northern
exit to enter the city again. There go down and buy food at the store
(Apples and Beefs are the best, they are cheap and have a quite high
food value). Now go up and left to the fountain. Go past the place
where you took the boat the first time and talk to the captain of the
Ship. He will charge you 400 Gald per head, so you have to pay 1600

Inside the ship you can buy items from the guy in the upper left
corner of the bar. You can also rest and save in your cabin. And if
you talk to the captain, don't say yes or he will take you back to
the city. In the docks you can find two chests, one has a Mixed Gummy
and the other contains a ?Book. The Items that start with ? are items
on which you have to use a rune bottle to discover what they are. This
one transforms into a Porno Magazine, it's a weapon for Klarth, but
it's very weak, so don't waste a Rune Bottle on it.

Now go north, to the left from the gates to the mansion is a chest
containing Spy Lens. When you try to enter Lia will say that Demitel
probably destroyed Harmel to prove that he had surpassed his master,
Lia's father. Go in and ignore the crystal things. Head left, there
are three doors, the first one contains a Save Point, in the second
one (Demitel's Library) go to the back to get a chest with a Savory
(it's hidden behind a pot) and check the closet next to the chest to
get the Magic Key (a rare item). The third door in the corridor is the
bathroom's door :)

Go back to the room with the crystals and head right. Of the two
doors use the right on first to get an Elixir, 430 Gald, a Savory, two
Apple Gummies and a Verbena. Now exit the room and use the key you
just got on the left door. There are random battles in this garden,
but the enemies are the same from before. Check the big tree four
times to get into a battle with two Oak Roots. Use Cless' Lightning
Bolt skill, make Mint cast Pico Hammer on them and let Klarth use
Sylphs as many times as you want to.

After the battle, the big tree is no more and the light can come into
the house. If your characters are hurt and have little TP (most
likely) go to the ship and rest in your cabin to recover.

Back in the room with the crystal prisms, open the middle curtain,
then move the middle prism twice (that should make the light split
into two rays, each going to one of the other prisms), then move the
other two prisms three times, so the light goes into the orbs. A
passage should be open.

Enter the just opened passage and go south until the path splits into
two, go left to get a Reverse Doll, then go right until you have the
choice to go up or down, go down and follow the path right to get a
Corsesque (weapon for Cless) and a Armet Helm (helmet for Cless,
duh!). Now go back and this time go up. Use the Save Point and heal
your characters, don't forget to recover your TP if you are low on it.

Proceed into the chamber where Demitel awaits. Demitel denies having
killed Lia's parents. Moreover, he says that the girl by your side is
not Lia! The real Lia died in an accident with her parents. The party
starts to doubt, but then Cless notes Demitel's reflection, which is
just like Malice's, meaning that he is under Dhaos' control. Now that
you know who controls him, Demitel attacks you.

BOSS: Demitel_________________________________________________________
HP 2700
TP 0

Lilite [2]
HP 600
TP 20

Golem [2]
HP 280
TP 0

GALD 6440

ITEMS Holy Bottle [2], Rune Bottle [2], ?Book [1]


An easy fight. Have Klarth summon Sylphs to attack Demitel while
Cless uses short range skills, like Tiger Teeth on the Golems. Mint
should just use Hammer on Demitel to prevent him from casting some
nasty spell. Don't worry too much about the Lilites, they have low TP,
so after casting two spells that Mint can easily heal they will not be
a menace anymore.

NEVER let Demitel alone for too long, or he will summon Lich, easily
hurting your characters for more than 700 HP! When Demitel is all
alone use your best techs on him. The Blade Storm will work wonders.
Have Mint ready to heal all the time, because Demitel can hurt your
characters quite badly pretty quick.

When the battle is over Lia thanks you and says she will go with her
parents now. She tells you to take care of her friend, then she faints
and her soul goes to heaven. Mint finds a ribbon in her hand, then
everyone freaks out because Lia gets up! She asks where she is and
where is Lia. It turns out she is Bart's daughter Arche! So now you
are taken to Bart's place. After the scene about Lia, Arche decides to
come with the party, so now you have a Half-Elf that can cast magic!
She gives you two contract rings from Bart, the Aquamarine and Ruby

3.10- On the Way to Alvanista

Items to Get: Halberd [1], Veggies [1], ?Book [1], ?Weapon [1]

Spells to Get: Fireball [Arche already knows this spell]
Ice Needle [Arche already knows this spell]
Grave [Klarth's house]
Ice Tornado [Klarth's House]
Eruption [in Beladum, talk to Lenios]
Lightning [bought from woman in Venezzia]
Storm [bought from woman in Venezzia]


The ?Book you got from your fight with Demitel can be transformed
into a Yellow Kings book, a weapon for Klarth that's much better than
the one he has now (you transform things using Rune Bottles).

Arche has two spells already, the Fireball and Ice Needle spells, but
can get a few more right now, so why not? First, go to Klarth's house
in Euclid and check the bookcase next to the bed (upper-right corner
of the house) to get the Grave spell, then check the right-most
bookcase (in a small corridor south of the room with the bed) for the
Ice Tornado spell. Now go to Beladum and talk to the good old Lenios,
if you talked to his twin brother in Venezzia, he will gives Arche the
Eruption spell.

Now go to Venezzia. In the small house left from the fountain (not
the Trading Company's, the other one) a woman can sell you two spells:
Lightning (for 200 Gald) and Storm (for 1,000 Gald).

Remember there where a few item bags in Demitel's chamber that you
didn't have a chance to get? Well, why not go there now? Talk to the
Captain of the ship from before and pay the 1600 Gald. Work your way
to Demitel's chamber (remember you can use a Holy Bottle) and get the
items: a Halberd (weapon for Cless, quite strong), Veggies (food item)
and another ?Book (transforms into a Rabionis, equip it on Klarth).

Go back to Venezzia and heal at the inn. Once you are ready go right
from the fountain and talk to the captain of the ship there. Klarth
will convince him to take you. The price is 200 per head, so that's
800 Gald total.

During the trip Klarth asks Cless which of the girls he likes the
most, Cless is embarrassed by the question (that and what Klarth says
about Arche), and says he shouldn't think about that, since he has
Miranda, but he replies she's just his assistant (and something
else...). A stranger introduces herself as Meia and chats with the
party a little bit, then she goes to the pub. The party comment they
are hungry, so enter the pub.

The party sit with Meia, then she and Klarth start drinking. One hour
later Klarth and Meia are drunk and happy, another hour later Arche
starts drinking, and by the third hour Cless and Mint already went to
sleep, Meia reveals that she is actually going to sell some
information about Alvanista's government to a spy. The truth is,
Alvanista is being controlled by Dhaos. Meanwhile, Arche is dreaming
about doing nasty stuff with Cless...

The next morning Meia knocks the door, but when Cless opens the door,
Klarth knocks her! It seems Meia is possessed. Klarth and Arche have a
hangover and Mint is seasick, so Cless has to go all by himself to
look for Meia. Save your game if you want to, if you haven't equipped
the halberd you got at Demitel's Mansion then equip it now, it's very
powerful. When you are ready exit the room and go north, to the pub,
go outside and talk to Meia to engage in a battle.

BOSS: Meia____________________________________________________________
HP 2400
TP 0

EXP 450
GALD 4000

ITEMS ?Weapon [1]


This battle is not hard even with Cless all alone. Most of Meia's
attacks are weak but some of them can make up to 200 damage, which is
quite a lot. The boss is fast, but if you make the most out of your
techs you will win easily.

After the battle, the party discuss how Dhaos probably knows who they
are and what they plan to do.

3.11- The Kingdom of Alvanista

Items to Get: Lavender [3], Black Onyx [1], Opuscule [1],
Gungnir [1], Garnet Ring [1], Moria Pass [Rare Item]

Combos to Get: Psion Storm [pay 6000 Gald in the Adventurer's Guild]
Burning Soul [in a camp south-west of Alvanista]
Lion Lunge [in a camp south of the Moria Gallery]

Spells to Get: Tractor Beam [Magic Research Room in the Castle]
Thunder Blade [Magic Research Room in the Castle]


In the docks of Alvanista you can catch a ship going to the docks
near Beladum (but you don't want to go there). There's a chest in the
docks that might be hard to get because of the crabs. You have to go
down the short stairs near the old lady talking to a sailor and follow
the path, the problem is, it might be blocked at some point by a crab,
and even worse you may get the item and be stuck for a while if a crab
gets in the way! The item is a Lavender, so try to get it (another tip
is, if a crab is blocking the path, exit the screen and re-enter, all
crabs will be reset to other position).

About the ?Weapon you got from Meia, it transforms into an Ice
Scimitar, a water elemental sword. It's weaker than the Halberd you
found in Demitel's chamber, and the next boss you face absorbs water,
don't equip it.

Okay, the city is quite big and has plenty of things to see. In the
food shop fill your food sack as always. The weapon and armor shop
sell things that are a little bit better than what you have now, but
you can go to better stores pretty soon, so don't spend all of your
Gald. The Item shop sells some good stuff, they have Rune Bottles (too
bad they are so expensive) and good accessories, such as Battle Runes
(they raise your attack by 10%). Nancy and Elwyn are there if you
helped them, see section 4.1 to know what to do now.

In the Pharmacy buy Apple and Orange Gummies if you don't have any,
and don't go down the stairs to the pub, you will be going there

There's a boy in the right side of town whom you can race. Speak to
the man next to the lady and answer yes three times to see the route
you have to follow. Look at the 'Secrets and Extra Stuff' section of
the FAQ to see the rules of the contest. The prizes you can get are:

1.-Cat's Eye
2.-Beef [Food value 700]
3.-?Weapon [transforms into a weak Longsword]
4.-?Weapon [Transforms into an Ice Scimitar]

The only thing worth to get is the Cat's Eye, the Beef isn't that
impressive and you already have an Ice Scimitar and a Longsword. Try
to get as many Cat's Eyes as you can, they can be sold for lots of
money later.

When you are ready go outside, save and go to inn of the city (we'll
explore the area later). When you go to sleep the party will think of
a way to sneak into the castle, and Arche's broom seems to be the only
way. Answer 'Yes' to sneak into the castle, and 'No' to just go to
sleep (if your characters are low on TP then choose no).

Answer to and then yes again to confirm. Arche will take everyone up
to the castle. Inside, you have to wait until the guards are outside
the screen to walk past the hallway the are watching, you will be
kicked out (only to the balcony) even if the soldier is facing the
other way. Before going any further, make sure Cless isn't equipped
with the weapon you got from Meia, because the next boss absorbs the
damage from water elemental stuff. Also, turn off Arche's ice spells
(go to her skill menu and press Y next to the spell). Equip the Heavy
Stone you got in a chest in Morrison's house on one of the characters
(Mint is a good option) to protect him/her from the Tractor Beam spell
the boss will be casting.

Go to the right and don't enter the throne room (it's empty), enter
the door in front of the stairs (there's nothing downstairs). The
prince will be in the dark room. He calls for the guards, and the
party realizes that the bird is controlling him. The bird then goes
next to the prince and reveals its true form, Jahmir. You have to
fight the demon now.

BOSS: Jahmir__________________________________________________________
HP 3400 Weakness: Fire, Air
TP 100 Absorbs: Water

Alice [2]
HP 2500 Weakness: Fire
TP 0

GALD 10528

ITEMS Lavender [2], Black Onyx [1]


First destroy the two Alices with Cless' techs while Klarth and Arche
cast spells on Jahmir to prevent her from casting any powerful spells
on your party. Mint must be ready to heal all the time, for Jahmir's
attacks are really strong.

Once both Alices are dead, go for Jahmir, but don't get too close.
Have Cless use his long distance skills, Klarth summon Sylph and Arche
cast Eruption or any other fire spell.

Jahmir can protect herself with a magic bubble anytime, during these
times, Cless cannot hurt her, he will be hurt instead if he touches
the bubble.

When you win you will receive some EXP and a ton of Gald. Also, the
Black Onyx, an item that raises the wearer's MAX HP by 30%

Upon Jahmir's defeat the prince freaks out and the guards come in to
get you and take you to jail.

After some time in the cell, a person (called Runeglom) comes and
takes you to see the king. Klarth explains that the prince was under
Dhaos' control. The king mentions that Midgard and Dhaos are at the
brink of war.

Klarth asks for permission to enter the Moria Gallery and the king
grants it. You will have to pick it at the Adventurer's Guild in the
city. After all the conversation you get the Opuscule (a new weapon
for Klarth), the Gungnir for Cless (it's pretty strong) and the Garnet
Ring (a contract ring for Klarth).

You can now explore the castle freely. First go down the stairs in
front of the prince's room. In the left room talk to a pink haired
person in a green hood, buy the Thunder Blade (12,000 Gald) and the
Tractor Beam (4,000 Gald) spells. Talk to everyone else there, they
mention the location of the elemental spirits you will have to contact
(you MUST talk to the people here to be able to access Undine's Cave).

Go down the stairs that are right from the throne room. Go right from
the stairs and talk to the old guy there, he will ask something (he
gives Cless a new class, which doesn't affect a thing). In the center
of this room is a guy against whom you can play a little game, look at
the 'Secrets and Extra Stuff' section for more info. You get a Mental
Ring from this game (only once, after that the guy won't play with

The floor below doesn't have anything worth of noticing, there are
two guys who play with the BGM speed and the library (read the books,
they are interesting). To the right you can visit the castle's jail,
but you cannot go too far.

Leave the castle and go to the pharmacy in town (from the castle
gates go left, down as soon as possible and left again until you see a
sign on a building). Go down the stairs there, to the Adventurer's
Guild. The guy near the stairs will sell you the Psion Storm combo for
6,000 Gald (if you run out of money, go outside and get some from
monsters, or just sell the stuff Cless doesn't need any more). Talk to
the old man behind the counter to receive the Moria Pass (it is a rare
item). Talk to the old man again and answer yes if you want to hear
Sakuraba play the Piano (Sakuraba is one of the composers of the
game's music). If you talk to Sakuraba, he will sell you a password
for 1000 Gald, but you don't need to ask for it, since I'll tell you
the password when you need it.

You can enter the Moria Gallery now, but you cannot do a thing there
without the four Elemental Spirits, you have one of them already, so
there are only three left.

Before going anywhere, exit Alvanista and cross the left bridge,
avoid the house near the lake (you can't do a thing there yet) and go
along the southern shore to reach a small camp. Talk to the woman to
get the Burning Soul combo for Cless. Go back to Alvanista and now
cross the right bridge, head south, then left and south until you
reach another small camp, talk twice to the man there and he will
offer to sell you the Lion Lunge combo for 12,000 (buy it of course,
if you don't have enough, just stay in the area fighting enemies until
you can afford it).

The next three chapters can be done in any order, but it might be
easier to make them in the order presented in this guide.

3.12- Undine's Water Cave

Items to Get: Orange Gummy [1], Spy Lens [1], Rune Bottle [1],
Aqua Mantle [1], Seafood [2], ?Book [1]

Spirits to Get: Undine [Cavern north of Venezzia]


Go to Alvanista's harbor and talk to the captain of the leftmost ship
to travel to Venezzia. Stay at the inn there and then go talk to the
captain of the ship that took you to Demitel's Island. Now you can
choose where to go: 1 takes you to Demitel's place, 2 takes you to
Undine's Cavern (choose 2, duh!).

In the restaurant of the ship you can buy Items from the guy in the
top-left corner. When you are ready, go north from the ship and enter
the cave (the other way takes you to the map, and that's useless at
the moment unless you want to save). There are some strong monsters
inside the cave, you can get some good experience, so if you want to,
use a Dark Bottle to fight enemies more frequently and go to rest at
the ship when you need to.

When you are ready (with all characters around level 20 you will be
OK) go right, follow the path and go down the stairs. Cross the little
bridge and pull the lever on the wall to the right, then go up, left
and go down the stairs there. Get the chests in the formerly flooded
pool (contains an Orange Gummy and Spy Lens). Go down the stairs in
the same pool. Get the Rune Bottle and throw the switch.

Go back the way you came into the room and throw again the switch to
make the water re-flood the pool you have just been to. Use the top
left door, enter the empty pool, get the Aqua Mantle from the chest
and equip it on someone (it reduces damage from water). Go through the
now unlocked door.

There are two pools in this room. First go into the left one (it
should be empty), get the treasure (it's Seafood) and then go down the
stairs to throw the switch. Go back up and exit north use the Save
Point if you want to and proceed. There are two levers here, the one
nearer to the stairs makes the pool in this room flood (that's useless
now), the other one changes which pool is filled in the last room. Of
course throw the second switch and go back. In the right pool (now
empty if you did it right) get the chest (contains a Seafood), then go
downstairs and throw the switch (you should hear a weird sound when
you throw it).

Go into the room north, there should be a hole in the ground of the
pool. Save and heal both HP and TP because a boss battle is to come.
Go to Arche's Skill menu and turn off all of her Ice spells, and do
remember to go to the tactic menu and put her and Klarth in the 'Cast
Many Spells'/'Call Many Spirits' mode. Cross the empty pool and throw
the nearest switch, the one that floods this room. Undine will appear
and quickly attack you!

BOSS: Undine__________________________________________________________
HP 6450 Weakness: Fire
TP 300 Absorbs: Water

Red Slug
HP 650 Weakness: Fire, Thunder
TP 0

HP 2243 Weakness: Fire
TP 0 Immune: Wind

GALD 8885

ITEMS ?Book [1]


At the beginning of the battle have Arche cast Thunder Blade on the
Red Slug to eliminate it (it can do some damage if you let it). If
Cless is at level 23 or above he should have the Phoenix skill, use it
on the Calamari until it dies, and then go for Undine, it takes an
awful lot of her HP (for my case, about 800!). If Cless does not have
the Phoenix skill, then attack with his Lightning Bolt, it does pretty
decent damage, if she gets too close, Blade Storm doesn't work on her,
so don't use it. Klarth should cast Sylphs on Undine to prevent her
from casting a spell (remember that you cannot attack the Calamari
with Sylphs, it won't hurt it). Have Mint use Hammer on Undine to
knock her for a good while. If you want to, use a Flare Bottle on
Cless to raise his attack power for a short time.

As for Undine's attacks, she can cast a spell that drops an ice ball
on a party member, this damages for about 600 HP. The worst is not a
spell, but a skill she has. She moves her sword and a wave of energy
crosses the whole battlefield, hurting your guys quite badly and
stopping the casting of any spells. If Mint is at level 23 or above,
have her cast the Nurse spell, which heals all characters on the
screen at once (if she's not at level 23, then have her heal two of
them and use Apple Gummies to heal the others).

The key for this battle is to bomb her with all you've got. When
she's alone, make sure that Arche uses Thunder Blade and that Klarth
calls Sylphs (it won't hurt her much, but it will stop her spells)
while Cless uses his Phoenix tech. After a not-that-long time, Undine
should be defeated.

NOTE: For another Tactic to defeat this boss, look at Section VI.5 of
Part II.

Okay, now Klarth makes a contract with Undine using the Aquamarine
Ring and you have to leave the dungeon, but first, turn off Undine
from Klarth's skill menu, to avoid healing the enemies in here. Don't
waste a Rune Bottle on the ?Book you got from the battle because it is
a weapon for Klarth that you should already have.

Save if you want to and go south, past the chamber with the two
pools. When you get to the screen where you found the first switch of
the dungeon, you have to throw it and go up, left and down, because
the door leading to the path around is now locked. Cross the pool and
exit the cave.

Go to the ship and say yes to the captain to leave to Venezzia. Take
this chance to talk to Elwyn's father if you decided to do so, if not,
just catch the ship to Alvanista, to go for the next spirit.

3.13- Ifrit, the Fire Elemental Spirit

Items to Get: Mixed Gummy [2], Spy Lens [1], Talisman [1],
Resist Ring [1], Sorcerer's Ring [1], Savory [1],
?Weapon [1], Battle Rune [1], Magma Key [Rare Item],
Charm Bottle [1], Flame Mantle [1]

Spirits to Get: Ifrit [In the Molten Cave of Freland]

Spells to Get: Fire Wall [In the Fire Cave of Freland]


In Alvanista, get any spells or combos for Cless you couldn't afford
before (refer to 3.11). Refill your supplies of Gummies, Holy Bottles,
Dark Bottles, anything you have spent and buy a few Rune Bottles if
you don't have any, and of course, do fill your Food Sack, remember
that the cheapest way to do that is with Apples.

Once you are ready, go to the map and cross the bridge to the right
of the city. Go south and enter the little structure on the shore,
that's the docks. Get on the Ship and talk to the Captain, the price
to go to the Freland is 80 Gald per person, 320 Gald in all. Accept
of course.

When you get to the desert continent exit the docks (use the narrow
path south). Go directly east to get to Olive Village. There are two
treasure chests in the city, one is near the southern entrance of the
village (contains a Mixed Gummy) and the other is north, between two
houses (contains 2600 Gald). Buy equipment you need (you can get to a
city with better equipment right now, but you have to travel quite a
lot and the stuff there is VERY expensive). In the Item Shop buy two
Silver Capes, one for Mint and one for Arche, then use a Rune Bottle
on them to make them Princess Capes (they protect you from Fire!). Use
a Rune bottle on the Aqua Mantle you got from Undine's Dungeon to make
it a Flame Mantle that reduces damage in Ifrit's Cave (equip it on
Cless or Klarth). In the Food Shop is a bunch of weird people
(probably programmers). Oh! make sure you have Remedy Bottles, because
some of the enemies in the next dungeon can paralyze Cless.

When you feel ready, go East from the city, save your game and enter
the cave. Inside, equip Cless with the Ice Scimitar you got from your
fight against Meia (it is a ?Weapon until you use a Rune Bottle on
it), it is a water elemental weapon, so it will hurt enemies pretty
bad in here. Make sure Klarth can summon Undine (from his Skill Menu)
and turn off Arche's fire spells (such as Fireball, Eruption, etc.).
If Cless has the Phoenix Skill, replace it by another one, as it will
not hurt the enemies here.

Go right and up to get a chest (contains Spy Lens), then go south
and down the stairs. Go south here and get the treasure chests, they
contain a Talisman and a Resist Ring, then go left and up to get the
blue chest containing the Sorcerer's Ring. With it you can shoot rays
of energy (if it is equipped, of course), so equip it on one of the
characters and go back, because the door here is locked.

From the stairs go all the way left (ignore the door you find in your
way for now). The door is locked, but there is a button in the wall
that you cannot reach normally. Walk over the column, face the button
and press A, the ray from the Sorcerer's Ring should open the door. Go
through it, and get the three chests in the top-left corner of the
room (they contain a Savory, a ?Weapon and a Battle Rune). The Battle
Rune raises the attack power of the character by 10%, so equip it on
Cless if he doesn't have one yet. The ?Weapon becomes a Thunderclap
axe. Go south and down the stairs to continue with the dungeon.

Go through the empty room and when you get to the room where the door
locks behind you get the three chest containing a Mixed Gummy, 1000
Gald and the Magma Key (a special Item). Continue on and you will
reach the chamber where you got your Sorcerer's Ring. Go up the stairs
and walk left to the open door you ignored earlier, go through it.

Go left from the Save Point and get the Charm Bottle from the chest,
then shoot the button on the upper wall to open the door near the save
point. Recover all your HP and TP and save, because the battle against
Ifrit is near. Go Through the door, and use the Magma Key on the next
one. Use the Sorcerer's Ring on the pillars over the magma to knock
them down and be able to walk around (it's really easy).

When you cross you will find Ifrit guarding a chest. He says he has
to test you strength before granting you a contract, which means you
have to fight!

BOSS: Ifrit__________________________________________________________
HP 5500 Weakness: Water
TP 0 Absorbs: Fire

GALD 8000

ITEMS Flame Mantle [1]


He's really easy to beat. Ifrit can teleport around and throw a few
fire balls at your characters.

To kill him quick use a Flare Bottle on Cless and have him use Short
Range skills (that should get about 500 HP per hit!) while Arche casts
Thunder Blade and Klarth summons Undine (she can knock about 1000 HP
from Ifrit each time she's summoned). Mint should try to use Delay
on Ifrit to make it easier for your other spell casters to get a
spell out without being hit.

Ifrit should die in a few minutes this way, without any difficulty.

NOTE: For another Tactic to defeat this boss, look at Section VI.5 of
Part II.

After the fight, Klarth makes a contract with Ifrit, using the Garnet
Ring. Now get the chest in the back for the Fire Wall spell. Turn off
Ifrit and Fire Wall from Klarth and Arche's skill screen because they
will heal enemies in here. Exit the Molten Cavern now and return to
Olive Village to heal up, then go back to Alvanista.

3.14- Gnome, the Spirit of Earth

Items to Get: ?Book [1]

Spirits to Get: Gnome [In the Cave East of Beladum]

Spells to Get: Stone Wall [In the Cave East of Beladum]


In Alvanista do as always, buy any Items you need (remember that Rune
Bottles are always useful, so make sure you have a few). You can buy
a password for the next dungeon from the pianist in the Adventurer's
Guild if you want to, but I'll give you the password so, why would you
want to waste money?

Go to the harbor and get on the Ship to the right, talk to the
Captain and he will offer to take you to the docks east of Beladum for
100 Gald each, making a grand total of 400 Gald. Say yes, because
Gnome's Cave is near that place. Note that this ship is a Cargo Ship,
so there's is no pub and there is no guy to buy Items from, and, more
importantly, they won't wait for you, so you will have to take long
way back later!

Once on the continent of Beladum (and Euclid), exit the harbor (get
the treasure if you didn't get it after leaving Beladum for the first
time). Exit the docks and walk South over the bridge and then East to
the cave (if you are hurt for some weird reason, go to Beladum and

Inside the cave cross the bridge to your right and go north. Touch
the door and you will have to put the password. You have to choose a
syllable each time to form the word you were given by Sakuraba. The
password is KIKURIMU, so the numbers are: 3·1·2·4. If you do it right,
the door should open.

Go down the stairs, go south through the door, then go right and up
to talk to the gnome. He will ask if he can come along. Answer 'Yes'
and he will start following you, but he's not fast, and you have to
keep him near you when you pass from a screen to the other.

Go south (remember to keep the guy near you, and make sure he appears
after you in each screen, if not, then go back for him). This screen
has lots of other gnomes, but they are a little hostile, and attack
you if you come too close. The only way to beat them seems to be the
Tractor Beam spell. You should avoid fighting them, since the
experience is worthless. Walk left, ignoring the first door you see
(it takes you nowhere) and then go through the next one, follow the
path avoiding the guys that go after you (equip the JetBoots and press
A to run in the field and you will be safe). Remember to wait until
the gnome is near you to cross the screen.

Go north and then right, talk to the group of guys and they will run
out with the one following you. Go right and downstairs. Cross the
bridge to the right and go through the door up there (following the
other path takes you to the same place anyway). Use the Save Point
because the battle against Gnome is near. If you talk to the gnomes
guarding the doors, they will ask you if you want to fight. Don't do
it, they would just regenerate. The top-right door takes you around
back to the bridge you just crossed, so it's useless.

Okay, after healing and saving, go right from the Save Point and
examine the switch and choose yes. The alarm will sound and all the
little guys will leave their post to go see what happened. Now's your
chance! The top-left room is empty, so the only thing to do is to
enter the middle room (make sure you are healed before!). The party
will go near the chest and Gnome will attack.

BOSS: Gnome___________________________________________________________
HP 3400 Absorbs: Earth
TP 150

GALD 13003

ITEMS ?Book [1]


Gnome can be more an annoyance than a menace. It has a rocket attack
that doesn't hurt the guys badly, but that stops any spells, and you
cannot attack it while it is underground or in the air.

Whenever you see that the four shadows are going into one point of
the ground, calculate the time it takes your guys to cast spells and
have Mint use the Hammer spell, have Klarth summon Ifrit and Arche
cast Thunder Blade. Use a Flare Bottle on Cless and hit it with your
best techs. If you have good timing and a little luck, you can hurt
Gnome pretty badly, leaving it ready to be defeated the next time it
shows its head. You might want to use a Hourglass or Chrono Glass.

Remember that when Gnome starts its missile attack you can't do a
thing about it, only wait until it stops and heal if necessary.

NOTE: For another Tactic to defeat this boss, look at Section VI.5 of
Part II.

After that annoying battle Klarth makes a contract with Gnome using
the Ruby Ring. Now open the chest in the back to get the Stone Wall
spell for Arche. The ?Book you got from the battle is just another
Porno Magazine, so it's not worth the Rune Bottle. Now exit the cave,
you will notice that all the little guys are gone now and you can walk
freely. You will have to walk North to Venezzia, because the Ship you
used to come here is gone. If you need to rest go to Beladum and use
Lenios' beds.

Go through the Mountain Pass, this time around use the short path,
because the enemies in this area don't give good experience at your
levels. Buy anything you need in Euclid and then just go to Venezzia.
Get on the ship to Alvanista and that's it!

3.15- The Moria Gallery

Items to Get: Orange Gummy [1], Lavender [1], Protect Ring [1],
Steak [1], Rune Bottle [3]Lemon Gummy [2],
Yellow Cake [2], Mystic Broom [1], Apple Gummy [1],
Turquoise Ring [1], Heavy Stone [1],
Broken Ring [Rare Item], ?Rod [1], ?Armor [2],
Verbena [1], Black Onyx [1]

Spirits to Get: Maxwell [10th floor of the Moria Gallery]


Well, buy all the Items you might need, such as Apple and Orange
Gummies, Remedy Bottles, Flare Bottles, and don't forget to bring a
few extra Rune Bottles, because you might need them. Go to the Food
Shop and fill your Bag (again, the cheapest way to do it is buying
Apples and filling the Sack, them repeat until it is full). Buy 15 of
any food available, just in case. Make sure you still have the
Pick-Axe and the Rope you bought a long time ago (you don't want nasty

When you are ready leave the town and cross the bridge to your right.
Go south. The Moria Gallery is near the harbor where you caught the
Ship to the Freland, just go right and up from there and enter the

Inside a guard will ask to see your Pass and you will be able to go
on (if the guard doesn't let you in, then go back to Alvanista and
talk to the old man behind the counter of the Adventurer's Guild under
the pharmacy).

In this floor go up and left to get an Orange Gummy from the chest.
Check the switch on the upper wall and choose 'Yes' to throw it. Don't
go down the stairs you see there, they lead to the fourth level, but
the door is closed at the moment, so you would be wasting your time.
Now head right, into the next screen. Go through the door (if it's not
open, you forgot to throw the switch). Go downstairs here.

- Second Level -

Step on the switch that's right from the door and it should open. Go
through the door. Check behind the sign and you will get a Lavender
from a barely visible chest. Walk left to the next screen. Press and
hold the confirm button next to the statue of a woman and move a
little right and then down. Place the statue on the switch and the
door will open. The chests in the room contain 2000 Gald, a Protect
Ring, and a Steak. Remember to throw the switch and go back to the
room with the sign, then head right and go downstairs.

- Third Level -

Go a little right and north as far as you can. Step on the symbol on
the floor that says 'ON'. Cless will start flying (just like in Dhaos'
Shrine). Go south and left as far as possible avoiding the symbol that
says 'OFF' (or Cless will be walking again). Then fly North and
through the door (it would close if you were walking). The next door
is just like the one you saw in the Second Level, but you are flying
now, so, go a little North and DO step on the symbol that says 'OFF'.
Cless will be walking now, so step on the left switch and go through
the door.

Head right into the next screen. Move the statue away from the switch
and head South. The door will close behind you, but it doesn't matter,
because all you have to do now is walk right and go down the stairs.

- Fourth Level -

When you get here all you see is a short corridor, at the end of
which is woman looking for a passage. If you pay attention, you will
note that the middle torch is not lit, check it twice and you will be
given the option to pull it (choose yes, of course). A passageway
opens, leading to a room with two doors. The right one is open, so go
through it. Talk to the woman there and step on a switch, when the
woman steps on the other switch (if she's coming towards the one you
are on, move to the other) a chest with a Rune Bottle will appear.

Go back to the last room and step on the left switch. Go through the
door that opens (should be the left door). In this room read the sign
(it reads Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left and Right). Walk
left, into the next room, where you find a statue and four switches.
Ignore the statue for now and step on the switches in the order the
sign indicated (if you make a mistake during this process just start
over). When you hear a door opening go back into the room with the
sign. From it walk a little to the right and down. Go through the just
opened door and use the Save Point if you want to (you probably do).

Throw the switch on the wall and the door there will open, now you
can go between the 4th and 1st level anytime you want to. Step on the
switch there, but don't go down the stairs there, they lead to the 9th
level, but the door is closed there.

Go back to the room with the statue. The door is now open. Take the
statue with you through the door and place it on the switch there. Now
you are free to go to the Fifth Level.

