Street Fighter Alpha 3

Street Fighter Alpha 3

14.10.2013 10:32:53
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for the Sony PlayStation (import)
by K. Megura

Unpublished work Copyright 1998-1999 Kao Megura

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be
reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be
altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice
appears in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional
purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides,
books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This
FAQ was created and is owned by me, Kao Megura .
All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically
mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where it is due.

The Street Fighter game series and the Final Fight series are (c)
Capcom of Japan and (c) Capcom of America.

This FAQ can be found at:
Kao Megura's Home Page (or)

I'd like to take a moment to condemn the following magazines: Game 13th,
for not getting my permission to use this FAQ in their magazine, and
Game Master, for the above and for not crediting me.

On that note, this will probably be the last update for a long while
(barring minor updates whenever interesting stuff pops up). There's
no real point in working on this when it's used by others to get rich.
Then again, just about everything that I wanted to stick in here has
been put in, so it's not like I'm leaving this thing unfinished.
Anyway, thanks for reading this, and enjoy the rest of the FAQ!


- Basic Commands
- Basic Abilities
- Adon
- Balrog
- Birdie
- Blanka
- Cammy
- Cody
- Chun-Li
- Dan Hibiki
- Dhalsim
- Edmond Honda
- Gen
- Gouki
- Guy
- Karin Kanzuki
- Ken Masters
- Nash
- Rainbow Mika (Mika Nanakawa)
- Rolento Schugerg
- Rose
- Ryu
- Sagat
- Sakura Kasugano
- Sodom
- Vega
- Zangief
- Dee Jay
- Fei Long
- Guile
- Juli
- Juni
- M. Bison
- Satsui no Hadou ni Mezameta Ryu
- Thunderhawk
- Extra M. Bison
- Shin Gouki
- Loading and Saving Data
- World Tour Mode
- Entry Mode
- Ability Information
- ISM Information
- Mode Information
- Charts A Plenty
- Boss Battle Chart
- Pre-Fight Animations
- Translations
- Revision History
- Special Thanks

Please note that this FAQ is for the Japanese, PlayStation version of
SFZ3. Some of it may not pertain to your version if you're playing the
(as of this writing, unreleased), PSX English version of SFZ3, or the
Japanese Saturn version of SFZ3. Also, I don't own a Pocket Station,
so there's no point in asking me about it since I wouldn't know myself.

There is a companion file to this FAQ, the SFA3 Arcade FAQ, which can
also be found at the sites listed above. Since this FAQ is for an
import game, the Japanese notation and names are used, unlike the
arcade FAQ. However, this FAQ is more complete than that one as of
v2.0 (owning the game does that to a guide you write ^_^;) Perhaps I'll
get around to updating the arcade FAQ someday.



This section outlines the basic controls for all characters:

(controller directions and results)

ub u uf Jump Up-Back Jump Up Jump Up-Forward
\ | /
b -- n -- f Walk Back / Block Neutral Walk Forward
/ | \
db d df Crouch / Low Block Crouch Offensive Crouch

(button layout and effect)

LP MP HP Light Punch Medium Punch Hard Punch

LK MK HK Light Kick Medium Kick Hard Kick

(FAQ abbreviations)

qcf / qcb - Press (d,df,f) or (d,db,b) on the control pad.
hcf / hcb - Press (b,db,d,df,f) or (f,df,d,db,b) on the control pad.
Rotate 360 - Rotate the control pad in a complete circle. You can
start and end the circle at any point (i.e. start at uf
and end at uf, or b to b, etc.) The shorthand motion for
this is f,df,d,db,b,ub or the reverse.
Rotate 720 - Perform the 360 motion twice (two full rotations).
PP / PPP - Press any two / all three Punch buttons.
KK / KKK - Press any two / all three Kick buttons.
(air) - The move can be performed while on the ground, or while
in the air (during a jump or after an air recovery).
x~x - All possible ranges are allowed (for example, ub through
uf, or MK through HP).
xav / XAV - You can cancel the move into a special in the listed
ISM (lowercase), or into a Super Combo (uppercase).
xav1 - The attack is only interruptable on the first hit.
xavB - The attack is interruptable on both hits.
ZC / AC - Zero Counter (in SFZ) / Alpha Counter (in SFA)
OC / CC - Original Combo (in SFZ) / Custom Combo (in SFA)
SC - Super Combo

BTW, a side note on the PSX controller--it sucks ;) You can alleviate
this somewhat by going under Key Config. and changing the command time
to "Long" (Arcade gives you less time than normal, if you have a stick
and want to mimic the arcade feel). Doing so gives you more time to
input your commands. Also, for those of you who, like me, can't do
the Somersault Justice-type moves for all the money in the world, try
charging db,uf,b,ub + K, it seems to work a lot better for me, weird
as it seems. Remember, though, that technically, you can charge in
any similar direction for a charge move. For example:

- You can do a Sonic Boom as (charge ub~db,uf~df + P).
- You could do a Somersault Shell as (charge db~df,ub~uf + K).
- And of course, you could do the Somersault Justice as
(charge db,uf~df,ub~db,ub~uf + K).

Of course, this is all theoretical (charging db,f,b,u for a Hazan
Tenshou Kyaku would be pretty difficult) ^_^;


This section explains the basic moves of each character. Remember
that the ISM (and mode, if one is used), affects which basic abilities
a person will be able to use.


Block Hold b / db (air)
Ground Recovery Press (f) + KK when knocked down
Air Recovery Press (b / d) + PP when knocked into the air
Taunt Press (b / f) + Select
Throw When close, b / f + PP / KK (air)
Tech. Hit When thrown, press f + PP / KK *
Damage Reduction Any direction + P / K while you're getting hit
Guard Protection Press b / db to block just prior to an attack
Counter Hit Hit someone as they're attacking you
Zero Counter While blocking, f + same P + K (ground only)
Original Combo Press the same strength P + K (air)
Reversal Perform a special move as you get off the floor
Doujioshi SP See the section below

* Despite popular belief, you can still Tech. Hit in X-ISM.


Characters are listed in alphabetical order. Each move list is divided
into three sections: ground and air throws, special moves and command
attacks, and then Super Combos and Level 3 Super Combos. If I don't
have the offical Capcom name for a move, the name is written in
lowercase, in parenthesis.

To the far left of the move list, you may see the letters X, Z, or V.
These letters indicate that the move is available only when using

Afterwards is information on each character's Zero Counters and a list
of cancellable attacks (so you know what moves can be used in combos,


XZV Jaguar Carry b / f + PP
XZV Jaguar Slam b / f + KK
XZV Jaguar Stab Any direction but u / d + PP (air)
XZV Jaguar Throw Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Rising Jaguar f,d,df + K
ZV Jaguar Kick b,d,db + K
X Jaguar Kick In air, press K
XZV Jaguar Tooth hcb + K
XZV Jaguar Crunch f + MP

Z Jaguar Revolver qcf,qcf + K
XZ Jaguar Varied Assault qcf,d,df + P
XZ Jaguar Thousand Tap P during Jaguar Varied Assault
XZ Jaguar Assassin Tap K during Jaguar Varied Assault

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): HK Rising Jaguar
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Jaguar Assassin
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv

- In X-ISM, Adon's Jaguar Kicks are performed just like a normal jump
kick. Not only does the button used determine the strength and
angle of the Jaguar Kick, but whether you're jumping back, forward,
or straight up also affects the range of this move.
- The Jaguar Crunch is an overhead attack.
- In Z-ISM, you can only use the Jaguar Thousand or Jaguar Assassin
if you perform the Jaguar Varied Assault at Level 3.


XZV Rainbow Suplex b / f + PP
XZV Stardust Drop Any direction but u / d + PP (air)
XZV Crescent Line Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Rolling Crystal Flash Charge b,f + P
V Scarlet Terror Charge db,f + K
XZV Sky High Claw Charge d,ub~uf + P
XZV Flying Barcelona Attack Charge d,ub~uf + K, b / f + P
XZV Izuna Drop Charge d,ub~uf + K, b / f, dir. + P
XZV Kabe Hari Tsuki Charge d,ub~uf + KKK
XZV Backslash Press PPP
XZV Short Backslash Press KKK
XZV Cosmic Smart f + HK
XZV Sankaku Tobi Jump against a wall, press f

XZ Rolling... Charge db,df,db,ub~uf + K, then...
XZ ...Barcelona Attack Move b / f, press P when close
XZ ...Izuna Drop Move b / f, any dir. + P when close
XZ Hari Tsuki Rolling... Charge db,df,db,ub~uf + KKK, then...
XZ ...Barcelona Attack Move b / f, press P when close
XZ ...Izuna Drop Move b / f, any dir. + P when close
Z Scarlet Mirage Charge b,f,b,f + K
Z Red Impact Charge b,f,b,f + P at Level 3

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Standing Claw Swipe
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a n/a* n/a n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv

* In X-ISM, this is a close attack (it still isn't cancellable,

- Either Backslash move can be used to avoid projectiles or physical
- When playing on Balrog's stage (the one with the fence in the
background), you can cling to the fence instead of the walls by
performing the Kabe Hari Tsuki. After grabbing the fence, Balrog
will automatically position himself before jumping, at which point
you can use either the Flying Barcelona Attack or Izuna Drop. The
same can be done using the Kabe Hari Tsuki Rolling SC, which you can
follow with either of his 'Rolling...' SC attacks.
- Balrog will lose his claw or his mask if he blocks or gets hit by
too many attacks. You can re-equip either item by walking over it.
You must have your claw in order to perform the Red Impact, otherwise
nothing will happen when you input the command. Otherwise, losing
either item does not affect your offense or defense. Interestingly
enough, even if you have both the mask and claw equipped, Balrog's OC
and SC shadows will still be unmasked and unarmed.
- When you use any of Balrog's vertical charge moves, ending them with
ub makes him go to the wall behind him, while uf makes him go to the
wall in front of him. Just using charge d,u makes him go to whatever
wall is closest.


XZV Bull Spike b / f + PP
XZV Bad Throw b / f + KK
XZV Bad Scrap Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Bull Head Charge b,f + P
XZV Bull Horn Hold and release PP / KK
XZV Murderer Chain Rotate 360 + P
XZV Bandit Chain Rotate 360 + K
XZV Body Slam Jump, d + HP
XZV Bull Drop f + HK
X Bad Hammer Get 2 hits w/ close stand HP, hold u

XZ The Birdie Charge b,f,b,f + P
Z Bull Revenger qcf,d,df + P / K

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): LP Bullhead
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Standing Heel Kick
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + HP

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv* xzv

* This move can be cancelled into specials on the first hit only
(or either hit, for V-ISM). However, in X- or Z-ISM, the
second hit can also be cancelled into a Super Combo.

- The longer you charge the Bull Horn, the more damage it does, as
shown below:

Time that move is charged Result

0 - 2 seconds Level 1
3 seconds Level 2
4 - 6 seconds Level 3
7 - 12 seconds Level 4
13+ seconds Final

The times are listed in real-life seconds, not game timer ticks. No
matter what speed setting you use, you still have to hold down PP for
the number of seconds listed. While charging this move results in
more hits (1 at Level 1, up to 5 at Final). Obviously, this means
more damage as well.
- Yes, you can charge the Bull Horn before the round begins--you can
charge it all the way up to Final if you do so during a mid-boss
- When charging, you don't have to release both PP and KK; you can still
hold down one while releasing the other. There's no real point to
this normally, although you can then start another Bull Horn charge by
pressing and holding another button of the same type (Punch or Kick).
- However, there is a trick you can do with this. If you hold down five
buttons (PP + KKK, or whatever you like), you can release them one at
a time for three Bull Horn attacks (releasing the remaining two
buttons has no effect). You can get four Bull Horns by holding down
all six buttons, then releasing them one at a time (again, the last
two buttons held have no effect if released).
- You can even press the other buttons later on (such as holding PP,
then later adding PKK for the triple Bull Horn charge), to add more
variety to the Bullheads (as they grow in power over time). Just keep
in mind that those two unused buttons have to be a Punch and a Kick
button (i.e., if you were holding PPPKKK and released P, then P, then
K, then P, you'd get a Bull Head on the first three releases, but not
the last).
- The Bull Drop is an overhead attack.
- When you perform the Bull Revenger, using P makes Birdie hop a
short distance, while using K makes him leap across the screen.


XZV Wild Fang b / f + PP
XZV Jungle Slam Any direction but u / d + PP (air)
XZV Wild Shoot Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Electric Thunder Tap P rapidly
XZV Rolling Attack Charge b,f + P
XZV Backstep Rolling Charge b,f + K
XZV Vertical Rolling Charge d,u + K
XZV Surprise Forward KKK / f + KKK (u~f~d + KKK)
XZV Surprise Back b + KKK (ub~db + KKK)
XZ Rock Crush When close, b / f + MP
V Rock Crush b + MP
XZV Amazon River Run df + HP

XZ Ground Shave Rolling Charge b,f,b,f + P
Z Tropical Hazard Charge db,df,db,uf + K, tap P / K

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): HK Vertical Rolling
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + LP / LK / MK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable xzv n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv
- rock crush (xzv)

- If you keep holding down the button you used to perform the Ground
Shave Rolling, Blanka will spin in place. Should you release the
button, or after few seconds have passed, he'll perform the rest of
the move. If someone touches him after the initial jump (while he's
moving in place), he'll attack them with the rest of the move.
- During the Tropical Hazard, an opponent can be hit: while fruit is
falling, when Blanka dives at his opponent, or when any fruit is
knocked around by an attack. If you tap P or K while Blanka is on
the ceiling, more fruit will fall to the ground. Even after this
move ends, any watermelons that drop will remain on the floor, and
either character can hit a watermelon with an attack to send it
flying forward. Anyone who is hit takes minor damage. And yes, you
can attack a watermelon more than once, for precision aiming ;)


XZV Hooligan Suplex b / f + PP
XZV Frankensteiner b / f + KK
XZV Flying Neck Hunt Any direction but u / d + PP (air)
XZV Air Frankensteiner Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Spiral Arrow qcf + K
XZV Cannon Spike f,d,df + K
V Cannon Strike Jump forward, qcb + K
V Cannon Revenge qcb + P
XZ Axle Spin Knuckle hcb + P
XZV Hooligan Combination hcf,uf + P (press K to cancel)
XZV Razor Edge Slicer Do nothing after after H.C.
XZV Fatal Leg Twister b / f + K when close after H.C.
XZV Cross Scissor Pressure b / f + K when close after H.C.

XZ Spin Drive Smasher qcf,d,df + K
Z Reverse Shaft Breaker qcb,d,db + K, tap P / K rapidly
Z Killer Bee Assault Charge db,df,db,uf + K at Level 3

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Standing Far HP
Zero Counter (V-ISM): HK Cannon Spike
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + P / K

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable xzv xzv xzv xzv xzv
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv xzv

- After you begin the Hooligan Combination, doing nothing will result
in the Razor Edge Slicer. If you press b / f + K when Cammy is
higher than her opponent's midsection or if they are crouching,
she'll perform the Fatal Leg Twister. If you press b / f + K when
Cammy is lower than her opponent's midsection, or if her enemy is
in the air, she'll use the Cross Scissor Pressure. Alternately,
you can press K while in the air to cancel the Hooligan Combination
and land on your feet.
- The Cannon Revenge is a counterattack that is similar to Sodom's
Shiraha Catch--it works against jump-in attacks and overheads.
Cammy will use a Cannon Spike (if LK is used), a close HP, then a
far HP (if MP is used), or a crouching HK, then a close HK (if
HP is used). This move is not very easy to connect with (especially
the HP version, which I've pulled off only twice!) so remember that
it's not a very reliable defense.
- When you perform the Killer Bee Assault, the direction you finish
with (charge db,df,db,ub~uf + K), depends where Cammy leaps. If
you finish with ub, Cammy leaps up and backwards. Finishing with
u makes her go straigt up, and finishing with uf makes her jump
up-forward before attacking.


XZV Koshuu Tou b / f + PP
XZV Ryuusei Raku Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

ZV Kikou Ken hcf + P
ZV Sen'en Shuu hcb + K
XZV Hyakuretsu Kyaku Tap K rapidly
ZV Tenshou Kyaku Charge d,u + K
X Tenshou Kyaku Charge d,u + K (reversal only)
X Sou Hakkei Charge b,f + P
X Spinning Bird Kick Charge b,f + K (air)
XZV Kouhou Kaiten Kyaku df + MK
XZV Kaku Kyaku Raku df + HK
XZV Yousou Kyaku In air, d + MK
XZV Sankaku Tobi Jump against a wall, press f

Z Kikou Shou qcf,qcf + P
XZ Senretsu Kyaku Charge b,f,b,f + K
Z Hazan Tenshou Kyaku Charge db,df,db,uf + K

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): HP Sou Hakkei
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching MK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MK / HK / HP

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a n/a xzv n/a xzv
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv

- In X-ISM, Chun-Li appears in her SF2 outfit.
- The Sen'en Shuu and Kaku Kyaku Raku are overhead attacks.
- You can use the Yousou Kyaku multiple times while airborne.


XZV Prisoner Throw b / f + PP
XZV Bad Stamp b / f + KK
XZV Guilty Stamp Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Bad Stone qcf + P (hold P to delay)
ZV Fake Throw qcf + Select (hold Select to delay)
XZV Ruffian Kick qcf + K
XZV Criminal Upper qcb + P
XZV Bad Spray b,db,d + P (reversal only)
XZV Tokushu Koudou: Knife Hiroi d + PP when near a knife
XZV Tokushu Koudou: Knife Kougeki When armed, press P (air)
XZV Tokushu Koudou: Knife Nage When armed, qcf + P
XZV Stomach Blow f + MP
XZV Crack Kick f + HK
V Yoke Hold b / db when attacked

XZ Final Destruction qcf,qcf + P
Z Dead End Irony qcf,qcf + K

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Shoulder Throw
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xz xz xz xz
- crouching xz xz xz xz
- armed with knife xzv xzv*

* When armed with the knife, all of Cody's punches cancel except
for HP, whether he is standing or crouching.

