Evil Dead: Hail to the King

Evil Dead: Hail to the King

14.10.2013 16:30:09
"But as for myself, I have seen the dark shadows moving in the woods and
I have no doubt that whatever I have resurrected through this book is
sure to come calling for me..."
--Professor Raymond Knowby's last words, "The Evil Dead"

for the Sony Playstation
by J. Moore

Unpublished work Copyright 2000 Jeff Moore

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be
reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be
altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice
appears in full. This FAQ may not to be used for profitable/promotional
purposes in way without prior permission from the author. This FAQ was
created and is owned by Jeff Moore . All copyrights and
trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this

Evil Dead, Evil Dead: Hail to the King and all related characters are
(c) Renaissance Pictures and (c) THQ Inc. All rights reserved.


1. The Evil Dead Storyline
2. How to Play
2.1 Controls
2.2 Screens
2.3 Fighting Enemies
2.4 Saving the Game
2.5 Using the Converter
3. Weapon List
3.1 Level 1 Guns
3.2 Level 2 Guns
3.3 Chainsaws
4. Item List
4.1 Health Items
4.2 Conversion Items
4.3 Ammunition
4.4 Puzzle/Event Items
5. Monsters
5.1 Disc 1 Monsters
5.2 Disc 2 Monsters
6. Disc 1 Walkthrough
7. Disc 2 Walkthrough
8. File Descriptions
9. Hints and Tricks
10. Frequently Asked Questions
11. Updates
12. Special Thanks and Contact Info


This game is a continuation of the Evil Dead movies, so it definitely
helps to know the trilogy's story. Since the game's introduction rushes
through that part, here's a more involved description:

It all began when Professor Raymond Knowby and his wife Henrietta rented
a small cabin in the woods where he could rest and concentrate on
translating the Book of the Dead, an ancient demonic text he'd excavated
in the ruins of Kandar earlier that year. He recorded aloud the
phonetic translations of the demon-resurrection passages, spells
designed to awaken an evil presence that slumbers in the forests and
dark bowers of man's domain, and in doing so unwittingly unleashed an
evil force that possessed his wife and tried to kill him. He survived
the attack, but mysteriously died later that week; whatever evil was
revived by his translations returned to its slumber.

A week later five college kids, including S-Mart employee of the month
Ash, rent the cabin for a weekend of partying, or hunting, or whatever.
They find the book, an ancient bone-dagger that was unearthed with the
book, and the tape-player of the professor's translations. They play
the tape that night and the evil force awakens again, possessing each of
them one by one and changing them into undead cackling monsters. The
only way to stop a possessed victim is to totally dismember them, and
since there's a chainsaw and sawed-off shotgun handy...

"Why do you bastards keep torturing me like this...why?!"

Ash is the only one to survive the night and he tries to escape the next
morning, only to find the bridge leading back to civilization has been
totally destroyed. The sun sets and he retreats back to the cabin,
where his mirror image briefly comes to life to taunt him. Eventually
his right hand is infected with the evil--it keeps trying to kill him
and he finally has to cut it off with a chainsaw.

"Who's laughing now, huh? Who's laughing now?!? Aaaaaaggggghhhhh..."

Soon Annie Knowby, the professor's daughter, shows up along with a few
others, expecting to meet her parents. They band together that night
against the evil and, in the course of the battle, Ash goes to the
workshed, using metal-braces and leather straps to connect the chainsaw
to his right arm.


After an encounter with the ghost of Raymond Knowby, Annie uses the Book
of the Dead to open a vortex and banish the evil...but is stabbed in the
back with the ancient dagger by Ash's demonic severed hand. She
finishes the spell with her dying breath and the vortex opens, sucking
the evil, Ash (chainsaw-arm, shotgun and all) and his Delta '88 into the

He lands in fourteenth-century England, where King Arthur is under siege
by the monsters that he and his wise-men call "deadites." They suspect
Ash of being a rival king's soldier and take him prisoner. They try to
toss him into a pit of deadites, but he fights his way out and sets
things straight.

"Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up! This...is

Now convinced that Ash is the "Hero from the Sky" prophecied by the Book
of the Dead to save them from the deadites, Arthur and the wise-man send
Ash into a haunted graveyard to retrieve the book so they can destroy
the evil once and for all. He doesn't remember the spell that would
have allowed him to safely remove the book from its altar and so
accidentally awakens an army of skeletal deadites.

"Did you say the words?"
"Yeah, basically."
"Did you say the EXACT words?"
"Look, maybe I didn't say every single tiny little syllable, no, but
basically I said them!"

Ash leads the knights into battle with the army of the dead, using
gunpowder-tipped arrows and the souped-up Oldsmobile to fight against
them. They win the battle and the wise-men use the book to send him
back home, where he returns to his job as S-Mart housewares clerk and
meets a new girl, Jenny, assistent manager of Arts and Crafts and S-
Mart's employee of the year.

"Hail to the king, baby!"

Eight years have passed and Ash is beginning to have nightmares and
hallucinations of the deadites and the evil in the woods. Jenny
convinces him to go back to the old cabin in the woods, to face down his
fears and prove to himself that nothing's there.

This may be Ash's worst decision yet: his possessed hand emerges from
the shadows, switches on the old tape-player, and awakens the evil.
Jenny is kidnapped, Ash's dark half breaks out of the mirror and now Ash
has to find the missing pages to dispel the evil. The good news is that
there's an axe hanging on the wall and the old chainsaw's waiting out in
the workshed...

"Come get some."

This FAQ has spoilers, so read at your own risk.


2.1 Basic Controls

Directional Pad

Up - Moves Ash forward in the direction he's facing.
Left/Right - Turns Ash left and right.
Back - Ash takes a single hop backwards. Hold to make Ash walk

Analog controls are the same as digital.

L1 - Hold down while pushing left or right to hop left or right.
L2 - Turns off the chainsaw.
R1 - Hold down the button to make Ash run. You'll be using this one a
R2 - Starts the chainsaw. Pushing R2 while the chainsaw is on revs it

O Button - Open doors, search the area, pick up items, look at an object
and occasionally talk to people. When the chainsaw's turned on, pushing
this will turn it off...the same as L2.

X Button - Swing the chaninsaw. You can do this even when the
chainsaw's turned off, although it does much less damage...about the
same damage as the axe. This is the confirm button in the menus...it
uses selected items.

Square Button - Uses the left-handed weapon, which is selectable.

Triangle Button - Ash says a one-liner. You can use this while running
around to make Ash ramble insanely as he roams the woods--be warned,
though, sometimes a deadite will erupt from the ground in response to
his taunts. This is mainly used during battles--see "fighting enemies"
for more details.

Start Button - Pauses the game and open the game-options screen for such
things as closing credits and sound settings, vibration
function...nothing related to actual gameplay.

Select Button - Pauses the game and opens the inventory screen.

2.2 Inventory Screen

Weapons are displayed in the top row, selectable items in the right
column. Select an item using the control pad and push X to use it.
Some items have to be combined with another item; when you push X the
selected item will change color and you'll have to select the item you
want to combine it with.

The left column holds five options. TEXT goes to the file screen, where
you can read letters and journals found so far by selecting them and
opening them with the X button. MAP shows a crude map of the cabin and
the surrounding woods--this feature also works on the second disc,
showing the city of Damascus and the major buildings. CHEST will rarely
be used, since you automatically go to this screen when you open a chest
and you can't use it otherwise. SAVE is used to save the game on a
memory card--you can only select this at an inventory chest when you
have a save tape.

2.3 Fighting Enemies

Although enemies constantly respawn, they're not random--it's usually a
good idea to scout out an area and take note of where the enemies are,
then reload the game and get the chainsaw ready before you run into

When fighting an enemy with a hand-weapon like the chainsaw and axe,
keep pushing against them...it doesn't do any good to wave around a
chainsaw if you're not shoving it in their faces! Keep alternating
between attacks, even if you're just using the axe and chainsaw--enemies
will often dodge attacks from one hand after a few hits so you'll need
to keep switching them.

Although you'll want to keep pushing at the enemies with hand-held
weapons, guns are the exact opposite. They don't do very much damage
and the main purpose of them is to keep monsters at bay. You'll
virtually never use the handgun and you should save the rifle and
shotgun for fights against the bosses, when it's important to do damage
without letting the enemy get too close to you. Most of the enemies
recoil when hit with gunfire and, if you time it right, you can kill
some bosses without ever going near them or even starting the chainsaw.

The legless floating apparitions that you fight will usually respawn, so
there's no point in trying to clear out an area. The only reason to
fight them or the skeletons in the forest-maze is to either clear enough
room to make a run for the next screen or to build up your health-kit
supply. Many other monsters won't respawn, however--possessed Wolverine
scouts don't come back once you defeat them, for example, and it's worth
the time and trouble to kill them and clear out a safe area to catch
your breath.

The one-liners are actually pretty important to fighting. When you
weaken a deadite, they'll stagger for a few moments and, much like
Mortal Kombat, you'll have a chance to finish them off by gutting them
with the chainsaw. Once you've got them on the chainsaw, use the
secondary weapon to finish them off and use the one-liner as you kill
them. The better the one-liners and the more you use them during the
battle, the more health and gas items the enemy will leave behind after
dying. There's a random element to it, though, and be careful--if your
secondary weapon isn't loaded, Ash will just have to shake the dying
deadite from his chainsaw. This takes a few moments and leaves you
vulnerable to anything else that might wander up to you while you're
trying to shake your chainsaw loose.

2.4 Saving the Game

This game takes three blocks of memory on a Playstation memory card. To
save the game Ash has to have a save-tape, an item that looks like a
roll of audio tape, and be at one of the inventory chests that are
scattered about the game. Open the chest and in the chest's inventory-
screen select SAVE. Saves deplete the save-tape, so you'll have to find
a new blank tape each time you want to save the game.