- Fifth Level -

This level is in absolute darkness, except for the light surrounding
you. From the stairs walk right into the next screen. Keep going right
a little and then go up, a woman there says something. Walk a few
steps left (until you hit the wall), then go up, and finally right to
find a door with two switches like the ones you have seen several
times in this dungeon. Open it and go through it. Remember the ring
you used in the cave where you got Ifrit? Well, equip it on someone,
stand in front of the button on the wall and shoot. If you do it
right, you will hear a door opening.
Exit that room walk directly left, into the next screen. Walk near
the southern wall of this corridor and ignore the first path going
down. You should see an open door soon, go through it and down the

NOTE: If you have any trouble to find anything in this room, use.
this map:
/Moria Gallery - Fifth Level Map \
| __________________D_ |
| | __ ___ ____ __| s - The stairs that come from the 4th |
| | |××S×××| |××××| |×× level. |
| | |××××××| |××××| |×× S - The stairs that take you to the 6th |
| | |××××××| |××××| ¯¯| level. |
| | |×××s××| |××××| W| W - The woman. |
| | ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ | D - The door to the room with the switch.|
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ × - Places where you cannot walk. |

- Sixth Level -

In the first room just go through the door you see. The next room is
dark, and has spikes on the floor, but all you have to do is walk
right into the next screen (make sure you are healed for battle after
walking over the spikes).

In this screen you can see a chest, but the teleporter takes you back
to the room with spikes if you try to come near it. What you have to
do is enter the room that's near you, where there are three statues,
each on a switch on the floor. Move the rightmost one and throw the
switch on the wall it was covering. A path opens, leading to the chest
that contains a Lemon Gummy. Once you take it put the statue back in
place and leave the room using the door (you can also step on the
teleporter and come back from the room with spikes).

From the room you have just been to, walk south and go down the
stairs into the 7th level.

- Seventh Level -

Use the Save Point here and then use shoot energy from the Sorcerer's
Ring to the light torch. A transporter should appear and you should
step on it of course.

You are taken to a dark room. If you walk few steps to the North you
can see a chest, but if you try to take it a hidden transporter makes
you go back to the last room. The room is square, so you have to walk
the other way to be able to get the chest and continue. When you
finally get the chest (it contains a Lemon Gummy) keep going and you
will be teleported back into the room with the Save Point. Use the
teleporter again and you will be in the same room, but in a different
part of it. A new chest will be near you, but you have to take the
long way around again. This time the chest contains a Yellow Cake.
Step on the teleporter to be back on the Save Point room. Now repeat
the whole process (this time the chest contains a Mystic Broom, a good
weapon for Arche). Finally, go back to the Save Point and step back on
the teleporter. This time you are taken to a room with candles. Shoot
them with the Sorcerer's Ring to light them. When all candles are lit
the door will open.

This is another dark passage. Just go straight and follow the long
path until you reach the next screen. Here you have break the weak
wall with the Pick-Axe that you used in the Sylphs' quest. Go right
and up to light the candles, then walk back down and go through the

- Eighth Level -

There's another candle here, but if you try to light it your
characters will be shot with arrows. Instead of lighting it, check it,
to discover it has a switch, choose to throw it and the door will

The next passage is dark and spiky, but you can avoid any damage if
you step on the switch just by the entrance to the passage and go back
to the room with the candle. The candle will be gone, and an 'ON'
symbol will be in its place. Walk over the symbol and enter the
passage flying. The spikes won't hurt you now. Just follow the path,
right after turning right go down to get to a chest containing a
Yellow Cake, then return to the path you were following and just keep
going. At the end of the corridor is an 'OFF' symbol.

The next room is also dark, but it's easy to get around. Just go
South to get a pair of chests (they contain a Rune Bottle and an Apple
Gummy). Now go back to the place from where you entered the room and
head left until you hit the wall, then South and finally right, to
find the door into the 9th level.

- Ninth Level -

The door here is closed. Take the path to your right. If there are
flames in the holes throw the switch to make drops of water fall.
After that go up and step on the switch to open the door. Go through
it and head left. Throw the switch near the locked door to open it.
Now you can go from the 9th floor to the 4th one, and from the 4th one
to the 1st one directly. If you are running out of items go to
Alvanista and buy whatever you need.

Go right from there and North into the passage. Walk right and up
when you can until you come into a room with a switch on the floor.
Step on it of course and go back to the locked door near the passage
with holes in the floor. The door should be open now, which means you
can go to the 10th level.

- Tenth Level -

There's a Save Point here and a chest containing a Turquoise Ring.
Throw both switches on the wall. Each one makes a teleporter appear or
disappear. Use the right teleporter. In this room you find a stone
tablet and a locked door. Check the stone tablet and Klarth will try
to read it. Seeing he can't, Arche does it, as it is in Elf Language
and she is a Half-Elf. The tablet has some kind of poem that clue's
you about the solution to the puzzle in the next room:

'Death is always at your back, for all return to the earth from
which they came...'
'...the fire of life is at the births to come...'
'...the tears of the mourning woman are on your left...'
'...and the wind blows forth from your right...'

Go back to the room with the Save Point, and this time step on the
left teleporter. You will have to control Klarth to put the four
Elemental Spirits, each in a specific position. In the northern spot
choose to place Ifrit (number 1), in the southern spot place Gnome
(number 2), in the western spot place Undine (number 4) and finally
summon Sylphs in the eastern spot (number 3). If everything's right
Klarth will hear a voice calling him to the tablet room.

Now go back to the room with the Save Point and heal up, both HP and
TP, then save, because the boss of this huge dungeon is near. Use
the right teleporter. Go near the stone tablet to find Maxwell. Klarth
will say you are looking for the ring to contract with Luna, but
Maxwell says you have to be tested before you can enter the treasure

BOSS: Maxwell_________________________________________________________
HP 7500
TP 400

EXP 12000
GALD 25005

ITEMS Heavy Stone [1]


Okay, Maxwell can be quite hard to beat. He can become invincible
and attack you at the same time whenever he wants to. Maxwell can also
use the Heal spell to recover about 900 HP each time.

Use Flare Bottle on Cless and make him use his Phoenix attack when he
is far away and his best short distance techs when close. Mint should
cast Haste on Cless at the beginning of the battle and on the others
if she has the opportunity (if everyone was in the screen when she
cast the spell on Cless, it's not necessary). Klarth should summon
Undine constantly and Arche should cast Thunder Blade all the time. If
anyone gets killed revive him/her immediately with a Life Bottle.

Do not depend only on Mint for healing, use plenty of items, or you
could be killed in a very short time. And remember to use the Flare
Bottles on Cless when the effect fades away. You mustn't give Maxwell
the chance to start one if his endless attacks.

If you do it right you should kill him in a few minutes.

NOTE: There's an Extra Tactic for this boss available in Part II.

After his defeat Maxwell grants you access to the treasure room and
offers to contract using the Turquoise Ring. When you can walk go
north, through the door that was just closed. The party finds some
broken rings, and they wonder if one of them is the ring they need to
contact Luna. Klarth suggest to go to Alvanista and talk to Runeglom.
The other chests contain a ?Rod (it transforms into the Rune Rod, a
good Rod for Mint), a Hourglass, an Elixir, two ?Armors (they both
become Mithril Meshes), a Verbena, 6000 Gald, a Black Onyx and a Rune

Equip the Mithril Meshes, one on Cless and the other to the character
of your choice and equip the Rune Rod on Mint. Now go back to the 9th
level, and from there use the short-cut to the 1st floor, then exit
the Moria Gallery.

3.16- Looking for Edward

Items to Get: Letter [Rare Item], Rune Bottle [1],
Flame Mantle [1], Medicine Bottle [1],
Life Bottle [1], Mental Ring [1]


Walk North to Alvanista and enter the castle. Talk to Runeglom (in
the magic research lab, near the prince's room). Klarth will tell him
about the broken rings, one of which you need to forge a contract with

Next you will be chatting outside. Runeglom says his friend Edward
probably knows how to repair the rings. He gives you a Letter for him
and leaves, then Cless hears someone's voice telling him he's not
worthy of the weapon he carries. Before leaving town, buy anything you
need and fill your food sack.

The next destination is west from Alvanista. Cross the bridge and
enter the small house by the lake. Knock the door and Edward's wife
will talk to you, her name is Lilith. She says Edward went to the
Freland and then goes back inside. If you try to knock again Mint will
stop you.

Head to the Freland (from the docks near the Moria Gallery) and enter
Olive Village. Mint suggests to ask the person under the tree about
Edward, the person tells you that he might be in one of the oasis of
the desert, so get ready to travel around the whole desert.

The First Oasis: Talk to the man looking at the pond and he will say
Edward is not around. Even if you don't understand
what he says, do talk to the man, or you might have
to do it all again anyway. There are two chests in
this oasis, the one that's easy to see contains a
Rune Bottle, and the one hidden under a tree right
from the lower entrance has a Flame Mantle.

The Second Oasis: Go west and north from the first oasis and you will
find the second one. Talk to the old man there to
hear that Edward went to the oasis to the north. Get
the chest that contains a Medicine Bottle.

The Third Oasis: Walk north and East to find it. Before you talk to
the woman here, get the chests. The visible one
(which is near the eastern entrance) contains a Life
Bottle, and directly south from it is a hidden chest
containing a Mental Ring (it slowly recovers TP in
battle). Talk to the person now to hear that Edward
went back to Olive Village (don't worry, you will be
taken there by the game).

Cless will ask the man from before about Edward. The guy tells you
that he entered the inn, so enter the Inn and talk to the owner! The
old man says Edward needs five Basilisk Scales, which you get from
fighting the Basilisks in the desert. Rest and save, because you could
get killed if you are not careful. Buy 15 Remedy Bottles (the
Basilisks can petrify the party members) and any items you don't have.

The best thing to do is to use a Dark Bottle to lure the enemies and
walk around. Most enemies in the desert (with the lone exception of
the Basilisk) are wimpy, so just kill them. When you run into a
Basilisk, an enemy that comes all alone (it looks like some kind of
big fish in my humble opinion), have Klarth summon Maxwell and Cless
use his lightning skill (the phoenix tech heals the Basilisk). Arche
should cast Thunder Blade and Mint should be ready to heal or cast
Slow on the enemy. Maxwell will most likely kill the Basilisk, if not,
just summon him again. You need 5 of the items this enemy drops, and
it doesn't drop the item after every fight.

When you have the five Basilisk Scales, go to Olive Village and enter
the Inn. Talk to the keeper and choose yes to hand him the scales. The
party will stay over the night. The next morning, Edward shows up.
Cless and Mint are shocked when Klarth calls him Mr. Morrison. It
turns out he is Tornix's ancestor. About the rings: Edward says that
they are irreplaceable, which means you have to find a way to repair
them. You should consult with the elves in Ymir Forest, but to enter
the forest you must get permission in Alvanista.

Before leaving, Edward tells you to meet him at Midgard when you are
ready to face Dhaos. After Edward leaves the inn, Cless catches up to
him and shows him the Tornix's book. When he realizes Cless is really
from the future, he tells you that he was just about to quit
researching Time Travel... Meanwhile, Mint explains to Arche that she
and Cless come from the future.

You have to get permission to enter Ymir Forest, so go to Alvanista
and talk to Runeglom.

3.17 Maze! Treant's Forest

Items to Get: Royal Emblem [Rare Item], Mixed Gummy [2], Sage [1],
Lavender [3], Spy Lens [2], Veggies [1],
Black Onyx [1], Holy Rune [1], Charm Bottle [1],
Armlet [2], Savory [2], Hourglass [1],
Heavy Stone [1], Apple Gummy [3], Orange Gummy [1],
Holy Bottle [1], Battle Rune [1], Life Bottle [2],
Verbena [1], Medicine Bottle [1], Resist Ring [3],
Steak [1], Thief's Mantle [2], Rune Bottle [1],
Dark Bottle [1], Reverse Doll [1], Gorgon Amulet [1],
Protect Ring [2], Moonstone Ring [1], Topaz Ring [1]


Klarth tells Runeglom that you will have to enter Ymir forest. Since
the paperwork will take a day, go to the inn and stay, then talk to
Runeglom again to receive the Royal Emblem (a rare item).

The Royal Emblem is an permission to enter the forest, but there is
one problem: half-elves, like Arche, are not allowed into the forest,
so she will have to stay at the city this time.

When you leave the castle Arche will separate and go to the inn to
wait for your return. Now go shopping, buy as 15 Orange Gummies,
because you don't have Arche and the enemies will be tough, so you
will be using your skills a lot. Also buy Remedy Bottles, because the
enemies in Ymir can petrify your guys (and of course you don't need me
to tell you to fill your Food Sack, do you?)

When you exit the city Arche will follow you in a not-so-good
disguise. Cross the eastern bridge and walk far to the south, and west
when you can (that's near the harbor). Keep it straight until you see
a forest surrounded by a lake, then enter the place.

The guard will let you in. Use the small hanging bridge that's a few
steps behind him to go right, then go up. Follow the path and go
up when you have to choose, the go left and up.

You should arrive in a fork with a Save Point. Save if you want to
and walk to the right, into a new screen. Get the chest in front of
you, then follow the other path for a Sage. Go back to the fork.

Go left this time to get to a new area. Follow the path and get the
chest behind a big tree (it's in your way, so you can't miss it), the
chest contains a Lavender. A few steps forward is a crossroads, first
go south to get a chest with another Lavender. Go back and this time
walk left to find yet another Lavender.

Now go back to the crossroads and head north. Klarth will say he saw
something pink... In the Elven Village, the party shows the Royal
Emblem, and the guards take you to the inn, where you meet an Elf
called Rambard.

When Klarth shows him the rings, Rambard says you will have to go to
the Heimdall Stone to repair them, then leaves. You will have to
prepare yourself for the trip and then meet Rambard at the north end
of town. You are now free to explore town, there's not much to see,
though. As you leave the inn, check the hair color of the keeper...

The weapon shop specializes in bows, which means there's nothing for
you to buy, so just buy any food you might need and the items you
spent during the trip into town. There are two kids playing hide and
seek in town, if you speak to the one that's hiding, you will reveal
his/her location to the other (this doesn't give you anything, but
hey! if you want to be mean you can do it).

When you have everything you need exit town going north. Rambard will
tell you to find Heimdall, the holy place of elves somewhere in the
forest. The Bush Babies mark the way to the Stone. After Rambard joins
as an NPC (not playable character), go north into the Treant's Forest
and save.

This forest can be quite confusing, but also has lots of goodies to
get. I will write the short path for those not interested in treasure,
and a long long long walkthrough for those who want to get every
treasure in this area (I recommend you get all the treasure, because
you get useful stuff and plenty of experience). I've also made an
ASCII map of the forest... It's not so good, but hopefully it will
help you a little (considering that my instructions might not be clear
enough). The Map is below the whole part of the forest (trust me, you
will see it, it's huge).

_-The Short Way-_

Basically what you have to do is follow the Bush Babies. I mean, when
a Bush Baby is near the exit of the screen, use that exit. Just get
all the treasure you see. The directions to get to the Heimdall Stone
from the Save Point are:
Go north three times, then east twice, then north
twice, then east twice again. Go south twice and exit that screen by
the lower right exit. Follow the path and you will get to the Stone
Slab. Skip the 'The Long Long Way Around' section that's right below
this one to see what happens next.

_-The Long Long Way Around-_

This will take a while, but it has some advantages. A good tip is to
use the items you have a much as you want, because you can go back to
the town periodically to heal and buy new ones (and the enemies in
this place drop loads of Gald).

From the Save Point go north once and turn left to find a chest that
contains a Spy Lens under a tree. Go back to the last screen and
walk north again, turn left and get the Veggies from the chest, then
head back to the last screen and go north.

In this screen walk up and leave to the left. Go straight into the
next area and get the two chests (they contain a Black Onyx and a Holy
Rune). From there walk left into the next screen. Walk down a little
and get an Apple Gummy from the bag near the water. Go left a little
and use the south exit to find a Charm Bottle.

Go back up and walk into an opening in the foliage for an Armlet. Get
the bag that's right from the northern exit for a Savory, then go
north into the next screen. Turn left for a chest containing a
Hourglass, go back one screen and north once. Get a Moon Crystal from
a chest hidden under the foliage on the left and go up again to get a
Heavy Stone. We have cleared a whole area! Go back to town for healing
and items (the way is S, S, S, E, E, E, S, S, S (the Save Point should
be here) and S. Fill your food sack and buy items!

Okay, supposing that you are ready, from the Save Point near town go
three times north, twice west and north again. Grab the chest for an
Apple Gummy and walk up, to your left you will see a chest (it
contains an Orange Gummy). Exit by north for a Holy Bottle, then walk
back down. Near the lower right exit is a chest between two trees, it
contains a Battle Rune. Use the lower right exit and follow the path.

Go up twice for a chest that contains an Apple Gummy. Walk down three
times, if you want to heal and save just keep going south to get to
the town, if not, walk to the right. Near the Bush Babies is a Life
Bottle, grab it and exit to the right.

Exit to the south to get a Verbena, then go back up and head right,
into the next screen. Get the chest in front of you (it contains a
Savory), then walk a few steps left and go down to grab an Armlet from
the chest. Use the southern exit of this screen, get the Spy Lens
inside the chest near you and then walk a few steps to the right for a
Mixed Gummy. Leave the screen by south for a Life Bottle. From there
go back up and head right, into the next area.

Follow the straight path and get the Medicine Bottle and the Resist
Ring. Back in the screen with the lake use the north-eastern exit for
a Steak, a Thief's Mantle and a Rune Bottle. Leave the lake screen by
north and walk right for a Dark Bottle. Leave this screen by north
too. Go straight one screen and turn right in the other.

Go straight one screen and use the northern exit in the next one for
an Elixir (the chest is hidden under the foliage to the right).

From the screen with the Elixir walk down and exit the screen by
east. In the T junction go down to get a Reverse Doll, then go back up
and left. Walk a few steps down to get three chests (they contain a
Protect Ring, a Resist Ring and a Thief's Mantle. Leave this screen by
south and follow the path.

Under the tree to your right is a chest containing a Gorgon Amulet
(protects against petrifying). Use the upper right exit and follow
the straight path for a Protect Ring, the go back two screens and use
the lower-right exit.
¯-_ _ _ _ _ _·_ _ _ _ _ _-¯

After the straight path you finally find a Save Point, before using
it or exploring a little to north get the chest under the tree to the
right (it contains a Resist Ring). Use the Save Point now.

Go near the stone slab that's north from the Save Point and a scene
starts. Rambard says that a Magical Spirit is supposed to be sleeping
inside the stone, that Spirit is Origin, the king of the dwarves.
Origin has the power to restore things to a previous state, which is
how you are going to get the rings fixed. He will start praying and
the rings will be repaired with some flashy effects.

Now that you have the Moonstone ring, you have to go to the Tower of
Twelve Stars near Midgard to find Luna. You get the Moonstone and
Topaz rings when the chat is finished. Now get the pair of Elven Boots
hidden behind the Heimdall Stone and save, because the programmers
decided to make you go on foot to the village. The way out of the
forest from your current location is: twice west, twice north, three
times west, once south, once west, and finally four times south.

| ____ |
| | T12| |
| | | |
| |_--_| ____ |
| | T11| |T16 | |
| | | | | ____ |
| | | |_--_|___ |T17 | |
| | -- | | |___ | | |
| |¯ ¯| |T15 -|- | |_--_| |
| ____| | | WW |¯¯¯ | | |
| |T10-|- | | WW |______ __| | |
| ¯¯¯¯| | |T13 T14-|- -|- | |
| | -- | | --_____|¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯| | |
| |¯ ¯ ¯ ¯|¯¯ T4 T5| | | |
| | T9 -|- | | | |
| | | ### | | -- | |
| | | ### |_ ____|¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯| |
| | T8 WW |_ -- -|- -|- | |
| | WW | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯| ### C | |
| | T7 |¯ | | ### -|- To B |
| | -- -|- | | -- T3| |
| ¯¯|¯ ¯|¯¯¯¯¯ |¯ ¯|¯¯¯¯ |
| | | ____ _| C | |
| | T6 | |T2 -|- | |
| ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯| | |
| |_--_| |
| | | |
| ____ _| C | |
| |T1 -|- | |
| ¯¯¯¯ ¯| | |
| |_--_| |
| | | |
| | C | |
| | | |
| | SP | |
| |_--_| |
| |
| ____ |
| ____ | T30| |
| | | | | |
| | | __|_--_|___ |
| | | | |__________ ___ |
| |_--_|_ ________ _______| -|- -|- | |
| | C -|- C -|- C -|- ### |¯¯|_--_|¯¯ ¯¯¯ |
| | WW |¯|_--_|¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ###C T31| | | |
| | WW |_| | | C T32| | T34| |
| | C-|- | | -- T33| |____| ____ |
| _|_--___|¯| | |¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|_____ _____ | T38| |
| To A -|- |__|_--_| | T35 C -|- -|- T36| | HS | |
| | ### | T19 | | WW |¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ | | |
| | ### -|- ### |____ | WW |_________ ___|SP | |
| | C |T20### -|- | | -- C -|- -|- T37| |
| | | T21|¯¯¯¯ |¯ ¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| |_--____| -- | |____| |
| | | | ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|______________ |
| | | | T22 T23-|- T25 T26 T27 | |
| |T18 | | WW |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| ¯¯¯¯ | WW |_______ __________ |
| | -|- -|- T28 T29 | |
| |_--_________|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| | | |
| | | |
| |T24 | |
| ¯¯¯¯ |
| |
| SP Save Point |
| B Bush Baby (this show the way to the Stone Slab) |
| '--' & '-|-' These signs show the connections between screens |
| ### Big stone blocks in some screens |
| WWW Areas with water |
| T# Marks a treasure, the meaning of the numbers |
| is below |
| HS Heimdall Stone |
| |
| T1 Spy Lens T20 Armlet |
| T2 Veggies T21 Dark Bottle |
| T3 Life Bottle T22 Spy Lens |
| T4 Black Onyx T23 Mixed Gummy |
| T5 Holy Rune T24 Life Bottle |
| T6 Charm Bottle T25 Steak |
| T7 Big Apple T26 Thief's Mantle |
| T8 Armlet T27 Rune Bottle |
| T9 Savory T28 Medicine Bottle |
| T10 Hourglass T29 Resist Ring |
| T11 Moon Crystal T30 Elixir |
| T12 Heavy Stone T31 Protect Ring |
| T13 Apple Gummy T32 Resist Ring |
| T14 Battle Rune T33 Thief's Mantle |
| T15 Orange Gummy T34 Reverse Doll |
| T16 Holy Bottle T35 Gorgon Amulet |
| T17 Apple Gummy T36 Protect Ring |
| T18 Verbena T37 Resist Ring |
| T19 Savory T38 Elven Boots |

We are done with the forest!!! All right!!!

When you get to the town a soldier will talk to Rambard about a
half-elf intruder. The party hears a familiar voice... It's Arche, she
got caught snooping around! By the elven laws, Arche must be executed,
but the inn keeper appears and implores for Arche's life. Rambard
suddenly decides to release her. The inn keeper calls her "my little
Arche", apologizes several times and says she loves her. Arche doesn't
understand until she is leaving town, when she realizes that the woman
was her mother! But it's too late, you are no longer allowed into the
village. The only thing you can do now is leave the forest.

3.18- The City of Midgard

Items to Get: None

Combos to Get: Magma Bolt [from a woman in a camp south of Midgard]
Bolt Crash [pay 18,000 Gald to a man in Midgard]


Walk east from the forest and enter the harbor near the Moria
Gallery. Get on the ship and pay 320 Gald to the captain for the trip
to Freland.

Buy anything you need in Olive Village (which is east from the docks
in case you forgot), especially buy Apple and Orange Gummies and
Remedy Bottles, and do fill your Food Sack.

From the outside the village walk east and south (you should be able
to see the first of the oases you visited earlier), go far north past
the second oasis and turn west when you find the ocean to see the
third oasis. Head north and you should see a series of bridges, cross

In this new continent walk north a little and you should see a bridge
over a river to your left, cross it and head left, over another
bridge. Follow the narrow path to find an area with a little camp by
the mountains. Enter the camp and talk to the lady, she will give
Cless the Magma Bolt combo.

Go back to the place where you were before going over the first
bridge and head north, past a tower near the mountains, cross bridge
over a river and walk right, into the big city by the lake.

Welcome to the famous city of Midgard, the most powerful country in
the world and the leading force in the war against Dhaos. Walk
directly right from the place you enter (assuming you used the western
entrance), when you get near the castle's gates fairy will appear and
take the Royal Emblem. He tells you to go to the Tower of Twelve
Stars if you want it back. You were going there anyway, but lets buy
some good equipment before.

This town is so big that it is divided into two parts, you are now in
the southernmost one. Walk south from the castle's gates and turn
right (going right takes you to a locked house and an Orphanage). You
can't stay at the inn, but you can buy whatever you need from the

From the Pharmacy go up and enter the door in front of you. This is
the Armor and Weapon Shop, most stuff here is better than your current
equipment, but it costs a lot of money. Concentrate on Cless and Arche
(buy the Mecha-Halberd for Cless, it's a lot stronger than the Gungnir
you have). If you can't afford the equipment you need just sell one of
the Cat's Eyes you got from the racing boy in Alvanista (it's worth
39,000 Gald).

Note: When I got to the town I had a ?Weapon in my inventory that
transformed into a Slayer Sword, which is almost as powerful as
the Mecha-Halberd you can buy in the city. I got it from the
enemies outside town, but they don't drop it often. Check if one
of your ?Weapon transforms into a Slayer Sword if you want to
save some money.

Now use the path going up from the right side of the Weapon Shop
building to get to the northern part of the city. Fill your Food Sack
in the shop you find in the way up and continue. Turn left, right in
front of the Pawn Shop is a guy between the buildings, he sells you
the Bolt Crash combination for Cless for 18,000 Gald, make sure you
buy it (if you sold a Cat's Eye you should have enough, try to keep
your Cat's Eyes, they are REALLY valuable later on).

There's nothing else to do in town, so just leave. Note that you
can't go north from the city, so the only new place to visit is the
tower you saw when you where coming to the city (if you don't remember
where it was, go south from the city, near the mountains to the east).

3.19- The Tower of Twelve Stars

Items to Get: Tractate [1], Spy Lens [1], Basilisk Scale [2],
Sage [2], Apple Gummy [1], Orange Gummy [2],
Bread [1], Holy Rune [1], Remedy Bottle [1],
Protect Ring [1], Sirloin Steak [1],
Charm Bottle [1], Silver Cape [1], Battle Rune [1],
Rabbit's Foot [2], Mantle [1], Resist Ring [1],
Black Onyx [1], Rune Bottle [1]

Spirits to Get: Luna [Top floor of the Tower of the Twelve Stars]

Spells to Get: Ray [Sixth Floor of the Tower of the Twelve Stars]


This tower has an extra twist to make it interesting, the doors in
each floor leading to the next one are controlled by music, a specific
music has to be played in order to make the doors open. To change the
music you have to use the statues scattered around each floor. The
design of each floor is almost the same, only the placing of the
statues and treasure chests change.
| __S__ |
| | | |
| | | |
| |_DDD_| |
| ______ _/ \_ ______ |
| | | _/ \_ | | |
| | | | --- | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| ______ |¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯| ______ |
| | | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|_____ __ __|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | | |
| | | | | | | S | | | | |
| |¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ | | | | ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯| |
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| ______ ______ | | ______ ______ |
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| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| |
| S Stairs |
| DDD The doors that open only when the right music is playing |
| --- The stone slab that clues you about the music |

- First Floor -

This is just the entrance, go through the door and up the stairs in
the room with the image of Aquarius on the floor.

- Second Floor -

The music that opens the door in this floor is already playing (yes,
the Dungeon Music), so if you have no interest in treasures just go
through the door.

If you do want treasure then head go down first (the left path has no
treasures). When the passage splits go left, the first door takes to a
chest containing a Spy Lens, the second door takes to a Tractate(a
good weapon for Klarth). To the right from the Pisces sign on the
floor where the path splits head right, the first room contains a Sage
and a Basilisk Scale, the second room has an Apple Gummy.

Once you have got all the treasure in this floor go north from the
main room (if you didn't touch any statues, the door should be open).

- Third Floor -

The music that opens this floor's door is Arche's Theme (the lovely
music that was played when you met her). The statue that controls that
melody is found by going down from the main room and entering the left

For the treasure lovers: exit the main room to the left, go through
the second door you find for an Orange Gummy, then go back to the main
room and use the southern exit. Turn left over the Taurus symbol on
the floor and enter the first room for a Bread, then enter the next
one and check the statue, say 'Yes' and Arche's Theme should start
playing. Walk right from the Taurus symbol and enter the far right
room for a Holy Rune. Go back to the main room and head right this
time, go through the first door for a Sage and just walk back into the
main room. Now that we got all the treasure in the floor we can go
into the next one!

- Fourth Floor -

The key theme here is the Mystic Forest theme, the statue is in the
second room of the left corridor.

In the left corridor use the first door to get two chest, containing
a Basilisk Scale and a Remedy Bottle, then go back to the corridor and
use the next door, check the statue and say 'Yes' to change the music
to the Mystic Forest theme.

The southern corridor (this one has the image of Cancer on the floor)
has a Protect Ring in the first room to the right and a Sirloin Steak
in the second one (the left hand has no treasures).

Finally, for the right corridor, ignore the first door (it just takes
you to a statue) and use the second one for an Orange Gummy and a
Charm Bottle. Now just go north from the main room to get to the

- Fifth Floor -

You have to put the Dungeon Music again, you can find the statue by
going down and using the second door to the right.

As we have been doing in this whole tower, let's go left first, the
first door takes you to a chest containing a Silver Cape and the
second one guards a Battle Rune.

From the main room walk down and turn left, inside the first room is
a Rabbit's Foot, after getting it use the second door to the right and
check the statue, say 'Yes' and the Dungeon Music theme should be

In the right corridor of this floor enter the first room for a Mantle
and just go back, the other room just contains a statue.

- Sixth Floor -

In this floor the 'Open Fire' theme must be played to open the door,
the statue is found in the second room of the right corridor.

Walk west from the main room into the left corridor, go through the
first door for a Resist Ring, then go back to the room with the stone
slab and head down, turn right and enter the second room, which
contains two chests (the treasures are a Rabbit's Foot and a Black

Okay, now let's check the right corridor. The first door takes you
to a chest containing a Rune Bottle, and the second door takes to the
statue that activates the 'Open Fire' theme you need to open the door!
We are almost done with the tower!

From the main room go north, when you try to go up the stairs the
fairy you met in Midgard appears and introduces himself as Artemis,
(Luna's assistant). He doesn't want to let you see Luna unless Arche
kisses Cless. She is willing, but Mint stops her.

A voice then tells Artemis to stop playing and give you something in
return for all the trouble. Seeing Arche can use Magic, Artemis gives
Arche the Ray spell. After Artemis disappears, go upstairs to meet

- Seventh Floor -

After Luna gives you the Royal Emblem Artemis had stolen from you,
Klarth requests a contract. Even though she doesn't like to fight,
Luna accepts to forge a contract using the Moonstone Ring.

You have to go down all by yourself now, but all the doors are open
already so all you have to do is to go down the stairs in each floor.
Finally we have finished this tower!

Save outside, and don't be afraid of testing Arche's new spells and
Klarth's new Spirit!

3.20- War! The Valhalla Plains and the Aerial Battle

Items to Get: Poison Amulet [2], Chicken [1]

Spells to Get: Indignation [given by Lyzen after the aerial battle]


Walk back up to Midgard and try to enter the castle. Now that you
have the Emblem Klarth shows it to the guards and says he comes to see
Edward D Morrison. The party is taken into a room to wait, talk to
your party if you want to, note that if you try to leave the room
Klarth stops you. Just wait a while and Edward will come in.

The man with Edward introduces himself as Lyzen. During the meeting
Arche behaves strangely (she's questioning Dhaos' motives to fight).
Once you can move you can explore this floor of the castle, but
there's nothing to see, only a bedroom and a room guarded by soldiers.
Go near the stairs to find Lyzen talking to a researcher (it seems
Dhaos warned Lyzen to stop a certain research), he then proceeds
to introduce you to the king.

The king talks about several subjects, mainly the about fact that
Dhaos' troops have gathered at the north end of the Valhalla Plains
and that the country has been developing a secret weapon...

Now that the chat with the king is over, Lyzen takes you to the Magic
Research Labs, where he reveals that his goal is to give humans the
ability to use Magic, then and leaves. Now talk to the people in the
rooms. Many of them comment on how the elves refuse to help in the war
against Dhaos. You can't enter the room guarded by soldiers, it's
probably where they keep the secret weapon.

Go up the stairs, if you go straight up you can see a room full of
cannons, weapons and armors (but you can't take or use any of them).
You can also visit the king's bedroom which is right from his throne,
but there's nothing to do there either, so just leave the castle.

When you leave Arche will start questioning Dhaos' motives to attack
only some cities. She deduces there must be some relation between the
Scarlet family, Harmel and Midgard. To clear this out, she decides to
see her father (she has some other reason to see him...).

As soon as you enter Bart's house, Arche starts questioning him about
her mother, who he said was dead. Bart explains that until ten years
ago, elves lived with humans in peace, but they suddenly moved to Ymir
Forest one day. Even though Arche's mother, Luche, didn't want to
leave, she was forced to. She asked Bart to tell Arche that her mother
was dead. Once the family affairs are finished, Klarth asks about the
Scarlet family (Lia, Arche's friend, was from that family). Bart says
that they had moved to Harmel from Midgard, and were working on a top
secret project...

