Sydney 2000

Sydney 2000

26.09.2013 23:12:32
Sydney 2000
by Shanon Altments (Turks) (
Version 2.6
28 January 2002



i) Introduction
ii) Revisions
iii) Controls
iv) Game Options
v) Game Modes
vi) Event Guide
vii) Olympic Mode Guide
viii) 10m Platform Diving Dives List
ix) Skeet Shooting Table and Map
x) Cheats
xi) Gameshark/Action Replay Codes
xii) High Scores
xiii) Copy Protection Information
xiv) Credits
xv) Disclamier



The game was released on the PSX in August a few months before the actual games.
There are 12 events to compete in plus an olympic training mode. The game is
basically button bashing as many of these types of games are although a few
events are not. This game is pretty fun and the olympic mode can be completed
in about a day, even though it still has great replay value as beating your own
records is quite addictive. The game is a little cheaper now and you may want
to buy it.



V2.6 (28 January 2002)
Dive list is 2/3 completed.

V2.5 (24 January 2002)
Got some of the Dives List completed.

V2.5 (13 January 2002)
Moved some things around, added info to the copy protection section.

V2.4 (6 January 2002)
Finally completed the Olympic mode guide. Next to do is the diving list and
maybe a kayak courses map and then I will be finished.

V2.3 (29 December 2001)
Back from holiday, added my new email address, changed my nickname
slightly. Oh yeah the faq, added High Scores and fixed some errors.

V2.2 (13 December 2001)
Quick update before I go on away for a while

V2.1 (5 December 2001)
Fixed this and that, Added High Jump and Tripple Jump Olympic Guides. Also
completed the Skeet Shooting Olympic Guide and added a table of points for
the Recoil Control event.

V2.0 (4 December 2001)
Updated the Hammer Throw Event Guide and added it for Olympic mode.
Finished my tests now so I'll try to complete this faq and my Worlds
Scariest Police Chases one and write some more while I'm on holiday.

V1.2 (14 April 2001)
Fixed some spelling mistakes and finally remembered to upload the FAQ again

V1.1 (13 April 2001)
Added action replay codes for the German version, they'll probally work on
any version of the game. Added copy protection imformation.

V1.0 (2 April 2001)
Finally updated it! (made it 1.0 to signify an update finally)
Updated the High Scores, removed some stuff and added a few more events
in olympic mode.

V0.6 (3 January 2001!)
High Scores!

V0.5 (16 December 2000)
After a powercut and the loss of some of the guide I had written I decided
to release V0.5 with 3 events in the olympic mode guide completed. I still
need high scores people

V0.4 (10 December 2000)
All event descriptions/guide are done.

V0.3 (9 December 2000)
The table in the skeet shooting section is added. Added the cheats.

V0.2 (3 December 2000)
I added 3 more event descriptions/stratagies and completed the game options
and modes sections.

V0.1 (29 November 2000)
4 events are done, and the game options/modes section is nearly complete.



Menu Controls
D-pad: Move selection
Cross: Select
Triangle: Back

Main Controls
Cross: Power 1
Circle: Power 2
Triangle: Action
Square: Action
L1 L2 R1 R2: Action

Skeet Controls
D-pad: Move the gun
Cross: Fire
Circle: Fire
Triangle: Fire
Square: Fire

Diving Controls
Square: Set Power
Circle: Position
Triangle: Twist
Square: Roll

Kayak Controls
D-pad Left: Left
D-pad Right: Right
Cross: Forwards
Square: Backwards
Triangle: Avoid
Circle: Avoid


////////Game Options\\\\

Game Setup
Arcade Type: *Classic - You only get the standard number of attempts at
each event (1 for 100m, 3 for Hammer ect.)
Repeat Play - You get unlimited goes for each event,
however only your last attempt is scored.
Difficulty: Easy - Easy difficulty for beginners.
*Medium - Medium difficulty for average skilled people.
Hard - Hard difficulty for good people.
**Legend - Legend difficulty for Legends.
Watch: Humans - Watch humans only in arcade mode, actual people
playing not the computer players.
Players - Watch players only in arcade mode, computer
players as well as human ones.

Horozontial: Move the screen left and right.
Vertical: Move the screen up and down.

SFX Volume: Change the volume of the sound effects.
Music Volume: Change the volume of the music.
Commentary Volume: Chnage the volume of the commentary.

Configure Controller: Select to configure controller *1 or 2.
Configuration Type: Select which controls to configure, select between *Main,
Skeet, Diving and Kayak controls.
Configuration: Select which alternative controls to use. There are four

Event Select
Icons: Select which events are in the game. A selected event is
Invert: Select all that are unselected and deselect all that are

Load: Loads the current saved data from the memory card.

Accept Changes
Yes: Save the changes.
No: Don't save the changes.
Save: Save the changes to the memory card. Requires 5 memory
card blocks to be free. This will save all the options,
your scores, arcade mode players and olympic mode
training ect.

* = The default setting.
** = I don't know how to unlock this difficulty in the game, I got it using a
gameshark code. I think you have to pass olympic mode or something like
that to get it, but I am unsure.


////////Game Modes\\\\

Arcade mode lets you play every event in any order you choose. You gain
points for how well you do in terms of time or distance ect. (not overall
position). After you have completed all the events your points are added up
and you get ranked against the other competitors.

If Classic is set in the arcarde type of the game setup in the options menu
you will only get the normal amount of attempts at each event. If it is set
to Repeat Play you will get unlimited attempts, however only your last time
or distance is taken for scoring.

When selecting a player slot for this mode you will need to enter a name,
the game allows 3 characters for your name. You also select a country to
play as. In the third line there are 5 stars and a sideways oval (I think
it has COM written in it), the stars represent the difficulty, 1 star and
you run faster, throw further ect. and 5 stars will make you run slower and
throw shorter. If you select the oval then that player is controlled by the
computer. If you have Watch set to Players Only you will see this computer
player perfrom, if it is off you won't.

You train for four stages in this event doing various activities such as
bench presses and pole climbing. After you train for a stage you have to
qualify in the current stage you are up to (The stages are Open Trials,
Invitation Event, The Championship and Olympic Class).

Once you have qualified at Olympic Class in at least one event you can
select Goto the Olympics from the Olympic Mode menu. You get to see a
opening ceremony also when you select this option.

Head to Head
You need a memory card with at least five blocks on it (the blocks need to
have Sydney 2000 data already on them) and a minium of two contorlers for
this mode.

When you select new player the game loads one of your saved arcade mode
games. Then with the second controller you select new player again and
load andother arcade mode game (if you dont have any arcade mode games
saved or you select a player where you havent started an arcade mode game
you will automatically copy or create a game on the player you selected.
So you have a game saved as player 5, in head to head you load your game as
player 1, a copy of you game will be made in the player 1 slot in the
normal arcade mode game). Once you have loaded at least two games you can
start. This mode now plays excatly the same as arcade mode except you have
multiple players competing simultaniously.

This mode is pretty fun with a couple of multitaps, people probally don't
use it though because they don't know how to set it up. I think the
developer should have made it a litte easier to start ie. you dont need to
have games saved previously.

This mode is basically practice mode, and when you have completed one
practice you get to compete against your ghost. This mode is good for
learning the controls ect. as you get unlimited goes at each event.

This just shows the credits for the game.

See the previous section (game options, iv).


////////Event Guide\\\\

100m Sprint
The 100m Sprint is a dash down a 100m track. The winner is the person who
makes it there in the shortest time. If you go before go is said you get a
false start. If you false start twice you get disqualified.

Alternate between Power buttons to run and use an action button to duck
your head down at the finish line.

To win this event try and get a good start. Go is usually said about five
seconds after set is said. So about five seconds after set start running
and hopefully you will not get a false start. However if you do then I
recommend you wait the next try until you actually see the word go and hear
the gun, otherwise you'll be in danger of getting disquallified.

Once you have a good start keep hammering away at Cross and Circle until
you get to the end. Press an action button just before the finish line to
lean down, this can save a few milliseconds, and if you get it right it can
save you the race. In easy mode you can win this event with about 10:50.

110m Hurdles
In this event you have to run down the track and jump 10 hurdles while
running. The same false start rule applies here as it does in the 100m

Alternate between Power buttons to run and use an action button to jump the
hurdles. At the end of the race use the action button to lean down.

Try to keep good running speed up here while jumping the hurdles. Jump the
hurdles about three runners feet (in the game not 12 inches) before the
base of the hurdle to make it over. You will easily win if you can jump
some of the hurdles. I have even won by knocking all the hurdles over, just
running into them all. It rarely works though, and I dont suggest you try
it in the hurdles final.

Remember to use the action button at the end of the race to lean so you can
save a few milliseconds and maybe even the race. A winning time in easy
difficulty is usually just above 14:70.

Here you run down a track with a pole on your shoulder. At the end of the
track you have to launch the pole as far as you can to win. The furtherest
throw wins. You get three attempts at this event

Use the power buttons to run and press the action buttons to set the angle
of the throw.

