Ganbare Goemon

Ganbare Goemon

17.10.2013 07:07:56

The Mystical Web Site of Goemon
The Walkthrough for
Ganbare Goemon : Oedo Daikaiten!
Brought to you by The Mystic Ninja
The Mystical Team of Goemon

1. Disclaimer / Legal Issues
2. Characters
3. Basic Impact Strategy
4. Important Buildings
5. Items and Other Notes
6. Walkthrough
7. Final Notes and Comments

1. Disclaimer / Legal Issues
This disclaimer follows all of the disclaimer rules of The Mystical Web Site
of Goemon. This walkthrough is free use for all. However, it may not be used
or posted by another site without the consent of The Mystic Ninja, and it
must not be sold or use for profit / barter in anyway (unless approved by The
Mystic Ninja, who can be contacted at

2. Characters
*Goemon (Guy in Blue Hair and Red Outfit)
Main Weapon: Pipe
Special: Chain Pipe (Use it to latch on to the golden boxes with crosses on them.
Use up or down to make the chain longer and improve you chances of making
long jumps. Jump of the chain pipe latch NEAR the top of a swing to get
the best jump from it.)
Projectile Weapon: Ryo Toss
Charged Up Projectile Weapon: Flaming Ryo Toss

*Ebisumaru (Fat Guy in all Blue Outfit)
Main Weapon: Fan
Special: Fan Float
Projectile Weapon: Ninja Star
Charged Up Projectile Weapon: Super Ninja Star (Bounces off of walls.)

*Sasuke (Robot with Blue Hair and Green Outfit)
Main Weapon: Shruiken
Special: Swim (Hit the square button to charge-attack into enemies.)
Projectile Weapon: Bomb
Charged up Projectile Weapon: Big Bomb

*Yae (Girl with Green Hair and Purple Outfit)
Main Weapon: Sword
Special: Swim (Hit the square button to charge-attack into enemies.)
Projectile Weapon: Cannon Shot
Charged Up Projectile Weapon: Targeted Cannon Shots

3. Basic Impact Strategy
-Punch or shoot all projectiles that come at you. It is safer if you shoot the projectiles,
but watch the you don't run out of nasal bullets. You gain 5 nasal bullets for each projectile
that you punch, so you want to use your fist whenever possible. Try to save nasal bullets
for multiple projectiles, or when your life if low.
-If the enemy makes any moves/charges toward you, start the machine gun punch. It will catch
him even though you started it early.
-When in doubt, BLOCK!
-The chain pipe is almost useless; don't waste your time using it.
-When your laser is powered up (the two meters on the side of the radar are flashing),
use them when the enemy begins to launch any projectiles. The laser will hit eliminate
the projectiles and hit the enemy.

4. Important Buildings
Armor Store - House with red curtains
Use to buy rice balls (revives you when you lose all your life bars; the more expensive one
is, the more power it gives you back), and armor / helmets (which guard against hits and
shots, respectively), which varies in strength
(from weakest to strongest: straw, silver, and gold).

Food Store - House with green curtains. The food there refills your health immediately!
The more expensive the food, the more energy it restores in your life bar.

Hotel - House with bluish-purple curtains
You can do two things here:
1) Save: Pick the second option, then pick a slot to save to. If you are saving over a
previously saved game, it will ask if you are sure; pick the first option to say yes.
2) Hotel Stay (Refills Life): Pick the first option, and then pick from the
three choices (50, 100, and 150 ryo; the most expensive, the more life that is recovered)!

Transport - House with navy blue curtains.
Lets you transport to any town for a fee. Towns are number according to their
respective world.

Hot Tub - House with pale-green curtains (doesn't appear until World 3).
Restore all of your power, and gives you an extra bar of life if you only have 3 for a fee.
Both the red and blue rooms do the same thing.

5. Items and Other Notes
*Treasure Box - a brown box that you'll see scattered across the stages. Contains money (ryo).
*Extra - a small red banner with a Japanese character on it. Gives you an extra character.
*Mr. Elly Fant - a small elephant that you'll see at the midway point of every castle & some
long stages. Allows you start at the point where you found it if you die.

