Gekido: Urban Fighters

Gekido: Urban Fighters

13.10.2013 09:27:24

---------------------------URBAN FIGHTERS----------------------------

FAQ/Guide by Romy N. Junio Jr.
ver. 2.00(8/26/00)

This FAQ is made for enjoyment, so feel free to use my FAQ in any way
that it can help you. Just don't make money from it or alter its contents.
Or I will hunt you down...( just kidding)


Table of Contents

1. Version History
2. Gameplay
3. Controls
4. The Story
5. Wipeout and Rage Move
6. The Characters/ Move List
7. Tips and Tricks
8. Gameshark Codes
9. Credits
10. Next Update
11. For comments, suggestions, tips and help...

1. Version History

Ver. 1.OO (6/27/00)
First Release, and very first FAQ that I ever created.

Ver. 1.25 (7/05/00)

1st update, got caught up in school work, but I got new tricks(arenas and characters unlocked)
for you and guess what?...GAMESHARK CODES!!!
Also, I corrected gamfaqs to gamefaqs on my credits section, sorry... 0_o

Ver. 2.00 (8/26/00)

2nd update...

Hi again!!! I'm sorry that I haven't updated this FAQ for a while, well you see, a lightning
crisp fried my Intel Celeron processor and sent it to "processor-heaven", but, that's also good
'coz my dad bought me a brand new Pentium III processor(last week)... he he he he he...

What's new?

1. New characters and moves ( except for the boss, Akujin)
2. Tips
3. minor corrections (check the disclaimer)...

I still don't have the special move for Michelle and Kobuchi, so if anyone knows it,
mail me, ASAP...

2. Gameplay and Introduction

This is made by NAPS and Infogrames...

This game is basically, beat 'em up that looks like a mix of Fighting
force and Streets of Rage. You can link your combos and sweep all the enemies
with a super move. You can also make use of some items(which I will
discuss as I go through the game) which incidentally is just lying around,
such as boxes, barrels, pipes and even cars.

To get the most out of the game you will need to play almost every
mode, with most of the characters.

There are different modes in the game but you will need to beat a certain mode first,
I will also discuss this as I go through he game.

Just a reminder, The world of Gekido isn't a nice one.

3. The Controls

Here are a list of the controls(default) in the game.

Button Menu In-Game(e.g.battles, etc.)

1. Direction Highlighting your selection Character Movement

2. /\ Triangle Cancel/Back/Exit Heavy Punch

3. [] Square N/A Light Punch

4. X X button Select/OK Kick

5. L1 N/A Jump

6. L2 N/A Crouch

7. R1 N/A N/A

8. R2 N/A Lock-on to the nearest

4. The Story

The story takes place in super modern Tokyo of the not too distant future.

This the story of Angela who was kidnapped by a gang led by a horrible demon named Akujin.
Travis, Michelle, Ushi and Tetsuo are sent to get her back.
As the game progresses, they get Gorilla, and Kobuchi (Akujin's henchmens) to join the
side of "good" and quest to eliminate Akujin. When Akujin is destroyed, Tokyo is now free and
evryone can relax again...

The story really has something to do, on how the plot is laid and which enemy and bosses the
player fights, and who they unlock when they complete the quest.
As the story really isn't the focus of the game, it's not terribly disappointing.
The real story here, and lots of it.

5. Wipeout and Rage Moves

The Wipeout Move

The Wipeout Meter is a small red bar that is in the character area on the top of the screen,
it slowly increases as the character connects his attack, but it increases rapidly if he/she is
being hit by the enemy. Once it full, you can press all of the four shoulder buttons
(L1+L2+R1+R2) to perform the wipeout move. Each character has their own wipeout move.
Also, in the Urban Fighters mode, the wipeout move is always available, BUT, if you use it
without charging the bar to full, it will decrease your life bar. So, you should use it sparingly.

The Rage Move

The RAGE meter is a small blue bar that is also in the character area of the screen. As the
meter fills it will light up the three dark blue bars to right.(one at a time, as the rage meter
fills, and then starts over)

The rage meter increases with the flow of time, also slowly increases by successfully squashing
opponents, and even more quickly increases when player has been squashed by opponents.
Once it is fully charged all three dark blue bars at the right will be lit and blinking.
However you can use your "rage" at any level from one to three.
To use the rage moves, press the circle button on the controller.

