Romance Of The Three Kingdoms 6: Awakening Of The Dragon

Romance Of The Three Kingdoms 6: Awakening Of The Dragon

29.09.2013 17:35:07
Digital Legacy, Inc. Presents...

A Sony PlayStation Strategy Game by KOEI Corporation.
This FAQ created by Marcus Dion (
(PS. No there ain't no fancy artwork. It's not the drawing that counts, it's
the content.)

{{{{EDITOR's ADDITION, dated 11/08/00:
This file is best viewed using WordPad. If you are unable to download it,
I apologize for the Item List. If you would like a cleaner version of that list,
please go to . I have an HTML version as well as
a Microsoft Excel version you may download. Thanks.}}}

10/09/00: Enhanced information for Short Scenarios.
Cleaned up encoding.

10/24/00: Added Advanced War Strategy section.

11/08/00: Added Troop Types section.

Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Editor's Note
III. Instruction
IV. The Menu
V. Starting Your First Game
VI. Scenario Information
VII. Custom Officers
VIII. Item List
IX. Key Notes
X. Tips and Tricks
XI. Some Advanced War Strategy
XII. Disclaimer

||||_INTRODUCTION_|||| (excerpt from

RTK6 gives players the opportunity to build, manage and control an ancient Chinese
fiefdom while interacting with and directing the actions of characters from the
famous Romance of the Three Kingdoms epic. The goal is to unify the charred
remains of this fragmented, war-torn land into a single empire stretching across
the continent.


This is a unique game in that it is not traditional role-playing. Essentially, you are
putting yourself in the role of a ruler (one of many) of the Han Dynasty of China. There
are stories and books related to this warring era, but to put it in a nutshell, each ruler
wanted the same goal: to conquer the other warring rulers and unite this area of China.
It's not an easy task either. As ruler, you must not only see to your capital city, but also
each individual city you govern. To increase your boundaries, you must go to war and
take over each city by force. Once you take a city, it's yours until someone goes to war
against it and takes it back. What's more, you must also maintain amicable relations
with some of the stronger lords nearby, so that they do not attack you until you are
ready to wage war with them. You must see to it that your people remain happy, for if
their support of you drops, so does your number of soldiers. You must make sure that
your crops remain well tended, or your soldiers/people will not have food, and without
food, they will starve and die. You must see to it that taxes are collected appropriately;
without money, you cannot buy what you need, such as the manpower to build up your
city, and soldiers. All this on top of war strategy in battle and learning the gaming
system, so that the computer fails. An intense game, yet one that will have you
occupied for many a day. It is recommended that you play RTTKVI with a friend,
fighting side-by-side as you wage war against China. It adds a completely different
dimension to the game altogether. Or, you can go it alone, knowing that everyone is
your enemy. In any event, RTTKVI is more challenge than you can bargain for. Enjoy.


Because of the sporadic nature of RTTKVI, it's difficult to create a walkthrough. You
can basically determine the course of the game through your actions, which means you
can expect a different game every time. This is what creates its replay value. But here
are some things to help you decide what you should do and the best course of action to
get started with this game.
First of all, you have to decide which scenario you wish to start in. The challenge
increases slightly depending on which scenario you decide to start in, but not
significantly. The challenge is more demographic rather than overall. In other words, it
will be harder to maintain your cities, but not necessarily war. For the first time around,
it's best to pick one of the earlier scenarios. I'll use Full Scenario: The Yellow Turbans
for my future examples.
A switch to this game is that you can play freestyle (Full Scenario) or for a targeted goal
(Short Scenario). The catch 22 for the Short Scenario is that you MUST do what the
game requires in the amount of time required, or you lose. What's more, you can't do
all you'd like to do. The upside to this is that you can get a feel for the game and its
features more quickly than if you started in Full Scenario. Both of these types are
outlined below in Scenario Information.
Now that you've selected which scenario you'd like to start, you'll need to decide
whether you'll use China's heroes/villains, or if you'd like to create a faction of people of
your own. Creating your own people adds a personal dimension to the game that most
(myself included) find irresistible. The heroes/villains are also outlined below, in
Scenario Information.
If you select to use one of the pre-created characters, you'll have to begin with the city
that's already pre-assigned to them. If you use your own created characters, you'll be
able to place your city in one of the free cities. These are outlined below in Scenario
If you select to create your own people, you'll need to go back to the Main Menu and go
to "New Officers". This screen will allow you to custom build your people from the
ground up. This procedure is found below, under "Custom Officers". From here, you
can create them by name, assign them an innate dream, and even set their statistics.
You can create up to 30 of these characters; however, keep in mind that you may only
use 11 when you first start: you, the ruler, counts as one, and then 10 others. If you
wish to use more, you'll need to create a family tree, which will be explained later.
After you've selected your scenario and your characters/starting city, you're ready to set
your options. Make sure you pay close attention to these; they can affect your game
drastically if not set correctly.
First is Mode. This can be either "Historical" or "Fiction", depending on your preference.

- "Historical" Mode: All characters in the game are as they were in history. They
will act exactly as history records them to be. Family relations are the same.
Scenes will envelop actual events from the game.

- "Fiction" Mode: Characters in the game act upon random ideas. They may
choose to act in a way totally abstract from history. In addition, family relations
are severed, and historical friendships are broken.
There are subcategories with "Fiction" mode that let you determine which is to be
Historical and which is to be Fiction. This lets you customize your game more

1. Family: Family Relations can be Historical (as they happened in the actual
history), or Fictional (meaning there are no children and there are no parents, just
a bunch of warlords and advisors)

2. Personal: Affects the person's personal beliefs and abilities. If Historical,
everything will be as it was set to be. If Fictional, the Dream and will be randomly

3. Compat. (Compatibility): Affects how well people get along with each other. For
example, in the history books, Liu Bei and Sima Yi were never buddies. They
were always on opposite sides. If this is set to Fictional, they could theoretically
be on the same team and never have a second thought. If this is set to
Historical, and you have one in your army, chances are high the other will not

4. Special Ability: Affects your person's use of their Duel Tactics. If set to Fictional,
their Duel Tactics will be randomly generated each time. If set to Historical, their
Duel Tactics will be as they should be.

5. Item: Affects the location and possession of items in the game. Normally, there
are certain people who automatically start with certain items, and others must be
found by searching. If this is set to Fictional, anyone could start with any item, at
any time. If set to Historical, everything will be in its proper place.

6. Anti: Affects the feelings of one empire vs. another. For example, Liu Bei and
Sun Ce might have had an alliance, but Liu Bei and Cao Pi never did. Cao Pi's
Anti, or his ill feelings, would always be high towards Liu Bei. If Anti is set to
Fictional, nobody's Anti goes up unless provoked. If set to Historical, each
person despises the proper people at the proper time.