Tap the power buttons alternativly to start running, once the angle display
pops up you can stop pressing the power buttons and press the action button
to set the angle. Press and hold it until it gets to the desired degrees.
Usually about 45-55 degrees is a good throw which will get you maxium
distance, but depending on your speed you may be more successful with a
high lob or a low bullet throw. I recommend the 45-55 range though,
practice this event until you find a degree that matches the speed that you
press the power buttons. About 55m can win this event.

In the Hammer you have to swing it around your head and then release it,
thus making it land inside the sector. If you hit the cage or land outside
the sector you foul. You get three attempts at this event.

Use the power buttons to start spinning the hammer around your head, once
the red arrow appears press the action button to set the degree and throw
the hammer.

Tap the power buttons as fast as you can so you get some good speed, after
about 3 turns the red arrow will appear. Hold down the action buttons to
start the degree meter and release it when the arrow is facing the sector.
Hold down the action button when it gets to about 8 o'clock and release it
at 12 o'clock to get a good angle and maxium distance.

\ /
\ /
\ __#__ /
\ / \ /
| | | |
| *_____/ |

* = where you should hold down the action button.
# = where you should release the action button.

Remember in this event you keep spinning when you press the action button
so you need to start it in a good position so you can get good degrees by
the time you are facing the sector. 60m should gain you gold in easy mode.

Tripple Jump
You run down a track for a few meters then jump three times trying to get
as far as you can. Furtherest wins. If you jump too late you foul and if
you try to jump too high you will also fail.

Use the power buttons to being running and press the triangle button to
start the degree of the first jump. When you land the degree display will
start automatically and you press the action button to stop it. After you
land that jump you need to do the same once more.

Start alternating the power buttons as fast as you can to start running
and press and hold the action button when you are about 3 standing body
lengths away from the white line Let it go when it reaches 45 degrees.
If you go over the green line you foul and have to restart. Once you land
the degree display will start spinning, stop it at 45 degrees once again
and when you land once more the degree display starts up yet again. Stop
it at 45 degrees to get a good jump. Stopping the degree display between
45 and 50 degrees seems to work best. 15.80m seems to be good enough to
win this event in easy skill.

High Jump
Here you set the height at which to jump then run towards the mat. When
your there you launch yourself into the air and lift your legs up as you
go (hopefully) over the bar

Use the cross button to select a height and then start rapidly alternating
between the power buttons to build some speed up in your run up. Press the
action button at the mat to jump and when your above the bar press it once
more to lift your legs.

Start alternating between the power buttons to being your runup. Gain as
much speed as possible before you get to the mat. Once your about to go
onto the green grass press the action button to jump up and over the bar.
While your in the air press the action button once more to lift your legs
up. Practice this one, once you have found the right takeoff point just
practice your button bashing at gaining speed to get very good heights
like 2.20m+. Usually the computer players only make it to 1.87m in easy
which is very easy to beat if you get your takeoff done at the right

Skeet Shooting
This a fun event after a while even though the gun is a bit unrealistic.
You go through eight different stations where you get to test your aim
in shooting skeets.

Press the action button here to launch a skeet. You then have to use the
D-Pad to move the gun lining it up with the skeet. Press any of the fire
buttons to shoot the gun.

Fire at the skeets too see how many you can hit out of 25 shots. When the
sight goes white it means that you are aiming at a skeet, your reactions
are probally too slow to be able to react this so try to get your gun
lined up with the skeet and predict the shot, tis easier. Usually about
15 hits will win in easy skill.

Skeet range map (in the lower right corner)

^ ^
1 8 7
\ /
2 6
\ /
3----5----4 O O

The numbers represten the stations. The ^ represent the traingles which
appear on the map in the lower right corner. The O represent the circles
that appear on the map in the lower right corner. The ^ show which side
the skeets are coming from. The numbers by the ^ show which order you need
to shoot the skeets. When they are green the skeet is still in the air,
when they go red it means you have hit them. The O show your current ammo,
if both O are green it means you have two shots, if both are red it means
you have no ammo. So a green O represent one shot.

In this event the gun goes up alot when you shoot. I think it is impossible
to hit two skeets with one shot. Also note that the gun can fire again
straight after it is orignally fired, although it dosent seem to hit both
skeets firing straight away even if you get the second shot close.

100m Freestyle Swimming
Swim to the end of the 50m, flip over and return. The fastest time here
wins. If you false start too many times (twice I think) you get

Use the power buttons to swim and press the action buttons to flip over at
the end of the pool. When you are returning press the action buttons to
reach for the wall.

You are allowed a false start here, so use it to your advantage and go
about five seconds after take your marks. With luck you should get a
perfect start. If not play it safe the next time, you don't want to get
disquallified. Once your in the water keep tapping away at the power
buttons to keep swimming. At the first wall get about 3/4 of a swimmers
body away from it and press the action button to roll over and swim down
the home straight. Press the action button again when you reach the end to
reach your arm out to the wall. 1:05 should be a winning time in easy mode.

10m Platform Diving
The best score after five dives here wins. You are marked on difficulty,
how well the dive is executed and size of splash.

Use the Cross button to select a dive. Press the set power button to stop
the power meter. Then press the buttons corrsponding to the colours on the

This event takes practice to get it right if you want to score big. Start
off with an easy dive that dosent invole many turns, because when you have
a dive with many turns you turn fast and it is harder to land vertical in
the water, thus decreasing your score. Once your better practice the high
difficulty dives, learn the button combinations and it will be easier. Keep
practicing till you can get a straight on nearly straight entry into the

Select your dive and you will have to set the power. Try to get it as high
as you can, it makes it alot easier to get a vertical entry into the water
if you get higher power at the start. Tap the buttons according to the
colours on the screen. So tap Cross-Blue for the swirl which is also blue
ect. Make sure you have finished turning on the last move before pressing
the button to starighten up your diver or else it is just too easy to get
that embarrising (and painful) horozontial entry. About 230 points here
should be enough to win in easy skill.

Note: I will make a list of all the dives and button combinations once I
have completed the other events and/maybe the olympic training
section also.

Super Heavyweight Weight Lifting
In Super Heavyweight Weight Lifting you have to lift the highest weight in
order to win.

Rapidly tap the power buttons to build up power. Press the action button to
lift the weight up at the first mark and press it once more when you lifter
automatically stands up.

To start this event I recommend you lift the weight it gives you, to get
the feel of this event. It can be difficult knowing what to do and annoying
wondering why your guy keeps dropping the weight when you press the action
button so I have explained it below.

Once you have selected your weight the 30 second time will start, you have
to have the weight lifted before it runs out or you get disquallified.
Start pressing the power buttons alternativly to get strength to lift the
weight. Once it gets to the first line on the power meter you will hear a
beep, press the action button now while continuing to rapildy tap the power
buttons. You lifter will stand up at the second mark and another beep will
play soon after, once again press the action button to lift the weight
above your head. Keep tapping the power buttons until all three lights by
the timer have lit up. 230kg usaully wins in easy, however 235kg may be

Sprint Cycling
Here three cyclists startand they race against another three cyclists at
the same time trying to get the fastest time. After each lap a cyclist
drops off.

Rapidly tap the power buttons here to build up speed.

This event is probally the hardest event for me as I find it difficult to
pace myself, although watching the computer I have learned how to win.
Start the race at about 20m/s and slow down to about 14m/s after the first
half lap, slow down a bit more as long as the other team dosent get too far
ahead of you. After the first lap put on a bit of speed, up to about 18m/s
until you get to the half lap line, then slow down enough so you have about
4/6 of the energy bar full for the final lap. In the final lap go as fast
as you can tap the power buttons to win here. Try to make sure your ahead
just before the final lap, as it seems to be hard to win if your behind,
unless the other team runs out of energy. 46 seconds should be enough for
you to win here.

Kayak K1 Slalom
You have to race down the river in this event pasing through the gates that
you come to.

Use the forwads button (defaults to cross) to go forward and the backwards
button (defaults to sqaure) to go backwards. Use the avoid buttons to make
your kayakier try to avoid hitting the gates.

This event can be quite tricky at first as the controls are not very
responsive but you will be able to get the hang of it. Press the forward
button to make your kayakier go forwards and try and line yourself up
infront of the gates, take note of which way the water is flowing, it will
help you. Make sure you go through the gate without hitting the sides or
you will encur a penality. If you think you might hit a side press the
avoid button to make your kayakier try and avoid the side.

While you are kayaking you may notice different colour gates. The green
gates you have to take downstream (the normal way) and the red gates you
have to take upstream (the abnormal way). Make sure you go through these
gates in the correct way or you will encur a penality.

2 Points : for hitting a gate
50 points : per gate you miss
50 points : for going the wrong way through a gate.

Note: When I get round to it I will make a map of all the different kayak
courses and show which way you have to go through the gates.


