X-Men: Children of the Atom

X-Men: Children of the Atom

12.10.2013 18:46:00
X-Men: Child of the Atom(v3.00) FAQ
@(my website)
Version Last

NOTE: The v3.00 is the version of the game, not the FAQ.


-+- Capcom(www.capcom.com)
For making one of the best fighting games around, but why cut out the
endings for the game?

-+- Joseph Peitler/Alan Jaqueira(megnetto@hotmail.com)
For their code in discovering the 'play as Akuma' code. Many many many

-+- Kenichiro Tanaka(tanaka@maya.com)
For his codes for Juggernaut and Akuma.

-+- James Chen(jcehnsor@ucla.edu)
For his outstanding combo system that should be the ONLY one used.

-+- Miguel Rustia(www.miggy.net)
For his clarification and remodilization on James Chen's marvelous combo

-+- CJayc(www.gamefaqs.com)
For his hard work and dedication to his site as well as posting up this

-+- You(--------@something.com)
The readers of course, for respecting this FAQ and for not their interest
in various FAQs, FAQs would not be possible!

-+- Dingo Jellybean(bellybutton@hotmail.com)
For typing up this FAQ.


Version Last: No more updates to this guide will be made. (10/8/00)


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The characters Collosus, Cyclops, Iceman, Juggernaut, Magneto, Omega Red,
Psylocke, Sentinel, Silver Samurai, Spiral, Storm, and Wolverine are all
(C) of Marvel Comics. And they are used with permission and are licensed
to Capcom U.S.A. Akuma is (C) of CAPCOM CO.LTD 1998, (C) CAPCOM U.S.A.,

This document is (C) Dingo Jellybean; 2000

==============================End of Copyright===============================


First off congratulations for buying one of the funnest and best
fighting games around. This is FAQ is based on X-Men: Child of the
Atom version 3.00. I am still unclear as to why Capcom of Acclaim
did this, and I am assuming that there are other versions as well.
The one I own is V.3.00 and this might be the beta version. The
reason I call this the beta version is because apparently this was
an un-finished product released too early by Acclaim, and thus
Capcom had never had enough time to put the final endings in the
game. What I mean by this is that when you beat the game with any
character in the game, all you see is Avalon being destroyed and
it goes straight to the credits. That must mean that the endings in
this version are completely gone, or they are somehow hidden for the
strangest reason and thus I hope somebody can come up with a Gameshark
code to unlock these endings if any. If you ask me, Acclaim should
have had no part in this game, and I think they had completely messed
up the game, just by taking out all of the real endings, so if you
want to play arcade mode, I suggest you do not bother because it
was basically Acclaim's stupid fault anyways. Well enough talk and
onto the FAQ!


Moves available to all
Combo Definitions
-- Akuma
-- Moves
-- Supers
-- Combos
-- Strategies
-- Collosus
-- Moves
-- Supers
-- Combos
-- Strategies
-- Cyclops
-- Moves
-- Supers
-- Combos
-- Strategies
-- Iceman
-- Moves
-- Supers
-- Combos
-- Strategies
-- Omega Red
-- Moves
-- Supers
-- Combos
-- Strategies
-- Psycloke
-- Moves
-- Supers
-- Combos
-- Strategies
-- Sentinel
-- Moves
-- Supers
-- Combos
-- Strategies
-- Silver Samurai
-- Moves
-- Supers
-- Combos
-- Strategies
-- Spiral
-- Moves
-- Supers
-- Combos
-- Strategies
-- Storm
-- Moves
-- Supers
-- Combos
-- Strategies
-- Wolverine
-- Moves
-- Supers
-- Combos
-- Strategies
-- Juggernaut
-- Moves
-- Supers
-- Combos
-- Strategies
-- Magneto
-- Moves
-- Supers
-- Combos
-- Strategies
Episode Guide


Moves available to all

Basically in this section are moves available to all characters in the
game. However some moves require X-Power and according to the manual here
is what the Super Meter means when it is at a certain level:

Level 1: All character attacks remain the same, nothing changes and so forth.

Level 2: As the guage reaches level 2, all characters in the game can perform
-------- landings and reversals. Or more known as a safety rolls and tech
hits, at this time the character can also perform special moves, not
special attacks, Special Moves! I will tell you the special moves

Level 3: When your guage reaches a max of three levels, you can still perform
-------- all of the reversals and escape landings as well as special moves,
but this time you can execute off your Hyper X moves, which I will
call supers. These Hyper X moves will take off massive damage and
every character in the game has at least one, but nobody in the game
has over two.

Blocking: B(while blocking an attack)

Basically without this, you are pretty much dead meat(ala Mech Zangief).
Whenever you see an attack immediately block, or you can block in advance
if you anticipate an oncoming jumping attack. When you block a special
move you will take a little bit of the normal damage, however it is
recoverable by the red bar.

Air blocking: B(while blocking an attack)

When your in the air you should block incase you are fighting an opponent
with a high priority launcher, you might want to consider air blocking.
In the Alpha series you can easily air block but you couldn't air block
regular stading attacks or supers. However in the crossover series air
blocking means you can block anything besides Zangief's Aerial Russian

Supers(Hyper-X): Special motion+ 2P or 2K or Select
In this game supers are the prime key to to winning, next to cheapness
and combos of course. Super combos do an obsurd amount of damage and some
of them can be comboed and some of them are just plain weak. Supers often
tend to do alot of block damage sometimes and the way you can tell if you
can perform a super or not is by looking at the bar on the bottom of your
vitality guage and you will see another bar, which is your Super Meter.
When this super meter reaches to a max you can then perform a Hyper-X.

Safety Roll(Spinning Retreat): B/F+3P(after being knocked down)
Often is the crossover series the opponent likes to OTG you. That means
even though the opponent has knocked you down, you can still be hit and
into another combo sometimes. To avoid the opponent's additional attacks
simply perform the motion as described above and you will roll to safety
and get up quicker than normal. Also you can even catch opponents in
their recovery stance and start attacking them even though the opponent
connected with their attack.

NOTE: This will require a level 2 X-Power guage to use.

Super Jumping: D,U(quickly) or 3K
Super jumping is essential for keeping yourself from eating chipping
damage and also for air combos. When opponents see you on the run about
to get demolished they will often try to use supers to chip you to death,
you can avoid practically all supers(except for Cyclops' Super Optic
Blast) by supering jumping and thus avoid chipping damage.

Jumping: U/UF/UB
You might not always want to super jump your way out because otherwise
you won't recover in time to counter your opponents' missed supers. Also
you can jump in with attacks as well and sometimes special moves. However
while you are jumping you can only perform a special move once.

Dashing: F,F/B,B(quickly) or 3P/B+3P
Dashing is essential for most characters to fully perform their combos
and also moving in on an opponent quicker to counter. You can dash back
as well and escape any ground combos your opponent is trying to pull on
you. Dashing after landing from an attack also enables you to come closer
to your opponent and also pull of more hits out of a combo.

Throws: F or B+P or K
Certain characters might not have a Kick throw or a punch throw but all
characters have at least one. Throws are unblockable and cause a fair
amount of damage. You must always be up close to your opponent to throw
them and also its useful for people who block alot.

Tech hits: D+3P(immediately after throw)
Often when you are thrown you suffer a good amount of damage that you
don't want to suffer. You can either completely nullify the throw damage
or at least cut it in half, depending on how early you do it. When you
expect a throw always preform this motion.

NOTE: This requires a level 2 X-Power guage to use.

Quick Dizzy Recovery: Go crazy on controller(or joystick)
When you are dizzy after a couple of attacks you can make your dizzy
recovery go much quicker by shaking on the control pad and ramming the
buttons. Very useful when your opponent tries to pull a super or a
lengthy combo.

Dizzy: Constant attack
In this game dizzies often occur, even if you pull off just a few hits.
You can tell whether or not your opponent is close to a dizzy by the
portrait displayed under your Super Meter. The portrait is first blue,
as the character recieves more attacks it becomes yellow, after a few
more attacks the portrait becomes red. When the portrait becomes red you
will only need one hit to dizzy the opponent, and most supers will not
dizzy an opponent. When the opponent is dizzy, they are momentarily
stunned and can not block or attack, take this opportunity to even the
odds or finish off your opponent.

Launchers: Attack that knocks opponent
No, these are not the launchers that launch your opponent into the air
and then followed by an air combo. Launchers in this game will bounce
the opponent in the air, at this time you can juggle the opponent for
extra hits.

Off the Ground(OTG): Persuit attack while your opponent is on the ground
After you have knocked down your opponent, you are given an AMPLE amount
of time to attack your opponent with a low attack. Your hits will count
as a combo only after a throw, but if you have knocked your opponent down
with a regular attack and then hit them with anything else, the hit will
not register on the combo message, even though the hits were not
blockable. You can quickly Safety Roll from the ground before your
opponent attacks you as well.

Taunts: Various Combination of motions and attack buttons
Taunts in this game serve only one purpose, to humiliate your opponent
or to let yourself be open to attack, either way its usually a very bad
idea to pull this off. But on the plus side its fun to laugh at your
opponent when they are losing, use your best judgement as to when to use
these. Also note that some taunts may even hit. The character motions for
each taunt will be explained below for each character. Also note that not
all characters in this game have a taunt.


Combos Definitions

Here combos in this game are now performed by the magic series, although
the magic series was first introduced in Darkstalkers, in this game
characters possess a magic series for jumping, standing and super
jumping. Each character in the game has their own unique comboination of
attacks or magic series. Below are brief descriptions of the magic

This magic series is at a serious disadvantage, the player can only
perform any regular attack into a special attack, that is it.

E.G.: S.Roundhouse --> Optic Blast

This magic series allows the characters in teh game to perform a
maximum of three chain hit attacks.

E.G.: S.Jab, S.Strong, S.Fierce

The character can also incorporate all kicks or mix and match.

E.G.: #2: S.Short, S.Forward, S.Fierce

This is the most complex of the magic series, this allows basically
all six attacks to go into one continuous combo!

E.G.: S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce, S.Roundhouse

The character can skip attacks as well.

E.G. #2: S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse

I would call this an "inverse ZigZag" mainly because you can switch
the regular ZigZag series around and start with a Short and end with
a Fierce.

E.G.: S.Short, S.Jab, S.Forward, S.Strong, S.Roundhouse, S.Fierce

Like above, you can also skip some of the attacks as well.

E.G.: S.Jab, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse, S.Fierce

Punch to Kick:
This magic series allows the character to get a max of two
hits in the entire chain combo, and you can not skip or go
back. You can chain any punch into any other kick.

E.G.: S.Fierce, S.Short

Kick to Punch:
This magic series is just like the one above, except this
time you can go from any kick into any punch in a two hit
chain combo.

E.G.: S.Forward, S.Jab

Weak Start:
This magic series only limits you to a maximum of two hit
chain combo only. You can go from a Jab or Short into any
stronger attack, but you can not go from a Strong or Forward
to a stronger attack, nor can you go backwards.

E.G.: S.Jab, S.Roundhouse

NOTE: Unlike the future incarnations of the Marvel and Capcom series this
game allows you to perform your magic series without having to touch
the opponent! So incase you are unsure what magic series your
character has, try random magic series, and if they come out
successfully without a hitch, than that is his or her magic series!


Combo Legend

Here in this section is a legend, I will use James Chen's Marvelous
combo system along with the modifications and organizations of Miguel
Rustia to ensure that you will be able to understand the entire combo
system clearly with the least amount of mis-understanding. So just incase
you are new to the combo system, this is the first place you should look,
so study it hard, remember it, and "Combo is the key!"

JP : Jab Punch
SP : Strong Punch
FP : Fierce Punch
SK : Short Kick
FK : Forward Kick
RK : Roundhouse Kick
, : This is an indication to continue on with another chain hit
--> : This means to quickly cancel your attacks into any special attacks
3P : Three punches simultaneously
3K : Three Kicks simultaneously
\/ : After landing from an attack
/\ : Super jumping/jumping after an attack
UB : Up Backwards
U : Up
UF : Up Forward
F : Forward
DF : Down-Forward
D : Down
DB : Down-Back
B : Back
DN. : Hold down while performing an attack
UP. : Hold up while performing an attack
FWD. : Hold Forward while performing an attack
AD. : Stands for Air Dashing
(juggle) : Means the combo will juggle the opponent
(OTG) : Means the combo will OTG the opponent
D. : (don't confuse this with DOWN!) This means dashing while attacking

Hope all of the legends and definitions helped!


Character move lists and combos



Akuma, known as the Bison Killer or true devil. Whatever you call him,
its already a given fact that Akuma is one of the deadliest if not the
deadliest Street Fighters alive. His style of fighting is much like Ken's
nad Ryu's, however his form of style originates from the evil side of
Shatoken. After killing his own master for believing he was a fool to
hide that secret power, he has then seek out the best and negating the
average and below. However, he seems sidetracked at the moment and looks
to seal Magneto's fate.

--------------------------[Gou Hadouken: D,DF,F+P]---------------------------

Akuma's projectile has many advantages, aside from being nice as a keep
away manuver, it also comboes and does block damage. The overall speed
of this projectile depends on which button you press, the stronger the
button the faster the projectile. Mainly there is basically no recovery
delay after using this move, and its safe to use. But be warned that
when you use it from a Distance, the opponent with a beam super, say
Cyclops, can counter that his his own Mega Optic Blast.

-------------------------[Gou Shouryuken: F,D,DF+P]--------------------------

Well this is the basic anti-air attack move. It does good damage and has
serious priority on the ground. It comboes very easily and is a great
counter against missed attacks up close. However be warned that if you
miss, you are left vulnerable to a counter attack as well, but it all
depends on when you use it and how smart your opponent is. The stronger
the button you press, the higher Akuma jumps with his Gou Shouryuken.

--------------------[Shakunetsu Hadouken: B,DB,D,DF,F+P]---------------------

This is Akuma's red fireball, exactly like Ryu's from Super Street
Fighter 2 and Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. It hits multiple times and
does slightly more damage than his normal Gou Hadouken, personally the
only thing I think its good for is just block damage. It starts out too
slow to be comboed and its easy to jump over, and note that the recovery
delay is longer as well, so try to be careful from using it afar.

----------------------[Zankuu Hadouken: D,DF,F+P(air)]-----------------------

This is basically an air version of his Gou Hadouken. It does the same
amount of damage and goes out with the same amount of speed and you
can variate the speed of the Zankuu Hadouken depending on which button
you press, the stronger the punch the faster the projectile. This goes
down at a 60 degree angle, and has very little recovery time and its
a nice way to keep your opponent away.

---------------------[Tenma Kujin Kyaku: D,DF,F+K(air)]----------------------

This is one of the cheapest moves in the game, Akuma players tend to do
this often as they just super jump and perform this kick. This move will
have Akuma dive at his opponent and it does good damage and a lot of
block damage for a regular move. Akuma will bounce a short distance
away from the opponent if it hits the opponent and there is basically
no recovery time involving this move. Very cheap and it gets on a lot
of people's nerves, unless they have a character with an anti-air
attack like Cyclops or Psylocke.

---------[Special Move: Ashura Senkuu: F,D,DF+3P/3K or B,D,DB+3P/3K]---------

This requires at least one level in your Hyper-X bar to perform. This
move will have Akuma teleport across the screen and during the middle
of this teleport, he is completely invincible. Also there is little
recovery time after he completes the move. The forward dragon punch
motion makes him go forward, the reverse motion makes him go backwards
and the punches makes him go full screen distance, and the kicks makes
Akuma teleport half way across the screen.

-------[Hyper X-Move: Messatsu Gou Shouryuu: F,D,DF,F,D,DF+P(level 3)]-------

This is a very powerful super, it does a lot of block damage and it can
combo in rather easily. However the hard part about this combo is the
complicity of trying to execute the move. Its very fustrating for a lot
of players(like myself) to perform this move, you have to be very precise
on the second dragon punch motion, otherwise the super will not come out.
Also if this super misses, be wary to eat a counter attack.

--------[Hyper X-Move2: Messatsu Gou Hado: D,DF,F,D,DF,F+P(level 3)]---------

This super is a semi-good super. What I mean by that is while its very
comboable and all, the problem with this super is that its easy to
anticipate and its easy to jump over. It does good block damage and it
does good damage overall, but using it across the screen isn't exactly
the best way to use it unless your opponent is as dumb as a post. There
is little recovery time pertaining to this move, but don't expect this
super to match power with the Mega Optic Blast.

------------------------------[Akuma: Combos]--------------------------------

1. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Jab, S.Fierce --> Gou Hadouken

2. J.Fierce \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Messatsu
Gou Shouryuu(OTG)

3. Fierce Throw, C.Short, S.Fierce --> Messatsu Gou Hado(OTG)
Make sure you execute the cancel quickly, otherwise your super will
not connect.

-----------------------------[Akuma: Legend]--------------------------------

Ground Magic Series: ZigZag

Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag

Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag

Launchers: None

Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse

---------------------------[Akuma: Strategies]-------------------------------


Well against Akuma, you just have to match cheap with cheap. Jump in
often with your Tenma Kujin Kyaku, but watch for his Gou Shouryuken.
You put Akuma away quickly, its best to combo in your supers and mainly
put a combo fest on him. And when you get close, throw your opponent


Well against Collosus, its mainly an offensive game. Collosus is just
too slow to really ave an impact on your game. Plus due to the fact
that Collosus isn't as strong as he looks really adds a bonus towards
your match against Collosus. Watch for his attacks and counter.


This battle will be pretty tough, mainly because Cyclops' projectiles
will just nullify anything you throw at him. Jump in often and combo
him, but watch for his Gene Splice and his beam supers, you won't be
able to counter them unless you attack him in the middle of his super.
Play offensive in this game rather than defensive, mainly because
Cyclops wins a lot of his battles by block damage.


This battle shouldn't be too tough, and Akuma should go offensive in
this match(like he usually does). Don't bother matching projectiles
and dash in offensively, because if you jump in offensively, Iceman
seems to drop a lot of Ice Avalanches(those giant Ice balls that fall
from out of the middle of the screen). Keep comboing him and keep him
in the corner and just peck at him while he is blocking, then when he
lets his guard down, pound him.

-------------------------------[Omega Red]----------------------------------

This match is pretty easy for Akuma. Jump in often and attack with
the roundhouse and fierce to finish him off quickly. Watch for a lot
coils, but they are usually easy to avoid. Jump in quickly and
attack and keep the pressure on him offensively.


This battle will be tough, since she has the same combo possibilities
as you do. Her defense isn't as good as your defense, so you will have
the offensive advantage in this game as well as the defensive advantage.
Jump in often with the Kujin Tenma Kyaku and you can keep repeating
this to give yourself an easy and cheap victory.


Again, this is another one of those easy victories. The Sentinel is just
too slow to pose much of a threat. However, while its powerful, your
speed advantage should overwhelm it. Go offensive in this battle and
watch for the mini sentinels that the Sentinel sends out. Keep pounding
away at him offensively and you shouldn't have much of a problem.

------------------------------[Silver Samurai]-------------------------------

This match will be more difficult than the Sentinel, but not by much.
The only thing you really need to worry about is the range of the Silver
Samurai's attacks and his Ninja Shurikens, which does a bunch of block
damage. You should still play offensively in this battle, but try to
keep your distance and avoid his Shurikens.


