Power Instinct 2

Power Instinct 2

06.10.2013 09:25:43
Power Instinct 2

G O U K E T S U J I I C H I Z O K U 2
(The Slightly Ultimate Violent Legend)
FAQ version 2.0, March 12, 1999
By Christopher Harback

Welcome to the latest version of the Power Instinct 2 FAQ! After a hiatus of
nearly two years, I've decided to revise the world's only FAQ (that I know of)
for this unusual game.

Why? I don't know, really... I rediscovered the file while cleaning out my old
UNIX account when I changed service providers, and it just seemed to want
revising. I seriously doubt that Gamefaqs is getting ANY hits on this FAQ, but
hey, it's a labor of love for me.

There's obviously not much new. I've cleaned up the format and therefore the
length. I've also included a listing of all the costume colors for the various
characters. I've even listed, where possible, a description of the little items
that circle a fighter's head when he or she is dizzy.

A word about PI2

Power Instinct 2

Otherwise know as Gouketsuji Ichizoku 2: Chottodate Saikyo Densetsu, Power
Instinct 2 for the Sony Playstation is really a home version of the Japanese
sequel to PI2, subtitled Chottodate Saikyo Retsuden. Released in Japanese
arcades in 1993, PI2 was outdated by the time it was converted for the PSX in

Okay, I'll be the first to admit that PI2 isn't a game for everybody. As a PSX
2-D fighting game it fails outright-it's slow to load, it's choppy, and it takes
forever to load when any of the characters transform into their alter-egos. But
if you can look past its flaws, PI2 is a suprisingly clever game. It's full of
sight gags that depend on a slight knowledge of Japanese culture. Most, if not
all of the characters are broad caricatures; it's a fighting game that makes fun
of fighting games. In short, it's too bad it was made for the PSX and not the

For those looking for the further adventures of the Gouketsuji Clan, Atlus
produced a sequel on the Saturn, called Groove On Fight. It is an excellent
game, and it succeeds in many of the ways that PI2 fails. Incidentally, the only
returning characters are Oume and Otane, who fight as one person, tied back to

Also available, of course, is Power Instinct, on the Genesis and Super Nintendo

Standard Moves

Standard directional controls (a la SFII) apply here. In other words, hold
away from your opponent to block, up to jump, etc.

Double tapping toward or away from your opponent will cause your character
to dash, or roll, or hop in the appropriate direction. Most characters have
unique attacks while dashing.

All characters can double jump by tapping up, up left, or up right while

A throw or grapple may be performed by pressing forward and Hard Punch while
near your opponent. Some characters may also throw by using forward and Hard

Directional controls
ub u uf Jump Up-Back Jump Up Jump Up-Forward
\ | /
b -- n -- f Walk Back / Block Neutral Walk Forward
/ | \
db d df Crouch / Low Block Crouch Offensive Crouch

Button layout and effect
LP HP Light Punch Hard Punch
LK HK Light Kick Hard Kick

Square: Light Punch
Triangle: Hard Punch
X: Light Kick
Circle: Hard Kick

FAQ abbreviations
qcf / qcb - Press d,df,f or d,db,b on the joystick.
hcf / hcb - Press b,db,d,df,f or f,df,d,db,b on the joystick.
Rotate 360 - Rotate the joystick in a complete circle.
cb, f - Charge back for 2 seconds, then press forward.
cd, u - Charge down for 2 seconds, then press up.

L1 + R1--Supermove shortcut
(note: moves marked with a '*' are supermoves, usable only when the supermeter
is fully charged.)

