Valkyrie Profile

Valkyrie Profile

17.10.2013 10:51:08



V A L K Y R I E P R O F I L E F A Q v 1 . 9

for the Sony Playstation (English version)
by Sugiyanto Yusup

Unpublished work Copyright 2000 Sugiyanto Yusup

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be
reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be
altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice
appears in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional
purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides,
books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This
FAQ was created and is owned by me, Sugiyanto Yusup
. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged
that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit
where it is due.

Valkyrie Profile is (c) Enix and (c) Sony Entertainment of America.


4.1 weapon list
4.2 head protection list
4.3 body protection list
4.4 arm protection list
4.5 leg protection list
4.6 decoration list
4.7 possession list
4.8 useable item list
4.9 artifact list
4.10 transmutate item list
4.11 spell list
4.12 list of artifacts


VERSION 1.9 (November 26,2000)
- Add list of artifacts

VERSION 1.8 (November 21, 2000)
- Add Chapter 8
- Add more information in weapon list, spell list

VERSION 1.7 (November 13, 2000)
- Add Chapter 7
- Add more information in weapon list, head protection list, body
protection list, arm protection list, decoration list, possession
list, useable item list, transmutate item list, artifact list,
spell list, leg protection list

VERSION 1.6 (November 1, 2000)
- Add Chapter 6
- Add more information in weapon list, head protection list, body
protection list, arm protection list, decoration list, possession
list, useable item list, transmutate item list, artifact list,
spell list, leg protection list

VERSION 1.5 (October 13, 2000)
- Add Chapter 5
- Add more information in weapon list, head protection list, body
protection list, arm protection list, decoration list, possession
list, useable item list, transmutate item list, artifact list,
spell list, leg protection list

VERSION 1.4 (October 5, 2000)
- Add Chapter 4
- Add more information in weapon list, head protection list, body
protection list, arm protection list, decoration list, possession
list, useable item list, transmutate item list, artifact list,
spell list, leg protection list

VERSION 1.3 (September 29, 2000)
- Add Chapter 3
- Add more information in weapon list, head protection list, body
protection list, arm protection list, decoration list, possession
list, useable item list, transmutate item list, artifact list,
spell list, leg protection list

VERSION 1.2 (September 27, 2000)
- Add Chapter 1
- Add Chapter 2
- Add more information in weapon list, head protection list, body
protection list, arm protection list, decoration list, possession
list, useable item list, transmutate item list, artifact list,
spell list, leg protection list

VERSION 1.1 (September 22, 2000)
- Add Chapter 1
- Correct some mistakes
- Add transmutate item list and spell list in Appendix
- Add more information in weapon list, head protection list, body
protection list, arm protection list, decoration list, possession
list, useable item list

VERSION 1.0 (September 20, 2000)


This game is about a goddess, Lenneth Valkyrie. She has a special
power; she can attune herself to presence of malevolent undead or a
dying warrior. She was given duty by Odin to collect souls of great
warriors in Midgard to battle in a great war-Ragnarok.

This FAQ contains SPOILER. Don't read it if you didn't want your game
spoiled. But if you didn't mind, you can read it. If you want to know
why I put all the character's dialogue in my FAQ although it is in
English version. It's because at first I just want to write Valkyrie
Profile script, but I think why not make a walkthrough. Oh, yeah I
played this game with normal difficulty mode.

This is my second FAQ after Vanguard Bandit FAQ. If you have comment,
correction, suggestion send me e-mail at . Check
the newer version at GAMEFAQS.



After the credits roll, you can see a young girl fetching water from
the river with a bucket.

Platina : I must hurry!

Platina : I don't want to get scolded by mother again...

Then she walk back to her house with a heavy bucket in her hand. Before
she reach her house, she accidentally bumps into two guys who have walk
out from her house

Platina : Eek!

Platina : I... I'm so sorry! Your clothes, are they...?

But they ignore her and her mother slaps her.

Mother Laia : Watch where you're going, girl! How dare you splash water
on a guest!

Platina : Forgive me...

Platina : Mother, who were those men?

Mother Laia : It's none of your business. You have work to do, now!
Hurry up and grab your bucket!

Later that night, Platina was visited by Lucian.

Platina : Lucian... What's going on? Do you know what time it is?

Lucian : Ssh! Be quiet...

Lucian : Platina... We've got to run! Come now, hurry!

Platina : What are you talking about, Lucian?

Lucian : Listen to me. Your mother and father, they...

Lucian : They've sold you ——————

Then Platina's mother come in to her room, seeing Lucian in the window.

Mother Laia : You little thief! What are you doing to my daughter?!

Lucian : Come on!!

Then Lucian and Platina run away. In the jungle, after a while they

Platina : Lucian, I... I want to go home.

Lucian : How can you say that!?

Platina : I haven't heard anything from Mother about this... Are you
sure this isn't all a misunderstanding? About being sold...

Platina : She must be so worried about me right now...

Platina : Lucian?

Lucian : You've seen the men in black, haven't you? They came to my
house, too!

Lucian : And the next day, my little sister was gone. My mom and dad
didn't tell me anything.

Platina : Wha? But everyone said she was stricken with a disease...

Lucian : Oh? Have you ever heard of a disease that makes you disappear?
Anyway, our family has no money for doctors!

Platina : ...

Lucian : I just... Don't want to lose you.

Platina : Lucian...

Platina : Then let's run away... Far away! I'll go anywhere with you,

After a while they run.

Lucian : Where do you think we are?

Platina : I don't know...

Platina : What will become of us now?

Lucian : .....

After a while, they arrive at a beautiful flowers field.

Lucian : Where...?

Platina : It's so beautiful! Do you think this might be...

Platina : ...Heaven?

Lucian : It's bad luck to say such things!

Platina : Tee hee. I'm sorry.

Lucian : These flowers... They're...!

Lucian : Platina! We've got to get out of here! These flowers, all of
them, they're...

Lucian : Weeping Lilies!

Platina : Weeping...Lilies?

Lucian : That's right! If we stay here, their poison will kill us!

Lucian : Platina?

Platina : If I were to fall asleep here, would I be able to just...
slip away?

Lucian : Wh...What...

Platina : I can't stand it any longer! No matter how hard I've tried...
Mother and Father have never treated me with kindness!

Platina : If you care about me so much, Lucian. Do you think...

Platina : Do you think we might be reborn? That we might be reborn...

Lucian : .....

Platina : I'm so glad to have known you, Lucian. But I have too many
awful memories. I just want to forget...

Then Platina collapses.

Lucian : No! Wake up! I won't have it!! You want me to forget!? Would
you forget me too, Platina ——————?

Lucian then anguishly cried out her name.

Chapter 0

Characters :
- Arngrim
- Jelanda

Bosses :
- Lombert
- Elder Vampire + 2x Dragon Servant

Enemies :
- Lesser Harpy
- Ghoul
- Lesser Vampire
- Pongo
- Ghast

Items Found :
- Eye of Heaven
- Iron-Barred Key
- 3x Vegetable Seed
- The Book of Everlasting Life
- Treasure Search
- Savory
- Angel Curio
- Quartz Gem
- Nightshade
- Element Scepter
- Foxglove
- Fire Lance
- Lapis Lazuli
- Sacred Box
- Jewelled Blade "Grimrist"

As you start the game you can hear bells chiming and see a lady with a
wedding dress. The screen then changes into a lady in a flowers field.

Valkyrie : How nostalgic...

And then she walks away while the credits go by. And after awhile, she
arrives at a beautiful castle. Walk forward and you can see a woman
waiting for you.

Frei : Welcome to Valhalla!

Valkyrie : You seem as if you're waiting for someone.

Frei : Of course! I've been waiting for you, Lenneth! I've been waiting
since my sister Freya told me you were coming back!

Valkyrie : Has it been that long...? Are you well?

Frei : Yes.

Frei : Oh! Lord Odin is waiting for you within.

Valkyrie : Of course. We will speak late, Frei.

The screen then changes to a huge door opens slowly. You can see a man
in throne and a woman beside him. Valkyrie then kneel down.

Valkyrie : I am here, Lord Odin, at your service.

Freya : Stand, Lenneth. You have no need to kneel before us like a
dweller in Midgard.

Valkyrie : I understand.

Freya then warps down and hug her.

Freya : I rejoice to see you again! You have been missed.

Valkyrie : And you.

Odin : Lenneth Valkyrie. I would not summon you, the greatest of the
three goddesses who govern destiny, without good cause.

Valkyrie : Yes, my lord.

Odin : The head of Mimir has told me that Ragnarok, the end of the
world, draws near.

Valkyrie : Ragnarok!

Odin : There have been signs of unrest among the Vanir of Iate. It
seems that we, the Aesir, will not be able to avoid war with
them. We require warriors. You shall journey to Midgard, the
world below, and search for suitable human souls.

Valkyrie : It is my honor, Lord,... To serve you.

Odin : I expect great things from you. Very well then. Freya...

Freya : Yes, my lord.

Then Freya uses her power and come out lights from Valkyrie's body.
Valkyrie then appears with a different clothes.

Freya : I will join you on your journey down, but I must return before

Freya : You have but recently awakened and it would be unkind of me to
send you alone.

After that Valkyrie and Freya warp out from the castle to a cliff.

Valkyrie : This is... The human world...?

Freya : Yes. The lower world of Midgard, where souls wander about...
locked in cages of flesh.

Freya : Does it remind you of anything?

Valkyrie : Not particularly. I have never seen this world before.

Freya : ...I see. Then let us go.

Valkyrie : Go where?

Freya : It is time for me to teach you about who you are and what your
role is.

Freya warps and Valkyrie follows. In the world map.

Freya : Do you hear something?

Valkyrie : What do you mean?

Freya : You have a power that is yours alone. Close your eyes and open
your heart. Concentrate and listen. You will understand.

| +———+ |
| +———+ Press START button to begin spiritual concentration. |

So press START. Then you will see green dot in map --> Artolia
Back to Valkyrie and Freya.

Valkyrie : ...Yes......

Freya : Do you hear it?

Valkyrie : What is this...?

Freya : That is your power. The power to hear the sorrow, anger, and
hopes of humans near death. The power to hear their souls cry
out. It is your task to take the souls of these chosen departed
within yourself.

Valkyrie : I am to search amongst the souls of the departed for these
worthy to become heroes?

Freya : Yes. That is why...

Valkyrie : That is why what?

Freya : Let us go. If we go even closer, you will be able to
synchronize your soul with theirs. Then you will understand

After that, they warp out and the screen darken.

Valkyrie : (Human Souls? Take them into myself?)

The screen then switches to the jungle and you will see a knight
(Arngrim) kill a Pongo (monster like gorilla) with his weapon. And then
a few soldiers run by and a man behind them follows. His name is

Lawfer : Arngrim, help them out, won't you?

The screen then switch to the right and you can see two soldiers down
and four more soldiers facing off a flying monster.

Knight : This beast is tough!

Soldier : Ah...

And then Arngrim shows up.

Arngrim : Nuisance. Out of my way!

Move him to the monster and Lawfer will follow Arngrim enter the first
battle in this game.

Lawfer : Let me assist you.

The monster was Lesser Harpy. This fight is very easy and you will win
in a few turns.

The screen switch to a house and a man paint. Arngrim then walks in.

Roland : Welcome home, brother. Whoa, are you okay?

Arngrim : Yeah. Just sit down. You're still drawing that stuff?

Roland : Art is more than just "that stuff"...

Arngrim : If you can't sell it, what's the point?

Roland : I don't do it for money.

Arngrim : Hmmm. Whatever.

Roland : Brother... It's different. Different than war where you just
kill people.

Arngrim : What!? I don't fight for money. I'm a mercenary because I
enjoy it. Same as you, right!? I don't give a damn about
"expressing myself" or whatever.

The screen then changes in flashback at Arngrim's house.

Arngrim : Say, Roland. What's fun about making art anyway?

Roland : You think it's foolish, brother, because you're content with
what you have.

Arngrim : ...

Roland : For me, drawing pictures has always been a way for me to
escape the confines of this frail body of mine.

The screen then back to Roland and Arngrim in present time.

Roland : I'm sorry, brother. I know that part of the reason you fight
is to support me ——————

Arngrim : I'll leave the money here

Arngrim leaves the money on the table and he also puts a statue in the

Roland : That statue?

Arngrim : It's a present from His Highness. They give it to the guy who
kills the most people in battle.

The screen then fades and you hear a noise. An old man bends over to
pick a Scepter in the ground and hands it back to the Princess.

Lombert : Princess. It is unseemly for such a lovely young princess who
will one day rule the country to lose her temper in such a
disgraceful manner.

Jelanda : Silence, Lombert!! I will not stand here silently and accept
abuse from the likes of you. We cannot allow such behaviour
from a boorish mercenary ——————

Lombert : Princess Jelanda!! You will not concern your self with
regards to this matter, princess. I will take care of

Jelanda : ...

The screen than switches to a flashback. You can see a lot of knights
kneel and a king in the throne and Jelanda besides him.

King : Thanks to your meritorious efforts, the barbarians have been
driven back. I salute you all! And among you I believe, is the
greatest warrior of all, Sir Arngrim!

Arngrim : Hmph.

Arngrim move to the front of the King.

King : To you, I present a cash bonus, and this statue. (Although I'm
sure mercenary taste is no different than that of a barbarian.)

Arngrim : How delightful. I thank you from the bottom of the gaping
void in my soul.

Arngrim : You think this makes everything all right? This cheap little
statue's nothing but a lie. Ha ha ha... You're such a feeble
little King.

King : What... What are you...

Arngrim : I don't have time for this farce!! This statue looks a lot
like you, don't you think!

Arngrim let out his sword.

King : !!

Jelanda : Father!!

And breaks the statue.

Arngrim : Don't waste my time with this crap.

Arngrim walks out from the throne room.

Jelanda : You ungrateful brute! To subject my father to such barbarism!
10.000 deaths are not enough for you. Guards! Take him!

No body dares to seize him.

Jelanda : What are you doing!?

The screen backs to Jelanda's room.

Jelanda : That arrogant lout, there must be someway I can get him. Let
me think —————— I've got it ?

The screen backs to Arngrim house. Move Arngrim to the right to the
door. Then you will hear a knock in the door. Roland stands up, wants
to open it.

Arngrim : Just sit down and relax.

A girl then comes in.

Arngrim : Do you want something?

Girl : Aren't you ... I mean, might you be Sir Arngrim?

Arngrim : Yeah, that's right...

Girl : I am... I mean, my name is... Um... Jela...

Arngrim : Jela?

Girl : Yeah! I mean, no Jela... Uh...

Girl : My name is Angela.

Arngrim : ...

Angela : ...

Arngrim : And... what do you want from me, Lady Angela?

Angela : I offer you a job.

Arngrim : ...Are you serious?

Roland : You've got time. Why not talk to her?

Arngrim : ...

The screen then changes in Main Street outside Arngrim's house.

Arngrim : So, where are we going?

Angela : Let's go to, ah, one of those... restaurants. Do you know of
any fine establishment?

Arngrim : Well this place over here is about as fine as it gets in

[-Nan-Lou-Garden-], Japanese restaurant.

Waitress : May I take your order?

Arngrim : (I have no idea.) Let's see... I'll take this, and this, and

Waitress : And what would you like to drink?

Angela : Umm... This and this and one of these...

Arngrim : Hey!! Are you really gonna eat all that!?

Angela : Why would I? I'll just have what I want and leave the rest.

Arngrim : ...

Arngrim : So, ah, what was it you wanted to hire me for?

Angela : Why don't we talk, while we eat?

- 30 minutes later –

Angela : Call your manager!!

Waitress : Hmh?

Angela : I said, call your manager!!

Arngrim : Don't act like such a... spoiled little princess.

Then the Waitress call the Head Chef.

Head Chef : Is something not to your liking?

Angela : "Not to my liking", you say! What is this meat? It's raw!!

Head Chef : But Miss... That is called "Sashimi" It's classic Yamato

Angela : And what's this cloudy soup? It smells aweful!! It must be

Head Chef : Miss... That's an absolute staple of Yamato cuisine "Miso

Angela : And what about this! It's a monster!! You're trying to make me
eat baby krakens!?

Head Chef : But Miss... That's just plain octopus...!

Angela : You serve monsters here?

Head Chef : I assure you, Miss...

Angela : ...I have never been so insulted in my entire life! Aaah! Now
my throat is parched!

She drinks the sake.

Angela : Kaff!! Blech!! What kind of water IS this!? Are you trying to
poison me?! How dare you...! 10.000 deaths are not enough for

Angela falls to the ground, sleeping.

Angela : Zzzzzz...

Waitress : Your bill, sir.

You can save your game now. It's up to you to save or not.

The screen then changes to Arngrim's house. Angela is sleeping in his

Roland : So this happened before you could hear what she wanted?

Arngrim : Yeah.

Angela : Mmm, Uhhh...

Angela rolls over and the hat she wears fall over uncovering her face.

Arngrim : !! Princess Jel...Jelanda?

Roland : What's going on?

Arngrim : Well, I know she came here in disguise to hire me for a job.

Angela : Uuummmm...

Arngrim : She's very proud.

Jelanda is talking in her sleep.

Angela : Daa...

Arngrim : Huh? Talking in her sleep, eh.

Angela : Daa...

Arngrim : ...

Angela : Foul oathbreaker...! 10.000 deaths are not enough for you!!

Arngrim : So that's it. I understand now.

The screen then backs to the previous day where he humiliates the King.

Arngrim : (I insulted that girl's father in front of her. Of course, I
didn't mean to. I just wanted to show what a gutless coward
the King is. What I did wasn't wrong. But —————— But a
daughter can't help but love and honor her own father. Is
there any child that would not feel anger at seeing their
sire made a fool of...)

The screen backs to Arngrim's house, Angela wakes up.

Angela : Where am I? It's already evening!!

Arngrim : Yeah, it is.

Angela : I have to go! Oh! Is it okay if I come back tomorrow to make
my offer?

Arngrim : Yeah, sure.

Angela leaves his house.

Arngrim : A job offer, huh? Probably some sort of revenge for what I
did to her father... When she comes tomorrow, I'll apologize
to her.

The screen changes to a tavern. A man comes in.

Badrach : You're late!! So, what's your offer this time?

Agent : It's short notice, nut I need you to help another man deliver.

Badrach : What? Gimme a break! You're wasting my time for that?

Agent : C'mon, the pay is top price. So will you take it?

Badrach : Dangerous cargo, eh? Well, I'll take it. But I want 5,000. My
price has doubled.

Agent : Fine. It's a deal.

Badrach : You serious? Well, if you say so. By the way, who's the other
guy you got me teamed up with?

Agent : You'll meet soon enough.

The Agent leaves the tavern.

Badrach : Hmph. (I don't know what that guy's up to, but as long as I
get my money. I could care less.)

- The next day –
[Arngrim's house]

Roland : The Princess isn't coming, is she?

Arngrim : Probably not.

Roland : But if you think about the princess being out of the castle...

Arngrim : Yeah, I suppose.

Roland : If she keeps sneaking out, she's going to get her attendants
executed ——————

Arngrim : Yeah.

Roland : Some conversationalist...

You can move Arngrim freely in the city, buy all you have to do is just
go in and out your house.

Roland : Brother, you have a visitor.

Agent : I need to speak with you...

Arngrim : ...

The Agent goes out your house.

Roland : Is this about a job?

Arngrim : Yeah.

Roland : Did you take it?

Arngrim : I leave tomorrow morning. You'll be alone again for a few

Roland : And what about the Princess?

Arngrim : Cancelled, probably...

The screen changes to the town. Badrach will greet you.

Badrach : Whoa, this is sumthin' of a surprise. My partner's gonna be
you then, eh?

Arngrim : ...

Badrach : Aw, don't gimme that. The name's Badrach. Nice to meet ya,
Arngrim. I've heard all about ya.

Agent : If you must engage in such meaningless blather, do it on the
road. This cargo must be delivered!

Badrach : Yes, ma'am.

Then the screen will go black, and you can see writing on the screen.
Villnore was about a week's journey away along the great road. But the
journey was uneventful and by the third day we were halfway there.

Badrach : I'm getting plenty of money for this job, so who really cares
what's in the thing? Eh, mister bodyguard?

Arngrim : ...

Badrach : Grr. That's Lombert...

Arngrim : Lombert? Artolia's Chief Councillor? You mean it wasn't the
agent who hired us?

Badrach : Hey, bodyguard. Something's coming up behind you!

Arngrim : What?

Badrach : Knights!! And lots of 'em!

Arngrim : Knights!? (The dust looked to have been kicked up by a group
of Artolian Cavalry. It seemed like they were chasing
something, but I never imagined it was us...)

Artolian knight : Halt! Surrender your cargo for inspection.

Badrach : Hey, hold up!

Arngrim : (When I think about it now... I never should have agreed to
take that package without knowing what was inside. It just
wasn't like me...)

Artolian Knight : These are the ones!!

Arngrim : Let's get out of here!

Badrach : Hey, hold on a sec!! Wha!?

Arngrim : (Our parcel? It was that little tomboy princess, Jelanda...)

Now you will see Badrach and Arngrim resting.

Badrach : Looks like we'll hafta wait 'til night, and run.

Arngrim : ...

Badrach : Hmph! Damn that Lombert! He totally screwed this!

Arngrim : You filthy...! You knew?!

Badrach : No, I didn't know what was IN the damn thing! It's just that
my, uh, client, was Lombert like always, and...

Arngrim : Did those soldiers know that Lombert...?

Badrach : Eh? No way, can't be. The guy's a Villnore spy, ya know.

Arngrim : What?!

Badrach : Nobody was s'posed to know what was in the thing, man! If
Villnore got their hands on the princess, they'd have Artolia
in the palm of their hand.

Arngrim : (I'd have been quite happy to kill the stinking knave. But
I've got more important things to do...)

Jelanda : (Ah, Arngrim... It hurts... Help me... Save me!!

Arngrim will grab his sword and move to the next screen.

Man : Eeeeyaaah! Gyaaaah!

You will then see a Red Beast with two Knight dead, and one Knight
holding off.

Badrach : Wha...? Hey, what the hell is that!?

Knight : He, HELP US...!

Arngrim : Hey, what's going on? Jelanda

Knight : Umm. Because the princess was unconscious, the captain told us
to give her this medicine that he got from Lombert...

Badrach : Isn't that... the princess!?

Arngrim : (Lombert was playing two hands. He knew the abduction would
be discovered, so he sent some "medicine" along with the
search party —————— If we made it all the way to Villnore, no
problem. But if we were discovered, the cavalry would use the
"medicine"... He knew the princess would be unconscious if
she was found. The medicine's effect was as you see. The
princess became a monster, and afterwards, all were dead.
Perhaps even the princess...)

Badrach : That's exactly what happens when somebody drinks Ghoul

Arngrim : Ghoul Powder?

Badrach : Yeah. It turns a person into a howling demon. Necromancers
use the stuff all the time.

Arngrim : Lombert is...a necromancer? Angela...

Badrach : Angela? You mean Jelanda? What're you talkin 'about? It's
time we get back to Artolia. I'm getting out of here. See ya!

Arngrim : (Maybe he made the right choice. I don't know, But, I wasn't
going to run. Even on the field of battle. I'd never felt
like this. Lombert... I'm going to kill you. But —————— what
will become of Jelanda...)

You will see Arngrim run towards the Ghoul, but when he gets there
Valkyrie and Freya warp up. Valkyrie quickly dispatches two of the

Arngrim : Stop!! That's...!!

Valkyrie : Human, life is not something to be thrown away. If you are a
true warrior, you will find your path in the maelstrom of

Arngrim : The Battle-Maiden, Valkyrie? (Who hadn't heard of the tales?
Of the endless war the Gods wage with the creatures of

You will enter battle with the Ghoul. The fight is easy. Just takes
about 5/6 rounds and it's over. After the battle, Arngrim will be
walking the path.

Arngrim : (Battle is my greatest pleasure... But, this was different.
You think it's foolish, brother, because you're content with
what you have. You're wrong!! It was through others'
misfortune that I felt myself to be strong. That's right... I
was myself without morals. Who was I to judge others? Who was
I to look down on them? Injustice. I began to realize that
the King and I were very much the same ——————)

You will see Valkyrie takes soul from Jelanda's body. Then the scene
shifts back to where Arngrim is challenging Lombert.

Lombert : Ah, I thought you might show up sooner or later. You really
should have just run away... It will avail you nothing to
cause a disturbance here, young man.

Arngrim : Maybe not, but! It'll sure as hell "avail" me to smash your
face in!!

Lombert : I see... Arngrim, you may be a genius on the battlefield, but
when it comes to the higher arts, you know little. You
realize... You are already dead.

Arngrim : What?

Lombert : Magic, Arngrim. Heh heh heh... Let me show you.

Lombert then casts a spell which surrounds Arngrim in black.

Arngrim : Aaargh!!

You will then see Jelanda with Valkyrie.

Jelanda : I beg of you!! You must save Arngrim, please!

Valkyrie : Save? How do you think he might be saved?

Jelanda : Eh... I... I...

Valkyrie : By being allowed to continue to live? Or by being chosen by

The screen backs to Arngrim and Lombert.

Lombert : Yet one thing does strike me odd. I'd have believed it if you
run away, but... could a human really have defeated a Ghoul?
I can't imagine...

Jelanda : (That's him! That's the man who betrayed me!!)

Valkyrie then comes in and breaks the spell. Lombert can't believe

Lombert : What...!? Ah, now I understand. We have a little conspiracy
here, don't we?

Arngrim : Conspiracy? Hah! I hear you're the expert on that subject!

Valkyrie : Defiler of souls... Your sins lay heavy upon you!

You will then fight Lombert.

Boss Battle

Name : Lombert
HP : 750

Strategy : This fight is very easy. Just attack and eventually win the

After the battle, four soldiers will be trying to take down Arngrim.

Soldier : Prepare yourself, rebel scum!!

Arngrim : (These slipshod soldiers think they can call me "rebel
scum"?) Look, friend, don't expect me to do you any favors.
I'm not going to die. I guess they don't have much use for
heroes with true strength up in Asgard, eh? Ha ha ha!!

Valkyrie then appears.

Valkyrie : Vainglorious human... Strength is not everything.

Arngrim : Hmph, You're one to talk, death goddess!!

Jelanda then appears.

??? : Impudent fool!! Valkyrie is not a goddess of the dark. Such words
will result in your certain death!!

Arngrim : A...Angela...?

Jelanda : Eh? knew?

Arngrim : Heh heh heh... I see... So you're safe, little one. I have
one question. Aren't you just a death goddess?

Valkyrie : A god of death is merely responsible for the snuffing out of
lives. I, however, can show you the path...

Arngrim : Path?

Valkyrie : Yes. However, you must walk it on your own.

An old man comes in.

??? : Stop this pointless slaughter!!

Knight Captain : Arngrim... will you truly raise arms against me?

Arngrim : (Do I have any regrets...? ...No.)

Arngrim throws down his sword and takes a short sword and kill himself.
After that, the screen changes to Arngrim, Jelanda and Valkyrie.

Arngrim : Why did you save me?

Valkyrie : Consider it a gift.

Jelanda : It seems we'll be spending quite a bit of time together.

Arngrim : ...That it does, little one. Quite a bit indeed...

You will be back in world map.

Freya : (Fate can indeed be a cruel mistress...)

Valkyrie : What is it?

Freya : Nothing. Let us take leave of here.

Valkyrie : Next?

Freya : Yes. Even the strongest steel must first be tempered, yes? To
send them to Asgard directly would be only a death sentence.
Concentrate once again. You should be able to feel the pr4sence
of the undead as well.

| +———+ |
| +———+ Press START button to begin spiritual concentration. |

Then you will see orange dot --> Artolian Mountain Ruins. Head to the
orange dot and enter.

Artolian Mountain Ruins

The Artolian ruins lie in the northern hills. The massive stoneworks
have eroded over the years and their hulking forms peer eerily out from
a deep blanket of fog. A bonfire now burns there and an eerie screaming
sound can be heard each night.
Period 2

Once you enter, Valkyrie will jump off the ledge.

Valkyrie : I sense an enemy.

Freya warps in, responding Valkyrie.

Freya : Yes, there is one, an undead!! Lenneth, are you ready? I can
accompany you through this ruin, but when you leave this place,
I must return to Asgard.

Valkyrie : Yes.

Freya : Look at this, Lenneth. That is the Memory Camp.

| Record game (Save) |
| In memory camp status, open the camp screen and select process data |
| Tools can be created in a dungeon only in Memory Camp |

Freya : I think you understand, but, eating souls... is a desecration
of the dead. Having mercy on the undead is useless. Enough,
let's go.

Save the game and head to the right. Freya appears again.

Freya : To fight the enemy, face your enemy and brandish a sword. Any
contact means a fight, but you never know who will be first.

| Brandish sword...X button |

Head to the right. If you enter the first room, you can't do anything
here because the iron bars is locked. So head to the next room to the
right and Freya will appear again.

Freya : Let's check out the contents of that bag. It's possible that
there could be something useable inside.

| Open treasure chest... Facing the chest, directional button ? + X |
| button |

So check the chest and you will get Eye of Heaven. Head to the right
and walk up the stairs. Then head to the left and enter the room. You
will find Iron-Barred Key here. Head back down to the first room and
Freya will appear again.

Freya : Lenneth, I think you can use that key here. Please take a look
at those iron bars.

| Investigate, Talk...X button |

Head to the iron bars and press X. The door will open. Head downstairs.
When you reach a ladder, Freya will show up again.

Freya : When there are different levels, such as ladders and stairs.
You can climb down, or leap down. Leaping is a handy way to
move quickly.

| Going up or down ladder... directional button ?? |
| Leap down... directional button ? + O button |
| Going up or down stairs... directional button slant up slant down |

Jump off the ledge and you will land at a jump you can't make. Freya
will show up again.

Freya : We won't be able to get up there by jumping. Let's build some
crystals into the wall and use them for footholds.

| Shoot crystals... ? button |

So press ? button and use crystal as your footholds. You will reach the
top and Freya will show up again.

Freya : If you shoot crystals at the enemy, you can contain their
movements for a certain period of time. There are many other
characteristics of crystal, you should experiment with them.

Now head all the way to the right to another room. Take a Vegetable
Seed there. You can't go to the right for now. The way is blocked with
a giant pillar. So head back to the room before. Head down but keep
going to the left. You will se two treasure chests there and Freya will
show up again.

Freya : See that treasure chest. Can you take it? A trap has been set
on that treasure chest. There are three main types of traps. There are
different ways to avoid different types of traps. You can jump, crouch
down, or leave, but which one is the best here...? For the time being,
I recommend leaving as quickly as possible.

The left treasure chest is trapped, so leave after you open it. You
will get a Vegetable Seed from the left chest. You can open the right
with normal way because it isn't trapped. The right chest contains The
Book of Everlasting Life. Now head all the way down and go to the
right. You will see a giant pillar there and when you reach it, Freya
will show up again.

Freya : I think we can topple this pillar... Lenneth. Go ahead and try.

Have Valkyrie use the sword at the crack about two times and the pillar
will topple. You will earn 500 Event EXP. Freya will show up and
explain the EXP.

Freya : You can also gain experience points from special actions that
do not occur in the course of battle. Those experience points
can be saved up in the Experience Orb and can be freely given
out to any of the heroes.

| Open Camp Screen... ? button |
| Experience Orb... Select Party in Camp Screen |

You can back to the room where before you were blocked by the giant
pillar. But I suggest you head all the way to the left first and enter
the room. You can go the right or to the left. Go to the right and you
will see a lot of spikes here. Kill the enemy in the platform and get
on the platform. In the middle above, you can see a treasure chest.
Open the treasure chest and leave because it is trapped. You will get
Element Scepter. Go to the right and enter the room there. You can get
Foxglove and Fire Lance. When you take Fire Lance, Freya will show up.

Freya : This is the Book of Spells.

Valkyrie : Book of Spells?

Freya : Yes, it's a book written about research done on certain magic
spells. You can learn new spells by reading this book.

Freya : In this world there are many books to be found where ways of
fighting and other things are described, in addiction to books
about magic. From these writings you can acquire knowledge on
many matters that you could not have obtained otherwise from
experiences on the battlefront. Magic and skills are acquired
when you use certain items. A skills is a single item that can
be acquired by anyone. Magic, however, is a single item that
can be acquired by one person only.

Use Fire Lance at Jelanda and Jelanda can use Fire Lance spell. Head
all the way back to the left where before you can choose to go the
right or to the left. This time go the right and enter the room. You
will be in a very high room and all you have to do is go up. Use ?
button to shoot crystals to get up there. You can get 4 items there.
Savory, Angel Curio, Nightshade, and Quartz Gem. Now go back to the
room where before you were blocked by a giant pillar. This time you can
go through. You can see two treasure chests there, one in the left and
one in the right. Go to the right treasure chest first. Be careful the
chest is trapped. So leave quickly after you opened it. You will get a
Vegetable Seed. To get the left treasure, use ? button twice to make
crystals at the rear and use the crystals as footholds, then jump to
the right. You will get Treasure Search. This item can only be equipped
by Valkyrie. If you equipped it, whenever you are in a room with
treasure, a blue orb will circle around you. Then go downstairs.

Now go to the right until you reach the ladder. Then on the third
platform, go to the right. You will be in a room where you will find a
Lapis Lazuli. Go to the ladder again. This time go up to the top
platform and go to the right. You can save the game there. Walk to the
right and you will fight the boss here.

Valkyrie : ... Here they come!!

Elder Vampire : Why do you disturb me?

Valkyrie : It is my task to hunt those creatures who prey upon the
living. Abomination!! You have no place in this world!

Elder Vampire : "Hunt", you say? ...You amuse me. Very well then. Let
us see if you have the strength to match your boastful

Freya : I will not participate in the battle. Lenneth, let me witness
your power. Use this sword. It will allow you to do a Triple
Combo attack.

| You borrowed Reiter Pallasch |

Boss Battle

Name : Elder Vampire + 2x Dragon Servant
HP : Elder Vampire 4800, Dragon Servant 500
Recommended level : 3
EXP : 1600

Strategy : The battle is very easy. To kill Dragon Servants, use
combination attack. Try to get clinchers to make high

In battle, Valkyrie will explain you how to kill Dragon Servants.

Valkyrie : Dragon Servants! They're masters of defense... We'll have to
break through their guard with combination attacks

| Guard Crush |
|Breaks through perfect guard by doing a combo attack. But it's not a |
| guarantee, so be careful not to waste too much energy. |

You can get two artifacts after the battle. But if you take it, your
Evaluation Points will be decrease (-5). Don't take Sealed Box. I
suggest you take Jewelled Blade "Grimrist". After these, you will get
3000 Event EXP.

Now go back to first save point. You can save game there. Freya will
show up.

Valkyrie : We shall not meet for some time.

Freya : Just a moment. When the Einherjar have been trained they are
sent to Asgard. At that point you will have finished the first
cycle of your appointed tasks.

Valkyrie : I understand.

Freya : The time you are allotted is not limitless, Lenneth. Just as
time passes on the earth below, time in Asgard also grinds
steadily onward. At set intervals I will undertake to inform
you of events taking place in Asgard.

Valkyrie : Thank you. I understand.

| Game time is stored as Chapters and Periods |
| |
|Periods are the time spent in towns or dungeons. The Chapter is over |
|after the passage of a set number of Periods, after which there will |
| be a report from Freya. |
| |
|The game is composed of 8 Chapters. The final battle, "Ragnarok" will|
| commence when there are no more periods remaining until the end of |
| the world. So be forewarned. |

Freya : I have one more word for you... That warrior... I don't think
he's suited to become a hero.

Valkyrie : You mean Arngrim?

Freya : Yes. Of course he has brawn enough, but does he have what it
take inside? The stuff that makes up an Einherjar is much more
than strength alone.

Valkyrie : ...

Freya : Good luck. Taking leave of the Einherjar is but a temporary
measure. Oh, and Lenneth, If you don't understand the plan for
the training of the Einherjar, or for the battle, then ask
HIM/HER your questions. Well then... We will meet at Ragnarok!

Sprite : I will remain here. Until then, Lenneth. As a token of my
esteem... The abilities of the Einherjar of Asgard are not
determined by strength alone. An Einherjar's personality has a
major impact on the outcome. Physical strength alone is not
enough. You must send to Asgard only those warriors who have
undergone personal growth. Well... of course, the point is...
how much...?

Sprite : An Einherjar's activities in Asgard are also dependent on the
warrior's armament. It's very different. Even if you make a
mistake, don't send someone who is lightly armed. Don't think
that just because Asgard is the world of gods that there won't
be any need for armaments.

Sprite : Do you understand me ? Well then, good luck.

You can talk to the Sprite again to ask about the system battle, or the
plan for the training of the Einherjar. Now exit to the world map.