Now you will be back at Midgard, where something seems to be wrong.
All the soldiers are terrified watching something inside the castle.
Go through the gates to find Edward and a monster holding a kid
hostage. The monster's name is Jestorna, he brings declaration of war
from Dhaos. Edward transports behind the demon, surprising him and
making it let the kid go. Jestorna grabs Edward, but he uses a very
preliminary form of Time Travel, disappearing with the demon. After
watching Edward's sacrifice, Arche is convinced to fight Dhaos.

It's time for a strategy meeting. Lyzen explains the plan, which is
to go through the plains north of the city defeating Dhaos' armies.
The army will divide into four teams, each will have a leader, and
Klarth is named as the leader of the fourth team, so he has to stay
with Lyzen for a while to talk about he mission. Now go to the city
and stay at the inn. Buy items and equipment if you need to, then go
back into the fortress and approach the conference room to get Klarth

Lyzen goes into one of the rooms that are guarded to check on
Midgard's secret weapon, the MysTek Cannon. A series of scenes follow,
showing the preparations for the war. After that, you will finally be
in the fields north of the city, where Lyzen instructs everyone on how
to proceed in the Valhalla Plains.

The main thing here is to find the boss waiting for you in the upper
right corner of the plains in the shortest time possible. The sooner
you do it, the better the prize you get. When night comes you are
asked if you would like to set camp and rest, then the day changes.
You can't leave the plains without having killed the boss.

You start in the camp. If you want to rest talk to the soldier
standing to the right of the tents. The soldier standing to the left
can give you up to 15 of one of four items each time you talk to him.
The items are:
1.- Apple Gummy
2.- Remedy Bottle
3.- Life Bottle
4.- Bread

Here's a map of the plains, hopefully, you can understand it. The
plains are so big that I had to make two sections. Note that I tried
to keep proportion as much as I could, but it wasn't possible all the
| White Forest |
| |--| ________ _____ ____________ ______ |
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| | | | |¯¯| | | |¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯| | |
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| E | | __________ | | | |__ __| | |
| N | | | | | | | -|- | |
| T _|--|___ | |¯¯¯¯| | | | | |¯¯ ¯¯| | |
| R | SP| |--| |--| |--| |--| |--| |
| A | |_____ _| | | |____| | | |_____| | |
| N | -|- -|- | | | | | |
| C |¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| E | | |
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| _____ _______ |
| |SP -|- Boss |
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| |--| |--| |
| B Southern Exit |
| |
| |
| -- Connection between screens |
| SP Save Point |
| B Boss |

The shortest way to take, starting from the camp, up, up, up, right,
up, right, right up, up, right, up, up, right, right, right and up.
There should be a Save Point in this screen if not, then either you
messed up, or I made a mistake while writing the instructions ^_^
Heal your characters and save. If you still have the Princess Capes
you used in Ifrit's cave, equip them on Mint and Arche, because the
next boss can use a very powerful fire spell.

Go right to find a Dragon, its name is Ishrantu and he is one of
Dhaos' servants (of course you have to fight him). If it took you more
than five days to find this place, another party will be there
already, but you have to fight the same boss anyway.

BOSS: Ishrantu________________________________________________________
HP 5000
TP 100

Drake [2]
HP 1500 Absorbs: Water
TP 0 Weakness: Fire, Thunder

GALD 15402

ITEMS Poison Amulet [1]


First have Cless take care of the Drakes, they are just like the
Lizard Men you fought in the Ymir Forest, just use your best short
distance techs to kill them (use a Flare Bottle if you want to).

While Cless kills the Drakes, Arche should cast Ray on Ishrantu, it
can make quite some damage, and keeps him from casting spells. Klarth
should summon Maxwell or Luna (the later can hurt Ishrantu for about
900 HP always, but with a little luck, Maxwell can reach 1500 HP and
even more!). If you want to be completely safe, have Mint cast Hammer
on the boss, but remember that she must be ready for healing in case
Ishrantu casts the Fire Storm spell.

When both Drakes die, have Cless use long-range skills on the boss,
but don't get too close, because Ishrantu can bake a little fire
barrier in front of him that hurts you if you touch it.

NEVER let Ishrantu alone for too long, or he will use a deadly spell.
He can use Thunder Blade (this one is not that powerful) and Fire
Storm, which happens to be his favorite spell and the most damaging
(can take about 1400 HP from all the characters!). Equipment with fire
protection (such as the Princess Capes for Mint and Arche) is very
useful here.

Right after the battle you are taken to Midgard, go to the inn and
stay for free, then go to the world map and save your game.

When you are ready, enter the castle. The guards will take you to see
the king. The king will pay you 10,000 if it took you two days or
more, if you manage to make it in one day, you get 50,000 Gald!. If
it took you more than five days (meaning that there was another party
fighting Ishrantu), you still get 10,000 Gald.

Everyone is happy with the victory, until a soldier comes in
terrified. It turns out that Dhaos not only had an army, he also has
his personal Air Force! A scene shows how monsters slowly appear on
the sky. Lyzen runs into the room of the MysTek Cannon.

Before going out, buy anything you need from the merchants inside the
castle (the old man sells weapons, the young man sells gummies and
some other items, the woman to the left sells food and the other woman
sells accessories). Buy the best armor you can find for Cless and
Arche, and if you don't have a Mecha-Halberd yet, don't buy it now
(you wont use it right now, and you can get one for free a little
after that).

When you have everything you may need go outside. Just like in
Alvanista, Cless will hear a woman's voice talking about the Gungnir.
He separates from the party and is absorbed into a gate.

You are now in an unknown place, there's a transporter near you, but
it just takes you to a dead end (a Bush Baby statue is blocking a
corridor). Go north and Cless will see a woman on a winged horse. She
says that she works for Odin, she is the Valkyrie. She wants Cless to
return the Gungnir, which belongs to Odin. She offers to give you
something in exchange, Cless has an idea and asks her to lend him the

In the mean while, Lyzen fires the MysTek Cannon, killing most of the
monsters and everything else around them. At the same time, in the
forest south of Beladum, Martel is surrounded by animals near the
Tree of Life, she can feel how the Mana is disappearing. Lyzen now
tries to shoot again, but it overloads and fills the room with smoke.

Klarth and the others are just watching, as they can't do a thing
against enemies in the sky. Suddenly, Cless appears with the Pegasus
and explains his plan. He will fly into the sky and fight the
remaining monsters. The Pegasus lends some of his power to Arche's
broom, allowing her to fly high to help Cless.

While on the Pegasus, Cless can only do normal attacks. Remember to
heal yourself as soon as needed, because you only have two party
members, and Mint is not around to heal you.

|Vultura [2] | The Vulturas can hurt your characters for |
| HP 1800 | about 400 HP with each hit, so watch out. The |
| TP 100 | effective way to kill them is to have Arche |
|--------------------| cast Thunder Blade while Cless attacks Thunder|
|TOTAL EXP 2200 | Blade hurts them for about 1000 HP each time, |
|GALD 2640 | and Cless' attacks make about 300 points of |
| | damage. |
|ITEMS Chicken [1] | |
| | |
\ | /

| | The Charons are the toughest enemies of the |
| | whole aerial battle, because they can cast |
| | Thunder Blade (hurting your characters for |
|Charon [3] | about 500 HP) and ABSORB all elements. To |
| HP 2000 | prevent Arche from screwing up, go to her |
| | tactical menu and put her on Passive mode (the|
| TP 60 | tactic menu is the third icon of the battle |
| | menu, the Passive mode is the fourth option |
|--------------------| next to Arche in the menu). Use a Flare |
| | Bottle on Cless and attack the Charons. Some |
| | times they might fly very low, not letting |
| | Cless hit them with normal attacks, in those |
|TOTAL EXP 3000 | cases go far from the enemy, press the attack |
|GALD 1200 | button and push up in the control pad to make |
| | him jump and hit the enemies. |

|Demon [2] | |
| HP 1150 | First, have Arche cast Thunder Blade on the |
| TP 0 | group of enemies to kill the Demons and the |
| | Vultura (but let her in Passive mode, so she |
|Charon | doesn't heal the Char when are trying to kill |
| HP 2000 | it). |
| TP 60 | |
| | |
|Vultura | Now use a Flare Bottle on Cless and kill the |
| HP 1800 | little Charon. |
| TP 100 | |
|--------------------| |
|TOTAL EXP 4160 | |
|GALD 3720 | |

|Demon [3] | Very simple, just have Arche cast Ray on the |
| HP 1150 | Demon while Cless attacks with the Gungnir. |
| TP 0 | |
|--------------------| Use this chance to heal your characters to |
|TOTAL EXP 3090 | full HP, because you will be facing a boss |
|GALD 3000 | next. |

BOSS: Ishrantu________________________________________________________
HP 5000
TP 100

Demon [2]
HP 1150
TP 0

HP 2000 Absorbs: Light
TP 60

GALD 17400

ITEMS Poison Amulet [1]


This Ishrantu is the same from the battle in the Valhalla Plains,
that means it can cast Fire Storm and hurt you pretty badly.

First cast Ray on the Demons to kill them (it doesn't matter if you
heal the Charon right now), then use a Flare Bottle on Cless and take
care of the Charon, while Arche uses Ray on Ishrantu to prevent it
from casting Fire Storm. Once Cless kills the Charon, use another
Flare Bottle on him and attack Ishrantu until it dies.

Remember that if Ishrantu is left alone for a while, he will cast a
spell, and that Fire Storm is really powerful. If he ever gets to cast
it, heal immediately with the items at your disposal.

After the battle Cless thanks the Pegasus and it leaves (taking the
Gungnir with him). Lyzen appears and gives you a book that belonged to
Edward, it contains the awesome Indignation spell for Arche! (you do
remember the Indignation spell, don't you? The spell that is used on
Dhaos during the introduction).

Now, you have defeated Dhaos' Army and Air Force, it's time to go for
his Navy... Just kidding! The party goes to bed and now it's time to
enter Dhaos' castle. Of course, make sure you fill your Food Sack, buy
any items you need, if you want Holy and Dark Bottles you will have to
go as far as Olive Village, because nobody sells them in Midgard (same
for Rune Bottles, but you have to go to Alvanista). Re-equip weapons
on Cless, because the Valkyrie took the Gungnir.

3.21- Dhaos' Fortress

Items to Get: Flame Mantle [1], Aqua Mantle [1], Mystical Rune [1],
?Weapon [5], Mecha-Halberd [2], Halberd [2],
Savory [1], Sage [1], Orange Gummy [2],
Life Bottle [2], Apple Gummy [3], Rune Rod [8],
Protect Ring [1], Battle Rune [1], Steak [1],
Magic Mirror [Rare Item], Lavender [1],
Hourglass [1], Elixir [1], White Mist [1],
Mental Ring [1], Magical Broom [1], Armlet [1],
Gold Key [Rare Item], Charm Bottle [1], Jade Ring [1]

Combos to Get: Earth's Rage [buy from a man in the Valhalla Plains]

Spells to Get: Fire Storm [Dhaos' Fortress, near the entrance]
Distortion [Dhaos' Fortress, behind a mirror]


When you are ready, exit the city, save of course, and enter the
Valhalla Plains. You have to work your way to the spot where you faced
Ishrantu, happily, there are no fights this time around.

Before going to Dhaos' Fortress, you can buy a new combination from a
man in the plains. To find him, go (from the entrance) up, up, right,
right, down, right, right and up. The man there will sell you the
Earth's Rage combination for 50,000 Gald. If you don't have the money,
don't worry, you can it later.

Now, to leave the plains (from the spot where you bought the combo),
go right, right, up, up, left, left, up, up, right ,right, right, up,
right and finally right again. Refer to the map in the previous
section if you need more help.

You should appear in the map, near a small bridge. Cross it and walk
north until you see a castle (it look more like a factory if you ask
me). Save your game and enter the place.

Okay, before going deeper into this dungeon, here are some general
· The Golems absorb many elements, so make sure the weapon
equipped on Cless is a non elemental one, the Mecha-Halberd is
fine, if you don't have one, don't worry, you will get one
· Equip the Lightning tech on Cless, it hurts the Golems and
most of the enemies here. Arche should cast Indignation and
Ray and Klarth should summon Luna, of course, whenever you find
an enemy that absorbs all elements (such as the Charons),
summon Maxwell.
· Some enemies in this place may leave a ?Weapon after a fight.
It can be modified into a powerful Moon Falux with a Rune
Bottle. However, don't equip this weapon on Cless, you need
him to hurt enemies that absorb all elements most of the time.

From the first room, exit to the left. There should be two doors in
this room, use the left-most one and get the Flame Mantle from the
chest, then go right and grab the Aqua Mantle. Use the door directly
to the south from the chest (or where it used to be). You should come
out in a staircase, walk to the right and check the gargoyle to get a
Mystical Rune, then use the door a few steps down from there to come
out in the first room. Go down the stairs, then go through the other
door in the northern wall. At a first glance, this room is empty, but
if you check the three groups of weapons standing there (anyone knows
the right name for this?) you can get a Halberd, a Mecha-Halberd and a
?Weapon (this one transforms into a Slayer Sword). If you don't have
one yet, equip the Mecha-Halberd on Cless, if you already had it, take
it anyway, because it can be sold for quite some money. Once you have
all the weapons found here, just go back to the main room and exit to
the right.

You should come to a small room with two gargoyles and a door that
opens only from the other side. Before you leave, check the red plant
near the door to get a Savory and a Sage, then just proceed to your
right. Walk through the narrow passage, when you step on the switch,
the door in front of you will open, go through it and get the Fire
Storm spell from the chest, then go back to the last room and head
left. Check both groups of weapons for another Halberd and
Mecha-Halberd. The door in the left end of the room in locked, so use
the door found south from the mirrors on the wall to appear in the
room of the red plant, go left and step on the same switch from
before, the door in front of you should close, walk to the door that
was locked before and it will be open, go through it!

Just go up the stairs to come to a corridor with two doors, the left
one takes to a locked door, and the right one to a switch puzzle (the
choice seems to be pretty obvious). In the right room the sign reads:
Up, Down, Right, Left, Down, Up. Step on the switches in that order
and the sound of a door opening should be heard (if you mess up, just
read the sign again or re-enter the room). Once you are done with the
switches, go back to the corridor and use the left door, follow the
path and go through the open door.

This corridor is full of mirrors, in one of them you see a monster
instead of your reflection. Ignore that for now and go up the stairs.
This new room also has mirror with monsters, but ignore them to and go
up the stairs to come to three doors. Go through the left one to get
an Orange Gummy and a Life Bottle, then go back to the last room and
use the right most door to get two Apple Gummies and a Rune Bottle. Go
back one room and now use the middle door.

You should be in a fork shaped room. Head left first and enter the
room to get an Orange Gummy, a Life Bottle and an Apple Gummy, then
go back and head right. You will come into a large room with a long
table in the middle and eight switches. Read the sign near the
northern door (it's in the same language as the stone slab in Moria
Gallery, so Arche has to read it). The switches on both sides of the
table have to be pressed at the same time. Here's my method to do it:

- When the countdown starts stand next to the first switch and
step on it right after Arche does.
- From the second to the third switch just walk straight, right
after stepping on the first switch.
- For the third and fourth switches, try to do the same thing you
did in the first one (of course it's harder now). Remember to
step on the switches right AFTER Arche does, it's quite hard to
do it at the same time, and the game counts it as bad timing if
you step on the switches before she does.

If you mess up and the door doesn't open Arche will ask you if you
want to try again.

It should take a couple of tries, but finally you will get it right.
Go through the door to see a Save Point, use it of course and go up
the stairs.

Of the two doors here, use the lower one first to find a Protect Ring
and a Rune Bottle, then go through the northern door. You come to yet
another three doors here, one is in front of you and the other two are
a little to the left, go through the later ones to get some treasure
(a Battle Rune and a Steak), then proceed by the northern room.

This room has some stairs and a room that opens only when something
in placed over the switch next to it. Go up the stairs, there's a hole
in the floor and a statue that looks like Demitel in the southern part
of the room. Grab the statue and push it into the hole, then go back
down the stairs and place the statue on the switch to open the door.

The next room has the same kind of door you just saw, but there's a
problem, you don't have a statue here. Step on the switch twice and
Klarth will suggest you leave someone behind to step on the switch. I
recommend you choose Arche, but it's up to you. If you change your
mind about the character you leave behind, just talk to him/her and
choose whom you'd like to leave.

Go through the open door and up the stairs. Walk down through the
door and then go left (the door to the right is locked). Go straight
left and follow the stairs up. This is the top floor of the castle,
a Mini Boss battle is coming soon, so you probably want to save your
game. Exit to the left and follow the path, a couple of screens later
you should come to a room with two doors, use the right-most one and
the Save Point should be there (don't bother trying to open the door
behind it, you need the strength of four people here). Now, to face
the Mini Boss, from the Save Point go back to the room with two doors
and go through the left door, you should appear in the main room of
the top floor.

Now heal up and, if you have a Moon Falux, equip it on Cless. Exit by
the north door in this room to find a chest guarded by a monster, get
near it to face the Mini Boss!

MINI BOSS: Evil Lord__________________________________________________
Evil Lord
HP 10500 Weakness: Fire, Thunder
TP 60

Draygen [2]
HP 2000 Weakness: Fire, Light
TP 5

GALD 9200

ITEMS ?Weapon [1], Rune Bottle [1]


All the enemies in this battle are weak to Light, that's why a Moon
Falux helps a lot (not only it is more powerful than a Mecha-Halberd,
it also has the elemental advantage). If Cless has a Moon Falux, he
will probably hurt the enemies for about 1000 HP with each hit (more
if you use a Flare Bottle, which you should).

Klarth of course should summon his most powerful and happily Light
elemental spirit, Luna, to hurt the enemies for about 2000 HP with
each casting, if you left behind Klarth instead of Arche, the later
should cast Indignation but it's not as powerful as Luna for this

As for Mint, just have her ready to heal anytime it's needed, after
all she's just the healer of the party, you can't expect her to do
much else ^_^ If you want to, let her cast Hammer on the Evil Lord
while you take care of the Draygens.

After the battle open the blue chest that was guarded by the monster
to get the Magic Mirror (a Rare Item), which allows you to fight all
the monsters you saw inside mirrors before. Go back to pick up the
character you left behind so he can help you fight the many Mini
Bosses you will be finding now, just talk to the one standing on the
switch and choose the fourth option.

From the room with the statue of Demitel go south twice, then down
the stairs and use the Save Point. Exit this room by south to find the
Dinning Room (the one with the eight switches), then go south again
and down the stairs.

There should be two mirrors with monsters in this room, each leads to
a fight against the same group from before, which will be easier to
kill now that you have all your characters (refer to the strategy
above if you have any problems, and remember that a Moon Falux makes
this a piece of cake). To engage in a fight with the monsters on the
mirror just try to talk to them, when a monster is defeated you are
taken inside its mirror to get the treasure inside. After you do, just
check the mirror to exit. Of the tow mirror in this room, the left one
takes you to a room with treasure (a Lavender, 10,000 Gald, a
Hourglass, an Elixir and a White Mist) and the right one takes you to
a room where you find the Distortion spell for Arche (her first death

When you are done in that part go down the stairs and talk to the
monster in the mirror there and fight yet the same Mini Boss to be
transported into another part of the castle. Walk left, check both
gargoyles and say 'Yes' when you are asked if you want to throw a
switch, when you throw the second switch a chest containing a Mental
Ring will appear. The other chests in the room contain a Rune Bottle,
a Magical Broom (which you should equip on Arche right away) and a
Armlet. Now go right, past the mirror, then down, and enter the door
to your left in the next room. The puzzle here is just like the one
you saw earlier in this fortress, but instead of left you have to
press right and vice versa. In case you are just too lazy to look at
the instructions above, step on the switches in the following order,
Up, Down, Left, Right, Down and Up. When you do it right go outside
the room and a chest should be there, it contains a Gold Key (a Rare
Item), which allows you to open all the locked doors in this castle.

Go all the way back to the room where you have to leave one of your
characters and choose to leave Arche (don't worry, you will get her
back really soon). Go up the stairs and head south like you did
before, but this time open the door to your right with the Gold Key,
this door connects to the room with the hole on the floor. Cless will
call Arche and she will fly with her broom through the hole! Just get
the chest near you (it contains a Charm Bottle) and go back to the
last room, then exit to the left.

There is a small table in the middle of this room, and directly south
from it is a door, go through it and use your Gold Key on the locked
door, get the four chests (three Dragon Steaks and a Silver Cape) and
just go to the top floor of the castle. We are getting close to Dhaos!

From the first room of the top floor use the door on the southern
wall that's found to your right, then go through the door to your left
to find a Save Point (use it of course). Check the door in this room
and Klarth will say you need four people to open this door (that's
why you couldn't open it earlier). When the door opens proceed into
the next room, where you have to fight another Mini Boss, refer to the
strategy above if you need help.

Before you go on, save your game, heal up and recover full TP to all
your characters, because Dhaos is next. Put Arche and Klarth in the
Cast Many Spells/Summon Many Spirits mode, also go to their Skill menu
and cancel all the spells but Indignation and Luna (just press Y next
to the spell name to gray it out). Equip Cless with his Lightning Bolt
skill, it works just fine. Make sure Arche has the Mystical Rune you
got at this castle equipped, it halves the time it takes to cast a

Once you are completely ready and have saved, go north twice from the
Save Point to find Dhaos. He behaves rather strangely, saying he has
no quarrel with you, but since the party is so insistent, he decides
to fight anyway...

BOSS: Dhaos___________________________________________________________
HP 49900 Weakness: Thunder, Light
TP 1000

Evil Lord [2]
HP 10500 Weakness: Fire, Thunder
TP 60

GALD 25000

ITEMS Jade ring [1], Rune Bottle [2]


Dhaos comes with two bonus Evil Lord, but this is good, because he
won't do a thing as long as they are between you and him, so you will
want to cast spells on Dhaos and keep the Evil Lords alive for as long
as you can, leaving Cless receive their hits and healing him

If you remember the introduction of the game, you know that Arche
MUST cast Indignation on Dhaos, it takes about 6000 HP each time she
casts it, plus, it makes Dhaos curse! Luna does decent damage (about
2000 HP) but it's not that much, however she's the best Spirit for
this battle.

Cless can't hurt Dhaos normally, because Dhaos heals back all the
damage taken from physical hits. However, as you hurt him with spells,
he becomes weak, and starts healing only half of the damage or nothing
at all. Even if you can't hurt him, attack all the time once the Evil
Lords are dead, because Dhaos could cast some very damaging spells,
or even worse, use one of his deadly attacks. When you note that you
can hurt him, use the Lightning Bolt skill to take about 1200 HP out
of Dhaos each time.

Once the Evil Lords die (you will end up killing them before Dhaos
even if you don't want to, that's for sure), Dhaos will start casting
spells, his repertory includes God Breath (about 2400 points of damage
to one character), Fire Storm, Thunder Blade and some others. But the
worst thing he can is to use one of his very own attacks, they take no
casting time, and are just as deadly (even more) as the spells, his
attacks include:

· Dhaos Laser: hurts all characters in front of him for about
1200 HP
· Tetra Assault: A combo of four hits, each one hurts for
about 700 HP
· Dhaos Corridor: A big explosion, it hurts all characters in
the screen for about 2500 HP! This one is the deadliest of
his attacks.
· Just plain hits that can hurt one or two characters for
about 700 HP

NOTE: There's an Extra Tactic for this boos available in Part II.


After the battle Dhaos vanishes, just like he did in the
introduction, and Cless is really mad about it. Being unable to do
anything, the party goes to Alvanista.

3.22- Unicorn! Help us Save the Yggdrasill

Items to Get: Medicinal Herb [6], Rune Bottle [3], Unicorn Horn [1]


Runeglom welcomes you in Alvanista, he has a goodbye letter Edward
left before disappearing and a key, but Runeglom doesn't know what it
is for, so he suggest to go ask Edward's wife about it.

Once in Edward's house, Lilith (his wife) says it is the key to his
husband's private library and opens the door for you. The party reads
in a book that Edward was researching Time Travel and that an ancient
civilization called Thor had mastered its secrets. However, Thor sunk
into the sea, and the book doesn't mention a way to get there, but
Klarth has an idea and says that one of the spirits you have might
help you to get to the bottom of the ocean, he also says that Thor was
supposed to be about a hundred kilometers north from Venezzia, so they
should go there first. Mint comments that they need to heal the
Tree of Life before going to the present and facing Dhaos in the
shrine, because if the tree dies, they will not be able to use magic
in that time, and Dhaos will surely kill them. Klarth says it's true
and asks Cless if he understands, say 'Yes' to go on with the game.

Go to Alvanista and stay at the inn. Mint will have a dream about her
own childhood. She was talking with her mother (Meryl) about her
beautiful earrings, which are shaped like a Unicorn. Mint wanted to
have them, but her mother told her that her mother had given them to
her, and that she would give them to Mint when she became older and
experienced, because the earrings are a proof of being a healer. Meryl
gave Mint her hat instead.

Before leaving Alvanista, make sure you win all the Cat's Eyes
possible from the racing kid (three prizes is the maximum you can get
from him). Buy Rune Bottles, use one of them on the Jade Ring you got
from your fight against Dhaos to transform it into a Fairy Ring, which
cuts TP usage of the spells by one half.

Now buy items if you need them and catch a ship to the Freland in the
harbor near the Moria Gallery. During the trip a conversation will
start, in which Mint mentions she could heal the Tree of Life, but she
is not powerful enough by herself and needs the help of the Unicorn,
symbol of healing. And so, the party decides to go to the White
Forest, found north from the Valhalla Plains.

Work your way to Midgard (you will notice that now that Dhaos is
gone, there are people on the streets) and buy whatever you need. Make
sure you talk to a woman in the northern half of the city, who
mentions the Unicorn; then enter the Valhalla Plains. You have to find
the top left exit of this place, to do so, go up three times, right
once, then up, right twice, up four times, left once, up, left twice
and finally up (if you need any more help, just look at the map of the
plains in section 3.20). You should come out in a place of the map
near a small forest. Save your game and enter.

Inside the forest, Mint and Arche separate, because the Unicorn only
appears before pure girls, which Cless and Klarth are not ^_^ You will
be from now in control of Mint and Arche, but don't worry, because
there are no monsters in this forest. I have drawn a little map of the
forest, here it goes...

| |
| \ / |
| \ U / |
| \ / |
| | | |
| | | |
| E | | |
| N |--| |
| T ______ _________________ _____ | | |
| R C -|- -|- H | | | |
| A ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ | | |
| N |--| |--| |--| |
| C | |__ __| |__ _____ __| |__ _____ |
| E | -|- -|- -|- -|- H | |
| | |¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ |
| | | |--| |--| |
| | |__ __| | | | |
| | -|- | |A | |
| | |¯¯ ¯¯| | ¯¯ |
| |--| | | |
| _____ __| |__ __| H| |
| |H -|- -|- | |
| ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯| | |
| |--| |--| |
| | | | | |
| | H| | H| |
| ¯¯ ¯¯ |
| |
| |
| -|- & -- Connection between screens |
| C Place where Cless and Klarth are |
| H Medicinal Herb |
| A Spot where Arche hides |
| U Unicorn |
| |

If you go near the guys, Cless will ask you if you are ready to leave
the forest, so go near them if for some reason you want to leave.

From the place where you start, go right, to the next screen, then
straight and pick up the mushroom-looking thing for a Medicinal Herb
(this item can be sold for quite some money later). Go back one screen
and, of the two paths going down, use the left one. Just walk down
until you find a crossroad, turn left and pick up another Medicinal
Herb, go back and walk down, get the Medicinal Herb there.

Back in the crossroad, go right, then down for another Medicinal
Herb. Go back one screen and get the Medicinal Herb that's on the
right side of the path as you go up. When you find another crossroad,
turn right and follow the path, then keep it straight to get yet
another Medicinal Herb (this one is kind of hidden under a tree in the
lower part of the screen).

Go back once and head up. Follow the long path going north, and when
you try to leave the screen Arche will run away (she will be at the
bottom of the forest if you follow her, but she won't join you
anyway). Just keep going up with Mint and she will meet the Unicorn
and ask it to help her.

Meanwhile, Cless and Klarth are talking about the girls and about
going to see the forest by themselves when Mint and Arche come back.
All of a sudden, Klarth feels an Evil presence in the forest. Mint is
still talking to the Unicorn, she asks if it understands her point,
but then, monsters appear, and of course it's time for Cless and
Klarth to come to rescue.

First of all, if you have a Moon Falux, equip it on Cless, because
the monsters you will face are weak to the Light element. From where
you are, go right, then down (using the path to the right), right
twice, down to find Arche (talk to her and she will join), and finally
go all the way up to find Mint and face the bad guys.

MINI BOSS: Evil Lords_________________________________________________
Evil Lord [3]
HP 10500 Weakness: Fire, Light
TP 60

EXP 24000
GALD 24000

ITEMS Rune Bottle [3]


This are the same guys you fought in Dhaos' fortress, and they are
just as easy as then, even now that there are three of them. All their
attacks are a whip attack (about 400 HP less to one character) and
an attack called "Hell Gem", which creates five little balls in the
air that hit one or two of your characters for about 250 HP with each

Use a Flare Bottle on Cless and just attack with his best short-range
skills (the one that hits the enemies twice and costs 7 TP is great
here). Each hit takes more less 1200 of the Evil Lords' HP.

Being the enemies weak to Light, Klarth should summon Luna to hurt
them for about 2000 HP, and Arche should cast Ray (it's even better
than Indignation for this battle). If you want to give Mint something
to do other than healing, cast Hammer on the Evil Lords, or Haste on
the party to make them faster.

The party is OK after the battle, but the Unicorn is mortally hurt.
It decides to help Mint by transforming itself into the Unicorn's Horn
Staff. With this precious piece of equipment, Mint's power can be
amplified and the Tree of Life (AKA Yggdrasill) can be healed! Cless
asks Arche why she had run away, Arche answers she was afraid that the
Unicorn wouldn't want to see her because she had a boyfriend once.

Now in the forest south of Beladum, the party is in front of the
tree. Mint asks them to step back, because she is about to cast a
spell with all of her strength and the Unicorn's Horn, meaning it
should be really powerful. When Mint casts the spell, the effect is
huge indeed, so much that she almost can't hold the staff. Cless tells
her to step back, but she doesn't listen, because she really wants to
heal the Tree of Life. Mint asks for her mother to give her strength,
and a blast of healing energy follows.

Cless is the first one to regain consciousness, he looks at tree, it
is just like the illusion he saw in his own time, when he went hunting
with Chester, which means that the Tree of Life has been healed! When
everyone wakes up, they congratulate Mint for accomplishing such
labor, then Martel appears, asking whose power healed the tree. Mint
answers it was a little from her, but the one to thank is the Unicorn.
Everyone tells her not to be so modest. Martel thanks her and says
that the Mana will gradually recover from now on.

Once Martel disappears, Cless begins to think that maybe Dhaos
attacked Midgard to preserve the Mana... The next step is to go to
Venezzia. Exit the forest and enter Beladum, sleep at Lenios' place if
you need to (you should, because you haven't recovered since the fight
in White Forest). Equip the Unicorn Horn on Mint! It's much more
powerful than any weapon you can buy for her now.

3.23- Thor, the sunken Hi-Tech City

Items to Get: Magnetic Card [Rare Item], Skeleton Key [2],
Diamond Ring [1]

Spells to Get: God Breath [In a small room in Thor, the sunken City]


Go all the way up to Venezzia, if there's something you haven't done
yet, do it now, because you will soon leave this time period. When you
are ready, go talk to the Captain of the ship that took you to
Demitel's Island and to Undine's Cave. You can ask him to take you to
the Abyss of Thor! Choose that option (number 3) and pay the 200 Gald
(50 per person).

When the ship gets to the place where the city was supposed to be,
Cless tells the Captain that they will get off there. Klarth calls
Undine and she makes an air bubble to take you to the bottom of the
ocean. Once the party dives, the ship leaves.

Undine takes the party deeper and deeper, until something becomes
visible in the bottom of the sea... It's Thor! Klarth was right! Once
you are down there, the party decides to start the search for the Time
Travel device. The city is quite small, and there's almost nothing to
see here. If you go right from you current position and follow the
stairs going up, you can find a rusted shut door, you can't enter now,
but you should remember this place, because you will come back later.

Enter the building found a few steps north from where you start in
this city and check the shiny thing on the counter, say 'Yes' to pick
up the Magnetic Card, then leave. Walk directly south from the
building, go down the stairs and turn right. Use the Save Point if you
want to and check the panel next to the door near you. Cless will use
the Magnetic Card on the panel and the door will open.

Follow the short path (there are enemies here, they are all weak to
Thunder attacks) and you will come out in a big room. Walk south,
avoid the monster in the way if you can or just go straight and kill
it (it's not hard to defeat). At the bottom there are eight chest,
seven of them are empty, one of them contains the Skeleton Key, which
is used to open one of the doors in this room.

Go up, but don't use the Key yet. This is how this works, there are
eight doors in this room, but only three of them are real, one takes
you to the path you used when you came in, the second door takes you
to a small room in which the God Breath spell is found and the last
one takes you to the Mother Computer and the Time Travel device. When
you use the Skeleton Key and a door opens, the key is lost and you
have to come into the room again to get a new Key. Emulator users will
have it easy, as they can just save before using the Key, and load if
it's not the wanted room. Console users will see themselves trying
their luck several times.