2.5 Using the Converter

Once Ash has found two special files, he'll learn how to change certain
otherwise-useless items into health-kits and gasoline. Simply select
the item you want to convert with the X button, then select the
converter, as though you were combining them. The new item should
replace the old one.

The items that can be converted seem to be:

White Mushrooms - Small health kits
Red Mushrooms, Lighter Fluid, Moonshine, Jug - Small gasoline cans


3.1 Level 1 Guns

Knowby's Handgun
Ammo: Bullets
Ammo Limit: 8
Range: Medium
Power: Low
Location: Default item

Ammo: Shotgun shells
Ammo Limit: 2
Range: Low
Power: High
Location: Hellbilly cabin

Ammo: Rifle ammo
Ammo Limit: 6
Range: High
Power: Medium
Location: Archery range

3.2 Level 2 Guns

Nail Gun
Ammo: Hangun clips and nails
Ammo Limit: 15
Range: High
Power: Medium
Location: Made from Knowby's handgun with an upgrade kit

Rock-Salt Shotgun
Ammo: Shotgun shells and rock-salt
Ammo Limit: 4
Range: Medium
Power: Very high
Location: Made from shotgun with an upgrade kit

Spike Rifle
Ammo: Rifle ammo and rifle spikes
Ammo Limit: 8
Range: Very High
Power: High
Location: Made from rifle with an upgrade kit

3.3 Chainsaws

Ammo: Gasoline
Ammo limit: 30 seconds
Range: Very low
Power: Medium
Location: Default item

Demon's Chainsaw
Ammo: Gasoline
Ammo Limit: 70 seconds
Range: Low
Power: High
Location: Sacred-Heart Church

Ammo: Gasoline
Ammo Limit: 35 seconds
Range: Low
Power: Very High
Location: Armory courtyard


4.1 Health Items

Small Health Kits
Location: Random
Used For: Healing 1/3 of your health-bar.

Large Health Kits
Location: Random
Used For: Healing 2/3 of your health-bar.

Save Disc
Location: Various
Used For: Allows you to save the game once at an inventory-chest.

Location: Refridgerator in Knowby's cabin
Used For: Restores some health

Location: Kitchen counter in Knowby's cabin
Used For: Restores some health

Location: Medicine Cabinet in Knowby's cabin
Used For: Restores some health

Beef Jerky
Location: Picnic tables north of campground
Used For: Restores some health

Sausage Links
Location: Roasting room in hellbilly cabin
Used For: Restores some health

Strawberry Jam
Location: Fruit cellar, Knowby's cabin
Used For: Restores some health

4.2 Conversion Items

Location: Default Item
Used For: Reading certain files will allow you to use the converter to
change some items into gas and health items.

White Mushrooms
Location: Random
Used For: With a certain file, the converter can change these into small
health kits.

Red Mushrooms
Location: Random
Used For: With a certain file, the converter can change these into small
gasoline cans.

Location: Still outside hellbilly cabin
Used For: With a certain file, the converter can change this into a
small gasoline can.

Lighter Fluid
Location: Fireplace beside picnic tables, north of campground
Used For: With a certain file, the converter can change this into a
small gasoline can.

Location: Market square, nether-beast lab
Used For: With a certain file, the converter can change this into a
small gasoline can.

Upgrade Kits
Location: Market Square, Celestial Temple and Armory
Used For: Makes one of the guns more powerful

4.3 Ammunition

Pistol Clips
Location: Random
Used For: Ammo for pistol

Shotgun Shells
Location: Random
Used For: Ammo for shotgun

Rifle Ammo
Location: Random
Used For: Ammo for rifle

Small Gas Can
Location: Random
Used For: Filling 1/3 of your chainsaw's tank

Large Gasoline Can
Location: Random
Used For: Filling chainsaw tank completely.

Rifle Spikes
Location: Random, disc 2
Used For: Ammo for upgraded rifle

Rock Salt
Location: Random, disc 2
Used For: Ammo for upgraded shotgun

Pistol Nails
Location: Random, disc 2
Used For: Ammo for upgraded pistol

4,4 Puzzle/Event Items (CONTAINS SPOILERS)


Location: Drainage pit in the hellbilly shack
Used For: No in-game purpose--give it to Grammy

Location: Inside Ash's Delta 88
Used For: Lighting the mines south of the campground

Car Keys
Location: Sacred-Heart Church
Used For: Opening Ash's Delta 88

Location: Beside rusted cars outside hellbilly cabin
Used For: One of two pieces to fix the pump

Location: Behind the Knowby cabin
Used For: Entering hellbilly shack's attic

Evil Sapling
Location: Church Graveyard
Used For: Solving grave-puzzle in front of the church

Location: Church Graveyard
Used For: Solving grave-puzzle in front of the church

Location: Hellbilly attic
Used For: Clearing vines in the maze of trees

Linda's Sweatshirt
Location: Church Graveyard
Used For: Solving grave-puzzle in front of the church

Pig-Sty Keys
Location: Grammy in the hellbilly shack attic
Used For: Opening the pig-sty in the hellbilly shack

Location: Maze of Trees
Used For: Switching on generator outside hellbilly cabin

Pump Motor
Location: Pig-sty in the hellbilly cabin
Used For: One of two pieces to fix the pump

Location: Knowby's fruit cellar
Used for: Tightening pipe in Knowby's fruit cellar

Wolverine Hat
Location: Church Graveyard
Used For: Solving grave-puzzle in front of the church


Battlement Key
Location: Constructed
Used For: Operates battlements in armory

Bridge-Pulley Mechanism
Location: Market square
Used For: extends rope-bridge from market square to prison

Broken Track
Location: Battlements
Used For: Can be fixed with a hammer and anvil

Earth Key
Location: Celestial Temple
Used For: Unlocks the Earth Door

Earth Orb
Location: Earth Room, Celestial Temple
Used For: Solving Celestial Temple eclipse-puzzle

Your Hand
Location: Nether-beast lab
Used For: Give to Abdul Alzeez

Exotic Jug
Location: Market square in Damascus
Used For: Can be converted into chainsaw fuel

Fuel Tank
Location: Merchant in Damascus
Used For: Combine with rope and white powder to make bomb

Location: Soldier's quarters, armory
Used For: Straightens broken track

Location: Market square
Used For: Combines with pin and spool to make pulley mechanism

Location: Soldier's quarters, armory
Used For: Opens door to inner chambers in the armory

Location: Captain's quarters in the armory
Used For: Can be used to make a battlement key

Length of Rope
Location: Merchant in Damascus
Used For: Combine with white powder and empty fuel tank to make bomb

Makeshift Bomb
Location: Constructed
Used For: Blow down the door to Abdul Alzeed's cell

Location: Market square
Used For: Combines with handle and spool to make pulley mechanism

Pump Lever
Location: Armory courtyard
Used For: Activates pump in aquaducts

Location: Market square
Used For: Combines with Pin and handle to make pulley mechanism

Skull Key
Location: Battlements
Used For: Unlocks captain's quarters in the armory

Location: Arcane library
Used For: Give to Abdul Alzeez

Sun Key
Location: Celestial Temple
Used For: Unlocks the Sun Door

Sun Orb
Location: Sun Room, Celestial Temple
Used For: Solving Celestial Temple eclipse-puzzle

Location: Arcane library
Used For: Can solve library puzzle when lit

Location: Constructed
Used For: Fixes battlements in armory

White Powder
Location: Celestial Temple's foyer
Used For: Combine with rope and empty fuel tank to make bomb


5.1 Disc 1 Monsters

Legless Deadites
Attack: Low
Speed: Medium
Stamina: Low
Intelligence: Low
Respawn: Yes

There are three kinds of legless deadites, the red deadites being the
most powerful. Even they don't pose much of a threat, but they do spawn
quickly, making it easy to be overwhelmed by them.

Wolverine Scouts
Attack: Medium
Speed: Fast
Stamina: Medium
Intelligence: Medium
Respawn: No

Quick and deadly, but they don't respawn and there aren't many in the
game. There are two kinds: one carrying a knife, the other bow and

Deadite Pigs
Attack: Low
Speed: Low
Stamina: Medium
Intelligence: Medium
Respawn: No

There are only four in the game and they're all in the hellbilly shack.

Attack: Low
Speed: Low
Stamina: Medium
Intelligence: Low
Respawn: Yes

They're not worth the gas it'd take to kill them.

Attack: Medium
Speed: Medium
Stamina: High
Intelligence: Low
Respawn: No

Much like the scouts, but won't run away from Ash when damaged. There
are two kinds of hellbillies and four hellbillies in the game.

Attack: Medium
Speed: Fast
Stamina: Medium
Intelligence: High
Respawn: Yes

They'll ambush you, chase you, gang up on you and run away when they're
about to die. A pain to deal with, but they're only found in the maze
of trees.

Attack: Medium
Speed: Medium
Stamina: High
Intelligence: High
Respawn: No

Linda has the same attacks and strategies as the skeletons, but moves
slower. She only makes one appearance in the game.

5.2 Disc 2 Monsters

Legless Deadites
Attack: Low
Speed: Medium
Stamina: Low
Intelligence: Low
Respawn: Yes

They're back for a second round and every bit as annoying as they were
on the first disc. Physically, they're exactly the same as before.

Skeleton Guards
Attack: Medium
Speed: Medium
Stamina: High
Intelligence: High
Respawn: No

Much like the forest-skeletons, but not as quick. They'll play dead,
leaping back up when you let your guard down.

Guild Monks
Attack: High
Speed: Medium
Stamina: High
Intelligence: Medium
Respawn: No

They can be devastating, but they aren't very bright. The red monks only
have long-range attacks so stay close and keep hacking at them. The
grey monks have long and short range attacks--watch your health during
the fight.

Nether-Beast Familiars
Attack: Very Low
Speed: Medium
Stamina: Low
Intelligence: Low
Respawn: Yes

Strange, almost-cute creatures summoned to serve the Guild. There are
three kinds of nether beasts, but they're all pretty harmless--just use
your axe and build up your health-kit supply with them.


