Community Pom

Community Pom

17.10.2013 19:49:35

My Home Town
Community Pom

ver 1.8 FINAL
Last update Nov 29, 1998
Current now as of May 10, 2001

Table of Contents

Section Contents

1 Table of Contents
2 Introduction by Jaymes
3 Game Controls
4 Items List
5 The Poms, and their abilities
6 Statistics of Luru and Poms
7 The actual walkthrough ( get a snack...
this might take a while )
8 Thanks


I recently came upon this Japanese game around 1998,
and have found some time to play and enjoy the game.

The game was worked on by "Fill in Cafe" and "Witch Switch Team",
developed in 1997. Check out

note: I recently checked the link above, and there is nothing there. :(

I highly recommend The 09th MS Platoon: Anime Game Emulation
for Anime Game faqs and walkthroughs

Make sure you can read japanese, and have a gibberish to japanese converter
installed. njwin 1.6 is good.

The game itself is *very* cute, and plays between a mix of Zelda,
Alundra, and Sim City.

I will try my best to translate the game from body language, facial expressions, etc.
If I mess up, email me with the correction, as I love constructive
critisism, and hints! ;)


"Luru" can run when you press twice in any direction.
[] (square) Attack!
[] hold for a parry spin, release for super hit
[] hold and hit your poms for their abilities
[] use in front of tent for save/load
and to get poms in party
O magic, or item use
X Jump
/\ ? (triangle) searches?
R2 bring up a map
R1 Call your poms to battle, or to follow you
L1 Bring up your character statistics/INV
L2 Bring up your pom statistics
Start Pause
Select Inventory/Stats ( same as L1 )
/\ Picks up poms, throws them

*BUG: you can't attack or use magic in town, unless the pom
community is under attack, but never use a summon in
the pom community, or it will lock the game. 50/50
chance. I used the sphinx.

The Map is *cute*. What more can you say. Checking map shows you in
the town.
Getting used to the character/item screen takes almost no time.
To select the current item for use, choose [] on either magic,
item, weapon, Misc, or exit. Note the cute person on the right.

***Items List***

Potions Blue Potions Small heals all your life, creates a small
Large heals all your life, in a large area

Green Potions Small heals poisoning in a small area
Large heals poisoning in a large area
Pills +1,+2,+3 Increase Stats for Poms,
consists of many colors
Pink ??? I toss it, it goes away

Summons Lantern Sphinx for impact damage
Fishbowl Healing ( doesn't hurt enemies )
Fire Ring Fire Muscleman for fire damage
Flower Healing ( also resurrects dead poms )
Seashell Whirlwind for air damage
Misc Food Increases the condition of your sheep
Party Toy Breaks rocks / secret walls
Magic Dust Allows access to mushroom dungeon
Sheep Put them in sheep pen using O
Keys Allows you to open doors in dungeons
Paint Red Increases stats on housing
Blue Increases stats on housing
Brown Increases stats on housing
Food Ham Steak +1 Love, +1 Like, -2 karma, +iq
Ham +1 Love, +1 Like, -2 karma, +iq
Shishkabob +1 Love, +1 Like, -2 karma, +iq
Chicken Leg +1 Love, +1 Like, -2 karma, +iq
Hambone +1 Love, +1 Like, -2 karma, +iq
Bread +1 Love, +1 Like, -2 karma, +iq
Eggplant +1 Love, +1 Like, -5 karma, +iq
Tomatoe +1 Love, +1 Like, -5 karma, +iq
Squash +1 Love, +1 Like, -5 karma, +iq
Frankfurter +1 Love, +1 Like, -2 karma, +iq
Honey Dew +1 Love, +1 Like, -5 karma, +iq
Strawberry +1 Love, +1 Like, -5 karma, +iq
Blueberry +1 Love, +1 Like, -5 karma, +iq
Walnut +1 Love, +1 Like, -5 karma, +iq
Cards 1-40+ The cards are used to trade items in the shop
Unusable items? Trowel ?
Golden Frog Summons other poms when you use the middle
Diamond Ring ?
Scissors ?
Eyeball ?
Dungeon Maps Allows you to see full dungeon map,
including staircases
Magic Fire Book Fireball attack
Ice Book Icering attack/defense
Teleport Teleports out of dungeon
If on map, teleports to pom town
Bomb Large radius explosive damage
Invisibility Makes party invisible for short time
Heal Heals Luru, takes health temp. from poms
Tambourine Make enemies dance. ( bosses too? )
Squeaky Shoes Makes beeping noise as you walk/run

***The Poms***

They look like Rabbits, but with cute hats. They talk too!
Here is a listing of the poms I have run across in order,
and what they can do to the best of my knowledge.

Turban Pom Hammer and Snowman icons, ice breath spin attack
Hammer might mean construction can begin
Ribbon Pom Pom icon, attracts male pom in water town.
Feather Hat Pom Sheep and Fire icon, breathes fire, makes sheep pen
Farmer Pom Crops and Fire icon, allows farms, breathes fire
Viking Pom Hammer and Sword, allows for bashing of wood barrier
Pick him up and throw him at a barrier
Needle Pom 1 Pill and balloon icon, allows for hospital and
blows leaves ( and whistles... )
Needle Pom 2 Pill and balloon icon. Later creates library,
gateway to another town...
Scimitar Pom Shuriken and Tongue, may allow for espionage?,
allows crossing of drops by sticking out tongue
when bonked
Indiana Pom Axe and Mallet, once again, allows barrier crossing.
Axe ??? more to come...
Teleport Pom Hidden in maze in lego town, bang him on head to
teleport to a specific area.
Wizard Pom Hitting him will send a giant bolt of
lightning across the screen, stunning all opponents.