The first thing you should get from this place is the God Breath
spell for Arche, it is in a small room with a chest in the middle, if
you enter any other room before finding the spell, go back, get the
key again and try your luck. Once you have the spell, try to find a
room with a Save Point where the floor is orange, when you find it,
save, equip a Mystical Rune on Arche, and if you have another one,
equip it on Mint. Equip the Moonstone Ring on Klarth and equip a
Mithril Mesh on the other characters to protect them from Light
attacks. Make sure Cless has the Lightning Bolt skill equipped.

When you are ready, go forward, the alarm will go off, sending robots
to attack you!

BOSS: 2SH_____________________________________________________________
2SH [2]
HP 18600 Weakness: Thunder, Fire
TP 0

4400R [3]
HP 4400 Weakness: Thunder
TP 0



This battle could get complicated, as the 2SH just love to shoot
missiles at you. However, casting Indignation a few times will teach
them who's the boss ^_^

As soon as the battle starts, have Arche cast Indignation on the
4400R near you, so it doesn't bother you any more. When she is done
with that one, she must cast Indignation on the 2SH several times, to
kill them quickly (every casting takes about 5500 of their HP).

Klarth should summon Maxwell to attack the 2SH, because they are the
most dangerous enemies. Save Mint for healing, you will need it,
because the 2SH can put Cless' HP in red numbers in no time.

Use a Flare Bottle on Cless and make him attack the 2SH so it doesn't
use its 'Physics Missile' attack on you. When the first 2SH is killed
and the way to the second one is free, use the Lightning tech.

Once the two 2SH are dead, just cast Indignation on the 4400R that
might have survived.

After the battle you find a contract ring on the floor, the Diamond

Go north until you find a computer, which immediately starts working.
It introduces itself as Oz, the Mother Computer and gives you two
1. Time Warp
2. Medical Treatment

Choose number 2 first, because you will be facing the Dhaos of the
present very soon, and then choose number 1 to request Time Warp. Oz
will do all the necessary checks and inform you that there is not
energy because the city's power is not turned on. The only one who can
decide whether to turn on the power or not is the mayor, but the mayor
is dead, so Oz makes you the new mayor of Thor and asks you if you
want to turn on the power (answer 'Yes', of course). When the power is
restored, the city is lifted from the bottom of the ocean.

Now, before talking to Oz again, go back and Save (be careful not to
get out of the room when you step on the Save Point). Do the same
arrangements you made before fighting Dhaos the last time (put Arche
and Klarth into the 'Cast Many Spells/Call Many Spirits' mode, cancel
all spell and spirits but Indignation and Maxwell, etc.). If you have
an extra Mystical Rune, equip it on Mint, you will soon need lots of
healing, and the faster, the better. Cless should equip his best
combination techs, I found the Tempest combo extremely useful for the
upcoming battle.

Talk to Oz and choose 1. Cless instructs the Mother Computer to take
them 102 years into the future, May twenty-first, inside the mausoleum
south of Totus, in front of Dhaos' sarcophagus. Then everyone steps
on the machine and the Time Travel begins.

In the shrine, you witness the same scene that took place after Cless
and Mint were sent to the past, then the party appears attacks Dhaos.

BOSS: Dhaos___________________________________________________________
HP 16250/65000
TP 1000

GALD 25000


This version of Dhaos is weird, his max HP is 65000, but he starts
with about one fourth of it, and thank god for that, because if Dhaos
had full HP here, he would be a nightmare. Oh, forget about how much
you used to hurt him with your spells before, Dhaos has really
improved his magical defense in the last one hundred years.

As soon as the battle starts, use a good long-distance skill, the
Tempest combination works great, as the first attack, even tough it
doesn't hurt Dhaos, it keeps him busy defending and gives Arche and
Klarth lots of time to cast spells or summon spirits, and the second
part of the attack (Lightning Bolt) hurts Dhaos for about 500 HP. And
as a bonus, the stabbing attack could stun Dhaos! As soon as Cless
finishes the combo and goes back to his place next to the party,
repeat the process, remember that the key for this battle is to be so
fast that Dhaos dies before knowing what hit him ^_^

Arche should cast Indignation, even though Dhaos is no longer weak to
it, this is the strongest spell you've got for now. Indignation will
hurt Dhaos for about 1500 HP. Right after she casts the spell, give
the order to cast it again.

Things for Klarth have changed, now he has to summon Maxwell instead
of Luna, Luna does about 550 points of damage, while Maxwell can hurt
Dhaos for about 75 points with each hit, and some of the hits might
be more powerful, reaching 500 and sometimes 1000 points of damage.

It's really helpful to have Mint cast Haste on Cless, since this
battle depends on speed. After she casts Haste, just save her for
healing, you will probably need it.

Dhaos' attacks remain more less the same, but he has stronger spells
now, including Explode, which hurts all the characters in screen for
about 4000 HP (surely killing you) and God Breath, which hurts all
the characters on screen for about 2300 HP. However, it's not usual
for Dhaos to cast spells, as he likes more to get near your party and
use his favorite no-casting-time deadly attacks, such as Dhaos
Corridor and Tetra Assault. Also, Dhaos can turn your characters to
stone with his normal attacks (which take about 800 points out of your
HP), so you could use a Medicine Bottle on Cless, just to be safe.

This is a hard battle, but if you are fast enough, you can win

Great! This time Dhaos couldn't escape from you, but there's no time
to celebrate, because the whole cave starts to fall apart. All the
energy released by Dhaos' awakening and the battle weakened the
mausoleum's structure. Everyone runs away, and a big piece of stone
falls over the unconscious Dhaos. The party escapes from the cave and
take Tristan with them just in time, before the cave blows up.

Dhaos was buried in the cave, everyone is happy now, so it's time to
say goodbye to Arche and Klarth, who must return to their own period
in history. When they are leaving to the Abyss of Thor to go back in
time, something terrible happens, meteors start crashing over the
whole area! Once that's finished, a man appears in Time-Travel-fashion
and introduces himself as Harrison, emissary of the King of Alvanista,
fifty years into the future. It seems that Dhaos wasn't dead after
all, and is now doing the evil stuff he likes to do in the future.

Harrison came back in time to ask for help from the only people who
ever defeated Dhaos. The meteors where an attempt from Dhaos to kill
you, so you couldn't go to the future. The party decides to go to the
future and defeat Dhaos. Cless invites Chester, who agrees, event
though Arche says he looks too weak. Tornix stays behind, while
everyone else goes to the Abyss of Thor. Harrison instructs the Mother
Computer to take them fifty years into the future, to a town in the
southern part of Euclid.

3.24- Future Times are Better!

Items to Get: Large Sack [Rare Item], Reverse Doll [1],
Sardonyx Ring [1]

Combos to Get: Flare Talon [buy from a swordswoman in Miguel]


The party arrives in the future of Totus town. It's unbelievable how
much the town has progressed after its destruction fifty years ago,
and it is called Miguel Town now, after Cless' father.

Harrison goes to Venezzia, to arrange transportation to Alvanista,
and tells you to go there as soon as you can. You get a message
explaining that even though you have five party members now, only four
of them can participate in battle. You can change who's in the active
party by going to the Formation Menu and choosing 'Change'. Put your
party's settings back to normal (you know; Arche's spells, Klarth's
spirits, etc.).

From where you start in this village, head left and talk to the woman
next to the item shop, pay her 30,000 Gald to get the Large Food Sack,
which can store up to 20,000 units of food. Buy the items you need
from the item shop, don't buy new equipment, because you will soon
need loads of cash to pay for new techs and some really expensive gear
in other towns (as for Chester, just give him Cless' old stuff).

NOTE: If you forgot to get the Eruption spell from Lenios in the
past, you can get it now from a woman in the Weapon Shop. It's
not going to be useful, anyway...

In the spot where Cless' house used to be (the top left corner of
town) is now a Dojo, go inside, talk to the sensei and pay 20,000 Gald
to buy the Flare talon combination for Cless. If didn't get the Mecha
Blade combo in the past, go to the house that used to be Chester's,
talk to the old man in bed and check his drawers to get it combo.

Before you leave town and head to Venezzia, put Chester in the active
party, so he gains a few levels during the trip, because he is just at
the exact same level he was when you separated in the shrine. Equip a
Black Onyx on him, so his HP his higher and he doesn't get killed too

When you get to the mountain pass, choose the long path, so Chester
gains some extra levels. At the summit of the pass you will find a
chest containing a Reverse Doll.

In Euclid, buy some food and put it in your food sack, but don't try
to fill it, because it will cost you a fortune (or a lot of time
buying and consuming Apples ^_^). While you are in the food shop, talk
to a boy who asks you to buy him an Apple, if you buy the guy about
nine Apples, he will be full, and that's it. I don't know if this has
any effect at all in anything in the rest of the game, but come on!
each Apple only costs you 1 Gald. Also, buy Jet Boots if you don't
have any, because you will need them soon. If you have enough money,
buy a Holy Cloak or two in the Armor Shop, they will be useful soon.

There is a man hiding between the inn and the exterior wall of the
city, if you talk to him and enter the house a few steps down from
there, you can tell his wife where he his hiding. Again, this doesn't
affect the game, it's just for fun. Another amusing detail, is in the
house in the top-right corner of town. The dog there can "sing" the
game's theme song, Yume wa Owaranai ^_^

In the top left corner of the city (where uncle Olson's house used to
be) you can find a Research Center, there's not much to see, but note
that the guards won't let you go downstairs.

Inside the castle you can find lots of people, all of them are there
for the big tournament being held at the coliseum. You can enter this
tournament and get good prizes, but it's VERY unlikely that you win
right now. Look at Section 4.6 if you want more information...

Go talk to the king. he will be amazed to meet the people who
defeated Dhaos in the past and offer to give you money, say 'Yes' to
get 80,000 Gald.

Once you've got the money, there's not much else to do here, only a
guy in the First Floor wearing a black armor, who can give Cless a new
class when he fulfills certain requirements (it doesn't seem to affect
anything). Leave the city and go north, if you need to rest just stay
at the house where Bart used to live.

Venezzia hasn't changed much since you last came (one hundred and
fifty years ago!), the only thing to notice is that the building where
Elwyn's company was has changed. If you got Elwyn and Nancy together,
the building will be empty, but if you didn't help them, it will be a
school. There's yet another possibility: if you got Nancy and Elwyn
together and helped Elwyn make up with his father, the Trading Company
will still be here, managed by one of Elwyn's descendants.

Go to the ship in which you used to go to Alvanista to find Harrison,
who's talking to the captain. He says that no ships are leaving
because of the attacks of Dhaos' navy, so you have to look for some
other kind of transportation to Alvanista, like flying.

Harrison tells you there is a Research Center in Euclid, where a new
way of transport is being developed. And so, you are taken to Euclid,
inside the Research Center. Harrison shows his ID and you are allowed
to go downstairs, where you meet doctor Stanley and his inventions,
the Airbirds. The birds can't fly as far as Alvanista, they need to
get more power from somewhere. Stanley says that the spirit Volt could
probably do it, but there are no summoners that he knows of to make a
contract with Volt. Klarth reveals his ability to contract with
Spirits, making Stanley really happy, so much that he offers to give
you the prototypes of the airbirds for free if you can find Volt.

Stanley gives you the Sardonyx Ring, a ring of contract you could use
with Volt and tells you the spirit lives in the mountains east of
Miguel. The summit of the mountains is probably easier to reach by
going through the cave in the area.

3.25- Lightning Spirit! Volt's Cave

Items to Get: Holy Bottle [1], Lavender [2], Shield Ring [1],
Life Bottle [1], Grimorum [1], Apple [1],
Bread [1], Sylph Broom [1], Protect Ring [1],
Jade Ring [2], ?Armor [1], Wing Pack [Rare Item]

Spirits to Get: Volt [summit of the mountains near Morrison's house]


The cave mentioned by Stanley is near Morrison's house, southeast
from Miguel. Enter Morrison's house first and go to the library to
meet a new member of the Morrison family, Harold D. Morrison. Sadly,
he doesn't have any magical powers to help you. Cless asks Harold if
he knows what happened to them in the past, but he refuses to tell
him. While you are in the house, buy any items you need from the
merchant in the kitchen and use the bed to rest if you are hurt. When
you are ready, enter the cave next to the house.

NOTE: From outside the house, you can see a chest through one of the
windows. I haven't been able to discover a way to get the chest
normally, but through some complicated cheats, I found out it
just contains a Mystical Rune, which is not a very special

Inside the cave, walk north first and get the Holy Bottle from the
chest, then go through the door near you to get two Lavenders. Go back
to the last room and head left, ignore the door a few steps down and
get the chests in the room (they contain a Shield Ring and a Life
Bottle). Equip the Shield Ring on one of your characters, preferably
one of those who can't use normal shields, like Arche, Mint and

Go back to the first room and exit to the west. Go right in the next
screen and you will find a locked door and some strange device, which
consists mainly of a light bulb and a generator of some kind. Equip
the Sorcerer's Ring you got at Ifrit's Cave and shoot the generator
to make it start working for a while, turning on the light bulb and
opening the door for a short time. Go through the door and get the
Grimorum book from the chest (equip the book on Klarth of course),
then walk a few steps to your right and go down follow the stairs

Don't use the door in this room yet, instead walk through the wall to
your right and step on the switch, only then use the door, go north
and turn right.

In this big place, walk up and right, go through the door and use the
stairs. Get the Orange Gummy and go back (the door going north locks
behind you, forcing you to start from the beginning of the cave). From
the big open place exit to the south to find a room with four
generators, of which only you can only start two by shooting them. If
you start them now, the power is only enough to open the door a
little, what you have to do is enter the little room in the lower part
of the screen and pull the lever, then use the Sorcerer's Ring on the
generators, run through the door and go down the stairs.

Get the Apple and the Bread from the chests here and use the door.
You will come out in a large room, equip the Jet Boots now because you
will need them (if you don't have any, use the teleporter in the right
side of the room to get out of the cave and buy a pair). Walk a few
steps to the right to find a group of generators and a broken switch
near them. Shoot the generators and run right, through the thin wall
there and use the door that just opened, then just use the door in
go straight, because an invisible barrier doesn't let you reach the
other door.

You will appear in another room, go through the door near you and
throw the switch, then head right and up to get the Sylph Broom for
Arche (equip it right away). Use the southern exit of the room to be
back in the large room from before. Go down and turn left, avoiding
the teleporter that takes you to the entrance of the cave. Note that
a wall on the east side of the room has disappeared, revealing the
path to another group of generators. Pull the lever on the back wall
and use the Sorcerer's Ring on the generators. Quickly run down, right
and up, trying to go through the door that just opened (you will need
to be fast). Try as many times as you need to, use a Holy Bottle
before doing it, to reduce the chance of meeting enemies on your way

When you do it right you will arrive at a room that contains a Save
Point and yet more generators. Equip a Mystical Rune on Klarth, he
will be really useful for the next battle, also cancel all of his
summons, leaving only Maxwell. As for Arche, just make sure you cancel
Indignation and Ray. If you have Chester in the active party, replace
him for a more powerful character. If you bought Holy Cloaks in
Euclid, equip one of them on Klarth and the rest on the characters of
your choice.

Go to the far right of the room (don't step on the teleporter or you
will be taken to the beginning) and shoot the third group of
generators (counting from left to right, that is), then shoot the
second group before it turns of and do the same for the last
generator, then go through the door.

You will be in the outside of the mountain, walk north to meet Volt.
Cless tries to talk, but Volt just emits weird sounds and attacks.

BOSS: Volt____________________________________________________________
HP 28000 Absorbs: Thunder, Light
TP 400

Aruroun [3]
HP 2200
TP 100

GALD 32767

ITEMS Protect Ring [3], Jade Ring [1]


Use a Flare Bottle on Cless and just use his best short distance
skills to get rid of the Arurouns. Once they are all dead go for Volt,
using your best skills.

Klarth is the most useful guy for this battle; Maxwell usually hurts
Volt for about 500 HP per hit (sometimes reaching peaks of 2000 HP!).
As you could have guessed, Volt absorbs lightning, so Arche's
Indignation spell is out of the question. Cast God Breath on the
Arurouns instead, to help Cless, then just cast the same spell on
Volt, it only hurts him for about 750 HP, but at least she's not
healing him. Make Mint cast Haste on Cless, then just save her for
healing or cast Hammer on the boss to knock him.

Volt will be casting Thunder Blade most of time, hurting your
characters for about 1000 HP if they are not protected from Lightning.
The other attack he likes to do is a ring of electricity that goes
through the whole battle field, hurting everyone on the floor for
about 500 HP. All of Volt's attacks are Thunder elemental, so it's
important to have Klarth (who's your main attack force in this battle)
protected from that element, this can be achieved by equipping a Holy
Cloak on him (you buy them in Euclid).

NOTE: For another Tactic to defeat this boss, look at Section VI.5 of
Part II.

After the battle, Klarth tries to contract with Volt using the
Sardonyx Ring given to him by Stanley and it works!

Now that you've got a new spirit to summon and are so happy, walk
back south, when you do, Cless will ask Arche to go down to get the
treasure for them. Chester tells Arche not to steal anything, which
makes Arche furious! She says that she really hates Chester, and
Chester replies he doesn't like her either, which seems to make Arche
sad, but she denies it all. The chests contained another Jade Ring and
a ?Armor (it transforms into a Star Cloak, equip it on one of your
non-fighting-type characters).

Go back to the room with all the generators and use the teleporter to
leave the cave, then just head to Euclid. Talk to Stanley in the Magic
Academy to inform him that you have made a contract with Volt already.
Klarth will summon his new spirit and tell him to energize the
Airbirds and Arche's broom.

Once everything is energized, Stanley will show you a cool invention
of him that allows you to take the birds with you everywhere you go.
He gives this invention to you, with the birds inside it, you get the
Wing Pack (a Rare Item) and Harrison goes to get everything ready in

Stanley will explain you how to use the Airbirds and then ask you if
you need him to explain again, say 'No'. The controls of the Birds are
as follows:
|Directional Buttons: Steer |
| SELECT button: N/A |
| START button: Toggle Map |
| A Button: Take off/Fly Forward |
| B Button: Land |
| X Button: Access Menu |
| Y Button: Use the directional buttons while pushing to |
| strafe |
| L Button: N/A |
| R Button: N/A |

Go outside and press the accept button to feel the magic of flying!
Yahoo! No more walking on the map!

3.26- The Future of Alvanista and the Grand World Tour

Items to Get: Dedis Emblem [1], Drum Set [1], Medicinal Herb [6],
Emerald Ring [1],Reverse Doll [1], Amethyst Ring [1],
White Mist [1], Iron Boots [1],Sapphire Ring [1],
Star Broom [1], Elven Bow [1],Muramasa [1],
Painting [1], Blue Crystal Rod [1]

Combos to Get: Lion Flare [Buy from a Swordsman in Freezekill]
Cinder Hawk [Buy from a Swordswoman in Ary]
Odin's Wrath [Buy from a Swordsman in Freland]

Spirits to Get: Aska [In Thor, in the chamber of the Mother Computer]
Shadow [In the cave south-east of Ary]

Spells to Get: Ice Wall [In Undine's Cave, north of Venezzia]
Death Cloud [In Demitel's Mansion, SW of Venezzia]


You probably want to go and explore what's new in the world right
now, but I think it's better to go to Alvanista first. The city can be
found to the south-east of Euclid.

Let's go around the city first. Make sure you talk to the blonde elf
at the southern exit of the city, she mentions how it is said that the
ancient civilization of Thor had captured the spirit of Light, Aska.

If you go to the right side of town, a new racing boy will be there,
the route and the rules are the same from before, only that the music
is different now, and the race is a bit harder, look at the 'Secrets
and Extra Stuff' section to see the list of prizes.

Try to enter the castle, the guards will try to stop you, but
Harrison will come out and let you in. Inside the castle you meet with
and old friend, Runeglom, who ages slowly because she is a half elf.
The king explains the problem they are having to fight Dhaos. It seems
that our good old friend has mastered Time Travel, so it's impossible
for the army to attack him. However, there's still a way to do it,
Runeglom explains that on an expedition to Thor, information was found
about something really interesting. A long time ago, the world
consisted of three countries, Odin, Fenrir and Thor. After Thor was
destroyed by a meteor, the other two countries eliminated each other
in war. A book found in Thor reveals that the most powerful weapons of
each country were hidden, and if you can get the three of them, they
could be combined into a sword capable of controlling time, which
would put you in the same conditions as Dhaos, so you can attack.

Runeglom tells you to ask to the people in the Magic Research Center
of the castle for information on where to find the treasures (it's not
compulsory to ask). The people on the research center (reached by
using the door next to the princess' room)say that Odin was in the
Freland and that all that's left of Fenrir is the town of Freezekill,
were Fenrir's Church is.

Now go outside, if you didn't talk to the blonde elf near the
southern exit of the town before, do it now, then just leave the town,
because it's time to explore the world.


Flying north from Alvanista you can find the town of Freezekill, were
you can buy good equipment, however, just buy the Laser Blade for
Cless, it's really powerful, but really expensive too. Sell all the
useless equipment you have (the Mecha-Halberds are worth a fortune)
and use a Lotus Perfume to get a 50% discount (to get a Lotus Perfume,
just use a Rune Bottle on a Charm Bottle). If you want to, buy a Holy
Staff for Mint, but don't buy any armor, especially for Cless, because
you will get to a place with better armor soon.

Go to the inn of the city, talk to the swordsman in the far left room
and pay him 33,000 Gald for the Lion Flare combination. Note that if
you stay the night at the inn, you will hear a wolf's howling, that
wolf is the guardian of Fenrir's treasure, which is found in a dungeon
inside the church you reach if you exit the town to the north.
However, we will come back here later, just leave the town now.


Going northwest from Freezekill is the town of Ary. This town has
been in perpetual darkness ever since Dhaos reappeared three years
ago. In the pub of the city you can buy the Cinder Hawk combination
from a swordswoman for 50,000 Gald. In the same pub, a soldier from
Alvanista will give you a Dedis Emblem he found on a monster he fought
on the mountain. Talk to the woman next to him, who reveals the
location of a Ninja Village inside of Treant's Forest (remember to
actually talk to her or you won't be able to enter the village!).

Edward's House

Not too much to do here, this place is now a Magic School, so it's
full of people. Go upstairs, into what used to be Edward's private
library and get a chest hidden under the bed containing a Drum Set.
The Drum Set serves no real purpose as far as I know, but you can have
fun with them, just enter the Item sub-menu and press the confirm
button over them to be able to play!


Remember Olive Village? Well, go there, you probably are running out
of money, but here's a little something you can do, look for a guy
standing between the item shop and a house (the only building that is
actually a house in this place). When you talk to him, he will offer
to sell you an Egg for 80 Gald, buy 15 of these and go sell them to
the shop right next to you. Each Egg is worth 3140 Gald, making it
47000 Gald for the 15 of them! (the guy selling the Eggs for 80 Gald
sure doesn't know a thing about business, does he? ^_^). Repeat this
as many time as you need, don't do it too much though, because later
you can get loads of cash from your enemies.

When you are done there, go to the first of the Oasis in Freland (you
can reach it by going south east from Olive Village). The swordsman
there will offer you the Odin's Wrath combination for 40,000 Gald, buy
it (if you don't have enough, go make some money in Olive Village).

Aegis' Workshop

More less to the south of Olive Village you can find an island that
is not marked on the map. On this island you find Aegis' Workshop,
where you can buy some good stuff. Try to buy everything you can equip
on Cless from the girl, not only this equipment is strong, each piece
is strong against a different element also! You can get protection for
Fire, Water, Thunder and Earth. The boy in this store sells the Combo
Command, which, when equipped on Cless, allows you to use any tech in
battle by pressing a sequence of buttons (you know, like a fighting
game), too bad it's worth 5,000,000 Gald!

Finally, the third person behind the counter is an ivory carver. If
you have an item called Ivory Tusk, he will use it to make Mah Jong
Tiles. However, you don't have any ivory right now, the only way to
get some is by certain enemies in the bonus dungeon. Try to remember
this place...

Herbs to Go

Note that Midgard is... well, no longer there. Go to Unicorn's
Forest and get all the Medicinal Herbs (six in total), they are in the
same place they were when you came here seeking help of the Unicorn
(if you need a map, refer to section 3.22).

Cave of Spirits

Go to the cave where you got Gnome, which is east of Miguel. There
are new enemies there now, so watch out. Work your way to the room
where you had to activate the alarm to distract the little guys, use
the left-most door to find a chest containing a contract ring, the
Emerald Ring. Just leave the cave now, because there's nothing else to
do here.

Long Valley

Go to Long Valley, enter the cave and go down the rope into the room
where you had to push two rocks, each over a rift, to make the Shoki
disappear. Once you are down there, walk right and go down when you
reach the Save Point, get the chest in your way for a Reverse Doll and
keep going down, then turn left and go up to get a new contract ring,
the Amethyst Ring. Go back to the point where you got the Reverse
Doll, walk right and head up, then right and go down a few steps from
the little pond to get a chest (contains a White Mist), then go right
and down to get Iron Boots. Leave the cave now.

Undine's Cave

North from Venezzia you can find Undine's Cave. The goal here is to
reach the room where you met Undine, which is not a hard task, but for
all the lazy people out there... Exit the first room through the north
door (the pool in this room should be empty). Walk right and down in
the second room, throw the switch and exit to the north. Remember
which of the two pools in this room is empty and go north, in the
upper part of the chamber you will find a chest which contains the Ice
Wall spell for Arche. If the left pool in the last room was empty,
throw the right-most switch, then go back one screen. Use the stairs
going down in the right pool and get the Sapphire Ring from the chest

Demitel's Island

Fly southwest from Venezzia and land in Demitel's Island. Enter the
mansion, go to the chamber where you fought Demitel (it's not hard to
find) and get the Death Cloud spell from the chest in the center of
the room (this is a Death spell, just like Distortion). Now leave the

City of Thor

To the east of Undine's Cave is the city of Thor. You do remember the
building in the top right corner of town you couldn't access in the
past, don't you? It's open now, so go there! When you enter, the party
will look through the window and think about how advanced the people
of Thor were. Walk near the lower part of the counter in this place to
discover a holographic TV. You can choose out of four channels to
watch, the first three are just jokes, including a Tales of Phantasia
commercial, but the fourth channel is interesting, it's a news program
from before the city sunk into the sea, it was December second, even
though the countries of Odin and Fenrir had signed a peace treaty a
few days before, a war declaration had just been signed, and the
president of Thor was in favor of peace. The news report includes a
comment about a Comet that was going to be visible that night, the
report mentioned the scientists denying the possibility of the comet
crashing into the planet (and if you remember what Runeglom said, you
know that Thor was destroyed by a meteor...).

Remember what the elf woman in Alvanista said, about how Thor had
captured the spirit of Light, Aska? Let's check it out. Work your way
to the room where Oz is and talk to it. If you spoke to the elf in
Alvanista, there will be a new option, which is 'Information About
Aska', choose that option (number 3) and you will be told how Aska was
captured by the scientists of Thor to analyze the way in which she
produced light as a part of an investigation about new energy forms.
However, there were no great discoveries, and there is no record of
the spirit being left free. Klarth tells the computer to let her go,
and asks Aska for help to save the planet, she accepts of course,
she's more than thankful because you released her after about 2000
years, so Klarth uses the Topaz Ring to make the contract with Aska.

Oh, in case you are wondering, you can't travel through time now,
there's no energy left.

Cave of Darkness

In the same continent of the town of Ary (the one where it's always
night time, north-east of Thor) you can find two caves, enter the one
located south-east of Ary. If you got the contract ring in Long Valley
the Spirit of Darkness, Shadow will be there. Shadow will explain that
his friends were brainwashed by Dhaos, and he wants to help you defeat
Dhaos to take them back to normal. Klarth makes a contract with Shadow
using the Amethyst Ring.

Elven Village

Head to Ymir Forest, southwest of Alvanista. You will have to leave
Arche at the entrance, but Chester will take her place right away. Go
all the way to the Elven Village, in case you don't remember how to
get there, cross the hanging bridge found a few steps behind the
guard, then go up and follow the path. Head up when you have to
choose, turn left and go up to exit this screen. You should be in a
place with a Save Point were the path splits, choose to go left here
and enter the next screen. Now go up, turn left and go up again when
you come to a crossroad.

Once inside the village, enter the weapon store, which is actually a
Bow Store. Talk to the owner, who explains that his specialty is
bows, Cless asks him if he could repair the Broken Bow he found right
after being transported to the past with Mint. You can have the bow
repaired for 20,000 Gald, accept, because the bow you get from this is
great. You need to stay a night at the inn to give time to the shop
owner to repair the bow, so let's go to the inn now.

At the inn you find Rambard, the elf that helped you in the past to
repair the rings found in the Moria Gallery. He and some other elves
are discussing about letting half-elves into the village. The village
has undergone lots of changes in the last 150 years, some humans are
welcome in the village now, and an alliance with Alvanista has
developed. However, half-elves are not allowed yet, because the elves
fear something like the disaster of Midgard could be repeated. The
party points out that the half-elves that developed the MysTek Cannon
in Midgard couldn't understand what delicate gift is magic because
they weren't allowed to make contact with the Elven culture. Rambard
says he understands, but that the elders of the village are not very
open minded.

Talk to the inn keeper (Arche's mother, remember?), she gives you a
Star Broom to give to the "pink haired girl", after that, she refuses
to talk about Arche and just asks if you want to stay the night for 30
Gald, say 'Yes' and go to the weapon shop the next morning to get the
powerful Elven Bow (equip it right away).

Lastly, go to the Item Shop and buy the Dark Robe from the left

Don't leave this place yet, because the next place to visit is inside
the Treant's Forest.

The Ninja Village

You can access the hidden town of Tales of Phantasia right now, it's
hidden inside the Treant's Forest. Check section 4.3 of the FAQ to
see how to get there. The forest around town is a great place to build
up levels right now. Remember to equip the Dark Robe you bought in
the Elven Village on Arche when you get her back here.

In the Ninja Village you can buy a good non-elemental sword that
could help you beat the coliseum right now, however it's better to go
to the coliseum later, once you have gained access to better

3.27- Freeze! Fenrir's Ice Cavern

Items to Get: ?Helm [1], ?Armor [1], Armlet [1], Charm Bottle [1],
Black Onyx [1], Silver Cape [1], Aqua Mantle [1],
?Book [1], Silver Plate [1], Shield Ring [1],
Ankh Shield [1], ?Helm [1], Cute Mittens [1],
?Bow [1], Vorpal Sword [1]

Skill to Get: Soul Edge [defeat Fang Wolf in Fenrir's Cavern]

Spells to Get: Tidal Wave [in the Ice Cavern, maze section]


Go to the town of Freezekill and use the northern exit, instead of
appearing on the map, you will be in the entrance of a church. If you
got Elwyn and Nancy together in the past you can meet one of Elwyn's
descendants in this screen you, who is with his daughter and wife, who
looks exactly like Nancy (maybe they are cousins or something and
don't even know it! ^_^).

Before you enter the dungeon, make sure you've got about five Rune
Bottles and at least two Mystical Runes (the ones that cut the casting
time of spells by one half). This shouldn't be a problem, if you
trained enough you should have lots of money now.

Check the door of the church and Klarth will say it's locked. A voice
from within the church threatens you, then the you hear how the door
unlocks. Mint and Arche try to open the door, but it blows down to
pieces. Inside the church, walk north near the pulpit, Cless will be
amazed by the art of the stained glass. A voice is heard again, and
a beast appears in front of you, he's the guardian of Fenrir's weapon,
the Vorpal Sword. The beast says that he will kill anyone who dares to
take the sword, Cless replies that they will take the sword no matter
what. The beast then invites you to come in to die (how nice of him!).
Now walk behind the pulpit and a secret passage opens, allowing to
enter Fenrir's Cavern.

This place could get tough if you are not careful. Equip on Cless
his best fire elemental skills, such as Phoenix and Magma Rift. Cancel
all of Arche's spells, except for the fire elemental ones of course.
As for Klarth, cancel Undine, Sylphs and Gnome, all the other spirits
are useful, especially Aska.

The first room contains just a Save Point, use it and go down the
stairs. Walk down, left and up, get the ?Helm from the chest (it can
be transformed into a Paladin Helm, which is not as good as the helmet
you bought at Aegis' Workshop). The switch on the wall near you is
frozen, so equip the Sorcerer's Ring on someone and shoot at it, then
check the switch twice, the first time Cless will say it's hot, the
second time you will be asked if you want to throw it, say 'Yes'. Walk
down and right, into the next screen.

If you threw the switch in the last room, the door here should be
open, so just go through it! Then go down the stairs into the next

You have to light all the candles to open the door in this room, so
make sure you still have the Sorcerer's Ring equipped on someone.
Light the first pair of candles, walk right and light the second pair,
go down, light another pair and head left to light two more pairs. Now
go back right and up, then go right again. Light the final pair of
candles (you should hear the door opening), walk directly south to
find the door and get the ?Armor from the chest (it's a Star Cloak,
equip it on Mint or Klarth, Arche has the Dark Robe, which absorbs
most elements). Now just go down the stairs.