This battle will be tougher, but most likely the odds go to Akuma. She
is pretty fast and has some good range on her attacks, but you've still
got the speed and offensive advantage thanks to your ZigZag series.
Watch for her to summon her sword dance, its best that you try not to
hit her and keep your distance and fool her into throwing those swords
like doing a Jab Gou Shouryuken from afar and then quickly jumping over
them. Just go all out in this match and you should be able to win the


This battle shouldn't be too hard(jeez, they made Akuma too powerful in
this game) and you shouldn't have to worry about her projectiles as they
are easy to block. You should pay attention when she stays floating in
the air, this is a sign that she will summon her Ice storm, and you
should have plenty of time to knock her out of it, if not prepare to eat
a bunch of frozen popsicles even if you do block. You can lose about 1/4
to 1/3 of your life just blocking the super, you be mindful of that and
keep an offensive mindset.


This match isn't a tough match at all, the thing to watch out about
Wolverine is his speed and the range on his punches, other than that he
shouldn't be too much to handle. Make constant offensive jump ins and
continue to pound him with your attacks and combos. Also make note that
your Messatsu Gou Shouryuu can out prioritize his Berserker Barrage,
even if he starts it first.


This battle is the toughest battle Akuma will ever face, as basically
you will have to hit him four consecutive times for him to actually
feel the impact of your attacks. That's a difficult task to accomplish,
but what you can do is keep throwing Zankuu Hadoukens at him. And always
stay in the air because his Juggernaut Earthquake isn't exactly blockable
on the ground. You can use your Tenma Kujin Kyaku as well, but that's a
bit risky, but most of the times he can't counter it.


This battle will be very tough, but since you can stun Magneto with a
single hit(unlike Juggernaut), you should have things going for you.
Watch for his Magnetic Tempest, if it connects you might as well say
goodbye because it does massive damage. Your best bet at winning this
match is to stay in the air constantly and attack from above. But
be careful of the Hyper Gravs, they are EXTREMELY hard to avoid, and
you probably won't have time to nullify them with your projectile. So
the best way to avoid them is to super jump upon anticipation.

------------------------------[Overall: Akuma]-------------------------------

Akuma is quite possibly the most lethal non-boss character in the game.
His attacks are lightning quick and he has absolutely the BEST combos in
the game. He is also quick with very good throw range and he can deal out
a lot of damage in no time flat. His defense is rock solid as well as his
offense. Basically I see little flaws in Akuma other than the fact that
his supers aren't really that effective. But basically overall, his
overall game is really superb and he is definitely going to give Magneto
a run for his money as being the best overall character in the game.



Collosus, the strongest member of the X-Men with the power to turn his
body into the Carbon and Iron molecular bond, or in other words Steel. In
his past he has fought for his country, but his arch nemesis seems to be
Omega Red in which Omega Red was brought out by the Russian Military
as a biological weapon. Collosus has dealt with him before, but Collosus
managed to escape his wrath and afterwards he has had dealings with
Exodus, but he chose not to fight with the X-Men to save Quciksilver's
daughter in which after what he had witness what had happened to

-----------------------[Shoulder Charge: D,DF,F+K]---------------------------
Depending on which button you use will determine the direction that he
travels in. Short will go straight across the screen, Forward will go
about at a 30 degree angle upwards and the Roundhouse version will go
about at a 60 degree angle going upwards. The recovery on this move
really sucks if you ask me, it has very good range and can stop on
coming attacks from the air, but its not always very effective. This
move will do quite a bit of damage if connected and can be comboed as
well. Just make sure not to miss with it because it will leave Collosus
open to attack.

--------------------------[360 Throw: D,DF,F+P]------------------------------

This move is just funny to look at sometimes, however it has a bit of
a start up delay that makes it virtually impossible to combo in. This is
a blockable throw however, and once Collosus catches the opponent, he
will swing the opponent around in a frenzy and then release them. You
can spin around the directional pad or joystick to deal out more damage
as Collosus will swing faster. However, if you miss, be ready to take a
lot of punishment because it Collosus has horrible recovery time from
this move as he will basically bounce of the opponent and then get stuck
in that fugly pose(yes I meant fugly) just dying to be attacked.

--------------[Special Move, Super Armor(Level 2): D,DB,B+3P]----------------
Well if you are familiar with the rest of the Marvel and Capcom series
you will know that Super Armor lessens the damage from attacks given
and it also protects you from launchers, just as long as the launcher
is not the second hit. However in this game Collosus gains unbelievable
Super Armor! Once Collosus gains Super Armor he becomes Mech-Collosus
meaning that he cannot be tripped and he takes all and absorbs all!
Not only that but he can block as well and all attacks are cut down
in half! Once activated go all out and pound your opponent into

------------[Hyper-X Super Move, Super Dive(level 3): D,DF,F+3P]-------------
This super is a bit odd, once started you will have to move Collosus
in the direction that you wish for him to go. But he can basically only
go in two directions, upwards diagonally or straight forward. However
if you start the super without hitting any direction Collosus will go
diagonally upwards and come down. Think of it as a Gamma Crush, except
its a bit less effective. However unlike his Shoulder Charge Collosus
will have less recovery time after the super or Hyper-X.

----------------------------[Collosus: Combos]-------------------------------

1. J.Roundhouse \/ C.Roundhouse, C.Roundhouse(OTG)

2. C.Roundhouse, C.Short --> Shoulder Charge(OTG)

3. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Short, C.Roundhouse, C.Short --> Shoulder Charge/
Super Dive(OTG)

4. J.Jab, J.Roundhouse \/ S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Shoulder Charge

----------------------------[Collosus: Legend]-------------------------------

Ground Magic Series: Weak Start

Jumping Magic Series: Weak Start

Super Jumping Magic Series: Stronger

Launcher: S.Strong

Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse

----------------------------[Collosus: Strategies]---------------------------


This battle will be super tough, especially when Akuma has the superior
speed advantage over you. First off you will have to watch for him,
the CPU AI tends to throw a lot of projectiles at times, this is his
weakness, jump over them and hit him with a Roundhouse and into a combo.
Use your super armor when you can so that his attacks will basically
become obsolete and keep attacking him and comboing him. Throw a lot as
well and continue your combo from there.


Well your mirror match double will be pretty tough, especially against
an expierienced player. Against a human player keep poking him with jabs
and shorts, this tends to have the human Collosus player use his
Shoulder Charge, and the Shoulder Charge has a long recovery delay and
you should counter with a combo, Super Dive, or another Shoulder Charge.
In a battle against the CPU AI, you must watch for a lot of Shoulder
Charges, that's it. Keep countering the CPU AI's attacks and jump in
with a lot of Roundhouses and keep comboing him, throwing the CPU AI
Collosus tends to cause Collosus to do a lot of Tech Hits, but
throwing him is still one of your best options, and make sure you roll
when he knocks you down, the CPU AI tends to OTG you a lot.


This battle will be immensely tough, when you want to use your Shoulder
Charge, make sure you put it in a combo, this is because Cyclops can
either use his Mega Optic Blast, Super Optic Blast, or a simple 9 hit
combo to bring you down. Use your Super Armor to your advantage, just
watch for his Mega Optic Blast and Super Optic Blast, that is something
that you cannot absorb and attack at the same time with. Jump in on
him blocking at times and jump in with a Roundhouse at times at well
so mix and match, this way if he misses with his Roundhouse and when you
land you can quickly dash in and combo him.


This battle will be tough, Iceman will drop a lot of Ice Avalanches.
Watch for it, Super Jump over that often and continue to attack him by
jumping in with a Roundhouse and combo him. Your Super Dive really won't
help you out much here since due to the fact that its easily countered
with an Artic Attack or an Icebeam. Watch for him to use that Artic
Attack to try and chip you to death as well, this is especially
apparent with human opponents, try super jumping a lot in this battle
and then come in with an attack.

---------------------------------[Omega Red]---------------------------------

This battle will be very tough. When you have your Super Armor initiated
NEVER jump into him unprepaired, his Omega Destroyer will still deal
a lot of damage towards you even with Super Armor, in fact it deals
nearly 50% more damage than it does towards regular opponents. Jump in
on him often with your jumping roundhouse and combo him, watch for
a lot of Carbnadium Coils, try jumping over them and countering them
along the match.


This battle will be very tough, watch for her to dash in a lot and combo.
There is little that you can do about this except try to use your
Shoulder Charge ahead of time. Throw a lot as well as she will try to
throw you at times. Don't try to trade hits with her too often, although
you can easily win, the problem is that she will dismantle you quickly
with her combo ability. Jump in often, but watch for her launcher


This will be a power battle and since the Sentinel is stronger than you
are, its would be pointless to try and trade hits with him. Watch for
a lot of Sentinel Force attacks, jump over them and pull a few simple
combos to knock him down. You can use your Super Dive if you wish, it
rarely will counter with a Plasma Beam since it takes so long to charge
for the beam. Make a lot of jump ins at him and keep pounding him and
comboing him.

--------------------------------[Silver Samurai]-----------------------------

This guy a major cheap! He will use a lot of Shurikens to give himself
a quick victory. You should be able to jump over the Shurikens since
they are a bit slow, jump over them and combo him from time to time.
Just watch for his Singing Blade of Thunder when you try to jump in at
him, he will use it often or use his Super Shuriken, but his Super
Shuriken is pretty easy to dodge and avoid. This fight shouldn't be
hard though since Collosus has more priority.


This battle shouldn't be too hard for Collosus. Keep jumping in on her
and combo her, watch for her to use her Dancing Sword attack, once those
blades start to swirl, super jump to avoid them. Don't try to attack her
at this time though, you might end up suffering more damage if she
manages to connect with them.


This battle shouldn't be too tough for Collosus, make sure you always
jump in with the roundhouse, it should be able to counter her ground
attacks. You can use your shoulder charge for a quick counter attack
against her misses, but overall this shouldn't be too tough of a fight
that you can't win against Storm.


This battle agaisnt Wolverine surprisingly isn't too tough. Its not one
of your hardest matches, but then again its not one of your easiest
matches. Watch for Wolverine to use his Berserker Barrage, if you use
your shoulder charge late against his Berserker Barrage from a distance,
you should be able to counter it with ease. Wolverine doesn't have much
priority while jumping in, so Collosus' standing strong can counter
that and knock Wolverine out of the air.


This battle will be extremely tough, the thing about Juggernaut is that
nothing can stun him, so Collosus' main strategy is to peck and run.
Jump in with a roundhouse and then block as you come down, and make
absolutely sure to super jump when Juggernaut goes for his Earthquake,
not only is it powerful, but it is unblockable while you are on the
ground, so be mindful of that. Basically in this battle, its mainly a
hit and run battle all the way through, and its best to stay away from
Juggernaut during this battle and attack him when you have the chance
because he is rather slow.


This battle is also another tough battle, Magneto is not only fast, but
he is just as powerful as Juggernaut, and he poses more of a threat than
Juggernaut. Magneto will through a lot of projectiles at you, and you
must constantly jump in and attack him as he throws his projectiles.
Watch for Magneto's Magnetic Tempest, it does quite a bit of damage, and
its his super where chunks of metal starts to encircle him. But don't
be surprised if you might lose to Magneto a few times before you actually
defeat him.

-----------------------------[Overall: Collosus]-----------------------------

Collosus is just so slow, his combo ability sucks overall and he really
can't do much on defense either. His attacks usually leave him open to
an attack and the fact that he is always getting out-prioritized by
some of the smaller characters. His throw range and priority is okay,
but his attacks other than his Shoulder Charge have little priority,
mainly because his attacks are put at such an awkward angle at times,
especially his stronger attacks. He is mainly a grappler character and
he really won't fare well against speedy characters.



As a small child, Scott Summers(A.K.A Cyclops) had no idea what power he
had possessed. However, the kids around him weren't too fond of him.
Being called names and being picked on most of his childhood during
school didn't stop him from becoming a leader of the X-Men. His optic
blast is powerful enough to blast through adamantium and its a good bet
that once you step in the path of his beam, you might as well call it
quits. His goal now has lead him to stop Magneto from his abominous

--------------------------[Optic Blast: D,DF,F+P]----------------------------

Its quite possibly the best projectile in the game, it comes out fast
and will eat other projectiles. It does good damage and good block damage
as well. There is little start up delay and little recovery delay on
this move, the jab makes him shoot a low beam, the strong makes him shoot
a head high beam and the fierce makes him shoot a beam diagonally
upwards. Its often hard to combo this, but you can combo the strong
version of his double roundhouse or his fierce version if you are in the

--------------------------[Gene Splice: F,D,DF+P]----------------------------

This is Cyclops' anti air attack. It does a lot of damage and its quite
flashy too as it can hit up to 6 times and sends the opponent flying
into the air and has Cyclops end with an Optic Bullet at the end of the
move. It comboes basically off of anything as it is a great counter
attack agaisnt airborne opponents. However, like all anti-air attacks,
once you miss, expect a good chance that the opponent will counter

--------------------[Repeating Punches: F,F+JP+SK THEN P]--------------------

This attack is odd, but very powerful and useful. Its ideal to use this
in comboes as it does a lot of damage and comes out pretty quickly.
You may want to avoid using this too often from a distance because while
it has quick speed going horizontally, opponents can usually counter the
attack in time. Take note that you must continuously press the punch
button until all six hits come out. But you can cancel the attack at any
time if you stop pressing the punch buttons and even cancel into the
Gene Splice! Also note that its difficult to use this in comboes, the
only time I've ever gotten this to combo was after his Fierce Optic

--------------------[Running Neckbraker Drop: F,F+FP+RK]---------------------

This move is a very excellent move to use, mainly because its unblockable
and does a lot of damage. It will set up Cyclops for an OTG combo or he
can use his supers, whatever it is, it will just take out a lot of damage
from the opponet. It comes out fairly quick and can be used as a surprise
move if the opponent tries to dash in and attack you. This is also a good
counter attack as well, but Cyclops can be knocked out of this at any
time during the attack and there is some slight recovery time if he
misses with the attack, which can give most opponents plenty of time to

----------------------[Special Move: Leg Throw: D/F+K]-----------------------

Well there isn't anything special about this move other than the fact
that its a stronger version of his other throws. It will send the
opponent flying across behind him, and as usual from a throw in this
game, you can OTG the opponent afterwards. It has good range and good
priority, so you may want to keep that in mind.

-------------------[Hyper X: Mega Optic Blast: D,DF,F+2P]--------------------

One of the most feared supers in all of fighting games. This super does
insane damage and it does a blockload of block damage as well. While
you CAN NOT put it in comboes, you can cancel this after you have thrown
the Optic Bullet(Fierce) from a distance. This will also OTG the opponent
as well, but it won't do as much damage OTGing as you would from using
it out in the open. There is little start up delay(even though you can't
combo it) and little recovery delay from this move, feel free to get
more hits by ramming the buttons.

-------------------[Hyper X2: Super Optic Blast: D,DB,B+P]-------------------

This is basically a thinner version of his giant Beam Super, it still
does good damage, but this time you can control its direction with your
directional pad. You can use this to OTG as well, but we warned that
this does not combo in at all unless you use his Fierce Optic Bullet
from a distance and cancel, assuming that your opponent is dumb enough
to fall for it. Note that you can also perform this in the air as well
and it will reflect off the walls and floors once.

-----------------------------[Cyclops: Combos]-------------------------------

1. J.DN.Roundhouse \/ S.Short, S.Roundhouse, S.Roundhouse --> Strong
Optic Blast

2. Leg Throw, Mega Optic Blast/Super Optic Blast(OTG)

3. J.DN.Fierce \/ C.Jab, C.Roundhouse --> Mega Optic Blast/Super Optic

4. Repeating Punches --> S.Short --> Gene Splice
Basically cancel after the 5th hit of the Repeating Punches and
quickly hit the short button and cancel into the Gene Splice, its the
coolest combo in the game yet!

-----------------------------[Cyclops: Legend]-------------------------------

Ground Magic Series: Stronger

Jumping Magic Series: Stronger

Super Jumping Magic Series: Stronger

Launchers: S.Strong,
hit), S.Forward

Knockdown: C.Roundhouse

----------------------------[Cyclops: Strategy]------------------------------


Well against Akuma, your best bet is to keep him away with your Optic
Blasts. He can't do much about them, you can play a keep away game, and
once you have built up your ma levels, you can use your Super Optic
Blast when he comes in for an attack or you can use your Gene Splice,
however if he connects with a combo, expect him to barrage you with
combos as you get up.


This battle shouldn't be too hard. Playing keep away should give you
an easy victory, but going offensively is your quickest way to winning
this match. Collosus is too slow to do anything about your quicker
attacks. Throw him often and OTG him and you should get an easy victory.


Well this battle is pretty hard since he can do evrything that you do.
Whoever gets out the first shot in a keep away match will most likely
win the match if you and your opponent decide to do that. If you
decide to play offensively, try jumping in blocking at times or look
like you are jumping in for an attack and mid way through your jump
you execute a Super Optic Blast if you have a level for it. It often
fools the human opponent.


Well this battle shouldn't be too hard, your projectile will nullify and
still hit Iceman when he goes for his Icebeam. Jump in often and attack
him and combo him, but watch for the Ice Avalanche that he CONSTANTLY
drops. His Artic Attack will leave him open to attack for a while, and
he will usually use it since it does insane block damage, catch him
with your supers or combos.

---------------------------------[Omega Red]---------------------------------

This match shouldn't be too hard either, but it shouldn't be too easy
as well. Omega Red's defense is really pitiful and he can't do much
about Cyclops' jumping attacks, and once you come in with that down
Roundhouse, you can just do your comboes and corner him and keep
pecking away at his life.


This will be a tough battle for Cyclops to win because her offensive
skills are one of the best in the game and she has good priority against
Cyclops. And playing a keep away game won't be too effective either
because of her double jump. Your best bet is to get the attack first
and keep the pressure by pecking jabs out when she is blocking and try
to hesitate every now and then to fool her. Your Gene Splice should
keep her out of the air.


This battle should be pretty easy, just combo the crap out of it like
you would Collosus. When you get close, you should throw it a lot as
well and OTG because its throw range is pretty crappy.

-------------------------------[Silver Samurai]------------------------------

This battle is a fairly tough battle. The thing to watch out for is that
he will constantly throw out Shurikens, and each Shuriken can do major
block damage and it doesn't take long for all that block damage to pile
up. Constantly jump in on him and attack and combo him and that should
be the end of that, avoid letting him get the offensive advantage.


This battle shouldn't be too hard. Watch for her Sword Dance, don't try
to knock them away with your Optic Blasts because your Optic Blast isn't
wide enough to shoot all the swords away. Watch for her when she
initiates the Metamorphesis, super jump and keep her away with your
Super Optic Blast(if you have enough levels for it) if you can.


This battle shouldn't be too tough either. You can easily nullify her
Typhoons with your Optic Blasts. Your defense and offense should
basically overwhelm her. When she does her Ice Storm, quickly knock her
out of the sky with your attacks, even if you are a full screen's
distance away because it takes her about 5 seconds to pull off the


This battle shouldn't be too tough either. Wolverine is nothing like
he is in other games, he's slow and really can't do much about your
attacks. Watch for him to use his healing factor, at this point its
best to attack him when he is left vulnerable, but other than that
just keep playing an offensive game and you should win easily.