- An enemy hit by the Bad Stone is momentarily stunned. Up close,
you can follow up with an LP or LK, but from a distance, Cody
will finish the move while his opponent is being stunned, and
you can then perform moves like the Ruffian Kick, Z-ISM Final
Destruction, or Dead End Irony, and that move will combo. Note
that you _can_ deflect this move with a well-timed punch or kick,
but due to the trajectory of the flying stones, it's pretty difficult.
- The Bad Spray doesn't do much damage, but an opponent hit by it will
end up rolling all the way across the screen.
- When you pick up a knife using the Knife Hiroi, there's a momentary
delay. You can cancel the delay by pressing P though, which makes
Cody attack with the knife (useful against opponents who try to hit
you when you grab the knife).
- When Cody is armed with a knife:
* Any Punch attack does more damage and even does block damage.
It also does more guard crush damage to a blocking opponent.
* His Bad Stone attack is replaced by the Knife Nage, and the
Fake Throw move is done using his knife (you can't delay this
move when you have the knife). He's unable to use the Stomach
Blow, either.
* Just like the Bad Stone, you can deflect a thrown knife with a well
placed attack (just like with Rolento's Stinger). On the plus side,
the knife is thrown high enough to go over most projectiles, so you
can hit someone with it even if a fireball is heading your way.
Then again, you'll still have to do something about that fireball
before it hits you ;)
* Cody will lose his knife if he is hit, if he taunts, performs a
throw, uses his Z-ISM Zero Counter, or uses the Final Destruction.
- Cody's V-ISM move, the Yoke, is a sort of "auto-dodge" technique.
Instead of blocking, Cody shifts to the side and the attack passes
harmlessly through him. This sort of defense doesn't work against
all attacks, including jump-ins, extremely high or low attacks,
and certain special moves, and it can't be used in the air.
- During the X-ISM Final Destruction, you can move around freely and
tap P or K when close for an auto-combo. In the air, pressing any
button results in a jump kick. Crouching, Cody performs a single
punch attack. Just like in the original Final Fight, you can throw
someone while auto-comboing them: in this game, just press d + P / K
after Cody does the 3rd hit of the auto-combo (the Stomach Blow).
This SC ends after a certain amount of time, or if you are hit.
- The best way I've found so far to get the most hit out of the X-ISM
Final Destruction is to get your opponent in a corner, start the SC,
juggle them with a jumping attack, then keep tapping any button until
Cody does the Stomach Blow. When he does, do a crouching punch,
stand, and repeat. The only really tricky part is making sure you
do a crouch punch after the Stomach Blow, since it'll come out
after the 2nd hit sometimes, instead of coming out on the 3rd hit.
- Another good thing about the X-ISM Final Destruction is his jumping
Crack Kick--the range is great, and it's even possible to juggle
your opponent with it three times across the screen, then juggle them
in the corner with the punches. Ow!
- Cody's taunt makes him invincible to everything but low attacks; this
is really useful in V-ISM since you can't block during an Original
Combo. On the other hand, it doesn't work in a Cody vs. Cody match.


XZV Seoi Nage b / f + PP
XZV Otoko Nage Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Gadou Ken qcf + P
XZV Kouryuu Ken f,d,df + P
XZV Dankuu Kyaku qcb + K
ZV Kuuchuu Dankuu Kyaku In air, qcb + K
XZV Zenten Chouhatsu qcf + Select
XZV Kouten Chouhatsu qcb + Select
V Saikyou-ryuu Bougyo Block b / db, then f + PPP (air)
XZV Shagami Chouhatsu Press Select while crouching
XZV Kuuchuu Chouhatsu Press Select while in air

Z Shin Kuu Gadou Ken qcf,qcf + P
XZ Hisshou Burai Ken qcb,qcb + K
Z Kouryuu Rekka qcf,d,df + K
Z Chouhatsu Densetsu qcf,qcf + Select
Z Chouhatsu Shinwa qcb,qcb + Select at Level 3
Z Zenten / Kouten Chouhatsu db / df + P / K during C. Shinwa

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Chouhatsu (standing taunt)
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv xzv xzv

- There is a 1-in-8 chance that you'll flash during the Kouryuu Ken.
If you do, you become invincible during that time.
- Using the Saikyou-ryuu Bougyo will push an enemy across the screen.
You can combine this move with a Guard Protected block if someone
comes at you with an attack and you block it just as it reaches you.
- Dan gains a small amount of energy from his standing, crouching,
and rolling taunts.
- In X-ISM, Dan's taunts gain the ability to hit an opponent for
minor damage, depending on the situation:
* His standing taunt hits someone in the air, and will hit if
your opponent is attacking (it becomes a Counter Hit). It
will also hit exceptionally tall characters, like T. Hawk.
* His crouching taunt will hit someone who is standing or
crouching. If they are jumping and are low to the ground,
it will also hit.
* Dan's jumping taunt seems to work best if Dan jumps up
underneath his opponent (who must also be in the air). Size is
also a factor (it's easy to hit T. Hawk, but much harder to hit
Chun-Li consistently).
* His rolling taunts will hit someone in the air, or a standing
opponent if you cross them up (i.e., Dan rolls underneath them,
stands up on the other side, and taunts).
- During the Chouhatsu Shinwa, you can move around freely. Pressing
any button makes Dan taunt, while pressing the Select button makes
him do a special taunt. You can also perform the jumping, crouching
or rolling taunts (using db / df + a button) during this move, but
you must do them with P or K and you won't gain energy from Dan
taunting. Furthermore, all of Dan's taunts can be cancelled into
anything (i.e. you can jump during a roll taunt, cancel a standing
taunt into a crouching one, etc.) This move ends after a certain
period of time or when Dan is hit.


XZV Yoga Smash b / f + PP
XZV Yoga Throw b / f + KK
XZV Yoga Trip Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Yoga Fire qcf + P
XZV Yoga Flame hcb + P (hcf + P in X-ISM)
XZV Yoga Blast hcb + K (hcf + K in X-ISM)
ZV Yoga Escape b,db,d + K (reversal only)
X Yoga Teleport f,d,df / b,d,db + PPP / KKK
ZV Yoga Teleport f,d,df / b,d,db + PPP / KKK (air)
Z Yoga Shock b + LP, hold LP until you attack
ZV Yoga Palm f + LP
XZV Drill Zutsuki In air, d + HP
XZV Drill Kick In air, d + K
ZV Kuuchuu Chouhatsu In air, press Select

X Yoga Tempest hcf,hcf + P
Z Yoga Inferno qcf,d,df + P
Z Yoga Strike qcf,d,df + K
Z Yoga Stream qcb,qcb + P

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Close Standing MP
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Far Crouching HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- standing close x x x1 x x x
- standing far x
- crouching close x x x x x
- crouching far x

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- standing netural z z z1
- stand b + P / K z
- crouching neutral z z
- crouch db + P / K z

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- standing neutral v v v1 v v v
- stand b + P / K v v v
- crouching neutral v v v v v
- crouch db + P / K v

- Normally, Dhalsim's limbs stretch out quite far. However, you
can make them shorter by holding b or db when pressing Punch or
Kick. This even works while airborne. In X-ISM, you can't
control his limbs, however, they'll automatically become shorter
when you attack from up close.
- The Yoga Shock is an overhead attack, but only if you wait until
Dhalsim attacks.
- The Yoga Stream hits low and must be crouch-blocked.
- If you play a Dhalsim vs. Dhalsim match, both wives will appear in
the background. Freaky!


XZV Tawara Nage b / f + PP
XZV Saba Ori b / f + KK
XZV Tsuriyane Nage Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Hyakuretsu Harite Tap P rapidly
XZV Super Zutsuki Charge b,f + P
XZV Super Hyakkan Otoshi Charge d,u + K
XZV Ooichou Nage Rotate 360 + P
XZV Flying Sumo Press Jump, press MK (d + MK in X-ISM)
XZV Hiza-geri f + MK (b / f + MK in X-ISM)
XZV Harai-geri f + HK (b / f + HK in X-ISM)

XZ Oni Musou Charge b,f,b,f + P
Z Fuji Oroshi Charge b,f,b,f + K
Z Orochi Kudaki Rotate 720 + P at Level 3

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Standing HP
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK

Cancellable Attacks:
- Only his crouching LK is cancellable (in any ISM).

- Honda won't continue the rest of the Fuji Oroshi if the initial
headbutt-and-toss part is blocked. If it isn't, he finishes the
move with a multi-hit Super Hyakkan Otoshi.


ZV Ansatsu Ken: Sou-ryuu Press PPP at any time (air)
XZV Juraku b / f + PP
XZV Houzen b / f + KK
XZV Shuuga Any direction but u / d + KK (air)
XZV Hyakurenkou Tap P rapidly
XZV Gekirou f,d,df + K, tap K (see notes)
XZ Zan'ei qcf,qcf + P
Z Shitenshuu qcb,qcb + P

ZV Ansatsu Ken: Ki-ryuu Press KKK at any time (air)
XZV Juraku b / f + PP
XZV Houzen b / f + KK
XZV Shuuga Any direction but u / d + KK (air)
XZV Jasen Charge b,f + P
ZV Ouga Charge d,ub~uf + K
XZV Kyoutetsu Press MP
XZV Onkyou Press HP
ZV Kirou d + HP
ZV Satsu Jin d + LK
XZV Saizu Jump over someone, press MK
ZV Uken -> Shakudan In air, quickly press HK twice
Z Kouga In air, qcb,qcb + K
Z Jakouha qcf,d,df + K

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Sou-ryuu: HK Gekirou
Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Sou-ryuu: Advancing Shakudan
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Ki-ryuu: Palm Thrust
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Ki-ryuu: Sou-ryuu Standing HP

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close: X-ISM x x x1 X n/a
- far: X-ISM x x
- crouching: X-ISM x x x x*
- standing Sou-ryuu zv zv zv1 zv zv
- standing Ki-ryuu zv Zv Zv
- crouching Sou-ryuu zv zv zv zv
- crouching Ki-ryuu zv zv zv Zv

* This move must hit if you want to cancel it into the Zan'ei.
However, if you want to cancel it into a special move, you must
do so _before_ it hits.

- Gen has two different "styles" of play he can use by pressing PPP
or KKK. Once you've changed into a certain style, you can only
use the moves in that style (for example, in Sou-ryuu style, you
could use the Shitenshuu but not the Ouga). Gen normally starts
in his PPP style, but if you switch to his KKK style, he'll
remain in it for the rest of the game. You can switch Gen's
styles at any time, while jumping, blocking, attacking, when
knocked down, while dizzy, and so on.
- In X-ISM Gen cannot change styles. He instead uses a mishmash
of moves taken from both style instead. He cannot chain combo
and has his fast Ki-ryuu style jump. Also, his normal attacks
change depending on whether he is close or far from his opponent,
unlike in Z-ISM or V-ISM.
- In his Sou-ryuu style, Gen can chain together his normal attacks.
The sequence is pretty loose--the only real restriction is that
you can't chain a stronger attack into a weaker one (like HP into
LK). Otherwise, just about anything is possible.
- During the Geki Rou, you need to tap the Kick button as your
opponent goes higher and higher into the air if you want to get the
full hits (you'll know if you did this correctly because he'll
finish with a kick that knocks your foe away).
- If hit by a Shitenshuu, a timer will appear over the head of Gen's
opponent and count down. When it reaches zero, Gen's foe falls to
the ground and is dizzied. You can increase the timer speed by
hitting your foe with multiple Shitenshuus, but your opponent can
stop the timer by hitting you with an attack. Note that your
opponent is damaged during the intitial hits, each time the counter
goes down by one, and when it hits zero and he / she is dizzied.
The higher level you use, the more damage the Shitenshuu does during
the intial hits and for each timer countdown.
- During the Ouga, you can:
* Direct your initial leap left or right by charging d,ub / uf
instead of charging d,u (which always takes you to the wall
behind you).
* Do nothing when you touch a wall for a jump kick
* Press b when you touch a wall to abort the move
* Press f when you touch a wall for a long kick toward your foe
* Press u when you touch a wall to move to the ceiling
+ Do nothing when you touch the ceiling to do a head stomp
+ Press ub~uf when on the ceiling to abort the move and drop
in either direction
+ Press b / f when on the ceiling to use a dive kick in either
- The Kyoutetsu is an overhead attack.
- The Onkyou hits low and must be crouch-blocked.
- The Kirou causes huge amounts of damage if it hits someone who is in
the middle of an attack (3.5-4.0 times more damage). However, if you
are hit out of it, you may take lots of damage yourself. The move
also has a considerable delay.
- The Satsu Jin will knock an opponent up into the air. You can
follow it with a Jakouha or jump after them with the attack of
your choice. If you use the Uken, they can't flip out afterwards.
- Gen's jumping Ki-ryuu MK (the Saizu), works best as a cross-up
- During the Kouga you can:
* Press LK for a jump kick off the left wall,
+ Then, press MK or do nothing instead for a long kick towards
your enemy.
+ Or, press HK instead for a higher, faster long kick.
* Press MK for a head stomp off the ceiling,
+ Then press LK instead to dive left.
+ Or, press HK instead to dive right.
* Press HK for a jump kick off the right wall,
+ Then, press MK or do nothing instead for a long kick towards
your enemy.
+ Or, press LK for a higher, faster long kick.
If you do nothing, Gen will just keep jumping off opposite walls
and kicking. Gen can perform one extra attack per level.
- It's easy to accidentally tap a button too much so that if you "do
nothing" after using LK or HK to go to a wall, you'll end up doing
the following LK or HK move instead. To prevent this, pressing MK
has the same effect as "doing nothing".


XZV Seoi Nage b / f + PP
XZV Tomoe Nage b / f + KK
XZV Jigoku-guruma Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Gou Hadou Ken qcf + P
XZV Zankuu Hadou Ken In air, qcf + P
XZV Shakunetsu Hadou Ken hcb + P
XZV Gou Shouryuu Ken f,d,df + P
XZV Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku qcb + K (air)
ZV Zenpou Tenshin qcb + P
XZV Ashura Senkuu f,d,df / b,d,db + PPP / KKK
ZV Hyakki Shuu qcf,uf + P
ZV Hyakki Gou Zan qcf,uf + P, then do nothing
ZV Hyakki Gou Shou qcf,uf + P, press P
ZV Hyakki Gou Sen qcf,uf + P, press K
ZV Hyakki Gou Sai qcf,uf + P, press P when close
ZV Hyakki Gou Tsui qcf,uf + P, press K when close
XZV Tenma Kuujin Kyaku Jump forward, d + MK at apex
XZV Zugai Hasatsu f + MP
XZV Senpuu Kyaku f + MK

Z Messatsu Gou Hadou hcb,hcb + P
Z Messatsu Gou Shouryuu qcf,d,df + P
Z Tenma Gou Zankuu In air, qcf,d,df + P
XZ Shun Goku Satsu LP,LP,f,LK,HP

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): HP Gou Shouryuuken
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MP / MK / HP / HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a xzv xzv n/a xzv
- standing (far) xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv xzv xzv

- The Zugai Hasatsu is an overhead attack.
- In Z-ISM, you can only use the Shun Goku Satsu at Level 3.


XZV Seoi Nage b / f + PP
XZV Tsukami Nage b / f + KK
XZV Izuna Otoshi Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Bushin Izuna Otoshi qcf + P,P when close
XZV Izuna no Hiji Otoshi qcf + P,P when far
XZV Houzantou qcb + P
XZV Bushin Senpuu Kyaku qcb + K
XZV Hayagake qcf + K
XZV Hayagake: Kyuuteishi qcf + LK,K
XZV Hayagake: Kage Sukui qcf + MK,K
XZV Hayagake: Kubikari qcf + HK,K
XZV Hiji Otoshi In air, d + MP
XZV Kubi Kudaki f + MP
XZV Kamaitachi df + HK
XZV Bushin Gokusa Ken When close, tap LP,MP,HP,HK
X Bushin-ryuu Seoi Nage When close, tap LP,MP,HP, d + HK
XZV Bushin-ryuu Seoi Nage f + MP / HP during Tsukami Nage
XZV Sankaku Tobi Jump against a wall, press f

Z Bushin Hassou Ken qcf,d,df + P
Z Bushin Gourai Kyaku qcf,d,df + K
XZ Bushin Musou Renge hcb,hcb + P

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Crouching HP
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching MK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MP / HK / MK / HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a xzv xzv xzv xzv
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv

- The Kubi Kudaki and Hayagake: Kubikari are overhead attacks.
- The Hayagake: Kage Sukui hits low and must be crouch-blocked.
- In Z-ISM, you can only use the Bushin Musou Renge at Level 3.


XZV Yashiro Kuzushi b / f + PP
XZV Homura-geri b / f + KK
XZV Abise Yashiro Kuzushi (front) Any direction but u / d + PP (air)
XZV Abise Yashiro Kuzushi (back) Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Guren Ken qcf + P,P
XZV Hou Shou f,d,df + P
XZV Mujin Kyaku f,d,df + K
XZV Ressen Chou b,d,db + P
XZV Ressen Chouchuu Press P during Ressen Chou
XZV Ressen Ha qcf,uf + K
XZV Yasha Gaeshi (Joudan) qcb + P
XZV Yasha Gaeshi (Gedan) qcb + K
XZV Arakuma Inashi Rotate 360 + K
XZV Tsumuji-gari f + MK

XZ Kanzuki-ryuu Kou'ou Ken qcf,d,df + P
Z Kanzuki-ryuu Shinpikaibyaku qcf,d,df + K

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Standing HP
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv xzv*
- crouching xzv xzv xzv xzv

* Either part of this attack can be cancelled from.

