

18.10.2013 05:37:21
Version: 1.0 - February 15, 2001
Creator: Ed Osciak III
Alias: Psycho
Platform: Sony Playstation
Email: manji37@hotmail.com

Copyright 2001, Ed Osciak III
This walkthrough may not be changed, reproduced, or printed in any form
without the author's expressed permission. This FAQ is owned and made
by me. Feel free to print out and distribute this FAQ as long as
nothing is changed.


Section 1: Game Introduction
Section 2: Main Characters
Section 3: Enemies
Section 4: General Tips and Hints
Section 5: Walkthrough
Section 6: Secrets/Codes
Section 7: Acknowledgments


(Introduction adapted from the "DINOSAUR" movie.)

Set 65 million year ago, DINOSAUR is a game that lets you interact
with the compelling story of an iguanodon named Aladar, who is separated
from his own kind and raised by a clan of lemurs, including the
wisecracking Zini and the compassionate Flia. When a devastating meteor
shower plunges their world into chaos, Aladar and his family follow a
herd of dinosaurs heading for the safety of the "nesting grounds."
Along the way, Aladar befriends Baylene, the dignified, elderly
brachiosaur with a take-no-prisoners attitude; Eema, the unstoppable
styrachosaur; and Neera, a feisty fellow iguanodon. Together, they must
stand strog amidst food and water shortages, and threat of attacks by
carnotaurs, and Aladar's run-ins with the herd's stubborn leader, Kron.
However, you control the mighty Aladar and his friends, Zini and Flia in
this prehistoric adventure game from Disney Interactive.


(Descriptions of the main characters are taken directly from the in-game

ALADAR (Iguanodon): Traces of iguanodon have been found all around the
world from South America to the Arctic Circle. This evidence suggest
that they were widespread, likely living and moving in great herds.
When fossilized teeth of an Iguanodon were first found, scientists
noticed a similarity to the teeth of an iguana.

ZINI (Lemur): Members of this family of mammals lived in trees, some
of them leaping and clinging, some walking and running on the top of
branches. They had eyes at the front of there face and a large brain
for stereoscopic vision, both necessary adaptations to a life in the

FLIA (Pteranodon): The pterandon had wings that measured 23 feet, but
the entire dinosaur weighed only 90 pounds. It likely glided on up
drafts since it would have been difficult to flap such enormous wings.
It had a long head that likely stabilized it during flight.

BAYLENE (Brachiosaur): The brachiosaur is one of the largest dinosaurs
ever discovered. It was about 75 feet long, 10 feet tall, and weighed
close to 90 tons. In order to support its huge body mass, the
brachiosaur had an incredible hollow skeleton the was lightweight yet
super strong.

EEMA (Styrachosaur): The styrachosaur had a spectacular array of horns
protruding from the back of its skull and a large horn on the tip of its
nose. These defenses would have made the styrachosaur a difficult meal
for any predator.

URL (Dinosaur-like dog): This dinosaur is small an acts like a dog.

NERRA and KRON (Igaunodons): Kron is the stubborn leader of the herd
while Neera is the sister of Kron.

CHROME (Carnotaurus): The big nasty boss of the game that must be
defeated in order for the herd to survive and live in peace.


(Descriptions of the enemies are also taken directly from the in-game

OVIRAPTOR: Oviraptors were relatively small, measuring six feet in
length. They had a large beak that may have been used for breaking hard
surfaces. This had lead to the speculation that the oviraptor ate eggs
and so it has been name the "egg" thief.

CHAMPOSAURUS: Although entirely unrelated, the champosaurus looked
remarkably like the modern crocodile. It had a long slim snout filled
with sharp teeth and extremely powerful jaws with which it ate fish,
turtles and mollusks. It averaged above five feet in length.

RAPTOR: The Raptor had large slashing claws on its feet that could
slice down through the flesh of its victim like a sickle through tall
grass making it one of the most dangerous dinosaurs of its time. It was
only six feet long which means it was likely very fast and maneuverable.

