New Japan Pro Wrestling

New Japan Pro Wrestling

14.10.2013 08:20:22

Tatsumi Fujinami
Facing Standing Opponent
T Headlock T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Snap Mare C + Body Slam
X Kick X + European Uppercut

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Arm Stretch T + Small Package*
C Suplex C + Leg Sweep Takedown
X Forearm Smash / Flying Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Abdominal Stretch T + Back Slide*
C Back Suplex C + Full Nelson Suplex*
X Kick / Flying Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Hammerlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Reverse Headlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Figure Four Leglock
X Knee Drop

Running Opponent
T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Drop Kick

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Cross Body Block
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Knee Drop
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Kick
X (opponent in corner) Kick
X (opponent outside ring) Dive Through Ropes
X (opponent groggy) Drop Kick

Riki Chosyu
Facing Standing Opponent
T Headlock T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Snap Mare C + Body Slam
X Kick X + Slap

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Arm Stretch T + Armbar Takedown
C Suplex C + Power Bomb*
X Clothesline

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Abdominal Stretch T + Octopus Stretch
C Back Suplex C + Back Suplex
X Flying Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Hammerlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Headlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Scorpion Deathlock
X Stomp

Running Opponent
T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Knee Lift

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Double Axehandle
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Kneedrop
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Clothesline
X (opponent in corner) Clothesline
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

Keiji Mutoh
Facing Standing Opponent
T Headlock T + Arm Stretch
C Snap Mare C + Body Slam
X Forearm Smash X + Spinning Back Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Armbar Takedown T + Small Package*
C Backbreacker C + Frankensteiner
X Drop Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Abdominal Stretch T + Octopus Stretch
C Bulldog C + Full Nelson Suplex*
X Forearm Smash

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Figure Four Leglock
X Elbowdrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Camel Clutch
T (when near opponent's feet) Twisting Leglock
X Leg Drop

Running Opponent
T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Drop Kick

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Flying Drop Kick
X (when opponent is on the mat) Moonsault
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Top Rope Frankensteiner
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Cross Body Block

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Flying Forearm
X (opponent in corner) Flying Forearm
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Drop Kick

Masahiro Chono
Facing Standing Opponent
T Headlock T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Snap Mare C + Body Slam
X Chop X + Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Arm Stretch T + Reverse Neckbreaker
C Suplex C + DDT
X European Uppercut/Flying Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Octopus Stretch T + Octopus Stretch
C Back Suplex C + Back Suplex
X Kick/Flying Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Camel Clutch
T (when near opponent's feet) STF
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Headlock
T (when near opponent's feet) STF
X Stomp

Running Opponent
T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Knee Lift

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Flying Shoulder Block
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Knee Drop
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Shoulder Block

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)

X (opponent in ring) Mafia Kick
X (opponent in corner) Mafia Kick
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Mafia Kick

Shinya Hashimoto
Facing Standing Opponent
T Headlock T + Headlock
C Body Slam C + Suplex
X Chop X + Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Arm Stretch T + Armbar Takedown
C DDT C + Brainbuster
X Chop

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Armbar Takedown T + Armbar Takedown
C Back Suplex C + German Suplex*
X Sweep Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Leglock
X Elbow Drop

Running Opponent
T Sleeper Hold
C Power Slam*
X Chop

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Flying Drop Kick
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Elbow Drop
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Top Rope DDT
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Spinning Wheel Kick
X (opponent in corner) Spinning Wheel Kick
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Shortarm Clothesline

Hiroshi Hase
Facing Standing Opponent
T Headlock T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Snap Mare C + Belly to Belly Suplex
X Slap X + Chop

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Arm Stretch T + Armbar Takedown
C Choke Slam C + Northern Lights Suplex*
X European Uppercut/Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Armbar Takedown T + Back Slide*
C German Suplex* C + Full Nelson Suplex*
X Clothesline

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Rolling STF
X Leg Drop

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Headlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Scorpion Deathlock/Giant Swing
X Stomp

