RPG Maker

RPG Maker

14.10.2013 07:01:30

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| K I R I N ' S |
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| handy-dandy R P G M a k e r |
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| R e f e r e n c e G u i d e |
| |
version 1.2 - 20 Oct 2000
Email Kirin:

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction
2. Attack Graphics
3. Spell Graphics
4. Monster Graphics
5. Character Graphics
6. Item Graphics
7. Sounds
8. Dungeon Backgrounds:
8a. Wallpaper
8b. Tiles
9. Sample Dungeons
10. Custom Dungeon Parts:
10a. Indoors
10b. Outdoors
10c. Both
11. Lists in the Manual


Well, RPG Maker was finally translated and brought out in the US. It's an
exciting time for all us wanna-be RPG creators. I went out and bought my copy
the day it arrived in local stores. But after I'd spent a few days working on
my new masterpiece, I noticed one annoying thing about working with RPG Maker -
I was spending over half my time simply looking through really long menus and
lists for the game resources I needed to use. The manuals contain a few
reference lists, but annoying most of the longer lists are left out.

Finally, I decided it would be worth my time to take a break from my game and
spend a few days simply cataloguing the available resources. Being the
generous guy I am, I decided it would be a good idea to share my efforts with
the rest of the RPG community. So don't spend all day searching through lists
- get a jump on the competition using these handy-dandy lists and charts to
find what you need in a hurry.

Brief legal notes:
This document copyright 2000 Ben Elgin
RPG Maker and associated names copyright ASCII and other publishers
This document may be copied for personal use only, not for profit.
Please do not post this document on the web without my permission; if you're
interested, write me at the address below.

Contact Info:
Please contact me by e-mail at if you have any questions,
comments, corrections, or other correspondence.

Version updates:
v1.2 Additional distribution info
v1.1 First Gamefaqs version
v1.0 Initial version

2. Attack Graphics

This option appears whenever you create a weapon-type item. The graphics
appear whenever a player equipped with that weapon strikes an enemy during a
battle. Some effects have mirror-image versions when equipped in the left
hand; these are noted [mirror]. The effects are named, and it's not a very
long list, but the only way to see these effects is to create the weapon, equip
it, and take it into a battle, so I decided to make a more descriptive list.

01. Sword 1 - a white diagonal slash from top-right to lower-left [mirror]
02. Sword 2 - a white vertical slash from top to bottom
03. Club - a red 'impact' effect
04. Katana - a green crescent-shaped slash, top-right to lower-right [mirror]
05. Rapier - a red, 3-part slash, same path as Katana [mirror]
06. Target - a rather complex green and red target-sight appears
07. Bow - an arrow impales the enemy from the top-left [mirror]
08. Shuriken - a grey shuriken spirals in an impales the enemy [mirror]
09. Claw - three red crescent-shaped slashes [mirror]
10. Plasma - a blue-white comet-like blast from the top-left [mirror]

3. Spell Graphics

These are the graphical effects available when creating spells. This list has
no names associated with it, and it can be extremely annoying to find what you
need when you're working on the third part of a complicated spell effect. Most
of these graphics are animated with pulsing colors.

01. standard fireball
02. pink musical note
03. green crescent
04. brown rock or meteor
05. yellow dome or explosion
06. blue circle
07. flat green triangle
08. green 4-pointed star
09. white Christian-style cross
10. large icicle
11. snowflake
12. yellow hexagram in circle
13. skull with glowing eyes
14. eye with pulsing purple iris
15. pink heart with white wings
16. blue cylinder
17. diagonal-striped grey rectangle
18. grey 'sparkle' effect
19. golden 5-pointed star
20. pillar of fire
21. red bubbling potion in beaker
22. traditional cherub with bow
23. green spiral
24. black 10-ton weight with red label
25. tan hourglass
26. black/white '?!'
27. black/red unidentified symbol (kanji?)
28. bluish crystal
29. gold shield with white bird emblem
30. yellow ball of lightning

4. Monster Graphics

The monsters are at least named, but it's a really long list, so it's handy to
know where something is ahead of time. I've re-named a few of the monsters
with more descriptive titles. Note that the monsters come in four different
sizes, which affects how many of each can appear in battle. They're grouped by
size as follows:

1-9 Small, 10-72 Medium, 73-93 Large, 94-99 Full-screen

01. Slime 51. Evil Eyes
02. Imp 52. Dwarf-Axe
03. Scorpion 53. Elf(f)-Bow
04. Bee 54. Fairy
05. Ant 55. Warrior
06. Fish 56. Priest-Flail
07. Bat 57. Wizard
08. Sea Urchin 58. Samurai
09. Goblin 59. Ninja
10. Lesser Demon 60. King
11. Kerberos 61. Princess
12. Centaur 62. Old Man
13. Troll 63. Old Woman
14. Kobold 64. Young Man
15. Succubus 65. Young Woman
16. Chimera 66. Boy
17. Griffin 67. Girl
18. Ogre 68. Pirate Captain
19. Cockatrice 69. Clown
20. Gargoyle 70. Ultraman
21. Wizard-lit 71. Sabre Tiger
22. Zombie 72. Jellyfish Alien
23. Skeleton 73. Cyclops-Flail
24. Spirit-heads 74. Minotaur-Axe
25. Vampire 75. Dragon
26. Mummy 76. Phoenix
27. Skull-bugs 77. Death-Scythe
28. Ghost 78. Winged Demon
29. Angel 79. Goddess
30. Harpy 80. Giant Robot
31. Lizardman 81. Ifreet (Fire)
32. Clunky Robot 82. Jin (Whirlwind)
33. Gundam 83. Hydra (Many Dragon Heads)
34. Snake 84. Asura (Multi-armed Deity)
35. Triceratops 85. Water Dragon
36. Treant(f) 86. Zombie Dragon
37. Antlion 87. Mantis Girl (Pixie)
38. Spider 88. Land Worm
39. Shark 89. Tyrannosaurus
40. Mermaid 90. Computer
41. Merman 91. Sleek Mech
42. Tall Crab 92. Dullahan (Headless)
43. Death Flower 93. Pegasus
44. Basilisk 94. Big Dragon
45. Medusa 95. Chinese Dragon
46. Ferret 96. Overlord
47. Magic Sword 97. Horned Whale
48. Gnome-Hammer 98. Flying Army
49. ElementalGirl 99. Giant Jellyfish
50. Salamander

5. Character Graphics

This long un-named list is encountered both when creating main characters and
when creating event graphics such as townspeople and on-screen enemies. Note
that many of these have corresponding enemy graphics; I've tried to give ones
that are obviously similar the same name on both lists.

01. Warrior - Armor,Cape 41. Dwarf
02. Woman - Light Armor 42. Death
03. Man - Braid, L.Armor 43. Angel
04. Chun Li 44. Horse
05. Priest (m) 45. Dog
06. Priest (f) 46. Cat
07. Wizard (m) 47. Chicken
08. Wizard - Pointy Hat 48. Ship
09. Samurai 49. Sparkles
10. Ninja Boy 50. Pirate Captain
11. Ninja Girl 51. Pirate
12. Knight - Full Armor 52. Minstrel
13. King 53. Chef
14. Queen 54. Clunky Robot
15. Prince 55. Ultraman
16. Princess 56. Maid
17. Lord/Chancellor 57. Desert Noble
18. Castle Guard 58. Desert Girl
19. Guy with bandana 59. Desert Guy
20. Old Man 60. Eskimo
21. Old Woman 61. Goblin
22. Pudgy Man 62. Indian Chief
23. Housewife 63. Indian Girl
24. Baby 64. Old Guy with Ponytail
25. Young Man 65. Clown
26. Young Woman 66. Bunny Girl
27. Boy 67. Guy in Tux
28. Girl 68. Monkey
29. Evil Lord
30. Slime
31. Skeleton
32. Ghost
33. Dragon
34. Dark guy (Mark)
35. Zombie
36. Winged Demon
37. Mummy
38. Fairy
39. Mermaid
40. Elf

6. Item Graphics

When you create an event, you have two choices for graphics: use the characters
list (above) or the items list (below). Note that every single graphic in the
items list is also available in the dungeon parts screen, though they appear in
a very random order. Note that a few of these are animated where appropriate
(fires, water). I've divided this list up by size.