Special Moves
Thin Nen
Age: 35
Blood Type: B
Height: 6'0" Weight: 209 lbs
Striking Thunder Fist: b,f +punch
Freeze Curse Card: hcb +punch
Oro ball wave: hcf + both punches
Air Oro ball wave: jump, hcf + both punches
Thunder kick: hcf + kick

*Turn of Fate: both punches + both kicks

Thin Nen fires a flaming skeleton (using Oro Ball animation) that walks
forward, hitting his opponent multiple times for damage.
Costume colors:

lp: Orange gi hp: Green gi
lk: Light blue gi hk: Dark grey gi
Keith Wayne
Age: 25
Blood Type: AB
Height: 6'0" Weight: 165 lbs

Knuckle Bomber: cb, f + punch
Spiral Kick: qcf + kick
Lightning Flash: qcb + punch
Rolling cannon: f, df, d + kick
*Knuckle Bomb Flash: cb, f + both punches

Keith fires a Lightning Flash, then charges forward with Knuckle Bomber,
finishing with an uppercut with sets his opponent on fire.
Costume colors
lp: Blue jeans, white shirt hp: Brown jeans, white shirt
lk: Grey jeans, white shirt hk: Red jeans, white shirt
Hattori Saizo
Age: 24
Blood Type: AB
Height: 5'7" Weight: 158 lbs
Dragon Flash Bomb: qcb + punch
Tsunami Slash: (jump) 360 + punch
Dragon Flame Flash: qcf + punch
Blue Flame Slice: hcf + kick
*Flaming Flash Wave: qcb + both punch

Saizo jumps upward and, while in midair, throws several Dragon Flash
Bombs downward and toward his opponent.
Costume colors
lp: Blue outfit hp: Bright green outfit
lk: Grey-green outfit hk: Light grey outfit
Annie Hamilton
Age: 26
Blood Type: AB
Height: 5'5" Weight: not telling

Golden Swan: hcf + punch
Rainbow Sweep: f, qcf + punch
Annie Dynamic: hold either kick for 4 sec, then release
Photon Ball: (jump) qcf + punch
*Psychedelic Throw: f + both punch (near opponent)

Annie grabs her opponent and a flashing light show begins, with the
opponent's image flying downward across the screen multiple times.
Costume colors
lp: Green pants, red belt hp: Pink pants, orange belt
lk: Blue pants, purple belt hk: Yellow pants, grey belt
Reiji Oyama
Age: 25
Blood Type: A
Height: 5'8" Weight: 171 lbs

Thunder Globe: qcf + punch
Flying Dragon Punch: f, qcf + punch
Thunder kick: kick (repeatedly)
Super Spin Kick: (jump) 360 + kick
*Dragon Punch rush: f, qcf + both punch

Reiji charges forward with a punch combo, finishing with a Flying Dragon
Punch which sets his opponent on fire.
Costume colors
lp: White pants hp: Blue pants
lk: Light yellow pants hk: Dark grey pants
Angela Belti
Age: 28
Blood Type: O
Height: 6'1" Weight: 169 lbs

Whip attack (straight): cb, f + light punch
Whip attack (upward): cb, f + hard punch
Thunder Wall: both punch
Angela Body Attack: cb, f + kick
Smash Kick: (jump) u, d + kick
*Angela Special: cb, f + both kick

Angela rushes forward. If she makes contact, she will grab her opponent,
perform two headbutts, slam him into the ground twice, throw him in the
air, and perform a jump kick.
Costume colors
lp: Red suit, grey tights hp: Purple suit, pink tights
lk: Grey suit, flesh colored tights hk: Blue suit, grey tights
White Buffalo
Age: 30
Blood Type: A
Height: 6'1" Weight: 238 lbs

Arrow Shot: qcf + punch
Flying Elbow Blow: (jump) 360 + punch
Charging buffalo: cd, u + kick
Smash tackle: cb, f + punch
*Grand Tomahawk: hcf + both punch

A glowing, two handed axe appears in White Buffalo's hands, and he moves
forward, chopping downward with it.
Costume colors
lp: Green pants, orange trim hp: Lavender pants, green trim
lk: Yellow pants, blue trim hk: Olive pants, beige trim
Goketsuji Oume
Age: 79
Blood Type: ?
Height: 4'9" Weight: 99 lbs