////////Olympic Mode Guide\\\\

In olympic mode you need to pass three stages to qualify for the event you have
chosen. Once you have done that you can goto the olympics and compete in the
event(s) you have qualified for. These stats are done for Easy mode. I may do
some for the other difficulties later.

100m Sprint
You have to press the power buttons rapidly and alternativly to run. When
the lights to the right of the treadmill have lit up you have to press
the action button. The blue meter shows how much time you have left and
the pink meter shows how much you have done.

Open Trials Task 1
Score Required: 206
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Once

Initation Event Task 1
Score Required: 216
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Once

Initation Event Task 2
Score Required: 232
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Twice

The Championship Task 1
Score Required: 292
Time Limit: 35 seconds
Lights Light up: Twice

The Championship Task 2
Score Required: 273
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Three Times

The Championship Task 3
Score Required: 265
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Five Times

Olympic Class Task 1
Score Required: 297
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Seven Times

Olympic Class Task 2
Score Required: 309
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Nine Times

Bench Press
In Bench Press you have to rapildy tap the power buttons to build up your
strength and then press the action button to lower the weights. After the
inital few lifts you should be able to get into a quick motion and be
able to lift the required amounts in half the time it gives you.

Open Trials Task 1
Lifts Required: 9
Time Limit: 19 seconds
Weight: 10.00kg

Initation Event Task 1
Lifts Required: 11
Time Limit: 24 seconds
Weight: 20.00kg

Initation Event Task 2
Lifts Required: 12
Time Limit: 24 seconds
Weight: 30.00kg

The Championship Task 1
Lifts Required: 14
Time Limit: 29 seconds
Weight: 40.00kg

The Championship Task 2
Lifts Required: 15
Time Limit: 34 seconds
Weight: 50.00kg

The Championship Task 3
Lifts Required: 16
Time Limit: 34 seconds
Weight: 60.00kg

Olympic Class Task 1
Lifts Required: 21
Time Limit: 39 seconds
Weight: 75.00kg

Olympic Class Task 2
Lifts Required: 22
Time Limit: 45 seconds
Weight: 85.00kg

Starting Pistol
You have to press the buttons corrospoding to the icons which come up on
the screen. I have only ever had to use the Bell and Beep icons and I
have done this event many times. Supodsley their are 5 icons which can
appear. Here is a list of them.

Bell - Left - Looks like a bell.
Beep - Right - An explanition mark (!)
Honk - Up -
Shot - Down -
Buzz - Action -

The Championship Task 1
Starts: 5
Required Reaction Time: 1:50
Icons: Have only seen bell

The Championship Task 2
Starts: 5
Required Reaction Time: 1:19
Icons: Have only seen bell

The Championship Task 3
Starts: 6
Required Reaction Time: 1:19
Icons: Have only seen bell and beep

Olympic Class Task 1
Starts: 6
Required Reaction Time: 1:00
Icons: Have only seen bell

Olympic Class Task 2
Starts: 7
Required Reaction Time: 1:00
Icons: Haven only seen bell and beep

Event Arena Quallifying Times
Open Trials: 16:11
Initation Event: 15:01
The Championship: 13:39
The Olympics: 11:98

110m Hurdles

You have to press the button corrsponding to the icon on the screen. So
for the left foot (Green background with a red foot) press the left
button, for the right foot (blue background with a green food) press the
right button and for both feet press the action button.

Open Trials Task 1
Skips Required: 5

Initation Event Task 1
Skips Required: 6

Initation Event Task 2
Skips Required: 9

The Championship Task 1
Skips Required: 9

The Championship Task 2
Skips Required: 10

The Championship Task 3
Skips Required: 10

Olympic Class Task 1
Skips Required: 13

Olympic Class Task 2
Skips Required: 14

Hurdle Hops
Rapidly tap the power buttons here to build the power up to where the
red arrow is and then press the action button to jump over the hurdle.
If you press it too soon the power meter restarts.

Open Trials Task 1
Hops Required: 3
Time Limit: 17

Initation Event Task 1
Hops Required: 4
Time Limit: 18

Initation Event Task 2
Hops Required: 4
Time Limit: 17

The Championship Task 1
Hops Required: 5
Time Limit: 19

The Championship Task 2
Hops Required: 5
Time Limit: 19

The Championship Task 3
Hops Required: 5
Time Limit: 19

Olympic Class Task 1
Hops Required: 6
Time Limit: 18

Olympic Class Task 2
Hops Required: 6
Time Limit: 17

Light Wall
In this training event you have to press the the buttons corrsponding to
which section of the wall is lit up as a circle. Press left for the left
side, right for the right side and up for the middle. If the circle is
not in the top row then tap the corrsponding button the amount of times
for how many rows down the circle is.

Left Right
1o Up 1o
2o 1o 2o
3o 2o 3o

The o represents the circle and the number represents how many times you
press the button.

The Championship Task 1
Hits: 10
Misses Allowed: 10

The Championship Task 2
Hits: 20
Misses Allowed: 10

The Championship Task 3
Hits: 10
Misses Allowed: 10

Olympic Class Task 1
Hits: 10
Misses Allowed: 10

Olympic Class Task 2
Hits: 20
Misses Allowed: 10

Event Arena Quallifying Times
Open Trials: 18:30
Initation Event: 17:55
The Championship: 16:00
The Olympics: 14:83

You have to press the power buttons rapidly and alternativly to run. When
the lights to the right of the treadmill have lit up you have to press
the action button. The blue meter shows how much time you have left and
the pink meter shows how much you have done.

Open Trials Task 1
Score Required: 206
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Once

Initation Event Task 1
Score Required: 216
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Once

Initation Event Task 2
Score Required: 232
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Twice

The Championship Task 1
Score Required: 292
Time Limit: 35 seconds
Lights Light up: Twice

The Championship Task 2
Score Required: 273
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Three Times

The Championship Task 3
Score Required: 265
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Five Times

Olympic Class Task 1
Score Required: 297
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Seven Times

Olympic Class Task 2
Score Required: 309
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Nine Times

Standing Press
You have to lift the weights above your head here and then lower them in
this training activity. Use the power buttons to raise the weight and
then press and hold the action button to lower the weight. Once it is
lowered start bashing away on the action buttons again.

Open Trials Task 1
Lifts Required: 8
Time Limit: 19
Weight: 10.00kg

Initation Event Task 1
Lifts Required: 9
Time Limit: 19
Weight: 25.00kg

Initation Event Task 2
Lifts Required: 11
Time Limit: 24
Weight: 30.00kg

The Championship Task 1
Lifts Required: 13
Time Limit: 24
Weight: 40.00kg

The Championship Task 2
Lifts Required: 14
Time Limit: 32
Weight: 50.00kg

The Championship Task 3
Lifts Required: 15
Time Limit: 31
Weight: 70.00kg

Olympic Class Task 1
Lifts Required: 19
Time Limit: 34
Weight: 80.00kg

Olympic Class Task 2
Lifts Required: 19
Time Limit: 41
Weight: 90.00kg

This activity is simple to do, just bash away at the power buttons to do
the dips.

The Championship Task 1
Dips Required: 11
Time Limit: 19
Weight: 0.00kg

The Championship Task 2
Dips Required: 10
Time Limit: 19
Weight: 15.00kg

The Championship Task 3
Dips Required: 11
Time Limit: 24
Weight: 30.00kg

Olympic Class Task 1
Dips Required: 19
Time Limit: 29
Weight: 40.00kg

Olympic Class Task 2
Dips Required: 21
Time Limit: 34
Weight: 50.00kg

Event Arena Quallifying Distances
Open Trials: 30.00m
Initation Event: 36.00m
The Championship: 44.00m
The Olympics: 50.00m


Sit Ups
Press the power buttons to gain power. Once your at the end of you sit
up let go of the power buttons and hold down the action button. Make
sure you let go of the power buttons or your athlete will stall

Open Trials Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 7
Time Limit: 20

Initation Event Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 12
Time Limit: 30

Initation Event Task 2
Sit Ups Required: 13
Time Limit: 32

The Championship Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 13
Time Limit: 32

The Championship Task 2
Sit Ups Required: 14
Time Limit: 33

The Championship Task 3
Sit Ups Required: 15
Time Limit: 34

Olympic Class Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 16
Time Limit: 39

Olympic Class Task 2
Sit Ups Required: 17
Time Limit: 38

Leg Press
Press the power buttons to gain power. Once your at the end of you leg
press stop pressing the power buttons and hold down the action button.
Make sure you let go of the power buttons or your athlete will stall

Open Trials Task 1
Leg Presses Required: 7
Time Limit: 20
Weight: 10.00kg

Initation Event Task 1
Leg Presses Required: 9
Time Limit: 24
Weight: 25.00kg

Initation Event Task 2
Leg Presses Required: 8
Time Limit: 24
Weight: 30.00kg

The Championship Task 1
Leg Presses Required: 8
Time Limit: 24
Weight: 40.00kg

The Championship Task 2
Leg Presses Required: 7
Time Limit: 24
Weight: 50.00kg

The Championship Task 3
Leg Presses Required: 8
Time Limit: 29
Weight: 60.00kg

Olympic Class Task 1
Leg Presses Required: 11
Time Limit: 29
Weight: 70.00kg

Olympic Class Task 2
Leg Presses Required: 11
Time Limit: 34
Weight: 80.00kg

This activity is simple to do, just bash away at the power buttons to do
the dips.

