King of Fighters 98

King of Fighters 98

17.10.2013 13:12:13
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/ / /___/ |________/ / The King of Fighters '98 FAQ v3.0
|_/ ------------------ |_/ -----and the rest of Imagine Nation Productions
Any replies, cool ascii pictures, more info and codes, etc. that we can use,
e-mail us at the addresses above.

This FAQ can be found at :

This FAQ is strictly PUBLIC DOMAIN - it's FREE and no one should profit from
selling any part of this FAQ to anyone. If anyone uses part of this guide in
another publication, please acknowledge your source of information.

Well, I've pretty much been away from the gaming scene ever since Kof'97.
The only game I really played since then was Metal Slug 2, and even that, I
only played several times. But with the coming of KoF'98, people who've read
my past 3 KoF FAQs have been e-mailing me asking me to do one for '98. I'll
try and make this one as good as the previous ones, however, I can only do
this during my spare time (which I have precious little of), so whether or
not this is ever completed...only time will tell. Enjoy! And thanks for all
the support.


Who has helped out?
What's the version history?
What's this game about?
What's New/Old to the game?
What's the key?
Are there any codes or special tricks?
What're the basic moves?
Who are the characters and what are their moves?
- Japan's Strongest Fighters
- The Legendary Trio of Garou
- The Kyokugenryu Karate Team
- The Legendary Warriors of Ikari
- The Psycho Soldiers Team
- All-Female Fighting Team
- Korea's Strangest Team
- New Band Team
- '97 Team Special
- Yagami Team
- The Masters Team
- USA Sports Team
- Rugal B.
- Shingo
- Code Fighters
What happens during the intermissions & endings?
What more do you need for this FAQ to be complete?


They just keep cranking out those games.
Special K (
Thanks for the play testing help...brushing up on those skills, eh?
Ora, ora!
JaSoN (
Thanks for letting me pick at your martial arts background the amount
of Japanese you know...and also for going to Japan and getting the
scoop on this awesome series.
Jodi (
Thanks for the edits and research...luv ya!


v1.0 - Initial Release
v1.5 - Code fighters added
v2.0 - Full move list (most moves correct)
v2.5 - Most poses correct
v3.0 - Most moves tested; win quotes checked; colors added


The Slugfest (Japanese title), or Dream Match Never Ends (US title)
isn't really part of the KoF story. It's more like Fatal Fury Special...just
a game which brings back most of the characters from the previous games in
one big brawl.


- Returning Characters : Kyo, Benimaru, Goro, Terry, Andy, Joe, Ryo, Robert,
Yuri, Leona, Clark, Ralf, Athena, Sie, Chin, Mai, King, Kagura, Kim, Choi,
Chang, Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Yamazaki, Blue Mary, Billy, Iori, Mature,
Vice, Takuma, Heidern, Saishu, Lucky, Heavy D, Brian, Rugal B, Shingo,
Orochi Yashiro, Orochi Shermie, Orochi Chris, Omega Rugal
- Non-returning Characters : Orochi Leona & Orochi Iori make appearances
in one of their SDM moves; Eiji shows up in in an opening pose of Billy's;
Mr. Big is in a stage background; Kasumi, Goenitz, Geese, Krauser, Orochi
are absent.
- Four colors to choose from now.
- Most characters have at least one new move (most being a finisher).
- Altered versions of old stages from previous KoF games are used.


u = Up, d = Down, l = Left, r = Right, b = Back, f = Forward
qcf = Quarter Circle Forward, qcb = Quarter Circle Back
hcf = Half Circle Forward, hcb = Half Circle Back
P = Punch, K = Kick
hold = Hold for 2 seconds
close = must be close to opponent to perform move
jump = jump then perform motion
stand = move must be done standing or against standing opponent
crouch = move must be done crouching or against crouching opponent
air = move must be done in air or against jumping opponent
A, B, C, D = Buttons
A/C = A or C, AC = A & C, B * B = Press B then press B again
x2 = do motion or press button 2 times
Tap = press button continuously
after = move done after listed move as follow up attack
counter = move counters other attack; may not strike otherwise
* = Super Move (must be done with POW meter/red life meter)
Move Names listed as = Japanese Name (English Name)


Team Mate Test ->
During order select, hold down C button when picking character or
during the order select and you will see a face :
Smile = Always Aid; (advanced mode) add one bar to 2nd character
Neutral = Random Aid; (advanced mode) no change
Frown = Never Aid; (advanced mode) all bars will be removed
Choosing the Win Pose ->
You can select your win pose by pressing A, B, C, or D after your
final hit and before the pose starts. You can also select the pose
for the CPU character by pressing A, B, C, or D on the other set of
Code Fighters ->
To get the following characters : '94 Kyo, '94 Terry, '94 Andy, '94
Joe, '94 Ryo, '94 Robert, '94 Yuri, '94 Mai, '94 Billy, Orochi
Yashiro, Orochi Shermie, Orochi Chris, and Omega Rugal (home version
only), press START while selecting them.
Stage Select ->
In the home version, you can activate the stage select option during
the order select screen by pressing SELECT.


A = Weak Punch, B = Weak Kick, C = Strong Punch, D = Strong Kick
CD = Knockdown, AB (when knocked down) = Quick Recovery
AB (while blocking) = Guard Cancel Roll
CD (while blocking) = Guard Cancel Attack
START = Taunt
Tap ABCD while dizzy/held = Team Assistance
(Your teammate(s) must be visible on screen, undefeated, and willing
to help; the less life you have, the greater chance of getting aid.)

-=Extra Mode ('95 Style)=-
AB = Dodge, ABC = Power Up
f, f = Hop Forward
b, b = Hop Back
Tap u = After Image Jump

Can do DMs when life meter is flashing.
Hop Back is invincible.
Cannot escape throws.
Must have flashing life meter to do SDM.
Cannot air block.
No MAX counter like in '95.
Taunting does not decrease opponents POW meter.
Can parry (but POW must be at MAX).

-=Advanced Move ('96 Style)=-
AB = Roll
AB, d + A/B (while being thrown) = Throw Escape
ABC = Execute POW (must have 2+ POW Bars)
f, f = Dash Foward; hold to continue running
b, b = Hop Back
Tap u = Hop
Tap, d, u = Super Jump

Can accumulate 5 power meters.
Can do SDMs with red life meter.
Can air block.
Cannot power up.
Cannot dodge.
Cannot do DMs with red life meter.
Need at least 2 power meters to do SDM.
Can chain combos.


Key : -=NAME=-
"Descriptive Quote"
Fighting Style of Character
Color (A/B/C/D)
Opening Pose if Character is first to fight (not all have)
Opening Pose vs. (Certain characters have special poses against others)
Opening Pose
Taunt Pose
Idle Pose (Pose when you leave your character alone for a certain
period of time.)
Win Poses (Poses are random unless a button is pressed right before
character begins win pose.)
- A Button
- B Button
- C Button
- D Button
Winning Quote

Notes :
- Not all shortcuts for DM/SDM from '96 work.

Unblockable Moves :
- Running throws (i.e. Shermie Shoot, Clark's, etc.)
- Kensou's SenkiHagin
- Ralf's Galactica Phantom

+++JAPAN'S STRONGEST FIGHTERS (Hero Team)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

"The Burning Young Noble"
Fighting Style : Magatama
Colors : Black/Brown/Blue/Grey
Opening : Raises flaming hand, brings it down and says, "Ikuze!" (Let's go!)
vs. Benimaru : Tightens glove and says, "Yaroka, Benimaru." (?)
vs. Iori : Raises flaming hand and says, "?" Then brings it down
extinguishing flame.
vs. Shingo : With hand on head facing downward...then rubs back of head
saying, "Nani, dai keda..." (?)
Taunt : Waves finger at opponent saying, "Nani kusubutten da?" (You're
smoking, aren't you?)
Poses : - Blows out flaming finger saying, "Heh, heh, moetarou." (Heh, heh,
you're burned.)
- Raises finger at enemy, turns away and says, "Anta ja moe ne."
(You've been burned, eh?)
- Raises fist in victory saying, "Ore no..kachi da!" (This is my...
- Turns with fist flaming, raises it, then throws it down,
extinguishing flame.
Quote : You just ain't got it. So stop whining and get lost.
| Hatsu Gane close, b/f + C |
| Issetsu Seoi Nage close, b/f + D |
| (Axe Kick) f + B |
| (Double Foot Sweep) df + D |
| (Double Handed Slam) air, d + C |
| 100 Shiki Oniyaki f, d, df + P |
| (Type 100 Burning Demon) |
| 910 Shiki Nue Tumi qcb + P (reversal attack) |
| 212 Shiki Kototuki You hcb + K |
| (Type 212 Moon of Koto the Positive) |
| 707 KomaHoFuri b, d, db + K |
| (Type 707 R.E.D. Kick) |
| 75 Shiki Kai qcf + K * K |
| (Type 75 Modify) |
| 114 Shiki Ara Kami qcf + A |
| (Type 114 Wild Bite) |
| 128 Shiki Kono Kizu qcf + P during Ara Kami |
| (Type 128 Nine Wounds) |
| 127 Shiki Yano Sabi hcb + P during Ara Kami |
| (Type 127 Eight Rust) or Kono Kizu |
| 125 Shiki Nana Se K during Kono Kizu or Yano |
| (Type 125 Seven Chance) Sabi or after Ara Kami |
| Ge-Shiki : Migiri Ugachi P during Yano Sabi or |
| (Extra Type Digging Stone Pavement) after Ara Kami |
| 115 Shiki Doku Kami qcf + C |
| (Type 115 Poison Gnaw Fest) |
| 401 Shiki Tumi Yomi hcb + P during Doku Kami |
| (Type 401 Compose Sin) |
| 402 Shiki Batu Yomi f + P during Tumi Yomi |
| (Type 402 Compose Retribution) |
| *Hi-ougi Ura 108 Shiki Orochinagi qcb, hcf + P hold P button |
| (The Hidden Secrets Reverse Type 108 Mowing Serpent) to delay attack|
| *SaishuKetsuken Ougii qcf x 2 + P |
| (Pseudo Type Absolute Flame) |

"The Human Lightning Bolt"
Fighting Style : Thai Kickboxing
Colors : Black/White/Blue/Green
Opening : Says, "?" then adjusts hair.
vs. Females : Gestures saying, "Ikuze...kaiko ja." (Let's go...?)
vs. Kyo : Runs hand through hair, then points, saying "Ikuze, Kyo!" (Let's
go, Kyo!)
Taunt : Turns around with back towards player and flexes, saying, "Yare,
yare." (Oh, well.)
Poses : - With back toward player, turns and points finger to player and
says, "Thank you."
- Blows a kiss saying, "I love you."
- Raises hand and brings it down across face as a bolt of lighting
goes through him.
- With lightning around him, leans back hugging himself, then leans
forward and says, "Understand?"
Quote : My reason for winning? I'm just cool. Real cool!
| (Catch & Shoot) close, f/b + C |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| (Front Suplex) close, f/b + D |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| (Spinning Knee Drop) air, close, f/b/d + D |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| (Foot Drill) jump, d + D |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| (Step In Kick) f + B |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Raijin Ken qcf + P |
| (Lightning Fist) |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Kuuchuu Raijin Ken jump, qcf + P |
| (Air Lightning Fist) |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Shinku Katategoma hcb + P |
| (Vacuum Kick) |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Super Inazuma Kick f, d, df + K |
| (Super Lightning Kick) |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Iai-geri qcf + K |
| (Iaido Kick) |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Handou San-dan-geri hcb + K |
| (Reactionary Triple Kick) |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Benimaru Koreda Crunch close, hcb, f + P |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| *Raikoken qcf x2 + P |
| (Heaven Blast Flash) |
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| *(Electro Trigger) close, hcb x2 + P |

