Tobal 2

Tobal 2

13.10.2013 09:31:23
Tobal 2 Extra Characters Move List
by John Cavallaro
9/13/98 8:43:17 PM

This is a move list for the 185 extra characters you can get in this game.
You can find other faqs out there with the locations to find the characters
so don't write me and ask me where to find them. You can put this move list
on your web page as long as you don't change anything in it. This is a big
move list so there's probably some errors. Any corrections or additions
would be appreciated.

Buttons Key
U = Press Up
D = Press Down
T = Press in the direction of your opponent
B = Press away from your opponent
H = Press the Triangle button
M = Press the Square button
L = Press the X button
Jump = Press the L1 or L2 buttons
G = Press the R1 or R2 buttons

While Rising = While standing up from ducking or low moves
With Back Turned = With your back turned to the opponent
Close = When you are close to the opponent
Front Grab = Grab your opponent with them facing you
Arm Side Grab = Grab the side of opponent and holding there arm
Head Side Grab = Grab the side of opponent and holding them in a headlock
Back Grab = Grab the opponent with them facing away from you

Common Moves
H = High Attack
M = Middle Attack
L = Low Attack
G = Guard
Jump = Jump

T+M means press T and M at the same time.
T, T+M means press T release T the press T and M at the same time.

001 Dog
L Scratch
H, H, H Triple Paw Attack
M, M Kick, Hind Leg Pop Up
T, T+M Headbutt
T+H Headbutt Pop Up
T+H, H, H Pop Up and Scratch
T+M Hind Kick Pop Up
T+L Leg Bite
B+H, H, H, etc Bark (it can be done infinitly)
B, B+H Howl
B+M Play Dead
B+L Growl
U or D+M Hop around
G+D Sit
While holding G+D press L Low Bite
G+D, M Beg
Jump, M or L Flip Attack
Jump, H Jumping Bite
With Back Turned G+L, L Back Scratch
002 Brown Lizard
M or H Claw
L Tail Whip
T+M Middle Bite
G+L Low Bite
G+H Scare

T+L Grab Enemies Ankle
003 Wyvern
H Breathe Fire
M, M Two Big Whips
L Low Whip
004 Deino
H or M Tail Whip
L Low Tail Whip
T+M or T+H Rising Headbutt
B+M or B+H Smash
T, T+L or B, B+L or G+L Middle Bite
D, D+L or U, U+L Middle Bite (same as above)
T, T+M or T, T+H High Bite
B, B+M or B, B+H Headbutt Pop Up
U or D + H or M Ramming Headbutt
G+H Absorb Air (does nothing?)
Jump, H or M or L Jumping Whip
005 Cougar
H, H, H Triple Scratch Attack
M, M Kick, Hind Leg Pop Up
L Scratch
T, T+M Headbutt
T+H Headbutt Pop Up
T+H, H, H Pop Up and Scratch
T+M Hind Kick Pop Up
T+L Leg Bite
G+D Purr
Jump, M or L Flip Attack
Jump, H Jumping Bite
With Back Turned G+L, L Back Scratch
006 Shopkeeper
M Middle Kick
L low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
007 Brown Ape
H Jumping Smash
M Two Arm Lift
L, L Low Arm Swings
U, or D or B+M Two Arm Pop Up
T+M Forward Smash
T, T+M Forward Flip
B, B+M Powerful Smash
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Flip Attack
Jump, L Reverse Flip Attack

M (Front Grab) Bite
M (Head Side Grab) Stomp On
M (Arm Side grab) Flip onto
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
008 Skeleton
H, H, H Three Punches
H, H, M Two Punches and a Kick
H, M A Punch and a Kick
M, M, M Three Kicks
L, L Two Low Kicks
B or T+M Body Punch
T or B+H, H Smack and Smash
T or B+L, L, L Two Low Punches and a Pop Up
T, T+H or B, B+H Jumping Spin Kick
G+H Spinning Back Fist
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Pile Driver
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Breaker
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
009 Silver Wizard
H Delayed Fireball
D or U or B+M Delayed Fireball (same as above attack)
M Fast Fireball
L Low Fireball
T+M Lightning Bolt
Hold B+L (Relase to fire) Charge Low Fireball (the longer you hold
the buttons the more damage the fireball does)

Hold G, T, T+M (Close To Enemy) Magic Slam
M (Front Grab) Land On Flip Throw
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Any Side Grab) Land On Flip Throw
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
010 Chocobo
H High Peck
M Hammer Peck
L Low Kick
T+M Middle Kick
Jump + H or M or L Jumping Scratch (if you miss you sit down)
011 Silver Gorem
H, H Two Hooks
M Rising Smash
L Lower Kick
T+H Hook
B+H Two Arm Smash
B+M Jumping Smash
B+M, M Two Smashes
B, B+M One Arm Smash
U, U or D, D +H Double Arm Punch
G+H Double Arm Smash
G+L Sweep
With Back Turned H or M or L Fall Backwards
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Power Pile Driver
T+M (Front Grab) Full Slam
M (Arm Side Grab) Side Pile driver
M (Head Side grab) Backwards Slam
M (Back Grab) Reverse Pile Driver
012 Azurite Gorem
H, H Two Hooks
M Rising Smash
L Lower Kick
T+H Hook
B+H Two Arm Smash
B+M Jumping Smash
B+M, M Two Smashes
B, B+M One Arm Smash
U, U or D, D +H Double Arm Punch
G+H Double Arm Smash
G+L Sweep
With Back Turned H or M or L Fall Backwards
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Power Pile Driver
T+M (Front Grab) Full Slam
M (Arm Side Grab) Side Pile driver
M (Head Side grab) Backwards Slam
M (Back Grab) Reverse Pile Driver
013 Bronze Gorem
H, H Two Hooks
M Rising Smash
L Lower Kick
T+H Hook
B+H Two Arm Smash
T+M Jumping Smash
B+M, M Two Smashes
B, B+M One Arm Smash
U, U or D, D + H Double Arm Punch
G+H Double Arm Smash
G+L Sweep
With Back Turned H or M or L Fall Backwards
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Power Pile Driver
T+M (Front Grab) Full Slam
M (Arm Side Grab) Side Pile driver
M (Head Side grab) Backwards Slam
M (Back Grab) Reverse Pile Driver
014 Mono Eye
H, M Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Kick
M Middle Spinning Heel Kick
L Low Kick
T+H Jumping Spin Kick
B+H Spear Punch
T, T+H, H, H Drilling Punch Combo
T or D +M, M Two Body Punches
B+M Middle Kick
T, T+M, M, M Spinning Arm Spear Attack
B, B+M Spinning Arm Attack
B+L Leg Attack
T+L Forward Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Jumping Back Driver
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side grab) Arm Flip
M (Back Grab) Throw Down
015 Wraith
H Smack
M, M Two Punches
L, M Low Swoop, Retreat
T, T+H Fire Touch
B+M Spinning Lunge (sometimes dizzies enemy)
B+M, B+H, H Spin Lunge, Loop Attack, Swoop
B+M, B+H, M Spin Lunge, Loop Attack, Retreat
B+M, L, M Spin Lunge, Swoop, Retreat
B+M, U or D, B+H, H Swoop, Circle Enemy, Loop Attack, Swoop
B+M, U or D, B+H, M Swoop, Circle Enemy, Loop Attack, Retreat
B+M, U or D, T, T+M Swoop, Circle Enemy and Swoop (can be
followed moves starting with B+M)
T+M, *M* Two Uppercuts
T+M, *M* Two Uppercuts
U or D + M Fire Punch
T, T or B, B + L Low Punch
G+L Low Punch (same as above attack)

M (Front Grab) Pick Up and Drop
M (Head Side Grab) Side Pick Up and Drop
M (Arm Side grab) Arm Pick Up and Drop
M (Back Grab) Spinning Pick Up and Drop
016 White Ferret
H, H, M Three Punches
M Punch
L Low Punch
T+H, M Two Hooks
B, B+H Big Swipe
T, T+H, *H*, H, *H*, etc Scratch (you can repeat H, *H* infinitly)
T+M Small Uppercut
T, T+M Big Uppercut
B+M Tail Whip
B, B+M Double Arm Crush
G+H, H, *H*, H, *H*, etc Scratch (you can repeat H, *H* infinitly)
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick
017 Thin Man
M Spear Punch
L low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
B+M Middle Kick
T+M, M Scissors attack, Spear Punch
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side grab) Arm Bar
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
018 Zircon Gorem
H, H Two Hooks
M Rising Smash
L Lower Kick
T+H Hook
B+H Two Arm Smash
D or U or T+M Jumping Smash
B+M, M Two Smashes
B, B+M One Arm Smash
U, U or D, D + H Double Arm Punch
G+H Double Arm Smash
G+L Sweep
With Back Turned H or M or L Fall Backwards
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Power Pile Driver
T+M (Front Grab) Full Slam
M (Arm Side Grab) Side Pile driver
M (Head Side grab) Backwards Slam
M (Back Grab) Reverse Pile Driver
019 Hound
L Scratch
H, H, H Triple Paw Attack
M, M Kick, Hind Leg Pop Up
T, T+M Headbutt
T+H Headbutt Pop Up
T+H, H, H Pop Up and Scratch
T+M Hind Kick Pop Up
T+L Leg Bite
B, B+H Howl
B+L Growl
U or D+M Hop around
G+D Duck
Jump + M or L Flip Attack
Jump + H Jumping Bite
With Back Turned G+L, L Back Scratch
020 Nebak
M Double Arm Uppercut
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
T+M Small Tail Whip
T, T+M Tail Whip
B+M Double Arm Back Fist
B, B+M Absorb Air (Does Nothing???)
G+H Double Punch
G+L Sweep
While Rising hold G+H Spin Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) Flipping Back Breaker
021 Red Zeppel
H Turn Around Attack (Spins Enemy Around)
M, M Punch, Kick
L Low Kick
T+H Attack and Turn Around
B+H Wind Up and Attack
T, T+H Spinning Uppercut
T, T+M Shoulder Charge
G+H Jumping Spin Kick
G+L Low Kick
G+H (While Rising) Spin Kick
H, H, H (While Rising or Ducking)Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M (While Rising or Ducking)Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L (While Rising or Ducking)Punch, Middle Kick, Low Kick
L (While Rising) Ankle Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
022 Zombie
H, H Scratch
M Rake
L Arm Sweep
T, T or B, B+L, L Two Arm Sweeps
G+L Low Attack
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

