

16.10.2013 16:36:55
Gaiamaster FAQ v1.02 (5/8/01) by Gene

Gaiamaster (PS)
1-4 Players
1 Disc
Genre: Board Game (Table)
Memory: 4 Blocks
Multitap, Analog Control Support

1) Introduction
2) Frequently Asked Questions
3) How to play
3.1) At the Main Menu
3.2) Controls
3.3) Screen Layout
3.4) The Game Basics
3.5) Game Strategy
4) Game Rules
4.1) Game Squares
4.2) Stores
4.3) Combat and Event Cards
4.4) Combat
4.5) Tag Mode Rules
4.6) Lucky!
5) Characters
5.1) Character List
5.2) Character Comparison
6) Story Mode
6.1) Story Mode Walkthrough
7) Card Lists
7.1) Combat Cards
7.2) Event Cards
8) Maps
9) Miscellaneous / Et Cetera

1) Introduction
The world belongs to the mortals no more. A phantasmal land in the sky covers
the sun, moon and all stars. It is the fatal time of every century. It is the
time of Gaiamaster, the divine gnome which throws continents into chaos! None
of human laws have an authority from this moment. Literally, only the
Gaiamaster rules the universe. None of earthly powers is strong enough to
break the dominion of gods in the aerial land. Now, the earth is a game boards
and mortals are pieces for the play!

This game is an original fantasy board game for the Japanese playstation that
was released in Japan for 4800 yen. I believe that it is the first game of
the series. It will be followed by versions on the Dreamcast and the Game Boy
color systems.

2) Frequently Asked Questions
Q) Can I play it without much knowledge of Japanese?
A) Well, it isn't that bad. There are a lot of pictures of things and there
are only a few commands which you use regularly. There isn't much English,
but it is easily playable without much knowledge of Japanese. The game is
quite simple to play.

Q) Does the computer AI cheat?
A) Yes! Did you have any doubt? Well, I can't prove it, but I would bet my
life on it.

Q) How is the ranking or score computed?
A) The score is computed by adding you Zenny plus the value of your properties.
This includes their location, buildings and their height.

3) How to play
This is a board (tabletop) game. Your objective is to have the most Zenny
(gold) at the end of the game. The game is similar in some ways to a
computerized version of monopoly. There is a Go space where you collect your
salary. You collect property and when another player lands on your property,
they must pay up. However, there is also combat, skill cards that are used to
fight in combat and event cards to use during movement on the map.

3.1) At the Main Menu:

Story Mode
After the opening movie, you choose your character for the duration of the
Story mode. You cannot change after this point, so make your decision wisely.
Then, you will begin your missions. They are different variations on the
basic game. Sometimes you have to eliminate your opponents within a certain
time limit, etc. You can save your game at any time during a mission and also
between missions. In this mode, you gain skill points and you can increase
the power of your combat cards.

Battle Mode
Battle mode is a simple standalone game. But, you can't save the game in
Battle mode. Also, Skill points don't go up for your combat cards as they do
in Story mode. It begins with the character select screen. When choosing a
character, it asks you if you want to download skill data for them from your
memory card. After selecting your character, you choose a map to play.
After the game is over, you can see everyone's ranking. There are different
versions of Battle mode to choose at the start:
Normal - Normal
Quick - Players start with extra cards and properties.
Single - Every character for themselves
Tag mode - Team battle

Skill List
Here you can view the skills that you've acquired from Story mode. You can
either load from memory or enter a password.

Here are the list of options to choose from: (Start buttons exits)
Rule Options
- Go to the Rule Options menu
Difficulty Level
- Choose the difficulty of the computer (Easy, Medium, Hard)
- Select the audio output (Stereo, Mono)
Message Speed
- Change the speed of message display (Fast, Regular)
Message Advance
- Advance to the next message with a button (On, Off)
- Toggle the character voices in the game (On, Off)
- Toggle the character animations (On, Off)
Analog Control
- Toggle the analog control ability (On, Off)
Background Music Test
- Choose the background music for testing
- Return to the defaulted options