Luru's Statistics Strength Constitution IQ Life
Max Life Level Exp

Pom Statistics Strength Max Life Life IQ
Like Love Luck Karma
Hungry Tech

Town Statistics Mey Mey Happy Level Number
Ranking Tech Life Pom

Strength The more the better, allows you to hit harder
Constitution May influence how much life you have
IQ How smart you are at you tasks
Life How much health you have 'right now!'
Max Life How much life you can have in total
Level Your level of experience
Exp How much experience you currently have
Exp to next level Just like it sounds
Like How much your poms like you
Love How much your poms love you
Karma Raises when your poms kill things. Higher=bad?
Hungry If more than 1, feed your poms
Tech Beats me. Guess they know how to reinstall dial
up networking...
Mey Mey Number of sheep in the town
Pom Number of poms collected so far


The game begins with a cute introduction, of a number of skulls
floating down from a moon, and landing in the general vicinity of
the "community", or the first village ( might be the only village ).
After landing, there are a number of screens which show a boy
being brainwashed by the skull, and shown some dark magic, as well,
he reqruits three girls to help him.
Next to these, are screens of a cute girl playing with 2 poms,
who reveal to her a magic staff.

Then some really catchy music comes on, showing "Luru" walking with
the staff down a path. *cute*

***Start of Game***

A farmer comes rushing into town, huffing and puffing, and tells
the villagers that he has been attacked by a large watermelon. The
villagers laugh at him, then the screen scrolls to the home of the
hero, let's call her "Luru".

"Luru's" grandpa tells her that she's the only hope for the
village, or some other RPG cliche. Then she leaves the house.


The first town consists of a hospital in the northeast corner,
where the doctor will heal you, and the nurse will save your game.

There is a church in the center of the North end of town, which will
allow you to resurrect your poms if they die. ( This is assumed only,
as I have not had any die, yet... )

There is a shop in the Northwest corner, where you can buy healing
potions, magic dust, and a green potion. You can also sell "meat",
which you find aplenty, as you defeat monsters outside of town.

There is a house in the southeast corner which will reward you with
a "card" if you snoop around.

A house in the Southwest corner has a large healing potion in it.

Just north of that house is a house with a lady who yaks with
you, but does little else.

***People in Town***

There is a wino in the northwest, living under a cardboard box or
hiding under a poncho. I have no idea what he does, but you meet
him in the second dungeon. Let's call him the "wino".

In the center of town, there are 3 girls sitting next to "Luru's"
house, a gaffer, a kid with a butterfly net, a kid, and a lady.

Talking to any of them does a whole lot of nothing. Next to the
town square is the house with the card in it, just to the right.

I know its vague right now, but any help is better than no help.

Peter is by the house with sheep.

***Watermelon Mission ***

First thing to do is to talk to the 3 girls hanging out next to
your place. They yak for a while, then disappear! Seems they
might be the some of the witches that you saw during the intro.

After they disappear, go and talk to the shopkeeper in the NW
corner of town, and see if you have enough money for magic dust,
or a small healing potion. Saying no to the shopkeeper will
result in "Yada Yada", meaning 'no'. *cute* Nevertheless, you
don't have the cash, so leave.

Talk to the "wino", he looks like me after a really good social.

Go to the house with the chest, grab the healing potion.

Before leaving town, be sure to head into the house in the SE
corner of town. You can't miss it, it is the one with the sign
and the sheep pen. Snoop around the shelves, and take the "card".

Talk to Peter.

After procuring the card, leave town. Just head south.

Outside of town, there are 3 types of monsters. There are bats,
which move in swirls, melons which roll left and right, and
pumpkins, which roll, and walk around.

After beating up 3 or 4 monsters, "Luru" will level up. *cute*

To the south, there is a gate, and a sign which likely says, closed
until you defeat the bat boss.

Anyway, from the sheep pens, head west, and there are two chests on
a rise you can't jump up to. *get them much later* Head north now,
bashing the sparse monsters you come across.

Note that many monsters will drop 'meat'. Don't sell the meat to the
store owner, as it comes in really handy later. You can feed your poms.

Heading West, you head into a big area, with the same monsters.
Beat them up, then go North. You will come to a really big tree, and
a vampire that looks like an egg, or vice versa. Your attacks on the
'egg vampire' are fruitless, so head into the tree.


In the tree, head north. There are two pits you can jump over, the
left pit blocks your access to a chest containing a potion of healing.
The right pit blocks your access to the basement. In the basement,
beat up a few monsters, then grab the chest. It will contain a
magic book of fire. Do yourself a favor and equip it. Power it up.

Power up the magic book, by holding down the O button. After it is
fully charged, you will hear her exclaim 'fire!'. *cute*

Go back up. Press the L2 button, and it might show you a map of the
current dungeon. Exit the map.

Now, head up the stairs to the left.

Upstairs, beat up the pumpkins and wolves, then grab the other chest. It
should contain a potion.

Exit the upstairs level by walking out onto a branch. Grab the chest.
There will be a cool item, which will summon a powerful syphinx to drop
meteors on your enemies. Save it for much later.

Now, jump down off the branch. Smash the egg/vampire with the magic fire
attack, and continue West. There are a number of chests lying around,
make sure to take their contents. Note that there are some steppes that
you can't jump up to.

Head through the exit to the West.


This has to be one of the goofiest bosses I've ever seen, on any console.
A worm jumps down, and bites eyes and a mouth for the watermelon, which
then animates, and attacks you.

Using a comination of the fire attack ( which will NEVER run out, just keep
powering up by holding 0 ), and fast staff attacks, you can quickly
beat the watermelon. The worm will fall out, then you can quickly finish
the watermelon.

The watermelon will spit a seed at you from time to time, but just walk out
of the way. As soon as the worm appears peeking out from the top of the
melon, attack as much as you can.

After the watermelon withers into nothing, step on the worm on your way

North. You will come to a small mushroom, so you will want to throw some
magic dust on it. After it grows, head on into the mushroom.


You may want to head back to town before tackling this level. Save the

Okay. Now, note that there is a pom imprisoned within a stone brigade
here. Watch out for faux mushrooms, which will grow and attack you. They
just a little bigger than normal mushrooms.

Mushrooms, bats, and wolves are the only monsters around here.

Grab the chest contents first, food and ??????.

Then head East. To the east, you will need to north. There are some
stairs, and further north, there is a staircase down. Go up the stairs.
Cross the bridge, and go into the door in the west area.