G+H Grab and Bite (Unblockable)
M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
023 Dragon Puppy
M or H Claw
L Tail Whip
T+M Middle Bite
G+L Low Bite
G+H Scare

T+L Grab Enemies Ankle
024 Tategami
L Scratch
H, H, H Triple Paw Attack
M, M Kick, Hind Leg Pop Up
T, T+M Headbutt
T+H Headbutt Pop Up
T+H, H, H Pop Up and Scratch
T+M Hind Kick Pop Up
T+L Leg Bite
B, B+H Howl
B+L Growl
U or D+M Hop around
G+D Duck
Jump + M or L Flip Attack
Jump + H Jumping Bite
With Back Turned G+L, L Back Scratch
025 Mad Plant
M Middle Kick
U or D + M Opposite Leg Middle Kick
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
T+M Rising Smash
B+M Bite Attack
T, T+M Cross Spear Attack
B, B+M Dual Spear Punch
G+H Spin Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
026 Lich
H Smack
M, M Two Punches
L, M Low Swoop and Retreat
T+H Fire Touch
B+M Spinning Lunge (sometimes dizzies enemy)
B+M, B+H, H Spin Lunge, Loop Attack, Swoop
B+M, B+H, M Spin Lunge, Loop Attack, Retreat
B+M, L, H Spin Lunge, Swoop, Retreat
B+M, U or D, B+H, H Swoop, Circle Enemy, Loop Attack, Swoop
B+M, U or D, B+H, M Swoop, Circle Enemy, Loop Attack, Retreat
B+M, U or D, T, T+M Swoop, Circle Enemy and Swoop (can be
followed moves starting with B+M)
T+M, *M* Two Uppercuts
U or D + M Fire Punch
T, T or B, B + L Low Punch
G+L Low Punch (same as above attack)

M (Front Grab) Pick Up and Drop
M (Head Side Grab) Side Pick Up and Drop
M (Arm Side grab) Arm Pick Up and Drop
M (Back Grab) Spinning Pick Up and Drop
027 Ripper
H High Stab
M Stabbing Uppercut
L Low Stab
U or D or T or B + L Low Kick
B or T+H, H, H Stab, Stab, Kick
B or T+H, H, M Stab, Stab, Uppercut Stab
B or T+H, M, L High Stab, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
T+M Loop Stab
B+M, M Two Stabs
T, T+M Strong stab
B, B+M Double Arm Slash
U or D + M Evasion Slash
U, U or D, D + M Middle Kick
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick
028 Totem 1st
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick
029 Totem 2nd
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick
030 Totem 3rd
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick
031 Mujaki
H High Back Kick (turns you around)
M Middle Back kick (turns you around)
L Low Back Kick (turns you around)
T+H, M Double Loop Attack
T+M Jumping Attack
T+L Leg Attack
B+M Middle Kick
G+H Side Jump Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Hold G+D, L Leg Swipe
With Back Turned, M, M, H Three Kicks (turns you around)
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump , M or L Flying Sit
U or D + M, M, T+M Two Upper Smacks, Double Arm Attack
U or D + M, M, *M*, M, *M*, etc Upper Smacks (you can repeat M, *M*
infinitly or end it with M, *T+M*)
B+H Smack
B+H, H, H, H, etc Smacks (You can repeat H infinitly or do
any of the following moves after the B+H)
B+H, *T+H*, etc Smack, Wind Up (You can follow this with
any of the other moves after the B+H)
B+H, *T+H*, *B+H* Smack, Wind Up, Double Smack
B+H, *T+M* Smack, Double Smack
B+H, M, T+M Smack, Upper Smack, Double Smack
B+H, M, *M*, M, *M*, etc Smack, Upper Smack, (you can repeat M, *M*
infinitly or end it with M, *T+M*)
M (Front Grab) Flip Over Pile Driver
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
032 Phantom
H Smack
M, M Two Punches
L, M Low Swoop, Retreat
T+M Fire Punch
T, T+H Loop Attack
T, T or B, B + H, H Loop Attack, Low Swoop
T, T or B, B + H, M Loop Attack, Retreat
B+M Spinning Lunge (sometimes dizzies enemy)
B+M, B+H, H Spin Lunge, Loop Attack, Swoop
B+M, B+H, M Spin Lunge, Loop Attack, Retreat
B+M, L, M Spin Lunge, Swoop, Retreat
T, T+M, *M* Two Uppercuts
U or D + M Circle Enemy (can be followed by the other
moves starting with B+M)
U or D + M Circle Enemy and Swoop (can be followed
moves starting with B+M)
T, T or B, B + L Circle Swoop

M (Front Grab) Pick Up and Drop
M (Head Side Grab) Side Pick Up and Drop
M (Arm Side grab) Arm Pick Up and Drop
M (Back Grab) Spinning Pick Up and Drop
033 Axe Beak
H High Peck
M Hammer Peck
L Low Kick
B+H Chicken Noise
T+M Middle Kick
Jump + H or M or L Jumping Scratch (if you miss you sit down)
034 Blue Emu
H High Peck
M Hammer Peck
L Low Kick
B+H Chicken Noise
T+M Middle Kick
Jump + H or M or L Jumping Scratch (if you miss you sit down)
035 Cockatrice
H High Peck
M Hammer Peck
L Low Kick
T+M Middle Kick
T, T+M Tail Whip
Jump + H or M or L Jumping Scratch (if you miss you sit down)
036 Blue Jelly
H, H, M, M Punch Combo
M Dual Arm Attack
L, L, L Three Low Punches
T+M Big Uppercut
B+M, M Jump Attack, Pop Up
T, T+M Headbutt dive
T+L or G+L Low Swipe
G+H High Spin Punch
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
037 Tie Tamper LD
H High Punch
M, M Two Middle Punches
L Low Punch
T or B or D or U + H Two Arm Smash
T or B or D or U + L Low Spin Attack
G+L Leg Attack
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick
038 Bear
B, B+H Absorb Air (Does Nothing?)
Jump , H or M or L Jumping Spin Punch

H, H, *H*, H, *H*, etc Double Claw Combo
H, H, *M*, *M*, *L*, etc Double Claw Power Combo
H, H, *M*, *H*, *M*, *H*, etc Double Claw and Uppercut Combo
H, *M*, *H*, *M*, *H*, etc Claw, Uppercut, Claw, Uppercut
H, *M*, *M*, *L*, etc Claw, Uppercut Combo
M, *M*, *L*, etc Uppercut Power Combo
M, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Uppercut Claw Combo
M, *H*, *M*, *H*, *M* Uppercut, Uppercut combo
L, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Low Punch Power Combo
L, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Low Punch Claw Combo
L, *H*, *M*, *H*, *M*, etc Low Punch, Uppercut Combo
T+M, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Opposite, Power Combo
T+M, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Opposite, Claw Combo
T+M, *H*, *M*, *H*, *M*, etc Opposite, Uppercut Combo
D or U +M, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Small Uppercut, Power Combo
D or U +M, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Small Uppercut, Claw Combo
D or U +M,*H*, *M*,*H*, *M*, etc Small Uppercut, Uppercut Combo
B, B+M, *L*, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Bear Squash, Power Combo
B, B+M, *L*, *H*, H, etc Bear Squash, Claw Combo
B, B+M, *L*, *H*, *M*, etc Bear Squash, Uppercut Combo
T, T+M, *L*, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Fast Bear Squash, Power Combo
T, T+M, *L*, *H*, H, etc Fast Bear Squash, Claw Combo
T, T+M, *L*, *H*, *M*, etc Fast Bear Squash, Uppercut Combo
You can repeat or change alot of these moves where the etc is!

M (Front Grab) Bear hug
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
039 Owl Bear
B, B+H Absorb Air (Does Nothing?)
Jump , H or M or L Jumping Spin Punch

Complex Moves:
H, H, *H*, H, *H*, etc Double Claw Combo
H, H, *M*, *M*, *L*, etc Double Claw Power Combo
H, H, *M*, *H*, *M*, *H*, etc Double Claw and Uppercut Combo
H, *M*, *H*, *M*, *H*, etc Claw, Uppercut, Claw, Uppercut
H, *M*, *M*, *L*, etc Claw, Uppercut Combo
M, *M*, *L*, etc Uppercut Power Combo
M, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Uppercut Claw Combo
M, *H*, *M*, *H*, *M* Uppercut, Uppercut combo
L, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Low Punch Power Combo
L, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Low Punch Claw Combo
L, *H*, *M*, *H*, *M*, etc Low Punch, Uppercut Combo
T+M, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Opposite, Power Combo
T+M, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Opposite, Claw Combo
T+M, *H*, *M*, *H*, *M*, etc Opposite, Uppercut Combo
D or U +M, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Small Uppercut, Power Combo
D or U +M, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Small Uppercut, Claw Combo
D or U +M,*H*, *M*,*H*, *M*, etc Small Uppercut, Uppercut Combo
B, B+M, *L*, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Bear Squash, Power Combo
B, B+M, *L*, *H*, H, etc Bear Squash, Claw Combo
B, B+M, *L*, *H*, *M*, etc Bear Squash, Uppercut Combo
T, T+M, *L*, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Fast Bear Squash, Power Combo
T, T+M, *L*, *H*, H, etc Fast Bear Squash, Claw Combo
T, T+M, *L*, *H*, *M*, etc Fast Bear Squash, Uppercut Combo
You can repeat or change alot of these moves where the etc is!