Chapter 1

Characters :
- Belenus
- Llewelyn

Places :
- Solde Catacombs
- Lassen
- Forest of Woe
- Cave of Oblivion
- Crell Monferaigne
- Artolia
- Weaping Lily Meadow

You can press START (begin spiritual concentration) five times in this
First START : Orange Dot --> Solde Catacombs
Second START : Blue Dot --> Lassen
Third START : Orange Dot --> Forest of Woe
Fourth START : Orange Dot --> Cave of Oblivion
Fifth START : Blue Dot --> Crell Monferaigne

You only have 3 characters now : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Jelanda. So first
press START twice to get Belenus in Lassen.


A merchant town in the Gerabellum region. With a thriving slave trade.
Troops are mustering in the city due to the threat of invasion from
Period 1

When you first enter the town, you will see a man and a woman walking
down the street. The woman will then walk over to the stream to pick a

Asaka : What a beautiful flower. Do you know what it's called?

Belenus : Asaka, do you want that badly not to go?

Asaka : ...

Belenus will come over and grab the flower.

Asaka : Lord Belenus, give it back! I do not like slave auctions! Don't
make me watch!

Belenus : We have to do this, Asaka. My wife and Maria are gone now.
You cannot take care of the mansion by yourself.

Asaka : The one you buy will be well-treated. But when I think of the
fates of others... I do not wish to go.

Belenus : But I need you to go, Asaka. I do not speak their language. I
need your help to pick a good worker ——————

Asaka : I cannot do it!! To have that kind of power over someone's

Belenus : But it is well enough to pick a flower?

Asaka : Ah...

Belenus : How is choosing a servant any different from picking a

Asaka : ...

Belenus : Being picked was this flower's destiny.

Asaka : Destiny?

Belenus : Destiny is the path chosen for us by the Gods ——————

The screen will then go black and you will see a flashback.

Maria : Please. Please forgive me. I just felt so sorry for her... I
will pay her upkeep with my own salary, so please allow her to

Belenus : Please, father. I promise you. Maria and I will take good
care of her.

Father : Very well. She's your responsibility, Maria. Educate her.

Belenus's father will then leave.

Belenus : Are you sure that was a good idea, Maria?

Maria : I am sorry, young lord.

Belenus : It's okay. Do you know what her name is?

Maria : Her name is Asaka.

Belenus : Asaka? That's a Yamato name...

Maria : Yes.

Belenus will snap his finger and Asaka will then stop crying.

Asaka : Ah...

Belenus : Finally we get to see your face. The scary man is gone, so
don't cry anymore ——————

The screen changes to slave auction place.

Asaka : There aren't any today.

Belenus : ...

Belenus will then daydreaming.

Belenus : Being picked was this flower's destiny. (Destiny? Was it
destiny that killed my wife and Maria? Was it destiny that
send my friends and my father to die in a distant war? Is it
the reason that I am here now? The reason I met Asaka ——————

Asaka will then disturb your daydreaming.

Asaka : Lord Belenus?

Belenus : ...I am fine. Well, we should head home.

Asaka : Yes, Lord Belenus.

The scene will then shifts to Belenus's house. Belenus will be sleeping
in bed when all of sudden a Spectre appears. Belenus jumps out of the
bed as the Spectre approaches him.

Belenus : A spectre!?

Valkyrie warps in and take off the Spectre.

Belenus : What manner of being are you? No, it can't be!

Valkyrie : ...Your home... It has fallen under a Vampire's Curse. The
young lady is in danger.

Belenus : Asaka?!

Belenus will leave his room and immediately go to Asaka's room.
Valkyrie then warps out. You will see an Elder Vampire over the
lifeless body of Asaka.

Elder Vampire : She is yours, Lady Beliza! This is the final sacrifice;
our agreement is now complete.

The Elder Vampire warps out just as Belenus comes in.

Belenus : Asaka, Asaka!

Valkyrie then warps in.

Belenus : please! Can't you save her!?

Valkyrie : It is already too late. No one can defy their destiny.

Belenus : You speak of destiny? As if such talk could possibly ease my
mind!? I loved her ——————

Valkyrie : There is still a way...

Belenus : I'll do anything!! Tell me!

Valkyrie : The ritual of Soul Transfer... It means, if you truly desire
it, you may take her place... But you would have to die in
her stead.

Belenus : I was a slave to circumstance. There was nothing I could say.

Valkyrie then flies in air and flaps her wings and Belenus fall down.
Valkyrie then grabs Belenus's soul. Valkyrie then warps out. After this
a light surrounds Asaka and she is alive again.

Valkyrie : (Let us go.)

You will then see Valkyrie in Belenus's room.

Valkyrie : The master's dresser... This...

Valkyrie : This is nothing to me.

A message will come out.

—————— The Forces of Beliza ——————
Human Blood is the catalyst of their simple but ruinous powers. Lust,
passion, and jealousy are all the demesne of the Dark Lady, Beliza.

Now you will be back at world map.

Because you already have Belenus in your party, you can go back to
Lassen to get item at Asaka's room.


A merchant town in the Gerabellum region. With a thriving slave trade.
Troops are mustering in the city due to the threat of invasion from
Period 1

Go to Belenus's house, in the right when you first enter the town. Then
go to Asaka's room. Belenus will appears.

Belenus : Asaka...

You will find Pressed Flower in this room. It is a DECORATION to defend
you from poison.

Oh, yeah! Since you have Arngrim in your party, you can go back to
Artolia to get weapon at his house.


Artolia is a small, weak country in the center of the continent.
Trapped between their larger neighbours, Artolia's people live in
constant fear. It has become a major center for mercenaries.
Period 1

Go to Arngrim's house and head to the left to Arngrim's bedroom.
Arngrim will appears.

Arngrim : My father gave it to me years ago. You're welcome to use it.

You will get Dragon Slayer, a great weapon against dragons.

Now that you have 4 characters, you can go to Solde Catacombs.

Solde Catacombs

Travelers who settled here were greeted only by abandoned catacombs.
They placed an Ankh on the gate to calm the spirits of the dead, but it
has since been removed. Perhaps the work of the undead... Surely
enemies lurk deep in the catacomb's bowels.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Dragon Servant
- Ghast
- Lesser Vampire

Bosses :
- Ramapithicus + 2x Drow Shaman

Items Found :
- Attack Pow
- Short Bow
- Avoid
- Fire Lance
- Broad Sword
- Eye of Heaven
- Element Scepter
- Magic Pow
- Frigid Damsel
- Secret of Damascus
- Crown of Felmar
- Emerald Necklace

When you first enter, go to the right and down the hole. You can get
Attack Power skill at the top of a pile of skulls. Head to the left to
another room. You can get Short Bow here at the left. Make crystals
near the ladder to reach other side to get Short Bow. After you get it,
go down and the left, you can see a Slab here. Move to the Slab.

Writing is carved on this slab.
"Destroy all the Guardians!"
"The time for Guardians is over. Transform their resting places."
"Let us offer burial tools for the dead!"

It's a clue for you for what to do next. In the next room, go past the
ladder and enter the room. You will see a Guardian Statue at the
Pentagram. Destroy it, and move the Monument Stone at your right at the
Pentagram. You will get 1000 Event EXP. Then go outside and climb the
ladder. Head to the left and enter next room. Keep going until you
reach the ladder. Climb it and continue to the left to get Avoid skill.
Head back down the ladder and enter the room beside it. Just do the
same as before, destroy the Guardian Statue and move the Monument Stone
to the Pentagram. You will get 1000 Event EXP. Go out and slide (press
? + O button) to go to other side. Go to the next room. In this room
you will do the same as before, destroy the Guardian Statue and move
the Monument Stone to the Pentagram. You will get 1000 Event EXP. Head
to the right to next room. You can get Fire Lance in this room, be
careful it is trapped. In this room too, you will do the same as
before, destroy the Guardian Statue and move the Monument Stone to the
Pentagram. You will get 1000 Event EXP. Climb the ladder and head to
the right to enter next room. In this room, you can get a Broad Sword
and an Eye of Heaven. After that, destroy the statue and the door will
open. You will get 5000 Event EXP. Continue to the right.

You can save here. But first go to the bottom right to get Element
Scepter, but be careful it is trapped. Save before you enter the next
room because it's boss battle. Oh yeah, first equip Short Bow that you
get on Valkyrie. You will know why. When you enter, you will see a Drow
Shaman flying in the air.

Valkyrie : Villain... You dare disturb the sleep of the Dead!!

Drow Shaman : Ha ha ha!! How amusing! It seems our behavior displeases
you... Perhaps you should leave your job as goddess and
become a grave tender!!

Valkyrie : Silence, worm!!

Boss Battle

Name : Ramapithicus + 2x Drow Shaman
HP : Ramapithicus 4000, Drow Shaman 1000
Recommended level : 5
EXP : 4800

Strategy : Kill the Drow Shaman first. Their spell is very annoying. If
your character attacked twice by this spell, your character
will die. Revive him/her if he/she die with Union Plume.
After all Drow Shaman concentrate your attack at
Ramapithicus. He has very high HP. Try to get clincher to
make great damage.

In the battle after you get hit by the spell, Valkyrie will explain how
to win this battle.

Valkyrie : These beasts have great endurance. While we fight with them,
we are sitting ducks for those sorcerers. We must go after the

| Menu Command "Equip" |
|In addition to swords, Valkyrie can also equip bows. Can also divided|
| by Party Formation |

If you haven't equip Valkyrie with bow. Press SELECT and choose Equip
to equip Valkyrie with bow. Drow Shaman is located at Rear, so your
sword can't attack it, but if you use bow you can damage enemies at the

After the battle ends, you can get 3 artifacts and 2 items. For the
artifacts, you will get Secret of Damascus, Crown of Felmar, and
Emerald Necklace. It's up to you to keep it for yourself or not. If you
take each artifact, Your Evaluation points will decrease (-5). I
suggest you keep Emerald Necklace, it is very useful, when your
character equip Emerald Necklace and level up then he/she will get
extra bonus 100 CP. After you check all the artifacts, you will get
10000 Event EXP. Before you leave, don't forget to get the items. They
both are trapped, so be careful. You will get Magic Pow skill and
Frigid Damsel (an ice spell). Leave after you get all the treasures by
climbing the left ladder.

You will now back at the world map. Press Start and this time will
appear Orange Dot --> Forest of Woe. So go there.

Forest of Woe

Snow rarely falls in Crell Monferaigne, but recently it has been
blanketed in terrible blizzards. The snowstorms are decimating the
plant and animal life in the forest and the stench of their decaying
bodies permeates the air in this forest of death.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Dragon Servant
- Ghast
- Lesser Vampire

Bosses :
- 3x Insane Yeti

Items Found :
- Eye of Heaven
- Icicle Edge
- 2x Element Scepter
- Lapis Lazuli
- Flare Crystal
- Extreme Guard
- Phoenix Feather

When you enter, head to the left first to get Eye of Heaven. Now head
to the right to next screen. Don't go up, go to the right first. You
will find an Icicle Edge here. Then go up twice. Head to the left twice
and go up twice. Then go to the right to get 2 Element Scepters (be
careful, they are trapped). After that head down twice and go to the
right. This time you go up and head to the left to get Lapis Lazuli.
Head back down and go to the right. Then go up to the next screen. In
your right is a treasure contains a Flare Crystal. Go up again. Save
the game at Save Point and get ready for a battle. Head to the left and
you will see a gorilla and a man's soul.

Valkyrie : The wild animals have become affected by the evil and have
become ferocious. I have no choice.

Boss Battle

Name : 3x Insane Yeti
HP : 5200
Weakness : Fire
Recommended level : 5
EXP : 2100

Strategy : This fight is easy. Have Jelanda use Fire Storm/Fire Lance.
Try to get clincher to make great damage.

In the battle, Valkyrie will explain how to win this battle.

Valkyrie : These beasts have great endurance. We should all concentrate
our fire on a single opponent for efficiency.

| Magic Type |
| Some enemies are vulnerable to certain magic types. Exploit your |
|enemy's weak points and you can inflict great damage. What's the weak|
| point of a cold-dwelling foe? |

After the battle, Valkyrie will walk to the soul.

Valkyrie : His blood has been sucked from his body. This is the work of
an undead. I sense a powerful force nearby. So this is
causing all the snow. This is what happens when mortal
creatures meddle with forces beyond their ken ——————

Valkyrie then destroy the soul. You can get artifacts here. It's up to
you to keep it or not. They are Extreme Guard and Phoenix Feather. If
you take each artifact, Your Evaluation points will decrease (-5). I
suggest don't take anything. After you check all the artifacts you will
get 7000 Event EXP. Head all the way back to the entrance to back to
world map.

Press START to begin soul concentration. This time will appear orange
dot --> Cave of Oblivion.

Cave of Oblivion

It is said that the jewels and monsters that appears in the cave are
different each time it is visited. The cave is a natural wonder –- the
envy of adventurers. But be extremely wary here. The monsters and other
magical beings can be extremely powerful.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Vermin
- Pongo

The treasure chests in this dungeon are random. So I will not write
what will you get here. I just give you a clue about place you should

When you first enter, head to the right. In this screen, jump to the
right above. Head all the way to the right to get treasures here. Go
back to the second screen but this time go down to the right to the
next screen. In this screen jump to the right. Eventually, you will
land in someplace, head to the right. There's nothing here, so head
back. This time jump to the left and enter the next screen. Grab the
treasures there. Head back to the right and go down. Head to the right
and exit this dungeon.

You will now back at world map. Press START to begin Soul
Concentration. This time will appear blue dot --> Crell Monferaigne.

Crell Monferaigne

This Kingdom controls most of the Eastern Continent. The citizens have
been brainwashed into leading a self-righteous holy war against their
Period 1

The screen will open with many people attending the funeral.

Priest : Battle-Maiden. Please light our way, so that we may walk the
path of courage! That spirit, it shall never be despoiled!

Then the camera will move up and you can see many doves flying above a
huge castle. Then the screen changes to flashback. You can see a woman
in the forest. Then a man will run up.

Llewelyn : Sorry, Millia. Were you waiting long?

Millia : It's okay. I love this place. I love to just stand here and
listen to the rustling leaves. When the wind blows just right,
it sounds just like waves lapping on a shore.

Llewelyn : I never noticed it before. Now, I know what they mean by a
"sea of trees".

Millia : Yes. That's why I wanted you to come here.

Llewelyn : Why?

Millia : You're going to sea, aren't you? As a soldier... To war...

Llewelyn : So you knew.

Millia : Yes. That's why. My mother told me to forget you...

Llewelyn : Maybe you should listen to her, Millia.

Millia : Don't say that! I'm going to wait for you... When I come here
I feel like I'm closer to you. But not just that. It's more
than that. I feel like you're really here. Here together with

Llewelyn : Millia... I promise I won't die. Wait for me.

Millia : I will.

Llewelyn : When I come back, we'll get married.

(Legends say that the lotus flower grants eternal life. When you give a
lotus flower, it means you are praying for their eternal life.)

(How horrible. They said it was a war that we could not lose.)

The screen will back at Millia in the forest.

Millia : Llewelyn. I have to talk to you. My mother wants to arrange a
marriage for me. I told her no, of course. All she cares about
is her own social status, anyway. She's just wasting her time.
I'll never marry anyone else...

Then you can hear the leaves rustle.

Millia : No! This noise... it's all wrong!

Millia : Stop! Somebody stop it...!

Millia : An empty coffin... I can't believe you're really dead...

Then the screen will go black and you can see Valkyrie and Llewelyn

Valkyrie : Are you certain about this?

Llewelyn : What could I possibly say. There are no words...

Valkyrie : If you believe that we cannot do anything for you humans,
then you are mistaken.

Llewelyn : Huh?

Valkyrie : The death of a loved one. For they that remain, the wounds
grow deeper and deeper... They that remain grow weaker and
weaker, an agony incomparable, their hearts in bondage.

Valkyrie : Can you not see it? She has ceased to live, frozen in time.
It is the same as if you had slain her with one of your

Llewelyn : So what should I...

Valkyrie : There is no need to pretend. Simply do what you can.

The screen the shifts back at the forest. You will see Llewelyn run
towards her.

Millia : Llewelyn!

Llewelyn : Forgive me. I'll always be watching over you...

Valkyrie : This is not my task... I am no Goddess of Love...

You will now back at the World Map. Since you have Llewelyn in your
party, go back to Crell Monferaigne.

Crell Monferaigne

This Kingdom controls most of the Eastern Continent. The citizens have
been brainwashed into leading a self-righteous holy war against their
Period 1

Head all the way to the right to a little forest. Llewelyn will appear.

Llewelyn : What's this?

Valkyrie : It is a necklace. It is worn by women who pray for the safe
return of their lovers.

Weaping Lily Meadow

Weaping Lilies dot this gorge but their lovely fragrance is poison.
Beautiful and deadly –- the villagers know enough not to stop and smell
the flowers.
Period 1

When you enter, Valkyrie will wonder what this place is.

Valkyrie : This place...

Valkyrie : I'm sure I felt the resonance of human thought...

Valkyrie : ...

Valkyrie then walk over to the left and surprised.

Valkyrie : !!

She rushes over and you can see two spectres by the grave.

Valkyrie : Your kind should not be here!

She slashes one of the spectres.

Valkyrie : ...They fled?

Valkyrie : Why would spectres gather around this stone?

Valkyrie : Is this...

Valkyrie : A grave marker?

Valkyrie : Who would put a grave in a place like this?

After that you can live.

If you do as I say, you will have almost finish this Chapter. The
status are :
Period 22/24
170 Periods remaining until End of World

Use the remaining periods to go to one of the places you have already
visited before. I recommend Forest of Woe. Kill all the monsters there
to get EXP. After that Freya will summons you.

Sacred Phase 1-2

Freya : It has been a long time, Lenneth. Our current situation is as

Asgard War Status

Asgard Strength
Aesir Army 24 23(-1)
Vanir Army 31 31(+0)
Other Forces 25 26(+1)

Freya : Our current situation is... If things do not improve I'm afraid
we are doomed.

Freya : Lenneth, about your performance... You must try harder.

Freya : These are all the Materialize Points I can grant you at this

Materialize Points 2250 pts

Freya : Lenneth, I have a request to make of you... We need more
warriors. Send us a warrior with good battle skills. We need a
warrior skilled in battle tactics. Send us someone with a good
knowledge of artifacts.

Necessary Hero Value 50
Demand : Warrior, Tactics, Leadership, Identify

Freya : Very well, good fortune. I expect mighty deeds.

Chapter 2

Characters :
- Lawfer
- Jun

Places :
- Artolia
- Dragoncastle Caverns
- Hai-Lan
- Nethov Swamp
- Cave of Oblivion

In this Chapter, train Belenus. He's the one you will be transferred.
Spend all the CP to increase the skill that Freya wants.

You can press START (begin spiritual concentration) five times in this
First START : Blue Dot --> Artolia
Second START : Orange Dot --> Dragoncastle Caverns
Third START : Blue Dot --> Hai-Lan
Fourth START : Orange Dot --> Nethov Swamp
Fifth START : Orange Dot --> Cave of Oblivion


Artolia is a small, weak country in the center of the continent.
Trapped between their larger neighbours, Artolia's people live in
constant fear. It has become a major center for mercenaries.
Period 1

When you enter Artolia, you will see Roland(Arngrim's brother) sitting
in jail.

Roland : Arngrim...

The screen will then change to Lawfer and his father.

Lawfer : Arngrim did what? This is some sort of mistake!! Please check

Knight Captain : He killed Princess Jelanda, Lord Lombert, and thirty
soldiers of the guard!! The situation is clear.

Lawfer : Father!

Knight Captain : Please understand.

Then the screen changes to flashback where Arngrim and Lawfer

Lawfer : Please, let's just stop, Arngrim. I'm not a genius like you.

Arngrim : "Genius"? That's what losers say. He's "different". He's

Lawfer : Pick up your spear. All you can do is your best.

The screen then changes to the present where Lawfer walking along and
overheard the Soldiers talking.

Soldier : So the famous 'genius of the battlefield 'has gone nuts!

Soldier : Yeah, it looks like he's gone berserk or something.

Then the screen changes to flashback again where you can see Arngrim,
Knight Captain and Lawfer.

Arngrim : If this world is hell, then... the gods must be kinder than
everybody thinks.

Knight Captain : Ho ho. You must be a content man indeed, if that's the
way you think.

The scene then shifts to the top of mountain where you can see Arngrim
and Lawfer. The screen will blow some leaves.

Arngrim : Are you just a blade of grass to be blown in the wind?

Then the screen changes to Lawfer talking to a blue-haired swordsman
and woman swordman in white outfit.

Lawfer : There's no one else who could take this job. Please look after
Roland for me. See you later.

Celia : Stop right there. Do you really expect your friends to just sit
by quietly while you go to meet your own death?

Lawfer : ...

Celia : Dying for justice and lofty ideals is pointless!

Lawfer : There are many who would agree. But there are many who would

Kashell : You're talking about Arngrim again, eh? About him being

Lawfer : You're wrong! It's not like that...

Celia : Lawfer...

Kashell : In this line of work. I know there are times when you have to
just grit your teeth and face death. But that doesn't mean
you should throw your life away!

Celia : Hey, let's all go together. There's no reason to go it alone!
If we all go, then ??????

Lawfer : No. Don't you ever wonder why Arngrim did what he did? Even
though he understood what it would do to Roland? It's not just
that. He didn't want to draw his sword against my father. And
so he ??????

Celia : ...

Lawfer : When I think of how he must have felt ??????

(I will not run away)

Lawfer will be outside the jail cell of Roland.

Lawfer : Father... I am grateful that you chose a name for me that
begins with "Law".

(Though it may not be exactly type of "Law" my father had in mind...)

After this you will be back at world map and you have Lawfer in your
party. Press START again to begin Soul Concentration. This time will
appear Orange Dot --> Dragoncastle Caverns. So go there.

Dragoncastle Caverns

Natural caves that lie beneath the land of Yamato. It is said to be a
sanctuary of evil and a dwelling place for demons. Truly a place where
even angels fear to tread, it is not to be visited by the faint of
Period 2

Enemies :
- Monstrous Viper
- Venomous Spider
- Current Fish
- Banshee (it's very dangerous, its spell can do great damage)

Bosses :
- Lesser Dragon

Items Found :
- Eye of Heaven
- Quartz Gem
- Long Sword
- Vegetable Seed
- Savory
- 2x Foxglove
- Aconite
- Slanting Rain
- Spear "Dark Angel"
- Scarlet Lotus Sword
- 2x Lapis Lazuli
- Fire Storm
- Element Scepter
- Nightshade
- Short Spear
- Frigid Damsel

Start by heading left. After that take the ladder down to the bottom
(ignore the left ledge for now). Go to the left twice and get an Eye of
Heaven. Go back to the ladder but this time go to the ledge. Walk to
the left until you reach another ladder. Don't climb the ladder because
it leads you to the exit. Instead just go to the left and when you can
see hole, go down. Go to the right to get Quartz Gem, Long Sword, and
Vegetable Seed. Go all the way to the left and you can get Savory in
the bottom. Continue to the right until you reach Save Point. Save your
game there. Head to the next room and fall down. Go to the left to pick
up Foxglove, Aconite(trapped), and Slanting Rain(trapped). Then leave
this room and jump up until you reach the room to the right.

When you enter Valkyrie will walk up to the dragon.

Valkyrie : Could it really be that the legendary creature living in the
bowels of this cave was a Dragon...

Lesser Dragon : What is it, Battle-Maiden? Are you afraid?

Valkyrie : This cavern has drank too much blood. It is time to return
this place back to its original form.

Lesser Dragon : ...Do not make me laugh. Such words... They are but
empty boasts!!

Valkyrie : By my word, Dragon. You shall be returned to the grave!!

Boss Battle

Name : Lesser Dragon
HP : 9000
Recommended Level : 8
EXP : 5000

Strategy : Just equip Dragon Slayer on one of the characters. It will
take one hit to kill the Dragon.

After the battle, you can get two artifacts, Spear "Dark Angel" and
Scarlet Lotus Sword. It's up to you to keep it or not. The artifact is
only useful for just two chapters ( this chapter and next chapter),
after that the weapon will be no match with the divine item you can
create, so I suggest don't take it. If you take each artifact, Your
Evaluation points will decrease (-5). After you check all the artifacts
you will get 18000 Event EXP.

Go back up to the place where you get Savory. Go up to the right. Head
to the cave in the middle. Go all the way to the left and pick up Lapis
Lazuli and Fire Storm (trapped). Head back out and jump up, you can see
Save Point there. Jump up again to the left to get Foxglove and Element
Scepter(trapped). Head back out, this time jump to the right to get
Nightshade and Lapis Lazuli(trapped). Head back out and fall down to
the bottom. Go to the right and follow the path, eventually you will
reach a ladder. Ignore it for now, go to the left to get Short Spear
and Frigid Damsel. This time climb the ladder to reach the exit.

After this you will be back at world map. Press START again to begin
Soul Concentration. This time will appear Blue Dot --> Hai-Lan. So go


An island isolated just off the southwest coast. Hai-Lan has developed
its own unique culture. It is filled with unusual flora and fauna, as
well as less natural magic beings.
Period 1

You will see a girl praying in a shrine in the rain. The girl walk up
to the left to the old man with red umbrella.

Shinto Priest : It's impressive you come here everyday to pray. But,
for what?

Ai : For the safe return of my brother. He has gone on a quest to find
medicine to treat my eyes...

Shinto Priest : I see.

The scene changes to town where you can see three men talking.

Scout : An Ogre?

Traveler : Yes, an Ogre demon has been sighted near Hai-Lan.

Samurai : Then I shall slay this ogre!

Now you will be at demon's lair and you can see the Samurai lost.

Ogre : It seems you have no further need for those eyes.

Samurai : No! NOOO!!!

The scene changes back to the shrine.

Shinto Priest : Earlier, a young man came here. At first I mistook him
for you.

Ai : Could it be? It must have been my brother!! ...My brother and I
are twins.

Shinto Priest : Ah, of course. He said to give you this amulet I've
been holding it for you.

Ai :

Shinto Priest : Well, he knew you were coming here, didn't he? Truly,
twins are a wonder.

The screen changes back to demon's lair. Valkyrie will walk up to him.

Ogre : And what will your soul project upon this dark cave?

Valkyrie : Soul? I possess no such thing.

Then Valkyrie slashes the Ogre and you can see the Ogre turn into
Samurai. Then the screen will shifts to the flashback.

Ogre : Which would your sister prefer. You dying so that she may live
on, or you surviving to be by her side when she dies?

Jun : I shall not die today!! Nor shall you take my sister!!

Ogre : One cannot get something for nothing in this world. If it is
life that you seek, life is the price you must pay.

Jun : ...

Ogre : I offer you the Soul Stone, in exchange for your life.

Jun : I thought I made it clear that I shall not die today. I never had
any intention of accepting your bargain.

Ogre : What!?

Jun : Then I will take it by force!

Ogre : ...

Jun : 'Tis a foolish demon, that seeks to deal with humans.

Ogre : Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Is it because you value blood over all else,
that you never tire of the sight of it? ...This is typical of a
human soul. And now it is soul of a demon. You and I are one!!
(And I will live on. For my body was but a vessel.)

Then the screen back to the present.

Jun : Ugh... Where's... the Ogre...?

Valkyrie : There are no demons here. You were merely confronting your
own soul.

Jun : The Ogre was my own soul?

Valkyrie : Humans are often misled by the truth. This whole cavern is a
dark mirror, where one must confront one's own soul. I
understand how you feel, humans. But you must understand
what your warped soul has done.

Valkyrie : As twins, your life and your sister's are forever
intertwined. You cannot help but influence each other's
existence. So is it your sister's eyes that have become
clouded... Or is it your own soul?

Jun : My soul...? I did this... To her?

You will now see the Shinto Priest and Ai standing outside.

Ai : Somehow, my brother has cured me after all. But what I wanted

Shinto Priest : I'm sure everything is fine, why do you think this?

Ai : I don't know. I only know that it is how I feel.

After this you will be back at world map and you have Jun in your
party. Press START again to begin Soul Concentration. This time will
appear Orange Dot --> Nethov Swamp. So go there.

Nethov Swamp

A horrible stench permeates the Nethov Swamp. Nexious fumes stream
forth from the ground and call to the undead to feed on the flesh of
the living. Some hidden power must be there, causing the unnatural
Period 2

Enemies :
- Figment
- Vermin
- Pongo Robustus
- Mantrap Plant

Bosses :
- Dragon Zombie

Items Found :
- 2x Shadow Servant
- 2x Holy Crystal
- Charge
- Wait Reaction
- Eye of Heaven
- Element Scepter
- Cure Condition
- Flare Baselard
- Daemon Slayer
- Short Spear
- Quartz Gem
- Bark of the Dryad
- Inscribed Fragment

From start head to the left and enter the first area you can enter. Go
to the right and get Shadow Servant. Be careful, it is trapped. Head to
the left and go up to the right to get another Shadow Servant. Be
careful, it is trapped. Go up to get Holy Crystal. Be careful, it is
trapped. Head back down and follow these direction : right, down, left,
left, left. You can save your game here. Go down and get Short Spear at
the right treasure. In the left swamp you can get Cure Condition and
Flare Baselard(hidden beside Cure Condition). In the further left
swamp, you can get Quartz Gem and Daemon Slayer(it is trapped). Head
back up and go to the right twice, you will approach a tree.

Valkyrie : This tree... is rotting.

So cut the tree to get 5000 Event EXP. Go to the right to get Charge
skill. Go up and head to the left through the big tree. Get Holy
Crystal (it is trapped), Wait Reaction, Eye of Heaven, and Element
Scepter (it is trapped). Head back down and go down again. You can save
your game at the right. Head to the left and follow the path.

When you reach a place where you can jump down, jump down and head to
the right. You will come upon a Dragon Zombie.

Valkyrie : What is a Dragon Zombie doing here!! ...It is hard to
believe that it suffered a mortal wound in combat...

Boss Battle

Name : Dragon Zombie
HP : 13400
Weakness : Fire, Lightning, Holy
Recommended level : 10
EXP : 6000

Strategy : Equip your character with Jewelled Blade "Grimrist" (if you
take this Artifact), or Dragon Slayer, or Flare Baselard.
The Dragon will be die in one or two slash.

In the battle, Valkyrie will explain how to fight this Dragon.

Valkyrie : So weapons don't work, eh. So we must exploit their weak
points, but how exactly?

| Menu Command "Item" |
| Spectacles allow you to "see" your enemy's abilities. By using an |
|Attack Item against their weak points, we can beat even the strongest|

After the battle continue to the right. You will come upon two chests
contain artifacts, Bark of the Dryad and Inscribed Fragment. It's up to
you to keep it or not. If you take each artifact, Your Evaluation
points will decrease (-5). I suggest you keep Bark of the Dryad because
you can transmute it into Dimension Slip. After you check all the
artifacts you will get 20000 Event EXP. Then head to the right to the

After this you will be back at world map. Press START again to begin
Soul Concentration. This time will appear Orange Dot --> Cave of
Oblivion. So go there.

Cave of Oblivion

It is said that the jewels and monsters that appears in the cave are
different each time it is visited. The cave is a natural wonder –- the
envy of adventurers. But be extremely wary here. The monsters and other
magical beings can be extremely powerful.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Vermin
- Pongo Robustus
- Figment
- Mantrap Plant
- Dragon Servant

There's no item here, just enemies. Kill them all to get EXP.

If you do as I say, you will have almost finish this Chapter. The
status are :
Period 18/24
150 Periods remaining until End of World

Use all the remaining periods to go to one of the places you have
already visited before. I recommend Nethov Swamp. Kill all the monsters
there to get EXP. After that Freya will summons you. Don't forget to
transfer Belenus before Freya summons you.

Sacred Phase 2-3

Freya : It has been a long time, Lenneth. Our current situation is as

Asgard War Status

Asgard Strength
Aesir Army 23 23(+0)
Vanir Army 31 31(+0)
Other Forces 26 26(+0)

Freya : Our current situation is... If things do not improve I'm afraid
we are doomed.

Freya : Do you wish to know the status of our Einherjar?


Freya : Do you wish to know his status?

Name : Belenus
God Level : Rank 15
Platoon : 2nd Platoon
Evaluation Value +106
Hero Value 256

Evaluation of desired abilities +53
Awarded the rank of 15th level god
Experimental use of Artifacts
Report of Experiment Results
Patrol of Valhalla Palace and Environs
Conversation with Aesir +5
Pursuit of the Spies Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Plan brilliant strategy +5
Lead unit perfectly +5
Identify Item perfectly +5
Activities Recognized +5
Total Acquired Hero Value +106

All of these above is my hero status. I don't know you will be the same
or not.

Freya : Lenneth, about your performance... It is magnificent.

Freya : These are all the Materialize Points I can grant you at this

Materialize Points 6780 pts

Freya : The Lord Odin is pleased with you. He bids me give you these

Element Scepter
Lightning Bolt
Shadow Servant
Extreme Guard
Emerald Necklace

All of these above is what I get. I don't know you will be the same or

Freya : Lenneth, I have a request to make of you... We need Archers.
Send us someone who can strike from the distance. We need an
Einherjar who can gather intelligence. Send us an Einherjar
Skilled at reconnaissance.

Necessary Hero Value 65
Demand : Archer, Find Trap, Survival

Freya : May Fate guide your Hand. I pray for your good fortune.

Chapter 3

Characters :
- Kashell
- Yumei
- Janus

Places :
- Camille Village
- Hai-Lan
- Gorhia Cult HQ
- Crell Monferaigne
- Cave of Oblivion

In this Chapter, train Llewelyn. He's the one you will be transferred.
Spend all the CP to increase the skill that Freya wants.

You can press START (begin spiritual concentration) five times in this
First START : Blue Dot --> Camille Village
Second START : Blue Dot --> Hai-Lan
Third START : Orange Dot --> Gorhia Cult HQ
Fourth START : Blue Dot --> Crell Monferaigne
Fifth START : Orange Dot --> Cave of Oblivion

Camille Village

Attached to Artolia, Camille is in disarray. Constantly becoming
embroiled in the wars of their neighbours, their history shows how
often they have been trampled underfoot.
Period 1

When you enter Camille Village you will notice that everyone has been
turned into stone. The camera will move to the left and you will see
Kashell and Celia.

Celia : This is awful...

Kashell : This isn't at all like Ward said! This is... tragic.

Celia : A basilisk? A cockatrice? Or...a gorgon? This seems a bit more
than any of those beasts could handle...

Kashell : ...Only the people were petrified, nothing else. And there
isn't a single person that hasn't been shattered. That's
proof that whatever did this was no mere beast... it had

Celia : Medusa...!

Kashell : Probably.

Celia : This is bad...

Kashell : Anyway, let's look for survivors.

Celia : Right.

Kashell : He's always said that anyone left alive is worth 1000 Oath,
the bastard!

They then walk to the right and come across an old sword.

Kashell : They're using a sword as a deadbolt? This blade... Hey, can
you read this writing?

Celia : These are ancient runes! Goodness...they've carved up the
entire length of the blade...

Celia : "Behold the Grand Sting, forged from the very brilliance of the
blue sky. By its power the absolute evil of these grounds is

Kashell : ...Absolute evil?

After that they enter the ruin. In the ruin, Celia will notice someone
has been stoned in the ruin.

Celia : It's a miracle! They left this one intact! Kashell... Bring me
the Potion!

Kashell : ...So that's what happened.

Celia : Huh?

Kashell : ...This kid releases the evil. She was probably just playing
around... Don't you think it's odd, finding a little girl

Celia : ...

Kashell : Anyway, there's no need to de-petrify her right now. I can't
stand to hear kids cry.

Celia : ...I guess you're right. Maybe we should heal her once we're
outside town ??????

Then a mysterious voice start talking to them.

??? : I planned to awaken that girl a hundred years hence... as a
reward for releasing me. Wouldn't that have been pleasant...?

Kashell : You bastard! Come on out and show your face!

Celia : ...Vile creature, does it please you to perform act of good
shrouded in ill? Obscuring your true intentions only makes it
that much more hateful!!

Suddenly a flying creature appear and stab Kashell. Kashell is sent
flying from the stab.

Kashell : Ah... The vial... I've got to protect it ??????

Then the bottle starts to glow and you will see Valkyrie holding the

Valkyrie : what is most important to you?

Kashell : A...a Valkyrie? I'm not sure... I was so obsessed with it.
All I can say is, I guess it was...

Valkyrie : You have earned the right to live.

Kashell : To live?

Valkyrie : Yes. The right to life.

You will then see Celia again as the bottle was put carefully by
Valkyrie on the ground.

Celia : It didn't break. Another...miracle? Kashell...

You will now see Celia with the little girl.

Celia : See? You're not the only one who's sad!! But you have to be
strong! Kashell will only grieve, if you cry...

Celia could not hold her tears anymore and fell down crying.

After this you will be back at world map and you have Kashell in your
party. Press START again to begin Soul Concentration. This time will
appear Blue Dot --> Hai-Lan. But before you go there, you can go back
to Camille Village to get items.

Camille Village

Attached to Artolia, Camille is in disarray. Constantly becoming
embroiled in the wars of their neighbours, their history shows how
often they have been trampled underfoot.
Period 1

Go to the Graveyard and move to the left. You will come across a sword
and Kashell will appear.

Kashell : This is my sword... Did Celia do it?

Valkyrie : It appears so.