Go down the staircase ( or go south to grab the two chests on the ledge of
the first room. ) Keep heading down the stairs, grab the key in the chest.

Now go back across the bridge, and down the staircase on the far east
screen. After heading right down, open the door with the key, and jump
( note the hint written on the floor ) across, get the second spell book,
and the second key. Now head back to the middle area.

To the extreme North, you should see 2 doors, one to the left, one to the
right. The one on the right should be the only accessible door. Once
grab what you need, then talk to the "wino". Leave.

Then go into the left door. Defeat a few monsters, then push the statue
into the middle of the room. You might have to attack the statue to push
Go downstairs. Get the final key, then head back to the brigade.

Now, back into the right door, and go into the final area.

There will be a door to the north, and a bridge next to the door. Cross the

bridge, then talk to the scared sheep. It will join you. You will collect
many sheep as you go along.

You will enter into a room, playing neat boss music. The boss is a bat
which seems to love eating sheep whole. It spits out their skeletons like
spits out chicken bones. ( Come to Kum Koon Garden and see! )

The boss has a dive bomb attack which is easy to avoid, just watch his
shadow and run around the room. Once on the ground, hit him with fire
really quickly. ( The boss keeps his distance, so stand still until
you get a chance to hit him )

The other attacks consist of a fast sweep to the left or right, which is
pretty difficult to avoid. Watch your health meter. If low on health,
use a potion. You will toss it, and it will form a pool. You need to run
into this pool asap, as you are only healed when standing in the pool,
which doesn't last long.

If in doubt, use the Syphinx magic. COOL!

Okay, after defeating the boss, you gain a pom member to your party. You
can even name him. He wears a turban, and has good tech skill. ( See
later section, on Construction. )

Leave the area, and step on a pentagram to exit the dungeon really fast.
Go back in, and allow the next pom to join you. The stockade opens as soon
as you push the statue into the middle or the room earlier.

***Back to Grandpa***

Head back to town, then talk to your grandpa. He will talk with you for a
while, and the scene will switch to the area south of the town ( south of
the gate you couldn't open earlier. You will talk to the two poms, which
will then appear on the map as white dots. Now, you will finally have a
use for all that food you've been saving up.

***The Food***

Equip some food, doesn't matter what right now, as I haven't logged what
does what. I'll make a list, and tell you what each does. Some food will
make a pom farm, plant seeds and water the farm, build a house, build a well,
etc. Note that the poms are not equal..

Turban pom is okay for building right now, but jungle hat pom is better.
Cute ribbon pom is not good at much now, except love.

There is hope! Feeding poms certain foods, will make them increase their

stats. I know that Ham slices will do this, squash will do this, and so
will chicken.

Anyway, make them create a farm, as it has a high durability factor. 999
in all stats ( Shock resistance, Fire resistance, Rain resistance, and
cold resistance I believe ). Houses run from 15 - 40 in all ranges, that's
why you should wait, and only let jungle hat pom make houses. You get him
later in the first castle, in the mountain in the far NW. Train them too.

Once finished, head out the west gate.

***Western Crags***

Time never stops for this game. The date should be April 12, or higher if
you've been leaving the game run when you go to the fridge, or whatever.
Make sure to PAUSE the game, whenever you can. I'm guessing you have a year
limit to finish the game.

Anyway, some new monsters are located to the west. Cute fairies which are
pretty slow, little guys with tridents, which are also slow, and gargoyles.
The fairies and little guys will offer little resistance, however, the
gargoyles are fairly fast. As soon as they see you, they rise up in the
air and divebomb the direction you are coming from. I find that a tactic
of running at them, and bashing them with the staff to be very effective.
As well, use fire attacks when the gargoyles are at the periphery of your
screen vision.

There are some chests that are protected by some stumps. I don't know how to
break them yet, but I'm sure that the stone face in the west area here has
something to do with it. Now, if he'd only open his mouth to a dungeon or

Head north from the "Stone Elemental" and you will encounter the mountain.
There might be a chest lying around, and some sheep. Grab the sheep. There
are 2 caves which you can't get to by jumping, but you can get into the far
left cave by falling off a ledge just above it. Go into that cave. There
are 2 doors, left and right. First go into the left cave by flipping the
switches in the proper order. Don't ask me how, there are only 2 switches!

There should be another pom in this area. I call him speedy, as he looks
confused. Try picking the second option, I would like to know what happens.
If he either joins you fighting, or if he comes with you to the village, and
lives there... ( Just got confirmation that 2nd option will make him walk
around with you, but he won't fight yet... maybe some well fed poms will )

Grab the chest(s) in the room, and the sheep. Now go back, and grab the
chests from the right room. You will need a lot of potions in the castle
up above. Now go back to the switch room, and bash the ice wall with fire
attack, then head through the simple rooms, and you will exit out the right
cave, back into the crag area. Head east down the path, then grab those 2
chests you couldn't get at the beginning of the game. Go back to crag area,
and jump down.

Head up, up, up. Go into cave at the top of the mountain, and encounter the
second town, "Dwarf Village".

***Dwarf Village***

This place is a lot of fun. You can buy some summoning magic, potions,
save the game, go to the church ( I still have no use for it ), etc etc.
There is a guy in the north end of town who will wager that he can mine
more gold than you. Take his bet, and by quickly pressing [] and X,
you will mine more gold than him. He rewards you with +10 stamina.
If you fail, try again.

After resting at the doctors, you have a *cute* dream about poms dancing
around you in a circle, then they give you the staff. If you rest again,
you might also see yourself ( or another forest protector ) grown up with
the staff.

***Mountain Castle***

The mountain castle is easy. When inside, you will see a cut-scene of the
head Warlock talking to the witches. The skull talks too! After the scene,
head north, grab all chests in the first huge area, which consists of ramps,

stairs, and an exit to the north,and east.

Take the east exit first. It will take you to a room with a button
on the floor, and a switch. I haven't figured this one out. You might need
a pom in your party to assist you. Now how do I get a pom to come with me?