Walk down and left in this big room, then go up and you should see
the statue of a nun, use the Sorcerer's Ring on it (in other words,
shoot the nun, just kidding ^_^) to unfreeze it. Grab the statue and
place it in front of the cave opening, as close as possible to it).
Now walk right and light the candles to open the door. If the statue
is in the right spot, you will be able to pass, if not, a blizzard
from the cave will put out the candles, closing the door. If this
happens, go back and move statue, then try again. Once you get it
right, go down the stairs.

The first screen of this floor is pretty simple, just go up and leave
the screen to the left. You will be in a crossroad, this is actually
the beginning of a maze. Here's the map for it, the walkthrough is
under the map:

| EXIT __ __ |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |T7| |
| |--| |--| |--| |
| ____ __| |__ __| |__ __| |__ ____ |
| |T8 -|- -|- -|- -|- T6| |
| ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ |
| |--| |--| |--| |
| ____ __| |__ __| |__ __| |__ ____ |
| | -|- -|- T5 -|- -|- | |
| ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ |
| |--| |--| |--| |
| ____ __| |__ __| |__ __| |__ ____ |
| |T4 -|- T3 -|- -|- -|- ENTRANCE |
| ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ |
| |--| |--| |--| |
| ____ __| |__ __| |__ __| |__ ____ |
| |TW -|- -|- -|- T1 -|- | |
| ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ |
| |--| |--| |--| |
| | | |T2| | | |
| | | | | | | |
| ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ |
| |
| |
| -- Connection between screens |
| TW Tidal Wave spell for Arche |
| |
| T1 Armlet |
| T2 Charm Bottle |
| T3 Black Onyx |
| T4 Silver Cape |
| T5 Aqua Mantle |
| T6 ?Book [transforms into an Ex Mortis] |
| T7 Silver Plate |
| T8 Shield Ring |

From the first screen of this maze go down, get the Armlet, then go
left and down for a Charm Bottle. Go back up, go left twice and get
the Tidal Wave spell for Arche (turn it off right away, because it
heals the enemies in this dungeon). Head back right and go up, get the
Black Onyx from the chest and exit to the left to get a Silver Cape.
From the screen with the Black Onyx the way to the next treasure is
right and up. Get the Aqua Mantle, then go right, up and right to get
a ?Book (it can be transformed into an Ex Mortis, a good weapon for
Klarth). Go back left and then go up to get a Silver Plate from the
chest behind the rocks (the armor is nor as good as the one you bought
in Aegis' Workshop, so don't equip it). Now, from the screen with the
Silver Plate, go down and three times left to get a Shield Ring (equip
it right away, it's the only shield a magician could use). Finally, go
right and up to find the exit, go down the stairs and that's it.

You are now in a room with four doors, two of them to your left and
another two to your right. Use the far left door first to get an Ankh
Shield, go back and use the other left door, open the hidden chest
blocking your way to get a ?Helm, which can be transformed into a Star
Cap, which is a good for Mint or Klarth. From where you found the last
chest, go up and right to leave the screen.

Follow the path going down, eventually you will find a lever, pull it
and you should hear how the water is drained from a pool somewhere in
this floor. Go back to the top of this screen and exit to the right.
You find an empty pool here, go down the stairs inside it to get to
the next screen.

Walk right and go up through the door. Pull the lever on the wall
near you (this should lock the door behind you and open another one).
Instead of using the door to the left of the lever, walk right and
leave the screen. Get the two chests inside the small chamber in this
room, they contain Cute Mittens (for Mint or Arche) and a ?Bow (it
can be transformed into a Gale Spread, which is not even nearly as
good as the Elven Bow). Now leave this screen to the left, you will be
in a room with a deep pond, the door near it should be open (if not,
you forgot to throw the switch, just go down the stairs in this room
and do it). When the door is open, go through it and step on the
switch to freeze the water outside. Leave the room and cross the
frozen pond, then go up the stairs to exit the room.

You appear in the room with the four doors. Go through the door right
door that's closest to the stairs and leave the screen to the right as
you did before. Throw the switch in this room just like before, only
that this time you will hear water flooding the pool and freezing.
Leave the screen to the right; the pool is now filled with ice,
allowing you to take the path going north.

You find a Save Point, good thing it's there, because the next boss
battle is quite hard. You need to make lots of arrangements for the
upcoming fight: cancel all of Arche's spells, leaving only Fire Storm,
do the same for Klarth, but leave only Maxwell. Equip a Mystical Rune
on Klarth and Arche, if you have another one, use it on Mint, it's
essential to cast the spells quickly. Equip the Aquamarine Ring on
Klarth, so he is protected against Water elemental attacks. Make sure
Arche has the Dark Robe equipped to absorb all elements. As for Cless,
give him a Black Onyx so his HP is higher and he can shield the party
for more time. If you have two Aqua Mantles (you should), equip them
on Mint and Cless to reduce the damage taken from water. Finally, go
to the order menu, and put Arche and Klarth far from Mint and Cless,
so they are nor interrupted while casting a spell by another character
who's been hit.

Now save you game and go north to meet Fang Wolf, who quickly attacks

BOSS: Fang Wolf_______________________________________________________
Fang Wolf
HP 30000 Absorbs: Water
TP 0 Immune: Light, Darkness, Wind, Earth, Thunder

GALD 9000


This guy's hell! He's really fast and the only element that damages
him is Fire, all the other do no damage at all or heal him. For this
battle Cless' attacks are useless.

The key is to cast spells really fast, that's why the Mystical Runes
are a must. Your main weapon here is Maxwell who usually hurts Fang
Wolf for about 700 HP with each hit. Arche should cast Fire Storm,
which only does 800 HP of damage each time, but at least keeps the
boss busy. When one of the characters is going to cast a spell, go
to the menu and choose 'Spell', as soon as the character casts the
spell or calls the spirit, order him/her to cast the spell again, time
is crucial in this battle.

Mint must be ready to heal Cless all the time, because he must try
to keep Fang Wolf busy, so it doesn't get the chance to attack your
other characters, stopping the spells. Use a Flare Bottle on Cless if
you want to, but it won't make much of a difference, because you will
be the one getting hit most of the time.

If you are quick enough, the Fang Wolf won't be much of a problem.
too bad the experience you get from this battle seems to be a joke,
you can get more experience from any group of monsters! I guess
someone forgot to type another zero into the experience points.

NOTE: There are several Extra Tactics for this boss available in the
second Part of this file.


After the battle, Fang Wolf decides you are worthy of having the
Vorpal Sword and gives it to you. Cless also receives a new long
distance skill: Soul Edge (try to master it right away).

Don't equip the Vorpal Sword yet, because you still have to get out
of this cavern, use a Holy Bottle to save yourself some troubles. I
guess you know how to get out of here, so I won't write the
instructions, however, if you need help to go through the maze part
again, refer to the map above.

Stay at the inn of the city now, it's been a pretty tough dungeon and
you deserve it (note that the howling wolf is no longer during the

3.28- Burn! Odin's Fire Tower

Items to Get: Basilisk Scale [1], ?Armor [1], Moon Crystal [1],
?Book [1], Verbena [1], Ankh Shield [1],
Flame Mantle [1], Mixed Gummy [2], ?Helm [1],
Life Bottle [1], Shield Ring [2], Veal [2],
Holy Bottle [1], Reverse Doll [1], Mental Ring [1],
?Armor [1], Cute Mittens [1], ?Helm [1],
Flamberge Sword [1]

Skill to Get: Soul Wave [Defeat Flambelk in Odin's Tower]

Spells to Get: Explode [Left path of Odin's Tower, top floor]


Odin's Tower is located in the Freland, near the Molten Cavern, where
you found Ifrit. Put some food in your Sack before entering the
dungeon, just in case. Also, make sure you have at least four Rune
Bottles, you will need them. Save your game and go inside. This tower
is (in my humble opinion) a bit more difficult than Fenrir's Cavern,
even though the boss is not as hard. It's better to come here once you
have the Tidal Wave spell and the Vorpal Sword.

Now, let's get ready for the dungeon. Make sure you replace any Fire
elemental skill from Cless, because all enemies here absorb that
element. Cancel all of Arche's spells, leaving only Tidal Wave. Cancel
Ifrit, Sylphs and Gnome for Klarth, all other spirits are useful.
Since Arche will be using a high TP consumption spell most of time,
equip a Fairy Ring to reduce the TP used by one half.

There are some rooms in this dungeon with magma on the floor where
your characters get hurt really fast, happily there's a way to avoid
it. Almost every time you fight the enemies called Kary in this tower,
you get items called Salamander's Ring, using a Rune Bottle on them
transforms them into Nymph's Rings, which protect you from fire
damage, not only in battle, but also in the rooms with magma. Fight
enemies in the first room until you have enough Nymph's Rings for your
entire active party (note that the other character will still get hurt
and die). It is really important that you do this to make the rest of
the dungeon really easy (oh, just in case, don't forget to equip the

Now that we are done with the preparations, lets get started with the
dungeon. First, go left and use the upper door to get a Basilisk Scale
and a ?Armor (it can be transformed into a Reflect Plate, but don't do
it, because Cless' current armor is better). Go back to the first room
and use the lower-left door, you will find a transporter that takes
you to the room where Cless met the Valkyrie a long time ago, however,
all you find there now is a statue of Odin on his horse (it resembles
more the Quixote than a god, though).

Back in the first room of the dungeon, in front of the door that
leads to the statue is a passage going north, follow it and throw the
switch on the back wall. Use the lower right door to get a Moon
Crystal (this raises your Max TP by 30%, you can get more by using a
Rune Bottle in a Black Onyx and vice versa) and a ?Book which can be
transformed into a Seventh Sun, a book for Klarth that's just a good
as the one he has right now.

Now, follow the passage in front of the room with the Moon Crystal
and throw the switch on the back wall, this opens the main door of
this floor. The dungeon is divided into two sections here, one of them
takes you to the sword you are looking for, and the other takes you to
the Explode spell. I think you should get the spell first. However,
it's your choice whether you go for the spell or the sword first.

Getting the Explode Spell

Go through the big door in the first room of the tower (if it's
locked, then you forgot to throw the two switches in this room), then
follow the stairs going up.

Walk north and leave the screen to the left. Go down and get the
Verbena from the room with magma on the floor (your characters will
get hurt unless they have the Nymph's Rings equipped), then go back up
and enter the northern room for a worthless Ankh Shield and Flame
Mantle. Go back down and right, then enter the room in front of the
stairs to get a pair of Mixed Gummies. Now follow the stairs going up.

Go north twice from the room with magma, then go left and get the
?Helm from the chest, it can be transformed into a Paladin Helm, but
it's not worth the Rune Bottle. Walk down and use the door to get a
Life Bottle and a Shield Ring (equip it on one of your magicians).
Go back to the firs room of this floor, the one with magma, and use
the southern exit (left from the stairs going down) and go up the

Walk up and go right to get a couple of Veals and a Holy Bottle, then
use the stairs going up in the last room. The next two floors have no
treasure, so just go up the stairs. You will appear in a room with a
chest in the center, open it to get the Explode spell (turn it off
right away!). Now work your way back to the first floor (it's not hard
at all). Before going for the sword, go to Olive Village to rest and
buy the items you need, save your game too.

Getting the Fire Sword

To access the main part of this dungeon (the one that takes you to
the fire sword) you have to go through the upper-right door in the
first room of this dungeon. Go up the stairs and you will come into a
room with magma on the floor, the sign talks about a potion that
changes fire to ice and vice versa (this is of course the Rune Bottle
that transforms the Salamander's Rings into Nymph's Rings). Get the
treasure in the middle of the room to get a Reverse Doll, leave to the
left, walk a few steps down and go up the stairs.

Go north in the first screen of this floor and you will find a locked
door. Head left into the next screen, walk down a little and use the
narrow passage going left. Pull the lever and get the Mental Ring from
the chest, then go back to the locked door and head right. Walk down a
little and go right using the narrow corridor. Grab the ?Armor from
the chest (it can be transformed into another Star Cloak, equip it on
Mint or Klarth, but leave Arche with her Dark Robe, because it absorbs
all elements). Throw the switch and go back to the door, which should
now be open. Then go up the stairs.

First, walk right to see a statue near a locked door. Grab the statue
and take it away from the door, once it's far enough, the door will
open, go through it and get the Cute Mittens from the chest (equip
them on Arche or Mint). Go back to the last room and walk left, enter
the first room for a ?Helm (it's a Star Cap, good for Mint or Klarth),
then go outside and grab the statue near the door to your left and do
as you did before to open the door and get a Shield Ring. Go back to
the last room.

Walk down and turn right near the bottom to enter a new screen. There
are two statues, two switches and a locked door in this place, if you
have some common sense, then you know that you have to place the
statues over the switches in the lower portion of the screen to open
the door. Once it's open, go through it and up the stairs.

This floor has four doors, behind each one is a mini-boss (which just
like a random fight actually). You have to fight them all to open the
path to the main boss of the dungeon.

MINI BOSS: Group of Enemies___________________________________________
Kary [2]
HP 13200 Weakness: Water
TP 0

HP 8300 Weakness: Water, Fire
TP 60

HP 11200 Weakness: Water
TP 40

GALD 8501

ITEMS Salamander's Ring [2], Apple Gummy [1], ?Bow [1]


These battles are really easy. Cless should just attack with the
Vorpal Sword, using his best techs. Arche should cast Tidal Wave (this
will kill any enemy in one or two castings). Klarth should summon Aska
and Mint... there's nothing to do here for her, too bad.

The Druid cast the Hammer Head spell, which could knock your entire
party, but you will probably kill this enemy before the spell is cast.
Djinn can cast Explode, but if you have the Nymph's Rings equipped
this shouldn't affect you. The Kary take about 500 HP with each hit,
but it shouldn't be a problem.

NOTE: the items you get from these battles may vary.

Once the fourth mini boss is killed you will hear a sound coming from
outside. A stairway has appeared to the left!

Go up the stairs, heal up and use the Save Point. Cancel of Klarth's
Spirits, leaving only Maxwell, and check that Arche can only cast
Tidal Wave. If you want to finish the battle quickly, equip a Mystical
Rune on your magic users to halve the casting time of spells. When you
are ready walk up to meet the boss, who introduces herself (I presume)
as Flambelk and attacks you.

BOSS: Flambelk________________________________________________________
HP 45700 Absorbs: Fire
TP 300 Immune: Light, Darkness, Wind, Earth, Thunder

EXP 30000
GALD 19800


Hey! Someone stole Undine's sprite and repainted it! Shame on you
Namco! Ahem... Now, back to the boss strategy, this battle is not
hard, since the boss' main attack is the Explode spell, and you are
now immune to it.

The best of Cless' skills for this battle is the short-range skill
called Fury Slash (it costs 12 TP) and gives one blow of power to the
enemies in front of you, it's quite slow, but that can be fixed by
having Mint cast Haste on Cless. Use a Flare Bottle and each time you
hit the boss with Fury Slash you will take about 3000 HP!

Just like Fang Wolf, Flambelk is immune to all elements but Fire
(which she absorbs) and water (the only element that hurts her). This
means that Arche must cast Tidal Wave (about 2000 HP per casting) and
Klarth should summon Maxwell (between 150 and 2000 HP per hit). Mint
should just cast Haste on Cless once or twice and then cast Hammer (if
you want to, it's not needed).

Among Flambelk's attacks are an energy wave that crosses the whole
battlefield just like the one Undine used (this takes about 700 HP of
your characters); a normal sword hit that takes about 800 HP from you
and a strong sword hit that takes about 1200 HP (the later two only
affect those characters that get too close). Finally, Flambelk can
cast some spells, like Indignation, for example.

After the battle, Flambelk accepts you as worthy of wielding Odin's
weapon and gives you the Flamberge Sword. Also, Cless gets a new short
range skill, Soul Wave (try to master it right away).

Now you have to leave the tower, use a Holy Bottle if you want to
save yourself some trouble.

3.29- Spirit of Creation, Origin

Items to Get: ?Bow [1], Eternal Sword [1]

Skill to Get: Teleport [Received after defeating Origin]

Combos to Get: Soul Strike [Received after defeating Origin]
Soul Forge [Received after defeating Origin]

Spirit to Get: Origin [Treant's Forest, in the Stone Slab]


We have all the needed items to make the sword that controls time
now, but how do we make it? The people in Alvanista's Magic Research
Center say that Origin, the king of dwarves, could combine the two
items. If you remember in the past, when Rambard fixed the contract
rings you found in the Moria Gallery, he borrowed some power from
Origin, so taking a wild guess, I'd say that Origin can be found in
the Treant's Forest.

However, before going there, let's do some stuff! There are two
things to notice that appeared only now:

· In Alvanista's Castle you can find a person wearing white
clothes, it's Yukari Yoshida, the singer of ToP's song!
She will ask you if you want to listen to her singing, be
aware that she will disappear when you leave the room
after she sings.

· This one is a bit more interesting, if you visit the
Tree of Life now, a scene will take place. The party sees
how the tree is completely healthy now, after all this
years. Martel appears, she talks about how the Mana
consumption of the world has stabilized, she also
mentions a tall blonde man is in her dreams some times.
Suddenly, Martel disappears and you are attacked, it's
Dhaos! He didn't expect you to be there, but he tries to
kill you anyway, however, he stops because of the respect
he has to the Tree of Life and Martel. The party wonders
what he was doing there...

Now, let's meet Origin so he combines the two swords. Go to the Ymir
Forest and work your way to the Elven Village (you should know how to
get there by now). Buy anything you may need and enter the Treant's
Forest. From the screen with the Save Point go three times up, right
twice, up twice, right twice again, down, then right using the lower
exit and right again. You will find the Stone Slab where you came with
Rambard to fix the rings found at the Moria Gallery.

Before going any further, let's do the arrangements for the boss
battle (what? you thought you could get such a powerful sword just by
talking to Origin?). Give Cless his best combination techniques, Lion
Lunge is a good combo for this battle. As for the short-range skills,
make sure he has Gale Shield equipped.

Remember to check if you don't have any new equipment for Chester in
case you haven't used him for a while (like I did). Go to Klarth's
skill menu an cancel all spirits but Volt, equip the Sapphire Ring on
him so he is protected from Thunder and a Mystical Rune to summon
Spirits in half the normal time. Finally, go the Formation menu and
place Cless and Chester in front of the party.

When you are ready, save your game and get near the Stone Slab.
Klarth will feel a presence and remember that he saw something here
when he came with Rambard, that's probably the Spirit of Creation,
Origin. Arche appears (now that Volt has powered her broom, she can
fly as high as she wants to) and Origin comes out of the slab to
attack you.

BOSS: Origin__________________________________________________________
HP 45000 Absorbs: Light, Darkness
TP 1000

HP 12700 Absorbs: Light, Darkness
TP 300

GALD 13280

ITEMS ?Bow [1]


Origin and his fellow Undine clone, Seraphim absorb Light and
Darkness elemental damage, Origin is even healed by Maxwell! This
makes Volt your main summoning weapon, so just have Klarth call him
all the time (this will take about 3000 HP from Origin and 1500 HP
from the Seraphim).

To raise the damage dealt by Cless and Chester, have Mint cast
Valkyrie on them a few times. Cless should use his combination techs,
the one I recommended above hurts Origin for about 3500-4000 HP,
making it a killer weapon. Once the Seraphim is dead, use Gale Shield
to corner Origin and prevent him from casting nasty spells.

Origin can cast powerful spells like Indignation, so be careful,
just in case, Klarth is protected from Lightning by the Sapphire Ring.
His other dangerous attack is 'Forge of the Cosmos', which affects all
characters on screen, hurting them for about 2000 HP.

Origin admits his defeat and agrees to listen to you. Klarth asks him
to combine the Vorpal and Flamberge Swords so the party can go after
Dhaos. Origin kind of laughs at you for trying to defeat him without
even knowing his true motives. Mint replies that even though what he
said is true, they can't just sit and watch how Dhaos makes people

Origin says he has been defeated, so he has to carry your request
anyway. The two swords merge into one, making the Eternal Sword. Cless
receives two new combinations (Soul Strike and Soul Forge) and one
normal skill (Teleport), then Klarth makes a contract using the
Diamond Ring.

Now you need to find out where Dhaos is to be able to fight him, and
the one who may know is Runeglom, which means the party has to go back
to Alvanista.

Runeglom says that Dhaos is probably hiding near the town of Ary,
which is in perpetual darkness ever since a few years ago, when Dhaos
reappeared. Once the chat is over, equip the Eternal Sword on Cless.
Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Bow you got from the last battle to make it
a Soul Stealer bow, which is stronger than the Elven Bow. Finally, put
Arche back in the active party is you want to.

3.30- Before Taking on Dhaos

Items to Get: Mana Earring [1]


Okay, let's go where Runeglom told us to go. The town of Ary can be
reached by flying north-west from Alvanista. When you enter, Klarth
suggests to find the inn and stay there for the night. The inn is
located in the lower-right part of the town, go there and pay 70 Gald
to get a room.

Quite a nice scene happens now, and it would be a shame if those
playing the game in a console couldn't understand the dialogues, so
I'll copy the dialogues here...

NOTE: these dialogues were taken from the Dejap patch available right
now at their home page (look at section 1.3 for details). I did
not translate any of this!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

Klarth: Brrrr!! It's Cold!!

-Arche, Chester and Klarth go to the room-

Cless: What's wrong Mint?
Mint: Cless, can I talk to you alone for a few minutes?
Cless: What is it, Mint?
Mint: I'll tell you later, just meet me outside, okay?
Cless: Okay... I'll be out in a few minutes...

-Mint goes outside, Cless goes to the room-

Arche: Huh? Where'd Mint go?
Cless: Umm... she took a walk...
Klarth: Too cold outside for me...

-We see Mint waiting, she has something shiny with her-

Klarth: What's wrong, Cless?
Cless: Huh? Nothing... I'm gonna step outside for a bit...
Arche: Hey, I'm going too!
Cless: I'd really prefer to go alone, okay?

-Cless leaves-

Arche: Something's fishy...
Klarth: Cless too? It's way too cold for these old bones...
How nice it must be to be so young and full of life...
Arche: Oh, puh-LEASE! You're not so old! You're not even thirty!
Klarth: Yeah, whatever...
-Silence for a few seconds-
Klarth: Well, it's still early. What should we do to kill some time?
-He has an idea and walks near the table-
Arche: What are you doing?
Klarth: I've been toying around with an idea...
-He summons Origin-
Klarth: Origin, one of your powers is the ability to see the future
and the past, correct?
Origin: ...Well, I can use the Eternal Sword to show you a scene
from the past... showing a mortal events yet to come is
strictly forbidden.
Arche: What are you talking about?
Origin: Even though you technically have a contract with me, I can
only do this once, Klarth.
Klarth: I understand...
-He remains silent for a few seconds-
Klarth: Hey, can you guys give me a little privacy?
Arche: Why? What are you going to see?
Klarth: Hey, come on! It's private!
Arche: Man, everyone is trying to get away from me tonight!
-Chester and Arche leave-
Origin: So what is it you'd like to see?
Klarth: -mumble-
Origin: What?
Klarth: -mumble, mumble-
Origin: Ah, I see. You don't need to be embarrassed about that!
Everyone can tell! You should be shouting that as loud as
you shout my name when you call me!
Regardless... Here we go...

-We see Euclid in the past, inside Klarth's house-

Miranda: Well, that's all for today's lesson, kids.
Children: Thanks! When will Klarth come home?
When he beats up Dhaos and comes home... can we have a
Miranda: Well, he's strong like an ox and smart like a snake.
So I'm sure he's fine and will be back soon.
Children: -giggle- Yes! See you tomorrow!
Miranda: Goodbye, children!
-The students leave-
Miranda: I wonder where he is now... Please be safe, Klarth.
Miranda: I will continue to wait for your return.

-End of the scene-

Arche: What're you doing, Chester?
Chester: I was going to check on Cless and Mint.
Arche: What?
Chester: What do you mean, what?
Arche: I swear, we're like total opposites...
Chester: Well, at least we agree on SOMETHING.
Arche: Why are you always so mean?
Chester: Me mean to you? Ha! Ever since we met you've done nothing
but purposefully get under my skin! To think, when I first
saw you I thought that you were cu...
Arche: When you first saw me you thought what?
Chester: Nothing. Never mind.
Arche: Hey! Let's go outside!
Chester: Nah, it's freezing out there. You can go by yourself.
Arche: Dammit, boy! Come ON!!!
-She drags him outside-

-Finally, we are back with Cless-

Cless: Sorry to keep you waiting...
Mint: Don't worry about it...
Cless: It took me a while to get away...
Cless: Is it okay if I sit down next to you, Mint?
Mint: Yes, please...
Cless: So... what did you want to talk about?
Mint: Take a look at this...
Cless: It's...

-Flashback to when Cless was jailed-
Cless: It's an earring.
???: Place this on the wall... and you will be able to escape...
Cless: Wait just a minute! Who are you?
...... Okay... I'll give it a try...
-End of the flashback-

Mint: Unicorn Earrings are very rare, Cless.
The only one I've ever seen belonged to my mother...
When we were at Tornix's house, I saw it while you were
sleeping... and I took it.
Mint: I just can't believe I never got to say goodbye to her...
Cless: ... I'm sorry...
Mint: Cless, I want to thank you for not telling me then...
If you had... I...
Cless: Mint...
Mint: I really think I would have given up hope... Thank you...

-Arche and Chester are outside, they overheard the last conversation-

Arche: Mint...
Chester: Hey! It's snowing again!
Can we PLEASE go back inside where it's WARM?
Arche: Oh, shut up and kiss me...
-Chester drags her inside-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

When you try to leave the room the next morning a soldier will come
looking for Cless. A huge castle has been seen in the mining area to
the west. The game now lets you know that you have the Mana Earring in
your inventory (actually, it was your inventory since you woke up).
This earring can only be equipped on Mint; it raises her stats quite a
lot and makes her spells more effective.

Okay then, just as the soldier said, leave the town and enter the
cave to the northwest, but don't worry, we are not going to take on
Dhaos yet, but this is necessary to activate a few extra quests.

The guard in the cave will let you pass, so just go up the stairs to
be outside. Go up a little and the game will take control. Klarth
mentions what Runeglom said, that the castle doesn't exist in any
time, that's why you had to get the Eternal Sword, to bind the castle
to this time and thus be able to attack Dhaos. When Cless uses the
sword, the floating castle appears and you are transported there.

Well, that's all we had to do; now just step back and you will be
taken to the mountain near Ary. This might seem pointless, but
actually you just opened the way for two extra quests, the Treasure
Quest and the lower floors of the Moria Gallery. It will be a lot
easier to win at the coliseum after you complete these two quests, but
it's your choice. I recommend you do the Treasure Quest first, and
then go to the Moria Gallery, look at the 'Secrets and Extra Stuff'
section for all the information about these three quests. Of course,
try to do all other sub quests, even though they lack importance in
front of the ones mentioned above.

3.31- The Final Confrontation

Items to Get: Gorgon Amulet [1], Holy Bottle [5], Sage [5],
?Armor [1], Rune Bottle [2], Elixir [2], ?Armor [2],
Dedis Emblem [4], ?Helm [1], ?Book [1], ?Rod [1],
Star Gloves [1], Spy Lens [2], Charm Bottle [1],
?Helm [1], ?Weapon [1], Apple Gummy [1],
Mixed Gummy [1], Savory [2], Life Bottle [1],
Jade Ring [1], Resist Ring [1], Lavender [2],
Hourglass [1], Magic Pouch [1], Elven Boots [1],
Dragon Steak [1]

Spells to Get: Meteor Storm [Second Floor of Dhaos' Castle]


Okay, of course you have to be prepared before going to Dhaos'
Castle, which means you should go to Alvanista and buy everything you
can think of. Buy 15 of every kind of gummy, Remedy Bottles, Flare
Bottles and Rune Bottles. If you feel like it, you can use Rune
Bottles on the gummies you bought to make them better (you know, the
kind of gummies that restore 60% of something instead of 30%);
naturally, remember to buy more Rune Bottles and gummies of the normal
kind after this.

You also have to check your equipment. Put the best gear you have on
your party, this is easy with the 'Auto' command of the 'Equip' menu,
but remember to leave the Dark Robe on Arche to protect her from
elemental attacks. In the 'Relic' slots of your magicians you ought to
put a Fairy Ring and a Mystical Rune. As for Cless and Chester, the
Battle Rune is always useful. Also, equip an Jade Ring on Cless,
because he will be using techs constantly. Chester is not all that
important, he is probably really low in levels (in my case, he was at
level 42 while the rest of the party was around level 90!). And
finally, your favorite skills and combinations will work fine; if you
want my advice, anything the includes Teleport is good.

Once you are ready enter the cave to the northwest from the town of
Ary (the snowy town where it's always nighttime). The guard should let
you pass, go up the stairs and walk a bit right and up. Cless will use
the Eternal Sword to enter Dhaos' Castle.

You will arrive in a platform outside the castle. If you want to go
back all you have to do is walk to the southern piece of the platform
where Cless asks you if you want to go down.

Now use the Save Point if you want to and enter. You will find a big
eye thing in your way, in you 'Order' menu replace Arche with Chester,
even if he is low in levels, then put him behind Cless from the same
menu. Now talk to the eye to fight it.

MINI BOSS: Dark Eye___________________________________________________
Dark Eye
HP 56600 Immune: Wind, Water, Earth, Fire, Thunder,
TP 100 Light, Darkness

GALD 9800

ITEMS Gorgon Amulet [1]


Wow, this guy sure has a lot of HP! And to make it worse, it is
resistant to most elements, that's why Arche wouldn't be useful for
this fight.

Cless and Chester will be your main attack force. Have Mint cast
Valkyrie and Haste on them while they attack. The Dark Eye will most
likely start casting a spell at the beginning of the fight, take the
chance to use one of Cless' techs, them keep hitting until you get it
cornered in the right side of the battle field. Once you have the
it there, use Teleport or gale Shield to make lots of damage and stun
the Dark Eye. Chester, if equipped with the Berserker Bow from the
Moria Gallery, can shoot two arrows at the same time, each one hurting
the boss for 2300 HP (if Valkyrie has been cast of course).

If the Dark Eye teleports away from the corner, just press L on your
controller to change the direction of your party and start the process

Klarth should call Gremlin to deal about 3300 HP of damage or Origin
(2200 HP of damage) if you haven't been to the Moria Gallery yet.

Dark Eye can cast Explode and Tidal Wave, but it is too slow, so you
will probably stop any spells it tries to cast. Aside from the spells,
Dark Eye uses a spin attack that deals several blows for about 500 HP
of damage to anyone around it; this is really annoying if the boss
appears between your party members during the fight.

Put Arche back in the active party after the fight. You can explore
the area now. To your left is a door that takes you to a dark dungeon,
but there's nothing to do there right now. From where you fought the
mini boss walk up a little and use the door there to get a Holy Bottle
and a Sage, then go back out and leave the screen using the path going
north that's found to your right. In the nest screen turn right and
enter the room there for a Star Shield, which is almost as good as the
Blue Line Shield you got from the Treasure Quest. Now, go back out and
this time go up, throw the switch there and return to the entrance of
the castle.

Go right in the first room to find and open door (if it's closed,
it's because you didn't throw the switch). Go through the door and use
the stairs to access the next floor.

NOTE: You can get ?Weapons from some of the enemies in this dungeon.
By using a Rune Bottle on them, they might become Saint's
Rapiers, a powerful Light Elemental weapon. It's Stab power is
way higher than that of the Excalibur, but the Slice power is
really low. You might consider using this weapon, but I don't
recommend doing so.

- First Floor -

This floor has good treasure, which is very useful if you haven't
been to the Moria Gallery yet, and of course this includes the best
spell in the game, Meteor Storm. Here's a map of the place:

| ______ |
| | Sign | |
| |__--__|________________________________ |
| | -- |×××| MS | |
| | _______________ |×××| -- | |
| | |××××××|==|×××××| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯--¯¯¯¯| |
| | |×|¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯|×| | | |
| | |×| <<< |_____ __ | |
| | |×|___________|×| | | |
| | |×××××××××××××××| | | |
| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __ ___| | |
| ¯¯/ \¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |××|==|×××| | |
| ×××| |××××××××××××| |××××××××/ T1 | |
| ×××| |××××××××××××|¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ T2 | |
| ×××| |××××××××××××|____________________/ |
| ×××| |×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× |
| ×××| |×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× |
| ×××\--/×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× |
| /--\ _____ |
| | | | s | |
| | |_____|_--__| |
| | -- | |
| | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| __\--/___ |
| | T3 T4 | |
| |_________| |
| |
| |
| ××× Unwalkable Areas -- Connections Between Screens |
| <<< Fake Piece of Wall == Stairs |
| |
| T1 ?Armor MS Meteor Storm spell |
| T2 Rune Bottle |
| T3 Elixir |
| T4 ?Armor |

From the stairs you used to enter, go up and use the door that takes
you to a hallway (the door wont let you go back). Go through a bit to
your right now and get the Meteor Storm spell for Arche, then return
to the last room. Walk right and down, get a Rune Bottle and a ?Armor
(becomes a Star Cloak for magicians, but you should have more than
enough of these by now). Head left and use the one-way-only door to go

Walk up a bit and turn left, then use the small corridor going down
to enter a new screen. Go south again to get an Elixir and a ?Armor
(this armor is actually a Gaia Armor, which is almost as good as the
Golden Armor). Go back up and, if you want to, turn right, enter the
room there and throw the switch. Now return to the first room of this

If you threw the switch the door in the upper left corner of the room
will be open, but it just takes you to a sign that mentions the hidden
passage in this floor.

