WWF Smackdown!

WWF Smackdown!

15.10.2013 23:34:32
WWF Smackdown! FAQ / Move List
Sony PlayStation
Version 1.0 - February 27, 2000
Made by [ArkDeath]
E-Mail: latan@skyinet.net
HomePage: http://bk.diabloii.net

[ArkDeath]'s Playstation WWF Smackdown! FAQ / Move List

I've decided not to make a Create-A-Superstar guide due to problems
with plagiarism. I am sure that there will be a lot of people out
there who have CAS Guides of their own, so if u've made ur own
superstar, plz send it to them and not to me. In the future I will
post links to other ppl's CAS Guides here.

This FAQ is meant for personal use only and can only be reproduced
electronically. This FAQ is owned and made by me. Feel free to
distribute the FAQ as long as nothing is changed. This FAQ cannot be
sold for profitable purposes!

Since the game hasn't come out yet, not all of the content in this FAQ
will be 100% correct since some of the moves, modes, etc. might change
in the final release. These are based on a demo / beta version of WWF
Smackdown! which my friend gave me for my birthday. Plz don't ask me
where he got it coz I kept on asking him too but didn't want to answer.

Table of Contents
Latest Updates
How To Play
Controller Legend
Starting Screen
-Create a Superstar
-Match Making
Character Listing
-Selectable wrestlers
-Hidden wrestlers
Basic Skills
Move Listing Legend
Taunts and Appeals
Move Listing
Finishers List
-Hidden Wrestlers
-Hidden Modes
-Gameshark Codes
Frequently Asked Questions
Thanks List
Losers List

Latest Updates

-Version 1.0 (February 27, 2000)
*Made the WWF Smackdown! FAQ / Move List.
*Added Introduction section.
*Added How to Play section.
*Added Controller Legend section.
*Added Exhibition and Season to Starting Screen section.

WWF Smackdown! is the fifth WWF game to come out for the Playstation.
It is also the first ever that THQ has made for the PSX. There were
some improvements from the previous WWF games, but there were also
some things which didn't improve, or even some which worsened. There
is a new mode to play in, the Special Guest Referee match, and it beats
the living hell out of every other game mode (except Royal Rumble)!
Also the entrances now have titantron videos, but I still liked the
entrances in WWF Attitude better. I think there were also more game
modes and characters in WWF Attitude, but as I still don't know the
complete number of wrestlers which are gonna come out in Smackdown!,
maybe I'm wrong. Right now I only know of 36 wrestlers which are on the
"sure" list. See below for the listing. At least now there are a whole
lot more belts (heavyweight, intercontinental, european, tag, womens,
and hardcore) and u can set up exhibition title matches (even when u
exit season mode, the wrestlers who had the belts in the season still
have the belts in the belt record and u can still put the belts up for
grabs). Well there's also a Match Making mode, which is almost exactly
like WWF Attitude's Create a PPV cept for a few things (audience
ranking and title matches). I don't know if the Season mode is gonna
include stuff like set up ambushes and interfere in other's matches,
but THQ (or some other source I've read from) sez there will be. I only
hope there will or I don't think it will be any better than WWF
Attitude. I like the gameplay better though, it's kinda faster and
there are no health bars anymore (I don't know if that's a good thing
or a bad thing). Also the Royal Rumble mode in SD! rocks, there are a
whole lot of ways to eliminate people now, and sometimes when you get
knocked out of the ring you can hang on to the edge and climb back in.
You can also choose who are and who aren't gonna participate in the
Rumble, I don't know if there's a maximum but I've played it with 40
(all 36 wrestlers and the starting 4 which have duplicates). All in
all if THQ makes the graphics and gameplay better, and add more game
modes and wrestlers, maybe it will be a whole lot better than any
wrestling game ever created.