Running Opponent
T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Drop Kick

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Flying Drop Kick
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Knee Drop
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Top Rope Belly to Belly Suplex
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Choke Slam
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Clothesline
X (opponent in corner) Clothesline
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Mafia Kick

Kensuke Sasaki
Facing Standing Opponent
T Headlock T + Arm Stretch
C Body Slam C + Suplex
X Slap X + Chop

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Armbar Takedown T + Armbar Takedown
C Press Slam C + Power Bomb*
X Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Sleeper Hold
T + Armbar Takedown
C Bulldog
C + Back Suplex
X Clothesline

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Scorpion Deathlock
X Stomp

Running Opponent
T Sleeper Hold
C Power Slam*
X Drop Kick

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Flying clothesline
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Elbow Drop
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Clothesline
X (opponent in corner) Clothesline
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

Shiro Koshinaka
Facing Standing Opponent

T Headlock T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Body Slam C + Suplex
X Slap X + Chop

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Arm Stretch T + Armbar Takedown
C DDT C + Power Bomb*
X Kick/Drop Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Sleeper Hold T + Armbar Takedown
C Bulldog C + Full Nelson Suplex*
X Clothesline

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Hammerlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Boston Crab
X Stomp

Running Opponent
T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Drop Kick

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Flying Butt Smash
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Stomp
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Flying Butt Smash
X (opponent in corner) Flying Butt Smash
X (opponent outside ring) Slide Kick
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger
Facing Standing Opponent
T Headlock T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Suplex C + Tombstone Piledriver
X Slaps X + Punch

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Arm Stretch T + Armbar Takedown
C Frankensteiner C + Power Bomb*
X Slap

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Cross Face Chicken Wing T + Cross Face Chicken Wing
C German Suplex* C + Belly to Back Suplex*
X Drop Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Camel Clutch
T (when near opponent's feet) Bow and Arrow
X Elbow Drop

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Figure Four Leglock
X Back Splash

Running Opponent
T Sleeper Hold
C Tilt a Whirl Suplex
X Punch

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Flying Drop Kick
X (when opponent is on the mat) Shooting Star Press
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Standing Top Rope Superplex
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Body Drop
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Back Drop

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Drop Kick/Rolling Kick
X (opponent in corner) Drop Kick/Rolling Kick
X (opponent outside ring) Slide Kick
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

Hiroyoshi Tenzan
Facing Standing Opponent
T Headlock T + Arm Stretch
C Body Slam C + Suplex
X Slap
X + Chop

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Bearhug T + Bearhug
C Press Slam C + Inverted Piledriver
X Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Sleeper Hold T + Sleeper Hold
C Back Suplex C + German Suplex*
X Forearm Smash

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Camel Clutch
T (when near opponent's feet) Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Eye Gouge
T (when near opponent's feet) Boston Crab
X Chop

Running Opponent
T Sleeper Hold
C Fireman's Carry Drop
X Chop

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Double Axehandle
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Head Butt
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Top Rope Fireman's Carry Drop
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Spinning Wheel Kick
X (opponent in corner) Spinning Wheel
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

Kohji Kanemoto
Facing Standing Opponent
T Headlock T + Swinging Neckbreaker
C Snap Mare C + Body Slam
X Slap X + Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Armbar Takedown T + Frankensteiner*
C Suplex C + Backbreaker
X Drop Kick / Spinning Back Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Armbar Takedown
T + Cross Face Chicken Wing
C German Suplex*
C + Double Chicken Wing Suplex*
X Forearm Smash

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Leglock
X Back Splash

Running Opponent
T Sleeper Hold
C Frankensteiner
X Drop Kick

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Flying Spin Kick
X (when opponent is on the mat) Moonsault
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Top Rope Frankensteiner
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Cross Body Block

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Spinning Back Kick
X (opponent in corner) Climbing Turnbuckle Kick
X (opponent outside ring) Slide Kick
X (opponent groggy) Forearm Smash

Scott Norton
Facing Standing Opponent
T Reverse Neckbreaker T + Bearhug
C Body Slam C + Suplex
X Chop X + Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Choke Lift T + Armbar Takedown
C Press Slam C + Backbreaker
X Clothesline