"Level" sets the level of difficulty for the game in general. Beginners means the
computer is basically a pushover; Advanced means they'll be out for your tail if you slip

"Saved Officers" lets you determine whether or not custom characters will appear in this
game. If you didn't create any officers, you don't need to worry about this one. If you
have set up family relations, you'll need to set this to Appear, or they won't ever come of
age and join you.

"Foreign Battles" lets you determine whether or not you want to watch the battles the
computer has amongst itself. Sometimes these battles can be long and boring;
sometimes they add insight for war strategy. It's up to you.

"Sound" lets you set the sound for the game to Stereo or Mono. For some reason, it
sounds better Mono.

"Emissary Animation" lets you either watch the little horse gallop to each distant land as
people use diplomatic meetings with one another, or just show the words telling what
happened in each diplomatic mission. It's not long, but the galloping gets annoying
after awhile.

"Message Speed" is just that – the speed of the messages. Short, Normal, or Long are
the settings.

Once you've set your custom settings, you're ready to begin your reign. The first thing
you should pay attention to is your city. Make sure it is well constructed and taken care
of before you do anything; that way, if anyone retaliates against your offense, you will
be better equipped to counterattack or defend.
A short explanation of the menu system and the screen in whole:
In the upper left of the big window, is the name of the city you occupy. This is your
capital city for now. As the game progresses, you can change where your capital
resides, so long as you own another city to transfer it to. Directly to the right of the city
name is the name of your ruler, next to a small shield. The shield means that the
person's name who is displayed is the Protector of that castle. In other cities you own,
the protector should be the person who is most expendable; chances are they won't be
able to go to battle as much as others.
Directly below that, in this order, are your Population (multiply the number by 100 to get
the actual number, or just add 2 zeros to the end), your Farming Level, your Commerce
(Taxes) Level, and your Public Safety (public happiness). Your Farming Level affects
how much food you get at harvest time, which is about July. Your Commerce Level
affects how much money you collect from your people, which is in January. Your Public
Safety affects how many people feel comfortable living in your city, as well as increasing
the other three stats. You should strive to get your Farms and Commerce as high as
Farms, Commerce, and Public Safety can be built up fairly quickly. Each level can be
assigned 3 people to do the task. These three people will be responsible for its upkeep
as well as its protection, so for Farms and Commerce, assign people with higher Politics
and Intelligence. For Public Safety, assign people with higher Power and Leadership.
Directly below these stats, in the left column, are your Footsoldiers, Cavalrymen,
Mountaineers, and Naval units. In the right column are your Tribesmen, Armored
Horsemen, Shanyue, and Total Troops. Footsoldiers are best on flat plains, but are
good all around. Cavalrymen are good on flat plains, but have trouble on mountainous
areas and water. Mountaineers are designed for mountain travel, but are slow. Naval
units perform best in rivers and water areas, and are not as strong on land or
mountains. Tribesmen are skilled fighters, but cannot move great distances. Armored
Horsemen are the most powerful type, but are virtually too slow on mountains.
Shanyue are good fighters, but can only be found in one kingdom, and Total Troops
sums all of the troop types up and gives you a broad figure. Again, multiply the troop
numbers by 100 to get the actual number of men for each type, or just add 2 zeros to
the end of the number.
The next column is for your officers. RO is for Recruited Officers, or the total number of
officers in that particular city. VO is for Visiting Officers, or Officers that
are not a part of your kingdom, but are potential to be recruited.
AO is for Active Officers, or officers that are available to perform a task.
For AO, once you've assigned an officer to do a task,
they are too spent to do any more work; thus you must wait until the following month if
you have another task for them to accomplish. This adds to the challenge, because
sometimes you will not be able to complete all that you have to complete in one month,
but spread across a few months instead. Also, do not confuse "Task" with
"Assignment". A "Task" is like a quickie; it is a one-word job that you have them do.
Some examples are Searching for one month, Selling food, buying food, diplomatic
missions, hiring Visiting Officers, buying troops, etc. an "Assignment" is anything the
officer is assigned to do for more than one month. Some examples are Long-term
Searches, Hiding in an enemy city, etc.
Energy is another factor to be considered. The energy level determines how much an
officer can do before he/she needs rest. It starts at 100, then decreases depending on
what the officer is doing and how much of it he/she is doing. For example, if you buy
troops with a particular officer, that officer's Energy will go down by 30. Plus, since it is
a Task, he/she will not be available to do anything else until the following month. Pay
close attention to their energy level; if you're not careful, and your officers are too low in
energy, and you are attacked, the enemy can rout your army without even breaking a
sweat. It's also balance, because even though the energy goes down as you perform
Tasks, it also increases as the months pass. For each month, you receive 20 Energy
points back. So if you spent 30 buying troops, and then wait until the following month,
and get 20 back, you'll only be down to 90, instead of 70. Knowing this, you can be
better aware of the Energy levels and more carefully determine priority of Tasks.

The smaller window to the right contains vital information about your kingdom as a
whole. The upper left is your flag, and the month/year. To its right is the season, and
believe the flag is the name of your ruler. Below the ruler name, in this order, is your
Total Gold, Total Food, and Total Troops. These Totals are all-encompassing; they
apply to the sum of your stats for each city. Each individual city does not keep its own
stock of food and money; it is all kept at the capital city as a total. Each harvest and
each tax season, the money and food are accumulated at the capital. This is good,
because if an individual city is overtaken, you will not loose a good portion of your
supplies. The Total Troops shows you how many total soldiers you have across all of
your cities. This is good to be able to match yourself up against your adversaries.
Keep in mind, that the soldiers ARE in the individual cities; unlike the Food and Money,
they can be captured by the enemy.
To the right of the ruler name, is the name of your capital city. This may change
depending on whether or not you move capitals, which will be explained later. Below
this, in this order, are your Intelligence Level, Public Relations Level, and Draft
Potential. Intelligence Level will determine how much crucial information about your
enemies you are able to gather. Also, it is vital to protect your cities from surprise
attacks. This number has a max of 20, and goes up depending on how many Spies you
have assigned. You can assign a total of 3 spies, and they should be of high
intelligence, or your Intelligence Level may not hit the max of 20, which could allow a
surprise attack by a resourceful enemy. Your Public Relations Level, in laymen's terms,
is how popular you are in China. It has a max of 100, and the higher it is, the easier it
is. Also, it affects how the Emperor looks upon you for jobs and promotions. Draft
Potential tells you how many soldiers (multiply by 100 to get how many) you can draft,
based upon how many cities you have and the total population of all of them combined.

||||_THE MENU_||||

Now that you have a better understanding of the windows and its contents, let's explain
the menu.