-When you enter a town, always save your game, replenish your
energy, and buy rice ball and armor. Always save money for these purposes.
You should never leave a town without full energy!
-After every stage, you should go back to the nearest town and save your game.
-Try to limit exploring, because you have a limited time to complete each stage,
and exploration usually only brings you to a little money.


6. Walkthrough

*World One*
Stage 1
This is a straight-forward stage. Simply progress to the right and hit the raccoon
at the end to exit the stage.

Stage 2
Another straight-forward stage. Jump and attack the drivers of the mouse-carts, then jump
in to take control. Use these mice to jump to some of the higher treasures in this stage
(jump with the mouse-cart, then push up on the D-pad and hit jump again for this extra jump).

Go to the upper-right section of town, and you will see a small castle that you can enter.
Once inside, proceed right, but after climbing the staris, jump to the ledge on the left,
then to the top of the screen. Continue left to collect a gold fortune doll and two money
chest. Then continue right, crawling and manuevering through the maze, and take the platform
up and the end. Jump to the right to get another treasure box full of money, then go back
down and to the right to collect the item that you came here to find. Go back to the
beginning to get back to town.
Go to Wise Old Man's house in this same section of town. He will take the item and give you
a pass. Give this pass to the guy at the town gates at the lowest level of town to exit.

Stage 3
Yet another straight-forward level. Make sure you use the upper platform to reach hidden
treasure boxes.

Proceed right. Most treasures here are visible once you jump on a trampoline or when you
use an upper platform. When you reach the trampolines, hold the X button at the top of your
bounce / jump to the trampoline to jump really high. In the second section, you will reach
a section with 3 trampolines; if you jump to the right (off the second trampoline), you can
grab a golden fortune doll.
Follow the path of trampolines and spike hazards to the end (but there is an extra if you
take the higher route towards the end.)

Boss: Bonzai Guy
He has 5 main attacks.
-Starts with a fan attack up in the air. Hit him once or twice, then avoid the fans.
-He bounces toward you. Run under him when he is in the air and attack.
-He turns into a fan. First, jump over it, then crawl towards the fan, and as soon as
bounces over you, stay in that same spot, but stay crouched.
-He glides across the screen with a glowing outstretched hand. Jump over him & attack.
-He turns into a fan again, but attacks from the opposite direction. Simply reverse your
technique from the first fan attack.
He will repeat this pattern until you defeat him.

Impact Boss
Punch all projectiles (his fan projectiles are thrown at you from right to left, and
his missiles from left to right). If he sticks his hand or a fan out, he will charge at you.
He'll also disappear under the umbrella twice; on the 3rd reappearance, he'll charge
at you, so be prepared to counter-attack. Follow the "Basic Impact Strategy" above
to defeat him.

*World Two*
Stage 1
A straight-forward stage. Be sure to jump off the falling platforms before they fall off the
screen. Take the high route at the end to finish the stage (the lower route contains a
fake raccoon).

Stage 2
In this one, you must ride the plates on the conveyor belts while ducking/jumping to avoid
spkies and attacking enemies. When you reach the 1st wall, you must wait to jump on a
plate with no food on it (if you are not on one already) so you can crouch under the wall.
The 3 spikes after the wall are almost unavoidable; so make sure you stay on the plate when
you get hit. In the next section, enemies will toss food from above; hit the food to
eliminate it, or just avoid them. Continue to dodge spikes and attack the flaming enemies
until you reach the end.

In this town, you must buy a pass from the Armor Store for 500 ryo. The next section of town
north from where you start has a house with a lady who will play high-low with you for money.
After you select "yes" or "no" to play or not, you must gamble your money, then pick
high (11 or more) or low (10 or less). She will then roll 3 dice, and the sum of the 3 amounts
will decide if you lose what you bet or if you bet is doubled. It gives you the option of
bidding your winnings if you win (instead of leaving with your winnings a coming back; you
win more if you stay, but risk losing it all)! Take the pass to the town gates to exit.