"The Stainless-Steel Macho Man"
Fighting Style : Judo
Colors : White/Black/Yellow/Blue
1st Opening : Has shirt over shoulders...shrugs it off.
Opening : Stands shoulder width apart and clasps hands together.
Taunt : Raises open palms grunting a test of strength challenge.
Poses : - Raises fist in victory grunting as thunder echoes.
- Steps around throwing head back and flexing as he roars.
- Makes a fist and gives a lopsided grin.
- Bows silently.
Quote : Lightweight!
| Juji Shime close, f/b + C |
| Tsukamitatakitsuke close, f/b + C |
| Okuriashibarai close, f/b + D |
| (Smashing Elbow) f + A |
| (Crouching Backfist) df + C |
| Jirai Shin f, d, df + P |
| (Mine Layer) A = strikes, C = fakes |
| (Foot Flicker) close, f, d, df + K |
| Chou Ukemi qcb + K |
| (Super Tumble) (move does not strike) |
| (Root Smasher) qcf + K |
| (counter) |
| Kumo Tsukami Nage hcf + A |
| (Cloud Tosser) |
| Kirikabu-gaeshi hcf + C |
| (Stump Throw) |
| Chou Ousotogari hcf + B |
| (Super Ousotogari) |
| Tenchi-gaeshi close, hcb, f + P |
| (Earth Mover and Heaven Drop) |
| Ura Nage hcb, f + K |
| (Reverse Throw) |
| *Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi close, hcb x2 + P |
| (Heaven to Hell Drop) |
| *Kaze No Yama close, hcf x2 + K |
| (Mountain Wind) |
| (Root Grappler Plus) hcf + K during Kaze No Yama |
| (Heaven Dusk Ultimate) f, d, df + K during Root |

+++THE LEGENDARY TRIO OF GAROU (Garou Densetsu Team)++++++++++++++++++++++++
"The Legendary Lone Wolf"
Fighting Style : Hakyokusaken
Colors : Red/Blue/Green/Black
1st Open : With back to player, pulls hat out of back pocket, turns and puts
it on.
Opening : Hops back and forth, then gestures with hand saying, "Hey, c'mon,
vs. Andy : Gives respectful karate salute.
vs. Mary : Gives thumbs up w/ cap backwards and turns it around.
Taunt : He whistles at opponent.
Poses : - Turns with back to player, tosses hat saying, "Okay!"
- Removes hat and dusts knees with it, then puts it back on.
- Tosses hat behind him saying, "Alright!"
- Lifts bill of cap, smiling.
Quote : Say what? It's no fluke. This is why I'm here every year.
| (Grasping Upper) close, f/b + C |
| (Buster Throw) close, f/b + D |
| (Spinning Elbow Smash) f + A |
| (Crouching Uppercut) df + C |
| (Power Wave) qcf + P |
| (Burn Knuckle) qcb + P |
| (Crack Shot) qcb + K |
| (Rising Tackle) f, d, df + P |
| (Power Dunk) f, d, df + K |
| (Power Charge) hcf + K |
| *(Power Geyser) qcb, db, f + P |
| *(Overshoot Geyser) qcf x2 + K |

"The Master Bonebreaker"
Fighting Style : Kapoken/Shiranui-ninjitsu
Colors : White/Green/Pink/Red
Opening : Holds ponytail with one hand and gestures with other.
vs. Terry : Gives respectful karate salute.
vs. Mai : Bows respectfully.
Taunt : Holds ponytail with one hand and gestures with other.
Idle : Same as '96.
Poses : - Takes stance and says, "Yosh." (Okay.)
- Faces player, closes eyes, and folds hands together meditating.
- Sweeps arms around in circular motion with trailing images and ends
in pose exhaling deeply.
- Draws back in stance.
Quote : If you want to be teh best, it's practise [sic] everyday, pal.
| Gourin Kai close, f/b + C |
| Kakaekomi close, f/b + D |
| (Crescent Axe Kick) f + B |
| Hisho Ken qcb + P |
| (Flying Fist) |
| Sho Ryu Dan f, d, df + P |
| (Rising Dragon Blast) |
| Kuuhadan hcf + K |
| (Sonic Split) |
| Geki-Heki Hai-Sui Sho close, hcf + C |
| (Dam Breaker Punch) |
| Zan Ei Ken db, f + P |
| (Shadow Slice) |
| Gadankoh qcf + P after C Zan Ei Ken |
| (Self Bomb Bliss) |
| Genei Shiranui air, qcf + K |
| (Mysterious Phantom Lights) or, qcf, uf + K |
| Genei Shiranui Shimo-Agito f + P after Genei Shiranui |
| (Mysterious Phantom Lights Underjaw) |
| Genei Shiranui Uwa-Agito f + K after Genei Shiranui |
| (Mysterious Phantom LIghts Upperjaw) |
| *ChoReppadan qcb, hcf + K |
| (Super Sonic Swirl) |
| *Hisho Ryusei Ken qcf x 2 + P |
| (Flying Meteor Fist) |

"The Kick-Boxing Storm"
Fighting Style : Muay Thai
Colors : Orange/Purple/Blue/Green
1st Round Opening : With back to player and wearing robe, turns and tosses it
Opening : Smacks fists then points to opponent and says, "Saku saku ikuze."
(Let's do this quick.) Then points to opponent saying, "Ey!"
vs. King : Turns with back to player, pulls out championship belt, puts it on
and turns around, points to it and laughs, then tosses it off.
Taunt : Pulls down shorts and moons opponent saying, "Ora, ora!" (Hey, hey!)
Poses : - Goes down on knees, kisses fists, then raises them saying,
"Oh-shaaaa!" (Alriiiight!)
- Turns and points to fallen opponent saying, "Tate!" (Get up!)
- Does a couple punches towards opponent, then a foward elbow towards
player, then raises a fist to opponent and says, "Oh shaaa!"
- Starts laughing, then draws back with hands on hips and continues.
Quote : How's that? I'm the Satan of Martial Arts.
| Hiza Jigoku close, f/b + C |
| (Leg Toss) close, f/b + D |
| (Slide) df + B |
| (Standing Sweep Kick) f + B |
| (Hurricane Upper) hcf + P |
| (Tiger Kick) f, d, df + K |
| (Slash Kick) hcf + K |
| Ohgon No Kakato qcb + K |
| (Golden Heel Hurter) |
| BakuretsuKen Tap P |
| (TNT Punch) |
| BakuretsuKen Finisher qcf + P during BakuretsuKen |
| (TNT Punch Finisher) |
| *(Screw Upper) qcf x2 + P |
| *Bakuretsu Shippu Kokakato qcf, hcb + P |
| (Exploding Hurricane Tiger Heel) |

+++THE KYOKUGENRYU KARATE TEAM (Ryuuko no Ken Team)+++++++++++++++++++++++++
"The Unbeatable Tiger"
Fighting Style : Kyokugenryu Karate
Colors : Orange/White/Purple/Grey
1st Opening : Kicks off wooden slippers.
Opening : Gestures with hand, tugs at shirt, then says, "Ora, ora!" (C'mon,
vs. King : With hands on hips and barely looking, then adjusts shirt.
vs. Takuma : Looks away with hand on head, disgusted.
Taunt : Same as opening.
Poses : - Fixes shirt and grins then flexes saying, "Osu!" (Karate salute.)
- Fixes knot in belt, tightening it, then smiles saying, "Osu!"
- Does a couple punches, kicks, and turns to face player in ready
stance and says, "Osu!"
- Stands with arms crosssed looking away.
Quote : Absolute Karate. That's Kyokugen. And don't forget it,
| Tani Otoshi close, f/b + C |
| Tomoe Nage close, f/b + D |
| (Overhead Smash) f + A |
| KohKen qcf + P |
| (Tiger Flame Punch) |
| Koho f, d, df + P can be done |
| (Tiger Roar) during Mo-ko Raijin Ko |
| Mo-ko Raijin Ko qcb + P |
| (Fierce Thunder Tiger God's Might) |
| Mo-ko Raijin Satsujin qcf + K |
| (Fierce Thunder Tiger God's Murder) |
| HienShippuuKyaku hcb + K |
| (Lightning Legs Knockout Kick) |
| Kyokugenryu Ranbuken close, hcf + C |
| (Kyokugenryu Punch Dance) |
| *Haoh Sho Koh Ken f, hcf + P |
| (Supreme Roar) |
| *Ryuko Ranbu qcf, hcb + P |
| (Tiger Boisterious Dance) |
| *Tenchi Haoh Ken qcf x2 + P |
| (Heaven and Earth's Supreme Roar) |

"The Invincible Dragon"
Fighting Style : Kyokugenryu Karate
Colors : Blue/Red/Green/Black
Opening : Adjusts gloves and gestures with hand saying, "Ora, ikimasu!"
(C'mon, let's go!)
vs. Kensou : Gestures with hand saying, "Bochi, bochi...dena." (Okay, I
vs. Takuma : Covers eyes with hand and shakes head.
Taunt : Gestures with hand saying, "Donnai shitan ya?" (What are you up to?)
Poses : - Raises fist then brings it down, gives a thumbs up saying,
"Yo-sha!" (Alright!)
- Turns around and flips a coin in the air, then catches it.
- Turns around with back to player, points to himself with thumb
saying, "Donnai ya?" (What's up?)
- Turns around and flips coin in the air, but fails to catch it.
Quote : Underestimate my strength, huh? You're dumber than you look!
| Ryuchouukyaku close, f/b + C |
| Kubikiri Nage close, f/b + D |
| (Reverse thrust kick) f + B |
| RyuGekiKen qcf + P |
| (Dragon Blast Punch) |
| Ryuga f, d, df + P |
| (Dragon Fang) |
| HienShippuuKyaku hcb + K |
| (Lightning Legs Knockout Kick) |
| Kyokugenryu RanbuKyaku close, hcf + D |
| (Kyokugenryu Kick Dance) |
| HienRyuujinKyaku jump, qcb + K |
| (Flying Dragon Blast Kick) |
| Ryuzan Sho f, d, df + K |
| (Dragon's Mistake) |
| *Haoh Sho Koh Ken f, hcf + P |
| (Supreme Roar) |
| *Kyokugenryu RanbuKyaku qcf, hcb + P |
| (Dragon Boisterous Dance) |
| *MuenShippuuJyuuDanKyaku qcf x2 + K |
| (Unidentified Galde Flying Through Kick) |