How to Play
I added this section since the gameplay in WWF Smackdown! is very
different to the gameplay in WWF Attitude and WWF Warzone. After
choosing your wrestler, 2 horizontal columns of 5 dots appear; the
upper labeled Start and the lower labeled Max. To perform your
wrestler's finisher move, you must have a dot. One dot is equal to one
finisher. The number of green dots in the Start column is the number of
times you can perform your finisher right from the start of the game.
The default number is zero. The number of green dots in the Max column
is the maximum number of dots you can get during your fight. Note that
you can have more green dots in your Start column than your Max column,
but once you drain (during the match) your dots below or equal to the
number of green dots you put in the Max column, you cannot get any
higher anymore. During the match, you can get more dots (but not higher
than the number of green dots you put in the Max column) by filling the
red bar by your name. To fill it up, you need to beat up your opponent.
There are no health bars, but once you beat up your opponent severely,
he won't be able to get up when you pin him (the default button press
for pin is Down+Circle when your opponent is lying down and you are
beside his body). Also you can beat your opponent by knocking him out
(just keep on beating him up) or using submission moves to let him give
up, but this will only happen when you enable Knockout/Give Up during
the Match Options screen (the one you reach after choosing a wrestler
and inputing how many dots you want). Note that not all matches can be
won by just pinning your opponent; some require climbing up a cage,
having him give up (using submissions), and throwing everyone outside
the ring. For more info on them, see the 'Exhibition' section under
Starting Screen below.

Controller Legend
A new controller legend has been implemented in Smackdown! from those
in WWF Attitude and WWF Warzone. Almost all buttons are now different.

>< - Attack
() - Grapple; Pick up Opponent
[] - Block
/\ - Run; Climb up turnbuckle; Climb up ring
R1 - Climb down ring; Tag partner; Pick up weapon
L1 - Finisher
R2 - Face a different wrestler
L2 - Taunt or Appeal; Count in Special Guest Referee match.

Starting Screen
After watching the intro of WWF Smackdown!, you reach a screen with
stuff like Exhibition, Season, and other stuff like that. This section
will give a detailed explanation of each.

| Exhibition |
This is one of the only two mode from the Starting Screen where you
can play or fight; whichever term you prefer. The only other mode is
Season, but there you aren't able to choose your own match, more info
in the Season section below. After choosing Exhibition, another screen
filled with stuff appear. These are the game modes which you can choose
for your match. All in all there are 12 available game modes. This
section is dedicated to explaning each and every mode.

Single Match : Up to 2 players
-A normal one on one match. Pin-fall, submission, and knockout to win.
The only change it got from the previous WWF games is the choice to
have a manager with you. Although you can only choose one of the
available wrestlers to be your manager, it's still pretty cool. He can
fight your opponent if you throw him outside, but remember, your
opponent can do the same. Also the managers sometimes fight each other
outside the ring too.

Tag Team: Up to 4 players
-A normal two on two tag match. Pin-fall, submission, and knockout
to win. You can tag your partner by tapping R2 until your wrestler is
facing his partner, then go near the partner and press R1. I'm not
sure if you can call your partner in like in prev. WWF games, but
when the game comes out I guess we'll know.

Falls Count Anywhere - Up to 2 players
-Same rules as the Single Match; one on one, pinfall, submission, or
knockout to win. The only difference is in this mode you can pin your
opponent outside the ring.

Handicap Match: Up to 4 players
-A one on two or one on three match, it's up to you. Pin-fall,
submission, and knockout to win. This match is almost impossible
to win, unless the handicapped wrestler has full dots at the start
and his opponents have zero at start and zero as max, and the
handicapped keeps on using his finisher on one wrestler to knock him
out. It's still hard to win even then.

Battle Royal: Up to 4 players
-The Battle Royal in Smackdown! is different from the one in
Attitude. Before, it was virtually the same as Royal Rumble except
there were only 4 wrestlers competing. Now you're in the ring with
3 other wrestlers and you must eliminate them all. All of them also
have the same goal. The only difference with this and Survivor
matches is that all your opponents here must be eliminated. More
info on Survivor matches below. Pin-fall, submission, and knockouts
can be used to win.

Royal Rumble: Up to 40+ players (unsure of max)
-My favorite match ever! To eliminate opponents you must throw them
out of the ring. No pinfalls, no knockouts, and no giving up. After
someone is eliminated, a 10 second countdown starts and once it
reaches 0, a new wrestler comes in until. The winner of the match is
the last man standing in the ring after all of his opponents has been
eliminated. If you are eliminated and wrestlers still comes in (and
one's name is placed where your name used to be), you can press select
and take over him.