Well this battle shouldn't be hard if you are playing against the CPU.
Peck and run often, you will need to deal 4 consecutive hits to actually
make Juggernaut feel the stun of your attacks, and he will most likely
get off an attack before you can deal 4 hits. Keep firing away Optic
Blasts and watch for the Juggernaut Earthquake, you can only block it
in the air. Use your Mega Optic Blast or super Optic Blast when you
have the chance, however your best bet is to throw Juggernaut when you
get near him and OTG him, this way you do not have to try and hit him
four times.


This battle will be pretty tough, ESPECIALLY when Magneto initiates that
Force Field of his. When he does, just try and avoid attacking him, he
is completely invincible and cannot get stunned at this point. Just wait
for it until it wears off. Keep firing your Optic Blasts at him and jump
in at him often, be careful when he does his Hyper Gravs, it will qucikly
pull you in closer to him and its unblockable, but you can nullfy then
with your Optic Blasts, that is if you are quick enough or if you can
anticipate it.

------------------------------[Overall: Cyclops]-----------------------------

Cyclops obviously is one of the best well rounded characters in the game.
His attacks are pretty powerful and they have good priority and his
throw range is one of the best in the game. Not only that, but his
overall defense and offense are very solid and well rounded along with
very effective and powerful supers. I don't see a lot of weaknesses with
Cyclops other than the fact that his magic series doesn't fit his type
of character and the fact that his offense can't beat out a lot of other
solid defenders like Wolverine. Overall, Cyclops is an excellent
character to use and one of the best in the game.


Born as a mutant, Bobby has had much trouble trying to cope with the
suffering that he had to endure since he was a child. With the ability to
accumulate his ambient temperature into a solid hydrodized state, he
had much trouble drinking a cup of coffee or playing basketball on a
hot summer day. Then came his encounter with the X-Men, in which
Professor Xavier helped him control his power and cope with his pain,
and since then has remained a valuable team member to the X-Men. However,
he sets sights out on stopping Magneto.

-----------------------------[Icebeam: D,DF,F+P]-----------------------------

Well this is the basic overall projectile, however its much like Cyclops
as a thin Icebeam shoots towards your opponents. The Jab version has
Iceman hitting downward diagonally(not very much horizontal range mind
you), the strong version has him shooting straight forward and the
fierce version has him shooting the Icebeam upwards daigonally. There
is start up delay incolving this move and it isn't as fast as Cyclops
and also this beam only hits once and can be nullified by a single
projectile unlike Cyclops'.

---------------------[Ice Avalanche: JP+SK/MK+SP/FP+RK]----------------------

This attack is very useful and should be used often. This has Iceman
drop a giant iceball from out of nowhere onto his opponent, it comes out
very quick and can be comboed. The stronger the button, the more range
it has horizontally. This move does good damage and its an excellent
anti-air attack. However, Iceman does take time to recover from it, but
he can usually recover before the opponent can do anything.

---------------------[Special Move: Ice Fist: D,DB,B+3P]---------------------

This move is a rather weak move, weak in terms of effectiveness. This
has Iceman form ice around his hands and you can press the punch button
to swing his hand towards the opponent. The problem with this move is
that its rather slow and it isn't very effective because it has such
poor priority. If you ask me, just stay away from using this move.

---------------------[Hyper X: Ice Avalanche: D,DF,F+3P]---------------------

This is one of the most damaging supers int he entire game. Not only is
it powerful, but it does massive block damage. If your opponent is
standing next to you, you can lose about 1/4 of your opponent's life even
if they block! Its hard to combo this move because it has such huge start
up delay and also he takes a LONG time to recover from it as well. And
the fact that the start up delay allows the opponent to easily jump over
this super ahead of time really makes it hard to connect. However, I
think it does OTG if you cancel quick enough though.

------------------------------[Combos: Iceman]-------------------------------

1. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Forward --> Ice Avalanche

2. J.Fierce \/ C.Roundhouse --> Jab Icebeam(OTG)

3. J.Strong \/ C>Jab, C.Roundhouse --> Artic Attack(OTG)
Once again, I'm not really sure if this works on all charaters, I
find that it works pretty well against the Sentinel.

------------------------------[Legend: Iceman]-------------------------------

Ground Magic Series: Punch to Kick

Jumping Magic Series: Punch to Kick

Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag

LAunchers: S.Fierce, S.Roundhouse,

Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse

----------------------------[Strategies: Iceman]-----------------------------


This battle shouldn't be too hard for Iceman surprisingly. What I usually
do is continuously drop Ice Avalanche's against the opponent. You can
do this from a distance and stay away from his attacks and comboes, it
does piss off the human opponents though. You shouldn't try to jump in
on him because your priority is rather weak. And don't worry about his
Messatsu Gou Hado either, you should be able to block it without
sustaining any block damage.


This fight should be pretty easy, its usually best if you play a keep
away game. However you should try to come in on him and at least attempt
a combo because he has very little speed in his attacks and your Ice
Avalanche can usually stop his on coming Super Dive drop. Just watch for
his Shoulder charge and then counter.


This battle will be tough, mainly because Cyclops' projectiles are much
quicker than yours and the fact that they hit more times than yours and
he can nullify your projectile and still hit you with his beam. And even
if you try to jump in on him, he can easily counter and knock you out of
the air. And your defense won't be able to hold out much against his
jumping attacks. What I usually do is jump in blocking and then throw him
with every opportunity I get. When you knock Cyclops down with a throw,
you can try to OTG him with your Icebeam or Arctic attack, but getting
close to him and throwing him is possibly the best way to beat him.


This battle shouldn't be as tough as it may look. Watch for Iceman to
throw out a lot of beams and Ice Avalanche's. The thing about Iceman
is that he can't do much about throws, which is also your weakness since
you are Iceman. However, he barely rolls and you have a lot of
opportunities to OTG him when you trip him. Jump in often when you
anticipate an Icebeam and throw him into an Arctic Attack.

---------------------------------[Omega Red]---------------------------------

Watch for Omega Red, he is usually coil happy at times and uses them at
will. Keep firing Ice Beams at him, and note that Omega Red's coils
leave him open to attack if he misses and it gives you plent of time to
counter attack. Whenever you see him or anticipate him using is Omega
Destroyer, you can jump into the air and drop Ice Avalanche's.


This is one of your toughest fights yet, however, I've seen Iceman's
Icebeam knock her out of her Psi-Thrust. You should jump in often and
try to throw her, her defense isn't really much of a deal that Iceman
can't handle. Your best bet like any other match is to OTG with your
Ice Avalanche, even if the opponent is able to block, make sure she
blocks all of it, this way you can knock down a lot of block damage.


Ah! The dummy has came out at last! This battle should be no breeze to
you at all. The Sentinel calls out his mini-sentinels often, and you
should use your Arctic Attack often as well. Your best bet to winning
besides doing almost nothing, is to sweep him and then OTG him with
your attacks and supers.

------------------------------[Silver Samurai]-------------------------------

This guy is just so freakin cheap with those Shurikens of his. Keep
firing your Icebeam at him because he always tends to overuse those
Shurikens of his. Jump in at him often and combo the crap out of him,
he barely rolls also and you can OTG your attacks and supers. Be warned
that your throw range doesn't match his and neither does your priority
so you may have to watch for that.


This battle shouldn't be too tough, more even actually. You will have to
watch for her Sword dance attack, its best to jump over the swords and
attack from above rather than trying to nullify them. And when she goes
for her Metamorphesis, its best to use your Arctic Attack from a distance
because you can keep her away for a LONG time. Her main weapon will be
the Metamorphesis, and if you can keep her away from you while she
initiates it, you should be fine in this match.


This battle shouldn't be that tough, watch for her to overdo the Typhoons
though. Keep pounding her with your combos and OTG whenever you get the
chance. Your Icebeams won't nullfy her Typhoons as easily as other
projectiles, but you can time an Arctic Attack just right so that it
will plow through her Typhoons and still hit her. Mind you if you start
the Arctic Attack after she rolls, she can go behind you and hit you
with her Hail Storm, ouch!


This match should favor you, watch for Wolverine to do a lot of Tornado
Claws. You should wait for him to jump in on you and use your standing
forward into an Ice Avalanche. He shouldn't be much of a problem, just
watch for him to try to combo his Berserker Barrage, but other than
that this should be a pretty easy match.


This battle will be tough, stay in the air and keep dropping Icebeams
at. Use your Arctic Attack while you are on the ground immediately,
Juggernaut usually takes the hits rather than try to block them.
Also don't try to combo Juggernaut, Iceman isn't the combo character to
stun Juggernaut with comboes by the way.


This battle will be tough, don't try to do anything but runaway when
Magneto initiates his forcefield. Doing so means a quick defeat, and
watch for his Magnetic Tempest(when all the debris swirls around),
when you see this...JUMP! This move is known to take away a chunk of
your live, and you should NOT try to OTG him often because Magneto
rolls out of the way basically everytime. You shouldn't rely too heavily
on your Arctic Attack in this battle because it doesn't connect with
a good ratio.

-----------------------------[Overall: Iceman]-------------------------------

Iceman in this game is a really well rounded character with good defense
and a posable offense. He has excellent keep away skills and a very
effective and powerful super, which can deal a lot of damage even when
blocking. However, the downside to Iceman's game is that is throw range
is really on the average range and his offensive attacks are really
bad as they go in awkwards angles and such. You should be careful when
jumping in since you give your opponent a good opportunity to deal some
easy damage, even those with an average defense. Overall, Iceman is a
good solid character but he's not the combo character that he may look


Omega Red
The Russian bio weapon, the counter measure of Canada's Weapon X project.
He aims to absorb all the people's vital systems that keeps himself
going, but Collosus isn't about to let Omega Red take a walk in the park
draining people of their vitality. Not to mention Omega Red was
responisble for killing hundreds of people and made Sabertooth what he
is today. He was created by the Russian government as an opposition to
the people revolutionizing, but his main weakness seems to be the
barren sub-zero temperature. Whatever his goals might be, he will have
a tough time accomplishing it against Magneto.

--------------[Carbonadium Coils: D,DF,F+P then P or K rapdily]--------------

This move is a very effective move to use. Once you catch your opponent
with the coil, press the punch or kick or both buttons to drain your
opponent's vitality(punch) or to drain their super meter(kick). The
jab makes him go straight forward at head head height, the strong makes
him throw the coil diagonally up and the fierce makes him throw the
coil straight above his head. Keep in mind that you can't really rely
on this move to combo because it has a long start up delay. However,
you can cancel the coil in the middle of the move by pressing punch,
just as long as you didn't connect with the coil.

--------------------[Special Move: Air Dash: 3P in air]----------------------

This isn't neccessarily a move, its more like an ability. What this
basically does is just allow Omega Red to air dash, and it would glide
him for near full screen's distance. This is very useful at times, say
you are jumping in for an attack and Cyclops tries to counter with
a Gene Splice after you have already air dashed, you can get behind him
and start comboing him!

-------------------[Hyper X: Omega Destroyer: D,DF,F+3P]---------------------

This super does a lot of damage and you can get about 13 hits maximum
out of it. It does good block damage as well as the closer you are to
the opponent the more damage and hits that you will do. However, it has
a lot of start up delay and you won't be able to combo it unless you
OTG with it. Also note that there is basically no recovery time from
this move and this super fills the entire screen, and it attacks from
both sides so Omega Red does not have to worry about getting counter
attacked if the opponent gets behind him.

---------------------------[Comboes: Omega Red]------------------------------

1. J.Fierce --> Jab Carbonadium Coil
For this combo to work you must cancel quickly after the first few
hits of his fierce, otherwise it won't connect. Its also an easy
cheasy combo that you can use over and over again for an easy

2. Strong Throw --> Omega Destroyer(OTG)

3. J.Fierce \/ C.Jab, C.Forward --> Omega Destroyer(OTG)

---------------------------[Legend: Omega Red]-------------------------------

Ground Magic Series: Kick to Punch

Jumping Magic Series: Kick to Punch

Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag

Launchers: S.Strong

Knockdowns: C.Forward

--------------------------[Strategies: Omega Red]----------------------------


This match is fairly tough, just watch for Akuma to throw a lot of
projectiles. When you have enough levels and you anticipate when he will
throw them, use your Omega Destroyer. Its good to jump in with the
fierce and cancel into the Jab Carbonadium Coil or you can use the air
jab Carbonadium coil from a distance and catch Akuma while he is
throwing his projectile.


This battle is pretty easy, your jumping fierce should and be able to
nullify Collosus' super armor. Jump in constantly and just combo him
and throw him. Also when he goes for his Super Dive, immediately use your
Omega Destroyer, it should knock Collosus out of the sky. Overall, one
of your easiest battles.


This battle will be tough, watch for Cyclops to use a lot of Optic
Blasts. Once again, always jump in with the fierce, but try to use the
fierce early so you can hit him from a distance with little chance of
being counter attacked by his Gene Splice. When I say from a distance,
I mean use the jumping fierce early or what's really neat is that you
can jump in but cancel into the strong Carbonadium coil early, Cyclops
will have try to counter with his Gene splice but ends up getting
caught by the Carbonadium Coil.


This battle will be pretty tough. Just watch for Iceman's Icebeam and
Ice Avalanches, your Carbonadium coils might not make much of a
difference in this match because of how easily Iceman can counter your
attacks out of the air. Your Omega Destroyer however, can nullify all
his iceballs from his Arctic Attack!

-------------------------------[Omega Red]-----------------------------------

This battle shouldn't be too tough. Just make sure you go completely
offensive in this game because Omega Red's defense sucks. Throw him
when you get near Omega Red and keep pounding him with OTG comboes
because he will seldomly roll out of attacks.


This battle will be pretty tough in itself because of her speed and
combo capabilities. However, always jump in with the fierce and cancel
into the Coils if you do connect. However, if she takes the offensive,
you might as well call it a day because your defense sucks and her
offense is second best in the game. Try to fake out a human opponent
by pretending to jump in with an attack and then quickly use the
air strong Carbonadium coil to catch your opponent who uses the Psi-
Blade and misses.


This battle shouldn't be too tough, even though the Sentinel is slow,
you pose just as much combo disadvantages as the Sentinel does. Keep
pounding the Sentinel with your comboes and always jump in with the
fierce. If he decides to overdo the little Sentinels, anticipate it and
use your Omega Destroyer. OTG him often because it takes him longer
to get up than any other character in the game.

-----------------------------[Silver Samurai]--------------------------------

This battle will be fairly easy, just watch for the Shurikens though,
you can counter that by using a Jab Carbonadium coil from a distance in
the air. Also watch for him to use is Lightning Strike, if your quick
enough, you can attack him and nullify his electricity attack at the
sane time. Jump in often with the fierce and throw him whenever you get
the chance.


This battle should be pretty even all the way out. The only thing you
really have to worry about is the Metamorphesis. When she initiates it
you can use the Omega Destroyer to keep her away for a while, or you can
use the air dash to keep away. Other than that just keep going offensive
and continue to attack.


This battle is fairly though. Your first bet when she uses her Hail
Storm is to use the Strong or Fierce Carbonadium Coil, whichever is
closer when you don't have enough meter for the Omega Destroyer. Jump in
often and attack constantly, don't try to match coils with her Typhoons
because you'll most likely not win. Basically in this match, just keep
an offensive mindset.


This match is actually one of the easier matches in the game for
Omega Red. Even if you get hit by the Tornado Claw, it does very little
damage anyways. If the CPU Wolverine does use his Berserker Barrage from
a distance, counter that with your Omega Destroyer and basically keep
jumping in with the jumping fierce into the Jab Carbonadium air coil.


Well Omega Red has one of the best chances at stunning Juggernaut often
because of his jumping fierce, you might be able to stun him in the
air before landing. Use your Omega Destroyer whenever you see a good
opportunity because even if you use it out in the open, his Juggernaut
Earth quake will knock you out of your Omega Destroyer and damage you


This battle will be tough, you basically can't do anything if he
initiates the force field because he is completely invulnerable to
attacks. If you anticipate the Hyper Gravs, immediately use your
Omega Destroyer, otherwise you will be caught. You can use your Omega
Destroyer to counter his Magnetic Tempest, it should deflect all the
debris away, but don't start it too early or too late. Jump in often
with the jumping fierce and cancel into the coil and drain away his
super meter guage, otherwise you might eat a very nasty Magnetic

----------------------------[Overall: Omega Red]-----------------------------

Omega Red has good defensive skills and good throw range both in the air
and on the ground. Not to mention he can regain his own life vitality
at the expense of his opponent, which is a real plus and he has a rather
effective and damaging super. However, the problem with Omega Red is
that he has lousy defensive skills, and the recovery time on some of his
moves are rather slow and allows the opponent to quickly get an attack
in on him. Omega Red is also very slow for a guy his size and when he
misses his Coils without retracting, he can be easily countered by an
attack, and sometimes from a far screen's distance, a person such as
myself tends to press the punch button to early because you want to zap
away as much life vitality and X-Power as you can, but that makes Omega
Red retract his coils and it never really connects against an opponent.
But Overall Omega Red is a good solid character to use with good offense
and good throw range.



A.K.A. Betsy Braddock, sister of Jamie Braddock was once an assassin
and a part time thief. However, more over than that, her real nationality
is of the British nature even though her outside facial features gives
her the look of being oriental. Kwannon, the ninja assassin hired by the
Mandarin had been found ashored by Spiral, it was then that it was Mojo's
idea of switching the minds of both women, Kawwon's mind would be in
Betsy's body and Betsy's mind would be in Kwannon's body. This switch
would change both their lives forever, more mainly Psylocke's or Betsy's
life. Through the years she has joined the X-Men and even had a near
fatal encounter with Sabertooth, that is if Wolverine hadn't been there
to stop him. However, her goal now like much of the X-Men is to stop
Magneto's "fiendish" plans, but like everyone else, she must climb a long
way to do that.

---------------------------[Psi-Blast: D,DF,F+P]-----------------------------

This is her basic projectile, it travels pretty fast for a non beam
projectile and it does a lot of damage. The Jab version makes her shoot
the psychic attack downwards diagonally, the strong makes her shoot it
at head height and the fierce version makes her shoot it upwards
diagonally. You can use this to play keep away or use it in comboes,
however it can also be used as an anti-air attack if it is timed
correctly. Just make sure you avoid making this a pattern for your human
opponent to pick up.

---------------------------[Psi-Blade: D,DF,F+K]-----------------------------

This move is Psylocke's anti-air attack. It does good damage and it can
be put in combos as well. The short version will have a small aura of
energy surround her, good for horizontal defense, especially against
dashing characters. The forward version will have her attack diagonally
upwards, and the roundhouse version will have her attack straight upwards
and in which I think is the best version, mainly because its a good and
solid anti-air attack. Even though she has a good anti-air attack, there
are still attacks that she has trouble defending against, mainly Omega
Red's jumping fierce. You should watch how you use this though, because
if you miss you can be counter attacked.