"The Kyoku Gen Bombshell"
Fighting Style : Kyokugenryu Karate
Colors : Blue/Pink/Light Blue/Black
Opening : Stares at opponent with hands on hip, smacks fists together, and
points saying, "Babitisu yattsukechau zo!" (You're in for a real
vs. Takuma : Freaks out when she sees him in Mr. Karate mask, then leans
forward, angry and says, "Katoh da...iyo!" (???)
Taunt : Waves hands at side of head, then pats butt saying, "Botchi, botchi!"
(C'mon, c'mon!)
Poses : - Cools off using shirt, then looks at player and gives a thumbs up
saying, "Chou yoyutchi!" (I'm not even tried!)
- Swings arm in circle then jumps up and gives two finger victory
sign saying, "Ei! Ei! Oh! Oh! Jaanpu! Bui! Bui!" (Untranslatable.)
- Does a spin kick, throws two punches, then puts a fist in the air.
- Raises arms above head, then brings them down, eyes twinkle, then
she puts her hands on her hips, smiling.
Quote : I'm Kyokugen! Face it Ryo! You're not fit to sweep for me!
| Oniharite close, f/b + C |
| Sairento Nage close, f/b + D |
| Tsubame Otoshi air, close, f/b/d + C/D |
| Oshiri Attack f + B |
| (Butt Attack) |
| Ko Oh Ken qcf + P |
| (Tiger Blast Punch) |
| Rai Koh Ken qcf + K |
| (Thunder Strike) |
| Yuri Cho Upper f, d, df + P |
| (Yuri Super Upper) |
| Double Yuri Cho Upper f, d, df + P during C Yuri |
| (Double Yuri Super Upper) Cho Upper |
| Yuri Cho Knuckle qcb + P |
| (Yuri Super Knuckle) |
| Yuri Cho Mawashi-geri qcb + K |
| (Yuri Super Spin Kick) |
| Hyakuretsu Binat Attack hcb + P |
| (Hundred Blows Attack) |
| *Haoh Sho Koh Ken f, hcf + P |
| (Supreme Roar) |
| *HienHououKyaku qcf, hcb + K |
| (Flying Phoenix Kick) |
| *HienRekkou qcf x 2 + P |
| (Flying Violent Attack) |

+++THE LEGENDARY WARRIORS OF IKARI (New Ikari Team)+++++++++++++++++++++++++
"The Serene Woman Warrior"
Colors : Green/Brown/Dark Green/Light Green
Fighting Style : Amazon/Green Beret-Assassination Techniques
1st Round Opening : Stands w/ formal military uniform on, throws it off and
says, "Ninmu suikou shimasu." (I shall perform my duty.)
Opening : Removes dogtags from neck and ties a ponytail with them.
vs. Heidern : Standing straight, fixes uniform, salutes and says, "???"
vs. Clark/Chang : Salutes
vs. Kyo/Iori/Ralf/Kagura/Kensou/Athena/Chin/Choi : Sighs and shakes head then
says, "???"
Taunt : Turns away from opponent fixing gloves and says, "Nigeru no yo..."
"Run away..."
Idle : Draws back then stands straight.
Poses : - Salutes then folds hands at chest facing player and closes eyes.
- Ties her shoelace, looks up, tosses hair from face, then continues.
- Looks at watch, removes dog tags, and says, "Ninmu kanryou." (I've
completed my duty.)
- Opens and closes vest, the crosses arms saying, "Anata watashi na
tomi ne." (???)
Quote : Had enough? Then beat it, fool!
| (Rotating Axe Kick) f + B |
| (Killer Bite) close, f/b + C |
| (Orient Buckler) close, f/b + D |
| (Heidern Inferno) air, close, f/b/d + C/D |
| (Moon Slasher) hold d, u + P |
| (X-Caliber) hold d, u + K |
| (Voltaic Launcher) hold b, f + P |
| (Grand Saber) hold b, f + K |
| (Sonic Kick Finisher) f + D (after Grand Saber) |
| (I Slasher) qcb + P |
| (E Bomb) qcb + K |
| *(V Slasher) jump, qcf, hcb + P |
| *(Gravity Storm) qcf x2 + P |
| *(Rebel Spark) qcb, hcf + K |
| (SDM = Orochi Leona) |

"The Battleground Tough Guy"
Fighting Style : Armed Forces Training & Native American Wrestling
Colors : Red/Orange/Green/Yellow
1st Round Opening : Wipes bottle of whiskey with bandanna, drinks then tosses
it past opponent putting bandanna on saying, "Oowah! Kakatte koi!"
(Oowah! Come on, let's fight!)
Opening : Ties on his bandanna and cracks knuckles saying, "Oowah! Kakatte
vs. Clark : Says, "Ikuze, Clark!" (Let's go, Clark!) then they strike poses
synchronized. The first few the same, the last powering up and
saying together, "Cross Changer!"
vs. Heidern : Gives sloppy salute and smiles.
Taunt : Puts hands on hips, looks down, then puts hand up beckoning and says,
"Yoshi, todome iku ka?" (All right, shall we finish this?)
Idle : Bounces back and forth.
Poses : - Raises fist then draws back saying, "Yay!" (Yay!)
- Punches down, then raises one hand to opponent and says, "Y'sha!
Utsu wa ja! Nenda kora!" (Yeah! You got smacked! What do you
think of that!)
- Smacks fists then flexes and drops head back groaning.
- Cocks head and cracks knuckles saying, "Ninmu kanryo!" (I've
completed my duty!)
Quote : That's enough for now. I can only be forgiving so much. [sic]
| (Dynamite Headbutt) close, f/b + C |
| (Northern Light Bomb) close, f/b + D |
| (Vulcan Punch) Tap P (can move f/b during) |
| (Gatling Attack) hold b, f + P |
| Kyukoka Bakudan Punch hold d, u + P or jump, qcf + P |
| (Diving Bomb Punch) |
| (Ralf Kick) hold b, f + K |
| (Super Argentine Back Breaker) close, hcf + D |
| *Varivarivulcan Punch qcb, hcf + P |
| (Clunk Vulcan Punch) |
| *Umanori Vulcan Punch qcf, hcb + K |
| (Mount Position Vulcan Punch) |
| *(Galactica Phantom) qcf x2 + P |

"The Laconic Mercenary"
Fighting Style : Armed Forces Training & Native American Wrestling
Colors : White/Black/Green/Grey
1st Open : Looking up without sunglasses, lowers head and puts them on.
Opening : Faces player and spits in hands.
vs. Ralf : Same as Ralf except he doesn't say anything at the beginning.
vs. Heidern/Leona : With back to player, gives a "hats off" salute.
Taunt : Gestures with hand then points to chest with thumb saying, "Hey,
Idle : Loosens hand.
Poses : - Lifts cap slightly, facing player and says, "Hey!"
- Rotates arm, cracks knuckles, and says, "Nurui,"
(Pathetic...aren't you?)
- Gives 2 silent salutes and a thumbs up.
- Lowers cap, slightly facing player, and says, "Hey! Ninmu kanryou!"
(Hey! I've completed my duty!)
Quote : Losers have no rights. That's what history's all about.
| (Pyramid Driver EX) close, f/b + C |
| (Fisherman Buster) close, f/b + D |
| (Death Lake Dive) air, close, f/b/d + D |
| (Heel Stomp) f + B |
| (Vulcan Punch) Tap P |
| (Napalm Stretch) f, d, df + P |
| (Frankensteiner) f, d, df + K |
| (Rolling Cradler) hcf + P |
| (Super Argentine Back Breaker) close, hcf + D |
| (Flashing Elbow) qcf + P (after command throw) |
| *(Ultra Argentine Back Breaker) close, hcb x2 + P |
| *(Running Spree) close, hcf x2 + K |

+++THE PSYCHO SOLDIERS TEAM+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
"The Psychic High School Coed"
Fighting Style : Wu Shu
Colors : Red/Purple/Yellow/White
1st Round Opening : Starts in high school uniform, then transforms into each
of her previous KoF uniforms.
Opening : Raises hand saying, "Gomen nasai mas!" (Pardon me!)
vs. Kensou : Looks at Kensou saying, "Mmmm...kash kashima." (???)
vs. Chin : Bows saying, "Yosh, gomen nasai mas." (Pardon me.)
Taunt : Sneezes and says, "Gomen nasai." (Excuse me.)
Poses : - Spins around saying, "Yatta! Gu!" (Yeah! or I did it!)
- Snaps fingers across, puts hands on hips, and says, "Yay!
Kampeki!" (Yay! Perfect!)
- Does a Sailor Moon type pose, winks, and says, "Watashitachi wa
makenai wa!" (We'll never lose!)
- Salutes saying, "Arigato, gomen nasai mas!" (Thank you, excuse me!)
Quote : Sorry about that. Are you hurt? I guess I got a bit carried away.
| (Bit Throw) close, f/b + C |
| (Psychic Throw) close, f/b + D |
| (Split Knee-Kick) f + B |
| Oshiri Attack air, d + B |
| (Butt Attack) |
| (Psycho Ball Attack) qcb + P |
| (Phoenix Arrow) jump, qcb + K |
| (Psycho Sword) f, d, df + P (or in air) |
| (Psycho Teleport) qcf + K |
| (Psycho Reflector) hcb + K (reflects projectiles) |
| (Super Psycho Throw) hcf + P |
| *(Shining Crystal Bit) qcb x 2 + P (ABCD to cancel) |
| (Crystal Shoot) qcb + P (hold to delay) |
| (during Shining Crystal Bit) |
| *(Phoenix Fang Arrow) jump, qcf x2 + K |

"The Fiery Psychic Boy"
Fighting Style : Dragon's Claw Kung Fu
Colors : Blue/Green/Light Green/Red
1st Round Opening : Puts the whole bao (Chinese bun) in his mouth, then
chokes on it, turning blue. He hits his chest and reverts back to
normal and says, "Ka! Shinukato omotta!" (Ka! I thought I was gonna
Opening : Holds up smoking bao, then swallows it in one bite.
vs. Athena : Cries out, "Athena!" as he reaches out in a hug and a heart
flies from him.
vs. Chin : Holds out buns in each hand, then furiously eats ten or so of
vs. Robert : Waves a finger over shoulder and says, "Donai ke da?" (How's it
Taunt : Poses like a gorilla saying, "???"
Poses : - Turns around and waves finger at opponent saying, "Mada mada shugyo
ga taran na!" (You haven't practiced enough!)
- Turns to pose, but shorts start to fall, turns back around and
holds them up.
- Flips backwards and says, "Yatta ze!" (I did it!)
- Stands rubbing one leg with foot saying, "???"
Quote : New threads. New attitude. The new Kensou's coming at you!
| Hakkei close, f/b + C |
| Tomoe Nage close, f/b + D |
| (2-Handed Overhead Smash) f + A |
| (Leaping Spin Kick) f + B |
| ChoKyuudan qcb + P |
| (Super Bullet Attack) |
| RyuSoGeki jump, qcf + P |
| (Dragon Talon Tear) |
| RyuRenGa close, f, d, df + P |
| (Dragon Barrage) (Tap P) |
| RyuRenGa ChiRyu hcf + A |
| (Earth Dragon Fang Nibble) |
| RyuRenGa TenRyu hcf + C |
| (Heaven Dragon Fang Nibble) |
| RyuGakuSai b, d, db + K |
| (Dragon Jaw Crusher) |
| *Shinryu Tenbu Kyaku qcf, hcb + B |
| (Divine Dragon Air Dance Kick) |
| *Shinryu Seioh Rekkyaku qcf, hcb + D |
| (Divine Dragon Terrific Glitter Tear) |
| *SenkiHagin close, qcf x2 + P |
| (Silver Hermit Mind Destroyer) |
| *(Mighty Bun) qcb x2 + P |
| DM = Life Recover, SDM = Fake |