01. closed chest 41. coat of arms 81. angular rock
02. open chest 42. flame 82. high-heeled shoe
03. up button 43. chipped tile 83. arabian lamp
04. down button 44. cracked tile 84. amulet
05. up switch 45. post box ? 85. pail
06. down switch 46. barrel 86. sleeping bag / bed
07. stairs down right 47. chair
08. stairs up right 48. clock
09. stairs down left 49. flower vase
10. stairs up left 50. flowers
11. stairs up back 51. grass
12. closed book 52. crystal ball
13. open book 53. urn
14. lit lamp 54. haystack
15. off lamp 55. wooden box
16. sign 56. small tree
17. dead fire 57. bottle
18. lit fire 58. small rocks
19. steps horiz 59. roast chicken
20. steps vert 60. candelabra
21. whole egg 61. pile of logs
22. broken egg 62. tile with fluer-de-lis
23. rope vert 63. tile with horse head
24. rope horiz 64. wall phone
25. rope both 65. gold bricks
26. chain vert 66. bucket
27. chain horiz 67. goblet
28. chain both 68. dinner place setting
29. sign sword 69. japanese hot plate
30. sign shield 70. helmet
31. sign INN 71. shield
32. sign potion 72. tree stump
33. sign symbol 73. sign with head (?)
34. sign cross 74. column top
35. sign mug 75. tile with pattern
36. hole 76. playing cards
37. ladder 77. poker chips
38. small lilypad 78. balance scales
39. white square 79. green debris
40. sparkle 80. round light (?)

87. tree 103. wood door right
88. dead tree 104. wood door left
89. armor on stand 105. metal door right
90. large sword 106. metal door left
91. magic pillar 107. metal door 2 right
92. ladder 108. metal door 2 left
93. half-door 109. door with bars left
94. vertical flag 110. door with bars right
95. well with bucket 111. open door left
96. grave with cross 112. open door right
97. pillar/column 113. sliding metal door closed
98. flame pillar 114. sliding metal door open
99. open half-door 115. arches (horizontal)
100. angel statue
101. cyber pillar
102. cactus

116. large lilypad 123. tan wall
117. whirlpool 124. glowing circle
118. round table 125. double door with demon pattern
119. pile of treasure 126. double door with eagle pattern
120. hexagram in circle 127. open double doors
121. wall of fire
122. computer bank

7. Sounds

The sounds are also unlabeled, and unfortunately describing them is a very
subjective task, so bear with me and use this list as a rough guide to what's

01. soft blip (choice) 41. 'ch-ksh'
02. boop 42. swish
03. error sound 43. wave?
04. brighter blip 44. 'bzzmm', up
05. white noise 45. 'bwongg', up
06. wavy drooping 46. 'ahhh', tones
07. second drooping 47. zap
08. metal whoosh 48. lower zap
09. wavy, up 49. 'tmp'
10. gravel slide 50. high swish
11. cymbal 51. 'bdddding', up
12. warp-ish 52. thump with reverb
13. timbre hit 53. 'tp', low
14. wavy whistle 54. 'swsh', short
15. smack 55. 'psht', short
16. whump 56. 'pshw', down
17. 'shp' 57. 'shing'
18. 'thmp' 58. click
19. 'whoof' 59. 'pst'
20. bamboo flute 60. 'tk'
21. wavy tap 61. 'tk' higher
22. rattle 62. 'tkk'
23. low creak 63. 'ktk' (door)
24. wavy whoosh 64. 'tp', high
25. whoosh, up 65. 'bwip', high
26. stairsteps 66. 'psht', high
27. bonk 67. 'bwa bwa bwaa', down
28. 'b-ding' 68. 'tmp', medium
29. 'boo-doo-doop', up 69. 'ctnk' (door)
30. 'woop', up 70. 'tp', medium
31. dog bark 71. 'tsht'
32. laugh 72. 'bwing', high
33. low growl 73. 'donggg'
34. 'psht' 74. cat meow
35. 'whsht' 75. crowd roar
36. 'b-dooo', down 76. 'shaaaaa...'
37. crash-whee 77. 'bdingdingding...'
38. short rumble 78. screeeech (car)
39. bam
40. wavy alarm

8. Dungeon Backgrounds:

Dungeon Backgrounds let you specify what appears in any blank space for either
a Custom or Sample Dungeon. The wallpapers are full-screen pictures which
don't scroll (providing a crude 'parallax' distance effect) which the tiles are
simple repeated patterns used as ground.