This is where you set your people to work on your Farms, Commerce, and Public
Safety. Again, up to three officers can be assigned to each task, and the more you
assign, the faster the level increases.
This is where you do all of your military planning and setup. Subcategories are:

War: Lets you initiate a battle with an enemy. You'll pick the officers going to battle, the
number of soldiers for each, and the type of unit. Then you'll pick your target, and
attack. War takes 30 energy.

Aid: Let's you send help to a unit that has already been sent to battle. This gives your
kingdom a slight advantage in numbers. The kingdom you want to help must be directly
next to the kingdom you send help from.

Drft: Lets you draft soldiers for your team. You'll pick the person to do the draft (should
have high leadership) and then the type of unit you wish to buy. Takes 30 energy.

Raid: Raid the people of your town for food and money. This option should ONLY be
used if you are totally broke and have no other way of getting these resources. Once
you do it, your PR goes down, as well as your Public Safety, which goes down to near
zero. How much you get depends on the Power of the person doing the command.

Trap: Set up traps around your city. This helps if your enemy is a constant attacker;
you can set a number of traps to lower enemy numbers. Each trap costs money, so be

Lets you move Soldiers, Officers, or both to another city of yours. You can only move
Officers and Soldiers to an adjacent city, but you can move soldiers anywhere as long
as you have ties to the city.
Contains all of your diplomatic commands. Subcategories are:

Ally: Lets you ally with another kingdom. In an allegiance, you can ask their assistance
in battle, and in turn assist allies who are being attacked.

Jnt: Allows you to make a joint attack with an ally. If you are attacking another kingdom,
you can use this command to ask your ally to join you in the battle.

Gift: Send a gift to your ally to keep them in good spirits.

Warn: Threaten another ruler to surrender. If you succeed, they will become your
vassal, which means they serve you. If you Warn them after they are your vassal and
you succeed, they will then join your kingdom.

Jail: Lets you negotiate the release of one of your officers imprisioned by the enemy. If
successful, you'll get your officer back in exchange for one of their officers, or for

Annul: Breaks an alliance with another ruler.

This menu item contains everything you need with regards to your officers.
Subcategories are:

Find: Laymen's Terms, Search. This function allows you to send a member of your
party out to search for new talent. You can send them on a short-term search (1 month,
counts as a Task), or a Long-term search (up to 6 months, counts as Assignment).
They will scour the nearby area in search of talent. Randomly, they will come across a
variety of obstacles such as tigers, Yellow Turbans, bandits, and pirates. If the officer
manages to rout one of these, they will gain military experience. Every so often, one of
these obstacles will carry an item that you can take possession of.

Hire: Hire new talent into your party. Sometimes an officer will be walking through your
land (VO, Visiting Officer). You can then recruit them with this command.

Item: Give an item to one of your officers. This increases loyalty as well as statistics.
The statistics and items are found in the Weaponry section. You can also use this
option to take items from your officers as punishment or to exchange items.

Job: Assign a job to one of your officers. There are many different types of jobs:
Warleader, which is your primary advisor; Protector, which is the overseer of one of
your cities; Spies, which increase your Intelligence Level, etc. You can also use this
option to assign your officers Ranks. Note that you cannot do this until you have
received a Title from the Emperor. This option is also where you Fire officers no longer
needed or welcome.

These are your underhanded tactics, which are used to gain an advantage over a
normally doubtful situation. Subcategories are:

Turn: Lets you turn an enemy officer to your kingdom.

Rvlt: Persuade an enemy Protector to revolt against his ruler and become a new ruler
on his own.

Stir: Cause trouble with the population. If you succeed, the people will help you during
battle when you ask for it.

Rmr: Spread rumors amongst the people. If you succeed, the people's loyalty and
Public Safety will decrease. This allows for easier execution of the Stir and Turn

Plnt: Plant one of your officers in an enemy city. With one of your officers Planted, your
Plots' success rates will increase.

Any command that has to do with your kingdom that doesn't fall into a category.
Subcategories are:

Shop: Buy or Sell food. A merchant has to be present in your town; if you look next to
your Intelligence Level and see a man with a green shirt, that's the merchant.

Talk: Talk to your officers and get their opinions. Often, they will ask you to perform a
task. Doing this keeps them loyal and happy.

Title: Bestow a title upon one of the other rulers. You must control the Emperor to do
this option.

Aud: Request an audience with the Emperor. You must control the Emperor to do this

Move: Change your capital city.


There are a few ways to go about starting. Ultimately, you should do the same things
each time you first start (but not necessarily in this order, so long as it's in the first turn):

First, set your Civil duties. Assign at least two people to Farms, Commerce, and
Public Safety. If you don't' have the people to spare, assign at least two to Commerce
and Public Safety. Come back for Farms when your Public Safety is at least 70.
Next, set your Jobs. Make sure you have a Warleader and all three Spies set.
Watch your Intelligence Level; if it does not reach 20, reassign your Spies with smarter
people to get it as high as you can.
Go to HR:Find and select a person that's not assigned a Duty. Send all the
people who are not assigned Duties out on Long term-searches; send the rest on short-
term searches. Pay attention to the clue your Warleader gives you; he/she may tell you
whether or not the search will succeed.
Finish your turn by pressing your Cancel Button, then your Accept Button. Your
turn will pass. Repeat this fourth step until your Commerce is at a reasonable level and
your Public Safety is at 70, then exchange to Farms and Commerce and allow them to
be built up naturally.
By now, you should be feeling a need for more stuff, so if there's an open city
nearby, inhabit it by waging War against it, with one officer and a small regime of
soldiers. Make sure that you populate this with officers. You should have found a few
faces to join your cause; if not, keep searching until you do. You'll need the extra hands
to build up your cities.
Once you've gotten a city or two besides your capital, and you've passed tax season,
proceed to purchasing more troops. Empty your Draft Potential if you can. Whatever
you do, DON"T exhaust your food! You'll need food to go to war, and at least 3000 per
Be sure to Talk to your officers periodically (under the Misc menu). Not only will
their advice be useful to telling you what to do next, but it keeps them happy. If you go
too long and neglect them, they'll start to get discontent and not function properly.
Make sure that you do NOT send anyone on a long search that has a Duty (such
as Farms, Commerce, or Public Safety, etc). If you do, they'll be excused from the Duty
without you knowing it. Also, DO NOT assign a spy to a civil job, or they will lose their
spy position and your Intelligence Level will suffer.
This should be sufficient to get you started. Remember, always talk to your officers, for
they will lead you to victory every time if you treat them right. NEVER engage a battle if
you're not sure you can win it, and always keep a high number of soldiers in every city,
as well as officers. You never know when you'll be sneak attacked.


