Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden

Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden

16.10.2013 23:25:10

This Document Copyright (C) 2001 Yefri S. All rights reserved.


Version 9.9 (LAST)

FAQ, Guide, AP, Events
For PSX, PSOne and PC Emulator


ver 1.1 (070901)
Completed Hard Mode
Best Mechas List
Pilot List
Mecha Stat. Explanation
Some little change in guide
Add Mecha Section in guide

ver 9.9 (LAST) (120901)
Completed Easy Mode
Add some Gamesharks Codes
A little fixin' there and there...

*. Promotion
**. Preview
I. Introduction
III. Battle Menu
IV. Intermission Menu
V. How To Play
VI. Stat. Explanation
VII. Pilot and Mecha Ability
VIII.SP Explanation
IX. Walkthrough
X. Pilot List
XI. Best Mecha List (this just my opinion, you may ignore it, delete it, anything...)
XII. My Question
XIII.Gamesharks Codes

*PROMOTION* (PLEASE Read it, but you can ignore this section:))
This only about my background. I'm a student of UK Petra, it's the best University on Indonesia
and SouthEast Asian. What? where? Bali is a part of Indonesia, okay:)?
Everyone who like to study in Indonesia. Choose PETRA, it won't dissapointed you.
We are a very peaceful and beautiful country.

This is my first guide, so please forgive me for any mistake that I've made.
I'll try to answer every mail that you sent, Okkie?.. I'm from Indonesia,
and my English and Japanese wasn't very good (I don't understand Japanese),
so pls forgive me...again.
I also play this game only on PC (VGS 1.4) so please don't ask me about how to play on PSX okay?
(I know nothing about PSX gameplay). SWITCH ON!
Oh, I almost can contact me at CYBASTER98@YAHOO.COM with password...hey it's secret!
For anyone who need this walkthrough in INDONESIAN LANGUAGE, just contact my e-mail,
and I'll sent it ASAP. I'll add Item Section there but it's in MS Words 2000 format.
You can read this guide at :, and

This is all question that perhaps will asked by everyone who play SRW for the first time.
1) How to choose the level (Hard, Normal, Easy)?
There is no option for it, the level depend on the score that you earned during the game.
For example, in scenario 8 if you have 8 points it means Hard, 5 points means Normal and 2
points means Easy. Okay?
2) What are those points for?
I can say it's like your score. The higher your point (lets call it AP, ne?) will give
you a more difficult enemy, worse mecha (like GM Quell). And if you can manage the
hard route, you'll end this game at scenario 45. In Normal and Easy route, the game ends
at scenario 43. They all have the same ending movie. Just a little different storyline.
3) What's SP for?
Let's say that SP is like MP in Final Fantasy Series. It's magic in RPG Games. But SP cannot
recover until you end a scenario, unless you use items. So use it wisely.
4) How to recover HP and EN?
Recover HP and EN can be with this way:
a. Use a mecha that has an ability to recover HP / EN (Recover your EN also means refill your

ammo). Like White Ark (HP & EN), Venus A (HP), Norus Rei (HP) etc. Please remember that

with this way your moral will decrease by 10 (for recovery EN only).
b. Use SP. There is no penalty with this way. See the "SP Explanation" page.
c. Return to mother ship. It will recover both your HP, EN and refill amunition. In 1 turn
your ammo will fully recharge. But HP and EN recovery depend on how bad your mecha

condition is. This way also decrease your moral by 10.
5) How to earn money?
By destroying enemies. An enemy with more HP means more money. You can double your money
with SP "Luck" or "Bless". Use "Luck" wisely, cause if you fail to destroy the enemy
the effect also lost.
6) How to get items and what it's for?
You can get items with:
a. Destroy certain enemies (usually boss).
b. Buy from bazzar (Bazzar available at scenario 10, and it's not always open). You must
exchange with your BS (Blue Stone, available at scenario 10) at bazzar, not money.
c. Take white boxes in some scenario.
d. Checking every certain place at Map. Like cave, mountain hole, stell bars etc.
Item just like cloth, shoes in RPG games. It will add more stat at your mecha.
7) What are the best mecha?
This is my personal opinion okay? I loved all "Lord of Elemental" mecha. Because they
have a great animation when attacking, average speed, and average attack. Shin Getter and
Mazinkaizer also great, but you'll obtained it on scenario 36.
8) What is the best attack combination?
Daitarn 3 with "Sun Attack" (Banjo should level 48, so he can use SP "Spirit"), with
Raideen as the assister with "God Voice". I can say that Raidenn is the best assister in
this game, attack power 6000 (fully upgraded) and 8 range, it's a disaster for every enemies.

This is for anyone who can't read Japanese. Including me >_<.
End Turn
SP List (See the "SP EXPLANATION" section in this guide)
Unit List (Press Start to change Ally / Enemies, L1-R1 to Sort data by HP / level)
Mission Objective (Winning Condition-Lose Condition)
Gameplay Sistem (Grid-Sound-BGM-Vibration-Cursor)
Save (4 block)

Unit Stat. Pilot Stat. Equip Item
Unit Upgrade Weapon Upgrade Save
Replacement Change Load
Next Stage Bazzar Gameplay Sistem

Replacement: Here you can exchange pilot and mecha. Ex: You can make Heero ride Tallgeese III.
But not every pilot can ride every mecha. Can you imagine Sayaka ride Voltus V?
Change : This is for certain mecha. Like V2 Gundam can change become V2 Assault or V2
Assault Buster. Nu Gundam can change into Nu Gundam HWS. Etc.

Well, actually just destroy every enemy enemies ASAP. But not every scenario like that.
I'll write the other objectives.

This is some explanation on pilot and mecha statistic.

*Photo Name xxxx *
* Moral 00 Experience *
* Level 00 Exp. for next lv.*
*Short Reflect? Evade *
*Long Technicque Accuracy *
*SP * Pilot Ability * * Terrain Abiilty*
*000 000 000 * 000000 * Air *
*000 000 000 * 000000 * Land *
************ * 000000 * Water *
*Kills 00* * 000000 * Space *
*) If your pilot already kills 50 enemies, you can start a scenario with 105 morale instead of

100. And the yellow star symbol will light on. On Hard Mode you'll get more enemies.
*) Each time you destroy one enemy, will increase your morale by 5. And make all ally increase
their morale by 1. 50 is the lower, and 150 maksimum.
*) Everytime you take damage from enemies attack, will increase your morale by 1. Attack missed
won't make any change in morale.