Head back into the huge area, and exit through the north exit. Now, it's been
about 48 hours since I finished it, so my memory is a little foggy.

There will be an area where you need to ride some moving tiles over long
Ride them, but keep riding them until they cycle back to the start. This will
let you find chests hidden out of view. Of course, you need to ride more than
one tile...

Also, higher up, there will be ghosts to fight.
Your staff is ineffective. Use fire.

After much running about, you will face a huge ape boss. Kick his butt!
He will be very fast, and does many fast horizontal attacks, left and right.
Keep using fire, just don't get close. You may need some potions. Summoning
a spirit for help is a good idea, as they prove ineffective on the next boss.

Just when you are about to finish him off, he will grab you ( you have no
choice ), and throw you through the left wall. Look at the imprint you leave.

Grab the key in the chest after flipping the switch, then step on the
teleporter pentagram. There will be a series of teleporters, you're on
your own here. Grab the chests of course. Once completing the series,
you will be back in that switch room I had problems with.

Go back back back, to the door you see just before
the ape boss, and open it. There are some captives here, a sheep, a pom
( Jungle Hat pom! ), and a baby ape. Free all three, then go back up.

The huge ape will be very happy, and apologize to you. He smashes the north
door open, allowing you acess to the next area.

***Witch Sisters***

These girls can be tough. The first witch has a good fire attack, but is
easy to beat in retrospect. Just run up to her and bash her with staff
quickly, or use fire. If you need to power up the staff, do so well away
from her. Note that you can only attack when a witch attacks, otherwise a
barrier will protect her.

The second boss is the toughest. She fires arcing lighting which takes up
1/2 the screen, so watch it. Rush in and attack like before. Don't be
afraid to use a summoning spirit for help. Health is cheap, use it!

Finally, the third boss. She teleports around, firing a homing laser, and
her skull friend will nibble on your bum. The summoning spirit is not
worthwhile using on her. Tough it out. I have no advice, other than the
tried and true rush in and attack.

Once defeated, they will go back and get an earful from their Warlock
boss ( reminds me so much of Sailormoon, always returning empty handed ).

As a reward, you will get the magic book of teleport. Use it to exit the
dungeon, and also to teleport back to the tent ( when outside ).

***Tent Area***

Sol mentioned to me that the tent has options of its own. You can
recruit poms to join you in battle as you run around, or you can
remove them from the party. You can also save/load.

***Bridge to East***

Now head east of the town, through the gate which is now open. There is
an area with a chest you cannot get yet, and a sign which has some music
on it. I don't know how to break the rock yet, so I'll move on. If you
try to leave to the North, you will be faced with a mean looking guy.

You can't blow him up like egg/vampire man, so head back south, then East
again. In this area, talk to the gatekeeper, and say yes to whatever he
asks. He will lower the drawbridge, allowing you access to the next area.


In the caverns, you will encounter the first monster you can't beat,
a floating jellyfish monster with an electric defense. Loose the poms
on them to beat them. Grab all the chests in sight. There is one you

cannot grab yet, until you get the viking hat pom.

Talk to a lost man in the caverns, and he will walk away to the east.
I have no idea of what happens if you say no to him while talking to him.

There is a pom in the lower level area, in the SouthEast, as well as a
new sheep. After a long chat, he will join your group.

I can't remember if it was viking pom, but if it was, head back to town
and get him to join you before going any further.

Now head back out, and head north to the Water Town.

***Water Town***

As you enter, a small group of people form around the king/queen.
After a short dialogue, you can continue.

Water town is pretty big. The graphics are great.

In the Southeast is an area to save your game, and in the Southwest is
an area to buy potions. To the far East is a game where you have to
bang rats on the head, for a prize.

The rat bonking game has a time limit of 60 seconds. You have to hit a
rat once every 1.5 seconds, and if you hit a rat with a bomb on his back,
you lose a point. If you bash a bomb you also lose a point. Take your
time when playing it, or drink about 2 liters of coffee. It's not too
hard. I forget what the prize was, but who cares! The game is kawaii!

To the NorthEast is the church, and to the NorthWest is the bar. Check
out the jukebox and booze price list in the bar. Too pricey for booze.

The coolest thing in town is the center of town, where you first meet
the band and their groupie. Also, there is a pom hanging out with the
groupie. Talk to her when you have ribbon pom with you, and doc pom
will join you, for a price. 100 gold ( could be 100 a day, cheap! ).

Make sure he joins you, or you might regret it later.

Note: If someone could translate the song for me, I would happily add
it to the walkthrough. I give credit where due. Sol and I mimic the
guys while driving, heh. You should see other drivers reactions...

Make sure you searched all the houses. There is a house in the North-
East with a hentai book for sale, a radio, and a playstation. Wish
I knew what she said regarding the book and playstation...

After the song, head North into the Castle.

***Water Castle***

The castle consists of 3 main areas, and subsequent rooms.
Talk to everyone. Search everywhere, and you will be sure to find a
few more trading cards. I have heard there are about 41 in total.

Talking to the King's chancellor will begin a scene in the dining room.
Looks like a Sherlock Holmes scene. Apparantly, the maid that Sherlock
talks to is about as smart as Mihoshi from Tenchi-Muyo. Talking to the
chancellor again provides the only real clue.

Someone has gone missing, and it's up to you to play detective. After
talking to ALL the maids, talk to the king and his chancellor again, then
talk to the guard in front of the single doorway you could not get to. He
will step away, allowing you to enter the Water Dungeon.

***Water Dungeon***

This dungeon isn't too big. But it's big enough. Start by heading south
down the narrow area, jump the gap, and then open the chest for the first

Then jump back over the gap, and head through the east door. There will
be an area with moving water with currents. Beat up the fish men
( good xp ) and exit from the SouthEast corner.

This will take you to a huge area, with 2 chests located on islands you
can jump to at the far south, and three exits at the far North. You come
out the NW exit.

Beat up the fish men, grab the chests, then head down the middle exit.
This will take you to the main dungeon. The main dungeon is divided into
4 large rooms, containing monsters you saw in the Caverns south of Water

There is a flowing causeway, which if you use, will quickly take you
through the corners of all 4 main areas. Each of which has at least 2
chests lying around.