ALBERTOSAUR: The albertosaur was a close relative of the tyrannosaurus
rex; they both came from the family Tyrannosauridae. It was a meat
eater with a large head, powerful back legs, tiny arms and only two
fingers on each hand. Scientists today are puzzled as to the purpose of
the albertosaur's odd arms and hands.

ANKYLOSAUR: The family of dinosaurs known as Ankylosauria takes its
name from the Ankylosaur. It was the largest dinosaur of this type,
weighing roughly four tons and measuring approximately 16 feet wide.
The ankysaurus' body was covered with hundreds of oval shaped plates
that ran from the head down to the tail. The tail ended in a large bony
club; a common trait among all Ankylosauria.

ICARONYCTERIS: The icarnoycteris was an ancestor of modern insect
eating bats. Even at this early stage of evolution, bats roosted upside
down, as indicated by the claws on the icaronycteris' thumb and

SPINOSAUR: The spinosaur had a sail of skin held up with bony spikes on
its back that it used for heating and cooling itself. It had a head
like a crocodile, very pointed with many teeth, and a huge claw on its
thumb; evidence that it was a fish eater.

CARNOTAURUS: The carnotaurus was a therapod, a meat eater, which first
evolved some 200 million years ago. It had horns on its head like a
bull; hence the name "carno", flesh eating, "taurus", bull. This is the
most deadliest dinosaur that you will encounter in the game.


+ If you see lightning strike a tree, collect the balls of energy
from it as fast as you can. Save the energy to use later as a powerful
special attack.

+ Monoliths record your progress through the level. To save your
game to a MEMORY CARD, access the "pause" menu and select "Save Game."

+ A branch in Flia's beak stuns enemies but also blocks some of the
damage from enemy attacks.

+ Zini is the only character who can hold the fruits that you will
find in the game. Also, he is able to carry stones to throw at enemies.

+ You can team up by pressing the triangle button. Also use this
when attacking as much as possible. You can almost defeat any enemy
this way.

+ A Health Plant instantly restore full health to the hero that eats
it. If the heroes find the plant while teamed up, then they share it
and each gain some health.

+ A Life Crystal will automatically revive a dying hero. It will be
store safe into your inventory until needed.

+ Orange fruits will replenish approximately one-fourth of your
energy, while red fruits will replenish approximately one-half of your



OBJECTIVE: Rescue the egg. Eliminate all enemies on the island.

Flia will automatically fly around the island. When she see that
the egg is in trouble, It is up to use to swoop down and defeat the
OVIRAPTOR. Next pick up the egg by landing on it and picking it up.
Fly to the east and put it down in the moss patch where you started.
Put it down in the moss patch and the egg will hatch.

Zini will hear the baby crying and it is up to use to find the baby
crying. Walk north to the northwest to reach Flia and the baby dinosaur
(Aladar). She will ask Zini for help. Zini is the only one who can
pick up fruit. Next, have Zini climb up the tree and snag the fruit to
the right. Feed it to Aladar. Aladar is still hungry and Flia informs
you of where more fruit can be found.

Next, you will be using Zini to head back to where the egg was
originally found. First, walk north and follow the grass path north
until it leads west. Next keep walking west until you see what looks
like a fairway on a golf course. The path will wind down then up.
Continue to the west, but do not fall off the cliff onto the dirt below.
When you make it to the fruit tree, there will be two CHAMPOSURUS
guarding it. Distract the one by jumping up and down. Then hop up the
tree and grab the fruit. Now backtrack the way you came so you can feed

Flia informs you that there is no more fruit on this side of the
island. Now, you must use Flia to scout the island for more fruit. Fly
over the river, south and follow it to the west when it branches off.
Now fly southwest from here and you will find a fruit tree. It is
guarded by three CHAMPOSAURUS. Save your progress by flying northwest
and pass the Monolith. Next fly back to where Aladar and Zini are.

Zini tells Aladar to use his tail swing to break boulders for him
so he can use stones for throwing at enemies. Flia asks Aladar to swing
his tail into sapling trees so that she can use branches in her beak to
stun enemies. Use Aladar to break the boulder around the area. There
are three boulders and two sapling trees. Next have Zini walk all the
way south, past the elders of Zini that around the tree and up north
where a Life Crystal is. Also, have Zini picks up the stones. Next
have Flia pick up the tree branch with her beak. You are now ready to
make an attack plan.