- The Tsumuji-gari and Ressen Ha are overhead attacks.
- You can interrupt or follow the Guren Ken with another attack, as
shown below:

Guren Hou Shou f + P after 1st punch
Guren Hou Shou P after 2nd punch
Guren Mujin Kyaku K after 1st or 2nd punch
Guren Chouchuu df + P,P after 1st or 2nd punch
Guren Yasha (Joudan) b + P after 1st or 2nd punch
Guren Yasha (Gedan) b + K after 1st or 2nd punch
Guren Ressen Ha u + K after 1st or 2nd punch
Guren Kusabi d + K after 1st or 2nd punch

- For example, to perform the Guren Hou Shou, you'd input (qcf + P,P,P)
or (qcf + P, f + P). To use the Guren Kusabi, you'd input
(qcf + P, d + K) or (qcf + P,P, d + K). Note that the Guren Kusabi
hits low and must be crouch-blocked.
- The Yasha Gaeshi moves are used to reverse attacks. The Joudan
version works against high attacks and jumping attacks, while the
Gedan version works against low attacks and sweeps. While there
is some start-up lag to either version, you can attack somone
while they are getting hit by the counter, with a little timing.


XZV Jigoku-guruma b / f + PP
XZV Tsukami Nage b / f + KK
XZV Jigoku Fuusha Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Hadou Ken qcf + P
XZV Shouryuu Ken f,d,df + P
XZV Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku qcb + K (air)
ZV Zenpou Tenshin qcb + P
ZV Zentou qcf + Select
XZV Inazuma Kakato Wari f + MK
XZV Ushiro Mawashi-geri f + HK

XZ Shouryuu Reppa qcf,d,df + P
Z Shinryuu Ken qcf,d,df + K, tap P / K rapidly
Z Shippuujinrai Kyaku qcb,qcb + K at Level 3

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): HP Shouryuuken
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Standing HK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MP / MK / HP / HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a xz xz xz xzv* xzv
- standing (far) xz
- crouching xz xz xz xz xz

* In V-ISM, this move cancels on either hit. In X- or Z-ISM, you
can only cancel into special moves on the first hit; however,
you can cancel into a Super Combo on the first _or_ second hit.

- The Inazuma Kakato Wari is an overhead attack.


XZV Dragon Suplex b / f + PP
XZV Knee Gatling b / f + KK
XZV Flying Buster Drop Any direction but u / d + PP (air)
XZV Airjack Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Sonic Boom Charge b,f + P
XZV Somersault Shell Charge d,u + K
ZV Dash Tap f,f (or tap uf~df,uf~df)
ZV Knee Bazooka Press K during Dash
X Knee Bazooka b / f + LK
XZV Jump Sobat b / f + MK
XZV Step Kick b / f + HK
XZV Spin Back Knuckle Press HP

XZ Somersault Justice Charge db,df,db,uf + K
Z Sonic Break Charge b,f,b,f + P, tap P,(P),(P)
Z Crossfire Blitz Charge b,f,b,f + K

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Spin Back Knuckle
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MP / HP

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a xzv xzv n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv

- The Jump Sobat is no longer an overhead.
- You can throw an extra Sonic Boom per level during the Sonic Break.
So you can tap P once at Level 1, twice at Level 2, or thrice at
Level 3 (for four Sonic Booms in all). You don't have to throw
them all at once, but once a Sonic Boom leaves the screen, the move
is over, so don't delay for too long.

RAINBOW MIKA (Mika Nanakawa)

XZV German Suplex b / f + PP
XZV Brain Buster b / f + KK
XZV Headbutt db / df + PP
XZV Hip Buster Any direction but u / d + PP (air)
XZV Neck Breaker Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Flying Peach qcb + P
XZV Shooting Peach qcb + K
XZV Paradise Hold Rotate 360 + P
XZV Daydream Headlock Rotate 360 + K, tap P / K rapidly
XZV Wingless Airplane In air, hcb + K
XZV Flying Body Press Jump b / f, d + HP
XZV Knee Drop Jump b / f, d + LK
ZV Rainbow Sobat f + MK (b / f + MK in X-ISM)
XZV Sliding d + HK

Z Heavenly Dyanamite Rotate 720 + P, tap P / K rapidly
Z Rainbow Hip Rush qcf,d,df + P
XZ Sardine's Beach Special qcf,d,df + K
XZ Hashiru Move b / f after S.B.S.
XZ Dageki: J. Ocean Drop Kick Press LP during Hashiru
XZ Dageki: Mika Sliding Press MP during Hashiru
XZ Dageki: Mika Lariat Press HP during Hashiru
XZ Tobikoshi Press K during Hashiru
XZ Tobikoshi Run into your enemy during Hashiru
XZ Haigotori Tap P / K during Tobikoshi, then...
XZ Moonsault Press Press P or do nothing after Dageki
XZ Missile Kick Press K after Dageki
XZ Paradise Hold Press b / f + P after Dageki
XZ Paradise Hold Hold b / f after Dageki
XZ Wingless Airplane Press b / f + K after Dageki
XZ Enzui Lariat Press P after Haigotori
XZ Enzui Drop Kick Press K after Haigotori
XZ Rainbow Suplex Press b / f + P after Haigotori
XZ Daydream Headlock Press b / f + K after Haigotori

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Crouching HP
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching MK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable xzv XZv xzv
- standing (far)
- crouching xzv xzv xzv

- Mika's crouching HP knocks her opponent really high into the air.
For that reason, you can follow it with just about anything, and
in the corner, _everything_ (short of a 360 / 720 throw). Of
course, this only works if your opponent doesn't flip out, though.
- Regarding the "hit area" on the Paradise Hold, it will only
connect when Mika's legs are up in the air (this occurs shortly
after the move begins). Anything preceeding / following that
won't connect.
- The Flying Peach has lag at the beginning, while the Shooting
Peach has lag at the end. You'll have to mix them up in order
to use them successfully against a smart opponent.
- If you're caught in the Heavenly Dynamite, you can mash the buttons
and the d-pad to try and escape. However, if your opponent is
rapping on his / her buttons to increase the hits, it'll also make
it harder for you to break free.
- Using the Sardine's Beach Special is a little confusing, but it gets
easier with practice. Below is a step-by-step guide for using this
Super Combo:

1. Perform the Super Combo by inputting qcf,d,df + K.

2. Move back or forth by hold b / f.

3. While moving, press P for an attack (Dageki), or K for a
head spring jump (Tobikoshi). You can also perform the
Tobikoshi automatically simply by running into your enemy.

4a. If you hit your opponent with a Dageki Attack, Mika will jump
atop a wrestling ring post. From there, perform one of the
available finishers:

- Do nothing or press P while on the ring post.
- Press K while on the ring post.
- Press b / f (or b / f + P) while on the ring post.
- Press b / f + K while on the ring post.

4b. If you managed to connect with the Tobikoshi, tap P or K
when Mika starts to leap, otherwise she'll go too high up.

5. After she lands behind her opponent, perform one of the
available finishers:

- Press P while behind your opponent.
- Press K while behind your opponent.
- Press b / f + P while behind your opponent.
- Press b / f + K while behind your opponent.

- Regarding the Dageki finishers, note that if your opponent is in
the corner, Mika will always do the Moonsault Press. Also, most
of the Dageki moves will not combo unless you do them off the HP
Dageki (the Mika Lariat). This means that in some cases, a
finisher will not hit, or your opponent may even be able to recover
in time to avoid the attack or hit you out of it!
- Regarding the Tobikoshi; it's possible to flip back to your
opponent's front (so you are still facing them), and do one of the
four finishers anyway.


XZV Colonel Carrier b / f + PP
XZV Deadly Package b / f + KK
XZV Fatality Package Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Patriot Circle qcf + P (perform 3 times)
XZV Stinger f,d,df + K, then press P / K
XZV Mekong Delta Attack Press PPP, then P when you land
XZV Mekong Delta Air Raid qcb + P, then press P
XZV Mekong Delta Escape qcb + K, then do any attack
XZV Trick Landing Just before you land, (b / f) + KKK
ZV High Jump Tap db~df,ub~uf
XZV Spike Rod In air, d + MK (can repeat)
XZV Fake Rod f + MK

XZV Take No Prisoner qcf,qcf + P
Z Steel Rain qcf,qcf + K
Z Mine Sweeper qcb,qcb + P

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Patriot Circle (final input)
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Forward Leap (does no damage)
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a n/a xzv n/a xzv n/a
- standing (far) xzv v xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv

- Rolento's Stinger knives can be destroyed if they are hit with
an attack (any attack will work, whether it's a standing LK or
a fireball, etc.) You have to time it right, though, or else
you'll take the hit.
- The Spike Rod can be used repeatedly to keep Rolento bouncing.
It can be used during a jump or High Jump, but not during the
Mekong Delta Escape. Much like the Trick Landing, you can control
the direction in which you bounce by holding b~db or f~df right
after you input the command for the move (or if you use db / df,
during it). If you're doing this move repeatedly, then you can
even hop back and forth ;) Note that in X-ISM, this move doesn't
bounce at all.
- In X-ISM, Rolento won't bounce after the Spike Rod, but he can
use it during the Mekong Delta Escape as well as during jumps.
Speaking of which, his normal b / f jumps become High Jumps.


XZV Soul Drain b / f + PP
XZV Soul Fade Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Soul Spark hcf + P
XZV Soul Throw f,d,df + P
XZV Soul Reflect qcb + P
XZV Soul Spiral qcf + K
XZV Sliding df + MK
ZV Soul-piette f + HK

Z Aura Soul Spark qcb,qcb + P
XZ Aura Soul Throw qcf,d,df + P
Z Soul Illusion qcf,d,df + K

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Soul Collect (hop to other side)
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MP / MK / HP / HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a xzv xzv n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv xzv xzv

- If you absorb a projectile using the Soul Reflect (see below), then
the next Soul Spark you perform will do slightly higher damage if
it hits. This only works for one Soul Spark, though.
- In addition to causing damage, the Soul Reflect can also be used
against projectiles. The LP version absorbs a projectile, giving
Rose a small amount of SC power. The MP version reflects a
projectile directly forward. And the HP version reflects a
projectile at an up-forward angle. If Rolento's Stinger knives are
reflected, they go straight even if HP is used. And while Rose
cannot use the Soul Reflect against an SC projectile, Dan's Shin Kuu
Gadou Ken is an exception to this rule.
- Rose can reflect any SC projectile during the Level 3 Aura Soul
- During the Soul Illusion, Rose is trailed by illusions who add to
the number of hits that any of her attacks inflict. This move only
ends once a certain amount of time has passed; Rose can be hit
without having this SC end.


XZV Seoi Nage b / f + PP
XZV Tomoe Nage b / f + KK
XZV Kuuchuu Seoi Nage Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Hadou Ken qcf + P
ZV Hadou no Kamae qcf + Select
XZV Shakunetsu Hadou Ken hcf + P
XZV Shouryuu Ken f,d,df + P
XZV Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku qcb + K (air)
X V Seichuu Nidan Tsuki f + HP
XZV Sakotsu Wari f + MP
ZV Senpuu Kyaku f + MK
XZ Shinkuu Hadou Ken qcf,qcf + P
Z Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku qcb,qcb + K
Z Metsu Shouryuu Ken qcf,d,df + K at Level 3
Z Shin Shouryuu Ken Perform the M.S. from a distance

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): HP Shouryuuken
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + P / b + HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable xzv xzv xzv n/a n/a xB
- standing (far) xzv x
- crouching xzv xzv xzv xzv xzv

- The Sakotsu Wari is an overhead attack.
- To change the Metsu Shouryuu Ken into the Shin Shouryuu Ken, you have
to perform it from a bit ouside of Ryu's sweep range. If you got
the right distance, Ryu will hit with the very tip of his elbow and
do four hits total (and inflict a lot more damage, as well). Be
warned, though, it's really hard to do!


XZV Tiger Carry b / f + PP
XZV Tiger Rage b / f + KK
XZV Kuuchuu Tiger Carry Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Tiger Shot qcf + P
XZV Ground Tiger Shot qcf + K
X Tiger Uppercut f,d,df + P
ZV Tiger Blow f,d,df + P
ZV Tiger Crush f,d,df + K (qcf,uf + K in X-ISM)
ZV Fake Kick Quickly press MK twice

Z Tiger Cannon qcf,qcf + P
XZ Tiger Genocide qcf,d,df + K
Z Tiger Raid qcb,qcb + K
Z Angry Charge qcf + Select

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Standing Heel Kick
Zero Counter (V-ISM): HP Tiger Blow
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MP / HP

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a xzv xzv n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv1 xzv1
- crouching xzv xzv xzv x v

- After using the Angry Charge, the next Tiger Blow that you perform
will do increased damage if it hits. This only lasts for one use
of the Tiger Blow, though.


XZV Sakura-jime b / f + PP
XZV Sailor Shoot b / f + KK
XZV Sailor Fly Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Hadou Ken qcf + P,P,P
XZV Shou'ou Ken f,d,df + P
ZV Sakura Otoshi f,d,df + K, tap P,P,P
XZV Shunpuu Kyaku qcb + K (air)
XZV Flower Kick f + MK

XZ Midare-zakura qcf,d,df + K
Z Shinkuu Hadou Ken qcf,qcf + P
Z Haru Ichiban qcb,qcb + K

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): MP Shou'ou Ken
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MP / HP / HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a xzv xzv n/a n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv xzv

- The Flower Kick is an overhead attack.
- After the initial hit of the Sakura Otoshi, you can add more hits
by tapping any Punch button (this requires a bit of timing, though).
Not only is the Sakura Otoshi invincible on the way up, but if
you're about to land on a projectile and press P, it's possible to
hit it and bounce off of it, even SC projectiles! You can still
press P (or P,P, depending) afterwards to hit your opponent.
- The Haru Ichiban hits low and must be crouch-blocked.


XZV Shogun Throw (long toss) b / f + PP
XZV Shogun Throw (short toss) b / f + KK
XZV Daimyo Throw Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Jigoku Scrape qcf + P
XZV Butsumetsu Buster Rotate 360 + P
XZV Daikyou Burning Rotate 360 + K
XZV Shiraha Catch f,d,df + K
XZV Yagura Reverse b,d,db + K
XZV Kouten Okiagari f,df,d + P (reversal only)
XZV Tengu Walking b,db,d + K (reversal only)
XZV Tengu Walking While getting up, qcf + K
XZV Sliding d + HK

XZ Meido no Miyage qcf,qcf + P
Z Ten Chuu Satsu Rotate 720 + P

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): MP Jigoku Scrape
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Sliding
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MP / HP

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a xzv n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xzv v xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv XZ

- In X-ISM, Sodom's jitte are replaced by katana, giving his attacks
a slightly longer range.
- The Shiraha Catch is a counterattack move that can be used against
overhead attacks or against jumping attacks. If Sodom connects,
he'll perform a throw. However, this can be Tech. Hit out of.
- The Yagura Reverse is a fake Tengu Walking. Used out of the blue,
it doesn't have much use since it can't hit non-attacking characters
(there are a few exceptions, such as Honda). However, it can be
used as a reversal, and can hit characters who are attacking you,
although this is risky since it doesn't have much priority (though
it counts as a Counter Hit should it connect). It can also hit
someone if Sodom blocked a move from up close (such as against a
blocked Shou'ou Ken). It's cool and insulting to counter someone
with it, just like hitting someone with Dan's taunts ;)


XZV Deadly Throw b / f + PP
XZV Psycho Fall Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

ZV Psycho Shot Charge b,f + P
X Psycho Crusher Attack Charge b,f + P
XZV Double Knee Press Charge b,f + K
XZV Head Press Charge d,u + K
XZV Somersault Skull Diver b / f + P after Head Press
XZV Somersault Skull Diver Charge d,u + P, b / f + P
ZV Vega Warp f,d,df / b,d,db + PPP / KKK

XZ Psycho Crusher Charge b,f,b,f + P
Z Knee Press Nightmare Charge b,f,b,f + K

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Vega Warp (behind opponent)
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Standing Palm Thrust
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MP / HP / MK / HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a xzv n/a
- standing (far) xzv XZ xzv xzv1
- crouching xzv xzv xzv xzv

- When you use the Head Press or Somersault Skull Diver, ending them
with with ub makes Vega fly backwards. Using uf makes him fly
forward, and using u makes him simply fly over his opponent.


XZV Back Drop b / f + PP
XZV Kamitsuki b / f + KK
XZV Stomach Claw db / df + PP
XZV Piledriver db / df + KK
XZV Flying Piledriver Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Double Lariat Press PPP, move b / f
XZV Quick Double Lariat Press KKK, move b / f
XZV Screw Piledriver Rotate 360 + P
XZV Flying Powerbomb Rotate 360 + K
XZV Atomic Suplex Rotate 360 + K when close
ZV Banishing Flat f,d,df + P (f,df,d + P in X-ISM)
XZV Body Press Jump b / f, d + HP
XZV Double Knee Drop Jump b / f, d + LK / MK
XZV Kuuchuu Headbutt Jump up, u + MP / HP
XZV Headbutt f + HP (f + MP in V-ISM)
XZV Dynamite Kick db + MK
XZV Russian Kick db + HK

XZ Final Atomic Buster Rotate 720 + P
Z Aerial Russian Slam qcf,d,df + K

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Standing MK
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Standing HP

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xz xz
- crouching xz xz
- dynamite kick (xzv)

- Either Double Lariat move can be used to avoid projectiles. The
KKK version has a shorter duration but also offers limited
invincibility against low attacks.
- The Banishing Flat can negate non-SC projectiles. You can actually
combo this move from a Dynamite Kick, but it's hard to do.