Rule Options:
Salary Options
- Go to the Salary Options menu
- Select the number of turns for the game (10 - 99)
Starting Zenny
- Select the amount of Zenny each player starts with (1000 - 5000)
Starting Property
- Select the number of properties each player starts the game with (0 - 3)
(normal mode only)
- Toggle the Lucky abilities of the characters (On, Off)
- Return to the defaulted Rule options

Salary Options
Passing Go
- Each time a character lands on or passes the starting space, this much
Zenny is added to their total (100 - 500)
Bonus Salary Start Turn
- Determines the starting turn for bonus salary added to the basic (1 - 99)
Bonus Salary End Turn
- Determines the ending turn for bonus salary added to the basic (1 - 99)
Bonus Salary Amount
- Determines the amount of bonus salary (0 - 50)
- Return to the defaulted Salary Options

In-Game Options
By pressing the start button during a game, another menu is presented.

Message Speed
- Change the speed of message display (Fast, Regular)
Message Advance
- Advance to the next message with a button (On, Off)
- Toggle the character voices in the game (On, Off)
- Toggle the character animations (On, Off)
Final turn (Battle mode)
- Select the number of turns for the game (10-99)
Player Setup (Battle mode)
- You can choose the control of the characters from COM to human players.
Objective (Story mode)
- Displays mission objective
Vibration Control
- Toggle the vibration (On, Off)

3.2) Controls:
Joystick selects between menus and squares
O accepts
X cancels or returns a menu
Triangle shows the map
L1, R1 cycles through status bar info
Start brings up in-game options

3.3) Screen Layout
In the top left corner, there is the turn number.
In the bottom left, there is the players display with HPs, Zenny, etc.
The Crown shows the current leader
In the bottom right, there is the game menu: (from left to right)
- Roll Dice
Move on the game board by rolling two dice.
- Use Card
Use an Event card if you have one.
- Buy / Sell Property and Stores
The First Sub-menu is to buy stores
The Second Sub-menu is to sell stores at half their value
- Information Menu
The Sub-menus are: (from left to right)
- Examine the map's squares
- Your character's status
- All player's status
- Current Ranking
- Save (Story Mode only)

3.4) The Game Basics:
The game board is divided into squares. They are many types of squares, but
the basic square is the property square when a player lands on a property
square, they may purchase it. Later, if another player lands on it, they must
pay you rent. You may also build stores to affect the rent paid and the
effects that occur when you land on the square. The game board is also
divided into areas. An area is a row of property squares together between
non-property squares. An area can be from 2 to 4 property squares long. If
a player controls 2 squares in an area, the rent is doubled. If a player
controls three in an area, the rent is quadrupled. You move around the board
by rolling two dice for movement or using an event card to go a determined
number of squares. Before your movement, you may use event cards or purchase
stores on your property. Event cards are cards that affect the game board,
your movement, etc. You may use as many as you want before your movement.
Your turn ends after you have moved and all of its effects are resolved.
Battles between characters can also occur and affect your property and your
Zenny. If you lose all of your Zenny, your cards go to the player that
forced you into debt.

3.5) General Strategy
- If you can use an event card to get a new one, then you should do it.
- Concerning dice rolls, remember 7 is statistically the most common, followed
by 6+8, 5+9, etc. Remember this especially for the Tavern mini-game.
- Try to get off to a fast start, and buy everything you can.
- Try to control the board through event cards. They can make the difference
in a game.
- The computer doesn't have any foresight, especially when it comes to
choosing event cards. It never saves anything, so keep that in mind.
- Build early, especially for the stores that are closest to players.
- Buy almost every property that you can because the land value is the same
for your score.
- Don't pick fights unless you are a strong battle character.
- When you start a fight, make sure that you have some property nearby to heal
yourself after it.
- Change stores to temples when you need them.
- Remember that most times you don't have to kill everyone. If you're winning,
then don't rock the boat or you might end up losing. The computer will
rarely attack your areas unless they can gain from it.
- The computer players usually only use earthquakes on the own cards first.
- In combat, use your slow cards in the early rounds. Speed only matters if
one player is about to die or in the last round of combat.

4) Game Rules

4.1) Game Squares
The Game has many different squares that affect the game in different ways:

Property Squares
- These are the basic squares of the game. When you land on a property
square, you may buy it.
- The cost of the square depends on the terrain. The price will rise as you
move from the starting square. The most expensive property square is the
last square before the Go square.
- You may build stores on the property squares. The price of the stores
depends on the store and also the terrain (same as above).