Now team up and take control of Aladar. Take the river to the west
and go up the hill. Next, take the path back to where the second fruit
was found. Destroy the two CHAMPOSAURUS lying there. Next, walk back
east and follow the dirt path by the palm tree. Walk to the right and
take out the CHAMPOSAURUS. Now that you've cleared the path, use Zini
to walk up the hill and collect the energy balls when lightning strike
the tree.

After collecting the energy balls, head to the left and walk down
the south path that lies over the river. Get ready to battle the three
CHAMPOSAURUS that are up ahead. After defeating them, grab the final
two fruits for Aladar. Do not forget to use the save Monolith at the
northwest part of this island. If needed, break up the sapling tree at
the bottom of the island for Flia, because your first big test lies

Next, walk into the river to the north near the waterfall and get
ready to take on two RAPTORS. Be careful because you are very weak at
this part of the game and they are strong and very fast. Team up and
make sure Flia has a branch in her beak at all times to stun them. When
they are stunned, whack them with your tail. After defeating these two
enemies, grab the Health Plant.

Now start walking southwest and you will reach a save Monolith at
the end of the island. As you walk north, you will encounter four more
CHAMPOSAURUS and a Life Crystal. Collect the Life Crystal and make
these enemies extinct. Now continue walking northeast until you
encounter the final RAPTOR. Team up and take care of this last enemy.
Its demise marks the end of the first level.


OBJECTIVE: Collect the 5 healing fruits on the island. Feed Flia so
that she regains full health. (NOTE: Make sure that when you collect
all 5 healing fruits that you do not use any of them on Aladar or Zini.
Otherwise, you will not be able to complete this level!)

You begin at the bottom of this new island. Walk to the northwest.
Defeat the two CHAMPOSAURUS and collect the stones for Zini. Always
team up when possible. Next walk towards the northwest until you see a
path. Your next encounter will be against a RAPTOR. After defeating
it, walk a little to the northwest and have Zini grab the first healing
fruit on this level. One down, four to go.

After acquiring the fruit, there is another RAPTOR to the north.
Whack it with your tail and gain some more experience. Next, continue
walking to the north and dispose of another RAPTOR, that is running next
to the tree. Afterward, proceed to the east but use caution. You will
have to take on two RAPTORS and a CHAMPOSAURUS at the same time. After
taking care of these enemies, walk to the north, and you will find a
HEALTH PLANT, and a RAPTOR guarding the second healing fruit. Make
quick work of the RAPTOR and have Zini snag the second healing fruit.
Two down, three to go.

After grabbing the second healing fruit, walk south/southwest until
you reach the save Monolith. This would be a good place to save your
game. After saving your game, proceed up north until you reach a path.
Follow it to the right. Along the way, pick up the stones for Zini.
After picking up the stones, you will have to fend off another RAPTOR.
Defeat and continue to the right. The path will slope southeast where
you will find a Life Crystal. Keep walking southeast but get ready to
face off against three RAPTORS. Team up and defeat these fast and
furious foes. (HINT: Try to lure one of them away at a time because
they outnumber you 3 to 1.) Afterwards, pick up the rocks for Zini. If
you've been hurt in battle, do not worry. A Health Plant awaits you as
you continue walking south along the path. As you walk south, pick up
the stones for Zini and take out another RAPTOR or two. Now you know
what the RAPTORS were guarding, the third healing fruit! Three down,
two to go.

Now you will have to backtrack all the way back to the save
Monolith. Save your game here and walk across the river to the east.
Three RAPTORS will be waiting for you on the other side. You should be
strong enough now to make quick work of these enemies by now. Walk to
the northeast and pick up stones for Zini. Next, walk a little to the
east and collect the energy balls when the lightning strikes the tree.
Finally, grab the fourth healing fruit, right by the tree that was
struck by lightning. Four down, one to go.

