Pocket MuuMuu

Pocket MuuMuu

17.10.2013 21:10:19
Guide Version - 1.1
By Tom Diehl
Last update - 3/10/00
- This document Copyright 2000 Tom Diehl, reproduction is ok as long as credit
is given where it is due. - My first FAQ !

3/3 - 1.0
First posting

3/10 - 1.1
Made correction about Baron Aloha. (thanks to petethatcher@hotmail.com)
Added Mini-Games
PG - 1, 45, 43, 66, 6, 38, 54, 67, 59, 32
PT - 11, 3, 14, 5, 19, 21, 6

This guide is just from what I understand and can translate from the game.
I can translate some of the Japanese which I will put in ( ) next to the name
I gave the game. The kanji gives me major headaches and my dictionary doesn't
have every word. I'm just trying to help out the fellow gamer here by
the menus and giving info on the mini games. Maybe this will help you decide
whether or not you want to buy the game. I'm going put in as much about the
games as I can. This is my first FAQ/Guide. Any helpful information will be
greatly appreciated. Please don't e-mail me about mini-games that are not up
here yet though. I wish to find them out on my own. I will update soon!

1. Title Screen info

2. Point of the Game

3. Menu Translations \ Island Help

4. Mini Games Listing



Of course the name of the game: POCKET MUU MUU

Starting from top to bottom
1. Start New Game
2. Continue
3. Load game
4. Options Menu
1. Date - Year/Month/Day - It's Y2K compatible!!!
2. Time
3. Stereo or Mono
4. BGM - Background Music Volume
5. SE - Sound Effects Volume
6. Vibration - On or Off
5. Exit


The game, from what I understand, is to go about and make money to buy the
pocketstation games for your pocketstation and to buy additions to your soon to
be "Fun Land" (just what I am calling it). You can buy things like fans,
sundials, platforms, a castle and a lot more. To make money you need to play
the pocketstation games. It's easier to get money in certain games and some are
just more fun to play. I can try to translate with the books I have (which you
will see me do with some of the game names) but that's about it.


I'm going to create my own names for some of the islands since my books do not
give me a translation for the words. The island with the little brown hut with
a green roof will be referred to as Goods Island (from what I made of the Kanji
I came up with Present Goods Island), the island with the roller coaster on it
will be called Fun island, and the island with the big screen and has the word
GAME spelled out across the top of the screen will be Game Island.

1. GOODS ISLAND - Green Roof
Right when you enter you are hit with a menu. Descriptions of what the menus
include are below. The menu choices are:

A. Pocket Notebook
B. Save
C. Restart Game
D. Memory Card Manager
E. Exit

1. Pocket Notebook - Any games you have bought or found are stored
here. Once this option is chosen your games are then listed and
there are four icons at the bottom of the screen.

a. Notepad - brings up the description of the game and five different
icons at the bottom of the screen.

1. Open Book - View the "How to Play".
Pushing up and down allows you to scroll through the

2. Light bulb - Tells you what you did to get the stars for
this particular game.

3. Pocketstation - Download this game to your pocketstation!
Choose this then chose the top choice. Look at these
symbols good you will see them often. Top one is Hai (yes)
the bottom is iie (no).

4. Play - Choose this to play the current game selected.

5. Frame - Choose picture to play your pocketstation game in.
I think you have to find or buy these. (haven't gotten one

6. Game Box (not a menu choice) - in the yellow box you will
have a setup like this:

< GAME NO. >
Game Name

Picture of game Stars Acquired
High Score
Type of game?
Cost or Found

b. PG - Lists all your currently acquired pocketstation games.

c. PT - Lists all your currently acquired pocketstation tools.

d. Blue Ribbon - Lists any PG or PT you have not played yet.

2. Save - Save your game.

3. Restart game

4. Memory Card Manager - Allows for you to delete or copy memory card
files. This is how you take Pocket Muu Muu games off the

5. Exit

2. GAME ISLAND - Island with big screen that has the word game written across

Soon as you land here you get to run around and visit the
numerous stores and such. Here's a quick little map for you to go by.

| |
| BELL |
------------------------------------------------- -|
| Lottery Game Booth |
| fountain |
| |
| Game Store |
| |
| Baron Capitao |
| Aloha's hut Island Suzuki ->
| X construction |
| you start here booth |


1. Lottery - Open 9AM ~ 10PM
Pay 500 Mu and pick one of the three prize tickets and get a random prize, or
nothing at all. Or you can pay 1000 Mu and play the lottery. If you choose the
right numbers you can win 100,000 Mu. Number chosen for the previous day is
shown to the left of choice.