The first disc is somewhat non-linear; you can get the items and pages
in any of several different orders. For this walkthrough, I've chosen
the quickest and easiest path--but there are other ways.

6.1 Exploring the Cabin
6.2 Outside the Cabin
6.3 Wolverine Campground
6.4 Hellbilly Land
6.5 The Maze of Trees
6.6 The Hellbilly Shack
6.7 BOSS: Grammy
6.8 Back to the Maze of Trees
6.9 BOSS: Tree-Monster
6.10 The Page on the Bridge
6.11 BOSS: Scoutmaster Nugent
6.12 The Archery Range
6.13 The Church Graveyard
6.14 BOSS: Skeletal Ash
6.15 Knowby's Fruit Cellar
6.16 FINAL BOSS: ?????

6.1 Exploring The Cabin

The game begins with Ash making a tape-recording of his plans to find
the missing pages and rescue Jenny. As soon as he gets finished, you
have control. Pick up the save-reel flashing on the professor's desk
and go to the inventory screen. Load the gun, but use the axe as your
secondary weapon--you won't need the handgun for awhile. Walk to the
right of the desk to the next screen and quickly turn on your chainsaw--
your first battle is coming up. On the wide-view of the cabin, walk
down a little bit and one of the legless deadites will leap up from the
ground to attack you. Keep pushing down into the monster and alternate
between swinging your chainsaw and hitting it with the axe. Keep
attacking it and it shouldn't have time to respond or hit you back.
Make sure you use the chainsaw to finish it off and use a one-liner as
it dies--you'll usually get a large health kit.

That deadite never respawns, so you now have the living room to
yourself. The first thing to do now is to search out the cabin. Walk
to the left of the fireplace until you see two doorways. Go through the
left door and into the old bedroom. If you don't want to fight, quickly
run up through the room to the door on the opposite side--otherwise a
deadite will erupt from the window and attack you. Unlike the living-
room battle, this one will constantly respawn. The good news is that
the respawning deadites here only replace each other--they won't gang up
on you. This room is a good place to build up your health kits later,
but for now just run through the room into the adjoining piano room.

Ash will notice a Necronomicon page sitting on the piano (how the heck
did the professor miss that page?!). After that slightly spooky
sequence, pick up the page and read it--it lets you know that really bad
things are happening, just in case you hadn't figured it out already.
There's nothing else to do--Ash just won't play the piano, maybe because
of that clunky chainsaw on one hand--so leave through the door opposite
the window and you'll find yourself in the hallway. The door at the end
of the hallway leads outside and you don't want to go out there yet.
Instead, go to the room across from the piano room. It's a bathroom--
inside the medicine cabinet are some vitamins (orange-flavored, no less)
that will work like a large health kit when you use them. You can also
check out the toilet if you want--it makes no difference to the game,
but considering some of the bosses you're going to face, you may want to
take care of business first.

Now go back to the hallway and walk toward the camera to the next
doorway on the right. This leads to the kitchen, where you'll find a
sandwich in the fridge. Ash doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact
that it must be at least eight years old, so take it and use it as a
small health kit. Also check out the counter on the right side of the
kitchen to find a biscuit.

You now have everything you need from the cabin, so it's time to venture
out into the demon-haunted woods.

6.2 Outside the Cabin

Leave the cabin through the back door, the door in the hallway. You'll
emerge in the back of the cabin with a mushroom, a small gas-tank, and a
crowbar. Pick all of them up--the red mushroom may seem useless now,
but you'll definitely want it later. Then head to the right of the
cabin to the old workshed, slashing away any deadites that pop up on the
way. They respawn here so don't try to kill them all--just clear a path
to the workshed as fast as you can and run through the door.

Here you'll find your first inventory chest. Definitely save the game
here and put away the converter, the mushrooms and crowbar--you won't be
able to use them until you get to the next chest. You'll notice that
you can still hear the deadites snarling outside. Take a deep breath
and run outside, switching on your chainsaw as you step out the door.

Fight off the two deadites waiting for you and run to the other side of
the cabin as soon as a path clears. Run up along the side of the cabin
and grab any mushrooms you find along the way. You're now in front of
the cabin--just dodge the deadites while you pick up the mushrooms and
run to the left side of the cabin; be careful to not pick up the shovel
lying on the grave, no matter how tempting it looks. Run down the side
of the cabin to grab a large gasoline can--you're probably going to need
it by now. Since this is a narrow dead-end path, you're going to have
to fight your way out. Just hack and slash through the deadites and go
back to that smoking grave. Pick up the shovel and get ready for a

Man, and you thought YOUR old girlfriends were bad! Stay on the
headless dancing corpse of Linda and whack her with the chainsaw and
axe--if she gets too far away, pull out the gun and start shooting.
After a few hits she'll leap away into the night, never to be seen

6.3 Wolverine Campground

Run south from the cabin entrance and follow the dirt road to the
bridge, dodging or killing any deadites that get in your way. You'll
find your car and a Necronomicon page hanging from the wrecked bridge.
You can't open your car (Jenny had the keys) and you can't reach the
page--hmmm, just a coincidence? At any rate, run left from the bridge
to find an old hiking trail. Follow the trail along a ridge--a new
enemy is waiting on the ridge for you, flapping skull-headed bats, but
they'll respawn and are so easily dodged that it's not worth the time
and health to fight them. Just keep running along the ridge and they
probably won't hit you.

As you arrive at the park, you'll hear an evil cackling sound. Walk a
little further and you'll discover the awful truth--evil cackling demon-
possessed Boy Scouts! Okay, so these are technically Wolverine Scouts,
but either way the kids at Camp Crystal Lake had it easy compared to
these guys.

Two deadite-scouts will rush in to attack you. You might want to draw
your gun on them, although a few quick slashes will take them out.
Don't try to kill them both at once--just focus on killing one deadite
and let the other run around until you're ready to go after it. They
shouldn't pose too much of a threat and there's a stick of beef jerky
waiting for you on the right picnic table to help heal you after you're

Check out the firepit to find some lighter-fluid and follow the trail to
the right. You'll find a crossroads; go east and you'll see a locked
chain-link gate and a file. Read the file to learn about Father Allard,
Knowby's old friend. Encouraged by the thought of "meeting new friends"
at Allard's old church, go right back to the fork and head south. If
your chainsaw's nearly empty, fill it up now--you're gonna need it.

You've just stumbled onto Camp Evil Dead! Yikes! Two deadite scouts
will attack you at a time, some flinging arrows while others slash at
you with knives. They won't respawn but there are aLOT of them, so you
may want to just run through the camp and follow the trail leading up
the mountain. Still, you're going to come back here several times, so I
recommend killing them off now.

Just use the same strategy that you used at the picnic tables, attacking
one and then killing the other after the first is down. Keep using
health and gas items when you need them. There's eight or ten scouts to
kill, after which a save-tape will appear on the ground and legless
deadite-spirits will start attacking. These will keep spawning so just
search the tent to the left of the big tent for a letter and the big
tent for rifle shells.

Now cross the campground to find a rocky trail leading up the side of a
cliff. Follow the trail to a caved-in mine entrance. Have Ash search
the rocks for a sudden flash of insight from Ash and then use the
shovel; he'll clear out a small tunnel and crawl into the old mine.
Here you'll find the Wolverine Scout guide and an inventory-chest. Save
the game and take out the converter, the crowbar and the mushroom you
put in the chest. Put the rifle shells and lighter fluid in the chest
for now.

Now that Ash has read the Wolverine Guide, you can use the converter to
change white mushrooms into small health-kits! Take note of the missing
battery in the control panel that should light the mines, and then head
back out into the campgrounds.

6.4 Hellbilly Land

It's time to go back to the cabin, the same way you came. Leave the
camp, turn west at the crossroads, go past the picnic tables, up the
ridge with the skullbats, walk down below the bridge and follow the dirt
road back to the Knowby cabin. From here you'll want to go west, past
Linda's old grave.

There's really no way to avoid fighting the deadites on these trails, so
just pick up all the mushrooms and health-kits you find and keep
swinging at them until your path is clear. Keep following the trails
and you'll finally come to the old shack Knowby mentioned in his
journal. Nice place...for an undead redneck. One of the possessed
hellbillies will float toward you--use the gun to take it down before it
gets too close. Be sure to pick up the crank lying beside the old
rusted cars south of the shack.

You can't get into the cabin yet--it's locked from the inside. Instead,
pick up the mushrooms lying about and walk past the cabin to find a
generator. It needs a pull-string to get it started--the sort of thing
you might find on a lawnmower. Anyway, go down from there to find a
still and have Ash search it to find a jug of moonshine. No, you can't
drink it...Ash doesn't even want to risk touching it!

Now go down past the still to find another trail, one leading up into
the maze of trees that nearly killed the good professor. Pick up the
gas-tanks you'll find along the way and brace yourself.

6.5 The Maze of Trees

It's time to see if Ash can survive where Professor Knowby and several
of Ash's friends have all failed; the undead forest-labyrinth. The
skeletons you'll face here are some of the hardest enemies in the game
and can run as quickly as Ash. You should pick up every mushroom you
find, avoid every fight you can, and if you don't want to read the
directions for getting through the forest, you'll also probably need to
draw a map of the maze--it has at least three different entrances.

Once you get into the forest (you'll know you're there when the
landscape changes to a dull brown vine-covered forest and the music
changes slightly), run up the trail and turn left down the first fork in
the trail. Try to stay on the right side of the paths--skeletons will
erupt from the ground if you walk over their graves and there seem to be
less of them on the right-hand side of the trails.

Follow the left trail until you reach an up-down fork in the path. Go
up until you seem to reach a dead end. It's really not--just run left
of the wall and you'll see a small clearing with a lawnmower. Check it
out and you'll find a pull-string...just the kind you might use to start
a motor.

