007 The World is not Enough

007: The World is not Enough

13.10.2013 00:15:42

| playstation1 walkthrough |
| Created by: Spencer Williams |
| Email Address: SnowCoyote77@aol.com |
| LAST UPDATED SAT NOV 24, 2001 11:25AM PST |

@ ThE NeW VeRsIoNs @
Below are just the updates I made between the different versions.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at any time.

@ WhAtS NeW In VeRsIoN 1.2 @
-New Level Added: Masquerade
-Updated: Night Watch
-New Level Added: Flashpoint
-Updated: Table Of Contents
-Added: Special Thanks

@ WhAtS NeW In VeRsIoN 1.3 @
-New Walk Added: Flashpoint
-Updated: Table Of Contents
-Added: Strategies
-Fixed Grammar Errors
-Added: Still Need Help?
-Updated: Copyrights
-Updated: Flashpoint Level
-Updated: Usage
-Added: PSX / N64

@ WhAtS NeW In VeRsIoN 1.4 @
-Fixed: Grammar Errors
-Updated: Copyrights
-Updated PSX / N64
-Updated Still Need Help?
-Update Email Address

@ WhAtS NeW In VeRsIoN 1.5 @
-Added Codes
-Update Table Of Contents
-Added My Site Updates

@ WhAtS NeW In VeRsIoN 1.6 @
-Added Weapons
-Finished Flashpoint Walkthrough

@ WhAtS NeW In VeRsIoN 1.7 @
-Updated Stuff

@ WhAtS NeW In VeRsIoN 1.8 @
-Updated Stuff

@ WhAtS NeW In VeRsIoN 1.9 @
-Started City Of Walkways Walkthrough

@ WhAtS NeW In VeRsIoN 2.0 @
-Updated a bunch of cool stuff

@ TaBlE Of CoNtEnTs @
** Walkthrough**
>>King's Ransom
>>Cold Reception
>>Russian Roulette
>>Night Watch
>>City Of Walkways
PSX / N64
My Site
My Site Updates
Special Thanks
Still Need Help?

@ CoPyRiGhT @
This walkthrough is copyright me (Spencer Williams) and is not to be used, graffitied,
changed, or sold by any person or persons that don't have permission. If you would like
to use this walkthrough on your site, please consent with me first. SnowCoyote77@aol.com
@ UsAgE @
I made this walkthrough personally, with no help from anyone else. If you would like to use
this walkthrough on your site to help others, please consent with me first at
SnowCoyote77@aol.com And please, if you use this walkthrough, don't edit or change
it in any way. If you use this walkthrough without my permission, you will get in deep
trouble! Please do not copy this walkthrough and use your name on it!

@ CoDeS @
Unlock All Missions 50001A01 0000
3001F2D2 0001

Unlock All Cheats 8001F16A FFFF

Invincible 80073A04 0001
30073D3A 0001

All Weapons 30073D38 0001

Infinite Ammo (Cheat) 30073D3D 0001

Max Money (Russian Roulette) 8009DB6C 967F
8009DB6E 0098

No button codes have been discovered yet.

@ WeApOnS @
AR36 Sniper Rifle

The sniper rifle is powerful but slow. It only fires a single bolt at a time, so it's
weak against multiple opponents. Then again, it can also down an enemy in a single shot,
so if you're quick enough on the trigger, you can take down multiple opponents as long
as they're not overwhelming you from all sides. It's best used against tough-to-see guards
up on balconies or behind cover. Activate sniper mode and zoom in on the enemy for optimum

Belgique PS100

One of several solid machine guns available to James Bond, the Belgique PS100 (found, for
instance, in Mission 8 - City of Walkways) proves effective in many situations, though
primarily against multiple long-range opponents. Sniper mode adds to the Belgique's power
because it gives you the flexibility to pick off guards higher and lower than your standard
walking position.

Frinesi Auto

The Frinesi auto (or automatic) is one of two nice shotguns, and it features a fast reload
time, which makes it a better option and a better substitute for machine guns in close-range
combat. Shotguns are nearly useless at long range, though they can be used if you're not under
significant threat. For instance, you can use them to conserve machine gun ammunition, since
machine guns are more useful against multiple long-range opponents. At close range, though, the
auto shotgun is devastating, and it can strike several opponents at once - in a single blow!

