Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha

Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha

13.10.2013 09:21:32
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888 Street Fighter EX plus Alpha FAQ v1.5 888888888888888 888
888 by K. Megura 88888888888888888
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Unpublished work Copyright 1997-1998 Kao Megura

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be
reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be
altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice
appears in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional
purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides,
books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way.
This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Kao Megura .
All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically
mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where it is due.

Street Fighter EX plus Alpha is (c) Arika, (c) Capcom of Japan, and
(c) Capcom USA.

This document can be found at the following locations:
Kao Megura's Home Page

This FAQ was ripped by Tips & Tricks Magazine! Thanks for the
publicity, guys!


- Allen Snider
- Blair Dame
- Chun-Li
- Cracker Jack
- Cycloid Beta
- Cycloid Gamma
- Darun Mister
- Dhalsim
- Doctrine Dark
- Garuda
- Gouki
- Guile
- Hokuto
- 'Chi no Fuuin' Hokuto
- Kairi
- Ken
- Pullum Purna
- Ryu
- 'Satsui no Hado' Ryu
- Sakura Kasugano
- Skullomania
- Vega
- Zangief


Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha is a PlayStation game that is based upon
SFEX Plus in the arcades. The 'Alpha' bit is because Dhalsim and Sakura
have been added to this version of the game. In addition to the good ol'
Arcade fights, there is a training mode, survival mode, team battle mode,
and other goodies, like a hidden bonus stage! The game plays like
standard SF fare. Here is a quick run-down of the controls for those of
you who are a little rusty:

ub u uf Jump Backward Jump Up Jump Forward
\ | /
b -- n -- f Retreat/Block (neutral) Move Forward
/ | \
db d df Defensive Crouch Crouch Offensive Crouch

Keep in mind that you'll need to reverse the left- and right-based
directions if you are on the second player (right) side.

LP MP HP Light Punch Medium Punch Hard Punch

LK MK HK Light Kick Medium Kick Hard Kick

Other terminology includes:

P = Use any strength Punch button.
K = Use any strength Kick button.
(air) = The move can be performed while jumping (airborne).
(x#) = Repeat the whole motion and button press x number of times.
[ ] = Not listed in the game's internal moves list.

The object of the game is to trash your opponent by using normal and
special attacks, in addition to combos (interrupting a special move
or Super Combo with a standard punch or kick) and Super Combos
(moves that automatically hit more than once). You lose if your Life
bar is emptied, and in addition to normal attacks, you can build up
your Stper Combo Gauge by getting attacked and making attacks of your
own. Each character can have up to 3 levels in his/her Gauge, which
is then used to activate Guard Breaks or Super Combos. There are
several 'advanced moves' you can use in this game; they are listed as

You can now cancel a Super Combo into a _different_ Super Combo. In
the SFEX series, there's no such thing as a Super Combo having levels:
instead, you cancel SCs to get a Level 2 or Level 3 combo. For

- Triple Break, juggle with Fire Force (Level 2)

- Sen Retsu Kyaku, Ki Ko Sho, Sen Retsu Kyaku (Level 3)

- Indra~Bashi, Indra~Bashi, (wait) Indra~Bashi (Level 3)

- Shin Ki Hatsu Do (air), Ga Ryu Messhu (air) (Level 2)

Experiment with your character's Super Combos to see how they can be
used together. Note that some characters have Super Combos that
require all three levels of the Super Combo Gauge in order to perform,
and that they count as level 3 combos. This includes:

- Shun Goku Satsu

'Satsui no Hado' Ryu
- Shun Goku Satsu

- Final Atomic Buster (Level 3)

In the case of Darun and Zangief, they both have a special situation
in which they can perform a Level 2 Super Combo. It's not that
important for Darun (who can easily perform Level 2 Combos using a
mix of Indra~Bashis and Tasogare Lariats), but it's the only way for
Zangief to do a Level 2 SC:

- Tasogare Lariat (w/ opponent blocking), Chozetsu Ki Shin Bomb

- Super Stomping (w/ opponent blocking), Final Atomic Buster

Finally, note that characters with one-level button press SCs can
cancel into these SCs with another SC, but that they won't register as
a Level 2 or 3 combo.

- Midare Zakura, Shun Goku Satsu

'Chi no Fuuin' Hokuto
- Geki Hou Gi, Ren Bu

- Ga Ryu Messhu, Kyo Za Ren Bu

- Super Skullo Slider, Skullo Dream

If you kill an opponent with a Super Combo, it's called a Super Combo
Finish. If you defeat them with a Level 1 Super Combo (no canceling),
you'll see a meteorite flying in the screen. If you kill them with a
Level 2 Super Combo (1 cancel) you'll see a meteorite storm. Finally,
winning the round using a Level 3 Super Combo (2 cancels, but there are
some exceptions ), you'll see a shower of meteorites bombard
the Earth.

Like Super Combos, Guard Breaks also use up Super Combo Gauge energy,
one level to be exact. They are performed by pressing the same strength
Punch and Kick buttons together. The result is a slow attack with
telltale 'shine' marks. If it hits, the enemy is left open to attack
for a long period of time, and if you hit an airborne opponent, they
slowly fly through the air, allowing for all sorts of combo openings.

This is done by pressing Back or Forward and a Medium or Hard Punch or
Kick button. It most be performed as your opponent grabs you but
before the throw actually begins. If you are successful, you will
'push' yourself out of the throw before it can be performed. Keep in
mind that you cannot Tech. Hit 'command' throws like Allen's Vaulting
Kick or air throws such as Chun-Li's RyuSeiRaku. Throwing, for those
of you who don't know, is done by getting close to your opponent and
pressing forward or back and the Medium or Hard Punch or Kick buttons
(just like a Tech. Hit). They cause a fair amount of damage and are


This game already has an adequate moves list, but it's in Japanese! So,
I've provided one in English. It's written the exact same way it is in
the game's list, with moves not in the list appearing after the Super
Combos. I've also added my own corrections and additions as well.


Uraa! Kick f + MK

Vaulting Kick When close, hcb + K

Soul Fire qcf + P

Rising Dragon f,d,df + P

Justice Fist b,d,db + P

Fire Force qcf,qcf + P

Triple Break qcf,qcf + K

- The Justice Fist can deflect projectiles.


Tote f + MP
(Knife Hand)

Step Side Kick f + MK

Lightning Knee f,d,df + K

Shoot Kick qcb + K (x3)

Sliding Arrow qcf + K

Shoot Upper f,d,df + P

Mirage Combo Kick qcf,qcf + P

Spin Side Shoot qcf,qcf + K

- When the Sliding Arrow is used against a crouching opponent, Blair
will kick rather than perform a leg trip.


So Sho Da f + MP
(Paired Palm Strike)

Yo So Kyaku Jump, d + MK (repeat)
(Hawk Talon Leg)

Ryu Sei Raku Jump, b/db/d/df/f + MP / HP
(Dragon Star Drop)

Hyaku Retsu Kyaku Tap K rapidly
(Hundred Rending Legs)

Spinning Bird Kick qcf + K

Hi En Shu qcb + K
(Flying Swallow Kick)

Ki Ko Sho qcf,qcf + P
(Honorable Spirit Palm)

Sen Retsu Kyaku qcf,qcf + K
(Thousand Rending Legs)


Dash Straight Charge b,f + P

Dash Upper Charge b,f + K

Final Punch Hold and release 3P / 3K

Batting Hero hcf + P

Soccer Ball Kick hcf + K

Crazy Jack Charge b,f,b,f + P

Home Run Hero qcb,qcb + P

Raging Buffalo Charge b,f,b,f + K

- If you assign 3P or 3K to a button, and use that button for the Final
Punch, you cannot use that type of attack depending on which button
you are holding. The Final Punch does more damage the longer the
button(s) used are held down.
- Both the Batting Hero and Soccer Ball Kick can reflect projectiles.
- During the Crazy Jack, you can press Punch or Kick to change Jack's
attacks. You can do this just once to change all the rest of the
hits, or use a combination of buttons to alternate between straight
punches and uppercuts.


Beta Senpu Kyaku f + MK
(Beta Whirlwind Leg)

Beta Zenpo Tenshin qcb + P
(Beta Forward Body Roll)

Beta Shoot Upper f,d,df + P

Beta Justice Fist b,d,db + P

Beta Pullum Kick f,d,df + K

Beta Hi En Shu qcb + K
(Beta Flying Swallow Kick)

Beta Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku qcf + K
(Beta Tornado Whirlwind Leg)

Beta Kill Trump qcf,d,df + P

Beta Ga Ryu Messhu Jump, qcf,qcf + K
(Beta Refined Dragon Destroying Kick)

Beta Ki En Sho qcf,d,df + K
(Beta Devil Swallow's Flight)

Beta Shinku Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku qcb,qcb + K
(Beta Vacuum Tornado Whirlwind Leg)

- The Beta Justice Fist can deflect projectiles.
- For the Beta Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku, the strength of the button
used determines the number of kicks.


Gamma Heavy Stub Kick b / f + HK

Gamma Tenma Ku Jin Kyaku Jump, d + MK
(Gamma Demon Air Blade Leg)

Gamma Dance Wind Jump, b/db/d/df/f + MP / HP

Gamma Buster Drop Jump, b/db/d/df/f + MK / HK

Gamma Hyaku Retsu Kyaku Tap K rapidly
(Gamma Hundred Rending Legs)

Gamma Skullo Crusher Charge b,f + P

Gamma Sliding Arrow Charge b,f + K

Gamma Final Punch Hold and release 3P / 3K

Gamma Head Press Charge d,u + P

Gamma Somersault Kick Charge d,u + K

Gamma Res Al'Khana Charge db,f,b,uf + P

Gamma Double Somersault Kick Charge db,f,b,uf + K

Gamma Go Ga Charge b,f,b,f + P
(Gamma Roaring Fang)

Gamma Knee Press Nightmare Charge b,f,b,f + K

- The Gamma Sliding Arrow always results in a low attack instead of
a leg trip.
- The Gamma Head Press doesn't have a rebound like Vega's does.
- If you assign 3P or 3K to a button, and use that button for the Gamma
Final Punch, you cannot use that type of attack depending on which
button you are holding. The Final Punch does more damage the longer
the button(s) used are held down.


Ganges DDT Jump, b/db/d/df/f + MK / HK

Lariat f,d,df + P

Ganges DDT f,d,df + K

Brahma Bomb When close, 360 + P

Indra Bashi When close, 360 + K
(Indra Bridge)

Darun Catch b,d,db + P

Tasogare Lariat qcf,qcf + P
(Twilight Lariat)

Indra~Bashi qcb,qcb + K

Chozetsu Ki Shin Bomb When close, 720 + P
(Super Suppressed Fierce God Bomb)

- The Lariat will deflect projectiles and negate Super Combo
- Use the Darun Catch against airborne opponents.