In the NorthEast area is a staircase, which will lead you to the ice area
of the map. You can get the East chest you saw when walking up to Water
town ( it's just a large blue potion, what a ripoff ).

There is an area in the NorthEast section where you finally get the bomb
book. You'll need to get on the upper paths, and flip a switch or two in
order to get that book.

After you get the bomb book, look for the second key. I'm sorry, I
forgot where it is. Gomen!

Then head through a doorway in the NorthEast area. This is a puzzle
room. You can read the sign, which hints at what you must do, or you
could just use viking pom to bash the barrier to the left with his
forehead. Head into the room to the west.

You will fight a huge miniboss. The boss looks like a large jello
octopus. After beating the boss ( requires no special skill. He's a wimp. )
head through the North door with key in hand. ( your reward for beating the
miniboss. )

This new room is just a moving platform room. Ride the platforms to the
Northeast door, and exit.

You will eventually come into a room containing the boss, a huge squid
woman, who was either going to eat the kidnapped guy in the cage, or make
him watch a Walt Disney flick. ( Same deal ).

Use your new bomb book on this boss. It's very effective. Dodge the
smoke attacks without fail. The attacks will consist of a wide range
spray of smoke, and a deadly stream of smoke. You can always exit battles
with the bosses if you really need to, just walk out the door. However,
any damage to the boss is lost.

If hit by smoke, you will become poisoned. Make sure to use a small or
large green potion, as you cannot heal until you get your health meter
back to green instead of sickly blue.

After beating the boss, it shrinks to a small octopus, and falls into the
pool. Cross the newly formed bridge, and hit the switch. You will save
the prisoner.

Head back to the king and his chancellor via teleport, and get a pat
on the back.

No cash, no bonus. Sounds like AT&T. Anyway, back to the pom town.

***Back in Town***

Feed the poms, and switch the current poms you have for Feather Hat, Farmer,
and Needle pom. You will need the ability to blow air. Your town may have
been attacked by now, and it's your job to defend it when this happens. Rush
up to monsters on the map, and bash them before they destroy your houses.

Sometimes, if you don't have a balanced town, let monsters destroy the
houses you have in excess, then build other houses later. Wood houses
for life statistics, Stone houses for Strength, and Brick houses for Tech.

Anyway, head south through the newly opened gate.


The woods here consist of a dungeon to the far West, and the Tree
elemental to the far East. Talk to the Tree elemental, as you cannot
get in the West dungeon.

After this, head south into the second large town.


As you walk into town, you will watch a little cut-scene.

Okay. This town is bigger than Water town. In the Northeast corner,
is a warehouse with a single trading card in it. Next to it is the
palace. East of the palace is a house containing a huge square table,
and east of that is a church.

South of the church is a music school. Not much in here, but search
for cards anyway. Next to the music school is the town square. West
of this is a dancing school.

South of the dancing school is a house with a man hard of hearing, and
east of that is a fortune teller's tent. I have no idea of what she
does, but she may offer advice to our japanese readers. East of the
fortune teller is a potion shop, and to the east of that, a painter's

South of the painter's house is a sculptor, and west of this house is
a shipmaker or modellers house. Finally, in the Northwest corner of

town is a place to save your game. Do so.

Talk to everyone in town, and be sure to nose around for the trading
cards. Enjoy the scene in the middle of the town, in the town square.

Talk to the princess in the castle, and grab the trading card from
her room. I agreed to whatever she said during a dialogue. Saying
no results in the same dialogue, so choose yes.

Not much else to do in town ( let me know if anyone has found a way
into the west dungeon, just Northwest of the town ).

Now, make sure you have some good summon spells, and those poms I
mentioned earlier, and head south of town.


The main enemies here are turtles, which you cannot beat up. Use the
poms to beat them up, or just run around them. If you take to the
walkways, you can rescue a single sheep, and talk to a guy blocking the
path to the West. Now, go East.

There are a number of holes in the ground here, so be sure to jump over
them, and head due East.


Beat up the zombies which rise up from the ground for good xp. Luru
should be at level 13 or better now. Bang the gravestones, and
one of them will slide up, opening the door to the catacombs.

Attempting to get into the house will prove fruitless. Looks like
you have to complete another mission first. Head into the catacombs.


Inside the catacombs, grab any chest you see, and watch out for the
bats. Keep moving, and the bats can't hurt you. Grab any chest you
can, and you should end up finding a pair of scissors. Exit the
catacombs, and you should now be able to enter the Haunted House.

Note that you will have to go back to the Catacombs later, with
Scimitar pom, as there was a large gap you could not cross, leading
to ???

***Haunted House***

This dungeon is a lot of fun. As you walk in, you'll note that all the
doors are locked. Go North. The warlock will appear, and show you a
trapped sheep and Scimitar pom. There is a barrier preventing you from
talking to them, so head North, up the stairs.

Upstairs, all the doors are open. Almost every room is a trap, but
enter each room anyway.

A room in the NorthEast needs you to light up the candles to exit, just
use the fire book.

A room in the SouthEast contains a large mirror, which will make about
15 ghost Luru's to fight, just beat them up.

There is a long hallway full of statue heads, beat up the third head from
the left, to make it stick in place, then walk all the way to the east.

All the heads will stick in position, and the door near the book will open.
Get the chest. It should contain the key to the lower levels.

A room in the Northwest area will contain some knights, use the bomb
spell on them, or beat them up. Poms are ineffective. Go into the
room with the huge whistle, and use needle pom to blow the whistle over
to the left. Get the book of invisibility.

After cleaning up the entire upper area, head onto them main floor,
and clean up all the rooms here.

East rooms:

There is a kitchen containing a number of pumpkins which breathe fire.

There is a dining room where silverware and cups will attack you. Beat
up the silverware, then exit. ( come back here later with Scimitar pom ).

A room whose chandeliers drop, and the room fills with fire clouds. Use
bombs or poms. Oooh, that rhymes.