-----------------[Special Move: Ninjitsu Split: D,DB,B+P/K]------------------

This move is more of a technique, this allows Psylocke to split up into
4 duplicating images of herself mimicking her motions and attacks. The
images can damage, but you cannot damage Psylocke by attacking the
images. This is a real advantage and I hardly see any disadvantages at
all. However, keep in mind that when you do a special move, the images
will mimic the movements but the attack will not come out, so even
though you do a Psi-Blast, only one comes out instead of five. This
technique only lasts about 10 seconds though, so use it to the best of
your advantage. NOTE: Your REAL self must be close to the opponent to
throw them.

------------------[Hyper X: Psi-Thrust: D,DF,F+3P then P]-------------------

This Hyper X is pretty useful, even though I have yet to find a way to
combo it besides OTG. What this super does is make Psylocke a giant
moving projectile, it has basically no recovery time and little start
up delay and does decent block damage. You can do a second Psi-Thrust
by press punch and another direction again. Also note that she can use
this move in the air and it has good priority and moves across the screen
very quickly.

----------------------------[Comboes: Psylocke]------------------------------

1. J.Fierce \/ C.Short, C.Roundhouse --> Jab Psi-Blast

2. In corner: D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce,
S.Roundhouse --> Fierce Psi-Blast
Note that you may have to skip a hit or two against smaller

3. In corner: Forward throw, S.Strong x6
I've gotten this move to work on the PC version, however on the PSX
and Saturn versions, I've had very little luck. Basically you just
throw them into the corner and keep pressing strong.

----------------------------[Legend: Psylocke]-------------------------------

Ground Magic Series: ZigZag

Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag

Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag

Launchers: C.Strong, C.Forward,
S.Roundhouse, C.Fierce

Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse

---------------------------[Strategies: Psylocke]----------------------------


This battle will be pretty tough since Akuma is the only character in the
game with bettere combo possibilities than you do. Akuma will go
offensive for the battle, since your defense is pretty sub-par, your best
bet to winning is to get close to him and throw him when you get the
chance. Don't try to jump in everytime with an attack, try to variate
between attacks and jumping in while blocking against a human opponent,
this usually causes them to miss with a Gou Shouryuken. Your Psi-Thrust
can nullify his projectiles, but not his Messatsu Gou Hado.


This battle isn't too tough, Collosus' defense is pretty solid though,
but that doesn't mean you don't have a reason to remain offensive in this
battle. Your Psi-Thrust can knock Collosus out of the sky when he
performs his Super Dive attack. However, keep in mind that you do not
want to trade hits with Collosus, he is basically twice as strong as you
are and his Shoulder Charge can come out without notice, so keep in mind
of that.


This battle is pretty even. Your main concern is overdoing your
projectiles and having to eat one of his beam supers. Watch for him to
throw a lot of Optic Blasts at you. Don't try to play keep away in this
match because you'll most likely lose against his faster and multi hit
projectiles. Throwing him into the corner and juggle him is best through
and you should always throw him with every chance you get. And you should
take advantage of your Ninjitsu Split as you can strike from a distance
without having to use your projectiles to try and match with his.


This battle will bb fairly tough, not too much to handle. You can match
projectiles with him, but don't try it too often. Use your double jump
to your advantage in this battle as he will use a lot of Ice Avalanches
in this match. Throwing him won't do you much good unless you can quickly
juggle him in the corner because he tends to roll a lot often after you
have thrown him. Double jump when you anticate the Arctic Attack, and
get around him and attack, the human opponent usually falls for this
often, that is if you don't make it a habit.

---------------------------------[Omega Red]---------------------------------

This match shouldn't be too difficult. Try to roll often when Omega Red
throws you, that is if he has a max level of supers. However, watch for
a lot of coils being thrown at you, once again double jump and try to
psych him out from time to time. However, I find that a lot of Psylocke
players confuse themselves when to block as they get crossed up and get
hit by the Omega Destroyer. Go offensive in this battle, his defense is
basically sub-par.


This battle is pretty even since you are fighting yourself. Also when
the both of you initiate the Ninjitsu split, the screen will slow down
like heck. You should always take the offensive approach and stay out of
the corner. Also you should throw often as well, don't try to OTG with
your super because Psylocke tends to roll often, and even though you
probably won't suffer a counter attack because you can turn around with
your Psi-Thrust, if your super does not connect you will have wasted it.


This battle will be pretty easy. You should keep the Sentinel pinned in
the corner and just keep throwing him. Just watch for for the mini
Sentinels. You can jump over them and attack the Sentinel before he
recovers if you can anticiapte when he will send out the little sentinels
at you. You really won't need to worry about his Plasma Beam, mainly
because the Sentinel needs to charge for it, if he immediately fires it
at you, it won't do that much damage. And it takes him a while to charge
which gives you the chance to attack him and make him waste his super.

-------------------------------[Silver Samurai]------------------------------

This battle isn't neccessarily a hard battle. Make sure that you avoid
blocking to much from his Shurikens, since they do a lot of block damage.
Go into an offensive game in this battle and don't let up. Don't try to
throw him to often because he has more throw range than you do. Just
watch for his Lightning super, he can OTG you with it. He can't do much
about your jumping attacks because of his weak defense, so basically
jump in with the fierce and combo him as you land.


This battle isn't too hard. You should keep to an offensive game
throughout this battle. When she starts her Metamorphesis, you can
use your Ninjitsu Split to keep her away, just keep pecking at her with
your jabs. You can use your double jump to avoid the sword dance, but
other than that there isn't much strategy involved in this battle as
basically its an offensive game for Psylocke.


This battle isn't too tough. Like all other matches you should go all
out offensive in this match. Just watch for Storm to throw out a lot of
Typhoons, her Lightning Storm can pose problems though, that is if she
catches you out of your Psi-Thrust. Your images always helps in this
match, and you should knock Storm out of the sky with your fierce
Psi-Thrust when she prepares for the Hail Storm, otherwise you can eat
a lot of block damage.


This match shouldn't be hard, just avoid jumping in attacing too often
as Wolverine's defense is possibly the best in the game(or at least
tied with Akuma). However, Wolverine's priority jumping in isn't really
that effective, you can use your Psi-Blade or crouching fierce to counter
his jumping attacks. Note that your Psi-Thrust has more priority than his
Berserker Barrage.


This battle will be tough, you should stay in the air and keep blasting
your Psi-Blasts. Your images will help a lot in this battle as you can
perform a combo from a distance. Never stay on the ground for an extended
period of time(probably about 5 seconds) because Juggernaut's Earthquake
does an absurd amount of damage and you can't block it on the ground
either. Also use your Psi-Thrust from the air when Juggernaut is caught
in his animation. If you use from the ground, Juggernaut can hit you out
of it before you actually start to stun him.


This battle will be another tough battle, don't do anything but run while
his force field is on, your images won't even help you out at all when
he does this. Watch for him to use his Hyper Gravs at you, you cna
nullify and damage him greatly if you initiate the Psi-Thrust just prior
to him using the Hyper Gravs. Your double jump really helps out in this
battle as well because you cna use that you escape block damage from the
Magnetic Tempest.

-----------------------------[Overall: Psylocke]-----------------------------

Psylocke is one of the best characters in the game(2nd only to Akuma of
course). She has a good and very solid defense which can ward off
defenders and allow her to go offensively. Her X-Power ability is really
a great asset to her overall ability and not to mention the fact that
she has very high combo potiential and very fast speed with good throwing
range. There isn't much negatives about her other than the fact that with
a well timed attack, her defense can collapse and the fact that when she
jumps in with an attack, she can be easily knocked out of the air which
sometimes and usually forces her to dash in with attacks, and some
characters can counter this(ala Cyclops' Running Neckbreaker Drop). But
basically overall, she can deal out a lot of damage very quickly thanks
to her speed and her super combo as well as her combo ability.



The government formed robots are out to destroy all mutants, especially
the X-Men. These mutant hating robots sky as tall as 20 feet and weigh
nearly 30 tons(even though it is all mainly plastic, which prevents
Magneto from amnipulating them). They have no sense of thought or sense
of feeling or emotion, they are sent out to hunt and track mutants down
until every last one of them is made history. The Sentinel can maintain
flight and call for its little buddy sentinels to help out when needed,
but they are often slow with a lot of delay time in response. However,
Magneto poses a great threat to the humans as he wants a mutant
solidified state where all mutants rule and the Sentinel isn't about to
let that happen.

--------------------------[Rocket Punch: D,DF,F+P]---------------------------

This move is pretty interesting, but far too risky to be using it even
occasionally. The jab version has the Sentinel extending his arm
downwards diagonally, the strong version has the Sentinel extending his
arm straight across at head height(Cyclops' head height, not the
Sentinel's) and the fierce has the Sentinel extending his arm diagonally
upwards. Its a quick attack to use and it does good damage, but the
problem with this move is that its slow and it has a lot of recovery
time which leaves the Sentinel open to an attack or combo, you can use
this as a defensive precaution, but other than that, I really don't see
much use to it.

--------------------------[Sentinel Force: D,DF,F]---------------------------

This move is a bit odd, it has three mini Sentinels flying towards the
Sentinel's opponents. The short version has the mini-Sentinels fly out
and you can use the directional pad to steer them up or down, the forward
version has the sentinels flying all the way to the end of the wall and
if you press Forward during the duration of this move, one of the
Sentinels will come closer towards the opponent, the roundhouse version
has mini bombs that drop out, but you must hold roundhouse as you start
the move and release the roundhouse button whenever you want the bombs
to drop. This move is pretty nifty and neat might I add, it will leave
the Sentinel open to an attack for a long time, but the mini Sentinels
can still attack you if you are near them.

---------------------------[Mutant Grab: D+P(OTG)]---------------------------

Okay, its a corny name I know, but what else would I call it? Basically
when your opponent is down, you can walk over to them and pick them up
and the Sentinel will hold the opponent(much like Zangief's dash in
later games) and pressing the medium or strong punches will result in
the Sentinel throwing the opponent. Its very useful and it can give you
a lot of upset victories.

----------------------[Special Move: Flight: D,DB,B+3P]----------------------

This move is basically the same as Magneto's and Storm's flight
abilities. However, there is a limit to how long the Sentinel can stay
in the air, but he can be knocked out of the air with a simple attack.
You can stay in the air and use the Jab Rocket Punch all day to annoy
the heck out of your opponent, otherwise avoid using this move because
it stinks and it does nothing for the Sentinel.

--------------[Hyper X: Plasma Storm: D,DF,F+3P then P rapidly]--------------

This Hyper X is a really pathetic super, it does good damage and all, but
you must charge for it to do so. If you press the punch button real fast
you can build it up for more damage but usually I can't tap fast enough
without a rapid fire controller and I usually get knocked out of it
before I even finish charging. You can also throw out a few waves in
succession if you increase the time intervals between your taps, but
don't delay too much, otherwise you will jsut throw out a really weak

-----------------------------[Combos: Sentinel]------------------------------

1. Sentinel Force, Rocket Punch, Mutant Grab(OTG)
This is the only combo I use basically, the Rocket Punch should
ground the opponent to allow you to pick them up. Otherwise I wouldn't
know too much combos for this programmed mutant racist.

-----------------------------[Legend: Sentinel]------------------------------

Ground MAgic Series: Weak Start

Jumping Magic Series: Kick to Punch

Super Jumping Magic Series: Kick to Punch

Launchers: S.Forward, S.Fierce

Knockdowns: None.

----------------------------[Strategies: Sentinel]---------------------------


This battle will be tough, and you will have to get use to it against the
other opponents since the Sentinel is quite possibly the crappiest
character in the game. Use a lot of Sentinel Forces, and don't be afraid
to trade hits with Akuma's Gou Hadouken with your Rocket Punch, your hit
does more damage and it will go through his projectile and still damage
him. Keep calling out your Sentinel force because you've basically got
no good or even decent jump in attacks to start any real comboes.


This battle will be tough, watch for a lot of Shoulder Charges. Just like
the battle with Akuma, use a lot of Sentinel forces but don't try trading
hits with the Shoulder Charge, its probably just as strong as your Rocket
Punch. Note that you can use your Sentinel Force to knock Collosus out of
his Super Dive as well as nullify his super armor, but you must start the
move early, otherwise you probably won't get the attack to connect.


Oh boy. This battle ranks up there with Juggernaut and Magneto as one of
the toughest battles in the game for the Sentinel. If you use your
Sentinel Force too often, you will end up eating a lot of Optic Blasts
from Cyclops. What you should do is jump over above and use a Jab air
Rocket Punch, but avoid using it too often because Cyclops can counter
with his ground Fierce Optic Blast, not to mention his other supers.


This battle will also be tough. Avoid using the Sentinel Force too often
as Iceman can catch you with either the Ice Avalanche or his Icebeam.
Use an air Jab Rocket Punch, however like Cyclops you must watch for the
ground Fierce Icebeam that he can counter you with. Don't be afraid to
get close to Iceman and throw him, his throw range and priority sucks
and you should always try to throw him and pick him up while he is on the
ground as well.

--------------------------------[Omega Red]----------------------------------

This battle will be tough, the downside to this battle is like the
battle against Cyclops and Iceman. However this time Omega Red can drain
you of your energy and use it to refill his energy as well as his own
super meter. But like the battle agaisnt Cyclops and Iceman, you can
use the air Jab Rocket Punch and don't be afraid to throw him, both your
throw ranges and throw priorities are pretty much even and it all depends
on who started the throw motion first. Watch for OTG attacks though.


This will be another tough battle, however in this battle you can deal
out more damage as her defense is one of the weakest in the game. You
should use your Rocket Punch from a distance often and call out a lot of
Sentinel Forces, even if she hits you with her Psi-thrust super, the
little Sentinels will knock her out of it. Try to avoid jumping in too
often and throw when you get the chance, and note that you should run
away(not block), and keep running away when she initiates her Ninjitsu
Split. If you just block, she will keep pecking at you and try to get
closer to you and then start to throw you.


This battle is fairly tough, its pretty much even all the way through
since you are fighting yourself. You should try to jump in a lot, maybe
use your jumping fierce and just complete the weak start magic series
as your on the ground and cancel into a Rocket Punch, that's the basic
combo for the Sentinel. Throw if you want, but that's basically just an
option. He will use a lot of Sentinel forces though, counter that
quickly with a Rocket Punch and block.

------------------------------[Silver Samurai]-------------------------------

This battle is pretty tough. Don't block his Shurikens too often, one of
them deals out a lot of block damage it isn't even funny. You should call
out a lot of Sentinel Forces and you can trade hits with his Shuriken in
exchange for your Rocket Punch, his Shurikens do very little damage
despite doing a lot of block damage. Avoid staying on the ground when the
Silver Samurai initiates his moves, otherwise he can start to corner you
and pound the crap out of you.


This battle will be tough, her Sword Dance can easily outmatch your
Sentinel Force and Rocket Punch. Its best to stay in the air when she
starts this and try to fool her into throwing the swords. Also your
main worry is her Metamorphesis, your best bet is to have enough levels
of super foryour Hyper X, then use it, you can use this to your advantage
to keep her away, you cna make the human opponent paranoid, you can let
out one wave and charge for another, and as she tries to grab you,
release the super and watch her get knocked by it! You really have to
mess with your opponent's head in this battle.


This battle will be pretty tough, and the thing about the Sentinel is
that when she starts her Hail Storm, seldom does the Sentinel ever reach
Storm in time because of the fact that the Sentinel is just so friggin
slow. Use your Sentinel Forces a lot, her Typhoon may be able to knock
out one minature Sentinel but it can't knock out all three of them.
Make sure you use your super wisely, otherwise you can catch you with
her MUCH QUICKER super.


This battle will also be pretty tough. Rocket Punch him all day and use
your Sentinel Force to keep him away from you. Avoid jumping in, but you
should use your air Jab Rocket Punch from a distance to keep Wolverine
grounded. Don't try to throw him when you get near him because his
throw range is much greater than your throw range. Watch for a lot of
Drill Claws because Wolverine can go trigger happy with it and you should
use every chance he misses with an attack to counter.


This battle will be tough, good luck trying to pull off the Plasma Storm
because Juggernaut will most likely hit you with his Juggernaut
Earthquake before you can even charge long enough to deal even fair
damage with it. You should stay in the air as much as possible and hit
him from above with your jab Rocket Punch, and keep repeating this as
Juggernaut uses his Juggernaut Earthquake.


This battle will be another tough battle, however you should aways use
your Sentinel Force and you can throw Magneto as he is inside his Force
Field, but other than that stay away from him as much as possible when
he initiates the Force Field. Also you should stay in the air often,
the Sentinel isn't fast enough to avoid Magneto's Hyper Gravs, which
are nearly impossible for the Sentinel's slow ass to move out of. Use a
lot of air jab Rocket Punches and keep repeating that pattern, you
can knock Magneto out of his Hyper Gravs if you hit him prior to the
Hyper Gravs coming out.

-----------------------------[Overall: Sentinel]-----------------------------

The Sentinel has some good assets, he can take damage pretty well and
can deal out a lot of damage with his regular attacks. However, opponents
can easily dismantle this robot apart. The Sentinel is just so friggin
slow its not even funny(hahahaha) and his defense is really crappy.
Opponents can always find a hole in his poor ass defense and just come
in for a combo, especially those smaller and more speedier characters.
Then you have his offense to deal with, his attacks are always coming in
at an odd and awkward angle that just makes it so hard to attack the
opponent with a good attack and then later allows the Sentinel to follow
up with an attack. Then you have his very poor magic series, which
basically does jack for him since he can't even connect his weak start
in a solid and effective combo. Basically overall, if you want a good
character to use, pick somebody else because apparently somebody forgot
to program these robots right.


Silver Samurai

The Silver Samurai is a known and long time enemy fo the X-Men. The
suit he wears which is one of the channels of his mutant powers gives
him protection against attacks and projectiles. As the member of the
Yashida clan, his skills are top notch and his sword gives him
immeasurable powers. However, his goal now is to defeat Magneto and
hopefully start a mutant clan of his own, and much people won't follow
him unless he can get the job done.

----------------------------[Shuriken: D,DF,F+P]-----------------------------

This Shuriken can be used in comboes, but its rather slow and does only
decent damage. However, this Shruiken does A LOT of block damage and even
just 5 or six of these can equal the block damage fo the Arctic Attack!
There is little start up delay to using this move as well as little
recovery delay. It doesn't matter what punch button your press because
they all travel the same direction at basically the same speeds.

----------------------[Fury Sword: F,D,DF+P/P rapidly]-----------------------

This attack is very useful, treat it like you would Chun-Li's Hyaku
Retsu Kyaku. It does a lot of damage and a lot of block damage and I
think it can be used in comboes as well. It can also be used as a
horizontal defense to guard against dashing attacks. There is little
recovery time and little start up delay on this move, making it a safe
move to use up close.

-----------------[Special Move: Samurai Teleport: D,DF,F+K]------------------

This move allows the Silver Samurai to quickly disappear and re-appear at
the same spot he had disappeared from. This is a semi useful move, but
he takes a small while to recover from it, which can sometimes be
hazardous because in beam supers like Cyclops' Mega Optic Blast, Silver
Samurai can get it with the super as he is recovering from the super.