Now head back out the same way you came: go back down the trail, then go
left onto the first path you see, follow this path, then go right onto
the first branching trail you find. That'll take you back to the
hellbilly cabin.

If you're lucky you won't see any skeletons--if you do, just stay close
to them and keep swinging the chainsaw. Your pistol really doesn't do
much damage to them, so keep the axe handy for finishing moves.

6.6 The Hellbilly Shack

Before you use the rope, look around the shack for any mushrooms. This
is the last chance you'll have to search this area without any
distractions, so make the most of it.

Now walk up to the motor, then select the rope from your inventory and
use it. Once you use the rope on the motor, two of the possessed locals
will emerge from the shack to see what's going on. They move very
slowly, so just back away while you ready the chainsaw, then attack the
first one that reaches you. By the time the second one arrives, you'll
be cleaning the first one off your saw.

When these two are out of the way, quickly run to the door of the cabin,
grabbing the save tape in front of the cabin on the way. Legless
deadites will start to spawn, so just get off the screen fast by going
through the open door. You're now in the hellbilly cabin, and what
should be waiting for you but your old boomstick! Now Ash is ready to
kick serious deadite...

Try to ignore the horrible screams and groaning chants long enough to
pick up the file on the ground and read about the family's misadventures
with Grammy. Then walk away from the fireplace until you see a door
leading into the next room, then walk to the right of that, into the
corner. You'll see a table propped beneath a trapdoor--climb onto the
table with the O button and select the crowbar to climb up into the

A strange skeletal old granny says her deadite boys trapped her in the
attic with a magical amulet and now you have to rescue her. The
deadites never seemed to shy away from killing before and you've never
seen one keep a journal, but since she does claim to have one of the
pages, there's not much to do besides look for that amulet. Before you
go, she'll give you the key to the pig-sty, which lies deeper within the

Now go back to that door on the left side of the wall and follow the
long hallway down into the next room, where Ash will automatically find
a moonshining magazine. The good news is that you can now turn red
mushrooms, lighter fluid and moonshine into chainsaw-fuel! The bad news
is that there are two possessed hellbillies waiting for you when you
return to the main screen. Run back down the hallway you came, killing
the deadite blocking the hall with a combination chainsaw/shotgun
attack, then turn back around and brace yourself for the other
approaching deadite. As long as you attack it first and stay on it, it
shouldn't give you too much trouble. Now go back up into the room where
you found the magazine, and head left.

In this roasting chamber, you'll find a glittering sausage-link beside
the table on the far side of the room, which works like a small health
kit when you use it. Forget the chainsaw hand--Ash must have an iron
stomach! Anyway, go out through the left door, where Ash'll find
himself ankle-deep in a room flooded with blood. If you're wondering
where all this blood came from, just check out the walls...

There's an inventory-chest and a pump in this room. First save your
game with the save-disc you found outside the cabin, then check out the
pump. It's missing two parts--you have one of the parts already. Use
the crank and the pump's half-fixed. Now you can unlock the door to the
left of the inventory chest with the pig-sty key and check out those
strange growling noises coming from behind it.

You're in the pig-sty and when you walk half-way up the screen a demon-
pig's going to erupt from the mud to attack you. There are two pigs in
the pig-sty and, unless they corner you, you should try to avoid
fighting them--you'll never come back to this room again anyway. Run up
to the far side of the room and you'll find one of the pieces of the
pump lying in the mud--look for the glitter. Grab it and run back the
way you came.

Now use that piece on the broken pump and it'll work, draining the blood
away to reveal a grate in the floor. Check out this grate and you'll
find a drainage pit. There's a pig in here and since the room's so
small, you'll have to fight it. Just keep chainsawing it until it dies.
Then grab the shining amulet on the other side of the pit and climb back
up the ladder. It's time to talk to Grammy again.

6.7 BOSS-BATTLE: Grammy

Surprise! Grammy is really a gigantic deadite monster and you've just
released her from her prison! Okay, so absolutely nobody is surprised
by that, but this is nonetheless going to be one really hard fight,
featuring perhaps the coolest boss-theme music in the game. Grammy is a
monster-spider with tall spindly legs and normally her tiny body is out
of reach. The trick is to stay beneath her and swing the chainsaw when
she swoops down to attack you--fortunately, she'll flash green just as
she starts to attack.

You'll only get one hit each time she ducks so be patient and stay on
her, preferrably between her hind legs so she can't slash you. When you
hit her she'll recoil and rise without swinging back so the battle
shouldn't take too much health, though it might drain your gas-tank dry,
since Gram's attacks come randomly and you can't afford to turn off the
chainsaw while waiting for them. Don't bother with the guns--Ash fires
them too slowly and she'll usually rise by the time he pulls the
trigger. Besides, the chainsaw does more damage to her than bullets.
Just keep slashing with the chainsaw every time she ducks and she'll
finally keel over.

It turns out she was telling the truth about one thing: she really did
have one of the pages of the Book of the Dead. Pick up the page and the
herbicide she leaves behind and then get out of the cabin, watching out
for both a save-tape and a single deadite-pig in the cabin's living

6.8 Back to the Woods

Now it's time to go back to the maze of trees. Go back the same way you
went there the first time and follow the path until you reach the first
left-right fork. Go right this time, and introduce any skeletons you
meet to your old boomstick--it'll sometimes kill them in one hit and
makes a great finisher.

Keep going down that path until you see a second path branching off to
Ash's right side. Turn down this path and follow it until you see a
path branching off to the left. Turn down that path and you'll come to
an intersection of four paths. Take the left trail and follow it
straight down. You'll finally reach a path blocked by thick green
vines. Use the weedkiller on those vines and get ready to meet every
lumberjack's worst nightmare.

6.9 BOSS-BATTLE: The Tree-Monster

This is really one of the easiest battles in the game, despite an
impressive-looking boss. It can swing its tree-trunk like a scorpion's
tail so stay close to its mouth and just keep digging that chainsaw into
it like a dentist looking for cavities. It'll lash its tongue at you
every few seconds--just keep healing and it'll die long before you do.
Once this tree's toppled, you'll get yet another page and you'll meet
Father Allard.

6.10 The Page on the Bridge

While Father Allard cowers behind his church-gate, you'll have to go
back and find the last two pages of the Necronomicon. The only good
news is that you now have your car-keys and the forest-maze has changed
back into a normal forest now that you've killed the tree-monster.
Alright, no more skeletons! At least, not for a little while...

Save the game at the church gate and follow the trail from the church
down to the picnic table area, going south from the church until you
reach a fork in the path. Going south takes you back to the cabin and
west takes you to the hellbilly shack; follow the trail to your right
and keep going straight to go back to the picnic tables. Go left past
the picnic tables to the ridge-trail with skullbats, then follow the
trail up to the wrecked bridge, where your old Delta 88's waiting for

Use the keys to get into the car. After Ash rams the car into the
bridge--he's gotta take his frustration out on something--use the O
button to climb on top of the car and get the page hanging from the
bridge. Be sure to pick up the battery and head down to the campgrounds
along the hiking trail.

Run back through the campground and along the ridge to the mine-
entrance. Go back to the mine and use the car-battery on the wall-
socket you saw earlier. The mine-shafts will light up and you'll be
able to follow the tunnels down into some really cool camera-angles and
lighting effects. Once you get past those, you'll meet a demon-
possessed Mr. Nugent--hey, we all knew it was gonna happen someday,

6.11 BOSS-BATTLE: Scoutmaster Nugent

Scoutmaster Nugent apparently got a special badge in deflecting bullets
because he'll laugh off every attack you throw at him. However, the
small cave-in he caused when he banged on the support-beams at the start
of the fight gives you a clue as to how to beat him--you have to hack at
the wooden columns and crush him with falling rocks. Just run from one
beam to the next and position yourself on the opposite side of the pole
as he approaches you. As he nears the column, hit it with your axe or
chainsaw and falling rocks will crush him. You'll have to do this
several times to kill him, though.

The scoutmaster moves pretty quickly so between hits you may want to run
around the area, leading him away from the four support beams so you'll
have time to position yourself when you run to the next one. Also, Mr.
Nugent is accompanied by skull-bats who constantly fly in to help
him...since they hang around the boss, they're not much of a threat, but
they'll give you health-kits if you crush them in the rock-slides.

Once the scoutmaster's retired, you'll get yet another page of
the...just kidding! Actually, you'll only get the key to the archery
range and a save-tape. Save the game at the inventory-chest, pull out
the rifle shells and get out of the mine, running back to the picnic
tables and crossroads.

6.12 Moving-Target Practice at the Archery Range

The archery range is behind the locked gate where you found the church
pamphlet, on the right path at the crossroads. Unlock it and you'll
find an eerily quiet archery range and a page waiting for you at the
far-side of the range. We all know where this is going, but since you
don't have any choice, fill up your health, load the shotgun, and walk
over to the page, being sure to pick up the save-tape on the way.

Of course, as soon you pick up the page, a couple of deadite kids show
up to practice their archery skills on Ash! You can hide behind the
targets--but since you'll have to get out somehow, run back to the
archery gate and fight the kids. Don't try to leave, you can't until
all three are dead; just hack at them with the chainsaw until they drop.
You'll get the rifle the deadite-scouts neglected--this is the best gun
on the first disc, since it has a farther reach than the pistol and is
almost as powerful as the shotgun.

You now have all the pages of the Necronomicon and it's time for another
talk with Padre Allard. Go north at the crossroads and head back to the
church by turning north again at the next four-way intersection. Save
the game at the chest by the church gate, then press O at the gate to
talk to Allard.

6.13 The Church Graveyard

Whenever an evil undead force is possessing corpses, I always like to
hang out in old deserted cemetaries! Allard has come to his senses and
realized that's really not the best place to hide, but of course he's
making Ash go in there to find ye old Kandarian dagger. Your goal here
is to search out each and every crypt on both the left and right sides
of the cemetary, killing the monsters and getting each of the items.