To continue further into the castle you simply have to walk through
the right one of the walls that enclose the stairs. Of course, those
who are here just for the Meteor Storm spell should leave now.

- Second Floor -

Just walk north in the first room. You will come upon a big magic
seal in the middle of a crossroad. DON'T STEP ON IT! Equip the Dedis
Emblem you got from the soldier in Ary's Pub on Cless (the emblem
looks like a golden leaf).

Now with the Dedis Emblem on Cless, step on the magic seal to see how
everyone else is warped away (in fact, they are taken back to the dark
dungeon near the entrance). It's incredible that Cless doesn't even
make a small comment after everyone disappears ^_^'

However, you have to find Dedis Emblems for the rest of your party
members, so they can pass together with Cless. In case you are
wondering, if you equip the Dedis Emblem on another character, you
won't be controlling that character for this section, you will have to
come back with Cless and get your party member and emblem back.

Here's a map of this place:

| _______ |
| | T3 T4 | |
| |_ _| |
| |---| |
| ____________ ____________ __| |_____ |
| >< -|- E -|- >< |
| ¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯\ /¯¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯ |
| | | |--| |---|_____ |
| _|-|_ | | | | E | |
| EXIT ___| |_ _____| |_____ _| |__-__| |
| _ _ | -|- (¤¤) -|- _____| |
| | BD | _____| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯ ¯| | |
| | | | E | | |--| |---| _____ |
| | |_ _|__ __| | ENTRANCE | |____| E | |
| \ -|- | | |__-__| |
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | - | |
| |__| |¯¯¯¯-¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| | T1 T2 | |
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| |
| |
| (¤¤) Magic Seal on the Floor E Dedis Emblem and Ninja |
| >< Takes you to the other BD Big Door (you need five |
| side of the area people to open it) |
| -- Marks the connections -|- Marks the connections |
| between screens between screens |
| |
| T1 ?Helm T3 ?Staff |
| T2 ?Book T4 Star Gloves |

Getting the Dedis Emblem won't be as easy as you'd like it to be.
Each time you get near a chest containing one of the emblems you will
have to defeat a ninja mini-boss.

Go right from the magic seal that transported your party away. In the
next screen use the door to your right and get near the chest to fight
the first mini-boss:

MINI BOSS: Hanzo______________________________________________________
HP 17500 Weakness: Light
TP 0

GALD 8000


This enemy is not all that hard, specially because of its low HP.

To make things short, use a Flare Bottle or the Focus II skill to
raise your attack, then use a jumping attack or the Soul Forge combo.
Now all you have to do is stay near the ninja and keep using Teleport.
This will probably make Hanzo run to the corner, where you can just
repeat what you did a moment ago to kill him!

Just like every other ninja in Tales of Phantasia, Hanzo can throw
shurikens at you, but they are not really powerful. The only attack
worth of mentioning is the one called 'Backstab', which hurts Cless
for about 1700 HP and may stun or/and poison him.

Heal yourself after the battle, don't hesitate to use your items, as
you will have to go near the entrance soon, giving you the perfect
chance to go down to earth and shop. Remember to grab the Dedis Emblem
from the chest and leave the room.

Go down into the next screen, turn right and enter the room to fight
another Hanzo and get the second Dedis Emblem. Go back out and head
down for a ?Helm and a ?Book (they transform into a Star Cap and a
Book of Seals).

From where you got the last two chests go up three times to find a
crossroads, then up once more to get a ?Staff and Star Gloves (the
?Staff becomes the Star Rod for Mint, but it is not as good as the
Blue Crystal Rod).

Back in the crossroads head left this time, fight another mini boss
and get the third Dedis Emblem from the chest, then go left again. Use
the passage that takes you southward, then walk a bit left and down.
Enter the room to your left to find the last of the Dedis Emblems (of
course you will have to fight again). Leave the room now.

Now that you have the four emblems needed for the rest of your party,
go up and leave to the right. You will find yourself next to the magic
seal again. Remove Cless' Dedis Emblem and step on the symbol to be
transported to the place where your party awaits (this saves you
walking back to the entrance).

- Basement -

You are now in the dark dungeon near the entrance of the castle. In
order to go on, you have to rescue your party from their cells. This
map will help:

| ¯|==|¯ |
| _____| | |
| _____ _____ | ¨¨¨| |¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯| |
| | | Cl | | |¯¯¯¯¯ | Mn | Ar | |
| | | | | | |¯¯¯¨¨¨¯¯¯¨¨¨¯¯¯| |
| |¯¯¯¨¨¨¯¯¯¨¨¨¯¯¯ | _____ | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | |
| |_______ _____ | | Ch | | | |¯¯¯¯¯| | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | |_____| ¯¯¯¨¨¨¯¯¯¯ | |¯¨¨¨¯¯| | | |
| |_______ | ¯¯¯¯| | | | |
| _____ | ____ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | | |
| | Kl | | _______| | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | |
| | | | |____________| |_________| | |
| |¯¯¯¨¨¨¯¯¯ | |
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| |
| |
| ¨¨¨ Jail Door Mn Cell where Mint appears |
| Cl Cell where Cless appears Ar Cell where Arche appears |
| Ch Cell where Chester appears Kl Cell where Klarth appears |

Check the door in Cless' cell to make him open it with his sword.
Leave the cell and walk right until you hit a wall, then head down and
turn right shortly after. Open the cell there to get Chester back in
the party, then leave the cell and head right, then up. Enter the two
cells in that place to get Mint and Arche.

Use the long path going down near Arche's cell. Once you reach the
bottom, go far left, until you see yet another cell. Open the door and
get Klarth back, then go a bit right and up as far as possible. Turn
right, open the cell door and use the stairs to leave this place. In
the next screen simply go up.

You'll be at the entrance of the castle, this is the perfect chance
to go down to earth and buy the items you used to heal Cless between
the mini boss fights.

Save you game if you want to, then go back to the second floor.
Emblem, that includes your inactive party member (you'll have to put
him/her in the active party to change his/her equipment).

Once EVERYONE has a Dedis Emblem, go over the magic seal and turn
left. Walk a bit left and down in the next screen, then leave to the
left. Check the big door, Klarth will say that you need five people
facing in specific directions to open it. The party proceeds as told
by Klarth and the door opens, just go through it!

There is a set of stairs and six treasure chests here. The treasures
are: Spy Lens, a Charm Bottle, a Holy Bottle, a Sage, a ?Helm and a
?Weapon. The later two become a Star Helm (not as good as the Gold
Helm from the Treasure Quest) and a Spinesheath (a good darkness
elemental weapon, not as good as the Bahamut Tail Axe or Excalibur
though). Once you get the treasure, go up the stairs.

NOTE: Anytime after you cross over the Magic Seal, you can replace
the Dedis Emblems for something useful, you won't need them

- Third Floor -

First of all, save your game, you deserve it. As usual, here's the
map of this floor:

| ____ Stairs Room |
| | T6 | ____ ____ _____··___ |
| |_--_|______ | T5 | |T3T4| | ____ | |
| | ___ ___||_--_|_|_--_|_|--| | | |
| | | `´ -|- | __|--| |
| |--|________|___ ____________| | __| |
| | -|- `´ |___|T1T2| | | |
| | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \ __ _|_--_|_| | |
| ______ | | \ SP /| `´ -|- | |
| | ss | | | |==| |_________|¯|__| |
| | SE | | | ____ ____ _____ |
| | | | | | T7 | | T8 | |T9T10| |
| | |_ ____|--|____ __|_--_|__|_--_|__|_--__|_ |
| | -|- -|- | |
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯--¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| | | |
| ¯¯¯¯ |
| |
| == Stairs ·· Locked door |
| SP Save Point `´ Doors that can only be used |
| -|- and -- Mark the connection to go down |
| between screens SE Mini Boss - Seal Eye |
| ss Switch that opens |
| the locked door |
| |
| T1 Apple Gummy T6 Holy Bottle |
| T2 Sage T7 Holy Bottle |
| T3 Mixed Gummy T8 Sage |
| T4 Savory T9 Life Bottle |
| T5 Rune Bottle T10 Jade Ring |

Yes, the map is a bit confusing, but I think you can work it out.

Anyway, after using the Save Point, walk right and use the door going
down (note that you can't go back using this door). Now enter the room
to your right for an Apple Gummy and a Sage, then go back out and head
right. Use the only door there to get to a stairway and a wooden door,
but it is locked, just go left and leave.

Walk left and enter the first door you find on the upper wall, get
the Mixed Gummy and Savory, then return outside. Go through the door
to your left for a Rune Bottle, go back outside and use the door in
the lower part of the screen to get back to the Save Point.

Save your game if you want to and leave to the left. Use the door
going up there and then go through the door in the upper wall there
to get a Holy Bottle. Now leave the room and go back down using the
same path from before.

Go down to access a corridor. Head right and go through every door on
the upper wall to get treasure (Holy Bottle, Sage, Life Bottle and
Jade Ring). Return to the corridor, we will explore the left side now,
where you find a big room. At the top of the room is a switch guarded
by a mini boss.

MINI BOSS: Seal Eye___________________________________________________
Seal Eye [2]
HP 62600 Absorbs: Fire, Earth
TP 50

GALD 20000


Although the amount of HP is pretty impressive, this guys are not all
that hard to beat up.

First of all, have Mint cast Valkyrie on Cless to raise his attack
power, then have her cast Haste. Cless should use the Soul Forge
combo, since it hits the front enemy pretty hard with the first
attack, while the waves of energy of the second attack reach the
second enemy as well. When Cless is close to the Seal Eyes, the
Teleport skill does its magic again ;)

Arche and Klarth should be using their most powerful stuff, Meteor
Storm and Gremlin. Meteor Storm hurts both enemies for about 6100 HP
and Gremlin does the same for about 6700 HP!! Of course Arche and
Klarth should have the Mystical Runes to halve the casting time of

Mint should be always ready to heal, since the course of the battle
could be changed at any moment if the Seal Eyes begin to Teleport

Try to corner the Seal Eyes and keep them busy as much as possible,
because if one of them teleports away, you could be in troubles,
specially if they end up appearing between your party members and
start using their spin attack. If that ever happens, try to distract
them with Cless so that they teleport away again and give Mint enough
time to heal everyone up.

This guys can cast powerful spells, such as God Breath, Explode and
even Meteor Storm! Explode hurts everyone not protected against fire
for about 4000 HP, while Meteor Storm hurts Arche (with Dark Robe) for
about 6000 HP, Mint and Klarth for about 3000 HP; and heals Cless
(with the Golden Armor) for about 6000 HP.

After the battle, walk up and throw the switch on the wall This
unlocks the wooden door we saw before.

Leave the big room, go up in the corridor, then right to be back at
the beginning of the area. Save your game if you feel like it, then
use the door on the right side of the room, go right again, use the
only door in the following room and go through the now open door in
the stairway.

- Fourth Floor -

The first thing you find in this floor is a stone sign that reads:
"Everything Begins from the End". Before solving the puzzle in this
floor, walk right and save you game. You will notice a locked door and
a switch on the floor, however, it is useless right now.

Here's the map:

| ____ ____ |
| | ¤ | | ¤ | |
| |_--_|_ _|_--_| EXIT |
| ____ ____ | -|- | _|==|_ |
| |T1 | | ¤ | | |¯¯¯ ¯¯¯| | | | |
| ____ _|_--_|_|_--_| |--| |--|___|__..__| |
| |¤ -|- \_ _| | | SP ¤ | |
| |____| -|- ¤ | |× __________| |
| |______ _ _ _|¯ ¯|__| | | |
| | -- | | | |
| |T2T3| |==| |
| ¯¯¯¯ ENTRANCE |
| |
| |
| × Stone Sign T1 ?Armor |
| ¤ Switch T2 Dragon Steak |
| ·· Locked Door T3 Reverse Doll |
| SP Save Point |
| == Stairs |
| -|- and -- Connections between |
| screens |

From the Save Point, walk left a little and use the door going up,
turn left, walk down, turn left near the switch and go straight to
enter a small room with another switch on the floor. Step on it and

Go through the door above you to get a ?Armor (it becomes a Gaia
Armor, which is not as good as the Golden Armor). Return outside; walk
right a little and use the door at the bottom of the screen, you find
a Dragon Steak and a Reverse Doll behind this one. Go back up; walk
right and up and go through the door, step on the switch and leave the

Head right and step on the switch on your way, then go up. Go through
the door above you and step on the switch, return and go left. Repeat
what you did in the last screen and go down to the room with the Save
Point. Step on the final switch there and the door will open. Save
your game and proceed upstairs.

- Fifth Floor -

This floor is tricky at the beginning, the actual exit is near the
entrance, but it's hidden. There's an optional part if you go up from
the stairs and touch the mirror, but all you get from that place is a
Holy Bottle, a Resist Ring and a hint about the real exit. I will only
describe the needed part here, but if you want to, you can explore the
rest of the floor.

Note that the design of the carpet has a path going into the right
wall. Walk into the wall in that place to discover the secret passage.
Walk right until you see a room directly above you. Go up there to
get a chest containing a Lavender, then return down. Keep walking
right, past the small room in your way. Now go up to find the stairs,
don't use them though, go left instead and look for a passage in the
wall that takes you to six treasure chests which contain a Lavender, a
Savory, a Hourglass, a Magic Pouch, an Elixir and a Sage. Now go up
the stairs, we are really close to Dhaos!

- Sixth Floor -

This floor is really simple, here's the map to probe it:

| ____ ____ |
| ____ | ss | | T1 | ____ |
| | |_ _____________ |_--_|__ __|_--_|__ _| ¨¨ | |
| ____| -|- _ _| | -|- -|- | |
| | |¯ ¯¯¯| | |`´|___| |¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯|____| |
| | | | | |_________| |
| | ___ | | | |
| |--| _|--|_ | | |¯¯¯¯| |
| | | | T2 | _|--|_|_--_|_ |
| | | | | | | |
| | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯|==|¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| | |__ ___/¯¯¯\ ENTRANCE |
| | -|- ) |
| | |¯¯ ¯¯¯\___/ |
| | | |
| | | |
| |--| |
| Stairs |
| Room |
| |
| |
| ¨¨ Mirror T1 Elven Boots |
| == Stairs T2 Dragon Steak |
| `´ Door that can only be |
| used to go down |
| ss Switch |
| -- and -|- Connection between |
| screens |

At the beginning, use the door on the left, then walk up and use the
door to your right. Ignore the door that takes you to a switch there
and just go right, then enter the room above for some Elven Boots.
Leave the room and go right, check the mirror to be transported near
the beginning of the floor.

Leave the small room and use the door to your left. Walk up and turn
left into the next room. Of the two doors going down, use the right
one first to get a Dragon Steak, then use the left one and keep going
down until you reach a big room with stairs from where you can reach
the next floor.

- Seventh to Tenth Floors -

The only thing to note is the Save Point in the seventh floor and the
nice effect of the clouds around the castle. The rest is really
straight forward, all you have to do is follow the path.

- Eleventh Floor -

You'll know you in the eleventh floor when you have to go up a series
of stairs that revolve around a big pillar. At the top you find a Save
Point and a door. SAVE YOUR GAME, for Dhaos is behind that door.

The preparations are just the usual, use your best stuff, but leave
the Dark Robe on Arche. If you equipped Cless with a Saint's Rapier,
replace it with Excalibur, because Dhaos can't be hurt by the Light
element. You should only change the accessories your characters are
wearing. For example, remove all the Fairy and Jade Rings, since you
can spend all of your items to recover TP, you'll want to equip useful
accessories. As always, Mystical Runes are a must for all your spell
casters, what you put in the other Accessory Slot depends on the
character and your personal criterion, this is how my characters ended

| | |
| Level 99 | Level 94 |
| MAX HP 9999 | MAX HP 9999 |
| MAX TP 999 | MAX TP 999 |
| | |
| Hand Excalibur | Hand Blue Crystal Rod |
| Body Golden Armor | Body Star Cloak |
| Shield Blue Line shield | Shield Shield Ring |
| Head Gold Helm | Head Star Cap |
| Arms Hyper Gauntlet | Arms Cute Mittens |
| Relic 1 Battle Rune | Relic 1 Mana Earring |
| Relic 2 Gorgon Amulet | Relic 2 Mystical Rune |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Level 93 | Level 92 |
| MAX HP 9999 | MAX HP 9999 |
| MAX TP 999 | MAX TP 999 |
| | |
| Hand Namco Gamer | Hand Star Broom |
| Body Star Cloak | Body Dark Robe |
| Shield Shield Ring | Shield Shield Ring |
| Head Star Cap | Head Mage Ribbon |
| Arms - | Arms Cute Mittens |
| Relic 1 Diamond Ring | Relic 1 Fairy Ring |
| Relic 2 Mystical Rune | Relic 2 Mystical Rune |
| | |

NOTE: Chester is not included because I didn't use him very much,
which means his levels were really low and his equipment was

As for Cless' skills, here's my recommendation:

Short-Range Teleport <--- This one's always useful!
Gale Shield <--- This one might help in the second
stage of the fight.

Long-Range Soul Forge <--- Very Powerful, beats the hell out of
Odin's Wrath <--- The flying attack of the Phoenix
works well against Dhaos' second

In the Tactics Menu put Arche in the 'Cast Many Spells' mode, Klarth
in the 'Call Many Spirits' mode and Mint in the 'Value HP over TP'

It is really important that you go to the 'Formation' menu and put
Cless away from the party in the battle field. Make sure that Cless is
on the right side while the others are on the left corner, this will
prevent Dhaos from hurting them easily.

Finally, turn off all of Arche's spells but Meteor Storm and all of
Klarth's spirits but Gremlin.

Okay, once you are done with the preparations, heal completely both
HP and TP and save your game (you don't want to do all the
arrangements again). Go through the door and up the stairs to meet
Dhaos. This is the dialogue between the party and Dhaos for those
playing the game without patch (the dialogue is extracted from
De-Jap's patch):

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

Cless: This is it, Dhaos! You've got nowhere to run this time!
Dhaos: Look, I've quite a bit of respect for your accomplishments
in making it this far. You've proven worthy adversaries.
Chester: I'm going to make you pay for all the suffering you've
caused our planet!
Mint: Wait!!
- she steps up -
Klarth: Mint, stay away from him!
Dhaos: Perhaps she's come to her senses and has come to beg for her
Mint: Dhaos, I want to ask you a question. Many centuries ago, you
told us you had no quarrel with us. I don't understand your
Dhaos: Because you're not harming this planet's supply of Mana. If
anything I should thank you for healing the Tree of Life.
Mint: Why is Mana so important to you?
Dhaos: Because magic drains this planet's supply of Mana.
And I need that Mana.
Cless: Mana? For yourself? I don't follow...
Klarth: Are you trying to preserve this planet's natural state?
Dhaos: Ha ha ha... To protect this planet that I hate so much?
You must be joking! I'm only here to collect Mana.
Chester: Then you are trying to rule this world using Mana's power?
Dhaos: Ha ha ha! You foolish boy! Have I not made it clear that
this planet, and everything on it does not interest me in
the least? I need the Mana to create a Mana Seed.
Chester: Mana Seed?
Cless: I don't care what your goal is! Thousands of people DIED
because of you, and that we can never forgive!
Dhaos: Ha! You are one to talk! I hope you are ready for me...!!

BOSS: Dhaos___________________________________________________________
HP 56000
TP 1000

GALD 32000


The moment the battle starts, use Soul Forge. While Cless hits Dhaos,
quickly have Mint cast Haste on him; Arche cast Meteor Storm and
Klarth call Gremlin.

Right after Cless uses Soul Forge, have him use Teleport, you mustn't
give Dhaos any chance to attack. Have Mint cast Valkyrie on Cless this
time, then just have her cast Hammer on Dhaos all the time. Of course
Arche and Klarth will just keep casting/calling Meteor Storm and

Keep using Teleport, hopefully this will make Dhaos move to the
right, cornering him. It's not a sure bet, but most of time when Dhaos
just stands there doing nothing, if you place Cless next to him he
will retreat, making it easier for you to corner him.

If you are lucky and fast you will have Dhaos cornered in the right
side of the battlefield. Once he's there, start using Teleport like
mad while the others keep casting their spells.

As for Dhaos' attacks, they are the same from before. His spells are
not a big problem, since he rarely gets to cast them, but his special
techs are as deadly as ever. He has two new attacks:

· Tetra Spell: No big deal, he just casts the four weakest
elemental spells at the same time. Damage is
· Para-Triangle: Stuns all characters on the screen, Cless is
easily affected by this tech.

Just like all the other times you fought him, Dhaos recovers all
damage dealt by physical attacks until you weaken him enough with
magic. You should attack all the time anyway to keep him busy. Oh,
this time no elemental spells affect him, not even Indignation.

Upon Dhaos' defeat, a short dialogue takes place:

Cless: It's over Dhaos, you've lost.
- Dhaos moves and everyone steps back -
Dhaos: You think that the death of this body means anything to me?
You are so narrow minded! I will NEVER die!
- everything starts shaking, then the floor disappears -
Cless: ...?! The floor! It's gone!
Dhaos: Enough! The time has come!
Mother Gaia! Father Chaos! Give me strength!
- Dhaos transforms -

BOSS: Neo Dhaos_______________________________________________________
Neo Dhaos
HP 64765 Immune: Earth
TP 3765

Dhaos Arm
HP 40765
TP 1765

GALD 30765

Don't be fooled into thinking this will be an easy fight just because
the enemy can't move! This is the most annoying battle in the whole
game, because Dhaos is a coward and likes to make himself invulnerable
for long periods of time. Remember that this is really the final
battle, so don't hesitate to use every item you have been saving, the
Hourglasses will be especially helpful.

This guy is kinda tough, but the best description would be ANNOYING.
Here are his attacks and abilities:

· Chaos: The head shoots several red bullets. Try to
make Cless get hit by these, so they don't
touch Arche or Klarth and stop the spells.
· Oscillation: The arm shoots a big ball of light that
floats in circles until it hits one of your
characters, pushing him/her next to the arm.
It doesn't hurt very much, but it is REALLY
· Last Ray: A light elemental attack, just like the ray
Ray spell. It hurts Arche for about 2500 HP,
Mint and Klarth for 1200 HP and it heals
· Meteor Storm: About 6000 HP of damage to everyone on the
screen (if Cless has the Golden Armor, he
will be healed).
· Tidal Wave: About 5000 HP of damage to everyone on the
· Acid Rain: Lowers the party's defense.

His other abilities are healing himself (only when the head or the
arm are low on HP) and making the screen go dark, becoming invincible.

You begin the battle on the far left of the battlefield. I suggest
you use a Hourglass and start attacking with combos. The Odin's Wrath
combo gives you a high chance of getting Cless to the right of Dhaos,
where the arm can't attack you (remember that the other party members
should be separated from Cless in the 'Formation' menu, or they will
try to go next to Cless and the arm will kill them).

No matter if you got Cless to stand on the right of Dhaos or not, use
a Flare Bottle and then a Hourglass while Dhaos is vulnerable, then
start using Teleport or Gale Shield. Use all your Hourglasses, or it
might take ages to kill Dhaos. The other item that's very useful here
is the Mah Jong Tile, it drops several tiles of Mah Jong (an oriental
game) on the chosen target, each tile hurts the target for about
2000 HP!

Arche and Klarth should do the usual, cast Meteor Storm and call
Gremlin constantly. Meteor Storm does about 3000 HP of damage and
Gremlin does about 3300 HP of damage. Sadly, whenever Dhaos becomes
invincible and they try to cast the spell and fail, they will waste
the TP; be ready to use Orange and Pine Gummies all the time.

You will probably kill the arm before the head, this makes the battle
a whole lot easier. Just stand under the head and use Teleport or Gale
Shield while the others cast spells.

NOTE: There is an Extra Tactic for this boss in Section VI.5 of Part


Congratulations! Now just enjoy the ending...

- Hard Mode -

You might want to play the game in hard mode, to do so, just press
A, B, X & Y at the same time in the Title Screen of the game. If you
do it correctly, you will hear 'Yatta!' (just like when you win a
battle). The enemies will have much more HP now. Have fun!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

4.1- Elwyn and Nancy, a Love Story

This section will follow the story of the love between Elwyn and
Nancy, whom you first meet at Euclid in the past. I'll try to cover
all the possible endings there are...

Note that you get nothing from this quest, and it's not necessary to
complete it.

- The Beginning -

When you enter Euclid in the past, you will notice a girl under the
tree near the Inn. Talk to her and walk away, Mint will say she's
lovesick... Now talk to the girl again and, seeing how Cless seems to
be hitting on her instead of just being friendly, Mint will decide to
handle the conversation. The girl says she's in love with a guy named
Elwyn, who is at the Weapon Shop.

This is where you decide for the first time, you can choose to help
the girl or not. If you choose to help her, keep reading, if not, just
keep playing and see the results later on... See 'Future A' in this
section for an advance.

If you choose to help the girl, go to the Weapon Shop and talk to the
blue haired man, that's Elwyn! Cless tells him about the girl who
wants to know him, and he asks her name, but you don't know what her
name is, so go and ask the girl, her name is Nancy.

Talk to Elwyn and then to Nancy again. Make sure that they both have
leave the town.

- The First Date -

After the Harmel is destroyed, go to Venezzia. At the inn you can
find Nancy again, talk to her and agree to help her. Now go to the
house north from the inn and find Elwyn to make a date between the two
of them.

Now go and tell Nancy about the date. She will leave the inn, follow
her and go right, to the fountain. Talk to her and Elwyn will show up.
Leave the town and re-enter. Go upstairs in the building where you
found Elwyn to see his father (Doug) very angry at him for dating
Nancy. When the couple leaves. Go to the fountain, speak to Nancy and
then to Elwyn (he's hiding between the columns behind the fountain)
and cheer him up. They will decide to run off to Alvanista...

- Go and Tell! -

Once you get to Alvanista, you can meet Elwyn and Nancy at the Supply
Store. Elwyn will ask you not to tell his father where they are.

This is your second important decision. You can either listen to what
Elwyn said or go ahead and tell his father at Venezzia. I think you
get the happiest ending by telling Doug where Nancy and Elwyn are, but
it's up to you...

If you choose to tell Doug, read 'Acceptance', if not, skip to
'Future B'.

- Acceptance -

This happens only if you decide to tell Elwyn's father, Doug, where
his son is after he runs away.

Now visit the house at the top-right corner of Alvanista. Usually,
there's a Bush Baby in there, but now you should find Doug arguing
with Elwyn and Nancy... This is another choice you must make: you
either step in and help, or just go away. The second option is

If you help, Elwyn and Nancy will return to Venezzia to work at the
Trading Company and plan on their marriage.

See 'Future C' to know what happens if you help.

- Future A -

NOTE: This happens in the future only if you don't help Elwyn and
Nancy get together in the first place.

There's no trace of Elwyn or Nancy anywhere around the world and
there's a school where Elwyn's father's trading company used to be.
The kids are taking music lessons upstairs and you can have Klarth
comment on their talent.

- Future B -

NOTE: This happens in the future only if you help Elwyn and Nancy get
together, but you don't help Elwyn make up with his father.

Elwyn's father's trading company is broke, there's only one person
there. There are two people at Freezekill who look exactly like Elwyn
and Nancy and have a daughter...

- Future C -

NOTE: This happens in the future only if you get Elwyn and Nancy
together and step in when they start arguing with Doug at

The trading company is working fine, all thanks to the work of Elwyn.
One of his descendants, Steven, is now in charge. He has a secretary
who looks just like Nancy...

If you know of any other possible endings to this love story, please
tell me and I'll add them right away.

4.2- Mini-Games at Alvanista

- Racing Boy -

In the East side of Alvanista you can race a boy. To enter the
contest you have to talk to the one of the men near the boy. To see
the route of the race answer yes three times in a row. Then answer no
to start the race. You have to make the full route three times, and
when you complete a lap you must hear a sound, if not, the game
considers you didn't complete the lap.

You can have a fake start, so watch it. The best way to assure a good
start is to talk to the boy when the count down starts, then wait
until the count reaches 'Go!' to pass the dialogue and start running.

The boy is really dumb, if you stand in his way he will be stuck! Use
that to your advantage. If you ever want to stop the race, talk to the
man from before and say 'Yes'.

When you win the race you will be offered one of four different

1.-Cat's Eye
2.-Beef [Food value 700]
3.-?Weapon [transforms into a Longsword]
4.-?Weapon [Transforms into an Ice Scimitar]

The best thing here is the Cat's Eye, race three times and choose it
as your prize each time, this item can be sold for 39,000 Gald in a
near city (and even more later)! The other stuff is just not worth the
effort, the Longsword is too weak, the Beef can be bought almost
everywhere and you should already have an Ice Scimitar from the
?Weapon you won after defeating Meia.

- Pots 'n Stones -

In Alvanista's Castle in the past, in the floor below the throne room
is a guy next to a large pot, a barrel and a small pot. He offers you
to play a number game.

He gives you a random number (always higher than 16 and lower than
29), you both get turns to take away from the number, and the one to
take away last loses. If you played Tales of Destiny you might
remember this game.

In order to win you have to put him in a position he can't escape.
You have to make the number be one of the following when his turn
comes: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 28. Before starting he will say the
number and ask if you want to go first, if the starting number is one
of the above say no, if not, take the first turn and take away the
amount needed to make it one of the special numbers. If the number is
27 you have to take away 2 to make it 25, suppose your opponent takes
2, the number is now 23, so take two more to make it 21.

When you win you get a Mental Ring (slowly recovers TP during
battles). After that the guy won't play with you anymore.

- Racing Boy II -

Once you reach the second half of the game, you can visit Alvanista
to race again. It's slightly more difficult to win, but it shouldn't
be a problem.

The prizes are now the following:

1.- S-Flag [Brings back a dead ally with full HP]
2.- Silver Mattock [protects against certain spells]
3.- ?Bow [transforms into a powerful Flare Spread bow]
4.- ?Bow [transforms into a weak Shortbow]

The big prize now seems to be the S-Flag, it's really helpful when
fighting big bosses. The Silver Mattock is quite useless at this stage
of the game, plus you can get one from another sub-quest.

4.3- The Ninja Village

Items to Get: Muramasa [1], Painting [1], Blue Crystal Rod [1]

Spells to Get: Flare Tornado [Forest around the Ninja Village]


The Ninja Village is hidden deep inside the Treant's Forest. You must
to talk to a woman inside the Cafe in the town of Ary to be able to
access the village.

From the Save Point north of the Elven Village go up three times,
left three times and finally go up three times more (if you need
reference, check the map in section 3.17). You should find a little
girl (if not, you probably didn't talk to the needed people), when you
talk to her, Arche comes with her broom and you are all taken to the
Ninja Village.

The girl introduces herself as Suzu and takes you to her house, to
see the elder. Inside the house, Cless avoids two mortal traps but
gets caught in the third trap, which is more less harmless (all it
does is throw Cless into a pond).

The Elder, called Lanzo, apologizes for the traps and offers the
party to use the hot springs in the house. Quite a funny scene
develops in the hot springs, Arche comments on how big Mint's breasts
are, Chester hears that and decides to take a peek, but gets hit by a
pail thrown by Arche.

After the scene in the Hot Springs, Lanzo explains that the Ninja
nation is not really isolated, they have spies in every country, but
lately, some ninjas that are sent as spies to other countries are
caught and brainwashed to work for Dhaos, among those ninjas are
Suzu's father and mother, Dozo and Okiyo. Lanzo asks you to look for
them if you have the time, they were last seen near Euclid.

Lanzo gives you the Muramasa, a great weapon for Cless (it's even
better than the Laser Blade). Now you are free to explore the village,
but there's not really much to see. Talk to the guy in a room on the
left side of Suzu's house and pay 30,000 Gald to buy his Painting,
which you can later sell for more money.

Now leave the house and use the eastern exit of the town to enter the
forest around it. Go right to get the Flare Tornado spell from a chest
and then go back into town. Leave the town using the western exit,
follow the straight path and go down to get the Blue Crystal Rod for
Mint (it's her ultimate weapon, equip it right away). There's nothing
else in the forest now, so just go back to the town. In case you need
reference, here's a map of the forest:

| |
| |¯¯| |¯¯| |
| | | | | |
| |--| |--| |¯¯| |
| |¯¯--¯¯¯¯¯¯|_____ ________ ________ ___| | | | |
| | -|- -|- -|- -|- | |--| |
| | www |¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ ¯¯¯| | | | |
| | www |__ __|--|_____|--|______|--|_ | | |
| | ww -|- | | -- -- -- |__|--|____ |
| | -- |¯¯ | | -- | |
| |¯¯--¯¯¯¯¯¯| | NINJA VILLAGE -|- ### |____ |
| __| ### |_____| | ### -|- T1| |
| | -|- ### -|- -|- | |¯¯¯¯ |
| ¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |__--______| |
| | -- | | | |--| |
| ¯|--|¯¯¯¯¯ |__________________________| | | |
| | | |__| |
| |T2| |
| ¯¯ |
| |
| -- This sign show the connections between screens |
| ### Big stone blocks in some screens |
| www Areas with water |
| |
| T1 Flare Tornado spell |
| T2 Blue Crystal Rod |
| |

The forest around the Ninja village is a great place to train your
characters, because the enemies here give lots of experience and
money, and you can train Arche (you can't have her in the rest of the
forest). If you still have to go to the Fire Tower and Ice Cave, train
you characters a lot here, take them all to at least level 50, level
60 if possible.