The Championship Task 1
Dips Required: 11
Time Limit: 19
Weight: 0.00kg

The Championship Task 2
Dips Required: 10
Time Limit: 19
Weight: 15.00kg

The Championship Task 3
Dips Required: 11
Time Limit: 24
Weight: 30.00kg

Olympic Class Task 1
Dips Required: 19
Time Limit: 29
Weight: 40.00kg

Olympic Class Task 2
Dips Required: 21
Time Limit: 34
Weight: 50.00kg

Event Arena Quallifying Distances
Open Trials: 30.00m
Initation Event: 36.00m
The Championship: 44.00m
The Olympics: 51.00m

Tripple Jump

You have to press the power buttons rapidly and alternativly to run. When
the lights to the right of the treadmill have lit up you have to press
the action button. The blue meter shows how much time you have left and
the pink meter shows how much you have done.

Open Trials Task 1
Score Required: 206
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Once

Initation Event Task 1
Score Required: 216
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Once

Initation Event Task 2
Score Required: 232
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Twice

The Championship Task 1
Score Required: 292
Time Limit: 35 seconds
Lights Light up: Twice

The Championship Task 2
Score Required: 273
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Three Times

The Championship Task 3
Score Required: 265
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Five Times

Olympic Class Task 1
Score Required: 297
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Seven Times

Olympic Class Task 2
Score Required: 309
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Nine Times

Hurdle Hops
Rapidly tap the power buttons here to build the power up to where the
red arrow is and then press the action button to jump over the hurdle.
If you press it too soon the power meter restarts.

Open Trials Task 1
Hops Required: 3
Time Limit: 17

Initation Event Task 1
Hops Required: 4
Time Limit: 18

Initation Event Task 2
Hops Required: 4
Time Limit: 17

The Championship Task 1
Hops Required: 5
Time Limit: 19

The Championship Task 2
Hops Required: 5
Time Limit: 19

The Championship Task 3
Hops Required: 5
Time Limit: 19

Olympic Class Task 1
Hops Required: 6
Time Limit: 18

Olympic Class Task 2
Hops Required: 6
Time Limit: 17

Push Ups
Use the power buttons to push yourself up. Let go of them and hold
the action button down to lower yourself. Make sure you hold it down
or you will fall and lose a second or two.

The Championship Task 1
Push Ups Required: 5
Time Limit: 14

The Championship Task 2
Push Ups Required: 7
Time Limit: 19

The Championship Task 3
Push Ups Required: 8
Time Limit: 24

Olympic Class Task 1
Push Ups Required: 16
Time Limit: 29

Olympic Class Task 2
Push Ups Required: 14
Time Limit: 29

Event Arena Quallifying Distances
Open Trials: 13.19m
Initation Event: 13.60m
The Championship: 14.00m
The Olympics: 14.50m

High Jump

You have to press the power buttons rapidly and alternativly to run. When
the lights to the right of the treadmill have lit up you have to press
the action button. The blue meter shows how much time you have left and
the pink meter shows how much you have done.

Open Trials Task 1
Score Required: 206
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Once

Initation Event Task 1
Score Required: 216
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Once

Initation Event Task 2
Score Required: 232
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Twice

The Championship Task 1
Score Required: 292
Time Limit: 35 seconds
Lights Light up: Twice

The Championship Task 2
Score Required: 273
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Three Times

The Championship Task 3
Score Required: 265
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Five Times

Olympic Class Task 1
Score Required: 297
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Seven Times

Olympic Class Task 2
Score Required: 309
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Lights Light up: Nine Times

Height Depth Jump
Bang away at the power buttons for power as per usual. Press the action
button to jump. Hit the action button when you land from a jump to do
another jump. At the start you can press the action button to get
started or wait a while and build up some power

Open Trials Task 1
Jumps Required: 3

Initation Event Task 1
Jumps Required: 4

Initation Event Task 2
Jumps Required: 4

The Championship Task 1
Jumps Required: 5

The Championship Task 2
Jumps Required: 5

The Championship Task 3
Jumps Required: 5

Olympic Class Task 1
Jumps Required: 6

Olympic Class Task 2
Jumps Required: 6

Pole Climb
This event can be annoying as it takes so long, but if you don't get
frustrated and do it right it'll be easy. Use the power buttons to climb
and once your athletes hand touches the yellow thing hold down the
action button to slide down to the start.

The Championship Task 1
Climbs Required: 3
Time Limit: 45

The Championship Task 2
Climbs Required: 3
Time Limit: 51

The Championship Task 3
Climbs Required: 3
Time Limit: 56

Olympic Class Task 1
Climbs Required: 4
Time Limit: 52

Olympic Class Task 2
Climbs Required: 5
Time Limit: 67

Event Arena Quallifying Heights
Open Trials: 1.55m
Initation Event: 1.65m
The Championship: 1.75m
The Olympics: 1.85m

Skeet Shooting

Duck Shoot
You use the D-Pad to aim the crosshair and press action to shoot. You
have to get as many ducks as possible. The shots are quite big so it is
easy to get hits. The ducks also move in the higher levels.

Open Trials Task 1
Percentage Required: 60
Amount of Shots: 40
Ducks to be Shot: 24

Initation Event Task 1
Percentage Required: 60
Amount of Shots: 40
Ducks to be Shot: 24

Initation Event Task 2
Percentage Required: 60
Amount of Shots: 50
Ducks to be Shot: 30

The Championship Task 1
Percentage Required: 60
Amount of Shots: 90
Ducks to be Shot: 54

The Championship Task 2
Percentage Required: 60
Amount of Shots: 120
Ducks to be Shot: 72

The Championship Task 3
Percentage Required: 60
Amount of Shots: 120
Ducks to be Shot: 72

Olympic Class Task 1
Percentage Required: 60
Amount of Shots: 100
Ducks to be Shot: 60

Olympic Class Task 2
Percentage Required: 60
Amount of Shots: 120
Ducks to be Shot: 72

Arc Interception
This is one of the funner, and less tedious training events. You use the
D-Pad to move the crosshair up and down. You have to get the crosshair in
the way of the skeets.

Open Trials Task 1
Percentage Required: 20
Amount of Skeets: 20
Skeets to be Intercepted: 4

Initation Event Task 1
Percentage Required: 20
Amount of Skeets: 20
Skeets to be Intercepted: 4

Initation Event Task 2
Percentage Required: 25
Amount of Skeets: 20
Skeets to be Intercepted: 5

The Championship Task 1
Percentage Required: 25
Amount of Skeets: 30
Skeets to be Intercepted: 8

The Championship Task 2
Percentage Required: 30
Amount of Skeets: 30
Skeets to be Intercepted: 9

The Championship Task 3
Percentage Required: 35
Amount of Skeets: 30
Skeets to be Intercepted: 11

Olympic Class Task 1
Percentage Required: 40
Amount of Skeets: 35
Skeets to be Intercepted: 14

Olympic Class Task 2
Percentage Required: 45
Amount of Skeets: 35
Skeets to be Intercepted: 16

Recoil Control
This event is also quite fun. You use the D-Pad to move the crosshair
once again and press the action button to shoot. You get point values
depending on where you hit the target.

|100 points | Bullseye |
| 50 points | Outer Red Circle |
| 40 points | First Yellowy-Green Circle |
| 35 points | Second Yellowy-Green Circle |
| 30 points | Third Yellowy-Green Circle |
| 25 points | Last Yellowy-Green Circle |
| 20 points | First Green Circle |
| 15 points | Second Green Circle |
| 10 points | Third Green Circle |
| 5 points | Outter Circle, Last Green one|
| 0 points | Missing the target completely|

The Championship Task 1
Points Required: 250
Time Limit: 19
Shoots Allowed: 22

The Championship Task 2
Points Required: 300
Time Limit: 19
Shoots Allowed: 22

The Championship Task 3
Points Required: 300
Time Limit: 19
Shoots Allowed: 22

Olympic Class Task 1
Points Required: 500
Time Limit: 29
Shoots Allowed: 30

Olympic Class Task 2
Points Required: 575
Time Limit: 29
Shoots Allowed: 30

Event Arena Quallifying Score
Open Trials: 5.00
Initation Event: 7.00
The Championship: 9.00
The Olympics: 11.00

100m Freestyle Swimming

Sit Ups
Press the power buttons to gain power. Once your at the end of you sit
up let go of the power buttons and hold down the action button. Make
sure you let go of the power buttons or your athlete will stall

Open Trials Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 7
Time Limit: 20

Initation Event Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 12
Time Limit: 30

Initation Event Task 2
Sit Ups Required: 13
Time Limit: 32

The Championship Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 13
Time Limit: 32

The Championship Task 2
Sit Ups Required: 14
Time Limit: 33

The Championship Task 3
Sit Ups Required: 15
Time Limit: 34

Olympic Class Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 16
Time Limit: 39

Olympic Class Task 2
Sit Ups Required: 17
Time Limit: 38

Medicine Ball Twist
Press a button to pick up the medicine ball and then another press to
put it down where it is highlighted to. Use left and right for the top
row. Hold action and press left and right for the bottom row.