Drill Zutsuki Jump, d + HP
(Drill Head Thrust)

Drill Kick Jump, d + K

Yoga Teleport (Zen Ido) f,d,df + 3P / 3K
(Yoga Teleport Forward Migration)

Yoga Teleport (Go Ido) b,d,db + 3P / 3K
(Yoga Teleport Backward Migration)

Yoga Fire qcf + P

Yoga Flame qcb + P

Yoga Blast qcb + K

Yoga Inferno qcf,qcf + P

Yoga Drill Kick Jump, qcf,qcf + K

Yoga Legend qcb,qcb + K

[Kuchu Fubuyu] f,uf,u,ub,b + K (air)
(Air Float Play)

[Sliding] d + MK

- For the Drill Kick, the angle is determined by what button you
- For the Yoga Teleport, using 3P makes you appear far away, while
using 3K makes you appear close. Use f,d,df to move in front,
or b,d,db to move behind.
- The Yoga Blat hits airborne opponents.
- For the Yoga Drill Kick, the angle is determined by what button
you use. You can press Up or Down during this move to 'curve'
Dhalsim's body allowing for more hits (you can actually fly up
and off-screen with this move)!


Knife Nightmare f + MP

Death Spin Kick f + MK

Kill Blade f,d,df + P

Dark Wire qcf + P

Dark Spark Press P during Dark Wire

Dark Hold Press b + P during Dark Wire

Ex-plosive qcf + K

Kill Trump qcf,d,df + P

Dark Shackle qcf,d,df + K

- The Ex-plosive will explode if Doctrine's opponent touches it, or
if left alone for a few seconds.


Zan Ki f + HP
(Devil Slash)

Kyo Ja f + HK
(Insane Serpent)

Mai f,d,df + 3P

Shu Gi Jump, b/db/d/df/f + MP / HP
(Advancing Devil)

Onizan f,d,df + P
(Devil Slash)

Ja Zan b,d,db + P
(Serpent Slash)

Shu Ga qcf + P
(Attacking Fang)

Rai Ga f,d,df + K
(Thunder Fang)

Go Ga hcf + K
(Roaring Fang)

Ki En Bu qcb,qcb + P (air)
(Devil Swallow's Dance)

Ki En Sho qcf,d,df + P
(Devil Swallow's Flight)

Maboroshi Press 3P when attacked
(Illusion) (for CPU Garuda only)

- The Rai Ga only hits airborne opponents.

GOUKI (Akuma in the US)

Senpu Kyaku f + MP
(Whirlwind Leg)

Tenma Ku Jin Kyaku Jump, d + MK
(Demon Air Blade Leg)

Zenpo Tenshin qcb + P
(Forward Body Roll)

Ashura Sen Ku (Zen Ido) f,d,df + 3P / 3K
(Ashura Air Flash Forward Migration)

Ashura Sen Ku (Go Ido) b,d,db + 3P / 3K
(Ashura Air Flash Backward Migration)

Go Hado Ken qcf + P
(Great Surge Fist)

Go Sho Ryu Ken f,d,df + P
(Great Rising Dragon Fist)

Shakunetsu Hado Ken hcb + P
(Scorching Heat Surge Fist)

Zan Ku Hado Ken Jump, qcf + P
(Killing Sky Surge Fist)

Tatsumaki Zan Ku Kyaku qcb + K
(Tornado Killing Sky Leg)

Messatsu Go Hado qcb,qcb + P
(Deadly Great Surge)

Messatsu Go Shoryu qcf,d,df + P
(Deadly Great Rising Dragon)

Tenma Go Zanku Jump, qcf,qcf + P
(Demon Great Killing Sky)

Shun Goku Satsu LP,LP,f,LK,HP
(Instant Hell Murder)

- Using the Ashura Sen Ku makes Gouki move to the right (3P), or to
the left (3K).
- You must have a Level 3 Super Combo Gauge in order to use the
Shun Goku Satsu.


Spinning Back Knuckle f + HP

Rolling Sobat b / f + MK

Heavy Stub Kick b / f + HK

Flying Buster Drop Jump, b/db/d/df/f + MP / HP

Sonic Boom Charge b,f + P

Somersault Kick Charge d,u + K

Opening Gambit Charge b,f,b,f + P

Double Somersault Kick Charge db,f,b,uf + K


Cho Ho f + HP
(Deadly Elbow)

Gai Kyaku f + HK
(Cutting Leg)

Go Ryu Ko b,d,db + P
(Protect Rapid Attack)

Ryuusui When close, 360 + P

Cho Geki Ho qcf + P
(Deadly Violent Elbow)

Sho Geki Ha qcf + P during Cho Geki Ho
(Crushing Palm)

Shinku Geki qcb + P
(Shaking Sky Attack)

Shin Kyaku Geki qcb + K
(Shaking Leg Attack)

Ki Ren Eki qcb,qcb + P, hold P
(Refined Spirit Shoot)

Geki Ho Gi qcb,qcb + K
(Phoenix Attack Technique)

[no name] b + P / K during Shinku Geki
or Shin Kyaku Geki

- Use the Go Ryu Ko when you are about to be attacked.
- The Ryuusui will not damage your opponent, but instead leave
them open to attack momentarily.

(Hokuto of the Undone Seal of Blood)

Cho Ho f + HP
(Deadly Elbow)

Gai Kyaku f + HK
(Cutting Leg)

Ryuusui When close, 360 + P

Cho Geki Ho qcf + P
(Deadly Violent Elbow)

Kyaku Geki qcb + K
(Leg Attack)

Sho Rin Geki qcb + P
(Phosphorous Palm Attack)

Ki Ren Eki qcb,qcb + P, hold P
(Refined Spirit Shoot)

Geki Ho Gi qcb,qcb + K
(Phoenix Attack Technique)

Ren Sho Geki qcf,qcf + P
(Rapid Violent Rising)

Ren Bu LP,LP,f,LK,HP
(Rapid Dance)

- The Ryuusui will not damage your opponent, but instead leave
them open to attack momentarily.
- You can use the Sho Rin Geki by itself, or during the Cho Geki
Ho or Kyaku Geki. This move deflects projectiles and negates
Super Combo projectiles.


Ryu Bu f + MK
(Dragon Warrior)

Shin Ki Hatsudo qcf + P
(God's Spirit Invoke)

Ma Ryu Rekko f,d,df + P
(Demon Dragon Rending Light)

Mo Ryo Ga Sen qcb + K (x3)
(Nature Spirits' Whirling Vortex)

Shin Ki Hatsudo Jump, qcf,qcf + P
(Devil God Invocation)

Sairo Ko Shu qcb,qcb + P
(Jackal Wolf Wicked Hand)

Ga Ryu Messhu Jump, qcf,qcf + K
(Refined Dragon Destroying Kick)

Kyo Ja Ren Bu LP,LP,f,LK,HP
(Wicked Disaster Rapid Dance)


Zenpo Tenshin qcb + P
(Forward Body Roll)

Jigoku Fusha Jump, b/db/d/df/f + MP / HP
(Hell Windmill)

Hado Ken qcf + P
(Surge Fist)

Sho Ryu Ken f,d,df + P
(Rising Dragon Fist)

Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku qcb + K (x4)
(Tornado Whirlwind Kick)

Sho Ryu Reppa qcf,d,df + P
(Rising Dragon Render)

Shin Ryu Ken qcf,d,df + K, tap P / K
(God Dragon Fist)


Femina Wind Jump, ub / u / uf

Al'kul Wrist f + MP

Al'kul Wrist Jump, then d + MP

Dance Wind Jump, b/db/d/df/f + MP / HP

Pullum Kick f,d,df + K

Ten'el Kick qcb + K

Drill Purrus qcf + K (air)

Res Al'Khana qcf,qcf + K

Praec Larm qcb,qcb + K (air)

- Using the air version of the Al'kul Wrist makes Pullum switch
positions with her opponent.


Senpu Kyaku f + MK
(Whirlwind Leg)

Hado Ken qcf + P
(Surge Fist)

Sho Ryu Ken f,d,df + P
(Rising Dragon Fist)

Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku qcb + K (x3)
(Tornado Whirlwind Leg)

Shinku Hado Ken qcf,qcf + P
(Vacuum Surge Fist)

Shinku Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku qcb,qcb + K (air)
(Vacuum Tornado Whirlwind Leg)

(Ryu of the Awakened Surge of Murderous Intent)

Senpu Kyaku f + MK
(Whirlwind Leg)

Ashura Sen Ku (Zen Ido) f,d,df + 3P / 3K
(Ashura Air Flash Forward Migration)

Ashura Sen Ku (Go Ido) b,d,db + 3P / 3K
(Ashura Air Flash Backward Migration)

Hado Ken qcf + P
(Surge Fist)

Sho Ryu Ken f,d,df + P
(Rising Dragon Fist)

Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku qcb + K (x4)
(Tornado Whirlwind Fist)

Shinku Hado Ken qcf,qcf + P
(Vacuum Surge Fist)

Shinku Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku qcb,qcb + K (air)
(Vacuum Tornado Whirlwind Leg)

Messatsu Go Sho Ryu qcf,d,df + K
(Deadly Great Rising Dragon)

Shun Goku Satsu LP,LP,f,LK,HP
(Instant Hell Murder)

- Using the Ashura Sen Ku makes Ryu move to the right (3P), or to
the left (3K).
- You must have a Level 3 Super Combo Gauge in order to use the
Shun Goku Satsu.


Hado Ken qcf + P
(Surge Fist)

Sho O Ken f,d,df + P
(Cherry Blossom Fist)

Shun Pu Kyaku qcb + K
(Spring Breeze Leg)

Shinku Hado Ken qcf,qcf + P
(Vacuum Surge Fist)

Midare Zakura qcf,d,df + K
(Cherry Riot)

Haru Ichi Ban qcb,qcb + K
(First Storm of Spring)

Shun Goku Satsu LP,LP,f,LK,HP
(Spring Hell Death)

[Chohatsu] LK,LK,b,LP,HP

- Sakura's taunt can be comboed and inflicts damage.