Now walk down south and continue along the path. You will see a
path to the right. There is a health plant for you to collect by the
tree. Now you can walk back to the path and continue south and defeat
the two CHAMPOSAURUS that you see. Continue southwest along the path
and destroy the CHAMPOSAURUS. After defeating it, take out the other
CHAMPOSAURUS at the edge of the island. Make your way to the northeast
and take on another CHAMPOSAURUS. Do not forget to pick up the stones
for Zini. Afterwards, walk a little north and snag the final healing
fruit. Now it is time to go find Flia.

Walk along the northeast path to where the merge was previously.
Continue walking to the east to where the two fallen RAPTORS are. You
will see a little path. Follow it to the west, walk down a little hill
where you will find Flia. Fee her the five healing fruits and you will
complete the level.


OBJECTIVE: Find any stragglers that may need help.

Team up and walk south. Pick up the stones for Zini. Next, follow
the path south and follow the tracks. It will take you to a RAPTOR.
Defeat the RAPTOR and continue to walk south where there are more
tracks. Here, you will find BAYLENE, the brachiosaur. She will ask you
to help her find EEMA and URL.

Next, walk to the left and pick up the stones for Zini. Next,
backtrack to the tracks and take the south path at the intersection.
Follow it down and to the left and destroy the CHAMPOSAURUS. Take the
path north to where the elder lemur is. He will give you advice and
there is an orange fruit for you to take. From where the fallen
CHAMPOSAURUS is, take the left path south where another CHAMPOSAURUS
will be waiting. Make quick work of it and walk east where a RAPTOR
will be waiting. Take care of it and head to the left where a couple of
stones for Zini are. Now backtrack and head to the right a little where
Aladar can break up a sapling tree for Flia. After equipping Flia, head
just a little more to the right and break the boulders down for Zini.
Now continue walking east and the tracks will lead to another RAPTOR.
After crushing the RAPTOR, walk northwest and follow the path that looks
like a horseshoe. At the dead-end, you will find rocks and a red fruit.
Now, start walking to the west and you will find EEMA, the styrachosaur.

To the left of EEMA is a sapling tree for Flia and some stones for
Zini. Directly to the north is a save Monolith. Walk to the northwest
and take on the two RAPTORS. After defeating them, grab the energy
balls, from the lightning struck tree. Next, walk straight to the right
and grab the Health Plant to replenish lost energy. From there, walk
directly south and destroy the RAPTOR, that is protecting the Life
Crystal. Pick up the Life Crystal and there will be a save Monolith as
you progress southward. It is the same Monolith as before!

Now walk to the east of EEMA and take the path to the northeast.
Follow it and you will find a big pile of rocks for Zini. Backtrack and
take the path to the east and make the RAPTOR extinct. After defeating
the RAPTOR, pick up the red fruit that is south in the bush. As you
walk south, there will be two RAPTORS to finish off. Now, proceed to
the southwest and grab some rocks for Zini. After collecting the rocks,
backtrack and take the path to the southeast, beat the RAPTOR, follow it
and pick up another Life Crystal and an orange fruit. From here, walk
to the right where you came and proceed to walk straight north. Defeat
the RAPTOR, and then you will find URL, who is a dog? It looks like a
smaller version of the Styrachosaur. Anyway, this ends the level.


OBJECTIVE: Lead Baylene, Eema, And Url to catch up with the herd.

Before making this journey, have Aladar break the sapling tree for
Flia and proceed to the right. Do not move to fast though. Remember,
you are leading your elderly friends! The path will wind south. Take
out the threatening RAPTOR. Walk south and break up the boulders for
Zini. Next, take out the two RAPTORS. The path will wind to the east
where you will have to take down a CHAMPOSAURUS. Now, have Aladar break
up the boulders for Zini. Next, you will have to defeat another RAPTOR
or two by the trees. Snag the stones for Zini as well. (HINT: If any
of your elderly friends take damage, you will have to heal them before
you proceed.) Now walk to the east where you will encounter two more
RAPTORS. KO the RAPTORS and move to the north. Grab the branch for
Flia and take out another pesky RAPTOR. If you've been hurt, don't
worry. Just pick up the Health Plant. Next, progress to the east where
the trees are. Here, you will have to fend of another RAPTOR. Having
defeated it, walk to the north and save your game at the Monolith.