Open Trials Task 1
Score Required: 2
Time Limit: 24

Initation Event Task 1
Score Required: 2
Time Limit: 23

Initation Event Task 2
Score Required: 2
Time Limit: 22

The Championship Task 1
Score Required: 2
Time Limit: 21

The Championship Task 2
Score Required: 6
Time Limit: 39

The Championship Task 3
Score Required: 6
Time Limit: 38

Olympic Class Task 1
Score Required: 6
Time Limit: 37

Olympic Class Task 2
Score Required: 6
Time Limit: 36

Light Wall
In this training event you have to press the the buttons corrsponding to
which section of the wall is lit up as a circle. Press left for the left
side, right for the right side and up for the middle. If the circle is
not in the top row then tap the corrsponding button the amount of times
for how many rows down the circle is.

Left Right
1o Up 1o
2o 1o 2o
3o 2o 3o

The o represents the circle and the number represents how many times you
press the button.

The Championship Task 1
Hits: 10
Misses Allowed: 10

The Championship Task 2
Hits: 20
Misses Allowed: 10

The Championship Task 3
Hits: 10
Misses Allowed: 10

Olympic Class Task 1
Hits: 10
Misses Allowed: 10

Olympic Class Task 2
Hits: 20
Misses Allowed: 10

Event Arena Quallifying Time
Open Trials: 90.00
Initation Event: 84.00
The Championship: 78.00
The Olympics: 72.00

10m Platform Diving

Sit Ups
Press the power buttons to gain power. Once your at the end of you sit
up let go of the power buttons and hold down the action button. Make
sure you let go of the power buttons or your athlete will stall

Open Trials Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 7
Time Limit: 20

Initation Event Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 12
Time Limit: 30

Initation Event Task 2
Sit Ups Required: 13
Time Limit: 32

The Championship Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 13
Time Limit: 32

The Championship Task 2
Sit Ups Required: 14
Time Limit: 33

The Championship Task 3
Sit Ups Required: 15
Time Limit: 34

Olympic Class Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 16
Time Limit: 39

Olympic Class Task 2
Sit Ups Required: 17
Time Limit: 38

Standing Stretch
You have to match moves to the on screen prompt using the D-Pad.

Open Trials Task 1
Matches Required: 2
Time Limit: 13
Sequence: L,R,D,L,R

Initation Event Task 1
Matches Required: 3
Time Limit: 9
Sequence: L,R,D,L,R,U

Initation Event Task 2
Matches Required: 3
Time Limit: 9
Sequence: L,D,R,U,L,D

The Championship Task 1
Matches Required: 3
Time Limit: 11
Sequence: R,L,U,D,U,R,L

The Championship Task 2
Matches Required: 3
Time Limit: 11
Sequence: R,L,R,D,R,L,R

The Championship Task 3
Matches Required: 3
Time Limit: 11
Sequence: L,R,L,U,L,R,L

Olympic Class Task 1
Matches Required: 4
Time Limit: 11
Sequence: L,R,U,L,R,D,L,R

Olympic Class Task 2
Matches Required: 4
Time Limit: 11
Sequence: R,L,D,R,L,U,R,L

Pole Climb
This event can be annoying as it takes so long, but if you don't get
frustrated and do it right it'll be easy. Use the power buttons to climb
and once your athletes hand touches the yellow thing hold down the
action button to slide down to the start.

The Championship Task 1
Climbs Required: 3
Time Limit: 45

The Championship Task 2
Climbs Required: 3
Time Limit: 51

The Championship Task 3
Climbs Required: 3
Time Limit: 56

Olympic Class Task 1
Climbs Required: 4
Time Limit: 52

Olympic Class Task 2
Climbs Required: 5
Time Limit: 67

Event Arena Quallifying Scores
Open Trials: 30.00
Initation Event: 37.50
The Championship: 45.00
The Olympics: 52.50

Super Heavyweight Weight Lifiting

For Squats all you have to do is hammer away at the power buttons. Thats
it, no need to use the action button or anything =).

Open Trials Task 1
Squats Required: 4
Time Limit: 19
Weight: 10.00kg

Initation Event Task 1
Squats Required: 5
Time Limit: 19
Weight: 15.00kg

Initation Event Task 2
Squats Required: 5
Time Limit: 19
Weight: 20.00kg

The Championship Task 1
Squats Required: 8
Time Limit: 26
Weight: 25.00kg

The Championship Task 2
Squats Required: 8
Time Limit: 26
Weight: 30.00kg

The Championship Task 3
Squats Required: 8
Time Limit: 26
Weight: 35.00kg

Olympic Class Task 1
Squats Required: 13
Time Limit: 31
Weight: 40.00kg

Olympic Class Task 2
Squats Required: 13
Time Limit: 31
Weight: 45.00kg

Bench Press
In Bench Press you have to rapildy tap the power buttons to build up your
strength and then press the action button to lower the weights. After the
inital few lifts you should be able to get into a quick motion and be
able to lift the required amounts in half the time it gives you.

Open Trials Task 1
Lifts Required: 9
Time Limit: 19 seconds
Weight: 10.00kg

Initation Event Task 1
Lifts Required: 11
Time Limit: 24 seconds
Weight: 20.00kg

Initation Event Task 2
Lifts Required: 12
Time Limit: 24 seconds
Weight: 30.00kg

The Championship Task 1
Lifts Required: 14
Time Limit: 29 seconds
Weight: 40.00kg

The Championship Task 2
Lifts Required: 15
Time Limit: 34 seconds
Weight: 50.00kg

The Championship Task 3
Lifts Required: 16
Time Limit: 34 seconds
Weight: 60.00kg

Olympic Class Task 1
Lifts Required: 21
Time Limit: 39 seconds
Weight: 75.00kg

Olympic Class Task 2
Lifts Required: 22
Time Limit: 45 seconds
Weight: 85.00kg

Test Your Strength
Now this is one of the funner training exercises. Hammer away at the
power buttons for 5 seconds to build up power. After the 5 seconds you'll
swing the hammer and send the ball flying up, just like at carnivals.

The Championship Task 1
Percent Required: 31

The Championship Task 2
Percent Required: 28

The Championship Task 3
Percent Required: 26

Olympic Class Task 1
Percent Required: 45

Olympic Class Task 2
Percent Required: 36

Event Arena Quallifying Weights
Open Trials: 160.00kg
Initation Event: 165.00kg
The Championship: 170.00kg
The Olympics: 175.00kg

Sprint Cycling

You have to press the button corrsponding to the icon on the screen. So
for the left foot (Green background with a red foot) press the left
button, for the right foot (blue background with a green food) press the
right button and for both feet press the action button.

Open Trials Task 1
Skips Required: 5

Initation Event Task 1
Skips Required: 6

Initation Event Task 2
Skips Required: 9

The Championship Task 1
Skips Required: 9

The Championship Task 2
Skips Required: 10

The Championship Task 3
Skips Required: 10

Olympic Class Task 1
Skips Required: 13

Olympic Class Task 2
Skips Required: 14

Leg Press
Press the power buttons to gain power. Once your at the end of you leg
press stop pressing the power buttons and hold down the action button.
Make sure you let go of the power buttons or your athlete will stall

Open Trials Task 1
Leg Presses Required: 7
Time Limit: 20
Weight: 10.00kg

Initation Event Task 1
Leg Presses Required: 9
Time Limit: 24
Weight: 25.00kg

Initation Event Task 2
Leg Presses Required: 8
Time Limit: 24
Weight: 30.00kg

The Championship Task 1
Leg Presses Required: 8
Time Limit: 24
Weight: 40.00kg

The Championship Task 2
Leg Presses Required: 7
Time Limit: 24
Weight: 50.00kg

The Championship Task 3
Leg Presses Required: 8
Time Limit: 29
Weight: 60.00kg

Olympic Class Task 1
Leg Presses Required: 11
Time Limit: 29
Weight: 70.00kg

Olympic Class Task 2
Leg Presses Required: 11
Time Limit: 34
Weight: 80.00kg

Starting Pistol
You have to press the buttons corrospoding to the icons which come up on
the screen. I have only ever had to use the Bell and Beep icons and I
have done this event many times. Supodsley their are 5 icons which can
appear. Here is a list of them.