Although Juni, Juli, and M. Bison are available in the arcade version,
they're being listed here because there are some differences in the PSX
version regarding these three characters.


XZV (shoulder throw) b / f + PP
XZV (double leg toss) b / f + KK
XZV (aerial double leg toss) Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Air Slasher Charge b,f + P
XZV Double Rolling Sobat Charge b,f + K
X V Jackknife Maximum Charge d,u + K
XZV Machine Gun Upper Charge d,u + P, tap P rapidly
XZV Knee Shot Jump b / f, d + LK

XZ Sobat Carnival Charge b,f,b,f + K
Z Climax Beat Charge db,df,db,uf + P
Z Theme of Sunrise Charge db,df,db,uf + K

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): HK Jackknife Maximum
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching MK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + LP / HP / b + K

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable xzv n/a xzv
- standing (far) xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv

- Does anyone know how to get more than 2 hits out of Deejay's Machine
Gun Upper? I've even tried funky stuff like tapping PPP, but it
seems to make no difference.


XZV (rapid punches) b / f + PP
XZV (hop behind head throw) b / f + KK
XZV (aerial head throw) Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Rekka Ken qcf + P (perform 3 times)
XZV Shien Kyaku b,d,db + K
X V Rekkuu Kyaku qcf,uf + K
XZV Chokka Raku Shuu b / f + MK (f + MK in V-ISM)
XZV Engeki Shuu f + HK

XZ Rekka Shin Ken qcf,d,df + P
Z Shien Renkyaku qcb,qcb + K
Z Ryuu Yassai qcb,qcb + P at Level 3
Z Ryuu Shin Yassai Perform R.Y. from a distance

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): HK Shien Kyaku
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + P / b + K

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable xzv xzv xzv xzv xzv
- standing (far) xzv XZ XZ XZ
- crouching xzv XZ XZ XZ

- The Chokka Raku Shuu is an overhead attack.
- Like Ryu's Metsu Shouryuu Ken, the Ryuu Yassai can be upgraded
into a stronger version. To do it, position yourself so that
the flame on Fei's hand touches your opponent, not his actual
fist. If you do it right, the hits and damage done will increase.


XZV (dragon suplex) b / f + PP
XZV (shoulder throw) b / f + KK
XZV (flying buster drop) Any direction but u / d + PP (air)
XZV (aerial toss) Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Sonic Boom Charge b,f + P
XZV Somersault Kick Charge d,u + K
XZV Knee Bazooka b / f + LK (b / f + MK in V-ISM)
XZ Rolling Sobat b / f + MK
XZ Reverse Spin Kick When close, b / f + HK
XZV Spinning Back Knuckle f + HP

Z Sonic Hurricane Charge b,f,b,f + P
XZ Somersault Strike Charge db,df,db,uf + K

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Spinning Back Knuckle
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Rolling Sobat
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MP / HP / HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a xzv xzv n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv

- The Rolling Sobat is an overhead attack.


XZV Hooligan Suplex b / f + PP
XZV Frankensteiner b / f + KK
XZV Flying Neck Hunt Any direction but u / d + PP (air)
XZV Air Frankensteiner Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Sniping Arrow qcf + K
XZV Cannon Spike f,d,df + K
XZV Axle Spin Knuckle hcb + P
XZV Falling Arc f + MK

XZ Reverse Shaft Breaker qcb,d,db + K, tap P / K rapidly
Z Spin Drive Smasher qcf,d,df + K

The following moves only work in Dramatic Battle Mode:

XZV Psycho Charge Beta Press KKK
XZV Psycho Charge Gamma CPU Juli only
Z Psycho Rolling qcf,qcf + P
Z Death Cross Dancing LP,LP,f,LK,HP at Level 3

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): HK Mach Slide
Zero Counter (V-ISM): HK Cannon Spike

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv

- The Falling Arc is an overhead attack.
- The Psycho Charge Beta will restore lost life.
- The Psycho Charge Gamma can only be used by CPU Juli. She'll
summon Juni to help heal her if Juni isn't attacking.
- Both characters are required in order to use the Psycho Rolling
or Death Cross Dancing.


XZV Hooligan Suplex b / f + PP
XZV Frankensteiner b / f + KK
XZV Flying Neck Hunt Any direction but u / d + PP (air)
XZV Air Frankensteiner Any direction but u / d + KK (air)

XZV Spiral Arrow Charge b,f + K (air)
XZV Cannon Spike Charge d,u + K
XZV Mach Slide qcf + K
XZV Cannon Strike Jump forward, qcf + K
X Psycho Shield Block b / db, then f + PPP
ZV Psycho Shield Block b / db, then f + PPP (air)
XZV Hooligan Combination hcf,uf + P (press K to cancel)
XZV Razor Edge Slicer Do nothing after after H.C.
XZV Fatal Leg Twister b / f + K when close after H.C.
XZV Cross Scissor Pressure Do F.L.T. when low to the ground
XZV Earth Direct Rotate 360 + P
XZV Falling Arc f + MK

XZ Psycho Streak Charge b,f,b,f + P
Z Spin Drive Smasher Charge db,df,db,uf + K

The following moves only work in Dramatic Battle Mode:

XZV Psycho Charge Alpha Press PPP
Z Psycho Rolling qcf,qcf + P
Z Death Cross Dancing LP,LP,f,LK,HP at Level 3

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): HK Mach Slide
Zero Counter (V-ISM): HK Cannon Spike

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv xzv

- The Falling Arc is an overhead attack.
- Using the Psycho Shield will push an enemy across the screen. You
can combine this move with a Guard Protected block if someone comes
at you with an attack and you block it just as it reaches you.
- After you begin the Hooligan Combination, doing nothing will result
in the Razor Edge Slicer. If you press b / f + K when Juli is
higher than her opponent's midsection or if they are crouching,
she'll perform the Fatal Leg Twister. If you press b / f + K when
Juli is lower than her opponent's midsection, or if her enemy is
in the air, she'll use the Cross Scissor Pressure. Alternately,
you can press K while in the air to cancel the Hooligan Combination
and land on your feet.
- The Psycho Charge Alpha will restore lost SC / OC power.
- Both characters are required in order to use the Psycho Rolling
or Death Cross Dancing.


XZV Head Bomber b / f + PP
XZV Kuuchuu Head Bomber Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Dash Straight Charge b,f + P
XZV Dash Upper Charge b,f + K
ZV Dash Ground Straight Charge b,df + P
ZV Dash Ground Upper Charge b,df + K
V Buffalo Head Charge d,u + P
Z Buffalo Head Charge d,u + P (reversal only)
XZV Turn Punch Hold and release PPP / KKK

X Crazy Buffalo Charge b,f,b,f + P / K
Z Crazy Buffalo Charge b,f,b,f + P
Z Gigaton Blow Charge b,f,b,f + K at Level 3

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): LP Buffalo Head
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MP / HP / MK / HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a n/a xzv
- standing (far) xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv XZv xzv

- The longer you charge the Turn Punch, the more damage it does, as
shown below:

Time that move is charged Result

0 - 2 seconds Level 1
3 seconds Level 2
4 - 6 seconds Level 3
7 - 12 seconds Level 4
13 - 18 seconds Level 5
19 - 24 seconds Level 6
25 - 30 seconds Level 7
31 - 36 seconds Level 8
37 - 42 seconds Level 9
43+ seconds Final

The times are listed in real-life seconds, not game timer ticks. No
matter what speed setting you use, you still have to hold down PPP
for the number of seconds listed. Charging this move results in more
damage (we're talking 60% at Final, here) and increased range on the
Turn Punch (at Final, it goes full-screen). If the move is blocked,
the amount of Guard Meter damage it does is also increased.
- You can charge the Turn Punch before the round begins--you can charge
it even more if you do so during a mid-boss conversation.
- During the Crazy Buffalo, you can press and hold Kick to make
Bison perform multiple Dash Uppers, or hold Punch to switch him
back to Dash Straights.


XZV (choke hold) b / f + PP
XZV (typhoon head slam) Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Condor Dive Press PPP at apex of jump
ZV Condor Spire b,d,db + P
XZV Tomahawk Buster f,d,df + P
XZV Mexican Typhoon Rotate 360 + P
XZV Heavy Body Press Jump b / f, d + HP

XZ Raging Typhoon Rotate 720 + P
Z Canyon Splitter qcf,qcf + P

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): Close Standing HK
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK (single sweep)
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MP / HP / MK / HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a xzv n/a XZ
- standing (far) xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv X

- The Condor Spire is an overhead attack, as is the Canyon Splitter.
It's cool to have an SC that is an overhead, but then again, the
Canyon Splitter is arguably the weakest SC in the whole game.
- T. Hawk only has two SCs--his "Double Typhoon" from SSF2T was
renamed "Raging Typhoon" in this game.

Surge of Murderous Intent Awakened in Ryu (aka "Evil Ryu")

XZV Seoi Nage b / f + PP
XZV Tomoe Nage b / f + KK
XZV Kuuchuu Seoi Nage Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Hadou Ken qcf + P
XZV Shakunetsu Hadou Ken hcf + P
XZV Shouryuu Ken f,d,df + P
XZV Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku qcb + K (air)
XZV Ashura Senkuu f,d,df / b,d,db + PPP / KKK
X V Seichuu Nidan Tsuki f + HP
XZV Sakotsu Wari f + MP
XZV Senpuu Kyaku f + MK

Z Shinkuu Hadou Ken qcf,qcf + P
Z Messatsu Gou Shouryuu qcf,d,df + K
Z Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku qcb,qcb + K
XZ Shun Goku Satsu LP,LP,f,LK,HP

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): HP Shouryuuken
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + P / b + HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable xzv xzv xzv n/a n/a xB
- standing (far) xzv x
- crouching xzv xzv xzv xzv xzv

- The Sakotsu Wari is an overhead attack.
- In Z-ISM, you can only use the Shun Goku Satsu at Level 3.


XZV Head Bomber b / f + PP
XZV Kuuchuu Head Bomber Any direction but u / d + PP (air)

XZV Dash Straight Charge b,f + P
XZV Dash Upper Charge b,f + K
ZV Dash Ground Straight Charge b,df + P
ZV Dash Ground Upper Charge b,df + K
ZV Buffalo Head Charge d,u + P (reversal only)
XZV Turn Punch Hold and release PPP / KKK

XZ Crazy Buffalo Charge b,f,b,f + P / K
Z Crazy Buffalo Charge b,f,b,f + P
Z Gigaton Blow Charge b,f,b,f + K at Level 3

Zero Counter (Z-ISM): LP Buffalo Head
Zero Counter (V-ISM): Crouching HK
V-ISM Variable Attacks: b + MP / HP / MK / HK

Cancellable Attacks: LP MP HP LK MK HK
- close / variable n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
- standing (far) xzv xzv xzv xzv
- crouching xzv xzv v xzv xzv

- This version of M. Bison plays similar to the the PSX version,
although he uses the same frames for many of his Punch and Kick
attacks, just like the arcade version of M. Bison. Because of
this, he also has no variable attacks in V-ISM. Furthermore,
his Buffalo Head move can only be used as a counterattack.
- The longer you charge the Turn Punch, the more damage it does, as
shown below:

Time that move is charged Result

0 - 2 seconds Level 1
3 seconds Level 2
4 - 6 seconds Level 3
7 - 12 seconds Level 4
13 - 18 seconds Level 5
19 - 24 seconds Level 6
25 - 30 seconds Level 7
31 - 36 seconds Level 8
37 - 42 seconds Level 9
43+ seconds Final

The times are listed in real-life seconds, not game timer ticks. No
matter what speed setting you use, you still have to hold down PPP
for the number of seconds listed. Charging this move results in more
damage (we're talking 60% at Final, here) and increased range on the
Turn Punch (at Final, it goes full-screen). If the move is blocked,
the amount of Guard Meter damage it does is also increased.
- You can charge the Turn Punch before the round begins--you can charge
it even more if you do so during a mid-boss conversation.
- During the Crazy Buffalo, you can press and hold Kick to make
Bison perform multiple Dash Uppers, or hold Punch to switch him
back to Dash Straights.

True Great Devil

This version of Gouki plays just like the normal Gouki, but he throws
two air fireballs instead of one and they have a much wider range. His
Shun Goku Satsu is also much faster and goes full-screen. If you've
gotten the message in World Tour Mode saying that he's enabled, then
go highlight Gouki, hold L2 and press any button to select him.


Some information for the following two tables were taken from Fred
Davis' SFA3 Time Release Secrets FAQ v1.0 and from various FAX files
found at .


What's available: At what time it becomes usable:

Classical Mode 3:00
Mazi Mode 4:00
Saikyou Mode 5:00
Extra M. Bison 8:00
Team Battle Mode 16:00
Survival Battle Mode 24:00
Final Battle Mode 32:00
Alternate Intro. Sequence 48:00
Dramatic Battle Mode 72:00
Guile 96:00
'Satsui no Hadou' Ryu 120:00
Shin Gouki 200:00+

I don't know the exact time for unlocking Shin Gouki as I used the
"timer increase" GS code (found below), and it's not exactly a precise
way to measure time ;)


What's available: How to release it:

Classical Mode Beat Arcade Mode on difficulty #4.
Mazi Mode Beat Arcade Mode on difficulty #4.
Saikyou Mode Beat Arcade Mode on difficulty #4.

When the secret modes are released, you can access them by pressing
Select while at the Player Select Screen.

Team Battle Mode Clear the first China course in World
Tour Mode.
Survival Battle Mode Clear Point 48106 in World Tour Mode.
Final Battle Mode Beat Arcade Mode on difficulty #7.
Dramatic Battle Mode* Beat Arcade Mode on difficulty #8.
Dual Battle (A + A Prime) Beat Dramatic Battle Mode once with
Dramatic Battle (A + B) Juni + Juli, and once with Ryu + Ken.

When the secret battle modes are released, they will be accessable
from the Main Menu (excluding the A + A Prime and A + B battles,
which are found under the Dramatic Battle listing).

Guile Clear the 'vs. Sakura' USA course in
World Tour Mode. You must have cleared
19 courses previously, and your total
level must be at 27 or higher to access
this course.
'Satsui no Hadou' Ryu Clear the 'vs. Ryu' Japan course (on
Gouki's island) in World Tour Mode.
You must be at level 30 or higher to
access this course.

When Guile and 'Satsui no Hadou' are released, they will appear on the
Player Select Screen.

Extra M. Bison Clear the bonus USA course in World
Tour Mode. (Although apparently some
people got it after fighting Vega the
second time, so....)
Shin Gouki Clear the 'vs. Gouki' Japan course (on
Gouki's island) in World Tour Mode.
You must be at level 31 with at least
2 ISMs mastered to access this course.

When Extra Bison and Shin Gouki are released, you can select them by
highlighting Bison or Gouki, holding L2, and pressing any button.

* Weirdly enough, in this mode, if you use Ryu and Ken, they have
their old SF2-style fireballs back. And if you use Juni and Juli,
they have a special dual-person win pose (they both do their taunts
at the same time--with their backs facing each other, it sort of
looks like the wings of the Shadowlaw insignia. Neat!)


Any character can fight Shin Gouki in this mode, not just Evil Ryu.
In order to do this, select the character of your choice, then hold
L1 + L2 while you choose your ISM (or hold it right after you select
your character, if you're using Classical Mode). Keep holding L1 and
L2 and Shin Gouki should be listed as your opponent on the VS screen.


Simply do a same character versus same character match (i.e. Cody vs.
Cody), to get more animation than before. The ISM or secret mode you
use doesn't matter. While you do get more animation (more win poses,
taunts, walking animations, etc.), it isn't completely full. For
example, in a Gen vs. Gen match, Gen is still missing the post-Zan'ei
animation where he clutches his hand.


Pick X-ISM Sodom in Arcade Mode and you'll see that his biography and
moves are actually Gen's. I'm not sure why this mistake was made, but
considering that "Sword Sodom" (as he is listed in the CD) is a
different character than normal Sodom, perhaps the game was programmed
to load up the wrong bio.


All of these were written by me, please don't repost them without
crediting me, thanks. Although I usually write the variable number
as 'xx', this seems to confuse people, so I'm leaving the original
code intact (i.e., unchanged, the Character Select code gives you
Cody, since he's character 1B in the game's memory).

Player 1 Infinite Life 80194078 0090

The infinite life code doesn't work for your partner if you're in
Dramatic Battle mode. Using 0090 instead of 0075 (how I had the code
written originally), gives you 100% life so that you always get
Perfects. Very useful for earning levels in World Tour Mode.

Player 1 Infinite SC / OC Gauge 8019416A 0090

This code is kind of cool, because if you're using Classical Mode,
you can still perform your X-ISM Super Combo at will ^_^; If you
use it in V-ISM, it's not exactly infinite--your Original Combo ends
when the timer runs out, but the gauge instantly refills so you can
do another one right afterwards, if you wish.