8a. Wallpaper

01. Ocean, daytime 16. Evil castle
02. Ocean, night 17. Shiny rays (neko battle)
03. Ocean, dawn 18. Spiral Galaxy
04. Ocean, dusk 19. Pink Bubbles
05. Sea from above 20. Solar Eclipse
06. Sky with clouds 21. Town (below, in distance)
07. Sky at dusk 22. Grassy Plain
08. Sky at night 23. Floating Island (above)
09. Sky at dawn 24. Ruins
10. Mountains and forest 25. Futuristic City
11. Large moon 26. ...same at dusk
12. Castle in forest
13. ...same but ruined
14. Castle on a cliff
15. ...same but ruined

8b. Tiles

01. brown dirt? 13. bricks
02. flowing sand 14. bricks 2
03. grass 15. stones
04. sand 16. stones with wood
05. darker dirt 17. grey brick
06. snow 18. grey brick 2
07. snow 2 19. silver tile
08. water 20. stone tile
09. water 2 21. red and black tile
10. stone? 22. steel
11. stone? 2 23. wood parquet
12. cliff face

9. Sample Dungeons

This is one of the largest and hardest-to-find-things-in lists in the game.
There are twenty groups or dungeon types, each containing anywhere from four to
fifty separate screens. On top of that, it takes a second or two for each
dungeon to load, and if you pick one to scroll around in it, you have to cancel
all the way back to the master dungeon list before you can pick another. What
a pain. So, without further ado, the sample dungeons:

(All rooms in this dungeon follow a brown dirt/stone motif unless otherwise
noted. When a description is follow by a dash and some directions, those
indicate door locations. Also note that a bunch of the rooms in this
collection are in the final Gobli dungeon...)
01. crying vase on altar in grey stone cave with water
02. path up cliff to mine entrance
03. large cavern with lake
04. large room with lava falls
05. lava with two small islands
06. lava with six small islands
07. purple cavern, mostly bottomless pit, small stepping stones
08. cavern with large lake and tons of treasure
09. small room with pit
10. circular wall, with two floors
11. small room - top
12. small room with green slime
13. medium room - bottom
14. small room - left
15. small room - right
16. small room - top,bottom,left,right
17. small altar, ogre tiles
18. four-way cross of passages
19. floor with a mound in the middle
20. medium room - top,bottom,left,right
21. medium room with pillars and tiles - top,bottom
22. medium room - top,bottom,left,right
23. medium room - top,top-left,bottom,bottom-right
24. forked passage - top,top,bottom
25. forked passage - bottom,right (and a dead end)
26. passages - (dead ends at top, left, bottom)
27. passages with water, tiles, lamps - left,right,top-right
28. passages - bottom,bottom,bottom
29. complex passages, four rooms, lamps
30. complex passages, water, slime, cross
31. passages in a backwards-C shape
32. large room with tiles and altar
33. extra-large tile-filled room
34. large room with slime
35. large room with circle of pillars
36. passages in another backwards-C
37. passages in a curly-Q shape
38. circular passages with central area
39. very large room with passage near bottom
40. very complex collection of passages
41. extremely large room with many pits and ladders
42. four copies of medium rooms with four exits each

(Most of these are paths through a forest as seen near the opening of Gobli.
Again, ending directions are exits.)
01. grove with altar and sunbeams
02. grove with seedling
03. grove with growing vine
04. grove with huge vine going off top of screen
05. paths - left,right,bottom
06. paths - left,right
07. paths - top,bottom (wide)
08. paths - top,bottom (narrow)
09. paths - top,bottom (medium)
10. paths - bottom,right
11. paths - top,right
12. paths - left,top
13. paths - left,top,bottom
14. grove with smaller altar
15. paths - bottom,right,top-right
16. paths - bottom-left,top-left,top-right
17. paths - top-left,bottom-right
18. paths - left-top,right-bottom (S-shaped)
19. paths - top-left,right-top,bottom-right,right-bottom
20. paths - left-bottom,top,right
21. paths - left-top,bottom,bottom-right
22. paths - right,bottom,left,top
23. paths in a rough circle
24. paths - top-right,bottom-right (also a loop)
25. 2 separate paths - top-right,bottom,top-left | top
26. paths - top,bottom | also four corner paths
27. 2 separate paths - top,top | left,left,bottom,right
28. huge vine - top,bottom
29. summit of vine at cave or mine

1. altar ruins
2. large temple
3. many totem pillars
4. several quicksand pits
5. empty sand (?)
6. one large quicksand pit

1. large computer room
2. smaller computer room
3. row of large tubes
4. large bare metal room

1. medium room with hexagram
2. large room with hexagram
3. several castle rooms
4. room with giant hourglass (Gobli final room)