And now comes the fun stuff.
Below is a list of all of the Short and Full Scenarios, each person in each
scenario, and requirements (if any). Also listed are the free cities you can
occupy should you choose to use custom characters:

In Short Scenario, you are served with a particular ruler and a set of events
that must take place. Once you have accomplished the tasks put forth, you will
have completed the Scenario. These Short Scenarios are great for people just
learning the game who wish to get a feel for how the game flow goes first before
diving in headfirst.

Feb. 184: The Volunteer Army
6 months long. You start with Liu Bei.
- Capture Cheng Yuanzhi and execute him.
- Capture the cities of Ji and Nan-Pi.

This scenario signifies the first creation of the Yellow Turban Rebels, a
faction whose primary objective is to combat the Han Dynasty. Disgusted with
the way things are, they decide to band together in an attempt to bring some
order to the chaos in their own ways. Eventually, they become rebels and
thieves. It is also at this time that Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei band
together and decide to form the Peach Tree Oath, which bonds them as brothers.
When you first start, you'll notice you have one city surrounded by potential
enemies. Your first target, Cheng Yuanzhi, is in the castle directly south of
you. However, it may not be a good idea to attack just yet, since you are at
a strong disadvantage with your number of soldiers.
Some basic strategy to help you achieve victory:
- Use your money and food to purchase soldiers. You may not be able to buy
very many at first, but eventually you will get more and be able to amass a
very powerful army.
- Set your Civil duties for Farming. Reason being is, harvest season is the
next to come up, and tax season won't be around for another 11 months. With
this strategy, you'll ensure that you are able to have enough grain stocked
in case you are required to go to battle before you are ready. Remember, food
is also depleted when you purchase soldiers.
- DO NOT do any searches at first. Wait until you have at least 10 generals,
then send some of the lesser needed ones to search, if only to raise your PR.
- Keep an eye always on Cheng Yuanzhi. Don't let him vanish from your mind.
Always watch out to know where he is at all times; this will enable you to
better plot your strategy.
- When you first begin, you are already in one of the two kingdoms you need to
conquer in order to finish this scenario. This makes your job slightly easier,
because the faster you kill Cheng Yuanzhi, the faster you may finish the
scenario. If you notice, he is in the second city (Nan Pi) that you need to
subdue. So if you conquer that city, catch him in battle, and execute him, you
will finish immediately.

You can take a fast approach, purchase some soldiers, and then go to war if you
feel confident you can defeat your enemy quickly. Or, you can take your time
and make sure that you are well equipped to handle anything that may come about.
Keep in mind that Gongsun Zan is directly north, and Ding Yuan is directly south
of you.

Oct. 196: The War with Lu Bu
24 months long. You start with Cao Cao.
- Capture Lu Bu and execute him.
- Capture Xiao-Pei, Xia-Pi, Shou Chun and 9 other cities of your choice.

This scenario is a key point in the Three Kingdoms story. It signifies the
rise to power of Cao Cao and his attempts to subdue the major powers which
threaten to grow and overtake. With Yuan Shu holding the Hereditary Seal,
and Lu Bu holding one of the major castles, it creates an empass for the
Han Emperor to hold his power. Knowing this, and the nobility that Cao Cao
holds, he entrusts the task of unifying China to the Cao family.

- Your three targets are in direct access of your two cities, Qiao and Xu Chang.
This can be an advantage or a detriment, depending on your playing style. If
you are the type of person who welcomes allies, you could use one's army to help
defeat the other and then betray the other, or you could just go postal on both.
The decision is up to you, so long as you defeat both in 24 months. With the
help of the Emperor, this should not be too much of a problem.
- Now, it is VERY important that you keep your PR at a reasonable level. If it
drops too low, the Emperor will start to question his reasons for remaining
under your control and may very well leave to your enemy! You cannot allow that
to happen; for it will make your enemy that much stronger.
- You have a reasonable amount of soldiers and supplies, but Lu Bu has Liu Bei,
Guan Yu and Zhang Fei at his disposal; these three are dangerous on the battle
grounds when placed together. You have strong generals, such as Xiahou Dun,
but do not underestimate any of them, especially Lu Bu himself.

Jan. 197: Unification of He-Bei
36 months long. You start with Yuan Shao.
- Capture Gongsun Zan and execute him.
- Gain control of Xiang Ping, Bei Ping, Ji, Nan Pi, Ye, Ping Yuan, Bei Hai, and
Jin Yang.
- Obtain an Title greater than that of Minister of Exterior.

Yuan Shao is solid in Nan Pi and wants to expand. However, he has the all-too-
powerful Cao Cao at his southern border and Gongsun Zan, with whom he has ill
relations, at his northern border. He has a strong desire to be the strongest
power; however, he has no time for indecisiveness. He must act quickly.

- You're given a freebie in this one. Bei Hai is uninhabited, so you can move
in and inhabit it at any time you wish. Beware that you take a sufficient
number of soldier with you, however; Lu Bu is directly to the south.
- You are not started with many soldiers, but your Draft Potential will allow
you to amass an army of great power. Be careful how you use it in battle. Do
not waste soldiers by sending them on sacrifice missions. If you go to battle,
do so in confidence that you will succeed.
- You are required to vanquish Gongsun Zan's entire realm and overtake all of
his cities. This is an average task, however you must also watch out for Wuwan,
the tribe who is directly to the north of Gongsun Zan. They will attack without
a cause, and if they do, they may do severe damage to your army. On the other
hand, if you are able to defeat Wuwan in battle, you are then entitled to use
their unit type (Armored Horsemen), which are the strongest in the game, and you
can use them to defeat your enemies much easier. Keep in mind that this unit
type is also the most expensive.
- Yan Liang, Zhang He, and Wen Chou are three of China's most powerful generals.
Be sure to use their talents as they should be used; on the front line whenever
possible. Tian Feng is your most skillful advisor; only use him in battle when
you have no other.

Mar. 197: Emperor Yuan Shu
48 months long. You start with Yuan Shu.
- Build an imperial city and gain control of 4 cities.