M (Front Grab) Bear hug
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
040 Red jelly
H, H, M, M Punch Combo
M Dual Arm Attack
L, L, L Three Low Punches
T+M Big Uppercut
B+M, M Jump Attack, Pop Up
T, T+M Headbutt dive
T+L or G+L Low Swipe
G+H High Spin Punch
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
041 Green Jelly
H, H, M, M Punch Combo
M Dual Arm Attack
L, L, L Three Low Punches
T+M Big Uppercut
B+M, M Jump Attack, Pop Up
T, T+M Headbutt dive
T+L or G+L Low Swipe
G+H High Spin Punch
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
042 Yellow Jelly
H, H, M, M Punch Combo
M Dual Arm Attack
L, L, L Three Low Punches
T+M Big Uppercut
B+M, M Jump Attack, Pop Up
T, T+M Headbutt dive
T+L or G+L Low Swipe
G+H High Spin Punch
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
043 Executer
H High Stab
M Stabbing Uppercut
L Low Stab
U or D or T or B + L Low Kick
B or T+H, H, H Stab, Stab, Kick
B or T+H, H, M Stab, Stab, Uppercut Stab
B or T+H, M, L High Stab, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
T+M Loop Stab
B+M, M Two Stabs
T, T+M Strong stab
B, B+M Double Arm Slash
U or D + M Evasion Slash
U, U or D, D + M Middle Kick
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick
044 Punk Head
L Low Attack
H, H, H or M, H, H Spin Combo (turns you around)
H, M, M or M, M, M Uppercut, Smash, Smash
T+M, M Low Attack, Smash
B+M Smash
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Neck Breaker
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Breaker
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
045 Blind Beast
M Middle Kick
L low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
046 Deep Blue
M Tail Whip
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
T+H Strong Punch
T+M, M Two Uppercuts
T+L Leg Claw
G+H Spinning Tail whip
G+L, L, L Three Tail Sweeps
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
047 Star
H High Star Attack
M Spinning Uppercut
L Low Star Attack
U, U or D, D + M Spin Around (keep pressing U or D to
keep spinnnning around)
U, U or D, D + M, *H* Spin Around, High Star Attack
U, U or D, D + M, *M* Spin Around, Spinning Uppercut
U, U or D, D + M, *L* Spin Around, Low Star Attack
G+L Small Low Spin
Jump + H or M or L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
048 Blue Star
H High Star Attack
M Spinning Uppercut
L Low Star Attack
U, U or D, D + M Spin Around (keep pressing U or D to
keep spinnnning around)
U, U or D, D + M, *H* Spin Around, High Star Attack
U, U or D, D + M, *M* Spin Around, Spinning Uppercut
U, U or D, D + M, *L* Spin Around, Low Star Attack
G+L Small Low Spin
Jump + H or M or L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
049 Red Star
H High Star Attack
M Spinning Uppercut
L Low Star Attack
U, U or D, D + M Spin Around (keep pressing U or D to
keep spinnnning around)
U, U or D, D + M, *H* Spin Around, High Star Attack
U, U or D, D + M, *M* Spin Around, Spinning Uppercut
U, U or D, D + M, *L* Spin Around, Low Star Attack
G+L Small Low Spin
Jump + H or M or L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
050 Green Star
H High Star Attack
M Spinning Uppercut
L Low Star Attack
U, U or D, D + M Spin Around (keep pressing U or D to
keep spinnnning around)
U, U or D, D + M, *H* Spin Around, High Star Attack
U, U or D, D + M, *M* Spin Around, Spinning Uppercut
U, U or D, D + M, *L* Spin Around, Low Star Attack
G+L Small Low Spin
Jump + H or M or L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
051 Black Star
H High Star Attack
M Spinning Uppercut
L Low Star Attack
U, U or D, D + M Spin Around (keep pressing U or D to
keep spinnnning around)
U, U or D, D + M, *H* Spin Around, High Star Attack
U, U or D, D + M, *M* Spin Around, Spinning Uppercut
U, U or D, D + M, *L* Spin Around, Low Star Attack
G+L Small Low Spin
Jump + H or M or L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
052 Gray Ghoul
L Low Attack
H, H, H or M, H, H Spin Combo (turns you around)
H, M, M or M, M, M Uppercut, Smash, Smash
T+M, M Low Attack, Smash
B+M Smash
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Neck breaker
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Breaker
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
053 Green Ghoul
L Low Attack
H, H, H or M, H, H Spin Combo (turns you around)
H, M, M or M, M, M Uppercut, Smash, Smash
T+M, M Low Attack, Smash
B+M Smash
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Neck Breaker
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Breaker
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
054 Blue Skeleton
H, H, H Three Punches
H, H, M Two Punches and a Kick
H, M A Punch and a Kick
M, M, M Three Kicks
L, L Two Low Kicks
B or T+M Body Punch
T or B+H, H Smack and Smash
T or B+L, L, L Two Low Punches and a Pop Up
T, T+H or B, B+H Jumping Spin Kick
G+H Spinning Back Fist
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Pile Driver
M (Side Grab) Arm Breaker
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
055 Wight
H, H Scratch
M Rake
L Arm Sweep
T, T or B, B+L, L Two Arm Sweeps
G+L Low Attack
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

G+H Grab and Bite (Unblockable)
M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
056 Ikkaku
L Scratch
H, H, H Triple Paw Attack
M, M Kick, Hind Leg Pop Up
T, T+M Headbutt
T+H Headbutt Pop Up
T+H, H, H Pop Up and Scratch
T+M Hind Kick Pop Up
T+L Leg Bite
B, B+H Howl
B+L Growl
U or D+M Hop around
G+D Duck
Jump + M or L Flip Attack
Jump + H Jumping Bite
With Back Turned G+L, L Back Scratch
057 Black Dog
L Scratch
H, H, H Triple Paw Attack
M, M Kick, Hind Leg Pop Up
T, T+M Headbutt
T+H Headbutt Pop Up
T+H, H, H Pop Up and Scratch
T+M Hind Kick Pop Up
T+L Leg Bite
B+H, H, H, etc Bark (it can be done infinitly)
B, B+H Howl
B+L Growl
U or D+M Hop around
G+D Duck
Jump + M or L Flip Attack
Jump + H Jumping Bite
With Back Turned G+L, L Back Scratch
058 Grell
H, *H*, *H*, etc Tentacle Punches (you can repeat *H*
M Middle Tentacle Spin
L Low Tentacle Spin
G+H High Tentacle Spin
059 Penguin
H Penguin Slap
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
T or B + H, H, M, M Chop, Chop, Kick, Dive
T or B + H, M, L Chop, Middle Kick, Low Kick
T+M, M, M, M, etc Lunge Attack (you can repeat M infinitly)
U or D + M Circle Around Hop
T, T+L Back Attack (turns you around)
G+H, M, L Chop, Middle Punch, Low Kick
G+L Sweep
H (while rising) Spin Kick
M (while rising) Lunge Peck
L (while rising) Low Spin
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Jumping Sit

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
060 Grimlock
H, H, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo
H, M, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 2
U or D + H, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 3
M, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 4
B+M, *M*, M Punch, Kick, Kick
T+M, M Two Kicks
B, B+M Power Smash
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Over Pile driver
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
061 Knocker
T+H, etc Move Forward Punch
T, T+H, etc Straight Punch
You can start the next few combos with T+H or T, T+H instead of H or you
can put a G+H before each of the combos.
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Kung Fu Punch
H, H, T+H, *M* Punch, Punch Spinninng Backfist, Back Fist
H, H, T+H, *T+M* Punch, Punch Spinninng Backfist, Smack
H, H, *H*, etc Three High Punches (You can start this
combo or others after the *H*. Start the other combos after the first H.)

M Smack
L Low Kick
B, B+H Kung Fu Punch
L, M, H Low Kick, Knee, Jumping Knee
L, T+M Low Kick, Smack
G+L, T+H Low Punch, Kung Fu Punch
M (With Back Turned) Middle Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
062 Red Cap
H, H, H Three Punches
M, M Two Punches to the Body
L, L, L Three Ankle Kicks
T+H Spinning back Fist and Punch
T+M Cross Punch
T+L Low Kick
G+H, G+H, H Three Spin Kicks
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
063 Jaki
L Low Kick
T, T+M Double Smack
T+H or G+H, T+M Punch Wind Up and Double smack
T+H or G+H, M, *M*, etc Punch Wind Up and Upper Smacks (you can
repeat M, *M* infinitly or end it with M, *T+M*)
G+L Low Sweep
Hold G+D, L Leg Swipe
With Back Turned, M, M, H Three Kicks (turns you around)
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flying Sit Down
M, M, *M*, M, *M*, etc Upper Smacks (you can repeat M, *M*
infinitly or end it with M, *T+M*)
T+M, *M*, M, *M*, etc Upper Smacks (you can repeat M, *M*
infinitly or end it with M, *T+M*)
H Smack
H, H, H, H, etc Smacks (You can repeat H infinitly or do
any of the following moves after the first H)
H, *T+H*, etc Smack, Wind Up (You can follow this with
any of the other moves after the B+H except the H, H moves)
H, *T+H*, *B+H* Smack, Wind Up, Double Smack
H, *T+M* Smack, Double Smack
H, M, M, T+M Smack, Upper Smack, Double Smack
H, M, M, *M*, M, *M*, etc Smack, Upper Smack, (you can repeat M, *M*
infinitly or end it with M, *T+M*)

M (Front Grab) Flip Over Pile Driver
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
064 Dark Elf
M Middle Kick
L low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
065 Red Crest
H or M Tail Whip
L Low Tail Whip
T+M or T+H Rising Headbutt
B+M or B+H Smash
T, T+L or B, B+L or G+L Middle Bite
D, D+L or U, U+L Middle Bite (same as above)
T, T+M or T, T+H High Bite
B, B+M or B, B+H Headbutt Pop Up
U or D + H or M Ramming Headbutt
Jump, H or M or L Jumping Whip
066 Gray Mouse
H, H Two Smacks
M, M, L Middle Smack and Two Low Smacks
L Low Smack
T+M Big Uppercut
B+M Small Uppercut
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Ankle Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Power Bomb
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Breaker
M (Back Grab) Reverse Slam
067 White Mouse
H, H Two Smacks
M, M, L Middle Smack and Two Low Smacks
L Low Smack
T+M Big Uppercut
B+M Small Uppercut
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Ankle Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Power Bomb
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Breaker
M (Back Grab) Reverse Slam
068 Brown Mouse
H, H Two Smacks
M, M, L Middle Smack and Two Low Smacks
L Low Smack
T+M Big Uppercut
B+M Small Uppercut
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Ankle Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Power Bomb
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Breaker
M (Back Grab) Reverse Slam
069 Black Mouse
H, H Two Smacks
M, M, L Middle Smack and Two Low Smacks
L Low Smack
T+M Big Uppercut
B+M Small Uppercut
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Ankle Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Power Bomb
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Breaker
M (Back Grab) Reverse Slam
070 Father
M Middle Kick
L low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
071 Green Lizard
M or H Claw
L Tail Whip
T+M Middle Bite
G+L Low Bite
G+H Scare