Move x
Speed x
Armor x
Limit x
Size S / M / L / LL

*)Move: it means how far your mecha can walk. 5 means 5 block, but in certain terrain,
(mountains, jungle, asteroids etc.) needs more than 1 Move.
*)Speed: Better speed means better evade, if your pilot evade 100 and mecha speed 90 means that
your evade 190. But when your mecha limit is 160, it means your evade is 160 NOT 190.
When this happend, the evade in pilot stat. will change into red colour. It means you
MUST upgrade the mecha's limit.
*)Armor: It related with damage this mecha can take. Bigger armor means less damage this mecha
will receive.
*)Limit: Related with speed (read above)

This are the list of pilot and mecha ability. You can see the explanation in another FAQ (by
JL Lee in

1. Sword Cutting
2. Shield
3. Newtype
4. Enhanced Human
5. Manufactured NT
6. Kategory FL (Frost Brothers Only)
7. Potential
8. Guts
9. Physic Energy
10.Beast (Dancougar Pilots)

1. After Image
2. Maha Special (Getta 2 only)
3. Mazin Power
4. Seperate
5. Change
6. Beam Coating
7. I-Field
8. ??? Field (like in R-Gun, sorry I don't understand the kanji), but it says Nendo Fildo.
9. Gravity Wall
10.??? (Cybaster only, increasing all mecha stat., when Masaki's morale reach 140)
11.Zero System
12.Recover HP
13.Recover EN
14.HP Recover (Small)-(Normal)-(Huge)
15.EN Recover (Small)-(Normal)-(Huge)
16.Pinpoint Barrier (Macross Plus). I never seen it, since my Isamu and Gald never been hit..:)

Hot Blood/40 Spirit/60 Mercy/10 Snipe/30 Flash/10 *
Grt. Effort/20 Luck/40 Bless/60 Concentrate/15 100% Hit/20 *
Iron Wall/30 Invisible/60 Speed Up/10 Awaken/60 Confuse/70 *
Persev./20 G.Persev./40 Rally/40 Trust/30 Friendship/70*
Love/90 Resupply/60 Move Again/90 Exhaust/50 Weariness/100*
Self-destruct/1 Detect/1 Motivate/60 Patience/90 Raid/60 *

Hot Blood: Double the damage. (Why it's not Cold Blood?, sound more kill ne?)
Spirit: 2.5x damage for one attack. It's 3x in SRW Alpha.
Mercy: Enemies HP will remain 10. But in this condition:
a. Enemy pilot has a lower technique than your pilot.
b. In that attack, the enemy should be destroyed.
It's function is to make the other pilot increasing level easier.
Snipe: Increase the range of long range attack. Map weapon won't increase.
Flash: Evade 100%. Only for once.
Great Effort: Gained more experience. For one attack.
Luck: Money, money, money...It makes you receive more money. Please pay attention that
it's effect will lost even if the enemy not destroyed. So make sure your enemy
will destroy.
Bless: Give the other pilot "Luck" effect.
Concentrate: Increase accuracy and evade by 30%. For 1 turn.
100% Hit: Your attack will surely hit. For 1 turn. Can be evaded by SP "Flash"
Iron Wall: Receive 75% damage only for 1 turn.
Invisible: Dissepear for 1 turn. Enemies can't attack you.
Speed Up: Move +3 mass.
Awaken: Makes you make more action in that turn.
Confuse: Decrease all enemies accuracy by 50% for 1 turn.
Perseverance: Recover 30% HP
Great Per.: Recover 100% HP
Rally: Increase pilot morale by 10
Trust: Recover other mecha HP by 2000
Friendship: Recover all ally HP by 50%
Love: Recover all ally HP by 100%
Resupply: Recharge EN and ammo. No moral penalty
Move Again: Enable another mecha do another action
Exhaust: Decrease enemy morale by 10
Weariness: Decrease ALL enemies morale by 5. Fatman is the only pilot who can use this SP.
Self Destruct: It will make damage as big as your HP that time.
Detect: Sees the enemy statistic without battling.
Motivate: Increase morale of the surrounding mecha by 10. So maximum 4 mecha.
Patience: Transfer 50 SP to another mecha. You lost 90 AP.
Raid: Flash, Hot Blood, Speed Up, 100% Hit for only 60 SP

For ITEM list, you can see at JL Lee walkthrough. It's perfect, so I don't need to add anything.
Thanx very muchie Mr.Lee. (Nggg? It's in

Like I say at the first time, it's actually so simple to play it (as long you understand Japanese),
just destroy every enemies A.S.A.P. If there is another objectives I'll write it below.