Go Square (Starting Square)
- This is the square where all of the players begin the game.
- When you land on or pass this square you receive four beneficial effects:
- You are paid a basic salary (default 300 Zenny)
- You receive 50 HPs, but cannot exceed your maximum
- You receive a Combat Card (cannot exceed your maximum of 5)
- You receive an Event Card (cannot exceed your maximum of 8)

Battle Square
- When you land on this square, you may choose to begin combat with another
- You choose the location of the fight (and the player) or cancel.

Event Square
- You receive an Event Card when you land on this square (cannot exceed
your maximum of 5)
- There are some Event Cards that have immediate effects such as gain/lose
gold, etc.

Tavern Square
- This sends the player to the Tavern Mini-game when you land on this square.
- The Tavern Mini-game is a simple game where the player may earn extra Combat
- In the top left of the screen you will see the two dice under the last
time box.
- You must choose if the next roll will be higher or lower than that roll,
you choose BIG for higher or SMALL for lower. If you are correct, you
receive the Combat card displayed. Then, that roll becomes the last roll
and you can choose to try again if you want or stop. This continues until
you have five Combat cards, or you are wrong.
- If you lose, you lose all of the Combat cards gained.

Route Arrow Square
- This square is an intersection. Movement continues in the way that the
arrow is facing. When you land on it, you may choose to change its
direction, otherwise It can only be changed by the Route Change Event Card.

Fluctuating Route Arrow Square
- This square is an intersection. Movement continues in the way that the
arrow is facing. The arrow changes once all of the players have
finished a turn, and keeps changing in this fashion.

Income Tax Square
- When landing on this square, you are charged a tax of 20% of your
current Zenny.
- The tax goes is accumulated in the Pool Square.

Land Tax Square
- When landing on this square, you are charged a tax of 20% of your
current land value, including stores.
- The tax goes is accumulated in the Pool Square.

Pool Square
- When landing on this square, you receive the pool that has accumulated
from the taxes charged to all the players.

Warp Square
- When landing on this square, you are transported to another part of
the game board.

4.2) Stores
Stores are an important part of the game. They can bring you a greater income
and they can also give you cards and other effects. You may build a store on
any property square that you own that does not already have a store. You can
sell any store that you own for half of the cost. When you have a store on a
property, the rent is doubled. If combat occurs on a square with a store, the
defending player's HPs are increased by 10 (can exceed maximum for the duration
of the battle).
There are six types of stores:

- If you land on a Weapons store, you are given two Combat cards (can't
exceed maximum of 8).

- If you land on an Alchemist store, you are given two Event cards (can't
exceed maximum of 5).

- If you land on an Arena, you can begin combat with another player.
- Your opponent's HPs are reduced by 25%.

- If you pass a Hospital, you receive 30 HPs (can't exceed maximum).
- If you land on a Hospital, your HPs are restored to their maximum.

- If you land on a Monastery, you cannot be involved in any combat.

- The rent is quadrupled for a Bank.

4.3) Combat and Event Cards
(for a complete listing of the cards, see Section 7)
Combat cards are used in combat only. You may hold a maximum of 8.
If you use a Combat card, it may be used again in another battle.
Event cards are used on the game map only. You may hold a maximum of 5.
Once Event cards are used, they disappear.

Combat cards may be obtained from:
- Passing the Go square
- Tavern Mini-game
- Landing on your own Weapons Store
- Forcing another player out of the game

Event cards may be obtained from:
- Passing the Go square
- Landing on the Event square
- Landing on your own Alchemist Store
- Forcing another player out of the game

Combat cards have attack power and attack speed displayed on them.
Attack power is displayed at the top of the card.
Attack speed is displayed at the bottom of the card.
Items have no Attack power.