"The Lifetime Wild Guy"
Fighting Style : Drunken Monkey Fist Kung Fu
Colors : Green/Blue/Red/Purple
1st Round Opening : Lying, propped on one elbow, drinks from gourd and says,
"Bochi, bochi, hajimeru ka no?" (Shall we begin?) Then flips upward
to feet as a yellow butterfly/moth flies around.
Opening : Jumps in, falling flat on stomach, then gets up saying, "Bochi,
bochi, hajimeru ka no?"
vs. Athena : Bows.
vs. Kensou : Holds out gourds, then drinks furiously from them.
Taunt : Raises hand to forehead, searching around saying, "Hette, doko ita ka
no?" (Let's see, where did you go?)
Poses : - Drunkenly skips across screen singing to himself.
- Tips sake jug into mouth from crook of elbow, drinks, hiccups, then
puts hand to forehead.
- Puts pipe in mouth, takes a puff, and makes a high-pitched cry.
- Rolls forward like a monkey ending in seated position with gourd
lying away from him, then pulls gourd towards him making a high-
pitched cry.
Quote : O, Ouch! Whew! I can beat you. But age is something different!
| (Alcoholic Forcing) close, f/b + C |
| Sakakyaku Nage close, f/b + D |
| (Drunken Shoulder Slam) f + A |
| KisuiShu qcf + P |
| (Demon Spirits) |
| HyotanGeki : Jaku qcb + A |
| (Gourd Attack : Weak) |
| HyotanGeki : Kyou qcb + C |
| (Gourd Attack : Strong) |
| Ryurin Hourai f, d, df + P |
| (Willow-the-Wisp Legendary Wizard's Mountain) |
| Kaiten-teki Karatokken hcf + K |
| (Rolling Airstrike Punch) |
| Suikankanoh qcf + P |
| (Drunken Twister) |
| *GouRan EnPoh qcf x2 + P |
| (Thunder Biast) |
| *GouRai EnPoh qcf, hcb + P |
| (Exploding Thunder Biast) |

+++ALL-FEMALE FIGHTING TEAM (New Heroine Team)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
"Heaven's Appointed Guardian"
Fighting Style : The Ancient Art of Kagura
Colors : White/Purple/Yellow/Pink
Opening : Stands still, holding out hand, waves it forming magic circle, then
dispells it.
vs. Orochi : Dressed in exorcism outfit, waves ornament around.
Taunt : Adjusts her collar and hair saying, "Mada omattenai wa yo." (It's not
over yet.)
Idle : Fixes her hair.
Poses : - Turns slightly sideways and plays with her hair, saying, "Kagami no
naka no honto no anata ga mieru." (I see the real you in the
- She does a victory dance.
- She does a different dance.
- She does yet another dance.
Quote : Play time's over. Winning's to [sic] easy. You can't lay a finger
on me!
| (Swiping Sleeve Slash) f + A |
| (Thrusting Side Kick) f + B |
| (Slide Kick) df + B |
| ReiGetsu close, f/b + C |
| (Moon Command) |
| Kaiten close, f/b + D |
| (Heaven's Gate) |
| Hyakukatsu Tenshin NoKotowari f, d, df + P |
| (100 Heaven God's Truth) |
| NihyakuJyuunikatsu Shinsoku NoNokori hcb + A/B/C/D |
| (212 Fast Pray) |
| Tenzui qcb + A/B/C/D during Shinsoku |
| (Heaven's Limit) NoNokori; must use same button |
| NihyakuJyuunikatsu Choumon NoIsshin qcf + A/B/C/D |
| (212 Condolence) |
| Hyakuhachikatsu Tamayura No Shitsune hcf + P (reflects projectiles)|
| (108 Tamayura's Wonderful Sound) |
| *Rimenichikatsu Sanrai NoFujin qcb, hcf + P (no damage; vs |
| (Inter 1 Sanrai's Formation) unable to do specials) |
| *Rimenichijugokatsu Reigi NoIshizue qcf x2 + K (can move but |
| (Inter 805 Foundation Stone Abidance) no specials) |

"The Captivating Ninja Cutey"
Fighting Style : Shiranui-Ryu Ninjitsu
Colors : Red/Blue/Pink/White
1st Round Opening : Has her back to player in kimono, then whips around with
her fans and tails, and ends up in her fighting outfit and says,
"Shiranui Mai mairi masu!" (Here comes Mai Shiranui!)
Opening : Points toward opponent with fan, wiggles and says, "Kakatte
rasshai." (Come at me.)
vs. Andy : With hands behind back, bows, bounces, and blinks eyes.
Taunt : Shakes a closed fan at opponent and smiling says, "Hora, ganbatte."
(Use more effort.)
Poses : - Tosses her fan to her other hand, waves it, "bounces", and says,
"Me bouncy!" (Actually, it's "Nippon ichi!" as well, but hey...)
- Turns around opening a big umbrella, winks, blows a kiss, and says,
"Iyo, Nippon ichi!" (Japan is number one!)
- Same as above except in a kimono.
- Spins in robe carrying large fans & "bounces."
Quote : With a body and strength like this, you thought you had a chance?
| Shiranui Gourin close, f/b + C |
| Kazekurumabonshi close, f/b + D |
| Yumesakura air, close, f/b/d + C/D |
| (Sliding Flip Kick) df + B |
| (Flying Dragon Kick) f + B |
| Kacho Sen qcf + P |
| (Butterfly Fan) |
| Ryu En Bu qcb + P |
| (Dragon Flame Dance) |
| HishoRyuEnJin f, d, df + K |
| (Flying Dragon Blast) |
| Musasabi-no Mai hold d, u + P or jump, qcb + P |
| (Flying Squirrel Dance) (hold P to attack) |
| Hissatsu Shinobibachi hcf + K |
| (Deadly Ninja Bees) |
| ShiroiTsuru-no Mai f, d, df + P |
| (White Crane Dance) |
| *Cho Hissatsu Shinobibachi qcb, hcf + K |
| (Super Deadly Ninja Bees) |
| *Houou RyuSei qcb x2 + P |
| (Phoenix Meteor) |
| *SuiChou-no Mai qcf x2 + P |
| (Ominous Dance of Decline) |

"The Beautiful Kick Boxing Lady"
Fighting Style : Thai Kickboxing
Colors : Brown/Purple/Green/Black
Opening : With waitress at side, drinks from wine glass, then gives it to
vs. Ryo : Stands turned away with arms crossed, taps foot, then blushing,
taps cheeks.
vs. Joe : Sighs, then shakes head saying, "Atanai da naide." (???)
Taunt : With one hand on hip, beckons with other saying, "Come on, baby!"
Poses : - Tosses out a handkerchief and says, "Hmph! Nasakenai!" (Hmph!
- Takes off jacket and throws it over shoulder saying, "???"
- Turns her back and holds a wine glass saying, "Tanoshikatta! Mata
oide." (That was fun! Let's do it again sometime.)
- Adjusts bow tie, then runs hand through hair as a waitress brings
wine glass.
Quote : In battle, one's sex means nothing. Who's left standing is what
| (Hold Rush) close, f/b + C |
| (Hook Buster) close, f/b + D |
| (Slide Kick) df + D |
| (Venom Strike) qcf + K |
| (Double Strike) qcf x2 + K |
| (Tornado Kick) hcb + K |
| (Mirage Kick) hcf + P |
| (Surprise Rose) f, d, df + P |
| (Trap Shot) f, d, df + K |
| *(Illusion Dance) qcf, hcb + K |
| *(Silent Flash) qcb x2 + K |

+++KOREA'S STRANGEST TEAM (Kim Team)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
"The Teacher of Justice"
Fighting Style : Tae Kwon Do
Colors : White/Red/Blue/Black
1st Open : Rolls up sleeves, flexes and says, "Ikuzou!" (Let's go!)
Opening : Points to opponent and says, "Kakkatte koi!" (Come and attack!)
vs. Choi/Chang : Shakes head, flexes and says, "Ikuzou!" (Let's go!)
vs. "Evil" characters : With back to player, says, "Aku wa yurusan!" (Evil is
unforgivable!) then turns and flexes, grunting.
Taunt : Says, "Aku wa yurusan!" (Evil is unforgivable!) as he shrugs.
Poses : - Does his junbi (defensive stance) pose saying, "Hah!"
- Wipes sweat from brow and says, "Nakama kama otte maire." (An
honorable defeat for a friend.)
- Smiles a players clenching a fist as a tooth twinkles.
- Runs hand through hair and smiles.
Quote : Hey guys, how about it? Let's do the Tae Kwan Do thang [sic]!
| Kubi Kwame Otoshi close, f/b + C |
| Sakkyaku Nage close, f/b + D |
| (Axe Kick) f + B |
| (Leaping Reverse Heel) f + A |
| HienZan hold d, u + K |
| (Flying Slice) |
| TenSousan D * D (after D HienZan) |
| KuSajin hold d, u + P |
| (Blowing Sandblaster) |
| SanRanGeki qcb + P (x3) |
| HangetsuZan qcb + K |
| (Crescent Moon Slash) |
| Hishokyaku jump, qcf + K |
| (Flying Kick) |
| RyuseiRaku hold b, f + K |
| (Comet Cruncher) |
| *HououKyaku qcb x2 or qcf x2 + K |
| (Phoenix Flattener) can be done in air |
| *HououTenBuken jump, qcf, hcb + K |
| (Phoenix Heaven Dance Punch) |