Stage 3
Continue right, and use the mushrooms to back track and jump to a hidden treasure.
Unlike the trampolines, you must hit the jump button as you touch the mushrooms to get the
maximum bounce. Continue on, and use Goemon's chain-pipe to latch on to the gold blocks, then
jump and latch onto the higher gold blocks to reach hidden treasures. Otherwise, continue right
to exit.

Avoid the bouncing enemies, and when you cross the platforms, avoid the rocks that fall.
Continue past the crushers; once you past them, you can use the blue bottle top here to jump
on top of the crushers (you can continue on to hidden treasures). Otherwise, use the
bottle tops and Goemon's chain-pipe to continue right. At the last bottle top, jump to the
highest upper-right portion of the screen at the highest point of your jump (follow the arrow).
In this section, continue left, and avoid the enemies while jumping from platform conveyor
to the next conveyor. And the end, jump to the upper-left.
Now you must hurry to the right, as the robot behind you is chopping up the lettuce that you
are walking on. Kill/avoid all enemies until you get to the end.

Boss: Hooded Magician
He has 3 attacks:
-His assistant will kick pucks at you, then he'll kick the boss. The blue pucks move slower
than the red ones, so time your jumps accordingly. Watch where he kicks the boss, and move
out of his path. Attack him as soon as he lands.
-He will repeat the above until his power reaches 50%; then he'll begin to shoot blue magic
at you. When he throws one, the last one that he threw will disappear, so walk into the flame
he threw last as a new one is coming to avoid this attack.
-He'll jump on a spinning stage (shoot him with projectiles while he is on the stage),
then he'll charge at you. Jump over his charge, then crawl towards him to avoid his bounce
off the wall. When he begins to teeter on the edge, attack!
He'll repeat these last two attacks, except for every other instance, he will roll towards you
instead of bounce towards you, so just jump to avoid the roll. Defeat him to move on to...

*World 3*
Stage 1
You must use Yae or Sasuke to navigate the waters. Continue right while avoiding the spikey
fish (you can't hurt them) to reach the next section. Here, you must glide to the end while
avoiding the enemies, since you can't attack. Jump off at the end to complete the stage.

Stage 2 (The stage that doesn't look like an amusement park)
Continue right, and watch out for the steam (just look at the patterns that they blow to
see how to avoid them). Soon, you'll have to jump in a fish-boat; just continue right and
shoot everything in your path. Use the fish to high-jump over the wall at the end and continue
to the next section. Now, you must jump down the section via platforms and dragons while
avoiding enemies and steam to reach the bottom. You can't walk along the dragon, because each
section of the dragon is a platform in its self; you'll fall to your death if you try to walk
along the dragon when it is bending. Make sure that you see what you are jumping to before you
jump to it, and kill all enemies quickly, as they will make it hard to jump from platform to

Amusement Park
After defeating the 2 enemies up ahead, you must jump from horse to horse to the right, while
the horses are moving left. You'll have to attack in mid-air to kill the enemies and to be
able to progress. When you get to the spikes, jump close to them before you jump over the
spikes (it will be easier to clear them and kill any upcoming enemies this way). Keep avoiding
the spikes and killing enemies until you can jump off and proceed to the next section.
Now, you must fly a plane (you can only move up or down) past the spike obstacles while
shooting the enemies in your way to reach the end. Be careful; your plane can only take about
4 or 5 hits).

You need to beat the two mini-games in this town to proceed to the next board.
The first one is located in the last house in the next section up from where you enter this
town. This house brings you to a game of paper, scissors, rock. Press SQUARE (paper),
X (scissors), or the CIRCLE (rock) button at the right time to select that type. Beat him twice,
amd you'll get half a pass. (In case you don't know, paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and
scissors beats paper.)
At the bottom section of town, you'll find a house that contains a game of matches. Find
the most matches before the computer can to win the second-half of the pass. Take the completed
pass to the town gates at the right of the bottom-most section of town to exit.