Survivor: Up to 4 players
-Generally like the Battle Royal, where you face 3 other wrestlers.
Except here, the first one to be able to pin, knockout, or have
someone give up wins the match immediately. So you must protect your
opponents from your other opponents, and at the same time beat the
living crap out of them. One of the hardest matches I've ever played.

King of the Ring: Up to 8 players
-King of the Ring is a tournament wherein 8 players must fight each
other in a one round elimination type tourney. If it sounds confusing
then here's a diagram on how it works.

| Wrestler 1 |\ ___________
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \| Winner of |
____________ /| Match |\
| Wrestler 2 |/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \ ___________
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \| Winner of |
____________ /| Match |\
| Wrestler 3 |\ ___________ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \| Winner of |/ \
____________ /| Match | \
| Wrestler 4 |/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \ __________________
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | Winner of Match |
____________ | King of the Ring |
| Wrestler 5 |\ ___________ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \| Winner of | /
____________ /| Match |\ /
| Wrestler 6 |/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \ ___________ /
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \| Winner of |/
____________ /| Match |
| Wrestler 7 |\ ___________ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \| Winner of |/
____________ /| Match |
| Wrestler 8 |/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

Cage Match - Up to 2 players
-A one on one match wherein a cage is placed around the ring. To win,
you must climb out of the cage before your opponent does. No pinfall,
no knockout, and no giving up. To climb out of the cage, first go near
a side of the cage and while still walking towards it, press R1. You
will then start climbing up, to climb up faster, press all the
directional buttons as fast as you can. Press R1 to climb back down or
X to fall back down. To stop your opponent from climbing, press Circle
while walking towards the side of the cage he/she is trying to climb or
perform a kick/punch attack while facing the cage. Sometimes, your
opponent will resist the shaking of the cage and still continue
climbing up, either use a stronger attack (usually left+X or right+X is
stronger than just pressing X) or repeatedly strike the cage.

I Quit - Up to 2 players
-A normal one on one match except the only way to win is to have your
opponent give up. I'm not sure but I think you can knock him out to
score a win too.

Hardcore Match - Up to 2 players
-This mode rocks. No disqualifications, no holds barred, and you start
the match holding your wrestler's favorite weapon. You can't win by
having your opponent submit or knocked out, the only way to win is to
pin. You can pin him anywhere you want, whether it be in the ring, on
the mat, or in the boiler room. You can go to the back by performing
an Irish Whip (just press Circle without any directional buttons when
near your opponent) when your back is facing the place you want to go.
Doing so will throw your opponent into the place and you will follow.
The first one you must perform it on is the ramp, then the black
curtain, then whichever room's door you want to enter.

Special Guest Referee - Up to 3 players
-The newest feature in WWF Smackdown!, this mode is like a normal one
on one match wherein pinfalls, knockouts, and submissions can get you
the win. But the special thing is, a third player can be a special
guest referee! Which means when someone pins someone, he chooses if he
wants to count fast, slow, or not even count at all! He can also count
the wrestlers out when they're outside the ring and fighting on the
mat. He can even wrestle with the wrestlers if he wants to, but he
cannot disqualify anyone so the wrestlers can also smack him as much as
they want to. To perform a count, press L2 (one L2 = one count).

| Create A Superstar |
In this mode, you get to create your own wrestler. It isn't as good as
the one in WWF Attitude, since you don't get to customize your wrestler
head, you're just able to choose a head from the available created
ones. The same goes for body and legs. Although I don't know if this
will be changed, or some other stuff will be added to the final release
so I won't be putting anything here as of now. I don't want to repeat
everything again if something changes.

| Season |
There are two options in this mode, Season and Pre-Season. I haven't
tried pre-season yet, but I think you can only use created superstars
there coz I couldn't choose any available wrestler and I'm too damn
lazy to create my own. Info on it will come as soon as the game is
released. In season mode, you get to choose as many wrestlers as you
want to, then wrestle as them in PPVs and House Shows. The season mode
in the copy I have isn't really complete yet I think, coz I read
somewhere that I should be able to ambush, interfere, or do other stuff
to other wrestlers. Although I did see Mr. Ass ambush D'von Dudley in
the locker, I don't know how to do it myself. Well I guess we'll know
when the game is released.

More Stuff Soon to Come! Sorry it's our finals and I have to study...

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