------------------[Special Move: Elemental Sword: D,DB,B+P]------------------

Once you perform this move, ice, fire, and lightning will appear on his
sword. The Jab is for lightning, the strong is for ice, and the fierce
is for fire. With the Ice you can freeze your opponent when you throw
your ice attack at them, but you must charge for it, you charge by
holding the button as you start the move, then release. It should take
probably a split second, which is more than enough time for your
opponent to attack you. Also note that your super meter does not gain
while you are attacking as your sword becomes comprised of elemental

-----------------[Special Move: Multiple Samurai: D,DB,B+3K]-----------------

This move is much like Wolverine's Power Gem in Marvel Super Heroes,
however the Silver Samurai can deal out as many as 4-6 hits with a
single attack! This cna lead to some giant comboes as mirror trailing
shadow images mimic the moves of the original Silver Samurai. I basically
see absolutely no disadvantages to using this move at all and you should
use it often, especially against Juggernaut and just one hit will stun

----------------[Hyper X: Singing Blade of Thunder: D,DF,F+3P]---------------

This super is much or probably EXACTLY like Storm's lightning storm.
The closer the opponent is to you, the more damage it will do, however
as the opponent is far away, it will do pitiful damage unlike the
Lightning Storm. This does good block damage up close and it will OTG a
down opponent if you are quick enough. However, the recovery time is
pretty bad, so make sure your opponent is far away when you miss. Also
this super cna be used as an anti-air attack if you can time it right
as it basically fills up the entire screen as the only way to get out
of its line of fire is to super jump.

------------------[Hyper X2: Samurai Shuriken: D,DB,B+3P]--------------------

This is basically a giant version of his regular Shuriken, nothing
special and it really isn't worth the amount of super since it takes
about 2-3 regular Shurikens to equal the damage of this super. It does
a lot of block damage, but barely more than his regular Shruiken, nothing
much here to use.

--------------------------[Combos: Silver Samurai]---------------------------

1. S.Fierce --> Shruiken

2. C.Roundhouse --> Singing Blade of Thunder(OTG)

3. J.Fierce \/ S.Jab, S.Fierce --> Samurai Shuriken

--------------------------[Legend: Silver Samurai]---------------------------

Ground Magic Series: Weak Start

Jumping Magic Series: Weak Start

Super Jumping Magic Series: Weak Start

Launchers: S.Roundhouse, C.Fierce,
C.Forward, S.Strong(2nd

Knockdown: C.Roundhouse

-------------------------[Strategies: Silver Samurai]------------------------


This battle will be tough, watch for Akuma to throw out a lot of Gou
Hadoukens, which you can nullify with your Shuriken, but that really
won't get you anywhere. Try jumping in a lot and combo him when you
can anticipate him throwing out his Gou Hadouken. You shouldn't try to
OTG him too often because he usually rolls out of it, even though your
Singing Blade of Thunder will protect your from all sides, if you don't
connect you've wasted a level of super. Basically just play offensively
in this game because your defense really won't help you much against his


This battle will be pretty easy, you should throw out a lot of Shurikens
to peck away at his life and always be on the offensive and keep him
pinned in the corner by pecking at him with your jabs. Try to throw him
often as well because he will block in the corner often and you should
throw him when he is blocking. OTG often with your Singing Blade of
Thunder often and basiclaly just keep pounding him offensively, your
defense really won't help much in this battle anyways.


Think offensively in this battle, but avoid jumping in with an attack
everytime as you might eat a Gene Splice, but instead jump in and throw
an airborne Shuriken as he attempts to use his Gene Splice. Cyclops often
rolls out after being grounded so its not a good idea to waste your
super meter trying to OTG him. Don't let him try to get the offensive in
on you because his offense will overwhelm your defense. And avoid playing
keep away, his Optic Blast alone is enough to knock out your giant


This battle is pretty even, the odd thign about this battle is that your
ice attack actually damage Iceman. I think somebody forgot the friggin
profile while writing Silver Samurai's data. Basically just go offensive
in this match, your Singing Blade of Thunder can completely nullify all
of his iceballs in his Arctic Attack. OTG him when you get the chance,
as he barely rolls and throw him when you get near him, your throw
range and throw priority is much greater than his.

--------------------------------[Omega Red]----------------------------------

This battle should favor you. Watch for a lot of Carbonadium Coils to be
thrown at you. You can match coil with Shuriken all day, but that won't
get you anywhere. Go offensive on Omega Red as his defense is pretty much
under par, but so is yours, so its important to keep offensive in this
match and avoid letting Omega Red take the offensive on you. You should
try to OTG Omega Red once in a while with your Hyper X, but he will roll
out of the way from time to time. You shouldn't try to get close to him
because Omega Red's throw range is greater than yours.


This battle will be tough, you should throw when you get the chance and
use your Multiple Samurai ability, it should help you a great deal in
this match as you can inflict multiple hits and massive damage just by
performing a simple weak start magic series, this is significant because
she doesn't take damage well at all. You can throw her when you get near
her, but her range is just as good as yours, so be warned about that.
She will roll out of the way basically everytime you try to OTG her, so
keep that in mind.


This battle is pretty easy. You should always play offensively in this
battle and OTG him with your Hyper X often. The Sentinel is too slow to
do much about it and keep a constant offensive surge going at him, this
prevents him from attacking you with his Rocket Punch and Sentinel Force.
This should be a pretty easy battle all the way around, however, never
try to throw your Shurikens from a distance because his Rocket Punch will
get you before you get him, and not to mention the fact that the Rocket
Punch does a lot more damage than your Shuriken and you shouldn't waste
your time playing keep away against him when you can be going

-----------------------------[Silver Samurai]--------------------------------

Well this battle should favor whoever gets the first attack off first.
You already know that your defense is pitifully weak, and you should go
offensive in this battle. Throw him whenever you get the chance and OTG
him afterwards, don't try to make this a longer fight than it has to be
by throwing out your Shurikens in hopes that he will get tired instead
of playing an offensive game. Your comboes are basically the only thing
you need to win this battle, you shouldn't have to rely on keep away
tactics and using your super.


This battle will be pretty even, watch for her Dancing Swords, you can
fool her into throwing it by standing near her and intentionally missing
on your fierce or roundhouse attack and quickly cancel into the teleport
to get out of the way. Your Singing Blade of Thunder can be used to keep
away Spiral when she initiates her Metamorphesis, but don't use it
immediately when she starts the super because even after your super is
over, she will still have an ample amount of time to capture you in her
super. Instead wait or even use your Multiple Samurai ability and then
try to combo her before she attacks you and then cancel into the Singing
Blade of Thunder.


This battle should be pretty even, and good luck trying to match Shuriken
with Typhoons because it isn't going to happen. You should try to keep
an offensive game intact, while Storm's offense isn't really something to
worry about, keep in mind once again that your defense sucks. You really
won't do much blocking all day and hoping to counter attack because
mostly all her moves have little recovery delay. You should throw often
when you get near her and whoever starts their super second will over-
prioritize the other opponent's super.


This match should favor you. The only thing Wolverine really does is just
go berserk with his Tornado Claw. You should throw him into an OTG combo
as you are near him when he lands. Note that Wolverine likes to use the
Drill Claw to get out of certain situations, you can fake like you are
going to counter attack and then use your Singing Blade of Thunder to
knock him out of the air as he attempts to escape. His Berserker Barrage
will eat your regular Shuriken though, but you can use your Fury Sword
to knock him out of his Berserker Barrage in the later frames of


This battle is another tough battle to endure. Use your Multiple Samurai
ability and attack Juggernaut in his the middle of his attacks, you
should be able to sun Juggernaut when he gets caught for as long as your
super cna hold out. Just keep pressing Jab when you get him stunned and
you can get over 20 hits! You should throw Juggernaut once you get
behind him or use your Singing Blade of Thunder, but always remain in
the air to avoid his Juggernaut Earthquake, which can end your match in
a hurry. Note that Juggernaut never rolls in this match, take the
opportunity to OTG with your Singing Blade of Thunder.


This battle will be tough, you can't really do much when Magneto
initiates his Force Field other than throwing him. You should run away
and avoid his attacks when this happens. Use your Singing Blade of
Thunder when you anticipate him to use his Hyper Gravs, which will
nullify his Hyper Gravs and do good damage against Magneto. Don't try to
OTG him often because he will usually roll out of thr way. Keep the
offensive pressure going in this battle and never let up on your attacks.

-------------------------[Overall: Silver Samurai]---------------------------

The Silver Samurai has a good and solid offensive game with adequate
keep away skills. He can quickly deter away a lot of block damage from
an opponent, even when the opponent is blocking. He has good throw range
that can be used to counter missed attacks and a very effective super
that plays a good part in his defense. The downside with the Silver
Samurai is that he can't really defend well against attacks without
having to result to his super and his speed is pretty slow for someone
who is just a little bigger and a little shorter than Cyclops. Overall
if you want to use a good solid character, than the Silver Samurai is
your man.



Spiral, the follower and lead executive producer of Mojo and his
entertainment studios which pits foreign mutants against his own little
television creations. She was the one who found both Kwannon and Betsy
Braddock and helped the two of them switch the minds of each other. Her
powers range from her six arms, each arm possessing great strength,
and she has the ability to teleport and create an electrical force around
her which can stun opponents(even though she does not have this move in
the game).

---------------------[Dancing Swords: F,DF,D,DB,B+SP+FK]---------------------

This move is her prime move and you should try to master this first more
than anything else in her artilery. Once you initiate this move, six
swords will fly around her, you can press the punch button to throw the
swords, the stronger the button you press, the more swords she will
throw. This is a very powerful attack, and quite possibly the strongest
single attack in the game besides the Juggernaut Earthquake. There is
little start up and recovery delay from this move, but as she is throwing
the swords, she will be left vulnerable to attack, you can also throw
the swords in the air as well.

--------------[Sword Launch: Initiate Dancing Swords: D,DF,F+P]--------------

This basically will have Spiral hurl her swords at you, it doesn't
matter how many swords she has when she does this though. The Jab version
will have her throwing the swords diagonally downwards, the strong
version will have her throwing the swords at head height, the fierce
version will have her throwing the swords straight upwards. You can
combo this up close, but make sure you don't miss with it because the
recovery time is pretty bad. Also note that she can throw the swords in
the same directions as on the ground in the air.

-------[Special Move: Spiral Destruct: Initiate Sword Dance D,DF,F+K]--------

This move will require one level of super, after you have initiated the
Sword Dance, you are given the option to use them in several odd attacks,
assuming of course you have at least two levels of super in your guage.
The short version will have her explode the swords and send a surge of
energy surrounding her. The forward version will have her create a
whirlwind sword, and the roundhouse version will have her create a homing
missile type of sword that follows your opponent(much like Shadow Lady's
Heat Seeking Missiles in Marvel vs. Capcom). Each one of them has a
certain use for certain situations, practice them and master them and
you'll easily pick these attacks out in a certain situation without

-------------------[Special Move: Mirror Dance: D,DB,B+JP]-------------------

This move is one of the most confusing, but best moves in the game, if
not the best. What this move will do is have Spiral switch positions of
her opponent! That's right, your opponent can be gearing up for a super
but as you perform the move you will switch places on the screen! Also
when the opponent crosses you up, just do the Mirror Dance and cross your
opponent up! Its a really neat move that's easy to master and can really
turn the tides in your favor. There is basically no recovery time and
recovery delay on this move, so feel free to use it often and fool your
human opponent! Watch out though, the computer opponent(as you can
expect) does not get fooled by this as easily as a human opponent.

-------------[Special Move: Spiral Teleport: D,DB,B+FK then P/K]-------------

This her basic teleport, much like M.Bison's teleport in later games.
Press the punch or kick button immediately after performing this motion.
Think of the punches and kicks as a guide to where she will land, you
can use the 6 button configurations to know where she will land. For
example, when you press Jab, she will land at the top left and if you
press roundhouse she will teleport to the bottom right. There is very
small recovery time from this move though.

------------------[Special Move: Frame Reducer: D,DB,B+SP]-------------------

I call this the frame reducer because that's exactly what it does to the
game. Once she starts this, a lot of her frame animation is dropped and
the game slows down a bit, that's why I call it the Frame Reducer (^_^).
I haven't gave it one of my Dingo Jellybean names because I can't think
of one(dammit Capcom, why don't you just list all the moves instead of
being so ignorant like you did in those old Street Fighter manuals). This
move will basically speed her up, making her twice as fast, but other
than that, you might as well avoid using it because it has very little

-------------------[Special Move: Mirror Split: D,DB,B+RK]-------------------

This move will make Spiral disappear and become invisible. However, the
really crappy thing about this is that you can see her shadow, umm...
Capcom, do you realize that if you can see through something, it does not
block light? That what glass does. There is no point in using this,
actually your opponent will have the advantage over you because you will
have a hard time seeing what the heck you are actually doing.

-------------------[Special Move: Power Split: D,DB,B+SK]--------------------

This move will allow Spiral to increase her attack power for a few
seconds. By this you can pull off a simple combo and do massive damage!
I should use this often, especially against the power characters like
Juggernaut, Collosus, or the Sentinel. However, I'm not really sure if
you can combine the two moves together though(the Speed Split and Power

--------------------------[Floating Grab: D,U+P]-----------------------------

This move will have Spiral float up and attempt to grab her opponent
that is above her. Once she grabs the opponent, she will throw the
opponent and give you a quick chance to juggle the opponent. However, if
she misses, she will be left vulnerable to an attack.

------------------[Hyper X: Metamorphesis: D,DF,F+3P then P]-----------------

This super is one of the most effective supers in the game, it works
EXACTLY like Shuma Gorath's Chaos Dimension(that is those of you familiar
with Shuma Gorath). If the opponent near her is not blocking when she
initiates the move, it will knock them and stun them long enough for you
to catch your opponent. Once she catches her opponent, she will pummel
the opponent by mimicking all the characters in the game, and she will
repeat other characters for a total of 19 hits. Since this is the only
auto super in the game, it does full damage each time you connect with
it. The only problem with this super is that she must get near her
opponent to catch them in it, this can be a real pain against Iceman or
Cyclops who can easily keep you away all day. Use it when the opponent
is down and as they get up, snatch 'em!

------------------------------[Comboes: Spiral]------------------------------

1. Initiate Sword Dance, Punchx3
This basically will connect in a combo if you press the buttons
consecutively for a total of 6 hits, not bad either.

2. Initiate Metamorphesis, Floating Grab, Catch opponent in Metamorphesis
This is one of the cheapest combos to date, just juggle the opponent
with this and you'll already drain about 1/3 of your opponent's life.

------------------------------[Legend: Spiral]-------------------------------

Ground Magic Series: Kick to Punch

Jumping Magic Series: Kick to Punch

Super Jumping Magic Series: Reverse ZigZag

Launchers: S.Forward, S.Roundhouse,
C.Roundhouse, C.Fierce

Knockdowns: None

----------------------------[Strategies: Spiral]-----------------------------


This battle will be pretty tough, what you can really do is just keep
switching places with Akuma everytime he throws a projectile. However,
since you don't have unlimited X-power, you will have to play a little
defense at times. Always keep a few swords around you, this is essential
to winning the match. You can use your swords as a defense mechanism,
like when Akuma throws out his Messatsu Gou Hado, your homing blades will
catch him and you will be able to block in time, assuming of course you
did start the motion for the homing blades(D,DB,B+RK) early enough.


This battle should be easy, but it doesn't hurt to boost your attack
power either. When he initiates his Super Armor, you can use your Speed
Split and keep pressing jab when you are near him, you will be quick
enough to continuously attack him without being attacked and you will
be able to stun him. Also note that your homing blades will knock
Collosus out of the sky when he tries to attack you with his Super Dive.


If your smart enough(which I'm betting no), you can easily win this
match using your mutant powers! Okay everybody has to use their mutant
powers in this game, but what I mean is that you can swap places with
Cyclops often, even in the air! This is a great way to confuse the human
Cyclops due to the fact that he constantly will try to come in and combo
you, but you can turn the tides and get into the jumping in combo
position! Neat! Also note that against the CPU Cyclops, you can switch
around with him because he will go Optic Blast crazy. Also you can stop
Cyclops' supers with your Mirror Swap.


This battle against Iceman will be pretty tough. But like the last battle
can be made untough with your nifty tricks you can use over and over
again against the CPU! You should play offensive as well because Iceman's
defense is really pathetic, just make sure you watch for his Arctic
Attack though. And you should always keep a few swords handy, your swords
(if you throw out enough of them) will nullify his Icebeam and still
charge at him.

--------------------------------[Omega Red]----------------------------------

This battle will be pretty tough. Don't try to switch places when Omega
Red does his Omega Destroyer on the ground, you can get crossed up and
you will eat the Omega Destroyer. You just really need to watch for the
jumping fierce and the Carbonadium Coils, human Omega Red players will
drain you of your X-Power rather than your life guage. So you should use
it up rather than risking that chance by speeding yourself up and
confusing him by switching places.


This battle will pretty pretty difficult to win, even with all your
snazzy techniques. She can easily double out of the way of your swords
and attacks. You should still use all your special techniques like Mirror
Swaps and Power Splits, just make sure not to swap with Psylocke when she
initiates her Ninjitsu Split. If you do, you will still be stuck with a
dilema as Psylocke will still be able to corner you because of all those
extra images. You should keep a lot of swords handy(about 4-5) at all
times and always go in for the offensive with your swords intact.


This battle is just way to easy. Use your super and just catch his slow
robotic bottom. Your Sword Dance can easily knock out those minature
Sentinels. You should throw the Sentinel a lot to and just save your
X-Power for your Metamorphesis super. This is basically a very easy
fight to win, just make sure you don't let the Sentinel go on a rampage
with those minature Sentinels because once he starts them, its really
hard to recover.

-----------------------------[Silver Samurai]--------------------------------

This battle will be a bit tough, since the Silver Samurai has some neat
tricks of his own. You should switch places with him a lot, the CPU
Silver Samurai will throw out a lot of Shurikens. Just make sure that
you avoid letting him get the offensive, your Floating Grab isn't
exactly the best anti-air attack, and its actually one of the worser
anti-air attacks in the game. Both your throw ranges are pretty much
even, and like all battles, you should have a few swords swing around
you just in case.


This battle is pretty much even. However, the CPU has the same bug in
her AI to use her Mirror Swap everytime she has enough levels for it.
So expect this a lot in the battles because it will happen quite often,
you should use your Metamorphesis over anything else in this battle,
along with keeping a few swords singing around you. The CPU will usually
be caught in the super like 80% of the time, however, when your opponent
initiates the super, just keep swapping positions, this is a great keep
away tactic, or you can use your swords and throw them at her to keep
her away. This works great on human opponents especially.


This battle shouldn't be all that too tough to handle. You should really
watch for her movements, when she prepares for the Hail Storm, you can
switch places JUST AFTER her Hail Storm begins, and you will switch spots
with Storm and her Hail Storm super will be wasted! Timing is the key
though and you have to take into consideration of the delay time as well.
Your Sword Dance will be helpful in this battle, especially when she
over uses her Typhoons, your homing blades will reach her without you
being scrapped, that is if you use the homing blades from a distance.


This battle shouldn't be all too tough either. Wolverine's offense is
really pathetic, but that doesn't mean you should take your defense for
granted. Keep a lot of swords around you and your swords will easily
knock Wolverine out of his Berserker Barrage. Switch places often,
especially when Wolverine uses his Tornado Claw or Drill Claw, it will
even catch the computer opponent off guard! Don't bother trying to throw
Wolverine though, he porbably has the best overall throw in the game in
terms of range and priority.