Kashell : Even if I carry this, I won't be punished?

You will get Vainslayer. Go to the left to the ruin and enter.

Enemies :
- Lesser Vampire
- Knight Fiend
- Drow Shaman
- Dragon Zombie

Bosses :
- Greater Demon

Items Found :
- Bastard Sword
- Defend
- Eye of Heaven
- Sap Guard
- Dragon Slayer
- Warhammer
- Trick Step
- Grand Sting
- Golden Fowl

Go down the stair and the ladder. Go to the right and fight Dragon
Zombie. Equip one of your character with Jewelled Blade "Grimrist" or
Flare Baselard or Dragon Slayer. You will win in one or two slash. Take
the Bastard Sword from the chest. Head back out and go to the left.
Enter the first door you see. Take Defend from the chest. Head out and
go to the left. Be careful with the laser that come out from big eye on
the ceiling. If you get hit, you will be freezed and your HP will
decrease 2000. So don't walk when the laser shot from the big eye. Go
down in the next screen. Head to the left and follow the path. You will
come across a huge moving pillar blocking you the way to the right.
This is how to break it. Look where the laser hit the ground and shoot
ice 2 times there. The ice will reflect the laser and hit the pillar.
The pillar will be freezed and you can break it by using your sword.
You will get 6000 Event EXP after you break it. Go to the right and
down the stair and the ladder. Go to the left and fight another Dragon
Zombie. Use the same strategy like before to fight it. All the chests
here is trapped, so be careful. Take Eye of Heaven, Sap Guard, Dragon
Slayer from the chests. Go back to where you first destroy the pillar.
There's a room you can enter before the big eye. There's two pillars
here. Destroy the first like before and for the second, you will have
to reflect it three times to break the second pillar. You will get
12000 Event EXP after you break the two pillars. Head to the left and
down the stair. Destroy the pillar here too. Then kill another Dragon
Zombie. Head to the left and go down the stair and the ladder. Now head
all the way to the right. Save your game there before the Boss Battle.
Then head to the right to next screen.

When you enter, Valkyrie will walk up to the right and a demon will
show up.

Valkyrie : So you still live. I thought that woman destroyed you.

Demon Servant : I cannot be defeated by a lowly mortal. Neither can I
be defeated by a lowly goddess who relies upon the
power of humans to fight for her.

Valkyrie : ...Why don't you try me?

Demon Servant : I believe I will.

Then the demon transform into more stronger demon.

Boss Battle

Name : Greater Demon
HP : 22000
Recommended level : 12
EXP : 13000

Strategy : Equip your character with Daemon Slayer. The Demon will be
die in one slash.

In Battle, Valkyrie will explain how to dodge and counter-attack.

Valkyrie : They are skilled at dodging attacks. And they always counter
attack... So either a magic attack followed by a combination
attack or, we take advantage of their poor accuracy, wait
for them to counter and then strike...

| Dodge and counter-attack |
| If a character's attack is dodged, their action for that turn is |
|over. With the skill, "Counter", an ally can counter-attack after he |
| dodges. Dodges cannot be repeated consecutively. |

After the battle, you can get two artifacts, Grand Sting and Golden
Fowl. It's up to you to keep it or not. If you take each artifact, Your
Evaluation points will decrease (-5). I suggest you keep them. After
you check all the artifacts you will get 30000 Event EXP. Head back out
the ruin and the Camille Village. Now go to Hai-Lan.


An island isolated just off the southwest coast. Hai-Lan has developed
its own unique culture. It is filled with unusual flora and fauna, as
well as less natural magic beings.
Period 1

The scene will open with you seeing a tall ship. Then the camera will
move down to a mermaid sitting in a wreckage.

Yumei : I hope this isn't a bad idea. But, how do I know it's the right

Then the screen will changes to the ship where you can see two men.

Fuyuki : This is pointless. We're not gonna catch anything today!

Father : The bonito are a bit late this year. What's wrong?

Fuyuki : Dad, did you just hear someone yell?

Father : What? Here in the middle of the ocean?

Fuyuki : Listen, there it is again!

Yumei : Help me!

Then the screen goes back again to Yumei.

Yumei : H-E-L-P!!

Yumei : Wha...t! Isn't someone going to respond to my cries? Or is that
a ghost ship only skeletons ride?

Then the screen will changes again to the ship where you will see Yumei
on board the ship.

Fuyuki's Father : Are you okay?

Yumei : ...Yes.

Fuyuki's Father : You surprised me, kid. What're ya doin' out here? You
could've drowned!

Yumei : My sank.

Fuyuki's Father : Sank? What happened to the others!?

Yumei : ...I don't know.

Fuyuki's Father : ...

Fuyuki's Father : So... What's your name?

Yumei : ...Yumei. It means "dream".

Fuyuki's Father : Fuyuki, why are you so quiet?

Fuyuki : Huh? I just...umm...

Fuyuki : Um, well, anyway, it looks like we won't catch anything today.
So shouldn't we head back to port?

Fuyuki's Father : Mmm. You probably right 'bout that.

The screen will then go black and when it appears you will see Yumei
and Fuyuki's Father.

Yumei : Do you know what a lapis is?

Father : Lapis? You mean a lapis lazuli, the gemstone?

Yumei : That's right. But this isn't a normal one. It's special ????

Father : Ah, you mean the Cerulean Lapis! Yeah, I know about it. Any
sailor with his salt does.

Yumei : So it's true that it grants wishes? If only I could find one...

Father : Ha. I hate to break it to you, girlie, but it don't really
exist. Just another ol' wives tale.

Yumei : ...

Father : Sorry, lassie... didn't mean to upset you. Somethin's wrong?

Yumei : No... It's nothing.

(The Cerulean Lapis is a myth? But if that's true...)

After that the ship will shake.

Yumei : What was that!?

Fuyuki : You don't know? It's the Oouzu.

Yumei : The...Oh-oo-zoo?

Fuyuki : When the currents shift, the sea can turn into a giant
whirlpool. The tremble you felt was just the ship changing
course. There's nothing to worry about.

Then the screen will go black and you will see the ship in the port.
Fuyuki will come out with Yumei and walk along the path.

Fuyuki : I believe in the Cerulean Lapis.

Yumei : Huh?

Fuyuki : I heard you talking to my father. Father is growing old, and
he's lost the ability to hope and dream. But I still believe
the Lapis is real. Do you think I'm silly?

Yumei : No. Thanks for the encouragement. I'll try to believe in it

Fuyuki : That's good!! 'Cause you'll never find it if you don't believe
in it.

Yumei : Fuyuki, if you found the Cerulean Lapis, what would you wish

Fuyuki : Ummm... Well, our ship is in pretty bad shape. So I guess I'd
wish for a new one. The finest one in all of Hai-Lan. What
about you?

Yumei : Me? Uh ?????? I haven't really thought about it.

Fuyuki : I see...

The screen will changes again and you will see Yumei and Fuyuki's
Father in a room.

Father : Miss, you asked us to take you to this town, but now you say
you have nowhere to go. I'm sorry to nag, but may I ask why
you wanted to come here?

Yumei : Honestly, I wasn't trying to hide anything... I came here to
see my father.

Father : Your father?

Yumei : That's right.

Father : What's his name?

Yumei : Koh...Rijun Koh.

Father : Koh? You don't mean...Shogun Koh!?

Yumei : You know him?

Father : Everyone knows of Shogun Koh and his family. I don't mean to
be rude, but are you the child of one of his mistresses? I
only ask because... Well, I assume that a family member would
have known... That Shogun Koh is dead. Do you know of the war
between Hai-Lan and the merfolk? It ended only a few years
ago. Shogun Koh was commanding the navy against the merfolk.
In the midst of a battle, he fell overboard. There was no time
to save him, and everyone assumed he had drowned. But
miraculously, he later washed ashore alive and well. He was a
changed man after that. The Shogun worked tirelessly to make
peace with the merfolk and end the war. He was a war hero who
became a legendary peacemaker. But his efforts took their
toll, and he succumbed to illness a few years ago. The whole
nation mourned his passing. He was a great man...

Then the screen will go outside the room where Fuyuki listening.

Fuyuki : So the reason she wanted the Lapis, was so she could see her
father...? Why did Yumei lie to me?

Then the scene will changes again and you will see Yumei and Fuyuki in
a room.

Fuyuki : I'm sorry, Yumei. But I couldn't find anyone by the name of

Yumei : ...Thank you for trying.

Fuyuki : Oh, it was no problem. I like to help any way I can.

Yumei : Well, there's no point in search anymore.

Fuyuki : Why not? Don't you want to see your father? Don't give up! The
Lapis... I know it's real. You said you'd try to believe in it

Yumei : There is no Cerulean Lapis!

Fuyuki : What? But, Yumei...

Yumei : There is no Lapis, and my father is dead!

Fuyuki : Yumei...

Yumei : It doesn't matter anymore. Please just leave me alone.

Then Yumei will go out from the window.

Fuyuki : Wait! Where are you going!? Yumei!!

Then the screen will changes to outside of the room.

Fuyuki : Damn, she's fast! Is that the direction of the shore? Surely
she doesn't intend... To kill herself!? That noise... it's the

Then the screen changes to the beach. A mermaid is in the sea.

Fuyuki : ...Yumei?

Yumei : Are you surprised? I'm not human.

Fuyuki : I...I didn't...

Yumei : You should get away from the shore. The Oouzu will be here

Fuyuki : What about you? ...You wanted the Cerulean Lapis so that you
could see your father?

Yumei : ...

Fuyuki : I'm kinda disappointed. It looks like you didn't trust me,
when all I wanted to do was help you. That's why I searched
the whole city for information about the Lapis.

Yumei : You're wrong.

Fuyuki : Huh?

Yumei : It's true...that I wanted to see my father, but that isn't the
thing that I would have wished for.

Fuyuki : Then... Why?

Yumei : My mother... She died recently. Ever since my mother bore me,
the child of a human, she's been ostracized by the other
merfolk. Even when she died, no one mourned her. ...I couldn't
cry. Whenever I wanted to cry, everyone would glare at me with
those cold eyes... and I just couldn't do it. But it was more
than just that... I didn't smile when I was happy. I didn't cry
when I was sad. What I didn't realize was that I had given up
on living entirely. I was such a fool. At the very least, I
wanted to make my father cry. My wish for the Lapis would have
been... For my father, mother and me to have been able to live
together as a family... but it's not fair... Now they get to be
together without me...

Fuyuki : ...Yumei, please don't do this!

Yumei : Goodbye, Fuyuki. I'm sorry I lied to you.

Then Yumei will swims off. You will see a FMV of the Whirlpool forming.
After that you will see a flashback of what you just saw.

Yumei : ...I couldn't cry. Whenever I wanted to cry, everyone would
just glare at me... and I wouldn't be able to. But it was more
than just that... I was such a fool.

Now you can see Fuyuki again at the beach.

Fuyuki : I was a fool too. Why didn't I stop her?

A light will start to come out from the water and a little blue ball
will float.

Fuyuki : Wha... What's this!?

When a cerulean gem is in a young man's palm. When two strangers have
spoken their hearts. And when two hearts have connected as one. Then
the legend has truly been reborn. The Legend of the Cerulean Lapis

Fuyuki, if you found the Cerulean Lapis what would you wish for? A
splendid new ship? No!! To be together? Should I wish for Yumei's
safety? That's it! But... What was it that Yumei wished for...?

Fuyuki : Lapis! Grant my heart's desire! I wish that Yumei is able to
be with her parents again ??????

The Lapis then glow and you will see Yumei fall down to the bottom of
the sea. Valkyrie will appears and grabs her.

Valkyrie : Because he loved her, he wishes for her death? His wish will
be granted. I do not know if this girl will prove worthy of
Valhalla. But as promised, they will be together.

The sea did not calm. Yumei did not return. But the boy sat patiently
?????? and stared at the ocean. His wish was granted. But there was
no proof of this.

You will then see flashback.

Fuyuki : I believe in the Cerulean Lapis.

Yumei : Thanks for the encouragement. I'll try to believe in it too.

Fuyuki : That's good!! 'Cause you'll never find it if you don't believe
in it.

And so ?????? Fuyuki decided to believe once again. To believe that
Yumei was happy together with her family, forevermore.

After this you will be back at world map and you have Yumei in your
party. Press START again to begin Soul Concentration. This time will
appear orange dot --> Gorhia Cult HQ. Since you have Yumei in your
party, go back to Hai-Lan to get item.


An island isolated just off the southwest coast. Hai-Lan has developed
its own unique culture. It is filled with unusual flora and fauna, as
well as less natural magic beings.
Period 1

Go to the seashore. Yumei will then appears.

Yumei : Fuyuki, I'm sorry...

There's a sparkling in the water.

Yumei : Who...?

You got Fragment of Lapis Gem.

Now go to Gorhia Cult HQ.

Gorhia Cult HQ

Shrine of the demon-worshipping Gorhla Cultists. An sinister presence
can be felt emanating from its heart. It seems that they have summoned
forth a great demon who is seeking vengeance on all of humanity.
Something must be done quickly.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Lesser Vampire
- Knight Fiend
- Necromancer
- Thaumaturgist

Bosses :
- Noble Vampire

Items Found :
- Guts
- Eye of Heaven
- Adept Illusion
- Quartz Gem
- Sap Power
- Fairy Ring
- Poison Check
- Lapis Lazuli
- Ether Scepter
- Mithril Ore
- Incense Burner of Darlis
- Gaygoyle Statue

Head all the way to the right to get Guts skill. After you grab that
run all to the left, until you reach the last area that allow you go
down or up. There's nothing in the up area. So go down to get Eye of
Heaven. After that head to the right and take the path that leads up.
Follow the path to the dead end where there are four rooms. Enter them
to get treasures. They are Adept illusion, Quartz Gem, and Sap Power.
Head back one screen where you will see a big room with all the chains.
There are treasures up there. This is how to get it. Find the rear
place above where you can shoot ice at top. Create ice (shoot 2x) under
it. Then make 3 hard ice (if you break the ice you will get it) and put
it in ice you create. Then jump on it. Shoot ice at top until it become
dust. You can jump in mid-air with dust. In the right you will find
Lapis Lazuli and Ether Scepter. In the left you will find Fairy Ring
and Poison Check. Oh yeah, all the chests were trapped.

Go back the main area and this time enter the down path. Follow the
path until you reached the Stained Glass window room. In the next room,
take the stairs down to save your game. After that, go to the right.

When you enter the room you will see a Priest and three dead people
around him.

Priest : Well, Well, what an unusual guest. What errand brings you to
this place today!

Valkyrie : But you are not human!? Appear in your true form, evil

Priest : You understand me well.

The Priest then changes to Noble Vampire.

Valkyrie : I hunt for the souls of man. What do you think to

Noble Vampire : Is there need to respond? It is obvious that your
intentions are but to bury me, no matter what I say.

Valkyrie : ...I should destroy you. You hold a grudge against the

Noble Vampire : I would ask you to hold off on that.

The Noble Vampire will then summons three ghosts that will take over
the dead body. After that you will enter the battle. The fight is easy,
so I will not call it boss battle.

After the battle

Noble Vampire : As I expected. But if possible, please return to where
you came from. It would be in both our best interests.

Valkyrie : I cannot do so.

Noble Vampire : I thought not. Well, let's just see if we can exhaust
you a bit before you reach me.

The Noble Vampire then releases the undead.

Noble Vampire : Those fellows are Necromancers, turning demon-embracing
corpses into the undead. I'm sure you'll see them. If
you don't move quickly, the mounds of corpses in this
building the dead and the tormented, may have more

Valkyrie : You!!

Noble Vampire : You work hard, I see. Ha, ha, ha!!

Go back to where the big room with all the chains are. When you get
near it, the FMV will play.

Noble Vampire : Impressive, eh? You seem somewhat tired. Why don't you
take a rest?

Valkyrie : Play time is over. Now fight me!!

Noble Vampire : Stubborn woman...

Boss Battle

Name : Noble Vampire + 3x Will-O'-Wisps
HP : Noble Vampire 10500
Will-O'-Wisps 6500
Recommended level : 12
EXP : 11400

Strategy : Be careful with the Will-O'-Wisps. If their HP is low, they
will self-destruct. Try to kill them in one shot or if you
can't kill them try not to make their HP is low. After you
kill them, concentrate your attack at Noble Vampire.

In the battle, Valkyrie will explains about the enemies.

Valkyrie : He controls the Will-O'-Wisps, eh? They're troublesome if
they explode, so perhaps a single Special Attack...

| When Will-O'-Wisps explode, they cause great damage. They explode |
| when their HP get low. |

After the battle, you can get two artifacts, Gargoyle Statue and
Incense Burner of Darlis. It's up to you to keep it or not. If you take
each artifact, Your Evaluation points will decrease (-5). I suggest you
send them all to Lord Odin. After you check all the artifacts you will
get 30000 Event EXP. Leave this place back to the world map.

After this you will be back at world map. Press START again to begin
Soul Concentration. This time will appear blue dot --> Crell
Monferaigne. So go there.

Crell Monferaigne

This Kingdom controls most of the Eastern Continent. The citizens have
been brainwashed into leading a self-righteous holy war against their
Period 1

You will now be in a bar, and a man with a white shirt will come in.

Gunter : Hey, aren't you...Janus?

Janus : ...

Gunter : Hey, long time no see, buddy! You've come back, huh? But hey,
man...what're you doing here, anyway? This place is for worthy
warriors, ain't it? It ain't no place for cowards! Get lost!

(I did not run from my duty.)

Then Gunter punches Janus. After that you will see Janus leaving the
bar. Accidentally he bumps a child.

Child : Oh... I'm sorry...

Janus : ...

Janus will just put his hand on the child's head. Then he leaves. The
scene then changes and you will see two men in a large circular room.

Bert : Sir, we received a report that Janus was seen in town the other
day ??????

Ernest : What? Why would he return now?

Bert : Perhaps... He seeks revenge on us...?

The scene then changes and you will see Janus in his house.

(I am so proud of you, my son! You have been knighted...made part of
the king's inner circle...!)

The scene then shifts to the outside. Janus will be walking alone in
the dark when he notices someone.

Janus : Who are you!!

Janus then use his gun at the Ninja and he leave. Janus runs over and
noticing that he left something.

(Are these the secret writings?)

Then you will be back at the circular room.

Bert : The man who retrieved the stolen documents. You see ??????

Ernest : What? Let him in.

Bert : Very well ??????

Ernest : That's right. Mistakes will not be forgiven.

Bert : Janus. You did well.

Then the arrows hit Janus and he dies.

Bert : If you had done this from the start ??????

Ernest : No. We couldn't kill him while the previous King was still

Then the scene shifts back to the outside of the bar.

(I heard he wanted to get reinstated as a knight. Ridiculous! Hah! That
coward... He ran away with his tail between his legs!)

Then the screen will changes to Valkyrie and Janus.

Janus : I just wanted to make my father proud. For him. I'd follow any
of the King's orders.

Valkyrie : Even if the work is dishonorable?

Janus : I was stripped of the rank of knight, and forced out of the
city. Ten years. I didn't return for ten years. I was worried
about my father... But he ??????

Valkyrie : Do you not know something as simple as your own place?
Nonetheless, you are chosen. You now owe your soul to the

After this you will be back at world map and you have Janus in your
party. Press START again to begin Soul Concentration. This time will
appear orange dot --> Cave of Oblivion. Since you have Janus in your
party, go back to Crell Monferaigne.

Crell Monferaigne

This Kingdom controls most of the Eastern Continent. The citizens have
been brainwashed into leading a self-righteous holy war against their
Period 1

Go to Janus's house. Then Janus will appears.

Janus : When I said farewell to the knighthood. I sealed her away so
that she would never again be used...

You got Raven Slayer.

Now go to Cave of Oblivion.

Cave of Oblivion

It is said that the jewels and monsters that appears in the cave are
different each time it is visited. The cave is a natural wonder –- the
envy of adventurers. But be extremely wary here. The monsters and other
magical beings can be extremely powerful.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Vermin
- Pongo Robustus
- Figment
- Mantrap Plant
- Dragon Servant

There's no item here, just enemies. Kill them all to get EXP.

Brahms Castle

Brahms, the lord of the undead resides here. No sunlight shines on this
castle of darkness which mysteriously appears with the setting sun and
disappears each morning when the sun rises.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Lesser Vampire
- Demon Servant
- Succubus
- Vampire Lord

Items Found :
- Moonflax
- Unicorn Horn
- Normalize
- Burgundy Flask
- Beast Slayer
- Combo Counter
- Nightshade
- Heal
- Flare Baselard
- Vegetable Seed
- Throw
- Lapis Lazuli
- Warhammer
- Mithril Ore
- Savory
- Stone Torch

You only have 4 minutes in this area. So take all the items as much as
you can. There are good items here you don't want to miss.

Start by walking to the right. When you get on the next screen take the
path that leads up twice. Then make a left and you will be in a room
that has two chests hidden by a curtain. Once is the Moonflax and the
other is the Unicorn Horn(very important, and you will see why later).
After you have those walk to the right and take the first path that
leads down. You will find Normalize in this room. Once you have this
just head up. Then continue to the right until you reach another area
where you can head down. Go down to that room and you will find some
Burgundy Flask. Then go back and to the right and take the next area
that will let you down. You will then find a Beast Slayer(kills
anything with Beast in its name in 1 hit). Leave this room and continue
walking to the right and you will reach a flight of stairs and a place
that you can go down. Take the flight of stairs to the Top and you will
be able to pick up the Skill of Combo Counter(very important) and a
Nightshade. Once you have those go back down the stairs and take the
route that leads down. You will have to keep heading down for four
times and then you will reach another corridor. If you walk to the
right you will find a Save Point. If you have above 3 mintues left then
I would save, if not don't save. After that head to the left. When you
reach an area that you can head up do so. You will find a Heal. Leave
this room and continue to the left. Head all the way to the left and
you will be able to find a Flare Baselard. After you grab that head
back to the right and take the door that leads up. Head up two or three

Now walk to the left and up that door and you will find some Vegetable
Seeds. After you have those leave that room and continue to the right.
Take the next door that leads up and in that room you will find the
Skill Throw. Leave that room and continue to the right. You should
reach a flight of stairs. Take the stairs up and head to the left and
you will find a save point. Save and then leave that room and make a
jump to the right corner. You will enter another room that has a huge
monster in it. But before you go up to him, head to the room that leads
up and you can find a Lapis Lazuli, a War Hammer and a Mithril Ore.
Once you have those leave that room and head down. In this room you can
find a Stone Torch Spell and a Savory. Once you have those it is time
to fight the Ram Guardian. This battle is incredibly difficult, if you
don't have a plan.

Strategy : Make sure that your Mage has the Stone Torch spell. If you
can successfully Stone the Ram Guardian it makes this much
easier, if not, don't worry. He attacks about once for every
three turns you have. Just use a Union Plume on the down
time. Oh and yes he will kill any character in one hit. But,
anyways after you have him Stoned, just use your Clincher
moves and hope you can kill him before he kills you. One
last things, he has about 27,000 DME. The most so far.

Once you have him killed head back to the save point that was at the
top of the stairs, and then continue left. You will then enter a room
and you will see Brahms sitting on a Chair.

Valkyrie : I assume you are prepared.

Brahms : I don't suppose that... You've come to finish things with me?

Valkyrie : What?

Brahms : Valkyrie, what has happened to you? Do you not remember me...
let alone your own sister?

Valkyrie : ...What are you saying?

Brahms : What can Odin be thinking... he manipulates you as does a
puppeteer his marionette...

Brahms will then moves with such speed towards Valkyrie that it
startles her.

Valkyrie : !!

Brahms : Don't move. I always believed that you would be the one to
fill my cold, empty heart...

What will you do?
- Fight on regardless
- Pause to consider

I suggest you choose the second answer because I think you can't win
this battle with your levels now.

Brahms : you do not have the strength to defeat me. We shall have to
leave our conclusion for another time.

Brahms will then warp out.

Valkyrie : What is this overhelming energy? It is equal to that of Lord

The castle will disappears and you will be back at world map.

If you do as I say, you will have almost finish this Chapter. The
status are :
Period 22/24
122 Periods remaining until End of World

Use all the remaining periods to go to one of the places you have
already visited before. I recommend Camille Village. Kill all the
monsters there to get EXP. After that Freya will summons you. Don't
forget to transfer Llewelyn before Freya summons you.

Sacred Phase 3-4

Freya : It has been a long time, Lenneth. Our current situation is as

Asgard War Status

Asgard Strength
Aesir Army 23 24(+1)
Vanir Army 31 30(-1)
Other Forces 26 26(+0)

Freya : Our current situation is... If things do not improve I'm afraid
we are doomed.

Freya : Do you wish to know the status of our Einherjar?


Freya : You wish to know his status?

Name : Belenus
God Level : Rank 10
Platoon : 2nd Platoon
Evaluation Value +35
Hero Value 291

Awarded the rank of 10th level god
Duty to Protect Supply Troops
Inspection of Sonder Region
Destruction of Experiment Equipment
Carefully checking plans +5
Deep in the Mirage Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Discover mysterious spring +5
Activities Recognized +5
Total Acquired Hero Value +35

Name : Llewelyn
God Level : Rank 15
Platoon : 3rd Platoon
Evaluation Value +92
Hero Value 159

Evaluation of desired abilities +37
Awarded the rank of 15th level god
Execution of Magic Experiments
Inspection of Yoskral Plains
Return to Valhalla
Rescue animal +2
Recapture of Fort Sartori Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Find and disable traps +5
Discover mysterious spring +5
Exploits Recognized +5
Total Acquired Hero Value +92

All of these above is my hero status. I don't know you will be the same
or not.

Freya : Lenneth, about your performance... You are doing well. Please
continue as you have been.

Freya : These are all the Materialize Points I can grant you at this

Materialize Points 9720 pts

Freya : The Lord Odin is pleased with you. He bids me give you these

Element Scepter
Icicle Edge
Fire Storm
Darkness Arrow
Reflect Sorcery
Auto Item
Faim Fenn
Holy Grail
Ignite Sword

All of these above is what I get. I don't know you will be the same or

Freya : Lenneth, I have a request to make of you... We must send an
emissary to those troublesome light elves. Can you send an
Einherjar who is as skilled at negotiating as they are? We need
a warrior skilled at battle tactics. We need an Einherjar wise
in the lore of demons. We need an Einherjar who can gather

Necessary Hero Value 80
Demand : Negotiator, Trick, Demon Int, Hear Noise

Freya : Very well, good fortune. I know that you can do it.

Chapter 4

Characters :
- Aelia
- Nanami
- Lorenta

Places :
- Villnore
- Cave of Oblivion
- Black Dream Tower
- Hai-Lan
- Cave of Thackus
- Flenceburg

In this Chapter, train Jelanda. She's the one you will be transferred.
Spend all the CP to increase the skill that Freya wants.

You can press START (begin spiritual concentration) six times in this
First START : Blue Dot --> Villnore
Second START : Orange Dot --> Cave of Oblivion
Third START : Orange Dot --> Black Dream Tower
Fourth START : Blue Dot --> Hai-Lan
Fifth START : Orange Dot --> Cave of Thackus
Sixth START : Blue Dot --> Flenceburg


This military regime controls the northwestern continent. Notorious for
villainy even within the robber's guild. Villnore aims to rule the
continent using a secret weapon they excavated in the far north.
Period 1

When you enter Villnore you will see a young woman chained up.

Aelia : Forgive me, my friends. I can't make it...

Valkyrie then warp in near the door and walk down the stair and go
toward Aelia.

Aelia : ...How tedious. I don't care how many times you ask, I'm not
going to answer.

Aelia : ...Who are you?

Valkyrie : I am a Chooser of the Slain, a Valkyrie.

Aelia : ...Hmmm. And next comes the Death Goddess. Leave me alone! It's
too bad, but I'm not going to die!

Valkyrie : You do not sound like the same woman who was weakly dying
moments before. But if you wish...

Valkyrie then warps out and the screen will go blank. When it appears,
you will see three peoples near Aelia.

Soldier : Even Lord Gandar's subjugation spell has no effect.

Gandar : They say that those with dragon's blood are strong against
magic. But to resist this much...

Aelia : The Dragon Gem... That's just folklore!

Gandar : Do you not agree with me? Have you discovered yet yourself? It
is the search, not the discovery which is the truest pleasure?
Don't you agree?

Gandar and the Soldiers then leave.

Aelia : ...I can't die yet...

Aelia : After I finally found out where he was...

The Soldiers and Gandar then back again.

Soldier : She refuses to eat. She's just about at her limit.

Gandar : Are you ready to talk?

Aelia : ...You slimy scum!

Gandar : If you want more, there's plenty left to give!

Gander then gathers energy around him and blasts Aelia. The screen now
changes to Valkyrie and Aelia.

Aelia : You went through a lot of trouble for me, but... Why do the
gods need human souls to fight for them? Why can't they do it
themselves? You're Gods, aren't you?

Valkyrie : Though your body may be bound, no physical restraints can
shackle your spirit. It is this trait that we recognize
within you.

Aelia : I see. So you admire humans. You haven't answered my question,
but surely you'll keep your promise.

Valkyrie : You want to provide your friends with information? It is a
simple request. This man called Gandar... He defiles the
name of the Gods, perpetuating wicked ideas... I will
remember him.

Cave of Oblivion

It is said that the jewels and monsters that appears in the cave are
different each time it is visited. The cave is a natural wonder –- the
envy of adventurers. But be extremely wary here. The monsters and other
magical beings can be extremely powerful.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Dragon Zombie
- Venomous Spider
- Banshee
- Inferior Eye
- Mire Creeper
- Dragoon-Tooth Warrior
- Monstrous Glowfly

Items Found :
- Iron Ore
- Ebony Powder
- Ruin's Fate

The enemies in here are very strong. Especially Inferior Eye. I cannot
figure how to fight this thing. So, in the fourth screen, when you see
skeleton flying, avoid it.

Black Dream Tower

So monstrous that the eye naturally turns away, even approaching it can
prove deadly. This sinister creation could not be the work of humans.
Some malevolent and unnatural being must be residing there.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Lesser Demon
- Grave Mist
- Harpy
- Monstrous Glowfly

Bosses :
- Wise Sorcerer + Dragon-Tooth Warrior

Items Found :
- Vainslayer
- Auto Item
- Hit
- Quartz Gem
- Splash
- Dancing Sword
- Warhammer
- Noise Arrow
- Element Scepter
- Lightning Bolt
- Eye of Heaven
- Bewitching Statue
- Fairy Bottle

Head to the right. When you reach the end of the passage, take the path
that leads up. Then head to the left until you reach a place that leads
down. Take that and head all the way to the right and you will find a
chest that contain the Vainslayer. Then walk all the way to the left to
get Auto Item. After that take the route in the middle of that room.
First walk to the right and you should find a chest that has the skill
Hit in it. After you have that start jumping from one dragons mouth to
the other. On the fourth platform, use the rope to cross to the left
and you can pick up a Quartz Gem. After that jump up and climb up to
the next mouth. Then jump to the platform on the left that has the
treasure chest contain the Splash skill. Once you have all of those
continue up to the left and take the path that leads down. Then head
all the way to the right and enter . You will be in a room that has the
skill Dancing Sword. Leave the room and then go all the way to the door
on the left. Then keep walking to the right until you reach another
door. Take that and then walk all the way down the stairs and you will
be at a Save Point.

Take the door in the right side of the Save Point. Walk until you see
the third door (the first door that you enter is the first) that heads
down. Take that door and go down to the bottom and take the door on the
left. You can then find a Warhammer to the left and once you have that
head to the right until you reach a door. Go inside that room and you
will be able to pick up Noise Arrow and Element Scepter. Once you have
those work your way back to the Save Point and save. Now take the path
to the left until you can reach a place that leads up. Then start
heading to the right. Enter the first door that leads up and at either
end you can find two treasure chests (Lightning Bolt and Eye of
Heaven). Leave this room and continue to the right and head down where
it will let you. You will then be near a Save Point. Save the game then
head to the left.

When you enter the room you will see a a Man and a Woman.

Fanatic : The Battle-Maiden Valkyrie!? You have come for me? I who have
sworn loyalty to Lord Odin?

Valkyrie : Do not seek to make a fool of me, defiler of souls.

Fanatic : I do not defile souls! I killed people and buried them in the
walls because it was the will of Lord Odin! Well, send me to

Valkyrie : Foolish mortal... You believe the Lord of the Gods desire
such a thing!!

Fanatic : But...! this messenger of the gods...

Valkyrie : "Messenger of the Gods"...? Do you mean that demon?

Fanatic : Demon, you say? What do you mean ?????? ?!

Valkyrie : You have been deceived.

Fanatic : B, but I...

The woman will then turn into a monster.

Demon : ...Hmph. He was a useful tool... What a sad waste...

Demon : Oh, well. I shall have to find another as soon as I defeat you,

Valkyrie : Get the hence!! Defiler of souls!!

Boss Battle

Name : Wise Sorcerer + Dragon-Tooth Warrior
HP : Wise Sorcerer 12500
Dragon Tooth Warrior 15000
Recommended Level : 16
EXP : 26100

Strategy : Try to kill Dragon-Tooth Warrior as fast as you can because
you can't attack the sorcerer before you killed it. Use the
clincher to finish it quickly. Be careful with the sorcerer,
his spell is very powerful, it can kill you if you get hit.
So use Union Plume on your dead character.

In the battle, Valkyrie will say a word.

Valkyrie : A Dragontooth Warrior, eh. But inside is the cursed soul of
a frightened child. We must take care in killing this beast
or we may do something irrevocable...

After the battle you can grab two artifacts. One is the Bewitching
Statue and the other is the Fairy bottle. It's up to you to keep it or
not. If you take each artifact, your Evaluation points will decrease (-
5). I suggest you keep the Fairy Bottle, it is very important, until
you get Creation Gem. After you check all the artifacts you will get
55000 Event EXP. Leave this place back to the world map.

After this you will be back at world map. Press START again to begin
Soul Concentration. This time will appear blue dot --> Hai-Lan. So go


An island isolated just off the southwest coast. Hai-Lan has developed
its own unique culture. It is filled with unusual flora and fauna, as
well as less natural magic beings.
Period 1

The screen will open with a little girl standing in a room. A man will
then walking in the background and enter the room.

Foster Father : Nanami, are you feeling better?

Nanami : Yes, thank you Father. I am unworthy of your concern.

Foster Father : I'm glad you are well, Nanami. But please take it easy
today ??????

Nanami : But I cannot. I must go to the Shrine for the ascension
ceremony! It is my duty, my destiny to inherit the power.

Foster Father : ...

Nanami : This time things will go smoothly. I will give you no further
cause to worry, honored father.

You will then see Nanami praying at shrine.

(Minayo, please grant me strength! For the sake of your parents, who
raised me. I wish to prove myself worthy of the power that should
rightfully have been yours!)

Then the screen backs at the first room.

Foster Mother : Did Nanami go already?

Foster Father : Yes...

Foster Mother : Why did you let her go?! Surely you haven't forgotten
what misfortune will befall her if she proceeds with
the ascension ceremony!

Foster Mother : It'll be disaster. A girl who is not of our blood
cannot hope to ascend to such power...

Foster Father : She may not be of our blood, but we've always thought
of her as our real daughter.

Foster Mother : I know, but now we have to face the truth! It's just so

You now see Nanami walking through a cave.

(The ritual of ascension requires me to be a direct descendant in order
to inherit the power... but is blood really that important? What can
one do when one loses what matters most? But I won't fail. I will
inherit their power, and prove that there is something more important.)

Nanami reaches a shrine.

Nanami : Is that... The Sacred Sword, Dragonbane?

Nanami walks to it and the sword start to glow. The screen will then
flash and you will see Nanami walk back or should I say crawl at the
Shrine towards her Foster Parents. Nanami in a terrible condition.

Foster Father : Oh!

Foster Mother : Nanami!

Then the screen changes to flashback telling what's happened.

Nanami : Ahh!

Nanami : What was that light?

A blue ghost will appears floating in the air.

??? : ...

Nanami : Minayo? Is that you, Minayo!?

The ghost attacks her.

Nanami : Ah...AHHH!

Then Valkyrie appears.

Valkyrie : Sorrowful spirit! Death has brought you no peace. But with
my hand ??????

Nanami : Please stop!

Valkyrie : I cannot ignore this. If I do not intervene, her spirit will
unleash great tragedy upon you.

Nanami : No! This ends now.

Valkyrie : Human, surely you do not intend to take her place?!

Nanami : I really don't want to... I don't want to die.

Nanami : But... I thought my anger and sadness were greater than anyone

Nanami : No, that's not it!!

Nanami : It's that her anguish hurts me even more than it hurts her.

Nanami : Truly, this is all I can do...

Valkyrie : Then it is you I shall be seeing soon.

Nanami : Seeing soon...? That's right... I had forgotten about your
duty, noble Valkyrie. Thank you.

(There is more than one path. Let us go.)

After this you will be back at world map and you have Nanami in your
party. Press START again to begin Soul Concentration. This time will
appear orange dot --> Cave of Thackus. Since you have Nanami in your
party, go back to Hai-Lan.