Bell - Left - Looks like a bell.
Beep - Right - An explanition mark (!)
Honk - Up -
Shot - Down -
Buzz - Action -

The Championship Task 1
Starts: 5
Required Reaction Time: 1:50
Icons: Have only seen bell

The Championship Task 2
Starts: 5
Required Reaction Time: 1:19
Icons: Have only seen bell

The Championship Task 3
Starts: 6
Required Reaction Time: 1:19
Icons: Have only seen bell and beep

Olympic Class Task 1
Starts: 6
Required Reaction Time: 1:00
Icons: Have only seen bell

Olympic Class Task 2
Starts: 7
Required Reaction Time: 1:00
Icons: Haven only seen bell and beep

Event Arena Quallifying Times
Open Trials: 59.00
Initation Event: 57.00
The Championship: 55.00
The Olympics: 50.00

Kayak K1 Slalom

Sit Ups
Press the power buttons to gain power. Once your at the end of you sit
up let go of the power buttons and hold down the action button. Make
sure you let go of the power buttons or your athlete will stall

Open Trials Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 7
Time Limit: 20

Initation Event Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 12
Time Limit: 30

Initation Event Task 2
Sit Ups Required: 13
Time Limit: 32

The Championship Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 13
Time Limit: 32

The Championship Task 2
Sit Ups Required: 14
Time Limit: 33

The Championship Task 3
Sit Ups Required: 15
Time Limit: 34

Olympic Class Task 1
Sit Ups Required: 16
Time Limit: 39

Olympic Class Task 2
Sit Ups Required: 17
Time Limit: 38

Medicine Ball Twist
Press a button to pick up the medicine ball and then another press to
put it down where it is highlighted to. Use left and right for the top
row. Hold action and press left and right for the bottom row.

Open Trials Task 1
Score Required: 2
Time Limit: 24

Initation Event Task 1
Score Required: 2
Time Limit: 23

Initation Event Task 2
Score Required: 2
Time Limit: 22

The Championship Task 1
Score Required: 2
Time Limit: 21

The Championship Task 2
Score Required: 6
Time Limit: 39

The Championship Task 3
Score Required: 6
Time Limit: 38

Olympic Class Task 1
Score Required: 6
Time Limit: 37

Olympic Class Task 2
Score Required: 6
Time Limit: 36

Push Ups
Use the power buttons to push yourself up. Let go of them and hold
the action button down to lower yourself. Make sure you hold it down
or you will fall and lose a second or two.

The Championship Task 1
Push Ups Required: 5
Time Limit: 14

The Championship Task 2
Push Ups Required: 7
Time Limit: 19

The Championship Task 3
Push Ups Required: 8
Time Limit: 24

Olympic Class Task 1
Push Ups Required: 16
Time Limit: 29

Olympic Class Task 2
Push Ups Required: 14
Time Limit: 29

Event Arena Quallifying Times
Open Trials: 419.99
Initation Event: 399.99
The Championship: 379.99
The Olympics: 359.99


////////10m Platform Diving Dives List\\\\

Forward Dives

| Dive Name | Type | Difficulty | Buttons to Press |
| Forward Dive | Straight | 1.6 | O |
| Forward Dive | Piked | 1.5 | O |
| Forward Dive | Tucked | 1.4 | O |
| Forward Somersault | Straight | 1.8 | X,O |
| Forward Somersault | Piked | 1.7 | X,O |
| Forward Somersault | Tucked | 1.6 | X,O |
| Forward 1.5 Somersault | Straight | 1.9 | X,X,O |
| Forward 1.5 Somersault | Piked | 1.6 | X,T,O |
| Forward 1.5 Somersault | Tucked | 1.5 | X,X,O |
| Forward Double Somersault | Straight | 2.5 | X,T,X,O |
| Forward Double Somersault | Piked | 2.2 | X,T,X,O |
| Forward Double Somersault | Tucked | 2.1 | X,X,X,O |
| Forward 2.5 Somersault | Piked | 2.3 | X,T,X,T,O |
| Forward 2.5 Somersault | Tucked | 2.1 | X,X,X,X,O |
| Forward 3.5 Somersault | Piked | 3.0 | X,T,X,T,X,T,O |
| Forward 3.5 Somersault | Tucked | 2.7 | X,X,X,X,X,X,O |
| Forward 4.5 Somersault | Tucked | 2.1 | X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,O|
| Forward Flying Somersault | Piked | 1.9 | O,O |
| Forward Flying Somersault | Tucked | 1.8 | O,O |
| Forward Flying 1.5 Somersault | Piked | 1.8 | O,X,O |
| Forward Flying 1.5 Somersault | Tucked | 1.7 | O,X,O |
| Forward Flying Double Somersault | Tucked | 2.3 | O,X,X,O |
| Forward Flying 2.5 Somersault | Piked | 2.6 | O,T,X,O |
| Forward Flying 2.5 Somersault | Tucked | 2.4 | O,X,X,X,O |

Back Dives

| Dive Name | Type | Difficulty | Buttons to Press |
| Back Dive | Straight | 1.9 | O |
| Back Dive | Piked | 1.8 | O |
| Back Dive | Tucked | 1.7 | O |
| Back Somersault | Straight | 1.9 | X,O |
| Back Somersault | Piked | 1.8 | X,O |
| Back Somersault | Tucked | 1.7 | X,O |
| Back 1.5 Somersault | Straight | 2.4 | X,X,O |
| Back 1.5 Somersault | Piked | 2.2 | X,T,O |
| Back 1.5 Somersault | Tucked | 1.9 | X,X,O |
| Back Double Somersault | Straight | 2.6 | X,T,T,O |
| Back Double Somersault | Piked | 2.4 | X,T,X,O |
| Back Double Somersault | Tucked | 2.1 | X,X,X,O |
| Back 2.5 Somersault | Straight | 3.3 | X,X,X,X,O |
| Back 2.5 Somersault | Piked | 2.9 | X,T,X,T,O |
| Back 2.5 Somersault | Tucked | 3.7 | X,X,X,X,O |
| Back 3.5 Somersault | Tucked | 3.3 | X,X,X,X,X,X,O |
| Back Flying Somersault | Piked | 1.9 | O,O |
| Back Flying Somersault | Tucked | 1.8 | O,O |
| Back Flying 1.5 Somersault | Tucked | 2.1 | O,X,O |

Reverse Dives

| Dive Name | Type | Difficulty | Buttons to Press |
| Reverse Dive | Straight | 2.0 | O |
| Reverse Dive | Piked | 1.9 | O |
| Reverse Dive | Tucked | 1.8 | O |
| Reverse Somersault | Straight | 2.0 | X,O |
| Reverse Somersault | Piked | 1.9 | X,O |
| Reverse Somersault | Tucked | 1.8 | X,O |
| Reverse 1.5 Somersault | Straight | 2.6 | X,X,O |
| Reverse 1.5 Somersault | Piked | 2.3 | X,T,O |
| Reverse 1.5 Somersault | Tucked | 2.0 | X,X,O |
| Reverse Double Somersault | Piked | 2.5 | X,T,X,O |
| Reverse Double Somersault | Tucked | 2.2 | X,X,X,O |
| Reverse 2.5 Somersault | Piked | 2.9 | X,T,X,T,O |
| Reverse 2.5 Somersault | Tucked | 2.7 | X,X,X,X,O |
| Reverse Flying Somersault | Tucked | 1.9 | O,O |
| Reverse Flying 1.5 Somersault | Tucked | 2.2 | O,X,O |

Inward Dives

| Dive Name | Type | Difficulty | Buttons to Press |
| Inward Dive | Straight | 1.7 | O |
| Inward Dive | Piked | 1.4 | O |
| Inward Dive | Tucked | 1.3 | O |
| Inward Somersault | Piked | 1.6 | X,O |
| Inward Somersault | Tucked | 1.5 | X,O |
| Inward 1.5 Somersault | Piked | 2.0 | X,T,O |
| Inward 1.5 Somersault | Tucked | 1.8 | X,X,O |
| Inward Double Somersault | Piked | 2.6 | X,T,X,O |
| Inward Double Somersault | Tucked | 2.4 | X,X,X,O |
| Inward 2.5 Somersault | Piked | 2.8 | X,T,X,T,O |
| Inward 2.5 Somersault | Tucked | 2.5 | X,X,X,X,O |
| Inward 3.5 Somersault | Piked | 3.5 | X,T,X,T,X,T,O |
| Inward 3.5 Somersault | Tucked | 3.2 | X,X,X,X,X,X,O |
| Inward Flying Somersault | Piked | 2.0 | O,O |
| Inward Flying Somersault | Tucked | 1.9 | O,O |
| Inward Flying 1.5 Somersault | Piked | 2.5 | O,X,O |
| Inward Flying 1.5 Somersault | Tucked | 2.3 | O,X,O |