1st RAGE Level:

When the player uses it, the player's fist starts to glow for a short time, but it also lets you
perform more special move, and when you beat a boss with this, watch for the effects!!!

2nd RAGE Level:

This will cause the player to knock down the enemies close to him,
and it will double each hit that is landed against an opponent.
(i.e. If you land a 5 hit combo, you will actually land a 10 hit combo)

3rd RAGE Level:

The player becomes invincible(except weapons and special attacks) for a limited time, each
combo landed will double the hits, and a special move, can be done, it is like a super wipeout.
If you use this move though it will use up your rage time instantly. This move will knock
down everything on the screen, and cause enormous damage to any enemies

So, it is a good idea to use the super wipeout when there is only a small amount of time, is
left for your level three rage.

6. The Characters/ Move List

Here are a few of the characters playable in the game, I have listed this so that you won't
hard time recalling their combos once they are available. I will try to update this, for the
other characters moves.

6.1. Travis

Travis is a balanced character. He's fast, and depends on punches
and his moves are street brawl based. I recommend him for beginners.


Jabs: [] , [] , [] (light punch, light punch , light punch)
Kicks: X , X , X (kick , kick , kick)
Heavy Punches: /\ , /\ , /\ (heavy punch , hvy. punch , hvy. punch)
Spinning Punch:L1 + X+ [] (jump + kick+ light punch)
Jump Kick: L1 + X (jump + kick)
Jump Punch: L1 + /\ (jump + heavy punch)
Throw: [] + X (light punch +kick)
Groin Punch: [] + /\ , [] (light punch + heavy punch , lt. punch)

Crouched moves ( Keep L2 pressed )

Foot Sweep: X (kick)
Low Heavy Punch: /\ (heavy punch)
Low Light Punch: [] (light punch)

Air moves ( press L1 one time )

Jump Kick: X (kick)
Air Punch: /\ (heavy punch)


Punch Combo: [] , [] , [] , /\ , [] , L2 + /\ (light punch , light punch , light punch, heavy
punch , light punch, crouch + heavy punch)
Backhand Combo: /\ , /\ , /\ , [] , [] (heavy punch , heavy punch ,heavy punch, light punch,
light punch)
Glowing Combo: X , X , X , [] + X , X (kick , kick , kick , light punch + kick, kick)
Whole bunch o' punch combo: /\ , X , /\ , /\ , [] , /\ (heavy punch ,kick ,heavy punch ,
heavy punch, light punch , heavy punch)
Long round kick: X , X , X , L2 + X, L1 + X (kick , kick , kick, crouch + kick , jump +kick)


Quick Round Kick: L2 + /\ + [] , L1 + X (crouch +heavy punch + light punch ,jump +kick

6.2. Michelle

Michelle who can fool you by the way she looks,
Her fighting is military style kicking and punching. Michelle has a move
which allows her to completely jump over opponents. It's her one distinct
advantage over the other characters. Use it!!!! She also reminds me of Cammy in
the Street Fighter II V cartoon.


Jabs: [], [],[] (light punch , light punch ,light punch)
Kicks: X , X , X (kick , kick , kick)
Heavy Punches: /\ , /\ (heavy punch , heavy punch)
Enemy Jump: L1+ X + [] (jump + kick+ light punch)
Throws: []+ X (light punch + kick)
[] + /\ (light punch+heavy punch)

Crouched moves ( Keep L2 pressed )

Foot Sweep: X (kick)
Low Heavy Punch: /\ (heavy punch)
Low Light Punch: [] (light punch)

Air moves ( press L1 one time )

Jump punch: X (Kick)
[] (light punch)
Angry punch: /\ heavy punch


Punch/Kick combo: [] , [] , [] , X , X (light punch , light punch , light punch , kick,
Lotsa Punches: [] , [] , [] , /\ , L1 + /\ (light punch , light punch , light punch , heavy
punch, jump +heavy punch)
Mini-Punch Combo: /\ , /\ , [] (heavy punch, heavy punch, light punch)
Roundhouse: /\ , /\ , L2 + X (heavy punch, heavy punch, crouch +kick)
Angry Kicks: /\ , /\ , L1 + X , L2 + X (heavy punch, heavy punch, jump + kick , crouch +kick
Kick combo: X , X , X , L1 + X (kick, kick , kick , jump + kick)
Angry Punch/Kick combo: L1 + /\ , L1 + X ( jump + heavy punch, jump +kick)

6.3. Tetsuo

Tetsuo is the traditional martial arts character. His attacks mostly consist
of kicks and throws. He focuses on speed but lacks greatly on offense.