An island isolated just off the southwest coast. Hai-Lan has developed
its own unique culture. It is filled with unusual flora and fauna, as
well as less natural magic beings.
Period 1

Go all the way to the right to the temple. You will see a girl at the
temple. You will automatically walk to her.

Minayo : Honored parents, please accept this.

You will get Dragonbane, a weapon for mage.

Now go to Cave of Thackus.

Cave of Thackus

Polluted water from magic experiments have formed these caves and its
noxious fumes have summoned the undead. A sluice Gate was once
installed to seal off the water, but it has since eroded over the years
and now threatens to break completely, freeing the abominations that
dwell there.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Mire Creeper
- Harpy
- Crab Giant
- Monstrous Glowfly

Bosses :
- Kraken + 3x Crab Giant

Items Found :
- Eye of Heaven
- Strike Edge
- Flare Baselard
- Bracelet of Zoe
- Coin of Fortune

Head all the way to the left. When you see a dragon in the water, equip
Dragon Slayer first before enter the battle. Use the stone like the
stair above the water to reach the next room. Go up first to get Eye of
Heaven. Go down and go left to the next room. Go the left and slide to
get Strike Edge. Take the route that leads down. Head into the water
and jump above the plant, then use your sword at it. The top of the
plant and you will float to the surface and you can cross to the right.
Go to the right and save your game. If you go to the right you will see
a body of dead sorcerer and his soul beside the body. Talk to him.

Sorcerer : Quickly. Reseal the Sluice Gate quickly. It threatens to
break its seal. There is not a moment to lose. If nothing is
done, the whole shoreline will be polluted.

Valkyrie : You look like you're the...Flenceburg sorcerer. You came to
reseal the Sluice Gate? Wha...? This is the tool to reseal
it. ...Leave the rest to me.

Continue to the right. When you reach the end of the path, you will see
a route that leads down, so take it. Go underwater and walk to the
left. Use your sword at the plant. Use the top of the plant as a
platform to reach the left room. In the next room, go down into the
water first and take the route that leads down. Head all the way to the
left and enter the route that leads up. Take the chest contains Flare
Baselard there but be careful it is trapped. Head back and this time go
up and to the left. Go all the way to the left. When you reach a place
where you can go down or jump to the left, choose go down first. When
you enter the room you should see a water fall and an ord behind it.
Shoot your crystal at the Orb and you will get 2000 Event EXP. Then go
back and take the other way. Just press X at the machine and you will
see a FMV scene. Fall down that hole in the ground and head to the
left. Continue walking to the left and when you see a Save Point, save

Head to the left and you will see a huge glowing Pentagram.

Valkyrie : So this is the sluice gate which has sealed off the unpure
water. It appears as if the effect of the seal is about to
wear off. It cannot be sealed anew until the first seal has
completely worn off.

Then she breaks the seal, but the entire building is shaking now.

Valkyrie : ...

Valkyrie : What?!

Boss Battle

Name : Kraken + 3x Crab Giant
HP : Kraken 24000
Crab Giant 1000
Weakness : Kraken --> Poison
Crab Giant --> Fire
Recommended Level : 18
EXP : 25500

Strategy : This battle is easy. Kill all the Crab Giant first and then
concentrate your attack at Kraken. Use your clincher to deal
great damage.

In the battle, Valkyrie will explains about Weapon characteristics.

Valkyrie : I feared something might come out, but this... Well, from
foul water... foul beasts must arise!

| Weapon Characteristics |
| The most important parameters for weapons are ATK# and ATK (attack |
| power). Although the total damage is the same for weapons with "ATK |
| 100. ATK#3" and "ATK 300. ATK#1", due to the enemy's RDM (reduce |
|damage), the weapon with the greater number of attacks will in effect|
|cause less damage in the end. But a Special Attack's damage is based |
|on the weapon's ATK, so the latter weapon would cause 3x the damage. |
| However, there are benefits to a large number of attacks. |

After the battle you can grab two artifacts, The Bracelet of Zoe and
the Coin of Fortune. I suggest you keep them all. After you have those
you will get a message telling you got 60000 Event EXP. Once you have
that leave the Cave of Thackus. On the way out if you tell the Sorcerer
that you closed the seal, you will get another 500 Event EXP.

After this you will be back at world map. Press START again to begin
Soul Concentration. This time will appear blue dot --> Flenceburg. So
go there.


Flenceburg is a monarchy that lies in the southeast and is home to the
Sorcery Collegium. The teachers there are deeply involved in politics
and it is paradise for those interested in pure research.
Period 1

The scene will open up with a man in blue cape and a monster carrying a
woman are running.

Bellion : Master Lezard. I'm sorry... there are too many of them after

Lezard : Don't panic, Bellion. You go on ahead. Do not let them
retrieve the woman!

Bellion : Yes, master!

Lezard then uses his spell.

Lezard : I am he who hath entrusted his soul to the eternal vortex of
time. Ye know me! And if ye do not, ye shall be made to know
me!! It shall be engraved on thy very soul, Lezard Valeth!! If
ye shall accept the brand of Hel upon thee, thy sanctions
shall in turn be lowered. ...I shall grant thee the
deliverance of thy soul, and ye shall come now before me!!

Then a Dragon-Tooth warrior appears and two elves approaching him.

Lezard : What right have you puppets to attack a human? I'm afraid this
mad little interlude is over.

Elf : Halt!

Then Lezard on the back of the Harpy flies away. Then the screen
changes to the torture room and you will see the woman chained up. Then
Bellion comes in.

Bellion : Master Lezard has ordered me to keep an eye on you.

There's a light sparkling from the woman. It seems she uses her power.

Bellion : ...?

Elf : (Remove my chains. Yes, just like that.)

Bellion : GHAAAAAH!!!

Elf : (UGH...Th...this wasn't supposed to...)

Then Lezard comes in.

Lezard : Did I make it? I thought you might realize. That's right. This
construct is a homunculus... a man-made lifeform.

Elf : A homunculus...

Lezard : What a naughty little puppet you are... What was that, some
sort of bewitchment charm? However, as you have seen, the very
fabric of a homunculus 'psyche differs from that of humans.
That is why poor Bellion here went mad. I'm afraid. Heh heh,
how unfortunate for you. Or... heh heh heh. Perhaps you are
even naughtier than I thought. Did you use your charm hoping
for a little...action?

Elf : dare you!!

Lezard : I thought so. You can speak the human tongue if provoked. Ah,
well. Of course, if a human were to couple with one of you
elves it would be little different than engaging in a liason
with a doll. But then, since Bellion here is a homunculus, you
two puppets would be perfect for each other! Ah ha ha ha ha

Elf : Go to hell!

Lezard : Heh. Do you take offense at being called a puppet? Then
perhaps I should call you... ?????? Vessel of the Gods.

Elf : ...!!!!

Lezard : Surprised, my dear? Than listen well, I have found the
"Philosopher's Stone". Even you must know what that is.

Elf : The Philo...sopher's...Stone...!!

Lezard : However, the wisdom sealed within the Stone cannot be gleaned
so easily. Sadly, the legends were a bit off... the Stone does
not transmit all the world's knowledge instantaneously.

Elf : How did a devil like you...!!

Lezard : Silence, puppet!! Stop assuming the human tongue!

Elf : Ugh...

Lezard : Perhaps it was being irreverent in its way, but the first
thing the Stone told me was this... Anything which claims to
be "All" is nothing more than a deception, it said. Yet still,
my seeking out of the Stone was quite worthwhile indeed. You
shall become a sacrifice, a sacrifice to satisfy all my

Lezard : If I use an elf as a catalyst, I will be able to create the
ultimate vessel...

Then the screen changes to a party.

Student : A very happy birthday to you, headmistress Lorenta!

Lorenta : Thank you. I do so appreciate it, you know.

Lorenta : By the way, young lady... Have you seen Mystina anywhere? I
haven't seen her all day...

Student : Sigh...

You will now see Lorenta walking down the street late at night.

Lorenta : I wonder if he'll still be awake...

Then she arrives at her house.

Lorenta : Ah, I'm finally home. He must be asleep by now...

Then a cat will appears and Lorenta will approaches it.

Lorenta : Are you lost, little one?

The cat eyes then flash in red and it talks.

Familiar : Today was my very favorite teacher's birthday, wasn't it? I
should so much like to catch up on old times. This cat here
will show you the way, so please, do come. And come alone.
Your husband and I shall be waiting on pins and needles for
you. ?????? Lezard Valeth.

Lorenta : Lezard ... That ... boy?!

You will then see a FMV. After that, You will see the cat, Lorenta,
Lezard and a body near him at the top of the tower.

Lezard : It has been a while, dear teacher.

Lorenta : You were the most brilliant student I ever had. So why, what
could possibly make you do a thing like this?! You went so
far as to kidnap my husband! Why? For some sort of ...
revenge?! If that is the reason, then... please! Let my
husband go! He has nothing to do with this!!

Lezard : Revenge? Do you think I bear you such ill will because you
expelled me from the Academy?

Lorenta : If not that, then why?!

Lezard : I thought of using a younger couple, but they might not yet
have experienced true love. At any rate, elderly couples like
you have no future. You two have a lifetime of love behind
you, don't you? And even now...

Lorenta : What...what are you trying to say?!

Lezard : I too, covet love. And so... You shall die!!

Lezard then casts his spell.

Lorenta : Lezaaaaaaard! Think this through!!

Lezard will warps out.

Lorenta : That was... a teleportation spell...!! With that much power
at his command, how did the boy go wrong...? Lezard,

Lorenta : Dear?

Lorenta's Husband : Lorenta...?

Lorenta : Yes, it's me, dear. You're going to be all right.

Lorenta's Husband : Lorenta, I... I... something's not right. That man
gave me some sort of potion... it feels almost like
I'm in someone else's body... GAAAAH!! I... what's
happening to me?! I'm ??????

Lorenta : Gods, forgive me... There is nothing I can do for you... No
matter how powerful my students think I am, I cannot help
you... Forgive me...

Lorenta's Husband : Lo... Lorenta... kill me, please... I can't... I
can't stand...

Lorenta : You know I can't do that! You're the most important person to
me in the world, and nothing can change that ??????

You will then see Lezard in his lab.

Lezard : Can you feel it...? The surge of the Undead... Can you not
hear it... the mad wailing!! Oh, goddess! Surely you cannot
allow any more desecration... Come to me... I burn, I burn, I
burn with passion for you... Valkyrie!!!

Then the scene back at the top of the tower where a giant monster has
Lorenta by her neck.

Lorenta : Why... Why did it have to come this... Aaah... Come back to
me... I love you, my... dear ??????

Valkyrie then appears and slashes the monster. Then she takes Lorenta's
soul and go down the stair.

Enemies :
- Blood Sucker
- Wise Sorcerer
- Manticore
- Fatal Glimmer
- Dragon-Tooth Warrior
- Dragon Zombie

Bosses :
- Lezard Valeth + 2x Dragon-Tooth Warrior

Items Found :
- Book of Everlasting Life
- Eye of Heaven
- Warhammer
- Splash
- Nightshade
- Frigid Damsel
- Bastard Sword
- 2x Citrine
- Icicle Edge
- Teachings of Asa
- Dancing Sword
- Lapis Lazuli
- Creation Gem
- Ether Scepter
- Timer Ring
- Base Metal
- Normalize

First thing you need to do is Save. Head to the door right next of the
Save Point. Head into the Elevator. Get off at the first stop of the
elevator and head up. Head to the left to fight a Manticore. Do this to
gain experience then walk all the way to the right and take the path
leading down. Now walk to the left for two screens and then take the
path that leads up. Walk to the right and you will find a Manticore,
kill it and continue to the right. If you keep walking to the right you
will reach a chest that had a Book of Everlasting Life in it.

After you have that head back to the room with the elevator and then
head down. Take the next exit on the elevator and then take the door
down. Just take the path that leads around. After you have done that
head back to the Save Point. Now head to the left and take the door
that is on the next screen and then take the elevator. Get off at the
first location and you can find two treasure chests. One contains a
Warhammer and the other an Eye of Heaven. Be careful, they were
trapped. Once you have those get back on the Elevator and take it to
the next stop. Take the door that leads down and the first head to the
right to pick up the Skill Splash. Once you have that equip your Dragon
Slayer and kill the Dragon Zombie. Then head to the left and take the
door. Now head to the right. Keep heading to the right until you take
the stairs down. Then start going to the left. Go past the first door
you see and take the second. Continue heading to the right until you
can take a route that leads down. Now start heading to the left and you
will reach a Manticore. Kill it, and then take the two chests behind
it. One is a Nightshade (Trapped) and the other is the spell Frigid

Go back to take the passage that you saw earlier and passed by. Head
into the Elevator and take it down. Get off at the second stop to get
Bastard Sword, Citrine and Icicle Edge. Head back to the Elevator, get
off at the second stop and head to the left. Equip your Dragon Slayer
and then kill the 2 Dragon Zombies. Go past where the Dragon Zombies
where and you will be able to find a chest that contains The Teachings
of Asa. After you have that head to the right. Now go up and kill that
Manticore and continue to the left and take the door that leads up. Now
walk to the right. Now keep walking to the right and enter the door.
Walk up to the top of the stairs, kill the Manticore, and then continue
walking to the left. You will now be in a room that has a Female Statue
holding a crystal. Slash at the crystal and it will light up. You will
also get a 12000 Event EXP for doing this. Now head back to where you
went to the right and this time go to the left. Head through the door
and in the next room walk up the stairs to the left. Take the route
that leads down and you will eventually reach a Save Point. Save the
game and then head to the right of that room. You will then find 3
treasure chests that contain the Skill Dancing Sword, Lapis Lazuli and
Citrine. Anyways once you have those head back out and continue left
down the stairs. Enter the door and then head once again to the left.
Now equip your Dragon Slayer and kill the Dragon Zombie, and then head
to the right. You will then have to slash at the crystal again to make
it glow, and when you do you will get a 12000 Event EXP.

Head back to where the Elevator was, but this time there will be a
pentagram where the Manticore was standing. It will ask you if you want
to warp, so just choose the top answer. This will warp you to a new

Walk to the right for two screen and then take the stairs that lead up.
Now walk to the left for two screens and you will be in a room that has
three treasure chests. The first contains the Creation Gem, the other
has an Ether Scepter and the last contains the Timer Ring. Be careful,
they were trapped, just duck/press down when you opened the chest.

Head back to the Save Point that was near the two crystal statues.
There will be a warp by it. Save your game and then head into the warp.
You will now be in a room that has two chests on the right. Take the
Base Metal and Normalize, then head to the left.

You will be in Lezard's lab and you can see Lezard there.

Lezard : Welcome, Valkyrie. My beloved. How long I've waited for this
moment. My heart now throbs with the same exaltation as when I
first laid eyes on you many months ago. Valkyrie, my lady

Lezard then cast a spell that makes him disappear.

Valkyrie : A teleportation spell!! How is it that you command the lost

Lezard : I have been thinking on this since I first beheld you... Gods,
who exist on the same plane as the restless souls of dead
humans. What manner of being are they?

Valkyrie : ...

Lezard : I have concluded that gods are very much like souls. And so, I
have created this vessel!! I have, shall we say, "reverse-
engineered" an elf, the vessel of the gods, to fashion this
homunculus!! There are no other souls worthy of such an
exquisite construct... Fair Valkyrie, I have crafted it for

Valkyrie : For the sole purpose of luring me here... you slaughtered
the couple on the roof?

Lezard : That's right.

Valkyrie : And you sacrificed countless lives, both elf and human, in
order to create a vessel for a single being?!

Lezard : Why, yes, actually. It is not the goddess within you that I
lust for, Valkyrie. I wish to make of you a human! It is for
that that my heart burns!!

Valkyrie : You are insane... How can such trivial thoughts consume you
so!? Humans who seek to cross beyond their designated
boundaries invite more than death. They invite total

Lezard then disappears when Valkyrie tries to slash at him. But
actually Valkyrie aiming at the tank that had Elf Girl in it. The tank
will drain out.

Lezard : Ah, what a shame... No matter. I can birth as many homunculi
as necessary...

Boss Battle

Name : Lezard Valeth + 2x Dragon-Tooth Warrior
HP: Lezard Valeth 10000
Dragon Tooth Warrior 14000
Recommended Level:21

Strategy : Equip Dragon Slayer to quick kill the Dragon-Tooth Warrior,
then concentrate your attack at Lezard. You will win in just
a few turns.

After the battle Lezard will start to teleport.

Lezard : I pray that we shall meet again.

Valkyrie : So now you run!? You cannot possibly believe that love can
exist between human and gods!

Lezard : What did you just say? Between human and god? You really don't
have any idea what you are, do you?

Valkyrie : What I am?! Do not be ridiculous! Odin, lord of all gods...
is my Father... my creator!!

Lezard : Believe whatever you like. It matters little to me. Know this,
Valkyrie! Know that you are beloved of Lezard Valeth!!

Valkyrie : Nonsense...!!

Lezard : We shall meet again, my sweet...

The screen will go black and Valkyrie will think what Lezard had said.
(You really don't have any idea what you are, do you?)

Valkyrie will now walk into a place that has girls in capsules.

Valkyrie : Where ??????? That human... What has he wrought here?!

Valkyrie then goes up and starts breaking the Capsules. Valkyrie will
break two of them and just as she is about to smash the third one she
sees something that surprised her.

Valkyrie : Th... This is ??????? Why...?

After this, you will be back at the world map. Go to the Gerabellum and
you will see an event about Lucian.


This kingdom on the southwest continent is suffering from economic
upheaval. The gap between rich and poor is increasing even as a tide of
refugees threatens to make matters worse.
Period 1

The screen will open up with a lot of people walking. You will see a
girl walking down the street.

Claire : None of these losers are evenworth the trouble. Forget this.
I'm going home. Eh? Is that...?

She is surprised to see Valkyrie and now you will see a flashback where
you will see Claire and a man.

Claire : ?????? Hey. What was she like? Was she beautiful?

Lucian : What a fool. She was barely 14! I guess she was kinda cute...
But she... She... She would have been beautiful.

Claire : Hmm!

Lucian : I suppose she wasn't all that...special looking, but ?????

Claire : But what?

Lucian : It was just... Her hair was silver. And when the light struck
it, it shimmered like a sapphire. It was so beautiful ?????

Claire : ... (You still love her. After all these years...)

The screen now back at the street.

Claire : ( That's a totally different person. The only
thing that's the same is the color of her hair. I mean, the
girl he was talking about... She's dead ??????)

Then you will see Valkyrie was thrown stone by someone.

Valkyrie : Ouch!

(What am I doing!? I'm not gonna get all jealous over some total
stranger. That's just pathetic!)

Now you will see Valkyrie and a old woman in a room.

Dolce : Thank the Gods! You're going to be okay. Please forgive her.
She's just a child.

Valkyrie : She...?

Dolce : The girl who threw the rock at you was my daughter. Although
we're not related by blood.

Valkyrie : ...

Then a child and a man come in.

Child : Auntie Dolce!

Lucian : How are you today, Madam Dolce? We brought today's earnings.

Dolce : Oh. Is that you, Lucian? Thank you for your generosity. Oh,
this young lady is Meril. Earlier today, Claire...hit her with
a rock.

Lucian : Claire?! Claire did that? That isn't like her... I'm very
sorry, ma'am. Claire is just a little... Whaaa?!

Dolce : What's wrong?

Lucian : I'm...I'm sorry. It's nothing.

Valkyrie : It is good to meet you. Lucian, was it?

The screen go black for a while.

Dolce : A withered old woman like me can't make it living alone. But
I'm able to live like this because Lucian brings me money each
and everyday. But lately, I've been hearing upsetting rumors.
It makes me wonder if my foster children are doing something
improper to get the money...

The screen will changes to Claire and Lucian.

Claire : What do you care why I did it!? Fine! I did it because I was
jealous! I did it because of her silver hair!

Lucian : Claire...

Claire : You don't know how it makes me feel? Having to share you with
her ghost ??????

If you do as I say, you will have almost finish this Chapter. The
status are :
Period 23/24
97 Periods remaining until End of World

Use all the remaining periods to go to one of the places you have
already visited before. I recommend Camille Village. Kill all the
monsters there to get EXP. After that Freya will summons you. Don't
forget to transfer Jelanda before Freya summons you.

Sacred Phase 4-5

Freya : It has been a long time, Lenneth. Our current situation is as

Asgard War Status

Asgard Strength
Aesir Army 24 26(+2)
Vanir Army 30 30(+0)
Other Forces 26 24(-2)

Freya : Our current situation is... We are in fair shape.

Freya : Do you wish to know the status of our Einherjar?


Freya : You wish to know his status?

Name : Belenus
God Level : Rank 10
Platoon : 2nd Platoon
Evaluation Value +27
Hero Value 318

Policing Farrat Fortress
Transfer of Supplies
Crossing Gerome Lake
Battle for Magic Tools Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Avoid surprise attack by enemy +5
Conversation with Tyr +2
Total Acquired Hero Value +27

Name : Llewelyn
God Level : Rank 13
Platoon : 3rd Platoon
Evaluation Value +30
Hero Value 189

Awarded the rank of 13th level god
Repair of Sartori Fortress
Protection of Important Individuals
Inspection of Bosman Fortress Area
Ordered on special mission –5
Battle at Dawn Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Deceive opponent perfectly +5
Avoid surprise attack by enemy +5
Exploits Recognized +5
Total Acquired Hero Value +30

Name : Jelanda
God Level : Rank 15
Platoon : 4th Platoon
Evaluation Value +111
Hero Value 221

Evaluation of desired abilities +49
Awarded the rank of 15th level god
Demon Subjugation
Inspection of Tid Forest
Securing Transfer Routes
Conversation with Aesir -2
Sylvan Bow Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Deceive opponent perfectly +5
Spot demon's weakness +5
Avoid surprise attack by enemy +5
Exploits Recognized +5
Total Acquired Hero Value +111

All of these above is my hero status. I don't know you will be the same
or not.

Freya : Lenneth, about your performance... It is magnificent.

Freya : These are all the Materialize Points I can grant you at this

Materialize Points 12750 pts

Freya : The Lord Odin is pleased with you. He bids me give you these

Ether Scepter
Mystic Cross
Resist Damage
Invoke Feather
Bracelet of Zoe
Spell Reinforce
Coin of Fortune

All of these above is what I get. I don't know you will be the same or

Freya : Lenneth, I have a request to make of you... We have many
powerful warriors, but we need one who can move swiftly. Send
us an Einherjar who is both swift and nimble. Send us an
Einherjar skilled at swimming. We need someone who can issue
battle commands. We need swordsmen. Send us a warrior who knows
how to wield a blade.

Necessary Hero Value 90
Demand : Nimble, A hero who can swim, March, Attack Pow, Resist Damage,

Freya : May Fate guide your hand. I expect good news.

Chapter 5

Characters :
- Mystina
- Lucian
- Jayle
- Badrach

Places :
- Flenceburg
- Gerabellum
- Cave of Oblivion
- Crell Monferaigne
- Arkdain Ruins
- Villnore

In this Chapter, train Lucian. He's the one you will be transferred.
Spend all the CP to increase the skill that Freya wants.

You can press START (begin spiritual concentration) six times in this
First START : Blue Dot --> Flenceburg
Second START : Blue Dot --> Gerabellum
Third START : Orange Dot --> Cave of Oblivion
Fourth START : Blue Dot --> Crell Monferaigne
Fifth START : Orange Dot --> Arkdain Ruins
Sixth START : Blue Dot --> Villnore


Flenceburg is a monarchy that lies in the southeast and is home to the
Sorcery Collegium. The teachers there are deeply involved in politics
and it is paradise for those interested in pure research.
Period 1

You can see a man in a robe standing in the middle of the Magic School.
A woman will then walk toward him.

Graduate Student : Oh, ah... Miss Mystina. Whatever are you doing,
wandering around at this hour?

Mystina : Oh, this and that. Basically, I'm consumed with melancholy
after a particularly debauched midnight tryst.

Graduate Student : Wha?

Mystina : I'm joking. Anyway, what do you want?

Graduate Student : Uh... Ahem. Lady Lorenta, she...she's passed away...

Mystina : Oh, I see.

(That little freak Lezard did it? I mean, I can't say I necessarily
blame him...)

Mystina will then in her room.

Mystina : Gods, what a relief! The old bag is dead! Ooh, Lezard. I
could just eat you up! Thank you, thank you, thank you ?
Goodness... it certainly is chilly today.

Mystina will then enter some sort of machine. And now you will see her
soul at the Tower of Lezard Valeth.

Mystina : This entire tower is emitting magical energy...!

Mystina : Hmm? There are some sort of glyphs engraved on the walls.

Mystina : But these...are Runes? It can't be! The 4th and 14th Runes, and
even the 22nd!! These were thought lost forever! What can this

Mystina : Ah, they've already been dispelled...

Mystina : If he has the ability to shift such a huge tower into another
dimension, just how powerful is he...?

Mystina will now be outside of Lezard's Lab.

Mystina : Gods... What kind of scary stuff does he get up to in these
gloomy chambers, anyway?

Mystina : I've still got time, don't I?

Mystina : This is...Lezard's...

Mystina : Hmph. His penmanship hasn't gotten any better, that's for
sure. I can't tell if he's writing in code or just can't
write at all!

Mystina will now walk into Lezard's Lab and see the thing in the

Mystina : A man-made lifeform...?

Mystina : It is! It's a homunculus!

Mystina : Huh... I didn't know he was into little girls. Why else would
he make this...?

Mystina : It's accurate right down to the naughty bits.

Mystina : Ooh, that perv! How could he leave this sick thing lying
around for decent girls like me to find?! I didn't come all
the way here in spirit form for this! This is way more
information than I needed!

Mystina : But... oh, I know.

Mystina cast a spell to change the homunculus into a crystal.

Mystina : (Well, this might be useful for a practise authopsy, at

You will now see Mystina at home sitting for a drink.

Mystina : Lezard... since when did you become a dirty little peeping

Lezard : Excuse me, I am most definitely NOT a peeping tom.

Lezard appears in front of Mystina.

Mystina : Long time no see. Wanna drink?

Mystina : So how'd you get so powerful, anyway?

Lezard : A magic question, right off? You haven't changed a bit.

Mystina : Lezard, you...did her in, didn't you?

Lezard : I'm sorry?

Mystina then throws him a glass of water.

Lezard : All right, all right. I'll tell you.

Mystina : You're the one who hasn't changed! Whatever. Get to the

Lezard : The Philosopher's Stone. I found it.

Mystina : WHAT?!

Lezard : Well, figuratively speaking, I did. A more apt description of
the Stone would be 'the then-billion-page codex... It's not as
if all the world's knowledge is suddenly yours after obtaining
it... it must be read.

Mystina : ...

Lezard : By the way... I have a favor I'd like to ask.

Mystina : A favor?

Lezard : Mysty, you took my homunculus, didn't you? I'd like it back,
if you don't mind terribly. Oh, and I don't want to seem as if
I'm just demanding it back. I might be willing to compensate
you with something...

Mystina : I didn't know you had such scandalous fetishes, Lezard.

Lezard : Please, ask of me whatever you like. It is a very important
thing to me.

Mystina : Oh, all right.

Mystina : (Well then, I'll go first... What I want is information about

The scene now changes to Mystina's lab.

Lezard : Bifrost, the rainbow bridge?

Mystina : Right. The single connection between Asgard and Midgard. I'd
like to stand atop the summit of Yggdrasil, where it is said
that Odin hung as he receives his wisdom...

Lezard : The only thing that can satisfy your wants and desires is
knowledge, hmm? Somehow I'm not surprised, Mysty.

Mystina : What, are you saying you're any different? At least I don't
have a...a...Lolita complex!

Mystina : (Reality is so boring. I'd choose to sleep forever, if it'd
mean I'd never stop dreaming...)

Both Mystina and Lezard will walk over to the child.

Mystina : Don't worry, she's just sleeping. I wonder what she's
dreaming about...?

Lezard : ...

Mystina : She certainly is cute. If she were to grow up, she'd be quite
the beauty.

Lezard : ...

Lezard : It is said that the rainbow bridge is in the forest of the
World Tree.

Mystina : Where the elves live?!

The background will changes into the forest.

Lezard : That's right.

Mystina : Wha...? That can't be!

Lezard : Oh, really?

Mystina : Ooh, those elves piss me off! Who do they think they are,
anyway? They never leave that damn forest, and keep totally
to themselves. I wish they'd all just... crawl into a hole
and die somewhere!

Lezard : Oh my, that would be very bad indeed.

Mystina : Oh yeah? Why?

Lezard : You know what the elves are responsible for, don't you?

Mystina : Yeah, yeah, they protect Yggdrasil. I know. If the World Tree
were to wither and die, so would the world.

Lezard : Indeed. Most people do not know that.

Mystina : Hmph. I don't know about you, but I paid attention in
theology class.

Lezard : Just listen to me, please. During the process of development
on my homunculi, I learned something very interesting...

Mystina : Something...interesting?

Lezard : The gods require elves to walk upon Midgard. In so many words,
they are the vessel of the gods.

Mystina : ...Yeah, and?

Lezard : To get further to the point, elves themselves can be
considered gods. Also, I have demonstrated that children can
be born between humans and elves ??????

Mystina : No way.

Lezard : No, it's true. In fact, Odin himself is a half-elf.

Mystina : And what proof do you have?

Lezard : You know the tale of the time Odin gained the throne of the
gods, yes?

Mystina : You mean the Creation Myth?

Lezard : Yes, I suppose. After the great war, Odin ascended to the
Throne of the Gods. But the world was left a blackened husk
and no life remained on it. So Odin created the second race of
man. That is why he is called the All-Father.

Mystina : You're boring me to death, Lezard.

You will now see Lezard in front of the Yggdrasil Tree.

Lezard : Odin used to be a rather weak God indeed. So then. How did he
manage to become Lord of the Gods? Did you never wonder that,

Mystina :, well, now that you mention it...

Lezard : Humans are incomplete beings. Gods then can be considered the
final evolution of man. In other words, Gods do not grow, but
are static. However ??????

Mystina : Odin was different, because he's a half-elf.

Lezard : That's right. Because Odin's divine blood was mixed with
mortal, he has the ability to grow, just as we humans do.
Combining the finest traits of all beings, Odin was finally be
able to secure the throne.

Now you will be back at the lab.

Lezard : Now this is where it gets interesting... Gods use the vessels
we call elves to travel through Midgard, to protect the World

Mystina : You're repeating yourself, Lezard.

Lezard : Ahem. Listen well, Mysty. It's possible to transfer human
souls into elves! There it is, conclusion proof that gods and
human souls are roughly equivalent beings.

Mystina : So you're talking about moving souls from one body to

Lezard : Do you know what my homunculi are crafted from?

Mystina : They're half elf, half human.

Lezard : Correct. My homunculi are essentially half-elves. If I were to
shift my soul into the body of a homunculus... might I not
become a god?

The screen will go black for a second.

Lezard : Well...that's about it. At any rate, it would be pointless to
move the homunculus now... I no longer have anywhere to store
it. I shall come to call again, another day.

Then Lezard warps out and you can see Mystina walking the street of

(If I can't go somewhere as flesh and blood, it certainly is freeing to
just break away and travel in spirit form...)

Mystina : The ability to completely transcend space is definitely the
plus of this condition.

Lezard : (Mysty, can you hear me? I have ambitions beyond becoming a
God, you know. If I am able to refine magicks that will allow
me to seal a divine being within a homunculus, I will be able
to challenge even the gods themselves.)

Lezard : (And at the same time, I will make the goddess I love my own.
Is it not almost too good to be true?)

Mystina : Lezard?!

Now you will see Lezard warps in Mystina's lab.

Lezard : Mysty, you shall have the sleep you so desire. Dream your
dreams somewhere other than this plane, that is all I care
about... Does this not satisfy you?

Then Lezard casts his spell and you will see FMV about the machine is
being frozen by Lezard.

Lezard : Your existence was a bit of a threat to me, I must admit.

Lezard then warps out and you will see Mystina and Valkyrie.

Valkyrie : Would you care to journey with us?

Mystina : Ah ha ha ha ha. Me? With you?

Valkyrie : Yes. Also, if you should join us, it may be possible for you
to research Bifrost and Yggdrasil.

Mystina : Hmph. Fine. I'll come with you. I mean, it's not as if I
really have any other choice, do I?

Valkyrie : Indeed.

Mystina : And you don't have to tempt me with stupid promises, either.
Besides, it might be fun to haunt that little freak...

After this you will be back at world map and you have Mystina in your
party. Press START again to begin Soul Concentration. This time will
appear blue dot --> Gerabellum. Since you have Mystina in your party,
go back to Flenceburg.


Flenceburg is a monarchy that lies in the southeast and is home to the
Sorcery Collegium. The teachers there are deeply involved in politics
and it is paradise for those interested in pure research.
Period 1

Go to Mystina's room and Mystina will appears.

Mystina : ...There's nothing we can do. It really makes me mad. Here it
is. Gotta have this.

You got an Infinity Rod. After these, go to Gerabellum.


This kingdom on the southwest continent is suffering from economic
upheaval. The gap between rich and poor is increasing even as a tide of
refugees threatens to make matters worse.
Period 1

You will see Lucian sitting on the steps and a group of kids come out.

Child : What happened?

Lucian : Hmm? Oh, it's nothing. I'm just thinking.

(Even the kids are worrying about me now. What's wrong with me lately?)

The scene changes to a room of small house.

Claire : How much did we take in today?

Lucian : 220, 221, 226... Umm...Looks like 230 bucks.

Barren : Wow! I am SO talented.

Rusty : Oh, gimme a break!

Lucian : Everyone did great today. You can't make this kind of money
working by yourself.

You will now see just Lucian and Claire.

Claire : You're late, guys.

A man come in.

Townsperson : You guys gotta get out of here! Didn't you hear what
happened to Barren?

Lucian : Huh?

Townsperson : That idiot picked a nobleman's pocket! They caught him...
And then, they... They tortured him to death ??????

Claire : No way...

Townsperson : Sorry, kid, but it's for real. His body's hanging from a
post in town! It's horrible. But that ain't all. The
worst part is since he messed with the nobility, they
sent the whole army to wipe out all the thieves in the

Lucian : !!

Townsperson : You gotta get out of here! The thief hunt is just a
pretense to wipe out the slum dwellers. They're killing
people right and left. It's complete madness!

Claire : What are we gonna do? And what about Rusty? He just went out

Townsperson : If he's still alive, you'll find him. Me, I'm gettin' out
of here. I heard they're coming this way!

The tonwsperson goes away.

Lucian : Let's use the back door.

Claire : But what about the kids?

Lucian : I'll take care of them. You go on ahead.

Claire : But...!!

Lucian : We'll meet up in the woods outside town. It'll be more
dangerous if we go together. Please go!

Claire : But the kids trust me most!

Lucian : That can't be helped now.

You will now see Claire and Lucian in the ruin of the city.

Claire : All this for a few measly pickpockets?! They've sent half the

Claire : I don't want to die...

Lucian : You can't kill me...

Somebody shot Lucian with arrow from behind.

Claire : Lu??????!!

Lucian : Damn it!!

You will now see Lucian in the lap of Claire.

Lucian : I've made it this far. Wasn't that enough?

Claire : Why... Why...?

Lucian : I don't want to be left alone again... I, I just don't know
what I should do...

Claire : What are you talking about!? No way am I gonna run off and
leave you here!!

Lucian : No... A long time ago... She died first, and left me alone. If
that happens again...

Claire : I told you, I'm not going to leave you!

Lucian : I'm sorry...

Lucian dies. Then you will see Valkyrie floating in the sky.

(Waaaaaaahhhh! Mommy! It hurts...! Ahh... Arrgghhh...)

Valkyrie : Hmmm. All these children...

Then you will see Valkyrie and Lucian.

Lucian : Who are you?

Valkyrie : I am the one who chooses souls.

Lucian : You're... A Valkyrie!? But... You look just like...

Valkyrie : Do you not wish to come with me? You have earned the right
to join the Einherjar.

Lucian : But... What about Claire? I can't just abandon her.

Valkyrie : If that is how you feel??????

You will then see Valkyrie in a cliff. After this you will be back at
world map and you have Lucian in your party. Press START again to begin
Soul Concentration. This time will appear orange dot --> Cave of
Oblivion. So go there.

Cave of Oblivion

It is said that the jewels and monsters that appears in the cave are
different each time it is visited. The cave is a natural wonder –- the
envy of adventurers. But be extremely wary here. The monsters and other
magical beings can be extremely powerful.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Dragon Zombie
- Harpy
- Dragoon-Tooth Warrior
- Monstrous Vermin

There are no items in here, just enemies. Kill them all to get EXP then
head back to the world map. Press START again to begin Soul
Concentration. This time will appear blue dot --> Crell Monferaigne. So
go there.

Crell Monferaigne

This Kingdom controls most of the Eastern Continent. The citizens have
been brainwashed into leading a self-righteous holy war against their
Period 1

The scene opens with two knights in a room.

Jayle : Please! I beg of you, sir!

Fahn : I often thought there was something different about you... But I
was fooled by your extraordinary skill with a sword.