T+L Grab Enemies Ankle
072 Gray Lizard
M or H Claw
L Tail Whip
T+M Middle Bite
G+L Low Bite
G+H Scare

T+L Grab Enemies Ankle
073 Battle Emu
H High Peck
M Hammer Peck
L Low Kick
T+M Middle Kick
Jump + H or M or L Jumping Scratch (if you miss you sit down)
074 Gaze Eye
H, H Two Punches
M, M Uppercut, Swat
L, L Two Low Swipes
T, T+M Headbutt Charge
B+M Jumping Smash

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
075 Small Helm
H, H Two Punches
M, M Uppercut, Swat
L, L Two Low Swipes
B+M Jumping Smash

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
076 Violet Worm
M or H Claw
L Charge
G+H Scare

T+L Grab Enemies Ankle
077 Repair Droid
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
T or B + H, H, H Three Smacks
T, T or B, B + H, M, H Chop, Punch, Chop
T or B + M Middle Punch
T, T or B, B + M Middle Laser
T+L Forward Low Sweep
T, T or B, B +L Low Laser
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
078 Patrol Drone
H High Spin Attack
M Middle Spin Attack
L Low Spin Attack
B+M Fast Middle Spin Attack
B, B+M Middle Spin, Low Spin
G+H High Laser
G+H (While Rising) Spin Kick
G+L (While Rising or Ducking) Low Spin Kick
H, H, H (While Rising or Ducking)Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M (While Rising or Ducking)Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L (While Rising or Ducking)Punch, Middle Kick, Low Kick
L (While Rising) Low Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
079 Alien's Cocoon
H Fast High Spin attack
M Middle Spin Attack
L Low Spin Attack
T+M Slow Spin Attack (you can press H or L
a lot of times during this move but I can't figure out what it does)
080 Attacker
H Upper Attack
M Middle Attack
L Low Attack
T+M Double Arm Attack
081 Hammer Head
H, H Two Upper Attacks
M, M Two Middle Attacks
L Lower Attack
T, T+H High Attack
T, T+M All Around Attacks
G+H, H, H Two Upper Attacks
G+H, G+H, H Three Straight Up Attacks
Jump, H, H Two Jumping hits
Jump, M Laser Attack
Jump, L, M Jump and Middle Attack
082 Dual Hammer
H, H Two Upper Attacks
M, M Two Middle Attacks
L Lower Attack
T, T+H High Attack
T, T+M All Around Attacks
G+H, H, H Two Upper Attacks
G+H, G+H, H Three Straight Up Attacks
Jump, H, H Two Jumping hits
Jump, M Laser Attack
Jump, L, M Jump and Middle Attack
083 Great Hammer
H, H Two Upper Attacks
M, M Two Middle Attacks
L, H Lower and Upper Attack
084 Carrier
H High Punch
M Middle Punch
L Low Swipe
085 Empty Carrier
H High Punch
M Middle Punch
L Low Swipe
Jump, H Jumping High Punch
Jump, (right before you land)H Jumping High Punch
Jump, M Jumping Punch
Jump, (right before you land)M Jumping High Punch
Jump, L Jumping Low Punch
Jump, (right before you land)L Jumping High Punch
086 Heavy Attacker
H High Attack
M Middle Attack
L Low Attack
B+H Other Arm High Attack
U or D + M Side Slash
U or D + M Low Attack
T+M Double Arm Attack
G+H Upper Attack
087 M 1 droid
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
T or B + H, H, H Three Smacks
T, T or B, B + H, M, H Chop, Punch, Chop
T or B + M Middle Punch
T, T or B, B + M Middle Laser
T+L Forward Low Sweep
T, T or B, B +L Low Laser
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
088 Power Carrier
H High Punch
M Middle Punch
L Low Swipe
089 Red Attacker
H Upper Attack
M Middle Attack
L Low Attack
T+M Double Arm Attack
090 Thor's Hammer
H, H Two Upper Attacks
M, M Two Middle Attacks
L, H Lower and Upper Attack
091 Gae Bolg
H, H Two Upper Attacks
M, M Two Middle Attacks
L, H Lower and Upper Attack
092 Giga Pile
H, H Two Upper Attacks
M, M Two Middle Attacks
L, H Lower and Upper Attack
093 Pile Driver
H, H Two Upper Attacks
M, M Two Middle Attacks
L, H Lower and Upper Attack
094 Brown Mole
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Neck Breaker
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Breaker
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) Reverse Slam
095 Gray Mole
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Neck Breaker
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Breaker
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) Reverse Slam
096 Red Frog
H Punch
M Chop
L Low Kick
T+L Forward Low Kick
T+M Big Chop
B+M, M, M, M Frog Kick and Uppercut Combo
T, T+M, M, M Three Jumping Uppercuts
M, M, M, M (While Rising) Frog Kick and Uppercut Combo
T+H, M, M, M (While Rising) Frog Kick and Uppercut Combo
H, H, H (While Rising) Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M (While Rising) Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L (While Rising) Punch, Middle Kick, Low Kick
T+M or B+M (While Rising) Back Flip
B+L, L, L, etc (While Rising) Mule Kicks (you can repeat L infinitly)
G+L (With Your Back Turned) Spin Kick
M (With Your Back Turned) Middle Kick

M, *M* etc (Front Grab) Hop Slam and Sit On Throw (After you are
sitting on the opponenet you can press H for a high attack or L for a low
attack. Also you can press M to throw the opponent.
T or B or U or D +M (Front Grab) DDT
M (Arm Side Grab) Head Hit Up
M (Head Side Grab) Leg Kick Up
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
097 Green Frog
H Punch
M Chop
L Low Kick
T+L Forward Low Kick
T+M Big Chop
B+M, M, M, M Frog Kick and Uppercut Combo
T, T+M, M, M Three Jumping Uppercuts
M, M, M, M (While Rising) Frog Kick and Uppercut Combo
T+H, M, M, M (While Rising) Frog Kick and Uppercut Combo
H, H, H (While Rising) Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M (While Rising) Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L (While Rising) Punch, Middle Kick, Low Kick
T+M or B+M (While Rising) Back Flip
B+L, L, L, etc (While Rising) Mule Kicks (you can repeat L infinitly)
G+L (With Your Back Turned) Spin Kick
M (With Your Back Turned) Middle Kick

M, *M* etc (Front Grab) Hop Slam and Sit On Throw (After you are
sitting on the opponenet you can press H for a high attack or L for a low
attack. Also you can press M to throw the opponent.
T or B or U or D +M (Front Grab) DDT
M (Arm Side Grab) Head Hit Up
M (Head Side Grab) Leg Kick Up
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
098 Yellow Frog
H Punch
M Chop
L Low Kick
T+L Forward Low Kick
T+M Big Chop
B+M, M, M, M Frog Kick and Uppercut Combo
T, T+M, M, M Three Jumping Uppercuts
M, M, M, M (While Rising) Frog Kick and Uppercut Combo
T+H, M, M, M (While Rising) Frog Kick and Uppercut Combo
H, H, H (While Rising) Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M (While Rising) Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L (While Rising) Punch, Middle Kick, Low Kick
T+M or B+M (While Rising) Back Flip
B+L, L, L, etc (While Rising) Mule Kicks (you can repeat L infinitly)
G+L (With Your Back Turned) Spin Kick
M (With Your Back Turned) Middle Kick

M, *M* etc (Front Grab) Hop Slam and Sit On Throw (After you are
sitting on the opponenet you can press H for a high attack or L for a low
attack. Also you can press M to throw the opponent.
T or B or U or D +M (Front Grab) DDT
M (Arm Side Grab) Head Hit Up
M (Head Side Grab) Leg Kick Up
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
099 Gray Frog
H Punch
M Chop
L Low Kick
T+L Forward Low Kick
T+M Big Chop
B+M, M, M, M Frog Kick and Uppercut Combo
T, T+M, M, M Three Jumping Uppercuts
M, M, M, M (While Rising) Frog Kick and Uppercut Combo
T+H, M, M, M (While Rising) Frog Kick and Uppercut Combo
H, H, H (While Rising) Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M (While Rising) Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L (While Rising) Punch, Middle Kick, Low Kick
T+M or B+M (While Rising) Back Flip
B+L, L, L, etc (While Rising) Mule Kicks (you can repeat L infinitly)
G+L (With Your Back Turned) Spin Kick
M (With Your Back Turned) Middle Kick

M, *M* etc (Front Grab) Hop Slam and Sit On Throw (After you are
sitting on the opponenet you can press H for a high attack or L for a low
attack. Also you can press M to throw the opponent.
T or B or U or D +M (Front Grab) DDT
M (Arm Side Grab) Head Hit Up
M (Head Side Grab) Leg Kick Up
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
100 Green Man
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, M, L Punch, Middle Kick, Low Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Kick
M Middle Spear Punch
L Low Kick
B+H Middle Kick
T + M, M Scissors and Spear Attack
B+M Middle Kick
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Jumping Back Driver
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side grab) Arm Flip
M (Back Grab) Throw Down
101 Laser Drone
H High Laser
M, M Smack, Uppercut
L Low Spin Attack
T, T+H High Punch
T, T+M Double Loop Punch
T, T+L Double Arm Low Attack
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex

102 Vortex Shell
H High Spin Attack
M Middle Spin Attack
L Low Spin Attack
B, B+M Middle Spin, Low Spin
G+H High Laser
G+H (While Rising) Spin Kick
G+L (While Rising) Low Spin Kick
H, H, H (While Rising) Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M (While Rising) Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L (While Rising) Punch, Middle Kick, Low Kick
L (While Rising) Double Arm Low Attack
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
103 Gharbi
H High Spin Attack
M Middle Spin Attack
L Low Spin Attack
B, B+M Middle Spin, Low Spin
G+H High Laser
G+H (While Rising) Spin Kick
G+L (While Rising) Low Spin Kick
H, H, H (While Rising) Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M (While Rising) Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L (While Rising) Punch, Middle Kick, Low Kick
L (While Rising) Low Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
104 Frost Bear
B, B+H Absorb Air (Does Nothing?)
Jump , H or M or L Jumping Spin Punch

H, H, *H*, H, *H*, etc Double Claw Combo
H, H, *M*, *M*, *L*, etc Double Claw Power Combo
H, H, *M*, *H*, *M*, *H*, etc Double Claw and Uppercut Combo
H, *M*, *H*, *M*, *H*, etc Claw, Uppercut, Claw, Uppercut
H, *M*, *M*, *L*, etc Claw, Uppercut Combo
M, *M*, *L*, etc Uppercut Power Combo
M, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Uppercut Claw Combo
M, *H*, *M*, *H*, *M* Uppercut, Uppercut combo
L, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Low Punch Power Combo
L, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Low Punch Claw Combo
L, *H*, *M*, *H*, *M*, etc Low Punch, Uppercut Combo
T+M, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Opposite, Power Combo
T+M, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Opposite, Claw Combo
T+M, *H*, *M*, *H*, *M*, etc Opposite, Uppercut Combo
D or U +M, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Small Uppercut, Power Combo
D or U +M, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Small Uppercut, Claw Combo
D or U +M,*H*, *M*,*H*, *M*, etc Small Uppercut, Uppercut Combo
B, B+M, *L*, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Bear Squash, Power Combo
B, B+M, *L*, *H*, H, etc Bear Squash, Claw Combo
B, B+M, *L*, *H*, *M*, etc Bear Squash, Uppercut Combo
T, T+M, *L*, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Fast Bear Squash, Power Combo
T, T+M, *L*, *H*, H, etc Fast Bear Squash, Claw Combo
T, T+M, *L*, *H*, *M*, etc Fast Bear Squash, Uppercut Combo
You can repeat or change alot of these moves where the etc is!