Frinesi Shotgun

The counterpart to the Frinesi auto, the Frinesi shotgun resembles the traditional shotgun,
not only in looks but also in reload time - it's much slower than the auto! Save the Frinesi
shotgun for close-range situations. Like the auto, the Frinesi shotgun is very difficult to
use effectively against long-range enemies. Shotguns work better at close range because they
have the potential for single-shot kills as well as single-shot multiple kills. Machine guns
can strike only one enemy at a time, and it takes several seconds to finish off one enemy,
which gives other enemies time to attack.

Grenade Launcher

The grenade launcher has a slow rate of fire, but it is extremely powerful! As its name
suggests, it launches explosive grenades, and it is best used against stationary enemies,
such as those taking cover behind crates or walls. Additionally, the grenade launcher can
prove effective when fired into small rooms - the explosion splash can inflict damage on
multiple enemies inside the room.

IAC Defender

The IAC defender is an alternative pistol found in several missions, and it's quite powerful!
The IAC defender can eliminate enemies in a single shot, and it is best used when you encounter
enemies in fast one-after-another fashion. It's slow to fire and only holds eight rounds, so
it won't work too well if you're under aggressive attack from multiple enemies or if you don't
take care with your aim.

Ingalls Type 20

The Ingalls resembles what some might refer to as an Uzi. It's a solid machine gun that's best
fired in short, controlled bursts, because this provides the best balance of accuracy and rate
of fire. Like with other machine guns, it's wise to stick to long-range assaults and switch to
a shotgun (if available) when you're up against close-range enemies.

Kazakovich KA-57

This heavy machine gun combines the power of the shotgun with that of the machine gun. It
possesses the rate of fire of a machine gun but can mow down enemies fast enough to be
effective against multiple close-range enemies, though it can't strike multiple enemies with
a single shot. When you gain the Kazakovich (such as in Mission 10 - Fallen Angel) make sure
you comb the map for ammunition to keep the heavy machine gun fully stocked and ready for

Koffler KS5

This small machine gun is comparable to the Ingalls and the Meyer. It possesses a moderate
rate of fire and decent accuracy, though it has a fair amount of recoil, which makes
long-range shots difficult. Counter the recoil with short, controlled bursts, and use
sniper mode for better long-range accuracy as well as for hitting enemies above and below
your current level.

Meyer TMP

The Meyer TMP is a small machine gun - even smaller than the Ingalls - and it runs through
ammunition quickly. Reload between battles to keep the Meyer TMP fully loaded. You don't want
to run out a clip during a tough battle. If you do, duck behind objects or retreat around a
corner and quickly reload. As with other machine guns, use sniper mode to slightly improve
long-range accuracy. Go for head shots and use short, controlled bursts to minimize wasting

Wolfram P2K

James Bond's default pistol, the Wolfram P2K, is outfitted with a silencer, which makes it
effective in stealth or silent kills. But because it's a pistol, it's not designed to take
on multiple opponents, especially since it isn't very powerful. It takes several shots to
finish off a single enemy. Get used to the Wolfram, though, since you must use it to begin
most missions. But once you find a machine gun or shotgun, opt for the higher-powered
weaponry instead of the Wolfram.

When you begin, pull out your Pen, and activate it with the X button. This is so when you
walk through the metal detector, the alarm doesn't go off. Once your down the hall, you
can de-activate it. Then talk to the guard at the door and walk backwards until the guard
walks over to the window. Then rush to the door and enter. If you didn't set off the alarm
before this, there will not be 3 men trying to shoot you, this is a good thing. Then, open
the middle elevator by pressing O on the button. Then walk in. When you get upstairs,
you will have your gun out. Be careful around these areas because there are video cameras
that will set off the alarm if they see you. Once you kill all of those, enter the next elevator.
On this floor, just run past the door with the two guys in it, because they do no good for you.
Then enter the next elevator. Be VERY careful on this floor. First, sneak around the corner
and follow the guy until he turns left. Then, shoot him in the back of the head. Turn left and
shoot the other guy in the head. Then enter the 2nd door on the left. There is a crooked
picture in here. Press O on it and quickly step forwards. Pull out your new gun you should
have gotten from one of the enemies. Shoot the police man in the head. Go into that room,
and use your Fingerprint Scanner to scan that little thing on the desk. Your fingerprint scanner
is in your inventory, so press Start and go to your inventory. Select it with square. Unlock the
door to the left of you, and walk right. Then unlock that door. Some cinematics will take place
and bond is left with a briefcase. Go over to the very left window and break it by pressing X.