Jabs: [] ,[] ,[] (light punch, light punch ,light punch)
Kicks: X ,X , X, X (kick , kick , kick , kick)
Heavy Punches: /\ , /\ , /\ (heavy punch, hvy. punch, hvy. punch)
Mini-combo: /\ , /\ ,X heavy punch , heavy punch , kick
Hot-spin: L1 + /\ (jump +heavy punch)
Power punch: L2 + /\ (crouch +heavy punch)
Throw: [] + X (light punch +kick)
Throw-down with Chest crush: [] + /\ , [] (light punch + heavy punch , light punch)
Arm-breaker and throw: [] + /\ ,/\ (lt. punch + hvy. punch , hvy. punch

Crouched moves ( Keep L2 pressed )

Foot Sweep: X (kick)
Crouch punch: [] (light punch)

Air moves ( press L1 one time )

Flying Kick: X (kick)
[] (light punch)


Multi-fists: [] , [] , [] , /\ , [] (light punch , light punch ,light punch , heavy punch,
light punch)
Smack down: /\ ,/\ , L1 + /\ , L2 + /\ (heavy punch, heavy punch, jump + heavy punch, crouch +
heavy punch)
Real combo: /\ ,/\ , X , X (heavy punch, heavy punch,kick,kick)
Power-punch combo: /\ ,/\, X , /\ (heavy punch, heavy punch,kick,heavy punch)
Multi-power punch: /\ , /\ , /\ , L2 + [] (heavy punch, heavy punch, heavy punch, crouch
+light punch)
Serious Power combo: /\ , L2 + /\ , L2 + /\ (heavy punch, crouch + heavy punch, crouch + heavy


Driller: L1 + /\ + [] , L2 + /\ (jump + heavy punch + light punch ,crouch + heavy punch)

6.4. Ushi

Ushi is like Zangief dressed neatly. He's big and slow,
but he makes up for his high damage moves, use his to your advantage especially
when there are cars lying around. Yes, you can throw the car to your enemy!!! Just
gotta love this guy!!!


Jabs: [] ,[] ,[] , [] (light punch, lt. punch , lt. punch , lt. punch)
Bum-rush: X ,/\ (kick , heavy punch)
Heavy Punches: /\ ,/\ (heavy punch , heavy punch)
Brute-force Punch: L1 + /\ (jump + heavy punch)
Throw: [] + X (light punch + kick)
Ear-grab: [] + /\ (light punch +heavy punch)

Crouched moves ( Keep L2 pressed )

Foot-sweep: X (kick)

Air moves ( press L1 one time )

Flying kick: X (kick)
[] (light punch)


Double-fisted: /\ , /\ , /\ (heavy punch, heavy punch , heavy punch)
Knock 'em up and down: /\ ,L2 + /\ , L2 + /\ (heavy punch , crouch+ heavy punch , crouch + heavy
Big Power Punch: [] , [] , [] , /\ (light punch, light punch, light punch,heavy punch)
Tomahawk: X ,/\, L2 + /\ (kick, heavy punch , crouch+ heavy punch)
Head-butt: /\ ,/\ , X (heavy punch , heavy punch ,kick)


The Big-man Spin: L2 + [] + /\ , [] + /\ (crouch + light punch+ heavy punch , light punch +
heavy punch)

6.5 Kobuchi

This character is another one of Akujin's henchmen, he is sort of a
mix between our pal Wolvie (x-men) and his ex-girlfriend Lady Deathstrike... why?
See for your self.