M (Front Grab) Bear hug
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
105 Purple Bear
B, B+H Absorb Air (Does Nothing?)
Jump + H or M or L Jumping Spin Punch

H, H, *H*, H, *H*, etc Double Claw Combo
H, H, *M*, *M*, *L*, etc Double Claw Power Combo
H, H, *M*, *H*, *M*, *H*, etc Double Claw and Uppercut Combo
H, *M*, *H*, *M*, *H*, etc Claw, Uppercut, Claw, Uppercut
H, *M*, *M*, *L*, etc Claw, Uppercut Combo
M, *M*, *L*, etc Uppercut Power Combo
M, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Uppercut Claw Combo
M, *H*, *M*, *H*, *M* Uppercut, Uppercut combo
L, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Low Punch Power Combo
L, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Low Punch Claw Combo
L, *H*, *M*, *H*, *M*, etc Low Punch, Uppercut Combo
T+M, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Opposite, Power Combo
T+M, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Opposite, Claw Combo
T+M, *H*, *M*, *H*, *M*, etc Opposite, Uppercut Combo
D or U +M, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Small Uppercut, Power Combo
D or U +M, *H*, H, *H*, H, etc Small Uppercut, Claw Combo
D or U +M,*H*, *M*,*H*, *M*, etc Small Uppercut, Uppercut Combo
B, B+M, *L*, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Bear Squash, Power Combo
B, B+M, *L*, *H*, H, etc Bear Squash, Claw Combo
B, B+M, *L*, *H*, *M*, etc Bear Squash, Uppercut Combo
T, T+M, *L*, *M*, *L*, *M*, etc Fast Bear Squash, Power Combo
T, T+M, *L*, *H*, H, etc Fast Bear Squash, Claw Combo
T, T+M, *L*, *H*, *M*, etc Fast Bear Squash, Uppercut Combo
You can repeat or change alot of these moves where the etc is!

M (Front Grab) Bear hug
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
106 Dark Thing
H, H, M, M Punch Combo
M Dual Arm Attack
L, L, L Three Low Punches
T+M Big Uppercut
B+M Pop Up
T, T+M Headbutt dive
G+L Low Swipe
G+H High Spin Punch
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
107 Silver Ape
H Jumping Smash
M Two Arm Lift
L, L Low Arm Swings
U, or D or B+M Two Arm Pop Up
T+M Forward Smash
T, T+M Forward Flip
B, B+M Powerful Smash
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Flip Attack
Jump, L Reverse Flip Attack

M (Front Grab) Bite
M (Head Side Grab) Stomp On
M (Arm Side Grab) Flip onto
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
108 Gold Ape
H Jumping Smash
M Two Arm Lift
L, L Low Arm Swings
U, or D or B+M Two Arm Pop Up
T+M Forward Smash
T, T+M Forward Flip
B, B+M Powerful Smash
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Flip Attack
Jump, L Reverse Flip Attack

M (Front Grab) Bite
M (Head Side Grab) Stomp On
M (Arm Side grab) Flip Onto
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
109 Coelophysis
H or M Tail Whip
L Low Tail Whip
T+M or T+H Rising Headbutt
B+M or B+H Smash
T, T+L or B, B+L or G+L Middle Bite
D, D+L or U, U+L Middle Bite (same as above)
T, T+M or T, T+H High Bite
B, B+M or B, B+H Headbutt Pop Up
U or D + H or M Ramming Headbutt
G+H Absorb Air (does nothing?)
Jump, H or M or L Jumping Whip
110 Struthiomimus
H or M Tail Whip
L Low Tail Whip
T+M or T+H Rising Headbutt
B+M or B+H Smash
T, T+L or B, B+L or G+L Middle Bite
D, D+L or U, U+L Middle Bite (same as above)
T, T+M or T, T+H High Bite
B, B+M or B, B+H Headbutt Pop Up
U or D + H or M Ramming Headbutt
G+H Absorb Air (does nothing?)
Jump, H or M or L Jumping Whip
111 Dagger Tail
H or M Tail Whip
L Low Tail Whip
T+M or T+H Rising Headbutt
B+M or B+H Smash
T, T+L or B, B+L or G+L Middle Bite
D, D+L or U, U+L Middle Bite (same as above)
T, T+M or T, T+H High Bite
B, B+M or B, B+H Headbutt Pop Up
U or D + H or M Ramming Headbutt
G+H Absorb Air (does nothing?)
Jump, H or M or L Jumping Whip
112 Shilphild
H Punch
M, M Punch, Kick
M, H Middle Punch, Elbow
L, *T+M*, *B+M* Sweep, Two Flips
L, T, T+M, *B+M* Sweep, Cart Wheel, Flip

L, *B+H*, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 1 (after the last move you can
do the other moves starting with L, *B+H* after the L, *B+H* in them)

L, *B+H*, B+L, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 2 ((after the last move you can
do the other moves starting with L, *B+H* after the L, *B+H* in them)

L, *T+M*, *L*, etc Sweep Jump Kick, Sweep (after the last
sweep you can do the other moves starting with L after the L in them)

U, U or D, D+M, etc Evade Cart Wheel (press U or D to flip back
and forth)
U, U or D, D+M, *T+L*, M, H Evade Cart Wheel, Low to High Spin Kicks
U, U or D, D+M, *T+L*, *B+M*, *T+M* Evade Cart Wheel, Sweep, Two Flips
U, U or D, D+M, *T+H* Evade Cart Wheel, Side Jump Kick

U, U or D, D+M, *B+H*, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 1 (after the last move you
can do the other moves starting with L, *B+H* after the L, *B+H* in them)

U, U or D, D+M, *B+H*, B+L, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 2 (after the last move
you can do the other moves starting with L, *B+H* after the L,*B+H* in them)

U, U or D, D+M, *T+M* Evade Cart Wheel, Side Flip Attack

U, U or D, D+M, *B+M* Evade Cart Wheel (after the last Cart Wheel
you can do any of the other Cart Wheel moves after U, U or D, D+M, in them)

T+H, H, M, H, H, L Combo 1, Jump and Sweep
T+H, H, M ,H, H, L, H Combo 1, Spinning Jump Kick
T+H, L, M ,H, H, L Combo 2, Jump and Sweep
T+H, L, M ,H, H, L, H Combo 2, Spinning Jump Kick
T+H, H, L ,H, H, L Combo 3, Jump and Sweep
T+H, H, L ,H, H, L, H Combo 3, Spinning Jump Kick
T, T+H Jumping Side Kick (turns you around)
T+M Side Flip Attack
B+M Reverse Side Flip

B, B+M, *T+H*, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 1 (after the last move you
can do the other moves starting with L, *B+H* after the L, *B+H* in them)

B, B+M *T+H*, B+L, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 2 (after the last move
you can do the other moves starting with L, *B+H* after the L,*B+H* in them)

B, B+M, *B+M* High Flip, Weird Flip
T, T+M, *B+M* Cart Wheel, Flip

B, B+H, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 1 (after the last move you can
do the other moves starting with L, *B+H* after the L, *B+H* in them)

B, B+H, B+L, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 2 (after the last move you can
do the other moves starting with L, *B+H* after the L,*B+H* in them)

G+H, *L*, etc Jump Kick, Sweep(after the last sweep you
can do the other moves starting with L after the L in them)

G+L, M, H Low to High Spin Kicks
G+L, *B+M*, *T+L* Sweep, Two Flips
H (While Rising) Reverse Side Flip
M (While Rising) Reverse Flip
B+M (While Rising) Backflip Retreat
M (back turned) Flip Turn Around
M (while rising with back turned)Backwards Cartwheel
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Climb On and Flip
M + U or D (Front Grab) Flip
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side grab) Arm Bear
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
113 Dryad
H Punch
M, M Punch, Kick
M, H Middle Punch, Elbow
L, M, *T+M*, Two Leg Sweep, Reverse Flip, Cart Wheel
L, *L*, *M*, Two Leg Sweep, Reverse Side Flip
L, *L*, *L*, *B+M*, *T+M* Sweeps, Two Flips
L, *L*, *L*, M, H Three Low Sweeps to a High Sweep
U, U or D, D+M, etc Evade Cart Wheel (press U or D to flip back
and forth)
U, U or D, D+M, *T+L*, M, H Evade Cart Wheel, Low to High Spin Kicks
U, U or D, D+M, *T+L*, *B+M*, *T+M* Evade Cart Wheel, Sweep, Two Flips
U, U or D, D+M, *T+H* Evade Cart Wheel, Side Jump Kick

U, U or D, D+M, *B+H*, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 1 (after the last move you
can do the other moves starting with B, B+H after the B, B+H in them)

U, U or D, D+M, *B+H*, B+L, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 2 (after the last move
you can do the other moves starting with B, B+H after the B, B+H in them)

U, U or D, D+M, *T+M* Evade Cart Wheel, Side Flip Attack

U, U or D, D+M, *B+M* Evade Cart Wheel (after the last Cart Wheel
you can do any of the other Cart Wheel moves after U, U or D, D+M, in them)