1. path to pyramid entrance (large)
2. entrance with no path
3. entrances on multiple levels
4. [2], but with more ledges
5. summit of pyramid

(This Dungeon is entirely done up in greyish stone walls, and every single
screen is some combination of short horizontal passageways and long vertical
shafts. The shafts always extend off the top of the screen, and sometimes of
the bottom as well. Some of them have ladders, but other seem to be just for
01. passage - left
02. passage - right
03. passage - right,center
04. passage - left,center
05. two shafts with passage between
06. two shafts with passage - left, right up short ladder
07. passage - center
08. passage - left,right,center
09. single shaft
10. shaft - left up short ladder
11. shaft - center up short ladder
12. shaft - center just above ground
13. shaft with ladder - left
14. shaft with ladder
15. shaft - right high
16. shaft - right up short ladder
17. bottomless shaft, closed on bottom half
18. shaft on left of passage - right
19. shaft on right of passage - left
20. shaft - center at bottom
21. shaft - left
22. shaft - right
23. shaft - left,right
24. bottomless shaft
25. two shafts with passage - left up short ladder, center, right high
26. shaft with ladder - right, left high, right higher
27. shaft with ladder - left, right high, left higher
28. shaft - center at bottom, right high, left higher
29. shaft on left of passage - center up short ladder, right
30. shaft on right of passage - left, right up short ladder
31. shaft with ladder - left, right
32. shaft with ladder - left
33. shaft with ladder - right
34. bottomless shaft with ladder
35. bottomless shaft - right (Note: 35 and 36 are identical, probably a bug)
36. bottomless shaft - right ( Hope you didn't want bottomless left...)
37. bottomless shaft with ladder - left
38. bottomless shaft with ladder - right
39. shaft with ladder to left of passage - right
40. shaft with ladder to right of passage - left
41. shaft in center of passage - left, right
42. longer passage - left, right
43. shaft in center of passage - right
44. shaft in center of passage - left
45. longer passage - right
46. longer passage - left
47. shaft in center of passage - right (yup, same as 43)
48. two shafts with ladders with long passage
49. two shafts with ladders with long passage - center
50. shaft with ladder in center of passage - left, right

1. wooden truss bridge between grassy areas with rocks
2. small blank gap between two large grassy areas with rocks
3. two-level fortified stone bridge between walls
4. same as [3], but bottom level more enclosed

1. large church exterior in forest
2. smaller church exterior in forest
3. large church interior (altar, organ, pews, etc)
4. smaller church interior
5. [4], with no altar or pews

1. embryo in glowing white pit in high-tech laboratory
2. [1], but without the embryo
3. room with four large tubes
4. room with single large tube
5. [1], but the pit glows greenish
6. [2], but the pit glows greenish
7. [5] in a slightly bigger room
8. [6] in a slightly bigger room

1. left-facing castle balcony
2. roof of a square-ish tower
3. longer left-facing balcony
4. [3] with [2] to its left
5. hallway with carpet leading up to throne
6. room with star-patterned carpets and a large mirror (?)
7. [5], wider
8. [7], with no throne
9. [8], in a shorter room
10. small room with mirror (?)

01. exterior tower base in grey stone, platform with gap before entrance
02. [1], but no entrance to tower
03. [1], just the entrance, no platform
04. [1], just the platform, no tower
05. greenish tower interior - left up, right down
06. ditto - left down, right up
07. - left up
08. - right up
09. - right down
10. - left down
11. - no stairs
12. - left up, right up
13. - left down, right down
14.-22. Same as [5-13], but with bluish walls and brown floor
23. golden tower roof

1. gold tower roof with magic symbol, right down stairs
2. [1], taller tower
3. [2], two identical towers
4. blue tower roof with large pit, right down stairs
5. [4], taller tower
6. [5], two identical towers

1. medium size diamond-shaped arena
2. small diamond-shaped arena on tower top
3. large lozenge-shaped arena

1. single igloo exterior
2. single large igloo exterior
3. town with three igloos
4. small igloo interior
5. large igloo interior

1. large two-story shop with many counters and multiple entrances
2. small single-room shop
3. [1], but with a side door missing
4. small two-story shop

1. large two-story foyer with five doors around the upper hallway
2. medium plain brown room - top, top, bottom
3. medium grey room with pictures on wall
4. hallway with pictures