Arm Slashes: /\ , /\ , /\ (heavy punch , hvy. punch , hvy. punch
Strong Left Combo: [] ,[] ,[] (light punch,l. punch, l. punch )
Kicks: X , X (kick , kick)
Throw: [] +X (light punch + kick
Neck Slash: [] +/\ , /\ (light punch +heavy punch , heavy punch)

Crouched moves ( Keep L2 pressed )

Long-armed blade foot-sweep: X (kick)
.....or /\ (heavy punch)
Crouched light left jab: [] (light punch)

Air moves ( press L1 one time )
Jump kicks: X (kick)
or /\ (heavy punch)
or [] (light punch)


Punch-Donkey Kick Combo: [] , [] , /\ , L1 + X (light punch, light punch,heavy punch, jump
Flying Guillotine: [] , [] , /\ ,L2 +/\ (light punch, light punch, heavy punch,
crouch + heavy punch)
Kick-Donkey Kick Combo: X , X , L1 + X (kick , kick ,jump +kick)

6.6 Kintaro

A mummy, he is also one of Akujin's men. He relies greatly on his mental powers,
but he is also a well-balanced character. He has strong moves, great specials.
If you're a player who likes to hear your enemies scream, Try Kintaro.


Heavy Punches: /\ , /\ , /\ (heavy punch , hvy. punch, hvy. punch)
Jabs: [] , [] , [] (light punch , light punch , light punch)
Kicks: X ,X (kick , kick)
Lift'em Punch with Knockdown: [] + /\ , /\ (light punch +heavy punch , heavy punch)

Throw: [] + X (light punch +kick)

Crouched moves ( Keep L2 pressed )

Foot Slide: X (kick)
Crouched Punches: /\ , [] (heavy punch, lt. punch) [] , /\ (light punch , heavy

Air moves ( press L1 one time )

Jump Kick: X (kick)
or... [] (light punch)
Back Flip: /\ (heavy punch)


Punch/Slide Combo: /\ , /\ , /\ ,[] , L2 + X (heavy punch , heavy punch , heavy punch ,light
punch , crouch +kick)
Glowing Skin: [] , [] , [], /\ , [] (light punch , light punch ,light punch , heavy punch ,light
Disappearing Act: L1 + /\ + [] ( jump + heavy punch + light punch)


The Flying Screwdriver: L1 + /\ , /\ (jump + heavy punch, heavy punch)

6.7 Gorilla

A big gorilla (no pun intended), also one of Akujin's men relies mainly on brute force,
but much like Ushi, he can also pick up cars. Also, one of my personal favorites.


Slaps: [] ,[],[],[] (light punch, lt. punch, lt. punch, lt. punch)
Kick: X (kick)
Heavy Swings: /\ , /\ , /\ (heavy punch , hvy punch , hvy punch)
Throw: [] + X (light punch +kick)
Head-butt: [] + /\ (light punch+heavy punch)
Two-Fisted Uppercut: L1 + /\ (jump + heavy punch)
Head-butt with Slap: [] + /\ , [] (light punch + heavy punch , light punch)
Head-butt with Heavy Kick: [] + /\ , L1 + [] (light punch + heavy punch , jump + heavy punch)

Crouched moves ( Keep L2 pressed )

Crouched Kick: X (kick)
Crouched Heavy Punch: /\ (heavy punch) Crouched Light Punch: [] (light punch)

Air moves ( press L1 one time )

Flying Kick: X (kick
or /\ (heavy punch)
or [] (light punch)


Ground-Pounder: /\ , /\ , /\ , L1 + /\ , L2 +/\ (heavy punch , heavy punch , heavy punch , jump
+ heavy punch , crouch + heavy punch)
Crazy Monkey: [] , [] ,[] , [] , L1 + X,L2 + X (light punch ,light punch ,light punch ,light
punch ,jump +kick , crouch +kick)
Knockdown: /\ ,/\ , X (heavy punch , heavy punch , kick)
Easy Crazy Monkey: L1 +[] + X , L1 + X (jump + light punch + kick, jump +kick)
Easy Ground Pounder: L1 + /\ , L2 + /\ (jump +heavy punch, crouch +heavy punch)


Heat Feet: L2 +[] + /\ , L1 + [] (crouch +light punch+ heavy punch ,jump +light punch)

6.9 Angela

Drop-dead gorgeous, in the game, when you are about to rescue her, she is under
the spell of Akujin. She has long range attacks and strong moves, which makes her a total fox.