You will start off by a boat, with loads of items. Chase the woman who tried to shoot you at
the beginning. Don't worry about most of the enemies, because they don't hurt you much.
Follow her down into a basement thing, where there is around 25 enemies. Pull out your
machine gun and blow them all away. Then exit through the door at the back. Keep following
her until she reaches a hot air balloon. Your grapling hook watch will automatically be
set on your item. Use it quickly and aim at the hot air balloon. You should grab onto it
and follow her far up into the air. Then some movie scenes will play.

Yes, Bond can ski. And he does just that in this level. You start off in the cold field. Quickly
shoot the three men in front of you, and the one fool to the right of you. Then blow up the
little ship to the right of you. Ski down the mountain until you get to a box. There are 3 boxes
before the bottom of the hill. Behind each box is an enemy with a gun. Shoot them all and
get their bullets, you'll need every bullet you can get. Once you get to the bottom of the
mountain, you will meet Elektra. She will run for cover. You should have gotten a Sniper
Rifle. Shoot down 4 little flying things with this. Once that is done...

First, talk to the woman at the bar. The guard at the right will come over and you can sneak
into the door. Talk to the man, and get his voucher. Then walk back out. Turn right and show
the voucher to the other guard by having it on your weapon and pressing X. He will let you
through. There you can play Blackjack (aka. Russian Roulette) You start with $26,000.
My strategy was to bet everything each time. Once you get $100,000 or more, STOP!
Go back to the guy's room, and show him the money.

This level is VERY complicated! Once you start, move into the room with no door. Bug the
phone with a Telephone Bug by pressing X on the Telephone. Then walk out the other door.
Don't shoot the guards with any guns, besides the Tranquilizer gun. My strategy would be to
come up behind them and punch them. It takes about 3 or 4 punches to knock them dead.
Kill as many people as you can, and walk into the elevator in the left passage on the right
wall. Once you get upstairs, there are 3 phones on this level. Find them, and bug them. Then
go back downstairs into the big main room. There will be a guy standing there. Talk to him.
He will then let some of his troops on you. Kill them, and go through the door he went in.
You will then appear in a garage. Kill about 5 enemies, and then you'll see the man. Shoot
him with the Wolfram to kill him.

First, when you begin, pull out Arkov's ID Card. Walk forward and you'll see a guard
standing at the door. Get close to him and press X to show him the ID card. Then he
will let you through. There will be a Card on the corner of the desk. Get it. Now walk back
out the room and up the hallway you started. Then take a left. When you get to the bottom
of the ramp, turn right. There is a room with bullets and some armor. Then go back into the
hall. There will be a switch on the wall. Get on your NEW card, and press it by hitting O.
When the guards come forward, slip past the right of the first guard, and left of the second
guard. Rush down the hallway and enter the card into the little slot. This opens a door at
the bottom of the next ramp. Open the door. Get on Arkov's ID Card again, and go down
the stairs, to the right. Follow the hall until you come to the door on the first left. Show that
guard your ID card. He will let you pass. In there, there is a Radiation Badge on the desk. Get
it. Then go into the next door. Go down the long ramp and at the very end is a guard. Show
him your Radiation Badge. Walk into the room. There will be a switch at the end of the room.
Hit it. Then go back out of the room. Go back up the ramp, through the door. Once your back
into the room with the 2 stair cases, there will be a door straight across from you. Stand right
in front of it, and pull out your Wolfram. Then open the door. Some talking will go on, and you
will have to protect Dr. Jones. There are about 7-10 enemies in this room. Kill them all before
they kill you or Dr. Jones. She will then open a door. Kill all the enemies, and the next door
will open. You'll see a barrel on the floor. Shoot it until it explodes, you'll kill every enemy
in that room, and you can pass. Then you'll meet a guy in a steel cage. He will talk to you,
then give you about 8 seconds to escape, quickly go back until you see a chain hanging from the
ceiling. Grab it with your grapling hook watch.