Stepping Upper f + MP

Kakato Otoshi f + MK
(Heel Drop)

Skullo Dash f,f (press b to stop dashing)

Skullo Back Ten b,b
(Skullo Back Revolve)

Skullo Head f,d,df + P

Skullo Crusher qcf + P

Skullo Slider qcf + K

Skullo Dive b,d,db + P

Skullo T'kachev b,d,db + K

Super Skullo Crusher qcf,qcf + P

Super Skullo Slider qcf,qcf + K

Skullo Dream LP,LP,f,LK,HP

[Skullo Tackle] Skullo Dash into an opponent

[Chohatsu] 360 + P

[Alternate Skullo Dream] d + LP + MK during Skullo Dream

[Skullo Dream Final] LP + MK (d,b,f,f,d,b)

- Skullomania's taunt won't end until you move, attack, or get
- For the Alternate Skullo Dream, you must hold the listed buttons
until Skullomania connets with this move. You cannot use the Skullo
Dream Final during the Alternate Skullo Dream. Note that this
version of the Skullo Dream causes no extra damage.
- During the Skullo Dream Final, you must hold LP + MK and press the
listed commands once for each new screen (d then b then f then f
then d then b). If done correctly, the ending of the Skullo Dream
will have changed. Note that this causes no extra damage.

VEGA (M. Bison in the US)

Vega Warp f,d,df / b,d,db + 3P / 3K

Psycho Crusher Charge b,f + P

Double Knee Press Charge b,f + K

Head Press Charge d,u + K

Somersault Skull Diver Press P after Head Press

Psycho Cannon Charge b,f,b,f + P, hold P

Knee Press Nightmare Charge b,f,b,f + K

- After the Head Press, you can change Vega's descent by pressing
back or forwards.


Flying Body Attack Jump, d + HP

Stomach Block b / f + MK / HK

Double Lariat 3P, b / f

Screw Piledriver When close, 360 + P

Russian Suplex 360 + K

Quick Double Lariat 3K, b / f

F.A.B (Final Atomic Buster) When close, 720 + P

F.A.B (Level 3 Version) When close, 720 + 3P

Super Stomping qcf,qcf + K

[Chudan] qcb + K during Super Stomping

- For the Stomach Block to work, you must be behind your opponent.
- The Double Lariat passes through projectile attacks.


NOTE: Please note that there is a 'bug' in the Japanese version of
SFEX+A (I don't know about the US release). Sometimes, a combo will
not register as complete, or the enemy will not crouch/jump when he
is supposed to. You can try saving your game, turning off the PSX, and
playing again, but most of the time, it seems as if the only solution
is to erase your SFEX+A file and start over.

Also, I noticed during Blair's #12 and Skullomania's #15 that you can
insert and extra move, do the rest of the combo, and have it register
as completed by the computer. This works with other combos as well.

Finally, you can 'chain-complete' missions if the move you start in one
mission hits at least once as the second mission begins. An example
would be with Ken: you can chain his mission 4 (Sho Ryu Reppa), into
mission 5 (Shin Ryu Ken), simply by cancelling. There's no point in
doing this, but it's fun! Here's a list of 'chainable' missions written
by Trax:

- Ryu's #4 & #5 can be chained.
- Ken's #3 & #4, and #4 & #5 can be chained.
- Chun-Li's #4, #5 & #6 can be chained.
- Guile's #3 & #4 can be chained.
- Zangief can't chain missions! Or can he?
- Hokuto's #5 & #6 can be chained.
- D.Dark's #4 & #5 and #5 & #6 can be chained.
- Skullo's #6, #7 & #8 can be chained.
- Pullum's #5 & #6 can be chained.
- C.Jack's #5 & #6 and #7 & #8 can be chained.
- Kairi can't chain missions! Or can he?
- Allen's #3, #4 & #5 can be chained. The trick for chaining #3 & #4 is
that you put a Triple Break after the Rising Dragon, and juggle with
Fire Force. #5 can be added to this chain if you perform the Triple
Break as late as possible.
- Darun's #7, #8 & #9 can be chained.
- Blair's #4 & #5 and #5 & #6 can be chained.
- Vega's #6 & #7 can be chained.
- Gouki's #5 & #6 and #6 & #7 and #7 & #8 can be chained.
- Garuda's #5 & #6 and #6 & #7 can be chained.
- Dhalsim's #3, #4, #5 & #6 can be chained.
- Sakura's #3, #4 & #5 and #5 & #6 and #6 & #7 can be chained.
The trick to chain #3, #4, & #5 is to add a Midare Zakura after #3.
Chaining #6 & #7 is very hard, try to get some distance and cancel
into #7 at the first hit of #6, make sure Ryu isn't cornered. It
might be possible to chain #5, #6 & #7, but I doubt it.

Bonus note: 'Satsui no Hado' Ryu will taunt you if you can't complete
a mission after a few tries! And during the 'fireball' missions, he
will throw red fireballs and Shinku Hado Kens occasionally!

In this mode, you must complete 'missions' (special moves or combos) in
order to unlock secrets in the game. In the beginning, your training
partner is Ryu (Satsui no Hado), but you can change who you want once
you've activated certain options in 'Options Plus' (see elsewhere in
this FAQ for details). Listed below are the English translations for
each person's mission. If a certain mission is particularly tricky or
difficult, I've included a note beneath it showing how I was able to
complete it. If a particular mission seems hard but is undocumented,
that means that the trick to doing it is similar to one found in
another combo. If I haven't figured out a mission yet, it'll usually
say so (otherwise, you're on your own :))

The following terminology is used in this section:

c = Crouching s = Standing j = Jumping

Everything else is the same as the terminology used in the rest of
the FAQ. Note that all characters are listed in the order they appear
in the Expert Mode screen setup:

RYU ____________________________________________________________________

1 Hado Ken

2 Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku (x3)

3 Sho Ryu Ken

4 Shinku Hado Ken

5 Shinku Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku

6 j HK, c HK

7 c MP, c MK

8 c MK, Hado Ken

9 Hado Ken, Shinku Hado Ken

10 Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku (x3), Shinku Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku
- You need to input the whole STSK command. If you try to
super cancel, it won't work.

11 j HK, s HK, Shinku Hado Ken
- Do the full Shinku Hado Ken motion; don't try to cancel it
from the s HK.)

12 LK (x2), Shinku Hado Ken
- Do this: (d + LK), (df,f,d + LK), (df,f + P). The middle
part must be done extremely fast.

13 Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku (x2), Shinku Hado Ken, Shinku Tatsumaki
Senpu Kyaku
- Use HK for the TSKs.

14 Sho Ryu Ken, Shinku Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku
- It's easiest to do this with an HP Sho Ryu Ken.

15 j HK, c MP, c MK, Hado Ken, Shinku Hado Ken, Shinku Tatsumaki
Senpu Kyaku
- Pause between the c MP and c MK. Cancel the STSK during the
first hit of the Shinku Hado Ken.

16 Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku (x2), Shinku Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku, Shinku
Hado Ken, Shinku Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku
- Do the Tatsumaki Senpu Kyakus with HK. Remember, you need to
stay in the air for the STSK so that Ryu will 'wind down'
towards the ground, allowing you to throw a Shinku Hado Ken
and _immediately_ cancel into the final STSK. If the first
STSK makes Ryu face the other way, you'll need to do the
following moves in reverse.

KEN ____________________________________________________________________

1 Hado Ken

2 Sho Ryu Ken

3 Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku (x4)

4 Sho Ryu Reppa

5 Shin Ryu Ken

6 Jigoku Fusha

7 s LP, s LP, c LP

8 j MK, s MP, Sho Ryu Ken

9 Hado Ken, Sho Ryu Reppa

10 Sho Ryu Reppa, Shin Ryu Ken
- Cancel during the first landing from the Sho Ryu Reppa.

11 j HK, s HK, Sho Ryu Reppa
- Do the full motion for the Sho Ryu Reppa during the s HK.

12 Guard Break, Guard Break, Sho Ryu Reppa
- Make sure you're close to your opponent so that you can
cancel quickly after the 2nd Guard Break.

13 j HP, c HP, Hado Ken, Sho Ryu Reppa, Shin Ryu Ken
- Too much recoil after the first 3 hits means you'll whiff the
Sho Ryu Reppa. So cancel fast, then Shin Ryu Ken (you can even
time it so that you get one hit of the Sho Ryu Reppa and still

14 j HK, c MK, Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku (x3), Sho Ryu Reppa, Shin Ryu Ken
- Use HK for the TMSPK and you'll land fast enough to perform the
Sho Ryu Reppa (they give you lots of time, don't they?)

15 Sho Ryu Ken, Sho Ryu Reppa, Shin Ryu Ken

16 j HK, c MK, Sho Ryu Ken, Shin Ryu Ken

15 ShoRyuKen, ShoRyuReppa, ShinRyuKen
- Cancel into the ShoRyuReppa, then cancel during the first landing
and you'll turn around and hit with the ShinRyuKen.

16 j HK, c MK, ShoRyuKen, ShinRyuKen
- Cancel off the Sho Ryu Ken quickly.

CHUN-LI ________________________________________________________________

1 Hi En Shu

2 Hyaku Retsu Kyaku
- You can jump up and start kicking, or use a Guard Break, to help
in connecting with the HRK if you're not fast enough.

3 Spinning Bird Kick

4 Ki Ko Sho

5 Sen Retsu Kyaku

6 Ryu Sei Raku

7 c MK, c MK

8 s HP, c MK

9 Hi En Shu, c HK against Ryu's fireballs.
- Hi En Shu _over_ the fireball (I suggest using MK), then
sweep him.

10 Guard Break, Ryu Sei Raku

11 Yo So Kyaku, j HP
- Use Select so that you'll have enough room to move around.
You can either jump in deep and attack, or jump straight up
when up close and do the Yo So Kyaku into the j HP on the
way down.

12 Spinning Bird Kick, Ki Ko Sho

13 Spinning Bird Kick, Yo So Kyaku (x3)
- Again, make sure you have moving room. After the SBK, jump
up-forward and perform the Yo So Kyaku rapidly _on the way

14 Hi En Shu, s HP, Sen Retsu Kyaku

15 Ki Ko Sho, Sen Retsu Kyaku, Ki Ko Sho
- The easiest way to do this is either cancel off the first hit
of the Sen Retsu Kyaku, or cancel during the last few hits.

16 Hi En Shu, Hyaku Retsu Kyaku, Sen Retsu Kyaku, Ki Ko Sho, Sen Retsu
- Use LK for the Hi En Shu and Hyaku Retsu Kyaku. The rest is
just a simple 3-step super cancel. Again, either cancel early
or late when doing the Sen Retsu Kyaku -> Ki Ko Sho.

GUILE __________________________________________________________________

1 Sonic Boom

2 Somersault Kick

3 Opening Gambit

4 Double Somersault Kick

5 Flying Buster Drop

6 j HP, c HK

7 c LP, c LP, Sonic Boom

8 j HP, c MP, Somersault Kick

9 j HP, c LP, Sonic Boom, Opening Gambit
- To two-in-one this move, charge b,f + P for the Sonic Boom,
then immediately tap b,f + P for the Opening Gambit.

10 j HP, c MP, c LK, Somersault Kick
- Time yourself between the c MP and c LK.