Directly to the northeast of the Monolith is a Health Plant. As
you proceed to the east, the past with slope southwards. Get ready to
battle another RAPTOR. There will also be a PTERANODON flying around.
Have Flia fly behind it and ground this flying menace. Now, walk to the
southeast where you will meet up with NEERA, fellow Iguanodon and the
herd's stubborn leader, KRON. Thus, this ends level four.


OBJECTIVE: Release the water from the cracked ground. (HINT: To get
BAYLENE over the cracks, have Zini jump up and down to get her moving.
Also, give EEMA some fruit at the beginning so he does not die on you.
He will lose health, a little at a time throughout this level.)

The first of five cracks is at the beginning. Have Baylene walk
over it. One down, four to go.

Next, walk up the hill to the south and pick up the orange fruit.
Continue walking to the north and pick up another orange fruit. Next,
backtrack to where the first crack is at. Now, lead Baylene to the left
and smash the boulder for Zini. Walk to the north, and smash the two
boulders for Zini. Next, take out the RAPTOR that is on the ground and
have Flia defeat the PTERANODON that is flying in the air. Proceed east
where the boulders were and defeat the RAPTOR along the way. Next,
continue to lead Baylene to the second crack. Two down, three to go.

Now take out another feisty RAPTOR and walk up the hill to the
east. Remember, always team up when possible. Make your way to the
northwest and pick up the orange and red fruit, a Life Crystal, and
another red and orange fruit. However, you will have to defeat the
RAPTOR that is guarding these treasures. Afterwards, walk southwest and
smash the boulder for Zini. Continue making your way west and defeat
the two RAPTORS that are blocking your path. After defeating these two
enemies, you will have to take on two more RAPTORS. Keep swinging
Aladar's tail and you will triumph. Continue to the west where you will
pick up two more orange and red fruits and a valuable Health Plant.
However, a RAPTOR will be guarding the Health Plant. Next proceed more
to the west where you will find a Life Crystal and a tree that is struck
by lightning. Grab the energy balls, if needed. Next to the tree will
be another orange and red fruit. Now, backtrack all the way back to
Baylene who is at the second crack.

Start leading her to the west, until you encounter another RAPTOR.
Take this enemy out and lead Baylene to the north. Another RAPTOR will
try and stop your progress. KO this RAPTOR and keep going. As you walk
to the north, smash the boulder for Zini and take out the RAPTOR that is
in the way. Next, have Baylene step on the third crack. Three down,
two to go.

Get Baylene's attention and have her follow you south. When the
dried up stream splits, you will have to deal with a PTERANODON. Have
Flia ground this flying foe. You will also have to deal with another
RAPTOR. Afterwards, proceed down to the southwest and have Baylene step
on the fourth crack. Four down, one to go.

Leave Baylene here, and walk northwest to the fifth crack and take
out the two RAPTORS and the PTERANODON for more experience points. Walk
up the hill then proceed to the south where you can save your progress
at the Monolith. Walk to the east and take out the two RAPTORS for some
experience points and grab the red fruit. Proceed to the north and KO
another RAPTOR. He was guarding and orange fruit that was hiding is a
tree and a Health Plant. Eat the plant to replenish lost health.
Finally, make your way back to Baylene and lead her northwest to the
fifth and final crack. The level is complete and there is plenty of
water for everyone.


OBJECTIVE: Rescue the missing baby Iguanodon and lead them back to the
(WARNING: This is the most frustrating level in the game. If you make
it past this level, then it will be clear sailing the rest of the way.
Stick with it!)
(HINT: Just like in the last level, when you find a missing baby dino,
have Zini jump up and down for it to follow you.)

Team up and walk all the way to the left. Next walk straight up
the hill to the south, When you make it up the hill, walk west and then
south. Finally, when you reach the end of the cliff, make your way
southeast down the hill where you will find the first baby dino. Lead
the baby to the east and destroy the two RAPTORS that are in the way.
Walk down the hill and to the north. Drop the baby dino off with the
herd. One down, three to find.