"The Human Wrecker Ball"
Fighting Style : Variation of Tae Kwon Do
Colors : White/Red/Pink/Green
1st Open : Picks nose, then sneezes.
Opening : Bangs his head against his ball then howls.
vs. Choi : Puts ball down and obscenely flaps shirt tail.
Taunt : Hits his belly saying, "Doushta?" (What's wrong?)
Poses : - Swings ball around with one hand rapidly saying, "Ora! Sukurete
koi!" (Hey! Go get some help!)
- Polishes his iron ball with shirt humming to himself.
- Lifts ball overhead, the puts it down and drops to one knee then
holds stomach, grunting as his head glimmers.
- Says, "???" as he flexes.
Quote : A crushing victory! Heh, Heh, Heh!
| Hagane Geki close, f/b + C |
| Kusari Jime close, f/b + D |
| (Sliding Iron Ball) df + A |
| Tekkyuu DaiKaiten Tap P (ABCD cancels) |
| (Spinning Iron Ball) (can move f/b; auto-block) |
| Tekkyuu FunsaiGeki hold b, f + P (auto-block) |
| (Breaking Iron Ball) |
| Tekkyuu HienZan hold d, u + K |
| (Flying Ball Breaker) |
| Dai Hakai Nage close, hcb, f + C |
| (Big Destroyer Toss) |
| *Tekkyuu Daiboso qcf, hcb + P |
| (Wild Ball Attack) (6 different finishes) |
| *Tekkyuu DaiSatsujin qcf x2 + P |
| (Murdering Iron Ball Attack) |

"The Incisive Mad Slasher"
Fighting Style : Variation of Tae Kwon Do
Colors : White/Red/Green/Black
1st Open : Must be seen...can't describe's too crazy/funny.
Opening : Slashes at the air and licks his claws saying, "Kakugo suru de
yansu!" (Prepare yourself!)
vs. Chang : Flaps shirt tail obscenely as he cackles.
Taunt : Flaps arms and wiggles hips as he makes wierd noises.
Idle : Licks claws.
Poses : - Does a ballet style spin, stops and strikes a pose saying,
"Kaikan!" (Victory!)
- Does a baby ballet style spin, stops and strikes a pose saying,
"Kachi de yansu." (I win.)
- Covers his mouth and pats his posterior, then uncovers his mouth,
tongue wiggling saying, "Upuu!" (No translation.)
- Strikes a classic (art sense) lying pose as heart flies from him.
Quote : A quick win. A quick victory. This time, I'm really free!
| Zujo Sashi close, f/b + C/D |
| (Flipping Axe Kick) f + B |
| (Rolling Slash) f + A |
| TatsumakiShippuZan hold d, u + P |
| (Hurricane Cutter) |
| Kaiten Hienzan qcb + P |
| (Rotating Slash) |
| HienTsuki f + P |
| (Flying Stab) (After Kaiten Hienzan) |
| HishokuretsuZan hold d, u + K |
| (Flying Slash) (hold K to continue attack) |
| Senpu Hien Shitotsu hold b, f + K |
| (Flying Monkey Slash) |
| HokotenKan any direction + button x3 |
| (Change of Direction) (during HishokuretsuZan or |
| Senpu Hien Shitotsu) |
| Shissou HishouZan hold b, f + P |
| (Monkey Spin) |
| HishoKyaku jump, qcf + K |
| (Flying Kick) |
| *Shin! ChozetsuTatsumakiShinkuZan hcb x2 + C (can move f/b) |
| (Truly! Transcendence Tornado Ripper) |
| *HououKyaku qcf, hcb + K |
| (Phoenix Kick) |

+++NEW BAND TEAM (New Faces Team)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
"The Powerful Baseline"
Fighting Style : Variation of Capoiera
Colors : Red/Black/Blue/Green
Opening : Does one handed, handstand, pushes up a couple times, then flips to
vs. Chris : Salutes saying, "Yah!"
vs. Shermie : Says, "???" as he waves a finger.
vs. Iori : Parodies Kyo's opening vs. Iori.
Taunt : Puts one hand on hip, gestures and says, "Muki ni naru na yo." (Don't
be so serious.)
Poses : - Says, "Kenka ga tsuyoi ue ni, otokomae," (I'm handsome as well as
being a strong fighter.) as he gestures to opponent.
- Turns with back to player, fans himself, and says, "???"
- Turns to side, leans back with one hand in pocket, points to player
with the other and smiling says, "Tano shin daru?" (Are you having
- Pulls water bottle out of pocket, douses face, then shakes it off.
Quote : You're not too bad. That is, you're second.
| (Low Side Kick) f + B |
| (Elbow Slam) f + A |
| (Gut Punch) close, f + C |
| (Throat Grab & Slam) close, f + D |
| (Duel Upper) f, d, df + P |
| (Sledgehammer) qcb + K |
| (Mighty Missle Bash) hcb + P |
| (Jet Counter) hcf + P |
| (Jet Finisher) qcf + P (After Jet Counter) |
| *(Million Bash Stream) qcb, hcf + P |
| *(Final Impact) qcf x2 + P (hold to power up)|

"The Loveable Dancer"
Fighting Style : Variation of Capoiera
Colors : Pink/Green/Purple/Red
Opening : Brushes ponytail off shoulder and says, "Hajimete da kara...
Yasashi kushitene." (Please be's my first time.)
vs. Males : Blows a kiss as she giggles.
vs. Yashiro/Chris : Waves saying, "Hi!"
Taunt : Pulls out cell phone and says into it, "Moshi moshi? Ah...mata ato
dene?" (Hello hello?...Oh, I'll see you later, okay?) Then puts it
Idle : Spins around (as though dancing with partner).
Poses : - Does a little dance while singing.
- Dances and says, "Saiko no kibun." (This feels good.)
- Giggles, puts hands on cheeks, then calls to opponent saying,
"Nante kao." (What a face.)
- Blows a kiss forward, then to player, then behind, then to player.
Quote : Game over, pal! Don't forget to save. Sweet dreams!
| (Flipping Axe Kick) f + B |
| (Back Drop) close, f + C |
| (Back Drop Toss) close, f + D |
| (Shermie Clutch) f, d, df + K |
| (Shermie Whip) hcb + P |
| (Shermie Spiral) close, hcf + P |
| (Shermie Finisher) qcf + D |
| (After Clutch/Whip/Spiral |
| (Axel Spin-Kick) qcb + K |
| (Shermie Shoot) hcf + K |
| *(Shermie Flash) close, hcb x2 + P |
| *(Shermie Carnival) close, hcf x2 + P |

"The Steady Rhythm"
Fighting Style : Variation of Capoiera
Colors : Blue/Orange/Purple/Black
Opening : Stands with hands behind back and says, "Yadana, tsuyosou." (Uh-oh,
he/she looks tough.)
vs. Yashiro/Shermie : Raises hand saying, "Yashiro!/Shermie!"
Taunt : Looks up with hands out saying, "???"
Poses : - Turns with hands behind back and says, "Ashita mo hareru kana?"
(Will it be sunny again tomorrow?)
- Stands with hands behind back and says, "Tano shikkatta desu, hai?"
(That was fun, yes?)
- Stands with hands behind back and chuckles.
- Turns with back to opponent, hands behind back, and chuckles.
Quote : You make me laugh, chump. And laugh. And laugh. And laugh.
| (Shooting fist) f + A |
| (Overhead Kick) f + B |
| (Sliding Kick) df + B |
| (Rising Step Kick) close, f + C |
| (Double Leg Toss) close, f + D |
| (Slide Touch) qcf + P |
| (Slide Finisher) qcf + P (After Slide Touch) |
| (Twisting Air) f, d, df + P |
| (Scramble Dash) qcf + K |
| (Gliding Stomp) jump, qcf + K |
| (Hunting Air Blast) f, d, df + K |
| (Shooting Dancer Thrust) hcb + P |
| (Shooting Dancer Step) hcb + K |
| *(Chain Slide Touch) qcf x2 + P |
| *(Twister Drive) qcb x2 + K |

+++'97 TEAM SPECIAL+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
"The Gangster w/ His Own Plans"
Fighting Style : Ware-Ryu Kenka Karate (Self-styled Fighting Karate)
Colors : Black/Green/Purple/Red
1st Opening : Throws coat off saying, "Kono zako ga." (You're a guppy.)
Opening : Says, "Kono zako ga," while gesturing to opponent.
Taunt : Massages neck saying, "Mono tarine na!" (I'm not satisfied!)
Idle : Throws blood on ground then gestures.
Poses : - Turns with back to player, then looks down on opponent saying,
"Che...kudaran." ('re a joke)
- Throws tanto on floor, turns his head, and says, "Hyaku nen haiyain
da yo!" (You're a hundred years too early!)
- Holds head then draws back cackling wildly.
- Squats, then turns away disgusted.
Quote : Annoying. Annoying! Annoying! You're just so bleeding annoying!
| Bun Nage close, f/b + D |
| Bussashi f + A |
| Hebi Tsukai qcb + A/B/C (hold to delay) |
| (Snake Charmer) (D cancels) |
| Sabaki-no Shichikubi f, d, df + P |
| (Judgement Slash) |
| Baikaeshi qcf + P |
| (Double Reflect) (counters projectiles)|
| Suna Kake f, d, df + K |
| (Sand Writer) |
| Budan Bachiki close, hcb, f + P |
| (Dynamite Headbutt) |
| Sadomazo hcf + K |
| *(La Guillotine) qcf x2 + P |
| *(La Drill) hcb x2 + P (Tap P for more dmg) |

"The Undercover Wrestler"
Fighting Style : Sanbo Wrestling
Colors : Red/Orange/Green/Purple
1st Round Opening : Tosses jacket off, as dog runs by and catches it barking,
then hops back and forth asking, "Here we go!"
Opening : Lifts belt up, then drops it and asks, "Are you ready?"
vs. Terry : Stands with hands on knees then leans forward with hand to mouth
and says, "Hey, handsome boy!"
Taunt : Uses her belt as a hool-a-hoop, saying, "Come on!"
Idle : Bends over with hands on knees, brushes hair, and stays bent over till
a button or stick is press/moved.
Poses : - Sighs and fans herself, then crosses her arms saying, "Whew...I did
- Makes a gun with her finger and "shoots" at opponent saying
"Bakyuun!" (Bang!)
- Turns around saying, "C'mon...Anton, " and crouches as dog comes up
to lick her face.
- Blows a kiss to opponent.
Quote : This isn't about logic. It's about smashing your face in!
| (Axle Hold) close, f/b + C |
| (Low Swipe Punch) f + A |
| (Shoulder Throw & Elbow Smash) f + C |
| (Leg Toss) f + D |
| (Handstand) df + B |
| (M. Spider) qcf + P |
| (Spin Fall) qcf + K |
| (Straight Slider) hold b, f + K |
| (M. Crab Clutch) qcf + K (after Straight Slider) |
| (Vertical Arrow) f, d, df + K |
| (M. Snatcher) f, d, df + K |
| (after Vertical Arrow) |
| (M. Head Buster) qcb + B (counter) |
| (Stungun Smasher) qcb + D (counter) |
| (Backdrop Real) close, hcf + P |
| *(M. Typhoon) close, hcb x2 + K |
| *(M. Splash Rose) qcf, hcb + P |
| *(M. Dynamite Swing) qcf x2 + K |