T+H, H, M, H, H, L Combo 1, Jump and Sweep
T+H, H, M ,H, H, L, H Combo 1, Spinning Jump Kick
T+H, L, M ,H, H, L Combo 2, Jump and Sweep
T+H, L, M ,H, H, L, H Combo 2, Spinning Jump Kick
T+H, H, L ,H, H, L Combo 3, Jump and Sweep
T+H, H, L ,H, H, L, H Combo 3, Spinning Jump Kick
T, T+H Jumping Side Kick (turns you around)
T+M Side Flip Attack
B+M Reverse Side Flip

B, B+M, *T+H*, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 1 (after the last move you
can do the other moves starting with B, B+H after the B, B+H in them)

B, B+M *T+H*, B+L, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 2 (after the last move
you can do the other moves starting with B, B+H after the B, B+H in them)

B, B+M, *B+M* High Flip, Weird Flip
T, T+M, *B+M* Cart Wheel, Flip

B, B+H, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 1 (after the last move you can
do the other moves starting with B, B+H after the B, B+H in them)

B, B+H, B+L, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 2 (after the last move you can
do the other moves starting with B, B+H after the B, B+H in them)

G+H, *L*, etc Jump Kick, Sweep(after the last sweep you
can do the other moves starting with G+H, *L* after the *L* in them)

G+H, *L*, *T+M*, *B+M* Sweep, Two Flips
G+H, *L*, T, T+M, *B+M* Sweep, Cart Wheel, Flip

G+H, *L*, *B+H*, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 1 (after the last move you can
do the other moves starting with G+H, *L* after the G+H, *L* in them)

G+H, *L*, *B+H*, B+L, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 2 (after the last move you
can do the other moves starting with G+H, *L* after the G+H, *L* in them)

G+H, *L*, *T+M*, *L*, etc Sweep Jump Kick, Sweep (after the last move
you can do the other moves starting with G+H, *L* after the G+H, *L* in them)

G+L, M, H Low to High Spin Kicks
G+L, *B+M*, *T+L* Sweep, Two Flips
H (While Rising) Reverse Side Flip
M (While Rising) Reverse Flip
B+M (While Rising) Backflip Retreat
M (back turned) Flip Turn Around
M (while rising with back turned)Backwards Cartwheel
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Climb On and Flip
M + U or D (Front Grab) Flip
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side grab) Arm Bear
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
114 Big Hand
M Double Arm Uppercut
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
T+M Small Tail Whip
T, T+M Tail Whip
B+M Double Arm Back Fist
B, B+M Absorb Air (Does Nothing???)
G+H Double Punch
G+L Sweep
While Rising hold G+H Spin Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) Flipping Back Breaker
115 Snaky Head
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) Flipping Back Breaker
116 Bishop
M Tail Whip
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spinning Tail Whip
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) Flipping Back Breaker
117 Undine
H Punch
M, M Punch, Kick
M, H Middle Punch, Elbow
L, *M* Reverse Side Flip
L, *L*, *B+M*, *T+M* Sweeps, Two Flips
L, *L*, M, H Three Low Sweeps to a High Sweep
U, U or D, D+M, etc Evade Cart Wheel (press U or D to flip back
and forth)
U, U or D, D+M, *T+L*, M, H Evade Cart Wheel, Low to High Spin Kicks
U, U or D, D+M, *T+L*, *B+M*, *T+M* Evade Cart Wheel, Sweep, Two Flips
U, U or D, D+M, *T+H* Evade Cart Wheel, Side Jump Kick

U, U or D, D+M, *B+H*, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 1 (after the last move you
can do the other moves starting with B, B+H after the B, B+H in them)

U, U or D, D+M, *B+H*, B+L, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 2 (after the last move
you can do the other moves starting with B, B+H after the B, B+H in them)

U, U or D, D+M, *T+M* Evade Cart Wheel, Side Flip Attack

U, U or D, D+M, *B+M* Evade Cart Wheel (after the last Cart Wheel
you can do any of the other Cart Wheel moves after U, U or D, D+M, in them)

T+H, H, M, H, H, L Combo 1, Jump and Sweep
T+H, H, M ,H, H, L, H Combo 1, Spinning Jump Kick
T+H, L, M ,H, H, L Combo 2, Jump and Sweep
T+H, L, M ,H, H, L, H Combo 2, Spinning Jump Kick
T+H, H, L ,H, H, L Combo 3, Jump and Sweep
T+H, H, L ,H, H, L, H Combo 3, Spinning Jump Kick
T, T+H Jumping Side Kick (turns you around)
T+M Side Flip Attack
B+M Reverse Side Flip

B, B+M, *T+H*, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 1 (after the last move you
can do the other moves starting with B, B+H after the B, B+H in them)

B, B+M *T+H*, B+L, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 2 (after the last move
you can do the other moves starting with B, B+H after the B, B+H in them)

B, B+M, *B+M* High Flip, Weird Flip
T, T+M, *B+M* Cart Wheel, Flip

B, B+H, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 1 (after the last move you can
do the other moves starting with B, B+H after the B, B+H in them)

B, B+H, B+L, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 2 (after the last move you can
do the other moves starting with B, B+H after the B, B+H in them)

G+H, *L*, etc Jump Kick, Sweep(after the last sweep you
can do the other moves starting with G+H, *L* after the *L* in them)

G+H, *L*, *T+M*, *B+M* Sweep, Two Flips
G+H, *L*, T, T+M, *B+M* Sweep, Cart Wheel, Flip

G+H, *L*, *B+H*, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 1 (after the last move you can
do the other moves starting with G+H, *L* after the G+H, *L* in them)

G+H, *L*, *B+H*, B+L, T+L, T+H, etc Flip Combo 2 (after the last move you
can do the other moves starting with G+H, *L* after the G+H, *L* in them)

G+H, *L*, *T+M*, *L*, etc Sweep Jump Kick, Sweep (after the last move
you can do the other moves starting with G+H, *L* after the G+H, *L* in them)

G+L, M, H Low to High Spin Kicks
G+L, *B+M*, *T+L* Sweep, Two Flips
H (While Rising) Reverse Side Flip
M (While Rising) Reverse Flip
B+M (While Rising) Backflip Retreat
M (back turned) Flip Turn Around
M (while rising with back turned)Backwards Cartwheel
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Climb On and Flip
M + U or D (Front Grab) Flip
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Arm Side grab) Arm Bear
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
118 Water Devil
H, H, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo
H, M, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 2
U or D + H, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 3
M, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 4
B+M, *M*, M Punch, Kick, Kick
T+M, M Two Kicks
B, B+M Power Smash
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Over Pile driver
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
119 Tie Tamper
H High Punch
M, M Two Middle Punches
L Low Punch
T or B or D or U + H Two Arm Smash
T or B or D or U + L Low Spin Attack
G+L Leg Attack
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick
120 Giga Hammer
H, H Two Upper Attacks
M, M Two Middle Attacks
L, H Lower and Upper Attack
121 Gravel Carrier
H High Punch
M Middle Punch
L Low Swipe
122 Power Carrier 2
H High Punch
M Middle Punch
L Low Swipe
123 Black Ferret
H, H, M Three Punches
M Punch
L Low Punch
T+H, M Two Hooks
B, B+H Big Swipe
T, T+H, *H*, H, *H*, etc Scratch (you can repeat H, *H* infinitly)
T+M Small Uppercut
T, T+M Big Uppercut
B+M Tail Whip
B, B+M Double Arm Crush
G+H, H, *H*, H, *H*, etc Scratch (you can repeat H, *H* infinitly)
G+L Low Attack
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M, *M* (Front Grab) Flip Over Back , Smack With Tail
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) Reverse Flip Over Back
124 Dual Pile
H High Poke
M Middle Poke
L Low Pike
125 Seeker
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
T or B + H, H, H Three Smacks
T, T or B, B + H, M, H Chop, Punch, Chop
T or B + M Middle Punch
T, T or B, B + M Middle Laser
T+L Forward Low Sweep
T, T or B, B + L Low Laser
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
126 Analyzer
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
T or B + H, H, H Three Smacks
T, T or B, B + H, M, H Chop, Punch, Chop
T or B + M Middle Punch
T, T + M Flame Thrower
B, B + M Middle Laser
T+L Forward Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
127 D Purple
H Turn Around Attack (Spins Enemy Around)
M, M Punch, Kick
L Low Kick
T+H Attack and Turn Around
B+H Wind Up and Attack
T, T+H Spinning Uppercut
T, T+M Shoulder Charge
G+H Jumping Spin Kick
G+L Low Kick
G+H (While Rising) Spin Kick
H, H, H (While Rising or Ducking)Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M (While Rising or Ducking)Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L (While Rising or Ducking)Punch, Middle Kick, Low Kick
L (While Rising) Ankle Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
128 Feeler
H, *H*, *H*, etc Tentacle Punches (you can repeat *H*
M Middle Tentacle Spin
L Low Tentacle Spin
G+H High Tentacle Spin
129 Dark Feeler
H, *H*, *H*, etc Tentacle Punches (you can repeat *H*
M Middle Tentacle Spin
L Low Tentacle Spin
G+H High Tentacle Spin
130 Red Spike
H, *H*, *H*, etc Tentacle Punches (you can repeat *H*
M Middle Tentacle Spin
L Low Tentacle Spin
G+H High Tentacle Spin
131 Rock Breaker
H Upper Attack
M Middle Attack
L Low Attack
T+M Double Arm Attack
132 Lode Hammer
H, H Two Upper Attacks
M, M Two Middle Attacks
L Lower Attack
T, T+H High Attack
T, T+M All Around Attacks
G+H, H, H Two Upper Attacks
G+H, G+H, H Three Straight Up Attacks
Jump, H, H Two Jumping hits
Jump, M Laser Attack
Jump, L, M Jump and Middle Attack
133 Carrier LDE
H High Punch
M Middle Punch
L Low Swipe
Jump, H Jumping High Punch
Jump, (right before you land)H Jumping High Punch
Jump, M Jumping Punch
Jump, (right before you land)M Jumping High Punch
Jump, L Jumping Low Punch
Jump, (right before you land)L Jumping High Punch
134 Power Hammer
H, H Two Upper Attacks
M, M Two Middle Attacks
L, H Lower and Upper Attack
135 Black Worm
M or H Claw
L Tail Whip
T+M Middle Attack
G+H Scare
G+L Low Charge