Scenario 1: Kill all enemies gives you 1AP.
Note: If you don't want the AP you must choose number 1 choise in turn 2. Then Ryouma
and Benkei must run to the left of the Map.
Event: All characters - Jerid & Kakurikon.
Scenario 2: Kill all Titans enemies within 2 turns after they appeared.
Event: Kamiyu-Quattro, Kamiyu-Ema, Puru-Quattro, Usso-Quattro, Usso-Ema, Judo-Quattro,
Banjo-Quattro, Ryouma-Ema.
Scenario 3: Destroy Rozamia "Phsyco Gundam MkII".
Event: Kamiyu-Jerid, Kamiyu-Kakurikon, Kamiyu-Bran, Kamiyu-Rosamia, Hyouma-Jerid,
Hyouma-Kakurikon, Hyouma-Laila, Judo-Jerid, Judo-Rosamia, Puru-Rosamia.
Scenario 4 (Rin Horse Jr. Route):
Decrease enemies mother ship HP's till it ran. Don't let it escape. You can
destroy it if you can (20000 HP). Your team arrives at turn 6.
Event: Heero-Wufei(2x), Heero-Trowa, Heero-Dekim, Duo-Wu Fei, Duo-Trowa, Duo-Dekim,
Zechs-Wu Fei, Zechs-Dekim, Kamiyu-Dekim, Usso-Dekim, Gomez-Dekim, Judo-Dekim,
Quatre-Dekim, Noin-Dekim.
Scenario 4 (Ahgama Route)
Destroy "Zudori" before he escaped.
Event: Shinobu-Quattro, Shinobu-Ema, Tetsuya-Quattro, Tetsuya-"Zudori"
Scenario 5 (Rin Horse Jr. Route):
Destroy enemies mother ship. It ran if its HP 5000 left.
Event: Heero-Wu Fei, Heero-Dekim, Duo-Wu Fei, Duo-Dekim, Trowa-Wu Fei, Quatre-Wu Fei,
Wireta-Wu Fei, Wireta-Dekim, Kamiyu-Wu Fei, Kamiyu-Dekim, Usso-Wu Fei, Judo-
Wu Fei, Noin-Wu Fei, Zechs-Wu Fei, Zechs-Dekim. Dekim was inside the mothership.
Note: You must protect your base from the enemies. Careful with the flying unit (MD
Taurus), they have a high speed.
Scenario 5 (Ahgama Route):
Destroy "Zudori" (left of the Map).
Note: Do not destroy Ryusei and his friends. In the next turn they'll be your ally.
Event: Fuoka-Ryusei, Fuoka-Kou, Fuoka-Basku, Hikaru-Ryusei, Hikaru-Kou, Hikaru-Keith,
Miria-Rai, Max-Ryusei, Max-Rai, Kakizaki-Monsha, Masaki-Safine, Yan Rong-Safine,
Ryune-Safine, Irmgald-Basku, Kyouji-Basku, Keith-Basku, Monsha-Basku, Kou-Basku.
Scenario 6 (Rin Horse Jr. Route):
Reach designated point within 4 turns without battle.
Note: Use Wave Rider (Z Gundam), and add "Booster" item. Methuss also
ok for this job. Now you must count the enemy shooting range. Careful with
"Zamer" on the left of the Map. Their attack range is 8.
Scenario 6 (Ahgama Route):
Draw all enemies below disignated line in four turns. This line will shown every
time at beginning of a turn. DO NOT destroy any enemies or GAME OVER waits you.
Note: Use a strong mecha in front as a lure. Like Dancougar. Once the enemy attack you,
it will follow or chase you.
Event: Banjo-Quattro, Akira-Ema, Fuoka-Quattro, Henken-Ema,Tetsuya-Bran,Tetsuya-Quattro,
Shinobu-Quattro, Ryouma-Bran, Ryouma-Quattro, Kid-Jerid,Amuro-Bran, Amuro-Jerid,
Quattro-Jerid, Quattro-Laila
Scenario 7: Destroy all enemies within 4 turns
Convince: Heero-Wu Fei (2x)
Note: You don't need to convince Wu Fei, he still join you even you destroy him.
Scenario 8: Destroy Gogon. He'll run if his HP below ***(Hard 8000 HP, Easy 2000 HP)
Note: In Hard Mode, you can fight Kamen Kamen. In Normal and Easy Mode, Kamen Kamen
just shown up and say hi than run. Destroy him will gives you "Phsyco Frame"
Mecha: Depend on the Mode that you're in (Hard, Normal or Easy), in turn 4 Ryusei will
be available in your team with his mecha (Hard:MP Gurungast, Normal:MP Hyukbine
MkII, Easy:MP Gesphento MkII).
Scenario 9: *1st half-Destroy all enemies will give you 1 AP.
Note: The objectives of this scenario is just let Isamu reach Macross(after Gald
become friend).
Note2: Fight with Gald 3 times and he'll be your friend. DO NOT destroy him.
Event: Isamu-Gald (3x)
*2nd half-No AP.
Note: In Easy Mode you have a higher chance to destroy Shou "Neo Granzone".
Convince: Judo - Puru Two, Elpi Puru - Puru Two (NO MATTER you do at this stage, you
still might get Puru Two join you. This only decides what mecha you'll get
at scenario 36). Puru Two joins you at scenario 36 later (read below).
Event1: Judo-Puru Two, Judo-Jerid, Judo-Yazen, Judo-Basku, Judo-Katejina,Elpi Puru-Puru
Two, Masaki-Sho, Ryouma-Sho, Hyouma-Sho, Kenichi-Sho, Kamiyu-Kakurikon, Kamiyu
-Yazen, Kamiyu-Maua, Kamiyu-Jerid, Kamiyu-Basku, Kamiyu-Katejina, Kamiyu-
Puru Two, Kamiyu-Sho, Quattro-Yazen, Quattro-Jerid, Quattro-Basku, Quattro-Puru
Two, Quattro-Sho, Usso-Basku, Usso-Katejina, Usso-Puru Two, Usso-Sho, Four-Basku,
Four-Puru Two, Amuro-Bran, Amuro-Jerid, Amuro-Basku, Amuro-PuruTwo, Amuro-
Katejina, Amuro-Sho, Kou-Basku, Kou-Sho.
Event2: Destroy Maua with Kamiyu.
Scenario 10: Destroy Hora within 4 turns
Event: Jiron-Hora, Eruchi-Hora, Rag-Hora, Burme-Hora, Tetsuya-Hora, Jun-Hora
Scenario 11: Destroy all enemies within 3 turns
Event: Tetsuya-Tinpe
Scenario 12: Destroy Bigman. He'll run if his HP below ***(Hard 9000, Easy 4000).
Event: Tetsuya-Bigman, Kenichi-Tinpe, Gotseto & Eruchi-Bigman.
Scenario 13: Destroy Tinpe within 2 turns.
Event: Tetsuya-Bigman, Jiron-Bigman, Kenichi-Bigman.
Scenario 14 (Gundam X Route):
Garrod reach destination within 4 turns. Just walk as far as you can.