"Geese's Right-Hand Man"
Fighting Style : Bojitsu (Bo Fighting)
Colors : Red/Yellow/Grey/Blue
Opening : Raps bo on shoulder, points to opponent saying, "Hey, hey, hey!"
vs. Iori : Eiji drops down and mimics Billy, who leans forward, shaking a
fist at Iori saying, "I wish I could tear him apart!" Eiji then
leaps away...Billy looks around puzzled, then shakes head.
Taunt : Plays with bo saying, "Hey, hey, hey!"
Poses : - Spins bo, then turns around and sticks it in ground.
- Raps bo against shoulder then shrugs.
- Folds cane, takes off bandanna and says, "Who's turn is it?"
- Points to opponent with bo saying, "Hey, hey, hey!"
Quote : How doe's [sic] it feel to be well done? But I bet you taste
| (Fish Toss) close, f/b + C |
| (Overhead Slam) close, f/b + D |
| (Mid-Thrust) f + A |
| Jigoku Otoshi f + B |
| (Hell Drop) |
| SenpuuKon Tap A |
| (Whirlwind Staff) |
| JyouTenReha Kon Tap C |
| (Heaven Wave Staff) |
| SenenSa Kon f, d, df + P |
| (Slicing Spiral Staff) |
| SansetsuKon hcf + P |
| (Pole Extension) |
| Kaen SansetsuKon qcf + P (after SansetsuKon) |
| (Flaming Pole Extension) |
| Kyoretsu HishoKon f, d, df + K |
| (Flying Staff) (can move f/b) |
| KaRyu TsuigekiKon qcb + B (air counter) |
| (Fire Dragon Reverse) |
| SuiRyu TsuigekiTsue qcb + D (crouch counter) |
| (Water Dragon Reverse) |
| *Cho Kaen SenpuuKon qcf, hcb + P |
| (Super Firestorm Staff) (cancels projectiles) |
| *Tai SenpuuKon qcf x2 + P |
| (Great Whirlwind Staff) |

+++YAGAMI TEAM++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
"The Burning Avenger"
Fighting Style : Magatama
Colors : Red/Purple/Brown/Green
Opening : Has back to opponent, turns around and says, "Sugu raku ni shite
yaru." (I will soon end your pain.)
vs. Kyo : Raising a purple flame says, "???" Then extinguishes it.
vs. Kagura : Has back to opponent, turns around and says, "Sugu raku ni
shite yaru." (I will soon end your pain.)
Taunt : Stands straight and says, "Ore ga kowai no ka?" (Are you scared of
Poses : - Puts hand on head and laughs like a maniac.
- Puts hands in pockets and bends toward fallen opponent saying,
"Sonomama shine!" (Die as you are!)
- Turning away, raises hand overhead, saying, "Tsuki o miru tabi omoi
dase." (You will recall this event whenever you see the moon.)
- Stands with flame in hand, then extinguishes it.
Quote : There's no value to a broken toy. Which is what you losers are.
| Sakahagi close, f/b + C |
| Saka Sakahagi close, f/b + D |
| (Double Knuckle Slash) f + A * A |
| (Double Overhead Kick) f + B |
| (Reverse Kick) air, b + B (hits behind) |
| 108 Yami-barai qcf + P |
| (Type 108 Driving Away Darkness) |
| 207 Aoi-hana qcb + P (x3) |
| (Type 127 Deadly Flower) |
| 100 Shiki Oniyaki f, d, df + P |
| (Type 100 Burning Demon) |
| 212 Shiki Kototuki In hcb + K |
| (Type 212 Moon of Koto the Negative) |
| Kuzu Kaze close, hcb , f + P |
| (Scum Gale) (doesn't strike) |
| 303 Sou Kushi f, d, df + K |
| (Type 303 Mirror Slaying Flame) |
| *Kin 1211 Shiki Yaotome qcf, hcb + P |
| (Ban Type 1211 Eight Shrine Maiden) (SDM = Orochi Iori) |
| *Ura 108 Yattsu Sakazuki qcb, hcf + P |
| (Reverse Type 108 Eight Wine Cups) |

"Rugal's Dreaded Secretary's Secretary"
Style : ???
Colors : Red/Green/White/Orange
Opening : Stretches lazily like a cat, saying, "Omoshiroi...yarou ka?"
(Most interesting...Shall we fight?)
Taunt : Puts hands on knees and says, "Hah! Guruka da." (???)
Poses : - Puts hand on hip and grins saying, "Mangetsu no yoru ni mata aou
ka." (Perhaps we will meet again on a full moon's night.)
- Acts like she's going to throw up, then says, "Nanto, hyaku
shiryo!" (???)
- Holds cheek, laughs, turns away and sighs.
- Drops to knees, reaches skyward crying out, "Hyaku yo shiro!" (???)
Quote : Well, I guess I'm through. There're no more bones to break.
| (Hammer Fist) f + A |
| (Death Blow) close, f/b + C |
| (Back Rush) close, f/b + D |
| (Outrage) qcb + K |
| (Raven Fest) jump, qcb + K |
| (Gore Fest) close, hcb, f + P |
| (Deceaser) close, hcf + P |
| (Da Cide) hcf + K |
| (Mayhem) hcb + K |
| (Black End) qcb + P |
| (Mithens Robe) qcf + P (After Mayhem/Black End)|
| *(Withering Surface) qcf x2 + P |
| *(Negative Gain) close, hcb x2 + K |

"Rugal's Dreaded Secretary"
Style : Combination of ??? and Rugal's style
Colors : White & Black/Purple/White & Blue/Blue & Black
Opening : Blows kiss then beckons to her opponent saying, "Saa, irasshai."
(Now, come here.)
vs. Rugal/Omega Rugal : Giggles with hand on cheek blinking, then gestures
saying, "???"
Taunt : Does a slight courtesy while saying, "Hai hyaku." (???)
Poses : - Does the Marilyn Monroe pose, saying, "Kimochi ii deshou?" (Doesn't
it feel good?)
- Puts lipstick on saying, "Karoshika, arigato." (???, thank you.)
- Puts hand on cheek and says, "Kedamono ni nioi ga suru yo." (You
reek of beasts.)
- Genuflects saying, "???"
Quote : Good night. Forever. Have a million sweet dreams.
| (Forward Heel) f + B |
| (Death Blow) close, f/b + C |
| (Back Rush) close, f/b + D |
| (Death Downer) qcb + P x3 |
| (Metal Massacre) qcb + K |
| (Despair) qcf + P |
| (Deceaser) hcf + K |
| (Sacrelige) f, d, df + P |
| (Ebony Tears) qcf, hcb + P |
| *(Nocturnal Lights) qcf x2 + P |
| *(Heaven's Gates) qcb, hcf + K |

+++THE MASTERS TEAM+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
"The Kyokugenryu Karate Master"
Style : Kyokugenryu Karate
Colors : White/Orange/Yellow/Green
Opening : Stands with arms crossed, then cracks bones & rotates arm.
vs. Ryo/Robert/Yuri : With Mr. Karate mask on, laughs, then removes and
tosses it up, breaking it with a kick saying, "???"
Taunt : Gestures with both hands saying, "Kakatte konu ka?" (You gonna fight
Poses : - Exhales deeply.
- Drops shirt off shoulders and says, "Yah!"
- Raises one fist saying, "Mijuku mono mega." ([A] beginner [before
- Poses saying, "Matta, matta...???" (???)
Quote : Wow. You're an [sic] disgrace! You better hang it up, kid.
| (Sweeping Elbow) f + A |
| (Hammer Punch) f + B |
| Okuriashibarai close, f + C |
| Tani Otoshi close, f + D |
| KohKen qcf + P |
| (Tiger Flame Punch) |
| Zan Retsu Ken hcb, f + P |
| (Fist Fury) |
| HienShipppuuKyaku hold b, f + K |
| (Lightning Legs Knockout Kick) |
| Shoran Kyaku hcb + K |
| (Rising Knee Kick) |
| Haoh Shi Koh Ken f, hcf + P (Hold to power up) |
| (Supreme Fist) |
| Mouko Murai Garai qcb + P |
| *Shin Kyokugenryu Ken close, qcf x2 + P |
| (Supreme Kyokugenryu Punch) |
| *Tyuko Ranbu qcf, hcb + P |
| (Tyuko Rampage) |

"The Master Assassin"
Style : Green Beret Assassination Techniques
Colors : Blue/Green/Green/Brown
1st Open : Stands in shadows, eye glimmers, then comes into light, raises
hand, then slashes the air.
Opening : Gestures with finger.
vs. Leona : Stands straight with hands behind back then salutes.
vs. Ralf/Clark : Taps pointer in hand, then tosses it away.
vs. Rugal/Omega Rugal : With back to player points to Rugal and says, "???"
Taunt : Stands straight with hand on chin examining opponent, then turns away
shooing opponent with hand.
Poses : - Points to player saying, "???"
- Fixes glove, turns around and flicks blood off hand.
- Turns around as trenchcoat drops from sky, puts it on and says,
"Ninmu kanryou." (I've done my duty.)
- Turns away from opponent, takes off hat and says, "???"
Quote : You say you let your guard down? I think you're just a weenie!
| (Downward Circle Kick) f + B |
| (???) close, f + C |
| (???) close, f + D |
| (???) jump, close, f + C/D |
| (Cross Cutter) hold b, f + P |
| (Moon Slasher) hold d, u + P |
| (Neck Roller) hold d, u + K |
| (Storm Bringer) close, hcb + P |
| (Killing Bringer) close, hcb + K |
| *(Heidern Fatal) qcb, hcf + K |
| *(Final Bringer) qcf x 2 + P |

"Kyo's Mysterious Father"
Style : Magatama
Colors : Green/Red/Brown/Purple
Opening : With arms together, brings them down grunting, then opens hands
with flame between them, claps hands together extinguishing flame.
vs. Kyo : With back to Kyo, says, "???"
vs. Rugal/Omega Rugal : With back to player says, "???"
Taunt : Cleans ear with finger, looks at finger, then blows wax off.
Poses : - Crosses arms and laughs, then leans forward scratching beard and
says, "???"
- Scratches tummy saying, "???"
- Scratches chin (beard) and says, "Yoasobi wa kikenjazo." (lit.
Going out at night is dangerous)
- Holds chin in hand, shaking head saying, "???"
Quote : Defeat is defeat. Fighting's no picnic, kid.
| (Overhead Smash) f + A |
| (Reverse Flying Heel) f + B |
| (???) close, f + C |
| (???) close, f + D |
| YamiBarai qcf + P |
| (Fire Ball) |
| OniYaki f, d, df + P |
| (Dark Thrust) |
| Saiha qcb + P |
| (Wave Smash) |
| Magatama Shin Ken qcb + K |
| (Magatama Supreme Strike) |
| Nataguruma f, d, df + K |
| (Twisted Group Thrust) |
| *OrochiNagi qcb, hcf + P (Hold to delay) |
| (Serpent Wave) |
| *??? qcf x2 + P |