T+L Grab Enemies Ankle
136 Black Chocobo
H High Peck
M Hammer Peck
L Low Kick
T+M Middle Kick
Jump + H or M or L Jumping Scratch (if you miss you sit down)
137 White Dog
L Scratch
H, H, H Triple Paw Attack
M, M Kick, Hind Leg Pop Up
T, T+M Headbutt
T+H Headbutt Pop Up
T+H, H, H Pop Up and Scratch
T+M Hind Kick Pop Up
T+L Leg Bite
B+H, H, H, etc Bark (it can be done infinitly)
B, B+H Howl
B+M Play Dead
B+L Growl
U or D+M Hop around
G+D Sit
While holding G+D press L Low Bite
G+D, M Beg
Jump, M or L Flip Attack
Jump, H Jumping Bite
With Back Turned G+L, L Back Scratch
138 Ohma
H, H, H Knee, Two Spin Kicks
H, H, M Knee, Spin Kick, Jump Kick
H, M, M, M, M, M Flip Combo
H, M, L Knee, Crescent Kick, Sweep
M, M Kick, Flip Kick
L, L, M, M, M Back Flips Combo
L, M, M Sweep, Two Middle Kicks
T+H, H, H, etc High Kick (you can repeat H infinitly)
T, T+H Small Head Stand Spin
B, B+H Big Head Stand Spin
T, T+M Flip Kick, Hand Stand Double Kick
B, B+M Back Flip
B, B+M, M Back Flip, Flip Back Up
B+H, M, M Hand Stand Kick, Kick, Flip Kick
B+H, L, L, M, M, M Hand Stand Kick, Back Flip Combo
T+M, M Side Spin Kick, Back Flip Attack
B+M Hand Stand Double Kick
B+L Break Dance Sweep
U or D + H Side Step Crescent Kick
U or D + M Side Flip Kick
U or D + L Low Sweep
G+L, M, L, M, L, etc Sweep, Middle Kick (you can repeat M, L
G+H, etc High Spin Kicks (After the first kick you
can press H for a High Spin Kick, M for a Middle Kick, or L for a Low Kick.
You can repeat H, infinitly or press M or L for the other kicks.)
M (with back turned) Middle Kick
L (with back turned) Low Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick
B, Hold M, B Wave Kick (the longer you hold M the more
damage it causes)

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T+M (Front Grab) Flip Backwards
B+M (Front Grab) Frankensteiner
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Side Suplex
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over Slam Down
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
139 Ohma 2
H, H Two High Punches
H, M Punch Tail Whip
M, M, M Punch, Smack, Punch
M, H Punch, Back Hand
M, M, H Punch, Smack, Back Hand
M, M, L, L, L Punch, Smack, Three Low Tail Whips
L, L, L Two Low Kicks, Tail Whip
L, L, M Two Low Kicks, Tail Whip
L, L, H, M Two Low Kicks, Crescent Kick, Forward Kick
L, M, H Low Kick, Front Kick, Crescent Kick
L, M, M Low Kick, Front Kick, Forward Kick
L, H, M Low Kick, Crescent Kick, Forward Kick
B+H, M Hand Stand Kick, Tail Whip
B, B+H Back Tail Whip
T+M Power Double Arm Punch
T+M, M, H Jumping Punch, Flip Attack
T, T+M Power Punch
B+M, M Two Flip Attacks
B, B+M Pop Up Uppercut
T, T+L, L, L Three Low Tail Whips
U or D + H Side Step Crescent Kick
U or D + M Side Flip Kick
G+H Tail Whip
G + Hold H Powerful Tail Whip
G+L Three Low Tail Whips
H (while rising) Front Kick
M, M (while rising) Handstand Double Kick, Jumping Tail Whip
L, L, L (while rising) Three Low Tail Whips
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick
B, Hold M, B Laser (the longer you hold M the more
damage it causes)

T, T+G+M (Close to Enemy) Hop On and Bite
M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
140 Trix
H, H, H Three High Punches
H, H, M Two High Punches, Middle Punch
L Low Kick
M, M Two Middle Punches
B+H Jumping Spin Kick
T, T+H Side Jump Kick
T+M Forward Cart Wheel
T, T+M, etc Forward Cart Wheels (you can keep pressing
M to keep spinning until you are blocked)
B+M, M Backward then Forward Cart Wheel
B, B+M Delayed Punch
T, T+L Low Leg Drop
U, U or D, D + M, etc Side Step Punch (you can keep pressing M
to delay the punch)
M (while rising) Spinning Leg Rise Attack
T+L (while rising) Roll Forward
T+L,M (while rising) Leg Rise Attack (turns you around)
G+H, H Two High Punches
G+H, M High Punch, Middle Punch
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Double Spin Land On Flip throw
T+M (Front Grab) Spinning Throw Down
B+M (Front Grab) Spinning Kick Over
T, B+M (Front Grab) Kick Off
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Spinning Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over Slam Down
M (Back Grab) Jumping German Suplex
141 Super Trix
H, H, H Three High Punches
H, H, M Two High Punches, Middle Punch
L Low Kick
M, M Two Middle Punches
B+H Jumping Spin Kick
T, T+H Side Jump Kick
T+M Forward Cart Wheel
T, T+M, etc Forward Cart Wheels (you can keep pressing
M to keep spinning until you are blocked)
B+M, M Backward then Forward Cart Wheel
B, B+M Delayed Punch
T, T+L Low Leg Drop
U, U or D, D + M, etc Side Step Punch (you can keep pressing M
to delay the punch)
M (while rising) Spinning Leg Rise Attack
T+L (while rising) Roll Forward
T+L,M (while rising) Leg Rise Attack (turns you around)
G+H, H Two High Punches
G+H, M High Punch, Middle Punch
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Double Spin Land On Flip throw
T+M (Front Grab) Spinning Throw Down
B+M (Front Grab) Spinning Kick Over
T, B+M (Front Grab) Kick Off
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Spinning Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over Slam Down
M (Back Grab) Jumping German Suplex
142 Wiseman
M Middle Kick
L low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
143 Priest
M Middle Kick
L low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
144 Miner Boss
M Middle Kick
L low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
145 Worker
M Middle Kick
L low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
146 Inn Master
M Middle Kick
L low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
147 Gate Keeper
M Middle Kick
L low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
148 Elder
M Middle Kick
L low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
149 Archaeologist
M Middle Kick
L low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
150 Wizard Phantom
H Smack
M, M Two Punches
L, M Low Swoop, Retreat
T, T+H Loop Attack
T, T or B, B + H, H Loop Attack, Low Swoop
T, T or B, B + H, M Loop Attack, Retreat
B+M Spinning Lunge (sometimes dizzies enemy)
B+M, B+H, H Spin Lunge, Loop Attack, Swoop
B+M, B+H, M Spin Lunge, Loop Attack, Retreat
B+M, L, M Spin Lunge, Swoop, Retreat
B+M, U or D, B+H, H Swoop, Circle Enemy, Loop Attack, Swoop
B+M, U or D, B+H, M Swoop, Circle Enemy, Loop Attack, Retreat
B+M, U or D, T, T+M Swoop, Circle Enemy and Swoop (can be
followed moves starting with B+M)
U, U or D, D + M Circle Enemy (can be followed by the other
moves starting with B+M)
U, U or D, U + M Circle Enemy and Swoop (can be followed
moves starting with B+M)
T, T+M, *M* Two Uppercuts
T+M Fire Punch

M (Front Grab) Pick Up and Drop
M (Head Side Grab) Side Pick Up and Drop
M (Arm Side grab) Arm Pick Up and Drop
M (Back Grab) Spinning Pick Up and Drop
151 Taxim
H, H Scratch
M Rake
L Arm Sweep
T, T or B, B+L, L Two Arm Sweeps
G+L Low Attack
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

G+H Grab and Bite (Unblockable)
M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
152 Ghost
H Smack
M, M Two Punches
L, M Low Swoop, Retreat
T, T+H Loop Attack
T, T or B, B + H, H Loop Attack, Low Swoop
T, T or B, B + H, M Loop Attack, Retreat
B+M Spinning Lunge (sometimes dizzies enemy)
B+M, B+H, H Spin Lunge, Loop Attack, Swoop
B+M, B+H, M Spin Lunge, Loop Attack, Retreat
B+M, L, M Spin Lunge, Swoop, Retreat
B+M, U or D, B+H, H Swoop, Circle Enemy, Loop Attack, Swoop
B+M, U or D, B+H, M Swoop, Circle Enemy, Loop Attack, Retreat
B+M, U or D, T, T+M Swoop, Circle Enemy and Swoop (can be
followed moves starting with B+M)
U, U or D, D + M Circle Enemy (can be followed by the other
moves starting with B+M)
U, U or D, U + M Circle Enemy and Swoop (can be followed
moves starting with B+M)
T, T+M, *M* Two Uppercuts
T+M Fire Punch

M (Front Grab) Pick Up and Drop
M (Head Side Grab) Side Pick Up and Drop
M (Arm Side grab) Arm Pick Up and Drop
M (Back Grab) Spinning Pick Up and Drop
153 Blind Master
M Tail Whip
L Low Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
G+H Spinning Tail Whip
G+L, L, L Three Low Sweeps
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
154 Violet Penguin
H Penguin Slap
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
T or B + H, H, M, M Chop, Chop, Kick, Dive
T or B + H, M, L Chop, Middle Kick, Low Kick
T+M, M, M, M, etc Lunge Attack (you can repeat M infinitly)
U or D + M Circle Around Hop
T, T+L Back Attack (turns you around)
G+H, M, L Chop, Middle Punch, Low Kick
G+L Sweep
H (while rising) Spin Kick
M (while rising) Lunge Peck
L (while rising) Low Spin
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Jumping Sit