This battle will be tough, use your Speed Split and get behind Juggernaut
and press jab as he misses with his Juggernaut Earthquake. You will move
so quick that your jabs will stun Juggernaut and you will be able to take
advantage of his weaker defense when you have nullified his super armor.
Also note that your Metamorphesis works EXCELLENT in this battle as you
can catch Juggernaut with a snap of a finger. Just make sure to stay in
the air often to avoid his Juggernaut Earthquake and catch him with your


This battle will be pretty tough as well. I think you can catch Magneto
in his Force Field with your Metamorphesis, but I haven't tried it yet
though. Your Dancing Swords will be very handy in this battle, you can
use them immediately to cancel out his Hyper Gravs. And switch places
with Magneto often as well, especially when he starts his Magnetic
Tempest. You should try to throw him once in a while with every chance
you get, Magneto's throw range isn't neccessarily that bad, but your
throw range should get the best of Magneto.

-----------------------------[Overall: Spiral]-------------------------------

Spiral is a good character to use with decent throwing range. Her
offensive and keep away abilities are top notch, having the Sword Dance
perfected can make a poor Sprial user into a superb Spiral player. Also
the fact that she has a very good and very effective super, mainly the
Metamorphesis. However, her offense isn't exactly too good and her throw
range is pretty sub-par. Another problem wiht Spiral is that she must
always have swords around her, without it her offensive ability basically
goes kaplutz since she has to rely on it so often. But overall her
overall game is very good and she can win a lot of battles if you know
how to use her.



Storm, best known as Ororo Monroe. Her past is but a terrifying one.
Back in her past she was carrying home lodges of water with her parents,
however, it would soon follow that her parents would die. This was the
result of a mysterious collapsing building that she and her family would
pass by. However, she was not found for days and she was stuck in the
darkness of the rubble for many days and each day added to her fear of
darkness and close areas or in other words, she was developing
claustrophobia. While she was stuck int he rubble, she saw a shadowy
figure, that in which would haunt her until the day Psylocke would seal
away the Shadow King for good. However, her goal now is to stop the
madness of Magneto in anyway possible.

----------------------------[Typhoon: D,DF,F+P]------------------------------

This attack is Storm's projectile. Depending on which button you press,
the faster the Typhoon will go. This can combo and has really excellent
speed both in the air and on the ground. You can use this as a horizontal
defense mechanism and even to OTG a grounded opponent. The really neat
thing about this is that since she controls the elements, she can direct
the Typhoon to the direction of her bidding. These little suckers can
delay themselves by pressing the back button on your directional pad and
they can speed themselves up by pressing forward on the directional pad.
You can also move it up and then move it down using your directional pad,
which makes the use of this projectile for fun to control rather than to
really use it in your offensive game. This can be used for her defense
but be warned that its not a very good anti-air attack to use against all
attacks. Its a semi-good anti-air attack counter to use, but most likely
a jumping fierce from Omega Red or a jumping down roundhouse from Cyclops
will easily be able to get around this. The Typhoon does good damage, but
it has very bad recovery time compared to other projectiles, so you may
have to watch out for that.

------------------[Lightning Attack: P+K(of same strength)]------------------

This attack is somewhat similar to Wolverine's Drill Claw. However, she
can only go in one direction and she has bad recovery time from it as
well. The nice thing about this move is that it's super fast and has
excellent priority and can be put in comboes. Not to mention this can be
used in the air as an effective air dash as well. There is very little
start up delay on this move, but make sure you connect or successfully
veer out of your opponent's attack range.

----------------[Special Power: Cyclone: D,DF,F+3K/D,DB,B+3K]----------------

This move is a bit odd, think of it as a vacuum and a wind current. The
back motion will bring the opponent closer to Storm, the real neat
thing about this is that it can stop an opponent from performing a move,
even if they are in the middle of it, I've brung in Juggernaut during
his Juggernaut Headcrush! There is basically no recovery time from this
move, but the real disadvantage of this move is that it brings opponents
closer to you, and they can start to barrage you with attacks. Even
strong grapplers like Spiral can throw you once she gets near you. The
forward motion will blow the opponent away, this is pretty useful as it
will also take the opponent out of their attack and can keep the
opponent away.

---------------------[Special Power: Flight: D,DB,B+3P]----------------------

This basically is Storm's flight, it will allow her to move across the
screen in very fast speeds. She can block in the air when she flies as
well, which is a HUGE bonus since you can use your Lightning Attack to
counter mistakes or use your jumping strong and aim that bolt to the
opponent. She will stay in the air for quite a while, repeat the motion
to land.

--------------------[Hyper X: Lightning Storm: D,DF,F+3P]--------------------

This super does a lot of damage, but it can't be comboed too well. The
only way that I found out how to combo this was to OTG the opponent
QUICKLY. This also does a lot of block damage if the opponent is blocking
close to Storm, and it does fair damage from a far screen's distance
away. Its basically the same thing as the Singing Blade of Thunder, but
except Storm's is a bit more powerful and more hits come out of the super
as it lasts longer as well. The recovery time is pretty good on this
and she can also use it from the air as well, which can be a huge
advantage fighting against Cyclops where you can sail over his Mega Optic
Blast and fry him.

---------------------[Hyper X2: Ice Storm: D,DF,F+Select]--------------------

This super does MASSIVE damage as you can score over 50 hits basically
everytime you use it. Think of it as a beefed up Arctic Attack, it does
loads of block damage(even 1/3 of your life at times!) and it can take
away a little more than half your opponent's life! The problem with this
super is that it takes so long to start up, if you've seen Shadow's Cross
Shadow Blitz and multiply the start up time by 2.5, you will get the
start delay of Storm's Ice Storm in this game. There is little recovery
time to this move, but note that she CANNOT use this super in the air.

-------------------------------[Combos: Storm]-------------------------------

1. C.Forward --> Typhoon/Lightning Storm(OTG)

2. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Jab, S.Jab, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Lightning
This combo will require you to be very quick and adept with using your
fingers, practice and you'll see how sweet this combo is.

3. Flight, J.Strong --> Lightning Storm
If your opponent is dumb enough to fall for this, then go ahead. You
should cancel immediately after throwing out the strong, the little
firebolt will stun them long enough for your Lightning Storm to come
out assuming of course you did cancel quick enough.

-------------------------------[Legend: Storm]-------------------------------

Ground MAgic Series: Punch to Kick

Jumping MAgic Series: Punch to Kick

Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag

Launchers: S.Fierce, C.Roundhouse

Knockdowns: C.Forward

-----------------------------[Strategies: Storm]-----------------------------


This battle will be pretty hard, you should use a lot of Typhoons and
try to steer them near your direction, this can be a good counter against
his horizontal dashing attacks. Your Lightning Storm should do a good
deal of damage to him and use it in the air whenever you predict a Gou
Hodouken or a Messatsu Gou Hado to come your way. Note that your standing
roundhouse is an excellent counter agaisnt basically all of his jumping
attacks if you can time it early enough so that the little burst of wind
will hit them as they come in. You should use your Lightning Storm
whenever you can anticipate the Ashura Senkuu, its a good counter to use
and its really effective.


This battle should favor you more, while your Typhoons are basically
defensely against his Super Dive, if you can time an Ice Storm or
Lightning Storm right, you can knock him out of the air and still have
him suffer massive damage. You should OTG Collosus often because he
doesn't roll very often and since his throw range and throw priority is
weaker than yours, you should throw him as you get close to him and
follow up with an OTG combo afterwards. You can go offensive as well,
using your jumping roundhouse as the combo starter as Collosus can barely
do anything about that.


This battle will be a bit tough, but with a few skillful manuvers you can
easily score the victory. You can use Storm's jumping strong as a keep
away move, the nice part about it is that you can steer the direction and
annoy the heck out of your opponent. Whenever you see Cyclops ready to
veer up for his Mega Optic Blast, anticipate it before hand and then take
to the skies and use your Lightning Storm. You can also jump in on him,
but as you jump in on him, try to stop about half way and it should fool
him into the Gene Splice and you can ready up your Lighting Storm or even
the Ice Storm!


This battle will be pretty easy, you can easily nullify his Icebeam with
constant Typhoons, as you can throw out several at a time. You can use
your Lightning Storm just prior to Iceman using his Arctic Attack, the
Lightning Storm will nullify all of the little iceballs that come from
the Arctic Attack. You should also hump in often and keep on putting the
offensive pressure on Iceman since his defense isn't exactly the best in
the game. You can use your air dash to manuver out of the Ice Avalanche
though, it should allow you an easier opportunity to attack Iceman
without having to resort to staying on the ground.

----------------------------------[Omega Red]--------------------------------

This battle will be pretty even all the way out. You just have to make
sure that you don't get caught by the Carbonadium Coils and watch for his
throw range, its pretty dominating both on the ground and in the air as
well. You can use the Lightning Storm to anticipate his Omega Destroyer
before hand and fry him. When you do decide to jump in on him, watch for
that Strong Carbonadium Coil, use your air dash to quickly move over it
and hit him with your jumping roundhouse on your way down. Also note that
when you fly and you so happen to stay above Omega Red when he does his
Omega Destroyer, just make sure to know which way you are blocking,
otherwise you will suffer the consequences.


This battle will be tough, her multiple images(Ninjitsu Split) will pose
a lot of problems for you. You should try to stay in the air more often
and keep using that jumping strong and steer it towards Psylocke's
direction to annoy the heck out of her and to keep her away from you.
You can also throw out constant Typhoons(like having about two on the
screen at once) to overwheml her Psi-Blasts. You can also try to throw
Psylocke once in a while, but don't try it too often as she can reverse
throw you. Use your Lightning Storm ahead of time just prior to Psylocke
using her Psi-Thrust, you should be able to deal an ample amount of
damage towards her.


This battle will be pretty easy as you should mainly stick to an
offensive type of game in this match up. Watch for a lot of Sentinal
Forces, which can be nullifed with your multiple Typhoons or even your
Lightning Storm. You should throw the Sentinel with every chance that you
have, since his throw range sucks and the fact that you can follow up
with a juggle combo afterwards. You should OTG the Sentinel often as
well, mainly with your Typhoons and Lightning Storm since the Sentinel
seldomly rolls out of the way, and even if he does roll out of the way
you are automatically protected by your Lightning Storm. You should try
to use the Ice Storm whenever you can since the Sentinel is just too slow
to really stop you in time.

-----------------------------[Silver Samurai]--------------------------------

This battle shouldn't be too hard. His defense is really weak, so you
should take advantage of that and take it offensively in this battle.
Your Typhoons should be used constantly in this battle and just keep
throwing them out at the Silver Samurai. Also note that your Lightning
Storm will nullify his Singing Blade of Thunder and still attack him,
which is pretty fair in this game since I think Capcom just gave him a
rip-off move of Storm's Lightning Storm. Try to avoid dashing in on him
because his Shurikens can come out pretty quickly and catch you by
surprise, you should try to throw the Silver Samurai every now and then,
but don't do that too often as your throw ranges are pretty much even as
you can get counter throwed as well. Basically in this battle, keep an
offensive mindset and you should be fine.


This battle will be fairly tough, not too much to handle. Your main
concern obviously is her Metamorphesis, its pretty hard to escape unless
you have X-Power. Use your flight and keep her away by using your jumping
strong or you can use your Cyclones to blow Spiral away if she gets near
you and you can use your air dash to veer away from her and also your
Lightning Storm. Its a dumb idea to use your Ice Storm when Spiral uses
her Metamorphesis since its pretty much leaving yourself open to her
super. You should jump in offensively often, but don't try to out gun her
since her Sword Dance will pretty much eat your Typhoons and still attack
you. You should try to OTG her once in a while as well since she doesn't
roll often either.


This battle is pretty even since you are fighting yourself. You should
play more defense then offense, let Storm come into you and then launch
her back into the sky with your roundhouse and cancel into the Typhoon
or the Lightning Storm. You should OTG Storm a lot as well, but watch
for her reverse throwing since its pretty easy for you to get caught in
that. You can use your jumping strong constantly in the air, in fact you
should stay in the air often and then take the offensive on Storm
whenever you see an opening.


This battle shouldn't be that tough at all. You should play defense and
just wait for Wolverine to attack you, and then you can use your standing
roundhouse or steer your Typhoon at him and knock him out of the sky.
Just make sure that you can time your attacks correctly, otherwise you
will suffer the consequences. Note that Wolverine likes to dash a lot at
times, use your Lightning Attack to counter him as a surprise attack.
Watch out for his Drill Claw if he gets up close, it can pop up out of
no where. You shouldn't try to throw Wolverine too often since his throw
range and priority is much greater than your throw range. This battle
should mainly be a adefensive battle rather than an offensive battle,
just make sure you know when to strike.


This battle will be pretty tough, but the thing about Juggernaut is that
he doesn't block often because of the super armor which usually makes
him think that he can take anything and counter attack before he gets
stunned. Use this to your advantage and use your Ice Storm whenever you
get the chance, especially when he does his Juggernaut Earthquake. You
can throw Juggernaut and then OTG him as well. Use your jumping strong
constantly and just keep pecking away at his life. This battle will be
more easy if you use Storm's flight ability, which can keep her away from
the ground and away fromt he insanely powerful Juggernaut Earthquake.


This battle can be one of your easiest battles believe it or not. You can
throw Magneto as he is in his Force Field, but the nice thing about this
battle is your Lightning Storm. It usually always catches Magneto and
his Magnetic Tempest has a lot of start up time as well, which can give
you an opportunity to use your Ice Storm. You can use your Cyclone to
blow Magneto away whenever he initiates the Force Field. Use your
Typhoons at will and just keep barraging him with them and stay on the
offensive to avoid his Hyper Gravs.

------------------------------[Overall: Storm]-------------------------------

Storm has a very good offensive game and her defense works pretty well
in certain situations. She is also a very good keep away character and
with her air dash, Lightning Attack, flight, and the ability to use her
Lightning Storm both on the ground and in the air makes her a very
versatile player. However, her offense isn't really too good when it
comes to those average-good defenders as she will usually get knocked out
of the air basically everytime. Her throw range is pretty sub par and
she doesn't take hits to well, not to mention the fact that some of her
important attacks have a lot of recovery time. But basically overall,
Storm is a very good and solid character to use with an effective
Lightning Storm.



Wolverine, a.k.a. Logan(I don't know his last name) was the subject of
a Canadian expieriment which fused his current skeleton with Adamantium,
this making his bones virtually indestructible. However, the treatment
was brutal and they treated him like an animal. He then later escaped
the facility holding him there and was later acquired by the Canadian
government, but at this time they did not once inform Logan that the
Canadian government had made this possible. He then joined Alpha flight,
which you can call the Canadian version of the X-Men. Later Wolverine
had left Alpha flight and joined the X-Men in which he knew it would be
a never ending struggle to maintain tranquility and peace among all
mutants and humans. The person to divide this would be Magneto hence
Wolverine's next target.

----------------------[Drill Claw: P+K(same strength)]-----------------------

This move is a really useful move to use. Wolverine can steer himself in
all eight directions in the air and all 5 directions on the ground
(obviously he can't Drill Claw down while he is standing). This is a
great escape tactic and can be used somewhat like an air dash to escape
ground moves. Not only that but it has many other useful uses, it can
combo and its an excellent counter attack against missed attacks. The
recovery time on this move is pretty good as even when hit against a
blocked opponent, Wolverine still recovers in time enough to block.
The strong the punch and kick buttons you press, the more distance the
attack will cover.

----------------------[Tornado Claw: F,D,DF+P, then P]-----------------------

This attack is a pretty good anti-air attack. You can get up to as many
as eight hits out of this move, but you must press the punch button
rapidly after executing the move. This can do a lot of block damage as
well towards an airborne blocking opponent. You can put this in combos
and use it as a counter attack, but the recovery time is bad and will
usually result in a counter if Wolverine misses with the attack. Just
becareful when you are using it.

-----------------[Special Move: Healing Factor: D,DB,B+3K]-------------------

This isn't neccessarily a move, but an ability. This will recover a good
portion of Wolverine's loss life, however it can be used only once during
battle as even if you have enough X-Power for the next one, it won't
execute. The downside to this move is that Wolverine is left vulnerable
to an attack when he starts this. And if he gets hit, he will either gain
a fractional amount of none at all. However, this can really give
Wolverine the edge in any battle he faces, just make sure you know when
to use it, like after throwing the opponent or when they are dizzy.

-----------------[Special Move: Berserker Charge: D,DB,B+3P]-----------------

This move basically speeds up Wolverine to lightning quick. As if he
wasn't quick enough, this also makes Wolverine's hits to multiple hits
even if you press the punch button once. This also makes him dash twice
as quick and twice as far. This is totally unfair because the opponent
can do nothing to stop this, and this can lead to some high hitting
double digit combos. There is no disadvantage to using this at all so
feel free to slash away!

------------------[Hyper X: Berserker Barrage: D,DF,F+3P]--------------------

This super is one of the best supers in the game. It can combo and its
lightning quick and will even combo off his jab or short! It does A LOT
of block damage, even more than the Mega Optic Blast and it can even OTG
the opponent perfectly! This is a one of a kind move as it has a lot of
priority during its initial frames of start up. However the priority
drastically drops after the first few frames of animation. It covers a
good amount of horizontal distance but it shouldn't be used as an anti-
air attack since basically all jumping attacks will be able to knock
Wolverine out of his super. The recovery time is somewhat decent, by that
I mean that an opponent can counter often with a quick attack, but
usually they would miss.

----------------------------[Combos: Wolverine]------------------------------

1. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Jab, S.Fierce

2. J.Fierce \/ D.S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Forward --> Drill Claw

3. In corner: J.Fierce \/ S.Short --> Tornado Claw

4. In corner: Initiate Berserker Charge, D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Jab,
S.Short, etc.

5. Strong throw --> Berserker Barrage

6. J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, c.Forward --> Berserker Barrage(OTG)

----------------------------[Legend: Wolverine]------------------------------

Ground Magic Series: Punch to Kick

Jumping Magic Series: Punch to Kick

Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag

Launchers: C.Roundhouse,
S.Roundhouse, S.Fierce,
D/F Fierce

Knockdowns: C.Forward

---------------------------[Strategies: Wolverine]---------------------------


This battle is pretty tough. You should let him jump in on you and try
to time your standing roundhouse so that your tip of the foot knocks him
out of the sky. You cna use your Tornado claw to counter his airborne
attacks as well, mainly the Tenja Kujin Kyaku. Just watch for yourself
when you dash into him, he will use his Gou Shouryuken as a quick
counter-attack. You should try to limit yourself to playing an offensive
game in this battle because Akuma has very solid defense. Use your
Drill Calw as a quick counter towards his missed attacks and against his
dash, and you can time a Berserker Barrage to catch Akuma just as he
lands out of his teleport.


This battle shouldn't be too tough, just watch for his Shoulder Charge.
You should block when he does this because none of your attacks will
out-prioritize him besides your Berserker Barrage, when he misses,
counter-attack as usual. You should mainly take the offensive route
against Collosus since his defense isn't exactly top rated. You should
use the Tornado Claw often, and if you start the Tornado Claw late, there
is a slight chance that you can knock Collosus out of his Super Dive.
Try not to trade hits with Collosus and don't use Wolverine's D/F Fierce
in this battle, it's has so much recovery time that it even lets
Collosus counter attack with ease.