11 Sonic Boom, Opening Gambit, Double Somersault Kick
- Cancel into the DSK just before the last 2 hits of the final

12 Sonic Boom, Double Somersault Kick
- Charge db,f + P for the Sonic Boom, then tap b,uf + K to
cancel into the DSK. Or, you can cheat and do Mission 11,
since it will count here, too.

13 Somersault Kick, Double Somersault Kick
- Charge db,uf + K for the SK, then b,uf + K for the DSK.

14 j MK, c MP, c LK, Somersault Kick, Double Somersault Kick
- Think Mission 9 and 13 combined. It's not easy, but
practice both of those missions to prepare yourself for
this one.

15 j MK, s LK, Sonic Boom, c MK, Opening Gambit
- Charge back for the Sonic Boom while in air.

16 Double Somersault Kick, Opening Gambit
- The main problem here is cancelling into the Opening Gambit
when you first land from the DSK.

ZANGIEF ________________________________________________________________

1 Double Lariat

2 Quick Double Lariat

3 Russian Suplex

4 Screw Piledriver

5 Super Stomping

6 Final Atomic Buster

7 Final Atomic Buster (Level 3)

8 Stomach Block
- Guard Break your opponent, then jump over him and do the
move command.

9 c MP, c MK

10 Use a Double Lariat to hit Ryu as he throws fireballs.
- Get right next to Ryu and do the DL as he throws the fireball.
Remember, if it doesn't leave his hands, it won't count. You
can hold forward during the DL to insure hitting Ryu.

11 Flying Body Attack, s LP, Double Lariat
- Don't cross up the Flying Body Attack since the s LP is too
slow to connect afterwards from the behind.

12 Super Stomping, Final Atomic Buster
- While Ryu's blocking the SS, do the motion for the FAB.

13 j HK, s LK, Quick Double Lariat
- You have to hit _really_ deep with the j HK. To make it
easier, use a Guard Break on Ryu first.

14 j HK, c MK, Super Stomping

15 Use the Screw Piledriver on Ryu while he is jumping and kicking
- The correct way to do this is to edge Zangief close so that
he's as close as possible. Then, perform the Screw Piledriver
when Ryu touches the ground.

The alternate way to do this is to set the MISSION SELECT
back one, start a Screw Piledriver, then pause and set it
to Mission 15. It's cheap, but it works.

16 Super Stomping, Chudan, s MK, Super Stomping
- Do the Chudan the moment the Super Stomping starts. When
the Chudan kicks in a moment later, cancel the s MK into
the Super Stomping. I suggest having Ryu in the corner for
this one.

HOKUTO _________________________________________________________________

1 Cho Geki Ho

2 Cho Geki Ho, Sho Geki Ha

3 Shin Ku Geki

4 Shin Kyaku Geki

5 Use the Go Ryu Ko to counter Ryu's s HK
- You have to make sure that you actually counter the HK and
hit, or it won't count.

6 Geki Ho Gi

7 Ki Ren Eki

8 Ryuusui

9 c HK under Ryu's Hado Ken
- Just get within range, and when he throws it, slide.

10 c MP, Cho Geki Ho, Sho Geki Ha
- Use LP for the Cho Geki Ho and Sho Geki Ha.

11 c MP, Cho Geki Ho, Geki Ho Gi, Ki Ren Eki
- Again, use LP for the Cho Geki Ho.

12 Ryuusui, c LK
- Be sure to hit when Ryu's back is turned or it won't count.

13 Go Ryu Ko, Ki Ren Eki
- Counter from up close so that it's easier to cancel into the
Ki Ren Eki. Remember, the Go Ryu Ko has to hit or it won't

14 Shin Kyaku Geki, Ki Ren Eki vs. Ryu throwing fireballs
- Start the Shin Kyaku Geki so that you're already moving
forward when Ryu throws a Hado Ken.

15 j HP, c MP, Cho Geki Ho, Geki Ho Gi, Ki Ren Eki, Geki Ho Gi
- Use LP for the Cho Geki Ho, and start up the last Geki Ho Gi
after the first hit of the Ki Ren Eki.

16 j HP, c MP, Cho Geki Ho, Sho Geki Ha, Ki Ren Eki, Geki Ho Gi,
Ki Ren Eki
- Use LP for the Cho Geki Ho and Sho Geki Ha. For the 2nd
Ki Ren Eki, you can always hold down P to delay the attack
until Ryu has fallen within range.

DOCTRINE DARK __________________________________________________________

1 Kill Blade

2 Ex-plosive

3 Dark Wire, Dark Spark

4 Dark Wire, Dark Hold, s HP
- I suggest using the Dark Wire from a distance.

5 Kill Trump

6 Dark Shackle

7 j HK, c MK, Kill Blade

8 Ex-plosive, j HP, c HK
- The trick here is to throw the bomb at Ryu's feet, then
wait before jumping so that the j HP connects just as Ryu
gets hit by the bomb. This is a key tactic in most of
D. Dark's combos (delayed use of the bomb).

9 c MK, Ex-plosive, Dark Wire, Dark Spark
- Toss the Ex-plosive behind Ryu, then jump over and use the
c MK to knock him into it, follow with Dark Wire and Dark

10 Dark Wire, Dark Hold, Death Spin Kick, s LP, j HK
- In my personal opinion, it's easier if you use HP for the
Dark Wire and Dark Hold.

11 j HP, c MK, Ex-plosive, Dark Shackle
- Don't delay the Ex-plosive, instead cancel it into the
Dark Shackle immediately.

12 Dark Wire, Dark Hold, s LP, s HK, Kill Trump
- Perform the Dark Wire from far away in order to get the
leverage you need to connect with the rest of the moves.

13 j HK, s HK, Dark Shackle, Kill Trump, Dark Shackle
- The j HK has to be deep. The only other tricky part is
canceling on the first landing of the Kill Trump.

14 Dark Wire, Dark Hold, j HP, c HP, Kill Trump
- Do the first two moves from a distance, then jump straight
up so that you'll connect with your (now close by) opponent.

15 Dark Wire, Dark Spark, s HK, Kill Trump
- From close range, use LP for the first two hits, then juggle
the Dark Spark into the s HK and cancel. It's easier to do
this if Ryu's in the corner.

16 j HP, c MP, c MP, Ex-plosive, Ex-plosive, Kill Trump
- Drop an HK Ex-plosive near Ryu, then cross up with the j HP.
This enables you to combo the c MP, c MP, which pushes Ryu
back into the first Ex-plosive. Throw an Ex-plosive on Ryu
and then cancel into the Kill Trump.

SKULLOMANIA ____________________________________________________________

1 Skullo Crusher

2 Skullo Slider

3 Skullo Head

4 Skullo Dive

5 Skullo T'kachev

6 Super Skullo Crusher

7 Super Skullo Slider

8 Skullo Dream

9 Skullo Dash, (Skullo Tackle), Super Skullo Crusher
- Once Skullomania does the Skullo Tackle animation, cancel
into the Super Skullo Crusher.

10 j HK, c HP, Skullo Crusher

11 Skullo Dive, Super Skullo Crusher
- Make sure Ryu is in the corner. You can't connect the Super
Skullo Crusher unless you hit with the _sliding_ end part of
the Skullo Dive, so move yourself appropriately (far away if
using HP for the Skullo Dive), then go for it.

12 j HK, c HP, Skullo Dive
- You have to use LP if you want the Skullo Dive to connect.

13 j HK, c LK, Skullo Head

14 Super Skullo Crusher, Super Skullo Slider
- Do the SSC from across the screen, then cancel into the SSS
as Skullomania begins to roll.

15 c MK, Super Skullo Slider, Super Skullo Crusher
- If you want, you can do the c MK into a Skullo Slider, then
super cancel into the SSS and SSC.

16 j HK, c MP, s MP, Skullo Slider, Super Skullo Crusher
- In order to connect with the c MP and s MP, it's advisable
that you cross up with the j HK. This mission is very tricky,
and make sure that you don't end up doing the 'Stepping Upper'
instead when you go for the s MP.

PULLUM _________________________________________________________________

1 Drill Purrus

2 Drill Purrus (air)

3 Ten'el Kick

4 Pullum Kick

5 Res Al'Khana

6 Praec Larm

7 Dance Wind

8 Drill Purrus (air), c HK
- Any Purrus will work, but you have to hit Ryu's feet. It's
easiest with MK or HK.

9 j MP, c MP, c MP
- Cross-up with the j MP and continue the combo.

10 j HP, Drill Purrus (air)
- Make sure the j HP hits very deep and use LK for the
Drill Purrus.

11 s MK, Pullum Kick

12 Drill Purrus, Res Al'Khana
- Use LK for the Drill (perform up close).

13 Pullum Kick, Praec Larm

14 j HP, c HP, Res Al'Khana, Praec Larm
- Don't start the Praec Larm too early or you'll miss, since Ryu
is on the floor as the result of the Res Al'Khana. Wait for
him to lift his head up before cancelling.

15 j HP, Drill Purrus (air), c MK, Pullum Kick, Praec Larm
- Use MK for the Drill Purrus, then two-in-one the Pullum
Kick and air cancel into Praec Larm.

16 Ten'el Kick, Praec Larm, Res Al'Khana, Praec Larm
- I suggest having Ryu in the corner for this one. You can use
any type of Ten'el Kick, but IMHO using LK is easiest. Cancel
_very quickly_ after the Ten'el Kick and make sure that you'll
be able to hit Ryu with the last Praec Larm as the Res
Al'Khana finishes. You may have to reverse your motions if
you end up facing the other way after the first Praec Larm.

CRACKER JACK ___________________________________________________________

1 Dash Straight

2 Dash Upper

3 Batting Hero

4 Soccer Ball Kick

5 Final Punch

6 Raging Buffalo

7 Home Run Hero

8 Crazy Jack

9 c LP, c LP, Dash Straight

10 j LK, c LK, Batting Hero

11 j HP, c HP, Final Punch, Crazy Jack
- Use 3K for the Final Punch, so that you can still use Punches.
Charge down-back for the first two hits, then do the Final
Punch and interrupt with the Crazy Jack SC.

12 c MP, c HP, Dash Upper
- Charge db during the c MP and c HP. Be sure to pause
briefly between the c MP and c HP.

13 j HP, c HP, Final Punch, Home Run Hero, Soccer Ball Kick
- Again, charge 3K for the Final Punch. Use LK for the
Soccer Ball Kick to register a hit.

14 Deflect 10 projectiles using the Batting Hero move.
- The counter will go back to one if you jump over a fireball
or are hit by one. The easiest method is to just get within
striking range and use a Batting Hero to deflect Ryu's
projectile _and_ hit him at the same time. Since the screen
shifts, you'll have plenty of time to walk up and repeat this.