Jayle : Please! Keep this a secret...

Fahn : ...

Fahn : Well then, at the very least, I would like to know your true
name and why you wished to join the knighthood.

Jayle : Yes, sir...

Then the scene changes to a room inside the castle.

Fahn : Lately, I've been astonished at your progress, Jayle.

Jayle : Thank you, sir.

Fahn : You're far more skilles than any of those men??????

Jayle : Sir, you promised you wouldn't!

Fahn : Whoops, sorry.

Jayle : You did that on purpose! Silly! ...I apologize, sir.

Fahn : ...What's wrong?

Jayle : You are my captain. It is wrong of me to be so informal with

Fahn : Yeah, we should be more serious.

Jayle : Hmph, now you're just playing with me! Hee hee hee.

Fahn : It serves you right. Ha ha ha.

Now you will be back at the first room.

Jayle : I cannot forgive Magnus.

Fahn : But we must have some kind of excuse. Recently we have been
cleaning up the area around him...

Jayle : It is frustating to be so close to him and yet unable to do...

Fahn : For now, all we can do... is wait.

Jayle : I feel... as if perhaps I am just using you.

Fahn : ...

Jayle : If you weren't the leader of the knights, I would have paid you
no mind... You must think me a deceitful woman.

Fahn : It's all right. I want you to stay with us.

Fahn : Before the battle begins, Magnus will perform a rite of blessing
to bolster the troops 'morale. This will be our only chance.

Jayle : ...Is it true that Magnus is a follower of some strange devil-

Fahn : Yes, it is. But this will be the end of him.

Now you will be in Magnus's room where you will see Jayle and Fahn
facing off against Magnus. Before Jayle and Fahn strike, Magnus cast a

Fahn : What?!

Jayle : An invinsible wall blocks us!!

A magician then warps in and Magnus send a blasting energy that drops
everyone except Jayle.

Magnus : What? Why does my spell of bewitchment not work?

Jayle : Magnus! You! What have you done to them?

Magnus : You are one of Fahn's underlings... He he he he he. I see. So
that is why. What is the meaning of this? How is that a woman
has joined the "brotherhood" of Knights?

Jayle : !!

Magnus : How wickedly clever of you, Fahn! A woman disguised as a
man... I had thought you a stupid soldier. But now, now I see.

Genevieve : Ooh~! How cute you are! However... You are a wicked woman.
You use them.

Genevieve : You use them, but it is only a way of hiding your true
feelings... Ah! Poor girl. You are unable to know what lies
in your own heart.

Jayle : What...! Be silent, monster!

Genevieve : Oh! "Monster", you say! And I was only trying to express
your true feelings for you. I was trying to be cupid for
your benefit!

Jayle : You... I swear... I will slice you in half!

Valkyrie appears.

Jayle : Wha, What?!

Magnus : Battle-Maiden...Valkyrie!

Valkyrie : Ha! What a foul cupid you would make!

Genevieve : ...Ah, Valkyrie, it has been ages. But was your armor light
blue then? Or was it black? I don't believe it was pale

Genevieve : Well, it's really all the same anyway.

Valkyrie then stands her sword at Genevieve.

Valkyrie : That is enough talk from you... The Undead should remain
ever silent!

Boss Battle

Name : Genevieve
HP : 10000
Recommended level : 24
EXP : 0

Strategy : This fight is easy, just use your clinchers.

Valkyrie : Undead thing. Return to the grave that spawned thee!

Genevieve : ...Hmph! I believe you should be more concerned about what
is happening behind you.

Valkyrie : What the...?

You will see Fahn stabbing Jayle.

Jayle : Fahn... Wake up, please wake up...

Genevieve : You have not the power to control me.

Magnus : Eee...!! Eeeee...

Genevieve : You should carry the burden of all this on your fragile
shoulders. We shall meet again, Lady Goddess.

Genevieve warps out.

Valkyrie : Grrr!

Valkyrie disappears and Fahn awakes.

Fahn : ...What the. How did I... What's going on...

Fahn : Leticia! Hold on!

Jayle : ...Thank goodness. You're okay...

Jayle : I... I really... The way I feel about you...

Fahn : Don't die! Hold on!

Jayle : Please... please. I want win...

Fahn : Leticia...

Fahn : Magnus... YOU!!!

After this you will be back at world map and you have Jayle in your
party. Press START again to begin Soul Concentration. This time will
appear orange dot --> Arkdain Ruins. So go there.

Arkdain Ruins

Gigantic magic crystals are said to be sealed in these ruins. Yet,
while many have sought the power contained in these magic crystals,
none have returned with it. Could it be that these stones are a myth?
Period 2

Enemies :
- Rib Forager
- Brackish Muck
- Necrophiliac

Bosses :
- 3x Raver Lord

Items Found :
- Raptor's Claw
- 2x Sap Power
- Ranseur
- 2x Ether Scepter
- 2x Sap Guard
- Dark
- Nightshade
- Eye of Heaven
- Resist Magic
- Stun Check
- Vegetable Seed
- Estoc
- Darkness Arrow
- Resist Damage
- Lapis Lazuli
- Quartz Gem
- Savory
- Daemon Slayer
- Combo Jewel
- Holy Wand "Adventia"
- Robe of Bryttain
- Star Guard
- Mighty Check
- Beast Slayer

Start by walking to the right. As you approach the gate, it will open
for you. Head to the right and in the first room, climb the stair that
lead to a platform at the top to get a Raptor's Claw. You will also
notice that whenever you open a chest you will get attacked by a
monster. Now head to the right. Open the chest and you will get a Sap
Power. Then head to the right and you can find a chest that has the
skill Stun Magic. Go up to the next room. Take the chest below
containing Ranseur. Climb the ladder to the top and head to the left.
Gat Ether Scepter at the left platform. Now fall down and get Sap
Guard. Go down to the next room to get skill Dark.

After you have all that, go back to the room that had the Sap Power and
take the route down. Jump to the platform and get a Nightshade. Now
jump up to the chain and use that to get to the platform on the left,
next jump to the right. Enter the door to next room to get a Eye of
Heaven and skill Resist Magic. Now take the door to the right. If you
climb to the top you can find a room that has a Save Point. Save and
then take the Bottom door on the right.

Now you will be in a room that has a bunch of moving platforms. Jump on
the platforms and when you reach the top you should see a chest, open
it to get a Stun Check. Now take the door near the Stun Check. Head
through the door that leads up and you will be in a room where you can
pick up Vegetable Seed, and Estoc, and the skill Darkness Arrow. Now
leave the room and head to the right. Fall down and take the route that
leads to the left. Now climb up the stairs and you can find Resist
Damage, Lapis Lazuli and an Ether Scpeter.

Now head back to the room that had the Platforms. Fall down to the
bottom and take the right door. Go up twice. Now head to the right and
the door you enter will close. You can find 3 chests in here. They
contain a Savory, a Sap Power, and a Quartz Gem. Kill all the enemies
and you will get 10000 Event EXP and the door will open.

Use your ability to shoot crystals to reach the top platform. Save your
game at Save Point. Now use your ability to shoot crystals to reach the
top of the room and you can get a Combo Jewel and a Daemon Slayer. Now
head to the left to get Beast Slayer. If you have Stun Check, equip all
your fighters with it, because the enemies on the right can easily stun
you. Head to the right from the Save Point.

When you enter you will see 3 Soldiers and a woman inside a crystal.

Valkyrie : You're a servant of Queen Hel of Nifleheim, eh. I will not
hand over the soul of the woman sealed in the crystal!!

Raver Lord : ...How rude. To be called a servant by you. You are
nothing but a scared child making empty boasts!!

Valkyrie : Say what you like. My powers may be meager compared with the
Rulers of the Gods, but still they are enough to deal with
the likes of thee!!

Boss Battle

Name : 3x Raver Lord
HP : 16000
Recommended Level : 22
EXP : 60000

Strategy : If you do as I say to equip your fighters with stun check,
you will not get stunned because almost every enemy's attack
stun you. Just use your clincher and you will win this

After the battle you will find 3 Artifacts : Star Guard, Holy Wand
"Adventia" and Robe of Bryttain. I suggest you keep them all. After you
check all the artifacts you will get 80000 Event EXP. Behind the frozen
woman you can find a Mighty Check. Now head all the way back to the
world map.

Press START again to begin Soul Concentration. This time will appear
blue dot --> Villnore. So go there.


This military regime controls the northwestern continent. Notorious for
villainy even within the robber's guild. Villnore aims to rule the
continent using a secret weapon they excavated in the far north.
Period 1

The scene opens with Badrach under the bridge at night.

Badrach : All this... It all happened cause of what I did.

Badrach : What!! Who the hell are you!?

(You seem confused, Badrach.)

Badrach : !!

Badrach : There you are!

An assassin jumps from the top and slashes Badrach.

Badrach : Ugh...Ah...!!

Assassin : You went too far.

Badrach : Unf, Damn!

Then the screen changes to flashback where you will see an old woman
outside a house and she yelling up at the window above.

Geena : Hey!! What about your job?!

Badrach : Job? You think I dunno what I'm doin'? Don't ever wake me up
at this...god-forsaken hour again.

Geena : What're you doing!! Go on out and get some sunshine or you'll
turn into a mushroom. Besides, you lazy bum, I've got cleaning
to do!

Badrach : Bah, Okay, okay. Ya old stick-in-the-mud!

Badrach come out of the house.

Badrach : Times like this, it don't feel like there's a war goin' on at

Geena : ...I don't know what you're talking about. Hey you, have you
seen the flower that's growing in front of the house?

Badrach : Flower? You mean this ugly old green thing? Oh yeah, I was
plannin' to ask ya. When the heck is this thing ever gonna
bloom? I don't think it'll ever happen.

Geena : This is a variety of cactus.

Badrach : Huh? Cactus?

Geena : It blooms only one night a month, and only for a few hours.

Badrach : ...

Geena : You won't see it if you're sleeping, but on the other hand, if
you make a wish when the flowers bloom, it will come true.

Badrach : Oh, I get it... That's why you're takin' care of this piece
of junk, eh.

Geena : Piece of junk!

Badrach : You want money that bad?

Geena : You fool! I'm praying that this horrible war will be over soon.

(What a bunch of fools.)

Badrach : Well, I'm bushed. I'm goin' to sleep.

Geena : Why you...

Then you will see Badrach entering the Thieves Guild.

Badrach : I need me a job that'll pay up quick.

Agent : You know where this is, don't you?

Badrach : Yeah, I know. I know. You want a finder's fee, right? This is
the territory of the world-famous, Villnore Thieves' Guild.
None dare defy us!

Agent : Come back again tomorrow. We'll talk again.

Badrach : Yeah, sure. See ya tomorrow.

You will see Badrach outside the Thieves Guild.

Badrach : Damn them! Useless thieves' guild and their commissions! I
work on my own. Screw them!

The screen changes to present where you will see Badrach lumping along.

(Man, I can't believe this hit!)

Badrach : This blows! I can't die yet...

Badrach reaches his house.

Badrach : If this is what's gonna happen, it's a good thing. I'm
getting out of here...

Badrach : I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die...

Badrach : It hurts... Somebody, help me...

The screen went black.

Badrach : It's getting dark... Damn... In my whole life, ain't nothin'
good ever happened to me...

(I don't wanna die. It hurts... Help??? Who is it? Who's callin' me?)

You will see Badrach and another him.


Badrach : Am I... Am I alive?

Badrach : Am I dead?

Valkyrie appears.

Badrach : You. You can't be... You're... a Valkyrie? Is this for real?
I'm right, ain't I? I'm gonna be, whadda ya call it? One of
these warriors of Valhalla, right? Wahoo!!!

Valkyrie : ...You are mistaken.

Badrach : Huh? You... But aren't you a Valkyrie? Ain't it your job to
take the dead to the afterlife?

Valkyrie : Yes, that is true... However?????? Do not misundertand.
Try to remember the things you've done in your life. I am a
judge of men's souls. And you will find me a harsh judge.

Badrach : then what? What's...what's gonna...What's gonna
happen? What are ya gonna do about me? Hey!!

Valkyrie : It is not the All-Father Odin, who has petitioned for your
soul, but Hel, Goddess of Nifleheim. She wishes you to
writhe in torment, for all of eternity!!!

Badrach : Wa-wa, wait!! Hold up a second!! I should... I should at
least have a chance, shouldn't I? I don't wanna die. Oh, I am
dead... I mean, I don't wanna go to Nifleheim!! Anyway, lemme
think... Oh yeah, I got it?????? There was this old
geezer... I mean, this old man...

Valkyrie : And what did you do to him?

Badrach : I...robbed and murdered him.

Valkyrie : Surely that is reason enough for you to go to Nifleheim.

Badrach : No, no! That wasn't it... Just lemme think, ...I... I
assisted a kidnapping, how 'bout that? ...I spied on my
country! ...I fenced stolen goods! ...I sold women into

Valkyrie : ...You are truly pathetic.

Badrach : No, wait a minute...

Valkyrie : Human, It is time for us to part...

Badrach : Wait! Hold up a second!

Valkyrie : ...This is a waste of time.

You will then see a bud and a message.

(This is a variety of cactus. It blooms only one night a month, and
only for a few hours. If you make a wish when the flowers bloom, it
will come true??????)

Then you will see the bud bloom into a beautiful flower.

Badrach : Uh...I got it. I got it!!

You will now see some cells while Badrach talks about how he taking a
job at Villnore.

Badrach : Hadta have been... Lesse... Three, Four years ago. I don't
remember too well, but I think so. I was workni' in Villnore.
Hold on. Don't rush me here... What was I soin'? Ah, it
wasn't nothin' that bad. I was workin'... Uh... Security.
Like an escort, ya know? For who you say? They were, um...
Slave traders. Oh come on, don't gimme that look! It gets
better, okay? Hear me out. Yeah, it's all comin' back to me
now. Kinda an embarassing story, really.

You will then see a poor town.

Badrach : It was a crappy old town. No shortage of those up north.
Well, up in places like that, specially in Villnore,
sometimes the townsfolk gotta sell their daughters just to
eat. Anyway, I got hired to escort a bunch of slavers and
there was this little seven year old girl there. A typical
village rat, like ya see everywhere. I forget her name.
Anyway, for some reason, she took a shine to me.

You will now see Badrach next to a horse and a cart.

Badrach : ...It's a sad story. You know where it's goin', don't ya? No?
I gotta tell ya? Well, these slavers are total thieves, and
they only paid me half of what they promised. And on top of
that, they didn't tell me how dangerous their route was. So I
said to hell with the jocb course I didn't get paid neither.
Anyway, before I left, I took that little girl away with me.

You will now see Badrach and a little girl at the graveyard.

Badrach : She had no idea what was going on. Kept askin' me about her
brother and all. I only saved her to piss off the slavers,
but what a pain in the butt she was. I told her it was my
house, and she believed me. Even though it had a big cross
and everything.

Badrach : Ha, maybe I shoulda told ya I saved her and took her all the
way to the orphanage 'cause I felt sorry for her?????? Am
I a fool?

Now you will see Badrach and valkyrie.

Badrach : Not good enough?

(So even a man who lives in darkness can bloom for one fleeting

Valkyrie : A man your age should not be crying. Well, are you coming or

Badrach : Huh? I, I'm comin'! I'm definitely comin'!!

After this you will be back at world map and you have Badrach in your
party. Since you have Badrach in your party, go to Camille Village.

Camille Village

Attached to Artolia, Camille is in disarray. Constantly becoming
embroiled in the wars of their neighbours, their history shows how
often they have been trampled underfoot.
Period 1

Go to the graveyard and Badrach will appears.

Badrach : ...What are ya bringin' me to a place like this for anyway?

Valkyrie : ...

Badrach : Someone's here.

Valkyrie disappears.

Badrach : Hey! What're ya gonna do with me!

A girl appears.

Badrach : Ah...

Girl : ...Are you the chaplain?

Badrach : Well, umm ya see...

Girl : ...

Badrach : Well anyway...

Girl : Please wait! Umm..., I ah, can I give this for you?

Now you will see Badrach and Valkyrie.

Badrach : ...You, you...remembered me.

Valkyrie : I see.

Badrach : You're not a person either, but people are bad, ain't they?

If you do as I say, you will have almost finish this Chapter. The
status are :
Period 22/24
74 Periods remaining until End of World

Use all the remaining periods to go to one of the places you have
already visited before. I recommend The Tower of Lezard Valeth. Kill
all the monsters there to get EXP. After that Freya will summons you.
Don't forget to transfer Lucian before Freya summons you.

If you transfer Lucian, you will get special scene. You will see Lucian
and Valkyrie sitting on the top of the mountain.

Valkyrie : Lucian. What is it that has taken root so deeply in your
soul, that it troubles you still?

Lucian : ...

Valkyrie : If you do not wish to answer, I will leave you be. However,
I must remind you that you cannot accept your death until
you have left your worldly troubles behind.

Valkyrie : What is it, Lucian? Have you decided to speak?

Lucian : Would you...go with me to that village?

Valkyrie : I have no objection...

You will see Valkyrie and Lucian walking on the path of a village.

Lucian : I was born in this village.

Lucian : We always used to play here. The two of us...

Valkyrie : ...

Valkyrie : ...And this house?

Lucian : My best friend. This was her house...

Lucian : I hated her parents. They were cruel to her...

Valkyrie : ...

Lucian : But, Platina got upset when I spoke ill of them. So I tried to
keep my mouth shut...

Valkyrie : Her name was Platina?

Lucian : Hmm? Yeah...

Lucian : We were so close. But??????

Valkyrie : But?

Lucian : One day, I found out that her parents were going to sell her.
We escaped together. I was just a dumb kid, back then. I
couldn't think of any other way... I wouldn't let anything
happen to her. No matter what...

Now you will see Valkyrie and Lucian walking in the forest.

Lucian : In the dark of night, we ran until our lungs were about to
burst. Just like this.

You will see Lucian holds Valkyrie's hand and running along the path
and finally reach the Weaping Lily Meadow.

(And then, we stumbled onto this place.)

Lucian : Your helmet...could you take it off?

You will see Valkyrie takes off her helmet.

Lucian : I knew it. You look exactly like her.

Valkyrie : Like that girl?

Lucian : Yes. That girl...Platina. She inhaled the Weaping Lily pollen
and died. It was my fault... If I hadn't brought her with

Valkyrie : And I resemble this girl?

Lucian : And that's why... I know it's wrong to feel this way about a
stranger just because she looks like someone else. But nothing
has changed. I still love her.

You will see Valkyrie kisses Lucian. Then the screen changes to
Valkyrie standing on the top of the mountain alone.

Valkyrie : You see a semblance of your first love when you look at
me... But there is a chasm between men and Gods that cannot
be traversed. Thus, love between the two is not possible.
However... Lucian... I hope you live, so we can meet again.

Sacred Phase 5-6

Freya : It has been a long time, Lenneth. Our current situation is as

Asgard War Status

Asgard Strength
Aesir Army 26 29(+3)
Vanir Army 30 27(-3)
Other Forces 24 24(+0)

Freya : Our current situation is... We are doing quite well.

Freya : Do you wish to know the status of our Einherjar?


Freya : You wish to know his status?

Name : Belenus
God Level : Rank 10
Platoon : 2nd Platoon
Evaluation Value +25
Hero Value 343

Experiments at Kesfas Castle
Crossing Olm High Plains
Inspection of Enemy Base
Blocking the Magic Experiments Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Strike a cutting blow +3
Conversation with Eir +2
Total Acquired Hero Value +25

Name : Llewelyn
God Level : Rank 12
Platoon : 3rd Platoon
Evaluation Value +40
Hero Value 229

Awarded the rank of 12th level god
Ispection Arvan River Valley
Inspection of Enemy Movements
Report of Results
Ordered on special mission +5
In the Lair of Dragon Worm Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Lead unit precisely +5
Strike a resounding blow +5
Exploits Recognized +5
Total Acquired Hero Value +40

Name : Jelanda
God Level : Rank 10
Platoon : 4th Platoon
Evaluation Value +27
Hero Value 248

Awarded the rank of 10th level god
Policing of Gods Tower
Patrolling of Kesfas Castle and Environs
Fortress Construction
Conversation with Frei +2
At the Border of Flames Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Exploits Recognized +5
Total Acquired Hero Value +27

Name : Lucian
God Level : Rank 15
Platoon : 5th Platoon
Evaluation Value +158
Hero Value 342

Evaluation of desired abilities 82
Awarded the rank of 15th level god
Inspection of Rumrun Plains
Subjugation of Demon Beasts
Moving to Cape Avaro
In Deep Thought +2
Battle of the Junibe Sea Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Lead unit precisely +5
Strike a resounding blow +5
Dramatically reduce damage +5
Defend enemy attack perfectly +5
Pursuit of Enemy +5
Total Acquired Hero Value +158

All of these above is my hero status. I don't know you will be the same
or not.

Freya : Lenneth, about your performance... It is magnificent.

Freya : These are all the Materialize Points I can grant you at this

Materialize Points 16050 pts

Freya : The Lord Odin is pleased with you. He bids me give you these

Ether Scepter
Guard Reinforce
Poison Blow
Holy Wand "Adventia"
Stone Torch
Star Guard
Holy Halberd

All of these above is what I get. I don't know you will be the same or

Freya : Lenneth, I have a request to make of you... We must form a
platoon that can battle the dragons. We need someone who fears
not death, one who will fight to the last. We must perform a
ceremony. We need a sorcerer wise in the lore of monsters. We
need swordsmen. Send us a warrior who knows how to wield a

Necessary Hero Value 100
Demand : Brave, Sorcerer, Monster Int, Hit

Freya : Very well, good fortune. I expect mighty deeds.

Chapter 6

Characters :
- Shiho
- Grey

Places :
- Hai-Lan
- Lost City of Dipan
- Arkdain Ruins
- Cave of Oblivion

In this Chapter, train Nanami. He's the one you will be transferred.
Spend all the CP to increase the skill that Freya wants.

You can press START (begin spiritual concentration) four times in this
First START : Blue Dot --> Hai-Lan
Second START : Orange Dot --> Lost City of Dipan
Third START : Blue Dot --> Arkdain Ruins
Fourth START : Orange Dot --> Cave of Oblivion


An island isolated just off the southwest coast. Hai-Lan has developed
its own unique culture. It is filled with unusual flora and fauna, as
well as less natural magic beings.
Period 1

The screen will open up with a girl being escorted by two samurais near
a crowd of people.

Shiho : Please forgive me. My power was not enough.

Wife : "Not enough", you say? How many men have died after being driven
mad by your song? We'd be better off without you! Can't you
understand that!?

Wife : Little witch!

After this you can see message, but I can't write it because it's too
fast. After that, you can see Shiho on a platform surrounded by

Shiho : Listen!! The melodious throbbing of life's sacred rhythms!

Then the screen changes into two red Samurais on the battlefield.

Samurai : The Hai-Lan army is even stronger than the rumors said.

Samurai : That singer transformed their warriors into fearless
berserkers! As long as that songtress draws breath, we have
no hope of victory.

Samurai : The stopped!?

Soldier : Panic is spreading throughout the enemy troops!

Then the screen changes back to Shiho.

Warrior : I didn't say to stop singing?! Sing!!

The warrior slaps Shiho.

Warrior : I said to sing!! Sing, woman!!

The warrior kicks her. Then the screen go black and you can see all the
black soldiers are dead and a red Samurai standing next to Shiho.

Suo : I don't understand, why did you stop singing?

Shiho : ...Red...What does red look like?

Suo : Then you can't see?

Shiho : From birth, I have been destined for life as a song-maiden. The
god's gave me no light, though. Perhaps they grew tired of
giving it. Yet, is my desiring it such a terrible thing?

Suo : If you gave up singing, what would you desire?

Shiho : Death.

Shiho can't kill her.

Suo : ...

Suo is carrying her on the back.

Suo : ...We have the enemy's song-maiden.

Superior : Quite beautiful...

Superior : Yes, but...

The Superior slashes her.

Shiho : S...UO...

Suo : Why! Even her companions abandoned her fighting spirit and all
that ??????!!

Superior : Suo. Have her charms enchanted you, then? That woman has led
many of your compatriots to their deaths!

Suo : But...!

After this you will be back at world map and you have Shiho in your
party. Press START again to begin Soul Concentration. This time will
appear orange dot --> Lost City of Dipan. So go there.

Lost City of Dipan

All that remains of a once great and prosperous kingdom. A palpable
sense of loss and regret suffuses this city, which was destroyed by
some unknown assailant. This negative physic energy has called forth
the undead. Their souls must be set free quickly.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Life Stealer (annoying enemy, it can attack and absorb DME)
- Victory
- Harpy
- Wise Sorcerer

Bosses :
- Barbarossa
- Dallas + Gyne + Walther

Items Found :
- Eye of Heaven
- Dark Savior
- Ranseur
- Triple Distress
- Neckless Doll
- Burgundy Flask
- Invoke Feather
- Estoc
- Reflect Sorcery
- Ether Scepter
- Nightshade
- Mystic Cross
- Concentration
- Ruin's Fate

When you enter, you will see a man right next to guillotine.

Barbarossa : Oh...!! So these are fruits of the beloved land that I
served all these years?!

Barbarossa : What has happened to the people who loved me, honored me?
What has happened?

Barbarossa : Grr! WAAAAAH!!! Dallas! Gyne!! Walther!!! You were my
closest advisors! Where are you now?!

Barbarossa : No matter what I attain, if I am alone, it is but
meaningless!! What shall I... What shall I do?!

Valkyrie walks to him.

Barbarossa : Hmph!! You are the servant of Satan, the evil one,
Valkyrie...!! Those cruel eyes, cold as stone. I will
never forget them!! You're the one who destroyed our

Valkyrie : ...What?! I do not mean to disrespect the dead by arguing
with them, but neither do I intend to apologize for
something I have no memory of!!

Barbarossa : Do not seek to deceive me! In the name of those you
slaughtered, I strike thee down!!

Barbarossa casts his spell and transforms into headless creature.

Boss Battle

Name : Barbarossa
HP : 62700
Recommended Level : 28
EXP : 20000

Strategy : This battle is very difficult. Use your strongest characters
to fight him and equip them with skill Guts. Try to finish
him under 4 turns, because at turn 5 he will cast Calamity
Blast that will kill all your characters. But if you equip
them with skill Guts, if you lucky there's someone alive. If
this happens, quickly revive all your friends and attack him
again before he casts another Calamity Blast.

After the battle.

Barbarossa : Urgh...!! This pain is nothing compares to that felt by
the people and the mages!!

Barbarossa : I cannot...I cannot die!!

You will have to fight Barbarossa again(Is one time not enough?!). And
after you win the battle, go to the left. Don't go near him because you
will enter the battle with him again.

Barbarossa : Impossible! None! None can destroy me!! I will become a
soul, uncompensated, and I shall save the lost souls of
the people and return to them their glory!!

Valkyrie : Ah, now I see. 'Tis your vindictive thoughts which bind you
to this place. Even though I tell you all is over.

Barbarossa : Your opinion!! I do not wish to hear it!! It is not over!
The pursuit of my perfection has no end!!

Valkyrie : To save him, we must cut the chains of attachment which bind
here... But the question is how.

Start by walking to the left an take the path that leads down. Then
head to the right. When you enter Dipan Castle, you will see three

Valkyrie : The Undead have been summoned...!! This is the result of

Head all the way to the right into the room with stairs that leads down
and to the right. There's nothing on the right, just enemies. So take
the stairs that leads down. Now walk to the right and in next screen
take the stairs that leads down. Now walk to the left two screens and
you will reach a room with a pentagram on the floor and some crystals
around it.

Valkyrie : This... This is the Time Mechanism?

(He he he he. What is it? I realized something interesting. Something
interesting? If we can do it right, we can send that loathsome dog
beyond the reaches of time ?????? I see. As usual, your methods are
sublime. Ha. Ha ha ha ho ho!)

Valkyrie : What? This mechanism, it's still alive?!

The pentagram is glowing and lift Valkyrie to the air.

Valkyrie : This must not be!!

Then the screen goes black.

(You are even stupider than I thought, woman. So, after all, that's all
you can do. If I can control the flow of time, defeating the Aesir will
be child's play. That's exactly right. Those creatures are not yet
advanced enough to be able to participate in the Divine Providence.)

When you can see the screen again, you will notice that the crystals
had broken. Go to the right.

Valkyrie : The castle. It's...

Haed to the right again and take the stairs that leads up. Then go to
the left and take the stairs that leads up. Then head all the way to
the left to the city.

Valkyrie : What's this? This whole area... The broken buildings...
They've been restored. But how?

Valkyrie : Signs of humans!

Woman's voice : No mercy for those who resist.

Man's voice : Yes!

Then you will see three peoples walk by.

Feather-Helmed Swordswoman : What happened to Barbarossa?

Female Mage : It seems that Arngrim has finished his preparations for
the public execution.

Young archer : Yes, but we still don't know the whereabouts of the
three mages.

Female Mage : I've learned that the castle has a hidden room.

Feather-Helmed Swordswoman : Leave it. For the time being, we've
restrained the King and the mechanism.
They can't do anything. Go on ahead.

Female Mage : Yes.

Feather-Helmed Swordswoman : This wave of power, Lenneth...? It can't
be... It's just my imagination.

Valkyrie : That was Hrist... This place, it couldn't be... The World of
the Past? The Time Mechanism has snet me to the past?

Now you can control Valkyrie. You can talk to the townpeople but all
you have to do is head back to the castle. Head back to the pentagram.

Valkyrie : The control mechanism has been completely destroyed. I
cannot return to my original time...

Now head to the top floor(where there's no stairs that leads up
anymore) and head all the way to the left to the room. Check the
bookshelf and press X button. It will ask you if you want to flip the
switch. Choose yes and the bookshelf will move aside and reveal a
hidden room, go inside it.

Valkyrie : Who is that there?

Valkyrie : I am not a person who is in any position to criticize
someone who has been forced to hide.

Malabeth : You? How did you get here?

Valkyrie : "Here"? ...By that, do you mean this hidden room?

Malabeth : ...

Malabeth : I am Malabeth. Wife to Barbarossa. King of this land.

Malabeth : The King was deceived. He listened to the sharp tongues of
his three mages and by the time he realized it, there was no
going back. And the gods became angry that a human would
strive for eternity.

Malabeth : Please, take this crown to the King... He always wanted to
be King up to the very end...

Malabeth : I do not know exactly who you are, but you are a woman like
me. And so it is with a pained heart that I make this
request of you...

Then the screen changes to the place of execution.

Hrist : Look while you still can and witness. Witness the end of your
"King" who betrayed the gods, and defiled the providence of

The guillotine will then drop.

(The King should die as a King...)

Then you will see Valkyrie next to Guillotine.

Valkyrie : I'm too late. Barbarossa... Wha. What the. We're being
pulled back?! Incredible... Returning to our time!!

(But how could such a thing be possible!? Perhaps because she has such
a strong connection to this world?! To such a low level god? It can't

Then you will see Valkyrie walks toward Barbarossa.

Valkyrie : Barbarossa. I heard everything from your wife.

Barbarossa : What did you say? Don't be ridiculous...

Valkyrie : I brought this with me.

Barbarossa : ...That. It cannot be. I gave that to my Malabeth...!

Valkyrie : Correct.

Barbarossa transforms back to hisself.

Barbarossa : I see...

Barbarossa : But the truth is, it doesn't matter whether I was deceived
or not. It was my foolish searching for eternity, which
bought about this destruction. The responsibility is all
mine. The mages were simply carrying out my orders as
loyally as they could. My heart is full of pride for them.
My mages are sinless in this. Is that not true?

Valkyrie : ...Perhaps you are right.

Barbarossa : It is good that you and I could talk. Finally I feel as if
I am able to leave behind my cares and pass beyond this
world. I give you my thanks, Battle-Maiden Valkyrie!

Barbarossa disappear.

Valkyrie : So now we see the true culprit. He chased me beyond the
borders of time, but he was doing nothing more than digging
his own grave. Foolishness! You summoned him into this time,
but you did not consider how strong the bonds are between
then King and the Queen.

Valkyrie : Thoughts surpass the boundaries of time.

Valkyrie : I felt the tug upon the chains of my soul and returned here.
You can hear it, can you not? Foul Mages!!

Dallas : Pah! Who are you! Lady Valkyrie, Goddess of Fools!

Walther : For a second time, you dare to interfere with us.

Dallas : It took many years to gather together the pieces of the King's

Gyne : In any case, he was a small man. Just a poor, deluded fool.

Walther : Heh heh heh. You can say that again!

Valkyrie : You dare to mock King Barbarossa!! Fools. Just the type that
would take offense at the words of a wise king...

Dallas : Ho ho. How amusing. A goddess defending a corpse.

Walther : If Odin were aware of this. I'm not sure he would be pleased.

Walther, Dallas, and Gyne disappear.

Valkyrie : ...Inside the castle. It will not be long, I will smash this
castle into dust.

Now walk back to the castle. Now walk all the way to the left until you
can take the stairs that lead up. At your left will be a Save Point,
Save. Continue walking to the left. Enter the first door that leads
down and you can find an Eye of Heaven(trap, just duck down). Leave
that room and keep heading until you can take another door that leads
down. Inside that room you can find a Dark Savior. Once you have that
head back to the right and Save again.

Now climb the stairs that lead to the right. In this room enter the
first door you see to find a Ranseur. Now head to the right and climb
the stairs. Enter the first door and you can find the skill Triple
Distress. Leave that room and keep going to the left. Take the next
route that leads down and you can find Neckless Doll.

Leave that room and keep going to the left. When you reach the Stairs
take the left route first before you take the right route. Now head
down the first door you see and you can get Burgundy Flask(trap, just
duck down). Now head back out and keep going to the left. Take the next
door down and you can find an Invoke Feather. Leave that room and keep
heading to the left. Take the stairs down and to the right and then
enter the room at the end of the hall. You can find a Estoc(trap, just
duck down) and a Reflect Sorcery in here.

Head back all the way to those stairs and this time take the stairs to
the right. Head to the right for one screen(there is nothing in the
bottom room) and take the stairs to the left. Walk to the left for one
screen and then take the door that leads down. In this room you can
find an Ether Scepter(trap, duck down) and a Nightshade. Head back out
and continue to the left. Now continue walking left as far as you can
and you will find three chests : Mystic Cross, Ruin's Fate and
Concentration. All were trapped, just duck down.

Now head all the way back to the Save Point. Use your crystal to reach
stained glass window at the top left of the save point. Break it abd
you will get 35000 Event EXP. Go inside the hole and continue to the
left. Take the stairs that lead up. When you enter this room, you will
see the Three Mages sitting on top of some pillars.

Dallas : Welcome. We are honored to receive even a Goddess of Fools.

Walther : Is that all you can say? Well, here is my response ??????

Valkyrie : Silence!!

Gyne : ...Such a lovely dinner planned, can we not have a more pleasant

Valkyrie : Dinner, you say...?!

Walther : Yes indeed. This very evening we plan to feast on the soul of
a certain Battle-Maiden!!

Valkyrie : Villains!! Your sins lay heavy upon you, defiler of souls.
All three of you shall die!!

Boss Battle

Name : Gyne + Dallas + Walther
HP : Gyne 18000
Dallas 18000
Walther 30000
Recommended Level : 28
EXP : 42000

Strategy : This is another hard battle. Kill Gyne first because he can
revive his friends. If you have a lot of Holy Crystal, use
it. 10 Holy Crystals is enough to kill them all.

After the battle you can find two artifacts, Dragoon Tyrant and Rust-
Red Circlet. Since I have high Evaluation Point (100), so I take them
all. But it's up to you to keep them or not. After you checked them all
you get 180000 Event EXP. Now head back to the world map.

Press START again to begin Soul Concentration. This time will appear
blue dot --> Arkdain Ruins. So go there.

Arkdain Ruins

Gigantic magic crystals are said to be sealed in these ruins. Yet,
while many have sought the power contained in these magic crystals,
none have returned with it. Could it be that these stones are a myth?
Period 2

When you enter you will see Celia walking along the forest. She looks
like thinking of something.

Kashell : Are you just a blade of grass, carried on the wind?!

Celia : That sounds like Arngrim.

Aelia : I think I'm more like a willow tree.

Kashell : Hah! As if!

Celia : Will I be able to defeat Grey alone...?

You will now see Celia camping with a fire in front of her.

(There's no going back now, is there. You've come this far and now you
want to go home? That's not it... I know we can't... Yeah. Well. I gave
up all hope of that a long time ago.)

Celia : Kashell, Bartos, Rolf, Aelia...

Now you will see Celia standing in front of the gate of Arkdain Ruins.

Celia : How? How did it come to this?

Celia : What...did she do?

Celia : I thought we were all friends... I thought the journey would
end, that we'd all be happy!

Now you will see Celia inside the Arkdain Ruins.

Celia : Grey!

Celia : I've finally found you...

Grey : ...Celia.

Celia : I cannot forgive you.

Celia : You're the one responsible for everything!

Celia : Kashell, Aelia... everyone dead...

Celia : Everything went mad on that day... The day... the day Lemia

Celia raises her sword.

Celia : Aren't you going to say something!?