2. Baron Aloha's Hut - Open 24 hour's
He charges 500 Mu per clue as to how to get the star in the mini games. When
you do a certain thing right in the mini games you get a star. Three starts per
(Thanks goes to petethacker@hotmail.com for correcting me on this)

3. Game Booth - Open 9AM ~ 10PM
You can buy pocketstation games here. They seem to be a bit more expensive than
the Game Store I think.

4. Game Store - Open 24 hour's
You can buy pocketstation games here as well.

5. Island Construction Booth - Open 10AM ~ 9PM
Here is where you buy things for your "Fun Land". You can buy things like fans,
platforms, a sundial, and much more. I will try to translate the list of what
is on the menu once I get a bigger dictionary.

6. Capitao Suzuki - Open 24 hour's
Come to this thing when you want to transfer the Mu you have gained by playing
your actual pocketstation into the game for spending.

- 4 - MINI GAMES LIST (as of last play time 3/2)

These are things that you can't play but use. Like clocks, dice
rollers, calculators, Etc.

PT - 1 - Calculator
Memory - 2 blocks
Cost - 4800 Mu

Your basic, four function, calculator. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

PT - 2 - Random Number Picker
Memory - 2 blocks
Found - Muu sleeping on floating island above waterfall. (This is on "Fun

You pick two numbers and it will randomly pick a number between those two

PT - 3 - Useful counter
Memory - 2 blocks
Cost - 6400 Mu

It's a counter. Push the large button to come to a screen that allows you to
select 3 different counters. They all look and do the same thing. Push the
large button to enter and then push the large button on the top choice to add 1
to the counter. The second choice resets the counter and the bottom takes you

PT - 5 - Flower Fortune Teller
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 4300 Mu

Push the large button and you will see the flower on the screen. A hand will
pick a petal when you push the large button. It will says things as you pick
the petals at the top of the screen. After all the petals are picked a message
will show. I think it's about you future family.

PT - 7 - BIO Rhythm (BIO rizumu)
Memory - 2 Blocks
Cost - 5300 Mu

Tells you your Bio Rhythm on certain aspects. Once entering your birthday you
are taken to a wave monitor. Left and right will change the current date as
shown in the box at the bottom of the screen. Up and down change what kind of
rhythm you are looking at. The heart is love, the little guy is your health,
and I am not sure what the last thing is. It looks kind of like a pencil.

PT - 9 - Heart (Rabu Rabu Ku?su)
Memory - 3 blocks
Found - In a box on "Fun Island"

Not sure what this is for. Maybe it is a love tester? When the heart turns
black, push the large button. Then as soon as it reverts to white push the left
button to stop the bar. If not done right the heart will break.

PT - 11 - Horoscope Teller
Memory - 2 blocks
Cost - 3200 Mu

Right when you start it up it shows present date. Push the large button and it
will take you to astronomy symbols and dates. There below the astrology symbols
you will see 3 other little symbols with little blocks in front of them. Heart
is for love, stick person is for health, circle I'm not sure of. Maybe luck?
While the symbols are on the screen push the large button and a full screen
circle or triangle. I haven't a clue what that means.

PT - 12 - Stop Watch
Memory - 2 blocks
Cost - 4800 Mu

Typical run of the mill stop watch. Push the large button to start it and end
it. Pushing left button will reset it.

PT - 13 - Alarm Watch
Memory - 2 blocks
Cost - 5200 Mu

Make your pocketstation an alarm clock that plays music. Five different tunes.
Menu reads top to bottom:

PT - 14 - Kitchen Timer
Memory - 2 blocks
Cost - 3800 Mu

A timer that you can set for either 3, 4 or 5 minutes. After setting it you
will see a pan filled with water and the time in the top left corner.

PT - 17 - Birth of Seed (Tan no tane)
Memory - 3 blocks
Found - Box on "Fun Island"

First off pick a seed by pushing left or right button. Push the large button to
ok it then push it once again when you come to the ground scene. A menu will
pop up.
Menu options:
Return - go back to watching the seed grow
Harvest - pick the plant out of the ground to see what you've grown
Sunlight - Give your plant light
Weed - weed the area
Water - water your seed

PT - 19 - Ball ? (Marimo)
Memory - 2 blocks
Cost - 4200 Mu

Not sure what you do with this. Push the arrow buttons a bunch of times to
shake the container. The ball grows bigger as you push the buttons.

PT - 20 - Season Clock
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 3200 Mu

A clock that has a little scene going on in the screen depending on the season.
An example being for winter you will see it snowing on the screen and a snowman
being made. Time shows in the top right corner.

PT - 21 - Dolphin Raising
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 6200 Mu

Raise your very own virtual dolphin! As you see him swim by push the large
button. The menu reads, feed and pet. If you let him be and watch him he will
do little tricks too!