Flying Face Attack: cd, u + punch
Teeth throw: cb, f + punch
Comet Attack: f + punch (repeatedly)
Air Wave Kick: (jump) u, d + kick
Transform: f + hard punch (near)
*Super Face Flash: cd, u + both punch

Oume puts her face to the ground and multiple glowing heads shoot upward in a
Costume colors
lp: Green shirt, pink pants hp: Lime shirt, dark green shirt
lk: Pink shirt, dark blue pants hk: Yellow shirt, dull pink pants
Goketsuji Oume (young)
Height: 5'2" Weight: 105 lbs

Heart toss: qcf + punch
Air Heart toss: jump, qcf + punch
Sweeping Rainbow: cb, f + punch
Costume colors
lp: Pink pants hp: Dark green pants
lk: Dark blue pants hk: Dull pink pants
Goketsuji Otane
Age: 79
Blood Type: ?
Height: 4'9" Weight: 97 lbs

Teeth Throw: cb, f + punch
Comet Attack: f + punch (repeatedly)
Wave Kick: (jump) u, d + kick
Flying Face Attack: cd, u + punch
Spirit charge: qcf + both punch
Transform: f + hard punch (near)
*Super Face Flash: cd, u + both punch

Otane puts her face to the ground and multiple glowing heads shoot upward in a
Costume colors
lp: Pink shirt, yellow pants hp: Pink shirt, dull pink pants
lk: Lavender shirt, Blue pants hk: Yellow shirt, green pants
Goketsuji Otane (young)
Height: 5'2" Weight: 103 lbs

Heart Toss: qcf + punch
Air Heart Toss: jump, qcf + punch
Sweeping Rainbow: cb, f + punch
Costume colors
lp: Yellow pants hp: Dull pink pants
lk: Blue pants hk: Green pants
Kanji Kokuin
Age: 83
Blood Type: O
Height: 5'7" Weight: 154 lbs

Energy fist: qcf + punch
Energy foot lunge: cb, f + kick
Breath Spin: cd, u + punch
Loincloth Snap: hcf + both kick
*Kanji Combo Rush: cb, f + both kick

Kanji runs forward and performs a multihit combo, ending in a big green...
um... fart. Whether he hits or not, he will turn into a short, fragile,
cane-using version of himself. He is easily injured and has a new set of
special moves, including one that will make him strong again, listed
Costume colors
lp: Blue sarong hp: Pink sarong
lk: Orange sarong hk: Grey-green sarong
Kanji Kokuin (frail)
Height: 5'4" Weight: 125 lbs
Libido attack: hcb + punch
Headbutt Launch: cb, f + kick
Transform: cb, f+ punch

Costume colors
lp: Blue sarong hp: Pink sarong
lk: Orange sarong hk: Grey-green sarong
Kurara Hanakouji
Age: 13
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'0" Weight: not telling

Baton throw: qcf + punch
Vacuum spin: qcb + kick
Hammer Blow: qcb + both punch
(TB) Doll Hurricane: f, qcf + punch
(VS, ARC)Transform: f, b, db, d + both punch
*Starlight Transformation: qcf + both punch

Kurara spins and shoots some stars from her Heart Rod. If successful, the
enemy will be transformed into a duck or pig.
Costume colors
lp: Yellow poms, orange skirt hp: Pinks poms, grey skirt
lk: Blue poms, pink skirt hk: Blue poms, yellow skirt
Super Kurara
Height: 5'5" Weight: it's a secret
Forward Wave Fist: qcf + light punch
Upward Wave Fist: qcf + hard punch
Sweep Wave: qcb + kick

Costume colors
lp: Orange-red pads hp: Purple pads
lk: Yellow pads hk: Dull green pads
Kintaro Kokuin
Age: 6
Blood Type: A
Height: 3'5" Weight: 39 lbs

Rising Carp: c?d, u + punch
Little Bear Run: b, f, b + kick
Tantrum Storm: (jump) qcf + punch
Axe Swing: hcf + punch
(TB)Jump Bear: qcb, ub + hard kick
Transform: f + strong punch (near)
*Great Bear Charge: both punch + both kick