////////Skeet Shooting Table and Map\\\\

Skeet Shooting Table

|Station|Skeet Order|Skeet Speed|Notes |
| 1|L,B(L-R) |L-S M-F |Left floats above you, Right floats under|
| | | |Left skeet. |
| 2|L,B(L-R) |L-M/S R-M/S|Left floats above you, Right floats under|
| | | |Left skeet. |
| 3|L,R,B(L-R) |L-M R-M/F |Left floats above you, Right floats under|
| | | |Left skeet. |
| 4|L,R,B(L-R) |L-M R-M |Left floats above you, Right floats under|
| | | |Left skeet. |
| 5|L,R,B(L-R) |L-M R-M |Left floats above you, Right floats under|
| | | |Left skeet. |
| 6|R,B(R-L) |M-F S |Left floats above you, Right floats under|
| | | |Left skeet. |
| 7|B(R-L) |R-S L-M/F |Left floats above you and to the right |
| | | |Rights floats under left skeet. |
| 8|L,R |L-M/S R-M/F|Both float high above you and both go |
| | | |to their opposite sides. |

The Skeet order: L = Left
R = Right
B = Both
() = The order in which you have to shoot them
The Skeet speed: L = Left
R = Right
S = Slow
M/S = Medium-Slow
M = Medium
M/F = Medium-Fast
F = Fast

Skeet range map

^ ^
1 8 7
\ /
2 6
\ /
3----5----4 O O

The numbers represent the stations. The ^ represent the traingles which
appear on the map in the lower right corner. The O represent the circles
that appear on the map in the lower right corner. The ^ show which side
the skeets are coming from. The numbers by the ^ show which order you need
to shoot the skeets. When they are green the skeet is still in the air,
when they go red it means you have hit them. The O show your current ammo,
if both O are green it means you have two shots, if both are red it means
you have no ammo. So a green O represent one shot.



A few people have told me these codes didnt work, they work for me. I suspect
they may not work for the PAL version, but I havent proven it yet so go ahead
and try them. I think these also work for Dreamcast, but you'll have to
substitute square triangle ect for something and since I dont have a Dreamcast
(yet) I won't be able to find out, unless somebody tells me.

PSX cheats

Full Stats
At the main menu press Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right,
Left. You will hear a sound, now goto olympic mode and all training will be
complete, thus you will have full stats.

First in All Events
At the main menu press Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, Cross.

Gold Medals
At the main menu press Circle, Cross, Triangle, Square.

Get Gold in 100m Sprint
At the Event Selection screen press Cross, Cross, Cross, Circle, Cross,
Cross, Cross.

Get Gold in Javelin
At the Event Selection screen press Circle, Square, Cross, Cross.

PC cheats
Expert Mode
Enter gizmo as a code.

If you have any other codes send them to my email, which is listed at the top
of the faq. I will credit you for them.


////////Gameshark/Action Replay Codes\\\\

I think the codes for Sydney 2000 are universal so NTSC codes also work on the
PAL version ect. I think this as I have seen codes for the PAL version excatly
the same as the codes for the NTSC version.

Here are some PAL codes made for the German version.

Full credit goes to UL1 ( for these.

Arcade Mode Misc Codes
All Events Available - 8001 65B0 FFFF
9999 Points Player 1 - D101 63D0 0000
8001 63D0 270F
9999 Points Player 2 - D101 640C 0000
8001 640C 270F
9999 Points Player 3 - D101 6448 0000
8001 6448 270F
9999 Points Player 4 - D101 6484 0000
8001 6484 270F
9999 Points Player 5 - D101 64C0 0000
8001 64C0 270F
9999 Points Player 6 - D101 64FC 0000
8001 64FC 270F
9999 Points Player 7 - D101 6538 0000
8001 6538 270F
9999 Points Player 8 - D101 6574 0000
8001 6574 270F
No Points Player 1 - D101 63D0 0000
8001 63D0 0000
No Points Player 2 - D101 640C 0000
8001 640C 0000
No Points Player 3 - D101 6448 0000
8001 6448 0000
No Points Player 4 - D101 6484 0000
8001 6484 0000
No Points Player 5 - D101 64C0 0000
8001 64C0 0000
No Points Player 6 - D101 64FC 0000
8001 64FC 0000
No Points Player 7 - D101 6538 0000
8001 6538 0000
No Points Player 8 - D101 6574 0000
8001 6574 0000

Olympic Mode Misc Codes
All Training Complete - 5000 7E04 0000
8001 65E8 6464
All Event Stages Unlocked - 5000 0C04 0000
8001 65B8 0003
Have All Goldmedals - 5000 0C04 0000
8001 6D64 0006

Olympic Mode 100m Freestyle Swimming Codes
Joker P1 - D00A 86CE ????
Have Bronze Medal - 3001 6D80 0004
Have Silver Medal - 3001 6D80 0005
Have Gold Medal - 3001 6D80 0006
Training Complete Round 1 - 3001 667B 0064
3001 667C 0064
Training Complete Round 2 - 5000 0401 0000
3001 667C 0064
Training Complete Round 3 - 5000 0901 0000
3001 6681 0064
Olympic Training Complete - 5000 0302 0000
8001 668A 6464
All Training Complete - 5000 1301 0000
3001 667B 0064

Olympic Mode 100m Sprint Codes
Joker P1 - D00A 6E82 ????
Have Bronze Medal - 3001 6D64 0004
Have Silver Medal - 3001 6D64 0005
Have Gold Medal - 3001 6D64 0006
Training Complete Round 1 - 8001 65E8 6464
Training Complete Round 2 - 5000 0202 0000
8001 65EA 6464
Training Complete Round 3 - 5000 0901 0000
8001 65EE 0064
Olympic Training Complete - 5000 0401 0000
8001 65F7 0064
All Training Complete - 5000 1301 0000
3001 65E8 0064
P1 Fast Victory Lane 1 - D00A 6E82 FBFF
Press L1 (Note 1) 300D 8A9B 000F
P1 Fast Victory Lane 2 - D00A 6E82 FBFF
Press l2 (Note 1) 300D 86CB 000F
P1 Fast Victory Lane 3 - D00A 6E82 FBFF
Press R1 (Note 1) 300D 82FB 000F
P1 Fast Victory Lane 4 - D00A 6E82 FBFF
Press R2 (Note 1) 300D 7F2B 000F
P1 Fast Victory Lane 5 - D00A 6E82 FBFF
Press Up (Note 1) 300D 7B5B 000F
P1 Fast Victory Lane 6 - D00A 6E82 FBFF
Press Right (Note 1) 300D 778B 000F
P1 Fast Victory Lane 7 - D00A 6E82 FBFF
Press Down (Note 1) 300D 73BB 000F
P1 Fast Victory Lane 8 - D00A 6E82 FBFF
Press Left (Note 1) 300D 6FEB 000F

Note: The Codes work for quarterfinals, semifinals and finales.
Note 1: Once L1 is pressed the runner immediatly finishes the race.

Olympic Mode 110m Hurdles Codes
Joker P1 - D00A 866A ????
Have Bronze Medal - 3001 6D68 0004
Have Silver Medal - 3001 6D68 0005
Have Gold Medal - 3001 6D68 0006
Training Complete Round 1 - 3001 65FD 0064
3001 65FE 0064
Training Complete Round 2 - 5000 0301 0000
3001 6604 0064
Training Complete Round 3 - 5000 0901 0000
3001 6604 0064
Olympic Training Complete - 5000 0302 0000
8001 660C 6464
All Training Complete - 5000 1301 0000
3001 65FD 0064

Olympic Mode Tripple Jump
Joker P1 - D00A 9E1E ????
Have Bronze Medal - 3001 6D74 0004
Have Silver Medal - 3001 6D74 0005
Have Gold Medal - 3001 6D74 0006
Training Complete Round 1 - 8001 663C 6464
Training Complete Round 2 - 5000 0202 0000
8001 663E 6464
Training Complete Round 3 - 5000 0901 0000
3001 6642 0064
Olympic Training Complete - 5000 0601 0000
3001 664B 0064
All Training Complete - 5000 1301 0000
3001 663C 0064

Olympic Mode Weight Lifting +105 kg
Joker P1 - D00A F8F6 ????
Have Bronze Medal - 3001 6D88 0004
Have Silver Medal - 3001 6D88 0005
Have Gold Medal - 3001 6D88 0006
Training Complete Round 1 - 3001 66A5 0064
3001 66A6 0064
Training Complete Round 2 - 5000 0401 0000
3001 66A7 0064
Training Complete Round 3 - 5000 0901 0000
3001 66AB 0064
Olympic Training Complete - 5000 0601 0000
8001 66B4 6464
All Training Complete - 5000 1301 0000
3001 66A5 0064

Olympic Mode Hammer Throw
Joker P1 - D00A 5536 ????
Have Bronze Medal - 3001 6D70 0004
Have Silver Medal - 3001 6D70 0005
Have Gold Medal - 3001 6D70 0006
Training Complete Round 1 - 3001 6627 0064
3001 6620 0064
Training Complete Round 2 - 5000 0401 0000
3001 6629 0064
Training Complete Round 3 - 5000 0901 0000
3001 662D 0064
Olympic Training Complete - 5000 0302 0000
8001 6636 6464
All Training Complete - 5000 1301 0000
3001 6627 0064