4.4) Combat
There are three ways that Combat can begin:
- A player lands on a Battle Square and decides to begin combat
- A player lands on their own Arena Square and decides to begin combat
- A player uses a Battle Card
- A player lands on the same square as another player

- Before Combat begins, you must choose the location of the battle.
- The place of combat affects the HPs of the defending player. The presence of
a Store, the height of the property square and the value of the property
square affect the HP bonus. The attacking player may pay to reduce the HP
bonus from the value of the property square by paying him Zenny.
- You can't fight another player unless they control at least one property

The Battle screen:
The screen is divided into attacker and defender, with their portrait and HPs.
Both players are dealt four cards from their Combat cards. These are
displayed in the middle of the screen. Players choose the card that they wish
by pressing the corresponding button on the joystick.

- In one round you can use one Item Card and one Combat Card maximum.
- You can only use a single Combat card once per battle.
- The card with the highest Attack Speed is used first. If there is a tie in
Attack Speed, then the Defending player goes first.
- A player loses if they have lower HPs than the other player at the end of the
third round or if their HPs are reduced to zero at any time in the battle.
- If a defending player loses Combat, then their property where the battle took
place is given to the other player.
- Every time you lose all HPs, you lose 200 Zenny and your HPs are restored to
their maximum.
- Damage is computed from the attacking Combat card's attack strength.
- Damage can be multiplied by Critical hits or from Lucky!
- Higher skill level means a higher chance of a Critical hit.
- Multipliers have a cumulative effect.

4.5) Tag Mode Rules
- Teams share areas for collecting property
- Teammates cannot attack eachother
- Landing on your teammates square has no effect
- Teammates share one score, when at zero, the game is over

4.6) Lucky!
Sometimes a character is Lucky! You will see the word Lucky appear above your
character. This can happen from almost anything and at any time. Battle
characters can be lucky in battle where Technical characters are can be lucky
on the game board. When you are lucky, you activate your character's special
ability. You can be lucky many times during one game and it seems to be only
chance whether you are lucky or not. But, this ability can be switched off in
the Options menu.

5) Characters

5.1) Character List

Jiggar the Treasure Hunter
Background - He is still a young boy. He is looking for a magic elixir that
can cure all disease. He is hoping to find it in Gaiamaster.
Character Type - Strong Starter (Technical)
Lucky Ability - Receives a free turn
Standard Weapon - Bowie Knife
Happy Animations - Snaps his fingers
Standing Animations - Pulls out a map
Sad Animations - Sits on the ground pouting
Strategy - There isn't much strategy to him. He is the most basic character.
His Lucky ability gives you another turn and you can't plan on it happening
or not. He's not strong in combat, so don't expect to overwhelm your
opponent often. His Bowie Knife doesn't help much either. He is the worst

Meg-Meg the Warrior
Background - She used to work at a blacksmith making weapons and then became
a great warrior. However, she is still looking for a boyfriend. She hopes
that maybe she can find a good man in Gaiamaster.
Character Type - Technical
Lucky Ability - Receives Double Income
Standard Weapon - Battle Axe
Happy Animations - Raises her axes in triumph, jumps in the air
Standing Animations - Sits on the ground
Sad Animations - Sits down and weeps
Strategy - Meg-Meg is a good character, but you don't have to do anything
special to win with her. She is okay in basic combat because her Battle axe
is quick, but still not that strong.

Princess Tiara
Background - She has lead a secluded life under her father's protection until
now. She doesn't really understand the ways of the world. But, she has a
kind and strong heart. She becomes an Angel knight in battle.
Character Type - Strong Starter (Technical)
Lucky Ability - Receives a free property
Standard Weapon - Rapier
Happy Animations - Jumps in the air
Standing Animations - Doesn't do much
Sad Animations - Collapses in embarrassment
Strategy - She is another easy character to play because you can't plan on her
being lucky as part of your strategy. She is not bad in combat, but will
lose often to the stronger characters.

Galahad the Paladin
Background - He is a famous knight that wanders the land fighting evil and
helping the people where he is needed. He is looking for a sovereign to
guide him.
Character Type - Battle
Lucky Ability - Double Power Missile Attacks
Standard Weapon - Claymore
Happy Animations - Raises his sword
Standing Animations - Wipes his brow
Sad Animations - Kneels and cries
Strategy - He is really strong in combat because his basic weapon is not that
bad, but his speciality is missile weapons which are the best category. The
Blood Spear is really good and there are many fast weapons. He is very
strong in combat and use that to your advantage. He starts with a good
basic weapon too.
* Doesn't anyone else find it strange that the Paladin's strength is missile
weapons? I thought that Paladins value honor. I can't see the honor in
fighting from a safe distance from your enemy.