Event: Garrod "Gundam X"-Shagia, Jamill-Shagia, Four-Shagia, Kamiyu-Shagia, Hyouma
-Shagia, perhaps Quatre-Shagia (but Quatre was too slow here so I never can
make him close to Shagia)
Scenario 14 (Turn A Gundam Route):
Destroy Poo (the red one from Teletubbies? Where is Lala and the others?)
Scenario 15 (Gundam X Route):
*1st half-Destroy all enemies within 3 turns
*2nd half-No AP
Scenario 15 (Turn A Gundam Route):
Destroy all enemies within 5 turns
Scenario 16 (Gundam X Route):
Destroy Hora. He'll run if his HP below ***(Hard 8000 HP, Easy 6000 HP)
Scenario 16 (Turn A Gundam Route):
Destroy all enemies within 5 turns
Scenario 17 (Gundam X Route):
Destroy all enemies within 4 turns
Scenario 17 (Turn A Gundam Route)
*1st half-Sochie reach the white box first, before Rolan.
*2nd half-No AP
Scenario 18 (Freedan Route):
Destroy all enemies within 7 turns
Scenario 18 (Iron Gear Route):
Reach designated point within 4 turns
Scenario 19 (Freedan Route):
Destroy Karis in "Mobile Armor".
Note: At the beginning of the scenario, Heero AND Duo should reach designated point
within 5 turns (Upper Left of the Map). Both of them!
Convince: Garrod - Karis.
Scenario 19 (Iron Gear Route):
Destroy Poo. He'll run if his HP below 50%.
Scenario 20 (Freedan Route) :
Make GP-02 HP's below 900. Use SP "Mercy" if necessary.
Mecha: Look for them at the hole on the left and right (Hard:GM Quell and GunEZ,
Normal:V Gundam Hexa and Gunblaster, Easy:Gundam ZII and Sazabi).
Scenario 20 (Iron Gear Route) :
Same above
Mecha: Same Above
Scenario 21: Destroy Batsu. He'll run if his HP already red.
Scenario 22: Defeat Tinpe's after he start to run when you reduce it's HP by 50%
Mecha: Look for them at the hole (Hard:VF-11B Fighter, Normal:VF-1J Armored Valkyrie,
Easy:FA part for Gundam ZZ). VF-1J AV cannot change like others Valkyrie but it
has a high armor. For use FA part, go to Intermission Menu-Change (see above)
Scenario 23: Destroy all enemies within 2 turns, after Jamill reach Gundam DX.
Note: At the beginning scenario, let Jamill reach Gundam DX.
Scenario 24: Destroy Dante
Scenario 25: Destroy all enemies before Olva and Shagia appear at turn 11.
Scenario 26 (Hard):
*1st half-No AP
*2nd half-Destroy Dante ASAP
Scenario 26 (Normal, Easy):
Take ALL white boxes. Don't let the enemies take it.
Convince: Jiron-Rag
Scenario 27 (Hard):
Trap Hora's Iron Gear with Daitarn 3 and 3 other units within 3 turns
Note: Use "Mega Booster" and "Booster" on all Trapers (choose a flying units).
Scenario 27 (Normal, Easy):
Destroy all enemies other than Greta Gari within 2 turns.
Scenario 28 (Hard):
Destroy Karas "Greta Gari" in 7 turns
Scenario 28 (Normal, Easy):
*1st half-No AP
*2nd half-Destroy Dark General
Scenario 29 (Hard):
Convince Eruchi with Jiron twice OR Attack Eruchi until her HP below 50%.
Convince: Jiron-Eruchi (2x)
Scenario 29 (Normal, Easy):
Destroy Emperor
Scenario 30 (Sneak Attack):
*1st half-Your mothership reach designation point in 6 turns.
Mecha: Depend on what you've made in scenario 9, you'll get Quebeley MkII (White) or
Quebeley MkII (red). If you convince Puru Two on scenario 9 with Judo and Elpi
Puru, just convince her again with Judo in this scenario and you'll get Quebeley
MkII (White). But if you didn't convince her at scenario 9, you must convince her
with Judo and Elpi Puru on this scenario and you'll get Quebeley MkII (Red).
Quebeley MkII (white) has a Map Weapon, the red one doesn't have Map Weapon.
*2nd half-No AP
Mecha: Look for it at the yellow stell bars (Hard:Hi-Nu Gundam, Normal-Easy:FA part for
Nu Gundam)
Scenario 30 (Direct Attack):
*1st half-At this scenario, Freedan coming at turn 3. You must let Freedan reach
designated point below turn 7.
Mecha: Same Above
*2nd half-No AP
Mecha: Same Above
Scenario 31: Reduce Gundam Ashtalon HP's till below 10%.
Note: This is very difficult, since Ashtalon have a very big defense. Don't believe
what the stat. says (it says 1800). But I think it's more than that.
If you don't want AP, just destroy all enemies without do anything to Ashtalon.
Scenario 32 (Space):
Destroy all enemies other than "Ra Kairam" and "Soreiyu" within 7 turns.
Note: Don't destroy Milan "Sereiyu" or Game Over Man...
Scenario 32 (Earth):
Defeat the last Zen II after all enemies destroyed. There are 4 Zen II on
each corner of the Map.
Scenario 33 (Space):
Reduce "Turn X" HP till 70 %
Event: Zechs-"Turn X", Kid-"Turn X", Gald-"Turn X", Isamu-"Turn X", Garrod-"Turn X",
Heero-Suesson, Heero-"Turn X"
Scenario 33 (Earth):
Convince Eruchi with Jiron, kill all enemies except her, place Jiron beside her.
Convince: Jiron-Eruchi
Scenario 34 (Space):
Destroy Kamen Kamen, he'll run if his HP below ***(Hard 8000 HP, Easy-red
coloured). U can use Gundam DX "Twin Satelite Cannon".
Note: Turn X, Meribell and Katejina will run at turns 6. Kill Maribell for "Halo".
After this stage the bazzar sells "VAL VARO" (1500 BS), it's a great mecha. I
sugest you to buy it (I play on Easy Mode).