PT - 24 - Simple Telephone Directory (Kantan Denwa)
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 6300 Mu

A little telephone number organizer. When you first push the large button to
start, the menu with all the names you currently have in the directory show up.
To see the number push the right button once you selected the name. Pushing
large button will bring you to a menu. English alphabet included!!
Menu listings from top to bottom are:
New - create a new name and number
Edit - change something about the current number or name
Delete - get rid of a number
Exit - go back to listings

PT - 25 - World Watch (Seikai Tokei)
Memory - 2 blocks
Found - In a box on "Fun Island"

Tells you the time in places all over the world.

PT - 26 - Dice (saikono)
Memory - 2 blocks
Cost - 3000 Mu

It's a dice roller. Can roll up to 12 die with six sides.

PT - 27 - 10 Second Continuous Strike (10 Byo Ren Da)
Memory - 2 blocks
Cost - 2000 Mu

Hit the large button as many times as you can within 10 seconds.

PT - 29 - Bomb Cycle (bakudan kai)
Memory - 3 blocks
Found - Box on "Fun Island"

Not to sure about this game. I believe you are supposed to set a number of
times in which the button can be pressed and then start the game. After
starting the game you and an opponent take turns pushing the arrow keys no more
than three times then pass it on to the opponent. Object is to make your
opponent blow up the bomb.

The games you can play to make more Mu to buy more games!!!!

PG - 1 - Black Jack
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 5200 Mu

Your typical game of black jack. Get as close to 21 as you can without going
over. Everything is in english so this game is easy to understand.

PG - 3 - Fill In Game
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 4200 Mu

Fill in the white part of the picture with the black part. Up and down flips
the image around while left and right flip side to side. Can get difficult at
times. You also have a time limit so you must be quick.

PG - 4 - Drop Zone
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 6800 Mu

Guide your ship down the cave without touching the walls. At the end of each
stage you choose a door for a chance to gain an extra 100 points.

PG - 6 - Demolition Game (Biru kowareru shi)
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 3800 Mu

The object of this game is to destory the building piece by piece while hitting
each piece with just the right amount of power. Once started you will see a bar
on the right side of the screen going up and down. Push the large button as the
top of the moving bar is next to the smaller bar off to the right to destory the
piece of the building. Hitting the part too hard 3 times will cause you to

PG - 10 - Miniature Golf (Patsuto Golf)
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 6200 Mu

Ten holes of Mini Putt!! Left and right move the arrows direction to hit the
ball. Down zooms out, up zooms in. Push the big button when ready to hit the
ball and a power bar shows up. Higher the bar is when you push the large button
the farther your ball will go.

PG - 12 - Cowboy Shoot Game (haya uchi somaso)
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 4800 Mu

The windows are set up like the pocketstation buttons. Pushing the button will
fire in the corresponding spot. The quicker you shoot the less points taken
away from you. You start with 500 points.

PG - 16 - Timer Game (tai mu gai)
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 4800 Mu

Five rounds with numerous ways to play. The ways are:
1. Push large button so many times within the allotted time.
2. Push large button as soon as the timer starts.
3. Push large button as close to the time stated as you can.

PG - 19 - Calculate Number Game (san su game)
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 3800 Mu

Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide the numbers to gain points. Points
determined by speed and correctness.

PG - 20 - Search for Symbol Origin Game (Gan saku kigo)
Memory - 4 blocks
Cost - 3800 Mu

You really need to know how to read hiragana and katakana for this one. The
element from the periodic table is displayed and you have to pick the correct
symbol for it. Element names are in Japanese.

PG - 22 - Fishing Game (tsutsuto tsutsuto baso baso)
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 7200 Mu

Push the down button to put the hook in the water. When a fish swims above it
push up to hook and pull the fish out of the water. Then push the large button
to throw the fish into the boat and repeat until you run out of time. You can
gain more time by catching the medium sized fish which only appears every 30
seconds or so. Catching anything besides the small and medium fish will waste
time and you won't gain any points.

PG - 23 - Space Shuttle Game
Memory - 4 blocks
Cost - 7800 Mu

I really am lost when it comes to this game. Anyone out there know what to do?
I've played it quite a few times and haven't found anything. To launch the ship
push the large button rapidly. You will then be in space. From here I don't
know what you do.

PG - 24 - Racing Game
Memory - 3 blocks
Found - In bell on Games Island

Hold large button down to accelerate. Drive as far as you can while avoiding
other cars, oil and the curb. Money determined by cars passed.

PG - 25 - Block Out
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 4300 Mu

The classic game of block out. Five stages to complete. I've gotten over
10,000 Mu from playing it through once!!
Points given for destroying certain objects:
Heart - 20 points
"O" - 40 points
Bomb - 80 points
Dog - 100 points
Crawling man - 150 points
Alien - 200 points
Car (window) - 250 points
Car (no window) - 300 points

PG - 30 - Astro Fighter
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 3800 Mu

Big button fires laser. Shoot the enemy ships before they crash into you. At
the end of each stage a large ship appears. Shoots all 6 ends of it as fast as
you can to get bonus points.