Player 1 Cody always has Knife 80194324 00FF

Does just what it says. If you play with Balrog, his mask will keep
falling off, which isn't quite as useful as always having the knife
but certainly is pretty fun to watch ;)

Player 1 Character Select 8019414E 001B

Rather than list all the possibilities, I'll just list the fun ones.
Change 001B for the character of your choice:

0004 Chun-Li (in her Zero series costume)
0006 Sodom (with his Zero series jitte)
0011 Gen (in permanent Sou-ryuu mode)
0012 Chun-Li (in her X-ISM cheongsam)
0013 Gen (in permanent Ki-ryuu mode)
0014 Sodom (with X-ISM katana)
0015 Extra M. Bison (the arcade-only version of M. Bison)
0017 Evil Ryu (aka 'Satsui no Hadou' Ryu)
0020 Guile
0024 Shin Gouki

Trying to do certain X-ISM moves with Chun-Li in her Alpha costume
will cause the game to crash. You'll get lots of glitches using
the other characters in the 'wrong' ISM, too (like Sodom w/ katana
in Z-ISM), though they're mostly just graphical glitches and nothing
too serious.

If you use this code to make Guile the first player, then use the
second player controller to play Dramatic Battle (Ryu and Ken),
you may hear a Guile quote that sounds like "Oh my, you're alive!"
This doesn't seem to appear anywhere in the game, not even in the
Guile vs. Charlie pre-fight sequence. I assume it's an unused voice
sample or something, but in any case, it's in there.

Player 1 Mode Select 801941AE 0000

You can replace '0000' with: 0000 Normal
0100 Com (the CPU plays for you)
0200 Mazi
0300 Saikyou
0400 Classical

This code is really only useful for those people who haven't earned
the hidden modes yet. It won't affect the first player if it's the
CPU (i.e., you couldn't always fight Classical opponents in Arcade
Mode), but if you set it to 'Com' you can have the CPU control the
first player in any mode where you can set the mode normally (i.e.
choose Mazi, Saikyou, or Classical). If you pick Arcade Mode, after
the CPU controlled player wins for you, you're asked to continue, just
as if you had lost.

Training Mode Damage Select 8019475C 0000

You can change the last three digits in '000' to whatever you want
although the damage doesn't go any higher than 255 points (00FF).
I basically made this code so that I could reset the damage counter
when testing out moves and combos instead of having to exit all the
way out and re-select my characters. Just remember that if you
leave the code on, it will keep displaying '00' for the damage until
you flick the switch off.

Battle Mode Select 80193F9A 0000

You can replace '0000' with: 0006 Team Battle
0007 Surivival Mode
0008 Dramatic Battle
0009 Final Battle

Obviously setting the code to another number enables an already-
usable mode (i.e. '0003' lets you use World Tour Mode). This code
is just for those who haven't accessed the hidden battle modes yet
and want to try them. However, when you're done playing, you must
reset your game, as if you exit out (you can do this in Survival
Mode) back to the main menu screen, the game will hang.

All ISM Plus powers for 1P 80194304 FFFF

I'd like to thank Kwan for this great code. You don't even need to
make a World Tour character, you can just select any character in any
mode and they'll have all 13 ISM Plus powers activated (i.e. chain
combos, Custom Combos in X-ISM or V-ISM, a refilling SC / OC gauge,
etc.) The only thing you don't get are the Power Balance units (for
offense and defense).

Infinite ISM Plus Units 801CC64E 0000

A really fun code, even if it doesn't work quite as well as I wanted it
to. Anyway, here's how it works:

- Go into Entry Mode or World Tour mode and choose Setup so that you
can select the ISM Plus powers you want to use.
- When in the ISM Plus menu, turn on the code. You'll notice that
with the code activated, you can't select any ISMs aside from those
on the uppermost row. However, that's just a side effect--what
this code also does is that it empties the little 3 unit box even
if you've selected an ISM Plus.
- So, what you can do is turn the code on, then off, select the ISM
Plus powers that you want, and if you want more than the maximum
limit, just turn the code on again, then off, so that the unit
meter empties once again. You can have all of the abilites turned
on at once, too (for example, I have an X-ISM Dan with air blocking,
no Guard Power Gauge, Zero Combos, Zero Cancels, Super Zero Cancels,
Gauge Plus, and Original Combos all activated.)
- If you do this in Entry Mode, either character can select your
'enhanced' character for some really fun fights.

Game Timer Increase 8017DD0E 3B3B

This code affects the timer that appears in the Options Menu. For
every minute the code is left on, the timer increases by 60 hours.
Leave it on long enough and everything that is normally hidden becomes
available (excluding the A + A prime and A + B Dramatic Battles, which
you have to get by beating Dramatic Battle with Ryu + Ken and Juni +

Note that all of the hidden stuff appears as you play, so if you hang
out in the Main Menu for a little while the hidden battle modes will
appear, etc. This doesn't apply to 'Satsui no Hadou' Ryu or Guile,
though--if you're waiting around in the Player Select Screen, they
won't appear even if they're already been enabled; you have to exit
out and go back in again.

Give Dan Long Range Fireballs 801C3D08 0000

Big props go to Senio Rotondi ( for this cool code.
Now, Dan's Gadou Ken and Shin Kuu Gadou Ken will always go full-screen!
The only tradeoff, though, is that since a fireball's damage decreases
the further it travels, these moves do pitiful damage from afar (even
an HP Gadou Ken does only 1 point of damage from one end of the
screen)! A really fun code, nonetheless.

Play as Air Jordan (Player 1) 80194074 D800

Well, try it and you'll see what I mean :) This was a botched attempt
at a "any move in mid-air" code but it's pretty fun so I kept it.
Basically, jumping or performing any move that takes you into the air
takes you up really high. It also affects some other moves, such as
rolling ones (like Rolento's Mekong Delta Attack or Balrog's Rolling
Crystal Flash). Not exactly the greatest code, but it's worth a laugh
or two and makes the game pretty challenging (or easy, depending on how
you look at it).

If anyone wants to help, I'm still trying to get a code for Final
Vega. I think this can be accomplished through getting a code for
Shadowlaw-ISM (the ISM used by Final Vega and sometimes by the bosses;
it's essentially Z-ISM with a X-ISM style Super Combo Gauge). I've
made an ISM select already though, and you can't choose anything
aside from the three normal ISMs, so I'm sort of stumped.



What's given here are not exact translations, but it's not like what
I wrote is that different. ;) To get to these menus, go into the
OPTION MENU and choose MEMORY CARD. From there, you have the following

Which slot do you want to read?
top: Slot 1 bottom: Slot 2

Slot 1 (or Slot 2)
top: Load bottom: Save

If you choose Load, read DATA LOAD. If you choose Save,
go to DATA SAVE.

Do you want to load the data?
top: Yes bottom: No

Saving costs 1 block. Do you want to save?
top: Yes bottom: No

If you choose Yes, but have previous data:

Do you want to overwrite the existing data?
top: Yes bottom: No

Remember that you use the Circle button to accept an option and can
press X at any time (unless it's checking the data and reads DATA
CHECK), to cancel an option. The game will normally autoload your
data, but only if you have the Memory Card in the first slot. If you
have Auto Save on, it will automatically save when changes are made to
the data without asking you (it's automatic, after all!) :)


In this mode, you get to pick a character and go around the world
fighting different people. Your score is converted into experience
points that you can use to augment your abilities. This section
offers a brief explanation of how to use this mode:

If you already have a saved character file, you can pick this option
to reload it.

If you want to start World Tour with a new character, choose this
option. If you pick this, you're given several options:

top: Begin (pick this to start with a new character)
middle: Pocket Zero (pick this to play Pocket Station SFZ3)
bottom: Exit (returns you to the Option menu).

The Pocket Station is currently only available in Japan; I have no
idea if it will be released in the US (although I've heard that it
will come out in April). I don't own a Pocket Station so I can't
comment on this mode, although there are quite a few pages devoted to
it in the instruction manual (I doubt I could do a very good translation
on it, though).

Anyway, if you choose to begin a new game, you'll be taken to the
Character Select screen. Pick your character and ISM (don't fret if
you don't like the ISM you chose, you can change it at anytime).


Okay! Here you are at the World Map. Displayed at the top of the
screen are your character, his / her master level, and current ISM
level. Listed at the bottom of the screen are your current location,
who can fight here, and what type of battle it is.

In the World Map, you can press Left or Right to choose a new area
to fight at, if one is available. Pressing the Circle button will
send you to that area, or pressing Start brings up the World Tour
Menu, explained below:

Choosing this option is the same as pressing Circle while in the World
Map; it sends you to the listed location to fight.

This option takes you to the Setup Menu. You'll be in here a lot, so
familiarize yourself with it. Shown on the right side are the various

- Listed at the top of the screen is the current fight you'll be
partaking in if you go to this area.

- Beneath that is the ISM SELECT. You can choose what ISM you want
to use from here, just like choosing your ISM in any other mode.

- After that is the SPEED SELECT. If you preset a speed from the
Options menu, you can't change the speed, otherwise, you can set
it to whatever you want.

- Next up is the ISM PLUS menu. As you play World Tour mode, you
will earn ISM PLUS abilities. See the "ISM Plus Information"
section for more details.

- At the bottom of the screen is the POWER BALANCE menu. As you
play World Tour mode, you will earn balance points. You can
press Left or Right to choose how you wish to distribute these
points; give more to POW by pressing Left and your attack power
goes up, but you'll take more damage. Likewise, press Right to
increase your DEF; this makes you take less damage from attacks,
but your own attacks will do less damage. Leave an equal amount
of red POW and blue DEF points on either side to play with a
balanced character.

On the left side of the screen is your character's status:

- MAX COMBO shows the highest-hitting combo that you've performed
so far. As far as I can tell, this doesn't have any effect on
the game.

- EXP and NEXT apply to your master level. EXP shows how many
experience points you've gathered so far, and NEXT shows how many
more you need to raise a level. Your level maxes out at 32, at
which point gaining extra EXP won't do anything.

- Below that are the EXP and NEXT scores for each of your ISMs.
Each ISM maxes out at Level 6.

If you want to save your data, choose this option. This works just
like the DATA SAVE procedure in the 'Loading and Saving Data' section
listed previously. However, after picking the slot you want to save
in, you have to pick the character file you want to save in. You can
have seven saved character files at any given time, and if you're
saving over an already taken file, you'll be told that there's old
data and be asked if you want to overwrite it.

This returns you to the World Map screen.

This exits you all the way back out into the main menu.


Obviously, most of your time in World Tour is spent fighting. Your
goal is to clear each location while earning as much EXP as possible;
the best way to do this is to finish rounds quickly and with a Perfect,
if at all possible, because you get 30000 points from a Perfect
victory! Finishing with Super Combos or Custom Combos is also a good
way to rack up extra points.

Combo Attack: Only hurt by combos over 3 hits; block damage
does not apply.
Time Attack: Only have 30 seconds to win the match, but you
can still win by having more life at time out.
Super Combo: Only hurt by Super Combo damage.
Original Combo: Only hurt when you're in an Original Combo.
Guard Crush Mission: Only hurt if attacked while in Guard Crush
Infinite SC gauge: Your opponent always has a Level 3 SC gauge
no matter how many times they use an SC.
Team Battle: Your life is restored in the next battle, but
your SC / OC gauge is not.

(I'm listing the ISM of your opponent because sometimes it seems as
if a particular character always uses a certain ISM. But I guess
it's actually random, excluding those who use Shadowlaw-ISM).

Japan X Dan 1 100% 80
U.S.A. S M. Bison 1 60% 80
V Ken 2 80% 80

* China and second USA courses are now available.

China X Dan 2 80% 80
X Gen 1 70% 90
Z Chun-Li 1 70% 90
U.S.A. Z Sodom 2 65% 80
X Nash 1 20% 99 Combo Attack

* Hong Kong, Thailand, and USSR courses are now available.

Hong Kong X Chun-Li 1 50% Inf. vs. 2 Chun-Lis.
X Gen 1 100% 30 Time Attack
Z Fei Long 2 100% 90
Thailand Z Adon 1 65% Inf vs. 2 Adons
X Sagat 2 90% 80
U.S.S.R X R. Mika 2 50% 99
X Zangief 1 50% 99 Super Combo Attack

* Point 48106 is now available.

Pt 48106 X Juli/Juni 1 100% 80
V Cammy 1 45% Inf. vs. 4 Cammys
S Vega 2 100% 99

* India, Greece, and Italy courses are now available.

Greece Z Balrog 2 90% 80
V Rose 1 50% Inf. vs. 2 Roses
Italy V Cammy 2 65% 90
Z Birdie 1 50% 99 Original Combo Attack
India X Adon 2 90% 30 Time Attack
X/Z Dhalsim 2 100% 80

* Brazil and Mexico courses are now available.

Brazil X Blanka 2 100% 30 Time Attack
Z Blanka 1 50% Inf. vs. 4 Blankas
Mexico S M. Bison 2 90% 80
V T. Hawk 1 40% 99 Combo Attack

* Jamaica and third USA courses are now avialable.

Jamaica Z E. Honda 1 100% Inf. vs. 2 Hondas
Z Dee Jay 1 55% 99 Original Combo Attack
U.S.A. V Guy 1 50% Inf. vs. 3 Guys
V Cody 1 40% 99 Super Combo Attack
X Sodom 1 90% 80
Z Rolento 1 80% 80

* The second and third Japan courses, as well as the fourth USA
course, are now available.

Japan V Dan 1 40% Inf. vs. 5 Dans
Z/V Sakura 1 100% 99
Z Karin 1 100% 99
Japan Z Honda 2 100% 80
Z Ryu 2 100% 99 Infinite SC gauge

U.S.A. X Sakura 1 100% 80
X Cody 1 90% 99
X Guy 1 90% 99
Z Ken 1 90% 99

* The second Thailand course is now available.

Thailand X Sagat 1 90% Inf. vs. 2 Sagats
Z Balrog 1 100% 80
X Cammy 1 100% 80
S Vega 2 90% 99 Infinite SC gauge

* The fifth USA course is now available.

USA X Rolento 1 45% Inf. vs. 4 Rolentos
V Nash 1 45% 99 Guard Crush Mission
Z Guile 2 80% 99 Super Combo Attack

* The fourth Japan course is now available.

JAPAN X Ryu 2 100% 99
Z Ryu 1 50% Inf. vs. 3 Ryus
Z Evil Ryu 1 100% 99

* The fifth Japan course is now available.

JAPAN Z Gouki 1 70% Inf. vs. 4 Goukis
Z Shin Gouki 2 100% 99

Stuff you can earn:

ZERO CANCEL (costs 2 squares)
- You can cancel any normal move into a special move.

SUPER ZERO CANCEL (costs 2 squares)
- You can cancel special moves into Super Combos (just like in SF3).

SUPER GUARD (costs 2 squares)
- You don't take block damage from special moves.

INFINITE GUARD (costs 1 square)
- Your Guard Power Gauge never decreases.

AUTO GUARD (costs 1 square)
- When not attacking, you'll automatically block an incoming attack.

AIR GUARD (costs 1 square)
- You can block in air. Only useful in X-ISM.

GUARD POWER PLUS (costs 1 square)
- You lose less guard power when blocking.

ZERO COUNTER PLUS (costs 1 square)
- You do lots of damage when you Zero Counter an attack.

GAUGE PLUS (costs 1 square)
- Your SC / OC gauge slowly regenerates. Very useful in all
modes, particularly X-ISM.

DAMAGE PLUS (costs 2 squares)
- If your enemy blocks your special move, they take added block

HARD BODY (costs 1 square)
- You cannot be dizzied (but can still be Guard Crushed).

ORIGINAL COMBO (costs 2 squares)
- You can use Original Combos along with any ISM. This has no
effect in V-ISM; in Z-ISM, think of it like the dual SC / CC
meter of SFA2 (you could use the power for an Original Combo
or a Super Combo). The same goes for X-ISM.

ZERO COMBO (costs 2 squares)
- You can cancel any normal move into any other normal move. Not
quite like chain combos since you can cancel a move into itself
and do other interesting stuff, since there's no rule to how you
must combo together attacks.

At several points during World Tour, the game appraises your score
and then ends the game at a certain point (after the Final Vega battle
at Point 48106 is one of them). This means that you didn't raise
enough overall levels. The better you do, the more fights you can
get through, and of course, the more countries you clear and levels
you raise, the more characters that are unlocked. If you manage to
get the best score (Level 32 with all ISMs mastered), you can earn
all the characters, a few modes, and fight Shin Gouki (the last boss)
in one fell swoop.


Entry Mode allows you to load up a World Tour character, complete
with all his / her special abilities, and use them in any other mode.
The available options are:

You have to choose this first, to specify what Memory Card you want to
load from. Pick the appropriate slot and press the Circle button, and
the World Tour data will be loaded up. After this, you'll want to go
to ENTRY to stick the appropriate character in the Entry roster.

This works just like the DATA SAVE procedure in the 'Loading and
Saving Data' section listed previously. What this does is save your
data if you've changed your character's abilities (like changing a
V-ISM Cody into X-ISM or removing / adding some of his ISM Plus

After selecting this, choose the character you want to mess around
with. You'll be taken into the World Tour setup menu, just set it
up however you want, then exit.

If you want to delete or add a character to the Entry roster (you can
have six characters usable at a time), choose this option. Then
choose the character you to add, and pick an empty slot and press
the Circle button. If you want to delete that character, or any
others, just highlight the one you want to remove and press the X



This section explains abilities and features available to each
character. Some of them may not be available to a character depending
on who he / she is and what ISMs they're using. More information on
the ISMs can be found in the next section.

BLOCK (air blocking is not available in X-ISM)

Hold b to block most standing attacks, jumping attacks, and
overheads. Hold db to block most standing and low attacks. Note
that you won't block unless the attack your opponent is using is
relatively close to you. You can also block in air by performing
the block command while jumping or after an air recovery.

When you block, you take no damage from normal moves, and reduced
damage from special moves and Super Combos.

GROUND RECOVERY (this is not available in X-ISM)

When you're knocked down, press any two Kick buttons as you're
falling. To do the controllable Ground Recovery, do f + KK instead.
Then keep holding f until you want to stop, at which point, release
it. If you don't, you'll roll for a long ways, then stop.