Yuan Shu, who holds control of the Hereditary Seal retrieved from Sun Ce, has
decided to take the title of Emperor for himself. In order to show his
eligibility for this title, he must show that he is capable as an Emperor, just
like the Han Emperor. Building an Imperial city and expanding his territory is
one way to show the people that he is the one to undertake such a role. Despite
some of his officers questioning his judgement, he decides to take a stand.
If played right, this might actually be one of the easiest scenarios of all.
The only requirement is that you build an Imperial City, which takes short of
6 months, and gain and maintain control of 4 cities, including your own 2. You
are surrounded by Sun Ce to the south, who is easy to become an ally; Zhang Xiu,
who is only one kingdom and easy to defeat; Liu Bei to the north, who only has
one castle; Cao Cao to the Northwest, who is probably one of the more powerful,
and Lu Bu to the Northeast, who has very few soldiers.
- a recommended course of action would be to ally with Sun Ce off the bat, to
ensure that you will have backup anytime anyone attacks you. This is of course
your discretion, but it may help keep you alive as you take over others.
- You may want to consider taking out Zhang Xiu and Liu Bei first, in that
order. That will increase your strength dramatically, and once you have
defeated those two, you will have fulfilled your requirements for 4 cities!
All you'd have to do then is maintain your cities, which, with the help of Sun
Ce, should not be too much of a problem.
- In order to build an Imperial city, you must "talk" to your officers, using
the Talk command under "Misc" menu. One of your advisors will make the
suggestion. You can start your war campaigns while they are building.

Sept. 208: The Battle of Chi-Bi
12 months long. You start with Sun Quan.
- Gain control of Jiang Ling.
- Capture Cao Cao and execute him.

Cao Cao, in his plans of expansion, has dominated Liu Bei and sent him fleeing
southward to his brother's land. Lu Bu has been executed, and due to the lack
of strong warlords, smaller rulers are popping up left and right in the southern
cities. Upon hearing of Cao Cao's recent actions, Sun Quan decides to take
action first and catch Cao Cao off guard.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take over Cao Cao's capital
city of Jiang Ling. If you're lucky, you may also catch him and execute him.
You only have a year to do this, which means you'll have to be swift and
- Your capital, Chai Sang, is just south of Jiang Ling, which gives you somewhat
of a tactical advantage -AND- disadvantage. In a way it's good, because you can
mount an assault almost instantly. Your Draft Potential allows you to amass a
great army and rise up instantly against Cao Cao; however, since he has so many
other cities backing him up in the north, it's a very good possibility that he
may send reinforcements. To countermand this, send some officers of high rank
and power/leadership into battle, with a strong army. If at all possible, get
some allies to assist you in your war efforts. If you're skillful at not only
outpowering, but outmaneuvering your enemy, you may be victorious in a short
- If you choose to take your time and build up your cities and arsenal before
attacking, make sure to strengthen defense along your fronts. If at all
possible, move your ruler to a safer city, and move your stronger officers to
the front line. If things get too hairy, or you need strong offense, use your
ruler, but only if he's got some good strong officers to help him in a tight
- Use the neigboring rulers to your advantage. Since they do not necessarily
have to be your enemy, you might as well use their power in conjunction with
your own to defeat Cao Cao. It will be a much easier mission if you do this.
- First and foremost, you should strive to prevent Cao Cao from moving himself
to the back of his sphere of influence. If he moves back into his safer lines,
it'll take you too long to break through and you will lose. Try assaulting him
as soon as possible to prevent this, but be careful at the same time.

Apr: 211: Ma Chao's Revenge
12 months long. You start with Ma Chao.
- Capture Cao Cao and execute him.
- Gain control of Chang An, Luo Yang, and Xu Chang.

Ma Teng has received orders to attack Sun Quan from the Emperor by way of Cao
Cao. But as his army mobilizes, it is learned it is a trap to catch Ma Teng.
Cao Cao reminds Ma Teng of his at-one-time allegiance to Dong Cheng (son of Dong
Zhuo) and kills him in vengance. Ma Dai, Ma Teng's youngest son, escapes back
to Xi Liang to tell Ma Chao, who is ruling in his father's absence. Upon
hearing of the atrocity, Ma Chao swears upon his father that he will avenge the

This scenario may be a bit complicated, simply because of the fact that you have
a tribe to your immediate left -AND- right. The tribes have a strong tendency
to attack, sometimes without merit. This can cause you to be at a disadvantage.
Another tricky thing to look out for are your target cities. There's about 400
in Xu Chang (Cao Cao's capital city) and about 500 in Luo Yang. Not to mention,
the high amount of officers he has in each -AND- the high number of officers he
has in the surrounding cities. This is an almost guaranteed sign of assistance
in any attack you may mount against him.
- One major downside to this scenario is your lack of powerful generals. You
really only have three at your disposal, and they're already on the front line.
You don't really have anyone of good intelligence, and it's hard to mount a good
offense with just three officers. Because of this, you may want to use some
of your other people to attack Zhang Lu and take him out first. This will give
you more officers.
- If you feel as though you're still at a tactical advantage, another good idea
might be to take out Xiong Nu in the north, thus giving you access to Armored
Horsement, the strongest unit in the game. This will greatly balance the battle
in your favor.
- A recommendation is that you move Han Sui and the other officers out of Tian
Shui and replace them in the north, in varying cities. This will help prevent
a total assault from Qiang Tribe, and keep your officers where they can be at
your disposal when you need them.

Mar: 227: The Officer's List
36 months long. You start with Zhuge Liang.
- Gain control of Chang An, Han Zhong, Cheng Du and 9 other cities.
- Capture Cao Rui and execute him.

Following the death of Liu Bei and the ascension of Liu Chan, Zhuge Liang heads
south to deal with relations with Wu. Meng Huo still opposes the Shu-
Han and threatens attack. Zhuge Liang captures and releases him to teach him
a lesson of a new era; Meng Huo finally gives in. After pacifying the south,
he returns to Cheng Du to plot strategy to defeat Wei and bring peace to the
land and the rise of the Shu-Han Dynasty.
This one is a challenge. In order to succeed, you must not only take over 10
total cities (you own Cheng Du and Han Zhong), but you must also catch and kill
Cao Rui. He's sitting in Luo Yang.
- One strategy might be to ignore the brunt of Cao Rui's army entirely and
attack Chang An first. This will cut off his other two cities (An Ding and
Tian Shui) and make them easy pickings. This might help increase your army
strength. That gives you 3 of the remaining 10 cities. Then if you take over
Xi Liang, which is vacant, and defeat both Qiang and Xiong Nu Tribes, that gives
you a total of 6. There's another vacant city (Jin Yang) directly north past
Xiong Nu; that makes 7. Then going south and defeating Nanman Tribe makes 8.
That will give you control over the entire western front, and you should have
not only enough manpower, but also enough money/food to make the attack effort.
Then it's a simple matter of cutting straight through Cao Rui's forces to get
to him. Hopefully he'll still be in Luo Yang, or at least a city near the front.
Sun Quan may attack from the south; if so, he may mobilize himself and the main
chunk of his forces to the south. Take this as a benefit.
- In this battle, watch for ways you can cut off some cities from others for
easy victories. For example, defeating Chang An cuts off An Ding and Tian Shui;
they cannot receive food from their other lines, so they are basically helpless
against attack. This makes for easy battles, and easy battles make quick battle.
- You could also take the direct approach, ignoring the tribes totally and
centering solely on Cao Rui's army. Of course, it's still a good idea to take
Chang An and then attack An Ding and Tian Shui; if for nothing else than the
requirement of cities.
- Use Sun Quan's help whenever possible. For some of the southern cities, they
can provide assistance wherever needed. This might be the deciding factor in
a battle.