15 Guard Break, Home Run Hero, j HP, c HP, Home Run Hero
- If you'd like, you can hit with the Guard Break on the ground,
but it's tricky. Otherwise, do the j HP while you yourself
are coming down for the jump or the c HP won't connect.

16 Home Run Hero, Batting Hero, Crazy Jack, Home Run Hero
- Hold back after you do the Home Run Hero, then do the Batting
Hero with LP, tap b,f + P for the Crazy Jack (if you've
noticed, you've just done the charge animation combined with
the Batting Hero). Press Kick after the Crazy Jack begins,
since you can't connect the Home Run Hero off of his straight

KAIRI __________________________________________________________________

Note that I use '(air)' to distinguish between the two 'Shin Ki Hatsudo'
moves, since they have the same English spelling but different meanings.

1 Shin Ki Hatsudo

2 Ma Ryu Rekko

3 Mo Ryo Ga Sen (x3)

4 Shin Ki Hatsudo (air)

5 Sairo Ko Shu

6 Kyo Ja Ren Bu

7 Ga Ryu Messhu

8 s MP, Ma Ryu Rekko

9 j HP, c HP, Shin Ki Hatsudo

10 c MK, Shin Ki Hatsudo, Sairo Ko Shu

11 Ga Ryu Messhu, Shin Ki Hatsudo (air), Ga Ryu Messhu
- Simply aim for the least amount of hits per SC.

12 Shin Ki Hatsudo (air), Ga Ryu Messhu, Sairo Ko Shu
- The trick here is connecting with the Sairo Ko Shu the
moment Kairi touches the ground (before the knee hits).

13 j MK, Ryu Bu, Shin Ki Hatsudo (air), Ga Ryu Messhu
- I suggest doing qcf + MK for the Ryu Bu, which not only
works but allows you to cancel into the Shin Ki Hatsudo
for the brief moment Kairi is off the ground.

14 j HK, c MK, Mo Ryo Ga Sen (x3), Shin Ki Hatsudo (air)
- Not that hard, although it's easier if you do the Mo Ryo
Ga Sen with HK.

15 j MK, c HP, Ma Ryu Rekko, Sairo Ko Shu, Shin Ki Hatsudo (air)
- Cross-up with the j MK. In order to super cancel into the
Sairo Ko Shu, just do the motion _really_ fast as soon as
you finish the motion for the Ma Ryu Rekko.

16 Keep Kairi in the air for 10 seconds
- Use a HK Mo Ryu Ga Sen, then wait a moment and do a LK one.
This will make Ryu block, after which you should cancel the
Shin Ki Hatsudo (air) and Ga Ryu Messhu repeatedly. You
can do it without Ryu blocking, but it's harder.

ALLEN __________________________________________________________________

1 Soul Force

2 Justice Fist

3 Rising Dragon

4 Fire Force

5 Triple Break

6 Vaulting Kick

7 j HP, c MP, c HK

8 s MP, Justice Fist

9 j HK, c MK, Rising Dragon

10 Hit Ryu with the Justice Fist while he's throwing fireballs.
- I suggest using the HP version. From a distance, do this move
as soon as you see the fireball leave Ryu's hands. You have
to deflect the fireball as well as hit in order to pass this

11 j HK, c MK, Soul Force, Fire Force

12 j MK, c LK, c LK, Rising Dragon
- Start the two-in-one during the second c LK.

13 j MK, c LK, c LK, Triple Break, Fire Force
- You can either cancel into the Fire Force or else juggle
Ryu with it as he comes down from the Triple Break.

14 j HP, c HP, Fire Force, Triple Break, j HK
- You can cancel from the Fire Force fairly late. Press HK
_as_ you jump up-forward or you'll miss Ryu.

15 j HK, s MK, Justice Fist, Fire Force, Triple Break
- Do the Justice Fist during the very beginning of the s MK

16 Keep your opponent in the air for 10 seconds
- Do an HP Rising Dragon, cancel the first hit into the Triple
Break, then do HP Justice Fist, Fire Force, Triple Break
repeatedly. For style, you can finish with a j HK :) The
reason why this works is because doing the Rising Dragon
messes up your opponent's trajectory and they'll fall closer
to you each time you knock them up with the Triple Break.

DARUN __________________________________________________________________

1 Lariat

2 Ganges DDT

3 Brahma Bomb

4 Indra Bashi

5 Darun Catch

6 Chozetsu Ki Shin Bomb

7 Tasogare Lariat

8 Indra~Bashi

9 Ganges DDT (air)

10 c MP, c MP

11 c MP, Lariat

12 Indra~Bashi, Darun Catch
- Wait a moment before using the Darun Catch.

13 Tasogare Lariat, Chozetsu Ki Shin Bomb
- Perform the Chozetsu Ki Shin Bomb while Ryu is blocking the
Tasogare Lariat.

14 j HP, c MP, Lariat, Tasogare Lariat, Indra~Bashi, Darun Catch
- Two-in-one into the Tasogare Lariat during the first hit of
the Lariat, then cancel into the Indra~Bashi, wait, and
follow through with a Darun Catch. I personally think that
it's easiest if you use MP for the Lariat and Tasogare Lariat.

15 Grab Ryu with the Darun Catch while he's throwing Sho Ryu Kens
- You can cheat by knocking Ryu to the ground with a j LP,
then stunning him with a Guard Break, performing an
Indra~Bashi, then following with a Darun Catch.

The other cheap way to do it is to se the MISSION SELECT to
No. 9, use the Darun Catch on Ryu while he's airborne, then
quickly pause it and return to this mission, and it will

16 s HK, Indra~Bashi, s HP, Indra~Bashi, c HP, Indra~Bashi,
Darun Catch.
- The thing to watch for here are the timings on the Indra~Bashis.
You also want to make sure that you aren't misaligned with Ryu
after performing an Indra Bashi. The c HP is the hardest move
to connect, so practice it.

BLAIR __________________________________________________________________

1 Shoot Upper

2 Lightning Knee

3 Sliding Arrow

4 Shoot Kick (x3)

5 Mirage Combo Kick

6 Spin Side Shoot

7 c LK, c LK, Shoot Kick (x3)

8 c MP, c MK, Sliding Arrow
- Use HK for the Sliding Arrow.

9 j HK, c MK, Lightning Knee

10 j HP, c HP, Shoot Upper
- Jump up-forward so that you can combo the Shoot Upper when
you land: (uf + HP), (d + HP), (df + P).

11 j HP, c MP, c LK, Shoot Kick (x3), s HK
- Perform the Shoot Kick with HK, then step forward and press
HK to hit Ryu as he falls down.

12 j HK, c MK, Shoot Kick (x2), Mirage Combo Kick, Spin Spide Shoot
- If you find it easier, go into a Spin Side Shoot after the
second Shoot Kick, then cancel into the MCK and SSS.

13 Shoot Kick (x2), Spin Side Shoot, Mirage Combo Kick, Spin Side Shoot
- Blair's SC's are the easiest to super cancel in the game, so
just start cancelling after that second Shoot Kick.

14 j HK, c MK, Sliding Arrow, Spin Side Shoot
- Use HK for the Sliding Arrow. Because Ryu is crouching, you
won't do the leg trip attack.

15 j HP, c HP, Shoot Kick x3, c LK, Lightning Knee
- Use HK for the Shoot Kick, then step forward and crouch to
hit with the LK. This, of course, is an easy two-in-one:
you can now press down-forward + K to cancel into the Lightning

16 s MK, Shoot Kick x3, Shoot Upper, Spin Side Kick, Mirage Combo Kick
- Use HK for the Shoot Kick, and HP for the Shoot Upper.

VEGA (M. Bison) _______________________________________________________

1 Psycho Crusher

2 Double Knee Press

3 Head Press

4 Somersault Skull Diver

5 Knee Prss Nightmare

6 Psycho Cannon

7 c MP, c MK

8 Kick Throw (b/f+MK or HK), s HK
- Yes, this is possible, but the timing is weird. At worst,
you can tap HK and hope you get lucky and connect. :)

9 j HK, c MK, Double Knee Press
- I suggest using HK for the Double Knee Press.

10 j HK, c HP, Psycho Crusher

11 Guard Break, j HP, c HP, Head Press
- Hit with the j HP as _you_ are coming down or you won't be
able to fllow through with the Head Press.

12 Guard Break, Kick Throw (b/f+MK or HK), Knee Press Nightmare
- Although the Kick Throw messes up your direction, you
need to perform the KPN as if you were still facing in
your original direction.

13 j HK, c MP, c MP, c MK, Double Knee Press
- Use the 'hit sparks' time yoursel during the series of
low Medium attacks.

14 j HP, c LK, Psycho Cannon, Knee Press Nightmare, Psycho Cannon
- Because it's easy to end up doing a KPN after the c LK,
try _holding_ the LK, then press a Punch button for the
Psycho Cannon. Depending on how close Ryu is to you, you
may want to build up the Psycho Cannon (hold P) for a
brief moment in order to insure hitting him (this also
gives you the needed time to charge for the next cancel).
Cancel from the KPN into the PC before Vega goes into the
air kick ending. Build up the PC for a moment before firing.
This combo is easier if done in the corner.

15 j HK, c MP, c MP, c MK, Knee Press Nightmare, Psycho Cannon
- You need to time yourself during the low Medium attacks.
Afterwards is a double cancel, but do it as soon as humanly
possible since you get very little prep. time during the
Knee Press Nightmare.

16 Guard Break, Kick Throw (b/f+MK or HK), Knee Press Nightmare,
Psycho Cannon, Psycho Crusher
- In order to hit with the Psycho Crusher, build up the Psycho
Cannon until Ryu falls atop it, as this will juggle Ryu and give
you enough time to prepare for the Psycho Crusher.

GOUKI (Akuma) _________________________________________________________

1 Go Hado Ken

2 Shakunetsu Hado Ken

3 Zan Ku Hado Ken

4 Go Sho Ryu Ken

5 Tatsumaki Zan Ku Kyaku (x4)

6 Messatsu Go Hado

7 Messatsu Go Sho Ryu

8 Tenma Go Zan Ku

9 Shun Goku Satsu

10 c HP, Shakunetsu Hado Ken

11 Go Hado Ken, Messatsu Go Hado

12 Tatsumaki Zan Ku Kyaku (x2), Tenma Ku Jin Kyaku, c MK, Go Hado Ken
- Use MK for the TZKKs. That way the TKJK will get you back to
the ground fast enough for you to follow through with the
c MK into Go Hado Ken.

13 c LK, c LK, Go Sho Ryu Ken
- Start the two-in-one during the second c LK.

14 Zan Ku Hado Ken, Tenma Ku Jin Kyaku, c MK, Tatsumaki Zan Ku Kyaku
(x3), Messatsu Go Sho Ryu
- The main thing here is setting it up so that you can combo
the Tenma Ku Jin Kyaku off the Zan Ku Hado Ken. Use HK for
the TZKKs so you will hit the ground fast in time for the
Messatsu Go Sho Ryu.