Stage 3
Proceed right while jumping over the boulders that come toward you. Cross the first set of
platforms (though you can jump down at this point and collect money), but the 2nd set of
platforms come in the way of spikes; quickly jump across the tops of them to make it across.
Use the next 2 platforms to reach a money box above you, then continue on to pick up
Mr. Elly Fant. Continue until you reach a colored platform, and climb up them. Jump to the left
to collect the money box, the use the chain-pipe to jump to the right. Use the platforms here to
reach the top and exit.

Switch to Yae or Sasuke and get ready to swim. Swim downward and to the left while avoiding the
big spikes. Follow the arrows you see, while charge-attacking to make it past some of the
spikes here. Jump out of the water at the end and continue right. Avoid the shielded enemies
and the crushers, and jump in the water at the end and proceed right. Now, avoid all the enemies
and hazards here while proceeding to the top, where you'll meet the boss.

Boss: Aqua Man
He's pretty easy, just watch out for the enemies he uses to attack you (you can take them out,
except for the ones that radiate around him). Attack him all the time, and avoid the flower

Impact Boss
He has colored-ball projectiles, and fish the attack low on the screen. He also charges at you
from time to time. When he disappears of the screen, watch the radar and get ready to
counter-attack. He will also wrap you in a whirlpool, but he'll still use the same attacks
as before (though they might be harder to see). Follow the "Basic Impact Strategy" above
to defeat him.

*World 4*
Stage 1
Proceed right, and use Goemon's chain-pipe to make it to the top (don't forget to collect the
money on the right before going up). At the next section which requires the use of your
chain-pipe, you must chain-pipe upward before the platforms break from under you, but jump
to the right a grab the extra before you reach the top. Eventually, you reach a section where
you must use Goemon's chain-pipe in mid-air to reach a moving platform. Then, use the
chain-pipe once again to reach the top. Once you grab My. Elly Fant, you must use Ebisumaru's
gliding technique to glide to the right. Follow the arrows, & don't touch the spikes to reach
the end.

The next town area up has another mini-game that you must play. Use the D-pad to hammer on the
enemies on the left, and X, SQUARE, CIRCLE, & TRIANGLE buttons to hammer the once on the right.
You must hit 80 in 100 seconds to win a gate pass. Take the pass to the town gates at the
bottom-most section of town to exit.

Stage 2
Just stay on the rail cars while avoiding hazards such as steam & spikes (you can duck for the
most part to avoid the steam; at other times, you'll have to be a a certain section of the
rail car at the right time to avoid it). When you see a "!" sign, it means that the back car
will come off, so stay on the front one whenever possible (but be ready to jump to the right
when you see the last "!" sign.

Stage 3
To reach this stage, go to World One and talk to the old man in the upper-right section of the
town (in the 3rd house) to get a key. Return to the town in World 4. Go to the upper-left
section of this town, and enter a big house which contains a mini-stage. Collect all the items
while following the path to exit to the upper-right.

The actual stage is staright-forward. Use Goemon's chain-pipe to reach higher areas with items.
Otherwise, continue right until you get Mr. Elly Fant. When you reach the top, you must use
Goemon's chain-pipe to moving golden chain blocks to get to the end.

You'll want to use projectiles, as the enemies you see here will try to knock you off the
conveyor belts. Proceed on, and watch out for the spikes & barbells that drop (you are safe
if you crouch between the weights of each barbell. In the next section, continue upward while
using the gloves as platform (but they can hit you, so be careful). Duck to avoid the spikes
as soon as you jump on a glove, and continue to the top. Now, you must use Ebisumaru's floating
skills to to make it past the spiked baseballs. Follow the arrows, and use any fans you see to
boost you upward and to the right.