4.4- Ayflite's Treasure

Items to Get: Ayflite's Notes [Rare Item], Whale Meat [12],
Moon Crystal [1], Reverse Doll [2], Silver Cape [2],
Black Onyx [1], Armlet [1], Blue Line Shield [1],
Green Torch [1], Elixir [6], Dark Seal [1],
Mental Ring [2], Protect Ring [2], Resist Ring [2],
Blue Candle [1], Sefira [1], Hyper Gauntlet [1],
Rosania's Dress [Rare Item], Silver Mattock [1],
Drum Set [1], Jade Ring [2], Soup Pot [1], Sake [9],
Gold Helm [1], S-Flag [1], Namco Gamer [1],
?Weapon [1], Elven Boots [2], Red Line Shield [1],
?Weapon [1], Red Lantern [1], Cat's Eye [1]


NOTE: This quest can only be started once Dhaos' Castle has appeared
in the future and you are transported there by the Eternal Sword
(you don't need to go further than the entrance).

Go to the pub in Freezekill, there will be a person in the left side
of the room, next to the counter. Talk to this person, he asks you if
he could talk with you for a minute, say 'Yes'.

His name is Graham Ayflite, son of the great pirate Ayflite, however,
he didn't follow his father's steps and sold his ship when his father
died. Aside from the treasures that where in the ship, Ayflite had
lots of other riches hidden all over the world. Since Graham has no
ship or experience to go for the treasure himself, he wants you to get
them. The good part is that he only wants what his father described in
his notes has the 'True Treasure', and you can keep everything else
you find!

Graham gives you Ayflite's Notes (a rare item). If you talk to Graham
again he will repeat the instructions left by his father to find the
'True Treasure', which are:

'With Fenrir at your left, and Odin to your back...
There the True Treasure can be found'

Then an option will appear, if you say 'Yes' he will give you the
location of all the treasure spots:

-Two in North Euclid
-One near Long Valley
-Four in South Euclid (two of those four are on islands)
-Two on Ary's Island
-One on Fenrir's island
-Three to the west of Ymir in South Alvanista
-Two to Alvanista's northeast
-One in East Freland
-One in West Freland
-One to the east of Midgard
-Four to the north of Midgard

There are 22 treasure spots in all.

Here are the instructions to find each and every treasure spot, with
the treasures in them listed. If you have any troubles to find one the
locations let me know, so I re-write the instructions and make this as
clear as possible.

Two in North Euclid

- Fly north from Euclid and land on a small island that's
half sand and half rock (if you need more help, this island
is west and a bit north from where Harmel used to be).
ITEMS: Whale Meat [1], Moon Crystal [1]

- From the last treasure spot, fly northeast and land on the
small portion of beach on the eastern edge of the continent
(in the mountain range between Venezzia and where Harmel
used to be).
ITEMS: Reverse Doll [1], Whale Meat [1]

One near Long Valley

- Land on the small beach that's east from what was Bart's
ITEMS: Silver Cape [1]

Four in South Euclid

- Fly directly west from Morrison's house and land on a piece
of the continent separated from the mainland by a small
ITEMS: Whale Meat [1], Black Onyx [1], Armlet [1],
Blue Line Shield [1], Green Torch [1], Elixir [1]

- Land on a small beach southeast from the forest where the
Yggdrasill is (if you need more help, the beach is found
southwest from the small hut in the area).
ITEMS: Reverse Doll [1]

- Fly northeast from the cave where you met Gnome and land on
the big portion of the island divided by a mountain (the
one with grass on it). The chests are hidden under the
trees in the middle of the screen.
ITEMS: Dark Seal [1], Elixir [1], Mental Ring [1]

- In the same island of the last treasure spot, land on the
small beach to the east (it might be hard to land on such a
small spot, but it's possible).
ITEMS: Whale Meat [1], Protect Ring [1]

Two on Ary's island

- Fly west and a bit south from Ary, land on the grassy part
of the island that has a mountain on it.
ITEMS: Whale Meat [1], Resist Ring [1]

- Fly north from the cave where you used the Eternal Sword to
reveal Dhaos' Castle and land on the grassy part of the
long peninsula.
ITEMS: Blue Candle [1], Sefira [1]

One on Fenrir's island

- Fly southwest from Freezekill and land the tip of a
peninsula connected to the mountainous part of the island
(sorry, it's hard to explain). The beach I'm talking about
has a small spot of grass. Also, note that if you go right
from the screen with the treasure you find a small area
with trees and grass, but it's empty.
ITEMS: Whale Meat [1], Mental Ring [1],
Hyper Gauntlet [1]

Three to the west of Ymir in South Alvanista

NOTE: The patch says 'west', but the treasures are all to the east of
the forest.

- Fly southeast from the Ymir Forest and land on a small
beach separated from the mainland by a mountain.
ITEMS: Protect Ring [1]

- Fly directly east from the Ymir Forest and land on a small,
rather round (if you need more help, the island is found
southwest from the Moria Gallery). The 'True Treasure' is
here, but Fenrir is to your back and Odin to your right!.
ITEMS: Rosa's Dress [Rare Item]

- Fly directly south and a little east from Alvanista and on
the long island (if you need more help, it's directly west
from the entrance to the Moria Gallery).
ITEMS: Silver Mattock [1]

Two on Alvanista's northeast

- Fly a bit east from Alvanista and go north, then land on
the island north from the long peninsula.
ITEMS: Whale Meat [1], Silver Cape [1], Resist Ring [1]

- Fly northeast from Alvanista and look for a piece of the
continent you couldn't reach by walking because of a small
portion of water. Enter the forest next to the mountain
there (if you need more help, this place is directly west
from the Tower of the Twelve Stars). The treasure here
becomes a Tidal Axe (a water elemental weapon, it's not
better than the Eternal Sword).
ITEMS: ?Weapon [1]

One in East Freland

- Fly east from the northernmost oasis and land on the a big
island with mountains on it. Walk on the sand south from
the mountain.
ITEMS: Whale Meat [1], Elixir [2], Drum Set [1]

One in West Freland

- Fly west from the third oasis and land on a rather
elongated island divided by a small mountain range, land on
the southern portion.
ITEMS: Whale Meat [1], Jade Ring [1], Soup Pot [1]

One to the east of Midgard

- This one is quite hard to explain. Starting from where
Midgard used to be, fly southeast for about 3 seconds. You
should be more less over a peninsula cut into several sand
portions by the rocks. Land on the southeastern tip.
ITEMS: Sake [9]

Four to the north of Midgard

- Fly directly north from the White Forest and land on the
beach there.
ITEMS: Elixir [1], Gold Helm [1], S-Flag [1]

- From the last treasure spot, fly a little to the east and
land on the big patch of snow on the mountains northwest of
the Valhalla Plains. The treasure here is barely visible
because of the color of the ground and the trees, just
remember that the four chests are aligned and half covered
by the foliage. The sword you get here is a Lucky Blade,
it raises your luck a ton, but it's not as powerful as the
Eternal Sword.
ITEMS: Namco Gamer [1], ?Weapon [1], Elven Boots [1],
Jade Ring [1]

- Land on the small beach a bit south from the bridge that
connects the island where Dhaos' Fortress used to be and
the main land. The ?Weapon you find here transforms into
a Duelist's Sword, nothing great.
ITEMS: Red Line Shield [1], ?Weapon [1], Elixir [1],
Red Lantern [1], Elven Boots [1], Cat's Eye [1]

- Fly a bit northwest from the island where Dhaos' Fortress
was in the past and land on the southern portion of the
small island cut divided into two parts by a small
ITEMS: Whale Meat [3]

Once you have all the treasures, go back to Graham and give him
Rosa's Dress, which is actually his mother's wedding dress. He will
be very happy and you will have lots of treasures! Now that's a happy
ending... Please note that you can give the dress to Graham at any
time, you don't need to have gotten everything.

Now, about the equipment you just got, equip the Namco Gamer on
Klarth and change all of Cless' equipment for the new pieces of armor
you found. If you use the Auto command to equip him, you will have to
change his shield manually, because the Blue Line Shield has the same
Run (AKA Evade) value of the Rare Shield, but it's Defense value is

Other useful items you just got are the Dark Seal and the Sefira. The
Dark Seal can be equipped on Cless and allows him to win 50% more EXP
from each battle at the expense of not being able to use skills, if
you use a Rune Bottle on it, it becomes a Demon Seal, which gives you
twice as much experience but cancels your skills AND defense. The
Sefira makes the party get 10% extra EXP and Gald from each battle,
use a Rune Bottle on it to make it a Sefira+1, which makes you win 20%
extra EXP and Gald (these items work all the time since you get them,
just by being in you inventory).

4.5- Moria Gallery, the Lower Levels

Items to Get: Yellow Cake [1], Veggies [1], Dark Bottle [2],
Orange Gummy [3], Spy Lens [1], Flare Bottle [1],
Life Bottle [3], Creamy Cheese [1], Sage [1],
Bread [1], Apple Gummy [2], Iron Boots [1],
Iron Helm [1], Broom [1], Mixed Gummy [6],
Silver Cape [1], ?Armor [1], Poison Amulet [3],
Lotus Perfume [1], Pine Gummy [2], ?Weapon [1],
?Armor [2], Miracle Gummy [5], Cheese [1],
Gorgon Amulet [3], ?Weapon [2], Lemon Gummy [2],
Dragon Steak [1], Resist Ring [2], Burger [2],
Combo Counter [1], Protect Ring [2], Rune Bottle [2],
?Armor [1], Savory [1], Jade Ring [3],
Reverse Doll [1], ?Weapon [1], Elixir [2],
?Weapon [1], ?Armor [1], Hourglass [2], ?Helm [1],
?Armor [1], ?Helm [1], Scout Orb [1], ?Weapon [1]

Combos to Get: Thor's Wrath [Moria Galley, 21st Level]

Spirits to Get: Chameleon [Moria Gallery, 16th level]
Gremlin [Moria Gallery, 21st Level]

Spells to Get: Black Hole [Moria Gallery, 18th Level]
Extinction [Moria Gallery, 21st Level]


Remember the Moria Gallery? Well, there are eleven new levels to
visit! In order to open the way to this sub-quest, you MUST have used
the Eternal Sword to reveal Dhaos Castle in the future.

This is one tough dungeon, so make sure you buy all the essentials,
such as 15 Rune Bottles, 15 Apple and Orange Gummies, 15 Remedy
Bottles, 15 Flare Bottles, etc. Oh, and do remember to bring at least
one Holy Bottle and some Dark Bottles, you will know why later.

Make sure you have the extra contract rings we got in section 3.26,
because you will need them to contract with two spirits down there.
Also, you might want to get the Meteor Shower spell for Arche from
Dhaos' Castle before coming here, even though it's not that important
and I went through the whole dungeon without it, it may be a great
help. Check section 3.31 for the walkthrough of the castle (don't
worry the spell is not very deep into the dungeon).

When you are ready, go to the Moria Gallery (it's located southeast
from Alvanista) and use the stairs in the upper left corner of the
first level, this stairs lead to the ninth level, all you have to do
is keep going.

When you arrive at the ninth level you will notice a new guard next
to the stairs you used to come. Walk right and use the upper exit of
the room. You should find a whole bunch of people and the passage to
the new section there.

The merchant standing in front of the stairs going down sells useful
stuff you might have forgotten to bring. If you want to and have the
money (most likely) make a whole set of Lemon, Pine and Miracle
Gummies by using Rune Bottles on the Apple, Orange and Mixed Gummies
you can buy here. The transformed items restore 60% of HP/TP instead
of the 30% recovered by the other items, however, do buy a new set of
the original items, you can never be too careful. Don't forget to buy
another 15 Rune Bottles before going down.

This is important, sell your oldest equipment and useless items, then
fill your food sack. The reason for this is that there's a bug in the
game that transforms items randomly into Chicken (a food item) if you
have too many items (I have only experienced this bug here in the
Moria Gallery).

As for the equipment, make sure everyone has their best gear, but
leave Arche with her Dark Robe instead of any other armor, because it
absorbs several elements. Equip an Jade Ring on Cless to cut the TP
consumption of his skills and use a Rune Bottle on all the other
Jade Rings you have to make them Fairy Rings, which can't be equipped
on Cless, but cut the TP use of spells by half. As for Klarth, Mint
and Arche, make sure they have a Mystical Rune and a Fairy Ring,
because they will be casting a lot of spells soon. Equip the Soul
Forge and Soul Strike combos on Cless (or the attacks that form them
to master them) and your favorite short range skill (Teleport works
great here).

If you need to recover, just talk to the person next to the tent and
say 'Yes' to sleep for free. Now go downstairs to reach the 10th
level. Use the Save Point and go left, you will receive a message
telling you that all of your Holy Bottles shattered (if you don't have
Holy Bottles, there's the risk that the game destroys all of your
Remedy Bottles).

Before going any deeper, you should gain a few levels. Use a Dark
Bottle and start walking around to meet enemies. Be careful though, if
you find a little worm just run! There's no way to hurt it and you die
automatically when it touches you! All the other enemies can be killed
more less easily by summoning Origin and Aska; casting Explode, Tidal
Wave or a death spell; and using Cless' best skills.

Once your four main characters are around level 75, proceed (unless
you want to train Chester, but he isn't very useful here). Heal up and
save your game, then go left from the Save Point and cross the
bridges, go into the next room and use the stairs going down.

- Eleventh Level -

Go right and cross the bridge. In the next screen just walk down and
exit to the left to enter the next level.

- Twelfth Level -

Cross the bridge going left and leave the screen. Now go down and
exit by south to get four chests (they contain an Orange Gummy, a Dark
Bottle, a Veggies and a Yellow Cake). Go back up and use the exit to
your right.

- Thirteenth Level -

As always, cross the bridges and leave the screen. In the next room,
grab the chest in front of you for a Spy Lens, then go down, get a
Flare Bottle from the chest left from the stairs and a Life Bottle
from a chest to the right. Now go down the stairs.

- Fourteenth Level -

Just another simple level, cross the bridge and leave the screen.
Then go down the stairs into the 15th level.

- Fifteenth Level -

Go right and cross the bridges. Walk down in the next room, the
person there just talks about how she will never make it back that far
if she heads back. Just go left at the bottom of the screen to enter
the 16th level. I know this is pretty boring so far, but wait a little
and you'll see why this place is hell!

- Sixteenth Level -

Go left over the bridges and walk down in the next room. Use the
southern exit to find a room filled with the same thing you say near
the beginning of the game, in Long Valley: Shoki. Grab the barely
visible chest near the right wall, then go to the left side of the
place for a Creamy Cheese. Walk down and grab the Sage from the chest,
then head right. If you got the Emerald contract ring from Gnome's
cave, you will meet a spirit, Chameleon. He says you are near a rift
into the realm of magic, and you shouldn't be there. Klarth doesn't
lose a moment and offers him a contract. Chameleon accepts and so you
Klarth uses the Emerald Ring to house your new spirit. This spirit is
just like a death spell, if you are lucky an enemy will be killed, but
it doesn't work very often, and it doesn't have what you could call
flashy special effects, this means that you will probably summon this
spirit only once to see how it looks like and just cancel it later,
but don't worry, the best spirit in the game is in the last floor of
this cave. Now leave the room with Shoki and use the door to your
right to enter the 17th level.

- Seventeenth Level -

Just cross the bridges going right, the soldier in this screen talks
about the houses of the dwarves in this cave. Go right to find a

Aside from the puzzle, there's a transporter that takes you back to
the 10th level, DO NOT step on it! The point of the puzzle is to
depress all four switches, when you step on a switch, the ones next to
it go up or down, depending on how they where before. Naming the
switches A, B, C and D (from left to right) you have to press the
switches in the following order, A - B - C - D - B and the door will
open. Ignore the copy of the puzzle in the lower side of the room and
go down the stairs.

- Eighteenth Level -

This is where the dungeon gets tough! Happily for you, I have made
maps of the floors to come, so that you can save yourself a lot of

This floor consists of a big dark room, in which all you can see is a
small circle of light around you. This is the map of the floor (yes, I
know it's not too clear

| ___ |
| __| T2|__ |
| |T1 T3| |
| ENTRANCE __________ \__ __/× |
| ______|==|_____ | _ | |-|×××× |
| | |___| |×| | | |×××× |
| | _____ |×| |_____| |_××× |
| | | |__==________|×|_==____________|×× |
| | | == ¯\ == \××××/ /×× |
| | |_____________ \ \××/ /××× |
| | | /___ \/ ¯¯¯|______ |
| |__________ ____|______/ \ -|- T5 | |
| |××××××××××| |×××××××××××|__==_\ __ |T4 T6| |
| ___|××××××××××| |×××××××××××| == |××| |¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯|×××××| |××| | |
| |BH-|- | |×××××| _==__/××/ | |
| |___| |__==______/¯¯¯¯¯ | == |××/ | |
| | == | | ¯/ | |
| | | | / | |
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯==¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| |
| |
| ×× Places where you can't walk |
| == Stairs |
| -|- & -- This signs mark the |
| connections between screens |
| |
| BH Black Hole spell for Arche |
| |
| T1 Bread T4 Iron Circlet |
| T2 Apple Gummy T5 Broom |
| T3 Iron Gloves T6 Mixed Gummy |

Okay, here's the walkthrough to get all the treasure in this place
(even though the only thing worthy of your efforts is the Black Hole

From the stairs go left and walk down until you hit a wall. Head
right and use the narrow passage going down between the rocks walls.
Go straight down, using the stairs, then turn left and walk up and
enter the cave on the left wall to find the Black Hole spell. This
spell is quite useful, because when it works, it can absorb more than
one enemy, also, it works more often than any other death spell you
have now, and that is useful for enemies like the G·Beast, which you
can't hurt with any of Arche's spells, all you have to do now is lower
its HP with Klarth and Cless and then cast the spell.

Now go all the way back to the entrance of the dark room (if you
don't remember how, just look at the map). Walk right and down a bit,
ignore the stairs near you and head right. Go up, left and down to
avoid the stone wall, ignore the new set of stairs and walk far right,
and look for a narrow path going up, this takes you to a room with
three chests (they contain Bread, and Apple Gummy and Iron Gloves).

From the room with the treasure, go back down and left, this time go
down the stairs you find. Walk down and right, look for an entrance on
the wall, this takes you to a small room with an Iron Circlet, a Broom
and a Mixed Gummy. Back in the dark room, walk a bit down and left
past a big stone wall. When you see a set of stairs going up, all you
have to do is walk right and down to find the stairs that take you to
the 19th level. Remember to look at the map if you ever get lost!

- Nineteenth Level -

And yet more darkness in this level... Anyway, here's the map:

| ____________________________|==|_____________________________ |
| | _ ________ _____ ____ ___ _________ ____ | |
| | |×| |××××××××| |×××××| |×××_| |×××| |×××××××××| |××××| | |
| | |×| |××|¯¯¯¯\| |×××××| |××|T1 |×××|__¯¯|××××××| |____| | |
| | ¯ |××| |\ |___|¯ |××ׯ| |××××××| |××××××|___ | |
| |_____ |××| |×|_ __ ____| __ |_ ¯|××|¯ _|×× _______| | |
| ××××××| |××| |×××|_|××| |×××××|T2|××| |××| |____| _____ | |
| |¯¯¯¯¯ _|××| ¯\××××××| |×××××| |××| |××|________|×××××\_____| |
| | _ |××××| _ \×××××| |×××××| ¯¯ |×××××××××××××××××××××××× |
| | |×| ¯|××| |×| |××××| |××××× ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯××××××××××××××××××××××××× |
| | ¯ _ |××| ¯ \××/ \××××××××××××××_____× ___××××××××××××× |
| E |¯¯¯|×| |××| == \/ \××××××××××××| |/ \×××××××××××× |
| X | |×| |××|¯¯¯==¯¯¯¯\ |××××××××××××| -|- |××××××××××× |
| I |×| |××| _ _ | |_______ __|_==__|\___/×××××××××××× |
| T | |/ |××| |×| |×| |_ _ ___==_\_/ == |××××××××××××××××× |
| | | T3|××| |×| |×| |×| |×| == ___ ___ |××××××××××××××××× |
| | ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯T6|×|-|×|_|×| |×××||×××| |××××××××××××××××× |
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ / \××××| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ |××××××××××××××××× |
| |T4 T5|×××ׯ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯×××××××××××××××××× |
| \___/ |
| |
| |
| ×× Rocks/Walls |
| == Stairs |
| - & -|- Mark the connection between screens |
| |
| T1 Silver Cape T4 Lotus Perfume |
| T2 ?Armor T5 Pine Gummy |
| T3 Poison Amulet T6 ?Weapon |

From the entrance walk right until you find a passage going down, use
it. While you go down you should find a treasure chest to your left,
it contains a Silver Cape. Follow the path to the end and you will
find a ?Armor (it transforms into a Tunic). Now go all the way back to
the entrance of this level (use the map if you need to).

Walk left from the entrance, ignore the first two paths going down
and use the third one. Follow it as far as you can (this is pretty
straight forward) and at the end you will find a Poison Amulet.

As always, it's easier to guide you from the entrance, so go there.
Walk left, this time use the second path going down that you see and
go left as soon as you can to find another path. Go down in the
passage until you hit a wall, then walk right and use the stairs.
The way divides into three here, use the right-most one and you will
eventually find a small room with chests (they contain a Lotus Perfume
and a Pine Gummy).

Go back to where the way splits, this time use the middle path to go
down, get the chest in the corner for a ?Weapon and go far left (the
?Weapon becomes a Longsword). When you hit the wall, walk up and look
for an opening in the wall to enter another part of this level.

Cross the first bridge and grab the ?Weapon from the chest, use a
Rune Bottle on it to make it the powerful Bahamut's Tail axe, which is
stronger than the Eternal Sword and is a Darkness elemental. Equip it
on Cless right away (don't worry, you won't heal any enemies). Now
cross the second bridge and exit to the left, you will find another
dark room, but in this one, you can't even see a circle of light, all
you have is a moment of light every a few seconds and the torches on
the some walls. Here's the map of the place:

| ______ |
| | | |
| \ / |
| ______________________| |_______________________ |
| | # 12 # 05 | |
| |## |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯|##|¯¯¯¯¯|##|¯¯¯¯¯|04|¯¯¯¯¯| | |
| |13 | | | |09| |08| |##| | 03| |
| | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|06|_____| | |
| | | |
| | |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| | E |
| | | |11| |10| | | | | | | N |
| | |_____|##|_____|##|_____| |_____|07|_____| | T |
| ___ | #20 18##01 R |
| /14 \| |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯|22|¯¯¯¯¯| | A |
| | 15 | | | |19| | | | | | | N |
| \16 /| |_____| |_____|##|_____|##|_____| |_____| | C |
| ¯¯¯ |17# #02 | E |
| |## |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| | |
| |21 | | | | | | | | | |###| |
| | |_____| |_____| |_____|##|_____| |_____| | |
| | ## # 23 24| |
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|==|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| EXIT |
| TO LEVEL 20 |
| |
| |
| ## Rocks blocking your way |
| == Stairs |
| |
| 01 ?Armor 13 Burger |
| 02 Miracle Gummy 14 Combo Counter |
| 03 Cheese 15 Protect Ring |
| 04 Gorgon Amulet 16 Rune Bottle |
| 05 ?Weapon 17 Lemon Gummy |
| 06 Poison Amulet 18 Burger |
| 07 Gorgon Amulet 19 ?Armor |
| 08 Lemon Gummy 20 Poison Amulet |
| 09 Dragon Steak 21 Resist Ring |
| 10 ?Armor 22 ?Weapon |
| 11 Resist Ring 23 Pine Gummy |
| 12 Gorgon Amulet 24 Savory |

This place can be annoying because the lights coming and going, be
glad that the torches on the walls are always visible, this helps you
guide yourself, specially when you have a map ^_^ In case your IQ is
under 10, note that this place is formed by big stone blocks that
divide the big room into a series of paths. When I mention a 'Square'
in the walkthrough of this rooms, it means the distance of the side of
one of these blocks, you get it?

Okay, from the entrance of this place go straight left and pick up a
?Armor from the chest (this can be transformed into a Tunic). Go back
right and head down, then turn left to get a Miracle Gummy, then go
back to the door from which you came in and walk up, past a path going
left. You should find a Cheese in a chest near the right wall. Keep
going up and turn left, when you see a new path going down, use it,
this leads to a Gorgon Amulet. Go up again and left to get a ?Weapon
(transforms into a Longsword). Now walk right as far as possible and
go down, then turn left at the first chance you get.

In the crossroads you find go up for a Poison Amulet, then down for a
Gorgon Amulet. From the same crossroads head left into another one,
this time go up for a Lemon Gummy, then go back down to the last
crossroads and head left. At the next junction go up for a Dragon
Steak, down for a ?Armor (another Tunic), and finally left to proceed.

When you reach yet another junction, go down for a Resist Ring, then
go far up and turn left to get another Gorgon Amulet. Return to the
last four-way-junction and head left, then up for a Burger. Go far
down from the spot with the Burger, looking for an opening on the left
wall, this takes you to a small room with a Combo Counter, a Protect
Ring and a Rune Bottle. The Combo Counter (not surprisingly) counts
how many hits in a row you deliver to an enemy, but first you have to
activate it from your Custom Menu (it's the last option). It doesn't
give you any advantages, but it's fun, so do it!

Get out of the small room and go down a little to get a Lemon Gummy,
then walk two squares and turn right. Go right for three squares, head
down and left to get a Burger from the chest. Go left two squares,
then down for a ?Armor, this one becomes the Golden Armor for Cless,
equip it right now, it absorbs several elements and is quite strong
(in fact, this is the best armor for Cless in the game).

From the spot where you got the Golden Armor, go back up and walk
left for two squares to get a Poison Amulet from a chest. Go back left
and head down when you can, keep going until you hit the bottom wall,
then go left until you hit the wall and up until you find a chest
containing a Resist Ring.

Now, after picking up the Resist Ring, go back down and left, then up
one square and right until you find a stalagmite in your way. Walk up
for a ?Weapon (transforms into a Longsword), then down to the bottom
and left for a Pine Gummy and a Savory (there might be something
blocking half of the path, but you can still pass). Now, to leave this
place, go left until the way is blocked, you should find the stairs
going to the 20th level around there, in the lower wall.

- Twentieth Level -

This whole floor is pretty simple, it consists of a room filled with
statues looking in different ways. When you get too close to a statue,
you are pushed away. Here's an approximate map of the place, the dot
line is where you have to walk to be able to leave the room.

| _____________________|====|_________________________ |
| | · | |
| | · | |
| | ················ | |
| |>> ·XXXX << XXXX < | | ····· XX/\ >> XXXX | |
| | ·/\>>········· /\ | |
| | ······ ····· /\XX << | |
| |XX/\XXXX <>······ XXXX/\ XXXX/\| |
| | /\ JR /\ · | |
| | ··········· | |
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|====|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| EXIT |
| TO LEVEL 21 |
| |
| |
| /\ Statue Looking Up |
| << Statue Looking Left |
| >> Statue Looking Right |
| XX Spot on the field occupied by rocks/stalagmites |
| ·· Route to Follow |
| |
| JR Chest containing an Jade Ring |

I know the map is not too clear, but try to deal with it. The dot
line is the route you have to follow to get out of this place, but in
case you have any problems, here's the walkthrough.

NOTE: By 'Step' I mean the small square of the floor that a person's
body occupies.

When you enter, go to the left side of the room, stand to the left of
a pair of long and thin stalagmites. Walk one step down, two steps
right and one more down (you should be next to a statue looking up).
Move one step down and three right, now go one up and a statue will
push you to the right, out of the reach of the looking north in the
area. Walk a step down,, three right and one more down to be pushed to
the right again. Finally, just walk down and left around the statue
looking north, get the chest and leave this floor.

- Twenty-first Level -

What's the matter with the music here? It sounds horrible... Anyway,
head right from the stairs and get the chest for a Rune Bottle. Go
down the stairs near you and get the chest that's left and down from
there (it contains a Protect Ring). Now go to the left side of the
room, get the Reverse Doll from the chest and leave the room.

Cross the bridges, then enter a new dark area, which is even more
annoying than the last one, because this one is not designed in such a
simple way.

| _____ |
| __/06 07\__ |
| | | |
| |____ ___| |
| | | |
| ______________________|--|__________________________ |
| | ___ |_______|==|__________________________| |
| | |___| _==__/ ____==____/ ____ 08 | __| |
| | | == / | _== ________==_/ __ \__/ / | |
| E | _==_| _ | ||_| /| 09 | == \/ \____/ | E |
| N | | == | |_| | \___==___/ | | | X |
| T | | |__==___| _ == | |_==_/ | I |
| R | | _== | |_| ____==_/| == \__ | T |
| A |__| / |_| | / == | __ \__ _==_/ |
| N |01 ==|05 / | |_|~~|_ _|~~| == | |
| C |¯¯¯== \_____|11 == |10 |~~~~~~|_ _|~~~ | | |
| E | 02| ¯¯¯==¯|¯|##|¯|#|_~~~~~~~|_|~~~~~ | | |
| |___==_/ ¯ ¯ |_~~~~~~~~~~~~ _| | _____ |
| | _== | ____ |__~~~~~~~~_| |/ \ |
| | |_| |12 |~~~~|_ _ |______| |¯¯| -|- | |
| |__==_/|_|¯¯~~~~~~~|___ |_| ‡‡‡‡‡‡ ¯¯ |\_____/ |
| | == 03|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|_ __|¯¯¯¯¯¯|_ | |
| | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|_ __|~~~~~~~~~~~|_ 13| |
| | 04|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |____| |
| | /|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |
| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯|~~~~~~~~~~~~_|¯¯| |¯|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |
| | ¯¯|~~~~~~~~| |==| ¯¯¯|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |
| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |--| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| |
| |
| ‡‡ Bridge ## Stalagmites |
| ~~ Water == Stairs |
| -- & -|- Connections |
| between screens |
| |
| 01 ?Weapon 08 ?Armor |
| 02 Jade Ring 09 Hourglass |
| 03 Elixir 10 ?Helm |
| 04 Apple Gummy 11 ?Armor |
| 05 ?Weapon 12 ?Helm |
| 06 Jade Ring 13 Mixed Gummy |
| 07 Orange Gummy |

From the entrance go up until you see the torches on a big column,
then go left a little and use the stairs going down. Keep going down,
when you see another set of stairs go left a little and get a ?Weapon
from the chest (it can be transformed into an Ice Coffin Sword, a
water elemental, it's not worth the Rune Bottle). Now go down the
stairs near you and head right for an Jade Ring.

From the last chest go a bit left and down, then down the stairs,
walk down and use yet another set of stairs, then look for two chest
on the right side of the platform (they contain an Elixir and an Apple
Gummy). Now all the way back up (you will know you are there when you
see two torches on a big column. From the torches go a bit up and
right, then go down the stairs, walk down, past the column and use
the new set of stairs, then go down and left for a ?Weapon (transforms
into a weak Ice Scimitar).

Go back to the last column you saw and head up and right. As you walk
right, look for a path going up, use it to find a small room with an
Jade Ring and an Orange Gummy. Get out of the room and use the stairs,
then head far right, past some more stairs to get a ?Armor (it becomes
a Reflect Plate, which is not very strong, don't waste a Rune Bottle).

Now walk left and go down the first stairs you see, walk down and use
yet more guess what? Stairs! Head left and up and get a Hourglass from
the chest. Go all the way up and walk left, then down and down the
stairs to your right, look for a chest near the columns there, it
contains a ?Helm (it becomes a Star Cap, but you don't need any more,
so don't transform it).

Go up one set of stairs, then go left and down. When you see more
stairs go left and get a ?Armor that becomes a Mithril Mesh (it's not
worth the Rune Bottle). Now go down the stairs, head down and left to
get a ?Helm (it's just a Leather Hat). Walk right until you see a
column with a torch, from there go down and leave the screen to enter
a room filled with Shoki, just like the one where you met Chameleon.
Walk down a little, Cless will hear a voice and a Spirit will appear
behind him. The Spirit will introduce himself as Gremlin. He is from
the Spirit World, but now he lives in this cave. Klarth offers to give
him food if he accepts to make a contract, the spirit accepts and
Klarth uses the Sapphire Ring. Gremlin is the strongest Spirit in the
game, it hurts all the enemies on the screen for about 7000 HP with
non elemental damage (of course the amount of damage can vary with
some special enemies).

Well, now we have all of Klarth's spirits. Just get out of the room
and walk up until you hit the column with the torch. Go right and
cross the bridge, head down and get a Mixed Gummy from the chest. Walk
far up, use the stairs you find and look for an entrance in the right
wall, use it of course.