In the Full Scenario, the sky's the limit. There is no goal to be attained save
the domination of China. You can create custom characters to serve here in
one of the Free Cities, and grow and expand as you please. It provides a bit
more challenge for the player here, as there are no boundaries.

Feb. 184: The Yellow Turbans
Zhang Jiao, He Jin, Sun Jian, Ding Yuan, Liu Yan, Dong Zhuo, Han Sui, Gongsun Zan,
Kong Zhou, Tao Qian, Qiao Mao

Free Cities: 25

Dec. 189: Dong Zhuo's Ambition
Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Jian, Ma Teng, Liu Yan, Dong Zhuo, Liu Biao, Yuan Shao, Yuan
Shu, Liu Yu, Han Sui, Gongsun Zan, Kong Rong, Tao Qian, Han Fu, Qiao Mao, Kong
Zhou, Wang Kuang

Free Cities: 22

Oct. 194: The Warring Lords
Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Ce, Ma Teng, Liu Zhang, Zhang Lu, Liu Biao, Yuan Shao, Yuan
Shu, Wang Lang, Liu Yong, Gongsun Zan, Kong Rong, Xu Gong, Li Jue, Yang Feng, Lu
Bu, Shi Xie

Free Cities: 15

Feb. 200: The Fight for He Bei
Cao Cao, Zhang Fei, Sun Ce, Ma Teng, Liu Zhang, Zhang Lu, Liu Biao, Yuan Shao, Shi
Xie, Gongsun Du

Free Cities: 10

Mar. 207: The Dragon and the Phoenix
Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Ma Teng, Liu Zhang, Zhang Lu, Liu Biao, Shi Xie, Han
Xuan, Jin Xuan, Zhao Fan, Liu Du, Gongsun Kang

Free Cities: 8

Jul: 219: Liu Bei, King of Han Zhong
Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan

Free Cities: 7

Sep. 234: A Fallen Star: End of an Era
Cao Rui, Liu Chan, Sun Quan

Free Cities: 3


If you like, you can create up to 30 characters strictly from your imagination. There are
also a variety of faces you can put to your newly created characters to add to the feel of
First, you'll need to select a family name. In this time, The family name (last name)
went first. It looks more cool to have the last name be the same across all of your
characters, but this is optional. Pick a name for each person, last name then first name,
and hit OK.

Now, you'll be asked to select a Face for your character. If you wish it to be a female,
be sure to select the Female Faces option. Then, select the gender for the character,
and continue.
Next, you'll be asked to select their Dream. The Dreams are outlined in the instruction
manual, and they are described on screen as well, so I won't go into detail. Select the
Dream that best suits the new character and hit OK.
Next select the year in which this character was born. One major thing to watch out for
in RTTKVI is that you'll need to change the year depending on what scenario you play.
For example, if you're playing in 221, and you make them born in 200, you know they'll
be 21 right? But if you've already got 11 people over 18 starting with you, that person
will not be included in your team; that means they'll be a Free Officer somewhere else,
and someone can recruit them. Not good at all. SO be careful with the starting year.
Make sure you balance this so that your people all fit into your group. Keep in mind that
there must be at least a 16 year difference between parent and child, if you plan to
create family ties. So if this person will be a parent, their kids must be at least 16 years
younger than them; if they plan to be a child, they must be 16 years younger than the
If there are to be a parent for this officer or child(ren), set them now. Remember the
age difference and go back to change the age if you're not comfortable with who it gives
you as choices.
Next, set the Abilities. These abilities will reflect on the performance of this officer, so
decide beforehand what his/primary duties will be. First, select a general type. Officer
gives balanced stats, General gives higher Leadership, Warrior gives higher War,
Strategist gives higher intelligence, Minister gives higher Politics, and Retainer gives
higher Charm. When you select the type, it will give you a list of ability stats as a base.
You can change these to a better set by going to the button that says "Revalue Max"
and clicking it. When you have a base set you are satisfied with, go down to each stat.
Notice the "Remaining" and the number next to it; this is the number of points you can
assign to each statistic. Using your [X] button to add and [O] to subtract, allocate your
points to the statistics as desired. When you are finished, hit OK. It will ask you if this is
sufficient, then say yes if everything looks ok. Congratulations! You have successfully
created your first officer. Repeat as many times as needed to create your officers.
When you're done, hit your Cancel Button to go back. Pay close attention to the notes;
they tell you that you MUST start a Full Scenario game and save it, using the newly
created characters, or they will cease to exist.

||||_TROOP TYPES_||||

This section is an in-depth look at each troop type. It also explains the pros and cons (as
the editor sees them) and price differences. Feel free to strike your own assumptions about
each. All of these are strictly from my experience and my friends.
Let me first explain the pricing. It will look like this:

**Gold and **Food per cent (for each 100 troops)

This shows that you have to pay ** gold AND ** food for 100 of that troop type. Remember, in
RTTK VI, what you see on screen (as far as numbers) have to be multiplied by 100 in your mind
to get the actual number. So if you see your troops say 80, you actually have 8000 troops.
Make sense?
If not, you can always email me and I'll try to explain it. But anyway, that's the deal, so if
you tell it you want to buy 80, you're actually buying 8000. SO if it's 20 gold an 20 food
apiece for a type, and you buy 80, that's 80 times 20, or 1600. So you'd pay a total of 1600
gold, AND 1600 Food.
The "for each 100 troops" in parenthesees is not referring to the number you see on screen, but
the actual number of troops you're buying. So if you tell it to buy 1, that's 100. If you tell
it to buy 10, that's 1000. If you tell it to buy 100, that's 10000. Hopefully that makes sense.
Again, if any of this is too confusing, please don't hesitate to email me.

__Footsoldiers (FOOT): 10Gold and 10Food per cent (for each 100 troops)__

Footsoldiers are the most inexpensive and, unavoidably, the weakest of the units. Their upside
is the fact that they are the most versatile of all of the units. They do not have penalties
in any of the battle field types. These units are good to buy in the beginning of the game.
They do not perform very well against tribal types except in very large numbers.