By using the ground recovery, you can pass through your opponent or
simply move closer towards them. It's useful for escaping from
corners and so that your foe can't attack you as you get up.


When you're knocked up into the air, press any two Punch buttons to
flip upright and land a short distance away. You can do b + PP
instead to flip upright and land a further distance away. Or, you
can press d + PP to flip, but you'll keep falling in the same
direction at the same speed, with no mid-air "float" like with the
other two types of air recovery.

Normally, you can be juggled by another of your enemy's attacks
when you're knocked into the air. However, once you've flipped, you
can air block (in certain modes), or perform an attack to prevent
this from happening. It's also a useful way to land on your feet
rather than your back.

TAUNT (this is not available in X-ISM)

Press Select while standing or crouching. Birdie, Cody*, Gouki,
Shin Gouki, Ken, Nash, Ryu, and Satsui no Hadou Ryu all have a
second taunt which is done by pressing f + Select. Birdie has a
third taunt which is done by pressing b + Select.

Realistically, taunts have no practical use since they leave you
open to attack and can't be cancelled. Rose has a random,
alternate saying for her taunt, and the following characters have
damaging taunts: Birdie, Chun-Li, Dan (only in X-ISM), Gouki, Shin
Gouki, Rolento, Sakura, and Sodom. These cause minor damage, but
they can kill someone. Dan and Dhalsim have an air taunt which can
be done by pressing Select while in the air. Dan can also taunt
when he's crouching. You can taunt once per round (Dan can taunt
infinitely in each round). You can also cancel a normal move into
your taunt animation, if that move is normally cancelable. Dan
earns small amounts of SC energy from his crouching and standing
taunts, as well.

* Only if you're playing Cody vs. Cody.


Press b / f + any two Punch buttons (some characters can also use
any two Kick buttons). This can be done in air. Some characters
have 'holding' ground throws, in which you can rap on the buttons
to increase the number of times your enemy is squeezed / choked /
bitten / etc. You'll know if tapping the buttons is paying off
as your character will shine white when an extra hit has been

If you're not close enough to your opponent, you'll go into a
"missed throw" animation that leaves you vulnerable to attacks.
Your opponent can reduce the damage he or she takes from a throw by
doing a Tech. Hit (f + PP / KK when thrown), which also makes them
land on their feet. If you miss a throw, you'll still earn SC
power, or if you're using V-ISM, you'll earn quite a bit of OC
power (since your gauge charges the fastest in V-ISM).


Several characters have reversal-only moves. However, these moves
can be used in many different situations, not just when you're
getting up after being knocked down:

Bison, Extra Bison, and Chun-Li can use their reversal-only moves
(the Buffalo Head and X-ISM Tenshou Kyaku) in the following

- When knocked down.
- When coming out of hitstun (after being damaged).
- When coming out of blockstun (after blocking an attack).

Cody and Dhalsim can use their reversal-only moves (the Bad Spray
and Yoga Escape) under the following conditions:

- When knocked back into the air (i.e. getting hit by Sakura's
HK Shunpuu Kyaku would work, but getting sweeped by her d + HK
kick would not). The general rule with this is that if you
can air recover (PP flip) out of a move, you can probably use
the Bad Spray or Yoga Escape, instead.
- After an air block (it doesn't matter how close or far you are
from the floor, you'll only do it once you hit the ground).

Sodom (the King of Reversals), can use his b,db,d + K Tengu Walking
and Kouten Okiagari under these conditions:

- When knocked down.
- When coming out of hitstun (after being damaged).
- When coming out of blockstun (after blocking an attack).
- When knocked back into the air (i.e. getting hit by Sakura's
HK Shunpuu Kyaku). Again, if you can air recover (PP flip)
out of a move, you can probably use the Tengu Walking instead.
- After an air block (it doesn't matter how close or far you are
from the floor, you'll only do it once you hit the ground).

He can use his qcf + K Tengu Walking while getting up off the floor
(like a normal reversal).

ZERO COUNTER (this is not available in X-ISM)

While you're blocking an attack on the ground, press f + the same
Punch and Kick buttons. You need to have at least 1 level of your
SC gauge filled (in Z-ISM), or 50% or higher of your OC gauge filled
(in V-ISM), in order to do this. You also need at least one spare
notch in your Guard Power Gauge. When you use a ZC, the animation
will pause briefly and you'll stop blocking and perform a preset
attack. The attack you use changes depending on what "-ISM" you're

ZCs are handy if your opponent is aggressive or is trying to kill
you via block damage and you want to get away from them. ZCs do
little damage but can kill someone. However, because they shorten
the length of your GPG, they're best saved for do-or-die situations,
as a small Guard Power gauge is not a good thing to have.

SUPER COMBO (this is not available in V-ISM)

The command for a SC changes depending on the character. Usually
it's a double motion (like qcf,qcf), plus a Punch or Kick button.
The button used has no purpose in X-ISM; in Z-ISM, it affects the
level of power used (LP / LK for Level 1, MP / MK for Level 2, HP
/ HK for Level 3). Some Z-ISM characters have SCs that can only be
used at Level 3--in that case, the button used is unimportant. If
you have one level of power and use a Medium or Hard attack, you'll
still do a Level 1 SC; the same applies to using HP or HK if you
have only 2 levels.

Super Combos share many traits: they are generally faster and have
more priority than normal moves; they can juggle an opponent, and
they hit multiple times and usually do lots of damage. In Z-ISM,
these traits improve depending on the level of SC energy expended
(so a Level 3 SC costs more but does more damage, etc. than a Level
1 SC). X-ISM SCs can be considered as "Level 4" SCs; they are
generally better than even a Level 3 SC but take a longer amount of
time to charge up.

ORIGINAL COMBO (this is only available in V-ISM)

Press the same strength Punch + Kick buttons together. You need to
have at least 50% of your OC energy built up in order to use this.
When you activate an OC, you are trailed by shadows that mimic your
every action, but only the last one (it's colored differently) can
actually hit an opponent. What strength P + K you use determines
the amount of space between each shadow; use LP + LK for them to be
close together, MP + MK to space them further apart, and HP + HK
for a wide gap between each shadow. Basically, the closer your
last shadow is to you, the sooner it attacks after you perform an

OCs are very different from the way they were in SFA2. You can't
block during an OC, and you can taunt infinitely and use charge
moves without charging (i.e. simply tap b,f + P for Birdie's
Bullhead). You can still juggle an opponent easily with your
attacks, and can cancel normal attacks (not special moves, although
there's still no delay time after performing one so you can go into
another move faster than you could normally). Unlike a SFA2 CC,
you can walk wherever you want to or jump without always moving
forward. Also, you can throw / air throw during a OC as well. If
you're hit while your OC is activated, it ends, and you lose all
remaining OC power above 50% (more if you were closer to reaching
50%). If you started with 50%, then you lose it all if you're hit.


When you block or air block an attack, this gauge decreases
slightly. If you keep blocking attacks, it will keep decreasing
until it empties. If this happens, your character gets Guard
Crushed and will become dizzy (and open to an attack) for a moment
before it recharges. However, when it recharges, it's overall
length is reduced by a notch, making it easier for you to be Guard
Crushed. When not blocking, the GPG refills slowly, but only to the
current length of the GPG and not any further if you've lost a notch
or more. Another way to lose GPG notches is to use a Zero Counter.
If your opponent can block in the air, you can Guard Crush them in
the air, although they'll fall to the ground after getting GC'd.


Hit your opponent with an attack while they're in the midst of
performing their own attack.

When you perform a Counter Hit, the hit sound is much louder and the
action pauses for a brief moment. A move that becomes a Counter Hit
does more damage than it normally would.


When getting hit by an attack, press in any direction plus any
button. Sometimes it's possible to do this with just a controller
press, I don't know why.

Doing this slightly reduces the amount of damage you take from an
attack. You'll know if it worked because you'll flash red while in
your 'damaged' pose. This can be done repeatedly against multi-hit
attacks in order to conserve more life.

Furthermore, if you're in the midst of an attack and are hit, you
can perform the Damage Reduction and your character will continue
the attack, instead of going into hitstun. Think of it like the
Super Armor found in the VS. games. Thanks to gdawson@angelfire
for this bit of info. also suggests that doing the Damage Reduction
command can result in your attacker taking added damage (sort of
like a Counter Hit). I haven't been able to confirm this, but
it's entirely possible.


Try to block an attack as it comes out instead of blocking it in
advance (like parrying in reverse). This works against high and
low attacks, and can be done in the air as well, if your character
can air block.

Doing this reduces the amount of Guard Power you lose from your
Guard Power Gauge. Your character will flash blue if you've done
this properly.


One of SFZ3's new features is the ISM select. After you pick your
character, you pick a particular ISM to use. Each ISM has different
properties and changes the way your character plays, from giving them
new moves and abilities to disabling Zero Counters and air-blocking.
Each ISM has its' own strengths and weakness; it's up to you to discover
which one works best with your favorite characters. An explanation of
each ISM is listed below:

X-ISM (Simple Mode)

The name "X-ISM" comes from SSFIIX, the Japanese name of our SSF2T

Like in other modes, your Guard Power Gauge length depends on the
character. However, all GPGs are longer in X-ISM than in other
modes, making it harder for an X-ISM character to get Guard Crushed.
Also, your attacks (punches, kicks, special moves, etc.) do more
damage in this mode, excluding SCs, which do the same damage as in
Z-ISM (why, I have absolutely no idea).

You cannot air block, use the ground recovery roll, or Zero Counter.
You cannot taunt either (excluding Dan, as usual). X-ISM characters
have only one, predetermined Super Combo. They also take slightly
more damage from attacks (blocked or not) than in other ISMs.

Z-ISM (Standard Mode)

The name "Z-ISM" comes from the title of the SFZ series (the SFA
series in the States).

Z-ISM characters have just about everything available to them that
other modes lack: air blocking, both ground and air recoveries,
Zero Counters (these cost 1 level of SC power and 1 notch of your
Guard Power Gauge), and taunting (once per round only, excluding
Dan). Plus, their SC gauge charges up at a decent pace, compared
to X-ISM's slow-filling Super Combo gauge. They also have access
to all of their Super Combos (excluding Dhalsim).

Characters in this mode do an average amount of damage per hit, but
this is less than in X-ISM. Each character's Guard Power Gauge
varies depending on who you're using, which means that it's easy
for certain characters to get Guard Crushed.

V-ISM (Variation Mode)

The name "V-ISM" comes from the Original / Variable combos used in
this ISM.

Like Z-ISM characters, they have full access to special abilities
such as air blocking, ground and air recoveries, Zero Counters
(these cost 50% of a full OC gauge and drain 1 notch from your
Guard Power Gauge), and taunting (again, once per round only,
excluding Dan). Also, you can determine which range of attacks
you'll use (far or close), by leaving the controller neutral or
holding it back when you press a Punch or Kick button (this doesn't
apply to all characters). The OC gauge also charges very quickly
in this mode, giving you more frequent access to Original Combos.
Most obvious is that you can use Original Combos, although this
works in place of Super Combos.

All characters in this mode do less damage per hit than in any other
mode, making this the worst mode damage-wise. Plus, it costs half
an OC gauge to use an Zero Counter, which is still worse than
Z-ISM's requirements, even though the OC gauge fills quickly.


There are three hidden modes in this game that can be used along with
ISMs to change the way your character plays. To unlock the modes, refer
to the "Secrets and Codes" section. Information on the modes is found


This mode is named after Dan Hibiki's style of fighting, 'Saikyou' (in
English, "the strongest"). This is an in-joke, of course, since Dan is
a pathetic character and Saikyou Mode actually makes a character
significantly weaker than he or she would normally be. In this mode,
you have a very short Guard Power Gauge, making it easy for you to get
Guard Crushed. What's worse, you cannot interrupt normal moves with
special moves or Super Combos (hence, no two-in-ones). It's also
twice as easy to get dizzed in this mode, and the damage you inflict
is slightly less than it would be if you just picked an ISM and no
special mode.

Unlike the arcade version, the PSX version of Saikyou Mode has been
fixed and there are no glitches, such as throws that do 99% damage,
etc. And just for the record, I think Dan rocks ;)


Using Mazi Mode (in English, "serious") requires you to play carefully,
as one wrong move could cost you the battle. In this mode, the damage
you inflict is greater than in Saikyou Mode. However, you take around
2 times as much damage from your opponent. I think you take the most
damage if you get hit while your lifebar is decreasing. Furthermore,
you only need to lose one round and you will lose the entire match,
although you must win two rounds to progress (as you normally would).


The name of this mode refers back to the original SF2 games, or in
other words, SF2-style gameplay without all the additions and features
added in over the years. Note that you're forced into using X-ISM if
you use Classical Mode. In this mode, there is:

- No air blocking. - No SC or OC gauge!
- No air recovery. - No Zero Counters.
- No ground recovery. - No Guard Power Gauge.
- No taunts (except for Dan).

In terms of character moves, it's just like X-ISM (Sodom has his
katana, Vega has the Psycho Crusher as a normal move, etc.) One
important change is that your character cannot be juggled much (he
or she falls to the floor), and no Guard Power Gauge means that
you don't have to worry about getting Guard Crushed, which is also
quite an asset. Since this mode is essentially X-ISM, the damage
you inflict is the same as in X-ISM as well.


This section contains a bunch of short charts showing the abilities
of different characters.

Doujioshi SP (Simultaneous Press Special)

This is an ability limited to certain characters (though I'm sure there
are more undiscovered combinations). What it basically allows you to
do is link two attacks together, by pressing LP / LK, then pressing that
button plus HP / HK as the light attack ends. This only works for
X-ISM characters. If a character has a long range / close range
attack, you can use either one (for example, Deejay can use his close
or far LK, and Bison can use his close or far HP attack). If the
finishing HP or HK is comboable, you can cancel it into a special move
or Super Combo.

Below is a listing of the various types of Doujioshi SP attacks and
who can use them:

d + LK, LK + HP: Ryu, Ken, Gouki, Shin Gouki, Evil Ryu, Gen,
Karin, Sakura, Cammy, Juni, Juli, Deejay, Guile
d + LK, d + LK + HP: Ryu, Ken, Gouki, Shin Gouki, Evil Ryu, Gen,
Karin, Sakura, Cammy, Juni, Juli, Deejay, Guile
LK, LK + HP: Guy, Cammy, Juni, Juli, Deejay
LK, d + LK + HP: Guy, Cammy, Juni, Juli, Deejay
LP, LP + HP: Bison, Extra Bison
LP, d + LP + HP: Bison, Extra Bison

According to Ni8Hawk , Adon and Chun-Li can both
use the LP, LP + HP version, and T. Hawk can use LP, d + LP + HP.
However, I can't get these to work, although doing the Doujioshi SP
isn't exactly easy to pull off in the first place.

To see which of the abilities mentioned in the 'Basic Abilities List'
is available in each ISM, refer to the chart below. Detailed
information on the basic abilites can be found in the 'Miscellaneous'


Air Blocking No Yes Yes
Air Recovery Yes Yes Yes
Ground Recovery No Yes Yes
Taunts Only Dan Yes Yes
Guard Power Rating High Varies Varies
SC/OC Gauge Speed Slow Normal Fast
Levels Available 1 3 2 (50% / 100%)
Zero Counter Cost n/a 1 SC + 1 GP 50% OC + 1 GP
Damage Rating x1.2* x1.0 x0.8
Defense Rating x0.8 x1.0 x1.0

* This is excluding Super Combos. An X-ISM Super Combo does the same
damage as a Level 3 Z-ISM Super Combo (if they are the same SC; so
obviously Dhalsim and Cody are excluded). However, using a hidden
Mode (see below) will affect all damage inflicted, including SC
damage). Why SCs would not get a damage increase makes no sense
to me, but that's Capcom for ya.

Here's a chart showing the hidden Mode differences:


SAIKYOU* - The damage your attacks inflict is slightly lessened
(Strongest regardless of the ISM used.
Mode) - Your Guard Power Gauge is drastically shortened.
- You cannot cancel a ground attack into a special move.
- You can get dizzied easier (your resistance is halved).

MAZI - The damage your attacks inflict is considerably
(Serious increased, regardless of the ISM used.
Mode) - You take double damage from any attack.
- Your opponent only needs to win one round to defeat you.

CLASSICAL - The damage rating is the same as in X-ISM (x1.2), and
(Classical the gameplay is also the same (i.e. Chun-Li is in her
Mode) SF2 outfit and has moves like the Sou Hakkei, etc.)
- In addition to all of X-ISM's restrictions, you lose
the ability to air recover, reduce block damage, or
reduce damage taken.
- Furthermore, you have no Super Combo gauge and no
Guard Power Gauge (although the latter, if you think
about it, is beneficial).

For more detailed information regarding ISMs and the hidden Modes,
please refer to the 'Miscellaneous' section.

* Dan doesn't gain any special abilities in this mode, I kinda wish
he did, but oh well.... Oh yeah, for those of you unfamiliar with
Dan lore, don't take the translation seriously, "strongest" is just
a joke.

This chart illustrates who takes the most damage from attacks:


Least Damage : Zangief

Less Damage : Birdie, Dan, E. Honda, Gen, Ken, R. Mika,
Ryu, Sodom, and T. Hawk

Average Damage : Everyone else, mainly: Adon, Blanka, Cammy,
Cody, Chun-Li, Dhalsim, Gouki, Guy, Karin,
Nash, Rolento, Rose, Sagat, Sakura, Vega, Dee
Jay, Fei Long, Guile, M. Bison, 'Satsui no
Hadou' Ryu, Extra M. Bison

More Damage : Balrog, Juli, and Juni

Most Damage : Shin Gouki

This one shows how large each character's Guard Crush gauge is (all
the information is according to Jack Lin):


Birdie, Zangief : 80 (8 points is approx.
Karin, Sakura, Vega : 76 half a Guard Meter
Adon, Cody, Honda, Gen, Mika, Sodom, Vega : 72 section, so 16 is
Balrog, Cammy, Chun-Li, Nash, Juni, Juli : 64 one full "block" of
Everyone else : 68 guard power).