PG - 31 - Bomb and Tank Game
Memory - 4 blocks
Cost - 4200 Mu

As the game begins watch where the mines are. Move your tank to the top of the
screen without running over a mine. The "!" in the top right warns you that
there is a bomb nearby. At any time if you push the big button a kid will throw
a bomb and clear away any mines within one step of you.

PG - 33 - Muu Muu Fighter (dosukoi muu muu)
Memory - 4 blocks
Found - Box on "Fun Island"

Push the big button as fast as you can to knock opponent off the ledge. Good
way to make a quick 1100 Mu.

PG - 38 - Drive2000
Memory - 4 blocks
Cost - 5800 Mu

Upgrade from the other racing game. This one is a view from behind the car and
not overhead. Hold the large button to move faster and the direction buttons
move you left and right.

PG - 43 - Construction Game (kumitate ?)
Memory - 3 blocks
Found - A muu will appear after a while into the game behind the island
construction booth. He will give it to you.

Push large button to start. You start with 60 seconds. The direction buttons
move the part connected to the bird thing. Once you have the beak the correct
way push the big button, then do the eyes, then do the legs. If you dont know
what the bird looks like, look at the back of your instruction booklet. The
more you build the more time and points you get.

PG - 45 - Bingo
Memory - 2 blocks
Cost - 980 Mu

You start off with a board and need to make a line or four corners. Numbers
chosen by a lineup rotating at the bottom of the screen. Points determined by
how quickly you win!

PG - 47 - Ring Throw
Memory - 4 blocks
Found - Won at lottery.

Toss the ring by pushing the large button. The more power you put into it the
farther it goes. Left and right moves you. Try to get the rings around the
items on the floor.

PG - 50 - Rearguard 3rd Class Soldier (shingari santo hei)
Memory - 4 blocks
Cost - 6200 Mu

One of the more fun games. Push the large button to fire, hold it in till you
are read for your shot to explode. Just don't let the enemy get behind the
wall. Points determined by how many kills you make.

PG - 54 - Dodge Ball
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 4200 Mu

Move left and right to avoid incoming objects. Pushing large button will
holdout a shield in case you don't see yourself moving in time. You are allowed
3 shields. Points determined by how many balls you dodge. Amount of lives in
top left corner, score in the top right.

PG - 59 - Fly-Swat Game
Memory - 3 blocks
Cost - 7200 Mu

You have a flyswatter. Move it around with the arrow buttons and hit the large
button to swat and kill the flies. Thirty stages in all, every 5 stages you
have to kill a really big fly. Similar to the mario paint flyswatter game.

PG - 60 - Long Graceful Jump (abare fuku tobu bi)
Memory - 4 blocks
Cost - 4000 Mu

Tap large button to gain speed. Once you see the edge of the sand pit push the
up or the left button and hold in until you see the little black circle in the
angel you wish to jump then release the button to jump. Points determined by
farthest jump.

PG - 61 - 100 Meter Run (100M hashiru)
Memory - 3 blocks
Found - Box on "Fun Island"

Repeatedly tap the large button to out run opponent. Points are determined by
the difference between you and opponents time. Warning: You hand will be
killing you after playing this one a few times.

PG - 66 - Swing Game
Memory - 4 blocks
Found - Box on "Fun Island"

After starting you see a guy swinging. Push left and right to make him swing
faster. Then push the large button while he is swinging forward to make him
jump. Points are determined by the farthest of 3 jumps.

PG - 67 - Weather Forcast Battle (tataku tenki yoho)
Memory - 4 blocks
Cost - 6400 Mu

Your machine is on the ground. Move left and right with the arrow buttons.
Fire with the large button. Object is to destory all the clouds without being
destroyed by the weather conditions. You are against rain, snow, spears?, and
hail. Every 5-10 stages you are rewarded with a little Mu scene.

PG - 68 - Boating Game (koge koge kimi)
Memory - 4 blocks
Found - Box on "Fun Island"

Large button rows the right paddle. Left button rows the left paddle. Hold in
at the same time to row forward. Points determined by your time.

- 5 - Comments
This is a great game! But you need to have a lot of patience to play through it
without cheating. There is a gameshark code that unlocks all the games, but
what would be the fun in that? I have played through this far with no help at
all just my reference books so I can translate. Get this game if you have a
pocketstation. It's always fun to have all the games. Just hope I've helped
you with the game in some way!

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17.Октябрь 2013
Translation FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
11.Февраль 2016
24.Июль 2014
22.Октябрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019