Run to the left side first and go into the first building--here you'll
find a Wolverine hat and a forest-skeleton...did ya miss them? Kill the
skeleton, grab the hat and go back outside. Continue up the path until
you see an odd, darker headstone that glitters. Pick it up. Now go
into the next building on your left. It's a save-chest. Get anything
you need from it and remember this room--you'll probably want to come
back here later.

Take note of the glittering tombstones in front of the church and
Linda's Michingan sweatshirt set atop the middle grave. Now go back
down and along the other side of the cemetary, killing any skeletons you

Go into the first crypt on your left and you'll find a skeleton, a save-
disc and a skeleton in a coffin with a medical bag. Creepy, but since
you can't get the bag and he doesn't come to life, just head back to the

Keep going down the path and enter the next crypt--inside you'll find an
evil sapling and a skullbat. If you decide to kill the skullbat,
remember to stay beneath it and swing your chainsaw. It'll take three
hits to bring it down. Grab the evil sapling and go back outside.

You'll end up with a save-disc, a Wolverine hat, a strange-looking
tombstone that says "mother," and a sapling possessed by the evil. At
the top of the cemetary, in front of the locked church, you'll see three
graves with hollow pits in front of them--your next puzzle. The middle
grave already has Linda's college sweatshirt in it, so use each item at
each of the other two tombstones: from left to right you should use the
Wolverine hat and the evil sapling. Just left of Linda's grave is a
perfectly-spun doily on the ground. Take a step or two from the doily
toward the church, until you're lined up with the other headstones, then
use Mother's tombstone to finish the puzzle and unlock the church (if
you've seen the movies, this puzzle will probably make a lot more

Arm your shotgun, take a deep breath, make sure you've saved your game
in the top left-hand crypt, and then step into the haunted church.

6.14 BOSS-BATTLE: Skeletal-Ash

Just when you thought two Ashes were bad enough...now you've got this
eerie levitating rotted-skeleton thing pretending to be you! He's not
very hard to beat as long as you stay against him, keep attacking him
without giving him a chance to react, and use your med-kits when you
need to--also, be sure to load your shotgun after two shots: otherwise
you'll waste time and leave yourself open to attack when you reload on-

After he dies, Ash will check out the demon-chainsaw and decides it's a
perfect fit for his own arm; this boosts your chainsaw's reach and
power. The floor collapses and you'll find yourself in...

6.15 Knowby's Fruit Cellar

Now anyone who's seen the movies knows this is really bad, and anyone
else will quickly figure it out after a few fights. Enemies will
respawn here but since the rooms are small and you'll only go through
them once, and since you're soon going to need all the health-kits you
can get, go ahead and kill them, then move on to the next room before
they come back. Be sure to pick up the save-tape and any mushrooms you
find on the way. Eventually you'll come to a creepy room with a
projector. Go to the next room, the door to the right of the movie
screen, and search the shelves in this room for some strawberry jam and
a wrench. Check out the steam blocking the door at the top of this
screen, then head into the projector-room, saving the game at the
inventory-chest first if you want.

A legless deadite will attack you, but just hack him up and walk to the
pipe to the left of the projector. You'll see a bit of steam coming out
of it--use your wrench on it. If you did it right, things just got a
bit creepier.

Now go back into the room with the inventory chest and you'll notice the
steam blocking the upper door is gone. If you haven't saved the game
yet, do it now: you're about to face the hardest boss in the game.


Oh no, not Annie--I liked Annie. It looks like the professor's daughter
has taken after her demon-possessed mother Henrietta and now it's up to
Ash to help her rejoin her deceased parents. This is by far the most
disturbing boss in the game--just look at its marionette-like walk and
its almost-Satanic taunts: "your precious Annie's soul is with us now!"

And then reload the game, because if you had time to check out either
one of those things, then she had more than enough time to kill you!

Annie moves fast and her dagger does massive damage...you do not want
her anywhere near you. Arm the rifle before you enter this room and
stay by the door. The second you see her bouncing onto the screen,
shoot her; she'll jerk back with a cry then come at you--shoot her
again. After two or three hits Annie will step left or right--adjust
your aim and keep shooting at her, waiting for her to start walking
before you take the next shot. Always make absolutely sure you count
the rifle's six shots and reload on the inventory screen when you run
out; otherwise Annie'll have enough time to run up to you while you're
trying to reload and things will get really ugly. Once her life-meter
is half-gone--by then you'll probably be out of rifle shells and working
your way through shotgun-rounds--she'll change form.

Now you're fighting the snake-headed beast from Evil Dead 2, and to make
matters worse her health has been totally restored. Run around the
cellar to get some distance between you and Annie, and then head to the
corner on the left of the entrance door. Brace yourself against the
corner and keep taking shots at Annie just as you did before--she'll hop
from side to side every once in awhile, so just swivel a bit to adjust
your aim and keep shooting her. Her head's the only vulnerable part of
her body now, so make sure you don't waste any shots--don't shoot her
while she's recoiling and make sure you count your shots, pushing select
and reloading when you need to.

You'll probably use up all your ammo in this fight--that's fine, you'll
get plenty more later. Once you've empied the handgun, yank out the
chainsaw. By this time her health-bar should at least be purple, so
just run up to her and start swinging wildly while pressing against her.
A few hits should finish her off. Take a deep breath and watch the next

You've finished the first disc! After a few surprise twists, you'll
find yourself in a strange wind-swept land that looks like it's in
ruins. Where is Ash? Where's Jenny? Will he get back home? It's time
for disc 2...


Unlike the first disc, the second disc is very linear: there's only one
way to get through the second half of the game alive and this is it...

7.1 Damascus in the Afternoon
7.2 How to Make a White Scimitar
7.3 The Celestial Temple
7.4 BOSS: High-Priest of the Guild
7.5 The Aquaducts
7.6 BOSS: Deadite Mechanic
7.7 The Armory
7.8 BOSS: Skeleton Captain
7.9 Arming the Battlements
7.10 BOSS: Possessed Guild-Armor
7.11 Entrance to the Lair
7.12 BOSS: Fungus-Humongous
7.13 The Nether-Beast Labs
7.14 The Arcane Library
7.15 BOSS: Evil Ash
7.16 FINAL BOSS: Kandarian Demon

7.1 Damascus in the Afternoon

Ash lands in an open stable that looks like it's been deserted, while a
wierd old man in a cell prophecies his coming. Ash meets a nearby
merchant who is every bit as freaky-looking as the deadites--check out
that smile, it looks like he had a run-in with the Joker!

Anyway, after you've found out about Alzeez, you'll go back to playing
the game. Pick up the letter and the save-disc, then save the game in
the nearby inventory-chest. Now follow the left road up to the plateau,
and try not to be too awed by the stunning matte-effects in the
background, because you're going to have a lot of fighting to focus on
in a moment.

Two of the skeleton-guards you read about will appear and run up to you
when you pass by the old well. Try to stay behind the well so they'll
come at you single-file...these guys can be really tough when they gang
up on you. Hack at them with your axe and chainsaw--it's unlikely
you'll have anything else to fight with at the moment. Even when they
fall down, keep your distance unless they've dropped an item--these
enemies will fake their deaths two or three times, seeming to die before
leaping back up to attack you again.

Once the two have truly died and dropped items--one of which will be a
pulley or pin--pick them up and walk slowly onto the plateau. Other
skeletons will appear, two at a time, to attack you. Walk backwards to
the well and block their sword-swings with your chainsaw, then let them
run at you single-file once you reach the well. Once they've dropped
their items, pick them up and walk cautiously back up the plateau,
retreating again when the next skeleton warrior appears. Some of them
will drop ammo for your guns--if the skeletons gang up on you, use the
shotgun to knock them back. Keep doing this until they're all dead--
you'll have to kill six or eight skeletons.

By this time you should be fairly well-stocked again and you'll have
three pieces of a medieval device. Go to the south side of the plateau
after you look at the ornate door on the north end--remember the picture
of the eclipse on the locked door. On the right side of the south end
of the plateau you'll find a small path leading down to a smaller ledge.
Follow it, taking down a legless-deadite that'll pop up on the way, to
find the drawn rope-bridge that the merchant told you about.

Now go to the inventory-screen and combine the three machine-pieces you
found to make a pulley for the bridge. Walk up to the round pedestal
near the edge of the bridge and select the pulley--the bridge will
automatically extend so you can cross. Cross the bridge, check out the
beautiful palace looming over the city, and kill the single skeleton-
guard waiting for you on the other side. Once that's done investigate
the cell-door for a cut-scene.

7.2 How to Make a White Scimitar

To blow down the door and free Alzeez you're going to need to make some
White Scimitar, a primitive version of TNT. Cross the bridge back to
the main city and notice the door on the same side of the plateau as the
bridge's ledge; it was locked before but is open now. Go in and you'll
find the merchant, who's become the world's first used-car salesman
thanks to Ash. He'll tell you the White Scimitar is in the palace and
you'll need a fuse.

You'll also find your first upgrade kit. You can combine this with any
one of your three guns to make it more powerful. Personally, I always
upgrade the shotgun first. You'll going to start finding rock-salt ammo
pretty soon, which you can't use without an upgraded shotgun, and it can
hold four shots, removing the shotgun's one weakness and making your
boomstick the best gun.

Now go up along this screen until you see a small side-alley running to
the right. Go up this alley and you'll see a set of gold levers on the
wall that control the palace entrance. Switch the levers to open the
doors--this looks like a puzzle but it's not, Ash knows which one to
hit--and then go back out the door onto the main streets.

Out here you'll probably run into a few legless-deadites, but they're
pretty easily dispatched with your new-and-improved boomstick. You'll
see a roll of tapestries along the top wall--check them out to find some
exotic wine, which Ash pours into his chainsaw as fuel, of course (hey,
wouldn't we all?).