__Horsemen (HORSE): 30Gold and 30Food per cent (for each 100 troops)__

Horsemen are slightly more expensive than Footsoldiers, but for the extra money they're a little
stronger. Their biggest upside is their extended range of travel, but their big downside is
their difficulty in hills and mountaneous regions. Because of this, they hold a distinct
disadvantage against Hillmen. They also cannot shoot Arrows.

__Hillmen (HILLMEN): 20Gold and 20Food per cent (for each 100 troops)__

As the name implies, Hillmen excel in battles where there are hilled areas and mountaneous
regions. They're actually strong units, but they do not fare well on open fields. The price
is right for these units if you're in any of the surrounding areas of tribes. They are at a
distinct disadvantage against Navy.

__Navymen (NAVY): 20Gold and 20Food per cent (for each 100 troops)__

Again, as the name implies, Navymen work best in areas where there are bodies of water. Even
though all units *CAN* fight on the water, none do it better than Navy. They fare good on water
as well as open plains, but they have a tough time handling castle battles. They are at a
distinct disadvantage against Armored Horsemen.

__Tribesmen (TRIBAL): 20Gold and 20Food per cent (for each 100 troops)__

Tribal units are almost the same as Footsoldiers, only stronger and faster. They are wild
fighters, and because of this, they have higher Spirit ratings. They fare well on all
and are reasonably inexpensive, but when slated up against ShanYue, they seem to falter.

__Armored Horsemen (ARMORED HORSE): 50Gold and 50Food per cent (for each 100 troops)__

The most expensive of the troops types and arguably the strongest. They do not have a troop
type weakness, but they do hold the same disadvantages as the regular Horsemen: They cannot
shoot arrows, and they have a really tough time handling hills and mountains.

__ShanYue (SHANYUE): 40Gold and 40Food per cent (for each 100 troops)__

ShanYue are probably the most balanced of all the types. For their price, they perform very
well in almost any battle. The only troop type that can match them in battle is Armored Horsemen,
but because of their adaptation to hills and mountains, they can quickly take advantage of the
situation. Their only shortcoming is that they can only be purchased at one place: The ShanYue
Barbarian Capital. Not an easy place to overtake.

||||_ITEM LIST_||||


Item Name Effect Location/Owner
---------- ------- -------------------
Flying Swords Obtain Duel Tactic "Secret" Search; Zhu Rong (207 AD)
Whispering Blade Obtain Duel Tactic "Secret" Search; Dian Wei (207 AD)
Shooting Star Obtain Duel Tactic "Secret" Search; Wang Shuang (207 AD)
Striking Hand Obtain Duel Tactic "Secret" Tai Shi Ci (Scenario 1-2)
Cobra War + 8 Zhang Fei
Black Dragon War + 8 Guan Yu
Serpent Spear War + 7 Cheng Pu
Spear of Evil War + 6 Ji Ling
Sword of Seven Stars War + 3 Dong Zhuo (Scenario 1-2)
Striking Staff War + 4 Huang Gai
Ancestral Sword War + 6 Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Quan
Sword of Fate War + 7 Liu Bei, Liu Feng, Liu Chan
Lunar Spear War + 9 Lu Bu
Giant Axe War + 5 Xu Huang
Bee's Spike Obtain Duel Tactic "Secret" Search
Spear of the Eclipse War + 5 Search (207 AD?)
Sword of Trust War + 10 Search
Luminous Sword War + 9 Search
Spear of Mortal Thorns War + 4 Search; Shamoke (214 AD)


Item Name/ Effect Location/Owner
------------------------ --------- ----------------------
Scrolls of Taigong Wang Intelligence + 7 Search
Map of Western Shu Leadership + 5 Search; Zhang Song (207 AD)
Map of Southern Regions Leadership + 5 Search; Lu Kai (207 AD)
Autumn and Spring Annuls Politics + 8 Search
War Manual of Sun Tzu Intelligence + 10 Sun Jian
Book of Illusions Politics + 9 Zuo Ci (visitor, gives as gift)
Histories of Empire Politics + 5 Search
Way of Peace Politics + 7 Search; Zhang Jiao (207 AD)
Secret Books of Healing Speeds in Healing Yu Ji (visitor, gives as gift)
Medical Book of Hua Tuo Speeds in Healing Hua Tuo (visitor, gives as gift)
24 Books of Zhuge Liang Intelligence + 9 Search (from Yellow Turbans)


Item Name/Description Effect Location/Owner
---------------------------- ------- -------------------
Stallion of Fierce Winds Fast; aids retreat Search
Shadow Runner Very Fast;aids retreat Cao Cao
Gray Lightning Faster; aids retreat Search
Red Hare Fastest; aids retreat Lu Bu

||||_KEY NOTES_||||

Please note that due to the nature of this game, intensive help guides are difficult. It is
because of this difficulty that I attempted to write this guide. Please do not steal it
without express written permission, and please do not bash it. This guide took me all of
4 hours to write, and I do mean continuously. The only real reason I was able to write
and write without a break was I happened to be reading the GameFAQs posting while I
was playing and noticed that the board seemed emptier than it was. This disappointed
me; right along with the fact that STILL nobody wrote a FAQ for this great game. This I
do not do for the fame, but for the knowledge that I might be helping someone else.
Enjoy, and please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments. I enjoy
reading them. And I'll be able to help with just about anything.
This guide is a culmination of both my experience and the data I had accumulated on
my RTTKVI site I created. If you want to take a look at it, go to It's recently been revamped for a new look and easier


Always keep your people's Loyalty as high as possible. This can be done any number of

-"Talk" command under Misc; inviting low-loyalty officers to important conferences;
-Giving that officer an item; preferrably an item with high statistics;
-Sending that officer to do jobs that compliment his/her dream (i.e. having a Safety
officer protect a kingdom);
-Sending that officer to battle more often, into duels, strategies, etc;
-Having an officer build a land.

There are more ways to build up Loyalty; experiement and see what you can find.

If people send messengers through your lands, only stop the messenger if the person
sending is NOT your ally. You'll want to make sure you stop them because they might
be trying to 'Turn' one of your officers. If you let your allies' messengers go through, this
shows trust and raises your Prestige.

Make sure you draft plenty of troops. If you're unable to do so because of lack of
money, build up Commerce until you are so able, then wait until January to collect your
bounty. If you are seriously in debt and unable to build up your city and you really need
supplies, Raid (under War) your town. Keep in mind this will drop your Public Safety by
about 40-60 and your Prestige from 20-35.

Keep a low profile. If you do too much violent stuff, your people will turn on you. This
means killing people needlessly, without even giving them a chance to repent; killing
rulers; and burning cities.

Duels not only raise Loyalty, but also confidence. If your officer goes into a number of
duels, it's like sex: they're nervous the first couple of times, but then they get the hang of
it and they become pros.