West rooms:

A large dining hall containing dancing ghosts. The ghosts turn to
floating fire clouds like before. Use poms on them, and bomb attacks.

There is a room which will give you the key to the door east of the
statue heads. Go up there, and get the key to the basement.


Zombies in the West room, full of coffins.
And two chests in the rooms to the west of all the coffins.

There is a tough miniboss in the east room. It's a totem pole. Beating

him will free the barrier, so you can rescue the sheep and pom.

Place your poms stragetically. Put the fire poms near the top of the
screen, facing inward. When the totem pole begins running around, bonk
the fire poms. You have to hit them, facing the direction you want them
to breathe fire. Also, the bomb attack is useful. After beating him, you
will get a new key.

You may need to use health once or twice. I was lucky and didn't have to.

By now, you should be level 15 or better. Go back to the main floor, and
find the warlock. He will spirit the pom and sheep away. Go back to the
third floor, the far southwest room containing all the pipes, then go into
the north door.

Make sure your bomb magic is fully powered, and that you have 8 healing
potions, and 8 anti poison potions. The boss will appear after you defeat
the zombie wave 3 times.

This boss is tough. Strategies include picking up the two fire poms, and
placing them facing inward toward the boss, near the top of the screen.

------------------- -----------------
pom1> boss
luru luru
___________________ _________________

Now, bash them repeatedly on the head.
The fire damage is better than your wimpy bomb attack.

The boss will

1- release a spray of ghosts ( easy to avoid, stand in front of him,
and get in as many hits as you can )
2- his stomach spits out flesh puddles, which follow you. When you
kill them, ghost will rush you. Hard to avoid.
3- munching hand attack. His hand has a mouth on it ( vampire D? ),
and it shoot out in front of him. Easy to avoid, but damaging as
4- spit out a skull caterpillar. If it touches you, you are poisoned.

If you can beat him, you get Scimitar pom, and another sheep. Head
back to town as soon as possible.

***Back in Town***

Now, get a party going, containing scimitar pom, viking pom, and one
of the fire breathing farmer poms.

You have a choice of tackling the hidden rabbit city, or the quarry.

Head to the quarry ( but first, using the tongue, go back to the
haunted house, and the catacombs. You should find a cute pink pom,
swimmer pom, in the catacombs ).

Using the swimmer on the various docks, allows her to change into swim
trunks, and you ride on her back as she swims. This allows you to get a
number of chests, on the icy islands, and around water town in general.


The rock quarry contains the ruins of an ancient civilization. First, go into
the upper tomb area, located in the far north. Inside here, you will have
little difficulty fighting the monsters inside.

There may be some knights, which poms have trouble handling, as well as some
mushrooms which emit poisonous gas. If you rush the mushrooms or knights,
you should be able to beat them with one hit.

Grab all of the pills you can, and power up the current poms you have. I
suggest powering up viking pom, because I believe he may add the ability for
the town to defend itself. Same thing for the scimitar pom. It's your

After fully exploring the entire area, grabbing everything in sight, including
indy pom ( another barrier breaker ), you should explore the lower tomb area,
located just SouthEast of the upper tomb area, on the main quarry map.

The lower tombs consist of 3 main levels. Explore the first level
and you should find a lot of money, and if you jump a huge gap in the East,
you should find another trading card.

You have the choice of 3 exits, the Far NorthWest, North, and NorthEast.

Down the NorthWest, fight your way through Knights, Mushrooms, and weird
shaped wizards. The wizards will shoot out a damaging pentagram. Look out.

You should rescue a sheep, and find a locked door down this way. Head back

and take the Northeast exit down.

After much running around, you'll grab a few chests, and find the key to the
miniboss. Go back to the main level, and head down the middle ( North )

This large area needs some tricky jumping, grab the 3 chests resting on the
middle island, then enter the miniboss lair from the South.

The warlock will appear, and utter some kind of threat, after which, he will
disappear, leaving you to tackle the giant man eating plant.

The plant miniboss eluded death for the longest time. Took me about 30 minutes
of running around to finally figure this one out. Jump over the electric
attacks, which first come from the east and west, then south and north, then
east and west again. Jump over the spinning electric fields, about 5 times,
then the plant boss will spit out some seeds.

Make sure you are holding down [] and bash the seeds, which will fly into
the open mouth of the miniboss. Doing this about 5 times will kill the boss.

You now have the key to the BOSS. Head back down the NorthWest door, and
go through the next door. You will have to battle more knights, mushrooms,
and doo doo shaped wizards.

There is an area with a big rolling stone, so you know you are close. Avoid
the stone, ( or run right through it taking the damage ) and exit to the

Grab the chest to the East, then exit through the West door. Grab the Sphinx
summon, and the potion, then go into the bosses room. It's that giant punk
skeleton you saw earlier on the main level.

Beating this boss isn't too hard. ( use 2 fireman summons ). First of all,
he will just stand on the column in the middle of the room, there is no way
he can hurt you, yet. When he plays his guitar, a walking bomb will fall.
Use the fire magic to ignite the bomb, which will explode, shaking the room.

Rocks will fall bashing the Skeleton. After 5 or 6 hits, the real fight

Strategies include using the fire pom at the base of the skeletons feet to
burn him, just run up and bash him now and then. Also, make sure you use
the spinning staff defense to block the flying bones, and the flying swords.

If the skeleton attacks with his giant sword, use the fireman summon. Use
the bomb attack frequently. The boss likes to stand still, in the middle of
the room. As well, when the boss lets loose the laser attack, just walk out
of the way. Do NOT run into a corner. The laser itself will not hurt you,
the ground tearing apart after the laser passes by will.

Just keep walking out of the way. Use the second fireman if you like. By
this time, the boss should be killed, assuming you put in a few hits of
your own, using staff, fire pom, and bomb spells.

You don't get a thing. Not even a balloon. Exit the entire area, head back
to Middletown, and talk to the princess. She will have opened the gate to the
West of the Tree elemental. Make sure to go there.