Jabs: [] , [], [] (light punch , lt. punch, lt. punch)
Overhead swing: /\ ,/\ (heavy punch , heavy punch)
Kick: X (kick)
Heavy Kick or Uppercut: L1 + /\ (jump + heavy punch)
Super Heavy Kick: L1 + X (jump + kick)

Throws: [] + X (light punch + kick)
[] + /\ (light punch + heavy punch)

Crouched moves ( Keep L2 pressed )

Foot-Sweep: X (kick)
Crouched Heavy Punches: /\ , /\ (heavy punch , hvy punch)
Crouched Jabs: [] , [] (light punch , light punch)

Air moves ( press L1 one time )

Jump Kick: [] (light punch)


Pitching Punch: [] , [] , [] , /\ , [] (light punch, light punch, light punch, heavy punch, light
Punch/Uppercut Combo: /\ , /\, L1 + /\ (heavy punch,heavy punch, jump + heavy punch)
Flip Kick Combo: X , L2 + X , L1 + X (kick, crouch +kick, jump +kick)
Long Kick Combo: /\ , X , X , X , L1 + X (heavy punch , kick, kick, kick, jump +kick)
Black-Widow Kicks: X , /\ , [] , X , /\ (kick, heavy punch, light punch, kick, heavy


Power Storm: L1 + /\ + [] , /\ + [] (jump + heavy punch +light punch,heavy punch + light

7. Tips and Tricks

7.1. When you get a high score use this as the names

BONECRACK --- players are skeletons

DEFORMANIA --- big heads

7.2. Here are other tricks for you to enjoy:

lay as Gorilla
Successfully complete urban fighters mode with Travis and Michelle to unlock Gorilla in all modes.

Play as Kobuchi
Successfully complete urban fighters mode with Tetsuo and Ushi to unlock Kobuchi in all modes.

Play as Kintaro
Successfully complete urban fighters mode with Gorilla to unlock Kintaro in arena battle mode.
Successfully complete urban fighters mode on the hard difficulty setting to unlock Kintaro in urban
fighters mode.

Play as Angela
Successfully complete urban fighters mode with Kobuchi to unlock Angela in arena battle mode.
Successfully complete urban fighters mode on the hard difficulty setting to unlock Angela in urban
fighters mode.

Play as Akujin
Successfully complete urban fighters mode on the hard difficulty setting to unlock Akujin in all

Alternate costumes
Successfully complete urban fighters mode on the normal difficulty setting three times.
Then, hold L1, L2, R1, or R2 while selecting a character at the character selection screen.

Hard mode
Successfully complete urban fighters mode with all characters on the normal difficulty setting to
unlock the hard difficulty setting under the options screen.

Shadow fighter mode
Successfully complete urban fighters mode once.

Survival mode
Successfully complete urban fighters mode twice.

Team battle mode
Successfully complete urban fighters mode three times.

Street gang battle mode
Successfully complete urban fighters mode on the hard difficulty setting with Kintaro, Angela, or

7.3. When you open up the Arena Battle mode use this codes:

Arena 2
Successfully complete shadow fighter mode with Gorilla to unlock Arena 2 in arena battle mode.

Arena 5
Successfully complete shadow fighter mode with Kobuchi to unlock Arena 5 in arena battle mode.

Arena 7
Successfully complete shadow fighter mode with Kintaro to unlock Arena 7 in arena battle mode.

Arena 8
Successfully complete shadow fighter mode with Angela to unlock Arena 8 in arena battle mode.

Arena 9
Successfully complete shadow fighter mode with Akujin to unlock Arena 9 in arena battle mode.

I will update this once I discover some more...

7.4 In-game tips...

The best time to use a 3rd level special "wipeout move" is at the end of the rage
time.(because using the wipeout move, ends the "rage")

When an opponent throws an object at you, you can grab it mid-air using the throw
buttons( kick + light punch, or light punch + heavy punch buttons).

You can avoid an object that's being "kicked" at you by jumping .

An object that's been "kicked" at you can be can blocked and sent back by hitting the
object when it is close to you.

You can beat a special move with a thrown object or another special move.

An opponent's "rage" can be ended throwing an object at them.

It's good to use the "lock" function on the controller, before you kick an object at
an opponent. That way no matter which way they jump, you keep facing them.
(and so does the item kicked at them)

By picking up the objects in the levels and arenas you will find tons of power-ups.

By picking up the heavy objects you will find weapons.

If you kick objects, you will remove the hidden bonus. This is a real downer, so
be sure to kick objects when necessary.