+++USA SPORTS TEAM++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
"The Basketball Brawler"
Style : Modified Karate
Colors : Purple/Red/Green/Black
Opening : Dribbles basketball then tosses it up saying, "Yeah!"
vs. Heavy D/Brian : Turns hat around.
Taunt : Leans back gesturing & says, "Huh-huh!"
Poses : - Puts one hand on hip & outstretches other, ball drops into hand as
he says, "Uh-huh!"
- Does karate stance saying, "Yeah!"
- Does a little dance ending by pointing to player, saying, "???"
- Spins into karate stance saying, "Oyugase, yeah!" (???, yeah!)
Quote : Wake up!!! It's too early for bedtime.
| (Forward Kick) f + B |
| (Dunk Strike) jump, d + A |
| (Slam Down) close, f + C |
| (Knee Bash) close, f + D |
| (Death Bound) qcf + P |
| (Cyclone Break) qcb + K |
| (Lucky Vision) qcf + K |
| (Death Shoot) d x2 + A/B/C/D |
| (Death Heel) f, d, df + K |
| (Death Dunk) qcb + P |
| *(Hell Bound) qcf x2 + P |
| *(Lucky Driver) qcf x2 + K |

"The Destructive Boxer"
Style : Boxing
Colors : Purple/Green/Brown/Blue
1st Open : Stands with back to opponent, removes sunglasses and puts them in
jacket pocket.
Opening : Points at opponent with fist saying, "???"
vs. Lucky/Brian : Smiling with hand on hip, points saying, "???"
Taunt : Removes hands from face smiling, and says, "???"
Poses : - Turns and tosses jacket off revealing tatoo, flexes one arm and
says, "???"
- Stands straight and clenches a fist saying, "???"
- Throws some punches and says, "???"
- Turns with back to player rubbing back of neck and says, "Yare,
yare..." (Whatever...) Then points to opponent saying, "???"
Quote : Slow. Your attack's too slow. I read you like a storybook.
| (???) close, f + C |
| (???) close, f + D |
| (R.S.D.) qcf + P |
| (Soul Flower) qcb + K |
| (Blast Upper) qcf + K |
| (Dancing Beat) close, f, d, df + P |
| (Swaying Combo) qcb + P (x2) |
| (Shadow Beat) d, d + P |
| *(D. Crazy) qcb, hcf + P |
| *(D. Magnum) qcf x2 + P |

"The Number One Superstar"
Style : Football training/Professional wrestling
Colors : Blue/Green/Red/Green
Opening : Cocks head from side to side and says, "???"
vs. Lucky/Heavy D : Gives thumbs up saying, "???"
Taunt : Gestures to opponent saying, "Hey, c'mon..."
Poses : - Leans back raising fist and grunts.
- Flexes saying, "I am a superstar!"
- Leans back groaning as shoulder pad strap breaks.
- Stands facing player and gives #1 sign saying, "I'm number one!"
Quote : Your defense means nothing. Nothing to my tackling, that is!
| (Elbow Drop) jump, d + C |
| (Knee Drop) close, f + C |
| (Body Toss) close, f + D |
| (Brian Tornado) hcf + P |
| (Hyper Tackle) hcf + K |
| (Screw Body Press) qcf + P |
| (Rocket Tackle) f, d, df + K |
| (Brian Hammer) qcb + P |
| (Brian Double Hammer) qcb + P (After Brian Hammer) |
| (DDT) qcb + P (After Double Hammer) |
| (Tiger Driver) hcf + P (After Brian Hammer) |
| (Brian Mega Bomb) d, d, + P (After Tiger Driver) |
| (Shoulder Back Breaker) d, d, d, + P (After Tiger...) |
| (Brian Great Finale) d, u + P (After Shoulder...) |
| *(Big Bang Tackle) qcf x2 + K |
| *(American Super Nova) qcf x2 + P |

+++SINGLE ENTRY+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
"Kyo's Junior Pupil"
Fighting Style : Unperfected Magatama (Kyo's Student)
Colors : Blue/Green/Light Blue/Brown
Opening : With hand on chest, breathes and says, "Cool ni ikoze, Shingo."
(Stay cool, Shingo.)
vs. Kyo : Says, "Ora! kao, kao!" (Hey! look, look!) pointing to gloves, then
laughs wiping nose...then does "moetaro" pose.
Taunt : Saying, "???" pulls out notepad and writes in it, then almost drops
Poses : - Waves finger saying, "Heh, heh, moetaro." (Kyo parody.)
- Poses, then looks up saying, "???"
- Falls to his knees breathing hard, and says, "Kate ta..." (I
- Rubs nose laughing, then says, "Yatta ze!" (I did it!)
Quote : Did you see me, mom?! I...I won! King of the world!
| (Axe Kick) f + B |
| Hatsu Gane close, f + C |
| Issetsu Seoi Nage close, f + D |
| Mikansei Ara Kami qcf + A |
| (Wicked Chew Unfinished Misery) |
| Mikansei Doku Kami qcf + C |
| (Poison Gnaw Fest Unfinished Misery) |
| Mikansei Oniyaki f, d, df + P |
| (Burning Demon Unfinished Misery) |
| Twilight Ride Modify qcb + K |
| Shingo Kick hcf + K |
| Mikansei Shiki Nue Tumi qcb + P |
| *ChoKototuki You qcf x2 + P |
| (Phosphorous Phoenix Flash) |
| *(Burning Shingo) qcb, hcf + P |

"The Power Hungry Madman"
Style : Combination of Geese (Hakyokusaken), Krauser, and his own (?)
Colors : Red/Green/Blue/Brown
Opening : Kneeling, rises up as eye glows.
vs. Heidern : Stands with arms crossed, chuckles and says, "???"
vs. Saishu : Holds fist and says, "Yah!"
Taunt : Shows off bicep and laughs.
Poses : - Crosses arms saying, "???" as eye glimmers.
- Holds fist, smiling at player.
- With a bloody hand, says, "Washi kiru." (???) Then shakes off
blood as he clenches fist.
- Chuckles as two secretaries drop down.
Quote : Repeat this after me, I'll never take on a god again.
| (Crescent to Axe Kick) f + B |
| (???) close, f + C |
| (???) close, f + D |
| Reppuken qcf + P |
| (Violent Wave Punch) |
| (Kaiser Wave) f, hcf + P (Hold P to power up) |
| (Genocide Cutter) f, d, df + K |
| (God Press) qcb + P |
| (Dark Crystal Reflector) qcf + K |
| (Demon Press) qcf, hcb + P |
| (Death Press) qcf x2 + K |

+++CODE FIGHTERS++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[All code fighters have a single win pose/colors are the same.]

Fighting Style : Unawakened Magatama
Opening : Raises flaming hand, then brings it down and says, "Ikuze!" (Let's
Taunt : Waves a finger at opponent saying, "Nani kusubutten da?" (You're
smoking aren't you?)
Poses : - Blows out flaming finger saying, "Heh, heh, moetarou." (Heh, heh,
you're burned.)
| Hatsu Gane close, f/b + C |
| (Double Fisted Slam) air, d + C |
| Issetsu Seoi Nage close, f/b + D |
| (Axe Kick) f + B |
| (Double Foot Sweep) df + D |
| Hyakuhasshiki-YamiBarai qcf + P |
| (Form 108 : Darkness Sweep) |
| Hyakushiki-OniYaki f, d, df + P |
| (Form 100 : Demon Burn) |
| 212 Shiki Kototuki You hcb + K |
| (Type 212 Moon of Koto the Positive) |
| 75 Shiki Kai qcf + K * K |
| (Type 75 Modify) |
| Kyakuisshiki-OboroGuruma b, d, db + K |
| (Form 101 : Twilight Ride) |
| *UraHyakuHasshiki-OrochiNaagi qcb, hcf + P (hold to delay) |
| (Hidden Form 108 : Great Sweep) |

"The Legendary Lone Wolf"
Fighting Style : Hakyokusaken
1st Opening : With back to player, pulls hat out of back pocket and puts it
Opening : Fixes hat, then gestures with hand saying, "Hey, c'mon, c'mon!"
vs. Andy : Gives respectful salute.
vs. Mary : Gives thumbs up w/ cap backwards and turns it around.
Taunt : He whistles at opponent.
Poses : - Turns with back to player, tosses hat saying, "Okay!"
| (Grasping Upper) close, f/b + C |
| (Buster Throw) close, f/b + D |
| (Spinning Elbow Smash) f + A |
| (Crouching Uppercut) df + C |
| (Power Wave) qcf + P |
| (Burn Knuckle) qcb + P |
| (Crack Shot) qcb + K |
| (Rising Tackle) hold d, u + P |
| (???) hcf + K |
| *(Power Geyser) qcf x 2 + P |

"The Master Bonebreaker"
Fighting Style : Kapoken & Shiranui-ryu Ninjitsu
Opening : Holds ponytail with one hand and gestures with other.
vs. Terry : Gives respectful salute.
vs. Mai : Bows respectfully.
Taunt : Holds ponytail with one hand and gestures with other.
Idle : Same as '96.
Poses : - Takes stance and exhales.
| Gourin Kai close, f/b + C |
| Kakaekomi close, f/b + D |
| (Crescent Axe Kick) f + B |
| (Rising Palm) df + A |
| Hisho Ken qcb + P |
| (Flying Fist) |
| Sho Ryu Dan f, d, df + P |
| (Rising Dragon Blast) |
| Kuuhadan hcf + K |
| (Sonic Split) |
| Zan Ei Ken db, f + P |
| (Shadow Slice) |
| *ChoReppadan qcb, hcf + K |
| (Super Sonic Swirl) |

"The Kick-Boxing Storm"
Fighting Style : Muay Thai
1st Round Opening : Stands with back to player in robe, then turns and tosses
it off.
Opening : Smacks fists and says, "Saku saku ikuze." (Let's do this quick.)
Then points to opponent saying, "Ey!"
vs. King : Turns with back to player, pulls out championship belt, puts it on
and turns around, points to it and laughs, then tosses it off.
Taunt : Pulls down shorts and moons opponent saying, "Ora, ora!" (Hey, hey!)
Poses : - Goes down on knees, kisses fists, then raises them saying,
"Oh-shaaaa!" (Alriiiight!)
| Hiza Jigoku close, f/b + C |
| (Leg Toss) close, f/b + D |
| (Slide) df + B |
| (Standing Sweep Kick) f + B |
| (Hurricane Upper) hcf + P |
| (Tiger Kick) f, d, df + K |
| (Slash Kick) hcf + K |
| BakuretsuKen Tap P |
| (TNT Punch) |
| *(Screw Upper) qcf x2 + P |