What's written is for the Guard Meters in Z-ISM. If you're playing
with an X-ISM character, add 8 points to the numbers shown. If
you're using V-ISM, subtract 8. The lone exception is V-ISM Cody,
his V-ISM ranking is 48 points (this is because he has the dodge and
so it's harder to get him to block). So, Zangief and Birdie have
the largest guard meter, and V-ISM Cody has the smallest.

Personally, it seems to me that people in V-ISM have the same size
Guard Crush meter, but I think this info. was for the Arcade version,
which might explain why.

The last of the charts shows who gets dizzied the easiest:


Gouki : 34 Note that I don't have the scores for
Blanka : 43 any of the PSX characters (Shin Gouki,
E. Honda : 44 Dee Jay, etc.) I'm not sure if the
Sodom : 46 points are damage points or what, but
Birdie : 48 what is basically means is that Gouki is
Zangief : 50 easy to dizzy, and Zangief is not.
Everyone else : 40

Thanks to Jack Lin for this info (guard size and dizzy info.), and to
Dan GC for reposting it for me.


SFZ3's game progression has been changed significantly from SFA2. It
works like this:

- After picking a character, you'll get to see a little intro
explaining who they are and what they're up to.
- Your 5th battle is against your mid-boss. There are no special
requirements to fight him / her, it's automatic. The only thing
notable about a mid-boss battle is that you will exchange some
words with your opponent before the fight begins and sometimes,
after it ends.
- Your 9th battle is against your second mid-boss. Nothing too
special about this, either.
- Your 10th battle is usually against Final Vega, a really powerful
version of Vega. Some characters will fight someone else for
their 10th battle, in which case they will then proceed to an
extra 11th match against Final Vega.
- If you beat your 10th/11th match, you beat the game and get to
see your character's ending. Lose to any character and the game
ends, but lose to Final Vega and you get to watch a bad ending
while the credits scroll ;)

Below is a listing of each character's mid-bosses and final boss:

Name 5th Battle 9th Battle 10th Battle 11th Battle
Adon Ken Rose Vega
Balrog Zangief Cammy Vega
Birdie E. Honda Blanka M. Bison Vega
Blanka Dan Zangief M. Bison Vega
Cammy Dhalsim Balrog Juli & Juni Vega
Chun-Li Birdie Cammy Juli & Juni Vega
Cody Birdie Guy Vega
Dan Chun-Li Sagat M. Bison Vega
Dhalsim Rose Birdie Juni & Juli Vega
E. Honda Ryu Sodom Vega
Gen Ryu Gouki Vega
Gouki Adon Guy Vega
Guy Karin Gen Vega
Karin Blanka Sakura Juni & Juli Vega
Ken Karin Sakura Vega
Nash Cammy Rolento Vega
R. Mika Karin Zangief M. Bison Vega
Rolento Sodom Cody M. Bison Vega
Rose Guy Balrog Juni & Juli Vega
Ryu Rose Ken Vega
Sagat Dan Ryu Vega
Sakura E. Honda Ryu Vega
Sodom Rolento Chun-Li Vega
Vega Gouki Sagat Ryu
Zangief Rolento Chun-Li Vega

(PSX characters) ------------------------------------------------------

Dee Jay Adon Sagat Vega
Fei Long M. Bison Balrog Vega
Guile Chun-Li Nash Vega
Juli T. Hawk Cammy Vega
Juni E. Honda Ryu Vega
M. Bison Gen Birdie Vega
T. Hawk Nash Juli Vega
'Satsui' Ryu Sagat Vega Shin Gouki
Extra Bison Gen Birdie Vega
Shin Gouki Adon Guy Vega


Below is a listing of each character's win pose. Some win poses can
be gotten by using more than one button, but because it can be random
in some cases (like using MK with Ryu), use with caution. For some
characters, you can only get all poses if you're in a same player
vs. same player match. Thanks to NRX for correcting the Japanese
listed here and providing me with quotes and their meanings.


LP Adon laughs and gives his opponent a thumbs down.
MP Adon flips back, takes off his tong, and says "Yeah!"
HP Adon crosses his arms and laughs.
LK Adon turns away, holds out his arms, and looks over his shoulder,
his teeth gleaming.
MK Adon rocks back and forth, then prostrates himself on one knee.
HK Like in MK, but he keeps rocking back and forth.


LP, MK, HK Balrog stands up, giggles, and sweeps outward with either
MP, HP Balrog stands up and removes his mask.
LK Balrog jumps up, then crouches and giggles.
MP (no mask) Balrog stands up and puts a rose in his mouth and says
"Adios." (Goodbye.)
HP (no mask) Balrog stands up and hangs his braided tail over his
chest and says "Adios."


LP Birdie takes out his knife and flips it open.
MP, HK Birdie gives a thumbs up, then sticks out his tongue and gives
a thumbs down as his mohawk gets messed up.
HP Birdie licks his chain and says "I'm number one."
LK Birdie holds up two fingers and says " heaven."
MK Birdie holds up three fingers and says "I'm number one."


LP While grinning, Blanka jumps and rolls in place.
MP Blanka howls while thrusting his arms into the air.
HP Blanka uses his electric powers to start up a blender, then
drinks the fruit juice inside.
LK, MK Blanka does the MP pose repeatedly, without howling.
HK Blanka eats a piece of fruit then throws the rind/skin/core
(depending) onto his opponent's body. He keeps doing this so
that soon there's a little pile of stuff lying atop his foe ;)


LP, HK Cammy poses and then looks towards the screen.
MP Cammy salutes Vega, who appears in the air, and says "Yes,
HP As with MP, but she simply stands at attention and says
LK Cammy turns her back to the screen, gives a thumbs up, and
looks behind her.
MK As with LK, but she turns around and smiles while giving a
thumbs up at the end.


LP, LK Chun-Li crosses her arms and bows her head.
MP, MK While laughing, Chun-Li jumps up and down. She stops, shakes
her head, and flashes a peace sign while saying "Yatta!"
(I did it!)
HP, HK Chun-Li performs several swift kicks, then draws her leg back
while shouting.


Any Cody holds his arms out in an "I dunno" gesture and says "Whew!"
* Cody looks behind him and runs off screen. Edi. E runs onscreen,
shouts, and fires his gun before chasing after Cody. Cody then
runs back, Crack Kicks Edi. E offscreen, and does his LP pose.
* Same as above, but Edi. E just chases Cody offscreen, and that's

* Usually, you can get this by holding any button (except LP) after
winning the final round. But which pose you get is random, and
you may just get his "Whew!" gesture anyway.


LP, HK Dan flexes an arm and shakes it while saying "Yoshaa!"
MP Dan frees his arm from his gi, taunts, and says "Rakushou!"
(Easy win!)
HP Dan stands with his legs close together and with one hand by
his side. He gives a thumbs up with his other shaking hand
and says "Yoyuussu!" (Piece of cake!) - I guess?
LK Same as the LP pose, but Dan is crying and says "Yattaze,
oyaji!" (I did it, father!)
MK Same as the LP pose, but Dan says "Hyaah!"


LP, HK He sticks his hands in his pants and whistles, saying "Thank
you everyone!"
MP He waves two castanets in the air and says "Feel my beat!"
HP As in MP, but he poses and says "Oh yeah!" between waves.
LK As in LP, but he says "I did okay!"
MK As in MP, but he says "Loser!"*

* Doesn't the voice acting for Dee Jay just completely suck?


LP Dhalsim floats in air while mumbling.
MP Dhalsim bows his head and clasps his hands while saying "Yoga!"
HP Dhalsim floats in his taunt pose while mumbling quickly.
LK Same as LP, but Dhalsim says "Samadhi...." (It's a state of
MK, HK Same as MP, but Dhalsim has the same quote as in LK.


LP, MK, HK Honda stands up, lifts his arms up, and laughs.
MP Honda sticks out an arm and rotates his neck, and says
"Dosukoi!" (No real meaning, it's a traditional sumo
kiai.) According to Wanderer, a 'kiai' is something said
while you attack in martial arts. The principle is that
you exert more force when you do something while shouting.
HP Honda stands up and holds his arms in a thinking pose,
with one hand on his chin. He says, "Sekai wa hiroi nou!"
(The world is large! - referring to the great number of
worth opponents)
LK Honda gives a thumbs up and says "Donna mon jai!"
(Anything! - referring to his believe that he can outdo
anything thrown at him.)


P Fei does several kicks, then yells and does a pose.
K Fei yells and his whole body trembles.


LP, MK, HP Gen folds his arms and says, "You are a big fool."
MP, LK, HK Gen folds his arms and laughs.


LP, MK Gouki gets into the horse stance and begins shaking.
MP, HK Gouki gets into the horse stance and the screen shakes.
HP, LK Gouki turns away and the kanji 'Ten' (heaven) appears on his
back. He says "Shoushi!" (Pathetic!)


LP, MP, HK Guile runs a comb through his hair and says "I'm
HP Guile's dog tag shines and he says "Amateur!"
LK Guile lifts up an arm and flexes it, smiling and saying
MK Guile sticks out two fingers and says "Too easy!" ala Nash.


LP, LK Guy crosses his arms.
MP, MK Guy turns away, holds an arm up, then lets it fall. He says
"Waruku omou na." (Don't think badly of me)
HP, HK Guy holds his other arm by the wrist, with his fingers pointed
up. He says "Korezo, Bushin-ryuu!" (This is Bushin style!)


LP, MK Either one does a salute and Vega appears in mid-air.
MP, HK Either one stands at attention and Vega appears in mid-air.
HP, LK Either one stands in a slightly-turned pose to reveal her back.


LP Karin covers her mouth while laughing.
MP Karin rests her cheek on her hand with her eyes closed. She
says, "Kono Karin ni kateru to omotte?" (Did you think you
could beat me?)
HP Karin poses, and her servant runs up and kneels, offering her a
LK Karin poses, and her servant runs up with a first aid kit and
begins looking worriedly over Karin's opponent.
MK Karin poses and her servant runs by with a dish, a poodle
following him.
HK Karin poses as in her HP win pose.


LP, LK Ken lifts an arm into the air.
MP, MK Ken runs a hand through his hair, gives a peace sign, and
says "Yattaze!" (I did it!)
HP, HK Ken holds out his arm and gives a peace sign while saying


P, LK, MK While chuckling, Bison turns towards the screen and flexes
his arms.
HK As with LK, but Bison rips off his shirt and keeps flexing.
(If you use Extra M. Bison, he only flexes once while
his shirt comes off).


P Nash puts on his glasses and says "Hmph!"
LK, MK Nash turns away, runs a hand through his hair, and says "Too
HK Nash adjusts his jacket, squints, and says "Hmph!"


LP Mika jumps up and down with her arms out while saying
"Katta!" (I win!)
MP, MK, HK Same as LP, but Mika stops afterwards while her trainer
drives by in a little cart, holding a wooden sword.
HP Same as LP, but her trainer drives up and nods.
LK Same as LP, but her trainer leaves behind a tire which
Mika ties to herself before running off-screen.


LP Rolento turns around, snaps his fingers, and says "Mission
complete!" While this is happening, a row of El Gatos descend and
stab their knives downwards.
MP Rolento tosses a grenade at his foe and laughs when they're hit.
HP As in the LP win, but one of the El Gatos stabs out of sync.
LK As in the HP win, but the same El Gato instead drops down with the
Take No Prisoner hook, then pops offscreen.
MK As in the LP win, but the El Gatos come down repeatedly in a wave
HK Rolento turns around, snaps his fingers, and says "Mission


LP Rose waves a finger while wind ruffles her scarf and says "Mada
mada ne." (You're too slow.)
MP Rose lets her scarf drape to the ground and an orb of Soul Energy
runs along it. She then says, "Yaru janai." (Not bad.)
HP Rose creates a double and both perform her LP pose with a
different quote, "Soreja, dame." (That won't do.)
LK Rose creates a double and they lean against each other. Rose
opens her eyes while the double's remain closed. Rose then
says, "Daijobu?" (Are you all right?)
MK Rose erects a large tarot card in front of her. It flips around
and vanishes, momentarily obscuring her. When it's gone, she's
wearing a ballgown and is holding several tarot cards. She then
says "Ciao!" (Goodbye!)
HK While the wind blows her hair and scarf, Rose takes out a tarot
card, examines it, and lets it fall from her hand. Rose remarks,
"Nattenaiwa...." (I'm not sure....)


LP, LK Ryu raises one arm into the air.
MP, MK Ryu crosses his arms and wind ruffles his hair.
HP, HK Same as MP, but he notices a leaf blowing by his feet.
* Ryu turns his back to the screen.

* Only happens if you kill someone with the Metsu Shouryuu Ken or
Shin Shouryuu Ken (I thought you got a different pose for each?)


LP, LK Sagat gets into a thinking pose, grins, and laughs.
MP, MP Sagat looks towards the screen, crosses his arms and laughs.
HP, HK Sagat crosses his arms, then looks away and laughs.


LP Sakura lifts an arm up while laughing, the wind blowing her
MP Sakura sways back and forth, doing a little dance.
HP Sakura throws several kicks while yelling, and her shoe flies off
and hits her in the head.
LK Same as her HP pose, but her shoe stays on.
MK Sakura rubs her nose and then waves her hand while saying
"Konna toko da ne!" (That's how it's done!)
HK Sakura crosses her arms and looks away ala Ryu, the wind blowing
her skirt up.


LP, HP Ryu turns his back to the screen.
LK, MP, MK, HK Ryu crosses his arms and wind ruffles his hair.


LP, HK Sodom bows to his opponent.
MP Sodom takes out a fan and waves it, making a font of water
emerge. He says "Appare!" (Bravo!)
HP Sodom takes out a fan and waves it, making some butterflies
appear. He says "Bureiko!" (According to Nick Des Barres,
he has no idea why Sodom says this. The term means
"dispensing with formalities," and is used to describe the
attitude at special company parties, etc. in Japan, when
bosses and underlings can party together, forgetting about
rank entirely for one day).
LK * Sodom crouches and spins his weapons around.
MK * Same as in LK, but the weapons come out of his hands and he
looks around.

* X-ISM Sodom has his LK and MK poses replaced with his MP and HP
poses, respectively.


LP, LK He whistles and says "Ey!", and an eagle lands on his hand,
making him smile.
MP, MK He stands up and smiles and says "Huh!"
HP, HK Same as in MP, but an eagle lands on his shoulder.


LP, LK Vega looks towards the screen and drags a thumb across his
MP, MK Vega crosses his arms and says "Hmph, nurui wa!" (You suck!)
HP, HK Vega teleports into the air and floats there while laughing.


LP Zangief throws his arms up and grunts.
MP As with LP, but he has a quote.
HP Zangief flexes his chest muscles, then poses and grins while
saying "Bolishoi paveida!" (Big victory!) - I think! ;)
LK As with HP, but he laughs instead.
MK Zangief takes a flask of vodka from his belt, drinks it, and
breathes out a blast of fire. While he's breathing, Blanka drops
down and holds out a fish so that Zangief ends up cooking it.
Blanka goes off-screen with a grin, and Zangief looks back at the
screen, grinning, his face covered in ash.
HK As with MK, but Blanka stays hanging from the ceiling along with
the fish, both of them charred.


Rather than attempt to list every situation under which you can see
these pre-fight animations, I'm just going to list what works.
Furthermore, it doesn't matter who is first or second player (i.e.
Gen vs. Shin Gouki or Shin Gouki vs. Gen will both work, if the
conditions are right). Since the easiest way to test the animations
is in Versus Mode, that's where you should go if you want to see them
(with the exception of any animation involving Final Vega).

Some characters have different pre-fight animations when you use the
same character vs. the same character. Such characters include:
Blanka, Cody, Karin, Rainbow Mika, and T. Hawk. Some characters have
more than one intro, though, so even if you pick same chararcter vs.
same character, you may not get the intro anyway.


Conditions: M. Bison must be in Shadowlaw-ISM (for instance, if you
fight him in Survival Mode's Boss lineup).
Description: There is a punching bag hanging from the ceiling; Bison
comes running in with a Dash Straight and destroys it.
He then punches his hands together ala his taunt, and
throws a quick series of punches at his opponent.


Conditions: None.
Description: Both characters warp towards each other and attempt
a Shun Goku Satsu at the same time. They both get
knocked back from the result, just as if they had
been Guard Crushed.


Conditions: None.
Description: Ryu attempts a Metsu Shouryuu Ken on Evil Ryu, who
turns around in time to Zero Counter it, although he
throws a 3-hit Shakunetsu Hadou Ken (like Gouki)
instead of a sweep or Shouryuu Ken. Ryu, however,
blocks the fireball in the nick of time.


Conditions: One character must be computer controlled.
Description: Gouki tries to surprise Gen with a Shun Goku Satsu,
but Gen counters it and then tries his Zan'ei, which
Akuma similarily blocks. Although the characters start
off on the wrong sides of the screen, they end up in
their proper positions once they've finished attacking
each other.