You can counterattack an opponent's throw or combo throw by pressing your own throw
combo( kick + light punch, or light punch + heavy punch buttons ).
This is tricky, because of the short time to do it.

If you stay crouched opponents can't grab you.

Before using your last bullet, check the ground and under objects for ammo.

Picking up enemy bodies will also elicit bonuses.

In the water-flowing-storm canal stage, it's better to throw enemies against the water or
to use the wipeout move as much as you can. You will lose a bit of energy but you
will have more time to find a way to escape.

Move away from bosses once you've knocked them down. Usually when they get
back up, they will use a wipeout move to make sure you're not standing next to them.

To easily crush the bikers you should use the "wipeout" move. The other ways
to beat them are to throw objects at them, or jump kick them off. It takes 2
attempts and you have to be very accurate. Once they knock you down, they will run
you over repeatedly. (It's safer to use the wipeout moves)

When the enemy "Martin" (hefty white dressed man) is on the screen, go straight for him. He
is always armed with a machinegun.

Dogs take priority over normal enemies. If they latch onto your throat they'll do
a lot of damage.

To avoid Ushi's special move, stay crouched.

If a standing opponent shoots at you, crouch. If he crouches, jump at him.

If you are playing a big character(Gorilla or Ushi). Wait until your opponents are on
top of a big object (or throw them on top of one), and then pick up the object and throw it.

If you are using a slow character, it's a good idea to use "lock mode" and don't move
the joypad. You will block opponents hits when they're doing a fast hit combo on you.

Michelle can jump over normal opponents, and get a cheap shot in their back from behind.

When playing multi-play, let your opponents wear each other down, then take
advantage of their weakness.

When playing multi-play, look for "cheap-shot" opportunities. When your opponent is
working on his other enemy, attack him from behind and juggle him against the other enemy. (or
hit him with objects from across the arena.)

8. Gameshark Codes

Here are some of the codes that are to be used with a gameshark(Action Replay or Interact
Gameshark recommended), use them at your own risk, I have used these codes and they worked
on my console. Just a reminder, using these codes really ruins the fun of the game so I recommend
that you should only use it when you have finished the game a couple of times, and you only want
to blow the s#@t out of those annoying enemies. Or simply, you just want to have some fun... ;P

Infinite Lives 800BE164 0009

Press R2 to Refill Health P1 D00B6C52 FDFF
800BE146 0900

Max Rage Gauge P1 800CE486 03E8

Infinite Special Move P1 800CE482 0FFF

Press R2 to Refill Health P2 D00B6C74 FDFF
800BE2E6 0900

Max Rage Gauge P2 800CE5D6 03E8

Infinite Special Move P2 800CE5D2 0FFF

Unlock All Characters 800B7170 FFFF

Unlock Shadow Fighter Mode 800B7220 0001

Unlock Team Battle Mode 800B722C 0001

Unlock Survival Mode 800B7238 0001

Unlock Street Gang Battle Mode 800B7244 0001

Infinite Ammo on Pick-Up 800BFB64 0032
800C0044 0032
800C01E4 0032
800B6C74 0032
800C0B84 0032
800BE7E4 0032
800C0524 0032
800BE984 0032
800BFD04 0032
800C06C4 0032
800C06C4 0032
800BF004 0032
800BECC4 0032
800BF344 0032
800BF4E4 0032
800BFEA4 0032
800BF824 0032
9. Credits

First, thanks to my mom and dad for buying me a Playstation

Thanks, to NAPS and Infogrames for making a marvelous game.

Thanks to Ka Willy for recommending this game to me.

Thanks to for posting this FAQ.

Thanks to for lots of important infos...

Thanks to for letting me use the codes in his site, thanks for the
Gameshark codes and how to unlock the characters and arenas.

Thanks to Vittorio Capozzi for the tricks.

and thanks to you... who is reading this up to the end...

10. Next Update

Moves for Akujin.
Weapons tips.

11. For comments, suggestions, tips and help...

If you have anything that can help(especially character moves and profiles), or if you
have any comments or suggestions, e-mail me at:


Copyright 2000
Romy N. Junio Jr.

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All Characters, All Levels

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und +1 Trainer für die Europäische PAL Version.

14.Октябрь 2013
Patch für die Europäische PAL Version.

14.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
25.Июнь 2019
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014
24.Июль 2014