The teleporters will take you to meet a new pom, grab that chest on the hill
by watertown, another teleporter will take you to the middle of the water
area between the cemetary and the steppes, and the fourth will place you
near the cliffs you could not reach in the NorthWest corner of the map.

South of Watertown - grab the chest. Nothing else to do.

NorthWest Cliffs - Use scimitar pom's tongue to cross the gap, and get the
chest. Cash I believe.

Water Area - nothing here. Head back to teleporter area.

NorthWest Forest - Make sure you bring along one of the doctor poms. You
will see a pom run away as you get closer to the west. Head North, and he
will run away again. Finally, go east, and he will run into a small room
to the south. Thus starts a fun little game. You have to catch him 3 times.

You can do this as many times as needed, but you can only walk, so it takes
a few tries. Attempt to corner him ( nearly impossible ).

Head back to town to introduce him to everyone. Then, head into the library
in pom town ( make sure you bring lots of those party favors, they break rocks
and walls ).

***Hidden Pom Town***

Head into all the stores, you will find paint for sale, food for sale,
a magician's show, an unhappy kid in the middle of the town, the Two Famous
Singers in the middle of the town. After talking to everyone, and saving
the game, go into the castle.

***Pom Town Castle***

This area is very large. You will fight fairies that will summon blocks
to drop on your head, gum drop head men who have bladed yo-yos, and teddy
bears. All very cute, but watch out.

First thing to do is head straight north, go down down the stairs. All the
lights are off. Run around, until you are able to flip all the switches.
The lights will go on, and you might have noticed a bright light shining in
the middle of a pillar. Break the creacked wall with the party favor, and
rescue 'teleport' pom.

You can go back to town, to introduce him ( and add him to the party of
selectable poms ) or keep on exploring. Head back to the main level. By
jumping to the left or right platforms, you should be able to grab another
chest, and to go up either the left or right exits. The left should allow you
to eventually grab a key, the right will take you up.

Once upstairs, start flipping switches. All of them. You might run into a
room with 4 yo-yo men, beat them up, and fight the miniboss in the room to
the north.

You will fight a cheshire cat. Not too hard at all. Keep running, and use
the bomb attack on this boss. After running around to avoid the claw attack,
and spinning your staff to avoid the other range attacks, you should tidily
beat the boss. Head north.

Once again, flip all switches, and head south, into a room full of spinning
spikes. Avoiding the spikes, talk to the pom in the middle of the room. He
will join you, and the spikes should go away.

Now, head south, there should be a way to head through 2 exits, east or west.

Go up the west, then the east. Sorry I can't be more specific, but I'm way
ahead now.

After flipping a number of switches, a few barriers will drop. Watch out for
bears and fairies. Don't get boxed into a corner. Those wooden blocks can be
a headache. ( note: if you rescue wiz pom from the desert cave, this can be
really easy, see desert cave... )

After walking past the barrier, use scimitar pom to cross the barriers in a
clockwise fashion, until you get to the rooms in question.

Enter the left large room, avoiding the falling blocks, and go up. You might
be able to get a final key. You may need to go right back to the start. Next,
head all the way back, and this time, enter the right large room. Beat up
bears, and go upstairs.

You will eventually come to a room full of electrified floors, jump across
them avoiding the lightning floors. Rest if you need to. Now head onto the

The boss is a giant doll, that attacks with a minigun that pops out of her
midsection. As well, she will drop a huge shoe on you, if you stand in one
place too long. I thought that this fight was easy. Use bomb attacks ( or
lightning! if you wisely explored everywhere, and used the party favors you
bought in watertown ) weaken the boss. Eventually, she will blow up!

Congratulations, you really pissed her off! The true form of the boss is a
fast moving gunboat.

My advice is to use the spinning staff for defense during the magnet attacks,
and to run around as fast as you can during the bomb attacks. Use potions if
you need to. Run to the south end of the room during the gunboat attacks.

Lighting will finish the boss really quickly, and your reward is a small
teddy. Give the teddy to the crying kid in the middle of the town, and he/she
will cheer up. Talk to the magician, then leave.

***Tree of Life***

After saving the game, head to just northeast of the town, and the thug will
let you pass. Head up, up the winding path, and go into the copse of trees.
You will meet the sleeping tree of life. Use the magic dust to wake him up.
He'll probably tell you some long winded story of the history of the land,
and afterwards, go back and talk to the original tree close to middletown,
for more information.

Grab the sheep, and the chest while here. Then head North into the Desert.


The desert consists of skeletons, and more dung men. They still cast
that weird damaging spell, but your poms or a single lightning spell will
take them out. Head due NorthEast to get to the Desert Town, or SouthEast
to get to the Oasis. In the Oasis, use swimmer pom ( Note Luru's cute single
piece swimsuit, and how she puts it on. CUTE! ) to cross and get
the chest here.

In the middle of the Desert, enter the desert cave, which requires minimal
thinking to solve. Grab any chests, and rescue/recruit wiz pom. He can
freeze enemies in combat, by making loud thunder.

Far to the east, SouthEast of Desert town, is a circle with a pillar in the
middle. Wonder what this does? ...

Grab any chests in sight, there should be 3 in the oasis area, and 3 in the
general desert area. Now, head into the desert town, and talk to everybody.

***Desert Town***

A coffee shop, hospital, church, fortune tellers, and a single shop are the
main points of this town. Be sure to talk to the wino, and then go see the
sultan in the middle of the town. He will ask you to show him a diamond
ring, and then when you do that, I believe he asks you to show him a pair
of earrings. Doing this may allow you to get your hands on the pom in this
room, who sits around, and won't talk to you very much. Save the game,
leave town, and go to the pillar in the far SouthEast.

***Giant Pillar***

This is the enemy stronghold on earth. Use a fireman summon on the pillar,
and wait patiently as it zooms up toward the sky. Enter the pillar now.

Watch the cut scene. Seems the witches have left the warlock to his own

Level 1 consists of moving platforms, and little guys that throw bombs. No
worries here. There are two sublevels, one of which will take you to an
area where you have to freeze some water after moving it over some platforms.
It also gives you access to the miniboss. You need a key first.