15 j HP, Zanku Hado Ken, Tenma Go Zan Ku
- Hit _very deep_ with the j HP, then two-in-one and cancel.

16 j HP, c HP, Shakunetsu Hado Ken, Messatsu Go Hado, Messatsu Go
Shoryu, Tenma Go Zanku
- There's a glitch in this mission allowing you to omit the
Messatsu Go Hado and still be approved. Either way, you
have to throw the Tenma Go Zanku shortly after you begin
to rise up or it simply won't hit.

GARUDA _________________________________________________________________

1 Rai Ga

2 Onizan

3 Shu Ga

4 Ja Zan

5 Go Ga

6 Ki En Bu

7 Ki En Sho

8 Shu Gi

9 j HP, Kyo Ja

10 j HK, Zan Ki

11 c MK, Shu Ga

12 Perform a 21-hit combo
- I suggest doing an HK Go Ga, cancel into Ki En Bu, Ki En Sho,
then Ki En Bu. However, you could also use other moves like
the Shu Ga, and add a short combo before it to make up for the
loss in hits (since the Shu Ga must be cancelled relatively
quickly). Note that missions No. 13 and 16 can provide you
with enough hits for this mission, too.

13 j HK, c MK, Go Ga, Ki En Bu, Ki En Sho
- Two-in-one the Go Ga, then cancel into the two SCs.

14 c MP, c MK, Onizan, Ki En Bu
- The only tricky part is connecting the c MP and c MK.

15 Guard Break, j HK, Rai Ga, Ki En Sho, Ki En Bu
- You have to hit with the J HK as you're falling down, or
you won't have enough time to connect with the Rai Ga and
cancel from there.

16 j HP, c HP, Ki En Bu, Ki En Sho, Ki En Bu
- The first two hits are easy--just follow through with a
triple cancel.

DHALSIM _________________________________________________________________

1 Yoga Fire

2 Yoga Flame

3 Yoga Blast

4 Yoga Inferno

5 Yoga Legend

6 Yoga Drill Kick

7 c MK (short), Yoga Fire
- Hold down-back to make the c MK short, then two-in-one into
the Yoga Fire.

8 Yoga Fire, Yoga Inferno

9 Yoga Flame, Yoga Legend

10 j HK, (long) s MK, Yoga Inferno
- Make sure you've slightly backed away from Ryu, then jump
straight up and do a moderately delayed j HK into the s MK,
then cancel into the Yoga Inferno.

11 Drill Kick, c MK (sliding), Yoga Inferno
- Get next to Ryu and jump back. Just after you pass the
peak of your jump, do an MK Drill Kick. You'll hit Ryu's
feet, so just slide and then cancel.

12 Yoga Fire, s HK (long)
- You need to find a distance where you can hit Ryu in the head
before he recovers from a LP Yoga Fire.

13 Yoga Fire, j MK, Yoga Drill Kick
- From about half a screen away, throw a LP Yoga Fire, then jump
and throw a Medium Kick, then cancel into the LK Yoga Drill
Kick. You may need to hold Up for a bit in order for Dhalsim's
feet to hit as you get closer.

14 Perform a 30-hit combo
- I suggest doing this: with Ryu in the corner, perform an HK
Yoga Drill Kick, cancel into Yoga Legend, cancel the second
part into a LK Yoga Drill Kick and hold Up to get maximum
hits. If need be, you can drop down and do a ducking HK slide
for an extra hit.

15 Yoga Blast, Yoga Inferno, Yoga Legend, Yoga Drill Kick, (long) s HP
- Use MK or HK for the Yoga Blast. Cancel the second part of the
Yoga Legend with a LK Yoga Drill Kick and hold Up slightly so
that you'll have enough time to drop to the ground and connect
with the s HP afterwards.

16 Yoga Fire, c MK (sliding), Yoga Legend, Yoga Drill Kick
- To cheat on this one, get on the far opposite end of the
screen, throw a LP Yoga fire, then do f,d,df + 3K for the
Yoga Teleport. Once you're behind Ryu, do a c MK into the
Yoga Legend, and cancel during the first or second part.

SAKURA _________________________________________________________________

1 Hado Ken

2 Sho O Ken

3 Shun Pu Kyaku

4 Shinku Hado Ken

5 Midare Zakura

6 Haru Ichi Ban

7 Shun Goku Satsu

8 c MP, c MK

9 c HP, Hado Ken

10 j HK, c MK, Shun Pu Kyaku

11 j HK, s LK, Sho O Ken

12 j HK, s HK, Shinku Hado Ken
- Do qcf + HK for the s HK so that you can then cancel into the
Shinku Hado Ken.

13 j HP, c HP, Hado Ken, Shinku Hado Ken
- Remember not to hold the button used during the Hado Ken or
you won't be able to cancel into the Shinku Hado Ken.

14 j HP, c HP, Hado Ken, Haru Ichi Ban, Midare Zakura, Shinku Hado Ken
- Super Cancel into the Shinku Hado Ken during the very beginning
(or at the first landing of) the Midare Zakura. You can also
add in the Shinku Hado Ken after the Haru Ichi Ban, since it's
a little easier to cancel that way.

15 j MK, c LK, c LK, c LK, Sho O Ken, Midare Zakura, Haru Ichi Ban
- Start the two-in-one for the Sho O Ken during the second c LK.
Before you lift off the ground during the Sho O Ken (you should
use HP), cancel into the Midare Zakura, and quickly cancel into
the Haru Ichi Ban.

16 j HP, c MP, c MK, Shun Pu Kyaku, Midare Zakura
- Time yourself between the c MP and c MK, then use LK for the
Shun Pu Kyaku and cancel.


Apparently, these codes have been changed for the US release. I don't
know the new codes (and I don't want to know them :)), so please look
elsewhere for them.

There's a TIPS section in the game itself which contains several tips,
such as how to perform taunts, activate special codes, etc. I've only
been able to make sense of a few of them, but Henry LaPierre
has provided me with translated summaries of 15
tips (the 16th tip is a hidden one), which are found at the bottom of
this section.

This trick can be done while using either Ryu or 'Satsui no Hado' Ryu.
Enter a VS. battle against the computer or a human opponent, and win
5 rounds to make Ryu's head band become longer. It will get longer
each time you win 5 consecutive rounds. After fifteen rounds, he
will have the longest headband. Note that changing your character or
losing a round will make his head band go back to it's normal size.

Using Hokuto, kill your opponent with the Geki Ho Gi.

As above, but if you use only Kick attacks during that round (this
includes special moves), and finish your opponent with the Geki Ho Gi,
her fans will grow to immense proportions during her winning pose.

First off, 'Chi no Fuuin' Hokuto must be available. Choose her using
any Punch button. Then release that button and immediately hold down the
other two buttons, L2, and Start. Keep holding these buttons down until
the round begins.

For instance, if you picked 'Chi no Fuuin' Hokuto with HP, you'd hold
down L2 + Start + LP + MP until the game began.

The only difference between 'Chi no Fuuin' Hokuto and Shinto Priestess
Hokuto is that this version of Hokuto has a different outfit and she
uses paper wands instead of fans for her Geki Ho Gi Super Combo. She
also has a new 'wand' win pose replacing the fan pose (the one you get
if you beat a character with the Geki Ho Gi). Note that you cannot
combine this code with the 'Big Fan Win Pose' trick.

Play in any mode and choose Cracker Jack. Immediately after choosing
him, press and hold Square + Circle + R1 + R2 and Up. Keep holding
these until the round begins. If you use his Batting Hero attack,
you'll see that his bat is now a different color. Hit a projectile
with it and you'll hear a loud 'ping' sound!

Choose Darun in any mode that lets you see your win pose. Charge
up three full Super Bars, then do his Indra~Bridge Super Combo
three times in a row, juggling your opponent each time.

The best way to do this is take a step back, Indra~Bridge, then
immediately do another Indra~Bridge when you stand up, then wait
a second (turn around if you moved too far forward), and do the
motions for the last Indra~Bridge.

When you go on to win the round, Darun's belt will gleam after a
moment during his winning pose.

This trick is the same as the 'Gleaming Belt' trick. However, lower
your opponent's life so that the third consecutive Indra~Bridge will
kill him or her (a Level 3 Super Combo Finish). During the win pose,
Darun's eyes will shine (weird!)

If Gouki is hit by a Super Combo, his bead necklace will fly off! It
must be pretty cheaply made :)

Make sure you're using 'Alpha' mode (check the Enemy option in Options
Plus). Pick any mode in which you can see your win pose, and choose
Skullomania. Make sure you have enough power to perform his Skullo
Dream, then lower your opponent's life so that using the Skullo Dream
will kill him or her.

Use the Skullo Dream, and input the command for the Skullo Dream Final.
As your opponent dies, five colored lights (they look like smoke or
fireworks, actually), will fire out in a half-circle pattern from just
behind Skullomania when his opponent hits the ground.

Prior to any Team Battle fight, press and hold L2+SELECT until the round
actually begins. Your character will be controlled by the computer.
You can only do this once per game.

After you win (or lose) while in Survival Mode, press and hold Select at
the 'Survival Results' screen to see how many times you hit your enemies

If you don't want your opponent to see who you're selecting in Team
Battle Mode, hold L2 and then select your characters. They'll be
replaced by question marks. You don't have to hide all your characters,
by the way.

So what's the point of Expert Mode, you ask? Each time you complete a
mission, you're given a certain number of points. Get enough points
and you make a new character playable.

Points Character
------ ----------------------
100 'Satsui no Hado' Ryu
200 'Chi no Fuuin' Hokuto
300 Cycloid Gamma
400 Cycloid Beta
600 CPU Vega
800 CPU Garuda
1000 CPU Gouki

To select the CPU Vega, Garuda, or Akuma, go to the corresponding
character and hold START (in Arcade Mode, the green gauge will
disappear, and in any other mode, the selection box turns from white
to yellow), then press any button. These characters are the CPU
versions that you may have already fought before. They are similar
to their 'normal' counterparts, but their moves cause more damage and
they take less damage than the 'normal' versions do.

Once you get all the characters, a barrel appears. It keeps track of
the number of missions you've completed. Perform 220 missions and the
Options Plus menu appears in the Options Menu. In the beginning, you
only have one option available, but the rest become usable when you
beat the game in various ways (see below).

To do this, you must have Options Plus enabled. Set the 'Enemy' option
to 'Plus'. This allows you to fight CPU Gouki and Garuda, but you won't
fight Sakura or Dhalsim. Now, play an Arcade game, on any difficulty,
with any settings you want. For eight stages straight, you must not
lose a around (which means that you can lose a round/continue on the
first stage, or the tenth stage). During the tenth round, Gouki will
appear and take out Vega with his ShunGokuSatsu. You can now fight him,
and if you lose, you may continue/pick another player. Also, you may
beat Gouki any way you like (Super Finish, Time Out, normally, etc.)
Unlike other Street Fighter games, you can still reach Gouki when
playing with Gouki or CPU Gouki.