The mission begins with James Bond and M inside the refinery control room. You must discover a
way to stop the bomb as well as rescue the hostages throughout the refinery. Exit through the
door and descend the staircase. At the bottom, James automatically speaks with a technician,
asking him the fastest way to the maintenance rig. The technician indicates that there's
currently oil going through the pipeline, but if you can drain the pipeline, you can go through
it. To drain the pipeline you must visit three channels, where you will also encounter guards
holding hostages. Locate the door leading into Channel 1. Open the door and then immediately
assume a crouched and stealth position - guards patrol a room to the left, and there are also
hostages inside. As you round the corner to the left, you'll spot a guard outside the room.
Take him out with your Wolfram P2K. Pick up his discarded Meyer TMP and defeat a second guard
near the door into Channel 1. As you can see through the window, a couple of guards are holding
their weapons on two hostages. You must work quickly when you enter the room. Cycle through
your inventory items and select the flashlight flash bang. Open the door into Channel 1 and use
the flashlight flash bang as you approach the guards (before they see you). Cycle to the Meyer
TMP and eliminate the guards. Make sure you don't accidentally strike a hostage. Terminate the
two guards to receive the message "Channel 1 Clear." Collect their discarded weaponry and
approach the switch under the message "Online." Pull the switch and receive the message
"Channel 1 Offline." You must repeat these tasks inside Channel 2 and Channel 3. Exit Channel 1
and go to the right. Spot the unmarked door - the first on your left - before you reach the
door into Channel 2. Enter this room and pick up the heavy-armor power-up, as well as the gas
grenade and IAC defender on the crate. Move out of the room and go left into the door marked
Channel 2. Follow this hallway to another door, also marked Channel 2. Enter and ready your
weapon. There's a guard patrolling in front of you. Let him walk around the corner to the
right - don't fire at him, or the terrorists inside will be alerted. Ready your flashlight
flash bang and enter the first door on the right. Approach the guards and use the flash bang.
Quickly cycle to the IAC defender or Meyer TMP and eliminate the terrorists. Turn around and
face the door, because the guard you ignored may come in and attack. Defeating all the
terrorists triggers the message "Channel 2 Clear." Walk up to the switch on the wall and move
the lever - the message "Channel 2 Offline" appears. Scoop up all the discarded weaponry and
ammunition and exit the room. Go right and around the corner to the first unmarked door on the
left. Enter and pick up the ammunition, the heavy-armor power-up, and the Frinesi shotgun.
Exit the room, turn left, and walk down the hallway. Enter the first unmarked door on the right
and collect the ammunition inside. Continue down the hall into Channel 3. Duck into stealth
mode and move by the window on your right. You'll spot a terrorist ahead going into Channel 3.
Ready the flashlight flash bang and enter the room. Use the flash bang, then cycle to the Meyer
TMP or IAC defender and terminate the terrorists in front of you. You still have one charge in
the flash bang - use it to blind the remaining two terrorists, both of whom have a weapon
pointed at the remaining hostages. Kill these two terrorists and receive the message "All
Hostages Rescued." Use the switch on the wall to turn Channel 3 offline. MI6 sends a message
notifying Bond that the pipeline is now drained. Exit Channel 3 and turn left. Follow the
hallway to the first unmarked door on the right. Inside, grab the IAC rounds and the two
suits of light armor. Exit and turn right. Open and enter the door marked "Control" to
return to the refinery control room. Be sure to ready the Meyer TMP before moving through. There
are a few terrorists inside. Take cover behind the consoles and eliminate all the remaining
terrorists. Follow the catwalk to the door marked "Pipeline A" and enter. Take out the
terrorist ahead standing next to the barrel and a couple more around the corner to the left.
Stay on guard, because additional terrorists may enter through the far door. Before entering
the far door, put on the night-vision glasses - you'll be able to see the enemies in the next
area much more easily. Go through the door into the dark hallway and go right. Ascend the
staircase ahead and take out the enemies as they approach you. Enter a small alcove on the
left to pick up a heavy-armor power-up and some IAC ammunition. Continue forward quickly.
The longer you dawdle, the more enemies you might face. Enter the tube and ascend the stairs
to the left at the end. Open the door into the next area. Christmas Jones greets you
immediately. She's going to get the maintenance rig online while you defend her (and yourself)
from terrorist attack. There are a couple of suits of light armor near some barrels on the
left, as well as heavy-armor power-ups behind crates to the left and the right. Save them
until you need them. Terrorists enter from all areas of the room, so be prepared to swivel
quickly and use sniper mode to take out guards on the balconies above. Place yourself in a
corner near the crates where you find the heavy-armor power-ups. That way you aren't attacked
from all sides. As soon as Christmas finishes, you receive the message "Maintenance Rig
Enabled." Approach the rig quickly (Christmas is under attack!) to complete the mission.