Next, make your way east and talk to the elder lemur. Grab the
orange fruit and proceed southwest. Smash the boulders for Zini and
follow the path to the southwest. It will wrap around and you will be
rewarded with an orange fruit and a red fruit. Continue along and KO
the hungry RAPTOR. Now walk south of the RAPTOR until you reach a dirt
path. Follow the path as it winds to the southeast. Whack the RAPTOR
with your tail and keep going. Another RAPTOR will try to stop your
progress at the end of the path. Defeat the RAPTOR and continue walking
south. KO the RAPTOR for more experience points and pick up the stones
for Zini. Now walk to the east where you will see lava. Do not walk in
the lava because it will hurt you quickly.

Walk along the e path above the lava to the northeast. Pick up the
stones for Zini along the way. Follow the path and it will lead you to
the second missing baby dino but do not lead it yet. Instead, continue
walking to the southeast and pick up the stones for Zini and smash the
boulder as well. A PTERANODON will attack. Have Flia take care of this
nuisance. Walk to the southwest a little more and save your progress at
the Monolith.

Walk to the north and pick up the red fruit. Now walk to the
northwest and pick up the rocks for Zini. Finally, meet up with the
baby dino and make it follow you. Now you will have to backtrack all
the way back to the herd. Just lead it back the same way you came.
After you pass through the dirt path on the way back, an ALBERTOSAUR
might come down to attack you. Team up and swing that tail until it is
dead. After defeating it, you will gain mega experience points.
Continue to lead the baby back to the herd. Two down, two more to find.

Now make your way southeast and take out the RAPTOR and pick up the
stones for Zini. Next, make your way north and jump on the steps to the
left. A RAPTOR will be waiting for you at the top of the hill. Next,
jump to the north and walk to the east. Walk across the small slope to
the east where you will find the third baby dino. If you walk to the
west you will find the tree that gets struck by lightning. Lead the
baby dino and make your way southwest, and down the path. Dispose of
the waiting RAPTOR and grab yourself a snack via the Health Plant. Lead
the baby down the slope to the west and down a couple of steps. Next,
smash the boulder for Zini and get ready to battle a PTERANODON and a

After defeating these enemies, walk to the west where another
RAPTOR and an ALBERTOSAUR will come out and play. After beating up
these two worthy opponents, walk to the southeast and take on the three
RAPTORS at once. Swing that might tail Aladar. Now, continue to lead
the baby dino to the west path and lead the baby all the way northwest
back to the herd. Three down, one left to find!

Now, the last missing baby dino is all the way on the southeast end
of the map. So you will have to walk, southeast from where you just
came. Let the fallen RAPTORS be your guide. When you make it back to
where you took on the three RAPTORS, keep walking east where you will
have to fend off two more RAPTORS. After defeating them, walk to the
east and then southwest and look for a plant with two fruits on it.
Slowly make your way up the hill and grab these two orange fruits. Now
continue your journey east and grab the red fruit along the way in the
bush. Now make your way up the small hill to the southeast and then
walk south/southeast. Here you will find the last missing baby dino.

Next, battle the flying PTERANODON, and begin leading this baby
dino to the southwest. Go down the hill and KO the RAPTOR that is
waiting to pounce you. Make the baby dino follow you and travel east.
You will have to take on another RAPTOR. After defeating this enemy,
you will walk past two shrubs and the path will change on the ground.
Proceed and walk northwest and defeat the awaiting RAPTOR.

Now walk to the north and grab the Health Plant. Then, walk to the
east and fend of another RAPTOR. Continue walking to the northwest
until you reach the lava. Next, take the path to the left that goes
around the lava. Then take the path around the bend. And then walk
east. Finally, proceed to the north where the final missing baby will
rejoin the herd. Jump for joy, you have survived this level!!!


OBJECTIVE: Save Neera from the vicious Spinosaur.

This landscape is pretty dark. Team up and follow the path
southeast. Pick up the stones for Zini. As you walk south, you will
encounter a RAPTOR. After disposing of the RAPTOR, break up the sapling
tree for Flia. Walk to the right and snag the two red fruits and the
orange fruit. Now proceed to the left and walk south. Save your
progress at the save Monolith.