This battle will be pretty tough, just watch for Cyclops to throw a lot
of Optic Blasts at you. You should mainly try to go offensive at him
since it won't do you much good to stay there and block all day. You
should definitely combo in your Berserker Barrage to get this match over
with. Use your Berserker Charge to give yourself a boost and you should
be able to counter his attacks with ease. Use your Drill Claw to get
around his Mega Optic Blast in the air and get behind him and combo him!
You should throw him from time to time, usually when he is caught off
guard, but don't do that too often since he has a lot of throw range.
You should OTG him as well, but half of the time Cyclops will roll out
of the way so you have to be careul about that. Basically, play half
defense and play half offense and you should be fine.


This battle should be pretty even all the day through. However, you
should take every oppotunity to throw Iceman often because his throw
range isn't very good compared to yours. Watch for Iceman to OTG you
often with his Icebeam or Arctic Attack, just make sure to roll out of
the way when you do get knocked down. Also watch for a lot of Icebeams
and Avalanches to come your way, you should use your Berserker Charge
throughout the battle to avoid his keep away tactics and to combo him
when you get close to him. You shouldn't neccessarily OTG him everytime,
but you should most of the time since Iceman doesn't roll as often as
other characters in the game. Basically, keep up enough levels for a
Berserker Charge and go in offensively and throw when you have the

--------------------------------[Omega Red]----------------------------------

This battle will be pretty easy. Watch for a lot of Carbonadium coils to
come your way, these are pretty easy to avoid, but against human
opponents, don't make such a habit of jumping over the jab coil too much
to make it an obvious pattern since you can get fooled out when they use
the strong Carbonadium coil. Use your Tornado Claw or Drill Claw to
counter airborne attacks(the Drill Claw preforably because of the small
recovery time) and keep an all out offensive game in this match. And you
can use your Drill Claw to escape the Omega Destroyer if your life guage
is low. Don't bother with the Berserker Charge but use the Healing Factor
instead since you really won't need the Berserker charge in this battle.
When you get near Omega Red, just throw him into a juggle or OTG combo
since your throw has a lot of range, but not only that its the perfect
set up for combos as well, especially in the corner.


This battle will be pretty tough, just watch out for her Ninjitsu Split,
and her Psi-Thrust. You can qucikly knock her out of the Psi-Thrust with
the initial frames of the Berserker Barrage, but timing is crucial,
otherwise you can be taking the end of the raw deal. You should jump in
on her often and just combo her, but watch for the Psi-Blade, it still
has a good chance of knocking you out of the air. Your defense really
works well in this battle, your Tornado Claw, Drill Claw, and even the
standing roundhouse are all very effective anti-air attacks against her
airborne attacks. You should take the opportunity to throw her everytime
that you get, then combo her. Basically a defensive battle should allow
you to win the battle pretty easily, that is if you stay cautious and


This battle will just be insanely easy. Keep jumping in on him constantly
and never let up, it doesn't matter how you use your X-Power, or even if
you decide to use it for that matter. You should throw the Sentinel often
and OTG the Sentinel often as well. You shouldn't play defensively in
this battle, in fact there is no need to play defensive, just make sure
you don't let the Sentinel call out those little buddies of his. Just
super jump over the little Sentinels if he happens to send them out and
then come down with an attack and just keep pounding him. Basically in
this battle, just keep going offensively and you should be fine.

------------------------------[Silver Samurai]-------------------------------

This battle will be pretty tough, but not too tough. You should always
jump in for an attack and basically just keep pounding him till the
match is over. Your Berserker Charge should allow you match his Multiple
Samurai, but even then your speed will basically double his. You should
combo in your Berserker Barrage to make this a quick match and use your
Drill Claw and only your Drill Claw to counter his air borne attacks,
mainly because your standing roundhouse and Tornado Claw won't really
provide adequete priority to knock him out of the air. Also when you get
near him, throw him often and OTG him often, his throw range is pretty
sub-par and he doesn't roll very often either(mainly because it takes
him so long to gain his level).


This battle will be fairly tough, but other than that you can score a
victory for yourself. The only thing you should watch for and worry about
is her Metamorphesis. You can use your Berserker Charge to keep out of
the way, and if you don't have enough levels you can do Drill Claws to
avoid going near her and don't try to throw her when she is in her
Metamorphesis state. You should jump in often and just combo her, and
throw her whenever you get the chance, just make sure you don't sit
around playing defense all day. Note that while you jump in on her, she
will use her Sword Dance as an anti-air counter attack, so block jumping
in whenever you see those swords and wait for her to throw them and then
quickly dash in for a quick attack.


This battle is somewhat easy, you should play offensively though. Watch
for her to throw out a lot of Typhoons and expect to be blown away by her
Cyclones from time to time. You should always jump in offensively and
just keep attacking her, just make sure to keep a close eye on her
Typhoons since she can control them. Whenever you see her prepare for the
Ice Storm, its best to use your Drill Claw, it will quickly knock her out
of the air in under a second. You should use your X-Power to either combo
in the Berserker Barrage or use it for the Healing Factor to regain a
small portion of your life guage. you won't need the Berserker Charge
because Wolverine should be able to win this match without it anyways.
Use your Tornado Claw or standing roundhouse to counter her jumping
attacks, if you use your Drill Claw and she blocks it, her Lightning
Attack is quick enough to counter.


This battle against Wolverine should favor you more if you are fighting
against the CPU. Against human opponents, your on your own because if
your human opponent so happens to come across these strategies, its going
to be a long day for you. Basically Wolverine will use a lot of Tornado
Claws and he will most likely use his Healing Factor more than anything
else if he acquires enough X-Power. You should mainly stick to an
offensive game in this match and try to combo your Berserker Barrage and
try to stay close to him, otherwise you won't be able to strike him
before he is healed by his Healing Factor. And throwing in the match can
go either way, you should reverse throw though, it really helps out a lot
in this match, just in case Wolverine decides to throw you.


This battle will be immensely hard. You should use your Berserker Charge
in this battle often and just get around him and then quickly start
to combo him. your Berserker Charge will allow you to quickly stun
Juggernaut as you can keep pressing Jab and short. Use your Drill Claw
in the air to go behind Juggernaut when he does his Juggernaut Earthquake
on the ground. You should throw him when you get behind him as well,
just never stay on the ground for an extended period of time because his
Juggernaut Earthquake will knock you senseless.


This battle will be tough. You should always run away and keep him away
whenever he initiates his Force Field. I'm not sure if you can throw him
when he is in his Force Field though. You should always try to stay close
to Magneto and jump in and just combo him. This allows you to avoid his
Hyper Gravs as you can quickly attack him before his Hyper Gravs actually
come out. Its also very hard to avoid his Hyper Gravs when you are a far
distance away. But when you are a far distance away, super jump and then
use the Drill Claw to steer yourself out of the way. Combo in your
Berserker Barrage to make things go easier for you and throw him when you
get neat him.

----------------------------[Overall: Wolverine]-----------------------------

Wolverine is a very good and avid combo character and can deal a lot of
damage in a quick flurry. He also has rock solid defense and a very
posable offense, not to mention that he has a very good throwing range
and priority. However, Wolverine isn't nearly as good as he is in the
later games. His offense really isn't that good and his defense is sub
par when it comes to the priority characters(ala Cyclops). The reason
why his offense isn't too good is because his attacks have no priority
jumping in, which makes it hard to start a combo off right. But basically
overall, Wolverine is a very good and very quick player with excellent
combo ability and he can out-prioritize a throw with his own throw
against any opponent.



Juggernaut, the step brother of Professor Chrales Xavier has been known
to be a bully when he was a little kid, often picking on his step
brother Charles. However, Charles was a gifted child and he went on to
becomes a successful doctor and he even became a war veteran. However,
Kain Marco(a.k.a Juggernaut) was upset that he had to stay behind on
not only his education, but his overall life. Later as he was hired to do
some digging, he had found the temple of Cyttorak, in which a crystal
inside turned him into an unstoppable Juggernaut of evil!

NOTE: All of Juggernaut's regular attacks do block damage! Also his Super
Armor provides him a very strong defense, cutting basically all attacks
down to half strength. It takes approximately 4 hits to actually stun
Juggernaut instead of the usual one attack. He can even block in the
middle of eating a super, but he will feel the full effect of Spiral's
Metamorphesis. Note that his super armor does not go into effect if he
is in the air.

------------------------[Double Clutch Fist: D,DF,F+P]-----------------------

This basically is the same attack as his S.Fwd.Fierce in Marvel Super
Heroes. This attack isn't neccessarily the best attack, nor is it even
a good attack for that matter. It has a ton of start up delay and it
cannot be comboed, and if Juggernaut misses he will be left vulnerable to
an attack. However, thanks to his super armor, he should be able to still
pull off the attack even if the opponent is attacking him. This attack
is just insanely powerful its not even funny, it can literally take about
4 of these to knock out an opponent, even against those characters with
a strong defense like the Sentinel and Collosus!

---------------------[Juggernaut Earthquake: F,DF,D+P]-----------------------

This move is just rediculously powerful that it ain't even funny. The
most unfair part about this move is that its virtually unblockable on
the ground, but luckily this only happens when you are in Juggernaut's
stage. See in his stage its a construction site, and everytime he hits
the ground, the pieces of metal fall over your head, so you must block
high, but you have the Earthquake wave that travels to your feet, so you
must block low. And if these two attacks come after you at the same time,
then how do you block it then? Exactly, you can't block it and you must
stay in the air. You can use this to combo but you must be quick about it
though, otherwise your attack will not combo. And also a final note, in
other stages the Juggernaut Earthquake only moves along the ground,
making it blockable in other stages and you have to watch for the
horrible recovery time of this move, luckily the super armor is there to
allow you to block in time before you get stunned by your opponent's

---------------------[Juggernaut Body Press: D+FP(air)]----------------------

This move is the exact same thing as his B,DB,D,DF,F+K Body Splash in
Marvel Super Heroes. However, this attack does not leave Juggernaut
vulnerable to an attack if he misses but more actually sets him up to
follow up on a combo! This move does massive damage and it has immense
priority. Use this often and set your opponent up for a devastating

----------------[Special Move: Cyttorak Power-Up: D,DB,B+P]------------------

I can't even believe Capcom gave this to him. This move makes Juggernaut
flash red for about 7 seconds, in this 7 seconds Juggernaut's attacks
will do a significant amount of damage, and considering that he is
powerful enough as it is, about 3 Clutch Fists from Juggernaut is good
enough to knock anybody out! Also this allows Juggernaut to deal out
twice as much block damage as well, which is pretty unfair. However, the
only bright side for his opponents on this move is that it takes
Juggernaut awhile to charge up for this move. This will leave Juggernaut
open to attacks and supers, but his defense should basically protect him
from suffering extensive damage.

---------------[Hyper-X: Juggernaut Headcrush: B,DB,D,DF,F+P]----------------

Can anybody say cheap? This move is just so friggin powerful its like
owning two Mega Optic Blasts in your possession. While you can't combo
this move, it just does a buttload of damage. I've seen this move do as
much damage as taking away 80% of your life guage! It starts out like
his Juggernaut Earthquake motion, but quickly changes to the Juggernaut
Headcrush, which can surprise a few opponents who jump but then get
clobbered by the super which basically fills up the entire screen. You
can OTG with this as well, making it more deadly and more powerful.
HOWEVER(didn't expect it to become more powerful?), you can use your
Cyttorak power-up and use the Juggernaut Headcrush to basically take away
ALL of your opponent's life guage! Incredible! So friggin cheap they
should have a law banning such power! But then again, at least the Hulk
isn't in this game. (^_^).

----------------------------[Combos: Juggernaut]-----------------------------

1. C.Roundhouse --> Juggernuat Earthquake(OTG)

2. J.Fierce \/ C.Roundhouse --> Juggernaut Headcrush(OTG)

3. Cyttorak Power Up, C.Roundhouse --> Juggernaut Headcrush(OTG)
I call this the "kiss the bamma goodnight" combo because if this
connects, you can basically call it a day.

4. In corner: J.DN.Fierce \/ C.Fierce /\ SJ.Short, SJ.Fierce
Its hard to super jump after a launcher, but Juggernaut's C.Fierce
will launch the opponent very high and allow you some time to combo
in some more hits in the air.

----------------------------[Legend: Juggernaut]-----------------------------

Ground Magic Series: Kick to Punch

Jumping Magic Series: Kick to Punch

Super Jumping Magic Series: Reverse ZigZag

Launchers: S.Short, S.Forward,
S.Roundhouse, C.Fierce,

Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse

--------------------------[Strategies: Juggernaut]---------------------------

Juggernaut is this powerful and you expect me to give you strategies?
Okay, I'll provide general strategies since his method of attack is
pretty much the same against all characters in the game. Use your
Cyttorak Power Up and OTG the Juggernaut Headcrush to your advantage.
You should throw your opponent often because his throw does A LOT of
damage. You should also pretty much stay away from the air, since that's
Juggernaut's only weakness.

----------------------------[Overall: Juggernaut]----------------------------

Juggernaut is just so amazingly powerful in this game that it takes only
a few hits to knock out the opponent, probably 5 or 7 of any of his
strong attacks. His defense is virtually the best in the game since his
super armor allows him to block in time, even if he is getting hit.
However, Juggernaut is just so friggin slow. His combo ability is just
almost none existant despite having a good magic series and his super
armor just makes him so slow when the opponent attacks him its not
even funny. But overall if you want to win with POWER, than Juggernaut
can EASILY provide the damage.



A.K.A. Erik Lensher(sp?). Magneto wasn't always like this(unlike
Juggernaut). When he was little, he had suffered watching the millions of
millions of masacred Jews in Germany during WWII. And as Magneto being
Jewish, he saw this with so much fear he could not bare to see it anymore
as he had escaped and fled the country. He had developed such a hatred
for humans that he began to terrorize the human population using his own
power as a manipulation tool on metals that are attracted by his own
magnetic field. His power has made Magneto one of the most strongest and
the most deadliest mutants alive. He wishes to set up a separate home for
mutants called Asteroid M, however his hatred for human population has
led him to create a full arsenal of nuclear missiles in his Asteroid M
that can literally wipe out all life on the face of the earth. However,
he knows that he will have enemies that will interfere(ala the X-Men).

---------------------------[Repulse Disruptor: FP]---------------------------

Yep, all you have to do is press the Fierce punch button to initiate this
move. It does a lot of damage(and I do mean A LOT) and it even does
block damage as well. It has a bit of a start up delay making it
virtually uncomboable, but it comes out just as fast as the Icebeam and
Optic Blast. You can use this as a projectile and basically it has no
recovery time from this move, making it a safe move to use. Your opponent
basically has no choice but to try and jump in at you because your
projectile is so fast.

--------------------------[Air Repulse Disruptor: SP]------------------------

This is basically the same thing as his ground version, except its in
the air(gee, if you couldn't figure that out then...never mind). However,
it does come out a bit faster and it does the same damage and block
damage and he also has basically no recovery time from this move. I'm not
sure how to use this in a combo though.

--------------------------[Magnetic Blast: FP(air)]--------------------------

This move is basically the same thing as his MAgnetic Blast in Marvel
Super Heroes. However, there is no need for that rediculous motion and
it travels EXTREMELY fast. Magneto can throw out two of these on the same
screen, but you need to have a slight hesitation to throw the second one.
This can be used to keep the opponent away and it does block damage as
well. Its really cheap as human players tend to overuse this and just
constantly throw this out at you for that easy cheesy win.

--------------------------[Hyper Gravs: D,DB,B+SK]---------------------------

This attack has a small bit of delay at first, but then the Hyper Gravs
travel quick like crazy towards your opponent. This thing is unblockable
and will catch ANYBODY, even Juggernaut. Its virtually in escapable
unless you have the right tools, once you catch the opponent you can
attack them with a super or a combo, and they will be held in your
possession for about 2 seconds, which is more than enough ample time to
attack. Use this to set up your Magnetic Shockwave and note, THIS IS

----------------------------[EM Shock: D,DF,F+SP]----------------------------

You can use this both on the ground and in the air. It does good damage
and what this does is that it has Magneto shoot out 3 little magnetic
particles in 3 different directions at the same time, basically allowing
Magneto to cover his entire front side, which is also a great horizontal
defense and anti-air attack defense. I don't think this can be comboed
because it has start up delay, but there are a few ways that you can get
this to combo though, which of course will be explained later.

------------------------[Magnetic Tempest: D,DF,F+JP]------------------------

This will ONLY work in Magneto's Asteroid M stage. Once Magneto initiates
this, a lot of debris from his base will start to gather around him and
start to spin around really fast and then shoot off at the opponent. This
does AMAZING damage, but it only chips a few pixels though. The most I've
seen this hit is 10 times. There is A LOT of start up delay as you can
expect and when hit, Magneto can be knocked out of it. If you try to use
this in another stage all Magneto will say is "Magnetic Tempest" with
a warp sound effect.

---------------------[Special Power: Flight: D,DB,B+JP]----------------------

Like Storm's flight ability, this allows MAgneto to fly in the air as
well. And like Storm he can also block in the air as he is flying,
however, you can really piss off your opponent by continously throwing
out Hyper Gravs or just keep throwing out Magnetic Blasts and EM Shocks.
Magneto moves at about the same speed in the air as he does on the ground
as well, so you can basically play a solid and very effective keep away
game away from the ground.

------------------[Special Power: Force Field: D,DF,F+FP]--------------------

This is quite possibly the cheapest move of all. It puts a Force Field
around Magneto and he takes absolutely no damage at all. He can be thrown
while he is in the Force Field, but not by every individual though.
You can basically attack Juggernaut and continously attack him and go
unscathed! It lasts quite a while to, about 15 seconds and its a great
but very cheap way to get you back into the fight, if for some reason you
were behind before using the Force Field in the match. It comes up
automatically and that's whats so hard about stopping it.

------------------[Hyper X: Magnetic Shockwave: D,DF,F+K]--------------------

Let me just say this, oh my gosh. This is hands down the most powerful
super in the game. It can literally knock out your entire red bar. It
can be set up by OTG or even after catching the opponent in his cheesy
and unfair Hyper Gravs. It does the most amount of damage if Magneto's
back is to the wall and it can even be used as a horizontal defense as
well as an anti-air attack, making this one of the most unfair and
cheesy moves in Capcom history, well second to none other than Cyber
Akuma's Mega Gou High Beam.

-----------------------------[Combos: Magneto]-------------------------------

1. Hyper Gravs, Magnetic Shockwave
The cheesiest piece of grab you'll ever see.

2. J.Fierce \/ /\ J.Fierce
This is Magneto's double Magnetic Wave combo that I was talking about
earlier in the guide. You have to be from a far distance and throw the
first one in the air but still low to the ground, this way you can
land and jump up in time to throw the second one.

3. J.Jab, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward,
C.Roundhouse --> Hyper Gravs, Magnetic Shockwave(OTG)
Hands down the most impessive but the most cheapest combo in the game.
You must be quick in cancelling into the Hyper Gravs, otherwise you
won't connect with it.