Celia drops her sword.

Celia : Please... Say something...

Celia hugs him.

Celia : Tell me you didn't kill Lemia!

Celia : I can't kill you.

Celia : Because... then I really would be all alone...

Grey : Forgive me...

The armor drops to the ground.

Celia : Grey? No... This... this isn't happening...

Celia : Noooooooooo!!

Now you will see Valkyrie and Grey.

Valkyrie : You have lost your body, and exist only through the ritual
of Soul Transfer.

Grey : I am not worthy to be chosen by you.

Valkyrie : Human. You have indeed defiled souls, blasphemed against the

Valkyrie : One who has acted as sacrifice for the soul transfer cannot
be saved through the same means.

Grey : So there was nothing I could do after all. I am worthless.

Grey : I must be judged... I must atone.

Valkyrie : Become then as a blade for the gods to wield.

Valkyrie : Therein lies your path to salvation.

After this you will be back at world map and you have Grey in your
party. Press START again to begin Soul Concentration. This time will
appear orange dot --> Cave of Oblivion. So go there.

Cave of Oblivion

It is said that the jewels and monsters that appears in the cave are
different each time it is visited. The cave is a natural wonder –- the
envy of adventurers. But be extremely wary here. The monsters and other
magical beings can be extremely powerful.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Giant Squid
- Harpy
- Inferior Eye
- Monstrous Vermin (equip Raven Slayer)

There are no items in here, just enemies. Kill them all to get EXP then
head back to the world map.

If you do as I say, you will have almost finish this Chapter. The
status are :
Period 15/24
57 Periods remaining until End of World

Use all the remaining periods to go to one of the places you have
already visited before. I recommend The Tower of Lezard Valeth. Kill
all the monsters there to get EXP. After that Freya will summons you.
Don't forget to transfer Nanami before Freya summons you. Equip Nanami
with Flame Bandanna.

Sacred Phase 6-7

Freya : It has been a long time, Lenneth. Our current situation is as

Asgard War Status

Asgard Strength
Aesir Army 29 33(+4)
Vanir Army 27 25(-2)
Other Forces 24 22(-2)

Freya : Our current situation is... Our forces are routing the enemy.
If things continue as they are, all is well.

Freya : Do you wish to know the status of our Einherjar?


Freya : You wish to know his status?

Name : Belenus
God Level : Rank 10
Platoon : 2nd Platoon
Evaluation Value +25
Hero Value 368

Inspection of Spoils
Transfer of Prisoners
Return to Valhalla
In the Abyss Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Activities recognized +5
Total Acquired Hero Value +25

Name : Llewelyn
God Level : Rank 10
Platoon : 3rd Platoon
Evaluation Value +25
Hero Value 254

Awarded the rank of 10th level god
Special Training
Transfer Supplies to Friendly Platoons
Merging with 1st Platoon
Subjugation of the Fire Dragon Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Exploits Recognized +5
Total Acquired Hero Value +25

Name : Jelanda
God Level : Rank 10
Platoon : 4th Platoon
Evaluation Value +30
Hero Value 278

Transfer to Cuoal Region
Search for Artifacts
Patrolling of Fort Ursur and Environs
Elimination Enemy Unit Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Spot monster's weakness +5
Exploits Recognized +5
Total Acquired Hero Value +30

Name : Lucian
God Level : Rank 10
Platoon : 5th Platoon
Evaluation Value +20
Hero Value 362

Awarded the rank of 10th level god
Severing Enemy Supply Route
Transfer of Stolen Goods
Inspection of Cave
Ordered on special mission +5
Surprise attack on Kidtha Hill Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Attack with perfect accuracy +5
Discover wounded soldier -10
Total Acquired Hero Value +20

Name : Nanami
God Level : Rank 15
Platoon : 1st Platoon
Evaluation Value +77
Hero Value 209

Evaluation of desired abilities +23
Awarded the rank of 15th level god
Search for Artifacts
Patrolling Levan Castle and Environs
Merging with 3rd Platoon
Ordered on special mission +2
Subjugation of the Fire Dragon Victories
Major role in ferocious attack +20
Spot monster's weakness +5
Exploits Recognized +5
Total Acquired Hero Value +77

All of these above is my hero status. I don't know you will be the same
or not.

Freya : Lenneth, about your performance... It is magnificent.

Freya : These are all the Materialize Points I can grant you at this

Materialize Points 18810 pts

Freya : The Lord Odin is pleased with you. He bids me give you these

Ether Scepter
Dark Savior
Prismatic Missile
Dampen Magic
Tome of Alchemy
Wand of Exchange

All of these above is what I get. I don't know you will be the same or

Freya : Lenneth, I have a request to make of you... It seems that the
Accursed Flame Gem which can remove the ice seal is broken.
There is someone in the Forest of Spirits who can repair it. We
must repair the Accursed Flame Gem before the attack from
Jotunheim begins. Lenneth, I am giving the Accursed Flame Gem
to you to hold. Bring the Accursed Flame Gem to the Forest of
Spirits and have it repaired. I have heard that Nifleheim is
engaged in some suspicious activities. I do not think they will
attack anytime soon. In any case, please send us an Einherjar
who is knowledgeable about the Undead. We need sorcerers. Send
us someone skilled in the art of magic.

Necessary Hero Value 110
Demand : Repair Accursed Flame Gem, Undead Int, High Level Sorcerer,
Avoid, Resist Magic

Freya : May Fate guide your hand. I pray for your good fortune.

If your Seal Rating low enough(below 37), you will get special scene
with Lucian.

You will now see Lucian in the field where Valkyrie was in the
beginning of the game.

(It is insane... Valkyrie is Valkyrie. She's not Platina... But...)

Now you will see Frei and Loki come to meet Lucian.

Frei : Lucian. What are you doing in this place?

Lucian : Oh, nothing special.

Frei : Come now!! Something is troubling you? I could well understand
if that is the case.

Lucian : Incredible... You can't hide anything from you.

Lucian : It's true that much has happened. I may be... I may be a
little confused...

Frei : Yes? What else?

Lucian : And... The truth is...

The screen will go black.

(Unknown questions. Death? The soul? A hero? A god? And ??????)

The screen will come back like before.

Frei : Valkyrie?

Loki : She's beautiful, isn't she? A bit cold though. Well, farewell.

Frei : What are you saying? You can't believe that you and Lenneth
could actually be together!

Loki : ...Yes yes.

Frei : Well, it's okay... It's nothing to hide ??????

The screen will go black again.

(The known facts. Her true name, the task given to her and her
existence. Like a human, to reincarnate after death. Like a god, to
live forever. Like an Undead, to be free from the Wheel of Time.
Valkyrie sleeps in the form of a human. When needed, she returns as a
Goddess, and then she sleeps again.)

The screen will come back like before.

Lucian : Form of... a human?!

Frei : That's right. But...

Frei : Lenneth... She has no memory, you know...

Lucian : !!

Lucian : No memory?

Frei : That's right. I always try to get her to talk about her human
life, but it seems that my sister, Freya has sealed off her

Lucian : Sealed her memory? Her human memory?

Frei : Her duty as a Valkyrie is primary... If her huamn memory
remained, it would only be an obstacle to that. Oh, I think I
said too much...

The screen will go black again.

(I just want to forget... forget... it all...)

The screen will come back like before.

Frei : Lucian... What is it?

Lucian : No, it's nothing.

Loki : ...

Lucian : ...How can I give her back her memories?

Frei : Huh? It's impossible. It was Freya herself who sealed off her
memory. The only ones who could break the seal are Freya, or
Lord Odin.

Loki : You have spoken too much, have you not, Frei? Besides, didn't
Lady Freya call for you to come?

You will see Frei leaves then and the screen goes black again.

(Platina is really Valkyrie? Isn't there a way to return her memory?!)

The screen will come back like before.

Loki : He he he...

Lucian : ... Is there something else you want from me?

Loki : Although it may be there is no direct solution, there is another

Lucian : Huh?

Loki : But as you might expect, removing the seal from her memory is
not an easy task. However, I believe that perhaps you can at
least speak with Valkyrie if you wish...

Loki : What will you do?

The screen will changes to a castle where you will see Loki and Lucian.

Loki : Lord Odin is able to contact Valkyrie on a regular basis.

Loki : Do you know how it is done?

Loki : Lord Odin uses the Water Mirror to communicate with her.

Lucian : So you mean, if I use the Water Mirror I can contact Valkyrie?

Loki : Exactly.

Lucian : But, will I be forgiven for such a thing?

Loki : I couldn't really care less. But if you think about it, you
can't really believe anyone would punish you for something like
using a little mirror?

Lucian : ...

Lucian : Is this it?

Lucian : What do I do?

Loki : Close your eyes and concentrate. Think of her. That's all you
have to do.

The screen will go black.

(Valkyrie... do you hear me? It's me, Lucian... Valkyrie... do you hear
me? Valkyrie...)

Valkyrie appears.

Valkyrie : What happened here? You think I will forgive you for taking
such liberties!?

Lucian : I know you won't, but...

Valkyrie : Lucian... what is this?

Lucian : I want to send you one of these earrings and I want you to
take it. But the other one is hidden somewhere else...

Valkyrie : What do you mean? That's why you used the Water Mirror?!

Lucian : It wasn't really the earring that I wanted to give you... But
I thought if you accepted it, maybe... No, I know that you
will figure out where the other earring is...

Valkyrie : ...How will I? You dare order me to go treasure hunting?

Valkyrie : You're a fool... Now that you have done this, have you any
idea of the repercussions?

Valkyrie : This was... This was... Unforgiveable!!

Lucian : Why... Whay did it have to come to this?!

The screen will changes back with Loki and Lucian.

Loki : Have you finished your goodbyes?

Lucian : L, leave me alone...

Loki : I can not do that.

Loki will then hold out an orb and transform into his true form.

Lucian : ...Huh!?

Lucian : Th, that form. Loki...?

Loki : You should have no regrets. And I? I am satisfied now that the
Dragon Orb is mine. But the blame for stealing it shall have to
fall on your shoulders, Lucian.

Lucian : What!?

Loki : ...Hee hee hee. And the best part is that I shall be the hero
for killing you.

Lucian : Forget about it! I'll never let it happen like that. I'm not
ready to die just yet!

And the scene ended with Lucian and Loki had a fight.

Chapter 7

Characters :
- Suo

Places :
- Hai-Lan
- Cave of Oblivion
- Forest of Spirits
- Weaping Lily Meadow

In this Chapter, train Lorenta. He's the one you will be transferred.
Spend all the CP to increase the skill that Freya wants.

You can press START (begin spiritual concentration) three times in this
First START : Blue Dot --> Hai-Lan
Second START : Orange Dot --> Cave of Oblivion
Third START : Orange Dot --> Forest of Spirits


An island isolated just off the southwest coast. Hai-Lan has developed
its own unique culture. It is filled with unusual flora and fauna, as
well as less natural magic beings.
Period 1

The screen will be black and you can see Suo in the middle.

(In war, there is both purity and filth. That armor... it must make it
difficult to see the blood on you. Concerned only with appearances, and
disguising the truth. It suits you indeed!!)

Suo : You're wrong!

Suo : I... I...

Now you will see Suo and a Samurai.

Samurai : What's wrong? Everything all right, Suo?

Suo : ...Yes, nothing to report...

Suo : ...

Samurai : I mean with you, Suo. Look, I know you weren't very eager to
take this mission, but...

Samurai : Just don't think about it too hard. It's simple. We're here
to investigate a village supposedly packed with warriors
disguised as non-combatants.

Suo : But...!

Samurai : Our intelligence isn't wrong.

The screen will go black again.

(Shiho... What... what should I do?)

You will now see the samurais all in a destroyed town.

Superior : How are things elsewhere?

Samurai : Sir. The town's occupation is nearly complete, sir.

Superior : I see.

You will see all the samurais start to walk away except Suo. You will
see Suo walking to the right and find a man holding a sword.

Man : St... Stay back!

Man : All of you, hurry up! Get out of here...

You will see the Man's family behind him.

Suo : ...?

Man : No! I won't! ...I won't let you have them!

Suo : ...

The screen will go black.

(What's this?)

You will see a scene where Suo met Shiho the first time.

(What have I become?)

You will see a scene where the Superior killed Shiho.

(How did this happen?)

After that, you will see the Man slashes Suo, and he falls down. And
now you will see Valkyrie and Suo.

Valkyrie : Why didn't you fight?

Suo : ...I was thinking.

Valkyrie : Thinking?

Suo : I was trying to figure out how it all came to this.

Suo : Raising swords against women and children... We say it is right,
for our objective is just.

Suo : But how many defenseless people have been slaughtered?

Suo : All I wanted to do was protect the very ones I cut down! All I
wanted to do was protect the people who could not protect

You will now see Superior and some Samurais around Suo's body.

Superior : You were too soft...

Superior : Suo...

(Let us go.)

After this you will be back at world map and you have Suo in your
party. Press START again to begin Soul Concentration. This time will
appear orange dot --> Cave of Oblivion. So go there.

Cave of Oblivion

It is said that the jewels and monsters that appears in the cave are
different each time it is visited. The cave is a natural wonder –- the
envy of adventurers. But be extremely wary here. The monsters and other
magical beings can be extremely powerful.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Life Stealer
- Harpy
- Demon "Wiead" (equip Daemon Slayer)
- Wise Sorcerer
- Lizardman
- Spectator
- Evil Eye

The treasure chests in this dungeon are random. So I will not write
what will you get here. I just give you a clue about place you should

When you first enter, head to the right. In this screen, jump to the
right above. Head all the way to the right to get treasures here. Go
back to the second screen but this time go down to the right to the
next screen. In this screen jump to the right. Eventually, you will
land in someplace, head to the right. There's nothing here, so head
back. This time jump to the left and enter the next screen. Grab the
treasures there. Head back to the right and go down. Head to the right
and exit this dungeon.

You will now back at world map. Press START to begin Soul
Concentration. This time will appear orange dot --> Forest of Spirits.

Forest of Spirits

The only place in Midgard where spirits still exist. It is also
inhabited by Elves who are said to be highly gifted in the lore of
magical item making. Someone can probably be found here to fix damaged
or broken artifacts.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Corrosive Vine
- Crustacean Monster (use Fire Spell/Weapon)
- Corsair Beetle (use Fire Spell/weapon)
- Mandragora (don't fight it, just flee)
- Viscous Clod
- Harpy

Bosses :
- Cockatrice
- Venomous Spider
- Sivapithecus

Items Found :
- Eye of Heaven
- Lucerne Hammer
- Sap Power
- 3x Golden Egg
- 2x Dampen Magic
- Sacred Javelin
- Wassail-Rapier
- Invoke Feather
- Lapis Lazuli
- Timer Ring
- Reflect Sorcery
- Mystic Cross
- Heal
- Sylphan Robe
- Accursed Flame Gem
- Arectaris
- Elven Bow

I recommend you set your mage's ability with fire spell (like Fire
Storm or Fire Lance) because almost all enemies in here have fire
weakness. And also equip your fighter with fire weapon (like Crimson

When you enter, you can find an Eye of Heaven on top of a branch. Grab
it and then continue to the left. Keep walking to the left and after
about 2-3 screens you will see an Elf Girl standing in a bright light.
Valkyrie will then walk up to the Elf.

Elf : Welcome, Battle-Maiden Valkyrie. You wish something from me? It
is easy to become lost here. Come, I will be your guide.

She will then let Valkyrie pass and you will now be in the Elf Village.
Walk to the left and another scene will take place.

Elf : Ah, what a lovely surprise. What brings you here, Battle-Maiden?

Valkyrie : I have a command from Odin. I wish for you to repair a
broken artifact.

Elf : A broken Artifact?

Valkyrie : That's correct. I want you to repair this "Accursed Flame

Elf : Repair...this, yes? Hmm. It appears that its gem has been

Elf : ...

Valkyrie : Can you repair it?

Elf : No. ...Or perhaps. I should say not right now.

Valkyrie : What do you mean?

Elf : I don't have the tools I need to fix it.

Valkyrie : Eh?

Elf : "Accursed Flame Gem" was imbued with its special powers by
Fafnir, the mighty Fire Dragon. At this moment, the crystal
merely has a crack in it. It would be impossible to recreate this
gem. But if you want it repaired, the gem's power must first be
released, and then once again recrystallized. However, I do not
have the tools necessary to perform the recrystallization ritual.

Valkyrie : What are they?

Elf : A "Golden Candlestick" is needed for the recrystallization
ceremony. A "Silver Thread" is needed to rebuild the magic
matrix. "Polar Drops" are needed to purify the space. Finally a
"Charm Feather" is needed to fix the magic in space. Those four

Valkyrie : Where can I find them?

Elf : The "Polar Drops" are in a forest fountain to the south. You can
get the "Silver Thread" if you defeat the Great Spider that
inhabits the cliffs to the northeast. The "Golden Candlestick"
was stolen away by the giant ape that lives deep in the forest.
To get these items will surely be easy for one such as you,

Valkyrie : What is it? Is there a problem?

Elf : Cockatrice ??????

Valkyrie : A beast with the power of petrification?

Elf : That is correct. The most important item, the "Charm Feather" is
a feather from the Cockatrice. In order to retrieve one,
naturally you must first defeat one ??????

Valkyrie : ...So if I gather those items, you'll do it, eh.

Elf : Are you leaving?

Valkyrie : Yes.

Elf : The Cockatrice nest is to the northwest. Be careful, Battle-

Now keep heading to the right, until you can take a path that leads up.
Now head to the left for a little and at the end you can take another
path that leads up. Start walking to the left now. Eventually you will
reach the end of the path, where you can find a Lucerne Hammer. Now, on
that same screen take the path that leads up and head to the left.
Anyways once you get all the way to the left, you can talk to an Elf
that will tell you Basically you are near the Cocatrice. Take the path
that leads down and you will be near a Save Point. Save, And before you
head to the right, head to the left and jump on the branches. You will
be able to find a Sap Power and a Golden Egg(arraow trap, jump). Now
head to the right. You will now be in what appears to be a Swamp and
just to your right you can see the Cockatrice. When you near it, you
will enter a battle with it.

Boss Battle
Name : Cockatrice
HP : 50000
Recommended Level : 28
Weakness : Fire
EXP : 50000

Strategy : This is an easy battle. You can kill it under 3 turns. Just
use your clincher and fire magic.

After the Battle, you will get a message saying you recieved the Charm
Feather. Then it will tell you that you got a Event EXP of 16000. Now
head to the left and Save your game. Then take the path up and this
time start walking to the right and then head down. Then go to the
right again until you reach a new area. On this screen, start jumping
on the branches and try and get to the top right. Hidden by the
branches is a chest that contain a Dampen Magic(arrow trap, jump). Now,
fall all the way down and take the path that leads up. If you head to
the left you will be able to find a chest that contains a Sacred
Javelin. Once you have that head to the right, and go past the elf. And
on this screen you can find a Wassail-Rapier if you jump from Branch to
Branch until you reach the top. Don't fight enemies in here. It can do
a lot of damage and kill you. Once you have that head back to that Elf
to the left and take the path that leads down. Now walk to the left and
on this screen you can find a Lapis Lazuli(Top Right) and a Golden Egg
and Invoke Feather(Top Left). Now if you walk to the right of this
screen you can find a Giant Spider sitting on it's web. When you get
close enough to the Spider you will enter battle with it.

Boss Battle
Name : Venomous Spider
HP : 30000
Recommended Level : 28
Weakness : Holy
EXP : 500

Strategy : This is another easy battle. I can kill it in just one turn.
Just use your clincher.

After the battle, It will tell you that you received the Silver Thread.
And after that you will get 16000 Event EXP for doing this. Now, work
your way back to where the Wassail-Rapier was. Once you get there keep
heading to the right and then take the route that leads down. Take the
route on this screen that leads down and then keep walking to the left
until you reach another Elf. Now walk past the Elf and take the route
that leads down. Start walking to the left, until you take another path
that leads down. Head to the right and go past the Elf. If you jump
from Branch to Branch on this screen you can find a Timer Ring, A
Dampen Magic, a Reflect Sorcery, and a Golden Egg(arrow trap, jump).
Now, walk back to the left and near the Elf there will be a path that
leads down. Take it. One this screen if you look to the right you will
be able to find a chest that contains a Mystic Cross hidden behind some
rocks. After you have it, walk to the left. On this screen you take two
routes. One is walking along the log that leads back. And the other is
to walk underneath the log. Walk underneath it for now and head to the
left. One this screen you can find a Heal, plus if you look in the
tree's, you can find a chest that contains the Sylphan Robe(arrow trap,
jump). They are very strong for your Mage. After you have them head
back to the right and this time take the high road. Now take the high
road that leads back to the Mystic Cross place, and this time head up.
Then start to walk all the way left. You will then see a Elf standing
next to a giant rock and there may or may not be water in there. If
there isn't, then Elf will explain that it only appears at certain
times. So just keep leaving and entering this room until there is water
underneath the rock. When there is, just walk to the water and you will
recieve the Polar Drops. You will also get 16000 Event EXP for doing
it. Now head back to the to the very center of the map(It the tall room
with some branches and an Elf in it, you already past though here
before, right off the main path). If you talk to the Elf it will
explain that Apemen like to live high in the trees, and that if you
know your own abilities, you can make it that high too. So what you
have to do is starting to the right of the Elf, make a pile of Crystal
and jump on it to reach the branch. Now just keep repeating this on
each branch until you reach the Apeman. Anyways, once you reach the top
you will enter battle with the Apeman.

Boss Battle
Name : Sivapithecus
HP : 42000
Recommended Level : 27
Weakness : Ice
EXP : 50000

Strategy : If you have Icicle Sword, use it. You can kill it in just
one turn.

Once the battle is over you will get a message saying that you received
the Golden Candlestick(you will also get the Standard 16000 Event EXP).
Once you have those, fall down the trees and take the path that leads
down. Then just keep walking all the way to the left and you will end
up in the Elf Village. Talk to the Elf.

Elf : Have you gathered all the items? ...It seems that you have.
Please wait a moment.

Elf : It is finished.

Valkyrie : It is repaired?

Elf : Yes, the Artifact has been repaired. It is within that chest.
Please take it.

Valkyrie : I am in your debt, elf.

Elf : No. After all, you rid the forest of those troublesome beasts. If
you brought the Accursed Flame Gem here, then Asgard itself must
be in grave danger.

Valkyrie : ...

Anyways, you can now grab the chest and it contains the fixed "Accursed
Flame Gem". Send it to Odin because I didn't find any use of it. Once
you have that you can leave the Forest.

I suggest after you leave to the world map, you enter it again. This
time head to where the Elf was. And now there will be a Maze(Elf
Village before). Go down and then left and then down again.

Now just walk to the left and you will see another Cockatrice. It
should be very easy to defeat. After you defeat it you will be able to
grab two artifacts, Elven Bow and Arectaris. I suggest you keep them
all. After that you will get 240000 Event EXP and you can leave.

If you got special scene with Lucian before, go to Weaping Lily Meadow.

Weaping Lily Meadow

Weaping Lilies dot this gorge but their lovely fragrance is poison.
Beautiful and deadly –- the villagers know enough not to stop and smell
the flowers.
Period 1

You will see Valkyrie in front of the tomb.

Valkyrie : Why did I come to such a place?

If you do as I say, you will have almost finish this Chapter. The
status are :
Period 14/24
34 Periods remaining until End of World

Use all the remaining periods to go to one of the places you have
already visited before. I recommend The Tower of Lezard Valeth. Kill
all the monsters there to get EXP. After that Freya will summons you.
Don't forget to transfer Lorenta and unequip Nibelungen Ring before
Freya summons you.

Sacred Phase 7-8

Freya : It has been a long time, Lenneth. I have bad news to report.
One of the Einherjar that you sent us has betrayed the Lord
Odin. His name is Lucian. He was executed by Loki, who happened
to be present at the time. The Dragon Orb was stolen, and
possibly sent to Midgard. We do not know exactly where it is.
Lenneth, perhaps you have some ideas? Lenneth, I have a very
important mission for you. You must go to Midgard and retrieve
the stolen Dragon Orb.

Freya : May Fate guide your hand. I expect good news.

Materialize Points 21810 pts

Ether Scepter
Sacred Javelin
Shield Critical
Might Reinforce

The screen will fade and you will be back to where Lucian and Loki
fought. Loki will then defeats Lucian and send him flying. After the
fight, you will be in Odin's Throne Room.

Odin : The Dragon Orb ???????!

Freya : Yes, my lord.

The screen will fade and you will be in a place where Lucian and Loki

Odin : Loki, it happened exactly as you said.

Loki : Yes. The ripples left on the Water Mirror should have been
plainly visible.

Odin : Yes... You may leave now.

Freya : Do you really think it wise to allow Loki to go?

Odin : Yes. We have no proof that his story was a lie.

Freya : You mean his story about Lucian using the Water Mirror to hide
the Dragon Orb somewhere on the surface of Midgard?

Odin : That is right.

Freya : However, that doesn't explain this human's motives, does it?
And I find it hard to believe that he is secretly in league
with the Giants.

Odin : Loki himself was not holding the Dragon Orb...

Freya : ...

Odin : All the information we have is uncertain and unreliable.

Freya : Therefore?

Odin : For the time being, we leave Loki be.

Odin : But if it turns out he lies, I care not if we are of like race.
I will show him no mercy!!

(Lucian has taken the Dragon Orb... I'm going to send you one of these
earrings and I want you to take it. But, the other one is hidden
somewhere else...)

Chapter 8

Characters :
- Gandar

Places :
- Palace of the Dragon
- Cave of Oblivion
- Weaping Lily Meadow

You can press START (begin spiritual concentration) three times in this
First START : Orange Dot --> Palace of the Dragon
Second START : Orange Dot --> Cave of Oblivion
Third START : Blue Dot --> Weaping Lily Meadow

Palace of the Dragon

Enemies :
- Grey Bones
- Dullahan Lord
- Mage Lord
- Eternal Chimera
- Dragonewt
- Dark Pudding

Bosses :
- Gandar

Items Found :
- 2x Eye of Heaven
- Wassail-Rapier
- 2x Lapis Lazuli
- 2x Quartz Gem
- Guard Reinforce
- Ether Scepter
- Burgundy Flask
- Lucerne Hammer
- Fire Storm
- Sacred Javelin
- Frigid Damsel
- Shield Critical
- Dragon Slayer
- Lightning Bolt
- Might Reinforce
- Spell Reinforce
- Great Spear "Dinosaur"
- Dragoon Faith
- Scroll of Golem
- Hourglass of the Gods

When you first enter start heading to the right for two screen. On the
third, there should be a picture on the wall. If you search it you will
find that it is Number 16(XVI) and that it is titled "The Tower". Then
you will get "Full Moon Stone". You will then receive 1600 Event EXP.
Once you have the stone, walk back to the left and enter the door in
the middle that is open(not the one with the Sun on it). When you enter
you will be in a room with a statue to the left and some sort of
crystal, high in the middle. Walk over the Statue and search it. You
will eventually be asked which Stone you want to use. Select the "Full
Moon Stone" and you will then be warped to a new area.

First head down, and then to the left. You will be in a room where you
can pick up an Eye of Heaven(explosion trap, run) and a Wassail-Rapier.
After you have those start walking to the right. Jump over that stone
in the middle of the road so you can reach the door on the right. When
you enter this room, kill the Dullahan Lord and then head to the right
and you can grab a Lapis Lazuli. After you have it head back to the
left and push that Stone out of the way so you can enter the door. If
you walk a little to the left, you can find another Lapis Lazuli. Now
start heading to the right. Jump over the stone that blocks the door
and head to the next screen. You will see 4 statues. Look and remember
at where they facing.

Top Statue : facing to the left.
Right Statue : facing the front.
Bottom Statue : facing to the back.
Left Statue : facing to the right.

Once you have all of that done, you can find a door to the right. Take
it and you will have to face a Eternal Chimera. Once you kill it, head
to the right and search the picture. You will find out this is Number
10(X) and titled the Wheel of Fortune. You will then gain the "Eclipse
Stone". After that you will get 1600 Event EXP. Now head back to the
left. Now push that stone of of the way and enter the door. You can
find a Quartz Gem to your right and a Guard Reinforce. You can also
find a Save Point to the left. Save your game and then head back to the
room that contains the Statue. This time when the Statue asks you what
Stone you want to use, choose the "Eclipse Stone"(This will be the top
answer). You will then be warped to where you started. Except, this
time you can open that door that has the Sun on it. Do that and enter

If you look to the left you can find a Ether Scepter(trapped, duck
down). Grab it and then start heading to the right. Now in this room,
first head through the door with the Sun on it. You can find a Burgundy
Flask(explosion trap, run) at right. After you have the treasures go up
to the Painting. You will find out that it is Number 13(XIII) and
titled "Death". You will then get a message saying that you got the
"DarkSpot Stone" and got 1600 Event EXP. After you have it, leave this
room. This time head all the way to the right. You will now be in a
room very similar to the one before, except, this time you can move the
statues. So just move them to the way that they were in the other room.
Once you have moved them you will notice that a door at the bottom
right opens. You will also get 5000 Event EXP for doing it. So go
through the door to the right. You will find another painting called
"The Emperor" and is number 4(IV). After you search it you will find
the "Crescent Moon Stone". Now that you got the Stone and 1600 Event
EXP, go ahead and pust that stone in front of the room. In that room
you can find a Fire Storm(trapped, duck down) at your left and a
Lucerne Hammer(explosion trap, run) at your right. Once you have those,
head back to where the statues is. Use your "Crescent Moon Stone"
(Bottom Choice) and this time you will be in a different area. Head to
the left.

You will now be in a long hall that has all of the pictures on the
walls. Those pictures will help you solve the next puzzle. Just keep
heading to the left until you reach the next room. Kill the Eternal
Chimera and then go up to the painting. You will find out that it is
Number 7(VII) and titled "The Chariot". Anyways you will then get the
1600 Event EXP and you will also get the "Darkpath Stone". Now that you
have those, work your way back to the Statue and choose the "Darkpath
Stone"(3rd from top).

Now head to the left and you will find yourself in a room that has many
doors. If you talk to the statue it will give you the clue.

"Youngest first"
"Except for Fools"

Here the solution for the puzzle. Enter the door with these order.

Doors : 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Order : 6-5-1-4-3-7-2-8

If you use that order, the door will open. Now after doing that the
door will open(and you will get 20000 Event EXP for doing it). Now head
to the left. In this room you can grab a Sacred Javelin(trapped, duck
down). After you have that search the painting. Once you do you will
get the "New Moon Stone". Once you have it, head back to the statue and
choose it(Bottom Choice).

Now start heading to the left. Now jump to the top and you can find a
chest that contains an Eye of Heaven(explosion trap, run). Once you
have it jump to the top platform. When you reach it Valkyrie will note
that it is some sort of Machine. You will then be asked if you wish to
activate it. Say that you do(Top Answer). The Machine will then spin
for a while and then eventually stop. Now head back to the "Warp
Statue" and this time you choose "Darkspot Stone"(2nd Choice from Top).

Start heading to the left and eventually you will reach a big room like
before. As soon as you enter, the machine will start to work. After it
is finshed a door will appear(and you get 50000 Event EXP). However,
before you head to the door, head up and you can find a chest that
contains a Frigid Damsel. Once you have that, take the door at the
bottom. You will be in a room that has a save point(so Save).

Now this next part will probably very annoying and you have to take a
couple of tries. So start by walking to the right. The statues that you
can talk to will tell you about the Guardians. Once you reach the next
room jump up and the grab the chest(it has a Shield Critical in it).
Then jump to the left and enter the door.

Now don't move for a while. Eventually a Statue will charge up to you.
If you get hit by this, it will warp you to a different area. So if you
get hit, just walk around for a while and eventually a statue will
appear. Choose "Darkspot Stone"(2nd Choice from Top) again to get back.

This is how to avoid the Guardian. After the statue has turned around,
follow it. Eventually the statue will reach the dead end and turned
around again, jump to the back of the Guardian and follow it again.
This time the Guardian will create a door in the wall. Enter that door.
Now in this room, go to the right. Watch out with the Guardian. Jump
when it charge you. At the right, you will find a chest contains a
Dragon Slayer. After you have it, enter the door that is next the
Dragon Slayer. In this room you can find a Quartz Gem and a Lightning
Bolt. Once you have those head back out and take the door that is to
the left. Now head to the left and you will have to do the same dodge
the Guardian thing again. Once you do it you will be able to find a
Might Reinforce and a Spell Reinforce. There is something else that you
have to do in this room. You must make the Guardian chases you. This is
how to avoid the Guardian. After the statue has turned around, follow
it. Eventually the statue will reach the dead end and turned around
again, jump to the back of the Guardian and follow it again. Do that
about 2-6 times(I don't know exact). Then the Guardian will be stoned
and you will be able to get the final stone, the "Blood-Red Stone". You
also get 1600 Event EXP. Now head back to the Save Point and Save. Then
head to the Warp Statue. When it asks you which stone, choose the
"Blood-Red Stone"(4th from top). You will then be warped to a new area,
where you can Save. Save the game and then walk to the left.

You will see Gandar and a couple of Soldiers near a Giant Throne.

Gandar : The Dragon Orb is gone!? Unthinkable! Who could possibly have
gotten to it before me?

The screen will then start to shake violently and all of a sudden a
Giant Golem will rise up.

Gandar : What is this overwhelming force?! Such power is near
inconceivable! Someone... or something... overcame a Guardian
with this much power and stole the Orb?! But who... and how?!

The Golem will then walk and the Soldiers will intercept it. But, all
of a sudden, A Huge Blast of Energy comes in a destroys both the Golem
and the Soldiers. Frei then warps into what is left of the mess.

Gandar : Well, well.

Then Valkyrie enter the room.

Valkyrie : Freya... Why are you here?!

Freya : I am under orders from Lord Odin. This human has set foot
within realms never intended for his kind. Therefore...

Freya : You will execute him.

Valkyrie : ...

Freya : However... Make sure you do not destroy his soul.

Freya : That, too, is an order from Lord Odin.

Gandar : D... Damn it all!

Boss Battle
Name : Gandar
HP : 35000
Recommended Level : 29
EXP : 0

Strategy : You can kill him in just one turn. Use Celestrial Star and
clincher to finish him.

After the battle, you will see Valkyrie and Gandar.

Gandar : You are making me your slave?!

Valkyrie : You have another option, though I do not think you'd find
Nifleheim very comfortable.

Gandar : D... Damn you...!

Valkyrie : So what shall it be? My master wishes to use your power. It
would be regrettable to surrender you to Hel, the Dark
Queen. Hence, you will be accepted, no matter how depraved
and twisted your soul.

Gandar : Heh! Ha ha ha ha ha! You drive a hard bargain, Battle-
Maiden... Very well. However, know you that I am very
different from those other trained dogs. I warn you... watch
your back, Valkyrie!

The screen will fade back to the Palace of the Dragon and you will now
have three chests in front of you. You can find the Dragoon Faith,
Scroll of Golem(send to Odin), and the Hourglass of the Gods(send to
Odin). After you do that, you will get 500000 Event EXP. However,
before you go, you can get another Treasure Chest. In order to make
it, you will need to do the Crystal Jump(Jump into the Dust of a
Destroyed Crystal). When you eventually make it up, you will get the
Great Spear "Dinosaur". Now head back to the World Map.

You have Gandar in your party now. Press START to begin Soul
Concentration. This time will appear orange dot --> Cave of Oblivion.
So go there.

Cave of Oblivion

It is said that the jewels and monsters that appears in the cave are
different each time it is visited. The cave is a natural wonder –- the
envy of adventurers. But be extremely wary here. The monsters and other
magical beings can be extremely powerful.
Period 2

Enemies :
- Lesser Demon
- Grave Mist
- Beetle Giant
- Dragon-Tooth Warrior
- Fatal Glimmer
- Rib Forager
- Necrophiliac
- Fire Elemental

The treasure chests in this dungeon are random. So I will not write
what will you get here. Just kill all the enemies in here to get EXP.

Press START to begin Soul Concentration. This time will appear blue dot
--> Weaping Lily Meadow.

If you do as I say, you will have use a little Periods in this Chapter.
The status are :
Period 8/24
16 Periods remaining until End of World

At this point you can choose one of two endings, depend what will you
doing. If you want to get Ending A(the best ending), go to Weaping lily
Meadow. If you want to get Ending B(normal ending), just spend the rest
of periods.

-------------------------------ENDING A--------------------------------

Weaping Lily Meadow

Weaping Lilies dot this gorge but their lovely fragrance is poison.
Beautiful and deadly –- the villagers know enough not to stop and smell
the flowers.
Period 1

As soon as you enter, Valkyrie will start walking to the right.

(It wasn't really the earring that I wanted to give you... But I
thought if you accepted it, maybe... No, I know that you will figure
out where the other earring is ??????)

When Valkyrie reach the tombstone, she will start digging and then she
will found the earring.

Valkyrie : Here...? How did I...

Valkyrie : How did this earring...? In any case, its sparkle will no
doubt soon be dimmed, ere it is next bloodied...

You will then see some flashback.

(Lucian... Lucian? Lucian?!)