1. two-room crumbled house (demon's house in Gobli)
2. single-room crumbled house
3. large space with crumbled temple, walls, brown forest, and a large pit
4. large pit in barren ground
5. four large pits in mossy ground
6. empty mossy ground
7. empty barren ground with cliff at top
8. [7], with brown forest around the sides

(Each screen is a single tomb in a field - below I list the color of the
stone, the color of the base, and the field type.)
1. grey grey desert
2. grey tan desert
3. grey grey grass
4. grey tan grass
5. grey grey purple
6. grey tan purple
7. grey grey gold
8. grey tan gold

01. landscaped grassy peninsula (as seen in several gobli plot scenes)
02. simpler grassy peninsula
03. large multi-level temple on grass
04. altar in desert with four glowing diamonds
05. very large ruined Greek temple
06. sewers - ladder, walkway, tunnel, lots of water
07. same as [6], but more compact layout
08. tree branch with pumpkin house
09. same tree branch, no house
10. pumpkin house interior
11. small floating island, grassy
12. same as [11], with large castle entrance
13. crystal platforms with ladders against starry background
14. casino interior with games and spotlights
15. large clocktower face ( Lupin III Castle of Cagliostro: the RPG )
16. large ship with sails, small smokestack, and paddlewheel covers
17. stone path to peaceful lake with maiden statue
18. large crumbling hole at base of cliff in grassland
19. waterfall with path, cave, small beach (in Gobli last dungeon)

10. Custom Dungeon Parts:

These are the various tiles and objects used to make your own dungeon and town
scenes from scratch. I found finding the right tile in these huge graphical
menus to be one of the most time-consuming tasks in the game. What we really
need is some shrunk-down stitched-together screen shots to map out these menus,
but unfortunately I haven't had time to do that yet, so I'm going to do the
best I can here with text descriptions.

Although you might not notice at first, the game actually presents you with
different menus depending on whether you selected "In" or "Out" for your custom
dungeon. Both menus contain the full set of 'item' tile graphics at the bottom
(see section 10c), but the top half of the menu contains completely different
graphics for each setting.

10a. Indoors

Most of the top half of the "indoors" parts menu is devoted to different kinds
of wall graphics. Each type of wall comes with a full set of tiles to let you
build walls in any direction. If you have the "Auto" feature turned on when
you're laying down wall parts, it will select appropriate corner and edge
pieces automatically.

First I'm going to present the general, overall layout of the indoor menu, then
give more details descriptions of each section.

[Wall 1] [Wall 6] [Water ]

[Wall 2] [Wall 7] [Path ]

[Wall 3] [Wall 8] [Carpet]

[Wall 4] [Wall 9] [floors]

[Wall 5]

[Indoor Furniture............]

[Wall gaps....] [Overlays]

Each [wall] segment is a set of 22 parts including a column, a floor tile, four
wall side parts, a wall top part, a block of 9 edges and corners, and another
block of 6 edges. Here's the styles of wall available; I'm describing the wall
top, side, and floor, in that order:

Top Side Floor
Wall 1: edged stone flat stone grey stone
Wall 2: light edged dirt cliff face dark dirt
Wall 3: wood with siding wooden slats wood parquet
Wall 4: edged dark grey grey bricks black/brown tile
Wall 5: rock rock, red gaps flowing sand
Wall 6: snow ice cliffs sheet ice
Wall 7: wood with brick brick (?) wood parquet
Wall 8: rocks with wood rocks with wood rough rocks
Wall 9: hi-tech metal hi-tech metal steel with rivets

Next, the other miscellaneous parts:

Water: calm water surrounded by wooden posts; with edge and corner pieces
Path: colorful stone path edged with larger stones; edges and corners
Carpet: dark blue with gold edging; edges and corners; steps
Floors: invisible - black - grass - rock - snow - tan - ice
Furniture: large table - medium table - table parts - piano - throne -
fireplace - bookshelf - column - column parts - large bed -
box - fence - fence pieces - boxes
Wall gaps: one for each type of wall above
Overlays: 50% - dashes - diagonals (these put black patterns over other tiles)

One final important thing to note is that some parts are "passable" - that is
you can walk over them, as indicated by the shoe icon - and others are not. In
this section, the following parts are passable:
- All floor tiles - the center water tile - all stone path tiles -
all carpet tiles - the seat of the throne - the center of the bed

10b. Outdoors

Most of the top half of the "indoors" parts menu is devoted to various roof and
wall styles. Again, we'll start with an overview of the layout:

[roof1][r2][r3][r4][r5] [wall1][w2][w3][w4] [ground]

[roof 1-5 parts...............] [wall 1-2 parts....]