Kintaro yells and hops forward a little. A HUGE bear wearing a striped shirt
bounds onto the screen from behind him, hitting the opponent for damage. Whether
or not it hits, it turns around and walks off the screen.
Costume colors
lp: Yellow and orange stripes hp: Red and grey stripes
lk: Blue and purple stripes hk: Blue and pale yellow stripes
Note: In VS and ARC modes, Kintaro transforms into Pochi. In TB mode he
transforms into a small flying devil.
Height: 5'8" Weight: 165 lbs

Bone throw: qcb + kick
Doggy Dive: (jump) 360 + punch
Costume colors
lp: Reddish-brown "fur" hp: Light brown "fur"
lk: Grey "fur" hk: Light grey "fur"

Devil Kintaro

Flaming jab: any punch
Flaming dive: any kick
Sahad Asran Ryuto
Age: 24
Blood Type: AB
Height: 5'9" Weight: 174 lbs

Dagger Throw: qcf + light punch
Saber Throw: qcf + hard punch
Djinn Lift: cd, u + punch
Flame Breath: f, qcf + punch
Arabian Attack: cb, f + punch
*Saber Chop: qcf + both punch

Sahad jumps remains in midair for a second, and launched a scimitar which
homes in on its opponent and hits multiple times for flame damage.
Costume colors
lp: Red vest, yellow pants hp: Beige vest, grey pants
lk: Blue vest, green pants hk: Purple vest, bright red pants
Goketsuji Osima
Age: 101
Blood Type: ?
Height: 5'0" Weight: 94 lbs

Energy Globe Spread: qcf+ light punch (hold to charge)
Expanding Energy Globe: qcf+ hard puch (hold to charge)
Screw Kick Upper: hcb + kick
Shouha (forward): (jump) 360 + light punch
Shouha (downward): (jump) 360 + hard punch
Ponytail Snap: cb, f + punch
*Aura Charge: hcf + both punch

Osima rolls into a ball, surrounds herself with a purple ball of energy,
and rolls forward to hit the enemy for damage.
Costume colors
lp: Purple robe, lime trim hp: Olive robe, lavender trim
lk: Blue robe, beige trim hk: Magenta robe, blue trim
Team Battle Characters

The characters listed below are usable in Team Battle mode only. Pochi and
Super Kurara are significantly different from their Arcade mode equivalents.
In addition, Kintaro and Kurara can not transform in Team Battle Mode. To
compensate, they have each been given additional powers, listed above in
their individual entries.

Chuck, the final boss from the Japanese arcade sequel to PI2, Goketsuji
Ichizoku 2: Chottodate Saikyu Retsuden, is only usable in Team Battle mode
through the use of a code. At the Player select screen, enter the

left, right, down, up, down, left, right, left, up

Chuck should appear in the lower left of the character portraits. He is a rather
broad parody of the fireball/dragon punch/hurricane kick fighter type: a little
bit of Ken/Ryu with a generous helping of Ryo Sakazaki. In other words, Dan,
only better.

Low Laser: qcf + light punch
High Laser: qcf + hard punch
Circle Kick Cutter: f, qcf + kick
Hienshippukyaku: qcb + kick
Ki Charge: qcb + hard punch (charges super meter)
*Chuck Ranbuu: f, hcf + both kick

Chuck runs forward to perform a Ryukoranbuu-style combo, finishing with a
Circle Kick Cutter.
Costume colors
lp: Mustard yellow gi hp: Red gi
lk: Light grey gi hk: Dark maroon gi

Kuroko is the attendant who stands in the background during matches.