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
155 Anciant Horn
L Scratch
H, H, H Triple Scratch Attack
M, M Kick, Hind Leg Pop Up
T, T+M Horn Charge
T+H Headbutt Pop Up
T+H, H, H Pop Up and Scratch
T+M Hind Kick Pop Up
T+L Leg Bite
Jump, H or M or L Flip Attack
With Back Turned G+L, L Back Scratch
156 Dual Horn
L Scratch
H, H, H Triple Paw Attack
M, M Kick, Hind Leg Pop Up
T, T+M Horn Charge
T+H Headbutt Pop Up
T+H, H, H Pop Up and Scratch
T+M Hind Kick Pop Up
T+L Leg Bite
Jump, H or M or L Flip Attack
With Back Turned G+L, L Back Scratch
157 Tri Horn
L Scratch
H, H, H Triple Paw Attack
M, M Kick, Hind Leg Pop Up
T, T+M Horn Charge
T+H Headbutt Pop Up
T+H, H, H Pop Up and Scratch
T+M Hind Kick Pop Up
T+L Leg Bite
Jump, H or M or L Flip Attack
With Back Turned G+L, L Back Scratch
158 Spike Shield
L Scratch
H, H, H Triple Paw Attack
M, M Kick, Hind Leg Pop Up
T, T+M Horn Charge
T+H Headbutt Pop Up
T+H, H, H Pop Up and Scratch
T+M Hind Kick Pop Up
T+L Leg Bite
Jump, H or M or L Flip Attack
With Back Turned G+L, L Back Scratch
159 Brown Ferret
H, H, M Three Punches
M Punch
L Low Punch
T+H, M Two Hooks
B, B+H Big Swipe
T, T+H, *H*, H, *H*, etc Scratch (you can repeat H, *H* infinitly)
T+M Small Uppercut
T, T+M Big Uppercut
B+M Tail Whip
B, B+M Double Arm Crush
G+L Low Attack
G+H, H, *H*, H, *H*, etc Scratch (you can repeat H, *H* infinitly)
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M, *M* (Front Grab) Flip Over Back , Smack With Tail
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) Reverse Flip Over Back
160 Mohican Penguin
H Penguin Slap
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
T or B + H, H, M, M Chop, Chop, Kick, Dive
T or B + H, M, L Chop, Middle Kick, Low Kick
T+M, M, M, M, etc Lunge Attack (you can repeat M infinitly)
U or D + M Circle Around Hop
T, T+L Back Attack (turns you around)
G+H, M, L Chop, Middle Punch, Low Kick
G+L Sweep
H (while rising) Spin Kick
M (while rising) Lunge Peck
L (while rising) Low Spin
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Jumping Sit
161 Orc
H, H, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo
H, M, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 2
U or D + H, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 3
M, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 4
B+M, *M*, M Punch, Kick, Kick
T+M, M Two Kicks
B, B+M Power Smash
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
162 Dark Orc
H, H, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo
H, M, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 2
U or D + H, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 3
M, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 4
B+M, *M*, M Punch, Kick, Kick
T+M, M Two Kicks
B, B+M Power Smash
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick
163 Orc Guard
H, H, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo
H, M, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 2
U or D + H, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 3
M, M, *M*, M Punches and Kicks Combo 4
B+M, *M*, M Punch, Kick, Kick
T+M, M Two Kicks
B, B+M Power Smash
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Flip Onto Throw
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
164 Silver Emu
H High Peck
M Hammer Peck
L Low Kick
T+M Middle Kick
Jump + H or M or L Jumping Scratch (if you miss you sit down)
165 Blue Lizard
M or H Claw
L Low Bite
T+M Knock Down
T, T+M Middle Bite
G+H Scare

T, T+L Grab Enemies Ankle
166 Killer Ape
H Jumping Smash
M Two Arm Lift
L, L Low Arm Swings
U, or D or B+M Two Arm Pop Up
T+M Forward Smash
T, T+M Forward Flip
B, B+M Powerful Smash
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Flip Attack
Jump, L Reverse Flip Attack

M (Front Grab) Bite
M (Head Side Grab) Stomp On
M (Arm Side grab) Flip onto
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
167 Violet Devil
H Jumping Smash
M Two Arm Lift
L, L Low Arm Swings
U, or D or B+M Two Arm Pop Up
T+M Forward Smash
T, T+M Forward Flip
B, B+M Powerful Smash
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Flip Attack
Jump, L Reverse Flip Attack

M (Front Grab) Bite
M (Head Side Grab) Stomp On
M (Arm Side grab) Flip onto
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
168 Kasyabo
L Ankle Kick
B+M Middle Kick (turns you around)
T, T+M Double Smack
G+L Low Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump + M or L Flying Sit Attack
M, M, T+M Two Upper Smacks, Double Arm Attack
M, M, *M*, M, *M*, etc Upper Smacks (you can repeat M, *M*
infinitly or end it with M, *T+M*)
B+H Smack
B+H, H, H, H, etc Smacks (You can repeat H infinitly or do
any of the following moves after the B+H)
B+H, *T+H*, etc Smack, Wind Up (You can follow this with
any of the other moves after the B+H)
B+H, *T+H*, *B+H* Smack, Wind Up, Double Smack
B+H, *T+M* Smack, Double Smack
B+H, M, T+M Smack, Upper Smack, Double Smack
B+H, M, M, *M*, M, *M*, etc Smack, Upper Smack, (you can repeat M, *M*
infinitly or end it with M, *T+M*)

You can use G+H instead of B+H for the above moves.

M (Front Grab) Flip Over Pile Driver
T or B + M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D + M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
169 Joker
H High Kick
M Middle Kick
L Low Kick
T, T+M Double Loop Punch
B+M Scratch, Uppercut
B, B+M Chop
T+M, M Loop Punch, Punch
T+M, L, L, H Loop Punch, Jumpkid Combo(turns you around)
G+H Uppercut
G+L Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Throw Up Slam
T or B+M (Front Grab) Neck Breaker
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
170 Phycho Chuji
He has the same moves as regular Chuji. You can find lots of faqs out there
with his moves so I'm not going to repeat it here.
171 Phycho Epon
She has the same moves as regular Epon. You can find lots of faqs out there
with her moves so I'm not going to repeat it here.
172 Phycho Oliems
He has the same moves as regular Oliems. You can find lots of faqs out
there with his moves so I'm not going to repeat it here.
173 Phycho Ill
He has the same moves as regular Ill. You can find lots of faqs out there
with his moves so I'm not going to repeat it here.
174 Phycho Mary
She has the same moves as regular Mary. You can find lots of faqs out there
with her moves so I'm not going to repeat it here.
175 Phycho Fei
He has the same moves as regular Fei. You can find lots of faqs out there
with his moves so I'm not going to repeat it here.
176 Phycho Hom
He has the same moves as regular Hom. You can find lots of faqs out there
with his moves so I'm not going to repeat it here.
177 Phycho Gren
He has the same moves as regular Gren. You can find lots of faqs out there
with his moves so I'm not going to repeat it here.
178 Phycho Doctor V
He has the same moves as regular Doctor V. You can find lots of faqs out
there with his moves so I'm not going to repeat it here.
179 Phycho Chaco
She has the same moves as regular Chaco. You can find lots of faqs out
there with her moves so I'm not going to repeat it here.
180 Black Attacker
H Upper Attack
M Middle Attack
L Low Attack
T+M Double Arm Attack

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
181 Box Man
M, M Over and Upper Punch
L Ankle Kick
H, H, H Punch, Punch, Kick
H, H, M Punch, Punch, Uppercut
H, M, L High Punch, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
T+H Straight high Punch
T, T+M Spinning Power Punch
B, B+M, L Jumping Uppercut, Down Punch
G+H Jump Kick (turns you around)
G+L Low Sweep
G+H (with back turned) Spin Kick
M (with back turned) Jumping Back Kick
Jump, H Jumping Spinning Punch
Jump, M Jumping Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Breaker
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
182 Puppet
H Punch
M Uppercut
L Low Punch
T+M Spinning Dive Attack
G+H, M Spinning Punch, Back Fist
G+L Sweep

M (Front Grab) Jumping Back Driver
T or U or D + M, *M* ,etc (Front Grab) Fall On, Hold Down On Ground, (after
you have the enemy on the ground you can press H, for a High Punch, M for a
low punch, or M to throw them)
B or U or D + M(Front Grab) Back Flip Stomp
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Breaker
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M, *M*, ? (Back Grab) Jumping German Suplex, German Suplex (in
the practice mode it shows that you should be able to press *M* again but
I could never get it to work)
183 Specter
H Smack
M, M Two Punches
L, M Low Swoop, Retreat
G+H Fire Punch
G+L Purple Low Punch
T, T+H Loop Attack
T, T or B, B + H, H Loop Attack, Low Swoop
T, T or B, B + H, M Loop Attack, Retreat
B, B+M Spinning Lunge (sometimes dizzies enemy)
B, B+M, B+H, H Spin Lunge, Loop Attack, Swoop
B, B+M, B+H, M Spin Lunge, Loop Attack, Retreat
B, B+M, L, M Spin Lunge, Swoop, Retreat
T, T+M, *M* Two Uppercuts
U, U or D, D + M Circle Enemy (can be followed by the other
moves starting with B, B+M)
U, U or D, U + M Circle Enemy and Swoop (can be followed
moves starting with B, B+M)
T, T or B, B + L Circle Swoop

M (Front Grab) Pick Up and Drop
M (Head Side Grab) Side Pick Up and Drop
M (Arm Side grab) Arm Pick Up and Drop
M (Back Grab) Spinning Pick Up and Drop
184 Loader
H High Punch
M, M Two Middle Punches
L Low Punch
T or B or D or U + H Two Arm Smash
T or B or D or U + L Low Spin Attack
G+L Leg Attack
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick

M (Front Grab) Land On Flip throw
T or B+M (Front Grab) DDT
U or D+M (Front Grab) Flip
M (Arm Side Grab) Arm Bar
M (Head Side Grab) Flip Over
M (Back Grab) German Suplex
185 Beserker
H High Stab
M Stabbing Uppercut
L Low Stab
U or D or T or B + L Low Kick
B or T+H, H, H Stab, Stab, Kick
B or T+H, H, M Stab, Stab, Uppercut Stab
B or T+H, M, L High Stab, Middle Kick, Low Sweep
T+M Loop Stab
B+M, M Two Stabs
T, T+M Strong stab
B, B+M Double Arm Slash
U or D + M Evasion Slash
U, U or D, D + M Middle Kick
G+H Spin Kick
G+L Low Sweep
Jump, H Jumping Spin Punch
Jump, M Jump Kick
Jump, L Flip Kick


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Japanische Version: Alle Spieler und FMV Sequenzen.

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Monsters FAQ

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Dryad Moves FAQ

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engl. Cheats

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