Conditions: Won't work during Ryu's boss fight with Ken (it will if
you lose and continue, though).
Description: Ken is giving Ryu a noogie; Ryu responds by throwing
Ken aside, who lands on his feet on the other side of
the screen. While nooging Ryu, Ken says, "Tataki
tsubushite yaruze!" which means "I'll beat you


Conditions: One character must be computer controlled.
Description: On Cody's side of the screen, there are a pyramid of
oil drums. He walks on screen, destroying the drums as
he goes with his Final Destruction combo (including the
F.D. throw). While this is going on, Guy is standing on
the other side of the screen in his MP win pose. A
bunch of oil drums fall down on top of him, draining
some of his life. He then performs a Bushin Senpuu Kyaku
(Final Fight-style) to destroy them all. Left behind on
the ground is a piece of food (gum, beef, etc.), which
Guy then walks over, thereby restoring his missing life
back to full. Just like in Final Fight, a picture of the
food item taken and it's name will appear beneath Guy's
life gauge.
Extra: In Survival Mode, Guy will gain back all his life from
eating the food, even if he has very little left!


Conditions: One character must be computer controlled.
Description: Adon and Sagat are close to each other, throwing kicks
which they both counter. Their final attacks cancel
out as if they had been Zero Countered. Sagat does his
LP pose, while Adon stands triumphantly and yells, his
teeth gleaming while he gives a thumbs up.


Conditions: Sagat must be computer controlled. The version of Ryu
used and ISM of Sagat affects this animation.
Description: (Ryu vs. X-ISM Sagat)
Sagat is standing nearby holding Dan in his PP throw.
There is a flash of light and the screen turns black as
Sagat performs a LP Tiger Uppercut on his opponent. He
then leaps back, rubs his scar (which glows), and laughs.

(Ryu vs. Z-ISM Sagat / Satsui no Hadou Ryu vs. Sagat)
Sagat is standing nearby. He leaps back, rubs his scar,
(which glows), and laughs.

(Ryu vs. V-ISM Sagat) Sagat is standing nearby, and
Dan is lying on the ground, his head held by Sagat.
Sagat tosses Dan aside and his geta fall off and bounce
against the floor. Sagat then leaps back, rubs his
scar (which glows), and laughs.


Conditions: None.
Description: While Sagat is doing his LP win pose, Dan rolls up and
performs his MK win pose.


Conditions: (Still unknown, may have been cut out)
Description: The truck that Blanka comes out of is onscreen, but
instead Dan bursts out of it, rolls to a stop, and
taunts. Blanka then hops out of the back of the truck
and bounces atop Dan's head dizzying him, before
landing on the other side of the screen.


Conditions: One character must be computer controlled.
Description: Dan does his normal introduction, but Sakura stands
there and scratches her forehead, looking uneasy.


Conditions: (Still unknown, may not even exist)
Description: I haven't ever seen this one. Supposedly Honda and
Sodom do traditional Sumo poses prior to the round
beginning (remember that in Sodom's SFA2 ending, he
appeared to fight Honda [aka Fujinoyama]).


Conditions: One character must be computer controlled.
Description: Karin does her normal introduction, but Sakura stands
there and scratches her forehead, looking uneasy.
Extra: Supposedly there is another version of this intro in
which Karin hops out of a helicopter. I've never seen
it, though, and it was probably cut out of the PSX


Conditions: (Still unknown, may have been cut out)
Description: See the 'Extra' description under Sakura vs. Karin.


Conditions: (Still unknown)
Description: Mika and Zangief do their normal intros, but there is
a spotlight shining down on both of them.


Conditions: None (only in Versus Mode?)
Description: Nash and Guile salute each other (two fingers by the
side of the head).


Conditions: One character must be computer controlled.
Description: While Vega is descending from the air, Rose gets pushed
back by his Psycho Power. She repsonds by throwing a
tarot card at him, which he deflects.


Conditions: One character must be computer controlled.
Description: Vega is standing on the ground with his cape surrounding
him. He gestures at Cammy with a glowing hand, then
gets into his normal stance.


Conditions: One character must be computer controlled.
Description: Nash's Harrier jet flies overhead and he drops down
from it, tugs on his jacket, then turns to face Vega.


Conditions: Only works if you get to Final Vega in Arcade Mode.
Description: Chun-Li threatens Vega with a pistol, then tosses it

Nicholas Cheung adds: "Some of the special intros will not happen
the first time you face the CPU form of the character if it is one of
your mid-bosses. If you lose to that character, then if you continue,
you will get to see the special intro when you face that character
again. (Example is Ryu vs. CPU Ken on Stage 9)"


These were done mostly by me and so may not be correct. Some move
names are omitted if they've appeared previously in the list or if I
don't have the kanji and so can't make a proper translation.


Kabe Hari Tsuki Attach and Cling to Wall
Sankaku Tobi Triangle Hop
Hari Tsuki Rolling... Attach and Cling Rolling


Koshuu Tou Attacking Tiger Overthrow
Ryuusei Raku Shooting Star Drop
Kikou Ken Chi Fist
Sen'en Shuu Spinning Circle Kick
Hyakuretsu Kyaku Hundred Rending Kicks
Tenshou Kyaku Heavenly Ascention Kick
Sou Hakkei Dual Internal Energy Release
Kouhou Kaiten Kyaku Backward Spinning Leg
Kaku Kyaku Raku Crane Leg Drop
Yousou Kyaku Eagle Talon Kick
Kikou Shou Chi Palm
Senretsu Kyaku Thousand Rending Kicks
Hazan Tenshou Kyaku Supreme Mountain Heavenly Ascention Kick

- 'Chi' is a person's internal energy.


Tokushu Koudou: Knife Hiroi Special Ability: Knife Pick-Up
Tokushu Koudou: Knife Kougeki Special Ability: Knife Attack
Tokushu Koudou: Knife Nage Special Ability: Knife Throw
Yoke Evading


Seoi Nage Shoulder Throw
Otoko Nage Masculine Throw
Gadou Ken Self-Taught Fist
Kouryuu Ken Shiny Dragon Fist
Dankuu Kyaku Sky Cutting Kick
Kuuchuu Dankuu Kyaku Mid-Air Sky Cutting Kick
Zenten Chouhatsu Forward Rolling Taunt
Kouten Chouhatsu Backward Rolling Taunt
Saikyou-ryuu Bougyo Strongest Style Defense
Shagami Chouhatsu Crouching Taunt
Kuuchuu Chouhatsu Mid-Air Taunt
Shin Kuu Gadou Ken Quaking Sky Self-Taught Fist
Hisshou Burai Ken Certain Victory Trustless Fist
Kouryuu Rekka Shiny Dragon Conflageration
Chouhatsu Densetsu Legendary Taunt
Chouhatsu Shinwa Mythical Taunt

- 'Saikyou-ryuu' is also the name of Dan's self-made fighting style.


Drill Zutsuki Drill Headbutt


Tawara Nage Straw Bag Throw
Saba Ori Mackerel Snapping
Tsuriyane Nage Hanging Roof Throw
Hyakuretsu Harite One Hundred Rending Stretched Hands
Super Zutsuki Super Headbutt
Super Hyakkan Otoshi Super Hundredweight Drop
Ooichou Nage Gingko Tree Throw
Flying Sumo Press Flying (Japanese wrestling) Press
Hiza-geri Knee Kick
Harai-geri Sweep Kick
Oni Musou Unrivaled Demon
Fuji Oroshi Wind from Mt. Fuji
Orochi Kudaki Great Serpent Smasher


Rekka Ken Conflageration Fist
Shien Kyaku Kindling Fire Blazing Leg
Rekkuu Kyaku Violent Air Kick
Chokka Raku Shuu Falling Underneath Leg
Engeki Shuu Distant Attacking Kick
Rekka Shin Ken Pure Conflageration Fist
Shien Renkyaku Kindling Fire Rapid Blaze Leg
Ryuu Yassai Eight Dragon Crush
Ryuu Shin Yassai True Eight Dragon Crush


Ansatsu Ken: Sou-ryuu Assassin Fist: Mourning Style
Juraku Arresting Graze
Houzen Sealing Front
Shuuga Neck Bender
Hyakurenkou Hundred Rapid Capture
Gekirou Reverse Cascade
Zan'ei Cruel Phantom
Shitenshuu Death Point Curse
Ansatsu Ken: Ki-ryuu Assassin Fist: Mourning Style
Jasen Serpent Drill
Ouga Wandering Fang
Kyoutetsu Cursed Chew
Onkyou Dark Shout
Kirou Dangerous Play
Satsu Jin Quick Kill
Saizu Head Smash
Uken -> Shakudan Evil Blade -> Stature Cutter
Kouga Wandering Fang
Jakouha Snake Bite Opening


Tomoe Nage Comma Throw
Jigoku-guruma Hell Wheel
Gou Hadou Ken Great Surge Fist
Zankuu Hadou Ken Air Slashing Surge Fist
Shakunetsu Hadou Ken Scorching Heat Surge Fist
Gou Shouryuu Ken Great Rising Dragon Fist
Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku Air Slashing Tornado Kick
Zenpou Tenshin Forward Roll
Ashura Senkuu (evil demonic spirit) Air Flash
Hyakki Shuu Hundred Demon Raid
Hyakki Gou Zan Hundred Demon Great Slash
Hyakki Gou Shou Hundred Demon Great Raid
Hyakki Gou Sen Hundred Demon Great Edge
Hyakki Gou Sai Hundred Demon Great Smash
Hyakki Gou Tsui Hundred Demon Great Crash
Tenma Kuujin Kyaku Demon Air Blade Leg
Zugai Hasatsu Skull Destroyer
Senpuu Kyaku Whirlwind Kick
Messatsu Gou Hadou Great Surge Deadly Attack
Messatsu Gou Shouryuu Great Rising Dragon Deadly Attack
Tenma Gou Zankuu Great Demon Sky Killing
Shun Goku Satsu Imprisoning Death Flash


Tsukami Nage Holding Throw
Izuna Otoshi Izuna Drop
Bushin Izuna Otoshi Bushin Izuna Drop
Houzantou Mountain Demolishing Dipper
Bushin Senpuu Kyaku Bushin Whirlwind Kick
Hayagake Rapid Running
Hayagake: Kyuuteishi Rapid Running: Quick Stop
Hayagake: Kage Sukui Rapid Running: Shadow Scoop
Hayagake: Kubikari Rapid Running: Neck Cutter
Hiji Otoshi Elbow Drop
Kubi Kudaki Neck Breaker
Kamaitachi (a type of weapon)
Bushin Gokusa Ken Bushin Imprisoning Fist Chain
Bushin-ryuu Seoi Nage Bushin-style Shoulder Throw
Bushin Hassou Ken Bushin Eight Paired Fist
Bushin Gourai Kyaku Bushin Strong Lightning Kick
Bushin Musou Renge Bushin Unparallelled Rapid Reap

- 'Bushin' translates as 'God of the Military Arts'.
- In the SFZ3:PP manual, Guy's Level 3 SC is spelled 'Musou Renka'.
In the SF Collection manual, it's 'Musou Renge'. Since I've seen
'Musou Renge' elsewhere, I'll keep the spelling as it is, unless
someone can correct me. After all, the SFZ3:PP manual also lists
Balrog's Scarlet Terror move as "Charge db,f"! ;-)


Yashiro Kuzushi Shrine Demolisher
Homura-geri Fire Kick
Abise Yashiro Kuzushi Deluged Shrine Demolisher
Guren Ken Crimson Lotus Fist
Hou Shou Demolishing Palm
Mujin Kyaku Infinity Kick
Ressen Chou Violent Sharp Receival
Ressen Chouchuu Violent Sharp Summit Receival
Ressen Ha Violent Massacre Destroyer
Yasha Gaeshi (Joudan) Demoness Return (Upper Level)
Yasha Gaeshi (Gedan) Demoness Return (Lower Level)
Arakuma Inashi Wild Bear (inashi?)
Tsumuji-gari Reaping Whirlwind
Kanzuki-ryuu Kou'ou Ken Moon God Style Emperor Fist
Kanzuki-ryuu Shinpikaibyaku Moon God Style Creation of God's Door
Guren Chouchuu Red Lotus Summit Receival
Guren Kusabi Red Lotus Wedge

- 'Kanzuki-ryuu' is also the name of Karin's fighting style.


Jigoku Fuusha Hell Windmill
Hadou Ken Surge Fist
Shouryuu Ken Rising Dragon Fist
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku Tornado Whirlwind Kick
Zentou Front Collapse
Inazuma Kakato Wari Lighting Flash Heel Split
Ushiro Mawashi-geri Backward Spinning Kick
Shouryuu Reppa Rising Dragon Render
Shinryuu Ken Divine Dragon Fist
Shippuujinrai Kyaku Swift as Lightning Kick


Kuuchuu Head Bomber Mid-Air Head Bomber


Hashiru Running
Dageki Strike
J. Ocean Drop Kick Japanese Ocean Drop Kick
Tobikoshi Hop Over
Haigotori Grab From Behind
Enzui Lariat Afterbrain Lariat


- The 'Mekong Delta' is a real place in Vietnam.


Kuuchuu Seoi Nage Mid-Air Shoulder Throw
Hadou no Kamae Pretend Surge
Seichuu Nidan Tsuki Mid-Level Two-Part Thrust
Sakotsu Wari Collarbone Splitter
Shinkuu Hadou Ken Vacuum Surge Fist
Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku Vacuum Tornado Whirlwind Kick
Metsu Shouryuu Ken Rising Dragon Fist of Destruction
Shin Shouryuuken True Rising Dragon Fist


Kuuchuu Tiger Carry Mid-Air Tiger Carry


Sakura-jime Sakura's Strangle
Shou'ou Ken Cherry Blossom Fist
Sakura Otoshi Sakura's Drop
Shunpuu Kyaku Spring Breeze Kick
Midare-zakura Cherry Trees Blossoming in Profusion
Haru Ichiban First Storm of Spring

- 'Sakura' means 'cherry tree' or 'cherry blossom'.


Shogun Throw (emperor's follower) Throw
Daimyo Throw (feudal lord) Throw
Jigoku Scrape Hell Scrape
Butsumetsu Buster Unlucky Day Buster
Daikyou Burning Worst Luck Burning
Shiraha Catch White Blade Catch
Yagura Reverse Oar Reverse
Kouten Okiagari Roll Backwards and Get Up
Tengu Walking (type of demon) Walking
Meido no Miyage Present from Hades
Ten Chuu Satsu Death in the Midst of Heaven?

- I always assumed 'Ten Chuu Satsu' meant 'Destruction of the Pillars
of Heaven'. However, in Sodom's stage, the kanji is shown, and the
'chuu' kanji represents 'middle' instead of 'pillar'. Then again,
this could be an intentional misspelling, just like the kanji on
Sodom's outfit (which is probably supposed to be the kanji for
'death', but was apparently mispelled by Sodom).


Kamitsuki Biting
Kuuchuu Headbutt Mid-Air Headbutt



VERSION 0.5 (April 7, 1999)
I'd like to give a big thanks to Chris of Dash Taisen, an excellent
site that you can find at ( If you're a
translation nut like me, you'll be glad to know that he even has the
Japanese and English translations for normal attacks! Anyway, I'd
like to thank Chris for letting me use some information and move name
info. from the Dash Taisen site.

VERSION 0.4 (March 3, 1999)
Another update, lots of corrections and additions. As you may
notice, I haven't quite gotten everything in yet, though. I
was getting my copy of SFZ3 replaced since the original disc was
faulty, hence the delay.

Also, I _am_ busy as heck with college, so if you mail me, please
don't mail again asking why I haven't responded yet. A bunch of
people have been doing this and I just don't have the time to sit
down and answer everyone's mail. I will address any important
issues in the FAQ, though.

VERSION 0.3 (January 13, 1999)
A real quick update, none of the stuff I promised in the last update
has been stuck in yet, but there's been some other cool stuff added.
(I just realized that I never mentioned how to get Extra M. Bison and
Shin Gouki, although it does say how to in the game itself). Next
one should be good as I have a week's worth-plus of back mail to dig
through and pick out the juicy SFZ3 stuff :) So look for that next
Friday or earlier.

Oh yeah, anyone with World Tour questions should check out, there's a World Tour Guide up there that's really
detailed. Kudos to the author for such a good job. My World Tour
section is gonna look pitiful by comparison, I'm sure. ^_^;

Also, now that I'm back hitting the books (end of Christmas vacation),
I'm not gonna have a lot of free time. So there will be the infamous
KM-style hella long delay for answering mail. If you don't get a
reply, sorry, but that's life (hey, I have a guitar class now, it's
time to jam!)

VERSION 0.2 (January 6, 1999)
More updates and additions, as usual. The 'pre-fight animations'
stuff should all be completed by the next update, not to mention
a bunch of other stuff (including World Tour instructions and menu
info., which a couple of people have been asking for).

VERSION 0.1 (December 30, 1998)
Whew! I think I've just played this game for two days straight.
Gotta stop for a while! There's a lot more to add and quite a bit
of stuff to put back in from my arcade SFA3 FAQ, but this will have
to do for the first revision.

This FAQ was originally based on my 'Street Fighter Alpha 3' Arcade FAQ,
from Version 0.1 (July 1, 1998), to Version 2.0 (December 19, 1998).


I'd like to thank everyone who contributed to the SFA3 FAQ for all
their help and information. I'd also like to thank:

Greg Lee Dawson
M. Huynh
Charles MacDonald (
RockMan X
Marcos Hara
Remy Muzikar
Jeff Hill
Bill Wood
Justin Pierce
Clarence De Ramos
Ryan Mulder
Nick Des Barres
Fred Davis
Francis Ibanez <>
Ura no Ura (

Unpublished work Copyright 1998-1999 Kao Megura

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Taschenspiel "Pocket Zero" mit allen auf maximalen Level.

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12.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
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24.Июль 2014