Event: Rolan-Suesson, Rolan-Meribell, Rolan-"Turn X", Hari-Suesson, Kid-"Kamen Kamen",
Scenario 34 (Earth):
Reduce "Turn X" HP below 50%
Event1: Banjo - "Turn X", Hyouma - "Turn X", Kenichi - "Turn X"
Event2: If you have Raideen in your team, you'll see Turn X "Shinning Finger" attack
Raideen. If you able reduce his HP of course.
Scenario 35 (Space):
Ra Kairam reach designation point in 5 turns
Note: You can destroy Gesphento MK II and Gurungast, but not G-Bit. Every time one
G-Bit destroyed, the other will come at RANDOM place. DO NOT KILL TO MANY G-BITS
OR THE GAME MIGHT HANG (don't know if you play it on PSX).
Scenario 35 (Earth):
Destroy Kamen Kamen.
Note: Do not destroy all enemies or Kamen Kamen will run.
Scenario 36 (Space):
*1st half-No AP
Note: At this stage, you must run to the corners of the map (every corner will do). And
Mazinga Z should be the last one. You can destroy all enemies (they'll keep
appeared until the last is a Yellow creature, sorry I forget it names, but it has
a very long range weapon, 8 or 9 I think)
*2nd half-Reduce Shin Getta HP *** (Hard-10%, Easy-until it run)
Note1: Just let Mazinga Z destroyed. Kyouji will replace on Mazinkaizer, then your teams
will arrived.
Note2: This wasn't as easy as it looks. Because everytime you attack Shin Getta-1, it
always defend (not counter or evade). So it makes the damage you'll made look
very weak. Use your BEST attack combination. Good Luck....
Oh, and if you manage to defend Mazinga Z till the end of scenario, you won't
get Shin Getta. Also, if you destroy Shin Getta, you won't get Shin Getta.
Event: Kyouji-Gogon, Kyouji-Bato, Tetsuya-Gogon, Tetsuya-Bato, Ryouma-Gogon, Ryouma-
Bato, Hayato-Bato, Akira-Bato.
Mecha: Look at the cave (Hard:Destroid Monster and The O, Normal:Neu Ziel, Easy:GP02A).
Scenario 36 (Earth):
*1st half-Destroy Gogon (before he rides Mazinkaizer)
Note: Destroying Mazinkaizer means GEMU OBA...just try it:-)
Event: Tetsuya-Gogon, Kyouji-Gogon, Ryouma-Gogon.
*2nd half-NO AP.Reducing Shin Getter HP until 10% in this stage won't give you
Note: Use all of your Super Robot at this scenario.
Event: Tetsuya-Bato, Kyouji-Bato, Akira-Bato, Ryouma-Bato, Hayato-Bato
Mecha: Same above
Scenario 37: Defeat Shagia and Olva at the same time. Use MAP WEAPON.
Note: Shagia and Olva are VERY VERY FAST this time. You'll need SP "100% hit" I think.
The best Map Weapon to destroy them are Gundam DX and ZZ Gundam. Please remember
that the pilot must have SP "100%hit". Like Garrod, Usso. Usso have SP
"Spirit", it'll make you easier. You can use GW Zero Custom, but it should
piloted by Chang Wu Fei. You can try your luck with other pilots.
Event: Jiron - Hora, Garrod - Shagia, Garrod - Olva.
Scenario 38: *1st half-Destroy all enemies other than Katejina (-san?) in 9 turns.
Event1: Usso-Katejina (2x)
Event2: Use Usso to attack Katejina until her HP very low. Use SP "Mercy" will help (Usso
must at least at lv.45, because his technique won't enough before this lv.)
Note: In Easy mode, Katejina only assisted by 1 "Bandit". In hard she had 4 "Bandits".
*2nd half-No AP.
Note: Take the item at the Cave on the bottom left of the Map. I forget what it's, but
it's a good item. In this scenario you must destroy Turn X in ...turns (Easy 17
turns, I forget the Hard and Normal Mode. Just see the Scenario Objectives)
Event: Rolan-"Turn X"(3x), Hari-"Turn X", Poo-"Turn X", Diana-"Turn X", Kyouji-"Turn X",
Heero-"Turn X", Usso-"Turn X", Kou-"Turn X", Kou-"GP02A", Kamiyu-"Turn X"
I really wonder what Turn-X says at turn 2 "Amuro Ray, Char Azanable....". But
when Amuro or Quattro (Char) attack him, there are no conversation.
Scenario 39: There are two choises before this scenario, but the scenario just the same.
After all enemies destroyed, a bunch of enemies appear with 8 missiles. You must
reduce all those missiles HP to 10%. SP "Mercy" will help. If you can reduce all
of those missiles HP to 10% only in 2 turns after they appear, it worth 1 AP.
Event: Jiron-Hora, Jiron-Tinpe, Eruchi-???, Eruchi-Hora, Eruchi-???
Note: USE KAMIYU in Z GUNDAM at this scenario. Cammile will learn a new attack (70
EN). If you manage to kill Rozamia, Cammile won't learn this attack. I wonder if
she can joins you, tell me if you know.
Add: At the beginning of this scenario Eruchi already become my friend. If you do
everything right I think she'll joins you, I play this games 3 times in different
modes and Eruchi always joins me. So I don't know if those convinces have any
impact or no.
Scenario 40: Destroy 2 Kamen Kamen at the same turn in 4 turns. You can do it without Map
weapon, just destroy them at the same turn.
Note: You can't use Gundam DX Map Weapon here,the moon ain't shine. So the best choise
are GW Zero Custom and ZZ Gundam.
Bring a lot of pilot who can use SP "Rally" and "Motivate", because there are
only about 10 enemies here (if you're on Hard Mode). You'll need a high morale
to kill Zenga after 2 Kamen Kamen destroyed. It will give you 50000 and
"Gravity Wall".
Scenario 41 (Hard, Normal):