Boss: Maguamuge
Yes, this is the boss from Goemon 4 (SNES). Hit him once, then jump over him as he charges at
you. Quickly attack him before he jumps aboard his ship in the background. He'll then throw
basketballs at you (dodge them). After that, he'll jump back on your level (attack him close up),
then he'll jump over you back into his machine. Next, he'll throw sports equipment at you;
to avoid this, stay to the left; then walk under the equipment (to the right) & dodge
accordingly. He'll come back out and repeat the whole process, except when he jumps on the
ship, he'll throw asteroids at you (first to the left, then to the right). With the exception
of when he charges at you and while you are avoiding his flips, you should always be attacking

*World 5*
Stage 1
The ground is slippery here, so watch your step. Continue right while avoiding enemies and
rolling snowballs (which you can destroy). After you pick up My. Elly Fant, proceed across the
breaking ice platforms, then go up the ramp section full of snowball-tossing enemies. After that,
you must go down a steep slope; you should use Ebisumaru's glide technique to make it down
safely to the end.

Head up to the next section up, and head left to talk to a old woman in the house here. Now
head to the town in World 3. In this town, take the first upward path, and go right to the
first house you see. Talk to the man here, then exit his house and go to the food store in this
town. Buy the first food item on the left, and then go back to the World 5 town and give the
food to the old lady that you talked to before by talking to here again. Now go back to
the World 3 twon, and talk to the guy that you talked to before. He will give you the pass to
exit the World 5 town (just take it to the town gates).

Stage 2
Proceed left (past more snowballs), and jump on the big ice platform. Use Goemon's chain-pipe
to reach the smaller ice platforms, and continue up and to the left. Go right and jump
across the breaking platforms, then up the waterfall (but watch out for the moving spikes).
Go right at the top to pick up Mr. Elly Fant, then go right. Keep running and jumping down the
hill to avoid the big wheel enemy, while avoiding spikes and taking out any enemies in your
path. Jump across the platforms at the bottom (watch out; the last 3 platforms here break when
you step on them) to reach the end.

Stage 3
Take one of these mouse-carts at the beginning and use it to proceed. Make sure you kill any
enemies before you jump; if they hit you; you'll bounce backwards, probably into a ditch.
Also, don't let your cart get destroyed, you'll need to jump off the cart in mid-air to reach
My. Elly Fant at the midpoint of this stage.
Continue right after you get Mr. Elly Fant; you don't need a mouse-cart for this part, but it's
easier if you have one. Avoid the spikes while knocking down the rock barriers. Continue across
the falling wooden platforms, and take control of one of the mouse-carts that you see next.
Don't break the first end-stage raccoon you see (it's a fake). Instead, jump of the cart
in mid-air to get over the wall on the right. Fall to the right to unveal the real end-stage

Make your way across the head platforms. When you come to the moving head platform, jump on it
and keep up to stay on it (crouch, crawl, and jump over obstacles/platforms to get back on it).
Once across, continue on and use the head platforms to proceed while not getting crushed.
The next set of head platforms fall when you step on them, so proceed across carefully.
Next, proceed up and across to the head-platform which will ascend when you jump on it. Avoid
all enemy attacks, and jump to the left when you see a head platform above you, or you'll get
crushed. Then jump on the next platform, and avoid all the multi-color flames. Jump to the
right, and continue right while watching the ceiling's patterns & shapes so you won't get

Boss: Spaceman
Starts in a ship with a spiked-wall coming toward you. Stay back, and jump/crouch to avoid the
spikes he shoots at you. When his cockpit opens, attack with projectiles. Eventually, he'll go
into spacecraft mode where he'll:
-Float to your level and charge across the screen (attack him while he's coming down the screen,
then jump over his charge and attack).
-He'll teleport above you twice, each time, moving to where you are (move away when he appears,
then attack).
-He'll shoot a flame down the middle of the stage which will shoot flame across the ground in
both directions. Run to the edge of the screen, and jump over the flame when it comes toward
you. Attack after you avoid the flame if you can.
He repeats this pattern, so follow the same instructions to defeat him.

Impact Boss
His projectiles come in the form of disc, snowflakes, and snowballs. Follow the "Basic Impact
Strategy" above to defeat him.