Then the screen changes to Odin and Freya.

Freya : The seal!

Odin : What? She has regained her memories?

Freya : Yes. But...

Odin : Just as planned, eh.

Freya : Yes. The security is operating normally.

Odin : Ho ho ho. I see.

Freya : The seal will not break.

Now you will see Valkyrie again.

(What is this... Sudden pain...?)

Then you will see Hrist and Valkyrie.

Valkyrie : It's... It's you! Help me! Mystina, Arngrim, help me!!

Now you will see Hrist surrounded by black light and then Arngrim and
Mystina will enter the screen.

Arngrim : What's happening?

Mystina : Stay back, Arngrim. Something's not right...

Arngrim : Mystina... Who is that?!

??? : I am the Valkyrie. From now on you two shall obey me.

Arngrim : You've got to be kidding... I don't... I don't even know who
you are!

??? : Ha ha ha! I'm disappointed, Arngrim. After all we've been through
in our fight against the Vampire Brahms. How could you have
forgotten me so easily?

Arngrim : What!?

??? : Our long battle with Brahms... It is not yet over. Silmeria...
The youngest of my sisters. Brahms still holds her soul captive.
Did you not know? The battle which now rages between Aesir and
Vanir. Once you and I fought it as a battle against the Undead...

Arngrim : Stay away from me! The real Valkyrie... What did you do with

??? : Did you not hear me? Do not make me tell you a third time. Pledge
your obedience to me now. I am the oldest daughter, Hrist. My
sister Lenneth, who you know so well, will not be returning to
this world!

Mystina : ...Lenneth? That's the Valkyrie's... Real name?

Hrist : That's right. I am one of the 3 Goddesses of Destiny. My
sisters and I controls the transmigration of souls. It was my
sister, Lenneth, who Odin chose to handle this realm... But now
he has judged her to be unfit for the task.

Mystina : No... This can't be...

Arngrim : I can't accept that.

Hrist : And, what do you intend to do?

Arngrim : I refuse to obey you!

Mystina : Me too! If you had been the one to ask, I would never have
joined you! Obey you?! You've GOT to be kidding!!

Hrist : I see. An earring? I have no need of foolish trinkets.

Then you will see Hrist blasting energy toward Arngrim and Mystina.
Then the real Valkyrie showed up and protect them. After the blast, you
will see blue wisps floating around.

Lenneth : NO!!

Hrist : Lenneth... So you are not yet fully asleep...?

Hrist : Hmm. I suppose I will let you live. After all. There really is
nowhere for you to go if you die anyway.

Then you will see Hrist warped out.

Mystina : These wisps... Can it be? I don't believe this...!!

Arngrim : What is it? What are these lights?

Mystina : They're fragments of Lenneth's soul! But they're starting to

Arngrim : What? Can't we do something?!

??? : Mysty, freeze the atmosphere around them.

Mystina : That voice...!

Mystina : Spirits of air and frost! By this ceremony of joining. I doth
bid thee to join together and freeze the Four Spatial

Then you will see Mystina freeze the wisps into a crystal.

??? : Impressive.

Then you will see Lezard Valeth warped in.

Mystina : Lezard! What do you want!? Show yourself! Let's get this over

Lezard : Ancient magicks are difficult to command. These teleportation
spells take such a ridiculously long time to cast. There we
go... Now, I assume you'll agree to a truce? What's important
now is that we save Valkyrie. At least we can all agree on

Mystina : ......Bastard!

Mystina : But... If you know a way to save her...?

Lezard : Of course I do.

Lezard : For now, we should return to your laboratory. We will talk

Mystina : ...Fine. that I see you... What happened to you?

Lezard : Ah, do you like my spirit form? My physical body was getting
in the way, so I rid myself of it. Just like you.

Mystina : I didn't get killed on purpose! You're insane ??????!!

Then you will be in Mystina's laboratory.

Mystina : So, what's the plan?

Lezard : That, of course.

Mystina : Hold on! That's insane! You want to put Valkyrie in that tiny
little homunculus?

Lezard : The soul has suffered too much degradation. There's no other

Mystina : Lezard... This sounds a bit too convenient. Are you sure you
aren't just doing this to serve your own goals?

Mystina : And... your goal, wasn't it... to take god and human, then

Lezard : You don't believe me? Come come now, do we really have the
time for quarrels amongst friends?

Arngrim and Mystina : WHO'S YOUR FRIEND?!

Lezard : Hmph. In any case, this soul is highly degraded. Her memories,
her personality... I simply can't guarantee what will become
of them. In fact, the soul is so incomplete, I fear we must
act immediately.

Mystina : You... you don't say...

Arngrim : It's clear that she needs immediate attention. He does have a

Mystina : ...Fine. I understand.

Mystina : Lezard! If you try and pull anything wacky, you're going

Lezard : My, my. I never thought that I would invoke the lost magick of
soul transfusion in a place such as this...

Lezard : Mysty, you understand, don't you? This incantation has the
possibility of disjoining body and soul at any time...

Mystina : ...Sure. I got it. And don't think I'm your serving wench or
anything, here...

Lezard : Then let us begin.

Now you will be in another place and you will see Lezard cast a spell.

Lezard : Body, mind, soul; All are sheared away. If to serve this
purpose I shall be despised, my body scorched and blackened,
so be it. If to serve this purpose I must command forbidden
magicks, so be it!! Though my body may be tainted, though my
soul may be tainted, I imbue thee with thought. I swear as the
gods swear, and breathe life into the void!

Now you will see a girl looks like Platina.

Arngrim : Did it really work?

Lezard : Ah, she's coming to. Look.

Mystina : So this... is the magick of soul transfusion...

Arngrim : So, is Valkyrie going to be safe for the time being?

Lezard : This is nothing but an emergency stop-gap. I cannot say what
has actually become of her soul, this period is critical. For
one thing, we must retrieve her true vessel as sson as

Arngrim : Definitely. That Valkyrie called "Hrist"...

Mystina : That's right! We've got to go take her down! Come on... We
know where to find her!

Lezard : The castle of Brahms, king of the vampires...? Very well...

Now you will be in Brahms's Throne Room.

Brahms : Well, well. This gets stranger and stranger. The confrontation
between Hrist and I is fated, but what are you lot doing

Arngrim : Valkyrie was burdened with a false destiny by the gods... And
that is the result!

Lezard : If it all possible, I prefer to forge my own path through
life, then call it "destiny" once the cards have settled...

Mystina : That's right. We will not allow Valkyrie's existence to be

Brahms : Ah, now I understand. The soul within this vessel... is not
the true Valkyrie.

Hrist : ...Did I not already tell you? We three are one. Which of us is
the "true" Valkyrie... There really is no answer.

Mystina : "True"? We don't care who the "true" one is!! You've shut out
Valkyrie's soul... That's all we care about!

Hrist : Do you... miss her? Our viewpoints on the matter differ... If
Lenneth did in fact stand in support of you humans, her
existence will surely be annihilated by Lord Odin.

Hrist : That is all you need to know...

Mystina : ...We will not allow it!

Lezard : We'll be taking her body back, if you don't mind.

Brahms moves very quickly to Arngrim, Mystina and Lezard.

Arngrim : !!

Brahms : This is what I know. Hrist, elder sister of the three
goddesses who govern destiny... That vessel cannot convey your
true powers. It is plain to me that you still sleep, and have
not fully awakened. Perhaps it was too early to come visit me?

Hrist : ...

Brahms : There is no question that our battle demands a conclusion. Yet
have you so little respect for it that you challenge me in
such an incomplete state?!

Hrist : That is... nonsense! What place have you to say such things,
you who hide behind Silmeria! Coward!

Brahms : Arngrim. Fate... is a curious thing, is it not?

Arngrim : What?

Brahms : That you and I should be joining forces to fight against
Hrist... Come, let us put her back to sleep for a bit longer.
She comes uninvited by us all... I lend you my strength!

Boss Battle

Name : Hrist
HP : 12000
Recommended level : 33
EXP : 0

Strategy : This battle is very easy. Hrist can't hurt you at all. You
will win this battle in a few turns.

After the battle, you will see Mystina condense the blue wisps again.

Arngrim : Well, then... thanks.

Brahms : Arngrim. Is there nothing you wish to ask me?

Arngrim : ...i don't care. It's got nothing to do with who I am now

Brahms : Heh. I see... you're right. You have other things to be
concerned with at the moment.

Arngrim : I guess you could say that.

Brahms : Very well. Perhaps we shall meet again, as we have in the

Then you will see Brahms disappeared.

Mystina : ...What a freak.

Lezard : Well, we'd better hurry.

Mystina : Right.

Lezard : We mustn't let her thaw out. She might go bad. Ha ha ha.

Mystina : Blech! You're sick, Lezard. The Lady Valkyrie is not a fish!

Now you will be in laboratory again.

Lezard : Well then, the method is as I've just described.

Mystina : Got it.

Then you will see 2 crystals become one and changes to Valkyrie.

Arngrim : Valkyrie!

Mystina : Did it... work?

Lezard : Yes, without question.

Mystina : Are you all right?

Mystina : ...Valkyrie?

Lezard : ...? ...Something seems to be odd...

You will now see some flashbacks.

(The death of a loved one. For they that remain, the wounds grow deeper
and deeper... They that remain grow weaker and weaker, an agony
incomparable, their hearts in bondage. Who is the one that remains? And
who is the one who departed?)

Lucian : I don't want to be left alone again...

Lucian : A long time ago... She died and left me alone.

Claire : You can't just leave me!!!

(Will you be the one to die this time? Is that truly acceptable?)

Lucian : No! Wake up! I won't have it!! You want to forget!? Would you
forget me too, Platina ???????

(...Lucian... How is choosing a servant any different from picking a
flower? Aren't you just a death-goddess!? Was I picking souls as though
I was picking flowers? What is a Valkyrie? Am I merely... a Death
Goddess? You cannot possibly believe that love can exist between humans
and gods? You really don't have any idea what you are, do you?)

Lucian : We always used to play here. The two of us...

Lucian : My best friend. This was her house...

Lucian : I knew it. You look exactly like her.

Lucian : It was my fault... If I hadn't brought her with me...

(It wasn't really the earring that I wanted to give to you... But I
thought if you accepted it, maybe ??????)

Platina : This is all an illusion. But there is truth within illusions.
And when the illusion fades, the truth will still resonate
within you.

Platina : When you return to reality, what should you do? Try to
remember your formerself. Remember how you used to feel.
Remember what you used to want ??????

(This was... This was... Unforgiveable!!)

Then you will be in Laboratory again.

Valkyrie : NOOOOOO!!

Valkyrie : What... what have I done...!?

Valkyrie : Ah... Aaaah!!

Valkyrie will the warped out.

Arngrim : Ah!! Valkyrie!

Now you will be in Weaping Lily Meadow.

Arngrim : Calm down!!

Valkyrie : No!! Lucian gave me that earring...

Valkyrie : The earring is all... It's all that... It's all that I have
left of Lucian!

Valkyrie : ...Lucian...

Valkyrie : Whay, Lucian? Why did you have to die like that? What can I
do? I cannot make amends... I cannot return him to the

(I hate it...)

Now you will be see Loki with Surt.

Surt : You must have your reasons for journeying to these icy climes...

Loki : My king. I have heard that you are one with respect for justice.
If you think you can win this war through sheer numbers, then
your defeat is inevitable.

Guardsman : What did you say...!?

Loki : Gungnir, the Sylvan Bow... and the Dragon Orb. Three of the Four
Treasures are already in Odin's hands. If you still believe you
can stand victorious against such odds, then are you not truly a
king, but a fool?

Loki : I believe the next era will not be governed by power alone, but
by justice. And yet, for the meting out of justice, power is

Surt : Th... that is...!!

Loki : Correct, the Dragon Orb. However, for my own protection, I'll
not hand it over so easily. I must have some security first. If
you will allow me...

Surt : Whatever you want.

Loki : Very well, then...

Two monsters appear behind Loki.

Loki : I must confess, such dealings make me a bit nervous. Please
permit me the presence of these two compatriots.

Surt : The Wolf, Fenrir... And that dragon, can it be...?

Loki : Indeed. The dragon, Bloodbane, who legends say swallowed the
final of the Four Treasures... the Demon's Sword, Levantine. How
can you refuse? I offer you two Treasures and two beasts to

Surt : You are most generous.

Surt : However, we have not fallen so low that we will raise arms
together with filthy beasts and demons.

Loki : Are you saying you don't need my help?

Surt : That is precisely what I am saying.

Loki : Very well, then. But are you truly in a position to make such
hasty choices?

Loki then transforms himself.

Loki : When the flow of the stream is stayed, stagnation gives way to
sediment and stagnation leads to death...

Loki : Surt! I shall deliver both you and Odin to the plane of non-

Now you can see a very long scene. Follow it yourself, since I can't
write it because it's too fast.

Asgard Hill

Enemies :
- Vanir
- Phantom Lord
- Fire Elemental
- Cheron
- Mind Flayer

Bosses :
- Bloodbane
- Fenrir
- Loki

Items Found :
- Demon Sword "Levantine"

Just follow the path until you reach the Save Point. Save your game and
prepare for a very tough battle.

Boss Battle

Name : Bloodbane
HP : 222000
Recommended level : 36
EXP : 200000

Strategy : This is the hardest battle of all the battle I have been
through. Even the Final Boss not as hard as this battle. I
recommend you set skill at Guts, Auto Item(Elixir 100%,
Union Plume 100%), Mental Reaction(for mage) and equip Angel
Curio at your characters. Make Elixir at full capacity(99).
My party is Valkyrie, Arngrim, Aelia, and Mystina. First use
spell Sap Guard at Bloodbane to reduce its defence. Then use
your clinchers(in order) : Dreaded Dragon, Nibelung Valesti,
Celestrial Star, Final Blast. Eventually you will kill it
after a long exhausted battle. Oh yeah, after more than 10
turns, Bloodbane will cast Heal. It is very annoying. Try to
kill it before he use Heal.

After the battle you will get Demon Sword "Levantine". Equip Valkyrie
with it. Then just follow the path until you reach another Save Point.
Save your game and prepare for a battle.

Boss Battle

Name : Fenrir
HP : 250000
Recommended level : 36
Weakness : Fire
EXP : 175000

Strategy : This is easier battle than before. I recommend you set skill
at Guts, Auto Item(Elixir 100%, Union Plume 100%), Mental
Reaction(for mage) and equip Angel Curio and Freeze Check at
your characters. Make Elixir at full capacity(99). My party
is Valkyrie, Arngrim, Aelia, and Mystina. First use spell
Sap Guard at Fenrir to reduce its defence. Then use your
clinchers(in order) : Dreaded Dragon, Nibelung Valesti,
Celestrial Star, Final Blast. Eventually you will kill it.

Now follow the path again until you reach another Save Point. Save your
game because you will fight the final Boss.

Valkyrie : Loki!

Loki : So you've finally showed up. But it is too late. Odin is fallen,
and none can stop me now.

Loki : Especially not pathetic pawns of Odin such as yourself... Ha ha
ha ha ha ha!

Valkyrie : Damn you!

Loki : Ha. Why do you hate me so? Simply because I killed that human...

Loki : Oh well. Now is your chance to fight me. Perhaps then you shall
feel at peace.

Boss Battle

Name : Loki
HP : 400000
Recommended Level : 38
EXP : 0

Strategy : You only have to survive in just 2-3 rounds. So try to keep
all alive.

Loki : So even with the sword "Levantine", that's all you can do?!

Valkyrie : ...What did you say!?

Loki : You cannot use your full power because your friends are here.
Odin died protecting Freya. Lenneth! What about you? If you use
the true power of the Divine Treasures, the blood of heroes,
will be on your own hands.

Loki : I live only for myself. Even holding the Sacred Treasures, your
mercy shall prove to be your downfall.

Valkyrie : No. I will not fail!

Loki : You have already failed!

Valkyrie : Never!

You will see a long FMV about how the power of Loki destroy everything.

Loki : Ha ha ha! Such power! Wonderful! Yes, Lenneth, yes. That's
right. Use all the power for yourself. Try to protect the others
and you will only guarantee your own death.

You will hear Valkyrie crying.

Loki : Cry not my beauty. You and I are one and the same.

Valkyrie : I hear them.

Loki : What?

Valkyrie : The voices of all the living souls of Midgard.

Loki : ...

Valkyrie : And I feel them. I feel all of their pain!

A light will surrounds Valkyrie and lift her to the air.

Loki : What? What is this power!

Now you will see a flashback.

Lezard : Odin used to be a rather weak God indeed.

Lezard : In other words, Gods do not grow, but are static. However ??

Mystina : Odin was different, because he's a half-elf.

(That's right. Because Odin's divine blood was mixed with mortal, he
has the ability to grow, just as we humans do.)

Lezard : Do you know what my homunculi are crafted from?

Lezard : Correct. My homunculi are essentially half-elves. If I were to
shift my soul into the body of a homunculus... might I not
become a god?

Now you will be back with Valkyrie and Loki.

Valkyrie : This power... It is from all of you.

Valkyrie then flaps her wings.

Now you will see a long FMV about the power of creation that Valkyrie

(Side effects of the fusion of Valkyrie and the Homunculus child.)

Loki : The power of creation!? It cannot be!!

(You are a taker of souls! Your power cannot be so vast!)

Valkyrie : Yes. Now I have total power!

(Good luck, Platina!)

Valkyrie : Yes!

(While my awareness is unlimited, unrestricted to the girl's own

Loki : What is the power of creation! I have but to crush you, and the
world shall come to an end!

Valkyrie : Impossible! Now I have the power to defend all!

(Her other side is giving off power to protect all of existence.)

Boss Battle

Name : Loki
HP : 400000
Recommended Level : 38
EXP : 0

Strategy : This is a very easy battle. Just use your clicher and
eventually you will win this battle.

After the battle you will see a very short FMV Ending.

-------------------------------THE END---------------------------------

-------------------------------ENDING B--------------------------------


Thor : Lenneth. Leave the Ice Field enemies to us. You lead all the
Einherjar and advance along the path we open up. We'll break
into Jotunheim Palace and overthrow Surt, King of the Vanir.

Vidar : It is no exaggeration to say thatb the outcome of the battle
depends on you.

Tyr : Reports say that Surt is guarded by Royal Guards stationed
throughout the palace. Proceed cautiously.

Eir : Don't worry about your flank. You can leave it to us.

Hermod : We'll finish up here and follow you.

Ull : Fear not. Lenneth can do it.

Hodur : ...We're counting on you.

Freya : This is the final battle... You must be victorious at all

Materialize Points : 23250 pts

(The entire Aesir army is assmebled and prepared to advance on
Jotunheim Palace. Now the final battle begins...)

Jotunheim Palace

Enemies :
- Vanir
- Wise Sorcerer

Bosses :
- Bloodbane
- Surt + 2x Vanir

Items Found :
- Mental Reaction
- 3x Freeze Check
- 4x Foxglove
- Eye of Heaven
- 3x Vegetable Seed
- 3x Flare Crystal
- 2x Ether Scepter
- Scarlet Edge
- Demon Sword "Levantine"
- Lapis Lazuli
- 2x Noble Elixir

You will now be in the Jotunheim Palace. Head to the left and Save your
game. Take the first door that leads up. Then take the path that leads
up again. Now in this room you can find a chest that contains a Mental
Reaction(trapped, duck down). After you have that, head to the left.
You will now see some platforms. You need to jump on these, but be
careful since they will disappear. If you head to the right you can
find a Freeze Check(down right) and a Foxglove(top right). Once you
have those you can find a door near the upper left. Now walk across the
long bridge until you reach the next screen. When you can, fall down to
the bottom. On either side of this room you can find a chest. One
contains a Eye of Heaven(left) and the other has a Foxglove(right).
Once you have those head to the left. Again walk across the Long Bridge
and you will eventually reach a room that has a Blue Fire, a Green
Fire, and a Red Fire. Now what you have to do is, Mix the Blue Fire
with the Red Fire in the bottom pedestal. Once you have done that, take
the Daisy Fire, you will get 120000 Event EXP. Then take the path at
the top right, and head back all the way to that Save Point at the
entrance. Now keep going to the left this time. Head to the left again.
You will now be in a room that has a door to the left and some
platforms. Jump on the platforms, until you reach the door near the top
right. Follow the path and enter the door that leads up when you can.
Take it again and you will be in a room where you can find a Flare
Crystal, and a Vegetable Seed. Once you have those, head back down and
go to the left. When you reach the switchback, you can find a chest
that contains a Flare Crystal. Now keep heading to the right and you
will eventually end up where you started. Now take the bottom route
that leads to the left. Head left for one screen. In the next room be
sure to watch out for the Icicles Falling and keep going to the left.
Now this room happens to have some treasure chests at the bottom. One
is to the right(Freeze Check, duck down) and the other is to the
left(Ether Scepter, duck down) near the spikes. Once you have those,
use the platforms to make your jumps to the top left. Now grab the
chest(Scarlet Edge, duck down) and then use the platforms again to jump
up to the top right. Keep heading to the right. Just follow the path
until you reach a door. Take the door and then head to the left. In
this room you can grab a Ether Scepter(trapped, duck down) and a
Foxglove on the left platforms. Once you have those head to the top
right opening.

Now Save your game. You are about to fight the Strongest Monster. Once
you have Saved your game head to the right. But, make sure that each
Character has an Angel Curio equipped. After you head to the right You
will see a Monster there. Walk up to it and you will get in a fight.

Boss Battle
Name : Bloodbane
HP : 222000
Recommended Level : 34
EXP : 200000

Strategy : This is the hardest battle of all the battle I have been
through. Even the Final Boss not as hard as this battle. I
recommend you set skill at Guts, Auto Item(Elixir 100%,
Union Plume 100%), Mental Reaction(for mage) and equip Angel
Curio at your characters. Make Elixir at full capacity(99).
My party is Valkyrie, Arngrim, Aelia, and Mystina. First use
spell Sap Guard at Bloodbane to reduce its defence. Then use
your clinchers(in order) : Dreaded Dragon, Nibelung Valesti,
Celestrial Star, Final Blast. Eventually you will kill it
after a long exhausted battle. Oh yeah, after more than 10
turns, Bloodbane will cast Heal. It is very annoying. Try to
kill it before he use Heal.

After the battle a chest will be there. If you open it you will get the
Demon Sword "Levantine". It is the strongest weapon in the game. After
you have it save. Go back to where you entered and this time continue
along the path. After a while, you will eventually meet some Vanir that
are just standing still. These are the strongest in this dungeon, but
just keep killing them and moving along the path. And after you meet
the first Vanir, in the room where you have to jump over to the right
you can find some chests : Lapis Lazuli(trapped, duck down) and Freeze
Check(trapped, duck down) that are hidden by pillars. Anyways just keep
following the path. Along the path you will get Noble Elixir.
Eventually you will reach a dead-end and there will be a flame. Search
the Flame and you will the get the Fires of Purgatory. Now what you
have to do, is as quickly as possible run back to the right three
rooms. This will probably take a couple tries. Once you successfully do
it, a passage will open up, enter it. You will get 120000 Event EXP for
doing that. Now just follow the path all the way along until eventually
you will reach a Save Point. Along the path you will get Foxglove, 2x
Vegetable Seed, Flare Crystal, Noble Elixir. Once you have reached that
Save Point, Save your Game. When you make sure that you have prepared,
head to the right.

You will now see Surt with two Vanir.

Valkyrie : Surt, vile evil-doer, the time has come to send you back to
the nothingness of the abyss!

Surt : ...

Valkyrie : We will not wait for Lord Odin's divine attention. The power
to enforce his will is mine. Now, as is fit for a king...
Draw your sword. Draw and die!!

Surt : ...How you do prattle on.

Valkyrie : What?!

Surt : Ignorant woman.

Boss Battle
Name : Surt + 2x Vanir
HP : Surt 300000
Vanir 22000
Recommended Level : 45
EXP : 0

Strategy : Well, this is the final battle. I recommend you set skill at
Guts, Auto Item(Elixir 100%, Union Plume 100%), Mental
Reaction(for mage) and equip Angel Curio at your characters.
Make Elixir at full capacity(99). My party is Valkyrie,
Arngrim, Aelia, and Mystina. First use spell Sap Guard at
Surt to reduce its defence. Then use your clinchers(in
order) : Dreaded Dragon, Nibelung Valesti, Celestrial Star,
Final Blast. Eventually you will kill all of them.

After the battle you will see Freya. She will congratulate you and your
army for defeating Surt. Freya then continues by talking about how Odin
is proud of you and all of Valhalla is happy. Then she told Valkyrie to
rest after the long battle. Anyways when that is done the credits will

-------------------------------THE END---------------------------------



Antler Sword
Description : Sword which evokes the image of a great stag's antlers.
His coated with a special ether coating which makes it
impervious to breaking.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 100 Attack Thrust 30
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 32

Description : A greatsword designed to be wielded with two hands.
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 80 Attack Thrust 15
1.X 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 45

Ether Freeze
Description : A weapon created by the Goddess Freya from some
invincible material. It appears to enhance magic power,
but its true shape is unknown.
Can be equipped by : Freya
Attack 300 Attack Thrust 70
1.X 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 100

Ruby Mace
Description : A wand with a ruby red pulsating gem set in its tip.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 120 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Element Scepter
Description : Wand imbued with the power of the elements. 50% chance of
breaking. Allows wielder to perform great magic, but it
cannot long endure the power it wields.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 300 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Jewelled Blade "Grimrist"
Description : As its name implies, it is a gaudily fashioned, bejeweled
sword whose ferocity belies its beauty.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Jun, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 100 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 30 Lightning/Death

Description : German made two-handed sword.
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 100 Attack Thrust 15
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 45

Viking Sword
Description : Great sword of the type wielded by the legendary
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 70 Attack Thrust 7
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 27

Description : A long narrow sword blade affixed to a spear shaft.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 100 Attack Thrust 24
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 30

Description : Spear with "wings" protruding from both sides of its
blade. Originally, they were to prevent the spear from
stabbing too deeply but have since become stylized
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 80 Attack Thrust 30
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 22

Description : The most common type of sword from the legendary country
of Yamato.
Can be equipped by : Jun, Suo
Attack 70 Attack Thrust 20
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 45

Description : A 3 foot long sword with a long, sweeping curve.
Can be equipped by : Jun, Suo
Attack 100 Attack Thrust 30
1.X 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 37

Description : A simple to use crossbow which fires a short wooden shaft
at very high velocity. Its weakpoint is its slow loading
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 100 Attack Thrust 22
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 22

Description : An improved variety of crossbow.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 60 Attack Thrust 32
1.X 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 37

Description : Small bow. Made by mere humans, it is not to be relied
upon in a battle against powerful enemies. 5% chance of
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 100 Attack Thrust 45
1.O 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 22

Broad Sword
Description : A variety of longsword. 6% chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jun, Kashell, Lucian,
Jayle, Grey, Suo
Attack 130 Attack Thrust 20
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 26

Description : Curved blade afixed atop a stout spear shaft. 5% chance
of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 95 Attack Thrust 27
1.X 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 23

Dragon Slayer
Description : Sword with incredible power against dragons. It has an
ether coating so it must have been forged by humans. 5%
chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jun, Kashell, Lucian,
Jayle, Grey, Suo
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 100
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 175

Lightning Edge
Description : A sword whose razor-sharp edge is imbued with the power
of lightning. It absorbs lightning-based magic attacks
and transfers DME to its wielder.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 70 Attack Thrust 62
1.O 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 40 Lightning/DMG+50%

Spinning Spear
Description : Firestorm spear. Adds additional 20 CP (Capacity Points)
when wielder's level increases.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 50 Attack Thrust 35
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 35 Poison/DMG+50%

Elemental Edge
Description : Greatsword imbued with the power of the elements. Raises
Special Attack damage by 30%.
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 80 Attack Thrust 32
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 40 Holy/DMG+50%

Holy Prayer
Description : A wand which amplifies the prayers of its wielder and
transmits them to the gods.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Go-Shorai Blade
Description : Sword which is said to have the power to call down
lightning. It also reduces the wielder's Special Attack
CT by 1. A blue jewel is set in its hilt.
Can be equipped by : Jun, Suo
Attack 50 Attack Thrust 40
1.O 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 40 Lightning/DMG+50%

Supreme Crossbow
Description : A crossbow made of the finest materials with the finest
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 50 Attack Thrust 22
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 35 Holy/DMG+50%

Long Sword
Description : Long steel sword. 5% chance of breaking. Made by a simple
blacksmith, it is not a weapon to rely on in a difficult
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Jun, Lucian, Jayle, Suo
Attack 98 Attack Thrust 35
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 31

Spear "Dark Angel"
Description : Legendary spear with both negative and positive power. It
is said that its power depends upon who wields it.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 65 Attack Thrust 42
1.O 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 40

Scarlet Lotus Sword
Description : Its vivid red blade make this sword stands out. It is
imbued with the power of fire.
Can be equipped by : Jun, Suo
Attack 140 Attack Thrust 10
1.O 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 50 Fire/DMG+50%

Long bow
Description : Longer than the shot bow, it has a 5% chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 100 Attack Thrust 45
1.O 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 27

Flare Baselard
Description : Sword imbued with the power of fire. 5% chance of
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jun, Kashell, Lucian,
Jayle, Grey, Suo
Attack 300 Attack Thrust 60
1.X 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 52 Fire/DMG+50%

Daemon Slayer
Description : Sword with incredible power against demons. It has an
ether coating so it must have been forged by humans. 5%
chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jun, Kashell, Lucian,
Jayle, Grey, Suo
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 100
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 175

Walloon Sword
Description : Equipped with a large knuckle guard, it strengthens the
wielder's defense.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 300 Attack Thrust 12
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 40

Description : A type of narrow-bladed rapier.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 150 Attack Thrust 21
1.O 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 45

Description : A spear with a slightly shortened shaft to allow it to be
wielded in a variety of ways.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 300 Attack Thrust 15
1.X 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 35

Description : An evolved form of the Winged Spear. It has a large
winglike blades flowing out of its sides.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 150 Attack Thrust 22
1.O 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 35

Description : A type of two-handed sword.
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 150 Attack Thrust 22
1.O 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 45

Description : A type of two-handed sword.
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 500 Attack Thrust 7
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 30

Crystal Wand
Description : A Wand with a crystal set in its tip. Pulsating with 7
different colors, it is quite beautiful.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 250 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Seventh Sword
Description : A unique sword with 7 smaller blades jutting out of the
main blade like branches on a tree.
Can be equipped by : Jun, Suo
Attack 150 Attack Thrust 20
1.O 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 46

Description : A huge two-handed sword well over 4 feet long. It is
powerful but difficult to wield.
Can be equipped by : Jun, Suo
Attack 300 Attack Thrust 20
1.X 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 60

Description : This rapid-fire crossbow doesn't sacrifice power for
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 150 Attack Thrust 22
1.O 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 40

Description : An improved crossbow with a crank-loading mechanism which
allows it to fire at greater velocity than the standard
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 150 Attack Thrust 22
1.X 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 40

Ether Scepter
Description : Wand imbued with the power of ether. 30% chance of
breaking. Allows wielder to perform great magic, but it
cannot long endure the power it wields.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 1600 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Description : Wide bladed and curved sword. 5% chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Jun, Lucian, Jayle, Suo
Attack 350 Attack Thrust 37
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 40

Description : Sword which cuts through flesh as well as warped spirits.
5% chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 270 Attack Thrust 55
1.O 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 57 Darkness/DMG+50%

Description : Hammer designed to overcome even the sturdiest armor. 5%
chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 300 Attack Thrust 27
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 50

Bastard Sword
Description : Sword which can be wielded with either one or two hands.
6% chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jun, Kashell, Lucian,
Jayle, Grey, Suo
Attack 290 Attack Thrust 50
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 48

Grand Sting
Description : Blue flames flicker around off on the blade of this
enchanted greatsword, almost as if it is breathing.
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 500 Attack Thrust 55
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 95 Lightning/DMG+50%

Raven Slayer
Description : Bow with incredible powers against birds. It has an no
ether coating so it must have been forged by humans. 5%
chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 100
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 175

Beast Slayer
Description : Sword with incredible powers against beasts. It has an no
ether coating so it must have been forged by humans. 5%
chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jun, Kashell, Lucian,
Jayle, Grey, Suo
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 100
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 175

Description : Sword forged from a fallen meteorite. 5% chance of
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Jun, Lucian, Jayle, Suo
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 20
1.O 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 37 Holy/DMG+50%

Faim Fenn
Description : Former sword of a legendary hero, it is a richly
decorated and suberbly balanced masterpiece.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Jun, Lucian, Jayle, Suo
Attack 60 Attack Thrust 1
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 25

Ignite Sword
Description : Greatsword imbued with the power of a fiery explosion.
Raises Special Attack damage by 30%.
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 450 Attack Thrust 45
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 70 Fire/DMG+50%

Radience Sword
Description : Imbued with the power of light, this sword absorbs Holy-
based magic attacks and transfers DME to its wielder.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 170 Attack Thrust 64
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 64 Holy/DMG+50%

Heart Piercer
Description : Flickering spear. Adds additional 20 CP (Capacity Points)
when wielder's level increases.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 150 Attack Thrust 37
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 62 Ice/DMG+50%

Acceptor Rod
Description : A rod which communicates with unseen beings in the
natural world and transmits their power to the wielder.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 400 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Ten-Horin Blade
Description : A sword emblazoned with the emblem of the Phoenix. It
also reduces the wielder's Special Attack CT by 1. The
hilt is designed to evoke the Phoenix's fiery wings.
Can be equipped by : Jun, Suo
Attack 150 Attack Thrust 41
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 66 Fire/DMG+50%

Crescent Arrow
Description : A bow designed to fire arrows tipped with magical moon
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 150 Attack Thrust 22
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 65 Lightning/DMG+50%

Ruin's Fate
Description : Sword with a disturbing name. 5% chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 400 Attack Thrust 27
1.O 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 60 Darkness/DMG+50%

Rapid Bow
Description : Bow which allows rapid reloading. 5% chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 150 Attack Thrust 45
1.O 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 32

Description : Shortsword forged by a powerful ally of the gods. It is
weak in destructive power, but it improves the magic
ability of its wielder.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 600 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Sinclair Saber
Description : A straight-edged saber.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 600 Attack Thrust 20
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 65

Description : Sword which is excellent for either slashing or stabbing.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 26
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 50

Description : A spear with an axe-like blade one one side and a sharp
point on the other. Good for slashing or thrusting.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 25
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 45

Description : An axe with a long shaft like a spear. Carries
unsurpassed destructive power.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 600 Attack Thrust 30
1.X 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 55

Description : A Scottish two-handed sword.
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 800 Attack Thrust 22
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 57

Description : Greatsword with a flame-like serrated edge. A sword as
deadly as it is decorative.
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 22
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 52

Alchemy Wand
Description : A wand fashioned in the image of a fairy.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 500 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Description : A sword as huge as the No-Dachi, but extremely light. Its
name means "Flicker Sword"
Can be equipped by : Jun, Suo
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 37
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 60

Description : A massive sword more powerful and huge than No-Dachi.
Can be equipped by : Jun, Suo
Attack 600 Attack Thrust 5
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 70

Description : An improved crossbow which fires explosive-tipped arrows.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 1
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 40

Description : A type of Windlass-Crossbow.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 600 Attack Thrust 45
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 60

Infinity Rod
Description : Mystina's beloved magic wand. Decorated with a number of
gems on its tip, it allows wielder to perform great
magic. Chance of breaking = 10%.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 880 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Description : Long sword designed for a thrusting attack. 8% chance of
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jun, Kashell, Lucian,
Jayle, Grey, Suo
Attack 570 Attack Thrust 45
1.X 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 62

Footman's Axe
Description : Long, versatile axe. 2% chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 500 Attack Thrust 29
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 50

Description : A type of spear with a cross-shaped blade. 5% chance of
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 600 Attack Thrust 29
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 65

Holy Wand "Adventia"
Description : Said to have been carried by a holy man during the coming
of the Messiah, it is undecorated and has a simple
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 750 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Scarlet Forge
Description : This blood-red sword is imbued with the power of fire. It
absorbs fire-based magic attacks and transfers DME to its
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 230 Attack Thrust 62
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 67 Fire/DMG+50%

Holy Halberd
Description : A spear blessed by the gods. Adds additional 20 CP
(Capacity Points) when wielder's level increases.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 45
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 65 Holy/DMG+50%

Violet Forge
Description : Greatsword whose blade flashes a brilliant violet. Raises
Special Attack damage by 30%
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 1200 Attack Thrust 42
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 70

Absolute Force
Description : A wand which is a powerful as its name denotes.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 600 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Demon Blade
Description : A sword said to have been used to battle demons. It
reduces the wielder's Special Attack CT by 1. It has a
black blade with a red hilt.
Can be equipped by : Jun, Suo
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 48
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 67 Poison/DMG+50%

Shiny Rupture
Description : A bow which fires flashing arrows which carry tremendous
destructive force.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 200 Attack Thrust 22
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 70 Poison/DMG+50%