To the right of these tapestry rolls is another merchant. Talk to her
and she'll give you some rope. Be careful--right after she gives you
the rope she'll be possessed and a legless-deadite will attack you!

Now open the ornate locked door you saw earlier while fighting
skeletons--it leads into the palace foyer. Inside you'll find a horde
of legless-deadites and some of the worst graphic-slowdown you'll ever
see this side of the SNES. Fight off the deadites and take the bowl of
white powder lying on the floor. The door on the far end of the room is
mystically sealed, so just leave the way you came, combining the rope
and powder before you go.

Go back to the merchant who told you about White Scimitar and he'll give
you a...well...he'll give you something that you can use as the casing
to make a bomb out of the White Scimitar. Of course, he'll then fade
out of existence, unleashing one of the legless-deadites. Get rid of
it--or just run, since you'll never have to come back--then combine this
item with the rope and powder. Take the makeshift bomb back across the
bridge to Alzeez's cell. Stand at the prison door and use the bomb to
free the mad poet.

7.3 The Celestial Temple

Back at the temple, Alzeez will open the locked door you noticed while
you were getting the White Scimitar. The first things you'll notice are
a save-tape, a chest...and an upgrade kit! You can upgrade either of
the remaining guns, but I'd choose the rifle since it's more effective
against bosses.

Run down to the end of this room and take note of the statues--there's a
Sun and Earth missing from the display. Now go down the left-hand side-
passage by the entrance. You'll run into strange gurgling creatures in
the hallways; you'll learn more about them later. Right now just think
of them as walking, warbling happy-meals: they barely attack you and
they occasionally give you small health-kits when you kill them. Don't
even draw the chainsaw for them, since the axe will kill them just as

Run to the door at the end of the passage and you'll find an office with
some astronomical notes. Read them and head into the adjoining room
where you'll find a strange robed creature guarding the planetarium.
Stay close to it as you fight and it won't hurt you, despite its
impressive-looking pyrotechnics.

Once you defeat it, it'll drop the Earth Key. Now run back through the
side passage and go back to the main chamber. There's another passage
running to the right of the entrance. Go down this one, hacking apart
any of the little warbling beasts that get in your way. Follow this
passage until you reach a door on the right-hand wall. In here you'll
find a letter about the Guild's recruitment problems and another
planeterium, this one guarded by another robed figures. These things
are pushovers--just press against it, alternating between chainsaw and
shotgun, and you'll be fine.

Surprise, surprise--this one dropped a sun-key. You may be tempted to
run back and try to solve the puzzle with these items, but don't--the
keys won't solve it. Instead, go back into the hallway and follow it
all the way up to the purple-green stained-window. There's a door on
your left, locked with an Earth symbol. Use the Earth key to open it.

Inside you'll find a wierd chamber and two grey-robed figures hovering
to either side of a blue orb. They won't bother you unless you try to
take the orb which, of course, is exactly what you have to do. They
have a powerful medium-range attack similar to Annie's dagger and they
like to gang up on you--focus on one of them at a time, using the
chainsaw and shotgun, and heal when your health goes to red. They'll
usually give you enough health-kits to make up for what you lost. After
that, grab the save-disc and blue orb.

Run back to the main chamber and down the right-hand passage until you
reach the first door on your right. It's locked with symbol of the sun
on the door so use the sun-key to open it. Two robed figures await,
guarding an orange orb. Fight them off the same way you did the first
two and take the orb.

Now go back to the main chamber, save your game in the inventory chest
and place the two stones on their pedastals--Sun on the brown pedastal,
Earth on the green one. The wall will open to reveal the first boss...

7.4 BOSS-BATTLE: Mr. Fancypants (Celestial High-Priest)

This is a fairly easy boss once you know the trick to beating him. He
has a long range dagger attack and a medium-range light-circle blast
that can put a serious hurt on Ash. But if you stay within arm's reach
of him, slashing him with the chainsaw, his only effective attack will
be his kick, which doesn't do much damage. As long as you stay within
chainsaw's reach, even his light-circle blast won't actually touch you.
Save your ammo--the chainsaw does enough damage to finish him in five or
six hits.

Once he dies, you'll open the fountain and venture into the aquaducts.

7.5 The Aquaducts

Once you're in the aquaducts, you'll find an inventory-chest and an
insanely difficult puzzle. Once Ash has taken care of the puzzle,
venture through the large iron door to find the next boss: an undead

7.6 BOSS-BATTLE: Deadite Mechanic

This boss has a pitchfork that can do major damage, and your health-kits
are probably still pretty low from that last battle, so pull out the
rifle. Keep taking shots at it as it tries to walk up to you--it moves
pretty slowly so if it gets too close run to the other side and start
over. If you haven't used any rifle shells yet you'll kill it without
ever needing to turn on your chainsaw. Once it dies, check out the two
water-pumps on the far side.

7.7 The Armory

One of the levers is in the armory and you need it to clear the tunnels.
Go down into the lower level and you'll find a small room with a lever;
pull it to lower the drawbridge to the armory. Now get out of the
aquaducts, killing all the warbling little happy-meals you find on the
way for health and ammo, and run back across the plateau, into the
armory on the other side.

After Ash proves he's not as dumb as he looks, you'll find yourself in a
long hall with an inventory chest. Take note of the chain on the right-
hand wall and the picture at the end of the hallway. You can't open the
door on the right without hooking the chain somehow, so head through the
left door.

You're now in the skeleton-guards' quarters--oh joy! After killing the
two guards waiting for you, check the cabinet beside the door for some
rock salt ammo. Now go to the far side of the room. The door on the
right is locked from the inside, so go through the left door.

Kill the skeleton in this room, then check out its room. You'll find a
hook, some pistol nails in the cabinets, and a save-disc. Go back to
the main hall and save your game.

Go back to the chain you noticed earlier and use the hook on it--this
opens the door to your right. Follow this door into another hallway and
enter the first door on your left. You'll find the armory itself and
the third upgrade kit! Now you can boost all your guns.

Notice the anvil on the left side of the room and climb the stairs
beside it to reach the battlements. Take down the single skeleton
waiting for you and grab the captain's skeleton-key (get it, "skeleton"
key?! um, nevermind...).

Now go back through the armory into the hallway and follow it all the
way to the door on your right. These are the captain's quarters and
they're locked, but since you now have the key, unlock it and go inside.

Pick up the notes to learn about an upcoming boss, then check the chest
near the front of the room for some rock-salt. Load your gun and brace
yourself before you enter the door on the left--you're about to meet the

7.8 BOSS-BATTLE: Skeleton Captain

This is a ridiculously easy boss. Just use your chainsaw to back it
into a corner, and then keep hacking at it--once it's in the corner, it
won't have a chance to counterattack. Keep slashing until it dies.

7.9 Arming the Battlements

Pick up the key-mold and run back to the armory, watching out for the
legless deadites that are now roaming the hallway. Run straight into
the armory-room without turning, and look at the second table on your
left. The key-mold did say molten metal, but I guess metal crumbs lying
on a wooden table will just have to do. Use the mold and you'll get the
battlements key.

Now go back up to the ramparts, where you got the skeleton key, and look
at the lever-box. It needs a battlement-key. Since you conveniently
have one, use it to start the cauldrons. You may wonder why Ash thinks
doing this is so important, but trust him...he's Ash.

A cut-scene reveals skeletons emerging from the locked door you saw in
the soldier's quarters. Go to the stuck cauldron, pick up the bent
metal track and go back down into the armory, then into the hallway.
Run left into the first hall and go into the opposite door.

Once you've killed the two skeleton guards, go through the right door,
the one they politely left unlocked for you. There's one more skeleton
waiting for you in the next room--get rid of him and check the dresser
for some rock salt. Now go through the door in the right wall.

After a long wistful look at all those axes and swords locked in their
racks, kill the remaining skeleton and pick up the hammer he leaves
behind. Now go back through the rooms to the hallway and back to the
armory. Walk up to the anvil and combine the hammer and broken track--
since Ash was always good at metallurgy, he fixes the track. Maybe he's
not such an idiot after all...

Now go up to the broken cauldron and use the track.

Okay...so Ash really is an idiot. And now you're going to pay by facing
the very same creature that chased him into the armory to begin with...

7.10 BOSS-BATTLE: Possessed Guild-Armor

This boss is similar to Scoutmaster Nugent--you can't hurt it directly
but you can use the environment to your advantage. In this case, there
are two cauldrons hanging over the two doors opposite this courtyard.
Run to the one nearest you, pull the rope to load it with molten iron,
then run to the other one and pull the rope to fill it with water.

Ah, so that's why you went through so much trouble to fix them!

Remember the notes that said the Guild's armor is weak to temperature
change? Now Ash is going to find out if they ever fixed that. Run to
the molten-iron cauldron and wait for the armor to reach you. Just as
it gets within arm's reach, pull the rope and molten metal will cover
it. Now run as fast as you can to the other side and wait for it at the
second rope. Once it's within arm's reach, pull the rope and water will
fall on it, cracking the armor.

It will take two hits to completely shatter the armor. Afterwards Ash
will notice a buzz-saw on the armor's gauntlet and decide it makes a
good fashion-statement; it becomes your chainsaw-weapon for the rest of
the game.

Grab the save-disc, save your game in the chest past the open doorway
and grab the pump lever. Now go back to the armory courtyard, run out
the left door onto the market square and go back to the aquaducts.

7.11 Entrance to the Lair

Once you're in the aquaducts, go through the doors beside the inventory-
chest and use the lever to operate the pump on the right. Once the
water's been drained, go down the path, where Alzeed is waiting for you
at the ladder. After the next cut-scene, Alzeed will be knocked away
and you'll find yourself face-to-face with a...