Walk right and up, to your left you will see a Save Point. Hooray!
Play the Final Fantasy fanfare in your head and save your game!

Now's the time to face the boss of this dungeon. You probably think
it will incredibly hard but in fact, it is a wimp. Actually, you are
more likely to get killed in a random encounter than in the boss

Anyway, heal up just in case, cancel all of Arche's death spells,
because they obviously won't work on the boss, and you don't want her
to waste time casting those spells.

Once you are ready go up the stairs and follow the path going up to
meet Wyvern, the guardian of the Dwarves' treasures, who will quickly
attack you.

BOSS: Wyvern__________________________________________________________
HP 41000
TP 400

GALD 10000


This guy's a joke! He's not fast, he's not strong and he doesn't have
too much HP after all.

To make this quick, use a Flare Bottle on Cless, so that a hit while
jumping with the Bahamut Tail Axe hurts the Wyvern for 3400 HP. When
you have the chance to stand under the boss, use the Teleport skill
given to Cless by Origin, this should hit Wyvern a few times for about
700 HP and do even more damage with the physical attacks.

Unless you got the Meteor Storm spell from Dhaos' dungeon, the most
damaging spell that Arche can cast for this battle is Tidal Wave,
which hurts the boss for about 5000 HP. If you have Meteor Storm, use
it to hurt Wyvern for about 6300 HP each time. For Klarth: summoning
Gremlin will take 6700 HP from Wyvern, if you are lucky, Maxwell can
do much more damage, but it doesn't happen very often.

As for the Wyvern's attacks, his physical attacks hurt Cless for
about 1300 HP, but Mint can heal that in a snap. The only of the boss'
attacks that stands up is his ability to create fireballs appear in
front of him for protection, but if Cless has the Golden Armor, he
will be completely healed! If you give it enough time, the Wyvern will
cast Explode, hurting everyone on the screen for about 4200 HP, but it
is not very likely that it gets enough time to cast the spell without
being hit.

After the battle Wyvern disappears, leaving the way open for you to
get the Dwarves' treasures. In the room you find a Hourglass, two Life
Bottles, four Miracle Gummies, four Mixed Gummies an Elixir and the
four main treasures of this place, which are:

· Scout Orb - This item allows you to set the encounter rate
in normal, low and high. This is basically
like using Holy or Dark Bottles, but it
doesn't wear off. It will be really helpful
while leaving the cave. To set the encounter
rate go to your Item Menu, place the cursor
next to the Scout Orb and press the confirm
button. You will have three options, the first
one is 'Normal', the second one is 'Low' and
the last one is 'High'.

· ?Weapon - This is the great Excalibur Sword, the
strongest weapon in the game. Equip it on
Cless right away.

· Extinction - The last death spell for Arche, it works quite
often and can kill many enemies at once.

· Thor's Wrath - A new combination for Cless, it's not what you
would call great, though.

Now we have to leave the cave, and that can be hard too, that's why
I put here the walkthrough to get out of here:

- Twenty-first Level -

First, to make your life easier, use the Scout Orb to set the
encounter in 'Low', then save your game and go back to the dark room.

Walk left a couple of steps, then down until you see the bridge to
your left. Cross it and keep going left, then use the stairs going up
in the area. Walk up and turn right behind the column with the torch,
wait for a flash of light to locate the stairs going up and use them.
Walk north around another column and use the stairs going up.

Walk left and look for yet another set of stairs going up, use them!.
Now go left until you hit the wall and head down, looking for an
opening in the left wall (use it of course). If you any trouble, look
at the map.

Now cross the bridges and just exit by north in the other room.

- Twentieth Level -

Just let the statues to the left push you, then go up the stairs.

- Nineteenth Level -

In the grid room walk right two squares, one up, three left, one up,
two right, one up, two right and one down, then look for the opening
in the wall to your right. Cross the bridges and enter the other room
of this floor.

At least now you can see a whole circle of light. Walk down to the
bottom of the screen, then walk right and head up when you can. Turn
right and use the stairs going up there. Go up and left and follow the
path going north, turn right and then go up and right to find the
stairs to the 18th level.

- Eighteenth Level -

Go up and right through some narrow passages (you will have to walk
around some stalagmites). When you see a torch, start going up and
left and look for a set of stairs going up. Go up and left around a
wall, then go down, turn left and walk up when you can. Finally, go
left and use the stairs that take you to the 17th level.

- Seventeenth Level -

You have to solve the same puzzle from before, but the only switch
you can push at the beginning is to the right, which means you have to
do it in the inverse order. So, if we name the switches A, B, C and D
(counting from left to right), the order to step on the buttons is
D - C - B - A - C.

Now go through the door and head right, stand on the teleporter and
you will be back in the 10th level! Go up and talk to the person next
to the tent if you want to sleep, then use the exit on the left side
of this room, walk left and use the stairs to go to the first level,
I guess you know what to do from there...

NOTE: You probably got some Ivory Tusks by fighting the Bigfoots in
the dungeon. You should transform all the Ivory Tusks that you
have into Mah Jong Tiles either by using Rune Bottles or talking
to the ivory carver at Aegis' Workshop (see section 3.26).

4.6- The Coliseum

Items to Get: Soup Pot [1], S-Flag [1], Guinness [1],
Body Amulet [1], Gorgon Amulet [1],
Poison Amulet [1], Veal [1], Boar Roast [1],
Chicken [1], Steak [1], Sirloin Steak [1],
Pork Roast [1], Dragon Steak [1], Beef [1],
Verbena [1], Lavender [1], Sage [1], Savory [1],
Red Verbena [1], Red Lavender [1], Red Sage [1],
Red Savory [1], Remedy Bottle [1],
Medicine Bottle [1], Rune Bottle [1],
Flare Bottle [1], Charm Bottle [1], Life Bottle [1],
Lipstick [1], Mage Ribbon [1], Magical Broom [1],
Magical Pouch [1], Star Cap [1], Star Cloak [1],
Star Broom [1], Star Rod [1], Star Gloves [1],
Star Helm [1], Star Shield [1], Apple Gummy [1],
Orange Gummy [1], Mixed Gummy [1], Miracle Gummy [1]

Combos to Get: Lion Teeth [Beat the coliseum once]


At any moment in the future (as weird as that sounds) you can enter
the tournament held at the Coliseum in Euclid. However, it's quite
hard to win at least until you get the Eternal Sword. The ideal would
be to come here with the best equipment in the game, which you get
from the Treasure Quest and the lower levels of the Moria Gallery
(sections 4.4 and 4.5). If you want a strategy to win at the Coliseum
early on, there are several in section VI.5 of Part II.

Before going to the coliseum, heal Cless and make sure he is equipped
with the best stuff you have. You MUST equip a Gorgon and Body Amulet
on his 'Accessory' slots, because some of the enemies here can put
those nasty status effects on Cless, making him lose the battle. As
for his skills, use Teleport and Focus II for short-range, and for
long-range, use Soul Strike and Soul Forge.

When you are ready, enter Euclid's castle and leave to the left of
the ground floor. Talk to the soldier standing in front of the door,
he will ask you if you want to participate, say 'Yes' and confirm your
answer when you are asked again.

You can only have certain items for your coliseum battles, the
soldiers will keep all the items that may make your battles a bit too
easy. You will be left with only three Apple Gummies and one Orange
Gummy, all other healing items are not allowed. Good for you, Flare
Bottles are allowed in these battles, so are all the attack items, but
they are not necessary.

You have to win eight battles in a row to be allowed in the next
round. As a plus, every time you defeat all eight enemies you will be
asked if you want to participate in a special battle, if you want good
prizes, you'll have to answer yes. A nurse will come out and heal you
completely for your battle. If you refuse to fight the boss, you'll
only get 30,000 Gald.

The eight battles shouldn't be too hard, specially if you have been
to the Moria Gallery, here's the boss tactic, below it is the list of
prizes you can get from the coliseum.

TIP: In the 4th and 6th rounds you will meet an enemy which is immune
to Darkness, that counts Excalibur out, so you will have to use
the Eternal Sword.

NOTE: The first time you defeat all enemies after visiting the Ninja
Village a special event will take place, look at section 4.7 for
the details about that.

BOSS: Wyvern__________________________________________________________
HP 41000
TP 400

EXP 65535
GALD 11000


This is in fact the exact same boss you fought at the bottom level of
the Moria Gallery, the only difference is that Cless is alone this
time, which means you have to be careful.

If you got the Golden Armor from the Moria Gallery, then this boss
will be healing you most of the time. Wyvern can cast Explode, healing
Cless for about 4000 HP! The best part is that the deadliest attack of
the Wyvern, the wall made of fire balls, that would normally kill you,
will fully heal you instead!

The only way in which the Wyvern can hurt you is physically, but
don't underestimate the boss for that, because its attacks can be too
fast for Cless alone. When the Wyvern starts a series of attacks, it's
best to use a simple jumping slash rather than using a skill, as the
jumping slash is faster and easily stuns the boss.

As always, begin using Focus II and your best attack skills. When the
boss starts casting a spell while flying high up in the hair, walk
below it and use the Teleport skill to make lots of damage.

When your HP drops below 4000, use an Apple Gummy just in case. Of
course, if you are low on HP and the boss is casting a spell, just
wait for it to heal you (assuming that you have the Golden Armor).

After defeating the last enemy, the king will praise your for your
victory and the queen will give you a prize. The prize differs the
first ten times you defeat all the enemies, here's the list of what
you get:

1st Time - Lion Teeth combo.

2nd Time - Souvenir Set: Soup Pot [1], S-Flag [1], Guinness [1]

3rd Time - Amulets Set: Body Amulet [1], Gorgon Amulet [1],
Poison Amulet [1]

4th Time - Meats of the World: Veal [1], Boar Roast [1], Chicken [1],
Steak [1], Sirloin Steak [1],
Pork Roast [1], Dragon Steak [1],
Beef [1]

5th Time - Herbs Kit: Verbena [1], Lavender [1], Sage [1],
Savory [1], Red Verbena [1],
Red Lavender [1], Red Sage [1],
Red Savory [1]

6th Time - Bottle Set: Remedy Bottle [1], Rune Bottle [1],
Medicine Bottle [1], Flare Bottle [1],
Charm Bottle [1], Life Bottle [1]

7th Time - Magical Artifacts: Lipstick [1], Mage Ribbon [1],
Magical Broom [1], Magical Pouch [1]

8th Time - Magician Star Set: Star Cap [1], Star Cloak [1],
Star Broom [1], Star Rod [1]

9th Time - Fighter Star Set: Star Gloves [1], Star Helm [1],
Star Shield [1]

10th Time - Gummy Set: Apple Gummy [1], Orange Gummy [1],
Mixed Gummy [1], Miracle Gummy [1]

Any time you win all the battles after that will only get you more
Gummy Sets, which are not pretty impressive I must say... My personal
advice is to fight until you get the Magical Artifacts set, which
contains good stuff, the rest is worthless, unless you really want
Star Gloves for Chester.

The most remarkable items you get here are herbs from the Fifth Round
(there's not much I can say about them, you should know what they are
for by now), the Lipstick , which works quite like a Lotus Perfume
(gets you big discounts in stores) but can be used an infinite amount
of times; and the Magical Pouch, which makes random items appear in
your inventory while you walk with it equipped.

4.7- Ninjas at Euclid

Items to Get: Sake [1], Painting [1]

Combos to Get: Lion Claws [talk to Lanzo after the special fight]


This is actually the second part of the Ninja Village sub-quest,
which means you have to do that first, look at section 4.3 if you
haven't been there yet.

In order to begin this quest, you must defeat all eight enemies at
the Coliseum in Euclid anytime after visiting the Ninja Village, look
at section 4.6 to get the tips for the Coliseum.

Once you have defeated all eight enemies, a pair of ninjas sent by
Dhaos appear to kill Cless. Remembering what Lanzo said back in the
Ninja Village, he realizes that the two ninjas in front of him are
probably Suzu's parents. Someone's voice is then heard, asking for
death. Now the Ninjas attack Cless.

BOSS: Dozo and Okiyo__________________________________________________
HP 28500 Weakness: Light
TP 0

HP 15500 Weakness: Light
TP 0

EXP 16500
GALD 11000

ITEMS Sake [1], Painting [1]


The key for this fight is to be fast, or else the ninjas will kick
your behind in no time. Keeping your distance is also important.

At the beginning of the battle both ninjas will start throwing
shuriken (each hurts Cless for about 450 HP) while they slowly get
closer to you. Once they are near enough, they will teleport next to
you and use a powerful attack that can take about 2500 of Cless' HP!

Knowing what Dozo and Okiyo usually do, lets see what you have to do.
As soon as the battle begins, use a Flare Bottle on Cless to raise his
strength, then use Teleport on the enemy to your left, Okiyo, whose
HP is quite lower than Dozo's. Repeat this until she is done for (this
shouldn't take long with the Flare Bottle). Dozo will probably appear
next to you before you can defeat Okiyo, but it doesn't matter,
because Cless' Teleport skill protects him from any enemies that are
too close.

Once Okiyo is gone, use another Flare Bottle and go for Dozo, the
same strategy works again.

It's important to keep your HP above 6000 all the time to avoid any
possible complications, and to use Flare Bottle each time the effect
of the last one wears off.

NOTE: It's not game over if you lose this battle, refer to the text
below for more information.

After the battle, there are two different possibilities for the next
scene, depending on whether you defeated the ninjas or not. However,
it doesn't really matter, the result is the same.

If you lost:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ Suzu appears to stop her parents. Seeing there's no other
way to do it, she uses a special technique to attack. Her parents fall
for the trick and get surprised by her from behind. Before dying,
Suzu's parents tell her that she did the right thing, releasing them
from their misery; and they are proud of her.
When Cless comes to, he feels guilty about what happened.

If you won:
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ Cless realizes that the ninjas laying on the floor are
fake, then the true ninjas reappear. Okiyo tells him that since they
are master ninjas, there is no way, there is no way for you to defeat
them. Suzu comes to stop her parents, the voice from before (which
seems to be one of Suzu's parents voice) asks her to kill them. The
young ninja answers she couldn't do it, then her parents come back to
their true selves and stab each other to eliminate the evil spirits
controlling their bodies.
Okiyo apologizes for not being a good mother, both parents say
goodbye and go to heaven. Cless feels guilty about what happened, Suzu
tells him that it was not his fault, and that he saved them from a
fate worse than death.

Anyway, after the scene takes place, Suzu tells Cless to visit her in
the Ninja Village soon and leaves. Cless is disqualified because of
the ninja's intervention. He still feels guilty about the whole thing,
Arche suggest that you should go to the Ninja Village to give your
condolences to Suzu and her grandfather.

Whenever you want to, go to the Ninja Village, in case you don't
remember the way... well, learn it already! Come on, repeat after me:
"Starting at the Save Point north of the Elven Village, go up three
times, left three times and finally go up three times more (if you
need reference, check the map in section 3.17)."

Talk to Suzu there and she will take you to the village. Go inside
her house and speak to her grandfather. He will thank Cless for what
he did, but Cless feels as if it was all his fault. Lanzo tells him
that he set free their spirits, all ninjas are in debt with him.

Lanzo then proceeds to give you a book of sword techniques left in
the village by a swordsman who visited the ninjas when Lanzo was but a
child (this would around the time when Cless' father lived...). Cless
learns the Lion Claws combo. Well, now that you've got your new combo,
there's nothing else to do in town, just go back out.

4.8- Cookin' 'n Stuff

If you have played the other 'Tales' games for the Playstation, you
should be familiar with their cooking system. Well, the root of all
that can be found in the original Tales of Phantasia.

You can have someone in the Ninja Village cook a special dish for you
if you collect all the necessary ingredients. First of all, you will
need a Soup Pot, you get one from the Coliseum (section 4.6) and
another one from the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (section 4.4). Here's
the list of the ingredients and their locations:

NOTE: The ingredients can only be found in the future.

Radish - Buy at Euclid for 20,000 Gald.
Seaweed - Buy at Venezzia for 1,580 Gald.
Egg - Buy at Olive Village for 80 Gald (from the guy standing
near the supply store).
Pudding - Buy at the Ninja Village for 10,030 Gald.
Miso - Buy at the Ninja Village for 80,000 Gald.

If you can afford to buy several of each ingredient, do so. Now go to
the Ninja Village and enter the store (the building in the lower-right
corner of town). Talk to the old lady at the back and she will ask you
if you want to make Oden. Answer 'Yes' (duh!). Note that you don't
lose the Soup Pot used to cook.

The Oden is THE Food Item. It adds 22,200 food points to your Food
Sack. That's enough to completely fill it! Also, you may want to sell
it to get 300,000 Gald! The total cost of the ingredients is 111,690
Gald, that leaves you a profit of 188,310 Gald! This is a great way
to make money (if you need it at this stage of the game, anyway).

4.9- Cless' Classes

SPECIAL THANKS: To Cidolfas, the owner of the Tales of Phantasia
Shrine, for giving me permission to use his list of
Cless' jobs in this FAQ. Please do take the time to
visit his Shrine at .

Cless can have up to 12 different classes in the game. To check
Cless's class, go to his status screen. He starts off as a Squire but
can upgrade his status once he reaches the Past. To the best of my
knowledge, having the different classes does absolutely nothing to the
gameplay, but is a measure of accomplishment.

Classes are granted by special people in certain places. There's one
on the second floor of Alvanista Castle (go up the stairs then to the
right) and there's a second one on the second floor of Euclid Castle
-only in the future- (go up the stairs in the top right, then enter
the bottom center room). They each grant classes based on different

The Euclid soldier's classes are based on side quests and special
achievements. Here's a rundown of them, in no particular order:

· Samurai: You must have the Muramasa sword from the Ninja Town
side quest.

· Champion: You must have finished the Euclid Coliseum once. You
can get this even if you lost to Dozo and Okiyo.

· Combo Master: You must have the Combo Counter and Combo Command
items. The Combo Counter can be found on the 19th floor of Moria
Gallery; the Combo Command can be bought for 5 million Gald
(2,500,000 if you use a Lotus Perfume) in Aegis' Workshop.

· Berserker: You must have fought at least 1,000 battles. You can
see how many battles you've fought on the main menu screen.

· Druaga Mania: You're a collector of rare items, especially those
from the Ishtar Legend. You need the following items:
- Blue Crystal Rod (see Section 4.3 of Part I).
- Blue Line Shield (see Section 4.4 of Part I).
- Blue Candle (see Section 4.4 of Part I).
- Excalibur (see Section 4.5 of Part I).
- Golden Armor (see Section 4.5 of Part I).
- Gold Helm (see Section 4.4 of Part I).
- Green Torch (see Section 4.4 of Part I).
- Hyper Gauntlet (see Section 4.4 of Part I).
- Jet Boots (you can buy them almost anywhere).
- Red Lantern (see Section 4.4 of Part I).
- Red Line Shield (see Section 4.4 of Part I).
- Silver Mattock (see Section 4.2 or 4.4 of Part I).

Every time you get a new class from this soldier, you'll get another
star on your status screen.

The Alvanista soldier awards classes mostly based on levels,
techniques, and combos. Here's the rundown:

· Fighter: A full-fledged swordsman. You must have mastered both
the Psion Bolt and Dual Kick techs.
· Knight: You must know all of the regular techs (not including
combos, and you do not have to master them).
· Expert: You must have mastered all of the regular techs besides
Soul Edge, Soul Wave, and Teleport.
· Master: I think you need to have at least 12 combos to get this.
(Not master them; just get them.) However, I think the "special"
combos (from Ninja Town, Coliseum, and Moria Tunnels) count for
more than 1. I don't know exactly. ^^;
· Fencer: You must have mastered all skills. That includes all of
the spells for Mint, Arche, and Klarth, and all of Cless's
· Master Fencer: You must have everyone in your current party (you
don't need the backup one) at level 99 and have mastered all
skills like for Fencer.

I'm told there's one more class, Lionheart, but I have yet to get it.

4.10- Combo Command Combinations

SPECIAL THANKS: To Cidolfas, the owner of the Tales of Phantasia
Shrine, for giving me permission to use his list of
combinations in this FAQ. Please do take the time to
visit his Shrine at .

Once you get the Airbirds in the future, you can visit Aegis'
Workshop, south of Olive Village (see section 3.26 of Part I). There
you can buy, among others, the Combo Command, which when equipped on
Cless will allow you to use any skill or combo by just pressing a
combination of buttons.

Since the Combo Command is worth 5,000,000 Gald, you probably won't
be able to afford it until near the end of the game. A few advises on
raising money:
· Sell your trading items at the right places (for
example, the Cat's Eyes are worth 300,000 Gald at the
Elven Village in the future). See section II.1 of Part
II for information on where to sell items.
· Cook! Selling the Oden is really profitable, and you
can make as many as you want unless you sell the Soup
Pot (look at section 4.8 of Part I for more info).
· Sell the weapons you know you won't be using anymore.
Some of them are really valuable.
· Remember that you only have to pay half the real price
if you use a Lotus Perfume. That means you only have
to raise 2,500,000 Gald.

To use any specific tech, you have to use Street Fighter-type
commands before pressing the B button. The directions you must press
for each tech is given. If you see something like "Down to Left", that
means you have to press Down, Down/Left, Left (like in Street
Fighter). Usually you must do it in a clockwise direction; if you see
a (CC) it means it has to be done counter-clockwise. Again, you must
press B after inputting the directions! This is a lot of fun, but
REALLY hard to pull off, especially some of the combos!

Here's the list of button combinations for all of Cless' skills and

- Short Range -

Dual Kick - Down to Left

Blade Storm - Up-Right to Down-Right

Tiger Teeth - Right, Down, Down/Right

Focus - Up, Up

Gale Shield - Down/Right to Down/Left, Up

Fury Slash - Up, Left, Right

Eir's Love - Down/Left to Down/Right, Up

Magma Rift - Right, Left, Right

Firebrand - Down to Up/Right (CC)

Focus More - Down, Down

Soul Wave - Right to Left, Right, Up, Down

Teleport - Right to Left, Right

- Long Range -

Psion Bolt - Down to Right (CC)

Lightning Bolt - Left, Right, Up-Right, Down-Left

Focus - Up, Up

Phoenix - Up/Right, Down/Left to Down/Right (CC)

Gale Shield - Down/Right to Down/Left, Up

Eir's Love - Down/Left to Down/Right, Up

Lionheart - Up/Left, Down/Right, Up/Left, Right

Focus More - Down, Down

Soul Edge - Right to Left, Right, Down, Up

Teleport - Right to Left, Right

- Combos -

Psion Kick - Down to Right (CC) to Left

Mecha Blade - Down to Right (CC), Left, Right, Down, Down/Right

Psion Storm - Down to Right (CC), Left, Up/Right to Down/Right

Magma Bolt - Down to Right (CC), Left, Right, Left, Right

Lion Lunge - Up/Right, Down/Left, Up/Right, Right to Left

Lion Teeth - Up/Right, Down/Left, Up/Right, Right, Left, Right,
Down, Down/Right

Lion Claws - Up/Right, Down/Left, Right, Up/Right to Down/Right

Lion Flare - Up/Right, Down/Left, Up/Right, Right, Left, Right,
Left, Right

Bolt Crash - Up/Right, Down/Left to Right (CC), Left, Right

Thor's Wrath - Up/Right, Down/Left to Down/Right (CC), Down to Left

Tempest - Up/Right, Down/Left to Up/Right (CC), Right,

Earth's Rage - Up/Right, Down/Left to Down/Right (CC), Down to Left

Flare Talon - Left, Right, Up/Right, Down/Left, Down to Left

Odin's Wrath - Left, Right, Up/Right, Down, Right, Down, Down/Right

Burning Soul - Left, Right, Up/Right, Down, Up/Right, Right,

Cinder Hawk - Left, Right, Up/Right, Down, Right, Left, Right

Soul Forge - Right to Left, Right, Down, Up, Right to Left, Right,
Up, Down

Soul Strike - Right to Left, Right to Left, Right, Up, Down

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5.1- Clearing Things Out

In this section I put additional info that you might want to know.
These questions weren't really asked, I'm just putting this here
because it didn't fit anywhere else.

Q - If you are not a native English speaker, then, where are you from?

A - I'm from Argentina, a South American country. I live in the city
of Bariloche, a tourists center, so maybe some of you have been
here sometime (not quite likely). By the way, the language spoken
in Argentina is Spanish.

Q - Then why make a FAQ in English?

A - Because not many Spanish speaking people play RPGs, thus the FAQ
wouldn't be worth writing.

Q - Your spelling and grammar suck!

A - Well, I'm working on that, that's what writing FAQs is all about
for me: English practice! Please do not hesitate to send any
corrections, especially for grammar (Microsoft Word is not very
good when it comes to that).

5.2- Game Related Questions

Q - The Captain of the ship that is supposed to take me to Demitel's
Island won't take me there, why?

A - You probably forgot to talk to the people in the City Hall of
Venezzia. You MUST listen to a conversation between two people
who mention that Demitel used to live in the city, but he works in
an island to the west now.

Q - The ship that is supposed to take me to Undine's Cavern will only
take me to Demitel's Island, why is that?

A - Just like when you have to go to Demitel's Island for the first
time, you must talk to a certain person, so your characters know
where to go and tell the Captain. You have to talk to a person in
Alvanista's Magic Research Lab, the one who mentions the location
of Undine's Cavern.

Q - I can't get the Eruption spell from Lenios!

A - I hadn't noticed this before, but you MUST talk to Lenios' twin
brother in Venezzia's City Hall, and THEN talk to Lenios himself.
Only then he will notice Arche is a magician and give her the book
of spells.

Q - My party won't separate at White Forest and I can't find the
Unicorn! Mint dreamed about her childhood and told the party, yet
nothing happens.

A - In order to have Mint and Arche separate at the White Forest, you
MUST talk to a woman who mentions that the Unicorn will only
appear before pure girls. This woman can be found in the northern
half of Midgard.

Q - I'm stuck at Volt's Cave! In the big room with the invisible
barrier, where you have to run to get through a door. I get to the
door while it is still open, but I can't go through, how come?

A - This has been happening to an increasing number of people lately.
I really don't know what the problem is (probably just a corrupted
ROM), but I do have a solution: Standing right below the door, use
this code: 7E2145B9 and walk through the door (literally). STOP
RIGHT AFTER THAT, or you will get stuck in the wall. Now turn the
code off and just walk right a bit and use the door to leave the
room normally.

5.3- Patch Related Questions

Q - Where can I get the Patch?

A - You can get a copy from De-Jap's site at .

Q - How do I apply the Patch on the ROM?

A - The best and easiest way to apply the patch is with Zsnes'
Auto-Patching feature. All you have to do is change the file name
of the IPS file (the patch) to the same name of the ROM (the
game) and put both files in the same folder in your computer.


ToP.078 <-- Name of the ROM file.
ToP.ips <-- Name of the Patch file.

When you load the game, the emulator will apply the patch for you
without modifying your rom, meaning that if you need the original
Japanese version one day (to apply a new version of the patch, for
example), you just have to delete or rename the IPS file.

If for some reason you want to modify the ROM permanently, use
'ips.exe' to apply the patch on the rom. You can get this little
program at Zophar's Domain . It's really easy to

Q - The currency in the game is Gold, how come you call it Gald all
the time?

A - Actually, the currency is Gald, but for some reason it was changed
by the translators. I'm just sticking to the original ^_^

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Pablo Rossi - My friend, who indirectly introduced me to the RPG
world (long story...). He also introduced me to
PSX world. He did many other things for me but it
would be too much for this section. And for you
people who love anime, he's also the Webmaster
of (going through some
changes right now).

Marina Roncoroni - It was really silly of me not to include her in
this section originally, I just didn't realize.
Anyway, she's my English teacher, who prepared me
for the FCE Cambridge Test without any self-
interest. Please give a round of applause to her!

Ignacio de Lucas - For letting me use the Disclaimer from his
Xenogears FAQ (an excellent FAQ if you want my

Kao Megura - Original writer of the Disclaimer (remember to ask
for his approval if you want to use it). Also, he
is the one who wrote one of the best FF 7 FAQs

GameFAQs - For publishing my FAQ of course! Thanks a lot!

Al Amaloo - For publishing this FAQ on his personal server,

De-Jap - For translating the game, of course! Also, they
allowed me to put pieces of the script in the FAQ.
Thanks a lot, guys!

Diego Campano - For pointing out a mistake in the FAQ about what
Elwyn's father says and some other things.

Ângelo Braz - For caring enough to point out a few misspells and
insisting about them when I thought he was wrong!
Really, thanks a lot, Ângelo.

Alexiyies - For pointing out something about ROMs and legal
stuff, thanks a lot. Oh yeah, and for explaining
the meaning of a certain expression ^_^

Frosty840 - For giving me the probable reasons for Tales of
Phantasia not being released in America and for
his support.

Arterion Gothic - For sending a tactic to defeat Maxwell.

Dragonmaxter - For pointing out a mistake in section 3.3.

Stefan Zammit - Super special thanks to him: For sending the
meaning of 'Artemis', 'Ifrit', 'Harpy', 'Sylph',
'Basilisk', 'Lilith' and 'Moria' for section VI.3
(Part II). He also sent many corrections for both
grammar and orthography. Finally, he is working on
the HTML version of the FAQ. Truly, more than a
contributor, a friend.

Tyson Anderson - For pointing out that I hadn't put the classical
cheat to get lots of Gald for section VI.2 and for
making me notice a glitch produced by turning off
the 'No Random Battles' code while in a town or
area where there are usually no battles.

Sam Chen - For making me notice a mistake regarding where to
place the Elemental Spirits in the 10th level of
the Moria Gallery.

Chris Morgan - I can't thank him enough! He sent the Item
Modification Codes. Actually, more than 75% of
the cheats file available at Gamefaqs is his
work. Pretty amazing for a contribution, isn't it?

Jeay-Thomas PEGUY - For telling me that you get 50,000 Gald from the
king of Midgard if you defeat the boss at the
Valhalla Plains in less than one day (see section

Seventh Force X - For giving me the idea of making the Skill Master
codes and for sending his Infinite TP codes
(although I had added my own some time before).

Kimura Soichiro - For pointing out a mistake the Moria Gallery
walkthrough (see section 3.15).

Jeffrey Tam - For allowing me to use his great Skill Activation
Codes and his list of PAR values for the Item
Modification codes. THANKS A LOT!

Henryjin2001 - For sending a tactic to win easily the first
encounter with Dhaos.

Larry Leow - For sending tons of useful bits of information, as
well as the definition of 'Dwarf' for section VI.3
of Part II

Firestarter - For sending some information about one of Kazuhiko
Inoue and Mika Kanai's roles for section VI.4 of
Part II and for a tip on how to increase the
chance to do a critical hit.

El OscurO - For tons of info on mythology for sections VI.2
and VI.3. Especially for the detailed info on the
Moria Mines in 'Lord of the Rings'.

Arlieth Tralare - For sending a tactic to win at the coliseum at low

Fábio P. Simões - For sending a tactic to defeat the Fang Wolf.

Nathan J. Britton - For sending several corrections for expressions.

5parrowhawk - For some information on 'Maxwell' and 'Seraphim'
for sections VI.2 and VI.3 of Part II and for some
other suggestions.

Bonehead - For telling me about two chests at the Treant's
Forest that I had missed.

Giovanni Marcon - For telling me about the happy ending to Elwyn and
Nancy's story.

Jez - For the information on 'Mah Jongg' for section
VI.3 of Part II.

Joe.J.Glogowski - For finally confirming that the backup of games IS

Daniel Orner - For allowing me to use some information from his
Tales of Phantasia Shrine. You can visit the
Shrine at .

Joab Hwang - For sending his tactic to defeat Dozo and Okiyo
(see section VI.5 of Part II).

Dreams in Digital - For sending a detailed tactic for the Coliseum
(see section VI.5 of Part II).

Flyingfox - For sending a strategy for Fang Wolf (see section
VI.5 of Part II).

Patrick Claypool - For sending a strategy to defeat Neo Dhaos, Ifrit,
Gnome and Undine (see section VI.5 of Part II).

Juan M. G de Leon - For sending his strategy to defeat Fang Wolf (see
section VI.5 of Part II).

Eon Dreamer - For a little bit of info about Mount Moria (see
section VI.3 of Part II).

Evan Behar - For sending his strategy for the Coliseum (see
section VI.5 of Part II).

Jean-F. Duret - For sending his strategy for the Coliseum (see
section VI.5 of Part II).

Philip1701 - For some info on 'Luna' for section VI.3 of Part

Eoin.Mcloughlin - For a few corrections on spelling and grammar.

Xinyu Li - For a small correction regarding Dr. Livingstone
for section VI.3 of Part II.

L. Lloyd - For pointing out a few mistakes I committed in
certain parts of the walkthrough.

Tofystedeth - For two strategies for section VI.5 of Part II.

REMEGSEB@aol.com - For sending s strategy for Volt (see section
VI.5 of Part II).

Lord Niko - For translating the FAQ into French!

Greg Davis - For hosting the FAQ at his site, The RPG Realm

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11.Октябрь 2013
Part 1 FAQ

13.Октябрь 2013
Guide FAQ

11.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Walkthrough für/for Tales of Phantasia
engl. Walkthrough

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
04.Март 2019