Straight Fan Throw: qcf + light punch
Upward Fan Throw: qcf + hard punch
Fan Uppercut: f, qcf + punch
Iron Ball Smash: hcb + punch
Rolling Fan Dive: hcf + kick????
*Mega Kuroko Bazooka: qcf + both punch

Kuroko Pulls out a wooden cannon which fires a literal stream of duplicates of
himself at his opponent, hitting for damage.
Costume colors
lp: Dark grey robe hp: Pink robe
lk: Light grey robe hk: Blue robe

Bone Dig: qcb + kick
Bomb Dig: hcb + kick
Ear Slap: qcb + punch
Doggy Dive: (jump) 360 + punch
Doggy Dash: cb, f + punch
Swan Dive: f, qcf + punch
*Pochi Special: qcf + both punch

Pochi jumps onto his opponent, pinning them to the ground. He then jumps out of
his dog suit, and, clad only in his mask and boxer shorts, clubs his opponent
with a tetsu-bo, a large iron bat.

Super Kurara

Forward Wave Punch: qcf + punch
Upward Wave Blast: qcb + punch
Sweep Wave: qcb + kick
Starlight Kick Flash: f, qcf + kick
*Super Gut Punch Combo: cb, f + both punch

S. Kurara runs forward to grab her opponent. She then performs a series of
gut punches, finishing with an uppercut that punches her opponent into the
air and sets him on fire.

The Gohketsuji clan is the third richest family in Japan, with vast holdings
worldwide. An unusual method is used to determine who of the vast number of
family members will lead the family: every ten years, a tournament is held.
To win, the goal is to defeat the entire family, including the current clan
In 1992, Gohketsuji Oume, leader of the clan for 50 years, was defeated by her
sister Otane, who had run away from home years ago. Otane then replaced her
sister as head of the clan.
However, in 1995, Otane went missing. As a result, a new tournament is being
held. All of the previous tournament's competitors have returned, along with
five others.

As it turns out, Otane was kidnapped by her older sister Osima, who bribed the
Kurokos to throw Otane into the ocean. Osima then opened the new tournament,
figuring that she could easily defeat all comers. Otane survived though, and
returns to challenge you after you have defeated Osima.

Thanks To:

For posting my FAQ.
Galen Komatsu
For his help in tracking down the issue of Gamest with all the moves, as well as
being my FAQ-writing role model!

Kao Megura
For being a genius at the layout of fighting game FAQs. The control
configuration section of this is essentially his, with a few modifications.

John T. Carr III
For finding me a new copy of PI2, long after it was first released.

Scot Radowski
For help with translating the manual.

Atlus of Japan
For such great character design.
Version History

A quick note on the faq and its updates: For as long as I can update this FAQ,
it may be found at www.gamefaqs.com

Version 0.01 - March 21, 1997
Due to a glaring lack of a faq for PI2, I resolved to write one. The
first version was rough and served mainly as a means to help me keep
track of the moves.

Version 0.9b - May 1, 1997
I decided to loose my faq on an unsuspecting world. Still very rough,
but pretty much complete, moves wise.

Version 0.95b - May 9, 1997
An updated version including all confirmed moves and codes. Still has
bad old style layout. Posted to www.gamefaqs.com.

Version 1.01 -- May 19, 1997
Lots of additions. First "official" release. A snappy new layout, all
confirmed moves, as per the official player's manual, including actual
supermove motions.

Version 1.03 - May 24, 1997
Assorted tweaking has resulted in a mini-update. Not much new, just some
corrected typos and layout fixes.

Version 2.0 - February 23, 1999
Major layout changes! These were mainly due to the fact that I rediscovered the
FAQ and saw how crappy it looked. Some big additions are: a complete costume
color guide, translations of the official move names, conversion of metric
measures to English, and general clarifications of most of the moves. What's
next? Probably move descriptions, if I can find the time.
Power Instinct 2, Gouketsuji Ichizoku 2, and all character names are (c) 1993,
1994, and 1995 by
Atlus of Japan.

This FAQ is (c) 1997, 1999 by Chris Harback. It may be reproduced in its
entirety as long as the author is credited. It may not be sold or distributed in
any way for profit.

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