7.12 BOSS-BATTLE: Fungus-Humongous

It looks kinda like a shroom, but whatever it is, it's pretty easy to
kill despite being really big and nasty. It attacks by swinging its
fists down and as long as you stay in front of it and between its arms,
you'll be safe. Keep sawing with your chainsaw and it won't give you
any trouble. Once it's dead the door will unlock and you can enter the

Alzeed finally explains what's going on and, after some of the funniest
dialogue in the game, sends you off to find a familiar.

7.13 The Nether-Beast Labs

This is definitely the easiest sub-quest in the game. Just kill the
nether-beasts that come at you, being especially careful with the green
reptilian ones--they can actually hurt you. They may seem to be
respawning endlessly but they're not--just keep hacking them and they'll
finally die.

Walk up through the rooms and you'll find an old friend lying on the
ground near one of the cages. Pick him and the save-tape up, check the
blood-soaked tables for a wine-jug, then walk back through the now-
glowing portal.

7.14 The Arcane Library

After some more hilarious dialogue from Ash, Alzeez sends you into the
Arcane Library to get the book of spells. When you arrive, take down
the two robed guards waiting for you. Once the room is clear you'll
find a torch lying on the ground. Pick up the torch and then use it
next to on one of the burning torches on the sides of the staircase.
Place the now-lit torch on the empty spot on the right side of the
podium and press O button at the podium.

This should spell out the puzzle for you: you have to push the four
sparkling books into the bookshelf in a certain order. If you're
thinking about simply skipping the torch and going straight to the
books, don't--the game can sense cheaters and won't let you solve the
puzzle if you haven't lit the torch and looked at the books from the

The order is, from left to right: 2, 4, 1, 3. Walk up to the second
book from the left and hit O on it to push it into the bookshelf. Then
walk to the last book from the left and push it into the shelf, then the
first one, and finally the third one.

Once this is done a bookshelf will slide away to reveal a secret room.
This room holds an inventory-chest and the spell-book. Grab the spell-
book, save the game and pull out any items you might possibly need--this
is the last chest you'll ever see in the game.

Now go back to the opposite side of the room and run through the portal.

7.15 BOSS-BATTLE: Evil Ash

Now that you've gotten the spell-book and your hand, you can take
control of it and venture into the depths of the Lair! Guiding Ash's
hand through the tunnels and catacombs is gonna be really, really

...or maybe not. I guess Ash didn't need our help after all. Anyway,
after the next cut-scene you'll find yourself in the Cathedral of the
Dead, a kind of limbo between the human world and the dark-world. This
is where you'll go mano a mano with your evil doppleganger and rescue

Evil Ash really isn't that hard to fight though his attacks are
devastating if he lands a hit. The secret is to keep backing away from
him as you swing the chainsaw. If he stops or raises his arms for a
second, he's about to use the light-circle attack, the same attack the
Guild priest used in the temple, so take a small backwards jump. Just
don't turn your back on him and he'll fall without any trouble.

7.16 FINAL BOSS-BATTLE: Kandarian Demon

The demon that created and controlled Evil Ash will gruesomely rip
itself out of his body and attack you. This boss is really fearsome-
looking, like some kind of decayed dragon or worm. This isn't really a
battle, however--it's more like a puzzle that happens to occasionally
take off life-points.

Stay behind the pillar that you start off at; you're safe behind any
pillars since this boss can't actually move. The boss is completely
invulnerable to attacks unless you first switch off all four of the
glowing pillars in the room. Once you've psyched yourself up run all
the way down the room behind the pillars, picking up white mushrooms on
the way, unti you've reached one of the two dead-ends. Heal whatever
damage you took on the way and use your turned-off chainsaw to whack the
pillar. It will stop glowing.

Now run from pillar to pillar, grabbing mushrooms and healing between
each one; the creature will launch a kind of poisonous breath at you,
but it'll only have time for one shot before you reach the next pillar.
Whack each pillar as you reach it and when you reach the opposite side
of the chamber, turn on your chainsaw and hit the last pillar.

Now the creature will become transluscent and vulnerable to attacks.
Run up to its head and start slashing away with the chainsaw as fast as
you can; you only have a few seconds before it becomes invincible again.
Once it becomes solid again, turn around and run back to the corner of
the room, take cover behind a pillar and heal the damage you took during
the battle.

Turn off your chainsaw and whack the pillar you're standing behind.
Wait a few seconds--mushrooms will usually randomly appear around the
court. Run to the next pillar, picking up any mushrooms and converting
them to health items as you go. Hit that pillar and run to the next
one, healing any damage you take from the poison-breath as you go. Turn
on the chainsaw before you hit the fourth pillar, then rush back in to
slash at the boss the second he becomes transluscent again. When the
pillars light up, run back to the corner column and start the process
over again.

It'll probably take you three or four turns to completely kill this
boss. After that, just sit back and watch the hilarious ending
sequence; it looks like Ash and Jenny have a lot of reading to catch up


Knowby's Notes
Location: Default item

"October 9th.
The key to dispelling the evil I have unleashed lies somewhere in the
pages of the completed Necronomicon. I have been working for a
sleepless week trying to reassemble and translate the pages when today,
alas, something terrible happened. I sat down to rest and had fallen
asleep. It couldn't have been long, but when I awoke, my work area was
in shambles and the pages were gone. Someone (or something) had taken
them! Perhaps the family of strange, awful people in the woods had
something to do with it. I have seen them lurking about late at night.
I should investigate their old shack just west of the cabin. In any
case, it's imperative that I get every one of those pages back. A local
priest, Father Allard, has been assisting me. I tried to reach him
today, but the Evil has horribly altered the path to his church! I
wandered for hours in the labyrinth, but soon found myself lost. I
barely made it back to the cabin alive. I've got to find a way back to
that church."

Church Pamphlet
Location: Archery range gate

"The congregation of Sacred Heart Church and Father Allard welcome all
to Sunday mass. Early mass begins promptly at 8am followed by separate
services at 10am, 12pm and 5pm. This Sunday's sermon, 'The Nature of
Evil' will be followed by a juice and cookie mixer. Stick around and
meet some new friends."

Wolverine Letter
Location: Wolverine campground

"Dear Mom and Dad,
How are you guys? Sorry I haven't written. We've been really busy.
Troop Leader Nugent has had us out at the shooting range almost every
day. I'm getting pretty good with the bow and arrow, but my rifle
skills need to improve. Mr. Nugent says I just need more practice.
Speaking of Mr. Nugent, he's been acting a bit wierd lately. He
disappeared into the woods last night. He walked off towards an old,
abandoned mine. It's ten in the morning and he hasn't returned. Come
to think of it, I think some of the other Wolverines are missing as
well. Oh, well. They're probably out hiking somewhere. I'll try to
write again in a week or two. See you soon.


Wolverine Guide Book
Location: Abandoned mine

"The first thing any good Wolverine must learn is how to subsist in the
wild under less than favorable conditions. A wilderness explorer must
be prepared to identify a wide range of vegetation that he will be able
to eat, thus maintaining the health and stamina required to survive any
number of obstacles Mother Nature might send his way."

Hellbilly Journal
Location: Hellbilly shack

"I feel terrible 'bout what got done to Gram. Pa says we ain't got no
choice and told us to forget about her. I wish we hadn't found those
damn pages in the woods, 'cause things ain't been right 'round here

Modern Moonshiner Magazine
Location: Hellbilly shack

"The key to a great batch of ruckus juice is finding the right
ingredients for your mash. Use your imagination. Common food items you
wouldn't necessarily associate with a proper batch can actually enhance
flavor. Common mushrooms and other plants have been known to produce
textured brews that defy description. And remember, there's no such
thing as a bad mix. Anything deemed 'undrinkable' could still be
bottled and used around the house as a powerful cleaning solution, paint
thinner or fuel!"

Necronomicon Page
Location: Knowby cabin

"The initial manifestation of the evil is twofold: first, invisible
interdimensional forces are able to take control of humans. Once in
full possession, all aspects of human form are lost."

Necronomicon Page
Location: Hellbilly attic

"The second stage is the manifestation of deadites in the flesh. These
creatures are full-fledged demons and have maintained their ancient

Necronomicon Page
Location: Sacred-Heart Church

"Long before man, the Dark Ones trod the ways of darkness...Their
maliciousness was great upon the Earth; all Creation bowed beneath Their

Necronomicon Page
Location: Bridge

"After being banished to their own realm, the Dark Ones could not cross
over into our dimension without the help of man..."

Necronomicon Page
Location: Archery range

"The Warrior from the Sky fell, the one from my dreams. He made a most
glorious entrance..."

Merchant's Letter
Location: Market square

The state of affairs has grown worse. The city has become a place of
bedlam and unrest, and we merchants must band together. The robed
figures are going to and fro at all hours of the night--indeed there are
strange happenings at the temple. And there have been sightings of what
can only be called unearthly guards. These soulless, animated skeletons
have been seen roaming about the town. How are we supposed to make a
living in this kind of climate? We have to meet.


Notice of Execution
Location: Outside Alzeez's cell

"Abdul Alzeez, having been convicted of a Crime against the City of
Damascus, has been condemned to Death. Public Execution to take place
on Wednesday the 23rd of October, at 11:00am."

Guild Research Notes
Location: Celestial Temple

"Some of our most gifted scholars have given themselves to the Cause.
The process of translating the book takes a heavy toll. Within a week
or two of initially understanding the text of the Necronomicon, each
translator starts going a little mad. Some of them babble and curse,
while the more extreme examples have started phase-shifting into other
worlds. They disappear--literally--sometimes for hours at a time.
Others fade in and out of existence before your eyes. Victims of the
unparalleled power of the texts, they are merely shadows of men now. It
is quite worrisome. Only a few scholars remain. Alzeez has volunteered
himself. He seems strong. Perhaps we will give him a chance."

Astronomical Notes
Location: Celestial Temple

"Months of research have led me to conclude that the study of heavenly
body alignment is crucial to learning the secrets of the universe. When
the Earth's most influential celestial bodies are aligned properly, the
ability to travel between the planes becomes possible. Unlocking the
doors between worlds is easiest during an Eclipse. With this in mind,
we have scheduled another Experiment for the next Eclipse."