When CPU Gouki is killed, the following options become usable in
'Options Plus'. They apply to Training Mode ONLY:

Training Partner FIX (normal) or MOVE (the second player can
fight against you). This option is not
available unless you have a controller
plugged into the second player port.

Super Combo Gage (sic) 3 (normal) or INFINITE (gauge never goes

Super Cancel Limit ON (normal) or OFF (you can cancel similar
Super Combos, such as Kill Blade x2).

Otedana OFF (normal) or ON (enemy moves slower in
air and can be juggled easily. Try Gouki's
crouching Roundhouse, ShakuNetsu HaDoKen
to see what I mean).

Follow the steps to fight CPU Gouki (above). During the match against
Gouki, join in on the second player side. Have the second player beat
your character. Then, before the 2P vs. CPU match begins, continue,
pick a character, and beat the second player. When your CPU battle
begins, it will have reset to Battle 1. Stranger yet, it will be in
Thailand, against CPU Gouki! All 10 battles will now be fought against
CPU Gouki, regardless of what you do. Note that in this mode, the
method to fight CPU Gouki normally or to fight CPU Garuda won't work.

No matter who you use, you must get 2 perfects and 4 super finishes
before Battle 6. You can increase your chances of fighting CPU Garuda
by performing a Level 3 Super Combo Finish (cancel using 3 Super Combos)
but this _is not_ required (though it really helps). If your character
has a level 3 Super (Gouki, 'Satsui no Hado' Ryu, Zangief), then you can
use that, too. The only exception to this is Cracker Jack, who can only
do a Level 2 cancel at best (Crazy Jack into Home Run Hero). Note that
you must get the Level 3 Super Combo Finish on the last round of that

Also, that character must perform a combo at least once during the
game that does xx number of hits (see below):

- 6 hit combo: Allen and Darun
- 7 hit combo: Blair, Cracker Jack, Ken, Pullum, Ryu and Zangief
- 8 hit combo: Guile, Hokuto, Kairi and Skullomania
- 9 hit combo: Gouki and CPU Gouki
- 11 hit combo: Doctrine Dark
- 12 hit combo: Chun-Li
- 13+ hit combo: Garuda, CPU Garuda, Vega, CPU Vega,
'Satsui no Hado' Ryu and 'Chi no Fuuin' Hokuto

If you meet all the requirements before the 6th battle, your final
battle will be against CPU Garuda (in his Japan version-only stage).
You can do this trick using Garuda or CPU Garuda, by the way.

For those of you who are interested, you can fight CPU Vega, Gouki, or
Garuda by simply choosing the Vega, Gouki, or Garuda course in Time
Attack Mode (highlight Course D and press right). What's weird is
that Garuda has his Japanese SFEXP stage, but Doctrine Dark has the
US SFEXP throw (his kick throw was a garotte attack in the Japanese
version). Considering that this game is for sale in Japan only, why
it has one change but not the other seems a little strange.

Highlight 'PRACTICE' in the Main Menu and press START once. Then, press
up, up, right, up, right, up and press START again. A message will say:
'Here comes a new game mode'. Now, go into PRACTICE and you'll see a
new option called BONUS. It's the barrel-breaking bonus game from the
first few SF games, with some modifications. You can combo, throw, or
even use Super moves on the barrels (including the button press SCs,
like the ShunGokuSatsu)!

You'll have to re-enter the code every time you play a new game, unless
you've fully completed the EXPERT MODE, in which case if you enter the
code and save your game, it will always be available.

How to beat the Bonus Game _____________________________________________

Types of Barrels (Barrel Color / Rim Color / Speed / To Break)

Light / Blue / Normal / 1 hit (any strength)
Light / Gray / Normal / 1 hit (any strength)
Light / Pink / Fast / 1 hit (any strength)
Light / Yellow / Fast / 1 hit (any strength)
Light / White / Normal / 1 hit (any strength)
Dark / Red / Fast / 1 hit (hard/medium), 2 hits (light)
Dark / Green / Normal / 1 hit (hard/medium), 2 hits (light)
Dark / Pink / Fast / 1 hit (hard/medium) 2 hits (light)
Dark / L.Blue / Varies / 1 hit (hard/medium), 2 hits (light)
Dark / Orange / Normal / 1 hit (hard/medium), 2 hits (light)
Dark / Blue / Normal / 2 hits (hard), 3 hits (medium), 4 hits (light)
Dark / Black / Slow / 2 hits (hard), 3 hits (medium), 4 hits (light)
Black / Yellow / V.Slow / Level 3 Super Combo, then 1 hit (any strength)
or Level 1 Super Combo, then 3 hits (hard)

Tips and Order of Barrels
- First off, pick a character with a Level 3 Super (Akuma or 'Satsui
no Hado' Ryu). That way, you can take care of the Black Barrel
- Secondly, don't waste your time using special moves -- they're too
slow to be useful. The only useful attacks that I can think of are
Ryu's j Medium Punch (it hits twice), Chun-Li's YoSoYaku, Zangief's
Flying Body attack, and maybe Skullomania's Skullo Crusher. See how
these are all 'mid-level' attacks (as in, not actual special moves)?
- Third, don't use your Supers unless you think you can get away with
it. You'll want to have a full Super Combo Gauge by the time there's
40-50 seconds left on the clock in order to bust the Dark Barrel, so
if you want to use a Super or Guard Break but are low on time, don't.
It's that simple.
- Also, practice moving around. The bonus game is designed so that
you can use special moves while facing in a certain direction, but
this means that it's tricky to turn around and hit something that's
behind you. Solve this by allowing yourself space to move, use
jumps instead, or keep in mind that many moves will break barrels
that are _behind_ you (most characters can do this with their
crouching Medium Punch).
- Finally, decide what you want more; points, or broken barrels.
This is because you can multiply your point scores by juggling
barrels, using special moves and throws, and using light attacks
as opposed to medium or hard. It's more difficult to pull off than
simply breaking barrels (and if you want the latter, make those Hard
attacks your main weapons).

Order of Barrels

1. A wave of five Light / Blue barrels coming from the upper row, first
the right side, then five more from the left. Remember, you'll get
knocked if you hit them while they're bouncing.

2 A wave of six Dark / Red barrels coming from the upper row, one from
the right, then from the left, and so on. Face in the same direction
and jump back and forth using a Hard Kick to break them.

3. Three Light / Gray barrels from the right upper row. You can get a
20000 point bonus somehow (I think it's if you destroy the first
gray barrel while it's still on the upper row, or if the gray barrel
is the 7th barrel you've broken).

4. Three Dark / Green barrels from the right lower row.

5. Three Dark / Green barrels from the left lower row.

6. Two Dark / Blue barrels coming from either side of the upper row
at the same time.

7. Three Dark / Pink barrels coming from the right side of the upper

8. Three Dark / Pink barrels coming from the left side of the upper row.

9. Three Light / Pink barrels coming from the right side of the lower
row. These are instantly followed by 3 Light / Pink barrels coming
from the left side of the lower row.

10. Six Light / Pink barrels, one coming from the lower right side, and
one coming from the lower left at the same time. This is sometimes
followed by one more Light / Pink barrel coming from the lower right
row. The whole thing begins during the end of Wave #9.

11. Three Dark / Green barrels from the lower left row.

12. Three Dark / Green barrels from the lower right row.

13. Eight Dark / Orange barrels coming from the lower right row. There
is enough space between them for you to simply jump and Hard Kick,
if you like.

14. One Light / Yellow barrel coming from the lower right row. Two
seconds later, it is followed by the...

15. ...Black / Yellow barrel coming from the upper right row. It moves
very slowly, but you want to destroy it with your best attacks before
it leaves the screen. DON'T hit it with a jump attack while it's on
the upper level, if you're moving towards it, or you'll knock it
back. Considering it gives you 10000 points, you don't want to do

16. Five Light / Blue barrels coming from the upper right row.

17. Five Light / Blue barrels coming from the upper left row.

18. Four Light / White barrels coming from either side, from both the
upper and lower rows. Hit one of the lower ones, then jump into the
middle of the screen with an attack, then hit the remaining two
(which are both on the ground by now) with a multi-hit special move
or two attacks.

19. Three Dark / Black barrels coming from the upper right row,
accompanied a moment later by three Dark / Black barrels coming from
the upper left row.

20. Five Dark / Light Blue barrels, coming from both the upper and lower
rows, from either side, along with another one from the upper left
row. They're all going at different speeds (both Normal and Fast).

Eight Dark / Light Blue barrels:
- One from the upper right row, normal speed
- One from the upper left row, slow speed
- One from the lower right row, fast speed
- One from the lower left row, normal speed
- One from the lower left row, fast speed
- One from the upper right row, normal speed
- One from the lower left row, slow speed
- One from the upper left row, fast speed
All of these come right after another, so be ready for them.

21. Two Dark / Blue Barrels coming from either side of the upper row.

22. Three Pink / Dark Barrels coming from the lower left row, but you're
probably out of time by now :)

The exact barrels in each Wave seem to change during the last three
waves, but the above description is as good as I could get. BTW, you'll
get a 11110 Technical 'No Break' Bonus for not breaking any barrels (but
you can still hit the ones that won't break in one hit). During the
score tally, you can press SELECT on the 2nd player controller to break
the spinning barrel.

And here's another Barrel guide:

-Pick either Ryu or 'Satsui no Hado' Ryu because their jumping MP hits

'Satsui no Hado' Ryu (selected with LP/LK) is better because he looks
cool in black and also has a Deadly Great Rising Dragon move.

-Always use the MP to destroy barrels while jumping because of it hitting

-Use the MP for everything apart from the Light/Pink barrels in stage (7)
and the Light/Yellow barrel in stage (8). In those cases use LP.

-Try to hit barrels before they topple from the ramps and as they appear
onto the screen. You could see the barrels shadow first if it appears
from the lower left.

-Never use LK, MK, HK or HP because they are just too

-Try to make sure you don't do any Fireball or Dragon Punch motions by
accident, especially dangerous when having to crouch and punch after
walking e.g during stage (7).

Order of Barrels:

1. Immediately walk a little to the right. Jump towards the right ramp
destroying 2 of the Light/Blue barrels as they roll on to the screen.
Jump straight up and destroy 2 more (with good timing you should nearly
always destroy 2 each time you're in the air). Destroy the 5th one while
jumping left to save time (you may need to pause a split second to allow
the barrel to roll far enough for you to do this). Remember to use the
MP. Do the same for the 5 Light/Blue barrels appearing on the left ramp.
Try to destroy the 5th one while jumping right.