Sinbad the Bandit
Background - He is an unknown who came from the desert. He is looking for a
suitable woman who seeks adventure like he does. He loves adventure and was
naturally attracted to Gaiamaster.
Character Type - Technical
Lucky Ability - Steals from another player half of their Zenny
Standard Weapon - Jyanbya
Happy Animations - Stands proud
Standing Animations -
Sad Animations - Collapses to the ground
Strategy - Another lucky character that you can't plan on using to your
advantage. When he is lucky it can really help, but you can't count on it
at all. He's average in combat.

Samurai Warrior Yasutsuna
Background - Yasutsuna comes from the Eastern part of the world. He is a
warrior with great honor and he is looking for another great warrior to
Character Type - Battle
Lucky Ability - Double power Sword Attacks
Standard Weapon - Katana
Happy Animations - Swings his sword
Standing Animations - Eats his meal
Sad Animations - Collapses to his knees
Strategy - He's pretty good too. His Katana is one of the best starting
weapons and he can be lethal due to his attack bonus. Again, because he is
a Battle character, attack often.

Ninja Master Hayate
Background - Hayate comes from the Eastern part of the world. He is a
mysterious Ninja and silently crept into the Gaiamaster world.
Character Type - Battle
Lucky Ability - Invulnerable for one round
Standard Weapon - Kunai
Happy Animations - Stands in his prayer stance
Standing Animations - Goes invisible
Sad Animations - Explodes!
Strategy - He can be absolutely wonderful in combat due to his lucky ability.
Due to this fact alone, he is probably the best starting character. But, be
careful not to attack too often because you may still lose.

Goliath the Rogue Priest
Background - Goliath is still barely a priest. But he is very devoted to three
things, money, women and beer. However, he still strives for perfection--to
cultivate his physique.
Character Type - Technical
Lucky Ability - Doesn't have to pay
Standard Weapon - Mace
Happy Animations - Kisses his Ankh, Flexes his muscles
Standing Animations - Takes a drink
Sad Animations - Takes a drink
Strategy - His mace is average, but otherwise he is not too great in combat.
But, he can be wonderful in the game because of his Lucky ability. But, you
can't count on it at all, just pray.
* He's in love with the Princess (watch when she changes in battle)

Agathe the Witch
Background - Agathe is not an evil witch. She is tired of cursing people and
she is very lonely. She often recalls her loneliness to herself. The last
time that she ventured out into the world was the Great council of the
Character Type - Battle
Lucky Ability - Double power Magic Attacks
Standard Weapon - Gypsy Tower
Happy Animations - Jumps in the air, raises her fist in triumph
Standing Animations - Pets her cat, stirs her brew
Sad Animations - Collapses to the ground
Strategy - Agathe is an okay character, but

Background - Songoku is a Chinese fable character. He is a clever half-monkey
that travelled with a famous Buddhist priest.
Character Type - Battle / Technical
Lucky Ability - 4 dice 2x power with any weapon
Standard Weapon - Priest's staff
Happy Animations - Spins his staff, plants his staff
Standing Animations - Doesn't do much
Sad Animations - Sits and pouts
Strategy - He's not a playable character until you've cleared Story mode

Background - ????
Character Type - Battle / Technical
Lucky Ability - 2x power with any weapon, Earthquake, Event card Shield
Standard Weapon - Infinity Gun
Happy Animations - Laughs and glows!
Standing Animations- Just floats
Sad Animations - Collapses into rubble
Strategy - He's not a playable character until you've cleared Story mode

5.2) Character Comparison
Here is my character comparison. Of course, it can change due to the level of
luckiness, random chance, etc. Some characters have little difference (such as
the battle characters), but there is still quite a difference in total.