Olympic Mode High Jump
Joker P1 - D00A AEA2 ????
Have Bronze Medal - 3001 6D78 0004
Have Silver Medal - 3001 6D78 0005
Have Gold Medal - 3001 6D78 0006
Training Complete Round 1 - 3001 6651 0064
3001 6652 0064
Training Complete Round 2 - 5000 0401 0000
3001 6653 0064
Training Complete Round 3 - 5000 0901 0000
3001 6657 0064
Olympic Training Complete - 5000 0302 0000
8001 6660 6464
All Training Complete - 5000 1301 0000
3001 6651 0064

Olympic Mode Kayak K1 Slalom
Joker P1 - D00A 76B2 ????
Have Bronze Medal - 3001 6D90 0004
Have Silver Medal - 3001 6D90 0005
Have Gold Medal - 3001 6D90 0006
Training Complete Round 1 - 3001 66CF 0064
3001 66D0 0064
Training Complete Round 2 - 5000 0401 0000
3001 66D1 0064
Training Complete Round 3 - 5000 0901 0000
3001 66D5 0064
Olympic Training Complete - 5000 0302 0000
8001 66DE 6464
All Training Complete - 5000 1301 0000
3001 66CF 0064
No Penalities Part 1 - D00A 76B2 FAFF
(Note) 8000 0002 2312
D00A 76B2 F5FF
8000 0002 0000
No Penalities Part 2 - D000 0002 2312
(Note) 800D 9C4A 0000
No Penalities Part 3 - D00A 76B2 F0FF
(Note) 800D 9C4A 1717

Note: Press L1 and L2 before the start to turn the code on. Before
gate 23 press R1 and R2 to turn the code off. Immediately
after the race finishes press L1 and L2 and R1 and R2.

Olympic Mode Skeet Shooting
Joker P1 - D00A ECAE ????
Have Bronze Medal - 3001 6D7C 0004
Have Silver Medal - 3001 6D7C 0005
Have Gold Medal - 3001 6D7C 0006
Training Complete Round 1 - 8001 6666 6464
Training Complete Round 2 - 5000 0202 0000
8001 6668 6464
Training Complete Round 3 - 5000 0901 0000
3001 666C 0064
Olympic Training Complete - 5000 0601 0000
3001 667A 0064
All Training Complete - 5000 1301 0000
3001 6666 0064
Begin with 1000 Points - D00A ECAE FAFF
Press L1 and L2 3001 76A9 0080
3001 76AA 003E

Olympic Mode Javelin
Joker P1 - D00A 8726 ????
Have Bronze Medal - 3001 6D6C 0004
Have Silver Medal - 3001 6D6C 0005
Have Gold Medal - 3001 6D6C 0006
Training Complete Round 1 - 8001 6612 6464
Training Complete Round 2 - 5000 0202 0000
8001 6614 6464
Training Complete Round 3 - 5000 0901 0000
3001 6618 0064
Olympic Training Complete - 5000 0601 0000
3001 6621 0064
All Training Complete - 5000 0A02 0000
8001 6612 6464

Olympic Mode Sprint Cycling
Joker P1 - D009 1B7E ????
Have Bronze Medal - 3001 6D8C 0004
Have Silver Medal - 3001 6D8C 0005
Have Gold Medal - 3001 6D8C 0006
Training Complete Round 1 - 8001 66BA 6464
Training Complete Round 2 - 5000 0202 0000
8001 66BC 6464
Training Complete Round 3 - 5000 0901 0000
3001 66C0 0064
Olympic Training Complete - 5000 0601 0000
3001 66C9 0064
All Training Complete - 5000 0A02 0000
3001 66BA 0064
Vitality Max - D009 1B7E FAFF
(Note 1) 8018 C078 FFFF
D009 1B7E FAFF
8018 C090 FFFF
D009 1B7E FAFF
8018 C08C F000
Opponents Stop - D009 1B7E F5FF
(Note 2) 8018 C078 0000
D009 1B7E F5FF
8018 C090 0000
D009 1B7E F5FF
8018 C08C 0000
Fast Win - D009 1B7E F5FF
(Note 3) 800B D41A 0000

Note 1: This code if for qualification and semi finals. Press L1 and L2
to activate it.
Note 2: This code is for the final, press R1 and R2 to activate it.
Note 3: This code if for the final, press R1 and R2 to win.

Olympic Mode 10m Platform Diving
Joker P1 - D00A C81A ????
Have Bronze Medal - 3001 6D84 0004
Have Silver Medal - 3001 6D84 0005
Have Gold Medal - 3001 6D84 0006
Training Complete Round 1 - 8001 6690 6464
Training Complete Round 2 - 5000 0202 0000
8001 6692 6464
Training Complete Round 3 - 5000 0901 0000
3001 6696 0064
Olympic Training Complete - 5000 0601 0000
3001 669F 0064
All Training Complete - 5000 0A02 0000
8001 6690 6464
Full Jumpmeter - D00A ECAE FAFF
3001 76A9 0080
3001 76AA 003E
Max Points Qualification - D00A C81A FAFF
Press L1 and L2 3001 7662 0030
Max Points Semi final - D00A C81A FAFF
Press R1 and R2 3001 7662 0030
Max Points Final - D00A C81A FAFF
Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2 3001 7662 0030

UL1 has made many more codes for Sydney 2000 that are too long to put in this
faq. You can check out the rest of his Sydney 2000 codes in the PAL section of
Gamebusters Paradise (


////////High Scores\\\\

These are the top scores for certain parts of the game. A name/alias is listed,
the score and the country the person is from. If you get equal with somebody
that has a perfect score (like my skeets score) send it in and you'll both
be listed.

Arcade Mode Total Score
Turks - 9891 points - New Zealand

100m Best Time
Brick - 9.51s - Australia

110m Hurdles Best Time
Chiwei Chang - 11.19s - Taiwan

Javalin Best Throw
Pacifier - 81.86m - USA

Hammer Best Throw
Pacifier - 87.06m - USA

Tripple Jump Best Distance
Turks - 18.43m - New Zealand

High Jump Best Jump
Josh Walsh - 2.31m - Ireland

Skeet Shooting Most Skeets/Points
Turks - 25.00 (All) - New Zealand
Brick - 25.00 (All) - Australia

100m Freystyle Swimming Best Time
Chiwei Chang - 51.89s - Taiwan

Diving Best Score
Turks - 524.10 - New Zealand

Weight Lifting Most Weight Lifted
Squall - 262.50 - Holland

Thanks to all who sent in these high scores.


////////Copy Protection Information\\\\\

This section is intended to tell you about the forms of copy protection used
for Sydney 2000.

The PC version uses Safedisc protection. It is a software based protection
which is comprised of authenticating the digital signature of the cd as
well as a multi-layered encrypted wrapped. The signature is embedded by
the laser beam recorder at the time the master copy is created. It cannot
be copied by CD recorders.

Libcrypt V2
The PSX version has multiple LC2(Libcrypt 2) protections. Libcrypt was
created in 1998 and first used on MediEval on the PAL version. Libcrypt
uses a 16 bit key which is stored in a subchannel of the CD. The
protection consists of 2 pieces of code. The first one checks for a
Modchip if the CD is not orignal and the other one decrypts the code
needed to play the game. If the check fails the game will not run.



CJayC of for putting this faq on his site.

Kevin T of Cheat City ( for asking me if he could use my faq
on his site.

Al Alamo of Video Game Strategies ( for also
asking me if he could put my faq on his site.

Tim Wuyts of The Cheat Empire ( for
asking me if he could use my faq.

UL1 ( for the Gameshark/Action Replay codes.

Pacifier, Jane Rossitor, The Exeuctioner, Chiwei Chang, Josh Walsh, P.Duncan,
Kane, B.N, Brick and Lance Coburn for sending in High Scores.

See asking if you can post my faq on your site dosent only get you to have it
posted, but it also gets your website address advertised in the faq also =)


If this faq is not found on any of the sites listed in the credits section then
please email me with the site address of where you found it. will always have the most recent version of the faq.

This FAQ may not be reproduced in any form without permission from me. This FAQ
may not be edited, sold, published, etc. without consent from me. All
information within this document is original work and not to be used for
anything other than helping you play Sydney 2000. This FAQ is copyright Shanon
Altments 2000,2001,2002.

Characters and Logos etc. are all Copyright Eidos 2000.
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16.Октябрь 2013

26.Сентябрь 2013
Cheats für Sydney 2000

11.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheat
10.Октябрь 2008
German Version

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Spiele direkt in 10 Diziplienen um Goldmedalien

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Январь 2018
24.Февраль 2018
04.Март 2019