Now walk south and to the right and pick off the orange and red
fruit from the tree. Next proceed to the left and pick up the stones
for Zini. Afterwards, KO the ALBERTOSAUR. Now pick up some stones for
Zini and walk west. A RAPTOR is waiting for you to make it extinct.
Proceed to the left and pick up the Health Plant and the Life Crystal.
But do not putter around because Neera keeps losing health a little bit
at a time. Walk to the northwest and beat up the two RAPTORS and then
pick up the stones for Zini. Proceed to the northwest and triple team
the triplicates of RAPTORS. After defeating them, proceed to the north
and walk northwest. Grab the orange and the red fruit and save your
game at the Monolith.

Now backtrack and walk west to take on another RAPTOR. Keep
walking the path to the west and you will find another tree with two
orange fruits and a red one. Take the path south and take out the
furious ALBERTOSAUR. Do not forget to collect the energy balls from the
tree that got stuck by lightning. After defeating this foe, walk
southwest and take on another ALBERTOSAUR. If you need health, do not
fret, there is a Health Plant for you. After defeating the ALBERTOSAUR,
pluck the two orange and red fruits off of the tree.

Get ready to battle the SPINOSAUR by walking south. Team up and
stay on top of him using all the offense that you've got. Try not to
let him get near NEERA. When you defeat the Spinosaur, you will be
thanked and the level will end.


OBJECTIVE: Take Url for a walk. Locate the herd and confront Kron.

You will only be able to use Zini on this part of the level. So
wherever Url goes, you go. Url will not move if he loses health so
protect him and feed him fruit if he gets hit. Walk north and collect
the stones. Walk left and collect all of the stones. Take out the two
RAPTORS by the stones and catch back up with Url. Walk with Url to the
north and save your progress at the Monolith.

Walk to the left and snag the two orange fruits from the bush and
also take the Life Crystal. Now catch back up with Url. Url will walk
to the west then south. Have Zini walk to the northeast and take out
the two prowling RAPTORS. Next, grab the Life Crystal and the two
orange fruits. Now hurry and catch up with Url and fend of the
ANKYLOSAUR with the stones you have found. Next, Url will walk south
and to the right. Fend off the two RAPTORS and heal Url if he gets hit.
Url will walk southeast and then north. Grab the stones along the way.
Just keep in mind, wherever Url goes, follow him. He moves pretty fast
too! Finally, he will eventually walk back to where the others are

Next, you will only be able to use Flia so she can find out where
the herd is. This is the easy part. To locate the herd, fly all the
way to the northeast part of the map, locate the herd, and then fly back
to the others that are waiting.

Now, you will only be able to use Aladar. His job will be to talk
to the herd and confront Kron. Now walk all the way to the north and
save your progress at the Monolith. Walk to the southeast then to the
northeast. Next, follow the path south where it will wind southeast
then south again. Now continue to the right and then walk northeast.
If the PTERANODON fly low enough, whack it with your tail. Walk to the
north and defeat the STYRACHOSAUR. Continue walking to the northwest,
then to the right as far as you can go. Save your progress at the
Monolith and grab the Health Plant if needed.

Now, get ready to confront KRON. You will be forced to battle him.
Just keep attacking with your tail. When you knock his energy down to
about 25%, he will come to his senses, thus ending the level.


OBJECTIVE: Defeat the Carnotaur.

Team up and run down to the southwest and then south. Keep moving
while your breath for running returns. Heal Aladar when needed with
fruit. Continue running to the east. Keep moving, the path will bend
northeast. You will see a small path to the right. Take it and grab
the Health Plant. Walk further south and collect the energy ball from
the lightning struck tree. You will need at least three balls of energy
to complete this level. Go back down the small path and run north. You
will get the hint that the ceiling is unstable. Lure the Carnotaur into
the lighted spot and use Aladar's SPECIAL STOMP. A big boulder will
come crashing down on the Carnotaur. One down, two to go.

Run to the east and then southeast because now the beast is really
angry with you now. Run southeast and then follow the path up the hill
to the Health Plant. Now backtrack back down the hill and run to the
right and the down. Lure the Carnotaur near the spotlight and use
Aladar's SPECIAL STOMP. Let the Carnotaur have it! Two down, one more
to go.