* Dante (2x attack power)
* Songoku (2x attack power)
1 Hayate (invincible)
2 Yasutsuna (2x attack power)
3 Agathe (2x attack power)
4 Galahad (2x attack power)
5 Tiara (no bonus)
5 Meg-Meg (no bonus)
5 Goliath (no bonus)
5 Sinbad (no bonus)
5 Jiggar (no bonus)

1 Tiara (free property)
2 Meg-Meg (double income)
3 Goliath (don't pay)
4 Sinbad (stealing)
5 Jiggar (free turn)
6 Hayate (no bonus)
6 Agathe (no bonus)
6 Galahad (no bonus)
6 Yasutsuna (no bonus)

* Dante (2x attack power, earthquake, event card shield)
* Songoku (2x attack power, 4 dice roll)
1 Hayate (invincible)
2 Tiara (free property)
3 Meg-Meg (double income)
4 Goliath (don't pay)
5 Galahad (2x attack power)
6 Yasutsuna (2x attack power)
7 Agathe (2x attack power)
8 Sinbad (stealing)
9 Jiggar (free turn)

6) Story Mode walkthrough
At the start of Story mode, you will select your character for the duration of
it. You can't change later, so choose wisely. You can save at any time during
a game in Story mode and you will also be allowed to save at the end of each
mission. If you fail a mission, you can continue and re-try if you want.
You are awarded skill points for using your Combat cards in battle. There are
separate points for each card. Once you receive enough points, your level with
that card increases, to a maximum of five. At the end of each mission, you are
awarded points on all the cards that you have.
After an introduction (which varies with each character), Your character will
receive a letter which begins the Story mode.

Mission 1)
Map - City
Objective - Have the highest ranking at the end of 20 turns
Start with - 2000z, 2 events
Opponent - Goliath
Difficulty - *
Reward - 40 skill points
Strategy - This is not too difficult. It is almost impossible to lose if you
know what you are doing.

Mission 2)
Map - Desert
Objective - Have the highest ranking at the end of 30 turns
Start with - 1500z, 2 properties, 2 events
Opponent - Agathe
Difficulty - *
Reward - 40 skill points
Strategy - This is not too hard either.

Mission 3)
Map - Swamp
Objective - Have the highest ranking at the end of 30 turns
Start with - 3020z, 5 properties, 4 stores, 4 events
Opponent - Yasutsuna
Difficulty - *
Reward - 40 skill points
Strategy - Pretty easy again, but be careful against him in combat.

Mission 4)
Map - City
Objective - Have the highest ranking at the end of 30 turns (team)
Start with - 1780z, 2 properties, 1 event
Teammate - Tiara
Opponents - Agathe and Sinbad
Difficulty - *
Reward - 60 skill points
Strategy - This is your first team battle, but you have Tiara, who is a
better character.

Mission 5)
Map - Castle
Objective - Have the highest ranking at the end of 30 turns
Start with - 1500z, 6 properties, 5 events
Opponents - Yasutsuna and Hayate
Difficulty - **
Reward - 40 skill points
Strategy - Use some of the battle cards early and take out Hayate before he
gets stronger.

Mission 6)
Map - Desert
Objective - Have the highest ranking at the end of 20 turns
Start with - 1500z, 12 properties, 5 events
Opponents - 3 Sinbads
Difficulty - *
Reward - 60 skill points
Strategy - This one is really easy but fun. Just make sure that you don't
have a lot of cash in case you get robbed by one of the Sinbads.

Mission 7)
Map - City
Objective - Have the highest ranking at the end of 30 turns
Start with - 1500z, 7 properties, 3 events
Opponents - Meg-Meg and Tiara
Difficulty - **
Reward - 40 skill points
Strategy - This can be a long battle unless you have a strong character in
combat. These two can be very frustrating to play against. Hit them hard
and often to balance their Lucky abilities in the game.

Mission 8)
Map - Swamp
Objective - Eliminate your opponents
Start with - 1440z, 3 properties, 4 events
Opponents - Goliath and Meg-Meg
Difficulty - ****
Reward - 40 skill points
Strategy - Control the board with event cards and beat them up in battle.
This is the first hard mission. Make sure that you eliminate Goliath
first, or he will hang around forever. If you don't beat him in 99 turns,
you lose.

Mission 9)
Map - City
Objective - Eliminate your opponents
Start with - 1500z, 1 property
Opponents - Jiggar, Hayate and Meg-Meg
Difficulty - ***
Reward - 40 skill points
Strategy - This one is a bit easier. Watch out for Hayate and Meg-Meg though.