coming soon...

@ StRaTeGiEs @
When opening doors, open them and move quickly to the side. This way you can ambush
anyone who comes through the door.

Sneak around corners, you never know what you'll encounter.

Always have a gun in your inventory. In some cases, you'll need to have a gun very

Find ambush spots. Some good places are to the left/right of doors, or ducked behind
boxes, crates, and other objects. This way you can kill the enemy before they get a
chance to shoot at you.

If they aren't rushing at you, try and aim for their head. This way, you won't waste
as many bullets than if you shoot them in the legs or the stomach.

Use ammo usefully. Don't shoot at a barrel just for the heck of it. You'll never know
when you'll need just a couple extra bullets.

Straddle left and right down long halls. That way, if enemies shoot at you from behind,
they have a better chance at missing you than if you were just walking straight down
the hall.

Don't EVER shoot scientists or civilians. Chances are, you'll fail the mission.

Be prepared. Don't walk up to an enemy with your Night Vision Goggles on your item.
Make sure to have a useful item when in a level.

Save often. This has to be the most important thing. My strategy is to save after
every level you beat. If you fail the mission, and don't continue, Don't save. It
is just a waste of time.

Explore everywhere to find new guns, ammo, and maybe some body armor here or there.

Don't be afraid to try everything. Shoot things, try things, hey, even kill things.
You just might find out something you never knew before.

@ PsX / N64 @
There are two versions of The World is Not Enough, the Playstation version, and the
Nintendo 64 version. I personally think the N64 version is better. Not only because
it has a multiplayer mode, but also because the graphics are smoother. The Playstation
version is ok if you want a smooth scrolling nice graphic one player mode. But the
major flaw in the Playstation version is that there is no multiplayer. Here are the
ratings for both games, based on my calculations.
NINTENDO 64 VERSION: 9.0 / 10.0
If you don't enjoy multi-player games that much, and you wan't some new adventures to
explore, check out the PSX Version! If you love multi-player shooters, and you want a
new challenge, check out the N64 version!

@ CoPyRiGhT @
Just in case you didnt read the copyright at the TOP of the page, I'm going to be
nice enough and show it to you again :)
This walkthrough is copyright me (Spencer Williams) and is not to be used, graffitied,
changed, or sold by any person or persons that don't have permission. If you would like
to use this walkthrough on your site, please consent with me first. SnowCoyote77@aol.com

@ My SiTe @
Check out my site for all the newest Walkthroughs, and FAQs! VGFAQs
Returning December 15th, 2001

@ My SiTe UpDaTeS @
>>November 25
>>Announced site will be reopening

@ SpEcIaL ThAnKs @
A special thanks goes to GameFAQS, VG Strategies, and Gamester Online for
wanting to use my walkthrough on their sites. Thanks everyone! And, a special thanks to
Electronic Arts, Black Ops, and Sony for making The World is Not Enough!

@ StIlL NeEd HeLp? @
Hey, so your saying this walkthrough just doesn't cover everything you wanted to
know? Then email me at SnowCoyote77@aol.com and ask me about it. Or, check out these
other sites that might have the information you need. PS: Please do not ask me about
levels after Flashpoint because I won't give you any information about it. Find out about
the level once I write the rest of it. This walkthrough should be complete by late January
Or go to http://www.yahoo.com/ and search for The World Is Not Enough!

Thanks for downloading my walkthrough, and I hope I helped you with the game!
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The World is not enough

17.Октябрь 2013
The World is not Enough

13.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
07.Июнь 2019