[wall 3-4 parts] [Path ] [Water 1]

[Water 2] [Water 3]

[Castle parts] [Windows] [House parts] [Large Windows]

[Window parts] [Stable.. parts] [Trees..] [Snowy Trees]

Each place that says "..parts" means that what was a large piece (say, 3x3
tiles) has been "exploded" into individual sections so the you can make larger
versions of it or put it together in different ways.
Here's individual descriptions:

Roof 1: red and yellow tiles/shingles
Roof 2: grey tiles/shingles
Roof 3: wood with thatch
Roof 4: candy (?)
Roof 5: grey tile covered in snow
Wall 1: grey brick with reddish edging
Wall 2: brick with tile edging
Wall 3: parquet with wood edging
Wall 4: gold stone
Ground: invisible - grass - dirt - snow - sand - ice
Path: colorful stone path edged with larger stones; edges and corners
Water 1: calm water surrounded by wooden posts; edges and corners
Water 2: calm water surrounded by rocks; edges and corners
Water 3: calm water surrounded by grey stone bricks; edges and corners
Castle: a turret - a wall - turret parts
Windows: various small windows
House: blue shingle roof - decorated wall - roof and wall parts
Large Windows: bay windows with balcony; two different styles (stone and wood)
Stable: a sort of wooden pen; closed gate - open gate - parts
Trees: shorter and taller trees, double-stacked trees, tree parts
Snowy Trees: same as above, but with snow on them

The only "passable" tiles in this section are the ground tiles, the central
water tiles, and the tiles in the center of the large bay windows balconies.

10c. Both

Each parts menu contains the full list of 'item' graphics. Since I've already
described the items above (see section 6), I'm just going to refer to them by
number here. Unfortunately, they're in an extremely random order.

116 117 118 119 120 121 122 124 125 126 127 123 115

87 88 102 90 89 91 94 92 95 96 97 100 101 98

104 103 106 105 108 107 110 109 111 112 93 99 113 114

39 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 16 17 18 81 58 19 20 72 61 37 36

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 45 46 66 55 54 47 48 78 68 69

70 71 67 65 49 50 51 79 38 56 52 53 74 75 43 44 62 63 85 83 57 82 84

59 60 42 64 73 76 77 80 12 13 86 21 22 14 15 41 40

It also appears to be a bit arbitrary which of these tiles are passable. After
testing them all, I found only these can be walked over:

116, 117, 120, 124, 127, 123, 111, 112, 99, 114, 39, 3, 4, 7-11, 19, 20, 37,
36, 23-28, 47, 79, 38, 75, 43, 44, 62, 63, 86, 41, 40

11. Lists in the Manual

Even though it leaves out all the stuff in this guide, the manual that comes
with RPG Maker does contain a few helpful lists. Here's a reference for the
best of them:

Background Music - pg 65
Title Screens - pg 66
Magic Types - pg 67
Item types - pg 68
Magic opposition chart - pg 41
Enemy Attack patterns - pg 40
Skill Abilities - pg 34
Spell Messages - pg 22

Unfortunately, apparently they took their BG Music list from a beta version of
the game; the second half of the list is flat-out wrong. (It's kind of a
shame; the ones listed in the manual seem more interesting.) Corrections:

11-14: Land 1-4
16-19: Home 1-4
20-23: Opening 1-4
24: Tower
25-30: Town 1-6
31-33: Shop 1-3
34-35: Dialogue 1-2

The Last Word

I hope you find this reference useful! I know it's going to save me some
time... (well, after I get back the week I spent working on it.) ^_^

A contributor list will go here if I get enough user comments to make a second
version; this version was done on my own.

Brief legal notes:
This document copyright 2000 Ben Elgin
RPG Maker and associated names copyright ASCII and other publishers
This document may be copied for personal use only, not for profit.
Please do not post this document on the web without my permission; if you're
interested, write me at the address below.
Currently the *only* sites with permission to host this document are The GIA
, Gamefaqs , ,
and (linked through Game Winners and

Contact Info:
Please contact me by e-mail at if you have any questions,
comments, corrections, or other correspondence.

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15.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Game Balancing FAQ

11.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018