Mission 10)
Map - City
Objective - Eliminate your opponents
Start with - 2000z, 4 properties, 5 events
Opponents - Yasutsuna, Agathe and Galahad
Difficulty - ***
Reward - 40 skill points
Strategy - These characters are all good in battle, so beware. Make sure that
you start off strong and don't give them a chance to get the upper hand. If
they do, you might be in trouble.

Mission 11)
Map - Castle
Objective - Have the highest ranking at the end of 30 turns
Start with - 2000z, 4 properties, 4 events
Opponents - Hayate and Hayate as a team
Difficulty - ***
Reward - 40 skill points
Strategy - This one isn't that bad, but it can get difficult because they are
so strong in battle. If you fall behind at the start, it can be tough to get
back into it.

Mission 12)
Map - Desert
Objective - Eliminate your opponent
Start with - 1500z, 6 properties, 5 events
Opponent - Songoku
Difficulty - ***
Reward - 40 skill points
Strategy - This is your first battle with Songoku. He can be really
annoying at times, but if you just keep at him, you will overcome him
eventually. It can be hard to knock him out because of the advantage that he
starts with and his luck.

Mission 13)
Map - Swamp
Objective - Have the highest ranking at the end of 30 turns
Start with - 1500z, 3 properties, 5 events
Teammate - Galahad
Opponent - Yasutsuna, Hayate
Difficulty - **
Reward - 60 skill points
Strategy - This is a break after the last one. It is pretty easy and Galahad
is a good partner.

Mission 14)
Map - Hell
Objective - Eliminate Dante
Start with - 2000z, 1 property, 5 events
Teammates - Hayate and Tiara
Opponent - Dante
Difficulty - *****
Reward - 20 skill points
Strategy - What you have to do is get lucky. If Tiara can get lucky and break
up some of his property, then it can make the difference in the end. Make
sure that you take at least one of his properties away from him at the start.
After Tiara gets

Mission 15)
Map - Tokyo 199X
Objective - Have the highest ranking at the end of 30 turns
Start with - 2000z, 8 properties, 5 events
Opponents - Meg-Meg, Sinbad
Difficulty - **
Reward - 40 skill points
Strategy - Take as many properties as you can on the first turn with battles.
You've got to get to your area so that you can cash in as much as you can on
cards. Otherwise, hope that someone else gets in your area. It seems to
rely a lot on luck. Save some movement cards if you get them to get you out
of a tight situation. If someone gets stuck in your area, it might be worth
it to build some banks. The computer won't use its movement cards to go to a
warp, so they can get stuck in there for a while.

Mission 16)
Map - Castle
Objective - Eliminate your doppleganger
Start with - 2000z, 2 properties
Opponent - Yourself
Difficulty - ****
Reward - 40 skill points
Strategy - Have a fight at the start and take away one of their properties.
After that, it depends on the character that you have. You should know your
strengths and weaknesses by now.

Mission 17)
Map - Hell
Objective - Eliminate all of your opponents
Start with - 2500z, 4 properties, 4 events
Opponents - Hayate, Yasutsuna and Agathe
Difficulty - ***
Reward - 40 skill points
Strategy - I usually try and take out Hayate first because he's the best in
battle. Then, wait for the computer characters to start attacking
eachother and then jump in, if you can. Leave Agathe as the last character
if you can manage it.

Mission 18)
Map - Hell
Objective - Eliminate all of your opponents
Start with - 3000z, 4 properties, 4 events
Opponents - 3 Dantes as a team
Difficulty- ******
Reward - 60 skill points
Strategy - The first thing that you should do is fight one opponent twice and
try and get two properties from them. If you can do that, it will be a lot
easier. The computer players don't have many combat cards at the start, so
you can do it. Fight early and fight often to take control of the board.

Final Mission
Map - Gaia
Objective - Eliminate all of your opponents
Start with - 2000z, 4 properties, 5 events
Opponents - Dante, Jiggar and Songoku
Difficulty - ******
Reward - none
Strategy - Fight often and early again. Good luck. This one is brutal.
Concentrate on the close circle. Make sure that you change the arrows and
keep them moving around there. If you control those properties, you can
overtake them.