Destroy Shagia and Olva at the same time (again?). My advice, use Turn A Gundam.
It already has Map weapon isn't it?.
Scenario 41 (Easy):
*1st half-Destroy all enemies within 2 turns. Just use Mega Booster in your team
(Hikaru, Fooker and Isamu). Better you upgrade Fooker's weapon because the enemy
only attack the weaker pilot (in my case is Fooker). And ALWAYS Counter.
The enemies here just piece of cake (their HP are only 2500). Careful...
The last three enemies (HP 5000) has a nice item part for you, "Mega Drive",
"Halo" and "???"(sorry, forget the last one). And the next scenario waits you...
Note: You'll start this skenario with Hikaru, Fooker and Isamu, all of them from
Macross series. Just be prepare if you want the AP. BUT WAIT you're in Easy
right? So what's AP for anyway? Actually you no need to read this anymore :)
Just KILL...KILL...and KILL...Remember!this is easy!
*2nd half-No AP. Goru just recover once, well that's why its easy mode....
Scenario 42 (Hard):
Destroy Dai. He ride a mecha with 2 cute dino (63000 HP), and surrounded by 4
assister. Actually this scenario also the same with scenario 41 (Easy)-2nd half.
Note: Dai will recover his HP when his HP already low, 'bout 3 or 4 times (sorry,
forget) which will make you crazy. And all enemies here have an average HP 30000.
Scenario 42 (Normal):
Destroy Zenga.
Note: The objectives of this scenario is to launch your mothership to the designated
point. After that a bunch of enemies with crazy HP will appear.
Scenario 42 (Easy):
Again, this is the same with scenario 42 (Normal) and 43 (Hard)-1st half.
It just Zenga appear after you destroy one enemies.
In hard and normal mode, Zenga appeared since the beginning.
And to get the AP, you must reach designated point within 10 turns. There is
no turns limit to reach the designation point, you can go there anytime you want.
Note: It's easy to destroy Zenga, he just recover once.
Scenario 43 (Hard):
*1st half-Destroy Zenga (55000 HP).
Note: Your mothership should reach designated point in 8 turns. After that, you'll
continue to the next part of the scenario.
*2nd half-No AP. This scenario was the same with scenario 43 (Normal)1st half.
But Zenga joins you. I think you should manage to destroy him on the previous
scenario before he joins you. Destroying Meigas won't add your AP, but she has a
good item "Iron Soul" and much money.
Note: Yeah..huraay, Zenga joins me! But his HP only 12000, his EN 200 (it's 290 when he
is your enemy) and he lost his "Commander" abilty. What a weird. He wasn't as
strong when he is your enemy. The Objectives of this stage are simple, just kill
those twin boy (left:54000 HP, right: 56000 HP). And Meigas (65000 HP) will
appear with another boy. Killing the last "boy" will gives you "Iron Soul".
Scenario 43 (NORMAL):
*1st half-Destroy Meigas/65000 HP (She'll recover 3 or 4 times). She appear after
those twin boys destroyed.
Note: You can complete this scenario by just killing those twins.
*2nd half-No AP.
Event: Almost every main character (Amuro, Ryouma, Shinobu, Jiron, Kid etc.) have a
conversation with Meigas. I can't type them all.
Scenario 43 (EASY):
Note: Meigas will recover three times (65000 HP), I think it isn't that hard.
You'll start this scenario with 120 morale (yeah! way to go). And to tell you
the truth that destroy Ansaz, Surisaz, and Uruz I think is harder than Meigas,
they have "After Image" Ability.
Scenario 44 (Hard):
Kill Meigas (65000 HP), it isn't that hard.
Note: Now you can choose Aya "R-3" and Rebi Tora "Hyukbine MkII". But I can't
use Rai, is there anyway to make him available?. Anyway, no need to worry about
it, they're weak! (their mecha I mean). Instead Rebi Tora is wonderfully
perfect pilot.
Why? She is strong (she was the boss from SRW Alfa) and having level 7 Pyshic
Energy...tsk...tsk...why should she use Hyukbine Mk II?.
Well nobody is perfect :)
Event: Same here, all main character will have a conversation with Meigas.
I can't type them all man (is there any girl play this game?).
Scenario 45 (HARD):
???. What's AP for at the Last Stage anyway?. You can try to destroy Granzone
in 2 turns, but still there is no AP for it I think. :). And Monika and Safine
will run in turn 2.
Note: You have new mothership now (Alexandria), it has high HP but low armor (900).
After Granzone (50000 HP) destroyed, Neo Granzone will replace it (65000 HP).
In Neo Granzone, Sho makes 4 times recovery, before you can truly finish him.
Use Masaki in this scenario. I spent almost 1 hour and almost all of my "Super
Repair Kit" and "Donkey Bun" (use them or you'll be sorry, this is the LAST)
just for defeating Sho.
NOW sit back and enjoy the ending movie (which I think is bad, SD Gundam has a better movie>_<).
Why? The characters wasn't speak there. Also no action there, just stand, and holding hands???
After this you can save this file for:
1. Movies collection.
2. Character and mecha data.
3. Replay. A note will written on the data that you saved. It says in which mode you finished the