Now run to the northeast and then to the north where the last
spotlight is. Wait for the Carnotaur to be near it and use Aladar's
SPECIAL STOMP one more time. KABLAM! The Carnotaur is defeated and the
level ends.


OBJECTIVE: Eliminate all enemies along the path to reach the end.

Team up and follow the path to the northeast. Along the way you
will do battle with a SPINOSAUR. Defeat it and move on. Eight to go.

Proceed south along the path. When you get to the bottom of the
path, break up the sapling tree for Flia. Walk to the east, the
northeast. You will do battle with a STYRACHOSAUR. Crush it and move
on. Seven to go.

Next, take the path to the west and break up the three boulders for
Zini. Get ready to do battle with two SPINOSAURS at once. After you KO
these two enemies, proceed to the northwest path. And then there were

The path will wrap around to the north, then east, then south where
you will reach the lava. You may jump over the lave to the other
platform to grab the Life Crystal. Likewise, the other two islands will
have a red fruit on each one. When you've gotten these goodies, jump
back onto the path and travel northwest as the path leads west. Do not
forget to pick up the orange fruits and the red fruits on the trees that
you pass by. Now you will engage in battle with a two SPINOSAURS. Team
up and make them extinct. Three left to dispose of.

Walk north and the to the northeast and fend off another SPINOSAUR.
As you walk northeast you will se lightning strike a tree. Grab the
energy ball for your special meter. Next, grab the orange and red fruit
off of the tree. Keep moving along the path to the northwest and smash
the boulders for Zini. Follow the winding path and you will do battle
with another SPINOSAUR. Destroy this enemy and keep going. And then
there was one.

Now, jump across the lava to the northwest and save your game at
the Monolith. Next, grab the orange fruit off of the tree. Next, jump
across the lava to the right, follow the path and make the STYRACHOSAUR
go bye-bye by whacking it with your tail. Do not forget to smash the
boulders for Zini and grab the energy balls from the lightning struck
tree. Finally, jump up the mountain and take the path north in the
middle. This ends the level.


OBJECTIVE: Outrun the Carnotaur to catch up to the herd.

Immediately team up and run to the northeast path. Here, you will
discover four Life Crystals. Now, you will have to run south. Next,
pick up the orange fruit along the way. Do not worry about killing
enemies. The path will wind to the north, follow it. Run, Aladar, run.
You will see a little path at the top. It leads to the north. Save
your progress at the Monolith.

Now run down the south path. Go up the little hill and snack on
the Health Plant. Run around the little path and head south after it
wraps around. Snag the orange and the red fruit that is in the bush.
Next, move through the opening to the right and run southward. Smash
the three boulders for Zini. As you run north, pick up the Life
Crystal. Run to the northeast and follow the path uphill that wraps
around to a Monolith. Save you game.

Next, run to the southeast. Then, smash the boulders for Zini so
you can access the path southwest. Finally, you will meet up with the
herd with the CARNOTAUR on your
heals. Thus, the level ends.


OBJECTIVE: Defeat the Carnotaur.

Team up and collect all of the stones for Zini. Also, walk to the
left and grab the Life Crystal. Walk to the north and grab the two red
fruits. If you notice, there are Health Plants scattered all across
this level. You may or may not need them later. Now, run to the right
and get ready to battle CHROME, the CARNOTAUR. Run south to where he is
lurking. Pick up the energy ball from the tree when lightning strikes

To defeat CHROME, use Flia's SPECIAL DIZZY ATTACK when the
CARNOTAUR is in range. She will fly around in a circle and dizzy this
mighty beast. Now, have Aladar whack him with your tail until you push
him off the cliff to the left. The CARNOTAUR will fall off and you will
ending sequence and the credits.


There are no available codes or secrets for this game at this time.
However, if any codes or secrets become available, I will add them to
this guide in a future version.


I would like to thank the creators of gamefaqs.com for placing a
bounty on this game. This gave me a lot of incentive for writing a
walkthrough for Dinosaur. Finally, thank you for being the best game
site on the net for finding strategy guides, codes, and secrets.

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18.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

18.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
24.Февраль 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014