7) Card List

7.1) Combat Cards
For the combat cards, here is the legend:
Card Rarity, Card Name, Attack Power, Attack Speed, Special Notes

Character Combat Cards
* Bowie Knife 15 (4) Jiggar only
* Claymore 18 (4) Galahad only
* Jyanbya 15 (4) Sinbad only
* Mace 18 (3) Goliath only
* Katana 20 (3) Yasutsuna only
* Rapier 18 (4) Tiara only
* Battle Axe 18 (4) Meg-Meg only
* Kunai 15 (5) Hayate only
* Gypsy Tower 15 (4) Agathe only
* Infinity Gun 20 (3) Dante only
* Priest's Staff 18 (5) Songoku only

Swords (red background)
C Fencing Sword 22 (3)
C Hammer 26 (1) Easy to get a critical hit
C Longsword 20 (4)
U Quicksword 30 (5)
U Stormsword 48 (2)
R Darksword 60 (2)
R Excalibur 52 (4)

Magic (purple background)
C Fireball 20 (3)
C Snowstorm 26 (1) Easy to get a critical hit
C Thunder Bolt 24 (5)
U Hurricane 32 (2)
U Earthquake 40 (2)
R Meteor Shower 55 (1)
R Dark Meteor 53 (3)

Missile (green background)
C Darts 18 (5)
C Blood Spear 24 (1) Heals user half of the damage it inflicts
C Bow 24 (4) Easy to get a critical hit
U Phase Ray 36 (5)
U Crossbow 30 (5)
R Fire Bow 50 (4)
R Ice Bow 54 (2)

Items (blue background)
U Heal (7) Heals 30 HPs
U Heal (7) Heals 60 HPs
U Shield (7) Halves the damage your receive
U Freeze Items (8) Enemy can't use any items
U Steal Item (6) Allows you to steal an item from enemy (no attack)
U Power up (7) Doubles your attack power
R Power down (6) Enemy can't attack
R Resurrect 100 (7) Heals 100 HPs, used automatically if you die

7.2) Event Cards
For the event cards, here is the legend:
Rarity, Card Name, effect, size

C Battle Card - Starts combat with another player.
R Card Exchange - Allows you to swap two Combat Cards with another player.
U Spring Fountain - Rent 30% increased (1)
U Angel - Rent 50% increased (1)
U Garden - Rent 70% increased (2)
R Circus - Rent 100% increased (2)
R Cathedral - Rent 200% increased (2)
U Swamp - Rent 10% decreased (1)
U Death - Rent 30% decreased (1)
U Graveyard - Rent 50% decreased (2)
R Dark Tower - Rent 70% decreased (2)
R Winged Demon - Rent 90% decreased (2)
U Earthquake - Destroys any structure from an event card
C Move 1 - Move 1 space
C Move 2 - Move 2 spaces
C Move 3 - Move 3 spaces
C Move 4 - Move 4 spaces
C Move 5 - Move 5 spaces
C Move 6 - Move 6 spaces
U 3 Dice - Roll 3 dice for this turn's movement
U 4 Dice - Roll 4 dice for this turn's movement
R Free Property - Let's you buy any unowned property square
R Route Change - Change the Route Arrow square's direction
R Death Ray - Destroys all the stores in an area
R Lava Burst - Nullifies the effects of stores for your turn

8) Maps
X: Property Square
G: Go Square
P: Pool Square
W: Warp Square
E: Event Square
T: Tavern Square
L: Land Tax Square
I: Income Tax Square
A: Arrow Square
B: Battle Square














Tokyo 199X










9) Miscellaneous / Et Cetera
Thanks to Capcom for making this game.
Thanks to Capcom for omitting a load feature in the game. I really enjoyed
having to press the reset button every time I wanted to start over.

This FAQ is not associated with Capcom, Sony, or any of its products either
software or hardware. The respective companies retain all copyrights of
their products mentioned in this FAQ.

Feel free to email any advice or suggestions! Due to time constraints, do
not expect a reply on email.

Other FAQs written by me:
- Tetris with Cardcaptor Sakura: Eternal Heart (PS)
- The Typing of the Dead (DC)
- The Great Khan Game (Card game)
- Hundred Swords (DC)
- Advanced World War (DC)
-- 5/8/01 Gene(

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16.Октябрь 2013
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