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Sleeper Hold T + Sleeper Hold
C Back Suplex C + Back Suplex
X Clothesline

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Camel Clutch
T (when near opponent's feet) Boston Crab
X Kick

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Headlock
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Splash

Running Opponent
T Bearhug
C Powerslam*
X Clothesline

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Flying Clothesline
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Elbow Drop
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Shoulder Charge
X (opponent in corner) Splash
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

The Great Muta
Facing Standing Opponent
T Headlock T + Headlock
C Snap Mare C + Body Slam
X Chop X + Spinning Back Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Arm Stretch T + Reverse Neckbreaker
C Suplex C + Backbreaker
X Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Abdominal Stretch T + Octopus Stretch
C Bulldog C + German Suplex*
X Drop Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Camel Clutch
T (when near opponent's feet) Figure Four Leglock
X Elbowdrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Eye Gouge
T (when near opponent's feet) Twisting Leglock
X Stomp

Running Opponent
T Sleeper Hold
C Back Body Drop
X Spit Green Mist/Drop Kick

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Double Axehandle
X (when opponent is on the mat) Moonsault
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Cross Body Block

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Kick
X (opponent in corner) Handspring Elbow Smash
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

Power Warrior
Facing Standing Opponent
T Headlock T + Headlock
C Body Slam C + Suplex
X Slap X + Chop

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Arm Stretch T + Armbar Takedown
C Press Slam C + Power Bomb*
X Kick

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Sleeper Hold T + Sleeper Hold
C Back Suplex C + Bulldog
X Clothesline

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Half Boston Crab
X Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Scorpion Deathlock
X Stomp

Running Opponent
T Bearhug
C Power Slam*
X Knee Lift

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Flying clothesline
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Elbow Drop
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Superplex
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) N/A

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Drop Kick
X (opponent in corner) Drop Kick/Clothesline
X (opponent outside ring) N/A
X (opponent groggy) Clothesline

Facing Standing Opponent
T Reverse Neckbreaker T + Choke Lift
C Fireman's Carry Drop C + Brainbuster
X Slap X + Clothesline

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Headlock T + Bearhug
C Armdrag Takedown C + Power Bomb*
X Flying Shoulder Block

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Cross Face Chicken Wing T + Octopus Stretch
C Bulldog C + German Suplex*
X Flying Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Bow and Arrow
X Chop

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Scorpion Deathlock
X Splash

Running Opponent
T Small Package*
C Power Bomb*
X Double Chop

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Flying Clothesline
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Kneedrop
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Top Rope Frankensteiner
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Back Suplex
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Cross Body Block

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Sweep Kick
X (opponent in corner) Chop
X (opponent outside ring) Slide Kick
X (opponent groggy) Flying Kick

Tiger Hattori
Facing Standing Opponent
T Armbar Takedown T + Small Package*
C Leg Sweep Takedown C + Frankensteiner
X Kick X + Spinning Back Kick

Facing Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Swinging Neckbreaker T + Frankensteiner*
C DDT C + Northern Lights Suplex*
X Punch

Behind Standing Opponent (Groggy)
T Back Slide* T + Cross Face Chicken Wing
C Full Nelson Suplex* C + Double Chicken Wing Suplex*
X Leg Sweep

Opponent Face Down on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) Rolling STF
X Back Splash

Opponent Face Up on Mat
T (when near opponent's head) Armbar
T (when near opponent's feet) STF
X Legdrop

Running Opponent
T Frankensteiner*
X Flying Kick

Top Rope Turnbuckle Moves
X (when opponent is standing) Shooting Star Press
X (when opponent is on the mat) Flying Cross Body Block
X (when facing standing opponent in corner) Top Rope Superplex
X (when behind standing opponent in the corner) Top Rope Choke Slam
X (when opponent is outside the ring) Flying Back Drop

Running Moves (Wrestler must be running to perform the following moves)
X (opponent in ring) Handspring Back Drop
X (opponent in corner) Handspring Back Smash
X (opponent outside ring) Dive Through Ropes
X (opponent groggy) Rolling Kick

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