"The Unbeatable Tiger"
Fighting Style : Kyokugenryu Karate
1st Opening : Kicks off wooden slippers.
Opening : Gestures with hand, tugs at shirt, then says, "Ora, ora!" (C'mon,
vs. King : With hands on hips and barely looking, then adjusts shirt.
vs. Takuma : Looks away with hand on head, disgusted.
Taunt : Same as opening.
Poses : - Flexes saying, "Osu!" (Karate salute.)
| Tani Otoshi close, f/b + C |
| Tomoe Nage close, f/b + D |
| (Overhead Smash) f + A |
| KohKen qcf + P |
| (Tiger Flame Punch) |
| Koho f, d, df + P |
| (Tiger Roar) |
| HienShippuuKyaku hcb + K |
| (Lightning Legs Knockout Kick) |
| *Haoh Sho Koh Ken f, hcf + P |
| (Supreme Roar) |
| *Ryuko Ranbu qcf, hcb + P |
| (Tiger Boisterious Dance) |

"The Invincible Dragon"
Fighting Style : Kyokugenryu Karate
Opening : Adjusts gloves and gestures with hand saying, "Ora, ikimasu!"
(C'mon, let's go!)
vs. Kensou : Gestures with hand saying, "Bochi, bochi...dena." (Okay, I
vs. Takuma : Covers eyes with hand and shakes head.
Taunt : Gestures with hand saying, "Donnai shitan ya?" (What are you up to?)
Poses : - Raises fist then brings it down, gives a thumbs up saying,
"Yo-sha!" (Alright!)
| Ryuchouukyaku close, f/b + C |
| Kubikiri Nage close, f/b + D |
| (Reverse thrust kick) f + B |
| RyuGekiKen qcf + P |
| (Dragon Blast Punch) |
| HienShippuuKyaku hcb + K |
| (Lightning Legs Knockout Kick) |
| GeneiKyaku qcf x2 + K |
| (Illusion Kick) |
| HienRyuujinKyaku jump, qcb + K |
| (Flying Dragon Blast Kick) |
| *Haoh Sho Koh Ken f, hcf + P |
| (Supreme Roar) |
| *Kyokugenryu RanbuKyaku qcf, hcb + P |
| (Dragon Boisterous Dance) |

"The Kyoku Gen Bombshell"
Fighting Style : Kyokugenryu Karate
Opening : Stares at opponent with hands on hip, smacks fists together, and
points saying, "Babitisu yattsukechau zo!" (You're in for a real
vs. Takuma : Freaks out when she sees him in Mr. Karate mask, then leans
forward, angry and says, "Katoh da...iyo!" (???)
Taunt : Waves hands at side of head, then pats butt saying, "Botchi, botchi!"
(C'mon, c'mon!)
Poses : - Cools off using shirt, then looks at player and gives a thumbs up
saying, "Chou yoyutchi!" (I'm not even tried!)
| Oniharite close, f/b + C |
| Sairento Nage close, f/b + D |
| Tsubame Otoshi air, close, f/b/d + C/D |
| Oshiri Attack f + B |
| (Butt Attack) |
| Ko Oh Ken qcf + P |
| (Tiger Blast Punch) |
| Rai Koh Ken qcf + K |
| (Thunder Strike) |
| Saiha qcb + P |
| (Smasher Wave) |
| Hyakuretsu Binat Attack hcb + K |
| (Hundred Blows Attack) |
| *Haoh Sho Koh Ken f, hcf + P |
| (Supreme Roar) |
| *HienHououKyaku qcf, hcb + K |
| (Flying Phoenix Kick) |

"The Captivating Ninja Cutey"
Fighting Style : Shiranui-Ryu Ninjitsu
1st Round Opening : Has her back to player in kimono, then whips around with
her fans and tails, and ends up in her fighting outfit and says,
"Shiranui Mai mairi masu!" (Here comes Mai Shiranui!)
Opening : Points toward opponent with fan, wiggles and says, "Kakatte
rasshai." (Come at me.)
vs. Andy : With hands behind back, bows, bounces, and blinks eyes.
Taunt : Shakes a closed fan at opponent and smiling says, "Hora, ganbatte."
(Use more effort.)
Poses : - Tosses her fan to her other hand, waves it, "bounces", and says,
"Me bouncy!" (Actually, it's "Nippon ichi!" as well, but hey...)
| Shiranui Gourin close, f/b + C |
| Kazekurumabonshi close, f/b + D |
| Yumesakura air, close, f/b/d + C/D |
| (Sliding Flip Kick) df + B |
| (Flying Dragon Heel) f + B |
| Kacho Sen qcf + P |
| (Butterfly Fan) |
| Ryu En Bu qcb + P |
| (Dragon Flame Dance) |
| Musasabi-no Mai hold d, u + P or jump, qcb + P |
| (Flying Squirrel Dance) (hold P to attack) |
| Hissatsu Shinobibachi hcf + K |
| (Deadly Ninja Bees) |
| ??? qcb + K |
| *Cho Hissatsu Shinobibachi qcb, hcf + K |
| (Super Deadly Ninja Bees) |
| *??? qcf x2 + P |

-='95 BILLY KANE=-
"Geese's Right-Hand Man"
Fighting Style : Bojitsu (Bo Fighting)
Opening : Raps bo on shoulder, points to opponent saying, "Hey, hey, hey!"
vs. Iori : Eiji drops down and mimics Billy, who leans forward, shaking a
fist at Iori saying, "I wish I could tear him apart!" Eiji then
leaps away...Billy looks around puzzled, then shakes head.
Taunt : Plays with bo saying, "Hey, hey, hey!"
Poses : - Spins bo, then turns around and sticks it in ground.
| (Fish Toss) close, f/b + C |
| (Overhead Slam) close, f/b + D |
| (Mid-Thrust) f + A |
| Jigoku Otoshi f + B |
| (Hell Drop) |
| SenpuuKon Tap A |
| (Whirlwind Staff) |
| JyouTenReha Kon Tap C |
| (Heaven Wave Staff) |
| SansetsuKon hcf + P |
| (Pole Extension) |
| ??? qcb + P |
| Kyoretsu HishoKon f, d, df + K |
| (Flying Staff) (can move f/b) |
| *Cho Kaen SenpuuKon qcf, hcb + P |
| (Super Firestorm Staff) (cancels projectiles) |

"The Parched Earth"
Fighting Style : Full Orochi Earth Style
Opening : Stands with chi eminating from ground as earth shakes, then ends
power up saying, "Mezamerou, daichi yo!" (I command you earth,
Taunt : With hand on hip, points and says, "Namaiki da." (How impertinent.)
Poses : - Lifts hands groaning as power rises from him and everything
shakes then lowers hands and exhales.
| (Low Side Kick) f + B |
| (Gut Punch) f + C |
| (Throat Grab and Slam) close, f + D |
| Niragu Daichi close, hcb, f + P |
| (Authority of Earth) |
| Odoru Daichi close, hcf + P |
| (Dancing Earth) |
| Musebu Daichi hcf + K |
| (Smothering Earth) |
| Kujiku Daichi qcb + P (does not strike) |
| (Wrenching Earth) |
| *Ankoku Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi close, hcb x2 + P |
| (Darkness Hell Paradise Drop) |
| *Araburu Daichi hcf x2 + K |
| (Wild Earth Warrior) |
| *Hoeru Daichi qcf x 2 + P |
| (Howling Earth) (Hold P to power up) |

"The Insanely Violent Lightning"
Fighting Style : Full Orochi Lightning Style
Opening : Raises arms and says, "Orite kina sai." (Get down here.), then
brings them down as a lightning bolt comes down.
Taunt : Gestures to opponent and says, "Anata shinuwa." (You will die.)
Poses : - Raises open hand and says, "Sore ga anata no unmei yo...
oyasuminasai." (That is your fate...goodnight.) then makes a fist
as lightning strikes her palm.
| (Flipping Axe Kick) f + B |
| (Back Drop) close, f + C |
| (Back Drop Toss) close, f + D |
| Mu Getsu no Raigumo qcf + A/B/C/D |
| (Moonless Thunder Cloud) |
| Yatanagi no Muchi qcb + P |
| (Yatanagi's Mowing Whip) |
| Shajitsu no Odori qcb + K |
| (Dance of Realism) |
| Raijin no Tsue jump, qcf + K |
| (Cane of the Lightning God) |
| *Ankoku Raikoken qcf x2 + P |
| (Darkness Lightning Gleam Fist) |
| *Shuukumei, Genei, Shinshi qcf x2 + K |
| (Destiny, Illusion, Sincerity) |

"The Flame of Destiny"
Fighting Style : Full Orochi Flame Style
Opening : Opens hands as purple flames appear saying, "Dette oide, boku no
hono." (Come, my flames.)
Taunt : Stands with hands together saying, "Izure, mina shin unde suyo."
(Sooner or later, everyone dies.)
Poses : - Raises hands above head creating large purple flame and says,
"Saa, hajimemashou boku no hono." (Let's begin to create flames.)
| (Shooting Fist) f + A |
| (Overhead Kick) f + B |
| (Sliding Kick) df + B |
| (Rising Step Kick) close, f + C |
| (Double Leg Air Toss) close, f + D |
| Taiyou wo Iru Hono qcf + P |
| (Sun Frying Flame) |
| Kagami wo Hofuru Hono qcb + P |
| (Mirror Slaying Flame) |
| Shishi wo Kamu Hono close, hcf + K |
| (Limb Biting Flame) |
| Tsuki wo Tsumu Hono f, d, df + P |
| (Moon Clipping Flame) |
| *Ankoku Orochinagi qcb, hcf + P |
| (Darkness Great Serpent Mow) |
| *Daichi wo Harau Gou Ka qcf x2 + P |
| (Fire of Sin that Sweeps the Earth) |

"Insanity Ressurected"
Style : Combination of Geese (Hakyokusaken), Krauser, and his own (?)
Opening : Rises from knees groaning, then growls, "Ikuze..." (Let's begin...)
vs. Heidern : Stands with arms crossed, chuckles and says, "???"
vs. Saishu : Holds fist and says, "Yah!"
Taunt : With Arms corssed, tosses hand down.
Poses : - Draws back groaning as he powers up.
| (Crescent to Axe Kick) f + B |
| (???) close, f + C |
| (???) close, f + D |
| ??? qcf + P (Hold P to power up) |
| (Genocide Cutter) f, d, df + K |
| (God Press Modify) qcb + P |
| (Dark Crystal Reflector) qcf + K |
| (Demon Press) qcf, hcb + P |
| (Death Press) qcf x2 + K |


There are no intermissions, however you get to fight Shingo if you
meet a certain amount of criteria.
Right before you fight Rugal, a small cinematic intro to him comes
up. Blood runs through the floor and walls of the ship...Rugal is revealed.
The ending is similar to that of '94, where Rugal blows up the ship
as the team gets away in a helicopter. Random images are then displayed
during the credits sequence (which can all be viewed in the Art Gallery of
the CD version). If you used a "formal" team, the final picture will be of


-> Missing or inaccurate info (especially on moves/names)
-> Anything with a ??? needs to be figured out ^_^
-> Poses (win, loss, draw, taunt, intro, etc.)
-> Anything else needed to complete this FAQ
\ /
[ 0 0 ]
END OF KOF'98 FAQ (C)1998 JGPalanca

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Orochi Yashiro Guide

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