game. In Normal Mode, you can replay with 1,500,000 money at the beginning, Hard 2,000,000,
Easy 1,000,000. Just choose "Load" to replay.

These are list of some pilots, a weak pilot and they who I never used in this game are
not in this list.
Why? Of course because I'm tired. I can't type all those almost 100 pilots...>_<.

BRAIGER Kid Potential-Assist-Sword 100%Hit - Flash - Rally-
Cutting Snipe-HotBlood-Friendship
Steven Boy Assist SpeedUp-Concentrate-HotBlood-
G.Persev. - Luck - Exhaust
Issac Kodonov G.Persev.-G.Effort-Rally-
Mercy - Trust - Awaken
Machiko Valencia Detect - Bless - 100%Hit -
Flash-Iron Wall-Invisible
COMBATTLER V Aoi Hyouma Potential - Assist - Sword Persev.-100%Hit-Friendship-
Cutting Rally - HotBlood - Trust
Naniwa Jyuuzou Assist 100% Hit - Flash - Mercy -
Snipe - SpeedUp - Patience
Nishikawa Potential - Assist G.Persev.-G.Effort-Hot Blood-
Daisaku Move Again - Rally - Confuse
Kita Kosuke Assist Trust - Luck - Love -
Nanbara Chizuru Assist Detect-SpeedUp-Invisible -
DAITARN 3 Banjo Potential-Assist-Shield- G.Perseverance-Rally-Flash-
Sword Cutting 100%Hit - HotBlood - Spirit
GETTER ROBO Nagare Ryouma Potential - Assist Perseverance-G.Effort-Rally-
100%Hit - HotBlood - Awaken
Jin Hayato Potential - Assist Flash - Luck - Speed Up -
Concentrate - Mercy - Love
Tomoe Mushashi Potential - Assist G.Persever.-Flash-Concentrate
-Flash - 100%Hit - Friendship
GUNDAM 0083: Kou Uraki Assist-Shield-Sword Cutting Flash - 100%Hit - SpeedUp-
STARDUST MEMORY G.Effort - HotBlood -Spirit
GUNDAM WING- Heero Yuy Potential-Assist-Shield- SelfDestruct-HotBlood-Awaken-
ENDLESS WALTZ Sword Cutting Concentrate-IronWall-Spirit
Zechs Marquise Potential-Shield-Sword Cutting Mercy - Flash - Hot Blood -
Concentrate - Luck - Spirit
GUNDAM X Garrod Ran Guts-Assist-Shield- Concentrate-Luck-100%Hit -
Sword Cutting Flash - HotBlood - Love
Para Sisu Assist Concentrate-SpeedUp-Rally
Trust - HotBlood - Bless
LORD OF Masaki Ando Assist-Sword Cutting Concentrate-Luck-Hot Blood-
ELEMENTALS Flash - Rally - Awaken
Ryuune Assist-Sword Cutting Concentrate-Flash-Hot Blood-
GreatEffort - SpeedUp - Rally
Senia Assist-Sword Cutting Trust - Bless - Motivate -
MACROSS PLUS Isamu Dayson Guts-Assist-Shield G.Persev. - Luck - Rally -
Concentrate-Hot Blood-Spirit
MACROSS: DO YOU Hikaru Ichijyo Assist-Shield Persev. - G.Effort - HotBlood
REMEMBER LOVE Concentrate - Luck - Spirit
Maxmillian Assist-Shield Concentrate - Mercy - Love-
Genius Snipe - Hot Blood - Awaken
MAZINGA Z Kobuto Kyouji Potential-Assist-Sword Cutting G.Persev.-Iron Wall-SpeedUp-
100%Hit - HotBlood - Flash
GREAT MAZINGA Tsurugi Tetsuya Potential-Sword Cutting G.Persev.-100%Hit-Awaken-
G.Effort - HotBlood - Rally
MS GUNDAM : Amuro Ray Newtype-Commander-Sword Cutting Flash - HotBlood - Awaken -
CHAR'S COUNTER Concentrate - Mercy -Spirit
MS V GUNDAM Usso Ewin Newtype-Shield-Sword Cutting Concentrate - Flash -Rally-
Mercy - HotBlood - Spirit
Halo Detect - SpeedUp - 100%Hit -
G.Persev. - Luck - Motivate
MS Z GUNDAM Kamiyu Bidan Newtype-Shield-Sword Cutting Flash - Rally - Awaken -
Quattro Bajina Newtype-Commander-Sword Cutting Concentrate-Mercy-Confuse-
(Char) Flash - Hot Blood - Spirit
MS ZZ GUNDAM Judo Ashita Newtype-Shield-Sword Cutting G.Persev. - Luck - Awaken -
RAIDEEN Hibiki Akira Potential-Physic Energy-Assist Flash - Rally - 100%Hit -
-Shield Concentrate - HotBlood-Awaken
TURN A GUNDAM Rolan Seacc Assist-Shield-Sword Cutting Flash - Mercy - 100%Hit -
VOLTES V Go Kenichi Potential-Assist-Sword Cutting Snipe-Rally-Friendship-
Mine Ippei Potential - Assist Concentrate - 100%Hit - Rally
-Mercy - HotBlood - Awaken
Go Daijiro Potential - Assist G.Persev. - Trust - Iron Wall
-G.Effort - Rally -Move Again
Go Hiyoshi Assist G.Effort - Trust - Patience
-Flash - Concentrate - Bless
Oka Megumi Assist Flash - SpeedUp - Invisible-
Detect - Luck - Confuse
XANBUNGLE Jiron Guts-Assist G.Persev. - Rally - Luck
100%Hit - HotBlood - Spirit
Rag Potential-Assist Rally-Concentrate-HotBlood
Flash - G.Effort - Motivate
DANCOUGAR Fujiwara Potential-Beast-Sword Cutting HotBlood - SpeedUp - 100%Hit
Shinobu G.Persev.- Concentrate-Rally
Yuuki Sara Beast 100%Hit-Concentrate-HotBlood
Snipe - Luck - Motivate
Shiba Ryo Beast Persev.- Concentrate - Flash
Trust - Bless - Move Again
Shikibu Beast Rally - G.Effort - Confuse
Masato Mercy - Flash - Love