2. Jump towards the right and destroy the Dark/Red barrel while it's
still on the ramp and then immediately jump to the left ramp to destroy
the 2nd Dark/Red barrel, then right, left, right and left.

3. While jumping right destroy 2 of the Light/Gray barrels from the right
ramp. Then jump left (while still facing right) and destroy the 3rd
barrel while in the air. You may have to time it so that the barrel
travels along the ramp a bit first. This way you land near the centre of
the screen away from the barrels coming in along the lower right.

4. Destroy the 3 Dark/Green barrels coming from the lower right with 3
crouching MPs. Quickly walk to the left and destroy the 3 Dark/Green
barrels from the lower left in the same way. Try to hit them as they just
appear (you should see their shadows appear first).

5. Face right while standing beaneath the left ramp. When the 2 Dark/Blue
barrels topple over the edge do a Vacuum Wave Motion Fist to juggle and
destroy them.

6. Start jumping to the right ramp and destroy 2 Dark/Pink barrels. While
jumping left destroy the 3rd. Jump up/left and destroy the 3 Dark/Pink
barrels from the left ramp.

7. 3 Light/Pink barrels should appear from the lower right. Try to walk
towards them so that you are near the centre. Destroy them with crouching
LPs. Quickly turn left and destroy the 3 from the left. 6 more appear
alternating right then left.

8. Using crouching MPs now. Quickly walk towards the left and destroy the
3 Dark/Green barrels coming in. Quickly walk right and crouch near the
right edge. Destroy 3 more Dark/Green barrels followed by 8 Dark/Orange.
There is now a pause. Just continously tap LP and destroy the
Light/Yellow barrel when it appears.

9. Jump back to the left so that your head is under the edge of the left
ramp and face right. You should have a full Super bar by now. When the
Black/Yellow barrel topples over the edge hit it with a guard break. It
should start spinning. If you are flash you could destroy it by doing a
Deadly Great Rising Dragon (if you chose 'Satsui no Hado' Ryu) so that
the following 5 blue barrels are hit as well or use a HP Dragon Punch as
the first Light/Blue barrel nears the edge. Use another LP Dragon Punch
to finish the remainder (if any). Destroy the Light/Blue barrels on the
left ramp as in stage (1). Try to destroy the final barrel jumping

10. Make sure you are near the centre and facing right. Wait until the
four Light/White barrels just appear from all 4 corners. Jump backwards
over the lower left barrel and wait until the top 2 topple. Then do a
Vacuum Wave Motion Fist and destroy them all.

11. Jump right and wait until all 3 Dark/Black barrels have nearly
appeared with the leading one nearly directly above you. Then do a HP
Dragon Punch and destroy all 3 barrels on the ramp (If timed correctly
one Dragon punch is enough otherwise the third barrel may even bounce
back out of the screen). Turn left and do the same for the barrels from
the left ramp.

12. Jump straight up from beneath the left ramp and hit the first
Dark/Light-Blue barrel. Land. Walk to the centre of the screen and hit
the barrel coming from the lower right. Immediately jump right and hit
the barrel coming along the right ramp. Immediately walk left and hit the
leading barrel coming from the lower left and immediately hit the barrel
that was trying to overtake it (this must be done quickly or the barrels
overlap and would trip you). Jump up and hit the barrel coming along the
right ramp. Walk left and hit the lower left barrel. Jump up and hit the
left ramp barrel.

13. As stage (5).

14. As stage (7) though the first pink barrel should have been destroyed
by the Vacuum Wave Motion Fist from the previous stage.

15. As stage (1).

16. As stage (10). The super fireball would also destroy the oncoming
yellow barrel from the lower right.

17. As stage (9).

That's a total of 129 barrels.

The End ....?

If you have a .TIM file viewer, you may notice some interesting things
should you put this CD into your computer. This game is arcade perfect;
literally! Among other things, some of the files that contain graphics
include the 'Winners don't do drugs' message, a Parental Advisory
message, and a Street Fighter EX "Thank you for playing at this test
location" message. All stuff which appeared in the SFEX and SFEXP
games! Apparently, one of these graphics is shown when you complete
Expert Mode, but it's still funny to see.


Tip #1
In Arcade mode
Describes the Enemy, Plus/Alpha toggle in Options plus.

Tip #2
In Training mode
Describes Training partner, fixed/move toggle in options plus.

Tip #3
In Training mode
Describes the Super combo Gage toggle in Options plus.

Tip #4
In Training mode
Describes the Super cancel limit On/Off toggle in Options plus.

Tip #5
In Training mode
Describes the Otedama On/Off toggle in Options plus.


Tip #6
In Team battle mode
On the VS loading screen(for currently battling characters)
Hold buttons L2 and Select until the round begins. This will
cause the CPU to take control of your character for the round.
This can only be done once per team battle.

Tip #7
In Survival mode
At the Survival result screen of Survival mode, press the Select
button to display the total number of hits you completed
during your matches.

Tip #8


Tip #9
Skull dream final
Something to do with the Skull dream, Jab and Forward(the kick)
together, and Down, Back, Forward, Forward, Down, Back. Changes
the end graphic

Tip #10
Sakura's Taunt
Press these in order:
Short, Short, Back(dir), Jab, Fierce

Tip #11
Describes how to do his taunt.

Tip #12
In Expert mode
Get certain amount of accumulated points from completing the
characters requirements to receive CPU versions of these
characters: Vega, Gouki, Garuda. To choose these versions
highlight the regular versions while on any character
select screen and Hold the Start button while choosing
them. The box around the character's portrait will turn
from white to yellow.

Tip #13
In Expert mode
220 clear(completed) requirements receives the ability to
unlock the Bonus game. The input command to do this will
appear in Tips #15. You cannot save the Bonus game to the
memory card at this point.

Tip #14
In Expert mode
All requirements clear(completed) gives you the ability to
save the Bonus game to the memory card.

Tip #15
Input command
Input this command sequence on the Mode select screen to
access the Bonus game. Highlight Practice and press
the Start button once, now move the directional pad
in these directions, Up, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up(you
should end back on Practice), then press Start once again.
The Bonus game will now be available in the Practice mode.


Revision History _______________________________________________________

Version 1.5 (March 1, 1998)
Corrected that horrible command attack error. It only works in Otedama
mode! Sorry!

Version 1.4 (February 16, 1998)
Lots of various corrects and rewritings have been made. In addition,
the Expert Mode missions now have more complete solutions, thanks to

Version 1.3 (February 6, 1998)
More minor corrections. Probably the last revision.

Version 1.2 (December 27, 1997)
Fixed up several incorrect joystick commands, minor FAQ changes. Added
a contributor's guide to the Barrel Bonus Stage. Everything has been
translated, too!

Version 1.1 (December 14, 1997)
More corrections, also added the correct way to fight CPU Garuda.

Version 1.0x (November 30, 1997)
Some minor corrections.

Version 1.0 (October 31, 1997)
An easier charge motion has been added, and info. on Dhalsim's Yoga Drill
Kick has been included, as well as more Expert Mode updates.

Version 0.8 (October 29, 1997)
Replayed the Expert Mode (so I could check my translations), and made a
lot of corrections in the process.

Version 0.7 (September 14, 1997)
Added lots of new tricks to the GAME SECRETS section.

Version 0.6 (September 7, 1997)
Corrected Kairi's Kyouzarenbu Super Combo motion, made other various

Version 0.5 (August 15, 1997)
Added Time Attack info. and included the notes on US/Japanese differences
in the game itself. Also added more info. on Garuda's OniGen attack, as
well as a suggestion on completing Dhalsim's 30-hit combo.

Version 0.4 (August 10, 1997)
Corrected the translations for the alternate version of Hokuto and Ryu.
Added suggestions on how to complete Garuda's 12th Training Mission.

Version 0.3 (August 7, 1997)
Added the L1 trick in Team Battle Mode and included information about
the graphic files on the CD itself. More corrections, too.

Version 0.2 (July 31, 1997)
Added more info. concerning the Expert Missions, and added the Bonus
Games and Tips Translations sections. Also in this revision are:
the method for the Alternate Skullo Dream, info. on the other options
in Options Plus, and the method to fight CPU Gouki and CPU Garuda,
not to mention the Fight CPU Gouki bug. Also, the 'Guile' section
has been added to the Expert Missions section (how'd that get erased?)

(Began VERSION v0.1 on July 24, 1997)

Special Thanks _________________________________________________________

Trax (Patrick) Lots of Expert mode corrections,
misc. comments, and the mission
chaining guide. He also inspired me
to rewrite the FAQ in some areas :)
Mark M. The correct way to fight
CPU Garuda.
Steve W. S. Man For telling me how to alter
Dhalsim's Yoga Drill Kick.
Sorry again!
(1.2) Corrected that highly
embarrassing 'Raging Demon'
command mistake. Thanks for
the barrel guide!
??? For telling me how to do
Garuda's Maboroshi.
Axel Bouet Various corrections and
Lorenzo How to complete Dhalsim's
Mission 14.
Andrew Cushman Suggestion on how to perform
Garuda's Mission #12.
LI0N All three people sent in
info. about Allen's Mission
no. 16. Extra thanks goes
to Wan Ka Wing for info. on
Kairi's 16th mission and
Wan Ka Wing 'CPU' character inforamation.

Henry LaPierre Various Mission tips, how to
fight Gouki, info. on the
options in Options Plus.
Lazaro (DOC) For telling me how to do the
Alternate Skullo Dream.

Writer for "Super Juegos", a Spanish gaming magazine
Lancer 'Fight CPU Gouki Bug' and
'Fight CPU Garuda' taken
( from his SFEXP FAQ v1.45
(1.7) LOTS of new tricks
and hints: the headband,
big fan, shinto wand,
gleaming belt, shining eyes,
metal bat, and Dream Final
Jeremy Su Explaining the difference
between the normal and
'counterpart' characters.
Charles MacDonald Info. on the .TIM files
contained on the game disc.

This game is so fun I just had to write a FAQ for it! All the move
names in here were taken from the game/instruction booklet itself and
translated into English by yours truly. My skills aren't the greatest,
so if you see any mistakes, let me know. Also, some of the moves were
left in romaji (like Pullum's attacks), because I don't know what the
English equivalent is. Can anyone help me with this? Anyway, if you
have any comments, questions, criticism or corrections, you can e-mail
me via

That's that.

Unpublished work Copyright 1997-1998 Kao Megura

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Alle Spieler und Modi freigespielt.

17.Октябрь 2013
Japanese Version: All characters and modes unlocked.

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Tips Translation FAQ

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engl. Cheats

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30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
25.Июнь 2019
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014
11.Февраль 2016