Dragoon Tyrant
Description : A spear with special power against dragons.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 300 Attack Thrust 10
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 99

Description : A uniquely designed sword with 1/3 of the sword double-
bladed, and the remainder single-bladed.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 620 Attack Thrust 40
1.O 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 70

Reiter Pallasch
Description : Equipped with a large knuckle guard, this Pallasch
affords the wielder with greater defense.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 400 Attack Thrust 16
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 82

Description : A halberd with a long saber attached to one end, making
it effective for either stabbing or slashing.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 400 Attack Thrust 32
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 65

Description : A spear with a uniquely long, sharp point, covering
nearly half its length.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 1200 Attack Thrust 40
1.X 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 70

Description : A variety of two-handed sword. With its gruesome-looking
blade, it is a true killer's sword.
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 1600 Attack Thrust 25
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 67

Description : A sword made of an orihalcon-alloy. An unusually light
and easy to wield greatsword.
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 400 Attack Thrust 25
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 55

Deluge Scepter
Description : A wand inscribed with the emblem of a crashing wave.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 1000 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Description : A sword unparalleled in lightness and ease of use.
Can be equipped by : Jun, Suo
Attack 400 Attack Thrust 27
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 75

Description : A sword which excels all others in power.
Can be equipped by : Jun, Suo
Attack 1000 Attack Thrust 27
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 77

Description : A variety of Fire-Crossbow.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 400 Attack Thrust 12
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 65

Description : A crossbow with both speed and power.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 1200 Attack Thrust 52
1.O 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 62

Fine Halberd
Description : Finely crafted halberd. 1% chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 1000 Attack Thrust 30
1.X 2.O 3.X Hit Thrust 62

Description : Slim bladed sword. 7% chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Jun, Lucian, Jayle, Suo
Attack 1120 Attack Thrust 65
1.O 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 65

Lucerne Hammer
Description : A variety of war hammer. 2% chance of breaking.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 1100 Attack Thrust 30
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 77

Elven Bow
Description : A bow said to have been manufactured by elves.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 700 Attack Thrust 67
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 135

Description : Greatsword named after a Fairy King who led thousands of
fairies in their war against the demons.
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 750 Attack Thrust 1
1.O 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 115 Holy/DMG+50%

Description : A sword unmatched by any other. But it is so powerful
that the wielder will fall into darkness.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Jun, Lucian, Jayle, Suo
Attack 2000 Attack Thrust 44
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 92 Darkness/Death

Crimson Edge
Description : A spear with a great, crimson blade. It is said to have
been created by the gods for use in hunting demons.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 1200 Attack Thrust 24
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 70 Fire/DMG+90%

Icicle Sword
Description : Sword which has a chance to freeze foes it strikes.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jun, Kashell, Lucian,
Jayle, Grey, Suo
Attack 1200 Attack Thrust 1
1.O 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 85 Ice/Death

Glare Sword
Description : Sword which has a chance to petrify foes it strikes.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jun, Kashell, Lucian,
Jayle, Grey, Suo
Attack 1200 Attack Thrust 1
1.O 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 85 Poison/Death

Unicorn's Horn
Description : A unicorn horn which has been turned into a magician's
wand. Allows the wielder to perform feats of great magic.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 1300 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Ice Coffin
Description : Imbued with the power of light, this sword absorbs ice-
based magic attacks and transfers DME to its wielder.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 550 Attack Thrust 64
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 92 Ice/DMG+50%

Arc Wind
Description : Spear whose name means great wind. Adds additional 20 CP
(Capacity Points) when wielder's level increases.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 600 Attack Thrust 52
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 92 Lightning/DMG+50%

Bahamut Tear
Description : Greatsword whose name refers to its power to defeat
dragons. Raises Special Attack damage by 30%
Can be equipped by : Arngrim, Kashell, Grey
Attack 1200 Attack Thrust 40
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 90 Lightning/DMG+50%

Noble Desire
Description : A wand which greatly enhances the wielder's magical power
by synchronizing with their spiritual essence.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Attack 1200 Attack Thrust 1
1.X 2.X 3.X Hit Thrust 1

Ama-no-Murakumo Blade
Description : Heavenly Cloud Sword. It reduces the wielder's Special
Attack CT by 1.
Can be equipped by : Jun, Suo
Attack 500 Attack Thrust 43
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 92 Ice/DMG+50%

Last Avenger
Description : A bow which fires arrows with unerring accuracy.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Llewelyn, Janus, Badrach
Attack 400 Attack Thrust 22
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 95 Fire/DMG+50%

Great Spear "Dinosaur"
Description : Long heavy spear with the tooth of a dinosaur affixed to
its end.
Can be equipped by : Lawfer, Aelia
Attack 3000 Attack Thrust 68
1.X 2.X 3.O Hit Thrust 75

Demon Sword "Levantine"
Description : A magical black sword said to be within the stomach of
the dragon, Bloodbane. Its power increases as the life
force of its wielder decreases.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Belenus, Lucian, Jayle
Attack 2200 Attack Thrust 40
1.O 2.O 3.O Hit Thrust 90


Description : Helmet which protects the wearer with nose and chin
guards. It is covered with an ether coating which renders
it indestructible.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 5
Defend Thrust 1

Empress Garland
Description : A tiara given to the Goddess Freya by Odin the All-
Father. It signifies her status as a goddess of the 2nd
Can be equipped by : Freya
Reduce Damage 100
Defend Thrust 10

Description : A richly jewelled crown. It is covered with an ether
coating which renders it indestructible.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 2
Defend Thrust 1

Feathered Tiara
Description : Tiara decorated with white feathers.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie
Reduce Damage 5
Defend Thrust 1 Fire/DMG-50%

Crown of Felmar
Description : Crown named after its owner, it has no other particularly
unique qualities.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jelanda, Llewelyn,
Jun, Kashell, Yumei, Janus, Nanami, Lorenta,
Mystina, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach, Shiho, Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 2
Defend Thrust 1 Darkness/DMG-50%

Silver Sallet
Description : Sallet forged from silver.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 10
Defend Thrust 1

Feathered Helm
Description : Helmet decorated with white feathers.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie
Reduce Damage 10
Defend Thrust 1 Ice/DMG-50%

Silver Tiara
Description : A jewelled tiara made of silver.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 4
Defend Thrust 1

Duel Helm
Description : A full helm which entirely covers the wearer's head.
Inscribed with an image of the Goddess of Death.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 20
Defend Thrust 2

Winged Helm
Description : Helmet shaped like the wings of an angel.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie
Reduce Damage 20
Defend Thrust 2 Lightning/DMG-50%

Anointed Tiara
Description : A jewelled tiara anointed with holy water.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 8
Defend Thrust 1

Handwoven Bandanna
Description : Bandanna. Badrach received from his sister.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jelanda, Llewelyn,
Jun, Kashell, Yumei, Janus, Nanami, Lorenta,
Mystina, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach, Shiho, Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 5
Defend Thrust 1 Holy/DMG-50%

Valor Helm
Description : A type of full helm. A mighty helm which is fit for the
greatest of heroes.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 40
Defend Thrust 4

Aerial Garland
Description : Hat named after the spirits of the air.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie
Reduce Damage 40
Defend Thrust 4 Poison/DMG-50%

Anointed Garland
Description : Hair adornment blessed by the gods.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 16
Defend Thrust 1

Rust-Red Circlet
Description : A rusty red circlet of iron.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 20
Defend Thrust 2 Holy/DMG-50%

Valiant Helm
Description : A type of full helm. Strongest of all helms which can be
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 80
Defend Thrust 8

Seraphic Garland
Description : Hat decorated with beautiful feathers.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie
Reduce Damage 80
Defend Thrust 8 Holy/DMG-50%

Supreme Garland
Description : Finely crafted hair adornment imbued with powerful magic.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 24
Defend Thrust 2

Dragoon Faith
Description : Helmet formed in the shape of a dragon. It appears to
have been made for ceremonial purposes but the details
are unclear.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 200
Defend Thrust 20 Lightning/DMG-50%


Description : An iron breastplate. It is covered with an ether coating
which renders it indestructible.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 50
Defend Thrust 1

Eternal Shine
Description : Garment which shines with an otherworldly light.
Can be equipped by : Freya
Reduce Damage 10
Defend Thrust 101

Description : A cloth cloak with an ether coating, rendering it
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 30
Defend Thrust 1 Fire/DMG-50%

Aegea Garb
Description : Brilliant blue battle armor.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie
Reduce Damage 55
Defend Thrust 1 Darkness/DMG-50%

Description : Armor made from linked metal chains.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 100
Defend Thrust 1

Silver Cuirass
Description : A silver breastplate.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 100
Defend Thrust 6

Heraldic Garb
Description : Battle armor emblazoned with emblems.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie
Reduce Damage 120
Defend Thrust 1 Poison/DMG-50%

Silver Cloak
Description : A cloak with silver threads woven into it to increase its
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 70
Defend Thrust 1 Fire/DMG-50%

Duel Armor
Description : A steel breastplate.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 300
Defend Thrust 22

Radiant Garb
Description : Battle armor imbued with the power of light.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie
Reduce Damage 350
Defend Thrust 23 Holy/DMG-50%

Anointed Cloak
Description : A cloak anointed with holy water.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 250
Defend Thrust 1 Fire/DMG-50%

Description : Metal armor which covers the chest.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 320
Defend Thrust 22

Robe of Bryttain
Description : Garmented from the enchanted isle of Bryttain, it carries
the prayers of thousands of souls within its woven body.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 1400
Defend Thrust 140 Holy/DMG-90%

Valor Armor
Description : Beautifully crafted breastplate fit to be worn by the
greatest of heroes.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 800
Defend Thrust 73

Divinity Garb
Description : Battle armor containing the power of the gods.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie
Reduce Damage 1000
Defend Thrust 90 Lightning/DMG-50%

Anointed Garb
Description : Cloth garment purified by the power of the gods.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 600
Defend Thrust 30 Fire/DMG-50%

Sylphan Robe
Description : Garment blessed by the spirits of the forest. It has the
power to protect against Dark Attacks.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 1800
Defend Thrust 180 Drakness/DMG-90%

Valiant Armor
Description : An armor of incredible strength. Allows wearer to face
even the most powerful foes.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 1500
Defend Thrust 144

Seraphic Garb
Description : Battle armor blessed with the fortune of the gods.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie
Reduce Damage 1700
Defend Thrust 160 Ice/DMG-50%

Supreme Garb
Description : Cloth garment imbued with magic.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 1200
Defend Thrust 90


Description : Heavy iron glove designed to protect the hand. It is
covered with ether coating which renders it
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 5
Defend Thrust 10

Extreme Guard
Description : Gauntlets studded with Fire Gems. Counter-attacks by
shooting flame at enemies.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jelanda, Llewelyn,
Lawfer, Jun, Kashell, Yumei, Janus, Aelia, Nanami,
Lorenta, Mystina, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach, Shiho,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 0
Defend Thrust 20 Fire/DMG-50%

Silver Gauntlet
Description : Gauntlet forged from silver.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 10
Defend Thrust 11

Duel Guarder
Description : Gauntlet forged from steel.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 20
Defend Thrust 17

Star Guard
Description : Gauntlets studded with jewels containing the power of the
stars. Counter-attacks by firing multiple beams of light
at enemies.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jelanda, Llewelyn,
Lawfer, Jun, Kashell, Yumei, Janus, Aelia, Nanami,
Lorenta, Mystina, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach, Shiho,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 0
Defend Thrust 20 Holy/DMG-50%

Valor Gauntlet
Description : Finely crafted gauntlet suitable for a hero.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 40
Defend Thrust 24

Glare Guard
Description : Gauntlets which reduce darkness damage. Counter-attacks
by shooting dark light which has a chance of petrifying
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Jelanda, Llewelyn,
Lawfer, Jun, Kashell, Yumei, Janus, Aelia, Nanami,
Lorenta, Mystina, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach, Shiho,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 0
Defend Thrust 15 Darkness/DMG-50%

Valiant Guarder
Description : Gauntlets with unmatched protective power. Allows wearer
to face even the most fearsome foes.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 80
Defend Thrust 30


Description : Iron leg armor. It is covered with ether coating which
renders it indestructible.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Jelanda, Belenus, Llewelyn,
Lawfer, Jun, Kashell, Yumei, Janus, Aelia, Nanami,
Lorenta, Mystina, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach, Shiho,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 2
Defend Thrust 1

Orihalcon Boots
Description : Boots created by the Goddess Freya for her own use. They
are made with Orihalcon, a mysterious alloy which gives
them the ability to float.
Can be equipped by : Freya
Reduce Damage 10
Defend Thrust 1

Leather Boots
Description : Still leather boots.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 1
Defend Thrust 1

Silver Greaves
Description : Silver leg armor.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 4
Defend Thrust 1

Duel Greaves
Description : Steel leg armor.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 8
Defend Thrust 1

Suede Boots
Description : Soft, comfortable boots made of brushed leather.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 5
Defend Thrust 1 Ice/DMG-50%

Valor Greaves
Description : Finely crafted leg armor suitable for a hero.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 16
Defend Thrust 1

Elven Boots
Description : Light boots said to have been crafted by elves.
Can be equipped by : Jelanda, Yumei, Nanami, Lorenta, Mystina, Shiho
Reduce Damage 20
Defend Thrust 2 Ice/DMG-50%

Valiant Greaves
Description : Leg armor with unmatched protective power. Allows wearer
to face even the most fearsome foes.
Can be equipped by : Valkyrie, Arngrim, Belenus, Llewelyn, Lawfer, Jun,
Kashell, Janus, Aelia, Lucian, Jayle, Badrach,
Grey, Suo
Reduce Damage 32
Defend Thrust 3


Nibelungen Ring
Description : A ring bestowed upon Valkyrie by Odin, showing his faith
in her. If it is removed, Valkyrie's evaluation value is
reduced. It may have other powers (compensations?).
Darkness/DMG-50% Only Valkyrie can equip it

Description : Necklace which brings disaster upon its wearer. However
the Goddess Freya imbued it within her own power to
supplement its negative energy.
No parameter Only Freya can equip it

Angel Curio
Description : Small angel statue which automatically heals holder of
unconscious status. Chance of breaking = 30%.
No parameter

Fairy Earring
Description : Earrings which reduce CT (Charge Turn) by 1. However CT
will not go below 1.
No parameter

Poison Check
Description : Charm which renders user invulnerable to poison.

Emerald Necklace
Description : Necklace of emeralds which shines with a glorious blue
light. Increase CP by 100 when wearer's level goes up.
No parameter

Pressed Flower
Description : Pressed flower made by Asaka.

Scout Orb
Description : Orb which reduces the chance of an enemy attacking first
by half.
No parameter

Earring of Healing
Description : Earring which restores 10% DME per turn.
No parameter

Goddess Pendant
Description : Pendant decorated with the Battle-Maiden's image.

Paralyze Check
Description : Charm which renders user invulnerable to paralyze.

Freeze Check
Description : Charm which renders user invulnerable to freeze.

Stun Check
Description : Charm which renders user invulnerable to faint.

Power Bangle
Description : Armband which raises physical attack by 30% of base
value. Physical attack refers to damage caused by a body
or weapon.
No parameter

Magic Bangle
Description : Armband which raises magic attack by 30% of base value.
No parameter

Protect Jewel
Description : Jewel which raises RDM (Reduce Damage) by 30% of base
No parameter

Resist Jewel
Description : Jewel which raises RST (Magic Resist) by 30% of base
No parameter

Combo Jewel
Description : Jewel which increases Special Attack gauge by 2.
No parameter

Material Earring
Description : Earring which raises maximum DME by 15%.
No parameter

Stone Check
Description : Charm which renders user invulnerable to petrify.

Protect Charm
Description : Charm which renders user invulnerable to physical damage.
Chance of breaking=30%. Physical damage also includes
abnormal status attacks.
No parameter

Magic Charm
Description : Charm which renders user invulnerable to magic damage.
Chance of breaking=25%.
No parameter

Resist Charm
Description : Charm which renders user invulnerable to abnormal status.
Chance of breaking=25%.
No parameter

Fragment of Lapis Gem
Description : A fragment of a crystal containing a mermaid's tear.

Bracelet of Zoe
Description : Armband named after a beautiful maiden, it enhances life
force. Raises DME by 300 when wearer's level goes up.
No parameter

Material Gem
Description : Gem which raises maximum DME by 30%.
No parameter

Curse Check
Description : Charm which renders user invulnerable to curse.

Gem of Activity
Description : Gem which increases chance of fire stones appearing by
50% and increases their number by 3.
No parameter

Gem of Creation
Description : Gem which increases chance of magic gems appearing by
50% and increases their number by 3.
No parameter

Dimension Slip
Description : Ring which shifts its wearer into another dimension. When
equipped there will be no encounters. Only Valkyrie can
equip it.
No parameter

Crack Ring
Description : Ring which raises hit power and makes it easier to
perform a guard crush.
No parameter

Energy Ring
Description : Ring which raises Special Attack gauge by 2.
No parameter

Haste Ring
Description : Ring which reduces CT by 1. However will not reduce CT
below 1.
No parameter

Ring of Learning
Description : Ring which increases amount of experience gained by 30%.
No parameter


Treasure Search
Description : Ring which warns wearer of presence of treasure. When
equipped, a blue mark will appear. Only Valkyrie can
equip it.
No parameter

Rabbit's Foot
Description : An amulet which is said to imbue the holder with good
No parameter

Amber of Happiness
Description : A sweet piece of amber. One small lick and the taster is
overcome by a feeling of happiness.
No parameter

Teachings of Bethanus
Description : A book of teachings from the great prophet, Bethanus. It
teaches all who read it the value of life.
No parameter

Phoenix Feather
Description : A feather from the legendary Phoenix. Automatically cures
holder of unconscious status. Chance of breaking = 10%.
No parameter

Enemy Search
Description : Ring which warns wearer of the presence of enemies. When
equipped, a red mark will appear. Only Valkyrie can equip
No parameter

Malice Search
Description : Ring which warns wearer of danger. When equipped, enemies
with wicked intent will flash red. Only Valkyrie can
equip it.
No parameter

Trap Search
Description : When equipped, informs wearer of treasure chest
conditions. Red=trap. Yellow=easily breakable. On ly
Valkyrie can equip it.
No parameter

Angel Lips
Description : Red rouge which improves one's ability to negotiate with
No parameter

Shell of Laliu
Description : When placed to the ear, this shell transmits the sound of
crashing waves. For some reason, hearing this improves
the listener's powers of perception.
No parameter

Sleipnir's Mane
Description : Rumored to have been cut from the mane of Odin's 8-legged
steed, Sleipnir.
No parameter

Demonic Tome
Description : An illustrated tome containing information about demons.
No parameter

Pearl of Karula
Description : A milk-white jewel fashioned as a protective charm for
fishermen. It is said to protect the holder from
No parameter

Flame Bandanna
Description : Bandanna emblazoned with the symbol of fire. Imparts the
wearer with courage.
No parameter

Coin of Fortune
Description : Gold coin which grants good luck to its holder.
No parameter

Skull of Devone
Description : A skull ornament fashioned by a witch from the bones of
an undead creature. It is said to impart knowledge of
undead creatures.
No parameter

Creation Jewel
Description : A gem which is used to transmute divinely created items.
Greater and more powerful items can be created. It can be
equipped and used by Valkyrie.
No parameter


Description : Crystal spectacles which allow user to "see" an enemy's
abilities and weak points. The enemy's material and
astral dimensions are analyzed and communicated to
No parameter

Description : Potion which restores DME (Divine Materialize Energy).
Restores 50% of maximum DME.
No parameter

Union Plume
Description : A feather which revives character from unconsciousness.
Actually gathers the 3 life elements (Material, Astral
and Mental) from within the Valkyrie and reconstitutes
No parameter

Might Potion
Description : Potion which raises attack power by 50% of base value.
Effects last for 2 turns.
No parameter

Nectar Potion
Description : Potion which shields user from abnormal status. Lasts for
2 turns. Potion only protects, doesn't cure.
No parameter

Lucid Potion
Description : Potion which prevents user from being targeted by
rendering them transparent. Lasts for 5 turns. Any attack
behaviour on the part of the user immediately negates its
No parameter

Iron-Barred Key
Description : Iron key. It must fit a door somewhere...
No parameter

Eye of Heaven
Description : A gem which enables the user to see areas of the current
dungeon that they have not yet visited.
No parameter

Vegetable Seed
Description : Some type of plant seed.
No parameter

Description : Herb which gives off a refreshing smell. Has the power to
purify a user's body.
No parameter

Description : Herb which causes illusions. Apparently, it is used in
magic ceremonies.
No parameter

Quartz Gem
Description : Increases CP by 20.
No parameter

Description : An herb which conveys courage upon its user. If overused,
it can be poisonous.
No parameter

Lapis Lazuli
Description : Increases MP by 200
No parameter

Book of Everlasting Life
Description : A vulgar book written by a small, foolish man. It has no
No parameter

Fire Lance
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Fire Lance".
No parameter

Description : Potion which cures abnormal conditions (Poison, Faint,
Freeze, Paralyze). It is the weakest potion of its kind
and doesn't cure Stoned and Cursed.
No parameter

Secure Potion
Description : Potion which prevents user from fainting. Lasts for 2
turns. It will not cure faint status, only prevent it.
No parameter

Attack Pow
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Attack Pow"
No parameter

Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Avoid"
No parameter

Magic Pow
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Magic Pow"
No parameter

Frigid Damsel
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Frigid Damsel"
No parameter

Icicle Edge
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Icicle Edge"
No parameter

Flare crystal
Description : This crystal releases a fire attack on all enemies.
No parameter

Ice crystal
Description : This crystal releases an ice attack on all enemies.
No parameter

Thunder crystal
Description : This crystal releases a lightning attack on all enemies.
No parameter

Poison crystal
Description : This crystal releases a poison attack on all enemies.
No parameter

Holy crystal
Description : This crystal releases a holy attack on all enemies.
No parameter

Shadow crystal
Description : This crystal releases a darkness attack on all enemies.
No parameter

Thunder Gem
Description : When used, this gem releases a magic lightning attack.
No parameter

Poison Gem
Description : When used, this gem releases a magic poison attack.
No parameter

Holy Gem
Description : When used, this gem releases a magic holy attack.
No parameter

Shadow Gem
Description : When used, this gem releases a magic darkness attack.
No parameter

Flare Gem
Description : When used, this gem releases a magic fire attack.
No parameter

Ice Gem
Description : When used, this gem releases a magic ice attack.
No parameter

Combo Potion
Description : Potion which increases Special Attack gauge by 5. Effects
last for 2 turns.
No parameter

Tome of Alchemy
Description : A book detailing the secrets of Alchemy. It has the power
to eliminate all enemies and transform them into magic
No parameter

Noble Elixir
Description : Potion which restores lost DME of all 4 party members
including Valkyrie. Restores 99% of maximum DME.
No parameter

Fire Storm
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Fire Storm".
No parameter

Broken Blade
Description : Long sword which was broken by rough handling. Rusted and
stained from much blood-soaking.
No parameter

Neckless Doll
Description : A doll with its head completely smashed. Perhaps its
owner suffered a similar fate.
No parameter

Mithril Ore
Description : A magical metal which is unsurpassed in strength and
No parameter

Iron Ore
Description : A large nugget of iron ore.
No parameter

Ebony Powder
Description : A beautiful black powder creating by grinding down black
No parameter

Skill Potion
Description : Potion which raises CP (Capacity Points) by 20.
No parameter

Prime Elixir
Description : Potion which restores lost DME. Restores 99% of maximum
No parameter

Prime Banish
Description : Potion which cures stoned and cursed conditions. It works
only on these conditions and doesn't cure poison, faint,
freeze, and paralyze.
No parameter

Beasts's Fangs
Description : Fang from some type of monster.
No parameter

Fresh Meat
Description : Some type of raw fish.
No parameter

Description : An extremely poisonous herb. It is apparently used in
magical ceremonies.
No parameter

Slanting Rain
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Slanting Rain".
No parameter

Combo Counter
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Combo Counter".
No parameter

Description : A feather from an unknown bird.
No parameter

Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Charge".
No parameter

Wait Reaction
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Wait Reaction".
No parameter

Trick Step
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Trick Step".
No parameter

Noise Arrow
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Noise Arrow".
No parameter

Cure Condition
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Cure Condition".
No parameter

Lightning Bolt
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Lightning Bolt".
No parameter

Prismatic Missile
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Prismatic Missile".
No parameter

Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Heal".
No parameter

Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Normalize".
No parameter

Sap Power
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Sap Power".
No parameter

Sap Guard
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Sap Guard".
No parameter

Dampen Magic
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Dampen Magic".
No parameter

Stone Torch
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Stone Torch".
No parameter

Poison Blow
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Poison Blow".
No parameter

Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Splash".
No parameter

Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Throw".
No parameter

Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Guts".
No parameter

Adept Illusion
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Adept Illusion".
No parameter

Dancing Sword
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Dancing Sword".
No parameter

Burgundy Flask
Description : A burgundy-colored drink. Its ingredients are a mystery
but its taste is an unqualified success. It is a treat
for the senses.
No parameter

Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Defend".
No parameter

Broken Spear
Description : A broken spear which has seen one too many battles.
Completely broken and useless.
No parameter

Golden Egg
Description : A golden egg which randomly raises STR, INT, DEX and AGL.
No parameter

Reflect Sorcery
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Reflect Sorcery".
No parameter

Auto Item
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Auto Item".
No parameter

Noble Banish
Description : Potion which cures abnormal status of all 4 party members
including Valkyrie. Cures poison, paralyze, faint,
freeze, stoned and cursed conditions.
No parameter

Charge Break
Description : Potion which users 30% of user's DME to reduce CT (Charge
Turn) to 0. Useful when immediate action is needed.
No parameter

Unicorn Horn
Description : The horn of a unicorn.
No parameter

Darkness Arrow
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Darkness Arrow".
No parameter

Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Hit".
No parameter

Invoke Feather
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Invoke Feather".
No parameter

Shield Critical
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Shield Critical".
No parameter

Strike Edge
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Strike Edge".
No parameter

Scarlet Edge
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Scarlet Edge".
No parameter

Broken Bow
Description : A broken bow which has seen one too many battles.
Completely broken and useless.
No parameter

Raptor's Claw
Description : The talon from some type of predatory bird.
No parameter

Description : A crystal which is normally clear, but has turned yellow
due to some impurity. For some reason, it is highly
valued in the Underworld.
No parameter

Base Metal
Description : Some type of metal which rusts easily in the air. Perhaps
lead or zinc.
No parameter

Teachings of Asa
Description : A book discussing how feeble and powerless a single
person's life is. It's nothing but self-righteous
No parameter

Mystic Cross
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Mystic Cross".
No parameter

Resist Damage
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Resist Damage".
No parameter

Spell Reinforce
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Spell Reinforce".
No parameter

Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Concentration".
No parameter

Monster Tome
Description : An encyclopedia containing information about all the
monsters in existence.
No parameter

Stun Magic
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Stun Magic".
No parameter

Resist Magic
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Resist Magic".
No parameter

Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Dark".
No parameter

Ghoul Powder
Description : Drug created through research into dark magic. Robs the
user's soul and transform them into monsters.
No parameter

Guard Reinforce
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Guard Reinforce".
No parameter

Description : A magical alloy with unsurpasses defensive power.
No parameter

Sacred Javelin
Description : Scroll which allows you to memorize "Sacred Javelin".
No parameter

Wand of Exchange
Description : Mysterious wand which allows wielder to change the
party's formation.
No parameter

Broken Armor
Description : During its lifetime, this armor saved its wearer on
countless occassions. It is now broken and beyond repair.
No parameter

Accursed Flame Gem
Description : Gem created by the great dragon, Fafnir. Imbued with its
power through a magic Ceremony, but it appears that its
crystal is somewhat damaged.
No parameter

False Arrow
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "False Arrow".
No parameter

Last Trial
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Last Trial".
No parameter

Mental Reaction
Description : Allows characters to learn the skill "Mental Reaction".
No parameter


Sealed Box
Description : Small, mysteriously sealed box. Impossible to open, its
content remain a mystery.
No parameter

Secret of Damascus
Description : A book containing the secrets for creating Damascus
No parameter

Bark of the Dryad
Description : The bark from a tree inhabited by Dryads.
No parameter

Inscribed Fragment
Description : A fragment with some kind of important matters inscribed
upon it.
No parameter

Gargoyle Statue
Description : An extremely unpleasant-looking statue of gargoyle.
No parameter

Incense Burner of Darlis
Description : By using this incense burner and meditating, the entire
party's maximum DME is raised by 100. However, meditation
requires 2 full Periods.
No parameter

Golden Fowl
Description : A unique bird which lays several golden eggs each
No parameter

Holy Grail
Description : It can be drunken from but once each Chapter, and it
raises the STR, INT, DEX and AGL of the drinker.
No parameter

Bewitching Statue
Description : Statue of a beautiful, seductive woman.
No parameter

Fairy Bottle
Description : A bottle created by a sorceress with extremely bad taste.
No parameter

Accursed Flame Gem
Description : Gem created by the great dragon, Fafnir. Imbued with its
power through a magic ceremony. A flame can be seen
flickering within it.
No parameter

Scroll of Golem
Description : Instructions for creating a Golem.
No parameter

Hourglass of the Gods
Description : An hourglass wrought by the gods, it has the power to
reverse time up to 5 Periods in the past.
No parameter


------ -----
------ -----
Vegetable Seed Elixir
Foxglove Union Plume
Lapis Lazuli Enemy Search
Savory Banish
Nightshade Combo Potion
Quartz Gem Malice Search
Flare Crystal Ice Crystal
Ice Crystal Thunder Crystal
Thunder Crystal Poison Crystal
Poison Crystal Holy Crystal
Holy Crystal Shadow Crystal
Shadow Crystal Flare Crystal
Fire Lance Fire Storm
Fire Storm Fire Lance
Icicle Edge Frigid Damsel
Frigid Damsel Icicle Edge
Two-Handed-Sword Thunder Gem
Thunder Gem Poison Gem
Poison Gem Holy Gem
Holy Gem Shadow Gem
Shadow Gem Flare Gem
Flare Gem Ice Gem
Ice Gem Thunder Gem
Element Scepter Tome of Alchemy
Sealed Box Noble Elixir
Broken Blade Broad Sword
Neckless Doll Scout Orb
Iron Ore Ebony Powder
Ebony Powder Skill Potion
Mithril Ore Earring of Healing
Beast's Fang Holy Crystal
Fresh Meat Banish
Aconite Flare Crystal
Slanting Rain Combo Counter
Combo Counter Slanting Rain
Feather Elixir
Shadow Servant Dark Savior
Dark Savior Shadow Servant
Gargoyle Statue Angel Curio
Crossbow Holy Gem
Ether Scepter Tome of Alchemy
Ruby Mace Shadow Gem
Incense Burner of Darlis Mirror of Pleiades
Mirror of Pleiades Incense Burner of Darlis
Lightning Bolt Prismatic Missile
Prismatic Missile Lightning Bolt
Splash Throw
Throw Spell
Heal Normalize
Normalize Heal
Guts Avoid
Avoid Guts
Stone Torch Poison Blow
Poison Blow Stone Torch
Sap Power Sap Guard
Sap Guard Dampen Magic
Dampen Magic Sap Power
Adept Illusion Dancing Sword
Dancing Sword Adept Illusion
Trick Step Noise Arrow
Noise Arrow Wait Reaction
Wait Reaction Trick Step
Burgundy Flask Shadow Crystal
Broken Spear Glaive
Golden Egg Bracelet of Zoe
Reflect Sorcery Dampen Magic
Auto Item Cure Condition
Cure Condition Auto Item
Holy Grail Bracelet of Zoe
Hit Magic Pow
Invoke Feather Shield Critical
Bewitching Statue Gem of Activity
Fairy Bottle Gem of Creation
Strike Edge Scarlet Edge
Scarlet Edge Strike Edge
Broken Bow Long Bow
Raptor's Claw Poison Crystal
Citrine Lapis Lazuli
Orihalcon Creation Jewel
Broken Armor Chainmail
Ghoul Powder Ice Crystal
Base Metal Ebony Powder
Spell Reinforce Reflect Sorcery
Guard Reinforce Spell Reinforce
Halberd Poison Crystal
Fire-Crossbow Holy Crystal
Secret of Damascus Fairy Earring


Description : A spell which restores ally's DME. Restores 80% of ally's
max DME.

Fire Storm
Description : A spell that creates a fiery explosion which hurts foes
into the air.

Fire Lance
Description : A spell which fires a searing bolt of flame at your foe.

Icicle Edge
Description : Razor sharp icicles descend upon your foe. Each icicle
has a 1 of 8 chance of freezing foe.

Frigid Damsel
Description : Summons an Ice Spirit who will attack your foe. Each hit
has a 1 in 8 chance of freezing foe.

Shadow Servant
Description : A spell which summons a creature of darkness to fight for

Dark Savior
Description : This spell causes a massive sword to materialize and
strike your foes.

Stone Torch
Description : A spell which can transform your foe into stone.

Mystic Cross
Description : Holy crosses materialize and are fired at your foe.

Sacred Javelin
Description : Creates a spear which burns with a holy flame to fall
upon your foes.

Description : A spell that cures poisoned, paralytic, stoned, frozen
and silenced conditions.

Sap Guard
Description : A spell that reduces enemy's RDM. Amount reduced depends
on enemy's resistance. Lasts 5 turns.

Sap Power
Description : A spell that reduces enemy's ATK. Amount reduced depends
on enemy's resistance. Lasts 5 turns.

Lightning Bolt
Description : A spell which fires a sizzling bolt of lightning at your

Invoke Feather
Description : Revives characters who are unconscious (DME=0). Revived
characters return with 80% of their max DME.

Might Reinforce
Description : A spell that multiplies ally's ATK by 1,5. Can only be
cast once per battle. Lasts for 10 turns.

Guard Reinforce
Description : A spell that multiplies ally's RDM by 1,5. Can only be
cast once per battle. Lasts for 10 turns.

Spell Reinforce
Description : A spell that multiplies ally's Magic Damage by 1,5. Can
only be cast once per battle. Lasts for 10 turns.

Poison Blow
Description : Creates a poison cloud which drains your foe of 10% of
his life force each turn.

Prismatic Missile
Description : This spell creates a damaging light that causes various
abnormal conditions.

Shield Critical
Description : A spell which seals your foe's special attack. Chance of
success depends on foe's resistance. Lasts 3 turns.

Dampen Magic
Description : A spell which seals your foe's magic. Chance of success
depends on foe's resistance. Lasts 3 turns.

Reflect Sorcery
Description : A spell that causes foe's magic spells to be reflected
back on themselves. Lasts 3 turns.


Chapter 0

Artolian Mountain Ruins :
- Sacred Box --> send it
- Jewelled Blade "Grimrist" --> keep it

Chapter 1

Solde Catacombs :
- Secret of Damascus --> send it
- Crown of Felmar --> send it
- Emerald Necklace --> keep it (the most useful equipment)

Forest of Woe :
- Extreme Guard --> keep it
- Phoenix Feather --> send it

Chapter 2

Dragoncastle Caverns :
- Spear "Dark Angel" --> send it
- Scarlet Lotus Sword --> send it

Nethov Swamp :
- Bark of the Dryad --> keep it
- Inscribed Fragment --> send it

Chapter 3

Camille Village :
- Grand Sting --> keep it
- Golden Fowl --> keep it

Gorhia Cult HQ :
- Incense Burner of Darlis --> send it
- Gaygoyle Statue --> send it

Chapter 4

Black Dream Tower :
- Bewitching Statue --> send it
- Fairy Bottle --> keep it (to change into Creation Jewel)

Cave of Thackus :
- Bracelet of Zoe --> keep it (important, HP + 300)
- Coin of Fortune --> keep it (important, EXP + 60%)

Chapter 5

Arkdain Ruins :
- Holy Wand "Adventia" --> keep it
- Robe of Bryttain --> keep it
- Star Guard --> keep it

Chapter 6

Lost City of Dipan :
- Dragoon Tyrant --> keep it
- Rust-Red Circlet --> send it

Chapter 7

Forest of Spirits :
- Accursed Flame Gem --> send it
- Arectaris --> keep it
- Elven Bow --> keep it

Chapter 8

Palace of the Dragon :
- Dragoon Faith --> keep it
- Scroll of Golem --> send it
- Hourglass of the Gods --> send it


1. Enix
- For making a great game

2. Ryan Snyder - For information about Secret of Damascus and book of skill/spell

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Letzter Speicherpunkt mit allen Charakteren auf Level 99, maximalen Statistiken, allen Fähigkeiten, Waffen, Rüstungen, Gegenständen und jede Menge Geld.

16.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Debug Mode für die japanisch Version

16.Октябрь 2013
Level 69 Spielstand.

16.Октябрь 2013
Characters FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
List FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
Item FAQ

11.Октябрь 2013
Norse Mythology

14.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013
Character/Tips FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Iseria Queen FAQ

11.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Best Ending FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

14.Октябрь 2013
Battle System FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
11.Февраль 2016
24.Июль 2014
22.Октябрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019