Try to keep tabs on your officers' statistics, if you're using custom characters. This will
allow you to better plan your battles.

Make distinct use of the Taunt and Fake commands. With these, if used correctly, a
lone warrior can pull a Lu Bu (i.e. use 5,000 soldiers to defeat 100,000). If you Taunt an
officer, they get pissed off. What this means is:
-They're more vulnerable to accepting duels without permission;
-They will charge whoever does the Taunt, meaning if they're inside the gate and you're
trying to get in, they will open it for you;
-They're lured away from camps, so if they're sitting on a camp and you Taunt them,
they will move off of it towards you;
-Their morale drops slightly.

Keep in mind, the reverse can be used on you!

Fake can also save your officers, if you have strong people in battle. This is good if
you're running low on soldiers or Morale and want a way to at least get away.
-First, use the "Fake" command on the officer that seems the most stupid.
-Have the same general that did the Fake command also do a Chase:Duel on that
-Through this method, the chances of the officer accepting the duel
because 'there's no help for it' are increased to about 90%.
-When they accept the duel, demolish them.
No matter how many troops they have, as long as you win the duel, their troops are
gone! Also, their morale drops about 10-20. This tactic can be VERY useful if used

No matter what, DON'T Raid unless you're really impoverished, no matter what your
officers might suggest. In fact, if they do suggest you do that, Fire them. They can be

Pay attention to your Spies. If they say that you should ask for help from someone do it.
If they say that you're about to slobberknock the enemy, don't bother gathering

ALWAYS keep at least one general in each land. If not, you don't collect the taxes for
that land even if you own it.

Going to war without food is suicide. Make sure you keep at least 3,000 stones of food
at all times.

Your WarLeader plays the role of your main Advisor/Civil Officer. She/he will give you
good advice on which tasks and orders will succeed and which will fail. Pay very close
attention to this.

Expand your territory only when you have a good defensive front and a higher-than-
average PR. PR usually starts around 50; it's a good idea to get it up to at least 80
before attempting to expand.

PR can be raised a few different ways:
-Sending strong officers out to Find (under HR). Randomly from time-to-time, they will
run across bandits, pirates, Yellow Turbans, and tigers. If the officer succeeds in routing
the enemy, you will gain 3 PR. If they fail, you gain no PR, but the officer still gains
Military Experience.
-Successful alliance offers made by you, or any other positive diplomatic transaction
that you initiate and succed with.
-Rebuilding burnt cities, or building up Commerce, Farms, and Public Safety of low-level
Letting the messages of your allies pass through your lands without reading them. Keep
in mind; there's READ and there's KEEP. READ means you take the letter and read it,
then you have the option to KEEP the message or let it pass.
-Overtaking the tribes, then keeping them happy. You can do this by not drafting to
extremes. Every year when they pay you, you might get a little PR increase.

Try many different playing styles. You never know which one you may run across that
may work perfectly for you.


In the field battle, you can have your strongest unit sit on your food and
protect it, with someone else right beside them (they'll shoot arrows at
anyone who attacks the food guardian. Arrows kill soldiers faster than
swords). Send the rest of your units to Chase:Charge the enemy commander,
who most likely is sitting on the enemy camp. Ignore the rest of the units
that may be there. Here's the trick. Have one unit spaced back from the
commander, so that the units that are attacking the commander are directly
in between that unit and the commander. If you're confused, let me know.
Just move him/her back one space. This gives him a distinct advantage,
because he'll be able to constantly shoot arrows at the commander, provided
nobody else is attacking him. The arrows will drop his numbers quickly.

Once you've passed the field battle, hopefully you have enough troops for
the castle portion. One strategy that seems to work well is to attack
multiple gates at once. This serves a dual purpose.
1 - it lowers enemy morale by about 30 each gate you destroy. He should
start the castle battle with about 75-80, so this will really help matters.
Defeating one enemy after this will most likely cause his morale to go to 0,
thus causing them to be forced to run.
2 - it scatters the enemy troops to guard the gates. This makes them weaker
to counter your assaults when you break in. In some cases, they won't even
send troops but to one gate, which if you break an adjacent gate, you can
thus assault the Command Center and win by easy victory.

Let me backtrack a bit.
In preparing to go to battle, there are some things you can do to make the
battle go smoother.
1 - Plant an officer in the enemy's city. This will make almost every plot
you do successful 90% of the time. This is vital; I'll come back to why in
a moment.
2 - Stir the people. This is actually the most helpful plot, because if you
succeed, all you need do is defeat your enemy in the field battle, and then
you can use the Incite command (under your commander's Advisor menu) to
incite the people to start a revolt. This will DRASTICALLY drop the
strength of all gates, especially the one you're facing. Sometimes they'll
destroy it altogether. It also drops morale by about 50.
3 - Taunt the enemy officers. If you succeed, they will come out of the
gate and attack you. On the next turn, they will head back into the gate -
you can pursue and attack them, thus opening the gate without effort. Once
inside, either destroy all troops or head directly to the Command Center.
4 - If a ruler uses your Planted officer in the battle, you can Turn that officer,
which will turn them back to your crew along with the enemy soldiers. This is even
better if executed in a castle battle where your officer is already inside and can open
the gate from the inside.

Using the Plant command, you should be able to spread Rumors easily, which
in turn will allow you to Stir the people. It may take a while; be patient.
But the spoils are worth it.

Now, another tidbit of information you may find useful.
If you have strong officers, or if the enemy just has weak officers, you may
want to make things go quicker by simply Dueling them off the battle field.
This drops morale by about 20, and also drops soldier numbers, which enables
you to more easily win. But the enemy rarely accepts duels, right? Wrong.
You can force a duel.

If you use your commander's Fake command (hopefully you brought an Advisor
into battle), you can confuse your enemy. If it's a guaranteed confusion,
simply issue a Duel command from one of your stronger generals. The
confusion raises the success rate of accepting the duel to about 7 of 10.
Then just defeat your enemy.

In closing, the most important thing you should realize about RTTKVI is the
fact that in castle battles, no matter if you're defending or attacking,
you'll always be at a disadvantage. This is all too common. But stick
with it. Eventually, you'll triumph. Key to the game is patience.


This FAQ is a creation of Marcus Dion, representing Digital Legacy, Inc. All content
found within is strictly the creation of the aforementioned, and may not be duplicated,
copied or photocopied without express written consent of Digital Legacy, Inc.
In addition, any attempt to use any portion of this document must be approved by Digital
Legacy, Inc. before using.
Plagarism of any kind is a violation of the law. Any attempt to do so will be prosecuted
to the fullest extent of the law.

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