There should also be a way to get a key from the other sublevel which is
located in the mid-east portion of the 1st level. You may need to ride one
of the platforms in the middle of the screen. Can't remember what was down
there right now...

By riding a platform in the lower right area, you can find a staircase up in
the far northwest corner of the 1st level. Before venturing any further,
be sure to grab all chests off the 1st level. There may be only one on the
1st level, near the west.

After going up, you'll face a lot of carrot men who scream at you after they
get hit. Use the spinning defense staff to avoid damage. As well, there will
be a lot of stationary weed men, who expand if you get too close, causing
a small amount of damage. Run and hit them.

Needless to say, the upper levels are very large, but with minimal effort,
you'll be able to get through. Email me if you need specific assistance. After
finding the first key, go fight the miniboss I mentioned.

The miniboss is a large burrowing worm ( ever seen dune? ) that is really easy
to beat. Make sure you have a powered up lightning book before going in.
When the worm gets close to you, walk left or right, and it will circle you.
At this point, use the lightning freely, and the worm will die in about 5

Get the key for the upper levels, then head back up. After getting to the
top of
the tower ( which was really easy ), you will enter the witch sisters room.

cozy. Then head west, and into the warlocks room. Read some books, then
into the Warlock's boss room.

The Warlock isn't that tough. Use the lightning again, and keep moving. If he
rushes you, he will dissapear and reappear behind you. Use lightning freely.
His spells consist of homing lasers, and homing skulls. Keep running and you
should be fine. Health and summons should not be needed. After beating up
Warlock, he gets really angry. Before he can cast a death spell, or
devastating, the wino from the towns runs out and bashes the Warlock on the

He apologizes for all the trouble the Warlock has caused, then transforms
a large cloaked skeleton. He gives the Warlock crap for the trouble, then
into the North room. This is a teleporter to the moon.

***Rainbow between Earth and Moon***

While flying to the moon, on a magic carpet, you get attacked by a whale.
Go figure. This boss is pretty tough. Once again, I can't stress using
lightning enough. It will take the whale out in short time. Be sure to use
the spinning staff defense whenever the whale uses a range attack.

After defeating the whale, you will emerge from the mouth of a big tree. He
sure looks healthy. Leaving this room to the south will put you in the real
pom town moon colony. ( Remember the rabbit pounding the mochi on the moon? )

***Pom moon colony***

The town is pretty small, and note the unique buildings. There are a few
a church, doctor's house, as well as the King's Palace ( house ).

Make sure you talk to everybody at least once.

Not much going on in this town. Exit through the back of the town to enter the
Moon area.

In the moon area, walk left until you reach the entrance to the castle.

Note the earth in the background.

*** Final Castle ***

Ok. This is the hard part. There are 3 main floors, a basement, and the
room. The poms I brought along with me were Turban, Feather Hat, and
Farmer Pom.

1st floor. This floor isn't too hard. Watch out for ninjas, and the moon
guys who routinely zap you. It's been some time since I finished it, so
give me
a break.

Ensure that you flip all switches when possible. It also helps to just run
through the rooms without killing anybody. You may encounter the bosses that
you have fought before. Use the same tactics you used before. Bosses are
in the corner rooms.

If you go into the basement, there are a few cages containing health,
etc. You will not be able to get beyond a waterfall, yet...

If you encounter the princess, you will be given a phial, with which you must
obtain water from 2 fountains. This is going to be tough, as you have to

*** The Dragon ***

In between the open court areas, is a room with a really tough boss, a

Ensure that you have powered up your Lightning spell book.

This boss has a main attack. His breath weapon is similar to a giant laser.
To beat him, have some health handy, and just wail on him using the Lightning
spell. Hopefully you are already level 32 at this time, or you might not be
able to kill him easily. I used 2 health containers, but then again, I
just sat
in front of him, nailing him with the Lightning constantly.

After you kill him, the waterfall turns off, and you meet the princess. She
gives you the phial, and you have a short storyline to look through. After
finish this, collect the 2 colored waters, and you should get a green water.
Use this water on the second floor area, where there is a dry fountain.
If you
don't do this, when you enter the bosses room, you will be thrown out.

*** Final Boss ***

Not exactly a pushover like the Dragon, but not as hard as the Frankenstein

monster, the final boss is a withered old witch. She will move about very
quickly, and you will be hard pressed to beat her. Your poms are hiding under
their hats in fear.

Attacks on you include homing spells, and wide area attacks. As the boss
around, take any chance you get to hit her with the Lightning.

When you beat her, the princess appears, the poms jump up and down, and the
wino-floating skull guy appears. They congratulate you, but not all is

Soon, a hand appears out of the floor and drags you into another dimension.

*** Final Final Boss? ***

Yeah, I though it was too easy. Luckily this guy is a pushover. If you have
even 1 life potion left, you should not have any problem beating this guy.
Ensure that you use the spinning staff technique to ward off his attacks, and
you'll finish him off in no time.

*** Happy Ending ***

Once you defeat him, the princess will return you to your dimension. A long
ending ensues, with great music from the cd, and pictures of your adventures
and the bosses you met along the way, as well as outtakes of people you met.

I'm hoping a number 2 will appear, but where the heck is the fill in cafe


Not a whole lot of support on this project yet, but thanks to Susano
Orbatos for contacting me out the blue, asking for permission to get the
faq on The 09th MS Platoon: Anime Game Emulation. Guess someone saw my
Pom link next to my hentai links... ;)

Thanks to Sol, for confirming my suspisions that you can get a pom or two
in your Party by using the tent. Get that stick and glove away from my ass!

Thanks to my good friend Captain Morgan, may we have many adventures in the
future. Arr! Where the hell am I? And why am I naked? Turn off those head-

If anybody can locate the Fill in Cafe Homepage, let me know.

Keep in mind that this is my copyrighted material, and unless you have
specifically asked me through E-mail that you can use this FAQ on your page,
you cannot use this FAQ.

If you wish to distribute this document, it must be unmodified, and you CANNOT
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