This list are only my opinion. Please choose your own mecha as you like. Since at the last stage
there's only 17 mechas you can used (little spoiler;)). These are some mechas that I'll choose.

1. FREEDAN (Mothership)
Why? Because it can carry 3 items. Give it 2 "Special Armor"/"Built Up Part" and "Nanoskin
Then upgade it's HP. Everytime enemy attack you, just defense. This way, your HP always
green. Plus it has 3 pilots. Ra Kairam only have Bright Noa. If you play G Generation,
you'll understand how important your mothership crew is. There is Captain, Operator, Driver,
Mechanic and Guest. But let's just accept it.
This is the only Super Robot which can use SP "Spirit". Power 5300 (max.) plus ability
to fly and change. Jiron also can use "Spirit", but Xanbungle can't fly and his power
was lower campared to Daitarn 3. But Banjo should level 48 to learn "Spirit" :)
It is the best assister (I've told you at the beginning of this guide). Power 6000 (max.)
and range 8, even boss will die. Plus Akira can use "100%Hit". Well, yes its themesong was
weirdo, it just like a ceremony song.
Actually it depends on the stage condition. In some stage, the moon shine and some not.
If the moon shine, "Twin Satelite Cannon" will make you act like enemy boss.
Wait for some turn, shoot...wait...shoot. It's a real robot with an attack as strong as
Super Robot. Plus it can combine with G-Falcon, and piloted by two pilots.
Too bad no one from Gundam X series can use "Spirit" :)
Upgrade their EN until max., give them item "Mega Generator" and "HPHGCP". In every turn you
can use Cyflash and Psychocrasher (I guess?) without worrying out of EN. Ho..ho...ho...
Before Banjo reach lv. 48, this is your best mecha to destroy any enemies. Dancougar's pilots
has a "Beast" ability which is makes your attack more powerfull. Also almost all of it's pilot
can use SP "Rally". You can get 150 morale very fast. YATEYARUSEEE...!!!
Yeah, it will be upgraded to Shin Getter, later after stage 36. GETTAAA BEAAAAMMM!!!
Yes, 5 pilots means 30 kinds of SP (@6), if you use "Donkey Bun" OR "Super Repair
Kit"....TENKUKEN!!! and CODENCHI SPIIIINNN!!! 5X with HotBlood, acchhh even Sho will die.
Recover your HP and EN in one. Plus it has a shield. Also don't forget that it has a huge HP
and high move. You must use it in every scenario (as long it available of course).
My pilots are Faa (SP "Motivate"), Keith (he has the highest shield lv.) or Quattro (yeah,
Char:), 'cause Hyaku Shiki Upgrade was bad and slow). No one can hit my Quattro :).
Do I need to say a reason for choosing this our beautiful partner here?. BURESTO FAIYA...!!!
And remember that Mazinkaizer is NOT Mazinga Z upgrade. When you get it on stage 37,
your Mazinga Z also still there without pilot. So don't upgrade Mazinga Z too much.
Great Mazinga better than Mazinga Z. And just like X says in gamefaqs Massage Board,
Mazinkaizer + Iron Soul + HPHGCP = GOD. He..he..I agree with that!^o^
Well, it can used on earth now. And still powerfull like before (in SRW Alpha) with a new
powerfull attack. Better use Judo or Kamiyu as pilot of GP-03D.
It can be upgraded to Hi Nu Gundam OR Nu Gundam HWS. Amuro, Quttro and Cammile are the best
pilot for this MS. "Kono Nu Gundam naraba!"
I only suggest this mecha if you take Easy Mode. With FA part, Gundam ZZ become stronger.
Its final attack is far (8) and strong. The bad news is ZZ Gundam moves only 5 blocks.
After get its Assault Buster part, V2 Gundam I think the fastest and strong mecha in this game

("After Image " ability and high speed). Stand Up to the victory...
Also Usso is a great pilot, plus he has Halo as sub-pilot. Only a few boss can hit my Usso.
Upgrade its speed.
This mecha has a "Recover HP" ability, so it's better than use Methuss or Venus A.
Plus, Senia can use SP "Motivate" which I think it will help you at first round.
For raising level purpose only. Upgrade it? Well, I'm not. But if you really like this
mecha, better upgrade its weapon.
It no need EN or morale for its attack. Plus has an "After Image" and "I-Field". The
problem is its attack wasn't very strong and move only 5 block. I think you should use
"Minofsky Craft" and "Mega Booster". SHINUSEEEEE....!!!
18.YF-21 Fighter or YF-19 Fighter
Well, yes I made some change in my opinion. Usually I choose Zasabi, but someone told me
about YF, ugh...they're trully incredible. Only a few bosses who can hit Isamu or Gald,
they're fast, very fast. And now YF-21 have some change in attack, it can use its limiter
attack just like in its anime :)

1. Is there anyway to have Dragon and TigerLord, Granzone or SRX without GS?
2. Who piloted those mechas? (I play it on PC, so I can't use GS).
3. Some people says that after you finished this game you can replay the game and buy much more
better mecha at the bazzar. Is it true? I did't play this 3 mode continually but directly at
once, so I always have the same mecha at bazzar. But I think it's true :) Where else you can
get SRX?

In my opinion the gameplay on SRW Alpha was better than on Gaiden. But the graphic
on Gaiden is more cute and more AMAZING. I don't understand the story....
If you like this game, tou should try SD Gundam G Generation Zero or Generation-F.
Hope that this guide might help you.
And that's it. I won't update this guide anymore. Its already enough I think.
======================================================================================== more thing, if you already play this game 5 times or more until you
hate this game, try to use GS to make all your pilots lv. 99. But do not use main
characters, try to use Puru in Nu Gundam, Faa in Turn A Gundam, or Kyouji in Bossbolt,
etc. You'll heard a different voices and see something new...
Do you ever heard Kyouji or Sayaka attack with "Special Deluxe Golden Delicious Hyper
Power Bolt Punch" in "Bossbolt" (what a long name)?
He...he...he...try it (its funny)! :) Find anything funny? Just tell me...:)

Well, so much mail ask me about that SRX, so here are some GS codes that might help you a lot.
Oh, I get this codes from DiVa Magazine in my country (what? No I'm not DiVa's member).
I don't even ask their permission to write it...sorry guys :). Thx to DiVa, okay? ;)
AND LAST IS I myself NEVER TRY this code (I don't have PSX), so there is no guarantee that this
will work.

SRX in bazzar (I don't know how much it cost, 9999 BS?:))
80074AB4 01E1

Tiger Lord in Bazzar
80074AB4 01DA

Dragon Lord in bazzar
80074AB4 01D9

Neo Granzone in bazzar (Man! Talk about Best Mecha...)
80074AB4 01BB

Unlimited SP (what ?!! How lucky you're PSX player...)
D00B65EA 0072
800B65EA 0060
D00B6686 0045
800B6686 0040


Everyone who read it
All people from GameFaqs.
JL Lee (he is truly a master of SRW)
Frans K. for the information about YF-21 Fighter
Jonathan for the information about SRX
Jupiter for the information about Easy route
DiVa Magazine in my country
And everyone who already sent me mail.



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