-----------------------------[Legend: Magneto]-------------------------------

Ground Magic Series: ZigZag

Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag

Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag

Launchers: S.Fierce,

Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse

----------------------------[Stratgies: Magneto]-----------------------------

Heh, I'm not going to give you much strategy for Magneto since it doesn't
take a genius to figure out that Magneto is powerful enough already. Note
that your Hyper Gravs and Force Field will work great in ALL battles.
Watch for Spiral as she can grab you out of your Force Field with her
Metamorphesis. That's all I have to say, other than that, your on your
own, and even by that you should win anyways.

-----------------------------[Overall: Magneto]------------------------------

Magneto is just such an amazing but very CHEAP and CHEESY character. His
attacks do a lot of damage and his combo ability rivals any other high
combo profile character in the game. His Hyper Gravs can be used often
and will usually catch the opponent often and allow Magneto to do his
cheapo combos. I see very little downside to Magneto, other than the fact
that his defense can use a lot of brush up, but other than that Magneto
is the cheapest character that you will ever meet, well of course second
to Cyber Akuma of course.


Episode Guide

Here in this section is pretty much useless, I have been known to base my
FAQs on nothing and it just so happen that since this is an X-Men game, I
thought I can provide you with some X-info on the episodes! As you can
expect this guide will be based on the hit T.V. show X-Men. In my opinion
this is one of the best T.V. shows to date, the problem with the T.V.
show as you can expect is that TOO many things were drastically changed.
Like the Fatal Attractions affair with the X-Men and Magneto, which was
never shown and happened long after Jubilee joined the team. Or if it was
the editors' decisions to cut out Forge, Iceman, Archangel, Psylocke,
Bishop, and Collosus out of the T.V. show, my guess is unknown. I will
not however, list the Comicbook Guide to the X-Men, because this FAQ
would explode! Also the fact that I do not own every X-Men comic. I also
want to note that there are a few X-Men episodes that I had missed due to
the fact that I had woke up way too late to watch them(sob..) and I will
need people to fill me in on the episodes that I have missed. These
episodes were first shown on FOX Kids, but FOX canceled the show and sold
the show to UPN. How come they just didn't cancel all them other dumb
shows they had on the FOX Kids network like Power Rangers earlier
instead? The X-Men were doing just fine, but oh well, at least there
still on T.V.! Well enough talk and onto the Episode Guide!

NOTE: The T.V. show is not on anymore, its been replaced by that Disney
1 Sunday morning crap. (%_%)

Season #1

| Episode #1:| NIGHT OF THE SENTINELS: PART 1 of 2
Here in this episode, the X-Men make their first appearance on televion
(duh) and they also first meet up or encounter the Sentinels. Sentinels
are the deadly mutant hunting 20 ft. high walking robots made of a highly
synthetic plastic, which is both durable and lightweight. In this episode
the Sentinel search for a mutant named Jubilee, and they do find her.
Luckily the X-Men are in the mall at the same time the Sentinel attacks
Storm, Rogue, and Gambit try to fight off the Sentinel, and they do
succeed, but the Sentinel still persues Jubilee. Then you have Cyclops,
who gives the Sentinel a high dose of Optic Fury and blows his head off,
and thus Jubilee is saved. The X-Men alter learn about the Mutant Control
Agency, and they set off into the building with the mutant files and the
episode ends with Storm about to open a door, but she does not know that
heavily armed guards are expecting them, and also Morph makes his
appearance on the show as well.

| Episode #2:| NIGHT OF THE SENTINELS: Part 2 of 2
This episode starts off exactly where the last episode last left off.
Before Storm opens the door and leads the team to an ambush, Wolverine's
keen senses alerts Storm and they avoid the ambush and gets the drop on
the men who were trying to ambush them. In this episode the files are
quickly disposed of in a fire, the X-Men realize that they must hurry
and escape otherwise they would be subsequently captured. The X-Men
escape and flee back to the Blackbird, but the guards stop them, or at
least some of them. Henry(Hank) McCoy is blasted and shocked and
momentarily unconsiuous the thus he is captured, the rest of the X-Men
escape back to the Blackbird and this time faces off against several
Sentinels instead of just one like before, here Cyclops shows off his
cool Optic fighting abilities and shows the Sentinels a thing or two when
messing around with the X-Men, but apparently Morph is legitimately
killed in this episode. Later at the mansion Wolverine gives a powerful
punch to Cyclops' stomach (which I was just cracking up about!) for
leaving Morph behind.

| Episode #3:| ENTER MAGNETO
This episode first shows the true colors of Magneto, also known as the
most powerful and deadliest mutant on Earth. He has the power to
literally control the entire Magnetic Spectrum and all things metal
around him with ease. Professor X sends Cyclops, Wolverine, and Storm
after Magneto when he has torn apart a military base and is setting
missles to blow humanity up. Here lies the first encounter with Magneto
episode wise, and before the missles reach there target, Storm uses all
of her strength to stop the missles and succeeds while Magneto escapes

| Episode #4:| DEADLY REUNIONS
This episode starts off right after Magneto has failed to destroy the
target with the nuclear missles. Here Magneto manages to break into a
chemical factory with enough chemicals to wipe out half the world. Once
again the X-Men must stop this madman and doing so are Rogue, Cyclops,
and Storm. The X-Men once again fall to Magneto's power, but this time
Professor Xavier comes in and creates a psyhic link with Magneto, causing
him painfully harsh memories that has Magneto escaping. Also Rogue has
un-intentionally absorbed Cyclops' mutant power and she can not control
it, but she closes her eyes and Professor Xavier creates a mental link
between him and Rogue and thus his eyes becomes her eyes and they return
back to the mansion.

| Episode #5:| CAPTIVE HEARTS
This episode starts off with Storm, Jubilee, Wolverine, Rogue, and Gambit
in the danger room training, and Professor X has the whole room collapse
of the team and not even Rogue's strength can stop it. But Storm
reminises that fact about her claustrophobia and creates a giant
hurricane that takes the X-Men around the room and is so powerful it
stops the room from collapsing on them. Later Jean Grey and Cyclops
having a night on the town, but a small theif steals a few oranges and
that has Cyclops and Jean Grey to follow him. They follow the thief into
the subway and encounters the Morlocks, they defeat the Morlocks, but
later are defeated by a powerful mental link that has Cyclops and Jean
Grey unconsiuous and thus they are captured. The X-Men are once again
called to action and try to rescue their friends, they find Jean Grey who
has been mentally mind warped, but Wolverine's ambitions saves her from
the Morlock's mental hold. They later storm in and find the Morlock's
base and do battle, Wolverine shows Calisto a thing or two about messing
with the X-Men. He later chases her, but finds Cyclops unconsiuos and
takes him back to the X-Men. Before the X-Men tries to escape, Wolverine
is hit with a psyhic attack and almost kills Cyclops in the process, but
Jean Grey's mutant powers prevail. Then Storm challenges Calisto into a
battle of one on one, which she reluctantly agrees. They battle with
staffs that glow(no they are not the rediculous and stupid Light Sabres
found in the stupid Star Wars series) and Storm later wins. Storm tells
the Morlocks that they are their friends and the Morlocks are now no
longer a threat to the X-Men, and they choose to stay down int he sewers
instead of staying with the X-Men. At the end of the episode Wolverine
leaves while a picture of Jean Grey and Cyclops is teared in half.

| Episode #6:| COLD VENGENCE

This episode starts off where the last one took off. Wolverine has taken
a break from his X-Men career, but sooner than he knows it, Sabertooth
appears and the usual brawl between them ensues. Wolverine loses and
falls to the cold waters below, his healing factor will not be able to
heal him quickly enough for him to survive in sub zero waters for very
long. He is later rescued by village folk, they nurse him back to health
and Wolverine thanks them. They welcome Wolverine as a part of their
family, and they go out to catch fish with a few fish nets. However one
of the villagers is jealous that Wolverine has taken the spotlight. The
villager(forgot his name) has tried to catch fish with the net, but fails
due to the struggles of the fish and the heavy weight they present, but
Wolverine does it with ease. Wolverine finds this kind of stuff kind of
fun, but later the villager finds Sabertooth and tells him about
Wolverine and they had set up a plan to take Wolverine out. Wolverine
then finds out that the villager has been tricked and fights off against
Sabertooth, and this time Sabertooth falls to the icy waters below and
rescues the village folk. The villagers tell Wolverine where they would
go, but he does not seem to think that the city is a good place to be,
and later tells Wolverine that he is always welcomed amongst his people.
I almost forgot to mention that Jubilee, Storm, and Gambit take a vaction
to Genosha, it is a place that welcomes mutants and treats them as equals
instead of inferiors. Little did they know that it was a concentration
camp and they had been attacked in the middle of the night and are now
prisoners of Genosha.

| Episode #7:| SLAVE ISLAND

Here this episode takes place where the last one had left off, many
cameos are abound in this episode as Sunfire, The Blob(in the comics the
X-Men offered him to become a member), Warpath, and many, many others.
They are all mutants and has been enforced to become mutant slaves and
build buildings and all other sorts for the Genoshian government, which
is the hometown of the Sentinels. Also note that the rediculously too
cool Cable makes his appearance(or was it the last episode?) and gives
the government of Genosha a name that they will never forget. Jubilee had
tried to escape, almost succeeded and failed. However later they had all
escaped and the mutant slaves had rebelled against the Genoshian
government, and Storm had built a powerful tidalwave that had literally
destroyed hundreds of Sentinels in the process.

The episode starts off with Collosus taking down buildings with his
mutant powers, the other workers are jealous that he is getting all of
their money and they attack him. Wait a minute, actually the episode
started off with the X-Men returning home and finding their mansion
destroyed and pray that Professor Xavier had not been killed. Luckily
he has not, and they do find a giant footprint. Then Jubilee finds out
about Collosus and almost becomes crushed by the building had not
Wolverine's quick speed saved her. Wolverine decides to wait before
attacking and thus the workers attack Collosus, but he does them no harm,
yet they still run away. Wolverine and Jubilee attacks Collosus, they
are later defeated but Wolverine knows that Collosus is not the man they
are looking for. He then finds the Juggernaut breaking in and stealing
the bank's money, Wolverine sneaks up on him and slashes his money bags
and returns all the money back to the bank via Jubilee's help. Juggernaut
does not even notice that the weight has significantly decreased in his
arms, but since he's so strong he could barely feel it. Later in the
episode Collosus is wrongfully accused of being the robber and is taken
away in jail. Rogue and Storm decides to break in jail and free Collosus,
and Rogue distracts the guards in her own way. They also meet their
friend Beast inside, but he refuses to escape along with them, and thus
Collosus escapes while providing an instant door for their escape. Later
they battle Juggernaut and eventually win and Wolverine gives credit to
Cyclops' teamwork. And the Juggernaut forgets about himself and the
world, thanks to Jean Grey. Also at the end of the episode Collosus
helps the X-Men rebuild the mansion.

| Episode #9:| THE CURE
This episode is based solely on Rogue. One of the first scenes has Cable
fighting Warren Worthington III, I forgot why though. Warren is defeated
and flies off, he later hears about a cure for mutants and how they can
become human again. He then agrees to take part in an expieriment to make
him human, but Apocalypse shows his face and thus that does not at all
mean he will become human. Later Warren Worthington III appears at a bar
where the X-Men are and tells the mutants that there is a cure, but
little did people know that it was actually Mystique taking the form of
Warren Worthington III. Then later Rogue hears about this and takes a
chance to meet up with this so called reknowned scientist, but before she
does so she encounters Pyro and his other friend(forgot his name), but
she easily takes out the trash. She then finds the so called reknowned
scientist and just when she is about to undergo the expieriment, little
did she know that Pyro saved her from the false expieriment, but she
still takes out the trash once again. The other mutants who thought that
they were being cured were now part of the four horsemen of Apocalypse.

In this episode the four horsemen attack New York city as Apocalypse
makes his claim towards survival of the fittest. The X-Men as usual take
part and tries to resolve the riot, but they know they will have to force
them to stop. Then later they meet up with the four horsemen again as
well as Apocalypse and Rogue absorbs Warren Worthington III's powers
temporarily which has caused Warren to see the truth and later the battle
ends.(sorry my memory of this episode is very scarse)

| Episode #11:| DAYS OF FUTURE PAST: Part 1 of 2
This episode starts off in the post-Apocalyptic world that the X-Men
failed to protect and thus all mutants are now slaves. Sentinels are
abundant, actually more than usual as seen in the present time. Bishop
works for the Sentinels, but he is also a mutant and he captures
Wolverine and the other two mutants(I forgot their names!). Bishop
reaches the base and later the Sentinels feel no more use for Bishop
and they make him a prisoner, but they had an ace up their sleaves(no
not Gambit) and attacked and destroyed the Sentinels and later finds
Forge. Forge is an expert in time travel mechanics and he can send
Bishop back to the present(to Bishop its the past) and stop the
assassination attempt so none of this would ever happen. Also you see
the tombs of the X-Men including Jubilee, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm,
and Rogue. Bishop travels back to the past forgets his target but not
his objective. He meets up with the X-Men after a quick brawl and tells
them about his future. He supposedly forgot who the assassin was, but
then Gambit makes his appearance and Bishop goes berserk(not like
Wolverine of course) and points his gun towards Gambit. (also did
anybody catch the videogame the kids were holding featuring The

| Episode #12:| DAYS OF FUTURE PAST: Part 2 of 2
This episode takes place from where the last episode took off, but Gambit
does not become soot by Bishop's gun. Gambit claims that he is no
assassin but Wolverine says that the Cajun has never been straight with
the X-Men. Later as Wolverine puts it, he babysits Gambit and Bishop.
Gambit literally has an ace up his sleave in this episode and thus he
escapes while putting a kinectically charged card into the VCR and it
explodes and he escapes. Gambit escapes because he wants to find out who
the real assassin is. He later does, but he finds a clone of himself(well
not actually a clone) and its actually Mystique, which he does not know.
He fights with the fake Cajun and is momentarily stunned by Bishop's gun
and Wolverine has had enough and crushes his arm band and sends Bishop
back to his own time. At the end Mystique tells Rogue that she is her
mother, in which Rogue is obviously shocked about.

| Episode #13:| THE FINAL DECISION
In this episode(which I think is the coolest one yet) it starts with
Magneto capturing President Kelly, and he takes him to an abandoned old
ship of some sort. Magneto is about to kill president Kelly, but the
Sentinels break up the party and takes out Magneto easily. Magneto lost
because the Sentinels are plastic, which he can not magnetize of course
and that is why they defeat him so easily. The X-Men later find Magneto
and take him back to the mansion where they rest him up to almost full
health. The X-Men has decided to attack the Sentinel's base, Magneto
tells them that they are only making themselves an early deathwish.
Professor Xavier also decides to come with the X-Men, as he controls
the Blackbird's firepower. When they arrive the Sentinels are caught
off guard, they then take out a few Sentinels. Later a swarm of
Sentinels come out(I think there were about a few thousands of them!)
and attack them. Just as the Sentinels attack the Blackbird and almost
send Professor X to his legitimate doom, Magneto comes and saves
Professor Xavier and realizes that if the X-Men lose this battle, all
mutants will be in danger. This episode is pretty cool for one reason,
the fighting! There was a ton of it as the X-Men take down the Sentinels
to their fullest extent with all their abilities. Its also pretty cool
when Wolverine dodges out the Sentinel's hand beams, the room is
completely dark, and the only time the room would light up is when the
Sentinels fire and here you can see Wolverine's skills to their
potiential which is pretty neat. Also Cyclops and Jean Grey rescue
President Kelly, and as they do they know that they will need to escape.
Cyclops however remembers about Morph, and he has made his decision that
this time he is leaving no one behind and goes off and finds Gambit and
Wolverine. He later finds them and they escape, and the underground base
is about to explode as Master Mold(the Sentinel that makes all other
Sentinels look like ants, literally!) alarms the rest of the Sentinels,
the underground explodes and so does the remaining Sentinels. Then a
giant red cascade blows apart a mountain as Master Mold appears,
Porfessor X attempts to crash the Blackbird(which is rigged with nearly a
kiloton of explosives!) on Master Mold while Magneto provides the
shielding. The Blackbird collides and Master Mold blows up with such
awesome fury that not even Cyclops can create with his Optic Blast! Later
President Kelly announces to the world that mutants are not all bad and
he has seen how mutants are just as normal as humans. Later the show ends
with Jean Grey and Cyclops having a picnic as some mysterious force
watches over them, can you guess who? Well if you have seen the second
season you should already know.

NOTE: I'm not sure if any of you X-folks remember this, but FOX Kids had run
this same season for three straight seasons. The reason being is that
because the series was released too early, or either the episodes that
were due for the second season took too long to produce. Can someone
fill me in on this?

Season: 1991-1992, 1992-1993, 1993-1994

I'll probably stop here, I want to provide a good sense of information,
but not overflow the FAQ with the television show.



Play as Akuma:

-- Player 1: Go over to Silver Samurai and press Short, Roundhouse, and
Fierce at the same time.

-- Player 2: Go over to Spiral and press Short, Roundhouse, and Fierce at
the same time.

Play as Juggernaut:

-- All Players: Input Akuma code, then after the battle press Up/left
TWICE and you should see Juggernaut's face.

Play as Magneto:

-- Be darned if I knew. Note that I acquire a gameshark code to play
as Magneto, go to www.cmgsccc.com for the code.

NOTE: Below is the Playstation code on how to play against Akuma provided
by Megnetto.


This is for people who want an extra challenge. In order to face
him, your character must have these requirements:
1) Must be on "manual".
2) Fight with no continues.
3) Defeat your opponents two rounds in a row (don't lose a round),
having "first attack" on each round.
4) Must use "Hyper-X" 6 times or more and it must CONNECT to the
opponent each time. No missed or blocked "Hyper-X" nor blocked or
"cheesy" one-hit "super finish" will be accepted. You must get a
MAXIMUM number of combos hits from your character's Hyper-X at least
once (check John Culbert's X-men FAQ for that info).

If done correctly, Akuma will appear as the sixth opponent, before
Juggernaut. His stage is the "Danger Room" and he fights like he

I have tried this code, it worked for me 4 times, out of 11 tries. Not
really sure why though, but this is the closest anybody has gotten to
the code. Many thanks to Megnetto for this info.


-+- Capcom(www.capcom.com)
For making one of the best fighting games around, but why cut out the
endings for the game?

-+- Joseph Peitler/Alan Jaqueira(megnetto@hotmail.com)
For their code in discovering the 'play as Akuma' code. Many many many

-+- Kenichiro Tanaka(tanaka@maya.com)
For his codes for Juggernaut and Akuma.

-+- James Chen(jcehnsor@ucla.edu)
For his outstanding combo system that should be the ONLY one used.

-+- Miguel Rustia(www.miggy.net)
For his clarification and remodilization on James Chen's marvelous combo

-+- CJayc(www.gamefaqs.com)
For his hard work and dedication to his site as well as posting up this

-+- You(--------@something.com)
The readers of course, for respecting this FAQ and for not their interest
in various FAQs, FAQs would not be possible!

-+- Dingo Jellybean(bellybutton@hotmail.com)
For typing up this FAQ.


Copyright 1999-2000 (C) Dingo Jellybean

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