*World 6*
Stage 1
A straight-forward stage. Follow the path, using Goemon's chain-pipe as needed to proceed up and
to the right. Towards the end, take the lower moving platform path for treasure boxes.
Otherwise, continue right to the next section. In this water section (use Yae or Sasuke),
follow the path up and to the right when possible. Explore other paths that you come across
to find hidden treasures, otherwise, continue to the upper-right while avoiding all spiked
hazards. Jump out of the water at the upper-right section of this stage to exit.

Stage 2
Continue across until you come to the first section which requires Goemon's chain-pipe.
Here, you must chain-pipe up, jump up from the chain-pipe latch, attack the enemy of the ledge
above you with a projectile, and quickly latch back on to the golden block or fall back down to
the platform above and quickly chain-pipe back up. Either way, you'll only get one swing on the
chain-pipe to jump back up on the ledge where the enemy was (if you take more swings than one,
the enemy will reappear)! Continue on, and you'll get to another chain-pipe section where you'll
have to do the same thing you just did, except this time, you HAVE TO latch back on the the
golden block in mid-air (it's a bit easier to do this time; simply chain-pipe straight up,
jump straight up, shoot a projectile, and chain-pipe straight up again). Continue on to
Mr. Elly Fant, and use Ebisumaru's gliding technique to glide over spikes and down the holes
while avoiding enemies. Make sure you use the fans when necessary, and let go of the TRIANGLE
button if you see yourself getting pushed into an enemy or some spikes. Follow the arrows to
the exit.

Final Castle
Watch the steam and the falling ceilings, and continue across the conveyor belts while avoiding
the crushers. When you come to the section where you must jump on top of the crushers, remember
that they can still crush you against the ceiling. In the next section, grab Mr. Elly Fant, then
step on the rail car and stay on it at all costs while avoiding steam & spikes on the platforms
(once again, crouching, crawling, and jumping over obstacles/platforms to get back on it).
When you reach a dead end, jump on to the ledge on the left, and wait for the cart
to reverse directions (jump back onto it when you can). Avoid the massive steam attack up ahead,
and continue right at the end of the ride to reach the next section. Jump from spiked platform
to the next, and use the springs to progress when needed. The last couple of springs have steam
on them, so wait for them to blow their steam, then jump across quickly (once bounce per spring)
to reach the end.

The first two colored cans start to roll around the stage; simply jump over them and attack when
possible. After the first 2 are destroyed, a black one will fall to where you are (move to
avoid it) and it will being to shoot at you. Dodge his projectiles and shoot your own
projectiles back at him. The last two colored cans will jump around and shoot stars at you
(which you can destroy), so destroy their projectiles and return fire with your projectiles.

Final Boss: Mr. World Head
In his first form, he will jump above you, then down at you, then back on the middle platform
and swing a big sword at you. Attack him when he is above you, and when he jumps down to your
level, you should be headed to the upper-left corner to avoid his sword (you might want to jump
when he swings his sword just to be safe). Repeat this, and eventually, the boss will come out
of his shell. Repeatedly attack him, but watch out, as he flies in a weird figure eight pattern.
After awhile, he'll transforms into a golden spaceship which constantly charges at you.
Time your jumps so he misses you, and attack him from behind. He'll also boost off the screen
from time to time; watch out, as he'll blast down to where you are standing. Either move
when he comes down, or move constantly when he's off the screen to make him miss. Attack
whenever possible, and he'll eventually come out of his shell again. Attack him constantly
while avoiding being hit by his figure eight flight to defeat him.

Enjoy the ending!


7. Final Notes and Comments

-Thanks to Gerimon Impact, for helping to build the Goemon Import section of The
Mystical Web Site of Goemon. If not for her, this walkthrough would not exist!

-Thanks to Yamcha, for providing this game for me to write about.

-Thanks to you, for visiting The Mystical Web Site of Goemon at !




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Oedo Daikaiten

17.Октябрь 2013
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11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
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