Captain's Log
Location: Captain's quarters, Armory

"September 6
We have been doing defensive drills should the city fall under siege.
Our work with the Guild to develop superior Armor for the men has
finally paid off. This new heavy Armor can withstand almost any attack.
Only when the armor is newly forged is it vulnerable, if at all. It was
when the smithy quenched the armor too quickly in water that it cracked
down the middle. Protecting the armor from extreme hot-to-cold changes
should insure its longevity."

(missing file?)


Items and puzzles sparkle with a white glow against the background. If
you see a sparkle, even if it seems to just be a background design, try
picking it up or using it with the O button.

The game only gives you save-discs before and after major boss-battles,
plot-points and accomplishments. Don't try to save up on discs, just
use them as you find them; they're a big clue that you've reached an
important point.

The legless deadites will dive underground after a few swings and then
erupt from below to attack Ash; to counter this move, take a small
backwards hop as soon as they vanish. They'll usually pop up again in
front of you and you can give them a second helping of chainsaw.

The skeletal soldiers on the second disc will fake their own deaths--
don't be fooled! They'll fall down and seem to vanish after a few hits.
Hop back a step and wait for them to leap back up from the ground. When
the skeleton-soldiers die, they usually leave items behind, so if they
haven't dropped anything, beware.

If you're carrying a gun in your free hand while fighting off deadites,
make sure that it has at least one shot loaded. Nothing's worse than
having Ash impale a deadite on his chainsaw, only to have to stand there
looking dumb--and vulnerable--because you don't have any bullets to
finish it off.

Remember: when you go to inventory-screen or pause the game, your
chainsaw will be turned off when you start playing again. If you're in
the middle of a battle, keep your finger over the button as you unpause
the game.

Always use a one-liner as you impale a deadite. While Ash will say a
line anyway, pushing the button boosts your odds of getting a large

Mushrooms respawn. If you find mushrooms on a screen once, make a note
of that place--there will usually be mushrooms there again if you
revisit the area later. Be patient--sometimes spawning takes a few

It's not necessary to fight Linda. Once you pick up the shovel you can
run off the screen--when you come back she'll be gone for good. But why
wouldn't you want to fight Linda? It just wouldn't be "Evil Dead"
without chopping her head off at least once...

Spawning mushrooms will often be accompanied by a whirring, wind-like
sound. If you're exploring the screen and hear it, look around again--
you'll usually find several new mushrooms. (thanks revilfan!)

The game will only allow you to stockpile four large health-kits; after
that the enemies will stop dropping items. Once you've gotten four
large health-kits, don't worry about finishing off the enemies. (thanks





There are places like that throughout Evil Dead, where you have to use
an item at the exact spot or nothing will happen. One way to find that
spot is to just keep investigating the rock-pile with the O button until
Ash makes a comment about digging his way through. Then, without
touching the control pad, go to the inventory screen and use the shovel
by selecting it and pushing the X button--he'll clear the passage. This
works for other exact-spot puzzles as well: for example, search the
motor outside the hellbilly shack until the screen actually changes to
show it and say it needs a part, then select the part on the inventory
screen without moving Ash.



I tested this and got exactly the same result. It must be a glitch in
the game--when you reload a game, it takes away the surrounding
monsters, but in this case you have to fight the monsters to get the
pieces to the next puzzle. I've written THQ about it and hopefully the
PC version will at least get a patch. As for what to do...I hate to say
it, but you're stuck on that screen now. Just reload the game as close
to Annie as you can and, when you reach the second disc, use the save-
disc before you go up the cliff. When you reload the game it'll show
the cinema again, then take you back to the chest in the middle of the
market stables.



That's not as silly as it might sound--I had the same problem when I
played through the game the first time. Those chests, and the save
discs, are very rare and they blend easily into the background. Here's
the locations of the chests in the first half of the game...

1. Workshed behind Knowby's cabin - in the back of the workshed
2. Abandoned mine - on the right wall, across from the battery slot
3. Hellbilly shack - in the bloodsoaked room, between the two doors
4. Church entrance - to the left of the gate
5. Graveyard - in the second crypt on the left trail
6. Fruit cellar - in the room beyond the projector-room, against the



I'm sorry to say it but THQ has confirmed that there are no secrets or
codes built into the game. There was talk of an infinite-gas code on
Playstation but it doesn't work. There are several Gameshark codes
available for both the Playstation and Dreamcast, but since I don't own
a Gameshark and can't test the codes myself, I haven't included them in
the FAQ.



I've updated the faq to make the answer simpler--press O on the 2nd book
from the left, the 4th book from the left, the 1st book from the left
and then the 3rd book from the left. That opens the secret passage. A
lot of people also get stuck when they try to skip lighting the torch--
that's as much a part of the puzzle as the books and if you haven't done
that, it still won't work.





Make sure that when you're on the menu screen you push the X button to
use the item--this can be easy to miss, since the use button is O in
every other part of the game. I haven't experienced this myself so I'm
still hoping it's just a simple button-mistake and not another glitch in
the game itself.

Also, I've heard that the Gameshark codes can interfere with the item
screen, making it impossible to use any item. Try the game without the
gameshark to make sure that it's not glitching the game.



The cave is designed like a room and you have to push the O button at
the door to get back to the mines. The trick can be figuring out
exactly what spot the game considers to be the door. Run to the right
of the screen until you get to a rock pile with two small wooden posts.
Stand between the posts and investigate the rock pile by pushing the O
button. The game will say the rocks can be pushed aside and Ash will
automatically go back to the mine.



The trap door in the cabin leads down into the fruit cellar. Ash falls
down into the fruit cellar from the church and emerges from the trap
door into the cabin during the cut-scene at the end of the first disc,
when Evil Ash reads the spell and sends them all to Damascus. There's
no in-game way to open that door, though--it's just there for Ash to use
during that cut-scene.


Go to inventory screen with the select button, then move the yellow
cursor-box onto a white mushroom. Push X and the yellow box will change
to a blue cursor-box. Move this cursor up to the converter and push X
again--the mushroom will change into a health-kit. The same applies to
red mushrooms, which will change into small health-kits.

But this only works if you've found the right in-game files. You need
the Wolverine Guidebook to change white mushrooms into health-kits and
you need an issue of Modern Moonshining magazine to use the red
mushrooms. They are found in the mines south of the camp and inside the
hellbilly shack.



That's a really good question--at first I thought maybe I'd gotten the
"bad" ending but the THQ website says the game only has one ending.

It seems to be a reference or homage to the "original" Army of Darkness
ending that had Ash screwing up a potion meant to send him back home and
returning instead to a post-apocalyptic future. That ending was
replaced when test audiences didn't like it, but it remained Sam Raimi
and Bruce Campbell's favorite ending for the movie.

Now, as for the game itself...

I think Ash definitely screwed up somehow and ended up sending the Book
of the Dead into the past where it got published and quickly overran the
world. The sign in the window says it's been on the New York Times
best-seller list for 300 weeks, which is almost eight years. Since
Raymond Knowby first found the book eight years ago, Ash may have
somehow altered history and made the professor's translations
successful, although I'm not entirely sure how.

Ash let go of the Necronomicon while he and Jenny were in the vortex and
it seemed to fly ahead of him. Since Evil Ash and Jenny arrived in
Damascus almost a week before he did after they leaped through the
vortex at the end of disc 1, perhaps the Book of the Dead ended up
dropping into the present seven or eight years before Ash and Jenny got
home, landing in Dearborne where some publisher found it and turned it
into a bestseller.

Either way, with all these books around, it's a safe bet the Dark Ones
rule the world--which is why the sky has an evil face and the city is

Hope that helps some--and let me know any theories you have about the


12/30/00 - A quick and small update; due to a typo, the walkthrough gave
the wrong solution to the graveyard puzzle. It's been fixed now--thanks
to Doozer810 and others who pointed this out to me! I've also fixed a
few small spelling errors and done some light proofreading--nothing else
about the guide itself has changed, though.

12/31/00 - Last update of the millenium! I've proofread the FAQ and
played through the game to compare the two. The walkthrough's been
updated with a much more thorough section on the graveyard.

1/01/01 - Added a Frequently Asked Question section to the FAQ--thanks
to everyone who's written and made it possible! I've also slightly
modified the walkthrough and added the mushroom-spawning tip to the
Hints and Tricks section...special thanks to REVILFAN for pointing that
one out!

1/03/01 - Added one more question to the FAQ warning of a potential bug
in the game--watch out! See Frequently Asked Questions for more

1/07/01 - Added a few more questions to the FAQ and some minor

1/10/01 - A tip from CCONRAD15 and some more proofreading...

3/11/01 - Some grammatical changes and an extra question added to the

4/03/01 - Last update for the FAQ, since I feel confident that
everything in the game has been covered. Finally checked and updated
the FAQ to include a biscuit in Knowby's cabin--several people wrote in
to tell me about that and thank you to all of them. I've also added a
few more details to the infamous library puzzle, checked up on THQ's
website for last-minute revelations, and included links to both the
official game's website and to Bruce Campbell's official site. Thanks
to everyone who helped contribute to this FAQ!



Thanks to Bruce Campbell, Sam Raimi, and Renaissance Pictures for making
the coolest horror-series in existence! Thanks to THQ for doing a truly
faithful translation of the series, and, since this is the first FAQ
I've ever done, thanks to everyone who's read it and to all who have
written with comments and suggestions. Hopefully, as more secrets and
codes are uncovered, I'll have more updates and future versions of this

If you have any questions on the game, any information I might have
missed, or just want to talk about the game, e-mail me at

For the official game website, go to:

And, of course, the official Bruce Campbell site:

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17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version (ADR).

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

09.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
24.Февраль 2018
04.Март 2019